News Briefs – 01/31/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


 The Tweet:

 The Image:

The video:

 The Tweets that were part of the above thread, where Rand explains what question he tried to ask in the Impeachment trial, that Roberts outright refused to ask:

The Tweets:

 The Tweet:


An interesting twitter thread that claims the real reason Ciaramella’s name is not to be spoken is because Brennan had him hire a bunch of Snipers in Ukraine to commit a massacre for the CIA, to trigger an uprising, and (((They))) are afraid that might come out. Says John Roberts was compromised by the CIA, which is why he would not say Ciaramella’s name in Rand Paul’s question, even though the question wasn’t about the whistleblower, and simply asked about a news item that had appeared about Ciaramella having been heard plotting against Trump while he worked at the NSC. It might be what this tweet was talking about:

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday named Timothy Shea, one of his closest advisers, to be the next top prosecutor in the nation’s capital.

The Ukrainian prosecutor that got fired on Biden’s request now files a federal complaint against the former VP.

Pelosi says Trump can’t be acquitted because this is not a trial. It feels like she is in the last stages of trying to lash out, because she is totally helpless to do anything. She also suggests that his lawyers be disbarred for disgracing themselves. There is almost an air of losing touch with reality to it.

Bloomberg moves past Warren into third place in new national poll.

Hillary Clinton is dodging Tulsi Gabbard’s process server as they try to serve her defamation lawsuit. They finally had to serve her lawyer.

Bernie Sanders’ rivals and other top Democrats have begun efforts to shut down the party’s progressive wing, fearing he may cost Democrats their shot at retaking the White House in November. They already know they will lose. What (((They))) fear is losing control of the party.

Warren vows that a ‘young trans person’ will choose her Secretary of Education.

New York Times tries to shame “Mask Hoarders” into not buying masks to protect themselves. Shaming others into willingly failing has become a viable competitive strategy because our population has become so stupid.

Leftist professor is trying to convince New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to issue a mandate forcing drivers to wear helmets because the evidence shows you could avoid hundreds of thousands of traumatic brain injuries each year. Cuomo says he will look at the data and consider it. Before you think it impossible, bear in mind they mandated straps tying you into the car must be worn at all times too.

Man in blackface robs Maryland bank. Sentencing should be fun. “You are hereby sentenced to 6 months incarceration for armed robbery of a bank in the first degree, and seven years incarceration for wearing blackface.”

New York City has a traffic problem, so the mayor is going to reduce the size of the highways. The claim is they think this will reduce the numbers of cars by making it harder to get into the city. What I wonder is if planners at the top are trying to figure out how to make the city more containable, in the event of unrest or disease outbreak. When SHTF, City denizens with money will flee immediately, and what will be left will rapidly go Lord of the Flies. They may be thinking they want that containable with troops.

Fatal DWI suspect bragged about New York state bail reform laws to Cops, saying, “I’ll be out tomorrow.”

Meghan Markle was ‘troubled’ by the ‘ultimate embarrassing uncle’ Prince Andrew. Presumably she is leaking these stories, although it also fits with Farce’s belief Harry and Megan are the back-up Royals now.

Gender-neutral Santa emoji, and a trans flag emoji are coming in 2020. This does not represent the majority, but rather is being foisted upon them by a minority.

California Home Owner’s association asks State to remove a homeless encampment nearby, state waffles for years, then finally bills homeowners $20K because it got so bad due to state inaction.

CNN whines that when Trump assembled the best task force to protect us from Corona virus, he didn’t make it a point to make sure it was fully diverse. Because gays and trannies know about how to avoid disease.

China is cremating bodies in secret. Might be hiding the magnitude of it.

A site of unknown credibility says an exiled Chinese billionaire is saying the Chinese government will ultimately admit the virus leaked out of their research facility. Questionable story, but it will ultimately either prove true or not.

Chinese coronavirus doctors ‘are beaten and have their hazmat suits ripped open’ by a patient’s family after a sufferer died of the disease.

Dead man lies on an empty street at China’s virus ground zero, and nobody will go near him. Mortal salience brings with it a K-mindset. China may become much more easily motivated to war and aggression in the coming decades from this event.

Number of confirmed cases jumps by almost 2,000 in one day, as total figure tops 9,600 in China. 9692 now, vs 901 a week ago. 15,238 suspected cases, 213 deaths, 1476 in critical condition. There is speculation the numbers may be lower because they are beginning to run out of test kits, and the government is not unhappy to see lower numbers for the time being. Trump however says all the 5 US cases are recuperating well, so combined with the likelihood it targets Asians, it may not be as bad as it initially appeared.

First human to human transmission of Corona virus in the US reported. A wife infected her husband after a trip to China. Again, we need to know the races. If this is Asian to Asian, it may not mean a global pandemic, though obviously any Asians must take this seriously.

In China, although the rate of new cases has steadied, it does not mean it will not slowly begin to rise again. We will know more in a week, or even the next few days:

Hungary’s gay community is facing increased government “attacks” and fears that its hard-won rights, and an improvement in public acceptance of them, may be at risk. This will happen as K-selection comes back, simply because on some level K-psychologies recognize gays as an offshoot of the r-strategy. On the other side, I predict many gays will become far less sexualized, and their sexual orientations will shift to the more heterosexual.

U.S. to become a net oil exporter this year.

Economy grows 2.1% in the fourth quarter as GDP gets boost from falling trade deficit.

United States GDP growth continues exceeding expectations.

Even Chris Matthews says Trump will probably be re-elected and says the NJ rally was an “incredible show.”

Trump’s support among black voters is twice as high as this time last year. 42% approval. 29% strongly approve.

Gallup poll indicates that satisfaction with race relations and the position of minorities in America have significantly increased since President Trump took office. What kind of racist unites the races together as one America?

I do not see these next two confirmed anywhere else yet, but this is how Trump would play it:

New Superbowl ad:

Spread r/K Theory, because the boomerang is coming.

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5 years ago

It’s been a bit of a mystery why the media and the Deep State have been so desperate to keep Eric Ciaramella’s name out of the press and the impeachment hearings. Greg Rubini suggested a possible explanation in a twitter thread.
ERIC CIARAM3LLA is involved in much darker things than you can imagine. Joe Biden, John Brennan, & Barack Obama are also in it and Victoria Nuland. The Ukraine Holocaust

In Feb 2014 there was a Coup d’Etat in Ukraine. a violent Coup. There was a massacre in the main square of the capital, Kiev. 100 people were killed.

There were SNIPERS at windows of tall buildings surrounding the square. Strategically placed. The snipers from the buildings shot both at protestors, both at police officers. it was a HORRIFIC massacre

100 people were killed BY THE SNIPERS. both Ukranian citizens, both police officers. that was The Ukraine Holocaust.

The SNIPERS were professional mercenaries. They were hired and paid to do that job. Their assigned job was to KILL about 100 people. They had been given precise instructions. Hired and paid BY WHOM?

Why 100 people had to be brutally killed? Because the CIA Director John Brennan and Victoria Nuland (State Dept.) wanted 100 people killed. That would trigger a Coup d’Etat in Ukraine. Which in fact happened.

And WHO organized those SNIPERS in Ukraine, to make this massacre? WHO hired them? WHO paid them? ERIC CIARAM3LLA. E.C. in this photo with Victoria Nuland.

Eric Ciaramella was assigned that task by the CIA Director John Brennan. Brennan was the CIA Director at that tme, in 2014. And Eric Ciaramella was, and is, a CIA Operative. He was Brennan’s CIA point man in Ukraine, in 2014.
Obviously, there is no way to know if this is true or not, but the facts about the massacre in Kiev are generally correct and the Ukrainian government was falsely blamed for the shootings before it was toppled in the “color revolution” coup in which the Obama State Department invested $5 billion. And the involvement of corrupt U.S. officials, both before and after the coup, is one of the things that the Deep State is now so desperate to hide from the American public.

Given the likelihood that Russian intelligence has a complete record of everything that happened and everyone involved, and that they have provided that information to the Trump administration, it should not surprise us to see signs of the Deep State thrashing around and lashing out as the noose continues to close in around it.

If that is true and VoxDay is right and Russia has the proof, if Trump decides to inform the people by giving access to the proof the Russians have, it would make sense to do has Q said and” learn Russian”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

Here’s one of my crank theories. The big push to control the Ukraine came after Hezbollah gave the Jews a big thrashing in Lebanon. I think Ukraine is a back up place for them to run to if they are overrun in the future. It also synced with disrupting oil and gas through that country and being a thorn in Russia’s side.

I wonder just how long the Jews deception can go on? I recently linked the fukushima report by Jim Stone that said the Jews did the tsunami and the rectors. “IF”, you see that’s a BIG IF, as reported reactor #4 was empty of fuel then this report would be verified. There’s no other explanation that can fit but that the Jews nuked a nuke plant to terrify the Japanese.

Now I know I believe the worst most always about the Jews, for I believe good reasons, but they have screwed over so many people, so many times…at some point this will just not go on and the blow back will be essentially forever.

My favorite plan it to pack every Jew in Israels original boundaries and then build a wall around them and refuse to let them out for ten thousand years. THEN check and see if they have changed.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

And it’s also possible that Jim Stone is not real and a faker. Sigh…or is the criticism of him fake????

So hard to know. I looked at a lot of sites before I saw the one above.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

This makes my blood boil. Those sons of bitches.

Probably, the same guys who were loading up all the gold onto planes.

5 years ago
5 years ago

“CNN whines that when Trump assembled the best task force to protect us from Corona virus, he didn’t make it a point to make sure it was fully diverse. Because gays and trannies know about how to avoid disease.”

I think they wanted more asians to help spread it. 😉

5 years ago

“Dead man lies on an empty street at China’s virus ground zero, and nobody will go near him. Mortal salience brings with it a K-mindset. China may become much more easily motivated to war and aggression in the coming decades from this event.”

Hopefully they will expend their aggression internally on the CCP.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Regarding Helmets while driving everyday cars,
Bath University did a study on Cyclists safety and Helmets,
Turns out it’s safer for the cyclist WITHOUT a helmet!
1. Cyclists tool less risks when not wearing a helmet &
2. Motorists took more care when around cyclists without helmets.

This population reduction they appear determined to certainly being pursued at an Assymetrical level!

5 years ago

Turkey Deploys Warships, Air Defenses & Heavy Armor To Libya

5 years ago

brexit is happening. XLNT.

5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago

President Trump Bans Travel for Foreign Nationals Who Have Been to China in Last Two Weeks

5 years ago

Now, HIV-1 parts in the virus…….


Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

OT: for whatever reason, my memory was jogged today. I thought of the 1999 movie “The Insider.” It featured Russell Crowe, Al Pacino, other top names. It has insanely high ratings by both audiences and critics here

But I never heard of the movie until years after it came out. I’ve never in real life heard someone mention it. I only stumbled upon it when I’d watched everything my local Blockbuster Video had that interested me, back in the day.

And what do you know, it deals with Cabal suppressing a zealot for truth.

The internet is both the best and the worst thing since electricity.

5 years ago

Tests for suspected coronavirus patients in the US don’t always work, the head of the CDC said

5 years ago

Alleged leader of Iraqi al Qaeda group arrested in Arizona