News Briefs – 01/30/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


IMO, the biggest story right now: France is discussing sending troops to Greenland. The only reason to want Greenland is the reason we wanted Alaska – to create a security buffer against a hostile enemy, and/or a jump-off point to invade an enemy, which oddly, in this case is Europe. That France is concerned enough to deploy troops is strange too – it implies Macron has Trump running the US military up North America to Greenland to make the jump into Britain, maybe so we could then head into Europe, in his probability matrix. You wonder if Cabal feels it will survive in Europe, and it fears Trump might invade to try and clear it out.

I suspect this is like the 88,000 IRS agents who were going to audit everyone, but who appear to have done nothing but increase stress levels to drive votes for Trump. However by doing this, Trump will have a lot of people who never thought about Jewish influence over the government wondering if they have missed something, now that there are words you can say which can turn the entire government on you.

Trump directs the DoD and DHS to prepare Guantanamo Bay for the deportation of up to 30,000 “criminal illegal aliens.”

Trump executive order will strip funds from Catholic Charities, White House says.

DHS Secretary Kristi Noem Announces Halt to All Funds to NGOs That ‘Facilitate Illegal Immigration.’

Inspector generals for the departments of defense, state, transportation, veterans affairs, housing and urban development, interior, and energy were all let go. Department of Agriculture IG tried to pull a George Costanza and just keep showing up for work as if she was never fired, and they physically escorted her out. Obviously you want to see that DOJ IG and ICIG taken out as well, but those will be big moves, which will entail unprecedented levels of kicking and screaming, because if the people put in those positions are honest and ethical, intelligence will either have to take the nation over openly, or everyone will be going to jail. This is as I predicted, however, that the first move of the conspiracy is to take over all these IG positions. You only need to do that if you are a criminal operation.

President Donald Trump’s new homeland security chief, Kristi Noem, has canceled the Democrats’ last-minute amnesty extension to 600,000 economic migrants from Venezuela.

The tuberculosis outbreak in Kansas is alarming but it’s not the biggest in US history though, CDC says.

Former senior policy advisor to Barack Obama’s White House who flew from New York to Britain to ‘rape a nine-year-old girl’ is jailed for 11 years.

Pedophiles could see ‘death penalty’ under new House GOP bill:… ‘Taken off the streets permanently.’ Trump is said to support it.

Active Duty Navy Commander Robert Green on Twitter:

Report to DoD and FBI Officials.

Gen Mark Milley may have received a pardon, but his subordinate and legal counsel, Admiral Christopher French did not.

This morning at 1134, I submitted, to both the FBI and DoD leadership, evidence of crimes committed by Admiral Chris French and a coverup by Admiral Darse Crandall. I was provided this information by a whistleblower. Under military regulations I have a duty to report this information and have fulfilled that duty.

Since the initial contact by the whistleblower, a small group of Constitution-defending officers and I vetted what was provided and confirmed the whistleblower’s story through other whistleblowers and with physical evidence.

Everything we have collected indicates that Admiral French’s violations may go back many years and may involve larger official cover ups by Navy leadership and the the DOJ under earlier administrations.

For example, Admiral Chris French who was the 7th Fleet JAG from June 2009- June 2011, allegedly admitted to being involved in the Fat Leonard Corruption case but that he “got away with it.”

As the 7th Fleet JAG he had a duty to report all potential violations of ethics and law while ensuring no impropriety was happening under 7th Fleet jurisdiction. Instead, according to the whistleblower, he participated in the dinners and events put on by Fat Lenard, justifying his actions by saying things like “after the dinners when everyone else went to the strip clubs, I would go back to the ship.”

To protect the whistleblower, I will not go into the details of his more recent crimes. However we have verified the story with physical evidence and there is an audio recording that has been turned over to law enforcement.

A report of all this was made 2 years ago to Vice Admiral Darse Crandall, the Navy’s JAG at the time (and VADM French’s supervisor). VADM Crandall apparently covered up these crimes and made sure that French was able to pick up his third star and relieve him [Crandall] as the Navy’s JAG.

Bear in mind that these two men, while committing and covering up actual crimes of their own, were actively (and apparently gleefully) chasing out of the Navy conscientious sailors who refused to take an experimental shot.

A full investigation of the allegations against Admiral French and Admiral Crandall must be made. It must also be determined if Admiral French was materially involved in the numerous apparent criminal acts committed by various other government officials including General Mark Milley.

I have committed to protecting this whistleblower and will no longer speak about the past alleged crimes or actions of Admiral French or Admiral Crandall. If any of you have questions about Admiral French, Admiral Crandall, or this case, you must direct those questions to the DOJ or to leaders within the DoD.

I will, however, continue calling for accountability and intend to use my First Amendment rights to see that Justice is done for all those that Admiral French and Admiral Crandall harmed.

We will purge corruption from our government one compromised individual at a time. We will have Justice once again.

We The People are taking our nation back.

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden slammed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for their lack of transparency when hundreds of mysterious drones were spotted nightly over New Jersey and New York.

Trump fires EPA science advisors.

Sheldon Whitehouse tells RFK Jr during his confirmation hearing today that support for forced, mandatory vaccinations is required as the baseline for supporting his nomination to HHS Secretary.

Former US Senator Bob Menendez sentenced to 11 years in prison in gold bar bribery case.

Ratcliffe memo promises huge changes at the CIA—It will be the ‘ultimate meritocracy.’

Ryan Cohen, CEO of GameStop, transfers all 36 million shares INTO HIS OWN NAME and out of the United States. Means his shares are no longer available for borrowing, so there may be a short squeeze incoming.

A ban on numerous semiautomatic firearms — rifles and shotguns — passed the Colorado Senate Affairs Committee on Tuesday and is now headed to the Senate Floor.

Desperate search for survivors after American Airlines jet carrying 60 collides with military chopper over DC. Video here shows the collision. Some comments from under the article:

Plan didn’t hit anything, was in straight descent to airport. Something went right at it and slammed into the plane.

You’re right, according to CCTV footage from CNN.

Video shows the copter aiming right at the plane that was preparing to land but hadn’t yet.

The helicoptor aimed right for the plane mid-air.

That Chopper made a Bee Line for that aircraft. It wasn’t ascending or descending. Straight as a arrow until it hit. VERY suspicious.

Convos on Twitter are along the same lines. I have long suspected Cabal installs remote controls on certain aircraft, so they can be hijacked and used as ad-hoc cruise missiles. Sikorsky actually makes such a system just for the Blackhawk. Q seemed to imply something similar about military aircraft, indicating many of the crashes of such aircraft were Cabal killing servicemen as punishment for political leaders displeasing the upper levels of the conspiracy.

Helo and company was an elite group devoted to VIP transport around DC, though Army says there were NO VIPs on board.

Plane had a lot of high-level US figure skaters on board, coming back from an event.

Why Is Booz Allen renting us back our own national parks? (and BLM and Forest Service, 13 agencies total): Matt Stoller.

‘Privacy nightmare on wheels’: Every car brand reviewed by Mozilla —including Ford, Volkswagen and Toyota — flunks privacy test.

Nigel Farage ‘runs Reform UK like dictatorship’ as Tommy Robinson sparks ‘deep’ divisions.

Elon Musk’s support of right-wing parties ‘is really disgusting,’ German Chancellor tells CNN.

German Politician Brutally Murdered by African Migrant – CDU Party Erases His Affiliation to Protect Their Open Borders Agenda.

Flirting with WW3: Russia says nuclear plant targeted in massive Ukrainian drone attack.

Russian forces have entered the Donetsk Oblast town of Velyka Novosilka, Ukraine’s last major stronghold in the southern Donbas region.

The Hearing Protection Act, removing suppressors from the NFA, has been re-introduced in 2025.

President Trump is starting his second term in the White House with a job approval rating ten points higher than at the start of his first presidential term, according to a Quinnipiac. 6 in 10 support troops on the southern border.

Send people to, because oversight is what is missing

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1 month ago

Catholic Charities, like the Vatican, the fake pope and all the fake and gay priests is anti Catholic. It is simply the New Order wearing Her name and all Her property as a skin suit because they think they’ve killed Her. Not sure how they haven’t but if Jesus says they won’t, then they haven’t. Nobody who doesn’t hate Christ’s Holy Church on earth or worship Lucifer should be giving a dime to anything wearing Her skin suit but every person of the slightest good will should demand the election of a Pope by actual Catholic Bishops, like Bishop Pivarunas, the Superior General of the CMRI. This fake church affects the whole world in a very bad way even you if you protest the Papacy. It’s extremely obvious. The seat is vacant since 1958, death of Pope Pius XII provided the opportunity for the pretended election of a Freemason and Freemasons have been squatting in the Vatican ever since.

1 month ago

THE CORDON SANITAIRE HAS FALLEN: In Historic First, Anti-Migration Resolution Passes the German Bundestag with Support from Alternative für Deutschland

1 month ago

DeepSeek Is a Century’s Scam! Chinese Bloggers Unite to Expose: It Won’t Last Long

1 month ago

Cernovich’s NPR comments is an example of conservatives being played.

NPR does receive “taxpayer dollars”, but most of its funding is corporate, and has been corporate for some time. The big foundation tax shelters have historically been heavily involved. They don’t really need your individual contributions either.

Remove “taxpayer dollars”, then you will get a ton of manufactured controversy and spend a ton of time on the effort, only to have NPR still on the air, because most of its funding is corporate and the foundations can pick up the rest of the tab.

What can be done, and can be done by executive order by the way, is to re-implement the Fairness Doctrine, that Ronald Reagan got rid of. The Fairness Doctrine prohibited broadcasters from NPR from broadcasting propaganda, without also airing competing viewpoints. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine, and NPR could lose its license it if continued to operate as it does now.

Reply to  Ed
1 month ago

Kill the funding anyway.
Make cabal pay for it without taking our money.
It also removes the veneer or legitimacy that being government funded gives them.

They will die on their own, they have been dying already.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago


1 month ago

With that E.O. “combating so-called Anti-Semiticism, the official religion of the United States is Jewry which is Edom, Esau; who is cursed and has no right to claim the Birthright Promises God gave to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph; yet, the deceived Judaeo-Christians will not listen. Judaism is Phariseeism, the Herodian religion of the Talmud, not the Law and the Prophets.
The Jews, being Edomites maintain the murderous hatred of their ancestor Esau against the House of Jacob; this why they call for the destruction of the European descended White; through them, the Dragon has unleashed the flood against Jacob.
And the Ashkenazim/Khazars are converts to the Edomite religion.

Reply to  teotoon
1 month ago

Back in the 70s, Fr. Hardon noted that America is the most powerful Marxist country in the world! He is right. Half of the FFofA were Masons, more were fellow-travellers; Masonry is Noahidism; its a Jewish Religion. Horace Greeley published over 400 articles by Karl Marx thus Marxisizing America.

I consider America, since its founding, a Jewish Theocracy.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 month ago

I heard a theory of Jewish influence of the Reformation era. I can’t say anything about it yet, as it was a quick mention I came across, but one thing people should consider is that Jewish power was very much a thing in Europe from Otto I (of the Holy Roman Empire) to well into modern times – look up the Magdeburg Rights. And they did influence/infiltrate churches. Their whole modus operandi – especially today – is to sow discord and cause ‘in fighting’. Shameful that Christians will slaughter each other – and the Jews get off on it and sit back and watch. So how can we be so sure that the Reformation era was purely a reaction towards Catholic corruption? And this is not a comment against denominations… it’s an observation that as a result of all these doctrinal discrepancies and discord in the West, people slaughtered each other for it. And was it all worth it? That doesn’t sound like it happened organically.

Reply to  u.f.
1 month ago

Martin Luther warned the world about those perfidious jews, 65,000 words written 1543 (I know, it’s the wicked pedia, but go do some looking on your own, don’t be a wet blanky)

Reply to  arrrr
1 month ago

Yes, I’m aware of Martin Luther’s “On the Jews and Their Lies” (1543) He did write it just 3 years before his death in 1546. In 1523 he wrote “That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew” and it wasn’t as scathing.
Same with Hitler, he wasn’t as antisemitic in the first place, actually giving them the benefit of the doubt. And it seems like people wake up to the Jewish skulduggery later on, even pissing them off more just by realizing how much they’ve been had and lied to. It’s right there in Luther’s title. That doesn’t prove that the Jews were responsible for his 95 Theses, but the Jews hardly have a history of minding their own business. They are anything but some isolationist ethnic group… which seems to be how they want to be portrayed, always playing a victim, when in fact they have a consistent track record of deliberately causing trouble and sewing chaos.
So, the theory that I mentioned… I don’t know. It was postulated but not elaborated. What I do know about is that they did infiltrate/control churches in Poland during the 17th century. And this (and other factors) contributed to the Khmelnitsky uprising. I guess I’m just not surprised anymore to the extent of how far they go to sew discord. I mean, this is the group that believes when their Messiah comes, they will each have something over 2,000 Goyim slaves. They benefit from a divided western civilization.

Reply to  u.f.
1 month ago

BTW, I wasn’t picking you out to look up stuff, I should have posted it to all dear readers, so not a personal comment, by any means. Always appreciate the input, take care.

The Messiah was not in any way a jew, because by coming from the Judahite tribe, makes him not a judean/idumean or edomite, or caanite/kenite or aske-nazi or so on.

Reply to  arrrr
1 month ago

All good my friend, likewise as well for the input!
I am still confused about The Messiah, to be honest.. ethnicity wise. The whole area at the time was essentially ‘culturally’ Greek. So he had to have spoken in Greek. And the Jews treated him like an outsider, so no wonder they hated him. It’s just confusing why people always call him a Jew.

Reply to  u.f.
27 days ago

His genealogy is given in scripture, there is no question.

Reply to  u.f.
27 days ago

As he spoke against the pharisees, calling them whited sepulchres, clean outside and dead inside, saying their traditions had made the Scriptures null and void with their twisting ways, so there is your confusion causation, writ large.

1 month ago

Reporting from the Soviet state of Michocaun (formerly known as Michigan)

So it begins—I watch local news of course, to see what is going on around town–but it has become a Bash Trump, spin narrative of evil deportations, Trump responsible for high egg prices, etc.

It’s just madness on the airwaves. I stopped watching national news and now my local news is just as bad. This constant drive of psyops. How do we live like this???

On another note in similar vein, What’s going on with shipping Youtuber has a segment on the acquittal of the seaman on arsonist charges of the USS Bonhomn Richard fire. —-And what a scandal. It seems that none of the crew had any real fire-fighting training!!! All the general officers got letters of reprimand–but the seaman, plain, E1 seaman, gets charged on bogus evidence.

We are talking about Competency. On many levels, America is crumbling quick time. The fire was a result of incompetence, stupidity, lack of leadership, nothing working, etc. A Total shitshow.

1 month ago

Regarding “wanting” Greenland: “thou shalt not covet… “

Reply to  NonyTI
1 month ago

Didn’t realize territory was my neighbor’s wife…

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

Don’t covet your neighbor’s house, wife, servants (business or employees), animals (personal and business property), or ANYTHING belonging to someone else.

Does this apply to groups? I suspect it does. Don’t allow yourself to desire some other group’s stuff, because once you do, the stealing, killing, and raping aren’t far behind.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

There was this girl and she had large land masses…

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

…and plenty of her friends had big fat a….

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

And did you need an atlas to explore or were you there in order to map all the masses out?

1 month ago

> Sikorsky actually makes such a system just for the Blackhawk. Q seemed to imply something similar about military aircraft,

Rembember pilot who bailed out of that F-35 last year, and the plane kept going? The DoD said they tried to control it remotely but it wasn’t responding.

Like most modern planes, the F-35 is completely fly-by-wire; it’s basically a drone, except the operator is (normally) aboard the aircraft. The only thing you need to turn it (or an Airbus!) into an ROV is a low-bandwidth radio connection to the flight computer.

Last edited 1 month ago by TRX
1 month ago

“Nigel Farage ‘runs Reform UK like dictatorship”

As long as Reform doesn’t permit members to elect candidates, it should be considered another Farage Pied Piper mechanism.

The Conservative Party imposed compromised cabal agents as candidates. The betrayal followed soon after given a majority.

At best, Reform is useful to move Overton window.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 month ago

 France is discussing sending troops to Greenland. The only reason to want Greenland is the reason we wanted Alaska – to create a security buffer against a hostile enemy, and/or a jump-off point to invade an enemy, which oddly, in this case is Europe.

This whole Greenland deal gets more and more bizarre. I can speculate in several different directions (bases to intercept hypersonic missiles? Detention area for invaders whose countries won’t take them back? NWO springboard for occupation of CONUS?) but all seem crackpot right now. Is Trump thinking strategically of America’s defense? I hope so.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 month ago

Hopefully he really does want to invade and take out Great Britain. Without the royals and the Rothschilds cabal is pretty cooked.

1 month ago

6 in 10 support troops on the southern border.

AKA 4 in ten go to the hard labor camps for being traitors.

Corn pop
Corn pop
1 month ago

“Sheldon Whitehouse tells RFK Jr during his confirmation hearing today that support for forced, mandatory vaccinations is required as the baseline for supporting his nomination to HHS Secretary.”

He and his staff were exempt from the clotshots. Fuck you Sheldon.

Corn pop
Corn pop
1 month ago

“Desperate search for survivors after American Airlines jet carrying 60 collides with military chopper over DC.”

From the article:

“DC air traffic controller chief Cleopatra Jackson stated “They clearly got themselves in the wrong place if we have pull them out of this crash. Now excuse me I’m on my break.”

1 month ago

That Twitter video showing the helicopter chased down the aircraft and smashed into it was taken down. That explosion also indicates the helicopter was loaded with explosives and piloted remotely.

here is Miles Mathis on the South Korean airline crash.

1 month ago
1 month ago

To quote Gladiator – “The time for half measures and talk is over”. Just repeal/rescind/destroy the entire NFA!

Marielle Redclaw
1 month ago

France announced they are sending troops to Greenland because they haven’t surrendered there yet.

1 month ago
Perfect reason why Trump should be able to buy Greenland if he wants to:

1 month ago

AC check out the orbs on this channel.

1 month ago

Why We SHOULDN’T Abolish the ATF (…Yet)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

Sir Brandon of the Kalashnikov proving just why he SHOULD be the next ATF director. We don’t want to just dismantle it, we want to dismantle it in a way that screws gun control regulation for the next fifty years.

1 month ago

In the shower I notice a low pitched vibration sound. Lasts about 5 seconds, stops for 30, goes again. With some variation on times. I don’t feel anything from it, just hear the sound. Different from the other beaming I get which vibrates my arms.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

If it’s only in the shower it could be water flow vibrating the plumbing. Improperly secured pipes can subtly vibrate; very poorly installed pipes knock around or shake hard when turning on/off the flow, aka water hammer.

There’s wacky shit going on, but also try to debunk your own observations.

1 month ago


Former CIA analyst and counterterrorism officer Michael P. DiMino, who advocated for humanitarian aid to Gaza and against escalation with Iran, has been sworn in as the Pentagon’s Middle East policy chief.

1 month ago

Hours after being sworn in as the new U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Sean Duffy took aim at the main way the federal government regulates miles per gallon for cars and pickup trucks — also a principal way that it regulates air pollution and addresses climate change. Duffy ordered the federal agency in charge of fuel economy standards to reverse them as soon as possible. The standards have been in place since the 1970s energy crisis and were intended to conserve fuel and save consumers money at the gas pump.

Here are five things to know about the action.

What is the Trump administration doing exactly?

Duffy ordered his chief of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to “propose the rescission or replacement of any fuel economy standards” necessary to bring the rules in line with Trump’s priority of promoting oil and biofuel.

The order came in a DOT memorandum Tuesday night. Duffy said the rules need to better align with the administration’s overarching agenda because “the existing CAFE standards promulgated by NHTSA are contrary to Administration policy.”

Duffy says eliminating the rules will increase Americans’ access to the full range of gasoline vehicles they need and can afford.

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

My 1984 Honda Accord got 45 miles per gallon. I bought it used in 1988 and wanted to track my expenses. Yes, I’m anal. Forty-five miles per gallon. My current car gets 26 miles per gallons. Nough said.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

V8’s are back on the menu boys.

1 month ago

Want to get your mail searched through?
Order this banned book off of Amazon. Book was repackaged with a note from the USPS that they had “inspected” the book.
A couple other books on the list that will get your account struck on youtube.

Reply to  Bman
1 month ago

Not watching a 20+ minute video, please summarize your posts or be labeled a time-waster

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

Use the fast foward button or be labeled a cunt.

Reply to  Bman
1 month ago

I watched it, and even saved a copy to review in future, but what I got from that list of 10 was that I had seen most of them, so he was another watcher on the lookout for those “fellow travelers”. Names few would know mentioned as authors, Butz, Germar Rudolf, but he left out Zundel and DAVID FREAKING IRVING. Irving went from respected researcher, most thorough on the BIG WAR, but get sued by a lying bitch as a holo-denier in a crooked engrish court, loser tattooed on your back for life, evidently. Facts don’t matter, no free speech for you!

Reply to  Bman
1 month ago

nice, thanks

1 month ago

Norway’s two-party coalition government collapsed after the euroskeptic Centre Party left the coalition led by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store’s center-left Labour Party after weeks of infighting over the adoption of three EU energy directives, Reuters reported on Jan. 30….

1 month ago

Jolani Declares Himself President Of Syria After Canceling Elections & Constitution

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

Aah, Jewish democracy.

1 month ago

Poland Won’t Send Troops To Belarus Or Ukraine Without Trump’s Approval

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

[from the linked article]

Lukashenko claims Poland has some kind of beef with his country and might be planning to invade. He wants the EU and/or NATO to send troops to stop that. And something about troops for Ukraine.

I admit I failed to understand much of the article. Starting a war with the Union State of Russia and Belarus would be a pretty stupid thing for Poland to do. And why would Belarus want more Western troops in Ukraine when it has its own troops over there, fighting on the Russian side?

The article was either very poorly written or I’m having a Bad Brain Day.

Reply to  TRX
1 month ago

Poland wants western troops in Poland and/or Ukraine to back it up if it invades Belarus or joins Ukraine against Russia.

Poland is not going to do anything unless America is going to back it up and Trump will not back them up.

1 month ago

Rumour Control suggests the Blackhawk pilot was transgender

Reply to  Anon
1 month ago

Not everyone is a tranny, stop delegitimizing every single observation of fuckery by cabal with low-brow tranny fear mongering. The enemy seeds these narratives to try and make real observation of facts on the ground sound insane to the average person; don’t play into their plots.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

Hey, now… sometimes a tranny really is a tranny. Sometimes a plane crash really is a plane crash. Probably not this time, though.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

Learn the meaning of “rumour”