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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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More observations. When I wake up with my head vibrating now, which is pretty much every time I go to sleep, I do not hear it. rather it is just the sensation, from the sinuses to the back of the head, that it is vibrating. If I subtly slide my head backwards on the pillow, and bring my hand up in front of my face, I can get my head partially out of what is some kind of bubble of the vibration, and bring my hand into it, and my hand will feel as if it is vibrating while within the bubble, but not if I move it away from my face, and it exits the bubble. If I slide my head forward slightly, maybe two to three inches, I can put what appears to be a node of vibration within probably the center of the bubble, over my ear drums inside the head, at which point I will, clear as a bell, hear what sounds exactly like drumming fingers on a drum inside my head. Not a snare drum, with the hiss associated with it, but a sort of hollow, deeper sounding drum. I estimate that would put that node of vibration when I am sleeping, over my inferior temporal gyrus, a deficit with which is associated with schizophrenia. My assumption would be the vibrations will gradually degrade the structure, degrading the function of discerning between fantasy and reality, leading to the illness, if allowed to proceed unimpeded.
Obviously if I turn into a diagnosable schizo, or my writings here were to become legitimately unintelligible in the coming months, it will be easier to denigrate my prior work as the early stages of metal illness. That, and I am persuasive in person, and I assume they do not want me as a public figure.
You can see, if my surmises are correct, they are not winging this with me. They have a plan because they been developing all of this a long time. And you see the danger. This is mature tech, which allows them to modify the brains of people those in power disagree with. The “government” (in the sense of a non-state, dictatorial regime presiding over and controlling most nations in the West) now can identify people who will disagree with its dictatorship, and it can change who they are as people, eliminating the psychological desires to resist, even wiping out specific critical functions, in undetectable fashion, without the target even knowing, while they sleep, by using a body of knowledge with regard to brain mapping, combined with some technological device beyond our ability to even believe it possible. And we have not let anyone get that tech. We have let the MK Ultra crew, the most ruthless sadistic psychopaths in American history get that tech. Dissidents will not longer be able to dissent, as they will simply either wipe the dissent out of their brains, or lobotomize them in ways they will need to be committed, and taken out of the way.
Imagine, they can probably identify problem children, nuke specific regions of their brain covertly, essentially lobotomizing them in any of probably a hundred different ways, with a hundred different specific effects, without any risk of legal consequences. I will bet they can trigger uncontrollable rage (and mass murder), eliminate sex drive, unhinge sex drive, trigger fear, make complacent, eliminate drive or motivation, eliminate discipline, or loyalty. They may be able to create psychopaths.
I actually marveled in tenth grade how gray the world went all of a sudden, and how my emotions and caring faded away for the year. I felt like a robot. It was such a profound cognitive shift, I marveled at how I felt like a different person for a year, before some of it came back. I thought of it immediately as I was looking at all of this. Why would they not roll it out on kids, if they are already embedded in the neighborhoods, and they, and their children are operational in the schools. Instead of delivering Playboys, they can just nuke the child’s amygdala so it looks like it was ravaged by T. gondii. If I am reading this right, and I tend to have solid reads, this is bad.
I have tried to ease my head out of the bubble on the pillow, however as I get far enough out of the bubble I feel I am getting clear of the damage, I will feel a single tap, most often exactly over the upward facing ear-hole, on the lead blanket over it, and then I can feel the bubble move through space back over my head. I have repeated that procedure any number of times in a row, but somehow whatever it is, AI, human, automated system, is intent on keeping my head in that bubble, with the node on the inferior temporal gyrus. Interestingly it needs that tap to, I presume, either calibrate, or direct the system to adjust. Oddly enough, I have slid my head back, and brought the Tascam recorder up, and into the bubble like with my hand, trying to point it at the center, as well as transverse to the radius in several ways, in all matter of directions, but it will not record a disturbance within the bubble, even if my hand would feel vibrations there. No sound will register (although I do not think I ever got the tapping node to the microphone of the Tascam yet. However, if I put the two microphones on the Tascam, pointing parallel forward, and press them against my forehead while the bubble ensconces my head, you will hear what I presented previously, a sound like electronic raindrops falling so fast it is almost one big static sound, punctuated with tapping which sounds like the drumming of fingers on a drum, in a random cadence.
So whatever is going on in the bubble will not interact physically with the microphone, but is interacting with some component of the organic matter inside the head and the hand, to impart kinetic energy to it, and once having interacted, the organic matter can dump physical energy into the microphone at the skull. It is a fascinating puzzle scientifically, because a hand outside the head, can feel the impulse waves of the bubble. Why not the microphone? It implies no magnetic effect. Almost like a radiofrequency node of constructive interference.
I bought a ridiculous number of storage bins and garbage cans at Walmart, and set up a water-shielded bed inside a box of two by fours and plywood, with water containers top and sides, where only my lower legs were exposed from one hole on one bottom-side (to get in and get out.) But there was no line of sight to my head or upper body. It still got in there with this precisely placed, focused node/bubble, and when I moved my head, it detected it immediately and did the tap routine inside the box, though I will say I had leg cramps the next day unlike anything I have ever had, making me think I was being hit with high power energy which hit my legs harder and damaged the nerves somehow, in order to get through the water to my head. The truth is, if whatever this is, is getting inside the head, given the saline aspects of blood and body-fluids, I am not thinking that is microwaves, which should have lesser permeability, even at longer wavelengths when you are dealing with salt water. I am also unclear how you create what would seem a constructively interfering node of some energy, which is not reactive with a microphone in any way, but which is reactive with either living tissue, or bone which gets within the bubble.
I still cannot believe I am getting this level of tech, though then again, I suppose the kid in the book Chameleo really didn’t warrant the level of tech he received either. I hope this world can’t get much weirder than this.
Lots of people feel like they are vibrating at night. Some examples:
I have recently had very similar experiences and have been investigating this since it started a couple of months ago. It started one evening I just wanted in my bed sitting up writing in my notebook and felt a very subtle vibration, it would randomly come and go. And if my boyfriend came in it would go. I didn’t think much of it until the next night I was out in our work shop. We actually have a little bedroom/sleep area in there and I’m a smoker so I decided to stay out there. Same thing happened but this time it was more of a pushing and knocking.
This is happening to me too !!! I don’t know why !! like random vibrating that moves. Feels like it’s in my mattress.
yes! omg im not alone! every night for 6 months now! im sane and dont know what the deal is. im scared to go to bed at night cause i know its coming. its like it waits til im tired and trying to go to bed to make its entrance help someone!
I dont have an answer but I do have the same thing. So I know sometimes knowing other people also get it can help you cope until you figure it out. I’ve had it a handful of times and twice this week now and no idea why it’s happening and creates insomnia for me. I already struggle with tinnitus so this being added to the equation just makes for horrible bed time.
Funnily enough this happened to me last night and the night before. I felt my bed shaking like a mini earthquake. I even went to the window to check but nothing. Got back in bed and nothing. It happened again the following night in a different room. Weird.
I have been dealing with this for about one to two years now. It didn’t used to happen beforehand as far as I can tell, this is recent… There are times the shaking is so bad it physically jerks my head. T… I genuinely just want help as this has made it near impossible for me to sleep.
And there is another person asking here, with others chiming in that they are vibrating too.
I woke up two nights in a row and my body was gently vibrating. Has this ever happened to anyone?
Yes, this happens to me often. It’s strange, in the beginning I would ask my husband why the floor or the bed is shaking. Finally, after investigating, I had to admit that I was the one who was vibrating. The vibration is not strong enough to shake the bed or for my husband to feel even if he puts his hand on my back. This can continue for hours if I continue to lay in bed.
I know this feeling so very well! – but have no idea why it is like that.
Yes, it happened to me many times. Not only upon awakening, but also sometimes as I’ve been drifting off to sleep….
Tons more pages there with people asking the same question. Those are people like me in college. The machine has seen some reason they might become a problem, and it has their neighborhood surveillance units keeping them boxed in by exhausting them with the vibrations, so they have no excess energy to put in to a business, or run for office, or something else, when they are not on the treadmill. I believe the vibrations not only exhaust you, but inflame you with chronic tissue damage as well, dysregulating the immune system. A lot of people will freak out when all this becomes public. They will realize their lives were a shadow of what they should have been, and so much misery was just malicious.
FBI tied January 6 pipe bomber to Metro card and license plate of ex-gov official, but command blocked interview of him, former agent says. It is the problem everybody being gangstalked deals with. Nobody realizes it, but the government you were told exists, exists only as a pretend fantasy, to keep the broader public mollified. It will fake being a government to keep you happy when things do not matter. But let yourself fall afoul of the powerful, and you will discover it is all a lie, and none of these agencies are doing what their charters mandate.
Ex-IRS contractor who leaked Trump’s tax returns sentenced to 5 years in prison.
Biden DOJ serves House Sergeant at Arms with Grand Jury subpoena. No word on hat about, but speculation is there is something with Jan 6th.
Louisiana judge finds silencers are NOT protected by the Second Amendment. Seems deciding what weapon, with what features on it is allowed, could be an issue.
Every child in Illinois government schools will be subjected to intrusive “mental health” screenings and data-gathering schemes starting this fall under a controversial new state law, opening the door for further mass-medicalization and surveillance of children as well as huge profits for politicians’ Big Pharma campaign donors. You know what this is about. They start controlling who goes where early, but they need to know who is who. Who will be OK with the pedophile networks, and elites outright sacrificing children in blackmail rituals, and who will see that and freak out, and set about trying to destroy the entire system. That is why, there may not be much we can do right now to the overall system. But if we can blind them, get rid of the surveillance, we might end up with a few of our kind slipping through the cracks and making it to positions where they can begin to bring others in, and the infiltration can go our way for a change. Exposure of the Surveillance is the only weak link I see in this machine.
Eyes on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico who has just announced a Covid Inquiry that will investigate the vaccine, excess deaths, the EU Pfizer deal and Big Pharma’s ability to control the Government.
‘The Slovak public simply needs an answer. Needs an answer about vaccination, what it actually was. Why people were vaccinated with various experimental vaccines. Why all sorts of drugs were pushed into people.’
He accused the previous government not only of failing the people but having 21000 deaths on their hands.
Eye opening video: Mysterious deaths of scientists who all worked for the United States government. One of the scarier things to me. Because what would begin as keeping advances for themselves, would undoubtedly turn into taking out people who might come up with those advances themselves independently, or similar advances, and publicize them. You end up being a bright guy, and end up in the wrong place, come up with something cool, and next thing you know, you are being fitted with cement shoes by people you never even knew existed, for reasons you could never believe would be possible. I remember the girl who researched anti-gravity, and was a big proponent of open-disclosure of advances. She was giving a speech about how everyone who made an advance in the field rapidly disappeared into some black projects contract (Like Ning Li), to never be heard from again, or they died. Then she committed suicide.
NPR’s new CEO under fire over radical leftist and anti-Trump social media postings.
U.S. taxpayers are spending $1.6 billion to help Illegals make the journey.
Famed financial analyst Richard X. Bove predicts the fall of the US economy and says China will take over as the money superpower in his final forecast ahead of his retirement: ‘The dollar is finished as the world’s reserve currency.’ Maybe. I would never dismiss the ability of Donald Trump to wheel and deal other nations back into using it.
Pope Francis slams critics of same-sex couples blessing as ‘small ideological groups.’
The EPA spent $620,000 on guns and ammo.
Reed Hastings sells $1.1 billion in Netflix shares, CNBC reports. A visitor to Epstein Island who is trying to take down Trump furiously. He funded Nikki Haley and E. Jean Carroll.
Alzheimer’s shown to be infectious. Five cases showed people caught it from Human Growth Hormone back when it was extracted from human pituitaries. No risk today since HGH is recombinant. But there was an infectious element.
China and Russia are secretly weaponizing their satellites in preparation for war with America.
US identifies three soldiers killed in attack in Jordan. RIP.
U.S. forces may have mistaken an enemy drone for an American one and let it pass unchallenged into a desert base in Jordan where it killed three U.S. troops and wounded dozens more, officials said Monday. Or it was let through because Cabal wants a war for Biden to use to better his chances of reelection. It would seem the kind of thing they would have procedures to avoid given the consequences of letting enemy drones through unimpeded.
John Bolton calls for ‘disproportionate’ strikes inside Iran after US deaths. Lindsey “Ladybug” Graham too.
White House admits US has troops on the ground in Yemen.
Thousands of tractors are BLOCKADING all of Paris as the French farmers are saying NO to climate policies.
15 000 police have been mobilized to stop the farmers from entering the city.
Donald Trump polling better than any GOP Presidential candidate in 20 years.
Spread r/K Theory, because these are the most treacherous of times
Turkey’s central bank on Thursday hiked its key interest rate to 45%, in line as expected.
Inflation in Turkey increased to 64.8% year-on-year in December, up from 62% in November.
Meanwhile, the country’s currency, the lira, hit a new record low against the U.S. dollar earlier in January, breaking 30 to the greenback for the first time.
Tearing down the statues of Confederates because they were slave owners is a way of erasing their history. Melting the statues means there is not even evidence in shards to discover later. This is sold as a triumph for blacks who have overcome slavery. It looks more like the erasure of any public record of any relationship of any kind between whites and blacks. Relationships tend to include mutual obligations.
I did a dive a few years ago. It came up that blacks could easily disappear from American life, about the same way the Native Americans Indians disappeared. I had no idea the mechanism it would happen. I asked my liberal to leftist acquaintances. Everyone of them is a Democrat. Some of them are activists. Some were employed by the government in some capacity. They started listing how blacks are so dependent on government largesse at every stage of their lives. Like, not just federal. State, and city, and religious denominations that are not majority black. It was an astonishingly large list of benefits. It was healthcare, food, education, housing, computers, phones, heating and cooling,above and beyond what is commonly known and shared. They said it would be so easy to pull back. Just, say the budget ran out, or taper, or do something like quit subsidizing insulin and sickle cell treatments, refuse hospital services for welfare cases, assign black surgeons to gunshot cases. The list kept going. It was people who are intimately familiar with all of the programs.
When I asked right side acquaintances, they literally could not even think of the possibility, nor how it could be accomplished. The first response was something about guns blazing, but they never thought it would be possible, because of federal government interference.
I think bringing in hardworking latinos accomplishes this goal. I mean, who opposed “hardworking” ? I think the cities that had Hispanic immigrants come in and repair places, post-Katrina, or California, or some of the cities in Texas, are test cases. No one willingly hires a black crew after working with Latinos, around the Gulf crescent.
I have no idea who you are talking to, but I just literally did a google search on “when did welfare start in the United States”.
All the answers list the Social Security Act of 1935. There may have been earlier state programs. “Welfare” in the sense that most Americans think of it (“money for Blacks”) dates to the Great Society and the 1960s.
However, there were definitely Blacks around in the USA earlier than the 1930s, so somehow these earlier generations managed.
There is a valid line of criticism of 1960s integration and welfare programs, often taken by African American intellectuals, in that segregation induced the successful creation of an entire section of the American economy and institutions for Blacks, who generally did not have access to the white businesses and institutions. The disappearance of all that did serious damage.
Oh my you mean Segregation is good? That will set some hair on fire
Here in NYC, labor crews in the trades, or any other category that you can think of that requires manual labor, hire Mexican and Central American guys almost exclusively, unless the owners are Chinese or Eastern European, like Russian or Polish, in which case they hire their own.
Some large contractors will have a handful of black laborers, and most, if not all, will be from the Caribbean, not black American.
UPS, Fed Ex, and the Postal Service act like affirmative action programs for black Americans here in the NorthEast, and that’s because they are such huge companies, they would be hit with massive lawsuits if their percentage of black employees ever went below a certain margin, so they artificially inflate it by hiring any black person that can sign their name and show up for work on time on a regular basis.
I read an essay by a former teacher who taught in the worst public schools about his experience with blacks and their attitudes toward school and such. I wish I had saved the link because it was hard to find. The whole essay was great but the most interesting thing was how he noted that even though many blacks hate white people and blame them for all their problems, they actually don’t want white people to go away because they know the gravy train would be over and not only would they have to provide for themselves, they would have to work to build and maintain their civilization.
It’s not just black people. Ignorance and impatience are encouraged and rewarded in America with instant gratification but the price is mediocrity. Logic, knowledge, and patience takes longer but the reward is higher quality. People are afraid to do things for themselves, they don’t even try because the “Professional Classes” like doctors, lawyers, tradesmen, mechanics and incompetent government bureaucrats and politicians, many of whom are simply out to rip you off, tell you you can’t do anything for yourself. Once you learn how to do things yourself you don’t need them and that scares them like Nancy Pelosi running out of adrenochrome at Davos right before the group photos get taken.
It was likely from AmRen, probably but could have been
It’s the first one! Thank you, Anon. That essay is very eye opening for anyone who hasn’t experienced black culture. The second article from a female teacher’s perspective is good to.
Supplemental lithium orotate (the form is important) can help the brain repair itself.
I guess we know what caused the “standard extraterrestrial glowing green raccoon”.
I’d suggest meat shielding but that isn’t very practical.
But I wonder if you could find some other almost flesh substance to shield with.
Maybe motor oil because it is hydrocarbons.
Hopefully the EM jamming will work.
Take lithium orotate in lower doses at first. Any of the lithium medications can generally be good. Lithium restores calcium uptake in the brain reducing neural degenerative pathways that lead to schizophrenia, epilepsy, bipolar mania, depression and alzheimers. Take it with plenty of water as well.
Lard occurred to me earlier. Should be relatively affordable even through a butcher shop. No idea how it compares to brain tissue though.
Good thinking on the lard.
Something like that could do double duty as part of a food supply.
Real old fashioned pemmican would last for years so it might work as a meat shield.
But I think it might be on the expensive side, it also lacks water content but it does have fat.
Famed financial analyst Richard X. Bove predicts the fall of the US economy and says China will take over as the money superpower in his final forecast ahead of his retirement: ‘The dollar is finished as the world’s reserve currency.’ Maybe. I would never dismiss the ability of Donald Trump to wheel and deal other nations back into using it.
We will see about the dollar, and maybe we don’t even want it to be the reserve currency.
But China is going to collapse.
Oh yeah. Evergrande was just the tip of the iceberg. Once that spreads, 25% of GDP will go with property and everyone’s sense of being wealthy in anyway will be gone.
They will have to have a war then for sure.
China and US are more co-dependent that the media will acknowledge. Neither should want its own societal destruction, although the US seems hell-bent on trying to give the other a leg up. High-stakes with citizen money, or with laundered money, or why not both!
A great danger is that the international currency markets are still very linked, notwithstanding BRICS diversification efforts. If the dollar sneezes, the rest of the world gets pneumonia.
I think the Cabal views its position in China as much under threat as its position in the USA. I don’t think Xi is their friend. I think they still control the Chinese “deep state”, as in the USA.
So I think they will try something big to get back on top in China, but the USA is still probably first on the list due to the elections.
I agree with your analysis.
But it hit me: isn’t it funny how humans, when their standard of living falls and money is tight and all that…they immediately think of: war.
Not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.
Not pulling together to defeat their overlords.
Not FINALLY taking control of their nation(s) and telling the cabal: no more.
Not saying YOU are saying that…I’m simply agreeing that nations (including ours! surprise!) simply figures out how to go to war to distract us plebes so we don’t attack THE REAL ENEMY.
Not this human. I never think of attacking someone when I am down on my luck. Now my overlords who have far more to lose……
Famed Financial Analyst Richard X. Bove is an idiot. Maybe the dollar collapses, and maybe not. But it will NEVER be replaced by the chinese yuan. No one on earth trusts china with their money. No one on earth wants any part of china’s toilet-paper “currency”.* Not the Russkis, not the Iranians, not the Cambodians, not the Norks, and damn sure not the chinese.
* there’s a fun conspiracy theory going around in china that says china’s Bureau Of Bullshit Fake Money Printing makes 2 – count em – TWO copies of every single yuan/serial #. One to go into circulation, another to go into CCP bigwigs walls and basements and buried vaults on their country estates. If you look hard enough, you can find pics of 2 100-Y notes side-by-side…. same serial #. now maybe it’s Photoshop, and it’s sure a nutty CT, but since it’s fuckin china, land of cardboard dumplings and spit oil and “rebar” that shatters like glass, it’s most certainly plausible. This is the garbage “currency” that “famed financial analyst” Richard X. Bove says will supplant the USD the world over. LOZL. One wonders, one does, if china is paying to have that said…. hypothetically, of course….
“Donald Trump polling better than any GOP Presidential candidate in 20 years”
20 years: other than DJT, that’s Baby Bush, Romney, McCain.
That’s a pretty low bar to cross
Fun fact. GHW Bush won the 1988 United States presidential with 53.4% of the nationwide popular vote, according to the official count (which I don’t trust, but that doesn’t affect the point I am making).
No presidential candidate in the following eight elections have gotten 53% of the nationwide popular vote or higher. No one has come even close to the 41 states and 426 electoral votes the elder Bush won. I don’t know what this signifies, but its worth thinking about.
It signifies that Bush the Elder, Imperial Grand Wizard of the CIA, was a key player in the murderous Deep State, and that serious voter fraud goes back quite a way and played a major part in any number of elections.
‘Blacks in America encountering immigrants are beginning to think it is not white replacement theory, but rather American replacement theory.’
The Democrat Party used them and other “minorities” for decades. Now that there are tens of millions of new political pawns and cogs strutting across the border, they’re being tossed aside like old rags.
The awakening is probably too little, too late.
Blacks are one of many pawns used by Dems, and in other ways by Repubs, to gain power and control funding.
Why would any of them, or you, or I, believe any politician ever after the revelations keep coming out? TINA, not so much any longer.
Definitely too little, too late, but it is heartwarming to watch the rude awakening to reality that so many black people are experiencing right now, and the guy in the video was only the tip of the iceberg.
Many black people on. social media with large audiences now see what’s up, but they willingly allowed themselves to be used as a reliable Democrat voting block for 50 years, just for a few extra crumbs off of the master’s table, and now that the bill has come due, they are freaking out.
Frustrating and funny at the same time.
Sooo, in our constant wars,
5 Special Forces were killed when Helicopter crashed.
2 Special Forces drowned while attempting to board ship
3 Army killed over 40 wounded in missile strike.
1 Palestinian American murdered in the West Bank by the IDF
And the Cartelizing of America begins:
A man called 911 and said he’d been shot. Authorities found him and 5 others dead in a California desert after a drug dispute (
It’s Cartel. All Hispanics.
It’s all a phucking disaster. All of this can be traced to one group and the compliancy and complicity of the Catholic Church. As a Catholic, I consider all other Catholics as nothing more than Hippie-freaks–“Everything is Love.” Susan Atkins, where I take this quote from, is totally right, “Everything is Love. Everything is nothing”. Every thing is love is Nihilism. I consider all Catholics as totally evil now; they have brought this all on. The KKK was right–Catholicism is dangerous.
Was EMJ’s Slaughter of the Cities a training exercise? Not just Catholics.
EMJ is a snake. He prints half truths. He uses the phrase “Jewish Messianism” in his three volume set on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit–but then doesn’t tell you what it entails!
I sent him, Ann Barnhardt, Edward Feser, Michael Hoffman, my local bishop and others a paper on Jewish Messianism back in 2014/15. Anything happen? Did they spread the news?
Talmud, Avoda Zara 18a (I found this quoted in another book)
That is just plain commonsense. It is a duty and OBLIGATION for any Christian to warn about Heresy and Error. To not do so is a sin. Not only are none of these “Catholics” not telling fellow Christians, spreading the word on the error of Jewish Messianism—THEY’RE ENGAGED IN IT! The Catholic Church, ALL OF IT, is engaged in Jewish Messianism and therefore it is ALL evil.
After inviting sex dancers to perform for the Bergoglio, breakking bread with trannies, this week Vatican shared mass with Anglicans.
Anglican mass good. Catholic Latin Mass bad.
Did you hear any protests from the catholics? Or, as with everyone else, are 95% of them NPC/asleep.
Blacks in America encountering immigrants are beginning to think it is not white replacement theory, but rather American replacement theory.
Just sent this link to my brother. Google censors stopped it immediately.
There is almost no spread of information online now. Everything is being fully controlled.
You sent in Gmail?
If the brother has a Gmail account, it wouldn’t matter where Teo’s sending from bc the Goog won’t let it in.
Anyone want to weigh in AC using orgone tech to deflect or quell the attacks? I know these simple energy machines are very beneficial no matter what
I think it’s an excellent idea, and one that AC should spend some time looking into.
Orgone tech will not only block malign energies, but actually deflect and redirect them to the source.
There is a reason all of Reich’s research was actively suppressed. Not all of it is effective, but some of it surely is, and he wasn’t the only one to make use of it.
This ancient tech certainly falls into the weird category much like the tech employed against AC .wouldn’t it be ironic if it was effective against the Beamº?
“ Because what would begin as keeping advances for themselves, would undoubtedly turn into taking out people…”
The jew Mossad operative billionaire Robert Maxwell owned Pergamon press … “The 59 Pergamon academic journals in 1960 became 418 journals in 1992. Cox recalls that in the process some 700 were launched…”
Always seemed a fine way for someone to screen research for items that needed to be suppressed or scientists that needed quarantined or eliminated; after all you’ve got a great ground-breaking paper summarizing your experiments and you send it off for review and publication…then perhaps the fun begins depending on what you’ve (re)discovered
Not to go all Miles Mathis here but … “Citing the Book of Revelation chapter 2 verses 12 and 13 in the Christian Bible, many scholars have argued that the Pergamon Altar is the “Seat of Satan” mentioned by John the Apostle in his letter to the church at Pergamon.”
And on the Pergamon Altar we’ll sacrifice scientists that have figured out too much! 🙂
That is exactly how they would do it. And normies, who do not understand everything was taken over by the psychopaths of the intelligence agencies, would have no idea they were flagging themselves for elimination. They would be so excited to have found the next big thing, and, of course, everybody wants to be published in that big journal, so who would not submit the paper to them.
I am not sure whether to be more amazed at how evil those in power are, or how clueless and helpless everyone has been conditioned to be. I mean, you tell people that, and they would decide there was something wrong with you..
Makes sense. Dr. Lee Merritt recently stated the scientific and medical publications were owned by the intelligence agencies. Clif High and others have said the patent office is similarly owned.
The patent office. I never even thought of that, but of course. You have the next killer tech, why would the elites allow something to be created which would let you monopolize it and maybe make billions, and one day unseat them. The USPTO was just a big honeypot for killer app ideas, so they could kill you and take your tech.
How did I not see that?
Just when I think I’m cynic-maxxing…….there’s always another rock to turn over 🙃
Good post.
Surprising. Expected a slap on the wrist, with a few years of supervised release.
Sentence probably reflects that some big donors with sketchy documentation got unmasked via those tax returns. If just Trump, agree on the wrist-slap.
He’ll probably get parole very quickly.
Nope. Federal is different that state court. In state prison, you end up serving 1/3 or less of the sentence. In Federal prison, you serve day. For. Day. You might get a couple of days off for a year of good behavior, but if you are sentenced to 60 months, you’ll serve 55-58 of them, if not every single day.
5 years for an attempted decapitation via public opinion of your opponent’s top leader isn’t a slap on the wrist? A couple centuries ago he would have been drawn and quartered, then beheaded for good measure.
It’s a non-violent crime committed by a guy in his 60s. 5 years is a pretty big deal. Also, remember that this is federal, which means that five years is five years. It’s not like state prison where you get five years and serve 8 months.
Curious to know if “The Beam” can cause your heart to race or an adrenaline dump or anything of that nature. I don’t feel vibrations, but have had multiple nights were I’m sleepy and nodding off while reading, but the second I turn the light off and my head hits the pillow I go from somnolescent to a racing heart and jittery “fight or flight” response feeling. It’s unsettling. And my sleep hasn’t been as good as it used to be for a few years now. Nothing terribly overt — nothing like AC gets — just degraded sleep and recovery that plausibly could be from multiple, non-nefarious causes. Anyone else experience anything like?
Yes, there is a version I am hit with, which will cause me to wake up breathing like I am running a sprint, and my heartrate will be 150. I wrote about it here previously, back in the archives. I think they have at least ten or twelve different techs to screw with you. Once you are in that bed and stop moving, they will close in if they want to.
AC, reading about your leg cramps above made me think of something possibly helpful. I occasionally take some Mg supplements before bed for relaxation and leg cramps (usually TM “Calm” or something similar). Would a solution of something ionizing in the water surrounding your sleeping area provide some additional protection? Sea water, or the addition of other soluble metals? Just spitballing. Thanks for your help all these years. GoftheDs
I am not out of options experimentally, but clearly I will need to come up with something, or finish American Stasi quickly.
It’s worth separating analysis of attempts to block incoming energy vs. attempts to degrade outgoing signal of spatial location of target.
When you tested the faraday cage, did it have a low-resistance path to ground? When EMF shielding is not well grounded, it can act as an antenna or reflector. To increase attenuation of shield, put an insulating layer (e.g. plastic sheeting) between two conductive layers, ground each conductive layer separately, then loop each ground wire several times around a ferrite choke (“Mix 31″) to reduce RF coupling between the conductive shield layers.
Attic Foil in TX has good double-sided, 48” radiant barrier for shielding floor, walls and roof, which can be insulation-layered with other shielding material. About $0.20 per square foot.
On principle, block all possible outbound signal paths on wired connections. If you have cable internet, install a 70db MOCA filter in front of your cable modem, to block data overlay. For devices which are in the room and powered on, block any potential electrical powerline data networking with a power conditioner like Furman AC-215A.
In a game of cat and mouse, use a stopwatch to log the precise time delay needed for a distant cat to respond to local movement of mouse. Do any shields or grounding changes increase this time, even by a tiny amount?
There are many consumer products coming to market with spatial awareness based on through-wall imaging, including Wi-Fi 7 Sensing. Higher frequency (mmWave) has more precision, but 2.4Ghz WiFi or 900Mhz wireless phones have more penetration into buildings.
I really appreciate this. Thank you.
There was a commenter a while back who said raising the head of his bed 3 inches solved a lot of health problems for him. I decided to try it as it is a cheap and easy fix if it works. I went from nightly leg cramps to none immediately. A few other things went, too.
this isn’t the first comment like this here. for those out there with various aches & pains ranging from insomnia to nasal drip to acid reflux to gut trouble to leg cramps, TRY IT!! sleep slanted!! what is there to lose?
it’s vastly improved my sleep/life, and those of many others, and it was free. no shots, no pills, no side effects, no 4-foot-long fatal blood clots, and Big Pharma makes exactly zero dollars on it. what more need be said?
Yes I have had the whole bed raised 5-7 inches at the back end. I got the best sleeps of my life. Circulation is improved as well
Yes. I’m someday going to build the “Ultimatre up-armored sleep system” and one design principle will have the bed elevated at the head. Egyptian beds are on an incline, and medieval peasants used to sleep sitting up.
And if you’ve ever camped on uneven ground – how do you naturally do it? Head is upslope, right? Probably even an evolutionarily bias in sleeping on an slight angle
Every time I see this I think,”I must do this”…then forget. This time I saw it and did it right away. 4″. Have to see how it works.
Optical Neural Implant?
Turn your entire life into a video game! With the linked social credit and banking app, how can you lose?
Harry Vox presents a 6 min “satire” of Elon Musk and his handlers’ Real Big Plan for your future. It’s all possible with current tech. This one is funny af, except that it isn’t.
TODAY ONLY…earn 17 bonus credits by watching Vox’s nifty little warning about the coming IRS fun and frolic, linked on the same page. Don’t forget to thank God for chosing the wonderful geniuses who have made this all possible for you@
“and how my emotions and caring faded away for the year. I felt like a robot.”
This is why I would recommend all here, especially those with children, understand human nutrition. Fish oil is an amazing food/supplement, one that our bodies need very much and you need several grams at least per day. It is best to take in the afternoon and at night, along with vitamin d. Also regular amounts of extra virgin olive oil (evoo) are also a protectorant for you heart and nerve cells. Generally early in the day you want to take vitamin c (it’s best in fruit form) and lots of B vitamins, especially vitamin B12. Vitamin B12, especially in it’s most potent form, hydroxycobalamin, will raise your IQ, increase mental fortitude and protect against neural degradation.
The other important thing is socialization, especially for children, it is a balancing behavior which helps develope and maintain important brain structures. The more of these neural connections you have the harder it is to break them without killing you. I can’t think of any way to easily screen for who is Cabal or not, but everyone should be aware of what psychopathy and narcissism are, as well as behaviors associated with those illnesses. A working knowledge of r vs. K is also good and the avoidance of r behavior and early sexualization in children, and over sexualization of adults, is a must for avoiding reinforcement of r neural pathways in your brain. It’s also wonderful to avoid drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography and nihilism as these are r reinforcers as well.
Obviously though the best additional defense is Christianity, as in the kind you can practice yourself, where through prayer and meditation you can think about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, ponder His reason for your life and how he wants you to ultimately be happy, healthy and Heavenly. You can gain this understanding by reading His instruction manual for life, the Holy Bible. I recommend the King James version or the New King James. Read it regularly and read it the whole way through. God Bless.
“…This is why I would recommend all here, especially those with children, understand human nutrition. Fish oil is an amazing food/supplement…”
Not so damn fast. I would not take any sort of fish oil or any vitamin A supplement. I read this article by this guy it is really detailed and uses VAST amounts of population studies to confirm his hypothesis.
Here’s what’s super interesting about this paper. He has linked over use of Vitamin A with all these diseases. He makes a fairly good case for it. One of the really big clues is,
“…Decreasing incidence of inflammatory bowel disease in Eastern Canada: a population database study.
The key observations here are:
A remarkable ~35% drop in Crohn’s disease over this time period (1996-2009)
A stunning ~50% drop in Alzheimer’s mortality over this time period ( 2000-2011)…”
This he linked to the collapse of the Eastern Canadian fisheries and the removal of these very high vitamin A level dish from the diet. He gives many other large population studies that show similar disease trends related to excess vitamin A intake.
What popped out in my mind as another influence is a question I have asked here and elsewhere over and over. It’s seems such a mystery to me why some people seem to do very well on a vegetarian diet and some don’t. Maybe this is the answer. If a first world wealthy person goes on a vegetarian diet, they could have problems due to eating a large amount of salads and vegetables with high vitamin A. A person in a less developed area would be more likely to eat a vegetarian diet with much less vitamin A. Maybe more starches as a mainstay of their diet. People seem to have great health eating a primarily starch diet. This would explain the good health results from the two widely different diets. The low carb and the all carb. More meat might mean less vitamin A corresponding to good health with a no carb diet. Could it not be the carbs but the extra vitamin A fortified foods in the diet? Maybe this right, maybe not, but it does add up.
“I am also unclear how you create what would seem a constructively interfering node of some energy,”
If every wifi, antenna and device is hacked, to pulse along with multiple microwave beams, it could create the phenomena you are describing. If two or three high powered and very high gain microwave antennas are directed at you they can penetrate all sorts of matter. Generally speaking though you are better protected underground. Ground penetrating radar is another potential attack Avenue. It is partially mediated by salt water, so brine would protect from that.
There isn’t really a silver bullet here, but multiple defenses when combined, will make you a harder target. Become the hardest of targets, gain intelligence on attacks and share it. It costs the enemy time and resources and the sharing multiplies your efforts by the number of readers.
This is exactly why many people think their neighbors are doing this. The criminals hack ALL the neighbors for precision of attacks.
Idea on The Beam: maybe we’ve all been looking at solving this problem the wrong way. We’ve been focused on trying to find a way to shield AC from it but maybe that’s not the best solution. AC has talked about it possibly being from a satellite or helicopter but he’s also mentioned the possibility of his neighbors. Can whatever is doing this be attacked and disabled? I’m not very sciency unfortunately, never paid enough attention, so I’m left with silly Hollywood ideas like the time Walter White built a giant magnet to fry a laptop in police evidence in the show Breaking Bad. I don’t really know what’s possible and also what is prudent or feasible in this situation. Could AC for example somehow cut his neighbors power even for a night without making it look like he did it? Hopefully AC and other commenters who know what they are talking about will see and comment on this idea.
I am pretty sure now it is the neighbors, and not a satellite.
At this point, I am getting this because of American Stasi. The book is coming, the website will be function hopefully in a month, and all of this is due to that. I think that is the weak point for them. Until now, gangstalkees were all like, “Look what they are doing to me!” and everybody yawned. Now the populace is primed due to the stolen election, and American Stasi will be all about, “Look what they are doing to you and your children.” It feels like destiny. I am almost resigned to just taking the damage for a month to wrap up the book and website, and begin the promotion at Trump rallies.
I think they want me to fuck around this much. I am torn, because scientifically characterizing how this works is gold. Our side will need that. But we also need surveillance exposed and taken down. If that is exposed, and the outcry gets loud enough, my neighbors will not be able to do this.
Plus, I think they may have tried this brain modification stuff on me before when I was younger, and though I was fucked up for a while, I recovered my function over time.
It’s infuriating that you can be harassed like this let alone permanent damage they may be doing to you and your choices are to spend all your time and money trying to be able to sleep at night or just accept that they are going to microwave your brain every night. Hopefully once the books/site is up and active they’ll let up on The Beam for awhile.
This is where Bill Binney is at, and I assume 10,000 other Americans. Your choices are attack the neighbors, or endure it. And at the same time, they are changing things in the brain, so all these shooters, that might not have been who they were. This thing might have changed their brain so it would happen.
The worst part is, this will, in time, be scaled up and come for a lot more people.
I had similar thoughts but decided they all would leave him open to attacks using the legal system.
Every child in Illinois government schools will be subjected to intrusive “mental health” screenings
They put in “mental health” days off kids could take a few years ago. See how they plan far in advance? I’m the lunatic though. I told everyone I know not to use them.
Using their “mental health” resources is their way of tricking you into checking a box that you believe yourself to be mentally unfit for existence in modern society. We see many aspects of their evil require consent to be brutalized, and I’m betting this is just another avenue of getting your consent to be fucked with.
To be recruited.
One more to bury the retarded idea we live in a meritocracy:

Holy crap.
The FAA gave secret code words to the National Black Caucus of Federal Aviation Employees so they could put them in their resumes and jump to the front of the line when they submitted their applications for aviation jobs.
This has been going on FOR OVER A DECADE.
More than that, Director Snow was emailing THE ANSWERS to a biographical test (that normally had a 90% fail rate) to Black candidates, and only Black candidates.
Replace black with cabal. (perhaps mostly black cabal for propaganda reasons)
Vox Day makes a good observation about too many chiefs and not enough indians. Militaries solve that problem by having separate units and established hierarchies through rank. Everyone has a leader.
At some level though, male leadership behavior, if it is toxic in any way has to irritate the Almighty. After all, God is the only real alpha male. He is the only one who counts. Everyone has a leader, even alphas and sigmas. That leader is ultimately God, whether you like it or not.
Separate military units frequently compete against one another to accomplish the same goal, even though they are on the same side. A good general looks at his units and promotes the best performing junior commanders, so that there are good leaders when the general retires. This is not a hard behavior to duplicate for the right. The gun tubers actually seem to have this down (probably because they are military ‘adjacent’). The media types (like Shapiro) fail miserably at junior alpha promotion and understanding of rank.
An alpha has to be able to start low on the totem pole and rise through merit. If the alpha can’t rise, even if he has merit, skill and IQ, because he is melanin ‘deficient’ then the whole system breaks down.
This shows how Cabal is keenly aware of this human hierarchy and exploits it to prevent properly functioning ‘units’ and give us gate keepers as well. It also destroys militaries and countries. And for the smart A’s out there, yes this is a wall of text, but it’s a good one to read and act on. Watch the guntubers more, especially the old guys. That’s how it’s done.
I have no idea if it’s worth the money at this point, but for about $100 you can get these “low-noise in-ear binaural microphones” (either direct from the manufacturer or from Amazon).
Clearly you would want the high sensitivity for this use case. I don’t know which of the two 3.5mm connector options would be better, but your Tascam should have a 3.5mm input so you can plug those in directly to your recorder.
(That’s not the only one on the market of course. Roland CS-10EM is another one coming in $10-15 cheaper. I don’t have personal experience with any of these. A guy on youtube has a recording of him driving with the Sound Professionals at and another one with the Rolands at ; his comment on the SP is they are “much better than the Roland CS-10EM”. Use headphones when listening to those.)
I think you said you have at least two of those Tascams. What would be potentially interesting then, would be to simultaneously record on the in-ear microphones with one, and the standalone mics somewhere near your body on the other. Just like they use the wooden clapper chalkboard thing in film to synchronize video and audio you could just clap your hands so that there is a clear sync point for the two audio recordings. You could also snap your fingers right next to each ear so that the in-ear recording gets a clear loud snap on each channel, while the standalone recorder gets a point of reference on how loud things ought to be near the ear.
Excellent idea. Thank you!
A bone conducting microphone would probably be better. I don’t know if there are any other on the market besides . $86 with shipping iirc
Makes me think it might not work great for speech since there aren’t more available. At least not wired. But I bet it would pick up skull vibrations a lot better than a “normal” microphone.
I posted this yesterday, worded differently , but maybe it went to spam.
I thought I approved it, it sounded great.
Thank you for this again, if you didn’t see my previous one. I will definitely get one.
“Mysterious deaths of boocoo scientists who all worked for the USG”
does NO ONE in this Country Made of Ice Cream know how to work a dead man switch??
It is very difficult to set one up. Surveillance is all over you. You need to find people who surveillance will nto take out, get them the info, and they can never let the info leave them, whether they go to the doctor, or on holiday in the Bahamas, or anywhere. Because surveillance sets up on them sees where it is, and simply steals it.
The ground operators of this thing are by and large right at the middle of the IQ Bell curve, so when you see surveillance, you will be unimpressed. But above them in command positions we never see are very smart operators with functional control of the whole system, technologies they have accrued which are beyond belief in their complexity and precision and bodies of knowledge which are probably without peer.
I am thinking they may not give surveillance much of anything, beyond dangling the possibility of some day getting into the upper echelons, where the tech must be like magic.
trying to help
you are in my daily prayers.
12″ x 15″ ~ 50 bucks
In the “off ” position it provides a grounded continuous insulated conductor covering, for instance, the cranial area over the ear…if that’s ineffective each heat setting provides a different interval between pulses of current. The start or end of electric current flow always produces a corresponding temporary magnet pulse at 90 degrees from current direction. The internal conductor grid of the flexible heating element may be enough to disrupt targeting.
That is an interesting idea. I will try that, thank you!
Have you tried shungite? I would expect that if it is a low enough frequency beam that it might do the trick (i.e., if in enough quantity). BTW, shungite is most likely from a meteor.
I have not. I will look into it. Thank you!
Aa few months ago Lame Cherry, who uses it, wrote that shungite is sourced from a meteorite which crashed in Russia.
On second thought from the in-ear binaural microphones, a bone conduction in-ear microphone would probably pick up the vibrations correctly. is the first one I stumbled upon, looks like it’s about $86 with a 3.5mm jack. Free domestic shipping. I spent a minute looking and didn’t quickly find alternatives, but I bet there are others out there.
That looks good. Thank you!
They have a $56 model, with a 3.5mm jack, that doesn’t require a PTT, which is certainly better for your application, so you don’t have to tape down a push to talk button.
The picture there shows a TRRS (tip-ring-ring-sleeve) connector. It will probably work in the microphone port of your Tascam, connecting the speaker to one microphone input channel and the microphone to the other channel. You might need a “TRRS to stereo/mic” adapter like explained at but I’m not certain.
Thank you. This would be good just to put in and record the sleep from start to finish to get an idea of when it starts and how it works.
I’ve been thinking about what seems to have had some effect on the beam.
When you got the face smash, was the pan blocking the vibrations and that’s why they used it to mash you?
If it was blocking the vibrations then maybe you need a metal helmet like those used for medieval reenactment or Buhurt.
We have been assuming the dental aprons helped because of the lead, but what if it’s the rubber?
If it is the rubber then you could try wearing a wet suit to bed and putting up sheet rubber around your bed.
Good thinking. I will look into the wetsuit, and maybe think about how to create a metal shell.
Thank you!
Lol. Poor AC. We should draw diagrams of our suggestions for his sleeping arrangements. They will be epic
Worth reading about researchers and untimely deaths due to directed energy weapons!
Nitter.Net is unavailable (certificate issues).
Anyone have suggestions for a way to access twitter without identifying yourself with IP address, email & mobile phone?
Official nitter is always down, use to find a live mirror.
Tor. It’s built into the brave browser
With Tor, last Lord Bebo post is October 2023
Every child in Illinois government schools will be subjected to intrusive “mental health” screenings
Some decades back, leftists in the UK, introduced a test to see if a child was sexually abused. They would poke the child in the anus. From what I understand, the normal reaction, would be an indicator of abuse.
This in itself was sexual abuse, and they used it, to take children away from their parents
Millstones are too good for these people.
Alrighty then: The Atlantic published a researcher who said mental illness and genius are entwined. She studied families. She blames genes. So, what if the Cabal was targeting families? They maybe kept a few, not just around, but launched and then maybe married off for breeding purposes? The ‘geniuses’ all seem to do well in their establishment of choice.
I remember reading this article, back when. They spotlighted Jane Smiley, author. JS wins awards. JS headed the MLA- Modern Language Association- when it was driving off the cliff of identity politics. She writes ‘genre busting’ books. I’ve read a few of her books. They are not genre busting. They are sold as part of a genre; she never conforms to the minimum genre requirements. It’s like claiming she’s writing sonnets, when she’s writing free verse. I can’t even give her the dignity of slam poetry. Her prose style is on the level of Mary Higgins Clark, except MHC, who did write genre, and did follow the genre rules, and did her own real life research for her more esoteric plot points.
Jane Smiley might be easy to interview. She might be a good college professor. She might be a nice person. She is not, in any way, a brilliant writer.
I knew this machine had the network of covert embedded outposts all throughout the neighborhoods, and the intelligence/surveillance operatives to man them. Now I can attest they have the ability to target, precisely, specific structures in the brains of people sleeping in their beds, in other houses, when they cannot resist it. And we know MK Ultra was all about taking forceful control of brains of the opposition.
Of course they are going to kneecap the competition wherever they find it. And find it they will, because of the surveillance.
Every revelation, things just get worse.
Check out ‘ look out for charlie’ on yt. He talks about how they target ppl in their sleep. It happens to soooo many ppl. The surveillance system is that of ai, they dont need real operatives in all neighborhoods, this system is everywhere.
Yikes. ML Ultra unleashed overload. Yikes.¤tTweetUser=ElijahSchaffer
It is a perfect blend of wild schizo, with every commonsense perception that regular citizens have abut the government now.
And I am struck that cognitively, he can remember names and facts clearly, make logical analyses of where the nation is going wrong, and formulate plans and a cogent speech, which only falls short in his inability to discern reality from fantasy. The whole thing feels like one small section of his brain lost function in discerning reality from fantasy, and the possible from the impossible.
I would love to see an MRI of his brain. I wonder if there is one small part which was turned to jelly while he was sleeping.
Page does not exist.
From Rex Reseach. He’sn troubl;e the government rousted im and tool everything. So help him iof you can ifnancially.
Inventor: David Joseph Schulte
Concept and model for utilizing high-frequency or radar or microwave producing or emitting devices to produce, effect, create or induce lightning or lightspeed or visible to naked eye electromagnetic pulse or pulses, acoustic or ultrasonic shockwaves or booms in the air, space, enclosed, or upon any object or mass, to be used solely or as part of a system, platform or device including weaponry and weather modification
Abstract — This patent describes a scientific explanation for what causes lightning and thunder and how to replicate it using high-frequency soundwaves such as radar and microwaves. The uses for this are mainly in military weaponry and weather modification. This is a very high energy weapon, and is capable of great damage if not used properly. Uses of this invention include: Missile defense, aiming at a nuclear missile to disable all electrical and electronic systems with electromagnetic pulse (lightning) and break the missile apart with the concurrent acoustic shockwave (thunder). Other uses include installing the devices in airplanes, helicopters and tanks to fire lightning and thunder upon whatever it is aimed at: air-air combat, air to ground combat, ground to air combat, tank to ground combat. This technology could obsolete guns and fired projectiles if widespread military utilization is made. The system can be used to either start or diffuse a hurricane. The system and the science behind it are all new and never before described concepts and ideas, and a revolutionary utilization of radar, microwaves and acoustics.
“…Dear Reader : On 9 October 2023, Las Vegas police & Clark County ( NV ) ‘Code Enforcement’ kicked in the gate w/o a valid warrant and proceeded to raze the rancho property where I was sheltering / working doing cleanup while repairing my vehicle. Everything there was looted, confiscated, towed, or scooped up and dumpstered without any regard for “rights”, laws, or inventory — including my hazardous alchemy reagents, equipment, tools, clothes, etc — particularly, 2 laptops containing all Rex Research data, 12000+ pdf books, &c in the process of transfer & uploads, and paper notes, & stuff. The ’04 Pathfinder was towed, and I was arrested for alleged ‘obstruction’ ( witnessing ) and released 12 hours later @ 2 a.m., dressed in rags ( cleaning the chicken coop @ the moment of invasion ), with only wallet and phone. Reconstruction has been achingly slow as I slouch towards Bethlehem. At least I’m not in Gaza yet.
And I thank you who kindly donate to hlep this project continue its contribution . It is very heartening and empowering.
Signed : Dear Writer
P.S. — Update 1-1-2024 — Thanks to several kind and generous donations, Writer now happlessly owns nothing, plus a thrift store bike, bus pass, gym-shower membership, food stamps, laptop, change of pants, shoes, superglue, &c., & is saving $$ for a cheapo auction car. Shelter is in a shed, w/ extension cord for hot plate/lamp/charger. My poop kit works admirably. Life is good, thanks to You & that God-Universe thingy…”
AC, maybe if you try cartons of eggs and not water.? Wey similar with body composition
Interesting. I could fill a ziplock with eggs. My gut says there will still be a node clicking, but we could try it.
Thank God. Comment reached you. I also drink 3/ 4 raw eggs with cafe every morning for 20years. Combined with fish spawn/ slice of salmon. Hope this also helps.
The Allied crime against humanity WW2 (Operation Keelhaul)
Deliberate murder by the Allies.
James O’Keefe: I’m not suicidal, but I’m also not afraid to die
People familiar with the story coming out tomorrow keep texting me, asking me about fear. I’ve taken the time to write a careful response.
At 39, I’ve lived a good life. Whether it’s complete or not is not up to me. What happens next, I don’t know. If there’s more to come here, so be it. I’ve learned the pursuit of truth requires extreme risk while operating without a safety net. I’ve experienced so much. I’ve lived ten lives compressed into a fraction of one.
That’s all that a man can hope for. Meteoric highs, extreme lows, and near-death experiences, Jail and jury trials, travels to every state dozens of times, adventures, travails, failures, betrayals, and loves lost and gained, repeated valleys, moving and climbing mountains, enduring multiple rebirths and renewals.
What I learned is written in three books, particularly American Muckraker, and filmed masterclasses, released and unreleased.
I’ve received love from a balanced family with honest parents and sincere grandparents who raised me to have a manically driven work ethic, all while believing in the best in people. From my vantage point, that last thing is on the verge of extinction unless things fundamentally change.
I built a good organization from nothing, which did good things. I’m taking lessons from the first company and building a better one from nothing, which I know will do more extraordinary things.
Challenging Leviathan itself is hard enough.
Leviathan doesn’t like being challenged. But as nearly impossible as that is, the enemy and its injustice is no longer what bothers me. An enemy can’t betray you. Only people you think are good can do that.
It has been an indescribable hell on earth for me to witness people go against everything they claim to believe in – everything good and right, in service to their love of money and power. I’ve witnessed envy destroy people whose hearts I thought I knew. I’ve seen an unhealthy obsession with comfort and safety from countless others. These weaknesses stand between us and what we’re “up against.”
Which leads me to the video I’m about to release.
I’m not suicidal, but I’m also not afraid to die.
Now, I’m indifferent to the outcome and frankly numb to the consequences of truth-telling. I’ve adapted to faith over fear.
The mission is to discover other people whose principles are not for sale — who will do the right thing rather than talk about doing the right thing. I’m tired of seeing 10s of thousands of people sliding into my DMs complaining to my team about how bad things are… and then they make excuses or do nothing.
I’m tired, Boss.
So here I stand; I can do no other. As has been said, “If they’re gonna kill me, they’re going to kill me.” Let’s do this. Let’s get 2024 started. Let’s inspire others to be brave. Let’s raise the stakes. Let’s expose them all!
In Truth,
They are turning it up on everyone.
How about using an orgone box or just the different variations on these energy machines?
It is tempting. The problem is I am pretty much at redline right now, and whatever this is, just basically shifted the magnetic pole t my house around a full 360 degrees. The nearest houses are about 75-90 feet away and probaly 200-250 feet away, at right angles. I went outside, and it was still altered outside the house, so I am thinking they generated a field that size. I don’t even know what that cost in terms of electricity. My first thought was it must be my house, but I killed the breakers to everything in my house, and it was still fucked up. So unless it grabbed juice between my pole and my house somewhere and something is buried under my house, that is a lot of juice. Even then it would be pretty high in terms of watts. That, and you do these things, and they don’t work, and you just flushed $350 down the hole and you now have a giant faraday cage crammed in a room behind your fireplace which is fucking up your ability to move around tht room, and a giant water shielding box set up elsewhere, and water tubs elsewhere which used to work, and you don’t want to stop to disassemble everything because you want to try the next thing, and you have the blog, and comments, and emails, and reading on Havana, and the book, and regular life shit, and the new site, which is what they really don’t want you doing.
I am nearing the point I am just going to race against whatever it is they are doing to my brain, and try to finish the stuff they don’t want me to finish to fuck them. I’ll put together a video of the compass tonight, it was weird. And the air was weird, like electrical and burning, and numbing. And I felt weird, to the point at one point I paused, wondering if I was heading unconscious and would end up with missing time or something. I assume they have something like a giant MRI machine constructed around my house. That or they had a UAP hovering over my house. I mean, how do you even make a magnetic field that large?
I have to modify the Jacob’s ladder due to some data I took in I don’t want to describe, and I have another contraption which should produce randomized movements while I sleep, but that is another $200, and honestly, I expect to wake up finding their AI system figured out a way to do the head vibrations somehow based off a real time scan of my skull in space, despite it all.
Meanwhile, I know if I can just get everyone to see all the surveillance people, the nation will deal with them, and that would pretty much solve this problem without me even doing anything. I am thinking that may be my best bet.
I have to think there are a bunch of other sites out there which are dealing with this. I can’t be the only one.
“…just basically shifted the magnetic pole t my house around a full 360 degrees…”
I can’t imagine. I have no idea. Thank you for all you do AC.
It is a very unusual situation. I am actually more curious about why, than anything.
Who are the surveillance ppl? Are they your neighbors? I read another comment where you said they took up 4 homes near you. So did they just rent the homes and not have anyone live there? The reason i ask is bc i have been targeted since 2016. I bought into the neighbors are doing it for many years. I even found out that 3 old neighbors had fake cell towers that triangulated me. I do believe this was for triangulation of torture, but i dint believe the source is coming from anyones home. I have since come to believe most attacks are done by drones/ uaps. I think a scaler wave is produced and this is why shielding does not work. Regarding neighbors- they do participate in gaslighting, especially in the beginning. This is really just a distraction and from what i can tell these attacks can happen anywhere, not just in the home. They need you to constantly be stressed and hyper focused on whatever you think it is…the best defense is detoxing and trying to sweat heavy metals out. Your body is probably highly toxic and thats why you feel these affects so strongly. I used ti hear the tapping noises but it would be on my bedroom windows. I have a ti friend who just moved to a different state and she and her dog hear the tapping noises at her new place. They wouldnt have been able to set up shop that quickly. It has to do with frequencies reacting to whatever is in the body causing you to feel this. I believe its a combo of heavy metals and nanotechnology. The tech is pretty crazy and light years ahead. I also used to think my neighbor had an mri machine on me bc he built a shed as close to shared property line as possible, near my bedroom. I was utterly convinced this man was attacking me horribly. Its all smoke and mirrors, a choose your adventure with rf technology.
I am sorry you are going through this. Nobody know who the surveillance people are. Whatever sets them apart they keep to themselves. I default to just people the machine ID’d who would do this shit for rewards. I actually have no normal neighbors anywhere now. I am not sure if that is common for TIs or not.
I am dubious on scalar waves and massively advanced tech. I know what a little spark of creativity combining old techs can do. This feels like that. Regardless, we are in the fight, so we just have to figure it all out. Like Chesty Puller said, they have us surrounded, they won’t escape this time.
Hang tough. I am convinced better times are coming soon.