Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
I was thinking about all of this. Extrapolating out from what I have seen, I will just about guarantee you, there are innocent Americans over the past two or three decades, who went to bed each night, woke up weirdly tired for a few months or a year, and then developed changes in brain function over that time, as the neighborhood Stasi used advanced tech, beyond our imagination, to selectively damage specific parts of their brains, probably just to see what inducing a deficit in that region would do. Probably also with an eye to changing people who were threats, driving them mad, triggering windup toys, creating dementia, and so on Some probably sank into mental illness, others may have lost the ability to play the piano, or do higher math, or express themselves, or even remember who they were or who loved ones were. And none knew why it happened. I will bet you if you probed the successors to MK Ultra, you would be horrified, beyond even what the small smidges of information which came out about the first iteration produced, after the CIA director ordered all the files destroyed. There is a decent chance, the part of the brain they are targeting in me at night, is a part in which deficits are associated with schizophrenia. And I do not think that is by chance, given the benefits which would accrue to them and how it would eliminate the risk I pose, were I to suddenly go crazy. I still cannot believe so many seemingly normal people want those psychopaths to win, and will sacrifice of their own lives to do it. Like I have said, they have been doing this for a very long time, they have amassed, and kept secret, bodies of knowledge in the field of evil which would blow our minds, and you are in a Biblical battle of Good vs Evil. Never forget it as we head into what is coming.
On the magnetic field, stupidly I never thought to do it but a commenter said to break out a magnetic compass to check magnetic field. Sure enough as the static electricity was building, the compass needle moved about 75-80 degrees off its normal magnetic north. Not super fast. It moved maybe 40 degrees over fifteen seconds, sat there, crept up a couple of degrees, lost maybe five, then after a minute or two, climbed up to 75-80 degrees off magnetic north, sat there for twenty seconds, lowered back to 40 degrees over twenty seconds, moved a little up and down slowly over a few minutes, crept back up to 75-80 degrees, sat there thirty seconds, dropped again, sat around there for a minute or two, then dropped down to normal magnetic north. The static also abated. I do not know what that might point to, or even if it is unusual in a house with electronics in it, and am not even sure how you would alter magnetic field from 75-150 feet away, which is what my neighbors are. But it could be probative. I should have gotten up and walked through the house, but I was so surprised to see it move, and curious how far it would move and what it would do, it did not dawn on me to get up and walk around. I would have liked to look at vertical too, but never thought of it, and as I look at it now, the compass sticks anyway if I turn it on its side. Interestingly another commenter had noted the hum on the tapping video sounded like an MRI warming up, but I do not know if that was even probative either, since it was an EM interaction with a microphone and not an actual sound.
Interesting article on Tim Remington, the pastor Kyle Odom shot, from the comments. Lots of inexplicable weirdness, like Remington shot in the back where it should pass through his heart, the bullet does not penetrate, and ends up in his front pocket, mushroomed. Remington’s assertion of what happened is no less supernatural than 4Chan’s case. He believes when Kyle attempted transcendental meditation he opened himself up to the demonic, and everything Kyle experienced was the demons steering Kyle to Remington to kill him. Interesting case, as much of what Kyle described, from voices in his head, to cognitive changes, to the gangstalking, are all features of US domestic intelligence and its technological tool chest, meaning it is the hall of mirrors. The only thing which makes me suspicious of Remington is him being appointed to office by the governor. I have no doubt, if I left everything now to become a pastor, spent two decades at it, had all this happen, and survived, there is zero chance I would eve get in a mile of any office, let alone be appointed out of the blue. Plus there was a commenter here who claimed to know Remington and have been at the shooting, who tried to poo-poo the whole case as Kyle being schizo. But when I pointed out Kyle was clearly describing domestic intelligence’s surveillance operation, we never heard from him again. It felt like he knew an awful lot about it, and if he was friends with Remington, Remington would know exactly who is zapping me at night now, and would shield them.
Ghislaine Maxwell writing tell-all in jail to combat ‘misinformation’ about ties to Jeffrey Epstein.
Special monitor suggests Trump falsified disclosures over $48 million loan in what could be tax evasion. Could be, maybe might be, possibly maybe could possibly be. Trump is a smart guy, and agreed to whatever this is knowing these things would close in and try to frame him every which way. I have to think he saw beyond all this to something better.
Biden refers to Trump as the “sitting President.” Could be Biden is just senile, but as a script element, you can see how these types of things breed paralysis, and create an environment where nobody knows what is going on, and nobody can take action as a result. Excellent from a psyop perspective.
US Border Patrol makes migrant exchange – We caught a migrant exchange live in real time. An unmarked van drove into the gates & dropped off a group of migrants to a waiting Border Patrol van. They will likely be taken to the Maverick Detention Center for processing, just north of Eagle Pass Texas. That is Cabal intelligence delivering assets it wants imported.
Texas National Guard installs more razor wire amid escalating border battle with Biden regime.
Conservatives blast bipartisan tax deal for allowing illegal immigrants to claim Child Tax Credit. Our politicians are not catering to Americans because they are not getting into office by Americans voting for them.
Denver program that pays homeless people a monthly income is open to migrants. “…earmarked for women, families and transgender and gender non-conforming individuals,” it provides, “$1,000 per month as well as a one-time cash transfer of $6,500 in addition to 11 payments of $500 per month, all dependent on how the participants were classified.” Oh, anon, are you a straight homeless man? You will have to make do with your privilege.
Bill would change Iowa law to let federal candidates with felonies on the ballot.
Ilhan Omar tells a crowd of Somalians that her top priority is to put Somalia first and expand its territory: “The US government will do what we want, nothing else. They must follow our orders. That is how we safeguard the interest of Somalia.”
Hong Kong court orders property firm China Evergrande to liquidate.
Calls for retaliation began pouring in from Republican members of Congress moments after U.S. Central Command revealed Sunday that three U.S. service members were killed Saturday night at an American base in Jordan in a drone attack launched by Iranian-backed militias. On 4Chan, an FSB anon said that the hit actually occurred in Syria, and the wounded and dead were brought to Jordan because the US is in Jordan legally, having been invited by the government, but in Syria, we are there in violation of international law, against the wishes of the recognized government, so we could not complain about being wrongly attacked. This was borne out in the first Barrons article on it which had that as the title in the second result on google here, before project Mockingbird reached out and had Barrons delete all mention of it. But the media will totally report on any skullduggery by the US government, or the conspiracy which has taken over the US.
Media companies have slashed over 20,000 jobs in 2023. That is a Cabal-funded industry.
Politico – The news business really is cratering.
Arizona Republicans choose Trump favorite Gina Swoboda as party chair.
Trump ally rises as top GOP candidate against Ohio’s Sherrod Brown.
Trump: I will send Texas reinforcements, not a restraining order.
Spread r/K Theory, because the trajectory should favor us heading to something better
I was thinking back through the history of my intellectual challenges, and recalled something that might help you. About 6 years ago, my mental mistakes were really bad. False recall, messing up peoples names, extreme fatigue, even periods of partial blindness. It was so bad, I thought I’d have to stop working professionally. A fried then told me about the Keto diet, and how much it helped him mentally, psychologically , and physically. I know this sounds crazy, but what doesn’t anymore? I said what the heck? Things can’t get worse. I eliminated virtually all sugar from my life and then even went so far as to take out anything milk based. I increased my fat calories for 75-80% of my diet, and stick to only natural foods. I also cut out all caffeine. My neurological issues went away. I felt amazing. I did this for 8 months straight and now cycle on and off keto for three to six months. I believe what’s happening is the lipid bi-layers on my cells and the myelin sheaths on the neurons become strengthened by the fats, and they’re not so easily damaged. The massive amount of fat also increases repair or anything neuron based in the body and of neurotransmitters. This would also explain why the mockingbird media hates the keto diet.
I just wanted to tell you this. Maybe it will help you.
That might be a good idea to bolster the nervous system while it is being hit.
Fish oil and extra virgin olive oil. Note, take in the afternoon and at night. Make sure there is no soy in it.
Go easy on the fish oil: a nutritionist declared a few years ago that most if not all the fish oil on the market is rancid. Best stick with olive oil.
From Karl Denninger-
Oh, you mean ketogenic diets actually not only address being obese and diabetic (yes, they do) but in addition resolve many psychiatric illnesses?
First, we give you a drug to allegedly help with bipolar.
It makes you fat and diabetic, which incidentally will kill you slowly, but kill you it will.
So then rather than put up with that he got the carbs out of his diet.
course we knew over a hundred years ago it worked for pediatric
epilepsy. I didn’t know this, and neither did a friend of mine who had been epileptic the entire time I knew him as a young person.
I haven’t talked with him in a long time, but he most-certainly did not
know about this because he paid zero attention to such during that
period of time. It would appear nobody told him; after all, who would willingly take seizures as a result of choosing to eat pizza?
There’s no money to be made by changing what you eat within the medical and pharmacological system, is there?
Coconut creams and milks for even more good fats
You should look into the cosmic death fungus theory and the NAC protocol to rid the body of fungus:
Diet wise you cut out yeast and sugar which the fungus feeds on. The diet pushed on Americans is all yeast and sugar. On the cdf subreddit someone posted about the mysterious change in beer. The original formula was basically a food with barely any alcohol which everybody ate every day (we laugh now when we read how sailors or workers were given beer as rations but beer was not booze at the time). Then beer became an alcoholic beverage full of yeast and estrogen and the old formula was completely disappeared. Why have a healthy, clear thinking population when you can have a bunch of drunk retards you can turn into sickly slave consumers?
I’m on week 4. The ringing in my ears is almost gone. I feel calmer and my head is clearer. Confidence in myself and my thinking is high. I do hit points where I run out of energy and take a nap but my sleep in general is sound and seems pretty deep as I’ve noticed I’ll start dreaming like 20 minutes after I fall asleep.
For about $50 in supplements (nac, oregano oil, and black seed oil plus fennel oil for brushing the teeth) I’m impressed with the results so far and still have about 10 weeks to go.
Interesting, thank you. Can you get the oregano oil and black seed oil off the shelf in a store?
AM: 1200mg NAC, 40mg+ carvacrol via oregano oil capsules, and 1tsp black seed oil, liquid form
PM: same except 600mg NAC
The OO is important to be in capsule form. The important compound is carvacrol. Make sure the bottle lists the carvacrol content. The authors suggest starting with 40mg and ramping up over time depending on whether you get herxheimer reactions.
I ordered mine all online so I could be picky about organic. OO and BSO are a little obscure. I don’t think you would find either at Walmart, although I’ve never looked tbh. I think a store like Whole Foods would have a wide selection of oils so they might have BSO, and they might have OO in the supplement aisle. But I think you’d more likely find them in a small boutique style health food store that has those more niche items.
BTW AC you didn’t respond to the last two separate emails I sent you. No response *necessary* but would appreciate an acknowledgment just to confirm messages are going through.
I haven’t even gotten to emails. I will check it tonight, thank you.
Iguana Don is correct. I got everything from Amazon. I have the Carlyle oregano oil, Carlyle nac, and Horbaach 16 Oz. black seed oil. In the cdf white paper they go through a lot of the brands available.
I just hate getting food by mail. Everything you get delivered is vulnerable. And obviously, I have issues going on.
Oops – didn’t see this one until after I did that one – dlb
AC my friend I got mine online at Vitacost. NOW brand NAC, Vitacost O oil in caps and Amazing Herbs BS oil liquid in a bottle. When you order $50 or more shipping is free. Vitacost is out of Nevada. They ship pretty quick, at least seems so to me. I’m in MT, YMMV – dlb
Thank you!
They had beer with more booze.
But they also had short beer with not much.
Also known as soft drinks.
Bacon (sliced thick) and eggs (cooked in the bacon fat) for breakfast; half pound hamburger for supper.
Bring home all our military, and let the chips fall where they may. Disengage everywhere.
Try this AC: The Rewiring by Shungite
A quote from one of LC’s readers
Interesting. Thank you! is a video from channel “Magnetic Games” about visualizing magnetic fields.
I am not a physics or EM expert, but I assume given your description of the compass movement, you could use some of the tricks in that video to get a finer view into what the magnetic field is doing. Maybe that would give you confirmation about the direction of the source?
The green and black sheet showing magnetic fields, he calls it a flux detector, otherwise generally available as “magnetic field viewing film” from what I see. Not particularly cheap, and I can’t find a quick answer about how quickly it responds to a moving field.
Otherwise iron filings could potentially provide some answers. You might need to get creative about how you would use them. I suppose it would be a confirmation of a sudden change in magnetic field. shows how to make ferromagnetic fluid with mineral oil and iron filings. I think the filings would settle to the bottom, so you’d need some mechanism to keep them suspended in the bottle somehow. I wonder if a gentle rotation of the container would keep the filings moving but would still make them responsive to a magnetic field. That might be too complicated to bother with, but I would imagine if the field can move a compass the filings would visibly arrange.
Or you could go back to the iron filings between two sheets of plexiglass to see what happens. Might be irrefutable evidence if you can record it happening. Getting one of those old “Wooly Willy” toys (the drawing of the bald guy where you use a magnetic wand to move the filings around to give him hair or beard) might be a good compromise for low effort to get a proof of concept if it will work.
Thank you. I have to think about how to do this.
Have you considered grabbing a tent and camping out for a while and seeing if the beaming stops?
You should be able to find an isolated spot where you can tell if anyone is close enough to you to use any devices pointed your way.
I have. Security would be an issue. I do not know if I can hit a spot, dump out, and beat feet fast enough to get somewhere, where I could get three or four hours unmolested to grab sleep. You’re talking about going somewhere isolated, and then conking out, when they have aviation with thermal, and ground surveillance. If I encounter them in the woods, I can’t just start dropping people. They get the first shot. It is complicated, though the idea is intriguing.
This is happening because we are heading to exposure. American Stasi is where it will be at, if I can get the time to finish putting it together. But this is the problem. I am stuck fucking around with tech which is beyond me, and not completing what God put me here to do. I think I am going to just have to take the damage. I have a couple more ideas I will try, but if they do not work, I will have to say fuck it, and just plow into American Stasi and hope I can become a national figure in time to scare them off from making me a martyr.
A modern military uniform should shield you from thermal, somewhat at least.
“Trump ally rises as top GOP candidate against Ohio’s Sherrod Brown.”
Somewhat similar to the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate race in that its a weak GOP field. However, Pennsylvania is fortified for democracy so the weak GOP candidates didn’t really matter. Ohio is an unfortified red state, so a decent GOP candidate should win. I wonder why Vivek isn’t running in this one. Moreno is probably the least bad of the declared candidates, so him doing well is encouraging.
New January 6th fliers are hot off the press…

they do not understand what happened J6;so, they will learn the hard way.
I always wonder how someone comes up with all of this shit within a few weeks. Are people that bored? Fuck, I can barely do a couple projects around the house with the little free time I have. Like tonight….I was supposed to work on trim work in a room I’m renovating. The trim is PVC (wanted to try it) and it’s bowed so bad that it sticks up like 1/2 inch on the far side. So now, I’m building a straightening jig and have to heat it up to fix it. But the washer threw some bullshit code and that sucked up my night and a change with my work. Who has time to setup a website, build flyers, etc.?
I have now taken a different approach. The people creating the fliers are probably feds.
Two things:
First, with regard to the question of what changed with Snoop Dogg I read an article that said Trump pardoned someone close to him before leaving office and that might have swayed him. Also someone told me that Snoop was probably just doing what he was told by the record label but recently he bought it or something so now he can do what he wants. You’d have to double check that information if you cared and I’m not really sure it’s the correct answer even if both things are accurate but just putting it out there.
Second thing is about all the media jobs getting cut. It’s almost like propaganda has ran its course on how useful it is and it’s time to shift funding to soldiers and fighting hence the push to recruit foreigners into the military and police forces. I don’t think these jobs are being cut because cabal is hurting or running out of cash unfortunately. I think they are reprioritizing.
They didn’t used to have to prioritize.
Yeah, and it sounds more and more like things are going “off-script”. Definitely feels like they are losing control.
In regards to the magnetics, and the compass’ response; I would suggest that you look further into current Geo engineering practices, as well as haarp as a potential cause of these magnetic fields. Obviously, the domestic surveillance is real, however, in my area of North Carolina I am seeing huge increases in geoengineering practices. Almost all of the clouds now are man-made, or man-affected. It definitely involves some sort of magnetics and steering these pressure systems across the continental United States, and all over the world, for various purposes. There are tons of US patents available on the technology, as well as lots of info on haarp.
I believe Geo engineering, along with the domestic surveillance, to be the elephant in the room regarding the cabal and what they are up to in terms of depopulation agendas. The powers that be are absolutely manipulating the weather, by chemically and electromagnetically altering our atmosphere. I am sure the tech for that and the surveillance goes hand-in-hand, and is very degrading to not just human life, but all life on earth including plant life. I strongly encourage everyone to further research this on their own.
I have also attached a few photos of the recent “clouds” in my area. You can literally see the frequency waves in the clouds. It always coincides with crazy pressure in my ears, head, sinuses.
This is where knowing your area is critical. Mountain wave clouds can have that rippled effect, so somebody who lives downwind from a mountain range might look at your picture and wonder what all the fuss is about. You, on the other hand, have not regularly seen rippled clouds like that in your area. It makes you wonder what changed
And obviously something HAS changed, given these “normal” (allegedly) clouds are now appearing in areas they didn’t previously.
Even “natural” phenomenon occurring in unnatural places is cause for investigation given what we know about HAARP and other weather modification tech.
This has been going on for decades. Maybe it has been that I have always lived near military bases or whatever but this is how our sky’s look now. Kids nowadays I’m sure think it’s normal for the sky to be glaring white crisscrossed with vapor trails
It might be an attempt to counter overhead satellite surveillance?
Additional info:
(Good idea on markers for paragraph breaks, thanks)
You say your neighbor is 75-150 feet away. As an aside, this tells me you ain’t remotely close to being rural. Hell, my wellhouse is further away than that.
So — let’s say 150 feet. I’m assuming that if you drew a 300 foot diameter circle, you would have a large number of houses within that circle.
Each one of those houses has a wi-fi router. Wi-fi can easily travel 300 feet and farther. But for sake of discussion, get on google maps and estimate how many wi-fi signals are bombarding you. Also you can pull up wi-fi on your phone or computer and see how many networks show up. These are the ones not hidden, and it’s probably a dozen or more.
Now — understand that every house has a TV, a modern frig, washing machine, dryer, and all manner of other modern conveniences, and every single one of them is “smart” and therefore has a damn radio signal. Every house probably has a “smart” meter on incoming power, another radio signal.
So this gives us a minimum of a half dozen items from every house screaming through your house. This doesn’t count all the crap you have yourself. And doesn’t count the fact that wi-fi and all this other stuff can travel probably 1,000 feet or more which means the likely number of devices streaming RF at you grows exponentially.
Now factor in streetlights, blinking lights, power lines, transformers, loose insulators and these fucking shock collars people put on their damn dogs to get them to behave.
Are there any electric company transmission lines nearby? 120,000 volts or some such number as that, and you can light up a flourescent tube just by holding it in your hand and walking under the wires. If there’s a substation nearby, it’s giving everyone leukemia and creating all kinds of havoc because of the intense magnetic fields from the transformers.
Plus all the stuff underground.
Plus all the cell phones.
Plus all the LED lights, bug zappers, electric blankets, electric garage doors, electric heaters, sex toys, stereos, and other gimmicks of modern society.
Plus every car has a radio transmitter.
Every key fob and burglar alarm and motion sensor and doorbell camera.
Every computer, toaster, microwave, stop light, airport transponder, and dildo in the whole area is putting out crap that’s screaming through your tissues, like miniature x-rays constantly bombarding you with fuzzy crap.
Every bit of it has a notice from the FCC in the instructions, and they’re all supposed to follow the laws about it, but nobody changes nothing until they get sued to oblivion because making stuff electrically quiet is expensive. The manufacturers don’t care because it’s cheaper not to care.
See what I mean? I’d lay odds you have upwards of 1,000 discrete radio signals blasting at your ass 24/7. Again — this gives ham radio ops pure hell. Imagine what it does to you, and you are much more sensitive than a radio receiver.
Now, bear in mind that some enterprising researcher a number of years ago put some cells on a slide and looked at them under a microscope, and put an electric blanket next to the microscope, and all the cells began vibrating at 60 Hz in unison because of the blanket’s magnetic field. He used this evidence as basis for an article (which I don’t remember to cite) which claimed that electric blankets were dangerous. And it makes sense — why in the hell would you want all your cells vibrating at the same rate that was not what your body wanted them to be? This is just logic and elementary physics.
So you have all your cells vibrating at multiples of 60 Hz, and various harmonics of whatever the frequency of all this radio crap is. Just thinking about it should give you the heebie-jeebies.
Being familiar with Chinese stuff, you’ve surely heard of the Dancing Wu-Li masters. Ok, then, you know about the small, tiny stuff that rules life.
A compass will react to this RF, and no wonder your compass went crazy. It’s nothing personal to you — you’re living in a magnetic hell.
You don’t need lead blankets. You need to move.
Find you an old farmhouse out in the sticks for not much money in a county where property taxes are low and there are no traffic problems, and they don’t have a Walmart and where the hardware store and auto parts store are owned by locals and where the food is better because the owner is running the kitchen. Go into agricultural land, it’s everywhere if you can get it in your mind to get out of an area where the neighbors are 150′ away and where you can shop 24 hrs a day and get stuck in traffic all the time.
A rule to remember is if you put too many dogs in a pen they start fighting.
Consider carefully the differences between your neighborhood and a state prison. In terms of close neighbors, not very damn much.
Research areas and their population density. If there’s more than 2 people per square mile, it’s too crowded. The majority of the US is open and unfilled with this bullshit. Take a gander at where you live — wikipedia will tell you population density.
Factor in your age. I’d guess from reading your stuff that you’re close to 50. If true, then you’re like all the rest of us who grew up on rock and roll and have a touch of tinnitus which makes a high pitched noise in your head 24/7. That, too, is affected by RF, and one can tell the difference when away from it.
Part of what I’m attempting to communicate is there are some logical solutions to part of what you experience.
You have to remember the gals we all know who don’t eat right, who only eat popcorn or cheetos or something in an attempt to “go on a diet,” and end up without balanced nutrition and they go crazy and have headaches and mood swings and all sorts of wild-ass crap. If you take one to dinner and give her a good meal, she settles right down and acts sensible. It’s a logical solution — eat right, just don’t eat like a hog. But of course we know they generally won’t follow logical guidance and so they stay crazy. This type of gal (ok, ok, not all gals) tend to have a lot invested in their personal drama so they don’t want to be healed.
Remember what Jesus said to the lame man at the pool of Bethesda, when the lame man asked Jesus to place him in the water after the angel disturbed the pool. Jesus didn’t say “ok, give me a sec” or “here, let me help you.” Jesus said: “Do you want to be healed?”
You have to ask yourself that question. We all have to ask ourselves that question, constantly.
Remember also what Elisha told his servant who was afraid of the enemy in II Kings 6:15-16 — (my translation): “Fear not! There are more on our side than there is on their side. Look and see! And the servant looked and saw an army of angels on chariots of fire waiting on the hillsides to help them.”
When Lucifer decided to bolt from heaven, they say he took 1/3 of the angels with him. We think that’s horrible — what a terrible force Satan has!
But we forget that God still has 2/3 of the angels on his side, and if you call on God along with all of us who are praying for you daily, those angels will stand guard for you with chariots of fire. If you consider that and the simple fact of God’s grace, you may want to accept the gift of God’s grace and consider that you have nothing to fear. Get thee into the country, young man!
The thing is, I am in the country. I say there is a house 150 feet from me, (it may be more like 2oo), but there’s no house across the road, I have no other wifis on my computer, the house on the other side has a hill between me and them, and the next road parallel to mine is probably three or four miles away, or more. And the terrain is good.
I am not sure a move to somewhere more rural is practicable between now and the election this fall, which I expect will be the climax of all this shit. But we will see. I may have to get a camper and take off out west.
We want to help you in this fight but we will be devastated if you drop off the map.
The site would stay up, I would just try to move fast enough that at least some nights they would have trouble keeping up with me and I could grab a few hours sleep while they set up.
More examples of waves in the clouds and link to the “new” types of clouds just “discovered” in the last 5 years.
More propaganda to explain the fuckery. Go back to sleep sheeps
US Patent 6,506,148 B2 involves simulating the human nervous syster by electromagnetic fields applied externaly to the body . ….10Hz alternating zone Voltage 400 V. Might help you isolate your situation .
Interesting. Thank you!
The confirmation of magnetic fields is intriguing. Magnetic fields cannot be blocked, just redirected. The field will move between the poles. Ferrous metals will alter the field path. A welded ferrous metal enclosure can keep the fields outside it by directing the flux lines through the metal.
What might be even more useful is to map the field lines when the event occurs. This can be done with iron filings on a sheet of paper. The filings will align with the field lines and will give you a good idea where the magnetic poles are located. They should point to the poles and/or give you an indication of whether the poles are stationary or moving. If you can get a few data points you could check for consistent locations of the magnetic poles. Cross reference that data with your security cameras and you will have a good way of determining if you’re dealing with technology or demonic forces.
If you can identify the location or path of the magnetic poles and your cameras show nothing in those areas that could be generating the field, it’s probably demonic. If the magnetic pole locations follow a vehicle, point to a house, etc., it’s probably technology of some sort and you’ll know where it’s coming from.
Thank you. Oddly enough, my neighbor (who also owns the place behind me and uses it supposedly as a rental (though I have seen he has people in there sometimes, when it is supposed to be empty) made it a point to park a car behind me each day now. And at the end of the day, he swaps one car with another, maybe to refresh batteries. He hasn’t done that here before.
If it is demonic, then the demonic would have what appear to be trained and practiced units of what appear to be American citizens who work for it. I think at some point I will have to go mobile, and begin moving, at which point I will not be where I am, and will not care if anybody sees it, and I will air all the videos from the recording I had of the face smush.
The videos will begin with the surveillance camera on the road a couple of days prior, which will show a convoy of three cars, one a red SUV, entering the dead end road. One black SUV stops and turns in the driveway next to me, and heads to the “rental” owned by a surveillance person, which is behind me. They unload a ton of shit into the rental. The other two vehicles, including the red SUV head into the dead end road, presumably to an inn for people to stay at that is in there.
The next videos would be at the time of the smush. Just prior to it, there is a 30-something guy pretending to be totally drunk, walking a dog, just before in front of my house. He was put there for some reason, to be present on that side, as I was getting tapped, and then ultimately smushed in the face. I assume there is some technology which requires people on all sides of you to maybe get reflections of something like microwaves, to hear inside the house or something. He had been loitering just out of view of the camera during the event with something in his hand, in a small blind spot, as if waiting for his dog to stop sniffing, and just wobbling side to side. As the event is occurring, you will see another surveillance camera, pointing out from the second floor above where I was in bed, at the road on the opposite side of him. You can hear what sounds like beds being picked up and dropped, a strange squeaking like a rusty door hinge opening slowly, more dropping and banging, it goes on, and then the event is over. Within seconds the red SUV from the convoy days earlier, which was associated with the people behind me, just happens to drive into view, coming in front of my house. Drunk dog walker also happens to reach the front of my house simultaneously, and he wobbles around as red SUV drives up, Red SUV stops, the driver apparently knows drunk dog-walker, says something to dog walker, who then wobbles around to the passenger side of the car, gets in, and they drive off. Behind me, the crew in there immediately is outside packing everything up and getting out of dodge.
It was clear that was some kind of specialized unit, which had been brought in to execute the aggressive tapping and ultimately, a demonstration of just how much force that technology could deliver.
I cannot say there is not a demonic aspect. Clearly the elites appear to have some kind of occult demon worship going on, and whatever this thing is, it works for those old-money families. It could be they have dropped some kid of curse on me, and I now have some demon in my house. But this felt like some elite CIA unit, like out of Enemy of the State, which would have some killer Hutchinson Effect tech which could mimic a poltergeist.
But honestly, my whole worldview of what was possible 15 years ago was so off, I no longer really feel even vaguely qualified to judge where the boundaries of reality lay anymore.
I mean this is a fucking political blog with maybe 10,000 or 15,000 readers. Why have I got surveillance people in every house around me, everybody in the community rallies to follow me around when I go out, and I have what must be among the most elite of intelligence units being deployed, just to fuck with my head? Moreover, I cannot be the only guy in this position. How many other minor bloggers are there out there living in houses and coping with the poltergeist tech this stupid thing runs on people.
Thank you for the tech analysis. I will have to look for iron filings, and something to vibrate them, I guess.
You are by no means the only one. It just seems to be some people are effected more than others. Oddly enough, after I posted about how badly my brain was damaged by this stuff, and how often I’m hit, it’s literally ceased for days now. Hopefully it stays that way.
I forgot to mention too about the keto, I also run. A lot. Exercise is good for everything, but the combination of running and keto healed so much of the damage and cured the fatigue. I highly, highly recommend you try keto and also start some cardio. Strength training won’t do it. You need to get your heart rate elevated for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week at a minimum. This will help everything, and then cut out all your sugar calories and replace them with fat.
Here’s some data on keto treating neurological issues. It was actually discovered in 1921 and used for the treatment of epilepsy. I can tell you first hand it heals whatever the beam does to us, or at least most of what it did to me.
I think that is probably the way to go. Thank you, I wasn’t even thinking about everything else like diet and exercise.
Maybe they saw you in their looking glass tech and that’s why you have been followed all your life maybe they can’t take you out because it will screw with their trajectory so hence the fuckery
“…What might be even more useful is to map the field lines when the event occurs. This can be done with iron filings on a sheet of paper…”
That’s a great idea. AC you can get magnetic filings by running a magnet through regular earth. All you pick up scrape off onto something, then pick up more. Once you have enough, grind them a little on a brick, concrete or whatever and then pick up again to separate the magnetic from dirt.
Just a thought. If you have the ends open on your water wall, the fields and go through the openings. You would need to have water wall at the openings that wrapped around and joined the present wall. I think even if you left a space so that you could crawl over the end wall to enter it would still work, but like AnonElectrical said,
“…Magnetic fields cannot be blocked, just redirected. The field will move between the poles. Ferrous metals will alter the field path. A welded ferrous metal enclosure can keep the fields outside it by directing the flux lines through the metal…”
“If” you have open spaces, the water wall is then just a wave guide that the fields can go through. A solid path “AROUND” you needs to be there. That would explain why the water wall is not working.
Any chance the magnetic readings lined up with the open areas on the water wall?
I do not know. I did this magnetism stuff decades ago in college physics, in rudimentary form, but never paid much attention, as I never thought it had any use. If only I had known.
If I had water on all sides sealed though, magnetic field lines would go right through, I think. I am hesitant to go back to the steel, as I got the impression they were doing something with it, like fluctuating an EM field to drive electrons in it in a certain way or something, so it would give something off. Inside that faraday cage, I swear, was worse than outside. And I slept in the room it was in at one point, putting it between me and the neighbor to see if it helped, and I came out of there feeling like I had a slight sunburn. Maybe I got something from overhead, and it had nothing to do with it, but I decided I would steer clear of large steel sheets for a while.
The problem is, if defeating them was as simple as a Faraday cage or any of this simple shielding theory, they would be out of business. I am sure they are doing this to thousands of people, and see all these tricks. And if I had to bet, above these lower level normies who have been given the toys, if you go up the chain high enough, I will bet you get to the real deal people who probably took downed UAPs from the government and had them handed to private sector companies they own, and completely disappeared them and the tech inside them. And I am not just extrapolating with that, but there is another story I never told because of the weirdness, which makes me think people probably much higher than the local followers, at least have had access to UAP tech and made one of their own.
So technologically, I think it will be very difficult to apply classical theory to this and defeat them. And I am just wearing out my drive to keep trying shit which does not work, and increasing my drive to just muscle through and get the surveillance exposed.
anyone notice that Idina Menzel looks (*) like Dylan Mulvaney?
I don’t know what it means but they are far too similar for comfort.
(*) looked like – before Idina’s plastic surgery
Everything is getting so weird. Even that the transgender thing seems to crop up so prominently as everything is collapsing and falling apart, and it is such an integral element of Baphomet. I know the spiritual is real now, and all of that is really just ancient wisdom accumulated about the world during times such as this and passed forward.
But I go back 15 years ago, and I was just 100% mechanist, and living in this simple, 100% mechanist world, where it was like I understood everything. Feels so weird to wake up now to mysterious vibrations, and 10% of the country outright pledging loyalty to a foreign, non-state power just to profit personally, and the rise of the demonic, and the purposeful collapse of the nation by people who would be infinitely better off just making the country great.
The eyes – both women have hard, cold eyes. Those are the eyes of women who have had way too many sexual partners, I would guess well over 300. They may have also been sexually traumatized. Older prostitutes have those eyes. Oddly enough, so does Sandra Bullock.
Promiscuity is probably sexually traumatizing in and of itself for women.
The one on the right is a dude.
Judging by jawlines and androgen levels, the one on the left has a larger endowment.
Aye, but the one of the right is lad, laddie. Not a “lady”. But who knows these days. Also required;
It’s a trap!
Now go read Genesis 1
I didnt want to be a Devil’s in Skirts

I immediately thought of her when I saw those photos.
Idina Menzel was in Enchanted.
Giselle, the princess, decided she didnt want to marry the Prince, she wanted to go on dates, with single father, divorce lawyer Robert.
Idina Menzel was Robert’s fiance that got the Prince.
Biden refers to Trump as the “sitting President.”
To be fair, he also refers to a plywood mockup as Air Force 1
The problem with Nikki Haley is that — wait for it — she’s always trying to curry favor.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I award you 1 internet
You are a scholar with an elevated sense of good taste.
Danny De Gracia: A Senate Bill Would Trade Good Friday For ‘Reconciliation’ As A State Holiday
I’m friends with the author, and from what I can tell he’s a sincere and decent man. He also wrote a science fiction novel which I quite enjoyed. He’s not a blogger who writes about just anything – he writes rarely, and only over matters he considers significant, and politically actionable.
And Good Lord, am I sick of the grievance industry death cultists. Every single torch they pick up is yet another “When did you stop beating your wife?” campaign – to which the “correct” answer is “I still beat my wife, because I’m an evil patriarchy.” If you deny the question all together, well – that’s exactly what a witch would say, now, isn’t it?
No heroic narratives allowed. No rising above, no losing honourably, no overcoming the challenges of the past. Nope. Nothing but dwelling on the hurt (whether real or manufactured) so that you can drag all of humanity down into the equality that is Hell.
How is the illegal overthrow of Hawaiian sovereignty any different from the stolen American election and replacing us with third-world invaders?
It’s not. If you can conquer and keep something, it’s yours.
“US special operations forces are searching for a new extreme long-range rifle for their next big fight as Ukraine shows the damage that snipers can do.”
And the USMC just got rid of their force recon scout Snipers. Every little brushfire that doesn’t get put out is a conflagration later.
“… putting out crap that’s screaming through your tissues,….”
This is an excellent example of the spiritual world, tbh. All kinds of energy, messages, what have you, passing through us and leaving us blissfully unaware, unless we are tuned in somehow. Prayer works like this, too, I believe. It’s a very real conversation between you and God
Or at least it had better be God. One can pray to other entities, sadly.
“One can pray to other entities, sadly.”
It is all about free will. If it weren’t, Heaven would be packed with those that would choose evil
Hello AC,
For your water bins, to potentially cause interference and/or expose magnetic field:
Also, how do I get you a pdf? I pulled some information that you may find useful, but I’m hesitant to post it.
I wish you the best, AC, you are in my prayers.
Thank you, Prayers are the most valuable thing right now. I can get email at ac at the domain here.
Thank you. Email sent.
Thank you.
Survivalblog is selling waterproof USB stick backups of their entire site, just in case the SHTF.
It’s not a bad idea.
Excellent idea, but I will have to look for the time.
I’m trying to build a mental model of how they beam, based on the paper about using RF through walls to detect people.
You have separate subsystems for scanning the room and for detecting/observing bodies. And there is probably a different system for applying the beam directly to the body.
How would you disturb scanning the room? Make their observed signal inconsistent, by sending back noise (EM pulses) or dynamically changing the RF “signature” of the room.
How would you interfere with body scans? I believe the paper said it could track only so many people or animals. You might not be able to get more people in your house so that you can sleep. I wonder if having some, how shall we say, r-selected animals, perhaps nocturnal, might help there. I doubt rodents would be big enough, although they could check the nocturnal box. You can get larger rabbits, but it sounds like they might not be active during the night. Nocturnal seems important to give the system something mobile to track, but of course I am just guessing here.
Then if they have determined your position they can probably apply the beam. Moving may help but you said the hammock, with its regular movement, didn’t help. I think this system is where you would focus on your attempts to attenuate their signals.
Woremor EM paint claims a 40dB+ attenuation with a single coat, from 40MHz through 40GHz. I wonder if you coated a plywood sleeping box with it, how well that would work. And it sounds like there is more exploring to do on the water guard. If increasing the conductivity of the water increases how much it attenuates RF signals, while saltwater might be the cheapest and most readily available, different solutions of other acids can increase conductivity quite a bit more. One such set of graphs showing solution-conductance curves is at Hydrochloric acid has outstanding conductivity, and I believe it can package well in HDPE, but personally I would not want to be sleeping next to that experiment.
Beyond that you get into the more speculative interferences with their signal, like rare earth magnets, sound machines to disrupt infrasound, anti-RF PPE, and so on.
Anyway, I was thinking that maybe laying out the system this way would possibly reframe things in a way that would jog ideas out of people.
It is excellent. The bottom line is, this is ultimately coming for everyone. Whatever we can discover now is priceless.
Just a box shielded with EM paint would be a valuable experiment. Although costly. I will say, I am getting tired of the collection of shit I am building up from things which didn’t work.
I’m really out of ideas about this. Here’s one that cost very little. Someone mentioned plastic. Well you can save trash and do this. HDPE is milk cartons and five gallon buckets. PET is likely any clear packaging and all clear pop bottles. Here’s a link on melting point.
You might be able to just melt these in an oven. You can very likely soften them enough to get a slab from a pile of them. Heat up then smush.
Wash them out smash flat as you can, shred if necessary and place in a flat pan with sides on it so it won’t run out. Some plastics do stop neutrons so…who knows, maybe you can save a little trash and come up with something new. Whatever they are doing is really difficult to get a handle on.
If I was you and this being so disruptive, I would be in the backyard digging a mound of dirt to sleep under. One idea I mentioned on Tex site to build a arched dirt covered hut without a lot of equipment or little cost. Pile a raised floor of dirt. Needs to be above normal ground to keep water out. Place poly plastic (water proofing) and some sort of wire support. Fence, chicken wire, etc. Pour a floor of thin concrete, making sure the wire on the ends of the floor is above the concrete. Dig a big mound of dirt in the shape of whatever hut you want and pile on the floor. A catenary is the strongest curve I believe. It’s the exact shape you get when you suspend a chain from two ends. So making your mound somewhat like this will add strength. Throw some cheap plastic over the dirt mound. Cover with concrete and some more wire. Wouldn’t have to be too thick. A couple of inches, more of course, is better. Make sure to tie the floor and roof wire together before ladling on the concrete. Then dig all the dirt from under your roof and pile it on top. You need to cover the concrete with a couple layers of poly before piling on the dirt and the water will run off. To get some dry earth pile on half your dirt, add another layer of poly then pile on the rest. Depending on your dirt it could be faster, and save your back, to get a piece of pipe, connect to a garden hose and wash the dirt out before piling on top. Save you from crawling under the concrete.
Thank you Sam. The whole thing is far outside of normal. Even Bill Binney, who headed tech development at NSA, cannot get a handle on how it is working. But we will see. If we keep experimenting, we might find something.
Too bad all that organic material couldn’t be put into a mold and have resin poured over. The resin would compress and create a piezo effect. That would defuse the beaming. Maybe. Not sure
Lee Kuan Yew Warned You
The CIA Somalian Spook Congresswoman explains how “American” she is. Newsflash: she’s not.
I wonder when Q said the strings were cut. Did that mean that they control all the earpiece wearing retards? Why would she come out and talk with her inside voice on this? This would only serve to wake up the retarded normies who still believe in the melting pot / hyphenated America.
Meme Related:
small meme
This is wordpress. Click on the meme to enlarge it.
Hi AC,
I live in a rural area right outside of a large Midwest town. Although I have had a couple odd things happen, I do not think I am under surveillance at the intensity you write on. I’ve never had issues staying asleep once sleeping until about this time a year ago. Often in the past year (roughly a few days every 6 weeks) , I wake up fully aware, as if I was not even asleep, between 12:30 and 3:00 AM CT. I usually stayed awake for approximately an hour and a half before going back to sleep.
The first couple times this happened, I heard large machine sounds as if a UFO was outside of my apartment complex. In multiple cases, eventually an airplane would pass overhead, sometimes more than once. In nearly all cases, I heard humming electrical sounds, very similar to the ones you describe. The various electrical sounds would continue for 30 to 40 mins after waking up. Although I did not feel any significant vibration to my body, the electrical hums could be very loud for periods of 10 to 30 seconds. Also, the electrical humming noise always came from the eastern direction.
During the previous summer, the waking up at night issue became more persistent for about two months (happening about four days straight every 2 weeks). Along with the electrical noise, waking up occurred from horrific nightmares, with adrenaline active in my body.
The waking up issue is now back after a 6 week hiatus. I am hearing popping sounds from a far distance followed by electrical humming, all from the eastern direction, happening back-to-back nights . I have electric heat in my apartment unit, the coils seem not respond properly when the hums are going off (i.e., waking up cold, coils turning on after humming stops). This time around, I can hear my neighbors waking up, which has not occurred until now.
In the past year, my best strategy has been to ignore the hums and get back to sleep. When the issue was severe in the previous summer, I left my apartment and slept at a family member’s residence miles away, which did nothing. I still woke up, and I still heard the electrical hums between 12:30 and 3:00 am. When I let the issue overtake me, it got much worse, to the point where I couldn’t even get to sleep. You are not the only one dealing with this. While looking for solutions, please try to stay calm.
I am sorry you are dealing with this. It cannot go on like this indefinitely.
There is a weird feel to it all, like we are coming up on some kind of climax, and they are going all out in the runup to it.
AC a couple of days ago someone was telling you again about the CDF protocol benefits they were seeing & you asked whether you get the black seed oil & the oregano oil from the store.
Quality is extremely important & care must be taken when choosing a brand you intend to take internally.
Black seed oil: should be certified organic from reliable country of origin – eg not China. Preferably cold pressed. No solvants should be used. Black seed oil isn’t an essential oil as it has fatty acids though it does have a small % of the essential oil compounds – notably thymoquinone.
Oregano essential oil: Because a very large amount of plant material is needed to distill a commercial amount of the oil, many essential oils are diluted – with another seed oil or synthetic filler &/ or solvents are also used to extract the maximum amount possible. Labelling laws in the US are useless as “100& pure” only means the quantity of the actual essential oil is pure – it doesn’t apply to the entire contents of the bottle.
Because a very large amount of plant material is needed for distillation, the plants need to be organically grown because pesticide residues will be concentrated in the distillation process. The plants should also be grown in a reputable country (eg not China).
Steam distillation must be done in stainless steel distillers – not cast iron or aluminum.
If the recommended use on the label says it’s for topical use, that’s not saying it’s high enough quality for internal use. Most oils sold at health food stores are of low quality. Some research is needed to source a good quality brand. I use oils sold by the top of the line company that uses the MML model instead of retail stores. Their oils are very good – top quality but pricey.
I am sure you can find cheaper brands than Young Living that are selling a product pure enough for internal use but these factors I mentioned should be considered when purchasing. (I have zero interest in MML marketing but maintain an account for myself & the occasional purchase on behalf of others.)
As an aside to Wooderson & anyone else in her situation (healing from past trauma), essential oils would be another tool in your toolbox. The brand I use in particular has several blends specifically for emotions. The founder of the company who formulated these had a lifelong interest in the science of distillation & properties of the oils & had an intuitive approach to blending which was uncannily accurate. Another avenue to explore are the Bach flower remedies. These also address emotions & I can vouch for the Rescue Remedy spray which helps with sudden shock/stress & will calm down a dog agitated by thunder or fireworks quickly. I used to have a Pyrenean Mtn dog that freaked at loud bangs & the Rescue Remedy spray would calm her enough she’d go to sleep.
Thank you.