News Briefs – 01/29/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


An estimated 2 million ballot images from the 2020 election were illegally erased in Georgia.

Liz Harrington tweets – “45,665 voters who registered did not have matching DMV records, 22% of active voters registered in the 6 months leading up to November, 3, 2020, 31,872 of those voters are now listed as inactive, 42,000 voters who voted November 3 are now listed as inactive.”

Video appears to show illegal ballot harvester in Gwinnett County GA, on Oct 12, 2020! He fans out ballots, takes a photo, & places them in the dropbox. It’s been reported that illegal ballot harvesters were paid $10 per ballot, & had to show proof.”

Arizona’s “Special Master” has hired a team of IT professionals to analyze the Maricopa County routers and Splunk logs.

Seems very concerning, if the author is right – CDC and HHS are going into the conservative counties in Arizona and making the local Boards of Supervisors sign agreements which basically give CDC and HHS the ability to mandate the County do what CDC and HHS say, basically without any limits, in return for money for the county. They might be trying to take over election procedures in the name of public health, though some think they are planning to put quarantine procedures in place, and maybe establish FEMA-type camps there.

Arizona bill would give state lawmakers power to reject election results.

In a case over the 2016 election, the Supreme Court ruled, “Nothing in the Constitution expressly prohibits States from taking away presidential electors’ voting discretion,” and some say today that means states could recall their electors if fraud was shown.

Special counsel Durham says he is just learning about Justice watchdog Horowitz and Sussmann’s 2017 meeting. Horowitz also hid two phones from FBI General Counsel from Durham.

Secret Service Uniformed patrol vehicles were set up on John Bolton’s house, and the activity suddenly spiked for a bit with additional unmarked units as people brought mysterious black bags out of the house.

FBI paid $54,000 to ‘informant’ in Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot.

Another secret Postal Service program spies on citizens by hacking cell phones. Those Postal Inspectors are like a secret FBI.

“Several Capitol Police intelligence analysts have already raised concerns about the practice of the Capitol Police Intelligence Unit spying on members of Congress and who they meet with, to the department’s inspector general,” one source told Politico. Article is about the new Intelligence Chief there, who is an Obama admin flack they first planted at Homeland Security, and who has now lateraled to the Capitol Police Intel division so she can use the intel wing to spy on Republicans and their supporters.

A federal judge said Oathkeepers founder Stewart Rhodes, who was charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, was a flight risk partly because of “elaborate escape tunnels” in his backyard. On the one hand it makes him look legit, but on the other, Mark Zuckerberg has the same thing in his office. Working for Cabal can be a bigger risk than trying to fight the government.

Liberal megadonor Soros pumps $125 million into super PAC to help Democrats in 2022 midterms.

Ukraine, Russia agree to uphold Donbass ceasefire in tough negotiation which excluded the U.S. and Biden.

Russia and Ukraine had just inked a ceasefire when Biden called up the Ukrainian President and warned him to brace for impact, because Russia was about to attack. Apparently Biden had no idea Germany and France were holding talks between Russia and Ukraine to produce the ceasefire, or that the talks had yielded one.

White House urged to release transcripts of call with Ukraine after Biden allegedly told to ‘calm down’ by the Ukrainian President over Russian invasion remarks.

Zelensky says Ukraine lost almost $500 million to Biden war hype.

Someone told Biden to not worry, that Russian tanks don’t work in mud, and the idiot actually repeated it to the President of Ukraine.

Now the Daily Mail tells us that Biden would beat BOTH Trump and DeSantis if the presidential election was held today.

Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 is now the longest truck convoy on record at 43 miles long.

Ottawa partially closes the bridge connecting Ontario to Quebec from 8pm tonight due to the “planned protest” by truckers this weekend.

Wuhan Scientists warn of new coronavirus ‘NeoCov’ with a high death and infection rate, saying ‘1 in 3 die.’  Viruses become less virulent over time. If this were true, then it was engineered to be like this and released. No idea if it is real, but they need a pandemic for the fall, real or imagined.

Leaked military database reveals the damage the vaccines are doing to our troops:

Myocardial Infarction / Heart Attack heart rose 269% from 612 annual cases to YTD 1,650.

Pericarditis rose 175% from 589 annual cases to YTD 1,029.

Myocarditis rose 285% from 127 annual cases to YTD 363.

Pulmonary embolisms 467% from 746 annual cases to YTD 3,489,

Cerebral infarction rose 393% with current YTD 3,438.

Bell’s Palsy rose 319% with current YTD 1,470.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome rose 250% with current YTD 3,635.

Immunodeficiencies rose 275% with current YTD 3,172.

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura rose 322% with current YTD 564.

Menstrual Irregularity rose 476% with current YTD 22,938.

Multiple Schlerosis / Demyelinating Diagnosis rose 487% with current YTD 3,444 .

Neoplasms (tissue growth, often cancer precursor) rose 296% with current YTD 114,645.

Nontraumatic Subarchnoid Hemorrhage/ICH rose 312% with current YTD 1,858.

Spontaneous Abortion / Miscarriage rose 306% with current YTD 4,602.

Disseminate Intravascular Condition rose 1,175% from 7 annual cases to YTD 87.

HIV rose 590% from 454 annual cases to YTD 2,681.

Chest pain rose 1,529% from 4,892 annual cases to YTD 74,813 individuals.

Dyspnea / Difficult or labored breathing rose 905% from 4,968 annual cases to YTD 44,990.

Meet the (UK Gov) Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the “Nudge Unit,” which uses psychology to try and manipulate the population to do what the government wants, in this article, by helping formulate Chinavirus policy.

Funeral Director in UK reveals “500% or 600% increase in the number of deaths in vaccinated young adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

Embalmers find veins & arteries filled with never before seen rubbery clots.

Virginia AG says state universities can’t mandate vaccines for students.

New York Times admits unvaxxed people have ‘lower rates of infection and hospitalization’ of COVID-19 than the vaxxed.

Israel is overrun with Covid, the vaccines have failed, the experiment must stop.

Yale students warn that COVID tyranny has turned campus into a Stasi-like ‘surveillance state.’ That place is probably like my high school, times ten. I would bet at least some, and probably almost all dorms rooms are put up to monitor students with hidden video and audio, even if  the tech is only activated on targets of interest. And there will be an impressive cohort of informants among the student body. The COVID shit is nothing.

New bill would hand Treasury a blank check to ban customer access to crypto at exchanges.

America First Legal is SUING the Biden Administration to halt its radical plan to fly the foreign relatives of illegal aliens into the United States. More here on the program, which allows paroled illegals to petition the government to fly their dependents here.

Nancy Pelosi’s son implicated in sixth FBI probe, accused of bribing San Francisco officials to remove permit violations at ex-girlfriend’s property.

Pittsburgh bridge collapses hours before Biden infrastructure visit. Purely chance.

Black Lives Matter will not confirm who controls its $60 Million slush fund and hasn’t reported to IRS.

Pope Francis praises Catholic ‘fact-checking’ media group tied to Gates and Soros.

Lia Thomas’ teammate reveals the trans swimmer doesn’t always cover up his genitals in the locker room.

Nebraska becomes the 17th state to call for an Article V Convention of States. Very dangerous to open up the Constitution to editing when all of the people involved are likely appointed by the covert intelligence operation that has penetrated the country,

Inferior steel?:

DC Comics’ bisexual climate change-fighting Superman is Kryptonite to sales.

Brazil’s Bishops accuse President Bolsonaro of ‘sabotaging’ child vaccination programs.

Arizona introduces bill to make Bitcoin legal tender.

An industry trade group has found that at least 5.4 million Americans purchased a firearm for the first time in 2021 (pdf), based on retailer surveys and background checks, with one in three buyers being women.

In new NBC poll, preferences shifted from nine-point Democratic advantage to five-point GOP edge in just one year for party identification.

Donald Trump Jr. is competitive with Ron DeSantis in fresh 2024 poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because even the Amish say Fuck Joe Biden.

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3 years ago

BLM leadership seems all black female. And I remember the orig founder got murked after complaining about the gays and trannies and women in BLM. This plus the Brandon Admin’s Black Woman SCOTUS really makes me think black women play some crucial role in the SYSTEM. They prob dominate chokepoints at the city and county lvls. But IDK. The whole electoral edifice is built on nothing. The narrative is that blacks vote at absurd levels for DEMS so GOP loses. Which is facially preposterous. It’s just a fig leaf. But maybe protecting the fig leaf is JOB #1 right now?

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

I think you are on to something, but there is a plausible alternative explanation for the black woman Supreme Court pick trial balloon, in that the black woman was going to be Kamala Harris. I’ve seen claims that she was offered it and turned it down. The play would be to get Harris out of the Vice Presidency and replaced by whoever the Cabal really wants as Biden’s replacement (the whole Harris pick seems to have just been to get Silicon Valley on board and she was never going to get the top position). I don’t know why they just didn’t draft her as the replacement Governor of California when the recall was still alive.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

Good point.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Women are crucial in cabal. Particularly in local government, in human resources departments, etc.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

But they routinely short abd disrespect white women but kow tow to blacks. I think there’s a unique structural mechanics importance to black women.

The professional white women in my family have officially noticed this and are not happy hahahah

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Its probably simple in terms of why. Blacks, in general, tend to be cooler with corruption when they are the beneficiary. Low impulse control allows easier blackmailing. Low-IQ also means they probably would never get anywhere without cabal’s help so even more incentive to join.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Blacks also are much more likely to be racist, both for cultural reasons and possibly genetic reasons.

That means they will be more willing to commit crimes against the white majority other other races with glee and a feeling of justification.

3 years ago

> Arizona bill would give state lawmakers power to reject election results.

The first elections they would reject would be the ones that voted them out of power.

This is a naked power grab.

3 years ago

> Special counsel Durham says he is just learning about Justice watchdog Horowitz and Sussmann’s 2017 meeting. Horowitz also hid two phones from FBI General Counsel from Durham.

Durham never came across as the sharpest spork in the drawer, but this sounds like another case of “I should get a free pass because I’m too incompetent to do my job.” That seems to be the Feds’ go-to excuse for everything, nowadays.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Special counsel Durham says he is just learning about Justice watchdog Horowitz and Sussmann’s 2017 meeting. Horowitz also hid two phones from FBI General Counsel from Durham.

Setting aside whether it is true or not, I believe that this means that the statute of limitations on anything related to that meeting didn’t start tolling until Durham found out.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Strikes me more as a “now would be a good strategic time to release this info so we can more publicly delve into a ton of stuff we already have, but we need to flush out a few more things publicly.” But that’s just me

3 years ago

> Another secret Postal Service program spies on citizens by hacking cell phones.

Some state police do that too. “Fun for everybody!” And most people would sooner than give up air than their electronic leash, so it’s almost always the most useful tracking/spying method.

3 years ago

> Russia and Ukraine had just inked a ceasefire when Biden called up the Ukrainian President and warned him to brace for impact, because Russia was about to attack.

RUSSIANS! COLLUSION! [flap-flap-flap] Just speaking on the phone is certain evidence of treason! Where is the impeachment?!!!

Oh, right. “Nothing to see here, move along.”

3 years ago

> Wuhan Scientists warn of new coronavirus ‘NeoCov’ with a high death and infection rate, saying ‘1 in 3 die.’
Hey, it looks like Fauci&Co. didn’t get their money’s worth out of the “pandemic.” Shovel a few billion more to Wuhan and try again…

The Narrative seems to be unraveling at the edges, and the sheep are getting restless. Even the ones who were shitting their shorts over “Delta” are starting to get suspicious despite the united front of all their news sources.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Found in 2012!

The last American vagabond shows this definitively.
Watch from 43mins

3 years ago

> Virginia AG says state universities can’t mandate vaccines for students.

It’s probably a bit late for that to be meaningful. What do you figure their vaxx rate is?

3 years ago

On the discussion in the other thread about whether Putin is controlled oppo.

The only thing the Cabal would gain from this would be to use Putin as a sort of Emmanuel Goldstein figure, and though they have been trying to do that, if Putin was cooperating he would be much more in your face. Cabal gains more by having Russia under oligarchical control.

Russia is also big enough that they really can’t do much to engulf its leader in their organization, unless he is really corrupt, which Putin apparently isn’t. The same can be said for China. But I think China is actively allied with the western cabal and probably under control of a similar, though separate, eastern version. Putin does the bare minimum to avoid open conflict, without handing the entire country over.

I also think the Cabal doesn’t really want a war, the real target of their maneuvers here are the deplorables in America.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

Brilliant last para. You won’t be far off if you analyze everything and I mean everything as Cabal trying to subdue US kulaks.

3 years ago

Another Martin Armstrong piece:

I keep seeing reports of these people flown around to different places in a military style operation.

Armstrong goes most of the way there, and then stops short well before where this is probably leading. Bannon actually goes further when he keeps describing them as “military aged males”. There are other, and frankly better, ways to steal elections but this is what you would be doing if you were assembling an army in secret.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

They are clearly preparing the ground for every kind of disruption after they lose power. I think the looting of trains in LA is just part of preparing the ground forces. If MAGA wins big in 2022 and 2024, there’s going to be endless economic sabotage, riots, sit-ins, blockades, and so much more. Its going to get really bad.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Looting trains became a problem during the great depression. The target was mainly the post office trains. The solution was to attach US Marines to each train. Not one piece of mail was lost after that.

3 years ago

They might be trying to take over election procedures in the name of public health, though some think they are planning to put quarantine procedures in place, and maybe establish FEMA-type camps there.

If they are putting camps in specifically conservative counties, then the purpose of the camps is to be attacked by us as a casus belli for further crackdowns.

3 years ago

Re: “Now the Daily Mail tells us that Biden would beat BOTH Trump and DeSantis if the presidential election was held today.”

…according to 1000 Wisconsin residents (Marquette Law School in Milwaukee). Oops. They forgot to mention that.

A good example of how fake news rolls…technically true, but falsely implied.

3 years ago

Ottawa partially closes the bridge connecting Ontario to Quebec from 8pm tonight due to the “planned protest” by truckers this weekend.

Paraphrasing The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:

“Do you know how much damage this semi truck will sustain if it runs into your wooden ‘road closed’ barriers?”

“How much?”

“None at all.”

3 years ago

OT- It’s interesting to note that Russia and China are basically kind of threatening tighter partnerships. Defense, space, etc. This sounds kind of ominous, considering the engineering resources of both populations and the natural resource wealth of Russia.

However… imagine the struggle of communication. Fewer than 1% of Russians speak any Chinese at all. Same for the Chinese in reverse. Can you imagine these two working together on engineering projects? They’d have to find interpreters who were not only top of their game but also can translate in specialized fields.

I think it’s a joke.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

However… imagine the struggle of communication. Fewer than 1% of Russians speak any Chinese at all. Same for the Chinese in reverse. Can you imagine these two working together on engineering projects?

They just use English. I’ve seen it. Not a joke.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

True statement. See BRICS program. Graduate courses are taught in English.

3 years ago

When the Black Plague was a big deal, people planted strongly scented flowers and herbs at their windows and doors. It might be a good practice again. Butterfly garden mixes have strongly scented flowers. Basil is traditional at the door in the middle east, I think? Paris had window boxes with strongly scented flowers.

Strongly scented means there’s essential oils evaporating off the flower or leaf. Pathogens get caught in the oil film, get disabled, then fall to the ground. So, like, layers of different types of greens and flowers in front of the house- or around the house- the trad 1940s front flower garden- might help in these times of experimental germ warfare.

It’s springtime. It might be helpful as a barrier.

I don’t know about ivy on walls.

Reply to  wooderson
3 years ago

Good reminder, thx for sharing!

3 years ago

[Adding to Savantissimo and AC’s conversation from yesterday]


Years later, I had a date with a nice woman who told me that her last boyfriend worked for an infamous organization that gets a mention on this blog once in a while. I don’t think she was making that up, because she didn’t tell me any wild stories, but just that he said very little about what he did at work, and nothing beyond that. We really liked each other, but that affiliation was one of the reasons I distanced myself. In this case, my explanation would be that the network is so pervasive that you’re just bound to bump into it when you’re meeting new people.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

It’s really big.

In one of my cases, they moved a family next to me that got to know me. And a year or so later, their daughter moved back in with them after going through a divorce with her husband. And oh dear God was she hot, just exactly my type. But she had two kids and had her tubes tied.

But I was really attracted to her. The only thing that really kept me in doubt was that she was just too hot, it made no sense to me. Way out of my league. So I was wondering what was going on.

I didn’t put it together until many years later, but she and her family were cabal. I’m convinced that they just wanted to entangle me, keep me away from my family, and make sure that I didn’t have kids of my own.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

There’s even more to this. AC has often been mystified as to how cabal gets such loyalty.

What needs to be understood is that they utilize trauma based mind control. And they are initiated in layers. For the most part, I don’t even think those involve know what is happening to them or see the rituals or staged events for what they are. They traumatize and then subject you to skits or indirect conversation where hints are dropped. What the person learns is: 1) don’t fuck with this machine, 2) this machine has the capability of getting you what you want, it will protect you. 3) this machine can infect justice (or revenge) on anyone who harms you.

One method that they will do is destroy one of your children with laced drugs. Cause serious brain damage. For which you will want revenge. And then they will let you know that they can help you get revenge on the perpetrator. Who is actually just some innocent person that cabal wants you to take out.

Remember the opening scene of the Godfather? The undertaker comes to Don Corleone upset about the lack of justice for those who violated his daughter. He then swears allegiance and promises to “help” Don Corleone any time in the future if Corleone will help him get “justice.” It’s like an alternative police and justice system. Don’t underestimate the appeal that could have to many, many people.

There’s another cabal guy I know, the son of a brilliant engineer. Cabal wasn’t interested in his brother, and turned the brother into a druggie and alcoholic. The targeted for promotion one was then cruelly harassed and bullied at school, until a cabal kid befriended him and began to protect him. Other events occurred in that kid’s life that were also big traumas (including the mysterious death of his father which I have suspicions about) that opened various windows for him being an easier prey. He began falling in line and career opportunities opened up for him. Cabal eventually rewarded him with a very loyal wife, and they seem quite happy together. I wonder if he realizes that it could all end at any time once they decide him being alive is no longer important to them?

Anyhow, just as we’ve been gangstalked, gaslighted, traumatized, and subjected to skits and orchestrated impacts, so are the ones who are targeted for advancement. Trauma induces trance thinking which focuses and narrows attention and make the individual very susceptible to suggestion. Throw in a skillful application of NLP language patterns and these people become increasingly initiated all without ever learning anything direct and explicit about the organization.

I believe that this is one reason that they are able to act with such cruelty. They’re literally traumatized automatons existing in heavy trance states and they’ve been systematically broken.

Try to think of it this way versus someone coming over to sell them insurance and laying out different choices and options and trying to appeal to reason. It’s a mind control cult.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This. Just. Clicked.

Ok. I’ve gotta chime in here…

I was a teenager, met a girl at a summer camp held at a large Christian college down south. We “clicked”. Spent hours talking and emailing in the following year, as we lived on opposite sides of the country. She was pretty, not flawless, but pretty.
Intelligent. Somehow always seemed to fit with my interests and was able to keep conversation going (looking back, I remember being amazed at how well she seemed to know/get me).
And she was from a blended family- extremely protective of letting me get to know her parents or brothers- and I pushed, but she refused to let me see a picture of, or even talk to her dad. Very strange and frustrating to me back then.
Until I started dating a local girl. Then “poof”. She decided to not simply learn Japanese…but to move there, and she was gone!

Fast forward 2 years, I had just broken up with my GF…and who “randomly” emails me completely out of the blue…yup, “her”.
Interests updated to again closely mesh with mine, 2 years of history overseas rather vague…but we’re chatting. Even talked about heading to the west coast to see her…but then I bumped into a girl my buddy was trying to chase…was absolutely smitten, and at the first mention to “her” about this local girl “poof”. Gone.

There was no effort to catch my eye, win my heart, nothing.
It was almost, looking back, as if she had “failed” her assignment. No use trying after the test was over, right?

She went on to become a respected author, marry a guy with no publicly available details, and work for several NGOs and nonprofits/charities together.

Crazy. I never saw this until I read your post and a few nearly-forgotten nagging unanswered questions clicked into place.

Thx for sharing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You know, AC, perhaps the biggest thing you can do to break this machine is a good presentation on this aspect of it. The surveillance is big, of course. But if more people were aware of this stealth manipulation and how pervasive it is, it would make a big difference.

Step #1: beware of flattery. That is the key. Anyone who enters your life inexplicably and seems too interested in you and too admiring, and just comes around and wants to be friends in an unnatural way is to be viewed with caution. When this has happened in my life, I rationalized it away, imagined they just had a weird quirk, or found it kind of inexplicable. And I tend to be very kind and accommodating. And never could have imagined the malice.

But looking back, I saw the manipulation: attempts to distract from goals, constant insistence that I should read this or that book, attempts to encourage me in directions that at the time didn’t seem obviously bad but were part of a larger plan.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“….taking Hebrew language classes, in spite of being a Christian girl”

Possibly one of THE most retarded sentences ever typed?

My wife is learning Hebrew BECAUSE she’s a good Christian girl who wants to understand the bible in THE ORIGINAL language in which it was written!

“Christian” is a bullshit Grabble since the Romans.

“People of the Book” the Torah, are how followers of Jesus Christ should be described, is what I’m coming to understand anyway.

Just look at what todays organised religion has become!

One big grabble.

Reply to  Mr_Twister
3 years ago

“Hebrew” is actually Aramaic and was not the original language of the Scriptures.
We do not have a source of the OT in its original Hebrew, the best we have is the Greek translation made prior to Christ. (which is what Christ and the Apostles quote in the NT)
Greek was the original language of the NT.

An excellent paper on the subject:….pdf?dl=0

We still need a good English translation of the uncorrupted Septuagint A but the Septuagint B is better than the MT based OT translations which are full of ant-Christ changes.

3 years ago

AC, this misconception that viruses or bacteria becomes less virulent over time is not true. I see it all over 4chan but when you say it I feel I have to say something.

It’s not in the virus interest to be deadly but as long as it has a decent incubation period and doesn’t burn itself out like Ebola does evolution doesn’t care as long as there are new hosts. Smallpox hasn’t become less deadly, HIV hasn’t become less deadly TB hasn’t become less deadly. Dysentery hasn’t become less deadly. Anthrax hasn’t become less deadly.

In the case of historical pathogens like the plague or spanish flu its more likely that the parts of humanity that were susceptible to it got killed off. It’s not the sickness that got less severe it’s that the host population got more resilient.

The notion that all pathogens evolve to be less deadly is a cope unless there is evolutionary pressure to make it so. In a world of billions, motor vehicles and airplanes those pressures don’t exist for airborne illnesses.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Engineered viruses DO break down and become less lethal over time.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

AC, this misconception that viruses or bacteria becomes less virulent over time is not true. I see it all over 4chan but when you say it I feel I have to say something.

You are missing the distinction. There is no pressure to become less virulent — the pressure is to become more. The pressure is to also become less deadly. Virulent means that severe illness has rapid onset — that is good for the virus. Killing the host is bad for the virus, because it interferes with replication.

Most viruses find the happy medium by favoring replications over severity of symptoms, and that is what we see in respiratory viruses. Smallpox doesn’t actually progress to severe illness that quickly, taking a week or two (during which time you are shedding like mad from the poxes) before it becomes severe.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: No war with Russia because Putin

This is about what I was expecting. Lotta hype about Russia building up troops, and then right about the time the Brandon admin is declaring that NATO will defend itself into owning Ukraine, Russia would back off and make them look like fools.

I wasn’t expecting Brandon to be told to calm down by the Ukrainian president. That’s hilarious.

Bonus, Russian tanks don’t work in mud? He believed that? Seriously?

As far as Putin being Cabal, I don’t think so. If he ever WAS, he’s persona non-grata now. Further, I do not believe that the Xi faction of the CCP is Cabal either, not anymore. Xi played them until he simply had to put his foot down and deny the Diaspora Jews access to China. Cabal cannot operate without the cloak of JOOS to camouflage them and act as a scapegoat because it’s not all of them, just enough of them. Let me elaborate, the reason jews have historically been expelled from so many countries is simple r-selection – they are r-selected nomads. They say they are nomadic because they are persecuted, but it’s the inverse – as nomads they have no trouble shitting where they eat because they are just going to be leaving eventually anyway, which leads to their persecution. Until then they strip mine whatever they can. Xi however cannot allow that, because the Han are the ones that will be doing the strip mining from now on. No competitors allowed.

So basically the same situation as WW2. You have a few countries built up by Cabal that have back stabbed Cabal. Difference is that this time the flow of information allows everyone to see it and recognize the patterns repeating.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I doubt it too. Langan may be smart, but he’s not God. He’s just as fallible as anyone else. Well, maybe not ANYONE else, but fallible nonetheless.

3 years ago

Fwiw, I am convinced NSO was the Intelligence backbone behind Q. Libs are going after it and have destroyed it functionally. Idk what that means for Trump and his Faction. Maybe they are flying blind. They don’t seem to be though.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

When Qanon talks about the armor of God, he means it literally. God communicates supernaturally with his team, and shelters them.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

OT – This is a solution to storing passive energy that a lot of people here (specially Sam J) would like if you haven’t run into it yet: Pumped Hydro Energy Storage. Basically, using the passive energy to pump water up to a reservoir on a higher elevation to store the potential energy to run a generator when power is needed.

I don’t get how people talk about scarcity seriously. Scarcity is one of Cabal’s most important brainwashing/fear-inducing lies. Probably the biggest reason they’re destroying the school system and made such a big push toward emotionality over intelligence. Just applying a handful of things in agriculture, energy, etc. can drastically lower the cost of food, energy, and shelter.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“…Pumped Hydro Energy Storage…”

Too costly except for places in really good locations of which there are not enough. It’s not like I don’t like the idea, it’s just not a overall practical solution.

There was one group that was going to build skyscraper like towers and hoist big concrete blocks filled with dirt but I haven’t heard of them building any.

OK I hope no one freaks out, I’m going to get a little long winded here because i have looked at lots of this stuff and have notes on some of the more promising solutions. My apologies for the length. I know I tend to ramble on too much at times.

One solution could be some sort of carbon battery. They have batteries that are part capacitor and part battery that have high energy storage and potentially very low cost.

For carbon batteries you can’t get better than this guy. Robert Murray Smith. Here’s a link on just one of his carbon creations. He’s made them from hemp to car tires. He has an enormous amount of videos on all kinds of stuff.

Another is sodium solid state batteries. Supposedly there’s been breakthroughs in this. Great for house power.

This site is great for keeping up with tech, business and the state of the solar industry.

Solar is very close if not cheaper than coal burning plants right now in sunny areas. We now have semiconductors to condition the power at cheap prices and cheap solar cells but the batteries are lacking.

It’s coming.

“A new redox flow battery system based on iron sulfate and anthraquinone disulfonic acid (AQDS)”

Search for that and you will get papers. The good thing about it is they can be refueled with the charged material. It’s based on iron so it could eventually be super cheap. The lab results are very good. Flow batteries separate the energy making part from the fluid active ingredient. So you can save up a huge amount of charged fluid then run it through the flow cell to make power.

Another thing is flywheels. I did some basic numbers on flywheels with Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWP).

Flywheel potential is totally based on specific strength which is the strength of a material in tension before it breaks depending on it’s weight. So lighter with more strength is very good. We have some new cheap plastics that would be very good for this. You can use specific strength to get the Wh/kg of various materials

Here’s some typical numbers from flywheel books and papers, Wh/kg=watt hours per kilogram

batteries for reference
Lithium ion battery 100-265 Wh/kg
Lead-Acid 30 Wh/kg

Aluminum 28 Wh/kg
Composite carbon fiber – 40% epoxy 52 Wh/kg
Glass fiber E-Glass 180 Wh/kg
Vectran 286 Wh/kg

now some more exotic

Silicon, monocrystalline (m-Si) 414 Wh/kg
Toray T1000G fiber 491 Wh/kg
Dyneema or Spectra (UHMWPE) 512 Wh/kg
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(low end) 793 Wh/kg
Boron nitride nanotube 1,747 Wh/kg
Multi-walled carbon Nnanotubes(high end) 4,761 Wh/kg
Single wall carbon nanotube(low end) 5,341 Wh/kg
Colossal carbon tube 8252 Wh/kg
Graphene 17,944 Wh/kg
Single wall carbon nanotube(high end) 53,418 Wh/kg

If you look at the very high end materials they are mostly carbon and they have so damn much headroom to work with that even if they are not perfect they have huge Wh/kg potential. If the cost of processing could be lowered it would be akin to a new industrial revolution. It would be big deal. A lot of cost of advanced materials for manufacturing eventually reach down to near the cost of the material itself and carbon cost are next to nothing.

I believe with a few changes flywheels could be made cost effective. Look at the energy storage for Dyneema or Spectra (UHMWPE) 512 Wh/kg I quoted. That’s not a bad figure. Let’s say we cut it in half for a containment structure and safety then cut that by 30% we still have 180 Wh/kg which is not bad at all. Now let’s look at the price of UHMWPE with a fast search and we get,

Best Price UHMWPE Synthetic Ice for Ice Rink
FOB Price: US $ 3-4.9 / kg
Min. Order: 10 kg

So at 180 Wh/kg and this price per kg and 100 kW-hr, (larger Tesla model S battery),we get $1,666.66 so even if you double that to around $3,333.33 that’s some damn cheap batteries.

Present cost of batteries are somewhere around $15,000 to $20,000 for a Tesla car. If you could cut $15,000 off the price of an electric car what do you think that would portend for the sale of electric cars?

I bet the price of UHMWPE could be brought down it’s, if I’m not mistaken, polyethylene with super long chains that has the molecules stretched and aligned as it’s being made. Polyethylene is not that damn expensive and if enough of this equipment was made it could lower the cost even more.

“… In 2020, the average global price of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) shorter chains than UHMWPE but mostly the same stuff] stood at 815 U.S. dollars per metric ton…”

So $0.82 a kg and if the processing is most of the cost then there’s a long way to go in reducing prices and we haven’t even talked about graphene which has obscenely higher strengths and the cost is plummeting as we speak.

If graphene cost come way down it could amplify the whole process. It’s insanely strong so it could be used for cars, bridges, houses, anything and since it’s just carbon the cost could potentially be super, super cheap.

There is clear cut, right now, engineered ways to drastically cut the cost of living if we could get the Oligarchs(Jews) off our backs. There’s a vast room for improvement.

What really excites me about this sort of stuff is the independence it gives people. If you could collapse the cost of housing, cars, energy, and I say food also, then people could unhook themselves from these monopolies and tell them to pound sand.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Very interesting and thanks for the resources!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Dude, all of that is awesome. Don’t know about graphene, though.

3 years ago

Federal court blocks Texas from enforcing anti-Israel boycott law

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

President Trump: “We are just 9 months away from what could be the most important midterm victory in all of American history…

Our country is at stake and we need a landslide so enormous that the radical democrats can not steal it, no matter what they do. That’s what we need. If we make it big enough, it gets very, very hard.

So to every Patriot here today I ask you to get ready to work. To get ready to fight and to get ready to win – and win like never before.

This is the year we are going to take back the house. We are going to take back the senate, and we are going to take back America.”

Just one problem – 2024? That means Trump is broadcasting that 2020 will NOT be fixed. Plus, assuming that MAGA wins EVERY SINGLE SEAT up for grabs, the resulting congress would NOT have the ability to override a presidential veto. That means three more years of this bullshit where executive orders just make every thing worse by orders of magnitude.

That’s three more years of illegals being ushered through the Southern border to join the existing supply instead of mass roundups of that existing supply of illegals. That’s three more years of inflation instead of just getting rid of the fed. Three more years of Democrat military policy, three more years…..

Maybe that’s the plan? Three more years of the Brandon Admin or a FEMA government? Given the choice most people would pick FEMA right now.

Just the economic reasons alone – housing is simply too expensive and the only way to lower the prices is to get rid of the surplus people. The construction industry is basically just illegal Spanish speakers at this point, which removes an entire job category for blue collar Americans. The military HAS BEEN POISONED. The oil industry has been choke-chained again….

A MAGA congress makes perfect sense if the plan involves having a president that will actually take advantage of it. But you want a MAGA wave just to insure two more years OF THIS? Where everything just gets worse by default no matter what we do?

Q, if this is the plan, IT SUCKS.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“The Plan” will take time. It takes time to wake people up. But it also takes time to rouse people to action. And then it takes time for those people to learn how things work to take effective action. And to actually get into office.

And that doesn’t even get into the time necessary to tear down existing networks, identify bad guys that they are cultivating and letting them know that they will have no future.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

You speak my thoughts.
What happened to fix 2020 first?
What happened to the military is the only way?

My hope is that this is disinformation.

And 2020 WAS the landslide so big they couldn’t steal it but they stole it anyway.
We will not get out of this through elections.