Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
From the comments, a Tweet:
See, I would never have believed that was the beam, except for the fact that they focused it for a while. I had a sphere of vibration which was about six inches in diameter, and it moved intelligently through my body, entering my ankles, and moving up my legs, then entering my peritoneal cavity and loitering, before moving up to my chest, and then even hitting me in the head. When it would begin to exit my body along its path, it would correct itself, like somebody guiding it. I realized it was coming from the house next door right there, and went to the other side of the house, with a stone fireplace in the way, and it became a much more diffuse, all over thing. It was like that for a while, noticable vibrations which would come on obviously when I slept. But it eventually became, in my case, just a constant vibration at a low enough level it was like a numbness. You just always felt like you were abuzz. The opposite feeling would have been being “still water” in a glass, just resting. The lead blanket actually absorbed it in the beginning, with the causes of the vibration manifesting as impacts on its surface. It was great, but they have some way of making the lead blanket seem like it is giving off its own hostile radiations, and I eventually had to abandon it for the water.
This is a thing now. Bill Binney is being hit. White House staff have been hit ON WHITE HOUSE GRUNDS. I have recorded by attacks here. And this average guy, who just tweets about COVID stuff is now being hit. Tis tech is owned by a bunch of psychopaths, who not only want to lie to everyone and deceive everyone in the nation so they can control them, but who feel they have the right to tell you, you need to be silent in the face of their lies, and help them sell those lies to the masses, or they will beam you next. They are out there, their numbers are increasing, and eventually, they will get to you. I think a full on war is inevitable. It will either be war, or a dystopia of unimaginable proportions. And notice, the media is almost entirely silent, and my posting of Binney talking about it on Twitter was nuked within minutes.
Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller: Democrats Involved in Child Trafficking “Are Going to Jail.”
The new buzz is all about using Letters of Marque and Reprisal against the Cartels.
Trump fired Biden-appointed Inspector Generals, and they are refusing to leave office.
The next tweet is slightly inaccurate, in that Massie says the guy who found the pipebomb was active Capitol Police, however that guy is also a suspect due to finding it, and even if he did not plant it, everyone involved was a fed, making it feel like an acted out skit :
CDC ordered to stop working with WHO immediately, upending expectations of an extended withdrawal.
Italy to Follow Trump’s Lead and Leave the WHO as Domino Effect Begins.
Ukraine may cease to exist if there are no serious negotiations before the summer.
Notorious liberal scold and anti-Trump legacy news personality Jim Acosta is out at CNN.
Trump to sign executive order banning transsexuals from military.
Trump says it is time to get rid of the income tax and return to tariffs as the means of funding the government. Call me crazy, but I seem to recall the commenters on here coming to that exact same conclusion four or five years ago….
Johnson opens door to linking voter ID to California disaster aid after Trump demand.
New peer reviewed study shows link between vaccines and autism in children.
ongressman introduces bill to exclude illegal immigrants from Medicaid.
Jonathan Turley Flags Constitutional Issue That May Help Trump End Birthright Citizenship.
Trump announces new executive orders to construct an Iron Dome missile defense shield.
> Trump says it is time to get rid of the income tax and return to tariffs as the means of funding the government. Call me crazy, but I seem to recall the commenters on here coming to that exact same conclusion four or five years ago….
You’re right AC, I remember that as well. Along with dismantling FED.
This is an extended out report from Andy to go with a.c.’s posted tweet in today’s brief. Readership should note these suspect’s international and cross national travels and affiliations as well the connected dots to other criminal events. This is mk ultra pattern recognition as well as spook/spy craft methodology used by the suspects. (Multiple electronic devices wrapped in foil, huh?) I referenced kinetic actions and street theater before, these are those useful idiot street soldiers. Being a tactical animal I have shifted my threat matrix to put these types higher on priority lists as more spasticity dangerous than those previously assumed threats out there. The darker Hispanic worker guy or the negro fellow only bear watching by old rote customary procedures or beliefs. The Trans and Libs, may have been a captured audience, developed and mk ultra spooled up by cabal into a more chaos tool then the weatherunderground or black panther kids ever were. Carry reloads, carry a second gun, and,,, yes head on a swivel. Stay frosty.
MK ultra , deep state cultists. Manson w/his dick chopped off.
It’s amazing that some people think so highly of themselves and their supposed genius level IQ’s that they are truly blinded to the fact that they are mentally disturbed. And highly dangerous. I would call this a shoot on confirmed sighting.
It’s a close relative of the “expert problem.” I used to work in the medical industry. The MDs were still the top of the pecking order back then. (now it’s the office managers, and most MDs are employees)
All day, everyone from the patients to the janitors to the staff kissed their asses, and most of them got the idea if they were expert in one thing, they were experts in everything. Including my field, which was system administration and network management. I think I sprained something a couple of times, trying not to roll my eyes while some doc rambled on about whatever he recently read in “PC World” or some similar mass-market magazine.
> Trump fired Biden-appointed Inspector Generals, and they are refusing to leave office.
No problemo. He can send military SPs to physically remove them from their offices. They’re under Executive authority, not Judicial.
Trespass them. When they don’t leave, call the local cops. Press charges.
> Ukraine may cease to exist if there are no serious negotiations before the summer.
I’m okay with that.
The native Ukrainians have gone along with a disastrous, completely one sided, war for no logical reason at all.
I know Ukrainians, and none of them feels the slightest attachment to that little midget who was installed by the U.S. and UK.
The actual Ukrainians had better get their collective asses in gear, kick the midget to the curb, or better yet, send him to Israel, and come to terms with Russia, because as you said, no one really gives a shit if Russia takes over their whole country.
Ukraine will return to historic borders and de-militarised.
Ruskies wont let them re-group and come back with bigger weapons.
An article about the soviet penetration of .gov during ww2 and post cold war Era. It can be a historical parallel lesson as to the same takeover and penetrations by cabal of .gov and other institutions as is currently occuring. Trump’s posse of Maga appointments and other accolytes will have a very hard lift to root out the cabal infiltrators in the various posts and systems. Mccarthy was spot on, but hearings and congress subpoenas are lame by today’s new standards. Nothing positive will result long term or stick unless this is done, first. Recall the posts about cabal fags communicating via gaming forums about pizza and hotdogs, etc. The comms and related systems are the keystone element enabling and holding their operations together. Crack codes, capture the comms, run humanint assets hard. It is all the same game, always has been.
The image is a movie poster from that Era, worth a look at for self training. Stay frosty
“Recall the posts about cabal fags communicating via gaming forums”
/pol is getting hardcore brigaded today by r/federalemployee types who are organizing via Discord servers……just like they did with their ballot harvesting operations.
They’re super pissed about the fed funding freeze today. 😂🎉
Three failures to upvote to TRX and Frosty so far this evening
> Toxic RINO Senator Susan Collins May Derail Tulsi Gabbard Confirmation as Director of National Intelligence.
I’m fairly sure we don’t really *need* a DNI to start with, so whether someone is actually holdoing the title isn’t important.
So Don could play the Democrats’ game: they reject Tulsi, and he finds someone they hate even worse. Andrew Anglin? Theodore Beale? Ted Nugent? He could play that game indefinitely.
There’s some bloke out there I’ve vaguely heard of, surname Conservative, first name not sure, but starts with A, usually just referred to as ‘AC’. Heard he’s got a fair sized axe to grind with these clowns.
Bill Binney.
Just like the DS has rebranded all their DEI senior asswipes as ‘no longer a DEI coordinator, merely a Senior Exec’, Tulsi can just be a don’t-need-senate-confirmation-Senior Exec working as directed in the DNI office. They can call her a Senior Executive *Consultant*. They can call her a Presidential Liaison. Shit, they can call her a freakin secretary if they want, she can still run the place for Acting Director Nugent.
Trump spent the last 4 years thinking HARD about this, pretty sure he knows it.
> Trump to sign executive order banning transsexuals from military.
And we don’t have to pay for their “gender-affirming healthcare” any more, either.
You can’t be in .mil with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis or a variety of other autoimmune conditions that require regular medication, but they’ve allowed trans stuff.
So much winning!
> Trump says it is time to get rid of the income tax and return to tariffs as the means of funding the government. Call me crazy, but I seem to recall the commenters on here coming to that exact same conclusion four or five years ago….
There would be a long period of shortages and increased costs as industry slowly ramped back up. Nothing good comes for free. But then we wouldn’t be at the mercy of currency manipulation and other nations’ foreign economic policies, either.
The bureaucracy would oppose it, because a lot of the points where they can skim bits of profit off would vanish. And all those Feds with their unions would shit a brick as their jobs went away – not just the IRS, but all the other agencies that have to deal with tax matters.
“a long period of shortages and increased costs”
no there wouldn’t. just off the top of my head, industry could get build/rampup loans at attractive terms from the tariff windfall fund – with severe penalties for foot-dragging. Presidential EO’s could slice through any & all build/rampup red tape. call it a “National Reindustrialization Emergency Directive” or some such.
as for the bureaucracy, their time is coming. Trump’s been in office all of 8 days, and he’s already got them on their heels. watch what happens when he rolls out the Big Stuff. I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t push for a total overhaul of the civil service by summer. civil servants aren’t sacred holy creatures, and the Constitution doesn’t mention them or protect their sacred holy pensions. they’re fair game for a suitably-motivated President. the useless bureaucrats will be too busy frantically trying to hold on to their cushy papershuffler jobs to fuck with any reindustrialization efforts.
Trump spent the last 4 years thinking HARD about this, pretty sure he knows it.
Vox Day has posted an excellent commentary on the surveillance post reinforcing AC’s observations.
And Vox is an excellent example. Total Polymath, he should be like a Plato or Socrates in our history, predicting the future politically, economically, correcting errors in biological sciences, making games, doing music of all things, all while writing books on everything from religion to epic fantasy, and running a publishing house.
If nothing changes, a hundred years from now he will only be known to a small number of hardcore intellectual renegades, themselves destined for obscurity, even though their keeping real intellectualism alive is a critical function for our kind.
And as I am writing this, you should hear the impacts of some kind pelting that support beam which they interact with for some reason.
> Trump announces new executive orders to construct an Iron Dome missile defense shield.
Iron Dome is a waste of time and money. He needs to reinstate the Star Wars program. And make a special note that it will be used to protect US territory *only*.
Canada quit paying their share of NORAD, figuring they were going to get the benefits for free anyway. Let them build their own defense system if they feel the need for one.
China Reveals New Cheap Yet Powerful Open Source AI As Western Tech Monopolies Crash & Burn??? DeepSeek AI.
Confirmation of Vox Day’s analysis of our surveilled nation of which I posted earlier.
This accomplishment reinforces the destructive nature of our educational system whose theories on education in place for the last 125 years has lead to this. A good analysis of the deliberate stupidization of the American population is Richard Mitchell’s book Graves of Academe.
The problem is surveillance, and the control it was designed to produce, went so far, and acted to such a massive degree against all Americans. It is not just criminal, but there is a morally reprehensible aspect, an offensiveness in the betrayal of people who were loyal to them. And there is the sense surveillance does not want open conflict, so when revealed, I think it will activate a sort of prey-dive in the mob. It would be one thing if these were Delta Force dudes, who as things get spicy say, “Fuck you, lets have it out, and if we die we die.” You can respect that. But I suspect this will be a bunch of chicks and dudes with manbuns and others who will want to avoid conflict through any means possible. I can almost feel the person behind my beaming is a female. And when the guns come out, they are going to try and run, which will only drive a mob wild.
Because of all this, the control operations just went insane, with surveillance people scraping through the populations of children, using their own children as spies, looking for the high fliers to take them down, and fuck them up psychologically, so they cannot succeed.
And you can see why. They cannot let anyone know about this thing. The consequences of exposure are so great, otherwise normal looking people conclude they would rather see children tortured in school every day by bullies beating them, and utterly destroy the ability of the nation to compete on the world stage, than risk that one child might be successful in society and oppose them some day.
SO they took everything over, and structured everything to utterly wreck any child who might have bettered our society, just so the pedophiles in control can keep control, and in turn elevate them one step above the normal patriotic Americans.
It will just be bonkers when it comes out. I hope Trump is smart enough to keep himself and his movement clear of the blast radius, and he lets it collapse on its own, rather than trying the magnanimous effort to make everyone happy and prevent what would naturally happen. It will be an awful period, but for those of us being beamed, there is nothing as awful as leaving a possibility of this thing returning one day. It needs to come out by the roots.
Correct. 10 days of darkness may indeed be necessary. It may not be an electricity disruption as in no lighting at night. More importantly needed is a cut of communications platforms and technology systems. Cabal can only maintain any power base by having an uncontested or segregated communication systems outside or in a seperate but parallel system, as well as an ability to intersect into and onto those normal or traditional lines of communications systems. The ground game to root out cabal scumbags can spool up in (less than?) 24 to 48 hours and be self directed, self equipped, by those local patriots in their own areas very easily. The comms and technology, as well as the access to .Gov or. Mil resources will need to be mitigated by actual white hats in whatever control nodes for those systems that exist. All of these natural disasters and calamities bloviated in the news etc, should have long ago prepped patriot types for an ability to function in austere or degraded conditions. Off grid or collapsed infrastructures should just be like camping Inna woods and not challenging at all. Our motto then can just be “Blind them, Find them, Kill them” in simplicity terms. Stay frosty
What is those? tungsten tipped or depleted uranium?
AP, ARMOR PIERCING. Or winchester “silver tips” that are a commercial hunting type round with that alloy button insert tip.The 5.56 or .223 being a fast round does good enough penetration as is in ball ammo configuration for light barriers, auto bodies etc. The green tips are a steel core insert that helped it better and it was a higher grain weight of bullet for .mil ammo. 55grain originals to the newer 62 grains green tips. Being a nato /stanag standard caliber other countries and u.s. .mil played with other forms of bullets to get that penetration ability improved. Only so much can be done there on that case capacity and bullet weights. The o.g. black tip 30 caliber armor piercing bullets are much gooder when used in daddy and gramps garands and 1919 machine guns. They also perform well in .308 /7.62×51 older nato standard ammo. Sometimes found at gun shows in .mil surplus ammo or as pulled bullets from demilitarized ammunition that is sold for reloaders. Sorry for long post, hoping to help anons out there. Worry not on ammo types, just keep shooting anyways, those wearing plates and hiding behind shit only helps so far. Stay frosty.
> Cabal can only maintain any power base by having an uncontested or segregated communication systems outside or in a seperate but parallel system, as well as an ability to intersect into and onto those normal or traditional lines of communications systems.
There used to be Milnet, which was a parallel internet in the .mil domain, with only a handful of monitored gateways to the academic internet. It got renamed NIPRNET in the 1980s, and still colocates routing with the public internet, as far as I know.
There also used to be a somewhat-separate Civil Defense telephone network. I think that went away when the phone companies went all-digital. There’s not really any difference between “voice” and “data” any more.
The NSA has access to all the internet hubs; the “communications” part of their charter covers that. Most of the hubs run specialized Cisco routers. Cisco started as an NSA front company, and probably still is.
So as long as any phone calls or data packets are moving, the “official dark net” will still be running.
“Mexican Cartels are targeting planes with illegal aliens.”
Self correcting problem.
My guess is that cabal/cartel’s idea is not to actually shoot down any planes, but to get illegal immigrants to violently resist deportation out of fear that if they are deported, their plane might be shot down
good point.
Fear is their main weapon
Remember the Maine, remember it.
RPIA – Rocket Propelled Illegal Alien
SAIAS – Surface to Air Illegal Alien System
A number of commentators yesterday noted that the WordPress install thing has been coming up more. I’ve noticed this too. Previously it was just in the mornings, usually about 8 PM.
I just read 47 comments from yesterday, which I only saw this morning. For what it is worth, I’ve noticed that too, that I will only see comments on a daily brief appear the next day. This could be the Beam keeping AC from approving comments, but it could also be people getting siloed, which is why I am posting this and noting the exact number of comments that appeared.
I have been posting to this site for four years and have seen my own comments not posted maybe four times. I have gotten into the habit of copying and pasting the longer and more important ones to a word document saved to my hard drive, enabling me to post them later if they get nuked. I did this with the next comment I will post today, since I got the WordPress install when I tried to post it. In fact I am saving this comment the same way. Since I posted here that I was doing this, I always see my own comments appear. There are times I come here and only see my own comments, and that of one other commentators. But I wonder how many other people see my comments that have been approved.
I approve every post of yours I see.
There is no telling how deep the hole goes on the control over what we see and who we meet on the internet. I suspect the internet now is automatically slicing us up into quarantined cells, some of us in smaller cells than others, and soon I suspect many of us will end up each only seeing a bunch of AI chatbots mimicking surveillance people they send into our lives, with IRL surveillance controlling who we meet.
This really is a historical fork in the road, especially for some of us, where we will either complete the descent to a fully fake and bubbled existence under the thumb of this thing, or something will turn the pendulum back, and the revelations may protect freedom for several generations.
But no doubt, old Uncle Ted looks downright prescient.
Charles Gasperino tweeted this today:
I just found out I can’t copy and paste tweets, only provide a link to the individual tweet.
Basically CEOs of companies requested meetings with “Biden” and didn’t get them, and are only going public with this information now.
I remember meetings of “Biden” with non- Cabal people, when they couldn’t be avoided. He met Xi of China once, and Xi’s facial expression was “wtf”. Both of the Republican Speakers of the House went public with the information that “Biden” was completely out of it when they met with him, and they tried to prevent Mike Johnson from meeting with him at all.
This is support for the them really installing a senile old man as puppet president, instead of my idea that “Biden” was a fictional character constructed as a CIA exercise all along.
When I was getting it a decade ago when I first got married, I’m not even sure I was the target. We were in an apartment, and when we bought a house, it stopped. I suspect that someone else in the complex was the target, and we (my wife also got it) were either some kind of side-scatter victims or someone was just goofing around with it.
Maybe there was somebody living there they did not want you to meet or form a bond with.
The beaming I am getting is very precise, and seems to actually target a single point in space.
Issue them to Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank, etc, and tell them that any cartel funds they can identify, they can just keep.
On the USAID front, I bet Elon has Grok reading all the government email, and reporting the conspiracies back.
I’ve got my Letter of Marque. How about you, anon?
marry me
No hitting on the Mam while she’s got her wedding ring on, and remember she has a modern day version of a sword in hand, somewhere, so play nice and put it back in your ….
Unfortunately Redclaw went the way of all e-girls, and scrapes here for ego validation and simps, despite marrying up in real life, having a family, and being out of reach.
I think she comes here solely to break hearts.
Personally, I’m skeptical it’s truly the Marielle Redclaw from years past.
From memory the old/real Marielle Redclaw is some sort of engineer or programmer. She was also intelligent and sensible, as one would expect given her stated profession. I can’t remember when things changed, but her posts seem out of character to me.
I remember she was certain she married non-cabal, and she was busy procreating.
I wonder if perhaps the real/original Marielle – a) is being silo-ed away; b) got so busy with the littles/marriage/work that she drifted away from this board and has no idea an imposter has assumed her handle.
It’s a concern I have for all the posters here.
I am the woman married to Cabal Hubby. I have noted the scant few other posters here who are women so I try to pay attention when they post. Marielle Redclaw’s posts have changed dramatically, and in my opinion, not in a way a maturing mother would.
This is just my conjecture.
Wooderson I hope you are in a MUCH better place in life. I still pray for you. Google Ex-Wife, I pray you and yours are tucked away safe somewhere to weather the coming storm.
AC, I think you are correct that this is coming to a confrontation or conclusion soon. I have been utterly unable to ditch Cabal Hubby, and the absolute weirdest crap has been happening in my household.
Besides the “normal” weird Cabal stuff, Cabal Hubby’s eyes literally turned black one evening. I would have never believed it if I didn’t see it myself. His eyes have done other weird stuff too.
They aren’t human. I’m 100% certain of this. I’ve said before I believe they are Nephilim (descendants), but whatever they are, they are NOT human.
God bless you and protect you AC.
Having seen Bob taken over by something which was not him, I understand. God Bless and stay strong.
Cabal has something – I don’t know what – that gives them an absolute iron grip on the minds of their minions. Even the closest family bonds can be subverted and rendered useless against cabal malice.
Could be MK Ultra, demonic, phsyical (like the restraining bolt on R2D2 in Star Wars), a combo of all 3, or something else. Maybe Name is right and some of them really aren’t human, but I know for sure at least one of them is human. So cabal has something very advanced which fully controls the human mind.
Are the overly sexualised boobs accurate?
or is it more a Gina Davis Cutthroat Island kinda thing?
Never seen armor before, huh?
Do war bots need individual Letters of Marque, or can I register the whole battalion?
After reading your descriptions of the “Beam,” I believe there is a possibility that needs to be ruled out. Is the “Beam” demonic oppression rather than technology. The phenomena you describe appears to defy the laws of physics, which points to a spiritual source being a real probability. Ruling out demonic attacks should be low cost and straightforward. First, go to a very traditional church, like a Russian Orthodox Church and ask them for some Holy Water. You will not find it at a protestant church. Get a couple of quarts. They are generally very willing to give it to you, but bring your own bottles. Second, bring the Holy Water home and go through your house sprinkling it on every wall, floor and ceiling making sign of the cross with the sprinkles. While sprinkling the Holy Water keep repeating a simple prayer like, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me and drive from me and this home all demonic entities, forces. and influences.” Then whenever you feel the “Beam” repeat that prayer while making the sign of the cross at least twelve times. Pray fervently with intensity, really feel the truth of your plea, and know that Christ can hear you, it is not just a mantra or a meditation. Try that for a couple of weeks. If the “Beam” is demonic rather than technology, there should be some noticeable changes. It could get radically worse as the demons fight to retain their power and influence over you, or it may cease entirely if they are driven off. If nothing changes, it is probably something else like technology. Important caution, if it is demonic and they engage with you, keep praying. Do not engage with them. We have no idea what they are truly capable of.
I would say yes, except I can “catch” the beam and absorb some of it using water and salts, and I have the thermal video of the heating aluminum. Plus the em effects you hear on the microphone.
I think I do have successes against this, like the lead blanket. The problem is when you develop a countermeasure, they have tech people who then come up with countermeasures to the countermeasures. You will only get maybe a week or two of relief before you find your countermeasure gradually get less effective.
But I may try the Holy water anyway. You never know, and it might work just because the conspiracy is evil.
I have no doubt demonic forces can do all the things you describe. I see only two possibilities, demonic or technology. We can’t see the source, only the effects. Based on known physics, the power required to do what you describe at distances is enormous and the equipment to do it is impossible to hide in a residential neighborhood. This means it’s either demonic or they have unknown sources of energy that they are able to hide. I think the demonic is more probable, but I have not seen what you have seen. Given how easy and inexpensive it is to use Holy water and pray, it’s worth a shot.
I agree, and thank you! I will look for it.
I am a devout Catholic and am totally certain that angels and demons exist, and we are in a spiritual war. And I use Holy Water in my domiciles.
But I am also a physicist, and 99.99% sure that what AC is going through is man-made. Radiation shielding doesn’t stop pure spiritual beings.
Demonic activity includes emotional and psychological phenomena, such as fear. The fact that AC is approaching this in a workman-like, lab-experiment frame of mind, and having an “arms race” with cabal, is strong evidence that it isn’t spiritual.
I agree. I also would direct people to the recording of the tapping. You can hear them “warming things up” with the MRI hum in the beginning. (That is the hot electricity, BTW). Then, after a certain amount of time, you can hear them do a single “test tap,” to see if the environment is warmed up enough to begin. They then wait a minute or two more, to let things really get charged up, before they begin the sequences of two or three taps.
That is a technology. A demon would just do it. You can almost see them in your mind’s eye as you listen to it, gathered around, as if there is one girl doing the tapping, and everyone else is watching, with the experts guiding the tapper, and telling her to do it a little harder.
That audio is the Havana syndrome, and the only audio I am aware of which actually reveals things about how the tech works.
AC, may I request you share what you have tried to thwart The Beam on a spiritual level?
Did anything help (e.g. Holy Water, specific prayers, holy medals of protection like St. Benedict Medals, Christian blessings, calling on the name of Jesus Christ while being attacked, etc)?
You’ve done a very good job documenting and sharing what you’ve done on the technology side but I cannot recall you listing any spiritual measures you may have tried.
For what it’s worth, Cabal Hubby settles down more and life is overall better/easier when I’m consistent praying the Rosary.
Holy Water, Pslam 91, Psalm 23, but it is not effective. Though I am still alive, so maybe it was, though I took the hits.
This is not demonic. I saw the beam team arrive, and have the videos of them all off loading all their cargo in suitcases, and then bailing right after the tapping.
>Cabal Hubby settles down more and life is overall better/easier when I’m consistent praying the Rosary.
He give up because Rosary makes you busy. You lose your time, don’t increase your life, just sit and talk to piece of wood. Is that make sense to you AC/Name?
It is possible. Though I also would not rule out he really is possessed and it binds him somehow.
It sounds nuts, but I saw my narcissist, who was always defeated and insecure, look like a balloon filling with air as he was taken over by some personality which was super-confident and arrogant.
I was in proximity to someone that knew a lot about dark magic. He said they’ve been mixing technology with spiritual power for a long time. I think the beam is one of those things
Book of Enoch, as referenced by our Messiah, Enochian knowledge from fallen angels given over to men, used to learn dark arts, as well, so mix “angelic” (not meant for human, since sourced in Heaven) inspired devices from that technology, mix in some magic dark arts, the dark stuff may be blunted with prayer but the tech works all the time, unless we can figure out how to create a feedback loop that overloads and – hopefully – explodes in their faces. We can dream, can’t we?
AC, do you have an air ionizer? If cabal needs to “warm things up” for their tech, maybe you can combat it with a negative ionizer, or a de-ionizer, or even both. Switch up the negative ionizer and de-ionizer during their “warm up”, and see if it throws off their prep.
I own a negative ionizer, “Surround Air” brand of intelligent air purifier for allergens, VOCs and other air contaminants. I had to order it to be shipped, but surely you can find an ionizer and deionizer at Home Depot or some industrial supply company.
Might be worth a shot. We’ll see. I have a lot of expenses coming up, so I need to triage, but I will definitely keep it in mind. Does it create Ozone?
The Jacob’s Ladder setup you had should work for one side of ionizing/deionizing.
A warning about that to readers – The Jacob’s ladder could be dangerous. I enclosed mine in an air-tight plastic sheath because some said Ozone was a concern with them, and I just wanted the rf interference. After a few weeks, you should have seen how the clear plastic was covered with super micronized copper particulate. That thing would have been putting out a steady stream of, almost super-fine copper “smoke,” which I would have been inhaling, had I left it in the open. I don’t know what that copper would do to lung tissue, but you cannot let a copper Jcob’s ladder be out in the open operating.
Yeah, but like a Van De Graaf generator it should ionize through the cover.
If you have or get one or more VDGs that would be a good thing to try, the larger the better, but even the toy ones might help.
There is a disclaimer on the box about ozone, but someone at the factory slapped a bar code label on it, so more than half is covdered. I tried to peel it off, but it’s one where only the top half of the label will peel.
What I can read is “This air cleaner…. [covered by label] Federal ozone… [covered by label] ARB certified. [end] Went to the website, but the domain is now available, so I don’t even know if they are in business anymore. Wish I had more for you.
Anyway, it’s a negative ionizer. If you have to prioritize, I’d get the de-ionizer first.
Thank you!
Oh, and I checked the owner’s manual too. Nothing about ozone.
> Nvidia plummets 11% to lead global tech sell-off as China’s DeepSeek raises questions about AI chip spending.
What are the chances, that this Deepseek thing happens exactly one week after DJT shines light on Altman with project Stargate, which – according to Elon – has no funding anyway?
Guess it wasn’t Marvin the martian
Well, what was this “research”? Why didn’t anyone ask that question?
Morale Officer reporting in. You are on scene in the image, hope this hits you deep in your guts.
Stay strong folks.
Message to Trump:
Get things going faster, much faster.
Much easier if you deport them immediately after their border crossing xd
‘Substantial’ Evidence Emerges Chinese AI Ripped Off ChatGPT
Ukrainian Media Outlets Start Asking For Donations After US Funding Is Paused
“I am an innovative psychology …”
I’m not so sure about that because there’s another possible explanation for it: you are being tortured so you are put in positions to see what else is possible, and that your efforts on r/K, the Strafversorgungsdienst (bekannt als “Amerikanischer Stasi”) :-), and so forth are being driven by something that isn’t capable of doing these things or seeing them at all.
Instead, what I suspect is a warped kind of quid pro quo: do these things and maybe you can be given your freedom if they succeed?
As we’re into alternative explanations here, let’s talk briefly about the “eminence grise” in your field who you once talked with, a story you related a few weeks ago.
The alternative explanation for why he couldn’t really address your queries and concers directly is that he wasn’t the sole originator of the concept in mass published print, and that what he really was consisted of being the “face man” for an organization that did a limited release of the ideas in order to contain their expansion.
This would serve the purpose of being an “intellectual honey pot” for people like you who would present themselves to the “eminence grise”, asking all kinds of questions, when the flow of information is really one way from you to that person.
It’s like that scene in “The Ghost Writer” where the ghost writer encounters what turns out to be the person representing the pointy end of a cloaked conspiracy to move a certain person into a top political office, with the end of that interaction resulting in the culmination of that plot, which is to say the end of the ghost writer’s involvement (if not the ghost writer himself).
And if that’s the actual case, then you fell right into their “intellectual honey pot” as planned.
Doesn’t quite feel so good from that perspective, does it.
Insofar as seeing these things goes, my nom de FAFO here is accurate, and the school in question would be regarded as a “clown school” by anyone with any sense and discernment, an exceptionally daft place which never improved because the world around it decided it could descend to its level.
Vox Day covered this piece this week, and wrote: “The fetishization of frauds from Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Saul Bellow, and Philip Roth to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, combined with the suppression and sidelining of the genuine American creative class, has been sufficient to render the USA a global also-ran.”
In conjunction with this, let’s share some observations from Texas Arcane’s former blog (still living on as a cached copy): “The innovators, problem solvers and the brightest part of the population seem to be opting out. … In all declining civilizations, the good men retire to tend to their private gardens. They stop taking part in the larger social fabric and it is rapidly revealed that this little 5% of the population was doing nearly everything of consequence.”
So this idea that what Vox Day also calls the Ultra High IQ (UHIQ) will happily come to the rescue of the US? Not much chance of that.
The masses of Americans have partipated in joining with these dark forces that have had their hands raised against anyone who seeks to be better through self-improvement or through natural ability.
Once you see it, you either choose to leave America or you choose to stay within it doing something well within your skills that doesn’t leave you interfacing with the likes of pretend geniuses like Elon Musk or whatever the US produces as the next Thomas Edison.
You leave if you have the means and the connections, you stay for the same reasons, and if you stay it’s because you’ve developed a group of people who remain highly capable despite the increasing number of midwits they’re forced to bring on.
Eventually you’ll have to leave them behind because they mistakenly believe that everyone is capable of “upwardly aspirational intellectual socialism” working for collective goals while their Castalia is being overrun with idiots.
And so The Glass Bead Game continues.
Texas Arcane again: “What is much, much worse … which these governments discover again and again when they study the problem … is that they drove off all the good ones a long time ago through a variety of techniques which invariably alienate even the most determined quality people.”
And so fuck these people very fucking much, as many of them have had their hands raised against me and people like me, and they should not expect anything from us because we’ve learned it’s better to mask our abilities than to display them.
Independently many of us come to the same conclusion: if you happen to have UHIQ status, it is a matter of survival in the US to be able to fake VHIQ status because if you don’t, all manner of people will show up to try to exploit you.
When you don’t go along with it, you don’t get The Beam, you get small armies of people in your “area of operations” trying to gaslight you and messing about with you, right down to trying to undermine your ability to seek a degree, hold a job, or stay with your family.
It leads to a slow-smouldering sentiment not too dissimilar to that of The Joker: you get what you fucking deserve.
I can’t see the innovative psychology quote
You’ve been successfully brainwashed by the conspiracy to blame the general populace.
They obviously crowded around you in sufficient numbers to convince you that it was the majority of people who were against you.
Thousands of ICE officers have been dispatched to the San Diego border crossing as they prepare to take ‘100,000 immigrants’ back to Mexico and Central America in one of the biggest migrant raids in recent times.
Marines have already descended on the area in an attempt to secure the crossing as President Trump ramped up his promise of cracking down on illegal immigration.
Around 1,500 active duty troops were deployed to the nearly 2,000-mile border this week, including 500 Marines from Camp Pendleton in California. can now reveal that they have been joined with what has been described as a ‘mile long line of DHS trucks and CBP’.
A White House intelligence source said: ‘There is a ‘mile long line of DHS trucks and CBP in front of Camp Pendleton right now, ready to do the biggest illegal immigrant grab in recent history.
‘The West Coast is this week and the East Coast is next week. It is about to get crazy in California. They need to fill 100,000 spots’, meaning arrests is the directive.
The source continued: ‘They are going to be taking 100,000 immigrants back to Mexico, Columbia, El Salvador and Guatemala in this grab.’
More at:
If you believe #China was able to build #DeepSeek for under $10M, I got some swampland in Florida to sell you.
“Fiesta, the Mex Supermarket, is empty now”
Fiesta is – or at least was – pretty serious about their target market. Back when they first came to Houston, decades ago, I was driving along flipping through the radio stations, when I stumbled across a Fiesta jingle on the mex station. “Fiesta! / es la tienda / para nosotros / los latinos!” which, as every good Texan will translate for you, means “Fiesta is the store for us Mexicans.” A damn shame their business is suffering now, innit? I suspect Mexican abuelos y litas still tell the grandkids scary stories about Operacion Wetback. And Trump is waaaay scarier than Ike ever was. So now Fiestas are deserted, and he’s been back in office for all of 8 days now. What’ll he do NEXT month??
US need a law requiring POTUS to verbally justify each pardon and executive order.
It may at least slow down corrupt decrees.
“Three. Six. Nine. Test has failed.”
> New peer reviewed study shows link between vaccines and autism in children.
I think it’s quite likely, but remember the “peer review” process has been pwned to the point where it’s no better than an endorsement from the Weekly World News.