News Briefs – 01/28/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

I recorded audio of the static on the lead dental apron. It was draped over my head from the back to the front, forming a sort-of hood, as the neighbor has been shooting the impulses lately, and the blanket helps. I amplified the audio only, but it is hard to hear. There is a hum, which I think is the EM field he is shooting over here, which is causing the static charges. The static will be the little, faint, sounds, like an insects wings beating suddenly. There are a few which sound like actual zaps. At the end, I think that ticking again is just the Wifi, and probably unrelated. I think what is going on is they are trying to create some kind of charge movement on the Dental apron, to affect the scalp, or maybe even the brain to affect cognition, and they are inducing the charges in the polyethylene sheeting on the surface of the dental apron.

But I think it is similar tech to the tapping and the impulses. Just sometimes, if somebody has something chargeable on their head, they will charge it a certain way to try and affect their brain.

Not much in the way of news today.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) had warned internally of potential issues with mail-in voting during the 2020 election cycle while publicly proclaiming the vote “safe and secure” and censoring social media posts about the risks of a massive vote-by-mail operation, according to newly released CISA documents.

Trump comes out fighting: Donald’s lawyers reveal how they plan to challenge $83.3 MILLION jury verdict in E Jean Carroll case – as they discover ‘startling link between the writer and the judge.’ Carroll’s lawyer and the Judge worked together at one point, with the judge serving as the lawyer’s mentor. Judge never disclosed it.

Crazy E. Jean Carroll accused several men of sexual abuse including CBS CEO Les Moonves – who also emphatically denies her accusation.

Trump’s team reached out to RFK Jr. ‘early on’ about serving as VP: ‘Wouldn’t write it off.’ Common enemies make strange bedfellows. RFK has said no way.

Either AF1 has transformed into a rickety deathtrap under Biden, or he is getting off a fiberglass mockup in  warehouse soundstage somewhere because Secret Service will not let him out due to the risk of Beaming:

Should really get a little Bondo in those cracks and get it a fresh coat of paint before the cardboard underneath gets wet.

The Secret Service has ordered agents to not wear red ties after an agent guarding Trump was photographed sporting a similarly colored red tie as Trump as he took the stage at a campaign rally. They want Trump to stand out? That does not sound good.

Hunter Biden partner Rob Walker confirms payments to Biden family, China deal began when Joe was VP.

Chinese firm sent Biden Enterprise $3 million as ‘thank you’ for work when Joe Biden held office, Comer says.

Who runs the United States of America? Tucker Carlson says he’s never met anyone who could conclusively answer that question. He says he is sure it is not Biden, but cannot find anyone who knows who it is.

Elon Musk joins Trump, Republicans to slam rumored Senate border deal.

MAGA truck convoy called ‘Army of God’ heads to southern border as experts warn border crisis likely to get even WORSE after record 302,000 migrants crossed over into the US.

FBI chiefs are trawling through ‘numerous’ top-level investigations spanning 22 years for fear they were compromised by convicted bureau spook Charles McGonigal, who took money from a sanctioned Russian Oligarch for a job.

Memphis Action News 5 anchor passes away at just 38 years old.

Wall Street Apes –  Here are all the Presidents of foreign countries that were murdered for refusing to allow the Covid vaccines into their countries. Not entirely confident on the sourcing, but interesting none the less.

A Minnesota farmer is suing the state for a program allowing racial and sexual minorities to be first in line to receive a $15,000 grant available to aspiring farmers to purchase coveted farmland.

American-led negotiators are edging closer to an agreement in which Israel would suspend its war in Gaza for about two months in exchange for the release of more than 100 hostages still held by Hamas.

Russia’s Putin derides ‘Russophobia’ in Europe at World War Two memorial. I’d suspect there is no Russia-phobia, just Cabal puppet reciting their lines.

Russian forces will be given “invisibility cloaks” which will fully protect them from heat-detection cameras, a Russian contractor has claimed.

Court ruling could overturn federal control of the National Guard.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for ‘national divorce’ between red and blue states amid Texas border standoff over migration.

So far, Biden has only gotten 63.9% in the New Hampshire primary.

Spread r/K Theory, because you improvise, adapt, and overcome

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1 year ago

Dont know what you used to record your audio example but the “noise floor” youre hearing is all the rfi in your area. Radio frequency interference

Find a ham op who works HF in your area. Simple, search at fcc for amateur licenses in your zip code amd review the list. Bet you know one and just dont know it. Contact local ham club. Dont go into your suspicions just tell them you have a rfi problem and need help finding it. These guys do “fox hunts” for fun/recreation and can triangulate on a signal in short order, sometimes minutes.

The clicking or whatever we’d call it sounds like a router amd/or computer display. We think theres no way that stuff could travel very far but it does. Its radio. Same as a cell phone.

Finally Id say get to the country and replicate recording. I mean the country. Middle of a 2,000 acre corn field. Tell farmer you are researching ambient electrical noise amd to take you to his most remote field where no electricity is nearby. Youll hear the difference believe me.

Not to trivialize your concerns but you are living in an urban area if you can see neighbors and those areas are filled with RFI hell. Why do you think truly rural people are so relaxed? They arent surrounded by all that bullshit.

Used to date a gal who got headaches amd complained of high frequency. Turned wifi off one day as a test but didnt tell her. She said “hey the high frequency went away.” At first blush id say no way she heard anything but i dont hear high freqs well and i proved it with her that she could indeed hear something. Obviously not the actual signal at 1.2 gigahertz or whatever it is but some lower harmonic. And harmonics are real, and just physics.

Rural is relative to people whove never been rural. Used to work with a guy 45 miles outside chicago. Told me he lived in a “rural suburb.” Visited him and could hear the guy next door taking a leak hitting the toilet water while i was knocking on friend’s door. That aint rural. Rural is where you see coons and possums amd bobcats and deer in the back field at any given time of day, no security lights, rattlesnakes in the yard, no visible neighbors, bad cell service, no vehicles after everybody gets home from work, stars so bright you can taste them, your dogs running loose on your property and nobody cares, 200 yard target practice in your back yard and nobody thinks anything about it.

Go to the country, son. Get out of that hellhole.

Write down your reasons why you cant move and realize theyre all just excuses amd are solvable if you just make up your mind.

Reply to  Volt
1 year ago

So much brilliant in a single comment. Thank you. And, AC, please try some or all of these and report?

1 year ago

Added two carriage returns but didnt make proper paragraphs. Hate computers. They are stupid. Sorry for wall of text.

Reply to  Volt
1 year ago

We’ve learned to get over that, just a feature of this WordPress theme.
If you want better paragraphs, try inserting a tiny letter or symbol.

Like this or the period above.

1 year ago

Re: who runs America

Paxton says he does not know who Biden’s “handlers” are. I want to know who handles the handlers.

There are frontmen selling tickets, there are marionettes, there are puppeteers, and then there is the guy who runs the show.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Its never one person, nor group. Ex: bullshit 19, a lot of countries, like china, and the atlanticist liberal faction, got along.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

One of the few good things about the first Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider movie is a scene in a throne room where she’s talking to her double agent ex boyfriend who’s working for the bad guys but is really a pawn. She sits on the throne and says, “I want to know who sits in the big chair. “

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Ingot
1 year ago


1 year ago

Re: MAGA truck convoy

As inspiring as the Canadian trucker protests were, they seemed to be naive about what they faced. They were easily defeated because they had no goal beyond protesting and hoping. Kill Caesar, then what?

Sometime our side will have a Solidarity moment. I hope and expect the MAGA convoy, if in fact it draws sufficient numbers, will have learned valuable lessons from Canada.

Also, would it not be lovely for truck and tractor protests from wherever in the world had a common symbol. Maybe an appropriately modified version of:

comment image

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Heard the argument they won. They got pretty much everything they wanted, the gov’t folded quick, and then THE Gov’t claims victory. Shrug. I don’t know.

Some rando
Some rando
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

What makes any of us think the drivers won’t get a J6 for their trouble?

1 year ago

Re: Trump persecutors’ conflicts of interest

Merely having worked with another lawyer, even in a mentor relationship, is not a conflict of interest. Trump’s lawyer having said so is a revelation of her incompetence. There are significant potential issues implicated by that trial, but they are not discussed publicly, and conflict based on the Kaplans work relationship is not one of them.

Big Keister’s “conflict” seems to be mere criminality. From Trump’s pov, it would be necessary to show how the alleged conflict affected Trump. I might have missed it, but so far I have not seen a specific allegation of how Trump himself was affected. The fact that the “conflict” is salacious and dirty doesn’t count for anything.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Were gifts given? Favors done? Favors owed? It’s going to be fact-based, perhaps nuanced. Disclosure plus a “these do not affect my impartiality” would have this in the clear. Like in many things legal, appearances can be more important than intent.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Also, this could be a feint, designed to shine light on the serious issues or otherwise bait them to show their hand. This is what makes good lawyers worth their price. Billing 4 hours for thinking and strategizing can be worth 12 hours of research.

My firm has weekly meetings where we discuss cases. Sometimes 20 lawyers will each bill 0.5 hours for just talking about a case, and often it results in an idea nobody else had, which idea can absolutely win the case right there.

1 year ago

> Trump’s team reached out to RFK Jr. ‘early on’ about serving as VP: ‘Wouldn’t write it off.’ Common enemies make strange bedfellows. RFK has said no way.

That’s probably Kennedy’s best choice.

If he threw in with Trump, none of the conservatives would trust him, and the liberals would view him as a traitor. His political career would end as “Trump’s VP.”

If he refuses, he will draw off the more-reasonable Democratic voters who won’t like whatever sock puppet the Dems run, but gag at the idea of Trump’s second term. From the Republican side, splitting the Democratic vote is a win.

Either way, the Dems are going to point the fraud cannon at him, too. Splitting the fraud operation makes it more difficult to hide.

1 year ago

All those pushing for a “national divorce” overlook one important fact: demons don’t want peace, and they do not leave others alone. As soon as the “blue states” began running out of resources they would begin trying to take them from the “red states,” and we would be in a perpetual war. Evil cannot be compromised with. Evil must be destroyed.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You have nailed it. I am still astounded (as in mouth open astounded) at how expensive property taxes are out in the middle of the state next door and for what? Schools I have no interest in. Sheriff that is easily 30 minutes away. Fire fighters that are composed of US (me and my neighbors). No water. No electricity. Absolutely not one single stupid thing they claim to “offer” is actually given to me. But I still have to pay THEIR stupid taxes. And it’s because the big claw of government and the mentality of “everyone must pay their ‘fair share'” (whatever that even means). All of the above to say: they will never stop coming after us. They will never stop coming after our children. They will never stop harassing us. Demons never sleep.

Sandy Beech
Sandy Beech
1 year ago

Hey AC, happened upon a solution which inhibits all the fuckery these jamikes do, from the invisable fuckers slinking around my land to the nighborhood surveillance hose, to all the vehicular coverage. And it worked in a snap.
Long story short, and I really had no idea how this was going to work, but what the heck, it was time to really fight back instead of remaining a helpless victim. GE sells these LED lights, high grade all the way, “Ultra Bright LED’s”, outdoor wet rated, grabbed a couple simple outdoor 2 socket lamps, the cheapies with the multi angle swivel sockets, and mounted them on the highest point of the face peak of the house, pointed those lamps at the road and the next door. angstalker house, across the frnt and side yards.
It was like throwing an anti-surveillance switch. BAM! It all stopped. Except for a rare very quick vehicle drive-by, everything ended.
If you remember me telling you my experience with invisable men, particularly the instance when that character on the very wird 4-wheeler pulling in at 3am, and how I had him spot lighted with a 1000 lumen led weapon light? I jad noticed previously on two other previous occassions how the LED weapon light defeated their cameleo suit camo system. Kind if attributed it to the 100hrz cycle high grade LED weapon lights produce i believe from the buck-boost converter/voltage control used in them.
Well afer invisable guy on the 4 wheeler got to thinking what a 120 volt AC powered spot and flood light would do for our defense against the fuckers.

Lowes sells the GE bulbs, they have these markings on the box;
GE Uktra Bright LED
Exceptionally Bright (are they ever! crazy bright intense beam)
Outdoor Wet Rated
Daylight (color temp)
250w (equivilent 32 watt led)
Medium Base
Brightness: 3000 lumens
22 Year Life
Cool Bluish-White Daylight
40deg Beam Spread

Can not reccommend this enough. They get switched on at dusk and off after dawn lights up the sky. The results exceeded my wildest hopes forcsome method of passive defense. For some reason they do not like the light. Which giving it a good think, makes sense cause these fuckers are not of the light, ie whats good true and beautiful, they are of the dark, lot of them go thru sime form of dark satanic rights or rituals, they eat dark essense, literally, be it totuted baby blood or doing the murder rape blackmail thing, but what ever they all submit to their masters in some way which binds them to the dark side. I’ not embellishing one iota AC. You go get yourself these bulbs, point those suckers straight at the houses they are giving you the beam from, dollars to donuts it goes away. Did for us. Our electric baseboard heater elements would ring and buzz, makes these hysteris sounds up and down frequencies, our dogs would go nuts, run into a closet and start digging like they where possessed. Now? Nada. Zip. Nothing. No invisable man. Have not had a gangstalker in months sitting out on the road watching us. It is wonderful. Simply using these led lights. Surely there is more involved but its the results which matter.

Reply to  Sandy Beech
1 year ago

lol. Daniel vs Goliath. Genius

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago


Reply to  Sandy Beech
1 year ago

Dr. Lee Merritt talked about certain types not liking blue lights, meaning UV in particular. She recommended having a UV flashlight as well.

1 year ago

Either AF1 has transformed into a rickety deathtrap under Biden, or he is getting off a fiberglass mockup in warehouse soundstage somewhere because Secret Service will not let him out due to the risk of Beaming:

I think this one is misleading. The part that looks brown and most cracked is actually polished aluminum. I think the whole thing is reflecting the tarmac, which is why it is all so overexposed. What looks like damage is just cracked tarmac reflecting in the surface of the plane.
Also, remember because he is a broken down old fool, he has to use the bottom service stairs, and not the normal ceremonial stairs, so the plane is curving up above him n

1 year ago

Russian forces will be given “invisibility cloaks” which will fully protect them from heat-detection cameras, a Russian contractor has claimed.

Its a camo cloak with a Mylar space blanket layer and an air gap. NCscout in the IIIper community developed something like this years ago as a Jaeger cover, and it costs <$100 to make.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

This was interesting as well…

Sandy Beech
Sandy Beech
1 year ago

Why they avoid the LED lights may have to do with frequencies, as in these lights i mentioned above put out high frequencies, and the enemy are low frequency humans, (? are they still human like us?), because of the satanic bindings or whatever, but high frequencies are beneficial while very low cause harm. GOD definitely is a high frequency entity, why he is of the light, and anti-god/satan, whatever the name, is of the darkness/lowest frequencies.

Sandy Beech
Sandy Beech
1 year ago

Tucker Fucker is beyond being a consumate bald faced liar, he is a consumate spook, one if the too level operatives, high ranked handler and psy-op agent.
He knows exactly who runs every government on earth. He and his compatriots. Every politition on earth has at least one handler, they all are given orders on what they are to say who they talk with how to vote etc, no exceptions, even presidents and other potentates, before they are sworn in they all get a talking too, told who owns them who controls what they do, no exceptions.
Waych Tucker and Elon real close, or say WRSA blog when Pete posts something, they are telling us what they are doing or going to do to us. And thats not a choice either, they must tell us what they plan to do to us, its the “Curse of Solomon,” he was granted powers if he always got humanities consent. Part of the deal he made. What the fuckers figured out is how to circumnavigate the “curse” using what they technically termed “implied consent”, long as we are told it passes the sniff test, in large part what the movie industry was used for over the last 4-5 decades, lot of movies, and like the Simpsons, they play out their next operations or key aspects of agenda, false flags, whatever they got going. Watch Tucker with this in mind and everything he says begins to make a lot more sense. An example with Elon, how week ago or so he twittered something about our homes would be next for housing the alien invaders. He is saying thats eventually exactly what “authorities” will force probably only upon White Christian, and real White Jews home owners, (not the fake Ashkenazi/Khazarian “jews”, the population of fake Americans, they will not be subject to this genocide strategy, because they are part and parcel of it in the US, its why they love themselves the whole woke Faggot-Homo-Pedo-DEI-Victim-Stance, etc).
Elon is literally telling you what is planned for you anon. Just watch them all, stay tuned to that tactic and strategy, you will see it everywhere in everything.

1 year ago

ifunny has electrical engineering majors in college reading it. Is there a way to present your issues to ifunny? I don’t know what it is. It’s some sort of website I hear mentioned as very alt, freedom friendly. It might be the sort of thing they want to mess with. With Jacob’s ladders and electrical arcs, it might be catnip. With resonance tapping, that’s a thing they do for fun.

1 year ago

Re: Trump civil suit

As broad and powerful as juries are, and as almost totally deferential as appellate courts are to a jury’s verdict, there exists the rare legal concept of incredible as a matter of law. But this is a concept which a party must raise at the trial level in order to raise the issue on appeal.

The Carroll testimony against Trump was incredible as a matter of law, IMO (from media accounts). Even if what was alleged were physically possible – – IOW not inherently impossible – – the testimony was so lacking in reliability as to be a legal nullity.

Another legal concept that is just as rare but just as valid is the idea that judicial proceedings must not only be fair, but just as importantly, they must be SEEN to be fair. Again, this issue must be raised at trial in order to be heard on appeal.

The chances of success on either issue would be small, but they are both issues which would be immensely powerful as means to frame the case in a 100% valid way. These are the sort of issues which could start off a brief in a powerful way which was not full of absurd and political rhetoric which has no legal validity on appeal.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tonawanda
1 year ago

20 years ago, when the CADPAT digital disruptive camouflage was new (which Canada later sold to the US – the Marines called it MARPAT) we were told that it would make us invisible to IR. Although the rumour was, it stopped working after a couple of washes.

No idea if that was true, just telling you what I was told back when I was a Private.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

Not surprising that everybody is turning against Russia since it appears to be the only overt Christian country left in the world today, especially the only country taking a direct stand against the globahomo world order.

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

Carroll and Ballsy-Ford testimonies, legal theories (sic) and cases will be taught in law schools. Also on the syllabus, those rabid supporters in the media.

1 year ago

In advertising, interracial couples are still 99% WFBM.

“The Evolution.” -Very subtle.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Black men being fetish objects.

1 year ago

Not mentioned: The Chinese EV market is wild! It’s tiny little factories. They have a warehouse build. In the back is the factory. In the middle is the inventory closet. It’s the backroom like every backroom: metal shelves, cardboard boxes with supplies. In the front is a showroom. There’s an office somewhere, with staff with slim modern computers. It’s one warehouse.

The next warehouse over is a completely different brand. Then next door to that. Then next door to that.

The cars are innovative in features and presentation. They are building instagrammable cars in pastels. They have serious cars. They have ones for all kinds of industrial applications. They have wild front variations. It’s like the innovative cars of the 1950s in America. There isn’t one standard shape or one popular color. I think they have small manufacturing runs. They can be wildly customized right on the shop floor.

This is how we used to be. I don’t know why we are not like this now.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

We are not like that because the law and the economy are designed to make it impossible.

Their problem is that everything is made of chinesium and breaks down or blows up quickly.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

sigh. but I waa—aa—aa—aa–ntt a sparkly pink car with a signature perfume blowing out the air vents and white pleather interior and giant touchscreen navigations…..with ads that are aimed straight at girly me. Lipsticks, handbags, fancy clothes, drives with happy friends, pop music, white and pink wheel covers..

All this grey and beige and strenuous jock advertising, grim greens, trying to look like a rich European snot, or grey and lumpy like a peasant….for crazy high prices……I don’t want.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I’d like to think we can work our way back to something like this. With tech, with machines, with flexibility. I don’t know how, but it feels like a crime that Chinese people get to be exuberantly inventive with manufactured everything, while we are existing on sclerotic, old, outdated, oversized, everything.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Anyone can make something shiny and appealing to morons. I’d pay good money to see one of those shit boxes take a minor tap to the battery at speed, the fireworks would be impressive I’m sure

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I didn’t say anything about the quality or engineering. I talked about style. Right now, American cars have a pretty limited range of styles and colors. The cars’ styles do not appeal to me.

The Chinese car that captivated me has less power than an American golf cart.

However: it is charming. It is in a factory that is one warehouse. It’s next to a factory that makes a completely different car. The next door factory is one warehouse. The factory next to that is one warehouse. Each of their products has a different look. None of it looks like cheap copies of American legacy products. They are innovating. The factories have shiny new machines making parts. There are so many different tiny little factories making cars at all price points and power levels. It’s not Tesla or bust. It’s a whole market, rather than one brittle, giant manufacturer, or a sclerotic, oversized, just…….old and clunky and boring…

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

Birth control means women lack a stress response in the face of danger…

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

So, that means birth control is an synthetic form of Toxoplasma gondii. No wonder women have been making poor dating and marriage choices; also, it explains why so many European woman welcomed African migrants. The question becomes: does this become an epigenetic change passed on to the female’s offspring?
Well, yes, in one way it would.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
1 year ago

Had a really good research day today.

First I found a line of commercial, but for military/intelligence/search&rescue, products touted as “through-wall life detectors”. The company, Camero:

Camero, part of the SK Group, is a world leader in the design and production of UWB Radio Imaging systems, primarily for ‘Sense Through The Wall’ (STTW) and ‘Body Scanning’ applications. Founded in early 2004, Camero provides solutions to major government and commercial customers

First they have the Xaver 1000 product:

The Xaver™1000 is the new generation of the Camero Xaver™ product line equipped with an AI-based tracking of live target patterns

The Xaver™1000 is a real-time 3D ‘Sense-Through The Wall’ imaging device that enables the detection of live objects (static or dynamic) behind walls and building obstacles

The Xaver™1000 provides an unprecedented resolution of body parts and position: sitting, standing, lying down, and the height of the live objects

The Xaver™1000 has the ability to distinguish whether the object is an adult, a child or an animal

The Xaver™1000 is optimized for tactical and ISR operations by gathering mission-critical accurate real-time information about living objects from behind solid walls and barriers including:

– Presence of life in the room

– Number of people and their distance from the system

– Can be operated near-wall or in stand-off mode

– Target height and orientation

– Room general layout, including dimensions and major infrastructure elements

This one is supposed to be used on the exterior wall of the building you’re inspecting. Note the callouts for AI-based tracking, resolution of body parts, and room layout.

Their other most notable product is the Xaver LR80:

The Xaver™ LR80 (XLR80) enables to detect live objects through the wall at more than 100m away. The system is optimized for urban and rural operations, by gathering mission critical, accurate real-time information of live objects hidden beyond walls, while staying far away in a safe position

I know we’ve already established that the tech exists, but the point is there are off-the-shelf products on the market now to use radar to locate people in buildings, optionally at a distance.

Important to note, on their home page, they call out that it is UWB (Ultra Wide Band) technology. I think that means it is in the range of 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz based on a few websites, but I’m having trouble finding the canonical definition from the FCC on that range. Doesn’t mean the beam is using a frequency in that range, doesn’t mean they are detecting with a frequency in that range, but if it were a standard commercial product, that frequency range would be a starting point for detection.

I also noticed that the Xaver products mention ICNIRP compliance, which stands for “International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection” . FWIW, the ICNIRP page on the difference between the 1998 and 2020 regulations mentions Microwave Hearing Effect:

Sub-millisecond pulses of RF EMF can result in audible sound. This occurs due to thermo-elastic tissue expansion resulting from very small (circa 0.00001°C) temperature rises, which is detected by sensory cells in the cochlea via the same processes involved in normal hearing. ICNIRP (1998) set a restriction to avoid the possibility of this auditory phenomenon. However, as this represents a sensory phenomenon, with no evidence that it would adversely affect health, this restriction is not used in the ICNIRP (2020) guidelines.

Wikipedia calls it “the microwave auditory effect” and says it “consists of the human perception of audible clicks, buzzing, hissing or knocking induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies”.

Last, here is an openly available research paper on Using RF Signals to Generate Indoor Maps. It’s long but it’s pretty approachable IMO. It covers a lot of detail on how they would map out a room using radio signals and software to process the results. They have several explanations on how corners and doors can cause problems… and guess what, they use Machine Learning, i.e. AI, to solve all those problems.

Based on a quick read through that paper, it still sounds like deliberate RF noise on a very frequent basis would disturb the process. The spinning parabolic dish idea I suggested yesterday might work, but I would update it to be not one parabolic dish on a turntable, but a set of 4 so that any directed radio signal reaching that area would reflect in an effectively random direction, instead of only having a ~25% chance of reflecting off the interior of the parabola. But at that point, the spark gap approach just seems so much simpler to manage.

If the whole system is automated, trying to outsmart seems like a losing battle. If they can find the right angle of reflection to get through a small opening in a tent, you would either need to set up a kind of airlock system to eliminate the possibility of a gap… or you force the system to have garbage input to produce garbage output. At best they could filter out some levels of garbage input, but not if you are saturating enough of their used frequencies on an irregular interval they can’t predict.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

Evergrande: Crisis-hit Chinese property giant ordered to liquidate

1 year ago

Musk’s X aims to hire 100 content moderators in Austin by end of year