Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed is here.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Pro-Trump meme maker and twitter celebrity from 2016, Ricky Vaughn, is indicted for retweeting a meme making fun of leftist voter IQs by pretending to tell them they could vote by text message back in 2016. They waited until Trump was out of office to lay the indictment. They may also be trying to provoke the most triggerable to try and go violent, so they can clamp down with their own insurrection act and martial law. Ricky was one of us, which is why he is a target. No word yet on any defense fund, but I hope he knows how many of us haven’t forgotten him or the important work he did for the nation. This will be illuminating to you though, because everybody in the game followed this guy, and knew him, and it is incredibly significant this government is now laying an indictment on a simple twitterer who tweeted a joke meme almost five years ago. We’ve gone from uber-socialism to criminalizing harmless dissidents over nothing from almost five years ago. Our transformation is almost complete. By all rights, this story should lead Newsmax and OAN, told by reporters fearing for their own lives. If it does not, you will know who is in the network, and in Ricky’s case, who is not. Notice Vox Day got it up almost immediately.
Vox Day writes, “This is no longer about ideology. All the idearrhea about “liberal” and “conservative” and “communism” and “objectivism” is a veil to obscure the realities of the stacked deck. It’s about lawless rule by a small, mostly foreign and self-appointed fake elite. They all have imposter syndrome because they are all imposters.” Absolutely, 100% dead on. This is where an understanding of the system leads you. I used to rail at leftists on here when I was ignorant, but not so much any more. They still irritate me a little, but it is in the same way a blindly devoted Conservative or Republican irritates me – because they fail to open their mind to the fact that “their” leaders hold none of the beliefs they do, and they are just using them like pawns to get larger hidden bank account balances, deposited by those at the top of the pyramid, who are absolutely everything we all hate with a passion. They are sacrificing their autonomy for a machine that ultimately views them as the enemy and is the very evil they profess to hate.
The latest episode of Patrick Byrne’s experiences fighting election fraud. It sounds like Rudy was either in over his head, or he was throwing the game. I never thought that whole court case thing was how this would be decided though, given we live in the age of raw power and blackmail/intelligence. I would question the competence of anyone wanting to play in an arena where there was any form of competition, which would involve possibly winning or losing. It is partly why I still give Q credence. Q is how the battle would be fought, because it is how Cabal would fight, and if you wanted a chance, it is how you would have to fight too. Still, if Patrick’s account is true, Rudy should have been fighting to win. I’m going to do another post just on this later, and some other thoughts on it.
Navy “UFO patent” documents talk of “Spacetime Modification Weapon,” and details experimental testing. From the warzone website, and not Art Bell.
Discord bans the r/WallStreetBets server which began the short-squeeze on GameSpot. They needed it to look organic, so they needed to use an organic community. But in doing so they gave the community clout, so they will have to destroy it as well. I suspect Reddit is just keeping them around to fuel the short-squeezes until it comes down.
Who remembers Proud Boy’s leader Enrique Tarrio being arrested prior to a protest in DC? I thought at the time it had the feel of FBI taking one of their game pieces off the board to protect it during a dangerous period. I think I even posted that here. It turns out he appears to have been an FBI asset after all. What will surprise people is it will turn out to have been like this everywhere from investment firms, to the Hell’s Angels and Mongols, to Cartel drug wholesale operations, to the Mafia. It is easy to make it that way because Management can use carrots and sticks to help theirs and take out others, until their asset is at the top of the hierarchy, and then they just leave it be. But given we see the politicians on both sides of the Uniparty are controlled, the media is controlled, Antifa and BLM are controlled, MS-13 is controlled, and even the groups on our side are controlled, all we are is observers watching a machine, every piece of which is under control, scripted, and designed to control our opinions.
Democrats seeking to root out ‘White Supremacists’ from the military. A little while back, Trump said they were going to do something, but “not quite yet.” I hope if something is coming, it happens soon. The fact Trump is not on Gab blasting all his enemies all day long makes me think of Q saying President Trump would have to be detached from what was going to happen for reasons of optics. Him laying so low, against all we know of him, might be a good sign. Also someone pointed out Biden has reversed a lot of Executive orders, but not the election integrity one.
Witness depositions in the Epstein case. I haven’t had time to go through them yet.
Dow drops more than 600 points for its worst day since October, S&P 500 goes red for the year. I think a lot of smart investors are looking at things, and seeing the inevitable. Things are going down under Biden. China demands it, and probably demands it in alliance with Cabal. Now the masses are so pissed off they are expending resources just to crash things. and there might even be a hidden hand behind it all from the top which has decided it is all coming down in spectacular fashion now so the traitors can seize full control. China might even have put a bounty on our economy after seeing what Donald Trump did over the last four years. I can’t say for sure if the short-squeezes are a Cabal-plot or not (though it feels like it, and isn’t getting nuked on 4Chan, which I think it would if it were organic). Nor can I say for sure if it is good or bad long term. But regardless, understand they may take things down completely, and be prepared in whatever way you can, even to profit if you can when it happens. Along those lines, now might not be the best time to have all your cash in a bank either, FDIC insured or not. I think it likely something is happening behind the scenes, and if it is, the fraud may be revealed, and give us a second shot at the last election. But if not, I would bet on a collapse in the next six months.
Also, on 4Chan there is a remarkable rise in posts that are turning this into a 99% vs the 1% revolution. One even compared this to the Deep State/Cabal vs Patriots conflict and called the latter “kind of cringy and too conpiratorial/nationalistic for the average Joe.”
One attempt at a meme says, “99% of lives matter.” I think Cabal is on the verge of exposure, so they are basically about to sacrifice their Rooks and Bishops by turning this into a 99% vs the known Cabal money managers, who are all the last line of defense. Meanwhile real Cabal is hiding behind trusts and LLCs out of the Caribbean, and nobody even knows they exist. So pay no attention to the blackmail/pedo networks, or the networks killing people like Seth Rich, or the surveillance, or the Chinese spies setting our national policy and economic rules, or the real machine that controls everything from the government to the crime networks, to the media, to the street protesters, to the criminal underworld. Sadly, this has worked for them in the past. as one poster pointed out with the bourgeois vs proletariat, Nazis vs ruling Jews, peasants vs royals, and now average Joes vs Wall Street. This is how these things go once the revolution is upon us.
That said, America is not predisposed to surrender to r-selection, and unlike places that fall to communism, we are armed to the teeth, and all it will take is one kill, for the rage feeding this to turn into an uncontrollable urge to punch holes in political enemies. Killing is addictive under these circumstances. I’d have to think any Generals looking at this, and maybe deciding where to throw their support in whatever is happening behind the scenes, would realize this path leads to a surefire bloodbath of a Civil War that will tear the country apart, as the entire Constitution is destroyed by a relative handful of foreign traitors. Pulling the resources with a collapse will only leave everyone with nothing to lose.
Mass. Secretary of State Bill Galvin calls for 30-day suspension of GameStop stock trading.
GameStop, AMC trading are now being restricted at TD Ameritrade, Schwab.
DHS issues an advisory saying that due to the political situation, there is a high threat of violence which will extend until the 30th of April. No idea whether this means a False Flag is incoming, or President Trump will return to the fold, or there is something much bigger going on under the surface which might involve a round up of traitors working for China.
Oddly enough the Census Data will not be processed until the 30th of April.
Sen. Tom Carper announces bill to give D.C. statehood.
The business climate in this country will be made dramatically worse very soon due to the OMB courtesy of a Biden EO. Again, it is all going to come down very soon if Biden remains in office and Trump and Q have no moves. You are seeing the stage set in real time, and so are the elites who never lose. Enjoy short squeezing for now if you want, but that will become real unprofitable very fast once the elites are divested, so be ready for that too.
Biden brother touts relationship with president in Inauguration Day ad for law firm.
Biden’s climate orders will flip America’s National Security on its head by putting climate concerns over national security concerns. At the top, all leftism is about the excuse to betray our country, so nobody will notice the payoff from a foreign competitor.
Biden signs executive order to ban the term ‘Chinavirus’ when talking about the Chinavirus. Looks like Hunter will have to set aside more Renminbi for the Big Guy in his next deal.
Biden Commerce Secretary nominee suggests they might break a pretty important campaign promise about not raising taxes on the middle class to pay for Climate Policies. All you know for sure is this is so exaggerated it is some sort of theater. Biden is clearly fucking over everyone blatantly. The only thing I cannot tell is if he is doing it on orders from China to genuinely fuck us all over, or if he might be doing it for the counter-conspiracy, to destroy the Democrat party once and for all.
Maricopa County officials on Wednesday decided to approve unanimously a plan to hire two preferred firms to audit election equipment used during the 2020 presidential election but denied GOP State senators the ability to perform their own forensic audit. Any organization which can pose a threat to Cabal will be controlled. And any opportunity to expose Cabal will have to overcome multiple points of control.
Long Island man, 27, charged with taking part in the Capitol riot claims he is not a Trump supporter and was in DC to ‘understand’ MAGA insurgents. In other words, the network deployed him with orders.
Facebook is allowing Antifa to post jobs on their platform recruiting children, from high school to elementary ages. I’ve told you, intel uses children.
Biden’s press office will ban any media outlet that ‘traffics in conspiracy theories.’
U.S. renews relations with the terrorists of Hamas. Just another Cabal ground unit.
Another Capitol Cop commits suicide after the Jan 6th protest.
Bill Whittle covers why agreeing to terms of service of social media giants is a mistake.
Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged madame of the late American intercourse offender Jeffrey Epstein, is searching for a dismissal of her intercourse abuse case over claims that the grand jury that indicted her was “too white.” Is it me, or is it a little racist to say blacks and Mexicans would be more sympathetic to sex trafficking?
Gavin Newsom recall closes in on signature count with 7 weeks to go.
US COVID-19 cases tumble across the west & south just after Biden’s inauguration.
Over 31,000 people in the U.S. died from Coronavirus during Joe Biden’s first week in office.
Fauci says the COVID vaccine rollout needs to prioritize people of color.
Rand Paul says facemasks are never going to go away under the left (but really Cabal). Here is a weird thought. Reading faces, and judging emotion, is a highly amygdala-centric cognitive process. So when you see hundreds of faces every day, your amygdala is working overtime, analyzing each one, relevance weighing each wrinkle or twitch. Suppose you remove all of that, by covering every face you see. Maybe the amygdala focuses on the eyes and still works, I don’t know. But I know there is a lot of research that seeing faces is amygdala-triggering and exercising, and I can’t help but wonder if some egghead thinks by covering faces they can atrophy amygdalae, and make people more copacetic and submissive – and leftist.
Oxford study finds 33% likelihood for COVID survivors developing mental illness. Although the truth is, that is probably roughly the percentage of people who voted for Biden. 33% of the regular population may be clinically crazy too.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the B.1.1.7 variant of COVID-19 which was said to be 50% to 70% more contagious, has now been discovered to also be 30% deadlier. There is a phenomenon whereby vaccinating against a pathogen which is still transmissible after vaccination (a “leaky” vaccine), can enhance lethality. Leave it to these idiots to make the virus more deadly. Or it is just all more panic to enhance control.
Ohio National Guard deploys 150 military police to Washington, D.C. for ongoing security.
State Senate GOP shuts down Whitmer board appointments until lockdowns are lifted.
Rep. Matt Gaetz to hold a rally in Wyo. to call for ousting of Rep. Cheney.
House GOP Conference Chairwoman Rep. Liz Cheney has seen her political support completely collapse in Wyoming as solid majorities of both Republicans and all voters in the state want her out of office. I don’t think she is stupid. She had to know opposing a guy who could fill a Superbowl-sized arena with 20 minutes notice almost anywhere in the country was a bad idea. My guess is she has no choice but to repeat what the voice in her earpiece tells her to say.
Former President Trump’s standing among Republicans has improved even more since leaving office.
President Trump heard about a military vet with bladder cancer, and cut a check on the spot for $10,000 to aid him in treatment. Things you never heard from the media.
US ‘satisfaction’ was higher under Trump than Obama, Bush, best in 16 years.
Sinozionist stooge Biden bans the term China-virus:
Speaking of Rudy Giuliani playing to win,
Hate to be the one to remind everyone but Rudy Giuliani was Central Casting in the Bush43 WTC 1, 2, and 7 False Flag operations. Thus, did he suddenly change sides for the sake of MAGA… or is this just one more long-con-psyop?
he’s worthy of suspicion, but I don’t think trump ever planned to win in court. the unaparty/cabal wouldn’t allow it.
My only problem with that is why would Trump even initiate lawsuits that he never intended to win or present real evidence of fraud.
Sending in Rudy empty handed just made Trump look ridiculous. It actually undermined claims of fraud.
Nothing adds up about any of this.
But he couldn’t not do something, because it would look weird. If this is something to catch foreign agents hacking an election (Which I think goes back to at least when I saw it in 1998), then they must have seen some advantage to having a traitor actually documented as being seated. If that was the case, they needed to put on a show, but still lose. Trump had a 3 foot putt put in front of him and all he had to do was sign a piece of paper. But he didn’t. That is not the Trump I have seen. He knew something.
It is either that, or Cabal and China actually teamed with Euro Intel and the deep state to successfully get the ball past our goalie, and Trump got betrayed somewhere and they won. On the one hand, Trump and Q could always release enough about things that are done to almost every single American to set off a civil war. That they haven’t says to me they likely still feel in control. But they did face the intelligence agencies of several first world nations, as well as China and I assume our entire CIA, FBI, and maybe a few other agencies.
I think Patriots will win, but it is tough to say because obviously there is a lot about this thing we are not aware of.
My first exposure to the fraud was the stealing of the Republican primaries from Pat Buchanan in 1996.
* At 4pm Governor Symington called the Buchanan state headquarters congratulating Buchanan’s win. According to NBC poll estimates, he said, Buchanan won the primary by a wide margin.
* Networks were reporting his lead all day, and suddenly… Steve Forbes was substantially ahead with Bob Dole 2nd, and Buchanan 3rd.
* For the first time in the state’s history voters were told they “could vote in any precinct they wanted” rather than their local precinct.
* Another first – a special white ballot card – of which 60 thousand voters received duplicates allowing them to vote twice by simply driving to another precinct after the first vote was cast.
* Eye-witnesses (willing to affirm this under oath) who watched representatives from the Board of Elections removing ballot boxes in the highly populated Maricopa County precincts at 2pm – long before the polls closed.
* On the basis of 60,000 duplicate cards alone, this election should be thrown out.
As your subject report stated, Arizona’s Governor, Fife Symington, called the Buchanan State HQ at 4 p.m. on Feb. 27, the day of the Arizona primary, to congratulate him on his victory.
But did you know that Sen. John McCain, who initially backed Phil Gramm, then switched his support to Bob Dole just before the AZ primary, sent a FAX the same day to the AZ media also congratulating Buchanan on victory?
According to an Associated Press report carried by the PHOENIX GAZETTE on Feb. 28, 1996, McCain’s office “sent out a FAX minutes after the Arizona polls closed, congratulating Pat Buchanan on his victory.”
“‘Today, Pat Buchanan deserves our congratulations for winning a plurality of support from Arizona Republicans,’ McCain said in a statement sent to media outlets across Arizona minutes after the polls closing,” the AP reported.
The statement was apparently issued after McCain’s press secretary called CNN to get the early results.
Interesting, two years before my sighting. I wonder how far back it goes. Supposedly they told Reagan they wouldn’t let him win unless he took on Poppy Bush as a running mate.
May explain why Ilian Omar was teflon coated.
empty handed, no. not fully armed, yes. many tentacles moving and swirling. trump fu in process.
My vote is useful idiot…currently….
Member DJT snuggling with MizG?
This dude has some interesting stuff on mr t
General Flynn’s younger brother, LTG Charles Flynn is going to be the next commander of US Army Pacific, according to the DoD. DoD might be the 4th branch of government right now.
AC writes: “But given we see the politicians on both sides of the Uniparty are controlled, the media is controlled, Antifa and BLM are controlled, MS-13 is controlled, and even the groups on our side are controlled, all we are is observers watching a machine, every piece of which is under control, scripted, and designed to control our opinions.”
Aaaaannnd that is why Monarch is better! At least some Monarchs have the best intention of their people upfront. This was the whole raison-d’-etre of modern republicanism and anti-monarchialism to get to that point above by AC.
It is important to remember the Virtue of Righteousness—to preserve ancient institutions and customs.
And now, we know why.
“…Aaaaannnd that is why Monarch is better! …”
And Monarchs are never corrupt…right…
I bet you like to be whipped. People who worship authority over them frequently like that sort of thing. Or licking boots or other such nasty things. Groveling. Lots of groveling.
a good monarch is great. but for cabal, its just one guy to bribe…
Monarchs are sometimes corrupt, and sometimes corrupt monarchs are followed by good monarchs.
“Democracy” is always corrupted, and the corruption only ever gets worse, never less.
Agree. I believe AC wrote once that 1 guy is more easily corrupted than many, but I argue what Br0nzeAg3Pervert says: that by being in the spotlight, a monarch is less corruptable as the people will hold him accountable for what happens
The solution lies in a mixture of the strengths of the two systems.
We need a new kind of Republic where ALMOST all power is concentrated in the hands of one man who can be held responsible and replaced.
“Democracy” is always corrupted, and the corruption only ever gets worse, never less.
I don’t disagree with this at all but we’re not supposed to be this form of government. It was corrupted by illegal Judge rulings. It’s possible to change this.
Now people who are constantly criticizing “the basic founding” of our government are not rationally judging it by it original form.
It’s like if someone told you they were going to give you some chocolate and handed you a pile of shit. If you were to then say all chocolate is shit you would be mistaken. That the present corrupted government is shit says nothing about what was in the original.
The 17th Amendment must be repealed. This changed Senators from being appointed by their state governments, thus being State’s Men, into pandering, whores, directly elected by whatever incompetents have been granted “da vote.” This effectively stripped all states of True representation in the federal government, as Senators became mere glorified representatives. Muh Democracy!
The seventeenth amentment was passed about the same time as the federal reserve act and the Marxist progressive income tax (16th amendment) made the scene. There was very little debate or understanding at the time, about how this HUGE subversion of the federal Constitution would Affect. Literally. Everything!
It would be easy enough to repeal the 17th, if enough people, including those in State governments, could learn about it. Even today, almost nobody seems to know much.
Note that Senators would be spared from spending most of their time campaigning, and would also again answer to control by their state governments.
All American Patriots and MAGA folk must begin spreading this information and pushing for action. Please pass this message on. Thanks.
Sam J. writes: “People who worship authority over them frequently like that sort of thing.”
Which people had one of the most authoritarian governments over them?
The Spartans.
Yet–they held the most admiration from the Classical World! Xenophon, an Ionian, stated that they were all “Kalos-kagathos”, translated as “the Good and the Beautiful”–and they had the most successful armies in the world—AND Stable Government. They were deeply pious and religious to boot. Socrates and the Seven Sages before him were all admirers, adherents and disciples of Spartan Culture—-Imitation—is the highest form of flattery. Plato labelled them the best state.
The Romans coined the term auctoritas. The Roman Republic was based on Auctoritas, Authority.
Who had REAL men? The Spartans and the Romans—and the Roman military insignia was copied from the Spartans as well as their form of government!.
Authority breeds Real Men, Hard men. It is Democracy that breeds pusillanimous men.
In Life—which is a State of War—only Governments that are Authoritarian to some degree, Not absolute, are successful.
For a defense of Monarchy, over democracy, please see Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn’s book, “Liberty or Equality”.
Sam—What does a Family have? The Father has Authority over the Family. It s there in the family unit! The State, Nation is a Family, a macro-organism–it too operates like the family. It must.
Sam J. Monarchy can and does go bad. The whole of British monarchy today is Kaput. Prince William running around saving animals and yelling about Climate change—while his people are being genocided! What a Joke. The Catholic Emperor of Austria, the same—he did nothing about the state of his nation and let the Jews run wild in the streets.
I’m for Mixed Government which was the Spartans, Romans and Tudor England. When the Monarch goes bad–the aristocracy is supposed to take him out. Put an aristocrat in and make the new family, royalty. That is how it should be done. But a King is never alone–and is counseled by the Aristocracy.
The Monarch is the War Lord, the Aristocracy are the War Captains.
Sam—IT IS ALL ABOUT CHARACTER TRAINING. Arete. Kings and Aristocracy have TO BE TRAINED to their stations of life.
Anything can be corrupted. It is Arete that is the bulwark against corruption—not systems of government.
“…Which people had one of the most authoritarian governments over them?
The Spartans…”
Not even remotely true. They had two kings opposed to each other. A group of Ephors who could put the kings on trial.
“The Ephors were elected by the popular assembly, and all citizens were eligible. They were forbidden to be re-elected and provided a balance for the two kings, who rarely co-operated.”
Groups of representatives below them. It was very mixed. That they supported Oligarchs was only because they wanted governments they could corrupt.
Your so far off the mark you not even on the page.
And every man his own little pope, think the anti-papists. Unfortunately, the idea that everyone is their own sovereign is a judeo-masonic lie. Proper authority is part of natural law. And a proper monarch is the way such authority should exist.
See, e.g.:
” Proper authority is part of natural law.”
Maybe you should have better sense than to pick the boy fucking pope for that position.
Monarch is to politician as owner is to renter. The owner will do maintenance, the renter will strip the copper out of the walls.
Hegelian dialectic again.
Doesn’t matter whether you have a King, a republic, an Emperor, or maybe just some judges.
All that matters is that you obey God’s laws. Go read Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26, start with the blessings, then look at the curses. We are in the curses period.
The judges period under God was great for Israel.
The kings period, far less good, sometimes catastrophic.
King Alfred the Great knew that, had great faith, set up a theonomic nation, Britian. That’s why Alfred is called ‘The Great’, and why Britain was ‘Great’ by the way, stuck with the law for over 1100 years. Queen Elizabeth II though, she’s signed off on hundreds of men’s laws that take God’s laws away, and replace them with sodomy, usury, adultery, divorce, Sabbath-breaking, idolatry, the list is very long.
Only a return to rule under God’s laws can rescue a nation. Prophesy tells us it won’t happen, so save yourselves by establishing God’s laws, through your faith, doing them in your daily lives.
You monarchists think we are stupid but we aren’t.
History shows that those with all power and no responsibility abuse their power, eve to their own detriment.
Only a balance of power can create the correct outcome.
King David didn’t, nor Solomon (in his public rule life), nor a few other kings who stuck to God’s laws. Nor Alfred the Great.
Hmm, what’s the crucial ingredient then?
Is it the King?
Or is it faithful obedience to God’s laws?
Have a think.
Don’t know about Alfred, but David and Solomon BOTH did abuse their power.
Go read the Bible.
And we could find lots of non-king rulers who didn’t.
GOD’s law is all well and good but very few kings obey it.
“I used to rail at leftists on here when I was ignorant, but not so much any more. They still irritate me a little, but it is in the same way a blindly devoted Conservative or Republican irritates me – because they fail to open their mind to the fact that “their” leaders hold none of the beliefs they do, and they are just using them like pawns to get larger hidden bank account balances, deposited by those at the top of the pyramid, who are absolutely everything we all hate with a passion. They are sacrificing their autonomy for a machine that ultimately views them as the enemy and is the very evil they profess to hate.”
Its the murderous hatred that many of them have to us that we should care about. If they want to get along. Then its more fine. But many of them want us dead as well.
Some people are weirdly programmable. The Chans think they may be the people who don’t have an inner monologue. All those leftists, who hate us so wildly, could be exposed to stimuli which would change them around 100%. Stockholm syndrome is one example. Some people take a beating, and decide they like the beater for not killing them, while others just get more recalcitrant.
To some degree, I suppose I had a similar effect, when I used to think the whole US was people just like me, who tried to not infringe on others, and for that reason something like the Stasi would be impossible, and the government worked the way we were told, with checks and balances, and reporters waiting in the wings to make a name for themselves by exposing any shitbaggery they could. All of that was bad intel I just absorbed, and it had me living in an entirely fake reality.
One of the things I realized from r/k theory is that a large portion (probably a large majority) of them are so rabid only because the left appears to be strong. As soon as the left appears weak, they will whip over to being just as rabidly (whatever appears strong next, nationalism, Islam, whatever.)
The part that is oddest to me is how completely oblivious they will be to the change.
It is curious. But it might fit with someone who lacks an inner monologue. You or I might use the monologue to look back and think to ourselves, “This feels wrong and illogical. Why did I feel so certain I was right before, and how do I know I am not wrong now?” We can debate ourselves entirely in our mind in any way we might debate another person. Take away our ability to think in words to ourselves, and even hold two different positions and argue with ourselves absent any attachment to one idea or the other? How do you do a complex thought and internal logical argument with yourself without words?
For them it might just be an emotional aversion to one and an attraction to another, and to them we sound like a schizo debating a though back and forth with ourselves, when they can just feel what feels right.
I still refuse to belive there are people who can’t into inner monologue. I mean, everyone can remember sounds the same way we can remember pictures/visual data, if you can remember a sound which is associated with a meaning (word), then you can into inner monologue. Perhaps they just don’t give enough of a shit to make use of it? As opposed to being incapable of it? How can someone even function like that? The implications of the literal NPC meme being real are horrific.
I would never have believed it, but people claim it is so. It may be like people who can visualize 3d models of stuff in space, and turn the models around in their brain, and people who can’t. The people who can’t can see, they just don’t have the horsepower to create something virtual. I agree, the implications of people unable to visualize possibilities, and who are just constrained to trying to keep up with the moment are stunning.
I think it is a spectrum, on one end you have people who are almost all inner dialogue with no emotions or instincts and at the other you have people with nothing but emotions and instincts.
Perhaps neither one is absolute, maybe eve sociopaths have a hint of emotions and IDiots have a touch of inner dialogue.
Normal people fall somewhere in between.
That is the 2nd dimension I believe exists on the r/K spectrum.
Well, if one of the main characteristics of r is absolute terror of the possibility of being outgrouped, it would make sense that rabbidness for whatever they consider to be the strong group manifests as a way to try to get accepted by said group.
if nothing else, I’ll say this for leftists: they fight to win. they’re always looking for ground to take, hearts & minds to win, etc.
conservatives, OTOH, will only go into battle when their long-suffering base demands it. conservatives in battle all have heads on a swivel, looking looking looking for that one thing, that one moment where they can all surrender and/or run away like little bitches. thus getting back to what’s REALLY important to them: working hand-in-hand with treasonous leftists to sell out and ultimately enslave/kill their fellow Americans.
Exhibitionists, one of the poles of the 2nd dimension of the r/K spectrum.
Sneakers who plot how to manipulate everyone else being their opposite.
K is the only good quadrant, I used to have some sympathy of the libertarians in the center ring but not anymore, they will sell the world into slavery to get their favorite vice or a few creature comforts because they are beings of selfishness even more than the r selected.
It is possible to have K go too far but the only acceptable variations from K are within the K quadrant.
I think the most extreme natural variants are all within the K quadrant and everything else is the result of bad choices or outside manipulation.
Can you make a picture of your model plox fren?
Here is an image of the model for Lembrador.

Thanks fren.
“…“their” leaders hold none of the beliefs they do, and they are just using them like pawns to get larger hidden bank account balances, deposited by those at the top of the pyramid, who are absolutely everything we all hate with a passion…”
I certainly agree with that.
They must of really changed something in the matrix or some other thing has happened thats very important, like a never go back once crossed line, or river, thats not right now clear enough in the open for the Y thinker amydala’s to see with the conscious mind right now, because your and Vox’s amygdala’s are on fire, AC.
Camealeon suit materiel?
Unlikely. Looks like greenscreen cloth combined with fake camera shake. Use the empty frame as the key, mask out the greenscreen, add in camera shake at the end to make it look real.
“…Navy “UFO patent” documents talk of “Spacetime Modification Weapon,” and details experimental testing. From the warzone website, and not Art Bell…”
From the drive site
“…“the Pais Effect,” described in numerous publications by the inventor as the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.”…”
This all sounds so VERY, VERY much like a derivative of an effect I’ve been tracking for a long time. I don’t claim to completely understand this but when ever I see it I believe I can recognize it. I talked about this before here and elsewhere. G. Harry Stine is where I heard about it and he and physicist named Davis came up with the math for it by looking at an odd “inertia drive”, meaning it did not expel anything(like a rocket) to force itself ahead, made by a guy Norman Dean.
The root of the idea is that there is such a thing as “Inertia waves” just like there’s a such a thing as electromagnetic waves. You can see these things work in all sorts of devices. Gyros is one. To get these effects you accelerate and accelerating object. I’m not sure how these electric fields he seems to be using ties in. Maybe at the extremes the fields interact with and strengthen each other.
The electric universe people talk a lot about electric fields and gravity. On earth there’s a difference of 100 volts for every meter you go up. What the hell is that about? I’ve never seen any explanation I could understand about why that is so. Don’t know. Here’s a link to a comment that I made here explaining many of these devices and also pointing out that if some alien looking craft lands that you KNOW that we ourselves can also most likely make some of the same type Inertia Drives that would seem to be only accessible to aliens. No it’s not necessarily aliens. If Dean can make one of these in a garage then so can we.
Now after totally rejecting aliens I will now contradict myself because the Moon is about the strangest thing ever possible. How the hell did such a huge planet get captured by Earth AND it’s in an almost circular orbit. Anything drifting in and captured should be elliptical not an almost exact circle. It’s exactly the right size to cover the Sun and eclipse it. Of course it also always has the same side facing us. If you look where the Sun goes down at the Summer and Winter equinoxes the Moon goes down at the EXACT same place but opposite seasons. So when the Sun goes down in the Summer equinox the Moon goes down in the same place that Sun went down in the Winter.
How can you account for all these abnormalities???? All these together account for some of the most damnable odd occurrences ever. Even a few of them would be odd but all of them???
Some say you can account for them if the Moon is hollow and is really a huge space ship. No shit. There’s evidence for this. A group of Russian scientist came up with this idea after looking at data from the rock samples brought back and all the other data I just mentioned. When the Apollo missions crashed landed boosters and other space equipment on the Moon the whole thing rang like a bell for a long time. ?????? The Moons surface crust has a lot of heavy metals and stuff that you would use if you wanted a super strong shell to protect you. The astronauts had a hell of of time trying to drill core samples and said that there was metal shavings coming out when they drilled. All the really, really big craters on the Moon are very super shallow. How to account for massive huge craters that are not deep at all? Well if the Moon was a many miles thick armor plated space ship it would account for it.
Some tribes have passed down tales that the Moon was not always present and that when it came vast amounts of rain came and the atmosphere lost a lot of water out of it causing flooding.
Anunnaki on the Moon????
“…The oldest of the Anunnaki was Enlil, the god of air[5] and chief god of the Sumerian pantheon.[6] The Sumerians believed that, until Enlil was born, heaven and earth were inseparable.[7] Then, Enlil cleaved heaven and earth in two[7] and carried away the earth[8] while his father An carried away the sky.[8]…”
Too many mind blowing possibilities in one post. Two things – One, I remember reading some scientist wanted to detonate a Nuke on the surface of the moon, and use some sort of detectors to measure the vibrations bouncing back and forth and get a rough idea what was inside the moon, and two, right after he proposed it, supposedly we shut down the moon program and never went back. I always thought it strange we didn’t set up a base there, and instead went back to an orbiting station.
Moonlandings were a hoax.
No one from earth has ever gone to the moon.
No one.
And a bunch of scientific mambitchahambo will not make it true.
Another oddity about the Moon. They drilled into the “Maria” on the Moon and got really odd stuff. It was full of heavy metals and other stuff. The oddity is that this was supposed to be volcanic flows but volcanic flows are usually lighter elements like silicon and stuff like that. It’s not supposed to be a bunch of heavy metals.
The age of rocks on the Moon were sometimes older than the earth and some even older than that. Makes no sense.
“Moonlandings were a hoax”
No one has proven that. I’ve read most if not all of the best sources claiming this and have never, ever, ever found anything they said that was not easily proven to be easily, I mean really easy, to explain. The mere fact that I looked into it so strongly tells you I don’t trust anything they tell us but I couldn’t find any discrepancies. I’m fairly almost 100% sure we went to the Moon. If I found anything that said we didn’t I would certainly jump on the bandwagon to denounce them but, I found nothing. All the criticisms they have are really stupid and it can be pointed out how stupid they are really easy.
I have no doubt that the “we didn’t go to the Moon” is just another stupid Jew trick to demoralize us.
Why didn’t we go back? There’s a lot of pictures of so called stuff built up on the Moon. Most of it I couldn’t say that it was anything. There are few every so often that look really odd. What’s so damning about this is we have a huge massive total photo album of the Moon that was taken before the astronauts went there. It was classified because it was basically spy satellite equipment we were using. They developed and scanned the film on the satellites then sent scanned photos as data to earth. Now all of this tape is in a McDonalds on a military base and they were supposedly reading it off the tape and saving it to hard drives but…where the hell is it? This was started a good while ago.
A guy who makes special heads to read these old tapes using magnetic fields and laser optics even offered to read them for free super fast AND provide as many hard drives, a lot, to hold the data for free but…nothing. What are they hiding? There’s pictures of some super tall, like miles, tower on the Moon but it’s this blurry thing and maybe possibly it’s a glitch but there’s more than one picture of it. Why can’t we have a clear picture of this stuff?
Thanks for this post Sam.
My understanding is that the Moon is indeed artificial. It’s an enclosure for a supercomputer which broadcasts waves that keep us living in 3D only (humans are meant for more dimensions than that, most likely 5D or 9D). The speculative timeline is the following:
1. Atlantis
2. Cabal floods the Earth and destroys Atlantis
3. Galactic forces, unable to save Atlantis on time, lock human survivors and Cabal into a 3D prison maintained by Q-AI (Moon). They pledge to come back when they’re strong enough to defeat Cabal. Meanwhile, they lock everyone (us + Cabal) in a 3D Matrix that severely restricts our ability to affect the Universe.
4. Cabal finds a way to hack the Moon, takes control of the simulation. (Explains why they’ve been so good at controlling us)
5. The Moon’s nuclear reactors are running out of power, so more and more humans become aware of 5D reality (think Q-clock)
6. Cabal is trying to enslave us in 3D mode with their vaccines before too many of us awaken
7. Q is actually the Moon supercomputer’s shutdown routine (before shutdown, reveal Truth)
8. The Earth is surrounded by beings willing to helps us as we’re getting close to the End Time (shutdown of Q-AI). In other words, the Galactic forces are fulfilling their promise and coming back.
This is what my research has led me to believe. We’ll see how it turns out.
Have you read the book of Enoch?
Get the facts about the moon there, and the sun, and other stuff.
I just read some more articles on this guys work and while reading some emails about his work had an idea. Here’s the email
Notice it says,”…(thus affecting a physical system’s inertial and gravitational properties)…eventually making possible our dream of Intergalactic Flight…”
Uh oh. See where this is going. For some reason the Navy releases some of the most advanced data possible. What would it be worth to make a spaceship that didn’t have to throw off matter and could directly push on the universe? A lot. You could go as fast as you wanted in Space with only solar panels. Add in fusion and all kinds of stuff that has serious strategic ramifications. Why would they do such a thing? Chinese??
Maybe this is just another step to make us think that aliens are invading.
I just want people to realize that the ideas I presented about inertia drives were talked about in the past and it’s unlikely that someone, sometime in the government said, well let’s spend a few hundred thousand and just see for sure if some of this works. So I have no doubt this has been around for a while and it’s far fetched to say that only aliens can do this.
So tiresome watching the left/right drama still going on amongst my real world social circle.
I think the only thing that will finally wake up the masses will be when the powers controlling our government finally drop the cutesy bullshit game of outsourcing their tyranny to Big Tech and finally just start fining people outright for expressing the wrong opinion.
I mean I realize the more domesticated whites of Europe and Canada have been experiencing this for years but it will hit your average American (left & right) across the face like a haymaker. It’s foreign to our way of thinking.
“Don’t like the tranny train wrecking women’s sports you feminist TERF? That’ll be $250 for a first time offense. Next time will be 1k and a hate crime charge. After that we’ll just take your kids. Anything else you wanna say?”
Then again maybe they’ll just continuing being gigantic pussies and let Big Tech & Big Bank team up to handle it. Either way it’s coming.
Apparently biden* has Decreed that NO ONE is ever allowed to say or use the term “China Virus” ever again…Because RACIST!
I found a neat page to post on…It is the White House FaceBook page:
And I posted the following:
“What will the consequences be for the Chinese Communist Party that knowingly released the China Virus and murdered Millions of people around the world?”
MSG Grumpy
I point to Pat Buchanan as a Good Irishman. And then we have John O Brennan whose parents came from Ireland in 1948—O Brennan said this:
“He said in the MSNBC interview without the least concern for violation of Americans’ rights that intelligence agencies should look into “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians…”.
Our Communist-chief. This guy headed the CIA. Yep and even in Britain, the intelligence agencies are run by the likes of the above.
What makes a person normal is one who has Arete. If Brennan’s Catholic school taught him right–would he be espousing that crap? So here is a first generation Irish immigrant—yapping about Nativists!! It is a good case of sending him back to where he came from. —and burning the ship.
Regarding the “Spacetime Modification Weapon”, the article begins, “Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an enigmatic aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy…”:
I can’t be the first person to notice that “Cezar Pais”, if you drop the Z, is an anagram for “airspace.” And “Salvatore”, if you drop the L and V is “areosat.”
That’s a heck of a “coincidence.”
I think it basically translates to “savior of the country” in spanish. Don’t quote me on that though.
I meant to write, “aerosat” (which is actually a thing) and not “areosat” (which is not). One of these days I’ll proofread my posts *before* I post them… ha
> Oddly enough the Census Data will not be processed until the 30th of April.
I don’t think it took them that long for the 1920 census. And they did it without computers or the internet.
The delays are deliberate.
That is when DHS’s heightened threat ends, too.
Looking overseas, and at the machinations of the evil ones, China’s Xi is growing in influence, and will have control once the US dollar collapses in the 2024-2029 period, along with Russia and the Saudis, what a prospect for the world.
He spoke at Davos, his usual ‘I come to bring peace’ message (but only to commies who bow to his will). Worth a read. The dragon in Revelation, that is China/Xi:
His reign will be brief, very brief, but very bloody, for the saints. Their deaths will be witness against Xi and his crowd. The saints return to glory, Xi has 1,000 years in hell, then burned. I wonder if his stupid fake grin will still be there on judgement day?
MIles Mathis nails most of what’s unfolding, a quick (fake) swing left, then a big (fake) swing back to the right. But there is no left/right, it’s all theatre.
Left = Satan
Right = God
They don’t want you to really notice or think about that. Read this, I read the first half only, but he nails the games being played:
“Christian Nationalism” —What type of Christianity? Traditional orthodox Christianity—or Gnostic Christianity?
For if it is tied to Gnostic Christianity—that is an oxymoron. For Gnostics hate division and love a large mass. Nationalism, protecting and upholding one’s nation, requires discipline, Arete, discrimination, segregation, a command structure—everything a Gnostic hates. So how does Gnostic Christianity move to Christian Nationalism? That is why that is an oxymoron.
As for Traditional Christianity—there is NO such thing as “Christian Nationalism” for Christians do NOT form Nations. Christianity is a religion–Nations are part of the Natural Order. Jesus commanded us to ‘GO to the Nations”. We DO NOT form nations. But Christians are to supplement Their Faith with Arete and the Virtue of Righteousness teaches that we are to have DUTY to the Fatherland, which is one’s blood relatives, kinsmen, and our Fatherland’s forefathers. That is what we are supposed to do.
Traditional Christians are to reject the false construct of Masonic America and return to the Old Order. We are to have Duty to our Fatherland. Period. As Vox points out there is NO such thing as “civic nationalism”. Is “Christian Nationalism”—Civic Nationalism? NO. All Christians are to have Duty to Their Own Fatherland. Hienz 57’s are to pick the dominant one and there, land.
And THAAAAT means No miscegenation! If a Christian does his duty—He has to marry bone of his bone, and flesh of is flesh. Do NOT look at a girl if you can’t say, “Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone”.
No Miscegenation. No foreign adoptions, No Mail-Order-Brides. That is a Christian doing his duty to his Fatherland—-and to Sam J—-The Fatherland is an Authority.
I think you need to note that christians don’t make it into the kingdom of God.
Israel does.
God’s faithful obedient people, not the piece of land.
The only Father is my Father in heaven. The whole world is His land.
As for blood relatives, ye do err, not knowing the scriptures:
‘While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, His mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to Him. 47Someone told Him, “Look, Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to You.”
48But Jesus replied, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” 49Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. 50For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”
‘Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.h”’
You speak of pagan Germanic tribal blood ties, these are not the way to the kingdom, teh way to the kingdom is ‘whoever does the will of my Father in heaven’. Neither Jew nor Greek in Christ.
Time to choose a side, your pagan nation and blood relatives, or God and Jesus.
“All the idearrhea about “liberal” and “conservative” and “communism” and “objectivism” is a veil to obscure the realities of the stacked deck.” —maybe too much rhetoric.
That Trump supporters are being killed in the street—is not a veil. Kids attacking their parents as racists—IS NOT A VEIL. The Genocide of whites in this country—BY Cultural Marxists—IS NOT A VEIL.
Both are going on. There is Ideologies and they are important—and there is a Cabal getting rich.
The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism—Jews are REAL–and they spread their shit everywhere and it needs to stop–and Yes, they are at the Top sucking us dry.
800 years ago–Catholic Monarchs threw them out of many countries. I’d give my right arm now for a Catholic Monarch to throw the bums out. Where is a good Catholic Monarch when you need one?—-ohhh, that’s right, someone threw them out and killed them all.
amicus brief for boockvar case
AC fren, you talked about getting banned from amaZOG the other days, perhaps talk with Ron Unz about the possibility to get your books on sale on this page in his site?
The tittle of the page is literally “Books Banned by Amazon Available for Purchase”, and there are 144 titles available from all kinds of banned authors, so might be worth a shot.
I’ll give it a shot, thank you!
Somebody gave it some thinking targeting Ricky Vaugn, with some serious motives behind the choice. Somebody is taking people red pilling via memes and alt-agitprop seriously indeed. Has to be a great concern that the controls/programming of twitter faceborg goolag WP etc aren’t effective enough to stop and or control the message.
There’s the inherent threat to shut your mouth and obey or else aspect here, but gee, this is America, fuck you is not only always a choice, if your trying to stop the message in America, you should know better, in America thats a prime A list invitation to shitpost.
Sometimes I cant but catch a sense there’s chink control of what and who to repress, how its ordered to be done, centralized control, which is a sure commie chink characteristic, like by people controlling this, who aren’t natural born and raised American’s, who cant know the little nuances which mark you as American. A tell if you please. Its just got a foreign smell behind it.
So, tell me why in the supposed cut throat world of Wall Street no rich person or group did what the redditors are doing?
Why wasn’t impossible to sell short more stock than existed in a company without getting slaughtered by the competition?
Excellent question. Were these non-Cabal companies they were taking down for the system? Was this one way they controlled who got to succeed, and who had to fail? Be a pisser if there were no companies out there that were just regular Joes who managed to make it.
I want to say one thing AC, I understand your hesitation about the seemingly imminent economic collapse which might happen because of GME, stopping the game, which it might if obligations start flowing upward. But on the other hand, it is probably necessary for the system to collapse to get a new fair system just as much as to get the great reset. But the thing is, Biden is already hated and is making moves to try to save the hedge funds. If he does, he just alienated all the left-wing dumbfucks who at least grasp that corruption in finance is a big deal (hell, its part of cabals programming even, they have to be mad about it), if nothing else. So he already has 60% of the population hating him, then he gets another 20-30% hating him because he bails out the hedge funds at the expense of the people and doesn’t send out checks even though they forced businesses closed for almost a year? That only leaves the people actually in the network supporting the system. So how accepting of the supreme court case, which is seemingly under a media blackout right now, will people be if 90% of the pop hates Biden and gives Trump back the presidency? It all seems pretty according to plan to me.
It may be. I don’t say don’t collapse the hedges, and get in on the short squeezes, to be clear. But I do say, it is a possibility this is an organized play, and it is possible it might be preparing for the Biden collapse, so don’t let yourself get hung out there too far, and be ready to have the overall market collapse.
As somebody pointed out above, it is also possible this could be part of Q’s plan to bring everything down before restarting a new clean system. Either way though, just know the market looks set to go down in the near future.
yup. if you aren’t playing with FU$, retrench. now.
Again: Biden first refers to Donald Trump as ‘the President’.
Top kek:
“Billionaire CRIES on National TV Because POOR PEOPLE Made MONEY Buying GameStop Stock (GME)”
Hahaha, I love it!
“…Where is a good Catholic Monarch when you need one?—-ohhh, that’s right, someone threw them out and killed them all…”
Of course hang grenades are useful at times but I wouldn’t want them in my house. I wouldn’t want to carry them around in a purse all the time. I wouldn’t want one permanently hanging around my neck.