News Briefs – 01/28/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Tommy Robinson is tearing it up with a Danish journalist:

Notice how the journalist’s hands are going on his pen with nervous energy as Tommy grills him. That is because Tommy is getting very close to an uncomfortable truth – this guy is almost certainly a knowing member of the conspiracy – the Secret Society which knows the world is divided into them and everyone else. Nothing he says is his own logical thought – it is what he has been told is the narrative they need to push. You want to think he is a leftist, and his bias is due to some mirror image of your own beliefs and motivations, and in that way he is like you. That is programming which has been installed in your brain specifically help the conspiracy hide. The reality is this guy is a part of a covert operation to control the media and by extension you, and he would not have gotten that job unless he knew the big secret, and would read whatever script was put in front of him. The greatest trick the Devil every pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. In that guy’s mind Tommy, by exposing the obvious flaws in the logic which was supposed to be behind his cover story, was getting close to blowing his cover story itself. You have to see these known media people actually running coverage on you while you are out and about (as I have), before you grasp that they know it is all a show, they are really quasi-intelligence agents, and in the end, they are just actors reading a script.

Prince Andrew ‘had visits from Ghislaine Maxwell 4 times a day’ says ex-protection officer.

Prince Andrew has not responded to FBI requests for interview over Epstein, prosecutor says.

President Trump’s defense team put Hunter Biden and former President Barack Obama on trial on Monday, as Former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi explained all their corruption and why Trump was right to want them investigated.

CBS, ABC & NBC–all regulated by the FCC–are not giving equal time to Trump’s defense team as they did to the Democrat prosecutors last week. Just as Trump’s team began to dig into what Biden did, they all cut away, even though they pre-empted their programming for Schiff in the same time frame. Here is what they didn’t want you to see:

Romney and Collins say they want to hear from witnesses after hearing about Bolton’s book saying aid was withheld to facilitate the Biden investigation. All of this is likely scripted by Trump and Q, I would imagine, but we will see.

Lindsey Graham says they may subpoena Bolton’s manuscript. There could be a lot in that manuscript about the Cabal skullduggery Trump’s team has faced and the corruption that has gone on, and suddenly all of that is evidence introduced officially. Q kept saying, how do you introduce evidence?

Hunter Biden agrees to pay monthly child support, ending standoff over contempt.

U.S. Attorney Durham announces appointment of a new criminal chief.

Elizabeth Warren’s daughter Amelia piggybacked off mom to cash in on corporate contracts. How many corporations got a vote from mom, and then funneled their payment to the daughter?

US military aircraft crashes in Afghanistan. Rumored to have high-ranking officials on board.

Quasi-conservative Asian twitter-bunny tweeted out against racist conservatives who blame Asians for eating weird animals, but then went uncharacteristically silent when somebody tweeted back at her with a video of an elderly Chinese man in a blue cape having sex with a chicken. Twitter has left the reply up so far. Fair warning, once seen, it cannot be unseen. I only saw about three seconds, and will never be the same. But it is an interesting study of twitter social dynamics, and how unorthodox replies can silence opposition as they make the crowd laugh at the target and change the topic. After that post there was no way she was working that convo back around to virtue signaling.

Private aircraft flew Prince Charles 16,000 miles days before Greta meeting.

Customs and Border Patrol officers in Minnesota seize $900G in counterfeit bills from Chinese shipping container.

Authorities in Central Kentucky are concerned about “wasping,” where meth addicts will mix and dilute their meth with wasp spray to give it a longer life span.

Mizzou students required to install location tracking app so college can ‘pinpoint’ them. It is possible a lot of this is testing to see how easily they can acclimate individuals to tolerating these types of intrusions by an oppressive government surveillance seeking total control over the individual. I’ve wondered if a lot of the hostile interactions you hear about was beta-testing for what Hillary had planned. For this reason, some segment should always fight, and do so as unpredictably as possible, if for no better reason than to disrupt the results and make it appear this will never be tolerated or predictably feasible on a large scale.

US agents hint Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could make up to £7MILLION from a book deal and £400,000 each from public speaking. It doesn’t work like that. Even if you loved both of them, would you go out and buy just any book by them? Do you even have time to read it? Nobody does. Book sales are a meme.

NYPD commissioner Dermot Shea blames bail reform for 2020 crime spike.

Medical Journal The Lancet says, Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally.

Two possible Corona virus cases in New Hampshire.

Possible US cases jumps to 110.

China coronavirus death toll climbs to 106 as confirmed cases near 4,500.

Research estimates there are 44,000 cases in Wuhan, as Hong Kong contemplates drastic measures.

Governments need to implement “draconian” travel curbs to stop the coronavirus in China from becoming a global epidemic, a team of experts mapping the outbreak said Monday.

About 5 million residents left Wuhan before the lockdown because of the deadly coronavirus epidemic.

San Francisco to activate emergency operations center to prepare for coronavirus. Gays starting to worry it is heading their way.

New coronavirus can cause infections with no symptoms and sicken otherwise healthy people, studies show.

Wuhan hospitals receive over 15,000 fever patients daily.

China virus outbreak pressures already weakened the Chinese economy.

WHO corrects China virus global risk level, global risk now at “High.”

Almost 4 minutes of videos Chinese who just keeled over from the Corona virus, and video of the extraordinary measures going on in China makes it look like this is quite the unusual event:

What is that face you make when you jokingly model your company’s logos after a fictional global-plague-producing laboratory, and then realize your company may have just accidentally released a global plague, and now everyone on twitter is looking at you?:

China is blocking roads:

Supreme Court allows Trump to deny residency to immigrants over their use of public assistance.

Democrats are panicked about the idea of Bernie as their nominee. If Bernie wins, he will school the left on why a hard-left candidate is a loser, and 2024 will be a potentially harder fight against a more moderate Democrat. If Bernie gets screwed and Biden wins, as seems likely, then the hard left will demand an even crazier leftist in 2024, and hopefully Don Jr will cruise to victory against Ocasio Cortez or Ilhan Omar. Only a Trump win could be this big.

Supreme Court allows Trump administration to enforce ‘public charge’ immigration rule.

GM to invest $2.2B in Detroit to build electric pickup trucks creating over 2,200 jobs.

There were 175,000 ticket requests for the Trump rally in Wildwood, NJ.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is more than a great Presidency, it is a beautiful Presidency.

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4 years ago

We need moar vydia games like Deus Ex:

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

A great take on what we sometimes discuss here re: evil and its need to consume innocent blood:

4 years ago

“The greatest trick the Devil every pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.”

Yes. The fancy word for this is “Theodicy.”

Somehow, God is sovereign. All is under his control, including evil. Even the crucifixion of Jesus, the murder of the only truly good man, which is the epitome of evil … happened.

At this point my mind is overwhelmed. I can think no further. Perhaps submitting my prideful mind, a mind that tries to figure out such inexplicable mysteries such as why and how evil exists, is all that’s required of me?

Regarding cabal, the intensity of the evil within it, and it’s “leadership” — “When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.” Deut 20.1

God’s army — the army that fights evil/cabal — is run by spiritually powerful men. God is calling men to duty, men with strong inner cores, men who submit their pride to Him, men who admit weakness to gain strength, men who fail, pick themselves up, cry out for forgiveness and a second chance, and then head back into battle.

I pray for this army of men that serve Him and combat the evil around us.

Yes, the horses and chariots may appear formidable, AC, but victory is assured. Somehow, God is sovereign over evil.

Carry on.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  KR
4 years ago

Aye and amen.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Very good reading on why vaccines are a problem. I want to repeat I FAVOR vaccines just not what the Jews are doing to them to ruin them.

and by the same guy. I would have never believed this or that the Jews could be so arrogant but…I think the Jews are responsible for fukushima and the tsunami. The key is a few bits of information. The earthquake does not seem to be a massive one and the level of it was changed to be said to be more destructive. Japan agreed to reprocess uranium for Iran before hand. An Israeli firm had a VERY large security camera in the reactor for security. The top of the reactor appears to be blown off which should not be possible from a hydrogen explosion. Especially since hydrogen vents were added after three mile Island. And the big one reactor #4 exploded but…it had no fuel in it because it was to be refueled. How is that possible?

There’s pictures linked from this site but you have to use internet archive, (copy and paste the address into the archive web site, then go backwards in time until you find the page). They are there along with lots more info. If you’re into this sort of thing it’s a great site.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I’m of the same opinion as Sam. I have no problem with the theory of vaccinations. It’s just how do I ensure I’m getting a vaccination and not a “vaccination”?

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

It’s so funny (not funny thou), there is a plausible Jewish connection to this Kung flu mess:

Charles M. Lieber, the chair of Harvard’s department of chemistry and chemical biology, was arrested today.
>He was paid by Wuhan University of Technology.
>He received over $1.5 million by the university and the Chinese government to build a laboratory in Wuhan.

A second person charged, Zaosong Zheng, was a Harvard-affiliated cancer researcher who was caught with 21 vials of cells stolen from a laboratory at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital.

Picture is Charles M. Lieber at a ceremony in Jerusalem.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

“…Charles M. Lieber, the chair of Harvard’s department of chemistry and chemical biology, was arrested today.
>He was paid by Wuhan University of Technology.
>He received over $1.5 million by the university and the Chinese government to build a laboratory in Wuhan…”

Look at his face. Got to be a Jew. I, before I knew this, commented in the next post by AC that there is a high likely hood that the Jews are responsible for this. I think, as far as I’m concerned, that this cinches it. The Jews set up a viral research center then either spike the place or release virus near it. Blame it on Harvard but, it’s the Jew. Always the Jew.

I hope the Chinese start murdering them. One Jew for every Chinese killed with their “global Homo Jew Virus”.

The Jews are mentally ill. They don’t realize that they are genetically programmed to only flourish as parasites in an open civilization like Whites run. Everywhere else the Jews are immediately asked,”You want us to do what, you’re telling us what???” and their whole scheme falls apart.

They will never run the whole earth and we should immediately get rid of them. All of them. Ship them to their shitty little country and let them haggle and rip off each other. Make them as miserable as possible, as it would do if psychopaths only had to live with each other.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

NEW “Q”s are up

4 years ago

Turkey Behind Major ‘State-Backed Cyber-Espionage’ Targeting Europe & Middle East

4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago

Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?

4 years ago

FLASHBACK | John Bolton: I would lie even under Oath

4 years ago

Hey anonymous,

I thought you might enjoy this video

4 years ago

Videos coming out of China:

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  info
4 years ago
