Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
It is not surprising really. I am an innovative psychology. You can see how I synthesize stuff here, bringing together Google Streetview and surveillance camera footage, and reveal the surveillance in America as few could. Politics and biology, psychology, I come up with interesting stuff. And when I was just a young lad, I was identified by US Domestic intelligence’s grade school monitoring units as innovative, and their response was to supply me with massive amounts of pornography to try and make me a degenerate. When that was ineffective, they decided to flood in the kids of agents, acting as kid spies to try and beat me down. When that failed, they rolled out honeypots. And when I proved resistant to it all, I believe they rolled out an early version of the Havana Weapon to degrade my health physically.
I do not think I am unique in that regard. I even think there was another kid, maybe brighter than me, and certainly more disciplined and dedicated to academics, who they also beamed into chronic illness to try and clip his wings as well. I would assume that has been going on across the nation, with every young kid who showed an innovative potential, for the last thirty to forty years, as domestic intelligence has tried to make sure nobody could rise too high in society, and maybe oppose it. My guess is, given the granularity of the surveillance, if you ever have a child with real potential, the single biggest threat they will ever face in life will be US domestic intelligence, because the American Stasi will find them, it will view them as a threat, and it will try to destroy them using all the most advanced tools of the CIA. It is just how it works in America now.
As a result, at present, the only chance America has to compete lies with the rubes and imbeciles of the insecure surveillance, and there just are not enough innovators there to keep up with nations like China. That is probably partly why they are trying to draw on their other surveillance networks in places like India, hoping they can find an innovator or two there. But obviously it is not working.
So unless we can expose the American Stasi, and get it out of the schools, and get it to stop trying to take down each and every high flier in our society before they ever get off the ground, America will not be keeping up with China. The American Stasi truly is the bane of this nation.
59% of Americans cannot afford a $1,000 emergency expense. Given the goal was to create circumstances which would facilitate Trump’s overwhelming victory, I suspect part of that plan was to bleed off as much money as possible and impoverish all Americans as much as possible, in the hopes of K-ifying them, due to the linkage between the Misery Index and the Conservative Policy Mood graphs.
His timing could not have been worse as his farmers had been preparing to ship to the US most of the cut flowers we sell on Valentines day.
There is a story behind the flowers:
White House Press Secretary Statement:
President of Columbia has skeletons in his closet:
Maine law firm tells public schools to resist ICE enforcement by destroying immigration records.
Trump’s federal DEI purge puts hundreds on leave, nixes $420M in contracts.
Republican lawmakers are urging President Trump to release the Jeffrey Epstein Files.
Hunter Biden’s name, signature tied to $60 million fraud investigation.
Russian forces officially seize last strategic city in southern Donbas region.
‘What happened to him?’ Trump says it looks like Adam Schiff ‘got hit with a baseball bat.’
NPR, PBS, and Voice of America eyed for defunding, reform amid reporting bias concerns.
True as the stuff about the Stasi suppressing innovative people is, it’s also true that China is being over hyped, their innovation is mostly trash or stolen.
This tweet isn’t displaying correctly:
Every penny of a corporation must be backed by receipts & invoices. It prevents corruption.
Government departments need same rules.
It’s alright: more and more men are refusing to date or marry the American whore. Columbia should send those flowers to the Philippines and Thailand.
‘law-abiding undocumented people.’
First act of an illegal immigrant is to break the law, followed by breaking the law daily
And even if the is only a misdemeanor, breaking it for, how many days or years, should compound into a felony at some point.
Illegal Immigration is a major crime and should always be considered Felony.
If someone doesnt respect the 1st Law, they undermine everything else.
Dependable borders and currency are essential to a Nation’s survival.
About the flowers, I have to note that Valentines Day itself is a psyop, along with all modern holidays. Everyone hates it except for women in long term relationships. Its a holiday set up to celebrate women in long term relationships, for being in long term relationships.
“Everyone hates it except for women in long term relationships.”
I wonder where you got this opinion.
Whorish and selfish women love Valentine’s Day because it’s a great excuse for a big squeeze of value after Christmas and before summertime.
Brutish and selfish men love it because it they’ll get some if they spend enough money.
For others, it’s a great excuse to spice things up or even eat more chocolate. Maybe a healthy married couple to have another kid. Lots of other reasons why people might like Valentine’s as a holiday.
Oh no, a society having a celebration of successful monogamous relationships! Something that promotes loving your wife is obviously corporate shilling!
You don’t have a position, you just want to complain. Really think about why that makes you mad.
Happily married woman doesnt need Valentines Day, expensive diamond ring and constant validation.
From Lame Cherry
Now we are getting the Red Window of Chose Your Language. I’ve been getting it for 20 minutes now.
I was getting it the other day and couldn’t post any comments.
From Martin Armstrong:
Armstrong is usually right, but sometimes not, and this is an occasion when he is wrong.
The pardon of Nixon went through unchallenged, and that pardon was pre-emptive, and its well known enough and important enough that no judge will rule that executive pardons can’t be pre-emptive.
However, courts can hold that pardons can only be for actions preceding the pardons, not afterwards, that they remove fifth amendment protections on testimony regarding the pardoned actions, and that federal pardons don’t apply to state laws, and state pardons don’t apply to federal laws. All this is reasonable and enough to undercut abuses such as what the Biden administration just did.
That’s nonsense and not how the law works.
Nixon’s pardon is not precedent because it was never challenged and ruled on.
Comments are disappearing regularly now.
Beaming is getting more constant and powerful too. Definite climax of some sort approaching, IMO.
God bless you AC. I’m praying for you.
Last couple of days I haven’t been able to comment due to a red pop up WordPress box.
Great, they’ve self-identified their allegiance to a foreign invasion force AND conveniently all gathered in one place. Scoop em up, swift and fair trialx, firing squads.
You want them to REALLY start self-deporting? Show the bodies of those who #resist like good little NPCs.
I’m having problems with WordPress not allowing me to access Anonymous Conservative. It keeps telling me to install WordPress plus to log on. Does anyone have a solution for this?
I do not think there is a WordPress Plus app or program to install. There is a wordpress Plus hosting plan, but you do not install that. Might be trying to get you to install malware?
Oddly enough I have other people say they get some kind of prompt to set up a wordpress account and to log in. That also should not be.
I don’t think I’ve ever mentioed it but I’ve gotten that for years. A lot of times in the morning hours. Say 7:00 AM EST. but it varied.
I’ve gotten that WordPress login error intermittently basically ever since I started following this site, so over 5 or 6 years at this point. Over the last two weeks, I’ve been getting it almost every day
Yeah, they are trying very hard to make it impossible for me to work on this in the house. Basically I am going to have to scrape and write while moving around, or I am just going to be knocked out left and right all day when I stop moving. Literally lights-out knocked out for anywhere from ten seconds to an hour and a half. If it continues to accelerate, I may have to get set up with battery power and use 4G from the car and drive places to do this. I will never stop, but the briefs may come out later in the morning if I was knocked out too many times the night before and failed to get it all done.
I know that sounds like I’m a loon, but it is just how it is here, in this Alice in Wonderland world I have found myself in. They installed this shit somewhere, and it is very powerful. You can see why they would not tell people they spent their tax dollars on this, or even that it exists. A real government would immediately demand all sorts of limits and oversight on it.
I am hopeful once Kash is in, the phase of this script which disassembles this thing will begin, because if they do not immediately move on it, I would assume they do not intend to, and they are working for whoever is behind the beaming. I mean you could stop the beaming with 1 Delta guy in a single night here, with a single explosives charge to take out a bridge and trap everyone in place, and some overhead video to guide him in pursuits of the perps. The beam requires beamers, and I see no reason to not deal with it by dealing with them. If they do not, I am not sure where the nation goes. No place good, as once this rolls out on everyone, the vast majority are not in a position to cope with it. Truth be told, I have always been disappointed the surveillance was not exposed in 2017, and open lines of warfare within the population initiated. That capability would have been the first thing I took out, at all costs, to blind the enemy.
Gloria Naylor had to go to the library to work, and that was 30 years ago.
I wonder if you could wear one of those old diving helmets, the metal ones with little windows to see out of, to avoid being knocked out while you work? In fact, I wonder if it would even be possible to acquire one.
My experience with solid metals has been bad. I made that Faraday cage out of sheet steel, and it proved fruitless, so I though maybe if I sleep on the side of it, with two thicknesses between me and the house I thought it was coming from, it might help. That night I was bathed in the hot electricity, just wave after wave and my pulse was racing. I lasted a couple of hours, but then finally had to leave, and the next day I felt like I had a sunburn. I think they use some kind of remote field generation to move electricity in the metal through inductance, and by pulsing it right, in the right direction, the metal may begin giving off rf.
AC- Google-ex here after a long time away because my coverage was ramping up the harassment as I visited and posted here. Checking in now to let you know that my next-door watchers are “divorcing” and moving away. Despite my gaining a professional position that should increase my targeting.
I’m not an objectively high value target, but am locally of interest. Which makes me thing, moving coverage off of me I may be a sign of desperation.
I’m praying for you, and for an exposure and end to all your harassment.
Thank you and I am glad to hear things are looking up. Keep us posted, the good news is badly needed.
Sighting of ‘Be Careful’ in the wild. Last paragraph:
“What piece of advice has stuck with you?
I was a young actor, talking to an older actor. I’m not going to tell you who. As I was leaving the room, he said, “Chris! Be careful.” I walked out the door, and I don’t think a day has gone by that I don’t think about that. “Be careful.” Every day, I think that. And I don’t know what he meant. “
Fascinating. Was he testing him to see if he was in the club?
So I lived in Thailand for a while as well as the US. Got sick recently no insurance. To see the doctor and get some drugs for pneumonia here (2 antibiotics, cough suppressant, inhaler) it cost 260 dollars. This was the visit and the drugs. If I just got the antibiotics maybe it was 200. The antibiotics were doxycycline and cefdinner. Old ones not state of the art. I wonder home much it costs to get these for aquarium fish.
Some sort of stuff in Thailand probably would have been 20-50 dollars (equivalent) based on my memory. Could be less if you skipped the doctor and went right to the pharmacist. You can do that there, and in most countries outside the US (don’t know about Europe). Why is it only white people can’t be trusted to handle anti-biotics?
The medical profession really, really gauges people for being sick in the US. Every single industry is full of parasites.
I agree with the libertarian way of doing things, and drugs including antibiotics should be available. However antibiotic resistance as a concept makes a lot of sense and people should use them much less.
Do some TCM or other stuff, they are better than the Rockefeller allopathy for any non acute thing. (I would not suppress cough ideally, for example)
All I am hearing is that white people have to follow rules no one else is made to follow and I say fuck that and fuck you.
But like I literally said I agree with the libertarian way of doing things. The definition of that is not following rules.
Typical way to muddy waters, put words in somebody’s mouth and then condemn the words (bonus points for dirty comment against the author, too), nice play, are you a closet commie, or just play one here?
I lived in Thailand for awhile, too. Bumrungrad is like a 5 star hotel practically… and the same doctors there usually work at Bangkok Hospital, same quality, but cheaper. I didn’t have any issues going to the doctors, even for a check up. In the US, I have a severe aversion to stepping inside any facility… then you get roped with insurance, and all this other stuff. I just don’t go.
Its probably been 7 or 8 years since I went to a doctor. The only reason I went this time was because I thought there was a real non-zero chance this cough was going to kill me. pneumonia is no joke. Worst sickness I remember ever having.
Also, it fits this timeline pretty well
Outside the USA, its pretty standard to be able to buy various medications from a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.
“Heart Shrinkage Linked to Popular Weight Loss Drug Ozempic”
Between the clotshots and Ozempic the Karens are going to start dropping like flies. Apocalypse Cow.
There it is. And they have moved to his head. I will tell you, that is rough.
AC, not sure what I’ve stumbled across here but thought I’d pass it along nevertheless.
Dr. Katherine Horton, an Oxford-trained high energy physicist specializing in complex systems who recently revealed on the Richie Allen show that she has been targeted brutally with EMF weaponry since summer 2015 —after being assaulted, stalked, and surveilled for years–has issued a general worldwide call for help in getting assistance and a cessation of these EMF attacks from the German ambassador at Bern. She asks all concerned citizens as well as those experiencing such targeted EMF attacks themselves to make this a global and public issue—for both herself and for all victims of EMF weapon-targeting worldwide–and to speak out on her behalf by writing a letter to the German ambassador (details below).
From her website,
“In 2011, when I was a research fellow at St John’s College, Oxford, I became the target of British intelligence when I attended the public court case of Berezovsky v Abramovitch as part of my research.
What began as overt surveillance became intrusive harassment by a group of British men mostly in their 50-70s after the end of the court case. And eventually, it morphed into open, rampant criminality by people connected to the intelligence services and the police. Their violations grew ever more sadistic and brutal with time, followed me across Europe, escalated into physical assaults and have not abated to this day.
With time, they even began using me, as well as my family and even friends, as target practice for modern weapons and subjects of human experimentation with impunity. They have already permanently damaged my hip and my knee in premeditated assaults, nearly murdered the mother of my best friend, sent me repeated death threats and almost murdered my husband and me on the motorway. By now, I am fighting for my life.”
That is Bill Binney’s wife. She was the first to record the impact weapon, which I suspect is the Havana weapon. She, understandably, thought it was a particle weapon, though it appears to be something much more advanced in the field of physics, able to apply force to matter at a distance, and able to do so incredibly precisely and accurately in a point, or over a much larger area, in diffuse form.
I am not suffering the harm to my reputation, and looking like a loon here, harping on this for no reason. This will eventually be used to eradicate all freedom at some point, by assaulting everyone who shows any desire for it. The only people who will be able to function in society will be those groveling state-sycophants who espouse giving the state unlimited power “to protect everyone.” The pressure to advocate for that and abandon the quest for individual liberty will be unimaginable.
Commented on both vids directing people to anonymous conservative and also
Thank you!
Cabal have a LOT of Boomers and early Gen X working for them. Dr. Horton got targeted by oldsters of the opposite sex. I get the same at church – old ladies harrassing me during the service, as well as after.
It really is strange just how different boomers are as a generation. Insane brain damage and low empathy
Name anything bad and boomers as a generation made it worse and keep it going strong until their last breath.
So the “new” Alex Jones and the old Schiffhead both have welts above their right eyes? WTAF/? Is this the new style black eye club? New deep state marker? So many questions!
Does Alex Jones have kids? If so a “real” government would test them aganst the fake Jones and of they didn’t match, fat chance of that, they would arrest him for impersonation, fraud and possible homicide of the real Jones. The disconnect is great that it’s hard to believe anyone would be fooled.
“But where is the Boot?!”
Welp. Just understand kids any resistance or refusal to obey orders from the “police” can result in your death at the hands of a government agent. And it may be justified and legal too! O.k. maybe this fellow was in the wrong, somehow, but then again in this fake and gay movie what is the reality anymore. Was this a masonic #33 club death squad hit to send a message? The j6 folks and us readership here are all on a manifest and lists as it is, so it is very, very likely they knew of him and may have instigated (duh, I got a probable cause traffic stop sarge!) a traffic stop to turn some screws on a local j6 fellow. The cabal may have to go kinetic and street theater routes if they lose the larger political power struggle. This then makes you, me, anyone a potential Collateral casualty and statistic. Adjust your tactics accordingly. Avoid crowds, don’t talk to the police, stay frosty anyways.
There was another J6er who got out of jail and was killed by cops at a random traffic stop in NC.
This was before the pardons, he just served his time and was released but then got killed in a traffic stop, it was about a year or so ago, I think.
I had comments disappear after I brought them back from disappearing.
And I just got the WP Install problem at not the usual time.
A Much More Civilized Discussion on Self Defense Insurance
AC, install issue happening regularly at odd times in the evening rather than the usual time in the morning we started seeing coming up to the 2024 election.
Thank you. Beaming is now accelerating, to the point I will have to look for some better shielding, as it is irritating and just about constant.
This is an attempt to bring a trashed comment back.
Found in the wild in a normie weapons chat:
It is unbelievable to a normal person, until it happens, and then you realize intelligence are all psychopaths, and of course they would develop something like this.
Germany’s Center-right Christian Democratic Union leader and chancellor front-runner Friedrich Merz proposed a major overhaul of Germany’s migration policies and signaled his willingness to accept support from the far-right Alternative for Germany party to pass the legislation, Die Welt reported on Jan. 24….
France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot said the European Union would lift sanctions on Syria’s energy, transport and financial sectors in a bid to stabilize the country’s economic situation, Reuters reported on Jan. 27. …
The WP Install problem is definitely happening at more times of the day now.
An archive of the video that started GamerGate and helped to elect Trump:
Apologies I linked the wrong thing earlier about GamerGate. Here is the right video link:–i3M4PVk&pp=ygUMUXVpbm5zcGlyYWN5
Trump Uses Emergency Powers to Send U.S. Military into California and Provide Water
Donald Trump moves to defund the Left’s ongoing assault on America. Pauses all grants and loans to stop Marxism, etc.!
“‘What happened to him?’ Trump says it looks like Adam Schiff ‘got hit with a baseball bat.’”
Maybe he got a genuine COVID booster instead of saline?
China isn’t leading. It’s all faked and overhyped by CCP media. They copy and use stolen technology. China in fact, benefitted from diversity and immigration by having Chinese to steal and bring them to CCP. I understand the DEI shit and idiocy that is ruining Western Companies but this does not mean that China is “based”. It has its own agenda
Acknowledging China has an enormous advantage over the US, where innovative children are sought out and destroyed and suppressed is not saying China is based. Just that they have an advantage which will likely allow them to defeat our enemy, in the US government and the elites who have corrupted it.
Traitors before enemies is not just a pithy phrase.
China has the same kind of midwits keeping their smart people down.
The CCP is almost indistinguishable from cabal.
Everything they have is stolen or junk, or both.
The best they can do is to occasionally improve something they stole.
“As a result, at present, the only chance America has to compete lies with the rubes and imbeciles of the insecure surveillance, and there just are not enough innovators there to keep up with nations like China. That is probably partly why they are trying to draw on their other surveillance networks in places like India, hoping they can find an innovator or two there. But obviously it is not working.”
One more time for effect:
“there just are not enough innovators there to keep up with nations like China”
I explained this in the H1b debate a month ago and everyone shot it down
Then China ate everyone’s AI lunch
And now everyone gets it?
We have the innovators and do not need the H1bs. All they are being used for is to import foreign conspirators who get installed as a ruling class which is even more willing to fuck us over.
We need to destroy the surveillance. It wants the H1Bs so it can get innovators who will fuck us over, and be happy to see it run this place as a dictatorship. I would rather see the enture US destroyed, than hand it to surveillance.
And those that are not actual cabal assets are imported to steal opportunities from Americans and to destroy America with their incompetence.
China did no such thing, they stole and modified American tech.
They also didn’t use incompetent Hindi to do even that.
You have to go back.