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Another Beam observation. The neighbor to the east of me right now in the rural area I am staying in was sending over a couple of forms of technical harassment. One sounded on the Tascam like the impulses/tapping/particle/impact/face-smush and carried the exact stacato thumping rhythm of the taps. However the interesting thing was the Tascam was picking them up over a wide area.
From that, it kind of looks like the tapping can go out as an impulse, either EM or compression, probably EM, which can go out as an inaudible spreading wave which hits over a wide area, (and interacts with the microphone of the Tascam). Perhaps it can be focused, and made to manifest somehow over a specific point, where it will interact with the target matter. Which raises the question, how would you send out an energetic wave, which could pass through matter, and which would either cease its “pass-through” state and manifest/interact with matter, or, it could be focused to interact.
Interestingly, when it was manifesting as the sound of particle impacts on the lead blanket, the one time I filmed it in thermal, it seemed to require the “beaming” you saw on the thermal camera video I showed, in order to manifest, where the aluminum sheet heated up from the energy of the beam. At the time, I thought that beam was a wave of particles. But now, based on the similar pattern of impulses between the silent waves which I can record over a decent-sized area, and the particle/tapping, I think the energy was coming in on some kind of wave, and that beam merely caused those waves to dump their energy on that spot. Almost like the waves would pass through matter normally, but if you could charge a small piece of the matter with a beam, the wave would interact with those charged particles, and impart momentum/energy to them as it passed. I forget the finer details of how EM waves work exactly. But I seem to recall it would be something like, if you were skimming an EM wave over a horizontal blanket which could be statically charged, and as it passed, you imparted a charge to a small spot on the blanket, say, like with a microwave laser, that small part of the blanket might jump perpendicular to the EM wave’s vector as the wave passed? Any physics anons see a ay to make that work? Any see any contermeasure? I’m looking back on Freshman physics.
I do not know what any of it means, but just throw the observations out there in the event some anon better schooled in the art than I might see something which sparks an insight, or if perhaps something bears upon them later.
“I mean, look, obviously many of those people convicted were doing what they believed in their heart of hearts to be right, and maybe there is some truth to their quams about the Democratic process. But here’s something to consider, if you’re serious about unifying the country, don’t do the one thing that would piss your opponent off to the point where they felt they had nothing to lose. I mean, look, the left really believes these are ‘far-right insurrectionist Nazi terrorists’, whether that’s true or not is irrelevant. Pardoning them will only engender the undirected rage of paranoid Radical Leftists in such a way that compromise becomes impossible. If you thought the summer of 2020 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. For peace, I mean, I think they have to be a sacrifice. If the January 6 prisoners knew that they had to remain in prison for the sake of comforting the other half the country, and finding commonality, I think they, well I hope… would be ok with that”
What ever happened to freeing ten guilty men so as to not imprison a single innocent man? So policy now should be based on the need to cave to the delusions of neurotics, lest they get upset, and if a few hundred young fathers see their families destroyed, and spend their lives behind bars, so be it? I am sure if Petersen were in there, he would gladly sacrifice the entirety of the rest of his life, to not make the wacky purple-haired hippie left upset. It is amazing how loathsome everyone on their side is. Traitors, cowards, hypocrites. It is amazing. And God only knows how much Shapiro is paying him for this drivel.
Jury orders Trump to pay $83.3 million for defaming E. Jean Carroll. You can see how if the criminal conspiracy gets that court clerk position, and gets control over sending out juror summonses, and who will get them when a big case comes up, they can rig any court case.
Denver Health at “critical point” as 8,000 migrants make 20,000 emergency visits.
Members of feared Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua are in Chicago, authorities say.
Articles of Impeachment filed against Trump prosecutor Fani Willis.
Amid allegations that she mismanaged taxpayer funds, Fani Willis requests $600K for new cars.
Trump tax leaker gets the Hunter Biden treatment with ‘sweetheart deal’ from DOJ.
Maricopa County prosecutor’s license suspended for prosecuting Antifa using gang charges.
Trump advisor Peter Navarro will be sent to prison by Biden regime during his appeal process.
Pentagon report warns America is unequipped to defend itself from an extraterrestrial alien invasion. Project Bluebeam, here we come.
Internal watchdog raps Pentagon’s UFO tracking efforts as ‘uncoordinated.’
In a recent interview on Ickonic, Juliet Bryant, who was kidnapped by Jeffrey Epstein for two years, said that she never witnessed any of the dozens of girls there being trafficked to any men other than Epstein, but she did wake up once paralyzed on a lab table. And witnessed Epstein shapeshift into something else.
RFK Jr. launches new party to get on Calif. ballot.
Google sharpens its censorship knives — Labels Trump praise as ‘dangerous.’
Democrat bill bans gun owners in Maryland from carrying without $300,000 of liability insurance.
The United States Navy has taken a surprising turn, dropping all high school diploma and GED requirements for enlistments. They may be preparing to take in illegals. If other branches follow, that is the plan.
Houthis force US-escorted convoy to retreat.
Iowa school to have armed staff members, including teachers.
Florida advances law banning children under 16 from using social media.
Georgia bill would prohibit state enforcement of federal gun control.
Trump 27 points ahead of Haley in South Carolina.
Poll: Trump up more than 80% in head-to-head matchup with Haley.
Spread r/K Theory, because even with millions of dollars, Cabal content is always drivel
Cabal may be engineering removal of Texas’ 38 electors.
And the electors of any states that stand with Texas. Good thinking Old Scroll. If they haven’t thought of it yet, it will be coming up at their war table.
Biden was going to do that anyway.
Jarrett/Obama, globohomopedo cabalists, Neo-Maoist Marxists et al
Interesting that the enemy seems to have abandoned any hope of enforcing their will via physical means and is solely leaning on economic sanctions to try and cow the opposition (can’t fight Russia, can’t fight Palestine and friends, can’t fight Texas, etc.)
Could be they’ve got less shooters than we think? Or maybe they’re just occupied with other tasks?
They are worried they are outgunned and that their shooters may not be loyal.
They have wasted the money needed to maintain their forces and eliminated any reason for loyalty to them because they are so corrupt.
Police Raids on Brazilian Lawmakers Spark Concerns Over Political Persecution
Jordan Petersen has jumped the shark.
He does not understand true freedom and the sanctity of the individual.
He is now dead to me.
He might as well have said “…for the greater good” at the end of his drivel.
We all know that at some point our borders will convert from wide open to airtight. The purpose of course to prevent heritage America from fleeing. Is the current situation the beginning of that? Unsure, but I don’t trust Abbott. I think maybe they have most of their assets on place. We’ll see.
Fleeing was never an option.
Many will try in the upcoming civil war though.
I do not trust Abbott, either. A distraction, important but the “migrants” move over to the private lands on either side. TX needs to close the entire border. The states all need to do it too. Stop taking fed $ for “migrant” contracts and remove them.
>The purpose of course to prevent heritage America from fleeing.
Never stop an enemy that’s making a mistake. We won’t be trapped in here with them, they’ll be trapped in here with us.
Re Jordan Peterson’s comnent about Trump should sacrifice the J6 ppl & let them rit in jail to appease the left. He said the same kind of weaseally thing a few years ago about Trump. Can anyone remember the context?
Context: Peterson is a delusional meth addict with a whore daughter. Paying him any more mind than the crack fiend at your local hood’s 7/11 is a fool’s errand.
He said he should get rid of Kavanaugh over the Blasey-Ford BS. For the greater good, of course
Joe Biden hard hat picture.
Isn’t that a pedophile symbol on the bar coasters? Anyone else notice that?
Good eye! It is a swirl.
Yeah, bunch of fat pedo-faced Dem creeps.
Symbolism. Also, the $5 and $10 cash along with the pedo coasters: upcoming Epstein-related event May 10.
Hey AC,
I had a thought regarding protecting yourself from the EMF.
Since EMF tend to have difficulty passing through water, how about buying water bricks, filling them with water, and lining your walls/attic with them? They stack and could be used to line the walls of a room, or the floors above where you’re sleeping. Downside is they’re not cheap, but I bet if you made an Amazon registry with the amount of bricks you need, you could get your audience here to buy bricks for you to help offset the cost Could be worth a shot, and if they don’t work, you’ll have an abundance of potable water stored for with the SHTF later this year.
Just a thought.
Thank you. I have tried water, and been disappointed, but I am in the process of doing a more thorough experiment. This stuff is very advanced. It was not cobbled together by the people deploying it.
Read a SF novel where this alien race showed up and warned another alien race was coming, and they were there to help the Earth fend off alien race #2.
As it turned out both alien races were allies; after having fought a war against each other they had liquidated their own planets and were reduced to their fleets. Exhausted, they allied and went around playing good alien/bad alien to loot and steal resources from hapless rube planets like Earth. Wasn’t a terrible work.
Any aliens presented will be just that, fake to scare and manipulate although the deaths may be real. They will be the sock puppets of the parasites running the West, Perhaps they’ll reveal some of their suppressed gee wizz tech and say ‘look how advanced these aliens are!’
For a good Alien war series look up The Gap Cycle by Stephen R. Donaldson
The Gap Cycle is absolutely fantastic. Read that a long time ago. Donaldson wrote The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, probably the second best fantasy series have Lord if the Rings.
1561 Nurenburg. News article chronicling a air battle lasting over an hour until a large black wedge craft showed up and all combatants scattered. There is nothing new under the sun.
> the thermal camera video I showed, in order to manifest, where the aluminum sheet heated up from the energy of the beam
Are you certain it was the foil heating up? In the infrared, most metals act like mirrors unless they have a coating that’s providing a higher emissivity. Just be sure you weren’t actually ‘seeing’ the reflection of, say, the ceiling or wall, where perhaps adsorbed water molecules were being heated by microwave energy.
> like with a microwave laser
Or perhaps a cavity magnetron like is in a microwave oven?
> small part of the blanket might jump perpendicular to the EM wave’s vector as the wave passed
If there’s some sort of interaction between induced electric and magnetic fields. Eddy current separators use moving magnets to induce small currents in conductive (not necessarily ferromagnetic) materials, which in turn generates an electromagnetic effect that then repels the metal from the moving magnet. Hard to say.
Might also be that the popping noises are small bursts of plasma between different grains in your conductive shield.
If the source is directed microwave energy, perhaps a defense would be to set up a metallic retroreflector (an RF version of the optically reflective disks on highway markers and bicycle wheels). Cut the corners off some cardboard boxes and wrap them in aluminum foil. Tape the cut side on a wall facing the perceived source. If it works, it would send the energy roughly back to the source. The reflector size would need to be comparable to or larger than the wavelength.
I have tried everything to block conventional microwaves, with no success. I should add Bill Binney has said the same thing about his beaming. He said he constructed a Faraday cage, in that interview on my surveillance page, and he said he found whatever the emissions were he was being hit with went right through the Faraday cage. I have had multiple layers of sheet steel, and seen it go through them and Dr Katherine Hortn, Bill’s wife said in Switzerland, she built up a wall of 25 sheets of sheet steel between her and the emissive source, and she still had particles (or what she feels are particles) coming through and hitting her. She is an Oxford PhD particle physicist, but I am still not sure it is particles. I think ti is something, an energy discharge, or like you say, a plasma bubble, something which explodes, right at the surface, simulating an impact.
It is a very irritating problem, which you will just keep going deeper and deeper into.
The article states:
This is a lie. The SCOTUS didn’t order anything at all from Texas. Texas was the one going to the court. Texas wanted the courts to tell CBP to stop cutting the wire. The court didn’t even say no, they just said not yet, go through the whole due process.
There is nothing Texas has to do to “comply” with the SCOTUS decision. The decision puts the state of things to exactly where they were when Texas first complained.
This is all fake news. (Not the border dispute, but the legalities.)
Thank you. Absent that legal analysis, the news articles all make it look like Texas is subverting the Supreme Court, and we are heading to some big conflagration.
We always go back to Miles Mathis with everything being fake and gay
Thanks for the clarification.
Why does the District Attorney office have any cars, much less “pursuit vehicles”? That’s what the police are for. You are lawyers. Use your own cars and get reimbursed for the millage, like every other lawyer in the country does.
The DA’s office shouldn’t be doing investigation at all. That’s what detectives do. When you start doing the investigation yourself, you become a witness. If you are a witness, you are putting yourself into a conflict of interest and also endangering the attorney work product privilege. The vast majority of their work needs to be done on the phone, in the office, and in the courthouse. Occasionally they can take a trip down to the jailhouse or the police station, but most of it should be on the paper and talking to the detectives (who are glad to come to them.)
That is interesting. Way back, James Burke of GIlgo Beach fame, was the chief investigator for the local DA in his area ( I forget all the details, they are in my Gilgo piece, I think). The DA got word an ADA took a bribe, so he gave it to Burke, who put surveillance on the ADA. He caught him taking a bribe, from some Better Call Saul-type who had a law firm that didn’t do any legal stuff, as I recall. Burke expanded the surveillance on that guy, who ended up being some kind of Cabal bag man/courier, handling bribes for everyone from ADAs, to local building departments, up to the state legislature. It became a massive surveillance op, even renting out a whole warehouse in an industrial area, filled with like forty people who spent all day listening to wiretaps and recordings and filling out reports with what was relevant. One of the investigators gave an interview with the newspaper, saying he thought something was wrong because one day Burke and the DA simply told everyone it was shut down, and everything stopped cold, with no charges, even though the network they uncovered was extensive, and they had hard evidence.
So what you are saying is the DA should have handed that investigation off to someone else? Would that hold if he had stumbled on some Federal crime, and he was local, so he prepares it for the Feds? Might he have felt the corruption went too deep to hand it off to any other agency? What is your take on all of that? I never thought about that being weird.
Handing it to Burke was the right call. I’m talking about if the DA tried to run the surveillance himself.
Burke was not Police back then though. He left the department, where I think he was like a Captain or something, and was doing a stint as the DA’s chief investigator. He and the DA went way back, to when Burke was a kid, and had to testify on some case.
I can see a large PA office having a few. Sometimes budget wise reimbursing mileage is a bigger drain than the payments on the cars. Right,no PA needs a pursuit vehicle! Jeez. I went with the Sheriff on a few matters. I gave advice as to elements needed to be able to use what he and his deputies and posse did. He took me with him for press conferences, I’d stand at his shoulder, looking serious, slight crease between my eyebrows. I did not watch the takedowns, etc. I wasn’t going to be a witness if I could avoid it. One time, I went up a hill to wait, ended up looking down on the crime scene – 6 slaughtered cattle. We had rustling cases, being a large rural ranching and farming area.
The main deputy prosecutors, hate Fani with a passion. They have been awfully good about keeping their mouths relatively shut. I watched one of them assigned to do part of questioning of that Jenna witch on video, which was released.Unethical! Meant for intimidation of the other defendants. He wasn’t looking happy at all.
I was told by a US atty about the raid he went on when he was first made AUSA. They took a helicopter, he was in a Kevlar vest, they landed on the roof of this buildfing, kicked some doors, he’ll of a lot of fun.
He told a senior AUSA about it. That guy asked him, “was it fun?” Hell yes. “Then you shouldn’t be doing it.” And then he explained everything I did, which is where I learned.
I lold. Those chads new exactly what they were doing. They told Biden that is how to wear it. And the dumb mofo believed them. And so did all his stupid handlers.
Scranton Joe? But he was a coal miner! And a trucker!
I think he also helped Al Gore invent the internet.
Liquified Natural Gas was sold to investors as a way forwards towards peace in the Middle East. That is why so many early investors were oil sheikdoms. They want peace enough to invest billions in a technology that is built and run, and benefits, other countries. In so many ways, it’s a selfless act of faith on their part.
Biden choking out LNG is evil. It favors the more warlike, old line despots over the newer, younger, more innovative economies that are trying to make their way to a peaceful, prosperous world for everyone.
There was a NYTimes reporter who wrote a book on the whole field. He was the one who published in the newspaper and in the book about this explicitly being an industry developed to bring peace.
Half the country is leftist? I doubt it. They wish they were.
So, how much did your hospital pay for theirs again? This type of thing is why I started BOOTSTRAPPY originally, because the future of freedom itself depends on there being an open source version of literally everything. Generic easy to rebuild devices and free software are going to be the only refuge against the corporate IP sledgehammer.
Pyrotechnical – Building a DIY CT/CAT scanner for 200$
You are a monster.
?resize=768%2C491&ssl=1 You really are
Thinking about my earlier question about Jordan Peterson being all too willing to tell Trump to throw the J6 defendants under the bus to appease leftists I remember now Peterson was doing exactly the same thing to Brett Kavanagh & saying he should resign from the SC because some women made claims of sexual harrassment against him (unproven). Peterson is such a coward.
He was the same way during the first year of Covid hysteria, angrily demanding everyone just take the shot and shut up.
Only much later did he publicly acknowledge that the entire thing was a fiasco, and that the shots didn’t work.
He consistently takes the wrong side on many issues, only to later reverse course.
Yes! And ppl still listen to him. Unbelievable!
As to the Army and Navy dropping diploma requirements, looks like Bracken was more right than I would have ever thought.
Pretty soon we’ll see Admirals and Generals heading up the departments of wagons and row boats.
> Pentagon report warns America is unequipped to defend itself from an extraterrestrial alien invasion.
Considering we can’t even keep invaders from just walking or swimming across our southern border, I’m not particularly surprised.
Also note that the US Navy seems to be completely unable to detect or intercept those fiberglass narco submarines running drugs and illegals. If it weren’t for one that washed up on-shore after it was abandoned, and another found at a raid on a shipping point, we wouldn’t even know about them at all.
The slightly-smarter narcos are probably using large-scale model airplanes. Apparently those are also invisible to the “no sparrow shall fall” gaze of the military.
If the Duchy of Grand Fenwick were to invade, we’d be in deep trouble.
That’s all misdirection. Drugs come into the country the same way iPhones do.
> Florida advances law banning children under 16 from using social media.
They don’t care about “the children.” What they want is to eradicate anonymity – such as it is – on the internet, by enforcing some centralized authentication before people can use it. That way they can censor or alter information in either direction, in realtime.
Bills come up periodically advancing something similar, going back to at least the Clinton Administration.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
Make it illegal to collect data without consent. Children can’t enter into the contract. 2/3 of the problems caused by social media will disappear over night. Now make a company liable for data breaches. Bingo – now the grocery store goes back to anonymized data collection for logistical purposes, and are forced to drop the creepy things.
I swear to God – 99% of our problems are so simple to cure, but the dumbasses get excited when sweeping legislation endangers their future freedom. It’s like watching the cigarette bans (but not for DuMaurier!) all over again.
It’s already illegal for various agencies to collect various types of information on Americans. They routinely and publicly ignore that. And when they want to show the fig leaf of compliance, they just have a fusion center do it for them.
Passing even more laws against it isn’t going to stop them.
Getting someone else to get the info is still a search and covered by the 4thA.
poor online pedogroomers. I can already hear their reeeeeee
Interesting take on the Tim Remington shooting from the website of his denomination:
Briefly; no mention of alleged shape-shifting, no mention of Kyle and Tim’s earlier encounter, bullet deflection was even more amazing than we thought (even the hollow points that missed completely expanded as though they hit something solid.) Oh, and even local newscasters were asking people to pray for him.
Biden sanctions gas leases in Texas. So now Texas…is Russia.
He’ll get counseling. Bet on it.
Here’s a short video, a few years old, demonstrating a “synthetic aperture radar” that detects motion of an object and feeds it into some computer system:
If I understand correctly, and I may not, the system sends out a “radar ping”, receives some reflected signals back, and processes that data to produce a 2d image based on where most of the reflected or absorbed signal was. Then in theory if you had two of these systems working like stereo vision, similar to two eyes near each other, you could produce a synthetic 3d image of the space.
Ground penetrating radar is a thing: . The limitations section points out:
Note “salt contaminated” in that quote. I know there was recent discussion about whether using salt water or fresh water should make a better RF barrier. I found which makes a very strong case that saltwater should more highly attenuate the signal:
If I’m following that publication right, and I may not because I’m skimming it and it’s late here, while the conductivity may be different at a different frequency since they are not likely using 2.4GHz, that lower bound of absorption loss in seawater vs freshwater is enormous.
The last thing I’m thinking about with disrupting their signal, if they are using these radar style principles, they are likely adjusting position/direction, frequency, and power until they home in on whatever they are targeting. The RF blast from an ignition temporarily disrupts all their measurements, effectively requiring an online re-calibration. If this theory is right, then frequent RF blasts would make it impossible to calibrate against the room you are in. Many have suggested moving your body with a rotating bed or whatever. What if there were RF-reflective objects moving in your room? I wonder if you had a few parabolic dishes of various sizes that were just on continuously rotating turntables, turning at different speeds. Any signal that hits the parabolic dish, if reflected, would be reflected at an unpredictable direction, in theory. Parabolic dishes are pretty far outside my area of expertise, so I don’t know about what materials or sizes would be appropriate. If you look up “diy parabolic dish” you can find instructions for solar cookers and parabolic microphones.
Excellent info. I am seeing strange things, which if borne out repeatedly, would make me think they might have some sort of AI integrated with targeting, processing ridiculous amounts of data, and capable of doing strange things with the tech, like reflecting and using interference effects.
Good info and thinking.
It might help to put the VDG generator or other devices on moving turntables too.
Is Iceland’s next Tourist Attraction under Volcanic threat so close to Reykjavik ?
Movie still sucks, Q.
Worse than current Hollywood.
South Africa future in Los Angeles.
Should have used two carriage returns between paragraphs. Im sorry for wall of text. I hate that crap.
The Peterson quote is entirely fabricated. I’ve listened to the entire interview and nothing related to the ostensible quote can be heard in the entirety of the interview. This quote has been picked up and disseminated by Vox Day and is highly misleading and subversive to right-thinking.
Interesting. We’ll have to look into it.
AC, I cannot find the quote in the Jordan Peterson video you linked. Are you sure you posted the right video?
I have to go back and look. I am on fumes lately, I may have fucked it up.