News Briefs – 01/27/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Arizona Senate Committee passes SEVEN election integrity bills – including ballot fraud countermeasures and making ballot images public records.

Wisconsin attorneys file an emergency motion to bypass the Appeal’s Court and their decision to delay banning of drop boxes for the Feb. primary.

AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem is working on resolution to reclaim Arizona’s 2020 electors, saying, “I actually have a resolution in markup right now.” If something were coming, I would expect them to have already prepared these resolutions and moved them into position. The chances probably are small, but not impossible.

Retiring GOP RINO Chairman of WI rules committee Jim Steineke says “zero chance I will pass” representative Ramthun’s resolution to decertify 2020 election results.

The lawyers for Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell announced their clients were open to a settlement with Dominion Voting Systems after their discovery requests are complete.

Dominion Voting Systems will not seek settlement in defamation suits against Lindell, Giuliani, and Powell.

Durham filing reveals his team learned for first time, this month, the Office of the Inspector General had TWO cellphones for former FBI General Counsel who is central witness in Sussmann case, “the Government has been working diligently to review their contents,” +“expects to produce approximately 492,285 additional pages” of discovery including third parties and “one government agency.

Prince Andrew demands jury trial in US.

Prince Andrew’s defiant 41-denial response to Virginia Roberts’ sex abuse lawsuit puts him on a ‘collision course with the palace’ as he demands a JURY trial and says Ghislaine Maxwell was NOT his ‘close friend.’

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband partly owned a Chinese company that sold spyware to the U.S. Military.

Post Office’s Law Enforcement arm is expanding its surveillance powers.

What it feels like to be an Asian student at an elite high school. I found this part of this article interesting: “Tausifa Haque, a 17-year-old daughter of Bangladeshi immigrants, walks in the early morning from her family’s apartment in the Bronx to the elevated subway and rides south to Brooklyn, a journey of one and a half hours.
There she joins a river of teenagers who pour into Brooklyn Technical High School — Bengali and Tibetan, Egyptian and Chinese, Sinhalese and Russian, Dominican and Puerto Rican, West Indian and African American. The cavernous eight-story building holds about 5,850 students, one of the largest and most academically rigorous high schools in the United States. Her father drives a cab; her mother is a lunchroom attendant.” So she got a special admission allowing her to travel an hour and a half each day to an elite school. I realized recently as I looked back, there were a lot of Cabal watchers in my school who were called “aides.” I thought them strange because teachers didn’t teach every period. Why hire some 65 year old obese woman who appeared to have barely a high school degree and no specialist training to stand in a hall watching kids walk by, if a teacher could stand outside his door door in between classes to watch the hall, and stand a post during a period when they weren’t teaching. Why bring in yet another salary you have to pay, when you have a raft of teachers fucking off in the teacher’s lounge all the time? Why even have a teachers lounge? You’re paying those fucking people to work only six months a year, with crazy vacation time during that period, for a few hour-long sessions the days when they have to work, and you buy them a lounge to fuck off in those rare times when they are on the clock? When one of the Cabal Juniors started trying to push me around my Freshman year outside the cafeteria, I remembered thinking it weird because there was an “Aide” standing thirty feet away watching us as the whole thing went down. I thought to myself there was no way this fight would go anywhere before she ran up and stopped it, so I was barely even engaged in it. But as it escalated, she didn’t intervene, she just stood there and watched. After the kid ran off, she did nothing, until the next day I got summoned to the entry office (whereas real discipline was metted out from the main office, courtesy of a Vice-Principal). There one of the weird guys who were like more aggressive security aides you’d see walking around with no real purpose, took me to what looked like a broom closet way in the back that he had squeezed a desk into, and gave me a talking to, and wanted me to say there was no further conflict with this kid, before telling me I had too much potential to be getting caught up in things like this. I thought it odd instantly, that he would know anything about my potential, given I did not look like a smart kid and I had just beaten up some other kid, but I was happy to get out of there. Clearly now I realize, the aide was supposed to watch me get beaten up, and didn’t know what to do when it didn’t work out that way, so she did nothing and later reported me to security/Cabal-school-command guy who larped as some sort of Vice Principle (he was not) to handle a quasi-discipline ritual to hopefully stop me from deciding to keep beating on their kid every day for pleasure. So returning to this article, you have a girl whose parents are new immigrants (probably former intel assets in their home countries, brought here by CIA as some sort of reward), dad drives a cab (a classic intel/vehicular-surveillance position, which even Putin said he did in Moscow for a bit while he was KGB), mom is a lunch “aide” probably watching kids there, and the kid’s elite school is a bastion of “Bengali and Tibetan, Egyptian and Chinese, Sinhalese and Russian, Dominican and Puerto Rican, West Indian and African American” students. In an American school system rife with some sort of domestic intel agency so bent on controlling who rises that it runs kid spies and has them trying to derail me at school when I was 13, first with bullying, and then with honeypots, because some test I took said I was going to be a problem at some point. Make your kids hide their power levels.

Joe Biden will be Impeached in November, Steve Bannon says.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire, giving Biden a chance to nominate a replacement.

Shannon Bream tweets: Multiple sources tell me Justice Breyer was not planning to announce his retirement today. They describe him as “upset” with how this has played out. We still await any official notice from his office and/or the #SCOTUS public information office.

A nomination will be an uphill battle due to a 50:50 power sharing arrangement on the Judiciary committee which McConnell struck with Schumer a ways back, which means if all republicans oppose a nominee, no nominee may be able to clear Judiciary, and thus any nominee will require 60 votes from the full Senate to reintroduce a nominee which never made it out of Judiciary – an unlikely prospect according to Time. Unfortunately Lindsey Graham is on Judiciary, and I could see him being the asshole who will pass any nominee to the Senate “on principle,” destroying this mechanism. Why he has any committee assignment, let alone judiciary, is a mystery.

Media analysts on CNN and MSNBC agreed Wednesday that liberal Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement would allow President Biden a chance to make history and appoint the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, and restore his embattled administration’s tattered image. We should push for a handicapped person, ideally handicapped with a disease that would produce a very short lifespan, so they keel over in Trump’s second term. It would be inspirational, to show nothing can stop a determined spirit.

Some think he may use the opportunity to get rid of Harris by nominating her.

On MSNBC, Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said she wants Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s replacement to be someone “who will consider the impact, the effects of whatever decision-making is on people in our country so that they are not making decisions just based on” the law.

Biden would lose to a generic Republican, and would beat Trump in ‘24, a poll shows. This is how controlled the media is. There is nobody who wants four more years of this, compared to Trump’s administration.

The Mayor of Hyattsville, Maryland, Kevin Ward died Tuesday in an apparent suicide, officials said. He was 44-years-old. Ward’s body was reportedly found in a park in McLean, Virginia. Or, as it is also known, a “Vince Foster.” It was even Ft. Marcy Park again. I would not be surprised CIA controls that park, maybe even filled it with covert monitoring devices, and uses it for training agents. So when they dump a body, it is a nice controlled environment and they can be sure there won’t be any surprises, like me walking up with a video camera, asking them what they are doing.

Judge mulls release for Steven Rhodes, facing sedition charges in Jan. 6 attack because a yearlong delay in charging Oath Keepers founder may have hurt the case for keeping him in jail. He was rumored to be a Fed informant himself, and charging him seemed weird.

Intracranial infection cases up 60 FOLD since the vaccines were rolled out. Looks like some sort of generalized immune system breakdown, combined with a deterioration of the blood/brain barrier, maybe by auto-immune means. Between all the people who will need heart transplants, the cancers, the neurological issues, the prion diseases, the Alzheimer’s like brain-micro-clotting, and this, you are going to see a much sicker population going forward. And worst of all, the fuckers did this to our military, which we may need for a coming World War.

1983 video shows Dr. Fauci pushing theory that kids can get AIDS simply by being in “close contact” with infected individuals.

Video of Pharmacology researcher Andrew Hill admitting by inference he was going to kill 15,000 people per day while he stalled the release of a study which would show Ivermectin was efficacious against COVID. The guy is a Clinton Foundation hack, so it would not be surprising if Epstein probably owned him. I saw a doctor trying to justify denying the heart transplant patient his transplant for being unvaccinated, saying they shouldn’t waste a good heart on somebody who was going to die from COVID. Throughout the interview, his arms were crossed tightly, and he kept looking down as he was talking in a vituperative manner. He clearly knew it was wrong, but he was spouting the Cabal lines anyway.

Oklahoma State Senator looks to make Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine over the counter drugs. It is now to the point we need every drug to be over the counter, and to reduce doctors to mere advisors on treatments, rather than gatekeepers of treatments. If you want to put it in your body it is your business.

Kansas bill would force pharmacists to fill Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as off-label COVID treatment.

Records confirm Chinese Government ‘anal swab’ COVID testing of U.S. diplomatic personnel.

South Carolina bill would make it illegal to ask vaccine status.

Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy is likely the world’s largest vehicle convoy in history.

Truckers protest could be the downfall of Klaus Schwab’s apprentice Justin Trudeau.

A Hungarian Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics and vaccine skeptic, has died from Covid aged 51 – just weeks after agreeing to get jabbed to keep his coaching job.

Fauci says children younger than 4 will get three doses of COVID vaccines.

State Democrats on Tuesday blocked an audit of COVID-19 testing failures that occurred during a spike of 1,100 nursing home deaths in Colorado during the 2020 Christmas season — the worst nursing home death rate in the nation.

Denmark no longer classifies COVID-19 as a “socially critical disease,” all restrictions will be lifted from February 1.

Unvaccinated inmates in Pennsylvania’s state prisons are being held in lockdown conditions indefinitely, unless they submit to vaccination.

A Florida doctor says families of loved ones hospitalized with COVID-19 have seen tremendous success by sneaking medications prohibited by hospitals to patients. Not that I would recommend anyone else do it, but the way I would do it is buy an ice cream for them at Carvel, and mix in Ivermectin before bringing it to them. I would probably use the injectable, but anything would do.

364 percent increase in speech delay referrals for babies and toddlers because they aren’t learning to speak due to people wearing masks.

An estimated 300,000 people in UK have potentially fatal heart valve disease. So don’t think the vaccine had anything to do with the coming tsunami of cases.

Nancy Pelosi shifted her China stance as her family scored Beijing deals.

Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, the three major agricultural producers in South America, are currently experiencing a prolonged period of drought and low water levels in their main rivers that is severely impacting harvests, as well as river transport of important summer crops, with maize and soybeans the main casualties.

Massive ‘mushroom cloud’ explosion at Louisiana chemical plant.

NewsGuard, the establishment “news-rating” project that presents itself as a source of expert knowledge on which news sources can be trusted and which ones cannot, will be rolling out to millions of American schoolchildren due to a partnership with the American Federation of Teachers. As somebody on Q’s board astutely pointed out, Fact Checkers were never needed until the internet allowed us to talk to each other and share the truth, rather than listen only to their propaganda and lies.

Spotify to pull Neil Young’s music after artist’s objections to Joe Rogan.

A California city voted Tuesday night to require gun owners to carry liability insurance in what’s believed to be the first measure of its kind in the United States. Lawsuits to come.

Social Security would need to cut benefits across the board by 22% when it hits insolvency in 2034, according to the latest trustees report.

Linux system service bug gives root on all major distros, exploit released.

A father is suing a school district in Florida because the school was having secret meetings with his daughter about gender identity and he was only notified after she tried to commit suicide by hanging herself in the bathroom at the school.

An Afghan migrant who worked with U.S. troops before being evacuated to the United States has been convicted of raping a 3-year-old girl on a Marine Corps base in Virginia, telling authorities that the molestation of children is merely a part of his people’s culture, and no reason to throw him in prison.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ meeting with Border Patrol agents in the Yuma Sector on Wednesday did not go well after he was forced to admit to the staggering amount of illegal border crossings has made the agents’ job more difficult.

Biden threatens Putin with rare personal sanctions if he invades Ukraine.

A U.S. State Department official claimed that intelligence shows “every indication” Russia will use military force in Ukraine by mid-February.

Biden’s Deputy National Security Adviser says Americans should care about Ukraine because “borders should be inviolate…sovereignty should be respected.” Unless they are American Borders.

NATO will not be sending its troops to Ukraine, said the alliance’s chief in a televised interview.

US citizens told depart Ukraine now by any means possible in new embassy alert. Do they know when the false flag to start the war is set to go off?

Russia and Ukraine agree to keep ceasefire, new talks next month. Somehow Putin tops every other world leader right now on both cool-headedness and dangerousness. It is a mark of Cabal that no other Western nation involved here comes close. They all seem both helpless and erratic at the same time. You would think if people elected governments, at least one would have somebody like Putin.

Posobiec says, If the Russia panic doesn’t work they’re prepping to release the aliens, in response to a news story about some space object emitting radio waves. He might be joking, but in this timeline, maybe not.

The Supreme Court agreed this week to hear a case brought by two Idaho residents which could drastically reduce the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to tell people what they can do with wetlands on their own property.

Commerce Secretary calls $52 billion for US chip manufacture/supply in US ‘extremely urgent.’ On the one hand, domestic production is good, on the other hand it is possibly Cabal giving federal funds to Cabal-businesses, and could just be theft.

Biden’s Rasmussen Approval Index sets a record low (-33).

While playing a round of golf, Donald Trump says he’s the “45th and 47th” President of the United States.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


I am told the very strong and impressive Morgan Ortagus is exploring a run for Congress in Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District. I couldn’t be happier because she’s an absolute warrior for America First and MAGA! Morgan was fantastic in her role working with Secretary Mike Pompeo at the U.S. State Department and understands the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran and others, and will be tough, not just roll over like the Democrats and RINOs. She serves in the U.S. Navy Reserves and will fight for our Military. She won’t bow to the Woke Mob or the Leftist LameStream Media. Morgan Ortagus will have my Complete and Total Endorsement if she decides to run!

Endorsement of Congressman Carlos A. Gimenez

Congressman Carlos A. Gimenez is a bold advocate for freedom. From Firefighter, to Mayor, and now a Congressman for FL-26, he is a proven leader who will fight for South Florida and who always puts America First. Carlos is strong on National Security, our Border, and is committed to a strong Economy. Carlos Gimenez, a lifelong Republican, has a strong record in fighting Communists and other Socialists. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


Save America Announces Program Speakers for Conroe, Texas Rally


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will be joined by endorsed candidates, members of the Texas Congressional Delegation, and other special guests on Saturday, January 29th, 2022, in Conroe, TX.

This Save America rally is a continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting America First candidates and causes.

Saturday, January 29, 2022, at 7:00 PM CST

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks.


Montgomery County Fairgrounds

9333 Airport Road

Conroe, TX, 77303

Special Guest Speakers:

Governor Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas

Attorney General Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas

Commissioner Sid Miller, Agriculture Commissioner of Texas

State Senator Dawn Buckingham, Candidate for Texas Land Commissioner

Judge Mark Keough, Montgomery County Judge

Mayor Connie Kacir, Mayor of Gonzales, Texas

Chairman Matt Rinaldi, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas

Timeline of Events:

6:00AM – Parking Opens

2:00PM – Doors Open

4:00PM – Program Begins

7:00PM – 45th President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

General Admission Tickets:


Request Media Credentials:


All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 3:00PM CST.


Spread r/K Theory, because 45 will be 47.

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3 years ago

“Aussie truckers are organizing their own road rally to Canberra”

The clip at the link only talks about Canada.
Do you have a link about Australia?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In Australia, the “2022 Official Convoy to Canberra” has more than 44,000 members on Facebook and more than 10,000 followers on Telegram as of Thursday. The group is planning to meet in the capital by Jan. 31 to protest vaccine mandates.

European truckers are organizing to protest vaccine mandates as well. The European Convoy Telegram channel has more than 7,300 members. Truckers are organizing across Europe, including the Netherlands, France, Hungary, and more, to converge on Brussels by Feb. 7.

More at:

3 years ago

“While playing a round of golf, Donald Trump says he’s the “45th and 47th” President of the United States”

This had better be disinformation.

We can’t afford for Biden to be treated as legitimate and only be replaced in 2024.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Why not? They decided Barack Obama was a legitimate President *twice*.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Because the camel can’t take many more straws on its back.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Being 47 doesn’t necessarily mean waiting until 2024.

Reply to  1984
3 years ago

It means that Biden is accepted as 46 instead of being wiped from the record and all his reversible acts undone.

3 years ago

What is Trump doing?

Leaked Email Shows Trump-Backed Tennessee Congressional Hopeful Morgan Ortagus Pledging To ‘Faithfully Serve The Biden Administration.’

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Posobiec says, If the Russia panic doesn’t work they’re prepping to release the aliens, in response to a news story about some space object emitting radio waves. He might be joking, but in this timeline, maybe not.”

So, it looks like PoCIAbiec floats an idea and if it looks like it will gain traction Cabal does it. An object emitting radio waves would be one thing, a picture would be another. The James Webb Telescope would be the prime candidate to “produce” such a picture. I was talking to a friend of mine, a NASA follower, and he told me about how his livefeed of the telescope launch went offline at 17 days, 17 hourse and 17 minutes- only picking up again a few minutes later- probably because some kind of ceremony was being done in the control room.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

> his livefeed of the telescope launch went offline at 17 days, 17 hourse and 17 minutes

*mind blown*

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Project Blue Beam was floating aroung decades ago. Just imagine how good their fake shit could be with all the money dumped into Hollywood special effects research over those years.

I will literally never believe in aliens until I personally bag and tag one for an at-home impromptu autopsy, and even then I’ll be looking for the prosthetic makeup.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I would bet that the tech has been stalled for decades, because Hollywood has moved entirely to CGI. I think that is what the deepfake push is about — they know that practical effects will never get good enough.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband partly owned a Chinese company that sold spyware to the U.S. Military.”

Oy Vey! That probably won’t help the Americans fight those Fascist Russians in Ukraine. Better have Israel send more weapons to the neo-nazis who serve a Jewish president in Ukraine.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Spotify to pull Neil Young’s music after artist’s objections to Joe Rogan.”

I hope Neil Young will remember… that he doesn’t really own his music.

“Earlier this month, Young sold 50% of his songwriting copyrights to the U.K. investment company Hipgnosis Songs”

It is funny watching a washed up Canuck boomer get stomped out by Toe Rogan though.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’m surprised he only sold half. Alot of his boomer musician peers are selling their entire catalogs.

Old Scratch fan Bob Dylan sold his for 200 million and abortion enthusiast Stevie Nicks sold hers for 100 million.

They’re selling at peak boomer so the timing is good although it’s not like they have long to enjoy it before their own ticket gets punched.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

If I had a band I would be rushing to record covers of all of Neil Young’s tracks to sweep up those Boomer Bucks.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Commerce Secretary calls $52 billion for US chip manufacture/supply in US ‘extremely urgent.’ On the one hand, domestic production is good, on the other hand it is possibly Cabal giving federal funds to Cabal-businesses, and could just be theft.”

12 of that 52 is for actual si fabs, the other 40 is for women, drag queens and Kangz in Tech, in other words, Cabal and their follow teams and DEWs. That’s how it always works.

For comparison, the entire F-22 Raptor fighter program was $44 Billion.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“A California city voted Tuesday night to require gun owners to carry liability insurance in what’s believed to be the first measure of its kind in the United States. Lawsuits to come.”

Later in CA, Christians will have to carry liability insurance to attend Church because their beliefs might offend someone. People reading the WSJ at a diner or listening to talk radio or Infowars in their car will have to carry special insurance as well because it might offend someone who overhears. And insurance companies will provide this, but they won’t cover you for getting the vaxx. The absolute state of “America”.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Nancy Pelosi shifted her China stance as her family scored Beijing deals.”

Pelosi, Cuomo, Fauci, Garcetti, Panetta, Podesta.

It was five families, now its six. The six families of Wop.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“What it feels like to be an Asian student at an elite high school.”

Their parents should of stayed in Asia, mixing the nations is wrong and the Lord damns it.

related, just look at all that awful White Supremacy, smack.

3 years ago

Old man look at your life, you’re a lot like Brandon
Kneel Young

3 years ago

>It is now to the point we need every drug to be over the counter

Honestly, that was pretty much always the case. “you need a prescription for everything” is a racket making sure you have to waste lots of money going to the doctor for small things. 90% of stuff could should probably work like a 5 minutes consult with a pharmacist if you even need to, then get whatever you need.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Even better: order online herbal books that will explain what herbs will treat what and how to prepare them.
1. Prescription for Nutritional Healing: link is incredibly long; but GNC has a half price sale at the moment. This is a very important book;
2. Back to Eden:
BTE lists herbs, what they treat, and how to prepare them.
You are fortunate if you have a vitamin and herbal store in your town: get to know the owner or manager who usually know what they are talking about.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

The emergence of telehealth and virtual appointments proves this. 5 minute video call, doc prescribes whatever you ask of them essentially if you have a good enough reason to ask for it, it shows up at your pharmacy.

Much like the police and government, time to remind doctors they work FOR US, not us for them.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Right. The old system was that everything was given by the pharmacist. If you needed treatment (bones set, surgery, etc) you went to the doctor. If you needed pills, you went to the pharmacist.

The two industries formed a cartel with the agreement that doctors would write prescriptions, pharmacists would only sell to those prescriptions, and everyone would profit.

And here we are.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

In Latin America, for minor complaints you just go to the pharmacist. Doctors are for serious troubles.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

in a country where women have the vote…
where those gals think a major aspect of government is “keeping people safe”….
a country where vast bureaucracies have arisen to manage those ‘demands’…

never gonna happen. they’ll fight to the death to prevent that.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“We should push for a handicapped person, ideally handicapped with a disease that would produce a very short lifespan, so they keel over in Trump’s second term. It would be inspirational, to show nothing can stop a determined spirit.”

haha, good one AC

“Little Umfoofoo fought so hard but the election of Trump to his second Presidency proved too much for his little gnarled heart to handle. Fly Umfoofoo fly!”

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
3 years ago

According to RFK Jr’s book, HQC used to be sold OTC. Falsie and his goons pulled it to put in a national stockpile; also to keep it off limits so they could push the Clot Shot.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

Yes, though it wasn’t something that was commonly stocked. Your travel agent would recommend getting a supply if you traveled to where it might be needed, and you’d have your pharmacy order some in.

My doctor was a medic in Vietnam; they used tons of the stuff to treat all sorts of maladies, and found it quite effective. But it wasn’t a thing in the civilian world when he got his own practice, and the insurance companies don’t like “off-list” prescriptions that don’t agree with their ideas of how he should treat his patients.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

They floated the idea of putting quercitin on prescription basis only a few months ago. The hue and cry was enough for TPTB to drop it.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

In Vietnam, they would HCQ and chloroquine as a prophylactic against malaria. HCQ every day with Chloroquine once a week to all 400,000 troops.

3 years ago

> What it feels like to be an Asian student at an elite high school.

AC, your analysis on the Cabal at this high school and your own school experience is incredible. The Cabal surveillance explains *so much* of the insanity that we see today.

What frustrates me is that good, traditional, real Americans see this story as “oh, these innocent immigrants just being part of the American dream and working hard for a new life!” But no. Not at all.

And as always, AC, thanks for your daily efforts.

3 years ago

> because 45 will be 47

YES. Always good to hear from GEOTUS. o7

3 years ago

> Prince Andrew demands jury trial in US.

He’s being charged with a felony; unless Noo Yawk is different from the rest of the states, he’ll get a jury unless he signs a document requesting a “bench trial”, where the judge alone decides his case. I’d guess that “demand” was at the suggestion of his PR people; his lawyers should know better.

(after seeing so many “high power” lawyers utterly beclown themselves in the last couple of years, it’s probably not a good idea to assume their competence)

Considering how far left NY judges are, and how many probably have connections to the Epstein case, a bench trial might be his better option. “Not guilty! And since the statute of limitations ran out shortly after the case was filed, you’ll not be bothered by this again.”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

No, it’s just legal language. You have to “demand” a jury. There is no mechanism to request or suggest it. Reporters on legal beats are too stupid to understand legalese.

3 years ago

> Post Office’s Law Enforcement arm is expanding its surveillance powers.
What I find interesting is that the USPS claims to be so desperately short of funds, yet found the money to set up its own intelligence system, theoretically without the knowledge or approval of Congress, and “voluntarily” offer its gleanings to other Federal agencies.

Now they’re wanting to add “enforcement” to that. Hmm…

3 years ago

> Joe Biden will be Impeached in November, Steve Bannon says.

I’ll believe it when I see it. And even it it happens… Donald Trump was impeached. And Bill Clinton. And Andrew Johnson.

So far, no President has ever been removed from office, or even notably inconvenienced by, impeachment.

They might as well just wag their forefingers at him while chanting, “Shame! Shame!”

3 years ago

This is probably a big deal. This Patel Patriot dude has the Phiz of a spook to me but he is immensely popular in MAGA. He started the newest round of COG (continuity of gov) talk. He’s begun pushing Clif High. MAGA normies getting more into High Weirdness.

Disclosure: I think this is a good thing.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

It’s definitely a good thing as long as people don’t go too far down the rabbit hole.

Clif High is a bright guy with a wide base of knowledge and his own quantum crystal ball, and has a fairly decent track record predicting large scale social changes.

I definitely listen to what Clif says and take it to heart. Clif is convinced, according to several metrics and his own system, that cabal will fail big, and relatively soon.

That doesn’t mean we sit back and relax, but he is very insistent that the forces of good are coalescing to strike a major blow to the beast.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

I’m not saying Clif High is not a bright guy. I’m not saying he’s not right about mass precognition. I do say that like looking at entails of sacrificed animals to tell the future I’m not sure that his reading of entrails is correct. I’ve seen some of these and…they’re just so, well they seem much like the astrology predictions you see in the newspapers.

It must be noted I have not extensively followed him but I have looked at it.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Has the phiz? what does he look like?

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Edit: I see what he looks like now

3 years ago

> Why he has any committee assignment, let alone judiciary, is a mystery.

What about “the squad” and the others who waltzed in from the street and immediately got prime committee positions it usually takes experienced politicans years to be considered for?

That’s the Deep State selecting its own functionaries. None of these people have the capability of doing the jobs they hold; they’re assigned to them and then told what to do when they’re not busy having three-Martini lunches or tending to their “social media.” They’re not even real politicians, just sock puppets.

3 years ago

> Some think he may use the opportunity to get rid of Harris by nominating her.

Considering the political leanings of the Supremes, Harris wouldn’t affect things much one way or the other. They’ve all shat on their oaths of office and gone partisan now.

The real thing to worry about is “Who would replace Harris?” Think back to the original contenders for the Democratic nomination. A few of them might well be *worse* than Harris.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

It would probably be Pete Bummingfags, they really wanted him high up but knew the sodomy was still too hard a sell for the average joe normie.

3 years ago

> Oklahoma State Senator looks to make Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine over the counter drugs.

It doesn’t look like there’s any action on the bill yet (or the similar one the article mentioned in Missouri), but I’ve made a note to check on them periodically. Should either one pass, it’s only a few hours’ drive to either state, and I’ll stock up.

Even if they offered mail orders to out-of-state buyers, I don’t know that I’d trust USPS or a private carrier to complete a delivery.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Speaking of, because of info overwhelm I still don’t know/remember, in what situations do you use Iver and which do you use HCQ?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

“…what situations do you use Iver and which do you use HCQ…”

If my understanding is correct, and someone please correct me if I am wrong, HCQ is the older version and through research they came up with Ivermectin which works better with less side effects.

I read this, somewhere, but it could be that the Ivermectin was just to have a new patent.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Ivermectin was found in a bacteria in Japan.
It has no connection to Hydroxychloroquine.
HCQ is the most advanced version of Quinine which comes from certain plants.

They share some mechanisms but not others.

I do not know when it is best to use each.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“…Ivermectin was found in a bacteria in Japan.
It has no connection to Hydroxychloroquin…”

You’re right, I goofed that up.

“…HCQ is the most advanced version of Quinine…”

I added in the Ivermectin which was not the same.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I understood the hierarchy to be:

For anti-viral (suspected to be from zinc transport) chloroquine is superior to all, but has side effects and an LD50 that prevent heavy dosing. HCQ is slightly less effective, but can be dosed heavier (vs effectiveness) and has few side effects.

Ivermectin is primarily anti-parasite, but because it is an efficient zinc transporter, it can be used if HCQ is contraindicated (like allergies or lack of availability.)

The real problem now is that the CDC, WHO and NIH have flooded the zone with so much disinformation, it’s hard to find pre-2020, reliable information on any of them.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Isn’t Iver now the gold standard for CV treatment? and HCQ was at the start? Iirc, the latter was for “I can’t breathe”/george floyd type symptoms, and the former is for spike protein type symptoms. I still don’t know the exact mechanisms

3 years ago

> you are going to see a much sicker population going forward

K-CHING! $$$$ Profits for the medical industry. And, jeez, look at the state of the health of American citizens. We need socialized medicine RIGHT NOW! Fedcare++ to the rescue! That’s guaranteed payments, cutting out the middlemen. Such a deal!

2020 US healthcare industry size: $4.1 trillion.

By comparison, the Fed only took in $3.4 trillion in taxes and fees in 2020. (and spent $6.6 trillion, spending money like a crack whore with a stolen credit card)

3 years ago

>Massive ‘mushroom cloud’ explosion at Louisiana chemical plant.

You get that with any big enough bang. They’re associated with nukes because those give gigondomundo big mushroom clouds.

3 years ago

> It is now to the point we need every drug to be over the counter

Oregon decriminalized all drugs. You can legally buy cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, LSD, etc. from any rando off the street.

But you need a prescription and a licensed pharmacy to get the good cough syrup or allergy meds.

“Seems legit…”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

With that logic, I believe it would be legal to buy good cough syrup/allergy meds from any rando off the street?

3 years ago

> Spotify

Probably a lot more people listen to Joe Rogan than Neil Young. It’s probable that Young moved into the “has-been” category before most of Spotify’s executives were even born.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Nothing probably about it. Rogan has a massive audience, and Neil Young, not so much, at least not anyone under 40.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I am not that young, but who is Neil Young? Seriously.


Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

He’s that guy who was so much of a douchebag that Lynyrd Skynyrd wrote a song about him.

3 years ago

> NATO will not be sending its troops to Ukraine, said the alliance’s chief in a televised interview.

This is a correct policy. Neither Ukraine nor the Russian Federation are NATO members, and NATO’s charter only covers member nations. They’ve gotten involved in a few conflicts anyway, but got their fingers burned by some of the countries that support NATO.

Also, opening a land war with Russia is historically considered a “bad move” by military strategists. And doing it in the winter is particularly not recommended.

Also, the United States is NATO’s largest source of funding, and given it’s close to bankrupt and politically unstable, its participation can’t be depended on for more than two, at most three, years.
Also, noting it just lost a twenty-year-long war with a handful of ragheads in Afghanistan, Ukraine might be better off it the USA was on Russia’s side.

Best of all, Russia doesn’t have to *do* much. A few sorties, “incursions”, some trivial munitions tossed over the demarcation lines, and the Ukrainians and their allies would be running back and forth trying to respond and protect places the Russians had no intention of going to, while sucking up trillions of dollars in foreign aid. After a while the funding will go away and the Russians will just saunter in and declare victory over the exhausted remains of the Ukrainian government, and it’s back to being a Russian oblast again.

I imagine conference tables in the Russian military academies, with planners saying “Really, the Westerners can’t *really* be this stupid, can they?” and sifting through all their information trying to find a trap.

3 years ago

> Commerce Secretary calls $52 billion for US chip manufacture/supply in US ‘extremely urgent.’

US chipmakers all made bad business decisions, so they’ll be bailed out with our tax money.

(somehow, I think I’ve seen this movie before…)

Twenty years from now they’ll go back to outsourcing all of their production to foreign countries, scrap the fab equipment, and sell off the real estate the factories sat on.

Right now, with the demand for chips so high, they could talk their own customers into financing part of some new fabs, and no bank would turn down a loan application. But that’s money they’d have to pay back someday, not anywhere near as good as “free” taxpayer money.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

How about instead we pass a law saying no company corporate president can make over 20 times the lowest paid workers salary if he has to import any of his subsystems to make his product, and we raise tariffs.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I have gone from being a low/defensive tariff guy (never was a free trader) to a raging protectionist in stages.
I want tariffs so high that only things of objectively higher quality than what is made domestically get imported and only by the rich.
The only exception is that I want no tariffs on resources we don’t have in our country.

If other countries retaliate by tariffing our exports I see that as another kind of win that keeps us from becoming export dependent.

Free trade is the camel’s nose in the tent for globalism.
Each state should be able to tariff products from other states that they are the end recipient of at some fraction of the national tariff rate on foreign goods as well.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Honestly, tariffs should be used offensively. (And this is from a former lolbert.)

I agree that virtually all imports should be tariffed, with an additional exception to your plan — that we should not charge tariffs on (and possibly subsidize domestic) things that we WANT to drain other countries of, like rare earth metals. Let’s drain China while also building up our own capacity.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I don’t believe in subsidies and I don’t think you can build your own capacity while consuming the output of other nations in enough quantity to deplete their supplies even with subsidies.

The big difference between tariffs and subsidies is that tariffs benefit any native that decides to get into the industry while subsidies only help specific people chosen to receive them. (even if they are open to anyone there will still be a limited amount of money and someone will have to choose which applicants get funded)
That’s a wide open invitation to cabal.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

“…things that we WANT to drain other countries of, like rare earth metals…”

I didn’t mention this because I thought this would be obvious. Certainly there are materials we need that we don’t have, BUT…not having these in many cases means that people find away around it by other technological means.

3 years ago

Shannon Bream tweets: Multiple sources tell me Justice Breyer was not planning to announce his retirement today. They describe him as “upset” with how this has played out. We still await any official notice from his office and/or the #SCOTUS public information office.

Breyer didn’t kill himself.

3 years ago

> chipmakers

Oh yeah, and these are the same companies that successfully lobbied for an import tax on imported RAM and some other chips back in the mid-1980s. They were all protectionist then, before shipping all their core business offshore.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“… import tax on imported RAM and some other chips …”

Be aware that all the Asian companies have been screwing us forever by using massive subsidies to take away all chip fabrication in the US and Europe. Tariffs were fair. And as much as I hate our evil corporate leaders they had a point. If we were to keep chip manufacturing here we would have to do something about Asian national industrial policy keeping out all our products while dumping into our country.

I know a guy who lived in Japan. Their cars there are not the same s here. They had really thin shell on the outside(this was long ago probably changed now). He said you could crease it with a strong fingernail while they export more substantial cars into our country. It’s a system, learned from us. Used to be called,”the American System”.

If you want to learn more about this sort of thing I can think of no better explanation than this article. I’ve read several books on the Asian economies but this is a super good summation.

Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism

In short they are Fascist. Total Hiterlarians, and I say that in deep admiration. They look out for the aggregate well being of their countrymen.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Thank you for the info on the Linux security exploit, AC. I had been putting off an update. I’m still in the habit of putting them off as they were a pain with the NVIDIA GPU that I switched out recently.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That would explains why Manjaro Linux isn’t updating for the past two months. Someone notice the exploit and broken the updates to prevent users from getting the exploit.

3 years ago

So this is the Breyer plan:

Nominate and confirm Harris
Harris resigns as VP because she can’t be in all three branches
Biden appoints Hillary as his new VP
Biden resigns because of “health” or gets Arkancided if he balks.
Hillary takes on Trump as the incumbent.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

yeah, but…

1) modern day dems are like crips & bloods: obamaites vs. clintonitistas. i e., ‘flat-out fuckin commies’ vs. ‘semi-pragmatic far-far-left thieves’
2) and they despise each other. sure, they’ll back the other side up in a fight; against republicans or the constitution, say, but *they do not like each other*
3) it is essentially a fight to the death. loser goes to political purgatory, like was done to the Tea Party or the Contract With America
4) Biden is rock-solid trublu obamaite, because, duh.
5) Hilly becomes VP, we all know we can start the clock on ‘Death of Biden’, because duh. and then the obamaites are instantly kicked to the curb

6) So why the fuck would the obamaites who now run both the WH *and* the dem party, the ones who will make the ‘replace kamala’ choice if it comes to that, why would put themselves and their agenda at risk by allowing Hilly anywhere near the white house??

also 7) NObody likes Hillary Clinton. because, duh, she’s a **deeply** unlikable woman. obama could fake likability (so they say. I never saw it) but she simply cannot be anything but what she so obviously is: a mean hateful bitch. why would anyone with even a lick of sense (who’s not her) want her back? and ‘back’ as an evil, all-powerful Witch Queen with a long LONG list of revenges & paybacks?

Reply to  ardwoll
3 years ago

All this is true. Absent Cabal above them all.


Reply to  ardwoll
3 years ago

Good analysis, but I think you’re overstating the division between the Obama and Clinton factions.

It’s interesting that she poked her head out a few weeks ago with that trailer for her “MasterClass”, which was very obviously testing the waters.

She went pretty silent after that.

I think that the Democrats are legitimately struggling to find someone who is likable. I don’t see them successfully grooming anyone. The have a real absence of charisma and talent.

It would be interesting to know which faction took down Cuomo. Because he was at least somewhat presentable.

3 years ago

And worst of all, the fuckers did this to our military, which we may need for a coming World War.

You reversed it. They need a World War with universal high civilian casualties to hide the death rate from the vax.

3 years ago

Biden threatens Putin with rare personal sanctions if he invades Ukraine.

Putin’s reply was hilarious. “I own three cars and an apartment.” What are they going to sanction? He’s not an oligarch. He doesn’t have a bunch of money. He doesn’t have a bunch of corporations and stock. He’s a government employee.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

you’re kidding, right? Putin is widely considered to be about the 20th richest guy in the world. he ” doesn’t have a bunch of corporations and stock” in exactly the same sense that Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and former “honest” President Harry Truman “didn’t have” that any of that stuff either. that’s what the trusts and shell companies are for.

“Anything you own can be taken from you. So the answer is simple. Own nothing. Control everything.” – John D. Rockefeller

Reply to  ardwoll
3 years ago

That’s it exactly though. Putin has nothing that can be sanctioned It’s all things he has access to through his position or things that are held in trusts and shells. He owns practically nothing in his own name.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

(nods, concedes the point)

3 years ago

“Truckers protest could be the downfall of Klaus Schwab’s apprentice Justin Trudeau.”

Could not find Fidel’s son on their list. Which doens’t mean anything, of course. But interesting to see who is linked, anyway, like Crenshaw, Gabbard, Zuckerberg, assorted Soros’ and Rothschilds, etc.

3 years ago

Wondering if the full court press on black women in the media and Biden for SCOTUS implies black women are in crucial positions re electoral fraud. Specifically Black Churches and mid level political positions. See Stacey Abrams

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Tommy Satomayor has stated that modern black thots are the bane to black community. To be honest, this makes sense as many women are the pillar of community for most human societies. Instead black women are the harbingers of doom for humanity.

3 years ago

Ivy Getty’s wedding dress is made of mirror shards.

You’re saying mirror shards keep the energy beams from slicing into your body?

Wedding dresses are meant to advertise lack of illness, lack of disease- a virgin hasn’t any STDs.

Is it just a nifty dress, or a sort of bragging?

By the way, windchimes? Do they mess up surveillance? Potted plants absorb energy?

3 years ago

For that matter, any of the Getty weddings dresses look to be unusual.

3 years ago

Guards clash again on Kyrgyz-Tajik border, ceasefire falters

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

Off-topic, I guess, but very relevant.

For you believers who lurk at AC, I would encourage you to pray not just for the kids in public school, but for some of the teachers, too. You may have heard the old cliches about some good teachers still in the Ministry of Indoctrination, doing their best to actually educate kids despite a hostile system surrounding them.

I’m keeping what follows nameless and without location details, because I don’t want to make the doxxers’ (and other SJW thought cops’) job easier. But I can tell you there is truth to the cliches.

I know of a social studies teacher who has been red pilling high school students about history and current events. This teacher used the story of one of the 1/6 Capitol Protestors for a thought exercise about censorship and thoughtcrime. One of the students’ parents learned about it and went Full Commie Karen, screeching to the whole school district on FarceBorg/Meta that their children were being taught white supremacy. The Karen vowed that she would get the teacher fired. Thankfully, the principal and superintendent had the teacher’s back (pray for admin, too, because there’s some good ones left in those roles also) and arranged a meeting between the parents and teacher. The teacher confronted the parents and forced them to admit there was nothing racist/white supremacist about the teacher’s lessons. In fact, race had not been mentioned at all in the thought exercise in question.

The parents backed down and removed their libel from FB. (God can prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies.)

But the same NPC parents are at it again. There’s a few layers of irony, here. One: Karen claims the teacher’s lessons are too “one-sided” because the teacher has the audacity to present the other side (the one censored by Swamp Media). Two: NPC parents claim the teacher is making stuff up because the parents are unaware of facts cited, when links & photos are not provided. Three: when links ARE provided, but the sites are blocked by the school’s IT department (probably following Goolag’s recommendations), NPC Karen points to the very censorship she insists does not exist to try getting the teacher fired again. Logic being, I guess, that because the school network blocks the teacher’s links, that means the sources must be double plus ungood, therefore the thought criminal is teaching white supremacy. Again.

The war is on every front. There are warriors still fighting on, even in arenas most of us have written off as a lost cause. Please pray that God protect them, strengthen them, and give them the wisdom and courage they’re going to need.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

“A father is suing a school district in Florida because the school was having secret meetings with his daughter about gender identity and he was only notified after she tried to commit suicide by hanging herself in the bathroom at the school.”

Can you believe that father? What a narrow-minded reactionary!

3 years ago
Otis Donkey
Otis Donkey
3 years ago

the Intracranial infections are from the testing. Not necessarily from the jab.

shoving that shit way up your nose almost into your brain has consequences.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Thanks for the recommendations.