News Briefs – 01/27/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Atavisionary did an excellent dump and analysis in the comments on the short-selling retribution going on, as follows:

One thing you didn’t mention is some sort of weird shit going on with Gamespot stock. GME. Apparently a large hedge fund ran by Jews (of course) very heavily shorted gamespot expecting the price to go down significantly. That makes sense because no one goes there anymore and most people don’t like the company. However, the subreddit wallstreetbets figured out that this hedge fund was way over leveraged on shorts and if people just started buying the stock to raise the price then this hedge fund would be completely screwed. I guess this is called “a short squeeze.” The fund is in a bad position because the short contract obligates them to buy the stock no matter what the price is when the contract is up. More-over, there isn’t enough liquid stocks available for them to actually fulfill the obligations, so their obligations forces them to try to buy more stocks than are actually available. So apparently thousands of people on the sub used a bit of fuck you money to buy and hold GME forcing the hedge fund into a very bad position which ends up driving the price even higher since they are contractually obligated to keep buying no matter where the price goes. The insiders are currently using all the tricks in the Jewish playbook to try to suppress the price and wait this out, but if enough people just hold on to the stock it could potentially completely fuck that hedge fund, which could completely fuck the company which owns/invests in it, which could completely fuck some bank. I think a lot of people will hold too, because this seems less about making money and more about fucking over wallstreet insiders. Plenty of people willing to lose a couple thousand dollars just to bankrupt a hedge fund and banks. I really don’t know all the details, this is just what I have gathered from others describing the situation. Do your own research, but this seems to be an accurate summary.

On the following 4chan thread, some leaf was saying how there is no way this is organic and that people are being manipulated into doing it. This guy seemed almost desperate about it, like he had personal skin in the game and wanted people to stop quick. But regardless of his motivation, I think there is a good chance that a dedicated and organized group acted as the match to set this off. But who and why? Maybe Thiel or Musk bought a fair amount themselves, but needed the average retail investor to help keep up the pressure. If there is a plan in effect, then a major target is cabal funding, and targeting money lender schemes like this would seemingly do a lot of damage to the cabal. Imploding their financial institutions is an obvious prime target. You would expect that before we could get away from private central banks and fiat currency the old system would need to be imploded first, could this be the start of that? If it works with GME it would probably work for other things. And I also can’t help notice just how memey this whole thing is. The odd coincidental connection to gamer-gate can’t be overlooked.

Here is a thread on it

I suspect  it is fake now, because you see posts on 4Chan tailored to the anti-Jew faction saying, “Yeah! Lets all fuck the merchants by destroying their Jew hedge funds by getting in on this!” One of them green texted, “>Why are you not depositing your money at Gamestop, anon?” At TopTradeGuru, they are listing the most shorted stocks so you can get your money into this game too. There are threads popping up everywhere looking for stocks with too much short action to fulfill all the orders if it goes up, and pointing out the worst cases. It is possible this is just some bored kids with millions in cash they can risk throwing away, and for once in a million years, the little guys are going to win one over the elites. Or maybe it was even one guy pumping up a stock he had bought cheap.

But very little is organic, and I thought about this, and how big and widespread the campaign to push it is, and how tailored the memes are to each forum. Here is one possible alternate explanation for what is happening, which might fit with the scale of the story. Cabal thinks they have Joe in, and maybe they do. Everybody knows, he is not going to be good for the economy like Trump. There may even be a plan to crash the stock market, to create a massive crisis so “Joe” can make real changes that will really cripple us for China. So the whole market should begin to go to shit very soon as the big players try to get out and are followed by everyone else. But one, Cabal doesn’t want to trigger a down market, making Joe unpopular in the short term and being clearly his fault. I suspect everyone in Cabal worries that Joe is not quite President yet for sure, from what we can tell trying to read the tea leaves. And two, I am guessing the big players want to get out, given Joe is basically about to turn the US into Venezuela, but they don’t want to get savaged on the way out the door by crashing prices, so anything which supports prices is a welcome turn of events.

So here, they have basically introduced a meme into the market that short sellers are being brutalized by some vague, amorphous online presence at Reddit of all places, with a millions and millions of disposable money which they can just throw away pumping up the prices of meaningless stocks which will never go anywhere but down when the music stops. And this online mob has a real hard-on for short sellers, motivating this group to destroy them at whatever it costs, and whatever risk it entails. This fund in particular will probably be entirely destroyed in full public view, and all the lemmings online will learn hedge funds that short are evil because everyone hates them, and shorting is death as a strategy. I would be surprised if this fund wasn’t identified six months ago for this campaign, and if the actors behind it didn’t pile on additional shorts to make sure there were more contracts than shares to sell, so this would look really ripe to normies, and like a total stupid mistake.

The end result is this fund will get trashed fast, and the meme will be established. If I was running short plays, you can bet I would stop in the short term, until I see what shakes out here, and how prolific this trend is going to become. God forbid this crazy bunch of online Reddit assholes starts a zeitgeist to fuck over your fund, or pump up a stock you shorted, because they will ruin you.

So now short sellers are puling back. Regular investors looking at the market and trying to see where it is going see shorting has disappeared and terms on shorts are changing, and they think the market must know something, and this market is about to go stratospheric since nobody is short, and they begin buying in now, probably even aware it is a bubble. There may even be computers that run funds with algorithms programmed to watch short selling trends, and they see this and automatically trigger buying with no human involvement, because normally less shorting is a valid sign of a market that will rise. So everybody begins to get in, and support prices. Meanwhile at the same moment, the big players are actually doing this because they know this whole thing is about to come down (maybe as some sort of engineered financial crisis designed to open the door for Biden, and the Cabal behind him, to cement their hold and begin creating much more massive changes to weaken us for China). The elites are slipping quietly out the back door, before it all collapses, and doing it with pockets filled with the money the average investor who will think the market is going up. This specific stock is probably meaningless, as is the specific fund (beyond it being a non-Cabal fund). What matters is that meme, that irrational mobs online are suddenly destroying short sellers, and only an idiot would go short.

As this happens, terms on short contracts will probably become very profitable, as nobody is shorting, things are going up, and everybody will think a short contract is a great deal that will fuck the guy offering it. So I assume at some point, shorts will strangely begin happening again, all at once in massive numbers, as the elites complete their exit, and decide to get some shorts for when it all comes down now that they are out. Computer algorithms will see the shorts and stop buying, or maybe even trigger selling. Regular investors will see the increasing shorts, the drop in prices, and at the same time the fruits of Biden will be coming into season, and the elites will probably take even more money from regular investors through shorting, as everybody ultimately heads for the exits and the bubble bursts in a massive collapse. It is even possible this whole plan was created as a way to create an artificial meme-based bubble followed by a swift and massive collapse into reality, all compressed into as short and traumatic a period as possible, so Biden can blame Trump and then swoop in, and save the day with an FDR style New New Deal that will permanently cripple us against China, and Cabal will never have to worry about a Donald J Trump disrupting their plans again. I actually find this very worrying, because I do not see the short-scalping going on for longer than a few weeks, and if this is it, by the time it stops the elites will be out and things will go downhill from there. They might even want to blame it on Trump, and figure the closer they do it to Jan 20th, the easier that will be. Might pay to watch the Volatility index to see if things look stable despite a lot of movement in and out at the same time. I hope Q and Trump have some card up their sleeve and those 26,000 troops are in DC for a reason, or judging by the professionalism of the memes on this and the operation promoting it, 2021 will make 2020 look like the most peaceful day at the beach, on the most beautiful, sunniest day of your life, and it will start in earnest very, very soon.

Chuck Schumer says, “It might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency. He can do many, many things under the emergency powers … that he could do without legislation.” I wonder if there is something going on in the background they want to stop, like by disbanding the Supreme Court.

An FBI agent initially gave a stern warning to a computer tech and his family when first offered a copy of the Hunter Biden laptop: “You better lawyer up and get out of my office.” He may actually have been a good guy trying to help.

The White House can’t answer why Biden removed Trump’s EO to keep China out of the US power grid. From the article : President Donald Trump signed an executive order on May 1 last year prohibiting bulk power system equipment from foreign companies in the U.S. grid, citing security concerns. The U.S. Department of Energy noted that under the current rules, contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder when it comes to bulk power system procurement, and that creates a “vulnerability that can be exploited by those with malicious intent.”

Biden to pause oil and gas sales on public lands. Leftism, at the top level, is now always an excuse to screw over our country for foreign cash. It is tragic we no longer have a national security apparatus willing to do anything about it.

US Justice Dept will bring sedition charges (20 year felonies) in US Capitol insurrection, saying, “We are working on those cases. They will bear fruit very soon.” Maybe. But suppose you were an unpopular administration, in a precarious situation. How could you possibly push somebody over the edge, into doing a mass shooting that could help you out politically by allowing you to portray yourself as the hero, and your enemies as the enemy of everyone?

New York Times does a whole piece saying Jeffrey Epstein was a legit businessman after all, who specialized in helping rich people avoid tax liabilities. Because people worth tens of billions of dollars routinely cast aside their tax attorneys and former IRS agent hires, and contract everything out to a college dropout who bullshitted his way through teaching high school calculus for one year and did a couple of years at a small stock firm. Epstein’s wealth was totally legit, and he probably never even blackmailed anyone. The article’s source is anonymous sources and some report a billionaire gave them claiming Epstein rewrote a trust for him and it was brilliant, but not giving any details of what was done or why it was so brilliant. I think they feel now, that Biden is in, and it is time to rewrite all the narratives to cover everything up.

Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Guiffre gave bombshell evidence to secure Jean-Luc Brunel arrest claiming she was raped.

Some think that now that Rudy has been sued by Dominion, he will be able to perform the audit of all their machines under the discovery.

Lynn Wood releases the full unredacted letter sent to Judicial Watch explaining what happened to Seth Rich from one of the guys involved, complete with names. First page is here, the second page is here, and the last page is here. Amazing letter without redactions, which shows the TV Show Burn Notice was exactly dead on. Basically a 12 year vet of the Green Berets and Mil Intel got out of the military, and promptly ended up charged with some crime, and on probation (I assume he was followed and analyzed by somebody, his service history made him useful, his psychology was examined with a fine toothed comb, and he was judged perfect for their use. So when he got out he was promptly busted and then recruited with the prospect of a deal, at which point he became an asset of Rosenstein’s operation out of Baltimore.) Rosenstein teamed him up with a DEA Agent and an ATF Agent, and they went out to get a thumb drive from Seth Rich, who himself would have been under full surveillance coverage, and who, according to other reports, was somehow set up by what surrounded him and led to believe he was meeting an FBI Agent to deliver evidence of some crime. The DEA agent contributed the operators to perform a theft, by approaching an MS-13 gang he apparently maintained as assets. The gang gave him two gang members, and the ATF Agent brought the gun they would use. Ex-SpecOps guy was there, I assume as muscle/intel support.

The first cop to arrive was also a Rosenstein asset from another case, so the timing of the setup of Rich was designed to put it when this guy was on shift, and the meet was placed in his sector. I assume he was told to keep his schedule open that night, and make sure he was the first responding officer on scene for any robbery/shooting, so he could offer one last policing of the scene for any bad evidence before it all went officially on the record.

Pause the story for a minute, and suppose I told you I was followed by some array of elderly people, soccer moms, and teachers, I was robbed by MS-13 members, who told to do it by a DEA Agent, and were supplied with weapons from an ATF Agent, all of whom were sent by a US Attorney, and then when the first cop arrived on scene, I told you he was part of the conspiracy too. I’d sound nuts saying that. But that is exactly how intel operates, because that is how it controls every facet of an operation. I will bet the doctor who met Rich at the hospital and began his treatment was also an asset of the management which ran this operation, as was the nurse assigned to him. And if he had PTSD and went to a shrink afterward, I would bet he would somehow get steered to a person who would be in on it too. It is just how intel works. When you are put under, you are put totally under so they have total control. They cannot have Seth suddenly dump his entire story on some regular person who might somehow try to make it public, even though they already control most of the media too, and could probably close it down there if they had to. Don’t even ask how they have that many assets in so many places.

So the robbery went sideways, the MS-13 shot Rich, and split, Rich supposedly died at the hospital (though a 4Chan insider resident claimed he was on duty at that hospital and Rich was fine until guys with suits showed up, closed off the part of the hospital where Rich was, Rich disappeared, and the next day word went around he had died.) The Two MS-13 had a meet with the DEA Agent to get paid the next day, the DEA Agent smoked them both to close things up, and that was the end of it.

The big news is, some representative of this SpecOps guy sent Judicial Watch this letter, with all the names and confirmable details, like the DEA Agent running the plate of the MS-13 guys when they first met through the computer system, and we never heard anything about it. And I will tell you, not only did Judicial Watch not investigate this and make it public, I will bet the person at Judicial Watch who ultimately got this letter went to Cabal Management and gave them the letter, fully aware both the representative and SpecOps guy would likely end up six feet under. I have said, the network is massive, and it is permeated everywhere that could be a threat to the machine. They own the government, they own the watchdog group fighting the government, and they own the media reporting on all of it. You can see how it is smart – they cannot lose that way.

You can also see how some poor rando who runs into this thing rapidly gets disoriented when everywhere he turns, everyone he meets, and everywhere he might go for relief, ends up being a member of the network who lets him know, they are ahead of him. But by the time he tells you about the fortieth person he met that morning who was also an agent of the conspiracy targeting him, in a completely unrelated area and field from the last thirty-nine, you are thinking he must be crazy, which means even if he can get outside of the network surrounding him, there is no help waiting for him outside the network, because nobody will believe him – and even he understands why. It is a powerful tool to deploy on normies who are used to belonging, and who need the group validation to deal with whatever they face.

An ITN analysis finds a State Department employee with the same name as a person at the center of accusations of election hacking was one of only ten employees to graduate the National Defense University with an advanced cybersecurity degree.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz to probe whether Justice Department officials sought to flip election to Trump.

Virginia rule allowing late ballots missing postmark was illegal, court rules.

Rand Paul challenges the Impeachment as unconstitutional, but the Senate rejects it 55-45. The five republican traitors are: Lisa Murkowski (AK), Susan Collins (ME), Mitt Romney (UT). Pat Toomey (PA). Ben Sasse (NE). This shows however, that 45 Senators will not vote to convict, meaning the 2/3rds Impeachment conviction will never happen. So why are they going forward? Remember, Q seemed to imply that Impeachment over Russia somehow stalled Q’s planned course of action, and was Cabal’s defensive play. Now, as we have 26,000 troops in the Capitol, and something may be about to happen, we have another Impeachment proceeding. This despite the fact Trump is ostensibly gone, the Impeachment isn’t even being done according to the procedure because the head of the Supreme Court told them to fuck off so they picked some random Senator who hates Trump to preside over it, and now we see clearly they will never have the votes. This actually makes me think something is going on behind the scenes, and as soon as this Impeachment is over, things may happen. It may be why the National Guard’s stay was extended to March.

Rubio says Trump bears enough responsibility for the Capitol museum-tour insurrection that he can be criminally prosecuted? I suppose it is possible he is trying to goad the left into something even more stupid, but at this point it is safer to assume everyone is a traitor.

Biden raises election meddling with Putin in first phone call. It takes a really different kind of psychology to be a President for Cabal. I don’t think I could have accused Putin like that without being overcome with incredible shame.

Biden pushes to reopen the 167 border crossings to Canada and Mexico.

The Secretary of Health was supposedly caught at the airport. I say supposedly only because I can’t believe anyone could have that bad a fashion sense. They have to be just fucking with us.

To insults of U.S. troops, Biden administration adds forcing female soldiers to shower with men who say they identify with women.

Mitch McConnell declared that his battle to keep the Senate filibuster in place had been won.

Sen. Patrick Leahy at home following brief hospitalization. Didn’t feel well, tests found nothing, he went home.

Fulton County poll watchers complain local officials playing “shell game” w the “pristine” mail-in ballots they’ve asked judge to let them inspect for signs of fabrication. Fulton first said they didn’t have them, now say they are in a “warehouse.” Custody still unclear.

Huawei ghostwrote op-ed for MIT scholar. From the article: “As one American university after another suspended research ties with Huawei for its alleged ties to Chinese espionage, MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte offered a full-throttle defense of the company… Negroponte, however, did not write the column, at least according to Huawei employee Winter Wright, who noted on his LinkedIn profile that he ghostwrote the article on behalf of the MIT scholar, whose research center has received millions of dollars in research funding from the Chinese tech company.”

NYT opinion writer admits being paid $265K by Iranian mission to UN after being arrested. Overall, the system sells everyone on the idea that incredible wealth and ease is to be expected, then it sinks them in debt and forces them onto the treadmill, while its intel section moves its pieces to the top of the pile above them effortlessly, and recruits any it doesn’t already own using nearly unlimited foreign money. It creates the expectation, then gives people only one way to fulfill it – betray the Myth of America and accept being a part of its destruction. It is very clever, and well thought out. I’ve long puzzled over aging, and I know a lot about the molecular biology behind it. Biologically, I cannot see a reason it could not fix itself through evolutionary means. Yet still, it affects every complex organism, even cilliates. Suppose there is no evolutionary/Darwinian advantage in death. What does it do? Death keeps us continually starting over with no knowledge. Imagine if the whole world was 98% people who were 200 years old and older. They would all know how it worked, and deception would not be nearly as effective. I was wondering the other day, whether we could be engineered with death, or our biology was affected to promote it, because it is necessary for a slave race you don’t want to have to oppress by force. Death is what makes our population programmable. Without it, we would all have figured it out long ago.

YouTube/Google strips rising media company Epoch Times of ability to monetize video content.

My Pillow guy Mike Lindell permanently banned from Twitter for questioning election integrity. Seems if they let the Russian collusion hoax go, he might have a lawsuit.

Twitter encourages users to snitch on each other with ‘Birdwatch’ feature. Leftists love that informant society because nobody can join with allies against them.

As much as $31 billion in California unemployment funds have been paid out to scammers, California EDD admits. These were as much as 27% of all payments, which were being sent all over the globe, even to other countries, and nobody picked up on it.

Two brothers reveal Obama’s “moral compass,” Rev. Michael Pfleger, molested them since they were 12 and 13.

More than a million Beijing residents undergoing coronavirus testing amid a fresh outbreak have been administered anal swabs, which are considered more accurate and raise the chances of detecting COVID-19, said a Chinese disease specialist. Now you know they are just fucking with people.

CDC estimates 20% of Americans have a sexually transmitted infection at any one moment.

A judge has ordered Robert Kraft’s sex spa videos will now be destroyed immediately. Such a weird case. The only theory that maybe makes sense is that cheap massage parlor was some esoteric witches’ coven he was going to for a magic ritual that involved sex, like Marina Abramovic only local. And all these people’s beliefs in that were cultured by some higher level of the conspiracy, so they could install cameras in all those places and gather blackmail on the rubes engaging in it.

Second wave of locusts striking hard-hit East Africa.

Tulsi Gabbard warns that the Biden plan to root out domestic terrors could ‘turn our country into a police state’ with KGB-style “surveillance.” Part of me hopes she knows, but just doesn’t want to look crazy by saying it, and part of me fears she is just out there convincing people subconsciously that this is a hypothetical threat some day, and doesn’t, in any way, exist today.

New U.S. Army hair, uniform and grooming standards allow for ponytails, nail polish, earrings & more.

Woman behind Bernie Sanders’ iconic mittens quit making them because high taxes killed her business.

Tens of thousands of farmers ride tractors into India’s capital and smash through police barricades to storm historic Red Fort following anger over new agriculture laws. They are different all over, but it feels like somebody is trying to stir these protests using whatever pretext they can, all over the world at the same time.

Judge blocks Biden’s 100-day deportation freeze temporarily.

Texas Rep. introduces bill that would let residents vote on seceding from the US.

40 million Americans bought guns in 2020, 12 million more than any year before.

New York Times begs court to dismiss Project Veritas defamation lawsuit, but admits to article inaccuracies while under oath.

Spread r/K Theory, because almost nothing viral is organic.

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4 years ago

Great. Now let’s run the GameStop play on silver and make the banks implode.

4 years ago

Dear AC,

I think your analysis of the pattern that market will take now that this GameStop meme has taken wings is correct. I disagree with you that it is a Cabal-created plan. I actually think this is organic. It’s also a really great opportunity to make money for new MAGA investors.

There will be signs of the turning of the market, which you will most-likely see before it actually turns. We can all dump accordingly then or slightly before the Cabal whales come.

The endgame in your analysis: that Joe Biden will use the crash to gain more power for the Cabal is inevitable. So why not make some retarded meme-magic money gains, then slowly use those games to buy bitcoin and exit this sinking ship?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

>”You can also see how some poor rando who runs into this thing rapidly gets disoriented when everywhere he turns, everyone he meets, and everywhere he might go for relief, ends up being a member of the network who lets him know, they are ahead of him. But by the time he tells you about the fortieth person he met that morning who was also an agent of the conspiracy targeting him, in a completely unrelated area and field from the last thirty-nine, you are thinking he must be crazy, which means even if he can get outside of the network surrounding him, there is no help waiting for him outside the network, because nobody will believe him – and even he understands why. It is a powerful tool to deploy on normies who are used to belonging, and who need the group validation to deal with whatever they face.”

That’s partly how they recruit people. It’s intimidation 101, everywhere you go there is one or more of them. It is a pressure tactic. And some of them seem to believe they are protecting the gen pop from worst criminals than them (illegal surveilance, violation of privacy and intimidation (among all the other shit they do) are crimes), but the truth is that they are simply the first line of defense (cannon fodder) for the worst of the worst, the pedo traffickers and rapists that Seth Rich leaked mails ended up exposing.

Always reminds me of that journo you mention a lot, who broke down when she realized that of the top dogs can do Epstein like a dog just to protect their pedo blackmail mossad operations, they can certainly do her or anyone else, which basically means that if you are in on this shit and truly believe the lie that the surveilance/harassment is a crime fighting/prevention operation, you got it exactly wrong.

But a lot of people they just seem to bait into committing small crimes which they use to blackmail them into compliance, while offering them some protection and impunity for some criminal activities. It’s all very evil and extremely big. And off course there are also the psychos and narcissists who like the rush of fucking people over, I don’t think those take much convincing than some kind of payoff, given their ammorality.


Lem- I rarely post, preferring to listen and do my own thinking. You disappeared for a few days, and now that you are back, your posts are not the same, like you have been read the riot act and are now pulling punches. The post above is too perfectly written. It is not you, IMHO

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  reblane27
4 years ago

Been on a RimWorld binge.

No way to prove it is me or not, doesn’t matter at the end of the day, either you get something from a certain post regardless from who posted it, or you don’t. Namefagging sucks, only reason I keep doing it here is because I want to keep appealing to the boycott of Israel everytime I post.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


Based and YEE-CLAWpilled.

4 years ago

If Biden is furiously reversing President Trump’s actions—why haven’t we seen any reversal to Trump’s EO on Voter Election fraud? Maybe Q is still working?

Is this why they want to impeach Trump a second time to stop the court proceedings and reverse the Voter Fraud EO?

4 years ago

I say supposedly only because I can’t believe anyone could have that bad a fashion sense. They have to be just fucking with us.

In a sense, they are just fucking with us. That’s the point. The disconnect you feel is that transvestites are being lumped in with trannies. Actual trannies don’t want attention — they just want to be the other sex. They are the ones like Blair White who actually work to look like the opposite sex and to pass without anyone noticing.

Transvestites (think Ed Wood) don’t care about passing. The whole point is that it is a sexual fetish, and the transgression is the root of the fetish. They enjoy forcing you to look at their ridiculous cross dressing the same way that a flasher enjoys forcing you to look at his penis. That’s where Drag Queen fashion comes from. It isn’t supposed to be actual female fashion. It is supposed to be a parody of female fashion that forces you to see a man dressed as a woman.

Trannies want to just be called “she” or “he”. Transvestites want to be told, “you’re such a pretty pretty girl” or “ooh, you’re such a strong manly man!” for a sexual thrill the same way some women like to be talked dirty to.

4 years ago

CDC estimates 20% of Americans have a sexually transmitted infection at any one moment.

Note that black Americans are known to have STI infection rates of over 50%, so being 13% of the population, that means that the white STI rate is no higher than 12%. It is likely less, because the math they used to arrive at 20% assumes that every infection is a separate person, when we all know that person who got multiple STIs at a time, or the same one three times in one year.

Still not great, but it’s one in nine (or more), rather than the one in five implied. This also jives with the long term statistics that blacks are 5-7x as likely to have an STD.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

The whites probably have a 30% t.gonndi rate!

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Mr_Twister
4 years ago

>t. gonndi

4 years ago

> disbanding the Supreme Court.

Why would they want to do that? They have the Supremes by the yarbles; they’ll rubber-stamp anything the Swamp wants. And the Swamp really, really wants to be able to claim legitimacy; that’s why they resisted any attempts to recount the election, and why they’re going after DJT and anyone who might have spoken favorably of him.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

by their statements, actions, body language they reveal they know they are illegitimate and on borrowed time

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

> disbanding the Supreme Court.
“Why would they want to do that?”

At least two reasons:
1. Consolidation of power. Now that the fraud, graft, and corruption are out in the open there is no need to try to legitimize it with a rubber stamp court.
2. At various times over the last 200+ years the Supreme Court has seized or attempted to seize powers not delegated to it.

Disbanding the Supreme Court will satisfy these to reasons. As well, tyrants always seek more power. It’s never enough. If the Supremes could do away with Congress and make themselves a Pure Judicial Dictatorship … they would!

This is the nature of evil (aka Democracy): TO DESTROY ITSELF!

John Adams on democracy:
“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.”

Government schools and democracy are institutions of Satanists!

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, it also came out today that the “leader” of the Proud Boys is an intel asset and has been working directly with various law enforcement agencies since 2012.

Intel has either infiltrated, or outright runs, nearly all activist groups on both the left and right, and has for many decades, going back to the late 60’s.

I don’t think Q was fake, or necessarily failed.

The faction of the deep state backing Trump pulled the rug out from under him at the last minute because he had served his purpose, as far as they were concerned.

Not only did they throw him and his family under the bus, but Flynn, Powell, Wood and Giuliani.

Those folks staked their careers and reputations on Trump turning around the election fraud and prevailing. They were being fed all kinds of intel from someone, and all of it turned out wrong.

The military may very well be in charge right now, but that doesn’t mean the good guys won.

I certainly hope I’m wrong, but Intel is now dropping serious charges against hundreds of Capitol rioters.

For God’s sake, did you read that the guy who used to shitpost under the name “Ricky Vaughn” is being charged with election interference for the 2016 election because he told some idiots that they could vote via Twitter.

Trump could have pardoned all of the Capitol rioters.

Instead, he pardoned dozens of Jewish crooks and thieves. The Jerusalem Post is crowing about all of the Jewish crooks and intel assets Trump pardoned.

Like it will do him any good.

The deep state and its media organs are now engaged in the ritual humiliation of Trump and anyone that even remotely sided with him… basically half the country.

Cabal isn’t hiding anymore. They lost 4 years due to the unexpected Trump presidency, and they are now going into overdrive to make up for lost time.

They are committed to some schedule that Trump temporarily derailed, and they are taking their foot off the brakes and putting the pedal to the metal.

This is also tied into the WEF and whatever schedule they are operating with.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Absolutely. Cabal is rushing to compensate for lost time, which is exposing them further, which happens to be the plan. Full exposure until they can’t lie to anyone. Patriots in control.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Did Trump actually know the names of the Capitol? Who does he pardon if, at the time, they were not identified?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Which court case is this?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Well said.

4 years ago

> stocks

Whether this was deliberate or a game isn’t important now. What’s important is that this is a *weapon*, one that can be duplicated and pointed at anyone they want to take down. And it’s trivially cheap, and not only legal, but it would be exquisitely difficult to craft laws specific enough to stop it without huge side effects… and those laws would only apply in America. The market isn’t limited to America.

We have a bunch of laws – well, regulations – about conspiracy, insider trading, etc., but this is a “hobby investment club” operating right out in the open, legally no different than a club of elderly women picking penny stocks at their monthly meetings.

Every nation-state with a cyber agency will be making detailed notes. Any modest-size corporate entity could afford to set up their own wreckers for pocket change. And there will still be people willing to do it for the lulz.

I also note that Reddit has talked openly about how they “shape” subreddits, both by promoting the ones they like and aggressively “moderating” others. And Reddit is partly owned by Tencent, which is effectively an arm of the Chinese Communist Party.

It’s going to be ugly…

4 years ago

America is over. We are being betrayed. Every institution has failed us. This country was built on ideology, not Wisdom. We are under a Marxist totalitarian state–and its bad. There is no rule of law—q.v. the impeachment trial, certification of a fraudulent election—AT ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT, LOCAL, STATE, FEDERAL, The Social Compact is over. The American government is intent on genociding the Anglo-Saxons and other Europeans of this country.

For my part, I will NOT say the Pledge of Allegiance. I don’t pledge allegiance to a state genociding me.

I will not sing the national anthem. I will NOT sing to a country genociding me.

I will not stand for any of these. When I attend City commission meetings I have been seated and in the future I will sit and show no respect.

I will not attend or participate in any 4rth of July celebrations because what it celebrates–is dead and gone.

I will have NOTHING to do with the US military. I have cancelled all my appointments at the VA–will NOT go to the VA for anything—though it will harm me since I’m dirt poor and need the VA–I will have NOTHING to do with the US Military that has betrayed me. I will stand on principle–even to my own personal benefit. I will be harmed. But I will stand on Principle.

I will NOT vote ever again in any election.

I will Leave the Republican Party.

This is what I can do personally. I will work to thwart, demean, show disrespect to all aspects of Americanism.

The idiocy was this, building a liberal government in a Nature that is a State of War. That is just imbecilic.

This kangaroo court of an impeachment trial shows us all that the Rule of Law and meaning of the Constitution is dead. That a Senator that hates Trump is going to preside—how about those conflicts of interest—AND vote in said procedure—and ALL democrat senators and 5 Republicans agree—-IT’S OVER.

Stop playing the Charade. It has been exposed as a lie. It is all a Lie.
And this is still the same thing even if Q is still working. —-there is NO going back. There is no same-ol’-same-ol’. It’s gone. Its failed. And if Q succeeds—there is NO going back to things that have failed—and No giving free speech to Commies. Everything has to be reworked—beginning in the FORCED teaching of Arete in all male citizens. and that ONLY Anglo-Saxons hold the reigns of political power. Jews are suppressed and their voting rights rescinded. Deportations of all non-Europeans after 1965. Only Senators of Anglo-Saxon race. The reversal of all the 1913 changes and reversal of Andrew Jackson giving the franchise to all males. Reverse all Reconstruction Acts. And ALL persons in government have Military Service—and Philosophical training—and must have Arete. And all Ivy League universities are FOR Anglo-Saxons ONLY! All churches will be by ethnicity. All colleges and universities by ethnicity. No more race-mixing. All forms of soft genocide—made illegal. That America be De-Gnosticized. All forms of Culture making and law be in the hands of Anglo-Saxons, and american law be de-judaized. All Jews, religious, atheist must have Jewish names and wear their Tsillit, the Fringes. All Roman Catholic bishops arrested for genocide and treason–and shot. New bishops named–have to be Manly Men who have and hold Arete. All assets of Catholic Charities seized and given to deportees. All assets of the Jews seized and given to deportees. Anybody who has engaged in Political Correctness have lost their voting rights for the rest of their sad miserable lives. The alternative—shot for Treason. You can’t shoot 250 million–take their voting away as punishment.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago


You are going from one extreme to another, but I do agree with the foundation of what you want: WOMEN SHOULD BE BARRED FROM POLITICAL OFFICE: LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL.

The first step in reversing all of this corruption is for all those who believe in American ideals to REFUSE TO SURRENDER YOUR CHILDREN TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
No decent family or parent would send their children to an institution that teaches sodomy, pedophaelia, abortion, hatred of straight men, and on and on.

Compulsory “Public” Schools are the foundation of all that is rotten in America. But… if the “Public” Schools are knocked down … the rest of the rot will fall like dominoes.

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

“The first step in reversing all of this corruption is for all those who believe in American ideals to REFUSE TO SURRENDER YOUR CHILDREN TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
No decent family or parent would send their children to an institution that teaches sodomy, pedophaelia, abortion, hatred of straight men, and on and on.

Compulsory “Public” Schools are the foundation of all that is rotten in America. But… if the “Public” Schools are knocked down … the rest of the rot will fall like dominoes”

This this this^

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Mr_Twister
4 years ago

Compulsory public education — our school model — is the foundation plank of the Communist Manifesto. It is necessary to create the “minds” that will accept and desire the rest of the program. When possible, it is the first protocol to be grafted into a host culture. See John Taylor Gatto, Bella Dodd, and others.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
4 years ago

Ghost Who Walks,

Therefore, destruction of Compulsory Public Education will tend to collapse the Communist System.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Any ideas on how to monkeywrench the system that an average citizen can pull off without ATF breaking down their door?

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

A mass boycott of Public Schools will monkey wrench this system. People don’t understand how much this system depends on getting us when we are young and training us to obey the government which is the only purpose of “Public Education”.

Boycotting Public Schools would free people’s minds in less than a generation. It would destroy the power of the state. They don’t have enough ATF, FBI, DEA, ABC, XYZ, etc. to kick in enough doors.

The State wants you to believe they are God: that they see all, hear all, know all, and can be everywhere. NO CHANCE! AND THEY WILL NEVER BE CLOSE TO IT!

They use visual images on video screens to give the illusion of super powers: nuclear bombs, moonlandings, scamdemics, 911, even the assassination of JFK all magic tricks i.e. hoaxes and/or magic tricks on a video screen. But all these things are designed to keep you in awe.


p.s I was told by an elder, someone who had been to Vietnam and was a combat vet, who was back home in July ’69, that 70% of Americans at that time did NOT believe the moonlanding really happened.

With media control that have been able to erase that from our collective memory.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Misspoke: “I will stand on principle—even to my own detriment”. I will NOT have nothing to do with the US Military.

4 years ago

> California unemployment … all over the globe

Just like in Washington State. I wonder how many other states are covering it up?

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

well cabal employs people off the public books too…

4 years ago

> 40 million Americans bought guns in 2020

~40 million NICS checks were made by Federally licensed gun dealers. Other than a few shithole states, private individuals can buy and sell firearms without any paperwork whatsoever.

As to how many guns changed hands that way… there’s not really any way to know. Which gives a certain kind of Fed the heebies, even though it’s none of their business.

4 years ago

Political prosecutions incoming. Ricky Vaughn is being charged for “election interference” in 2016 for running a twitter account, I guess.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The deep state isn’t messing around.

They are going for numerous kill shots.

Trump was an aberration, and they won’t let that happen again.

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

Its always been my suspicion that Paul Nehlen assisted others in screwing over Chris Cantwell,as well.

4 years ago

AMC was under attack and it has gone from $5 to $18 already today. GSE needed to hit like $230 to break that Phoenician navy hedge fund. it’s at $300 or so now.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

AMC $22

4 years ago

YouTuber Louis Rossmann brings us this very funny commentary on the GameStop story and how the hedge fund managers have no one to blame but themselves.

Warning: Lots of four-letter-words and harsh language. Not safe for work. But very entertaining.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

Not sure I can come here anymore. The news just makes me feel dead inside now. I just wanted to raise a family in peace, but the world is going absolutely insane. I really thought the military would never allow a Chinese puppet become Commander In Chief, but it’s happened. And in spite of weird shit going on behind the news, I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. It’s more of a well than a tunnel, heading straight down to hellworld.

Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

Your concern is noted.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

“…I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel…”

Sure you do but…it’s a train.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

General Flynn’s little brother just became the Commander of US Pacific Forces, DoD did that. We have no idea what is going on. Part of the military could be gearing up to fight another part for all we know. All you can really do is harden your position regarding stored food, firearms, tools, skills. You should probably focus on food considering the family dynamic, at least a years or two supply for everybody. Prayer helps too, more so than internet. Ask yourself would that extra 5 minutes of browsing be worth more than 5 minutes of prayer? No it wouldn’t. Prepping, Family and Faith is how right wingers win, it always has been.

4 years ago

hey ds/cabal… all yer stonks (shorts) belong to us

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago
4 years ago

I wasn’t bluffing when I said I could fact-check Vox. This one is for the yes-men who see five lights.

I won’t go out of my way to write more of these; it was already queued in my drafts.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

gamma alert

Gary Morgan
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

He is the secret king of secret kings, his blogs are very precious, especially given his own rules:

‘Comments aren’t just correspondence, but co-publishing. Therefore I reserve the right to decline to host a comment if doing so would make me feel bad. This is completely at my whim. A creative needs to feel good about his work in order to continue it.’

Then he spends all his time (all of it, he’s a house-husband, a kept man, docile, having fled the USA long ago to the safety of the chicoms) gamma sniping at various blogs.

I think his own blog’s comment count is running around zero, not even achieved echo chamber status.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Gammas bluff.

VP is actually full of sane and independent thinkers compared to here. I wasn’t going for the kill in my blog post, but I could’ve noted that the consensus never turned against VD’s error, nor did he correct it.

Note how “Tom Bombadil” hallucinated a consonant and invented a false context just to agree with his thought leader.

I also see that the VP mods censored my refuting backlink. Not a good look.

I wouldn’t have bothered to write this comment if you’d been able to accept an earned criticism, or at least keep your mouth shut. Is that 5 or 6 recent instances of VD fumbling Qanon now? A pattern develops.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Doing good work for your god-emperor Leo.

4 years ago

Darn there are some real gems in this piece about Trump PBS never released, linked below. Key corroborating information which fill in missing puzzle pieces. It is in retrospect they hold the most powerful meaning to what is happening and why.
You must watch it for yourself as I did to appreciate what it offers, nobody can explain it for you you have to see for yourself, because we each have individual perspectives, what you will find is the information hiding within brings us closer to sharing commonly held understanding and yes, you are NOT crazy wearing a tin foil hat. They, are whats so crazy, why its difficult to wrap our minds about it. Like AC, and some others, they are smarter than they know. They know more than they know they know.

Its not that its any big revelation, most of us know most of whats in the story, its that we have key pieces and insights that we did not appreciate exactly how revelatory that knowledge is. Indeed, how we are being fucked with to such an extent to keep the wool pulled over our eyes, just enough, to make it even more difficult than if it was a total blackout.
I found many things where I said Ha! Yeah that right there, now it makes sense, thats why this or that happened, Aaaah! Why certain people where involved, timing, places, and most of all why what ain’t making any sense, no longer has that veil of mystery over it. And a couple of what seemed like the most wildest conspiracy theories aren’t just not crazy, they are pretty simple and make perfect sense. Truth stranger than fixtion.

Here’s the plan, its right there, its not complicated, and we are the plan, you me all of us who care and are concerned and only want whats right and to be left alone. And cabal, yeah its evil all-right, its cheap and cheezy and very vulnerable, its institutional order has failed, we are only now seeing it, its collapsing, most of all, the great thing, the really great thing, events are happening exactly as they are supposed to. Get it? Understand that? Not as they seem. The even really greater thing, is not to lose our nerve. They can never win if we keep our cool, maintain our wits about us, and never take council from our fears. Its why we are winning, because we are this kind of good folks.
God Bless us for there’s none like us.
Makes total sense they never released it.
Good comments worth checking out too.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Going to watch it later, but just wanted to say that I agree 100% with you on the importance of keeping your cool. Cultivating the patience of a Saint is a very useful tool to develop to our own benefit. Harder to do than to say, but essential to be able to focus without getting distracted by too much emotion.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>The Accountant
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

>24/7 irritation
Must be why negative visualization exercises seem to work so well at training the amygdala in the long term. Thou I also mix those with amygdala distraction ones, it seems to me that irritation builds long term base level amygdala function, while being able to quickly distract the amygdala works as a short term tool to use when you need to calm down amygdala right now despite whatever your baseline level is at the moment.

Also, I think religious belief in after life (like Heaven for Christians) is also a way to calm the amygdala down. Basically, in my own subjective experience it translates into this feeling that I could die the next second at it would all be alright, so I should cherish each moment and keep doing my own thing until I can’t, which also feels pretty good despite all the evil shit that goes around, and the fact that massive social unrest and violence await everyone in the West in the medium and long term.

4 years ago

Somebody posted that fantastic Potemkin gaslight piece in the Atlantic about how we the Ungovernable’s are petrified stiff of the mighty glowies. Do these idiots really take themselves seriously?

This is what it really is from the dirt people level:

Its afraid; its boxed us in, but the unintended consequence of this is its turning us into LIC Insurgents. If it come to us having a fight, its a real pickle for them, they forced us to become Low Intensity Leaderless Resisters, we actually are about the only ones who can do this to great success, yeah it goes against all military doctrinal convention, but we are no longer The Deplorable’s, we are The Ungovernable’s, and secession is a state of mind long before its a thing that you win, revolution is evolutionary, its not ban on off switch, like some antifa false flag op. Looks like to me they are attempting to mitigate their FUBAR clusterfuck.

Those glowies? No longer are they oath taking soldiers and warriors with virtue, they sold themselves cheap, for loot, and gravy without doing the hard things the right things, they are mercenaries, yes, the gold they are getting, they are helping those they work for steal it from us. They have committed the three evil sins of the soldier. As mercenaries their interests and priorities are not those of the paymasters, and the paymasters hired the worst kind of mercenaries.
The glowies are going to run, take the money, and all the nice goodies money could buy them, and run. Always be some sycophants and sadistic ones, ones who like the power to hurt, but the main part of them are high tailing it soon as their lives and families are in real direct danger. Its even possible a core group might try to form a junta and seize control. But its a forgone losing preposition.
What it really means is between jumping burning ships as rats will, and those who are met with moms and pops and kids with pitchforks, axes and shotguns, while others are going buddy pair, small unit, and lone wolf, exploding heads and spraying fresh glowie brain matter over their associates mall ninja outfits. Death, as in dead right there, by a couple thousand explody heads is a total bame changer when they start busting down doors per their masters direct call for playing kill the kulak, its here the clown show runs out of armed badged hired leg-breakers real fast. Unless as AC points out the network has a way to throw thousands of warm cannon fodder into the meat grinder. Even then thats a logistical order of magnitude task.

The United States has never been a danger from its own people. Its certainly in no danger from the militias of the people, especially unorganized militia, who are simply folks who are armed and prepared as is proper and prudent, and only want to be left alone.
It is the ruthless ceaseless striving towards absolute power and domestic control of every facet of the spheres of people lives which is like render unto Caesar on crank, or render unto the cesspit and its globo=pedo cabal, but whats really nasty is thats not enough, only when everything else is rendered is it satisfied, or will it? Its absolute for absoluteness sake. Its the end of the large nation state which peaked on 9/11. If its going down this road like this at the point its desperate.

But them glowies. Cabal aint shit but some adreno chrome sipping child fuckers and child murderers, and thats all they are, without mercenaries.
cabal had to turn to mercenaries to break legs and blackmail specific targets with chold raping and murder. They got too big to keep it in the inner circle, the world is too big to control without saturating civilization with the network.
The virtues and the sins of the warrior are universal, its one or the other, its Dux and Rex doing whats honorable with Dux having more responsibility to Rex or it can’t be honorable. And cabal completely failed in its duty. All the elites had to do is leave us all be. Its not hard.
Who but warriors without virtue will work for this kind of 30 pieces of silver? Scalawags to the max. Mercenaries thru history only have loyalty to the pay master/check, they rarely fight past a losing strategic proposition. Its gold they are for.
Machiavelli said good mercenaries can get you gold, but gold cant necessarily get you good mercenaries. And you gots to be carful you don’t hire too good mercenaries, they can take you out if they see its possible, and that translates to the glowies, in that the good ones got out, the paymasters make sure any other good ones are kept out or weeded out, as is obvious as chink-obiden’s Trojan Bolsheviks have wasted not hours chasing off and culling out any warriors of virtue from the military. Or is the point doing so so they can bring in Chicom UN sanctioned contract battalions dressed up as peace keepers? Those are mercenaries of another stripe.

globo=pedo is fighting to survive now, it has to recognize its simply does not have the organic human resources to deal with the unintended consequences they created. It knows the real numbers, what a stunning win Trump received. It sees the meta data and all the results from total surveillance of everything we do, even to our thoughts, it knows its got one really pissed off big orange with black stripes kitty by the tail.
The set-up on 1-6 was cold calculated, a most malicious attempt to create the illusion it had plausible deniability to start forcing good folks into box cars and using other false flags for covering up the liquidation of the most existential dangerous folks. They been doing that low scale for decades, its only a matter of scale, what they did not intend was the matter of scale is like tracers it works both ways, two can play that game.

They be in a real pickle. I think they do not completely appreciate just how bad a spot they are in.
And something is definitely poking sticks in their spokes. Add them both together and cabal is facing serious shit. And us good folks haven’t yet begun to really fight, we be nice, polite, prudent, people, who fight by the rules regardless, in spite of everything meant to tear nice things and good government down. even we who know whats at stake don’t have a touch stone, a pivot point for this shit. What we do have is the dignity of liberty. The fulcrum of legitimacy. And guns, lots of guns, as a last resort. We actually got it made that way is a certain sense.

WS Lind wrote a great outlier couple days ago, its a dandy. Poked cabal right in the fucking eye with the clown stick:

4 years ago

A curious little tale of Cabal in action.

Security breaches, Cabal personnel from top to bottom, succeeding in a business – for no perceptible reason – where others fail.

4 years ago

> Tens of thousands of farmers ride tractors into India’s capital and smash through police barricades

You’ll remember this happened in Holland a couple of years ago, too. The Dutch military set up roadblocks to keep them out of the capitol. Alas, they were apparently all city boys, and they just watched in fury as the farmers swung off the road and took off across the fields.

Apparently none of them had realized that tractors are “off-road vehicles.”

4 years ago

The coming retaliation from wall street:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

I saw AC say it first, and it is true:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

AC, what do you think about this?

“SARS‐CoV‐2‐induced Remission of Hodgkin Lymphoma”

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Good normie friendly video about how Biden admin and the D party are cucks to Israel and how Israel should have their US aid cut:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Article on the use of goverment illegitimate surveilance for “pre-crime” “prevention”:

4 years ago

“Suppose there is no evolutionary/Darwinian advantage in death. What does it do? Death keeps us continually starting over with no knowledge. Imagine if the whole world was 98% people who were 200 years old and older. They would all know how it worked, and deception would not be nearly as effective. I was wondering the other day, whether we could be engineered with death, or our biology was affected to promote it, because it is necessary for a slave race you don’t want to have to oppress by force. Death is what makes our population programmable. Without it, we would all have figured it out long ago.”

Its not only death. But that aging causes our minds to be set in our ways an unable to adapt. In contrast to more youthful minds.

If we can remain youthful we will retain our childlike adaptability.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Can’t that be avoided thru mindfulness and self-conditioning (basically forcing yourself to question your own beliefs)? Kinda the same way aging makes muscle go away, but of you work out a lot of muscle loss can be prevented.