Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
They are still trying to sell this as Alex Jones, though I am unsure what is up with that welt:
Old Alex Jones:
Another comparison shows straight vs curved nasolabial lines:
Daily Mail – Chilling Pentagon document reveals war-provoking reason ‘Deep State’ has always feared release of JFK assassination files – A conspiracy theory surrounding JFK’s assassination claims he was killed by Israel which allegedly controls the US ‘Deep State.’ Israel would explain why it had to be kept secret long after everyone had died, as well as Pompeo’s desire to keep it secret. And Israel is at the very least integral to the Deep State, if not what is ultimately behind it.
Trump’s ‘ice maiden’ chief of staff launches brutal takedown of Elon Musk as she REFUSES to give him a West Wing office and issues stark warning over being ‘co-president.’ Not bad to create space, just in case Elon turns out to be doing DOGE to sabotage the Trump administration.
Trump sparks Republican alarm in overnight bloodbath of government watchdogs. They all know all those IGs were corrupted, and now Trump can appoint honest oversight.
Inspector General revolt: IG group says Trump’s mass firing unlawful.
‘Ready for the fight’: Confirmation hearings scheduled for Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, RFK Jr. Jan 29th is the date. They want to sell this as a new beginning of transparency and honesty from a law-abiding government. IMO, that means they will have to expose the surveillance and beaming quickly, blame it on the previous administrations, and then destroy it. Gangstalking is already out there as a thing, and American Stasi will only advance now. So making the transition to the new beginning will require it all come out, and I think they will want to do it quickly. The longer Kash runs the FBI and the gangstalking continues, the more they will try to blame it on him, and act like he was complicit and supportive of it. If the new beginning wants to maintain control, it would behoove it, as quickly as possible, to “discover” this criminality it had no idea existed, and expose it and destroy it, while decisively laying the blame for it on those Deep State assholes who came before. I think Kash may break this open quickly.
88,000 new IRS agents my end up working immigration cases in support of the deportation movement.
Indiana attorney general files lawsuit against sheriff for defying feds on illegal immigration.
WHO resorts to begging for donations online after Trump swipes funding.
Meta ends fact-checking program as Zuckerberg vows to restore free speech. These are always scams to try and lure you back so they can shadowban your content. They cannot actually allow free speech.
Neocons will neocon:
Mystery drone sightings surge again after FAA lifts restrictions.
C.I.A. now favors lab leak theory to explain Covid’s origins.
Supreme Court to decide if families can opt out of reading LGBTQ books in the classroom.
Controversial DHS program allows foreign students to train in sensitive fields.
Eric Adams moves closer toward Trump, alarming Democrats.
Vatican cracks down on illegal entry into its territory.
EU military chief says the union should station troops in Greenland, presumably just in case Donald Trump decides to invade. At some point, just for fun, Trump should schedule a military exercise which would bring hundreds of thousands of troops and armor up and put them right on the Canadian border, at a point where it would be possible to take Ottawa in a Blitz in preparation for grabbing Greenland with a landing. Or he should schedule a massive naval exercise just off the coast of Greenland for two weeks, complete with accidental feint maneuvers by the ships indicating landings are coming.
Slovakia’s peaceful anti-government protests grow nationwide. Globohomo beginning a Ukraine-like color revolution.
Russian intel chief ready to meet with new CIA boss.
Congresswoman to introduce legislation to add Trump to Mount Rushmore.
House Republicans introduced a bill to rename Dulles Airport after President Trump.
In Las Vegas speech, Trump floats eliminating federal income tax ‘if the tariffs work out.’
CIA Director Ratcliffe closes all DEI offices and fires DEI staff — reports.
Trump signs new executive order mandating Classical styles for federal architecture.
Send people to, because they will not want to be tainted by the past for long
Keep him in until Barron is eligible.
I am inclined to agree after seeing Barron, at the inauguration, grab Biden’s hand, lean in and deliver what clearly looked like some kind of fuck you insult, and then glare at him over his shoulder.
He looked serious about hating them.
Barron was, what, ten or eleven years old when the Left ran their hate campaign against him during DJT’s first term?
I would hold a grudge too.
“WHO resorts to begging for donations online after Trump swipes funding.”
Great! Now do the Red Cross.
“Illegals with foreign flags march in front of Trump Tower in Chicago to demand zero deportations, revolution.”
Revolution, huh? Be careful what you ask for – you might get it.
In IL, the Mexicans are so brash that they do the following:
The last is the best. You can spout off all the racism and statistics you want, but that won’t do shit to change people’s minds. But sit back with a big grin on your face while the immigrant scams your wife out of a massive tip. I didn’t say a fucking word. Perfection. That $15 bucks was worth more than all the stats in the world. My wife was fit to be tied as she walked out of the place and was probably an inch from throwing a Roman.
Trump explodes at Denmark PM ...”
I’ve never seen Trump lose his cool. Ever. I doubt he “exploded”. Probably just spoke firmly.
“Words are violence”, so the Left says.
The PM probably needed counseling after their conversation.
Multiple retries to get past the login box this time.
But the Mail article on the JFK file release is NOT about Israel’s involvement in the murder. There is a single sentence about the “conspiracy theory” of Israel’s involvment – – pointlessly and irrelevantly inserted into the article.
Rather than address the issue head on, Israel (or TPTB who run Israel) are yet again resorting to the dreary tactics of demonization (“conspracy theory”).
Candace may in fact may be the major figure of 2024 with her courageous hour on the USS Liberty. The USS Liberty is the Building 7 of “Israel’s” malice against America. Her show opened up the questions about LBJ’s involvement in assisting Israel’s murder of American servicemen, which in turn opens up the subject of LBJ’s relationship to Zionism in general, which opens up the subject of Israel’s involvement in JFK’s murder (and RFK), which in turn opens up Israel’s involvement in 9-11.
Calling people conspiracy theorists is just not going to be effective anymore. Neither is calling them Jew haters or anti-semites. The interwoven psy-ops are being torn apart and thrown in the garbage. A deeper understanding is being rapidly formed.
The psy-ops are looking more and more pathetic and ridiculous, even to normies. A massive shift has taken place (is taking place) in the consciousness of average people.
JMHO: we are getting close to mass understanding of American Stasi, and the natural consequences of that understanding.
Agree with it all, 100%.
It is the best possible scenario. A sea change that strikes at the heart of the rot
“‘Ready for the fight’: Confirmation hearings scheduled for Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, RFK Jr. Jan 29th is the date. They want to sell this as a new beginning of transparency and honesty from a law-abiding government. IMO, that means they will have to expose the surveillance and beaming quickly, blame it on the previous administrations, and then destroy it. Gangstalking is already out there as a thing, and American Stasi will only advance now.”
First time this ever happened to me. My car, parked in my garage (and locked), was somehow ‘broken’ into. No signs of forced entry, no windows broken, but my console and dashboard were wide open, and looked like someone was looking through it. Nothing was taken from it, either. It’s like someone went in there, left the console and dashboard opened just to screw with my head. I don’t know if it was unlocked or not as I used the remote to unlock it anyway. Weird stuff.
That is them letting you know they are around.
> Supreme Court to decide if families can opt out of reading LGBTQ books in the classroom.
Public school is child abuse.
> Congresswoman to introduce legislation to add Trump to Mount Rushmore.
>House Republicans introduced a bill to rename Dulles Airport after President Trump.
ROFL! I can see the heads exploding from here!
They’ll have to get past the Thule SP detachment first. Lotsa luck with that, EU.
Q: What’s the first point of order for an EU Army?
A: Comprising mostly French and German forces, it will march on Russia and surrender.
Most French and Germans are neither French nor German, and unlikely to march on Russia
I have heard all the JFK conspiracy theories but this one about Israel is new. Is this just a ploy to get powerful people to oppose disclosure of the remaining JFK files?
AC, found this 18 min. video, seems this might be useful to some (perhaps more beginner level) but thought it would be better judged by committee here, if anyone is game. He’s getting close to half million subs, so some popularity shows.
Once You Know This, Every PSYOP Becomes Obvious Are you being manipulated without even realizing it? In this video, we unveil the Manipulation Playbook—a detailed guide to recognizing the 20 indicators of reality control used by media, corporations, and even governments to shape what you think, feel, and do.
Andrew Anglin has posted a really long essay, titled “Toxic Femininity Manifest as Political Tyranny”, which is really a wide ranging look at political theory and how people form their political beliefs. I’m maybe a third of the way through and I haven’t come across anything about women as a group yet.
“America’s left-right divide, which would be better described as the Democrat-Republican divide, is somewhat convoluted. People have what are called “belief clusters”; this is a phenomenon where people who feel very strongly about some series of issues will develop other beliefs based on the fact that they perceive that people “on their team” share these beliefs.”
“It is clearly illogical that a leftist would root for both the Ukraine and Palestine, given that the Ukraine and Israel are both proxies for a globalist Western hegemony. Just so, it is illogical that a “small government conservative” would support massive corporations partnering with the government to crush the middle class. But Russia and Israel have been packaged together as “white oppressors,” and multinational corporations writing US government regulations has been packaged as “free enterprise.” Positions have shifted some because of the rise of Donald Trump, and this has been generally positive for the right. Conservatives have become more critical of big business and the “Project America” empire-building strategies of the neoconservatives. Meanwhile, in response to Trump, the left has entered into a hysterical tailspin, acting purely on emotion and developing positions that would not make sense to the historical left.”
Anglin’s essay output rivals that of Miles Mathis. I see there is a long credo that just got posted on the Miles Mathis site, but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.
“And Israel is at the very least integral to the Deep State, if not what is ultimately behind it.”
Noticing are we? Pls read William Z Foster’s book 1932 book, Toward Soviet America. We’re there. Communists ALWAYS do Surveillance.
“Former President Joe Biden, who is Catholic, joined a historically black Freemason lodge just one day before he left the presidency, an offense punishable by excommunication in the Church
“Former President Joe Biden, who WAS FORMERLY Catholic, joined a historically black Freemason lodge just one day before he left the presidency, an offense punishable by excommunication in the Church.”
Fixed it for you- joining freemasonry isn’t just grounds for excommunication, it is punished by automatic excommunication under Cannon law 1364.
In 2006 I met a Catholic freemason in Mexico. I asked him about that. He said the church reversed the ban on freemasonry a long time ago. Maybe even in the 1960’s, if I remember what he told me. Definitely by the 1990’s.
Plenty Catholic in Name Only
More proof the current skin-suit wearing incarnation of “the church” is under the dominion of Satan and not God.
God is explicit in that man cannot serve two masters; if you serve God, you will never bow the knee to the Masons, who spread their cheeks for lucifer because he “blessed” mankind with knowledge in the garden.
Easy choice: be gay for satan, or love God. And clearly the church and the demons infesting it for the time being prefer to be gay for satan.
He was mistaken or lying- the Pope confirmed the ban as late as 2023
1960s. Vatican 2
People taking Ozempic type drugs experience subcutaneous fat loss and muscle loss. Makes them look weird and old in the face. Could be what’s happening to Alex Jones.
That could be. Though in the photos I have seen, he had a ton of forehead wrinkles, and crows feet, which look gone now. He might have gotten some cosmetic surgery or something.
Eye color looks different. Maybe my screen, maybe colored contacts, or maybe a double?
No way, head shape is all different. Too elongated; Jones’ was very square, new guy is ovular.
No one gets to that level without being controlled, as we know. They just took out one of their agents that was causing too much hubbub and replaced him with a more compliant copy.
Look at the ears and nose.
Noses don’t change without surgery, and even if there are surgeons who can do ears, they didn’t bother with the various Biden doubles, despite money being no barrier.
How many IGs did trump fire Friday?
That’s cute.
73 is how some (usually older) amateur radio people sign off before saying their callsigns.
So Cabal, was that message received and understood? 🙂
73 is the ARRL code for “best regards.” Good catch.
Tried today to leave some comments on yesterday’s comments but it wouldn’t let me. Tried to access comments for todays blog and kept getting worspress install all day.
The comment module may have been updated or replaced.
The CSS is also glitchy so that may be part of it.
Responses here are very browser picky.
Try different browsers, maybe including the obscure ones, and on different devices.
“The Mysterious Staircase is a short presentation about the Loretto staircase within the Loretto Chapel in the heart of Sante Fe, New Mexico.
The Loretto Chapel was built in the late 19th century to serve the Sisters of Loretto. When the chapel was near completion in 1878, they realized there was no staircase leading to the choir loft.
According to legend, the Sisters prayed for help to construct a staircase.
A carpenter arrived after on a donkey claiming he could construct a staircase. The carpenter however asked that he be alone during the work which took a number of months.
The Mysterious Staircase that was constructed has two 360-degree turns with no visible means of support. Further, the mysterious staircase does not have glue or nails. It is exactly thirty-three (33) steps.
Additionally, under testing, the wood used does not match any known wood species. ”
Built by a carpenter who traveled on a donkey and seems to have not been fond of nails.
The Mysterious Staircase
Trey Smith
33 Steps. There’s that number again.
Nails were a thing in the 1880s, but they were still expensive, and for an itinerant carpenter traveling by donkey, probably too bulky and heavy to carry many. It’s not like he could have called Amazon and had some delivered to the work site.
Galvanized nails weren’t a thing then, either. Which meant they would start to rust away as soon as they were driven. A few years ago I rebuilt the floor in a 1942 house; the nails holding the floor joists were mostly gone.
Finally, a carpenter doing his best work in the 1880s would have avoided nails when possible. High-quality work would use rabbets, dovetails, pegs, and perhaps glue; the kind that came as a powder, was boiled in water, and brushed on while hot.
The center-most stringer, when wound that tightly around a central point, acts as a sort of wooden “spring” that carries most of the vertical load. Central posts are more stable long-term, but this is common structural design knowledge. This is supported by the fact this staircase is now closed to use due to excessive up-and-down movement when walked: the wood is wearing down over time and becoming “springier.”
Dowels were very common in this form of woodworking, which essentially act as friction-fit wooden nails. Glue not required when you use a lot of woodworking joints: dovetails, dado and rabbets, etc. It’s essentially such good craftsmanship that friction holds the whole thing together.
We use nails, screws, glue, etc today because our manufacturing and logistics networking is so high quality. It’s easier and faster to use steel fasteners, which allows more to be built more quickly. There’s nothing stopping someone from recreating this build other than time, passion, and craftsmanship.
The only part that is impossible to explain, but I’d like to see what tests they actually tried. Sounds more like they’re leaning into the mythos rather than really trying to solve it.
I’m with Matt, if I had known that Trump was going to have a press conference to roll out new MRNA tech on DAY TWO, I wouldn’t have voted for him. Everyone here knows that I have consistently said that I believe the vaxx was a strategic loss, like Coventry during WW2, a demonstration that accelerationism can actually work. Also Trump would have the receipts to prove that he was lied to about the safety trials and that he would then pivot to lead the mob against the vaxx conspirators.
I no longer believe that. We haven’t heard from RFK in a bit, and maybe this week Trump wants to focus on deporting illegals, and when we get RFK installed things will be put in motion, but I WILL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT.
The PROBLEM with Trump’s Stargate Project | Matt Kim #138
Kamala would have been much worse.
We had no choice.
And we will see exactly what happens with RFK.
I voted for him 3 times, but why do you think Cabal let Trump win this time?
They stole the 2020 election, but were much more restrained during 2024 election.
I think it’s clear that his faction expended more power on stopping the steal this time, and he seems to have made a temporary alliance with another faction dissatisfied with the main cabal, perhaps they made the difference but just for his race.
Remember that his faction was able to stop the steal in 2016, they just chose not to in 2020. (stupid plan)
I think it was Phelps but it was some commenter here who had a theory, I’ll copy verbatim:
> My personal conspiracy theory, based on no insider info and pure observation: Joe fucked Harris. Joe was always the one in charge. Obama was elected with Joe’s criminal network in return for making Joe VP. The deal was Obama got 8 years, and then Joe gets 8 years. Harris was forced onto Joe as Obama’s insurance, because Joe was supposed to turn control of the criminal network over to the Obamas after he finished. (This is one of the things that explains the VP picks. Joe never made sense for Obama, Harris never made sense for Joe. It only makes sense as two factions demanding to have their people in positions to keep the other honest.) It worked out well, because Obama didn’t need much fraud to beat nincompoops like McCain and Romney. Joe needed WAY more push, especially against Trump, so Joe cranked up the whole network and just flat out stole it. He is supposed to take his 4 years, steal the next one, and then turn things over to Obama after his second 4 years. The problem is, when he screwed up the debate, the Obamas panicked that the steal would be too obvious and they would not only lose the election (from the fraud being detected and a new election called), but also access to the criminal network (from the fraud being detected and them being removed from their positions.) They forced Joe out, and tried to take over the network early. The problem is, criminal networks are all about being a network. Joe was the one with the contacts, and Joe not only wouldn’t give them up, he made it clear to stand down. Now that criminal network either dies or picks a new leader, but it won’t be Obama. Joe actively sabotaged the Harris campaign by simply turning off his part of the fraud. (The amount you see now is what Obama was able to build up on his own, which is why it matches his elections.)
Aligning with Ellison, and doubling down on the wildly dangerous mRNA tech, is a horrible position for Trump.
It puts a real dent in my attempt at cautious optimism since the election.
I am starting to take the position that Trump’s handlers reached a detente with the extremist path of Euro Cabal, on the condition that Trump start pitching the cyborg tech of mRNA, among other compromises.
If he was truly in charge, Trump wouldn’t need to align with a notorious creep like Ellison, and he would start putting serious distance between himself and any mention of the disaster that is mRNA tech.
I expect that they are allies of convenience and they and their agendas will be jettisoned after he accomplishes something that makes him not need them anymore.
So long as we are not forced to take it we will be OK. So far the only people I know that jump in line for every new version are lefties. We will suffer the slings and arrows of their ridicule but we will put the dirt on their graves.
More likely required to, than forced to. We saw it happen that way during the spamdemic, “Oh, I don’t want to lose my job at xyz…” But next time it might come under the guise of (and perhaps not limited to), “if you want xyz medical treatment, you need to get the AI shot, because that’s how we diagnose now.”
And it will all eventually lead to a requirement in order to participate in commerce, i.e. buy things and or get paid in whatever currency it will be.
Trump doesn’t reveal all his cards, it’s symbolic in his name even. I’ll bet he’s letting these tech guys run their course so people can see clearly what they are all about. It’s already looking bad for them.
Anyway, an EMP event will take care of all of this stuff. It’s not something anyone talks about, but will happen (either man made or a natural event – with the latter being the highest probability because it has happened already many times). All this tech stuff will be moot.
Sounding an awful lot like the mark of the beast prophecy.
AI and MRNA tech will happen with or without US involvement. Better that America controls it rather than some other rival foreign power.
They can fuck right off.
Where’s an errant missile when you need one?
Right there with you.
It appears to be necessary for The Teacher to drag all of the misbehaving kids in front of the class so they can’t hide in the back rows and continue to mess things up.
So perhaps there will be a Great Turning of these people like what you might see when playing Go.
In the meantime, all of these feints, false starts, and occasional Mohammed Ali “rope-a-dope” moves are meant to exhaust the energy that “they” have.
This includes EM as well, a particularly naughty and nasty kid who got his wrists smacked by a Ruler.
Insofar as less violent change goes for most people, it’s better that The Teacher lays down the law before everyone decides the school cafeteria food fight needs some broken chair legs and a thrown table as well.
BTW, went with a high school metaphor here because it’s on brand … 🙂
Re Mount Rushmore…
Wouldn’t it be better to take a tip from the tattoo industry and rework Teddy into Trump? It’s never seemed right to have TR up there. Why?
I think TR was chosen for funding reasons. But it also makes sense from a certain point of view. Washington and Jefferson were important founders of the Republic, Lincoln murdered the Republic and founded the Yankee dominated American Empire, and TR boldly expanded that Empire.
Wilson and the later Roosevelt could be considered for their efforts in sacrificing our remaining legacy to the fleeing spirits of the dying British Empire so they could wear Lady Columbia as a skinsuit for their global efforts. Thanks, guys. Here’s your face on a mountain.
For that matter, why is Lincoln up there? Somehow schoolbook history seems to overlook the fact that his incompetence started the Civil War.
Rushmore ran over-schedule and over-budget, and Congress declared it finished and quit funding it. They never even hauled away the rubble and trash at the bottom of the mountain, as was planned.
The Fed originally promised that one of the faces on Rushmore would be an Indian. They reneged on that, of course. So the Lakota started carving their own mountain, way bigger than Rushmore. They’re in no hurry, but you can see Crazy Horse taking shape on Thunderhead Mountain.
Lincoln is up there because worshipping the magical negro at the expense of the American people is far more important than any other consideration, and that’s been the case for at least 100 years, well before the mountain carving ever started.
Reminder for National Fakers League this Sunday:
Whether LPVO or dot+magnifier, you NEED magnification down range.
Yes, you need a magnifier on your rifle.
Desk Pop
There’s a lot of hype about the DEI crap being shutdown, but not a lot of action. I haven’t seen one iota of movement in companies friends and family are in.
Has anyone else seen any direct changes?
I honestly don’t think you will see anything happen.
DEI programs in “private” companies are instituted because private equity “investors”, notably Blackrock, pay the companies to institute them. I don’t think pressure from the Justice Department or any federal regulators is a factor at all.
There is a chance of this getting rolled back in the federal workforce, and we really want to see what happens with the uniformed military, since Hegseth has made this his signature issue. Wait a few months to see what happens, but white men may want to apply for federal jobs via USA jobs and for jobs with federal contractors, and avoid the big corporations.
FedGov placed all DEI personnel on administrative leave, and even fired a few that tried to hide in the bureaucracy by changing titles. Target got rid of theirs. Things are happening; maybe not fast enough, but they are happening. Bear in mind, as President, Trump has executive authority over the federal government. He can’t mandate anybody outside the government get rid of it.
Trump can only directly impact government agencies, or contractors that accept federal funding.
Private companies are downstream from all of that, but hopefully it sets a tone that the general public will follow.
It’s the contractors I was mostly referring to. We have large contracts and leadership has been deathly quiet.
Higher Ed, too.
Crickets. No one is even freaking out in Teams.
DEI violates a number of laws.
Trump needs to get DoJ on it, but we need to give him time, he has a lot of things he needs to do, and things like voter fraud and the deportations take priority.
DEI is institutionalized racism. The kind that the Fed claimed to be stamping out. But of course the whole thing died shortly after birth with Affirmative Action.
A certain demographic’s view of “equality” is “Hollywood’s depiction of the pre-Civil-War South, except with the blacks holding the whips.”
Communist style activist judges mean laws are as wisps of marsh gas
I work for a municipal government. We’ve paused putting out any RFP’s while we figure out all of the things that no longer need to be in there.
It’s been 6 days my brother, chill out
It’s been 50+ fucking years of affirmative action horseshit.
We need to hold his yamika wearing ass to the fire, until we get what want. JUSTICE.
Yeah, you do that.
Would you do a Google Drive of this area?
34°03’18.0″N 118°13’30.0″W
Interesting stuff written on the ground.
Yes, I will.
Should be interesting
Google Earth has historic images. 9/2022 no messages; 6/2023 some messages; 12/2023 has clearly ” TRAFICO” and “LAPD” plus others; 2/2024 not so clear but still “HELP”. Previous images have shipping containers on the site!
Apparently it is one local man responsible. Doesnt mean it is not genuine.
Of particular interest are cranes above the tunnel shafts.
Attorneys on Retainer is Run by Gun Controllers
There’s a new update on Texas Arcane’s health at
In the days before the episode that sent him to the ER he says this was happening:
Sound familiar?
Trump on Pat Buchanan (Old Video).
Trump said a lot of things we wouldn’t like back when he was doing business in NYC and Hollywood.
You either believe he meant them or you believe he was under cover.
Thenif you believe he meant them you have to decide if you believe he changed since then or not.
Yep. It’s real hard to figure out who’s on our side.
Hey AC. Discussion of “The Beam” as an existing Direct Energy Weapon DEW, including small units operable by a small group. Expectations of same in upcoming kinetic activity by imported enemy cells.
LTC Steve Murray, Matt Bracken, LTC Ral Piper, and LTC Bruce Johnson. Two days ago.
HEY AC, i used to watch Alex Jones all the time UNTIL he& corsi tried saying THEY were Q, which was a laughing stock lie.
SO considering he still has the SAME gravelly voice and same frown lines, same barely there eyebrows, you can see the dyed beard lines, the trimmed beard under lips , I am 99.9% sure its just AJ minus 75LBs of blubber and better self care. I had a buddy who lost 90in a yr and even i did NOT recognize him until he spoke. He looked like his 17 yr old self not blubbery 37
Probly a given, AJ is on Testosterone therapy and Ozempic.
NOT EVERYONE has 5 clones, i think even vox is exagerating. I MAY HAVE seen one pic where RFK is same height as Trump and some sources say rfk is 5ft 8 others say 6 ft.
SO IMHO both you and vox making yourselves look paranoid saying everyone is a clone. That or you both know it appeals to the conspiracy theorist in alot of us readers and significantly bumps your traffic and may do a greater good getting your sites to the majority of the public.
BUT it seems , like infowars, digengenuous and turns some of us off as you not being reliable anymore.
I do not know. I see a wrinkle here and there which looks similar, but can you make them on someone by folding the skin and taping it for a week? Something in the mien is very different, though he could have had some kind of eye job maybe.
And I should add, I do not think it is a clone-clone, but rather a look-alike. I think if you take their deal, they take their control very serious, and they then feel justified in taking you out and putting in some kind of look alike if you become uncompliant. I think it might be more common than you would think, because surveillance is everywhere, and can look for look-alikes and tell if they would be amenable to such a deal. That makes is possible, and the advantage to it means they will be doing it.
I just do not see how that wide a face with puffy/loose upper eyelids like the fat picture, which looks kind of blank/afraid emotionally to me, would end up looking like the thin face, with tight upper eyelids, and a tougher, resigned facial expression.
But I cannot say I know exactly what Ozempic would do. And as I think about it, it is possible, if he is vain, he has begun shooting the show with some link of thinning lens on the camera.
I just saw this comment. Yesterday I commented about the same thing. Just like AC is saying, it’s highly likely this is a replacement. People do study mannerisms of others and you can see a great example of this when Brett Cooper was replaced by one of her producers (former friend), Reagan. Reagan doesn’t look like Brett, but you can see her take on all the mannerisms of her. So, if you look at those two video I posted in the comment below, you will see the ‘newer’ Alex Jones’ mannerisms look more forced and calculated. It’s like this… remember to do hand gestures, squint your eyes every now and then… and so on. The original Alex Jones had more fluid authenticity, and the new one looks polished, more upright.
The thing is you are dealing with intelligence agents, who psychologically can do anything, no matter how weird, and their operation is so expansive it can find doubles who are almost perfect. The ability is there, the psychological drives which would drive it are there, and there would be an advantage. IMO, it has to be happening, the only question is how often? It might be rare, because the possibility keeps everyone in line and on script. It might only happen in orchestrated skits, designed to make the conspiracy think it happens, to scare everyone into line. Or they could be doing it left and right. I don’t know, but I would not put faith in facial lines, as I think precise folding of skin, and taping with athletic tape can stretch structures and create the folds.
Alex Jones is tripping me out.
I’m going back and forth between these two videos:
“Recent” AJ:
“Original” AJ:
Does it look like the ‘recent’ version of Alex Jones has larger hands? I can get it, that maybe they look larger because he lost weight… but, the hands look larger in comparison to his shoulders. The New version seems to over-do Alex Jones mannerisms, winking… hand gestures.. whereas the original seems to do it more effortlessly. I could be wrong about that. But what led me to consider that, was another video I saw of Brett Cooper’s replacement of ‘producer’ Reagan whatever her name is. Reagan takes on all of Brett’s mannerisms, and even sounds like her. So it is not a stretch that Alex Jones would have a replacement that sort of looks like him, and take on his mannerisms, even sounding like him.
Alex Jones was always a psyop.
The fake voice was a clue. The hypnosis speech a red flag
Bill Hicks should have stayed in mediocre observational comedy.