News Briefs – 01/26/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Thank you to everyone who offered advice and knowledge on rf interference. I am blown away by how wonderful a crew of specialists we have assembled here, and tremendously grateful for all the help. Given I suspect this tech is amping up for wider deployment on the population as a whole, the work we are doing here is vitally important. Thank you all.

Also for those afflicted, I will note Becket makes an excellent burner transformer for about $60 new, made to last for fans of the Jacob’s ladder, And it looks like firing it is like lighting up a 35 watt lightbulb. Also, for the more adventurous, Ebay has a wide selection of Tesla coils, though they are more expensive, with some build it yourself kits like a 100 watt lightbulb or two and a half 100 watt lightbulbs. But they will light a fluorescent bulb from a couple of feet away, and you will remember me saying, I walk into the kitchen, and the florescent bulb would flash as they lit up the room on my entry, to track me. That was their tech, making me think the Tesla coil, and probably the Jacob’s ladder, are the same energy, only like white noise, drowning out their data stream.

We don’t know yet if this will work, though I am in the process of acquiring it. As we speak, they may be seeking an adaptation, hoping we will assume we wee wrong. It is important to note we face a dynamic enemy, and even if this fails, it may only fail because they adapt their techniques, and they may only have so many adaptations they can perform, before they will be forced to admit failure. We will continue to push, and I believe we will find a way to thwart all of these adaptations, and destroy the technology eventually. But I am optimistic it will at least advance our knowledge, and it is hard to argue we are not advancing our position.

The National Security Agency has secretly been buying Americans’ internet records and using them for spying purposes without obtaining a warrant, a senior senator revealed Thursday.

Trump says ‘this is not America’ as he testifies for just thee minutes in E. Jean Carroll trial: Ex-president tells jury the columnist’s rape accusation was ‘false’ – as she seeks over $10m in damages as case goes to closing arguments.

Trump calls for all ‘willing’ states to deploy National Guard to Texas border and start the deportations.

US troops in Texas are openly discussing defecting to Texas National Guard if the US Gov decides to pick this fight.

Biden gave an ultimatum on Thursday, demanding that Gov. Greg Abbott relinquish control of the “disputed” border areas Texas controls as 25 states joined together to pledge their support to Abbott in his battle over the government’s refusal to enforce immigration laws.

White House dodges on Democratic calls for Biden to federalize Texas National Guard.

10 of FBI’s famous retired executives starkly warn Congress that U.S. being invaded at border: ‘Alarming and perilous.’ They were high ranking but I did not recognize any names myself. Probably fantasy camp FBI who chased bank robbers and kidnappers while the Strzoks and McCabes rigged the elections and ran cover for 9/11-type ops.

New bill could allow Florida State Guard be sent to Texas to help with the border, lawmaker says.

Gov. Henry McMaster  – At the request of @GregAbbott_TX, I have directed the deployment of @SCNationalGuard troops to Texas to help hold the line on the Southern border.

GOP senators seethe as Trump blows up delicate immigration compromise.

24 Republican legislators in Pennsylvania have filed a federal complaint against Joe Biden, Governor Josh Shapiro, and representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of State, alleging that they have usurped legislative authority by changing voter registration and election rules.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will likely be hard-pressed to continue her doomed presidential campaign as large-money donors have begun to abandon her.

U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), Bill Hagerty (R-TN), and his Republican colleagues introduced the Equal Representation Act, legislation to ensure that only legal citizens are factored into the count for Congressional districts and the Electoral College map that determines presidential elections.

Hunter’s Chinese communist-linked associate insists he NEVER had ‘professional’ contact with Joe but admits he had no idea why the Biden family were involved in energy deals with zero relevant experience.

It looks like they swapped out Vince McMahon for a double, but couldn’t find  a plausible look-alike.

70% of embalmers report finding strange blood clots beginning in mid-2021.

New paper looks at programming an immune cell to wipe out old zombie cells, and in doing so, roll back aging. Intriguing, but recently there has been debate over CART T-cell therapies creating new cancers in some patients. Offer other people donuts to get it, and then watch them carefully, as if you were an elite.

The U.S. Supreme Court has signaled that it’s moving fast with former President Donald Trump’s appeal that seeks to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court ruling barring him from the ballot on 14th Amendment grounds.

Trump White House official Peter Navarro sentenced to 4 months for defying Jan. 6 subpoena.

This J6 defendant was thanked for helping officers at the riot. now prosecutors want him locked up for 17 years.

The city of Seattle, Washington, agreed Wednesday to pay $10 million to settle a lawsuit from a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who participated in the violent and destructive 2020 riots following the death of George Floyd.

Wild moment brazen thieves drag Bank of America ATM through streets of Oakland in broad daylight – just half a mile from In-N-Out Burger that’s being shuttered due to soaring crime.

An alarming deterioration in recruitment standards for the FBI has been exposed in a report delivered to the House Judiciary Committee by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts, as it is noted diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) requirements have degraded recruitment standards in all areas including “physical fitness, illicit drug use, financial irregularities, mental health, full-time work experience and integrity,” and now are a threat to the FBI’s ability to function.

Sen. John Barrasso’s (R-WY) wife has passed away following a two-year battle with glioblastoma brain cancer. Bear in mind, his house is probably also a hive of thru-wall radiations and emissive surveillance technologies. You get rid of the surveillance, you will see national cancer rates plummet.

Trans vets sue government to pay for sex change ops – opening door to $100,000 taxpayer-funded surgeries for 163,000 gender non-conforming ex-service members. There has to be somebody doing this to them. You will never convince me there are all these guys who organically want their manhood cut off of their own volition. There has to be some spin-off of the MK Ultra project.

The mayor of New York City has officially declared social media an ‘environmental toxin’ and ‘public health hazard’ in the same category as tobacco and guns, blaming it for the mental health crisis plaguing tens of millions of children in the US.

Housing is now unaffordable for a record half of all U.S. renters, study finds.

USPS reacts to court restoring Second Amendment rights on postal property. USPS says the ruling only applies to that case, and USPS policy has not changed.

Texas grandfather was wrongly ID’d as Sunglass Hut robber by facial recognition technology and gang-raped after being jailed for crime that took place while he was in California, lawsuit claims. And yet the machine which runs everything knows exactly who has done what.

Tesla’s Elon Musk says Chinese electric car brands will ‘demolish’ most companies without ‘trade barriers.’

Something really has changed in North Korea as Kim Jong Un turns more hostile.

Antisemitism [by Muslims] quadruples in France, spikes in UK after October 7.

It’s time to “think the unthinkable” and consider introducing conscription to ready the country for a potential land war, Britain’s former top NATO commander has said.

France’s High Court invalidates most of new anti-immigration bill, ruling they cannot deny migrants government benefits, or restrict family reunification,

Trudeau government faked intelligence to frame Freedom Convoy truckers as violent extremists, investigation finds.

Joe Biden is losing the support of Black voters in Georgia ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

In name of party unity Trump advises RNC not to declare him ‘presumptive nominee.’

Trump takes lead over Biden as general election begins.

Spread r/K Theory, because you only lose if you give up

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1 year ago

Pakistan Deports Half A Million Illegal Immigrants In Just 3 Months

1 year ago

You only lose if you give up” is another hot take for the t-shirt collection, with a killer twist: people will be nodding in agreement before they even know what we’re talking about.

Gotta use their tools, but for the good guys this time. Cue list of old slogans from the cheesy No Fear days. “Second place is the first loser” kind of stuff.

1 year ago
This is how my beloved Husband died and he had not taken any shots as he was a chiropractor. I feel that Chiros are really the most at risk docs out there due to their up close exposure to expelled breath from infected patients when doing manual chest to chest adjustments. I wish that I had convinced him to leave all of it behind sooner.
just remember we are all vulnerable to this. I will tell you that it Is not a pleasant way to die

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thanks for the kind words AC

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The Nattokinease from Natto. Breaks down the spike proteins I believe.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thank you. I have heard good things

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

Please tell us you did an autopsy and documented it.

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

No autopsy. He went in for breathing and low oxygen and they said that he had enormous clots in his lungs. Just like that. No warning. No leg pain. This was after exposure to a sickly patient. Quadruple boosted. This is why athletes are dropping. Very close exposure to freshly boosted people may not end well

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Curious posting from Vox: They Dug Too Deep

We don’t know for sure what kind of ancient flying demon monsters the United States released from their prison in Babylon, but we do know that American soldiers in Iraq were terrified of them—and we know this because American filmmaker-journalist Jeremy Corbell just released a top secret Pentagon beyond chilling video of the officially named “The Jellyfish” unknown aerial phenomenon….

‘Jellyfish’ UAP video reveals strange object in Iraq | Vargas ReportsIt is public knowledge the US “government’ was digging for Gilgamesh’s body when the Euphrates dried up; and they found it and removed it. Who knows what else they unearthed and set free in their arrogance. It is the arrogance of professional grave robbers…uh, sorry “archeologists;” but the other possibility is there is a demonic cult controlling the US government.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There is speculation that Gilgamesh was a giant. And that implies a descendent of the nephilim. And then how did any survive the flood?

Long back story on Mesopotamian demonology for context.

The Watchers in 1 Enoch (a jewish text considered important but not canonical to the 2nd Temple period jews) descended to earth landing on Mt Hermon. They mated with human women & so sired nephilim. (Gen 6:4) and brought knowledge to humanity that corrupted mankind. This corruption led to God sending the flood (Gen 6:5).

This story is mirrored in the Mesopotamian story of the Apkallou. These were a group of minor gods who descended to earth, mated with women & brought civilizational skills to humans. The story continues with higher deities in Mesopotamia getting annoyed with humanity & deciding to wipe them out in a flood which would have undone the apkallou’s work. During the flood the nephilim were destroyed – or were they? Mesopotamian writings say there were 2/3 Apkallou, 1 part human hybrids post-flood . The Mespotamian version says the apkallou saved knowledge to renew civilization again post-flood & were viewed as saviors & the cause of why Babylon was so great. The Babylonians even made figurines of them & put them in boxes in the foundations of their buildings & they called these figurines “watchers”.

Ancient Israelites despised Babylon as a great source of corruption & wickedness (immorality, divination & idolatry). The writer of 1 Enoch used the Apkallou story as a polemic to show the spiritual beings known as the good guys to the Babylonians were spiritual beings in rebellion to the Most High, Yahweh, & thus were villains not heros. The reference to this story in Gen 6:4 would’ve been understood by any well read jew exiled to Babylon.

Perhaps for post flood nephilim the apkallou/watchers being supernatural survived the flood & sired more nephilim. Their descendents became the giant clans in the Bible which were finally killed off by the time of David . At some unknown point the watchers/Apkallou were rounded up & imprisoned in a place of punishment in the underworld – a gloomy abyss called Tartarus in the Bible where they await Yahweh’s final judgement on their rebellion. The Mesopotanian parallel is that their higher deities pubished the apkallou by sending them to an abyss.

Gilgamesh was called “Lord of the Apkallou” – & perhaps a renowned historical figure may have been compared to the apkallou as an honorific in that culture. But it’s totally wild that modern ppl who are not historians, not archeologists etc would want to look for Gilgamesh’s bones.

The greater sin of the Watchers/apkallou was bringing knowledge to humans which accelerated man’s wickedness rather than the creation of hybrid offspring – tho that was a sin too of course. This is why there’s a reference to them in 2 Peter 2 :4 – for context Peter is talking about the danger of false teachers.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

How the nephilim existed post flood. Noah was perfect in his generations may be read genetically pure. Him, his wife, their 3 sons. All other flesh was corrupt, including the sons wives. That’s it. We’re probably all corrupted to some degree, Shem obeyd God and had no giants in his lineage, Japeth had several, Ham turned from God and his line is littered with giants. Nimrod (Gilgamesh/Osiris) is thought to have purposefully altered his genetics because he began to become a giant. The Greek used means of great stature as opposed to the strong warrior used for mighty in other places in the Bible. Also the translation of became has a sexually immoral connotation to it implying a sin against his own flesh.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

What’s your sources for this especially on Nimroad.

I just remembered that a FOIA request to the Gov exists inquiring about Gilgamesh’s tomb & evidence of buried nephilim. It maybe a prank or some eccentric’s pet obsession.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I am 28 and wrote a book on how the elections are stolen. Currently unemployed politically. We won a seat, but its parlasur, and the argie government isn’t paying for it, so looking for a job politically related.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Imperial Probe Droid.

1 year ago

Many have suggested a TinySA spectrum analyzer to see what is going on in RF. But does the unit pick up all frequencies without an antenna? If not, how would you design and build an appropriate antenna and then attach an SMA connector so it can input into the TinySA?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The TinSA Ultra is the best of the small spectrum analyzers currently offered on the market. With a 4in color touch screen, it displays both the spikes as well as a waterfall for signal analysis. In the SIGINT course we attach these to improvised Yagis and Jungle Antennas for broadband signals collection and radio direction finding (RDF). Its wideband reception capability (100 khz – 5.3Ghz) receives not only radio traffic but anything else in the upper ends of the RF spectrum, providing early warning against cell phones, advanced 4G/5G based ground communications, and drones.

1 year ago

‘It’s time to “think the unthinkable” and consider introducing conscription to ready the country for a potential land war, Britain’s former top NATO commander has said.’

Great idea. Might as well start with the “migrants,” since they’re pretty much all military-age males anyway. I’m sure lack of patriotism won’t be an issue.

1 year ago

> The National Security Agency has secretly been buying Americans’ internet records and using them for spying purposes without obtaining a warrant, a senior senator revealed Thursday.

That was news last summer. Maybe it was a slow day at the Senate.

It is perfectly legal; it has already been through the courts. It works the same way as having a “fusion center” – nominally a private organization – tap your phone or perform other surveillance that is unlawful for the police to do, but it’s totes OK for private individuals to do it and then pass the data on.

Oddly, the “pay someone else to do the crime and you’re not responsible” thing only seems to apply to what the government wants to do.

1 year ago

> GOP senators seethe as Trump blows up delicate immigration compromise.

Trump’s supporters don’t want “compromise.” They want the border closed, all the rubber-stamped “migrant” visas canceled, and anyone who can’t show an American birth certificate tossed back over the border.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

>anyone who can’t show an American birth certificate

Recall the article a few days ago on here about the machine laundering multiple fake birth certificates to obvious foreign invaders. Paper americans will have to go back too before this whole thing is done and sorted with any real conclusiveness.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Abe Fortas SCOTUS ruling 0f the Johnson presidency has to be declared void: Johnson appointed Fortas – his personal lawyer – who ruled in favor of double citizenship; in particular, for a Jew who gave up his American citizenship to become an Israeli citizen; then, a few years later wanted to have his American citizenship restored. Now we are ruled by dual or Jual citizens.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

We’re immigration hesitant as well as vaccine hesitant.

1 year ago

> White House dodges on Democratic calls for Biden to federalize Texas National Guard.

All Texas has to do to comply is send the Feds one (1) TNG trooper. Maybe an elderly supply clerk near retirement, with no combat MOS.

1 year ago

> The mayor of New York City has officially declared social media an ‘environmental toxin’ and ‘public health hazard’ in the same category as tobacco and guns, blaming it for the mental health crisis plaguing tens of millions of children in the US.

Of course it is. And now it must be regulated, managed, and purged of ‘disinformation.’ It’s for the children, you know. And they would never even think about using the power to promote their own agenda while censoring any others. That would be silly disinformation ab initio.

1 year ago

White House dodges on Democratic calls for Biden to federalize Texas National Guard.

Never issue an order you don’t know will be followed. The absolute worst outcome for the POTUS would be to federalize the TANG, and for TANG to refuse the orders and remain under TMD command. That would be pretty easy for them to legally justify, with the governor being their current CINC and him saying that the new orders are illegal.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

110% That’s why the White House may be stupid enough to try this.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

It’s a great script hook for revolution prior to the surveillance being fully exposed and destroyed.

1 year ago

It looks like they swapped out Vince McMahon for a double, but couldn’t find a plausible look-alike.

Nah, Vince has been slowly melting for about a decade. He’s sagged that way slowly and over time, rather than all at once.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago


Some folks also forget that Vince is pushing 80, and time waits for no man.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

I wanted to believe in the conspiracy but his eyebrows are still thickest in the upper bridge, the lobes have creased where they join the face, and the hair at the left temple looks like the West side of the African coast. Please keep us on our toes, though, AC

Al Bollen
1 year ago

PETA Wins Out.

FDA Learned they did not need to conduct new drug testing on monkeys any longer after the Covid Test worked so well.

Al Bollen
Reply to  Al Bollen
1 year ago

FDA’s New Rule Allows for Medical Research Without Informed Consent

1 year ago

It looks like they swapped out Vince McMahon for a double, but couldn’t find a plausible look-alike.
Article above:
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Here’s another:
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These guys admit it.
Fans are still getting used to Vince McMahon’s drastic new look after he officially sold WWE to Endeavour, UFC’s parent company, for $9.3billion (£7.46billion).

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Looks like the exact same guy aging over the course of 20 years, with several rounds of plastic surgery thrown in.

This isn’t a mystery. He’s almost 80 for God’s sake.

What would be strange was if he din’t look older as he, ya know… got older.

Old Scroll
Old Scroll
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

New version has make-up and hair dye.

No worse than the new Stallone turning into his plastic surgery mother

1 year ago

>>It is important to note we face a dynamic enemy, and even if this fails, it may only fail because they adapt their techniques, and they may only have so many adaptations they can perform, before they will be forced to admit failure. We will continue to push, and I believe we will find a way to thwart all of these adaptations, and destroy the technology eventually. But I am optimistic it will at least advance our knowledge, and it is hard to argue we are not advancing our position.

As much as I think Churchill was probably Cabal…nonetheless, the above paragraph made me think of his “we will fight them on the beaches…” speech.

you made my heart sing today.

The Texas situation and the amazing response is ALSO making my heart sing today!

Can you feel it brothers and sisters?!!!

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Of course he was cabal. The Jew bankers in city of london told him they’d repossess his beloved manse if he did t get the US into WW2.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
1 year ago

Housing is now unaffordable for a record half of all U.S. renters, study finds. But all is not lost. There will still be more than enough free housing and shelter for millions of non participating “refugees”. Come one, come all.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“US troops in Texas are openly discussing defecting to Texas National Guard if the US Gov decides to pick this fight.”

Texas also has a very large state guard in addition to it’s national guard. They also have a ton of state troopers and TX Rangers. Not to mention every militia in the country will flock to TX for training. There is enough heavy Army gear located in Texas to equip 3 Armored divisions. Texas is the only state that could actually field a million man army. And it would be a US style army with camo, gear, plates and of course, weapons.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Strike the Texas Rangers. After they tried to blue-wash the Amber Guyger investigation, they should have been disbanded.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“New paper looks at programming an immune cell to wipe out old zombie cells, and in doing so, roll back aging.”

Unless telomeres are physically put back into cellular DNA aging isn’t reversed. You would just be left with more and more zombie cells until the immune-aging phage system broke down. Life expectancy wouldn’t really increase but some organs would function better. You would just be trading a gradual curve with a flat-then steeper curve that would end up at the same point with few tangible benefits, and the side effect would be much higher risk of certain cancers, although the ‘zombie’ cells would present a cancer risk as well. It is very risky.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Epstein talked about his lab (or labs, in some cases) working on extended youth and life extension.

Funny how there was no news about what happened to those after he was murdered.

Also funny – and something I noticed long ago – how the idea of life extension is either mildly ridiculed or simply ignored. If I had Soros, Bloomberg, or Gates money to throw around, I’d be on that like a pit bull on a ham bone.

Of course, their public drive to depopulation – not ruling out genocide – might suggest they already have that problem solved, and now they just want to create a comfortable retirement environment.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Oh definitely, but most people never help doctors out by staying healthy. They drink or do drugs or eat crap, then want a magic elixir that is essentially the touch of God. The ironic thing is that most people actually have longevity genes. If they were healthier and didn’t
engage in high risk behaviors they would easily make it to 90.

I’ll tell you what I do. I get 1000% of dv of vitamin C every day in the morning. No coffee, but sometimes a Pepsi. And that’s pretty much it for refined sugar for the day. Lunch is loaded with fruit, vegetables and eggs and a vitamin B pill ( loaded with B12, hydroxocobalamin the only good kind). Dinner usually is Mediterranean style including fish. Sometimes steak or some other meat. Regardless of what I do eat for dinner I always get loads of olive oil (either with bread or from pills), garlic, zinc, fish oil and about 300% of vitamin D. Washed down with simple water. I don’t drink alchohol. If I do eat candy it’s almost always dark chocolate around lunch. I’m in my mid 30’s and my free testosterone is higher than most 20 year olds (893 last week). I regularly walk, run and lift weights. People think I’m 25. No kidding. 4 people in my family have lived to be over 100. My great grandmother lived to 107.

If the elites had any brains they would study people like me, and live healthier themselves, instead of trying to kill the planet. Longevity is a choice. It’s also a fighting thing when you get older. Older patients I have seen, who just give up always die. Guys with fight in them, who don’t want to die don’t, they always last longer. If you fight to live you will live longer.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…I have a theory aging is due to something other than telomeres…”

There’s a guy who says he has the problem licked and it’s a substance that circulates in the blood. There’s no doubt that if you sew an old rat to a young one, the old rat will be rejuvenated. This is what made him search for the chemical. He did test on rats with the substance he separated from pigs and it worked. He’s doing test right now. He also says it’s cheap to produce.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…Smidt Heart Institute published in July their finding that exosomes from embryonic plasma had a profound rejuvenating effect, while plasma without exosomes had no effect…”

I also would like to hear your theory, AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The physical and metaphysical are inseparable. A person can only handle so much catalyst (occurrences which hopefully are processed into proper spiritual evolution) during a lifetime and the efficiency of its use is an important factor. If lessons are ignored and false beliefs are persisted in this has a degrading effect.
People who are terrified of death have probably spent a fair amount of time in hell realms between births because they are incorrigible assholes and don’t wish to go back. They know this at an unconscious level which bleeds into their conscious beliefs. If you aren’t an asshole, then this present reality is the hell realm and what comes after is much more pleasant and at ease than what we currently experience. No one who can look forward to that would actually want to stay here forever. Its a real slog.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Wild moment brazen thieves drag Bank of America ATM through streets of Oakland in broad daylight – just half a mile from In-N-Out Burger that’s being shuttered due to soaring crime.”

Those are high EROEI environment activities. When gas is $50 a gallon, all the BOA are closed and food costs a mortgage (low EROEI environment), Oakland will become homogeneous again. One way or another.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
1 year ago

“The mayor of New York City has officially declared social media an ‘environmental toxin’ and ‘public health hazard’ in the same category as tobacco and guns, blaming it for the mental health crisis plaguing tens of millions of children in the US”

In the long run,
Apart from the Guns
This is correct,

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

At its core social media is just talking to other people. They want to control that sphere as much as possible for obvious reasons, and their meddling in the natural state is what makes it so toxic in current year. SM is more of a tool than a thing in and of itself.

Remove the surveillance, see the reality of how it could probably be used for really good things.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That’s why “right to assemble” was written into the Constitution. The Founders had already lived through a time when George III’s minions tried shutting down newspapers and alehouses to stop “sedition”. Which had exactly the opposite effect…

1 year ago

>The mayor of New York City has officially declared social media an ‘environmental toxin’ and ‘public health hazard’ in the same category as tobacco and guns, blaming it for the mental health crisis plaguing tens of millions of children in the US.

This headline isn’t about social media at all, it’s about guns. It’s a classic “sell past the deal” negotiation where they frame guns = public health hazard as an established, well-agreed upon concept, and stand the argument on social media (who no one, not even the enemy, really gives a shit about here).

People fight about social media, and the implied concept that guns = spooky bad man just burns into the subconscious of your mind.

1 year ago

>Tesla’s Elon Musk says Chinese electric car brands will ‘demolish’ most companies without ‘trade barriers.’

No shit, idiot. You funded the development of their infrastructure and handed them the blueprints to your tech. It’s about as wise as commissioning an enemy nation to build your castles, then acting surprised when they know where the secret entrance is and kill you.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They thought they could also conquer the chinese. Seems they won in this, were latins, hispanics, germanics, slavs, and maybe event turks and arabs, losed, due to a simple reason, the cabal couldnt look like the natives. Zuckerberg married a chinese though, so they are working at that, and in a couple of generations, may try again, the same plan, and succeed, in making the totalitarian world they are trying to achieve, with mixed successes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago



1 year ago

Worth to remember….
comment image

1 year ago

Can we go into some of the mundane details on the statically charged pillow and blanket?

I have an air quality monitor at home which has measured my basement humidity for some time. The highest humidity since Thanksgiving has been around 38% and the lowest around 28%. It is common knowledge that the air is dryer in the winter, and dry air leads to more static electricity. As far as I recall, the first you mentioned pillow static was New Years with the smush.

Do you run a humidifier near the pillow, or is your basement likely comparable to the 30%-ish humidity that I have in the US midwest? I wonder if running a humidifier very close to where you sleep would have an effect one way or the other.

When you deal with the static in the pillow, or with the static bubbles that follow your head, do they react to hair on your body — like do you feel hair on your head or on you arm attracted to it as if you did the “rubbing a balloon for static electricity” thing? I don’t have any hypothesis to go along with that question, it’s just a data point that is missing.

Around the house I have a few cheap blankets, I believe they are “polyester fleece”. If I have two of them on top of each other in bed, during the dry winter air, and if the room is particularly dark, I can actually see tiny sparks as I separate them from clinging together, and they make small audible popping noises. Opposite charges cause two materials to cling together. If they had the same charge, they would repel each other. (I’ve never had those kinds of blankets repel each other.) I think you said you heard pops, have you visually seen the sparks? I wouldn’t know what to make out of it one way or the other, but it might be another important data point.

So if you are experiencing a mouse-like phenomena on two materials that would normally only cling together, I think there is some insight to be found, if you have a way to measure or approximate the size and motion of the repelling force. Say the moving part was always right around one inch wide — there should be a straight calculation to identify what frequency corresponds to that full or half wavelength, and knowing that frequency would tell you 1) a frequency to attempt to block and 2) if you did get your hands on a spectrum analyzer, you could build a directional antenna for that frequency to get a pretty damn good idea of where that part of the beam is coming from. (And if I understand correctly, there are many simple DIY antenna designs that have simple tunable parameters like length or number of wire coils to match your desired frequency — it’s not as complicated to build as one might think.)

One last thought about the pillow. It may be advantageous to keep using the MyPillow if that gives you an early indicator for the beam. But, don’t forget there are other pillow fills out there. Wool pillows can be on the expensive side but I would expect them to have different electrostatic properties from the poly fill. Natural latex pillows can be either one big chunk of latex, or they can be filled with “shredded” latex which is more like many chunks of “foam”. I have some shredded latex pillows here, they are more comfortable than it sounds like they might be on paper.

1 year ago

Ben Shapiro Contributed Over $100K to Migrant Trafficking Organization in 2022

CORRECTION: The “Ben Shapiro” is listed in the 10k-18k range.

The mistake came from how the report displays on a mobile phone.

This is still a substantial amount of material support.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago