News Briefs – 01/26/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Supposedly Trump’s election fraud lawsuit was heard Jan 22nd, and SCOTUS would issue some sort of update or decision yesterday by 9:30 or 10 AM, but nothing came out. It might make sense if SCOTUS was hijacked by the military for an ad hoc tribunal, and they are doing a deeper dive into Election Fraud as that insider anon claimed. Just the 50,000 affidavits Patrick Byrne said his group amassed would take time.

I would assume this is bogus, but these days you never know – supposed bankruptcy filing by the United States Corporation Company signed by Donald J Trump.

An interesting series of interview excerpts with Robert Bigelow, who studied Skinwalker Ranch and UFOs, and who now seems to have moved to studying consciousness, and the bigger questions around life after death. Says his researchers confirmed two UFO crash retrieval events in New Mexico. This piece says his alliance with DIA investigating UFOs began because DIA sent a researcher to Skinwalker ranch, who had some sort of strange encounter with an unidentified intelligence and ran back to report it to the Pentagon. Also the entities he dealt with at Skinwalker were like Hitchikers, and followed the researchers home and after their research, in their private lives. Also he had a full fledged poltergeist apparition in his house, before he ever got involved in any of this, complete with visual manifestation of a human form. I mainly find it interesting we are seeing him coming out, apparently cleared, to discuss spiritual phenomenon. If we were back to normal after Biden took the reins, I tend to think we would be back to radio silence by Bigelow.

Patrick Byrne says twitter is dissolving his followers at about 2%/hour because he is talking about election fraud.

Patrick Byrne updates the piece from yesterday, outlining the “3 foot putt” he pitched to the President which resident Trump obviously rejected:

Let’s look at the five counties where oddities occured. These machines were sold to the public with the promise that “there is always a paper ballot as a fail-safe”. Lets hold them to it. Open up the boxes with all the paper ballots and count them, on livestream TV. Use the US Marshal Service, or use the National Guard (“Our sons and daughters and co-workers…. Our Citizen Soldiers”). If there are not big discrepancies, then Trump steps down. But if there are big discrepancies, we don’t ask the Courts to give one candidate the victory, but instead, we rerun the election in those five states. Again, use the National Guard and the US Marshall service. Yes it would be a bad precedent, but so would trying to force down the public’s throat an election that was rumbled by goons in five key cities, and about which between 33% – 47% of the population has significant doubts. That’s not healthy for democracy, either. The whole thing could be done in 30 days, easy. Which is why in early-mid November, I was hoping that brisk action could result in either results that President Trump would see and say, “No big discrepancies, fine I concede” or say, “See, there were discrepancies in the hundreds of thousands of votes in each of these locations. We are re-rerunning the election in those five states using the National Guard.”

That does not fit with the Donald Trump we know. An opportunity to force his enemy to allow a big show, which if they try to deny betrays their complicity, and which if they allow, reveals their perfidy. And either way, he acts as the Master of Ceremonies, and looks as a hero, who was wronged. He would view that not just as an opportunity to win, but as an enormous opportunity to have fun. And yet he demurred. The only reason I can see is there was a better, more complex plan. I have no idea if it worked, or if it will work, but I do not see Donald J Trump giving up on a 3 foot putt unless he thought he had something even more sure and vastly better.

Budweiser joins Coke, Pepsi brands in sitting out Super Bowl. If we were back to normal after Biden’s re-election, the ad revenue would be flowing back into the media. I almost wonder if this is some sort of signal from somebody that things are still unclear.

Biden proposes $200 gun tax and firearm buyback program along with 13 page form that asks for fingerprints and photograph.

The FBI and DOJ let James Comey call the shots after he was fired in an attempt to get Trump, John Solomon says.

Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick reports Joe Biden has lost 50 percent of his cognitive abilities.

Latest Trump election revelation leaves U.S. Rep. Scott Perry at the center of controversy over trying to expose election fraud and Help President Trump. My take is, Trump probably had a plan of some sort to catch the election fraud in the act, gather evidence, and reveal it all at some set time, to show people how bad things were, perhaps timed to release just as things got really bad with Biden. I would not even rule out Biden coming to the brink of war with Russia, just as it is revealed he was a fraud, just to amplify the risks of fraud in the minds of observers. But all along the way, well meaning people kept approaching Trump, showing him all sorts of other, shorter plays that could yield an immediate win. And with all of them, for OpSec, Trump had to entertain them, make make tentative moves in the directions they were pointing, and yet he had to let their options fail.

The DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is initiating an investigation into whether any former or current DOJ official engaged in an improper attempt to have DOJ seek to alter the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election. I’ve said OIGs are a prime target of any infiltration operation. I have also talked about the Chinese concept of Yin into Yang. It is part of a series of observations the Chinese assembled into a general model of the rules of reality which can be found all throughout nature in both microcosms and macrocosms, from ecosystems, to governments, and even human health. Yin into Yang, and its polar opposite Yang into Yin says when something goes so far one way, it transforms into its polar opposite. This is kind of like that, If things were less fucked up, I would be more worried. But everything is going so far afield of normalcy, so ridiculous, that I think all of us feel some deep primal understanding of Yin into Yang, and realize this is not going to last long at this rate, and something must be about to switch, big time. This is just too bizarre to last, one way or another.

Dominion Voting files billion-dollar lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani.

President Joe Biden threw aside his inaugural pledge to seek “unity,” declaring Monday evening that the Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump “has to happen.”

More than half of Joe Biden’s twitter followers are fake and were just created in January. Just like his votes. Everything – EVERYTHING – polls, news stories, posts on the internet, anything viral, and even our elections, it is all a massive psyop to convince you, that you are in the minority. It is all so a small minority can rule over your majority.

Much like Chelsea Clinton claiming she told her son Aidan, four, that ‘it’s the 21st day of the 21st year in the 21st century’ and he responded ‘Yeah, but it’s cooler it’s Joe Biden’s first full day in the White House.’

Bloomberg News admits $145M in ‘dark money’ helped pave Biden’s path to the White House.

Tony Blinken, the Biden administration’s nominee for Secretary of State, managed a Joe Biden project that received millions of anonymous Chinese donor dollars.

Hunter Biden is reportedly advising Joe Biden on China.

Hunter Biden accused his ex-wife of drinking wine and smoking pot “at Camp David with Michele.”

Joe Biden Wants to Speed Up Replacing Andrew Jackson on $20 Bill with Harriet Tubman. You know if they ever get that changeover to happen, somebody is going to come up with a picture file for Pepe, that you could load in paint, load your $20 bills into the printer, and hit print, and all those Harriet Tubman faces will be replaced with a grinning Pepe. It won’t be so obvious you see it right off, like with neon green paint. But it will be obvious enough that every so often some leftist is going to get change for a hundred, and flip out when they notice Pepe grinning up at them.

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) says Joe Biden’s election was not fraudulent. The only question is, was he always of the network, or did he sneak in a back door when he was too young and naive to go up against a CIA-level intelligence operation whose sole focus was compromising him. What I do know is he is not that ignorant or stupid. He knows. They all do.

Republican state lawmakers to introduce new bills to limit vote-by-mail, require photo ID to vote, and clean dirty voter rolls. It would be nice if they could do it, but all of these characters were elected in these rigged elections.

Senate Republican leader McConnell drops objection to power-sharing deal with Democrats.

Author says MH370 may have been shot down, either by accident or on purpose.

Leahy to preside over Impeachment trial after Roberts refuses to.  So basically we have a bunch of politicians who do not like someone, holding their own illegal tribunal and calling it an Impeachment trial. Clearly we are entering uncharted territory. Either President Trump refused to seize winning opportunities, and then surrendered his family and the nation to a Venezuelan style decline and violent takeover by Cabal, or things are allowed to go this way, to bring the entire situation to a boil, so the populace would countenance the types of actions necessary in such a situation.

Now Fauci says we should wear two masks at once. But he doesn’t recommend one N95. And it is the same guy who went on at length at the beginning of this about how masks not only don’t help, but they increase your risk of infection.

Meanwhile, Portland mayor Ted Wheeler pepper-sprays a man who accosted him outside a pub for not wearing a mask. Who do we hate more, leftist politicians, or mask-shaming Karens?

Fox News’ Steve Hilton shared an investigation that breaks down the origins of the coronavirus, and not only links it back to U.S. commissioned research, but also to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Anthony Fauci is the highest paid federal employee in the United States.

More sunlight equals less COVID transmission, new study suggests.

World’s richest ten people, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, ‘are half a trillion dollars richer since Covid-19 pandemic began.’

The Chinavirus riots continue in the Netherlands.

Goya Foods moves to muzzle its Trump-supporting CEO.

1 in 5 Americans have confidence Biden can unite the country, according to a new poll. Remember it only took 3% to fight a successful revolution.

Declassified CIA file reveals US spies believed that Soviet doctors had ‘perfected’ Extra-Sensory Perception in the 1980s and could transmit thoughts and feelings to subjects. There is no guarantee anything we have been told is the truth.

Biden voters flood Twitter to express deep regret.

Senator Rand Paul suggests he might boycott Trump’s ‘sham’ impeachment trial.

Trump officially opens ‘Office of the Former President.’ The office will “carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism,”

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

But President Donald Trump has reportedly dropped an idea to start a third political party, which was briefly floated last week, and is now focused on helping the Republican Party win back the House and the Senate in 2022. He got something from somebody behind the scenes.

Spread r/K Theory, because separating fact from fiction is a full time job.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

It’s all sofa king ridiculous now. Ridiculous, illogical, and pathetic, like Paul Dooley’s Claude Elsinore character in Strange Brew.

4 years ago

“Trump officially opens Office of the Former President”

What an EPIC troll! I am in awe. 🙂

4 years ago

Really—-Starting a “Patriot” Party—-or—Continuing IN the Republican Party?????


WE JUST WITNESSED a Fraudulent Election. —Republicans did NOTHING. Voting DOESN’T matter! Laws don’t matter. If Sec of States can change and manipulate rules prior to an election—-


After Amnesty—-No Whites allowed!!!!!!!!! What pandering to the blacks and hispanics helped Trump this time????????

This whole Country is fucked up from A to Z. It is FUBAR—and we are going to do the same-ol’-same-ol’???? REALLY??? On what Planet???? Not here and not now!

We are going down the same road—-80% of Blacks are going to vote AGAINST White interests! Hispanics are NOT going to be voting for White Interests. Whites are NOT even voting for White interests!!!! Have you seen a SINGLE link in AC over the last two months—-that ANY media personage or Government official—any Lawmaker concerned over the Genocide of Whites in this country??????????????????

President Trump concerned??????????/ No, he is more concerned in giving amnesty to Jews and Rappers!

WE ARE BEING GENOCIDED—-and No one cares—our own government is engaged in our genocide—And no one picks up the banner. —that is the state of things.

—Ohhhh Aaaannnd Democracy is the greatest thing since sliced bread! WTF. Really “Fuck” is the ONLY thing one can say anymore. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
4 years ago

The way to defeat the Faucis of the world is to ignore them, never quote them, and treat them like they don’t exist. Anthony Fauci is fully discredited as a medical authority.

4 years ago

The third party business is certainly curious. We have seen examples in Europe of third parties, such as the Brexit party, having a positive effect on the more traditional Torries and pushing them back to the right, at least somewhat. This is the direct result of the threat that many of their members would quickly jump ship and get behind the new third party. I don’t doubt that there would be a similar dynamic here as well. Patriots have little patience with the GOP at this point and would, I think, support a more consistent party of the right were it to emerge. No one has any love for the RINOs or Neo-Cons at this point and we would gladly kick them to the curb if it were possible.

4 years ago

Ed Note – this was posted anonymously from an anonymous ID with no comment, and though I am not highly computer-security literate, it says online that jpg images can host malware that executes, so I have NO idea what this file is or whether it is safe to open. Though I see by IP on my side the commenter has posted legit comments before.

comment image?_nc_cat=108&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=y0_vptzx_TUAX8seiUp&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1.xx&oh=95f9a37143df99bcbe657e0f84c2ec92&oe=6033F73F

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Hmm. I looked at a dozen “security” sites that warned about malicious Javascript in the EXIF headers that was supposed to execute when the web browser tries to render it. None of the sites would name which web browser is so brain-dead that it tries to *execute* a jpeg instead of rendering it.

I further note every site I hit that warned of malicious jpeg payloads was trying to sell software or a service to deal with it.

Unless one of you guys has more specific information, I’m going to write the whole thing off as scare tactics.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

I assume you clicked on it then?
Can you tell us what it was?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

It’s a picture of a couple of people at a podium, with a banner saying “The Far Right’s Fear of ‘Glowies’.”

That’s it. No article, just the leade and picture. My image editor (Krita) says all the EXIF fields are blank.

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Name (required)
4 years ago

“ And yet he demurred. The only reason I can see is there was a better, more complex plan.”

There is another possible reason: Trump’s backers, his power base in the Deep State, stopped backing him, and he no longer had any resources to do anything about the steal, because the people who put him on the rug pulled the rug out from under him.

It has always been possible that Trump was the outward sign of a power struggle between Deep State factions. Once the faction backing Trump had gotten credible commitments to give them what they wanted, they were done with their scorched earth campaign against their swamp, and they told DJT that he was leaving office on January 20th. The same fraud machine that was subverted by a Deep State faction to put him in office in ’16 was employed to take him out of office in ’20, despite his landslide win.

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Even if that turns out to be a true story, Trump was a good man and a good president.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Name (required)
4 years ago


He exposed the shit out of a lot of stuff the gaybal does not want the gen pop to know and talk about.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The ammo box?

If Americans turn against “Public School” as an ideal … Cabal/Deep State/Globalism would be brought down without a shot.

Public Education is the foundation of Deep State/Cabal Mind Control. Destroy it and the MSM, corrupt courts, et al become useless.

For over 150 years in English speaking America it was illegal to teach slaves and lower class “free men” how to read and write. All of a sudden, circa 1850s, the same men passed laws mandating compulsory Public School attendance for all including the lower classes, of all colors/races.

Why? And for all you fools reading this IT WASN’T BECAUSE THEY HAD A CHANGE OF HEART! So why?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Name (required)
4 years ago

If that is so, the faction backing Trump was likely the MIC/Pentagon and they wanted larger contracts that they had been denied under Obama and were sure to be denied under Hillary. Having gotten said contracts under Trump they stopped caring. I’m no fan of the MIC or the Pentagon Brassocracy but, a post-1980’s Democrat (Obama, Hillary, Biden or Harris) would do the insane thing of causing and attempting to fight a WW2 sized conflict while continuously shrinking Defense budgets. Such actions would likely lead to national destruction. So maybe the MIC is Quarantining Biden and Harris somehow- anyways we will find out when we see how much funding gets approved. It would also explain the real reasons behind “Muh Russia” syndrome afflicting government and media.

4 years ago

Yeah, I think “10 days of darkness,” is a clear view of the left.
The sheep are flipping out.

Reply to  mobiuswolf
4 years ago

4 years ago

Just FYI, I put my email address in the box at the bottom of the sidebar, “Subscribe to Blog via Email’ and was forwarded to this URL:

The sidebar subscribe section then displayed “There was an error when subscribing. Please try again.”

Something is going on

4 years ago

It is not that hard to see the effects of cognitive decline in people that you have known for a period of time. My dad had dementia before he passed away and it was quite noticeable. I once had to stop him from eating a can of dog food that he though was something else. He was very insistent and got mad when I took it away from him. And I would bet that these sorts of things are being kept under wraps by the media, for obvious reasons.

4 years ago

I would assume this is bogus, but these days you never know – supposed bankruptcy filing by the United States Corporation Company signed by Donald J Trump.

The only thing that makes me hesitate on this and not immediately toss it into the mental shredder is that the electronic filing notice lists an attorney at Phelps Dunbar in LA as the atty of record. Phelps Dunbar is a serious biglaw firm and not some 3 man operation. Rick Shelby is a real lawyer with a real practice in Biglaw, and generally wouldn’t sign on to anything like repping a Sovereign Citizen type running with a larp (nor would the rest of the firm abide it.)

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Name (required)
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Sovereign debt is settled by war or by default. Sovereigns don’t go bankrupt – the concept doesn’t apply to them.

4 years ago

I am not sure I find that third party all that interesting or comforting. 1) it feels like he is giving up. 2) it doesn’t matter if elections are fraudulent, so why bother. There has to be something more to this, or else it just seems completely pointless to me.

One thing you didn’t mention is some sort of weird shit going on with Gamespot stock. GME. Apparently a large hedge fund ran by Jews (of course) very heavily shorted gamespot expecting the price to go down significantly. That makes sense because no one goes there anymore and most people don’t like the company. However, the subreddit wallstreetbets figured out that this hedge fund was way over leveraged on shorts and if people just started buying the stock to raise the price then this hedge fund would be completely screwed. I guess this is called “a short squeeze.” The fund is in a bad position because the short contract obligates them to buy the stock no matter what the price is when the contract is up. More-over, there isn’t enough liquid stocks available for them to actually fulfill the obligations, so their obligations forces them to try to buy more stocks than are actually available. So apparently thousands of people on the sub used a bit of fuck you money to buy and hold GME forcing the hedge fund into a very bad position which ends up driving the price even higher since they are contractually obligated to keep buying no matter where the price goes. The insiders are currently using all the tricks in the Jewish playbook to try to suppress the price and wait this out, but if enough people just hold on to the stock it could potentially completely fuck that hedge fund, which could completely fuck the company which owns/invests in it, which could completely fuck some bank. I think a lot of people will hold too, because this seems less about making money and more about fucking over wallstreet insiders. Plenty of people willing to lose a couple thousand dollars just to bankrupt a hedge fund and banks. I really don’t know all the details, this is just what I have gathered from others describing the situation. Do your own research, but this seems to be an accurate summary.

On the following 4chan thread, some leaf was saying how there is no way this is organic and that people are being manipulated into doing it. This guy seemed almost desperate about it, like he had personal skin in the game and wanted people to stop quick. But regardless of his motivation, I think there is a good chance that a dedicated and organized group acted as the match to set this off. But who and why? Maybe Thiel or Musk bought a fair amount themselves, but needed the average retail investor to help keep up the pressure. If there is a plan in effect, then a major target is cabal funding, and targeting money lender schemes like this would seemingly do a lot of damage to the cabal. Imploding their financial institutions is an obvious prime target. You would expect that before we could get away from private central banks and fiat currency the old system would need to be imploded first, could this be the start of that? If it works with GME it would probably work for other things. And I also can’t help notice just how memey this whole thing is. The odd coincidental connection to gamer-gate can’t be overlooked.

Here is a thread on it

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

The chart for Gamestop is indeed very interesting. Up from about $20 to $122 inside of a month.

Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

GME up 92.71% for Today! Very glad I’m not shorting it.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

Any small investor willing to lose a couple thousand dollars just to try to bankrupt a hedge fund or a bank is doing a very stupid thing. The hedge fund and bank will be bailed out. The small investor will take the loss.
This isn’t 2008 anymore, you won’t see another Bear Stearns or Lehman Bros.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

(((they))) use shorts all the time. like when the CEO of camping world talked shit about the kind of people who have RVs. don’t think he didn’t sell and/or short. yes what the ?whitehats? are pitching is counterintuitive if you aren’t clued in, but it is also on the face of it counterintuitive for a CEO to do certain things.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

kapper, that’s why it is about people with FU$ doing it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

And don’t forget the symbolism of the title of the company itself. “Gamestop” The (cabal financial) game is coming to a stop. I mean this is like mass consciousness manifesting itself or some shit. Its totally bizarre. I am willing to lose a few hundred bucks in the chance it could implode the corrupt money changer system.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

Wall Street fires back:

They are very mad at Wall Street Bets right now.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

Lem, this one’s for you:

comment image

Top Kek!

4 years ago

There was an update on the boockvar case, so apparently that is still ongoing.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
4 years ago

On the comment that there has been “religious trolling” here. I have angered quite a few here. I get it. Yes, the Catholic Church has some major problems with sex scandals and a Marxist at the Vatican.—DON’T DISPUTE THAT ONE BIT.

I refer all and sundry to Jesus’s parable of the Wheat and the Tares. Jesus already knew that there are going to be bad actors in The Church. Always will be. There is going to be Tares in the Wheat—now, it can be said a few Wheat amongst a field of Tares. —But that doesn’t mean that The Faith changes. The picture of Wheat/Tares–doesn’t change The Faith. The Faith is the same throughout the ages. Because there are Tares—doesn’t mean The Faith changes—yet many people think because of the Tares—The Faith needs to change. Not so. Jesus is going to hear, has heard your complaints—and that is for Him to deal with—but when you change The Faith—He won’t listen.

“I changed The Faith because of the Tares” won’t cut it.

And the next point, Protestantism has changed the Politics of Europe! This is my point—and it is quite commonsense and provable. The theology of Protestantism affected Politics! My point is for the Protestants to recognize that. Do some introspection.

The anti-Clericalism of Protestantism morphed into anti-hierarchialism that drove the Levellers and the Digger revolutions–and the French Revolution.

We are in the position today because of the errors inherent in Protestantism which led to the adoption of Democracy. That a congregation can decide, bottom up, what The Faith is—led to that conception driving democracy and the overthrow of the ancient institutions of king and aristocracy.

In Christendom, Throne and Altar went together because the mirrored each other. When Protestantism arrived, doing away with the clerical class—it drove the same methodolgy into the political realm. Protestantism is ultimately a Political thing.

Calvin, as Miles Mathis points out, his whole oeuvre was about remaking Christianity in order to approve of Usury! The Anglican Church adopted Calvinism as its theology and the ambiguities and inconsistencies of Calvinism bred the hundreds of Protestant sects that gave rise for the need of Tolerance–and this Tolerance thing–gave freedom to the Jews.

The Advent of Protestantism overthrew Christendom and its teachings morphed into a type of political ideology.

I’m right as a Catholic to point that out. We didn’t change Europe, Protestantism did.

America is the Product of Protestantism. And today we see that America is a totally failed state, a Marxist/Communist state. Changing The Faith—changed Politics.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Dear wlindsaywheeler,

“As a Catholic” are you willing to admit that the Church of Rome is the largest, most well financed, well organized, well connected collection of perverts, paedophiles, homosexuals, and religious pimps on God’s green earth?

Gary Morgan
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Only Israel (the people, not the piece of land) make it into the kingdom of my Father. The seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3 are parts of the world, all in varying degrees of serious trouble. America is Laodecia, thinks it’s rich, but isn’t. Lukewarm, needs to heed my teaching, to become like fine gold. England has forgotten its first love: the law (which was embedded into the nation’s laws for 1100+ years, but no more.
To be more precise, in these final 11 years 8 months before the day of wrath, ONLY those who follow my teachings, which will mirror those of Moses and Christ, and will focus on living obedient faith, only those will make it in.
More likely to be babes, as the spirit is poured out from heaven, than the wise and learned. In fact, the wise and learned will (and do) hate me already.
All prophesy will be fulfilled, my Father’s will be done.

4 years ago

Trump didn’t go for Pat Byrne’s ‘3-ft putt’ because, maybe, there was “a better, more complex plan” available. yeahhhhh, no. anyone with *any* substantial real-world or military experience knows that’s _always_ a bad idea.

business schools always teach – among other stuff – these 2 things: 1) the more complex a plan/operation is, its chances of failure grow exponentially and 2) no plan survives contact with the enemy, and big complex plans with lots of moving parts and dependence on perfect timing fall apart even harder and faster. Trump went to Wharton, so we know he knows this.

military schools teach the exact same thing. Patton: “a good plan executed violently now is better than a perfect plan next week.” Trump went to a military school AND studies Patton, so we know he knows this.

if what Byrne is saying is true – barring an ever-more-unlikely miracle springing fully-formed out of Trump’s ass – then Trump fucked up by choosing the gaudy stylish route over the simple & practical one. which does seem to fit with any observation of Trump’s personality. I think Trump fucked up. so now here we are: any hope for the future comes from a corrupt, converged, highly-suspect military instead of the hands of our last American president: Trump. this is known as “bad tactics.”

Reply to  ardwoll
4 years ago

Complex goals,… what can you do?

4 years ago

madison cawthorn (R, NC) is merely dan crenshaw (R, TX) in a wheelchair with no eyepatch: controlled opposition.


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

The Jews in China Biden admin:

Remider that 80%+ of all foreigners that went to China to help install Mao and communism were Jews (and Jews have written articles bragging about it).

4 years ago

lastkingofscotland says:
January 26, 2021 at 3:25 pm
“(((they))) use shorts all the time. like when the CEO of camping world talked shit about the kind of people who have RVs. don’t think he didn’t sell and/or short. yes what the ?whitehats? are pitching is counterintuitive if you aren’t clued in, but it is also on the face of it counterintuitive for a CEO to do certain things.”

Thats an easy one Macbeth.
How many times have a lot of us noticed pretty much down the line exactly what you say.
What is it are they not fucking with us on or fucking us over on?

In stark contrast, President Trump, I doubt that man lied once to us in anything, nit even dissimulated. My way of thinking, its why they could never make anything stick, the man was clean, they could not get any hooks into him to make him compromise himself, because he is an honest dude. And I for one always sensed this virtue in him, nothing to do with being POTUS, everything to do with character and honor.

4 years ago

Additional emarketing recommendations: Daily roundups can be published as WordPress blog posts but MUST also be emails. Email is way more popular than RSS. Content should be split between entry-level attractive and true-fan crackpottery, and the latter paywalled. User discussion should be funneled to a Discourse forum to reduce pressure on WordPress comments system and permit instant dialogue. Imitate Fastlane Forum with freemium membership etc.

Some of this stuff even Vox hasn’t done, and it’s basic.

Normally I’d recommend the Discord + Patreon method, but you’d get kicked off both of those. Discourse is a good enough substitute for Discord. I’m unsure about Patreon substitutes, but you’ll need crypto ultimately, and I don’t see you plugging donations, or offering benefits to donors. Inner circle is the primary benefit.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

‘No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.’

Let’s steer AC towards serving God, rather than chasing money.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Top kek:

comment image

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

From @JohnRivers on Gab:

The Reconquista took centuries — and only succeeded cause the Spaniards had territory they could retreat to and hold; they had a secure base they could build from

btw, this is why our Overlords ship Ugandans to Montana and Somalis to Minnesota — to preemptively destroy every potential secure base before we realize we even need one

Mass migration is a strategic element of warfare, and the campaign’s mission is ethnic cleansing of White people and the destruction of Christianity. Prepare accordingly, all plans can fail and even smart people make mistakes (talking about Trump seemingly allowing the zionist occupation of the West to go on without striking major blows at it (yes he didn’t give them the wars against Syria and Iran, but he also didn’t destroyed the ADL nor banned Chabad, which is something that is crucial to make happen in order to defeat the enemies of the West)).

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones

“Israel is enemy #1 of the West.”

Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are married to ZionNazis. Trump45’s father was best friends with Netanyahu. Tis why I could never vote for him although I did give a small amount of money and moral/vocal support. These people are his family. He is married to them. It is possible they even own him.


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Kushner is part of Chabad, so regardless of how likable you feel he is, he is on the side of the enemy.

And Jews as a group have proven that they always over play their hand and work from the mindset that they can own or destroy anyone, the so called Jewish chutzpah. Bibi made a clear death threat against Trump on the 4th of July of 2019, and Kushner’s tight with Bibi.

And after all is said and done, zionism, which is just another word for Jewish ethno-nationalism and Israel first fanaticism has no place in the West at all. All zionists need to be deported legally, and meet with legal application of force of they resist legal deportation.

Makes no sense to have US politicians having to sign oaths of loyalty to Israel in order to be able to hold office, specially when Israel works with China (including sharing US secret military tech with them) against the West.

ZOG must perish, or the West will.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I may be wrong about Don Jr. Then it would be Eric Trump. I knew one of the Trump brothers were married to a ZionNazi.

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Lara Trump is Slovak, Dutch, German, & Swedish

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Trump has done more to expose the normies to the JQ redpill than anyone could.

If you believe in Q and that Trump is a true Patriot (which I do), then you have to be belive that the ultimate goal of the campaign against cabal invariably includes terminating the Zionist occupation government that has infected the Western body politic.


And if you don’t belive Trump is a true Patriot, then you have to admit he is the worst infiltrator ever given how many normies he woke up en mass and how he absolutely wrecked the MSM’s credibility and exposed the uniparty scam for all sides to see.

Trump is the real deal IMHO.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

From @Smaranda on gab:

Most giant corporations don’t worry about losses because they have quasi-monopolies on their respective niche markets. They might lose something now for an extreme woke position, but they will gain it in the near future. We live in a weird form of oligarchic Bolshevism, where the state and the oligarchs collaborate and converge to suffocate and exploit the hard-working and law-abiding, while they use the lumpens and foreigners to terrorize them and keep them in line.

4 years ago

@ you, LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen,

Your probably the best guy on here to ask your take on it, like what the views and taboos regarding pedo’s are with Israeli jews verses the amerikan marxian and neo-bolshevik jews.
Thinking there’s a tale that reveals a lot of things.
After all ain’t Zionists supposed to, ideally, be protectors of the weak and small and defenseless?

I’m not being cynical on the last thing, its something I personally was exposed to as an early teenager, and it perplexed me for years as it contradicted everything I knew then and later about amerikan jewish supremacy theory regarding Goyem.

Because if theres one thing which connects everything, aside from lucre and absolute power, is the pedo-human trafficking/institutionalized blackmail which permeates globo=pedo.

And besides, lets by all means get a comment thread going on globo-pedo, love to see what the shills and agent provocateurs try to pull off regarding a frank healthy open discussion. I got considerable personal first hand experience on the subject. I’ll smell a shill a fucking mile away trying to pull their dissimulation and discrediting concern/gamma trolling crap.
Might get to see some interesting amygdala triggering, as many of these insects probably been comped and programmed thru globo=pedo’s meat grinder.
Its the only way cabal can create its vast infestation of all the things.
So lets have a crispy conversation, lay aside the outlier conspiracy stuff, and drill down to some inconvenient evidence and truths which we see and suspect.
Remember, everything is about Control.
What do you say Buddy?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Zionism is merely another word for Jewish ethno-nationalism. All that talk about protecting the weak is marketing.

Judaism tells Jews that pedophilia is OK in the Talmud.

95% of all American Jews are pro-Israel.

Epstein and Maxwell are mossad assets.

My stance on Jewish collective power is that it has no place in the West.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

If you have the time and willingness, I higly recommend this documentary which is very related insightful into the nature of zionism (using Jewish sources and interviews with Diaspora and Israeli Jews) and how commie Diaspora Jews and zionists work hand in hand to profit from their methods of controlling the goyim:

4 years ago

@ Anonymous says:
January 26, 2021 at 9:11 am

Talk about projection and gas lighting! What do they do, send these putrid purveyors of the yellow Pulitzer/Rhodes media big lie to some special 5th column course at Oxford? Same course #BillClintonIsAPedo was sent to?

Its the same clinton’s cancell culture crusade used by them and the yellow media on the peoples militias which formed up in the mid 80’s into the 90’s, a pure wash/rinse/repeat. They use some standard work manual for process and procedure?

As AC says, “we don’t know so much”, for sure. Yet, going on that premise, things which evince a pattern tell many things. Like the truths left out for specific purpose, they tell a tale, and what can be deduced from it. Even that shows a pattern. Patterns within patterns, wheels within wheels, “programs hacking programs” as Neo mumbled to himself.

4 years ago

@ REBlane says:
January 26, 2021 at 8:32 am
“Trump officially opens Office of the Former President”

What an EPIC troll! I am in awe. 🙂

Yeah buddy! I hear you. Watch the master of the Troll at work.
Did you notice the similarities to obidens office of the president elect symbols seals and political garb, Trump is using? Like the Babylon Bee helped him out.
Its one of TGE’s greatest attributes, returns effective fire, his aim is true, because their bullshit is always like tracers, it works both ways. Out Alynski them.
They can’t even snivel or pull the victim stance on this, The Man strung em up by their own petards.
Got to love the guy. An inspiration for all us Ungovernable’s; Shit-Lord Trump.
Its that death by a thousand paper cuts and kill them by being happy warriors. If it it ain’t the plan its surely a prime strategy, and your looking at the tactics in play. Q always expounded upon this. One of Q’s provenances as to his bonafide’s. Its really counter psy-ops. But hilarious.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Great video to share with normies about how the West is suffering from an international coordenated coup using the covid scamdemic as the excuse:

4 years ago

I wanted to believe that Q was real and that there was a plan. There isn’t. I hate to say that, but it’s an increasingly inescapable conclusion. I am thankful for your efforts here, no matter what happened.

Reply to  Lenze
4 years ago

you can keep yer shillblackpill if you want to.

4 years ago

I doubt this will be covered much, but there was a massive internet outage across several different providers (Verizon, Comcast, Optimum, and presumably some others) today which affected a number of Northeastern cities (Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, and Pittsburgh). As of this afternoon, it was still recorded on various websites that track downtime.

A good reminder to anons to not rely on the internet too much, if you can afford to do so.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Author says MH370 may have been shot down…”

Nope. NO the simplest explanation is the one that has the simplest set of facts surrounding it. The Jews took over the planes flight and other controls. They flew the plane high in the air and let out all the air to smother the pilots and passengers. Possibly sabotaging the standby oxygen system.Then they drove it into the ocean. Now this may sound convoluted but let’s look at what happened. We know it went very high. The most important part is two facts. Immediately after it became public it was missing senior Israeli officials went all over the news saying the plane was highjacked and landed in remote area of Pakistan. Now how the fuck did they know that? How did they have information that no one else has? Why would they go on air and say such a thing. They also released pictures that were clearly photo-shopped of suspects all over the place. Here the the Jew pres says that it was Iran that hijacked the planes. Left unsaid is any coherent reason Iran would want to hijack a Malaysian plane.

The second fact is, they got caught. A super excellent reporter Christopher Bollyn

who was threatened and driven out of the US for his 9-11 reporting among other things put together what the missing plane was for. He found out that a Jew run company bought an exact copy of the plane missing. They were in Florida. Conveniently near where all the other 9-11 and other skullduggery was going on. The company said that they bought this plane to break it up for parts. Now does anyone, I mean anyone believe that Boeing does not make spare parts for Boeing 777’s? I mean is there a single damn person that believes this? Then he found that instead of being broken up the plane was moved few months to France then was moved to a hanger in Israel. Bollyn made all kinds of calls and got a few answers from the local receptionist until they figured out what he was asking about then …silence.

Now what do you think the story is? No one buys perfectly good working planes and breaks them up for parts unless it’s an older model and there’s no parts. Older planes are frequently moved to less developed areas and flown until they can’t go any more like in Africa. Second no one buys perfectly good plane and let’s it sit in hangers. You can make a lot of money with a plane if you can keep it in the air. Not so much in a hanger. And after all they said they were going to break it up in Florida how the hell did it end up in France and then Israel. No doubt you’ve figured it out by now. The Jews were going to modify the plane and use it for another false flag like they did on 9-11. This might even give us a clue as to what happened on 9-11.

I believe Christopher Bollyn did us a great service by stopping a false flag that could have killed who knows how many people. After Bollyn caught them they of course shut the hell up about the plane being in Pakistan. Didn’t help the story was so stupid in the first place.

I expect the Jews were concentrating on Malaysia because the Malaysians had been criticizing the Jews for quite some time as the ruthless evil people they are.

4 years ago

This isn’t really related to anything in the OP, but I thought that you and your readers would appreciate a heads up regarding a truly excellent television show that pertains to topics addressed on this website.

Season 1 of True Detective centers around the investigation of occult murders of women and children and touches upon Cabal’s influence and power. And it features really, really outstanding performances by Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson.

What’s amazing to me is that it was released in 2014, prior to Wikileaks, Pizzagate, and the subsequent red-pilling of many of us on these issues. I initially watched it back then and didn’t make the connections. But I watched it again this week and it was a whole different experience.

Art imitates life.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Drew
4 years ago

It really is a great show. The first season at least. Also, the 4th episode of the season features one of McConaughey’s best acting performances as a undercover biker gang member.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Drew
4 years ago

“Art imitates life”

Exactly, just ask John Podesta!

Of course that Sodomite Oscar Wilde would get it arse backwards!

4 years ago

Lower Order Angels look Humanoid. But Higher Order Angels look Lovecraftian:

This is probably what happens when we attempt to perceive higher dimensional beings.

4 years ago

God’s Chariot Throne and Living Creatures described:

4 years ago

I regret to inform everyone that due to due to Deep State harassment of our domain owner libertyauthors is shutting down.
We hope to return sooner or later in some form.

AC can take down the link from the top of his site and remove it from the affiliated sites section of the Q book.

It was an honor to have them and we hope to return.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thank you.

We will let you know. 🙂

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Getting flak = over the target

Keep strong fren.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Run a copy of I2P and you can run your website on your own computer for free.

4 years ago

Sen. Josh Hawley Folds? Blames Trump for ‘Inflammatory, Irresponsible, Wrong’ Comments

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

he got a look at his mega fundraising drying up

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Found out about this Jimmy Dore guy on /pol/ in this thread:

He seems to be a left leaning guy oblivious to the facts regarding the relationship between Jewish terrorism and BLM and antifa, and he is obviously not a nationalist, and quite oblivious about race realism (which is not racism, racism is a person discriminating against another for its race, race realism is people having a fact based perspective on racial groups (analysis of big numbers of people). Read about him here:

The video linked on the 4chan thread is interesting because it shows how Jewish collective power is struggling to keep the lefties and the lefty leaning normies on their uniparty leash, and how they don’t hesitate to smear any lefty that goes against their program as a nazi and White supremacist (which is so ridiculous its hilarious). Basically the left is eating itself and I think the video shows how much potential there is to fuel the existing cracks in their side, and how reaching out to some of them might be a possibility. At least some of the lefties are aware of the uniparty scam, despite their ideological deficiencies (such as their anti-ICE and pro-open borders disastrous stances).


he has his moments but he still is hooked up with the dung clerks and is addicted to saying “Donnie tiny hands”.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

I find it amazing that someone who seems so rational about some things (I only watched that one video of him, I didn’t knew of the guy until yesterday) then shits all over the idea of strong borders and nationalism.

At least he seems to be willing to have a conversation with people who disagree with him, that’s a good thing.

4 years ago

@ Farcesensitive says:
January 27, 2021 at 1:32 am
I regret to inform everyone that due to due to Deep State harassment of our domain owner libertyauthors is shutting down.
We hope to return sooner or later in some form.

AC can take down the link from the top of his site and remove it from the affiliated sites section of the Q book.

It was an honor to have them and we hope to return.

Im sorry this happened to you. I know how you feel.
If its any consolation my humble blog was dissapeared couple years back.
Never say die.
Don’t quit.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Thank you.
I we shall return. 🙂