Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
All new and existing foreign aid halted, including to Ukraine. You may finally be able to stop paying everyone’s pensions in Ukraine. Israel and Egypt, however got waivers.
Hegseth confirmed – Murkowski and Collins BTFO by a tiebreaking vote by Vance.
Unfortunately the old Alex Jones, AKA Bill Hicks, must have fucked up, and was given to the reptilians for use in a buffet, with a new clone rolled out who has more self-control:
I never got to know the old Alex Jones, sadly, but he was probably an asshole too. I love how you shave the head and go with the goatee, and nobody will notice. They did that with Fetterman too.
Trump admin tells agencies to start firing DEI staffers.
Asked to further flesh out what went wrong with Obama’s CIA Director, Ratcliffe said that his well-documented radicalism—Brennan proudly acknowledged once voting for the Communist Party candidate for president—combined his devotion to radical social justice insanity rather than meritocracy severely hurt the Agency’s reputation in the long term. Ratcliffe said that he and Trump have discussed how to fix that, and undo that damage and return the CIA to a meritocracy where regardless of somebody’s background their qualifications and accomplishments determine their success.
If they did that, it would mean no more secret society bullshit, and no more surveillance, since just anyone could rise up and see it, and most would oppose such an operation as criminal, unconstitutional, and just repugnant in our nation. We will see if they deliver.
Mississippi is going to offer Illegal Alien Bounty Hunters $1000 per migrant they get deported. Notice, domestic surveillance will know where all these illegals are at any moment, and which are weak and unarmed, and which are armed and likely to shoot back.
Pregnant migrants seek C-sections before Trump’s birthright citizenship deadline.
Trump to deploy Army Corps of engineers to rebuild North Carolina.
NASA releases a picture of the Sun which features a Mars-sized (this link is about scale) UFO shaped like a snowflake skimming the surface of the Sun. The scale tends to make you assume it must be some photographic artifact, or something on the lens of the camera, but who knows? Original here, anomaly below is at about 7:30 on the clock when you blow it up:
Even the empty spot in the contrail is weird.
John McAffee’s Twitter fired back up pimping some kind of new crypto meme-coin and claiming that they had created an AI McAffee to post on his Twitter. I didn’t cover it as I assumed the account was hacked by scammers, or his widow needed money and was pitching a worthless memecoin. But 4Chan did a thread on it, and up popped a picture, supposedly of McAffee’s body after he died in that prison in Spain, and anons noted that there is a vein there which has pressure and is popping out, maybe meaning he might not be dead after all…
I have still never heard how Masons swear an oath of loyalty to get in, at the outset, to something which will not tell them what it is, what it represents, or if that initial oath of loyalty is going to slide down a slippery slope later on, into an oath to lucifer.
Report: Jan 6th Committee members sought sexual favors w/ ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson. So weird. One, she was just a woman testifying in front of the committee. And the guys all immediately begin texting her for sex? Two, everyone there should fear blackmail, but apparently not. The only conclusion is surveillance finds the most degenerate to compromise, and then place in those positions, and once there, Cabal already owns them, so they fear nothing. Indeed, they may be looking to provide still ore blackmail, like Hunter, to get promoted to even higher positions.
Rhode Island judge specializing in immigration law resigns after FBI raids office.
A former Reddit mod describes how the entire site became a propaganda psyop which used aggressive censorship and organized teams of company-run sockpuppet accounts to control the discourse and give the impression of popular consensus around radical left-wing ides like transgendering children. Twitter/X is no different right now. MadixCult does just amazing gangstalking videos, and yet he only has 429 followers, and I do not see a single comment on any of his posts, though I have no doubt people are commenting. I posted a single comment here, asking if he could see the comment, and so far, there is no reply.
House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) enlisted psychologists to help Democrats on the panel cope with President Donald Trump’s first week in office. There could be a lot more stressing them than the article broaches.
Trump is cancelling new wind and solar projects.
Trump lists perks should Canada become 51st US State.
In Britain, Reform LEADS for the first time in a national opinion poll.
South Africa legalizes mass land seizures from White farmers.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks truth:
Trump says Russia stole U.S. hypersonic missile plans.
Constitutional amendment to allow Trump third term introduced in the House.
Send people to, because now it is our turn to win the Kayfabe
This video @36 minutes, link is the “forward observer” video about conducting an area study. This is .mil Intel shop type of Intel gathering for military type ops or for your neighborhood security plans etc. This may be useful for any one with counter cabal surveillance detecting in your own security matrix planning. If you do not already have map boards of your area with the requisite data points and strategies war gamed now, you are going to be tardy to the party if things go kinetic or spicy out there. Thanxs a.c. stay frosty.
Reportedly Mexico took other flights and claimed that case was a mistake and they will take them.
Joepedo was a Mason all along and just kept it hidden is how I read it.
Trump lists perks should Canada become 51st US State.
We don’t want another blue state with blue senators, reps, and EC votes!
Canada is WAY TOO BIG to be one single state. It would have to be annexed as individual territories and admitted or not under those conditions. The individual provinces are already set up perfectly for administrative purposes, and it would be dumb to waste the time rearranging things.
While I would love to be able to drive to Alaska fully armed without a passport, I really don’t love the idea of giving the globalists a North American Union by stealth.
Right, and if each province is a state that adds even more blue power.
Only the most right leaning provinces should be considered for statehood, if any of them are.
Why can’t they just self govern under our umbrella?
We impose the BoR on them and set up military defenses and free up their resources.
We also need to expel their leftists and foreigners and control their immigration and trade policies.
I’d be against it entirely if it wasn’t for the strategic considerations and them being a huge threat to our northern border as long as cabal controls them.
Canada isn’t actually blue, just as the USA isn’t. By joining with the US, it would be cleaned up finally. After all, the Dominion voting machines are made in Canada. Needs to be dealt with. Fix the fake rigged voting system, and you’ll find Canada flips as red as the USA did.
I hope you are correct, but we should see that shown in an election before we grant them statehood.
I’d feel a lot better about them being a territory than as a collection of states. Though I guess they’d stay provinces; after all, the US doesn’t actually have fifty states. Some of them style themselves as “commonwealths,” though their polities are identical to “states.”
Send people to, because now it is our turn to win the Kayfabe
This is the point where you pour on all the power you have to add to the momentum and make them lose control.
Agree. Opportunities abound.
Alex Jones, Fetterman, etc. Imagine being Cabal member and after all these replacements you’ve seen, you’re told by command to shave head, wear goatee and always wear a pair of red sunglasses at all times starting immediately. Even indoors.
-“Aw man, I’m gonna be killed ain’t I?”
–“Just do what we tell you Schumer.”
‘South Africa legalizes mass land seizures from White farmers.’
White Flight today, starvation tomorrow. Them people never learn.
What do you expect from an entire continent whose average IQ is less than sixty?
All of the smart ones would have taken Putin’s offer a few years ago. Land grants and financial support to move to the Federation, which appears to have not completely recovered from 70 years of Communist agricultural processes.
Any with a family needs to get out 10yrs ago
I’ll take that deal. Short term funding for the cabal in return for sending an asset back, potentially permanently? Done.
Red Castle.
They didn’t specify the timing. I’m betting this was from when she interned for Ted Cruz and Steve Scalise. She just saved them (or the creeps are worried she saved them.)
He didn’t say they were using them. Alternate implication is that they stole our plans, compared them to their working rockets, and laughed their asses off, secure in knowing that we are decades behind them.
Or they stole our plans for the working ones and then cabal made us use different designs that don’t work because the plan was for us to lose the next war.
North American X-15 in 1958 – First hypersonic vehicle in human history that we know of. The flight control computer on the F-14 was actually the very first modern microprocessor with a feature-set not found on commercial chips until about a decade later. The Russian semi-conductor industry is multiple decades behind the US and even behind China for that matter. The US economy didn’t crater in the 1990’s like Russia. It’s a simple matter of institutional inertia. Even if we got fat lazy and stupid after the collapse of the USSR, we were still going too fast for them to catch up.
Standard Cold War Soviet tech development process – let the Americans spend the research dollars, have the KGB steal it, and then make a knock-off. The few times that they did introduce new tech they very quickly found themselves outclassed, like with the cruise missile.
The Russian S400 was supposed to be able to shoot down anything, but the Israelis just beat it with the F35 during their strike against Iran. Surprised the hell outta me, but here we are.
I don’t care what your security clearance is/was, I do know that you didn’t know what you didn’t need to know. Catherine Austin Fits found 21 trillion just missing from the Pentagon budget that couldn’t be accounted for in GWOT expenses. Even assuming half of it was embezzled, the rest went to black budget R&D stuff. The way that US government procurement works is that if they pay you for something, it’s understood that you’re going to overcharge, sure, but they WILL extract from you what they paid for, even if they have to hire somebody else to get it working later on.
Big spending = big waste. Even with that we have no idea what they managed to get working, and we won’t until it’s used.
Right now I have no doubt at all that what is starting those wildfires is something in orbit that superheats metal, which is why they constantly find cars with the aluminum rims melted but not the plastic interiors, or whole neighborhoods reduced to ash while the trees are still standing all around them. The Soviets were screwing around with HAARP tech first after WW2 because those are the NAZIs they managed to grab, now everybody has it, and I suspect somebody has figured out Tesla’s death ray, and many decades ago.
I’m sure that they’ve figured out some stuff that we haven’t by now, but I’m equally certain that we’ve got things that NOBODY knows about and won’t until it’s fired.
Austin Fitts also suggests much of the missing money is actually being used to fund the Breakaway Civilisation.
Well, if they stole them, they did a hell of a lot better at the “building” part, since Lockheed has only managed one successful test so far. Well, for whatever definition of “successful” they were using.
Maybe the Pentagon should see if the Russians are interested in selling a few. Can’t have a ‘missile gap’, you know.
All that happens if he gets rid of the FEMA ability to set up large camps is that gets unloaded on to mainline churches with strong missionary skills. They do camps worldwide. I mean, helping people. But, it is a skill set.
People are watching Twitter autist accounts going through the money laundering that charities and church groups in the USA do to bring in illegal aliens- circumvent American national law. FEMA is incompetent enough that this would unload this skill set out of being able to be audited by the government, for one, and puts it in the hands of far more competent people, for two. They have a lot of practice in Africa and South America.
To ensure the safety for America, the churches need their NGO funding from the government cut. It’s millions of dollars. Which looks expensive here, but is unbelievably worth so much more in the third world. There is also a territory fight between the British government and finance NGOS- gay, atheist- and the churches, in the third world. Slave labor and human rights sound like newspaper stories to us, but read like control of armies and mines and businesses and territory to them.
I’m old enough to remember the Civil Defense system, which had its own radio system, bomb/storm shelters spread across cities, food and water supplies, etc.
They also ran courses and did training for various emergency response situations.
The Clinton Administration pulled the plug on the whole thing in the early 1990s. Suddenly the “fire, tornado, flood, or other disasters” thing wasn’t worth dealing with after the Soviet Union was gone.
That’s when they planned to have us lose a nuclear war to Russia and China.
I’m not trashing churches. I’m saying activists wear the faith like a skinsuit.
“Trump says Russia stole U.S. hypersonic missile plans.”
Meaning the US Air Force had it first, and has had it the entire time while everybody either freaked out or pontificated about China sinking the entire US Navy with them. And if Russia just unveiled them in the last decade then they’ve operational since the 90’s.
The US Air Force has been hypersonic for 65 years:
The Pentagon has outspent every other country combined for literal decades, and I would guess only about half of it was actually embezzled, meaning there’s Flash Gordon tech that we will not know about until it’s used.
there’s a lot of very expensive high end leather couches and lounge chairs in the offices of base commanders and generals houses.
Trump says Russia stole U.S. hypersonic missile plans.
If I remember correctly, those were on Hillary’s server.
Russia has had hypersonic missiles for 40 years.
Does US have one?
Young people offering up gay sex to rise in tech. Also, therapists working to get patients to commit suicide if they want to go to the police.
Here is a personal datapoint about Reddit. There are a few subreddits that I browse daily, and I’ve linked to some here, where there were posts discussing redditors essentially experiencing gangstalking.
I’ve seen three subreddits banned completely, and apparently normal people (not bots) who commented in them were also thrown off the platform. The three I know which were banned were as follows:
Fuckmarvel a somewhat confused sub that was mostly criticism of the Disney Marvel movies. There were attempts at alternative discussion platforms, but none really took.
MGTOW Men going their own way
No New Normal criticism of the “anti-Covid” measures, arguing that it was a conspiracy to institute totalitarian control. An earlier, alternative sub, Lockdown Skepticism, is still going strong, but they really pulled their punches, taking the line that officials were really concerned about people’s health and doing their best, but still getting things wrong.
No New Normal towards the end was clearly getting brigaded, and this was discussed there and in other subs. Essentially the sub gets flooded wtih bot posts containing material designed to trigger a ban. This seems to have happened with the MGTOW sub too.
The datapoints are listed as indications as to what seems to be threatening to the approved Narrative.
Considering their disdain for marriage and family, I don’t understand how MGTOW upsets the Left so much. Unless they view it as a loss of control, or something.
They may want people single AND dejected and feeling like failures. MGTOW is the type of thing that could produce men who decide to make things really nice by killing everyone in the government.
Here is a really long explanation of the Ukraine War, by someone named Tom Shackleford, posted at a site called Identity Dixie:
One thing missing from these is that I think every time Russian forces capture a settlement, they stop and identify and root out the Cabal surveillance assets. That is the real reason they are advancing slowly. But other than that this is a good description of the conflict.
Fascinating, how it happen. Soldiers take a walk over a village and taking down everyone who they meet.. for example, close to intersection?
Skullcap Jones replaces Potato Head Jones…
Take your misinformed comms and go home.
Voice pattern examination would settle this dispute.
Evidence & proof is just ignored.
“Los Angeles is now a toxic wasteland. Our government has failed us. They are not addressing this public health disaster. 64 sqr mi of our city has burned down. We are in what is akin to a war zone that normally civilians would have evacuated. We are calling for the help of experts from around the globe to help us properly clean the billions of toxic chemicals that are now infiltrating our air, water and food supply.
“My intention is to motivate and get brainstorming what we need to tackle this recovery process. 1000s of new chemicals have entered our breathing space. We need to strategize and implement a thorough plan to rescue our city. Yes, in the immediate, we all need air purifiers and PPE, but what will we do to clean up our soil that’s getting contaminated and feeds a good chunk of this country? What will we do with the toxic ash that’s getting carried for miles in every direction? How will we properly detox and cleanup? Where is the disaster recovery plan? It sure as hell isn’t talking about freezing mortgages. Should we all just GTFO to avoid dying from cancer?”
give it the Chernobyl treatment.
“You guys put up with a government of thieves and incompetents. And you get big fires every decade or two, so it wasn’t like you didn’t know it was going to happen again.
You want the mess cleaned up… you’re still paying taxes, and the wages of the incompetents you chose to rule you. And you’re in one of the wealthiest areas of the country, so it’s not like you’re some poor people in Asheville.
You largely made your own problems. YOU fix them.”
> Mississippi is going to offer Illegal Alien Bounty Hunters $1000 per migrant they get deported.
Unfortunately it’s just a bill. So far.
The only unusual thing is that the state would pay; otherwise, I don’t see any difference between the proposal and the usual system used by courts to collect people who skip bail.
> repatriation flights
I have no problem with chaining them together and marching them across the border on foot. It would be a lot cheaper.
And, once again, bill their countries of origin for “repatriating” their missing citizens.
> All new and existing foreign aid halted, including to Ukraine.
Yesterday the MSM was saying aid *except* for Israel and Ukraine.
Well, I shouldn’t expect them to keep their stories straight.
> Mexico forbade a plane full of illegals to land.
Deliver them Pinochet-style.
> Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina
I don’t know if the Masons are still officially segregated, but that’s a black lodge, as you can see if you hit their web site and look at the pictures of their public members.
> Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) tweeted President Trump
He has direct access to the Oval Office. So it’s some kind of publicity stunt.
> Bill Gates scandal – Gates Foundation dark money group, Arabella, caught secretly running fake medical petition with over 17K signatures of fake doctors targeting confirmation of RFK Jr as HHS Secretary.
Yeah but… that’s it, rephrased in the body of the text twice, no source links, no further information. A quarter-step up from spam.
Or are you seeing something I’m not? Any more, that’s not a guaranteed thing.
I dont read past “Holy Shit”
Jesus hung around with whores and extortionists. He excoriated the scribes and Pharisees. You purport to be biblical. So many more about this in the Bible. Put two and two together.
Ephesians 5:3-5 But among you, as is proper among the saints, there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure, or greedy person (that is, an idolater) has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Good advice.
But when others fail to heed it how do you respond?
What did Jesus do?
None here a Jesus and Jesus did not sign the Cross before Prayer
Some say Grace before eating.
Starting any writing or reading with “holy” & “excrement”, is more akin to Elon Musk’s satanic suit than saying Grace.
At best, it is an odd parasitic expression. At worse, it seems to have been engineered like most fashions
Is that a recommendation to “hang around with whores and extortionists”?
You confuse “hanging out” with “saving”
Saving is great, but tolerance to some degree of the shortfalls of those who mean well is a virtue as well.
I am guessing you have not seen what I have seen. I will tell you right now, on this course, there is no future for our kind in the world. We were all born into war, just most of us are kept deluded and never see it. But for those of us who do, there is nothing in this life but the battle against the evil. Every other path is just bending the knee to it and making way for it to do even more evil.
I think I can expose this thing, and do great damage to it, maybe destroy it entirely. But if I could not expose it, my choice would be continual nightly assaults for the rest of my life by the same assholes protecting the pedo-blackmail networks, who seize vulnerable children, and given them to pedos to rape, or going guns up and taking out as many of these fucks as I could, to protect my kind who are coming down the line, and bring some justice for all those little girls raped by the likes of Hunter and the rest of them.
There is pretty much zero doubt what the moral path is, given those circumstances. It is to the point I feel I maybe am taking the easy path in just trying to expose it, though I think I can do much more good bringing the entire nation around to my point of view, which I think is entirely possible.
You are worrying about somebody using a phrase, entirely innocently, which they were imbued with as a kid, and all around you an almost unimaginable evil is parading itself around, doing unimaginably evil things, from 9/11, to those Brits who took the school bus to empty out the orphanage, and deliver al of the children to that hotel where they rented out the entire thing and set it up as a giant pedo-party for their controlled assets.
Look at those paintings of the children Tony Podesta has, and grasp that very likely was a real event, and the little boy hung by his bound arms may not have made it out of that night alive. Then figure if you want to reject allies and what they say because they said holy and another word, as a commonly used expression of surprise.
I don’t mean to be critical, but you need to look closer at the horrors going on, realize you were born into this war, and you need every ally you can find.
I dont worry, just letting you know, I wont read it, and neither will other Christians.
An association of holiness with excrement, is a signal to turn off.
If Christians are not wanted/needed/respected, along with Christians that are not pure-blood, low-T, blue eyed blonds, that choice will be respected.
The phrase has nothing to do with respect for Christians or any attack on them. I used it until recently, and stopped because somebody kept making this case, but I still find myself tping it out and having to replace it, and that is not ill will.
Also, nothing was even mentioned here about race, and I do not see where couching everyone here as racists helps anything. If you read here, you know I have one enemy, and want everyone not in the conspiracy pulling triggers on those who are in the Civil War I think will be necessary.
This guy seems more interested in causing trouble in the ranks than in causing trouble for the enemy.
Makes you wonder.
Many of us here are Christians, including the host. But you are more than welcome to find another site rather than commenting here about how you disapprove of this one. I’ve never understood why people feel so compelled to stick around and voice their distaste rather than just leave peacefully.
That’s nice, no one cares.
Clearly some do
“Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) tweeted President Trump and encouraged him to declassify secret government archives about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs)”
If you don’t have a clue yet. This ought to be a big ass flashing light that it’s a scam. If Schumer is pushing it, you KNOW it’s a scam. I would go so far as to say it’s a 99.5% surety it’s a scam if Schmumer is pushing it.
I’m not saying there’s not ufo’s. Notice they change the name (UAP) to somehow give it legitimacy.
Hillary said she was going to reveal all the UFO dirt as part of her campaign. Obama said that twice.
Frankly, I suspect it’s mostly a matter of “if someone is dumb enough to believe in yoo-foes, they’re dumb enough to vote for me!” You know, Deplorables and rednecks who are obviously dumb as dirt.
Just got the WP Install problem even though it’s not the usual time.
Interesting. Traffic now is very low, especially compared to other times it does not happen.
1030 Sunday, WP Install page again.
This is the only blog I’ve ever had that happen, btw.
For some reason, the wordpress software is asking the database for the material on the page you are looking at, and the database is not responding, so the software assumes there is no database and it is a fresh install. I thought it was the database is hitting the limit for the number of queries per hour which the host allows, and once it does that, it shuts off until the next hour resets the limit. But if that were the case, you should not be able to switch browsers and then have it load, which some here say is the case. It should be shut down for everyone. On top of that, I got an autoclicker, and set it to just reset the database limit every two minutes, so now I know we are not maxing out on queries, and it still does it.
So for some reason, every so often, people click here, and this WordPress cannot connect to the database. They only thing I can think is they are somehow hitting the database with pings which overwhelm it, so no other traffic can get in.
And to make it weirder, I am now running my second caching plugin, so you should be getting cached pages anyway, and not even asking the database for anything. I had one installed before and assumed it was not working because people were getting the install screen, so I uninstalled that one and am using a second, but still this is happening.
It sounds like the Database errors the DDoS attack at Ron Paul Forums is causing there.
I didn’t know Ron Paul had a forum. So I clicked over there, and got a database error notice.
Interesting. They are somehow overwhelming the databases.
Pedo Joe confirms the Masons are fake and gay.
Richmond, VA, Ran Dry
Remember when Bannon said he’d keep Musk out of the White House?
Donald Trump’s chief of staff denies Elon Musk West Wing access
First there were the Biden family pardons, then the pardons of the J6 political prisoners. Joining the latter now, though, may be another case where the unjustly convicted would be absolved from guilt. It’s high time, too, as this convicted party has spent almost a generation in the pokey of public opinion and pseudo-science. His name?
Carbon dioxide — CO2 for short.
The gas’ savior may be President Donald Trump, who has decided that CO2’s case deserves another look. At issue is a 2009 “endangerment finding,” in which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under Barack Obama, unilaterally decided the gas was a “pollutant.” (Never mind that it’s necessary for life’s existence.) But now Trump has ordered that this finding be revisited.
More at:
> Trump to deploy Army Corps of engineers to rebuild North Carolina.
The Corps has demonstrated its absolute incompetence at hydraulic projects over and over, but perhaps they’ll be of some use building roads.
They’re already in existence and funded, and it would take time to pass bills and appropriations to hire competent contractors to do the job. But after this, I expect DOGE to come after the Corps of Incompetents and disemploy the lot.