News Briefs – 01/25/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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More big progress, I think, against The Beam, and I need a little help from people who know electricity and radiofrequency interference. We might actually be able to destroy one of the most classified, multi-billion dollar research projects, produced by the predominant intelligence operation in the world, right here, all by ourselves.

A part of me didn’t want to write this, because it seems strange all these data-points keep popping up for me, and I feel like it probably strains credibility. But I’ve been there before.

For those new to here, I have long posted stuff which sounded like I was nuts or making it up. Way back in like 2014 or 2015, I was saying there is some weird intelligence thing chasing me around town, like Will Smith in Enemy of the State, I was getting zapped in my bed by some vibration beam, and if it is as big as what I think I see, we are probably not electing our leaders, all politicians are owned by this thing, billionaires are probably fake actors managing slush funds, Big Tech companies were just fronts for intel gathering and propaganda operations, and more. I am sure the vast majority of the readers here thought I was nuts back then. But I wasn’t lying, I was just telling the truth, even if it made me look stupid at the time. This will be like that.

As always, my observations are what I saw, conclusions are tentative, and probably based on incomplete information.

When you have not had more than a few hours sleep in a couple of days, and your brain is fried, and you need to sleep, but you think if you close your eyes, somebody is going to damage your brain to make you dumber so you cannot resist them, it is an unpleasant choice. If the worm turns, you can see how I will see nothing but enemies. These are not countrymen, or even human beings. It is a war, they are OpFor to our kind.

Throughout this time, I have often heard Psalm 91 in my head, (thank you to the anon who posted it). “Surely he will rescue you from the fowler’s snare.” And Psalm 23, “For you are with me.” It reminds you, and gives you back your focus. He is with me.

First, somehow, the surveillance ended up triggering a brownout, which is really three stooges-tier. That was critical, and here is why it was critical.

That time, I decided to sleep in the basement. I take brain damage pretty seriously. When I wake up, put my finger against my skull as I lay on the pillow, and it is vibrating like an orbital sander, and that is going on for most to all of my sleeping time, it is not good. Which is what they are doing. I think of that old Special Forces recruiting poster which says, “Your brain is your most powerful weapon.” It is true. They have taken that to heart, and are seeking to level the playing field.

So I went to the most shielded part of my basement, with the most earth and concrete between me and them. I am sleeping on a folding floor mattress, and I got a box about 18″ by 14″ by 16″ deep, and laid it at the head of the mattress. I covered it with lead aprons, crossed, with the neck hole draping down at the opening and the rest draped down the sides and folded under, and put a MyPillow mini-travel-pillow in there, to rest my head on. The aprons would not allow air movement, so I got a small fan about four inches in diameter to blow air in a small crack.

That fan was critical. Because once my head was in there, I could not see the light, I was blind. So first surveillance needed to fuck up and overload the neighborhood grid and brown us out. But since my head was in the box and covered, I needed an audible measure of voltage, to apprise me of the brownout, or I would never have known of it. God gave me both, and then timed my burner flicking on to about two minutes after the static in my pillow began popping, so I could hear in one ear, the static popping, and in the other ear, the fan running and its tone and speed.

If I was looking down on some dude undergoing this, and God said, “Help him,” I could not come up with that. So the voltage waxes and wanes changing the fan hum, and I can hear exactly as it does, the static popping in the pillow, stops and tries to restart. They were linked. It was a huge get.

So how did we advance from there now? I went back down there to sleep again, figuring at least I may be increasing their electric bill by making them turn up the wattage. I got hit at that spot, so I moved around again, bringing me closer to the burner, in another corner which I felt might maybe offer more shielding. I figured fuck the box, since they got through it last time, and as a result this time I could see the lights. I began to drift off, the static popping happened under the pillow, so I figured I will probably be getting hit once I enter sleep, but I was too tired. I would have to take the hit and just grab a couple of hours to minimize damage.

Because I spent yesterday working on American Stasi, they decided to give me the whole body vibrations, which again was incredibly fortuitous. Sure enough they began just as I was entering that deep sleep which feels so good. They began in the legs, and were going up until it was an all-over thing, and there is no sleeping through that, even as you are dead tired. And on flicked the burner just at that moment, right next to me.

Again, I could feel the vibrations disrupted this time. This time, they didn’t just die, they became disordered and weird, as opposed to strong and steady. They began to happen in my ankles but die everywhere else, they emerged in the chest as the ankles faded out, and then they picked back up and kind of rippled over the body, and then died again, and then emerged for a moment in my abdomen, and then died. They broke down and stopped, before sputtering on again. It was a weaker effect than the cessation of the static, but it was great.

And now the key part. I opened my eyes and saw the lights. No brown out. They must have fixed that. It most likely had full voltage, and this time, the burner did too, and the burner still killed it. My urge to sleep evaporated and my mind raced. This could be a defense of some sort.

I have said the impulse/particle/tapping beam, which may be related to the vibrations, is precise. But I do not think you really understand, and I have hesitated to try to explain it for fear of sounding even more kooky than I already do. It is so precise, I cannot imagine what the user interface must look like. I mean you walk to the sink, and it pops right over the hole in your ear as you stop. For some reason the ear-hole is a point it focuses on. It hits the keys in your pocket. How do you do that? It isn’t a joystick and a keyboard. Probably not a touch screen either. How do you present a 3D room to an operator, and give them a control interface which will let them pop a discharge in a guy’s ear as he moves? I even had in my probability matrix these people went to command, which were actual demons, and a demon was assigned, and showed up at my house. It makes me think the guys at Skinwalker Ranch who say, “something” followed them home, may just be encountering these people psyop-ing them.

But it never dawned on me, that to be that precise, they need something with data coming out of my house which must be accordingly precise. And whatever is going out could be jammed, and that might impact the weapon’s ability to function.

What would the oil burner be doing? First, I have always said I think there is a resonance aspect to the vibrations. When I recorded the tapping, it began with the sound of an MRI warming up, which I think is an EM disturbance associated with the vibrations. I have said the vibrations are heralded by a sudden nasal drip, which begins one to two minutes before they arrive, like that EM hum running for a minute or two, before the tapping started. The vibrations may even just be the tapping, done inside the body really fast.

I think during that warm-up period, they are feeding in energy impulses of some sort at varying frequencies, and using some detection mechanism to gauge when they begin to see resonance and where. It is like you have a long thin balloon filled with water, and you hold the top and begin to bounce it up and down. At the wrong frequency, you will lift up as it is still going down cutting it short, it will begin to rise and you will push down, and you will never see resonance as it is all disordered. But if the frequency times it right, just as it hits bottom you begin pulling up, and just as it reaches the top, you push down, and the oscillations will get stronger and stronger.

From this tech’s perspective, that would be great, as instead of feeding in massive amounts of energy, you feed in little bits, and let the big long water balloon on the floor bounce itself more and more until it can’t sleep. If he gets up and breaks out a detector, all he sees is a little influx of energy, not realizing the massive effect was built up over a few minutes of resonance-building. You could even hit the whole body, say from the side, and only target one piece, based on delivering the right resonant frequency for that piece. Hit the stomach just right, and it will resonant, but for the legs, or the chest, the frequency would be all wrong. Maybe you could move the vibrations up or down just by changing the frequency.

But the body will have different resonant frequencies depending on the angle it is hit from and what part is hit. I think they hit you for a minute or two, and you don’t feel it because the hits are too small, and they don’t get resonance.

From how disordered the vibrations became before breaking down, it felt like they were losing resonance next to the burner. I think the burner was disrupting a feedback  the emitter normally got somehow to fine tune the resonance, and it lost resonance as a result. I think it needs that datastream.

I see three things possible. The oil burner uses an extremely high pressure fluid pump to drive oil through a very fine nozzle, atomizing it into a spray. A fan then blows air on the atomized mist, carrying it past two electrodes which are fed a very high voltage by a high voltage transformer which creates the spark which ignites the fuel

It is possible a high pressure pump, and the blower fan, would generate a strong fluctuating magnetic field to drive the spindle, and this disrupted their impulse tech’s feedback detection. In the first instance, the burner was at a distance of maybe twenty feet away, through a cinderblock wall. I am not sure the magnetic disruptions would extend that far, although the burner was between one of their houses which is highly involved and me. Maybe that affected something. But I have tried disturbing EM with fan motors, and seen no effect.

Two sound. If they deploy geophones, and they do, it is possible they leverage the return sound waves after sending an impulse, to gauge resonance effects. The downside is sound is slow traveling, it would be affected by the materials it traveled through, it would be of limited precision, and as I said this thing is precise. But it is possible the burner firing was like a big white noise machine on its concrete pad, and drowned out what they needed.

The final possibility which initially struck me was that spark that ignites the fuel. It could be acting like a spark gap transmitter, and introducing a radiofrequency interference. Then I found this, which indicates there are several potential sources of radio frequency interference on a burner:

Interference usually comes from splash coming from contacts opening or closing, so control box could be suspect, or worn motor brushes could be causing the problem. If it only lasts for 5 seconds, I would suspect the control box, but it may not even be with the burner. A room stat, boiler stat or timer, or motorised valve switch could cause it. I doubt that the ignition transformer is causing it, but to test, you can hot wire the individual components independantly by removing the control box and bridging each in turn to live.

The voltage drop might have enhanced the effect as the spark made and broke, which is why it killed the static popping outright. There is precedent for using radiofrequency waves in thru-wall imaging. And Bill Binney’s wife said all of the targets she has helped in their path to a doctor in Europe, who said they were hit with directed energy, all of them had radio-emissive microchips which had been covertly implanted, and which she thought were being used to precisely target the weapons. It is also possible the chip detects the effects of the weapon and is charged and transmits, which facilitates attaining resonance. I have no idea what it would be. But radiofrequency emissions/reflections would be light-speed data transmission, and it would be precise.

It is possible introducing a source of radiofrequency interference would leave surveillance with an awesome beam emitter which was perfect for use as a paperweight or door stop, and nothing else, since it could not build resonance, or maybe even target. It might also disrupt thru-wall imaging, and sound gathering as well, as I would bet they would use the reflections and wavelength shifts to gather sound too. So it could be multifunctional as well.

And it would also be consistent with my theory the vibrations were originally a mapping technology, which the surveillance realized was highly irritating when resonated on a target. Once they had thru-wall radiofrequency observation, they might introduce an impulse to see how it affected something, to measure mass, or material qualities. And eventually they did it to a person.

A distant fourth possibility is like Bill Binney said, it would be a new physics which has not been shared with the masses, like scalar waves or something, and the burner works by an entirely different mechanism. Regardless, the key would be, it worked. That I know. Even if we can’t understand it, we could still exploit it, if we fish around for similar devices until we find something workable. But to do that we would have to experiment and hope we hit something which worked.

I want to start with radiofrequency, covering whatever frequencies that burner spark or other component could be disrupting. I need something which innocuously leaks enough radiofrequency interference across a broad enough spectrum it will smother just about anything. I am guessing the reflections are not that strong in my basement, since I think line of sight, except at the poles, is limited, but up in the main floors of the house I might need more wattage to cover their signals, so I want to smother all rf entirely and aggressively. I would prefer to save a full spark gap transmitter for if nothing else worked. Something like damaging a microwave oven so it leaked is fine, but I’d want something less expensive to run and less dangerous. Something like that, just affordable and safe, with modifications which render it damaged being fine.  I would also want it to last for a while, and not need weekly replacement. Can anybody knowledgeable think of anything which would fit the bill, and cover a wide range of frequencies?

I need like six hours of sleep, at least every few nights to recharge, where the radio frequency spectrum is unusable. I am wondering about a plasma ball, or is there something similar? Maybe multiple plasma balls, if needed to increase the EM leakage? Would a decorative Van de Graff generator left on and sparking be enough? EMF and radio interference stuff is not my specialty.

I can’t put into words how excited I am this site could possibly destroy a multi-billion dollar, decades in development, super-elite covert, crown-jewel weapon of this thing, and free all targets, at least from this weapon, just by coming up with something which would block their reflected data coming out of the house.

And, Trust unto God, and all glory to Him.

One other thing for specialists looking at this to consider, and maybe comment on if they see any interesting observation. I have said, there is a static discharge aspect to the impulse/tapping/particle beam. I had static popping under my pillow like crunching up a potato chip wrapper when it starts. It seems to charge the surface plastic on the lead aprons with static electricity, and the impulses seem sometimes like mini explosions of static discharge. I am unsure how all that would fit together. Might they charge stuff to the point it discharges, even unnoticeably at a point, and it releases radio impulses, and they are capturing those impulses like photons, and using them to map out rooms and people in them? If you had a dental apron hanging in a room, and wanted to put a static charge on the blue plastic covering, and you were in the room next door, how would you do that at a distance? I see X-ray, and EM fields. Anything else? I have actually had so much of something which seemed like static electricity build up in bed, between a blanket and the dental apron, that the blanket was wrinkling up against the apron and moving, so much I would have believed a mouse was between them, moving around and making the blanket squirm against me. What could do that, and not kill me?

I mean, I think most people could not imagine how weird the stuff they deploy is. You pretty much just tell the truth, and you are immediately a diagnosable paranoid schizophrenic.

Interesting video by O’Keefe where a congressional intern explains how everyone in DC is blackmailed, and all the high level Congress people have sex with each other like a big club or sex party, behind their spouse’s back. I told you strange pictures pop up on Q’s board. One was Sarah Palin, sitting at a bar smiling, in a short skirt and a bra pulled down below her breasts, which were exposed, and which she was proudly displaying. In the background John McCain was smiling and leaning around to look at her breasts. I assumed it was AI, or maybe photoshop because of the material. But like you can tell an AI picture when you see it, this did not look like AI or photoshop. It looked real. It looked so genuine I filed away it could be much stranger up there than we would believe. The intern also says the gay guy who had homo-sex in the Senate room, was blackmailed into it and Representatives do not actually vote themselves, the party gives them a piece of paper which tells them how to vote on every vote. So all the stories about how Representative XXX bravely stood up and voted his conscience, was bullshit. He got the paper, voted, and the story was made up to fit afterward.

President Trump breaks record for most votes ever received in NH primary.

Sen. Mitch McConnell referred to Donald Trump as “the nominee,” a monumental admission from the Trump antagonist who has largely refused to even utter Trump’s name for over three years.

Seen on Zerohedge – Reid Hoffman pulls out of Nikki Haley after New Hampshire pounding.

Lindsey Graham said Trump would believe a theory that ‘martians’ stole the election, as he told a Georgia grand jury he ‘cheated at golf’ and ‘hugged Fani Willis’ after his testimony: New book claims senator threw ex-president under the bus in wild testimony.

Two North Carolina counties withdraw from ‘Zuckerbucks’ alliance as 2024 election cycle begins.

Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX) called on President Biden to “seize” the Texas National Guard by calling them into Federal service, removing them from the command and control of the State of Texas.

Senate conservatives are ratcheting up their opposition to an emerging bipartisan deal that would fund Ukraine and address border security, declaring it a “stinking pile of crap” that will allow millions more migrants to cross into the country without resistance.

Senate immigration deal allows 35,000 illegals at border every week.

Mitch McConnell lobbies Republican Senators to pass secret migration bill.

Far more than the border wall’s cost: HHS spent huge money to help illegal aliens improve their credit scores.

Massachusetts Governor demands help from Biden admin as dozens of migrant families camp out in Boston airport.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott releases statement: “I have declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.”

Chicago residents reject blaming Greg Abbott for migrant crisis.

American attorney Aaron Siri announced that a judge had ordered the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) to release 7.8 million additional text-based records collected by the V-safe online application, typically detailing injuries after being injected with a covid “vaccine.”

NY Post – Why cardiovascular deaths had an alarming post-COVID spike. They cite everything but the vax.

Medical research without informed consent now allowed by FDA. It sounds like they will allow doctors to perform research with informing the patient if if is like prescribing one drug instead of another which is supposed to have the same effects, and there is no risk. But those things can be a slippery slope, and there is no reason not to inform.

Florida’s undercount in the 2020 census may have cost the state at least one, possibly two, seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and up to $21 billion in federal funding, according to a new report by Florida TaxWatch.

Jill Biden extends State of the Union invite to woman who left Texas to abort baby with disability.

Joe Biden headlined a pro-abortion rally today and promised he would sign legislation to kill babies in abortions up to birth if Democrats win complete control of Congress this November.

Mexico’s $10 billion lawsuit against US gun manufacturers to proceed, appeals court rules.

Nashville holds first blood drive for newly-eligible LGBTQ donors.

Oregon lawmakers now want to recriminalize possession of small amounts of drugs after facing rampant public drug use.

Solomon Friedman, the high-profile criminal defense lawyer, firearms advocate and ordained rabbi is on a mission to save Pornhub.

Federal appeals court slams FBI’s actions in security deposit box company raid.

City of Oakland now charging small business owners for summoning Police when robbed.

A bill to require all cars sold or made in California after 2027 to have devices limiting their top speed to only ten miles per hour above the speed limit was introduced in the Senate.

Billionaire CEO sees $1 trillion in commercial real estate defaults coming for ‘very, very ugly market’ over next 2 years.

Maryland woman loses $17K in SIM card swap scam despite two-factor authentication. How many thousand?

This could be Cabal seeing the trajectory heading toward exposure, and they are looking to cobble together a world war to send everyone to, in order to save themselves. It is very dangerous.

NATO General Secretary says there is no threat of Russian expansion beyond Ukraine.

EU Border Chief Hans Leijtens, Says ‘Nothing Can Stop’ Migrants – ‘No Wall, No Fence, No Sea, No River,’ that borders don’t work and that Europe should shift away from the “narrative” of “stopping people.”

Eurabia on the horizon: Islamization will be complete in 50-70 years warns French intelligence veteran. And whatever this thing is, doesn’t care. It is somehow bigger than the difference between Christian Europe and the Muslim Middle East and Africa.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the last remaining holdout in Sweden’s bid to join NATO, now says he supports its application and vows that Hungary’s parliament will say yes “at the first possible opportunity.”

Pentagon has no more money for Ukraine as it hosts a meeting of 50 allies on support for Kyiv.

Russian Parliament speaker accuses Ukraine of shooting down plane carrying 65 POWs.

Multiple myeloma cured after hepatitis treatment reveals that this cancer can be caused by viruses like Hep B or C.

Fed. judge rejects N.M. Governor’s “emergency order” denying open-carry rights to gun owners.

Trump holds big lead over Biden on most key issues in latest I&I/TIPP poll.

Trump routs the Republican Establishment once again.

Spread r/K Theory, because if you trust onto God, he will determine your path.

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Eric Blair
1 year ago

my grandfather made a jacob’s ladder (in the 60’s?). A van pulled up with equipment on top, and they told him he was destroying radio programs for miles around, and that he had to stop.

Reply to  Eric Blair
1 year ago

I think I used fluorescent light transformers to make them back in high school days.

Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek
1 year ago

“…new physics which has not been shared with the masses, like scalar waves or something…”

Have you considered that perhaps the source of the interference in your life comes from a different dimension?

Reply to  Wolf Creek
1 year ago

Boy has he ever! Crack that code, AC!

1 year ago

Re: NY Post Cabal propaganda

The Post is an absolute 100% indicator of what Cabal is trying to sell to normies and deludes. Not even mentioning the shots as a cause of post-covid illness, as if the readers are completely stupid, is typical.

Another example of the Fake Narrative (of many, done daily) is how Trump really lost New Hampshire because look at how many votes Nimrata got, while not mentioning that her vote was mostly democrats.

On and on it goes.

But the wonderful thing is, the Post allows comments. They often run into the hundreds. And the comments are 80-90% disdainful of the Cabal propaganda. Definitely a “you have to be kidding me” vibe.

In the two instances above, the commenters overwhelmingly (and vehemently) corrected the Narrative.

This happens daily. So much so, I have wondered if it is done purposefully. Bogus stories written in the bogus solemn style of “official” Narratives, followed by down-to-Earth and frequently funny or trenchant comments.

I know that sounds naive, but is also something which is at least very amusing.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Nah, I am with you. I always get inane Post headlines in my YouTube feed and 90% of the comments are invariably ripping apart the narrative. They could easily prevent/stop this from happening – and plenty of other sites do. In fact, just a year or two ago, I think the Post wouldn’t have allowed it (and I actually don’t recall getting any Post headlines whatsoever in my YouTube feed until about a year ago). So this is definitely new and it does feel like they are really hammering home the nonsensical nature of the media and demonstrating that a lot of people get it.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

I am 100% certain that these stories and their slant is done purposely.
It’s project mockingbird narrative shaping. When you look at the rest of the NY posts articles is all the same. .001% information and the rest is “who’s banging who”. “Hey Normie, look at the cans on this bimbo”

1 year ago

Is it possible that you have had a chip covertly placed on you?
I would be looking if I were you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Maybe as a baby in the hospital even.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Every doctor visit is an opportunity to chip

1 year ago

Glad to hear progress is being made. 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

‘Nashville holds first blood drive for newly-eligible LGBTQ donors.’

The CDC shied away from this for years because they knew full-well that gay men were walking Petri dishes due to their degenerate lifestyle. Won’t end well.

1 year ago

Interesting that this Catholic video claims that women are not to lay their hands on the heads of others in prayer or blessing. Because that is a masculine gesture that belongs to the men only. And to do otherwise is to give demons permission to mess with the person being prayed over or blessed:

I believe his Priest/exorcist personal anecdotes on this. But women can lay their hands at the side of the shoulder when doing such a prayer.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Giving demons permission to mess with the prayer or the person”. There is nothing scriptural about this.

But it’s a doubling down on stopping women doing anything that could be construed as remotely preist -like & is meant to dissuade the faithful from thinking catholic women could function as preists.
Better to be clear & say to catholic women don’t lay your hand on someone’s head to bless or pray over them because it’s getting close to looking how a preist does it & you’re not qualified for that role & so don’t inadvertently bring that image to the minds of others. I wish male preists would be truthful about why they say it & not try to be manipulative.

alex stevenson
1 year ago

I like the Van De Graff generator idea but would suggest a “Jackob’s Ladder” Get a transformer for a neon light. Attach two long metal rods, like welding filler rods about three feet long . arrange the rods in a wedge, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top. The spark will jump at the narrow point and go up the rods and repeat. It creates a lot of ozone and has a distinct odor and emits abroad spectrum of electrical interference. I built one as a kid and it scared the hell out of the Moms. You see them in old sci-fi flix.
40$ on ebay
Thanks, I have had the thru the wall devices demonstrated for locating bodies in fires and building collapse. You are not nuts

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Another possibility might be a simple CB radio. I think we’ve all had the experience of nearby broadcast interfering with radio stations. Maybe it would combat this evil…cheap to try anyway…We’re all praying for you out here, so you know.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

What skills do these people really have?

If you found out tomorrow that you really have no skills in life, with no hope of every acquiring enough to be able to stand on your own, and some group came by to offer you membership in what is essentially a cult of extremely lazy people who have ambition only through mob infiltration efforts … well, wouldn’t that stand out as an offer of extremely good fortune?

They probably feel that it beats working at Waffle House.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Make sure you have good ventilation for the ozone.
And I wonder if both the ladder and the VDG generator together would scramble the beam in two different ways.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You’re bedroom is gonna look like a mad scientists lair, lol. I think it will work too!

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  alex stevenson
1 year ago


1 year ago

A couple dots I want to connect.

Carla at linked a day or two ago, specifically suggests

With these silver caps – you simply pull it down over your scalp and ears and it helps to hide your brain and scalp from the homing or hunting signals and demodulation signals of directed energy.

And in a couple other spots she suggests foam ear plugs. This lines up with your hypothesis that they have to scan the room in some automated fashion to discover a path to the brain. She also suggests noise cancelling headphones. Consider that ANC headphones have an external microphone to play an “opposite” sound into your ears. Perhaps that opposite sound is enough to disrupt their discovery mechanism, or at least slow it down.

She also emphasizes magnets, but it is unclear if she is receiving the same tech as you.

It is very plausible that a spark gap generator would grossly disrupt a scanner looking for specific frequencies/resonances. I believe the phenomenon here is — that instantaneous “pulse” looks like an immediate on-off to the human eye, but circuitry, such as antennas, that rely on filtering by frequencies, see a brief presence of signal at many frequencies within their filtered range, if that makes sense.

If you are going the DIY spark generator route, I think the first question is how you want to power it. It sounds like wall power is acceptable, since they seem to require utility power to run the beam. But you might want a battery operated version as a backup anyway in case they figure out how to cut only your house’s power. has extremely simple plans for a small battery powered version. He uses AAs but I bet you could use a different, larger, portable battery pack.

The gifs at the bottom of have some examples of rotary spark gaps. The asynchronous one, that kind of resembles a wall clock, he calls a looks particularly interesting, and although the plans are from 2002, it looks like the parts would be cheap. I’m not experienced enough in this space, but I assume that the slight variance in spark gap distances would give a broader spectrum of interference. He shows that the rotor electrode is “getting cooked” and that he’ll have to get something thicker, so you should plan on iterating the design a bit as you experiment.

1 year ago

Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX) called on President Biden to “seize” the Texas National Guard by calling them into Federal service, removing them from the command and control of the State of Texas.

Benjamin Disraeli, a Marrano Jew:
“The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.”

God created Nations–God created us as Herd Animals. That can NOT be abrogated. It is FIXED into our psyches.

All things are by Blood. When SHTF, Blood is Thicker than Water. Yugoslavia. Communist doctrine, Multiculturalism, only lasts with a central power. Once that is removed–all things RETURN TO NATURE. i.e. Blood. America is a Masonic construct. All the countries of Europe are by Blood. War is coming; SHTF is coming…The only thing that can survive is Blood kinship. Joaquin Castro is NOT looking out for the Common Good of the WASP–he is looking out for the Common Good of HIS Kinsmen! Everything is a Power Play. They mean to take this country over.

1 year ago

From American Cancer Society – Total new cancer diagnosis in USA
2010 – 1,529,560
2015 – 1,658,370
2020 – 1,806,590
2024 – 2,001,140
Greater than 10% increases in Oral cavity, breast, gyne, prostate, and myeloma between 2020 and 2024.

1 year ago

The Abbott letter could be a big deal, mainly because of how blunt the language is, and he states he already delivered several similar but more diplomatic letters. But it looks like the federal government will back down, now that several other states have come out in support of Abbott.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

BREAKING: 25 Republican governors released the following joint statement in support of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense.

“President Biden and his Administration have left Americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented illegal immigration pouring across the Southern border. Instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border, the Biden Administration has attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country. 
“We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border. We do it in part because the Biden Administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books and is illegally allowing mass parole across America of migrants who entered our country illegally. 
“The authors of the U.S. Constitution made clear that in times like this, states have a right of self-defense, under Article 4, Section 4 and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation.”

The list includes: Governor Kay Ivey (AL), Governor Mike Dunleavy (AK), Governor Sarah Sanders (AR), Governor Ron DeSantis (FL), Governor Brian Kemp (GA), Governor Brad Little (ID), Governor Eric Holcomb (IN), Governor Kim Reynolds (IA), Governor Jeff Landry (LA), Governor Tate Reeves (MS), Governor Mike Parson (MO), Governor Greg Gianforte (MT), Governor Jim Pillen (NE), Governor Joe Lombardo (NV), Governor Chris Sununu (NH), Governor Doug Burgum (ND), Governor Mike DeWine (OH), Governor Kevin Stitt (OK), Governor Henry McMaster (SC), Governor Kristi Noem (SD), Governor Bill Lee (TN), Governor Spencer Cox (UT), Governor Glenn Youngkin (VA), Governor Jim Justice (WV), and Governor Mark Gordon (WY).

1 year ago

I want to start with radiofrequency, covering whatever frequencies that burner spark or other component could be disrupting.

The thing is, a spark gap produces random interference across the entire spectrum, what radio guys call “DC to daylight.” (It causes interference even above that, into ultraviolet.) I would say to get another igniter transformer and igniter, and then hotwire them to either run constantly, or spark every 20-30 seconds.
You’ll know you are on the right track when the FCC shows up because someone is complaining about interference from your place.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

It’s difficult to find a quick answer on how seriously the FCC takes the spark generation being discussed here today. points out:

The use or marketing of a jammer in the United States may subject you to substantial monetary penalties, seizure of the unlawful equipment, and criminal sanctions including imprisonment.

But that is specifically in the context of:

authorized radio communications, including cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

So if the equipment is localized to your basement, you may want to triple check that you can still get GPS and make cell phone calls from your yard. If it is disrupted at all, then reducing the voltage of the spark generator would probably be the first thing to try.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

A good reason to use things with other purposes like VDG generators and Jacob’s Ladders.
And to do it in a basement or bunker if you have one.

You might even want to build a faraday cage around the room you are in to keep your signals in.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My point is a little different. You can report any interference to the FCC, and then it is up to them to investigate. Hardly anyone even knows that you can report interference, much less how to do it.
If someone reports it, and then if the FCC decides to send a nastygram (you always get a letter saying “stop that” before any fines) then it tells us that the spark gap is causing (((them))) problems.

1 year ago

Florida’s undercount in the 2020 census may have cost the state at least one, possibly two, seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and up to $21 billion in federal funding, according to a new report by Florida TaxWatch.

I find this very frustrating. The media reports economic figures on inflation and unemployment that are fake and gay, but you can go to and similar sites and get an idea of the actual situation. There are no alternative sources for population statistics except for what the government provides. And you probably can’t trust them. But there is no way to back out the real figures except to go back to a census that you can probably trust, and then sort of estimate population growth since them.

1 year ago

Living in Manhattan in the 00s, which is now twenty years ago, I noticed lots of vacant storefronts, especially in wealthy areas. This was discussed at the time on various blogs.

I don’t usually link to Marginal Revolution, but a decent discussion on this very issue came up today. Here is the link:

This is a normie blog, maybe an ultra-normie one, but they get into the details of how this works. Basically landlords get loans with the buildings they own as collateral, and it is written into the loan agreements that they won’t get the loans if they sign low end tenants. And there are only so many high end tenants to go around. So they take the loans and don’t sign any tenants.

This reminds me of the situation in the antebellum South, where plantation owners basically lived off of loans taken out with their slaves as collateral, not so much on selling what the plantation produced.

However, I think this is somehow tied into a decades old “operation kill the cities”, though its interesting that with all of this they can’t quite manage to kill the cities.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“increase the EM leakage? Would a decorative Van de Graff generator left on and sparking be enough?”

I know this sounds silly, but, guys who play with those things on yt all seem to be getting plenty of sleep.

Many signal processing systems are imperfect. If you introduce enough elements to an equation you can make non-linear phenomena more non-linear, which sucks up computing power and leaves approximations which are often not accurate enough for anything in the signals business. Basically its jamming.
Also introducing that non-linearity to a feedback system can produce a system going ‘haywire’, which then has to be turned off and reset. It’s why MRI’s, at least the ones I’ve seen can’t be close to one another. It’s why a 3D printer will sometimes produce a garble of mess. Once you can introduce a propagating error into an automated system that system won’t work. It’s very easy to introduce those errors.

So, maybe have lots of these jamming devices, placed at random points and randomly moved, and you will live in an RF ‘fog’ that precision RF won’t work in.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

The principle works with any edge phenomena.

There was a training crash at Tallinn International years ago that involved training pilots on the aircraft as part of being rated to fly it commercially.

Instead of doing full stops with take-offs, the captain would manually stop a wheel next to the main thrust control in order to keep the aircraft from completing the normal landing pitch control sequence, allowing them to do touch-and-go landings with a commercial airliner.

Doing this put a part of the control system into a situation where it was being used actively rather than very rarely, and because it hadn’t been correctly maintained, its failure was kicking all kinds of spurious yet relevant failures into the multiple flight control computers.

The captain kept resetting those flight control computers rather than setting down and checking the aircraft, because after all nothing had gone wrong … until the fourth student got into the cockpit and all kinds of failures broke loose, including failure of all of the flight control computers and a sudden drop into direct mechanical control via limited interfaces such as rudder pedals.

Why this matters: there are people behind the things that are messing with you.

Try to find some edge phenomena that will let them fail so badly that they expose themselves.

House fires caused by overheating the wires in their houses with the idiotic crap they’re doing would be one way that could be accomplished.

These are probably the same kinds of people who have smoke detectors beeping every thirty seconds already.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

This is a very good point. American Stasi ground pounder sets up high tech degradation Beam in their house, targeted individual employs countermeasures which blow the neighborhood transformer or cause a house fire. Stasi ground pounder is exposed and suffers humiliating personal and financial consequences. This may already be happening, the tech could be causing fires and transformer blow outs but it’s been covered up.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
1 year ago

How to determine if you are a targeted individual: Are you a Targeted Individual? – by Targeted Justice, Inc. (

Reply to  Leonard Gearhardt
1 year ago

AC – Heads Up
There is a page at this site for combating the beam.
Shielding Tips
-Build a Water Shielding Box to protect against Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). TJ conceived of this water box to shield TIs heads from some of the microwave attacks because water absorbs microwaves. Learn how to make your own:
-V2K Signal Jammer. Basic design. We have also found that jammers in the 2350 – 2400 MHz range can block much of the medical implant WBAN frequencies.
According to one doctor, some implants operate at 14.7 MHz and 93 MHz.
-Bone Conduction Headsets like AfterShokz can be used to minimize V2K. Most TI’s find relief pairing these with Binaural Beats. Try for free at Best Buy.
-Tensor Rings are twisted copper wires that act as super conductors and neutralize magnetic fields. Learn how to make one:

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Might they charge stuff to the point it discharges, even unnoticeably at a point, and it releases radio impulses, and they are capturing those impulses like photons, and using them to map out rooms and people in them?”

Yes, that is possible. Some materials are very static resistant however. Probably old fashioned cotton (100%) no synthetics and I’m pretty sure silk are generally static resistant which would help.

1 year ago

The NYT a few days ago reported talks in the Pentagon that went like, if one American is killed by Iran or its many proxies–then it is a declaration of war and that America will bomb Iran back into the Stone Age–exactly what Netanyahu and Sen. Lindsay Graham wants.

Well, about two days ago, a 17 year old Palestinian American, Tawfic Abdel Jabbar, was killed in the West Bank.

Anything done? Did we bomb Israel back into the Stone Age? Gonzalo Lira was left in an Ukrainian prison to die of neglect. Jabbar was killed. Rachael Corrie, an American, was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer; 34 Americans killed and 171 wounded by the IDF in the USS Liberty incident—the IDF bombed both the Catholic and Orthodox churches in Gaza—

I’m seeing a Pattern here! Kill Christians, Kill non-Jewish Americans–and America does nothing—America is For the Jew, By the Jew and Of the Jew. That is American morality! We will be bombing Iran here shortly!

1 year ago

A vulnerability during sleep, to tech that involves positional calibration and targeting, is the subject’s extended lack of motion. What if you slept on a rotating platform? I don’t know what would work for that, but it could be an interesting experiment, if there’s a way to pull it off. I’m thinking of something like a scaled-up version of a pottery wheel or rotating product display platform. Perhaps there’s something like this used in manufacturing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Waterbed + Aquariums to surround you with water?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’d worry about glass aquariums being shattered by them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The rotating bed someone posted in the comments before:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thanks AC for posting throughout this ordeal. I had a very brief experience with it many years ago, so I can definitely empathize with you. There’s no way I could have maintained a blog while dealing with that everyday. It was all I could do just to maintain my sanity. Prayer definitely works. Anyway, as to rotating table used in manufacturing; yes, those do exist. Typically it’s used to shrink-wrap pallets of boxes for shipping. Not sure how practical that would be in one’s house, but a used one probably isn’t insanely expensive. It’s hard wired and has adjustable speeds and can usually support up to 2 tons. You could probably diy with parts from somewhere like Grainger using the industrial version as a template. Good luck and God Bless.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“City of Oakland now charging small business owners for summoning Police when robbed.”

This is why collapse happens in a long enough downturn. EROEI, energy returned on energy invested, is related to money and capital wealth. Eventually lower returns always present themselves and a recession or depression happens. Higher prices will also emerge as you have more people seeking after fewer resources.

If you encourage lawbreaking (including theft, vandalism or arson) or pump up a population with less law abiding people who have no connection to the built environment or who even view it as ‘colonialism’ you can lose previously built infrastructure. Basically because your society is full of savages, who can only exist in a high EROEI environment, they will ‘eat’ your business and infrastructure and because resources are now limited you can’t get that infrastructure back.

That’s how you end up with a collapse and urban ruins. A homogeneous population can exist in a low EROEI environment. They know their ancestors built the buildings and businesses they use. They repay their debts to each other and don’t commit wanton indiscriminate violence against their own people. But introduce a pillaging invader and have a collapse. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it has been burned down in one. When this happened at the height of the Empire under Nero, Rome was rebuilt after Nero in a few years. But when Rome was sacked in 410 and 455 it took Rome hundreds of years to be rebuilt, and it didn’t return to it’s previous size until 1800.

Historical homogeneous nations are very good at surviving in low return conditions. Look at historical Ireland or Japan. But introduce diversity into low return conditions and, well Babylon is in ruins today. You can’t fool the Universe, which belongs to GOD, and follows his rules. We ignore this to our peril. Diverse lawlessness is abominable sin. You will know them by their fruits.

1 year ago

I only skimmed the part about the beam, so I might be off here. But the idea of using a contact break is quite interesting. If you live out in the country and have an electric fence unit on a house circuit it can make serious interference with incoming radio or anything played on speakers. You would need to look into the specs there. It’s either low voltage high amperage or the opposite. Also old school vehicle ignition systems. Instead of a coil for each cylinder they had one big coil for all the cylinders. The most important part being the breaker points. They were opening and closing multiple times per second. The reason that spark plug wires aren’t a metal core is because that made audible interference with the car radio. You could probably rig a little spinning wheel with contact ponts on the outer edge. Low voltage might work fine, but more knowledge than what I have is required. It seems like this could be a good idea. It’s probably sloppy in terms of frequency but that’s the beauty of it. And low tech too.

Reply to  Scruffy2
1 year ago

The fence energizers I personally have experience with, are about 12kV on an open circuit, and the voltage will go down depending on various conditions, mainly how wet or dry the ground is and how much the fence is contacting the ground.

The fence output is meaured in single Joules. I’ve been unintentionally shocked by a 4J unit a dozen or two times, and oh boy did I yelp like a dog every time.

I have two issues with using a fence energizer for this solution. First, the ones designed for animal control (the only type I’m familiar with) “tick on” at a low frequency. For whatever reason, once every 1.2s seems common. Maybe that’s enough to disrupt the beam or maybe not, but I have not personally encountered any that have more than two frequency settings (the other being 2.4s, to save power mainly or to be more generous about accidentally brushing the fence).

The second issue, speaking from experience, is that the spark gap from a metal alligator clip to poly rope for animal fencing doesn’t seem to reach more than 1/8″, maybe 1/4″ but I doubt it goes that far. Maybe metal to metal would go slightly farther, I haven’t tried it. And, based on the noise the energizers make, all that I’ve used have an internal relay that ticks on and rapidly ticks off to create the voltage “spike”. I don’t know how “rapid” or “steep” that spike is with a relay vs. with other solutions. A solid state circuit would have a hypothetically steeper curve since it doesn’t rely on mechanical motion, and a motor controlled spark generator ought to be able to move at higher RPMs so that on-off contact time happens quicker. You want that sharper spike to create more of an impulse across more of a frequency range.

If all I had available was a fence energizer, it would definitely be worth trying. But if I had money to spend on equipment, I would focus on something that could fire more rapidly than once/second and run higher than the low teens of kV.

While we are on the topic of electric fencing for livestock, the funniest and most clever idea I’ve heard is to hang hot dogs off a hot line to train wild dogs or predators to test the fence and find out.

1 year ago

Don’t you feel like you are living through some X-Files season? One theme on that show showed some injection that was triggered by a Palm Pilot or similar, so old tech. Now you may have someone with a smart phone to update the manipulation.
If you didn’t get the clot shot, then there might be other sources for some biological link. Any other shots, or dental work? Or why not some little dissolvable patch applied to the skin in a brush pass at the barber?
Why not move to a more defensible locale? Inconvenient, but an option.

1 year ago

No idea what this means in English but from an electrical guy on SG who glanced at your page when i asked if anyone could recommend something to help you:
Oil burner arc makes broadband RFI. Get an ignition xformer. Get a TinySA.

1 year ago

Also, the breaker point ignition has a small capacitor called a condenser which shunted the current into it. Otherwise the current would arc across the gap and defeat the purpose. Now it might be that that’s exactly what you want. To make an arc could be the shazamm of radio interference, but more knowledgeable minds will have to advise.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

Great work! In addition to the Van Der Graff generator I would try a Tesla Coil. A lot of this is over my head but I have read that a Tesla Coil emits disruptive EMF’s that can damage electronics. Thats got to have an effect on the building up effect you describe. Youre basically in a room with a lightning generator so when you feel it building up, trigger the Tesla coil and it should disrupt everything within x feet of it. I know I mentioned this a while back but with the increased intensity I want to mention it again. We need AC getting quality sleep!

1 year ago

Would be interesting if an educational outfit sold a small Tesla coil. You’ll be laughing like a movie mad scientist if it worked.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yes, it’s United Nuclear. He does not have Tesla coils listed, but he does have some Van de Graff generators available:

Also of potential interest would be the radiation detection category ( where he has a $150 pocket-sized radiation detector, and a $39 “optical geiger counter”.

Reply to  Scruffy2
1 year ago

I know they sell large VDG generators at that kind of place.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Reid Hoffman pulls out of Nikki Haley after New Hampshire pounding. LOL, would this be similar to the Turkish Pile driver?

Reply to  bigD
1 year ago

Reid Hoffman pulls out of Nikki Haley=coitus interruptus

1 year ago

Was going to edit a post I already made but I’ve had them disappear when I do that. Last item below is possibly overkill, and dangerous, but maybe overkill is what you want. Again, i can barely spell electricity but below is from a guy on SG I asked re: your problem:
-Depends on frequency. Basement and metal will stop low freqs. and avoid line-of-sight high freqs. Oil burner will interfere with low/medium/(maybe) high freqs.
-Get a TinySA for <$100 (or better, a TinySA Ultra). Take a few days and learn how to use it, connect it to small antenna and measure any RF energy present in the house.
-Get an oil-burner ignition transformer with the electrodes. Connect a switch and cord to the primary. The arc will generate plenty of broadband RF. Be careful! It’s over 10kV!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

What are the odds that an oil burner ignition transformer would be on the list?!

You may want to stock up on several used ones — assuming the conspiracy runs as deep as it appears to, there will be an executive order banning them shortly, under the guise of climate protection, if this does work.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You could buy an ignition transformer off eBay for $100.00 or less and make a Jacobs ladder with two metal rods (metal coat hanger?), in the shape of a “V”. You could wire a timer on the 120 volt side to periodically generate disruptive spark, if that is disrupting the beam. (If your oil burner is messing up the beam, I would bet it is the spark ignitor that is doing it.)
A Jacobs ladder is very easy to build. I have done it in the past, just for entertainment value.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Here is what someone on quora wrote:
The spark will be very weak or non-exsistant if the case is cracked. A cracked spark plug ceramic case will produce an inordinate amount of electromagnetic discharge in the form of EMI / RFI. The wave form produced is very scadastic, covering a wide range of frequencies and if you have a radia receiver nearby it will produce a high degree of static covering a wide range of frequencies. It also could jam older radar units used to determine speed. This energy can also effect micro-circuits if they are not properly shielded and grounded. This energy has also been used to break down chemicals including crude oil and even Lubricating oils.

Maybe also crack the ceramic on spark plugs?

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  KarmaK
1 year ago

Another great idea to try! Once again the AC comment section proves to be a master mind group operating at a very high level. I would suggest commenters upgrade their daily situational awareness and prepare for backlash.

1 year ago

From the electric dude, part C: Cheaper and less dangerous solution to try for your Beam harmonics counter-attack, plus I kinda want one for Halloween now:

1 year ago

I wanna see that pic of Sarah Palin

Old Scroll
Old Scroll
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It is theatre and they play a role.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I have one like this i got used.
huge power output 15kilowatt
you can use coat hangers for electrodes start about 1/2’ to 1” and they angle apart to about 5” at the top.
1/8” is good
these are only maybe 30” long. Make then the minimum length necessary to work. If you want to really broadcast attach some standard copper wire to make an antenna. Best to keep the antenna in the basement so the electrical noise goes up. I would probably not do this near an airport or ems services, fcc won’t like it.
if the wires start getting hot give them more distance.
if you have trouble/ questions post contact request.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Like below only further apart for the high power.
i mount the rods directly on the transformer because the high voltage is always trying to escape from the wires and connections
comment image
Ps also you can have a fan blow against the arc to make a lot of random noise.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

A better judge of character is their kids. If the kids are a shitshow, then the parents are fucked up, regardless of the public image.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Palin faked her pregnancy with the DS kid. She’s got some kind of personality disorder.
Her attention-seeking behavior is similar in many ways to that of Meghan Markle (who also faked being pregnant).
comment image
Markle copies Diana’s outfits. Palin copied Barbara Walters and others (badly, in the case of Oprah). She put her hair in giant banana curls to (in her words) “look like” Oprah. They are both unhinged creatures. McCain’s concession speech was the most relaxed he had been all campaign.. the weight of the world lifting off his shoulders.

Reply to  Commenter
1 year ago

I watched the video – it does raise some questions. I remember leftist Andrew Sullivan at the time was obsessed by the idea Sarah Palin was covering up her daughter’s pregnancy & all the conservative media bloggers were defending get & mocking him.
But let’s think logically:
What political reason is there to fake your daughter’s baby & pretend it’s your’s? None I can think of.

The scandal of a baby out of wedlock in the family is a nothing burger these days & wouldn’t be a political career killer.

Statistically, older mothers have higher chance of a downs syndrome baby than a young woman.

If she was faking it why didn’t she at least get a fake bump?

Photos of her previous pregnancies need comparing with the photos of her during the time period of this supposed pregnsncy to see how she generally looks during pregnancy. Some women don’t protrude as much as other women. She is short – 5′ 5″ so she has no height that would hide it. Perhaps it was a small baby?

Old Scroll
Old Scroll
Reply to  Anon
1 year ago

A quick search delivers results

alex stevenson
Reply to  Anon
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Showing yer tits is nothing. It’s the others in the photos that really make the evidence stick

Reply to  alex stevenson
1 year ago

Good thing the internet isn’t controlled and that picture can spread like wildfire across the…uh…wow, good luck finding that on the internet.

Reply to  alex stevenson
1 year ago

Look at McCain. His head is obviously photoshopped. The head has been pasted in and rotated / tilted. Very clunky.
Now her head with that smile & expression that looks exactly like a generic media press shoot pic instead of looking mischevious or cheeky or intoxicated etc. Look what she’s wearing – lingerie – she would let her hair down & tousle it to complete the look.

Reply to  alex stevenson
1 year ago

Looks pretty fake. The McCain is glaringly so. Palin’s head is too big and not in quite the right relationship to the neck.

1 year ago

Amazing! I’m with Chief Tuscaloosa, get a spectrum analyzer and see what kind of electromagnetic waves they are shooting at you. You could also use it to see what’s coming out of your oil burner.
If there are sound waves hook a microphone with high frequency response to the spectrum analyzer. I’m not experienced with such things, but will take a bit more look at what’s available later.

Continuing to pray for you.

Old Scroll
Old Scroll
1 year ago

Patrick Sanders moved Overton window. Politicians deny it, but Ukrainian style conscription will come to UK soon.

It is a zero sum game. They cannot accept Ukraine lost and are desperate. If they cannot destroy Russia, Russia and Trump will come for them.

We saw what they did to Ukrainians. They will do it to Britain soon.. not the immigrants, but the British. It is not to win, it is to save their worthless hides.

Last edited 1 year ago by Old Scroll
1 year ago

I am a licensed electrical engineer with almost twenty years experience designing facility electrical distribution systems. I have a lot of experience interfacing with the grid, sizing electrical systems and designing them to maintain voltage levels. Based on what you have described, I am 100% confident the brown out he experienced was not caused by a neighbor turning on some technology-based surveillance or harassment equipment. The following analysis is based on reasonable assumptions from my experience to demonstrate in a worst-case scenario what has been described is not possible from a physics and engineering standpoint. Let me be clear, I believe you that it happened, but I know the cause was not technology-based equipment adding load the power grid.
If you live on a street one mile long with (20) 3,000 square foot houses, the electrical load will be close to the following. 1.1 VA per square foot for lighting, 1.0 VA per square foot for receptacles, 5.67 VA per square foot for HVAC, and 5.5 kVA for a hot water heater. The estimated total connected load for each house is: (1.1+1.0+5.67)*3000 + 5500 = 28.8 kVA.
Design guides list demand factors for different types of facilities. A residential house demand factor is 0.65. Making the transformer size 28.8 X 0.65 = 18.72 kVA. The next higher standard size is 25 kVA. The demand factor is the maximum percentage of the connected load that will ever be active. It is determined from real world observations. Typical loading is less than 40% of the connected load. 
To maximize the potential voltage drop, I assume the utility lines are wye configured with a single phase on the street. The two most common distribution voltages are 12.47 and 13.8 kV. Using 12.47 kV line voltage, the phase voltage is 7.2 kV. This is found by dividing the line voltage by the square root of three. The current in the overhead lines feeding this hypothetical street will be: I = (20 X 18.72 kVA) / 7.2 kV = 52 Amps.
Overhead wires are seldom copper, because it is brittle and does not stand up well to wind. Aluminum or steel is more common. Using aluminum for this analysis, NFPA 70 Table 310.60(C)(70) indicates the minimum size wire is #6 AWG rated for 87A in free air. Note, the utility is very unlikely to have installed #6 wire. They probably installed 1/0 or larger as a standard practice. I have never seen overhead lines smaller than 1/0. With a street one mile long, the voltage drop can be determined from Ohm’s Law, V=IR. Because it is single phase the return path has to be included, so the overall length for voltage drop calculations is two miles, 10.56 kFt. The resistance per NFPA 70 Chapter 9 Table 8 is 0.808 Ω/kFt, making the total resistance 8.53Ω. The voltage drop is therefore:

V = I X R = 52A X 8.53Ω = 443.56V

As a percentage that is 443.56/7200 = 6.1%. The utility will be aware of this and will compensate for the voltage drop by setting the taps on the transformers at -5%. This will produce secondary side voltage within 1.1% of nominal. To get a bona fide brown out, the voltage must drop by at least 10%. That means an 8.9% drop in voltage is required. Given our starting voltage is 7200 – 443.56 = 6756.44V. An 8.9% voltage drop is 601.32V. Given the resistance is 8.53Ω, the increase in current required is 601.32 / 8.53 = 70.5A. That works out to more than 475 kVA of load needs to be added to achieve this. Bear in mind these are very liberal assumptions regarding voltage drop. The wire size for example is probably much larger. The utility is probably using a delta configuration making the voltage levels higher and the corresponding currents lower. The full one mile will not see the loads described, but the calculations assume it will. All these factors would result in less voltage drop. 
It is not possible to add more than 475 kVA of load on a residential street without obviously huge electrical services being run to a house. This type of equipment can’t be hidden. If they put the load directly on the distribution voltage, (i.e. no transformer) it would be even harder to conceal, because the safety clearances for higher voltages are much larger and a primary side meter would be installed. The brown out did not occur because someone in the neighborhood turned on some harassment tech. It is not possible. Something else caused the brown out.
I am not RF specialist. I have worked with RF shielded and HEMP shielded equipment and enclosures, but I am not an expert in those areas. I know enough to know what I don’t know. While not certain and not an expert, I am highly dubious that the phenomena you describe could be caused by RF or even microwave transmissions from external sources. The penetration of things that should block them and precision and mobility of the focus all point to another more likely cause. 

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  AnonElectrical
1 year ago

I don’t remember seeing this comment last night, but remember seeing others above and below.

Last edited 1 year ago by Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Explains it, thanks. I was suspicious of potential interference at someone’s end (AnonElectrical’s yours, or mine) because it was such a well-written post but looked artificially delayed on my end.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Comment I made in response got deleted, lol. It was something like: I was suspicious because such a well-written post was delayed. Could have been something on AnonElectrical’s, your, or my side.

Also replying to Anon below: I’m familiar with WP and am aware of AC’s moderating pattern, but I posted because this comment was a standout. WP comment moderation sucks, to say the least. Getting approval timestamps sound like a good idea. Wish AC had a local assistant/team he could trust so he could outsource things like that.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I used to refresh pages here and there throughout the day to skim for new comments, but I had to adjust my workflow to use an RSS reader to stay on top of comments, especially with all the recent research chatter.

If you refresh the comment RSS feed throughout the day, you can kind of pick up on AC’s moderating/approving patterns. It looks like he tends to start by approving the oldest comments first, but occasionally he will reply to one and then switch to approving the newest comments first (more likely a wordpress backend UX deficiency than a deliberate switch, I’m guessing). He doesn’t always get through the entire queue in a sitting. This means sometimes approved comments will be both older and newer than a “missing” comment until he clears the entire queue.

I did a quick search for a wordpress extension to show the timestamp of when a comment was approved, but nothing showed up in the first page or two of search results.

1 year ago

I don’t recall seeing any discussion/questions about the possibility of the beams involving 5G. Can you see where the nearest 5G tower is in relation to your house? If it is nearby enough to be possibly affected by the brownout, that would be potentially very interesting. And it wouldn’t have to be that the beam is exclusively 5G — maybe they still need an in-house unit and 5G is supportive somehow.

I tried using but the UI is a bit difficult. I didn’t find a way to see ALL towers, I had to filter by provider. There may be more user-friendly sites to find cell tower locations.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That targeted individual site thinks the beaming comes from the cell towers.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Don’t know if anyone noticed the massive 5 g installs on all of your local schools all over this country after closing the schools during the coof scare. Unmarked vans parked behind and arrays going up overnight

1 year ago

Basic breakdown of the spiritual war going on that earth is experiencing.
The Unseen Realm – Michael Hieser

Last edited 1 year ago by robust1
Reply to  robust1
1 year ago

Small world. Watched that last night. Currently reading the book which has more detail. He has gathered info from the biblical scholar world not normally accessible to laypeople and packaged it in an accessible way. He explains how the OT points/hints at 3 supernatural rebellions & how these are referenced in several places in scripture.

1 year ago
Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I have dealt with a similar device to what you have described – for me, it felt like a very intense pressure on my eardrum. I would best describe it like someone was trying to jam a pencil into my ear. Often accompanied by the radio.

I did make sure that it wasn’t an ear infection or anything like that. It was very precise and would usually happen at night.

This was a sensation that went away with the CDF deworming/anti-yeast protocol.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

On your suggestion I’m 3 weeks into the CDF protocol, thank you! I think naming it the cosmic death fungus is a bit dramatic but the cdf white paper is very thorough. The effects of the protocol, nac, oregano oil, and black seed oil, are, if not profound, sublime. Something is happening, and it feels good.

This is the link to the 247 page cdf White Paper:

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I forgot to say, I specifically started the nac protocol because I was getting the high pitch ringing in my ear and you said the protocol made it disappear. 3 weeks in and I’ve gotten the ringing in my ear a few times and it’s barely audible now and goes away within 5 to 10 seconds. It’s definitely dying, thank you again, Stop The C4ckery!

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

I’ve had loud ringing for as much of my adult life as I can remember. I’ve done 3 prolonged fasts so far but, though I have had many health benefits, the ringing was not affected. I’m going to try this protocol. Thanks to both Stop The C4ckery and Bid3n Didn’t Win for the heads up and impetus.

1 year ago

“Reid Hoffman Pulls Out Of Nikki Haley After New Hampshire Pounding”Wait, WHAT??

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

What is Q’s board? 8ch/8kun? Does he have something new now?

1 year ago

These guys were in the middle of a fire. An angel walked with them. They were not harmed. Fire is electrons pinging around chaotically. So, I’d think we can ask God to protect you the way Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were protected.

1 year ago

Curious if you have tried staying at a hotel in another city for a few nights? Do they find you there? Are you able to sleep then?

1 year ago


I’m making a $700 Amazon purchase tonight. Where’s the link I click first so you get your cut? I didn’t see it above

1 year ago

There’s carbon fiber ribbons that do stuff to electrical anything. Like, military purposes other stuff. It’s carbon, and ribbon, so it can be draped from trees or windows or on the ground. Somehow it dampens electricity? I wasn’t paying attention when it was mentioned. Someone was midrant about shorting out electrical plants in dumb wars in the Balkans. Anyone have a clue? Or some type of metal rods to permanently short an energy plant? Cobalt sounds almost right? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

1 year ago

Pardon me if you or someone else has already mentioned this. But do you have wifi, and do you shut it off at night? Wifi waves will give someone with a received a detailed map of your home even better than X-rays would.
And it occurs to me: does anyone else remember the push in the late 2000’s to get “free wifi” installed in every single city because of some supposed “human right” to a wifi connection? Well, I watched them put those transmitters up all over the place, but I have been nowhere that has free municipal universal wifi. Yet another surveillance tactic installed right under our noses, and half of us cheered it, and then all of us forgot it.

1 year ago

Make your own Tesla COIL from the Netherlands:

1 year ago

Trump calls for all ‘willing’ states to deploy National Guard to Texas border and start the deportations

General's Addition
General's Addition
1 year ago

“So the voltage waxes and wanes changing the fan hum …”

The people doing this to you are idiots.

Although they’re well-supplied idiots, they’re still idiots.

If they had any idea how long the lead time is on getting replacement transformers put back into service in their neighbourhood, they’d find another way to do what they’re doing.

And so keep in mind that they’re escalating this like idiots because they are idiots.

That may be a matter of the operatives being commanded by idiots, or it may be that idiot operatives are fucking things up because they know they can’t cease escalation without the thing coming down on them as well.

So that’s one potential key: what could the neighbourhood operatives be so afraid of that they’d be willing to cook their local power infrastructure to the point that they may be weeks to months without power?

What parameters would such a thing have?

And more importantly how much would these Curtain Men stand out if you take away the curtain?

All bets on Dorothy, there’s nobody else to take seriously in Oz.

1 year ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Debunk File – Exploring The Old Internet

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

I listened to Milei’s speech wondering why everybody thought it was such a giant dunk on the WEF, and then I realized that everybody saying that simply has no concept of what the WEF actually IS.

World ECONOMIC Forum is not a bad joke. If you asked Klaus Swab if he was a socialist he would tell you honestly that he is NOT – that’s why he’s introducing Milei. The WEF is a TECHNOCRATIC ORGANIZATION, ie they want corporate dominated market economies policed by governments for the benefit of CENTRAL BANKS. They do not want governments to seize the means of production or attempt to redistribute all the wealth, they want international corporatocracy. They want a sort of neo-feudal serfdom, but it won’t any previous form of socialism.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

RE: The Texas situation and Q’s promise that THERE WILL BE NO CIVIL WAR

“Extensive analysis by anonymous “red team planner” of America’s next Civil War between left and right and how it would play out. (long and detailed)

The United States Government has extensively studied the concept of second American Civil War (along the assumption that it will be left versus right. HMM. I WONDER WHY THEY MIGHT POSSIBLY DO THAT.)

Their conclusion is as follows: They don’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning. The moment civil war is declared, the government loses. No scenario or outcome ends in their success. Period. It’s just a matter of how long it takes.”

I believe this is why Barry ordered the stand-down at the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014. The government agents were ridiculously outnumbered by militia who had the high ground. The feds were going to need air support to survive, and no matter who “won” it would be the spark that kicked off the boogaloo.

1 year ago

Instruction Manual for Community Gang Stalkers—training-manual.html
Directed Energy Weapons are real.

1 year ago

(1) Smart Meters 
The smart meters are readily controlled from a remote location, which allows the government criminals to harass an individual with plausible deniability. This is one of the first steps taken against a new Targeted Individual. The microwave signal is transmitted thru all of the household wiring. If you are exposed to microwaves coming from all directions, the first possible solution – is to switch off some of the circuit breakers at the breaker box. This can make a safe area in your house, i.e, shut off all the breakers that go to a back bedroom.
Weren’t you just talking about shutting off the breakers?

1 year ago

Praying for you, brother!
Isaiah 54: 17
No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.

Red River
Red River
1 year ago

If your burner is newer, it could be that the blower motors are brushless DC (aka electronically commutated motors) and the switching electronics are generating RFI (see slide 13 of this presentation), possibly even coupling into your house wiring to some extent.
If that’s what’s generating the interference, you could potentially compound the effect by buying several of the cheapest brushless DC motors you could find (where the mfg omitted the extra electronics to clean up the signals), put a simple load on them (fan blade, etc.), and run them at different speeds. That would cause the PWM to operate at different frequencies on each and further pollute the ambient spectrum.

1 year ago

If static electricity is involved, maybe a high humidity condition is required to disrupt it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The hammock is providing motion but it is regular and simple motion.
I wonder if you could make the speed vary at random and maybe add more elements of movement like making the entire hammock spin or sit on the edge of a rotating platform.

Hopefully the EM jamming is more effective.