News Briefs – 01/25/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Today I’d like to give the spotlight to Machine Trooper, who we all see here in the comments every day. It turns out he is author Henry Brown, and I had no idea he has written such an extensive line of books, with mostly five star user reviews. He’s a Veteran who has used his experience and knowledge to create realistic paramilitary and action/adventure titles which would make excellent reading for you, or gifts for the young adventurers in your life. His Amazon author page is here, and it turns out he has a pretty decent sized website of his own, with its own bookstore at Virtual Pulp, which should be expanding in teh near future. If you are looking for an author to support, keep in mind we have some great ones right on this site, or our quasi-sister-forum site (hope Farcesensitive doesn’t mind me saying that)

In 2020 Wisconsin had over 265,000 mostly illegitimate ‘indefinitely confined’ votes.

Joe DiGenova and Matt Gaetz say Ray Epps was pretty clearly a “cutout,” who was working for the feds, but purposely his command was routed through a third party to keep him distanced from the government, even though he was following governmental orders. People are getting schooled on intelligence tradecraft. It feels like it is not an accident or chance.

Georgia judge approves special grand jury for Trump election interference probe.

Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren issued a summary judgment decision earlier this month on January 13th banning ballot dropboxes in the state, then the Wisconsin Elections Commission issued memos encouraging their use, contrary to state law, and now a state appeals court stayed Judge Bohren’s restrictions on the use of absentee ballot drop boxes. It was like the WEC knew the stay was coming.

More on degenerate Pre-Epstein-Epstein Hugh Hefner, and him filming sex acts as part of a larger blackmail op, and being caught having sex with a dog. Nothing more in the article you have not already seen, except for this tidbit – he had a real taste for “snuff films.” Where would he get snuff films? who was getting snuffed in them, and who was doing the snuffing? I almost wonder if he was arranging for powerful people to be making them as part of his blackmail duties. Epstein was probably doing similar in the temple on his island.

Six people present at the scene of Ashli Babbitt’s killing are still not arrested by the FBI, as the family seeks identities.

Newt Gingrich says the Jan 6th Committee may face criminal prosecution for abusing its power by targeting innocent Americans. Liz Cheney is enraged at the idea.

Ray Epps’ lawyer is a nine-year veteran of the FBI.

Congressman Jim Jordan blocks Stew Peters’ number, and backs out of show appearance. Peters then goes on the attack against Jordan for not talking more about election fraud and the vaccines. Trump, last we saw, liked Jordan. And Peters is one of those guys who a year ago, nobody had heard of him and all of a sudden he was everywhere, and had links on all the major sites overnight. You never know who anybody is in this business. I vouch for nobody. But would we be manipulated if Cabal had all of their assets go super-anti-vax and anti-voter fraud, and then had them use that to attack non-Cabal politicians? Then again, why isn’t Jordan on the attack more? No idea, but absent other information, I would go with whoever Trump supports, which last we saw was Jordan.

A curious one that is difficult to decipher. A military SpecOps unit bombed a dam in Syria which was on the official no-bomb list, trying to destroy it, one of the bunker busters failed to detonate, so it was clear they did it, but the Cabal media ran cover for the military and covered it up. But now, ten years later, the New York Times is suddenly reporting on it. It is not even clear why the unit wanted to bomb the dam, but it feels like there was some ulterior motives going on all around it. Filed away in the event this is a first leak of something bigger. Russia was in the area, and had the dam ruptured it was supposed to kill thousands downstream. Maybe a backdoor way of targeting some Russians in theater, and making it look like a dam failure? It was posted to the Q board twice, so it may have some significance.

From the comments, evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G. These things become more problematic when you have some sort of shadow dictatorship, running a hidden domestic intelligence operation in the shadows of a society, trying to control who rises and who falls in the nation’s social and governmental structures, without anyone noticing. Having such a weaponized technology, which can be wielded without consequence, to create disorders nobody would ever attribute to them, is dangerous at best.

Shock as thousands on Twitter say they ‘regret’ getting the vaccine, the ‘side-effects are worse than COVID.

BA.2, the newest, even more infectious though equally harmless COVID-19 Omicron subvariant, was found in Washington state, health officials say, though no evidence was presented.

Video – DOD whistleblowers reveal Vax data in military shows a 300% increase in miscarriages, 300% increase in cancers, and a 1000% increase in neurological issues. Written article here.

Large, peer-reviewed research study proves regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality rates.

Australian authorities say draconian vaccine passports could last for “years.”

Actress who had a liver transplant begins to reject the organ after a vax shot. Primitive vaccines used in labs to generate antibodies are actually just dead bacteria in mineral oil. They call it Freund’s adjuvant. It works because the immune system is a lot like a drunken bar-brawler. You mix whatever you want antibodies to, with the Freund’s, and inject it in. The immune system sees the dead bacteria’s immunogenic proteins and lipopolysaccharide molecules, goes in and begins fighting them, notices the thing you injected in with it, and then begins fighting that too, producing antibodies to it, just because it is nearby. If you want an even more powerful response, you bring what you are targeting closer to the immunogenic protein by binding them chemically, also known as conjugation. So it is no surprise, a woman at risk of a sort of autoimmunity to tissues in her body would end up partially immunized against them by a vaccine that produces a big foreign protein, and puts it on the surface of her own cells next to her own proteins, as if they were all foreign themselves. I explain this to show how clear it is, because the people pushing this vax know all of this, beyond any shadow of a doubt, and still they do this, purposely. They should be protecting girls like her, not throwing them to the wolves of fate.

13 million Chinese finally freed after 1-month lockdown in Xi’an as new outbreak detected in Shanghai.

New York’s mask mandate was found unconstitutional.

Eric Clapton claims people who have had the Covid vaccine are victims of ‘mass formation hypnosis.’ One of the things about Bill Clinton which heavily fed my utter contempt for the man when he was in office, was how lying was just innate to his nature. He would give interviews or do debates, and make up statistics on the spot to support his position, and it was completely obvious he was lying on national TV. Shit like, “A new poll just showed 87% of NRA members support bans on assault weapons’ and handguns, and are demanding the NRA do what I want,” or “92% of grassroots Republicans support my budget, and want their leaders in Congress to vote for it.” You knew it was bullshit, but before you could even process the last one he had a new one. What I loved about this article was how the media is now doing the exact same thing in it – “Clapton, 76, claimed people were hypnotised to follow messages against their will – a theory widely discredited by scientists.” Nobody has even proposed a theory of “Mass Formation Hypnosis” in this debate. Clapton just made that term up as a bastardization of the “Mass Formation Psychosis” highlighted by mRNA creator Robert Malone, and it is the first time I have seen anyone even say hypnosis. But the media acts like the accusation is well known, and then acts like scientists have done official science studies, and shown it is completely false. The only thing missing is them reminding you that, you have to [in a hypnotic voice] “trust the science.”

According to WaPo, the Biden Administration is expected to halt distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly because they are ‘ineffective against Omicron.’ They need the high death rate to justify mail-in voting in November. So if you have Delta, you will die, and increase the death rate, maybe allowing them to salvage some semblance of a pandemic. You’d think if the medicine was approved, distribution would be between a doctor and the patient and the manufacturer, but apparently not. This is an organized intelligence operation, trying to control everything, and willing to kill to do it.

Quebec bans unvaccinated from buying groceries at Walmart, Costco.

Big Food is ready to sell you more plant-based meat. I was thinking today. There is something important about vaccines. I attack the surveillance here all the time, and try to expose anything I can find about the conspiracy, but all I get is the vibration beam and a few guys giving me the finger. Brandi Vaughn was probably less known than this site, but she threatened the vaccines, and she ended up dead fast. Even having a child as a single mom wasn’t enough to save her or buy her some mercy. They want, even need the vaccines for some reason. And there is a good case the entire global COVID pandemic was a bad cold blown up to a global crisis just to get people taking the new mRNA vax. But why fake food? Maybe it is easier to add a harmful mRNA vaccine to fake meat, than to a living organism destined to become real meat, since it would sicken or kill the living organism. Suppose the supply chain crisis is like the pandemic, designed to move us over to alternate, more complexly and precisely constructed forms of artificial food, by leaving us no other options when we go to the stores.

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tested positive for COVID-19, which may delay her civil suit against the New York Times that was scheduled to go to trial Monday, one of her attorneys said. Could be coincidence. But you wonder if Cabal could get one of their assets who has COVID into a position to cough on her hotel food or something, just to delay this thing.

Now it comes out Boris Johnson had a surprise birthday party during first lockdown with wife Carrie inviting up to 30 people to Cabinet Room bash – despite rules banning indoor social gatherings.

Indictment names six in scheme to provide high-powered firearms and huge quantities of ammunition to Mexican drug cartel. Among the items was .50Cal armor piercing incendiary rounds, and kits to make 7.62 belt-fed GE miniguns capable of 6000 round per minute cyclic rates. I didn’t even know there were such kits. You can tell the Cartels are Cabal-linked, because if they were not, they would not be able to stand up like this against the government in Mexico. I’d assume the Cabal-controlled politicians in Mexico are preventing the Police and military from going after these guys like they could. Let the Cartels end up on Cabal’s bad side, and the government would suddenly be unleashed, and there would be no place the Cartel members could hide.

Biden is withholding details of ‘secret agreement’ Russians proposed to Iran on nuclear weapons.

Chuck Schumer receives campaign donations from Russian pipeline-linked affiliates.

California mom takes legal action against school district ‘after two teachers secretly manipulated her daughter, 11, into believing she was a transgender boy and gave tips on how to bind her breasts.’ It is tough in this environment to tell what is nuttier – a couple of rando teachers deciding to tag team someone else’s innocent child to turn them trans despite the obvious risks, or the idea a domestic intel operation decided some kid needed to be taken off the game board, and sent two assets to do it.

Twitter locks out congressional candidate for tweeting, “We will never give up our [guns]. Gun laws are infringements of our god given rights. WA state is back at it, a week ago we caught the board of health discussing forced quarantine, now the legislature going after our 2A. No 2A + forced quarantine = Australia.”

Meta (aka Facebook) unleashes “next-gen AI supercomputer” that will “identify harmful content” and more.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) announced Wednesday she will be asking National Guard members and state employees to become certified to fill in as substitute teachers as teacher staffing shortages continue to skyrocket.

Haiti’s spiraling insecurity and growing concerns about its ability to hold general elections following the killing of President Jovenel Moïse prompted two dozen international senior officials to meet Friday and agree to increase aid. Which will end up in the pockets of the kids of Pelosi, Biden, Romney, and Kerry.

Haiti’s investigative judge overseeing the inquiry into President Jovenel Moïse’s assassination is being removed from the case after failing to meet a legal deadline on bringing formal charges, signaling a significant delay in the prosecution of dozens of suspects being held but not formally charged.

“Patriot Front” founder is a 23-year-old who walked in the Tiki Torch march in Charlottesville.

4Chan launches Operation Empty Shelves. Go to a grocery store and buy the entire stock of just one critical item, like toilet paper or pasta, so you create an empty shelf everyone else will notice, and cause a panicked buy spree from everyone else. I can’t tell anymore if these are people with genuine senses of humor having fun, or if it is the real scriptwriters using FBI honeypot 4Chan, trying to trick our side into creating the shortages their side appears to need but America is too resilient to produce.

Crypto market loses $130 billion in one day amid Ukraine tensions. Curious because you would assume Ukrainian Oligarchs would be funneling assets into crypto in preparation for fleeing the the West. Perhaps it is clear behind the scenes Putin will not invade.

China has built the equivalent of 27 empty New York Cities that sit uninhabited.

Boris Johnson says,  “The intelligence is very clear that there are 60 Russian battle groups on the borders of Ukraine, the plan for a lightning war that could take out Kyiv is one that everybody can see.”

Pentagon says 8,500 US troops are on “heightened alert” for possible deployment in case NATO activates rapid-response force over Russia-Ukraine tensions.

Russian delegation declares start of ‘countdown’ in wait for adoption of Russian proposals.

Netanyahu rejects plea deal with clause that would ban him from politics.

For some reason Iran is cutting gas flows to Turkey, causing power outages. Turkey has a currency crash ongoing, so maybe Iran isn’t getting paid?

First, it was the soyboys with plywood AK’s playing Pew-Pew, and now another reason our Russia-Bros got too cocky:

Normal nations like China, or North Korea, or Iran will organize parades with tens of thousands of perfectly synchronized troops marching in lockstep, and missiles, and tanks, and signs of real strength. But Ukraine can’t mass those things in the open because Russia might take them out with a missile, so they have a couple of normies run out from cover and pose with plywood guns for a minute, or they round up a bunch of women and have them stand in formation. This was the absolute best they could do. Meanwhile the women didn’t last a minute before they had to get back to tweeting:

Jeff Bezos has invested $ 3 billion in the search for immortality. It will be simpler than this. I would not even be surprised if such stem cells end up turning cancerous here and there. It puzzles me so many pursue this, but in such weird, round-about ways. I do not know if they just all lack vision, understanding of the mechanisms, and the ability to simplify, or if maybe somebody has already solved this, and these things are to convince the plebes it hasn’t been done yet because people are still trying to do it.

Researchers develop a new language for quantum computing that takes into account and preserves entangled data to prevent it from being discarded. If there is a developmental ceiling over our societies we are not allowed to crash through, we must be getting close to it.

The Washington State Attorney General is filing a lawsuit Monday against Google, claiming it secretly tracks consumer locations.

TSA backtracks on allowing illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants as ID to fly.

CIA ‘black site’ where terror suspects were tortured in Lithuania goes up for sale as US dismantles its war on terror apparatus. If 9/11 and the War On Terror was Cabal’s apogee, then what is being dismantled is Cabal’s mechanisms of control it amassed during that period, and the WOT kabuki theater it used to keep the populace distracted.

British High Court grants Julian Assange permission to appeal extradition to the US.

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases which might herald the end of Affirmative Action.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

Endorsement of Jonathan Lindsey

Jonathan Lindsey, who is running for State Senator in Michigan, was born and raised in the 17th District. He is a Yale graduate and the son-in-law of the Great Art Laffer, President Ronald Reagan’s Chief Economist. As a Special Forces Veteran, Jonathan totally supports our Military, Veterans, and Law Enforcement. He is tough on Election Integrity, Crime, Pro-Life, and will always protect our Second Amendment. We need a warrior like Jonathan Lindsey to uphold our America First agenda. Jonathan has my Complete and Total Endorsement!



When is he leaving?


Great being in Iowa. The crowd was fantastic, and the enthusiasm was at a level that the Fake News would never believe or report!


Some RINO Republicans in Wisconsin are working hand in hand with others to have drop boxes again placed in Wisconsin. These fools are playing right into the Democrats’ hand. Drop boxes are only good for Democrats and cheating, not good for Republicans.


What’s happening with Russia and Ukraine would never have happened under the Trump Administration. Not even a possibility!


Really big crowd expected in Texas this weekend. The rallies are bigger than ever before—so much to talk about!


Coming Soon: The History Tour: President Donald J. Trump with Bill O’Reilly


President Donald J. Trump & Bill O’Reilly’s History Tour is coming in mid-December to Sunrise, Fla., Orlando, Fla., Houston, and Dallas. This once in a lifetime show will be unprecedented and feature questions the 45th President of the United States has perhaps never been asked before.

“Bill O’Reilly and I look forward to seeing you during this limited engagement tour,” said President Trump. “It will hopefully be historic and a lot of fun.”

Over 30,000 tickets have been sold so far! All VIP Packages in all cities are SOLD OUT.

Tickets make great Christmas gifts and you can get yours at or See you there!

Saturday, December 11, 2021, at 3:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and Bill O’Reilly


FLA Live Arena

1 Panther Pkwy,

Sunrise, FL 33323

Tickets HERE

Sunday, December 12, 2021, at 3:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and Bill O’Reilly


Amway Center

400 W Church St

Orlando, FL 32801


Saturday, December 18, 2021, at 3:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and Bill O’Reilly


Toyota Center

1510 Polk St

Houston, TX 77002

Tickets HERE

Sunday, December 19, 2021, at 3:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and Bill O’Reilly


American Airlines Center

2500 Victory Avenue

Dallas, TX 75219

Tickets HERE

Spread r/K Theory, because if America loses its conservatives, Cabal loses America.

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3 years ago

> It is not even clear why the unit wanted to bomb the dam

US “special forces” units generally imitated the British Commandos of WWII as far as training and operations. Much of what the Commandos did was “off the books”. Someone would mention it would be nice if some particular enemy was inconvenienced, word would be passed down, and then it would often happen. There was plausible deniability in every step. Most of the time, the Commandos had no idea what the purpose of their mission was, beyond “kill people and blow stuff up.”

Though the modern American military has been described as “more of a heavily armed bureaucracy than anything else”, I suspect a lot of special ops still get run that way. No politician or Pentagon general (pretty much the same thing) wants to be disadvantaged by being associated with a failed op or bad PR.

Politicians collect power. Covert, deniable military operations are pretty much mainlining crack for that type of mentality. Consider how many Federal agencies have their own SWAT teams: the Department of Education, National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, even Amtrak. (which is, technically, a private company that’s owned by the Fed)

3 years ago

>They need the high death rate to justify mail-in voting

No problemo. Co-locate the polls with Antifa or BLM riots, high society functions, ball games, or expensive restaurants, which have all been declared COVID-free zones. The $cience has spoken!

3 years ago

> But why fake food? Maybe it is easier to add a harmful mRNA vaccine to fake meat,

You’ve already reported on proposals to gene-splice the Vaxx onto food plants. I think they were talking about doing lettuce first, but if they splice it into soy, they already put that in almost everything. Look at the ingredients section on the labels on your food packages.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This is probably going to come off as crazy ramblings, but I link it all the way back to the “Nephilim” as a plot to modify man made in the image of God.I don’t have a fully formed thought on this, but Cabal/Satanists seem to be obsessed with changing man into some other kind of image. Perhaps they think they can defeat God by making His creation irredeemable. Unfortunately, they didn’t conveniently document this in an easily accessible place or format.

Next up, transhumanism, where they plan to enslave our consciousnesses/souls in their Satanic AI. The implications of this are terrifying. Many people believe in some kind of afterlife, whether Heaven, Hell, reincarnation, or just oblivion. The thought of being deprived of that and spiritually enslaved in this reality is not pleasant.

If this sounds nuts, you’re probably right. It’s just some thoughts I’ve given to the subjects.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

With regard to Jeff Bezos seeking immortality, the Devil’s line from the garden came to me: “Ye shall be as gods.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I still think it’s the first part of a binary weapon. What the eventual payload would be… there’s always the “reduce the population” nutters to consider. Or it could be something like Huxley’s Soma, to make people compliant. Or like I suggested a while back, something severe, that can only be countered with a limited-time antidote, to compel obedience.

3 years ago

> New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) announced Wednesday she will be asking National Guard members and state employees to become certified to fill in as substitute teachers as teacher staffing shortages continue to skyrocket.

They’d probably be just as good, if not better, than the usual unionized commies with degrees in Education. For that matter, so would any group of randos off Skid Row.

They keep calling it “education”, but it’s just “free” daycare with propaganda and make-work.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“China has built the equivalent of 27 empty New York Cities that sit uninhabited.”

A whacked theory. A few years ago I would have said anyone saying this is completely out of their minds, but…things change.

It’s not totally controversial that the Jews planned to move in mass to China. They wrote position papers and studies on it.

Why would the Chinese overbuild to such an extent? Could it be the Jews planned to crater the US, virus and vax it to death, reset it then, move to China? But unfortunately for the Jews the Chinese went and looked at the long term performance of the Jews and said,”NO”. Oops.

Could this then be why the Jews appear circumstantially to be attacking the Chinese with all sorts of viruses??? It’s not just humans, they had massive attacks on swine and chickens (remember the chicken part).

It’s damnable suspicious that the Harvard Jew sets up their research center and their research and then all of a sudden the same sort of virus breaks out in the same city. Now we could be sure it was Chinese stupidity “except” the same thing breaks out in Italy, Iran, (killing their leadership no less), and elsewhere at the same time. While Israeli vaccine researchers go online and publically tell everyone they will have a vax in 6 weeks because, surprise, surprise, they just happen to be working on the same exact virus in chickens. Then even more damning, chicken Vax Jew disappears from sight, and we hear not even the slightest peep from him ever again.

Now on the attempt to crater the Chinese economy by saying their debt is so large nothing can be done about it. This is not true and I can prove it.

Debt is a serious problem, for us. Because our debt, in fact our whole money system, is set up so every single penny we have is created in debt to the FED. And for the FED telling us that we can print money or loans the FED gives us…nothing. Not one damn thing. Yet we pay them interest.

The Chinese and the Japanese, not being fools and knaves, own their own central banks. The Jews have nothing to do with it. When their central bank lends money to their banks they create it from nothing just like our FED but they don’t owe anyone anything.

Let’s look at the big picture of this. In this case let’s use these apartments for example. The Chinese central bank gives loans to banks who in turn finance the building of these apartments. Now let’s say they can not pay off the loans but since the money was created out of thin air in the first place the Chinese central bank can just as easily write off the debt as if it never happened.

The upshot of this is that the money spent building the apartments could cause inflation by heating up the economy but since the money is spent then all the damage that can be done, big picture, has been done. If the loans are erased with maybe a few bankers put out of business then there is no other long term big problem except some cash flow problems for the bankers. But if the banks operated with the blessing of the central bank then they will not have to pay back the loans. They got the fees to make the loans plus a few interest payments so they are in the black in actual reality if the loans are forgiven.

It may even be that the Chinese got up front money from the Jews which they stole from us, so the Chinese are not out anything.

Japan has been doing exactly this sort of loan forgiveness. They had 200% or better GNP bank loans they gave to their big industrial builders and manufacturers to boost the economy. From time to time they would just conveniently zero out the loans to the banks that made them. They kept the debt levels high and complained about them in the press to keep the US from stopping their monopolist trade destroying practices. Poor Japanese with their debt difficulties which in fact, they do not have because they don’t let the Jews screw them.

Off topic

I know some people look at this sort of thing. I was looking around and ran across a picture of B.F. Skinner. Look at that head.

comment image

best side I could find

comment image

Young, look how tall. Andrew Jackson had a head like that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Those extra cities would also be handy if China wanted to prepare for a mass domestic disaster, for example, a Three Gorges Dam collapse.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Except the ghost cities are uninhabitable disasters waiting to happen.

They are falling apart already because they are built to ChiCom quality standards.
All they are is a massive waste of resources and man hours.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Right…that was the scam they pulled on the Jews. The Jews then discovered that the ghost cities were uninhabitable, realized they were head and began plotting against Xi.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Relocation from cities after a nuclear exchange.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

But how would you move people to these Ghost cities?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  map
3 years ago

I’m sure they have ways. Attacks on the populated cities, outbreaks, or simply at the point of guns.

I’ve been watching the show “Colony” lately. It deals with the aftermath of an alien invasion. They put up walls around cities and turn them into “colonies” and “blocks”. The first two seasons are in the Los Angelos Block and the last season takes place in the Seattle block.

When the resistance in a city gets to be too much or there are problems, they simply rendition the entire population to a weapons factory on the moon and repopulate the city with people from elsewhere. And of course, all this requires human collaborators to work, but they’re easy to find. Promise extra rations and privileges, and most will sign up.

I’m not sure why I’m watching dystopian shows lately. We’ve been living in a dystopia for quite a while.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Colony was a good show. It had some interesting ways of managing compliance. For example, if a VIP is killed in a neighborhood, then the entire neighborhood would be executed. Also, the aliens took pains to gather Special Forces soldiers together and then have them killed.

My point is you would not be able to move people to a ghost city after something like the Three Gorges Dam bursts. Or move people in the event of a nuclear war.

It’s unclear if the GC’s were built for that purpose.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

“My point is you would not be able to move people”

Sure you can. In airplanes at 250 people at a time and 100 planes in 80 trips you can move 2 million people. So two trips a day in 40 days. China has a huge train network. They could move a vast amount of people in no time.

I was told once that we had all these rapeugess and illegal aliens here and so there was no way to get rid of them. Here’s what they said and my treply.

“…But it’s all over now so you’re feeling blue–but it’s much too late…”

No it’s not. I hear that,”We can’t do anything about the illegal aliens here or the rapeugees or any of the immigrants that have moved here since 1965 but are public charges and are just fucking the country”, so I decided to do a little math.

Let’s say we decided to deport all the of the above named.

Let’s call it 100,000,000 aliens or public charges or rapeugees or whatever we want to get rid of.

wikipedia,”…747 carries, With a typical three-class configuration, the Boeing 747-400 can hold 416 passengers. With a typical two-class configuration, it can hold 524…”

Let’s call it 500.
1,554, 747’s built
So we only use 1000 keeping in mind there’s a shit load of other planes we could also ship people out on.

cargo area of a 747
Cargo 3,900 cu ft (110 m3)
500 passengers\3,900 cu ft = 0.1282 passengers\cu ft

131 C-5 Galaxies
We use 100 planes.

I used the cargo area of a 747 to get passenger capacity if we built some sort of cheap plywood seating to cram people in the same capacity as a 747 in the C-5 cargo bay. C-5 cargo compartment was 17.2 ft (5.24 m) wide by 13.5 feet (4.11 m) high and 100 ft (30.5 m) long with front and rear access doors.
17.2 x 13.5 x 100 = 23,220 cu ft
23,220 cu ft x 0.1282 passengers\cu ft = 2,977 passengers

747, 500 passengers x 1000 planes = 500,000 passengers at one time.
C5, 2,977 passengers x 100 planes = 297,700 passengers at one time.

747(500,000) + C5(297,700) = 797,700 alien passengers at one time.

100,000,000 aliens/ 797,700 passengers at one time = 125 trips to get rid of aliens.

Say we have two days per trip for each plane then in less than a year we could ship out every single alien, rapeugee or public charge. Copy this and save it somewhere and next time someone says we can’t deport these people tell them we can. Cut and paste this in the reply and see what they say. Knowing something is possible is the first step and now we know it is.

Of course someone will say we can’t afford it but, I have that covered also.

Ok I looked it up and I figured 100 million aliens deported at $2000 a piece, could probably be less, would cost us $200 billion and could be done in less than one year. It would be a godsend to the US airlines and I bet they would give us much cheaper rates as they could pack them in and be assured of full planes lowering cost to the very least. I see links that say this $200 billion is exactly what the total cost of illegal immigration alone cost us every year. It’s much more because this is only the money put out in taxes. The cost in wage losses for Americans is high as hell. Even if you dispute this number we have solid numbers for public schools cost, $59.8 billion to educate the children of illegal immigrants so the whole thing would be paid for in 4 years. Also I’m figuring the very worst at 100 million deported. Assuming we attempt to get these cost from the aliens and deportees by confiscation many of them, maybe most, would self deport and not cost us anything.

It confounds me why everyone believes that all the problems we have are completely unsolvable and when I look at what we are spending on a lot of these with no direction and no result it seems I always find if we use a clear direction and cost it out it’s always cheaper to meet the problem head on with a single minded direction and scope.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Sam J,

I don’t doubt your numbers that we could, within a short time, remove all illegal aliens. Heck, we can pack them like logs into C-130’s and dump them over the ocean for all I care.

My point with the ghost cities is that, if something like the Three Gorges Dam breaks, there won’t be any infrastructure with which to move all of these people to a Ghost City. Same thing with a nuclear attack. A combination virus lockdown in Wuhan with the dam breaking won’t leave any time for evacuation.

Otherwise, you are right. Getting rid of invaders is quite doable.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Good stuff. And you are right about Japan. And, as I think it was you who pointed out recently, they got Fukusima’d for it. They are now impossibly pissed over the vaxxx now as well.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

I admit it seems far-fetched but I can’t find any holes in Jim Stones argument that the Jews made the tsunami and nuked their reactors. Maybe he has data that is fake or untrue and I haven’t exhaustly looked at it but with a light look I can’t find no error in his logic. How can a reactor with no fuel in it and the top off of the reactor blow up??? I don’t think that is possible. Even Wikipedia says the reactor was being refueled and that they could not explain it. The “public” explanation is that hydrogen gas went from one reactor to the one being refueled and blew it up but as Stone points out they have vents for the gas added after three mile island had hydrogen gas build up. It’s just not possible.

Even I have problems believing the Jews would do something so dangerous but it is not out of the question. Read Jim Stones article on Fukushima SABOTAGE and see for yourself.

If, as it appears on the face of things, they have started a viral war with China(and the world), nuked Japan, totally ruined our country and stolen our elections. It’s breathtaking. I think they depend on the idea that no one thinks anyone is that stupid.

This is why I keep babbling like a fool about people being prepared for a serious, major total pandemic outbreak. They are just too far into this to quit and it’s extremely likely they are psychopaths.

Psychopaths have very little in the way of danger recognition and don’t understand normal human berserker rage. Where you have had enough and will not stop until the threat is entirely vanquished. Only when someone hits them upside the head do they go…ooopps maybe I went too far.

Doesn’t it say in Revelations that the Jews will be culled down to 20,000 or so??? They seem to be bound and determined to make that happen.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Revelation 7 talks about the sealing of 12,000 from each tribe, for a total of 144,000. They reappear in Rev 14.

What most people think of as “Jews” are not even close. They are descendants of the aristocracy of Khazaria. They have no connection to Abraham or Palestine. Supposedly, their king (called a “Kagan”) declared them all Jews, I think in the 9th century. Eventually, Russia conquered them (they were assholes), and they dispersed into Russia and Europe. They identify as “Jews”, but are not Torah observant in any way, shape, or form. Many claim to be Atheists, but their “religion” varies from Talmudic to Sabatean-Frankism.

It’s not easy to run down the details, since most people tend to combine all Jews under one label with no distinction. The best sources I can think of are “The Invention of the Jewish People” by Schlomo Sands, and David Icke’s books “Tales From The Time Loop” and “Perceptions of a Renegade Mind”. Icke, of all people, does the best job explaining it.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

Arthur Koestler’s book the 13th Tribe is prob the best. He suicided after publication btw.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The Japs do not have accidents at nuke plants. It’s a facially absurd theory and I knew it was sabotage after about 2 articles. Jewish is an ideological term with some small genetic component due to periodic bottlenecks but the default trend is massive exogamy. Cabal gave the order and is over anyone susceptible to accepting Jewish as a meaningful self-description.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

About the coming real plague. Just before Christmas, prophet Robin Bullock was talking about the covid narrative collapsing rapidly (which is right on schedule) and cabal releasing something that is quite deadly. Last August, prophetess Amanda Grace said it would be something released in the air, probably in buildings. So, a week after Robin Bullock prophecies this, Jim Stone mentions the cities being shut down and welded shut in China, mention of hemorrhagic swine fever. Hmmm…. might be connected. So, China prevented the outbreak of the really deadly thing. Now Jim Stone reports about a truck load of monkeys escaping, and how it matches an outbreak movie plot. Hmmm. It is likely Cabal is still trying to release this deadly plague (not covid) that they have as a backup plan. All prayer warriors and intercessors needed on this.

A few days ago in the prophetic, it was mentioned that technology will regress to a time before oil and electricity. No time given. This fits with a hundred year old prophecy and gives more specific detail. It isn’t a bad thing. The hundred year old prophecy didn’t give the technical details, just that technology would regress. But it did give the time: after WWIII. Until then, we will have lots of wonderful technology. I believe we have at least 10 years until WWIII, but it is possible we have another 100 years, if Kat Kerr is right about flying cars and other wonders of technology in our future.

Also, the prophets have been repeating the phrase “harvest of souls” as something approaching rapidly. They interpret it as a great religious revival of the church, but the prophecies about WWIII do end with three days of darkness that involves a great harvest of souls, and it isn’t a pleasant one. No, it isn’t pleasant at all. So who knows how that will play out.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The problem is that all that debt represents a massive distortion of their economy.
If they just wipe it out the violent adjustment of the system to the new conditions will tear it apart.
They also do not owe all that money to their own banks, they owe much of it to foreign investors, you will say they can just stiff them and that is true as far as it goes butt it will put an end to any foreign investment which they have stupidly come to rely upon.
They also owe much of it to natives who will have their lives wiped out and become very unruly if they are not repaid.
If they just print new money to pay off the foreign and native investors the sudden inflation will kill their economy as well.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Hence, the turn inward toward a neo-Maoist approach.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Which will work about as well as paleo-Maoism.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I don’t necessarily disagree with you but your not taking into account factors.

“…The problem is that all that debt represents a massive distortion of their economy…”

They watch this down to the second. They know exactly how much money is in the system.

“…If they just wipe it out the violent adjustment of the system to the new conditions will tear it apart…”

No not true because the money that was borrowed was used to build things or finance production equipment. The main POINT is the money is already spent. It’s already in the economy. Wiping out the loans at the central bank level does not increase or reduce the amount of money in the system. China has had a great deal of inflation. Japan has not.

I think Japan has not been able to productively push enough cash into Japan to inflate anything. People say Japan is done and they are in horrible shape but if you look at their population it’s totally cratering so they HAVE to have a smaller GNP and less growth. In fact if you consider just the working population they’ve had quite good growth. It’s just hidden. They aren’t idiots like us. They keep their profitable monopolistic behavior to themselves.

“…They also do not owe all that money to their own banks, they owe much of it to foreign investors, you will say they can just stiff them and that is true as far as it goes butt it will put an end to any foreign investment which they have stupidly come to rely upon…”

Notice when a lot of the Asians countries got their asses handed to them by George Soros manipulating their currency, China did not. Nor Japan. Why? They structured their loans in such a way that the investors could not just demand all their cash and run off with it. Very smart. I bet the Jews hate them.

“…They also owe much of it to natives who will have their lives wiped out and become very unruly if they are not repaid…”

Japan has public savings accounts in their post offices. They pay very low rates of interest. It would be simple for the Bank of Japan to pay them all off in cash. Japans whole economy is structured to KEEP EVERYONE EMPLOYED.

“…If they just print new money to pay off the foreign and native investors the sudden inflation will kill their economy as well….”

They have structured investments where it’s harder to just run off with the cash. They have currency restrictions also. Anyone who tries to bail out will get their asses handed to them. To take money out you have to convert Chinese renminbi. You try to do so and the Chinese bank says,”ERRRRR (loud annoying buzzer sound) we’re sorry you can only take out so much at a time”, and all the while your investments are evaporating.

They have played the Jews game better than the Jews and the Jews greed made them take the deals that they should not have. The Jews have genetically been all raised in nice European trusting environments mostly. The Chinese are not, and they have taken them for a Missouri boat ride(see if you get that reference).

“There is no such thing as a free lunch.”

True but you can “fool some of the people, some of the time”. As long as they watch the amount of currency and prices diligently, and they do, then you can ride the edge of currency expansion to get maximum growth from production equipment expansion through debt. This was exactly what the Japanese did to us and they are copying them.

Now Trump scared the hell out of them. The reason is if we told them that could take their trade and stick it where the Sun don’t shine…they would be in trouble. They need materials, oil, energy and it has to be paid for in cash. But as long as the chumps are in charge then they can run all over us. Pump up their production with loans and sell all this stuff to us while our worthless Harvard trained executives lose all production in the US.

I don’t disagree that everything you said was correct except they are not running the same sort of system as we are so the rules are different.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

“Notice when a lot of the Asians countries got their asses handed to them by George Soros manipulating their currency, China did not. Nor Japan. Why? They structured their loans in such a way that the investors could not just demand all their cash and run off with it. Very smart. I bet the Jews hate them.”

Just a minor correction here. The Asian countries had pegged their currencies to the US dollar in the mid-90’s, because Greenspan had created a quasi gold standard where the dollar price of gold fluctuated within 50-100 points. After the election in ’95, Greenspan started removing liquidity from the US economy, causing gold to be exchanged for dollars and dollars increasing in value. To maintain the peg, Asian countries had to reduce liquidity in their own economies to prop up the currency and match the dollar peg. When they couldn’t, their currencies collapsed.

China, however, maintained the dollar-peg no matter what. They never broke the dollar-peg.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Jude Wanniski has a book called “The Way the World Works” where he describes the Japanese economy as uniquely structured.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J is on point about banking.

Banks do not make loans from deposits. Banks make loans from the money they create out of thin air. They create money at the point of debt and the interest they earn is payment for the utility function of generating liquidity. This is a power given to them by the Federal Reserve, since the Fed does not want to do commercial banking and start evaluating loan applications. As long as liquidity matches the level of economic activity, the money supply is stable and the currency’s value is stabilized.

Notice that banks cannot create cash. This is why they do not go hog wild generating loans, because if the loaned funds get converted to cash, then that implies a run on the banks generated by too many bad loans. The Fed would then investigate the bank.

So we have interest-bearing debt created by the banking system, and we have non-interest bearing debt created by sovereign currency. If you don’t trust banks, then you go to cash, and if you don’t trust cash you go to gold.

Yes, debt can be forgiven at any time without any real consequence to the banks other than loss of cash flow, which can just be generated by new loans. But banking is controlled by the YKW’s so the system is designed to enslave you by keeping you paying interest so you are basically collateral for the money power. It is really a system of control, which is why you’ve seen the FIRE economy expand to consume so much of GDP instead of real wealth-creating activities.

The Chines and Japanese have made sure that their banks are controlled only by their people.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Actress who had a liver transplant begins to reject the organ after a vax shot.”

The reason she needed the liver transplant is because she took too many diet pills. Then on top of that she takes the clot shot twice.

I don’t know, how about stop putting untested drugs in your body?

She was a psychologist before becoming an actress btw. She’s smart you see.

3 years ago

> Haiti’s investigative judge overseeing the inquiry into President Jovenel Moïse’s assassination is being removed from the case after failing to meet a legal deadline on bringing formal charges,

That sounds like the French legal system, which would be reasonable since Haiti was a French colony. In the English system, the judge is aloof from the proceedings and rules on the information presented to him. In the French system, a judge is more like what the English would call the prosecutor, and yes, that means the accuser is favored over the defendant. In other cases, a French judge would function as what Americans would call a “special counsel” running an investigation. (think of the John Durham trying to drum up a case against Trump)

A lot of other stuff works differently in the French justice system, but it has been so long that I’ve forgotten most of the details. Bottom line, best to avoid French courts if at all possible, particularly as a defendant.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I take it you mean Mueller rather than Durham?

3 years ago

> China has built the equivalent of 27 empty New York Cities that sit uninhabited.

There are pictures and some videos that float around showing how they’ve deteriorated severely due to poor construction, lack of maintenance, and vandalism.

You can’t just arbitrarily designate a location, build a city, and make it work. Those Chinese cities were never populated; we may never know why the Central Committee didn’t complete the plan. The Soviet Union built cities all over Russia and Siberia, set them up to exploit natural resources or
do manufacturing, and after the USSR fell, entire populations left. There are many web sites covering Russian ghost towns. And they didn’t just drift away over months and years; hundreds of thousands of people left *right now*, often abandoning their possessions in the scramble to grab any available transportation rather than be stranded there. Why did they want to leave so badly? Even Russians writing on the subject don’t seem to know.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

On the Russian front, if you were stranded in Siberia being forced to work for the commies and someone said “government’s done, last train leaves at 5:00” I bet you’d be a little bit frantic in the packing department too. That makes sense.

What doesn’t make sense is building the cities first and THEN trying to force people into them. You would assume they’d want to develop the cities over time as the capacity and productivity increased via the occupants. As AC said previously in the comments here, something had to have changed in someone’s plan.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Nobody built cities in Siberia. You were sent there to die.

3 years ago

Hey AC. As always, thanks for this site and all your work. Thanks for the link to Henry Brown. And while we’re talking about him and his site, here this. Thought this was a nice summary of the Globalists’ evil plan.

3 years ago

> Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tested positive for COVID-19, which may delay her civil suit against the New York Times that was scheduled to go to trial Monday, one of her attorneys said.

In the event of injury or illness, most courts will accept video instead of physical presence. For that matter, since the Coof, some courts have been entirely video, with nobody in the courtroom at all.

If there’s a problem with Palin’s case, it would be because the judge made it a problem. And the most he could do would be to delay the case until Palin’s doctor said she could attend in person; courts deal with sick people all the time, it’s not like there aren’t procedures going back to the beginnings of the British Common Law in the 900 years ago.

3 years ago
Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

Interesting article.

But it comes to the wrong conclusion.

The solution is “colonial” tough on crime policies.
Lock up/execute as many as you can and either you will civilize the remaining population or drive them out of your territory.

3 years ago

> Jeff Bezos has invested $ 3 billion in the search for immortality.

If I had his money, I’d be investing a hell of a lot more than that.

It’s interesting how “modern medicine” and medical research has such a pronounced lack of interest in life prolongation. Geriatric medicine is a big field and quite profitable, but it’s all about dealing with symptoms, not causes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

There are people who say they have solved this problem. Their solutions come from adding certain blood factors to the blood that are lost in older people and are present younger people. Supposedly this is not from blood transfusions and the added factors are not expensive. After they said so I have not heard much else from them. I wonder if they were forced to give up the details, then killed?

3 years ago
Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

Precedent is set by the Healthcare worker mandate. If you’re a commercial entity, you have no rights under the false controlled system. It started with social security and birth certificates, and goes back at least as far as the civil war or more. Every person is a subject from birth without their knowledge, and you have to opt out by their insane logic.

You have to assert your status as a living man or woman, a human, not a legal entity set in trust by a birth certificate or social security commercial ID number. Crrow777 does a lot on these legal topics and how you can legit free yourself from a lot of fake problems by having the appropriate legal knowledge.

Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

That’s how serfdom started.

3 years ago

I swore off the Lin Wood vs Mike Flynn thing long ago but it keeps crossing my path.

Peters and Wood are forcing the homosexual issue and getting ready to force the JQ issue. Going right for the central internal contradictions within the MAGA coalition.

Flynn was a Woolsey guy. So he was either a FBI asset from way back contra-Clinton or he is a Clinton asset now.

I write all of them off as bad actors at this point.

3 years ago

I’ve heard ‘Mass Formation Hypnosis’ bandied about here and there over the past few weeks, probably picked up from people, like Scott Adams, who were talking about Mass Formation Psychosis and compare it to Hypnosis ( … #1618 at 15:00 or so is one example). I’ve heard it elsewhere, not distinguishingly memorable, and probably another offshhot of people like Adams using the terms in close proximity to one another.

Reply to  Cato
3 years ago

You can’t get the psychosis without the hypnosis; something has to trigger people into acting insane. It seems like the newer hypnosis word is a logical development of the terminology surrounding the situation as we understand it more.

3 years ago

Who benefits?

1) Australia and New Zealand are highly vaccinated. What is the real purpose?
2) We are seeing evidence of vaccine enhanced injury in the vaccinated.
3) Was Omicron manufactured to be a long term kill shot in the vaccinated?
4) What country has many immigrants to Australia?
5) What country benefits from acquiring Australia with regards to population expansion, resource acquisition and strategic military considerations?


Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

I wonder if aus/nz are more targeted by vax hot shots and thus more targeted in general

It makes sense if yes

i did seem to notice it seemed a disproportionate # of vax sides come from aus/nz

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Interesting. I was assuming the opposite about hot shots.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
3 years ago

RE: shock as thousands on Twitter say they regret getting the vaccine

I recently heard someone say “there will be a Great Awakening but it will be preceded by a Rude Awakening”

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
3 years ago

AC, I am watching Former CIA Agent Kevin Shipp’s youtubes. He doesn’t use quite your exact phrasings, but it is clearer than noontime he is talking about the very same.

3 years ago

Torba has decided to team up with AF
Feels bad, man

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

It’s baffling. Nick Fuentes and his crew show up on Gab, insult literally everyone, demand all the based women there like me get banned, and fill threads with middle school (at best) level s-posting. People got busy, found and posted lots of degeneracy associated with the “Groypers”. Crossdressing, calls for all women to be raped, bashing any pro-white sentiments, sick videos with NF himself, and on and on.

But then Torba announces he’s supporting their big AFPAC shindig, presumably with the dollars he gets from the Gab Pro users that the AF slobs just got done crapping on. And he says (about people who are criticizing him) that he will remember that. WTF? And now the AF types are swaggering around saying the rest of us will be silenced and pushed off the platform.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

I admit I don’t follow Fuentes and have had to look up “groyper” a few times before I could long-term remember what it meant. But having said that, this confuses me.

Back when I heard people name-dropping Nick Fuentes and got curious, I looked him up and watched some of his videos. Once I saw what he was about, I moved on. But my impression of him is unchanged: a garden-variety alt-retard snarky millennial with the dime-a-dozen “racist and proud of it!!!” schtick.

But he is bashing pro-white sentiments???? Does not compute. That’s all he is. Strip away pro-white sentiments, and there’s no Nick Fuentes left, from what I saw.

The crossdressing and degeneracy doesn’t surprise me. Wasn’t Richard Spencer or one of those other white nationalist pied pipers on video blocking farts, too?

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

This seems appropriate:
“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

First the politicians. Now, the little slimy faggot Fuentes and his gaggle of homosexuals.

Just ask yourself if you were Torba, would you have given that little faggot 20K to have dinner with him?

With Twitter, Telegram, Parler, etc., more people having been moving to Gab. The organic society built inside of Gab is a threat to the powers that be. Gab has laid waste to and exposed countless grifting pieces of shit like Trapt, Bill Mitchell, Fuentes, etc. This is waking people up. A LOT OF PEOPLE.

Now, right on queue, our “fearless Christian” leader pulls a Judas on us. Did his “Angel” donors tell him to?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

The key is if Torba can take their money but NOT depend on it. Consider it a free lunch but never count on it. He could do well.

Hitler did that. Boy did they hate him for that.

3 years ago

Just looking at your final part of today’s post- “…because if America loses its conservatives, Cabal loses America.”

I’m not sure I’m making the connection as to how it is a good thing for America to “loses” its conservatives. And that somehow results in “Cabal loses America?”

What am I missing here?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ok; I was wondering if you were speaking from that angle.

I get it,


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You want a picture of modern conservatives? Read comment threads about the recent kerfuffles over trannies on female swim teams in schools. Instead of speaking out against the nonsense, many of them cheer it on. They think it’s funny to see young people victimized by the rotten system the conservatives sat back for 50 years and let happen.

According to these superpatriot “we all bleed red” ‘Muricans, these girls “voted for it” (most are barely old enough to have voted once), they deserve to get it “gooder and harder” (because nothing says family values like rape tinged humor), and call these young girls are “cowards” for not speaking up against the oppressive, authoritarian mass of government, media and corpos (again, that the conservatives let happen through inaction) that has amply demonstrated it can cancel and obliterate even people with a lot of resources and a platform of their own.

They sit in their retirement bubbles utterly unaware that the authoritarian regime is already humming in places they never pay attention to. As far as they care, any corrupt politico who gets into office (fraud or not) has free reign to oppress the populations under their control because the people “deserve it”. And then they wonder why the hate for them amongst the young burns like a thousand suns.

The heart of current conservatism is cold and black, sluggishly beating out an irregular rhythm with blood like crude oil. Cabal doesn’t even have to think about these reprehensible cretins, because they are not going to do boo until they die, still lost in their mental haze of being the peak of morality and living legends.

Reply to  Anon42
3 years ago

I agree with your assessment of conservatives. And a lot of patriots as well. I think most are full of shit, at best. Bravely talking about their gun collections saving them from tyranny. When I suspect that most of them will be the first ones to hand over their gear when Cabal comes for them.

These people have watched silently as their entire country has been surrendered and generally don’t even have a clue as to the evil forces involved.

All they seem to do is insist that government is “incompetent” and nowadays just want to tear down any institutions that have been surrendered. They have no desire to get anything back.

Most have no understanding of US history or heritage.

They are embarrassing.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Your concern is noted.

Reply to  Anon42
3 years ago

That comes from the frustration of talking to a lefty. You can’t explain anything to leftists about anything. You can’t even get them to take their own side in a fight. You will called a racist and purged.

So the cons decided to let the lefties wallow in their own sh*t, including a mouthy high school girl schooled on rap music and the Kardashians.

3 years ago

re: monoclonal distribution: you’d think distribution would be between a doctor and his patient, right? But remember Biden had feds buy the whole stockpile from the manufacturers. Florida had to go with some third brand because the feds bought all of the main two in order to control distribution (Florida made a big stink about it when they got cut out and couldn’t even throw money at the manufacturers for the ones they had used previously).

This is just more of the same. Expect similar with Paxlovid and similar drugs, what with the massive buys the FedGov has made of them (not that I recommend taking them, IANAD)

Reply to  Valar+Addemmis
3 years ago

“We don’t want a cure, we want to you take the Jab.”

3 years ago

War scares like the present one have usually not amounted to much. They may be some sort of cover for the cabal to shuffle funds between various accounts.

However, if American troops are deployed to Ukraine itself, it probably does mean something is up. If they are not sent or sent to NATO countries, even the Baltics, its some sort of minor cabal scam.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

I think what’s going on is that they are TRYING to get the press to get Putin to invade. Sort of wish the war into existence. So far this hasn’t worked on Putin any time they’ve tried it, and I doubt it will be any different this time.

The fact that Don Jr. is tweeting jokes about it is an indicator to me that it’s not likely at all, despite the massive clog in the news cycle about it.

Wisconsin legislature just delivered a joint resolution to decertify it’s electors. Durham has had a few more people connected to Hillary testify before a grand jury – there are things happening that the press doesn’t want anybody to see.

3 years ago

Might not be appropriate to post public, just FYI.

Lady in PA that was first on the scene of contaminated monkeys, has been having health complications.
Her FB page is not locked down, so you can see a lot of open convos with others from the community.

Again, just posting as followup info, keep or trash as you see fit.

Reply to  Matt
3 years ago

Sitting here sipping coffee, chatting with wife about this, who mentions a friend was talking to her last night about this story.
“I know where those monkeys were headed!” he said.

Apparently he used to deliver medical supplies to an old Victorian house, center of town. Had to go inside once for the delivery…and it’s filled with monkeys.
Center of town, no special signage…but a medical facility of some sort.

Makes me wonder if this overlaps here in PA with the abortionists/funeral homes/stockpile of baby parts stories from the last few years.

3 years ago

I wonder if the empty-shelves play is to generate business. Retail has crashed. People living on sardines, crackers, and milk really hurt the bottom lines of businesses cabal skims from.

3 years ago

Today’s excerpt from Vox Day (

“”The two cities, the City of the Devil and the City of God: the division is always the same because the opposing forces are drawn up based on positions that are ontologically opposed and inimical to one another.”

While some Christians might find their inability to look away from the dark reality of this seemingly never-ending conflict intimidating, or even despair-inducing, the archbishop also offers true Christian hope.

Feel honored by the privilege that is granted to you of meriting Heaven: your fidelity, your strength against the impositions of a hostile power, will merit you the help and protection of Heaven even in the littlest things.”

I like that concept of meriting Heaven. When I consider my personal being and my loved ones, I know the Goodness within us – I know the Godliness within us. It gives me strength against Satan’s helpers and the sufferings they inflict on us daily. I feel privileged to be apart from them and to be with God. Thank you, God, for the honor to be with you, and thank you for blessing so many of us here at AC’s site with this privilege.

3 years ago

AC, they are really pushing this plant based crap aren’t they. Remember, they also want to somehow put mRNA “vaxxes” into plants too. Hmm… evil M-fers.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

One thing I’ve heard a few times, is the plant based stuff isn’t selling. Thankfully, for now. But as we know, they will never give up. What will they come up with next…as I often say, God save us.

Reply to  1984
3 years ago

And just like that……

It’s in Chicken Nuggets at McDonalds, without being told. You want a fast way to fucking jam it in the kids. That’s the vector I’d take. Start growing your own food.

3 years ago

Well then, looks like you covered that in the very next story! Ha!

3 years ago

” (hope Farcesensitive doesn’t mind me saying that)”

I’m honored. 🙂

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

“Today I’d like to give the spotlight to Machine Trooper, who we all see here in the comments every day.”

Hey, thanks so much, AC. This is one of those days I didn’t get a chance to read you in the morning. Pleasant surprise just now when I refreshed the browser to catch up. Really appreciate it, on top of all the work you put in to keep us informed.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

“Peters is one of those guys who a year ago, nobody had heard of him and all of a sudden he was everywhere, and had links on all the major sites overnight. You never know who anybody is in this business. I vouch for nobody.”

I don’t know what to believe anymore. Maybe there really is a 5D chess game underway and all the public figures we know of are either double or triple agents.

There’s evidence that Lee Oswald was a CIA asset; but I’ve also encountered a theory that he had turned against Cabal and was trying to warn JFK or sabotage the assassination. Of course we’ll never know, because he was murdered by a normal, everyday nightclub owner with the totally plausible motive of not wanting Jackie Kennedy to have to return to Dallas and be subjected to the rigors of sitting through a trial.

Because they’ve dropped some truth bombs in the past, I hope that some guys like Jim Jordan, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley are non-Cabal…but I’m assuming they’re comped somehow. Still, Peters is more suspicious for the reason you noted. Organic, grass roots support is very difficult to accumulate, and he wasn’t handed his megaphone so quickly because he is a threat to powerful people. Anything that goes viral is allowed by the gatekeepers, for some reason.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Machine Trooper
3 years ago

Dallas was totally credible. A President was assassinated, a Dallas PD officer was shot in the street, but Oswald runs into a theater without buying a ticket and 30 cops respond because they know what’s important.

I never paid attention to Stew Peters. I don’t know if something felt off, or if I just had a full load of voices I trust and felt no need to check him out. I think time has shown my instinct correct. He did seem to come out of nowhere with a pre-manufactured massive audience, like any YouTube “influencer”. Torba seems to support him, but Torba has his own interests, which occasionally align with mine but occasionally not.

I was listening to “Red Pill News” for a while, but I got sick of his “attention, patriot investors” sponsor advertisement randomly breaking in. It got annoying, and I unsubscribed. I have nothing against people needing sponsorships, but playing the same commercial over and over and over again is annoying. At least put it at the beginning or end so it’s easily skipable.

3 years ago

I just remembered that Burkina Faso is damn near the middle of the global chessboard posted a few days ago from the alleged new Q acct.

So many Heads of State stepping down recently…

3 years ago

I admit I am a huge fan of Emil and Jeff (esp Jeff’s hair). That being said, I think this is really good. They discuss Mass Formation Psychosis as having its root in economics.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Great, mindblowing video about how fucked our economy and society is since 2008. I still don’t fully get Mass Formation Psychosis.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Over the last few years, I’ve seen a discussion pop up on /pol several times. Apparently, the people we think of as “NPCs” don’t have an inner monologue. It seems strange to many of us, as we tend to have a running voice in our heads (mine is my own voice; I have no other frame of reference for it.) But it is strange to us that their minds are quiet and empty. I don’t know what to make of it other than a point of reference for the differences between us and them. I’m constantly processing SOMETHING in the background, and when I first heard there are people who don’t, it blew my mind, but it also explains a lot.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

“…Apparently, the people we think of as “NPCs” don’t have an inner monologue….”

There are people like that??? I never heard of that. I never imagined that. True????

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, I view them as less possessed of Being. They do not exist as much as the people you call individualists. This is why the NPC meme was so painful. And as God is the source of Being, it indicates that they are further away from God. They don’t know where to look for what to do (God).

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

That is true of some of them.
But many are just at the extreme end of the 2nd dimension of the r/K spectrum.
What I call Exhibitionists as opposed to Sneakers.
They use the parts of their brain that operate on instinct and emotion rather than thought and rely on their subconscious to do all their “thinking” for them.
They may also rely more on visual/parallel processing instead of audio/serial processing.

They are far more susceptible to outside influence and depending on how they choose that influence will be other humans (producing herd behavior), the devil (producing evil with uncanny instincts), or GOD (producing extreme virtue with divine inspiration and guidance {exceptionally rare}).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


I think these are people who suffer from status anxiety, driven by the inability to function as equals with the people around them.

In the “normie” world, status counts for everything. If you are not an equal or a better to the people around you, then you will have enormous problems. Look, for example, how much success in life is built on networking, which is the process of leveraging other people’s brains in exchange for them leveraging yours. Successful networking, however, depends on you being an equal or better “node” compared to the other nodes. Inferior nodes are ignored and bypassed.

You have a sizeable percentage of people who grew up falling to the bottom of every group they were ever in, without any possibility of moving up. In circumstances like these, everyone eventually becomes your enemy, because eventually the “betters” will push you aside. The only way out of this cycle is to either raise your status in the world, lower the status of others, or withdraw completely. These three choices account for much of the increasingly dysfunctional behavior you encounter in your daily life.

You can see how these sort of people can easily fill the ranks of Cabal.

There is a difference between different types of individualists. The better individualist is one who already has relatively high status, but chooses to be aloof simply because that is what he wants. This type of individualist could still easily integrate and function within a group or network, but just chooses not to. Picture, for example, Christian Slater in “Heathers.”

Then you have the type of individualists who default to aloof because it is all they have. They are not wanted anywhere and their individualism is a type of withdrawal.

From those who seek status by tearing down others, you get your gammas.

From those who seek to raise their status, you get strivers, climbers, ass-kissers and psychopaths.

But so strong is the pull of status, that it warps the normie world.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  map
3 years ago

This is also a very insightful take on individualism.

3 years ago

“Jeff Bezos has invested $ 3 billion in the search for immortality.Jeff Bezos has invested $ 3 billion in the search for immortality.”

It’s called —-BEING BORN AGAIN, Baptism—-you freakin Bezos–Bozo!
We ALL have immortality—but where you spend that —well—that is the $3 billion question!

3 years ago

Maybe it is easier to add a harmful mRNA vaccine to fake meat, than to a living organism destined to become real meat, since it would sicken or kill the living organism.

Is the fake meat cooked to a lower target temp? It might be as simple as that.

3 years ago

Suppose the supply chain crisis is like the pandemic, designed to move us over to alternate, more complexly and precisely constructed forms of artificial food, by leaving us no other options when we go to the stores.

You better start thinking where your food comes from
And I hope you tend a good garden

— Corb Lund, “Gettin down on the mountain”

3 years ago

just one critical item, like toilet paper or pasta,

Joke’s on us, pasta is already mostly empty at my local. Saltines are zeroed. Frozen potatoes are mostly empty. Chicken is sparse, and turkey is showing up (animal protein of last resort.)

3 years ago

Regarding the monkeys that got loose:

1. There was no fucking accident.
2. There were no monkeys that spilled out.

This is a big bullshit story.

This is the fucking plot to the movie Outbreak.

In 1967, during the Kisangani Mutinies, a virus called Motaba, which causes a deadly fever, is discovered in the African jungle. To keep the virus a secret, U.S. Army officers Donald McClintock and Billy Ford destroy the camp where soldiers were infected.

Twenty-eight years later, Colonel Sam Daniels, a USAMRIID virologist, is sent to investigate an outbreak in Zaire. He and his crew—Lieutenant Colonel Casey Schuler and new recruit Major Salt—gather information and return to the United States. Ford, now a brigadier general and Daniels’ superior officer, dismisses the latter’s fears that the virus will spread.

A white-headed capuchin monkey that is host to the virus is smuggled into the country. James “Jimbo” Scott, a worker at an animal testing laboratory, is infected when he steals the monkey to sell on the black market. Jimbo fails to sell the monkey to Rudy Alvarez (who also becomes infected), a pet-store owner in the coastal-California village of Cedar Creek. After releasing the monkey into the woods outside of the nearby community of Palisades, he develops symptoms on a flight to Boston and infects his girlfriend, Alice. Their illness is investigated by Dr. Roberta Keough, a CDC scientist and Daniels’ ex-wife. Jimbo, Alice, and Rudy die, but Keough determines that no one else in Boston was infected.

A hospital technician in Cedar Creek is infected when he accidentally breaks the vial of Rudy’s blood. The virus quickly mutates into a strain capable of spreading like influenza, becoming airborne and causing a number of people to be infected in a movie theater. Daniels flies to Cedar Creek against Ford’s orders, joining Keough’s team with Schuler and Salt. As they begin a search for the monkey, the Army quarantines the town and imposes martial law. Schuler is infected when his suit tears and Keough accidentally sticks herself with a contaminated needle while treating him.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

“…This is the fucking plot to the movie Outbreak…”

That’s kind of the point. If they are pushing this…

3 years ago
3 years ago