News Briefs – 01/25/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter account is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Washington monument and White House went dark tonight. No one seems to be able to explain why. Could be a signal to somebody?

Patrick Byrne continues his side of what happened. A friend stopped by in July to tell him of a team assembling to investigate election fraud and implored him to join and the next day the friend died in a plane crash. Byrne claims he looked into it and thinks the crash wasn’t anything other than pilot error. All technology, sufficiently advanced, will appear to work as if magic, and there is impressive technology out there. We have not been kept up to date on all advances.

I will also say, I do not see how Byrne could have been organizing against this thing (which I believe I actually saw over two decades ago wired into a telephone pole, hacking an election), without surveillance being completely on top of him. Not that he is lying, but he may not be telling the entire truth. Or there is something none of us understand, like good guys on him as well with tech which interdicted Cabal’s tech and substituted bad intel, bad transcripts, or something else. Or Patrick was never part of the plan and was a diversion that distracted Cabal, so it was immaterial. But I know Patrick’s group could never operate without every move being exposed long before they ever made it. It is very difficult, if not impossible to operate that way.

Vox Day on how even the National Guard is beginning to scratch its head and wonder what is up, and why command won’t tell them anything.

This is a screencap of a supposed insider anon on 4Chan who laid out what he claims is the real deal behind the troops in the Pentagon. The original link in text is here, with full comments. His story is the Military has stepped in, taken over so Biden has no real power, and is using the Supreme Court case as an ad-hoc Military Tribunal to look at the case for voter fraud. If they see a strong enough case they will probably take measures to redo the election. I suspect there is a lot of truth, with inaccuracies, maybe because he doesn’t know, maybe because he is trying to cast it as Trump is not involved. It does explain why Pelosi is being led around by a woman to whom she is subservient to, who is telling her, with total disrespect, to keep her mouth shut as they pass the press. However according to him, Trump is just a pawn with no real involvement. But judging by the looks Schumer and Pelosi were giving him at his first State of the Union, he would appear much more than a bit player. Also, the insider makes it out like this could go any way, but things like this do not just happen by chance. This was planned for a long, long time, and whoever planned it would likely have waited to activate it until the chances of success were all but assured.

This next one is funny. We’ve seen a lot of articles on how the immature Donald Trump had a special button installed to press when he wanted a Diet Coke brought to him on a silver platter, while the mature Joe Biden had it removed, because he is a grown up. In reality, an anon noted , that button is actually the Presidential Call box, an emergency button put on the President’s desk to allow him to summon the Secret Service in an emergency. So what happened? Anons think Biden’s team forgot to put the button on his Oval Office Set, and by the time they realized anons were scrutinizing the set, the pictures were already out and they realized they would need to explain why there was no button. So a cover story was hastily assembled. If true, the media is fully on board with the deception, and is basically doing with Biden what they did with FDR. I remember seeing examples of how they propped FDR up against a wall, so it would look like he was walking around the office. They propped him up against a piling on a dock in a swim suit, so it would look like he spent the day swimming, when in reality he couldn’t swim. They were afraid back then people wouldn’t support him if it was realized he had been left in a wheelchair by Polio. They all stuck to the lie back then, and they are doing so again today. Together they all hope by making it look like Biden is President it will be more difficult to overturn the election when fraud is definitively proven. In for a penny, in for a pound.

President Trump not only worked for free as President, but took a pretty hefty financial hit in his hotels and properties as well.

Taiwan reports second day of incursions by Chinese air force. Might these be feints to lower response to an actual incursion?

Sidney Powell announces forming of ‘Restore the Republic PAC.’

Ezra Cohen-Watnick describing a plot to install Kash Patel as director of CIA: “The idea was to put Kash in as the deputy, which doesn’t require Senate approval, and then to fire Gina the next day.” If Trump and Flynn and Q wanted this, it would have happened. No idea why they are leaking this, at this point, though it does thicken the fog.

Declassified memos detail effort to get McCabe to step aside in Russia probe over conflict. Rosenstein wanted him out.

Biden expected to repeal Trump’s transgender military ban as soon as Monday.

Journalist Andy Ngo flees Portland, says police wouldn’t protect him. Police need to be decoupled from politicians.

Chris Christie says ‘shameful’ Republicans keep pushing election lies to score ‘political points’ with Trump base.

Mitt Romney says Trump’s Impeachment trial is important to bring unity. You can see how deep this scumbag is in the conspiracy.

Romney also says, it is Constitutional to continue with Impeachment after Trump leaves office.

Accurate list of 2020 election fraud cases shows 81 cases total, with 30 still active – and not one single case has allowed evidence to be argued.

George Stephanopoulos first question for Sen. Rand Paul on Sunday’s “This Week” was, “Senator Paul, let me begin with a threshold question for you. This election was not stolen, do you accept that fact?” You can feel just a twinge of panic.

Regardless, Rand Paul insists there is a “great deal of evidence” of election fraud.

Rand Paul also says that a Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump that doesn’t include Chief Justice John Roberts would be an illegitimate process.

Rand Paul also tells Stephanopoulos he’s calling for an investigation into the 2020 election.

In their first act, this Congress led by true communists apparently, is ready to pass a bill allowing all future elections in the USA to be run exactly the same as any communist regime in history. Nationwide mail-in voting, banning restrictions on ballot harvesting, banning voter ID, criminal voters, and DC Statehood.

Mexican leader says Biden offers $4 billion for Central America.

Biden proposed a broad immigration bill that would create an eight-year path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in the country without a permanent legal status. An expedited pathway for farmworkers and the young immigrants known as Dreamers, along with changes to the legal immigration, refugee and asylum systems.

President Biden will sign a fresh round of executive orders during his first full week in office, including actions loosening restrictions around abortion and immigration.

White House Communications staff say, Biden may be unavailable to media outlets that they feel are not ‘straightforward’ enough for the White House.

California out of lockdown soon. I still can’t believe they won’t even extend it a little bit, to try and make it look questionable. Just an in your face, fuck you.

Migrants increasing at a ‘concerning rate’ on the southern border, says CBP agent.

Kremlin accuses Biden administration of interfering in Russia’s “domestic affairs” amid Navalny protests that erupted yesterday. Cabal stirs these hostilities to try and prevent American citizens and Russia from aligning against the Cabal in the US proper. Russian intel assisting American citizens on the ground could expose Cabal operations and perhaps turn the populace against it.

A former CIA software engineer charged with leaking government secrets to WikiLeaks says it’s cruel and unusual punishment that he’s awaiting trial in solitary confinement, housed in a vermin-infested cell of a jail unit where inmates are treated like “caged animals.” This guy was likely NSA’s response to CIA sending out Snowden and Manning to screw over NSA and Mil Intel respectively. And you can see the difference in this guy’s treatment. Why isn’t he pardoned and running for office like Manning?

Police chiefs are working to root out officers with ties to extremist groups. Police Chiefs under leftist mayors.

Californian dies hours after getting COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is basically a giant shot of inflammation, if your immune system is strong. If you are young with a strong immune system, you can probably endure, but if you are old with a strong immune system, the immune inflammation may kill you. Ironically, it will probably preferentially kill the people with strong enough immune systems they would have beaten the virus naturally if they encountered it.

Massive riots in the Netherlands break out over Chinavirus restrictions.

More riots in Israel over Chinavirus lockdown rules.

181 dead in the U.S. during 2 week period from experimental COVID injections. I am at the point where I wonder if the virus affecting old people more was just a rumor propagated so they could give most of the vaccines to the old, and claim when they died it was old age and not the vaccine. These numbers are almost certainly much higher. I still think they want to know exactly how mRNA tech works, and if it really degrades 100%, and translation of the product is fully controllable.

Chicago’s teacher’s union voted on Sunday to defy Chicago Public Schools administration and refuse to return to in-person teaching even though pupils are due back in classrooms on February 1st.

A growing number of big-name advertisers, including Coke and Hyundai, are skipping the Super Bowl this year for fear of not striking the right tone amid America’s contentious political landscape.

Ivermectin looks effective against the Chinavirus in Peru.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, ex-Trump press secretary, to run for Arkansas governor.

More states move toward Constitutional Carry. The nation is going K, which only highlights how the radical left’s gaining of control is fraudulent.

Top Trump adviser reveals the God Emperor could soon become a huge figure in the burgeoning election integrity movement.

President Trump is drafting an ‘enemies list’ of dirtbag Republicans to primary and is moving forward with plans to create a “Patriot Party” for the people. The guy might just wield more power after his Presidency than we will during it. How do you end up where occupying the Presidency actually diminishes your power level?

Patriot Party files FEC notice of joint fundraising with Donald J. Trump for President Inc. 

Spread r/K Theory, because something is afoot.

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4 years ago

UK: Top Tory MPs Horrified by Govt Plan to Recruit Children to Spy on Parents

“The Boris Johnson administration’s efforts to pass legislation which will allow the state to recruit children to spy on their parents and even break the law while doing so has horrified some of the party’s top parliamentarians.

The Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS) Bill will, if passed into law, allow 22 state agencies, including the likes of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and local councils, as well as the intelligence services and police, to recruit children as “covert human intelligence sources” — spies, essentially. Children aged 16 and 17 could even be used to spy on their own parents, and afforded certain protections to break the law while doing so.”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“All technology, sufficiently advanced, will appear to work as if magic, and there is impressive technology out there. We have not been kept up to date on all advances.”

Example from 2015, but the tech for this robot existed in the 1980’s (according to open-sources)

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Vox Day on how even the National Guard is beginning to scratch its head and wonder what is up, and why command won’t tell them anything.”

It could be that the Department of Defense has quarantined the Biden-Harris Administration because of China and other security threats, like I suggested yesterday. Some might call it a “soft coup”.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“If true, the media is fully on board with the deception, and is basically doing with Biden what they did with FDR.”

A good semi-classic movie for normie-pilled people as an intro to what may be really happening at the top of US executive leadership right now.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Mitt Romney says Trump’s Impeachment trial is important to bring unity. You can see how deep this scumbag is in the conspiracy.”

in other words,
“We have to tar and feather the most popular Republican President in history, who 74 million Americans voted for, to unify the country”

Satanic inversion. The man is of the devil. Woe to them who call good evil and evil good, or in this case unity division and division unity. Mitt is, in all practicality, a mammon controlled demon threatening the good, faithful and true people of the United States who vote Republican. Because he has been significantly educated in Christian doctrine and is still transgressing in this manner, I don’t know if repentance is even possible for him as he is continuously denying the Holy Spirit through his actions.

Mitt would empower the abortion having, transgender pushing, open borders, China lobby at the expense of every honest American who rejects such things. He would punish the Righteous and call it “Good”. This is of the devil and he must needs be stirred up unto repentance, or the devil will grasp him with his everlasting chains.

4 years ago

“This is a screencap of a supposed insider anon on 4Chan who laid out what he claims is the real deal”

The screencap is dated 1/17. AC – Why did you hold onto it for a week?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

If Trump’s hiring decisions for his new Patriot Party are no better than they were when he was President it’ll be dead before it even gets off the ground.

“Hey all you MAGA folks. You good tonight? Well we’re proud to announce the first chairman of the Patriot Party. Reince Priebus! Coming on Reince! Get out here you rascal!”

He needs to avoid any stench of the GOP being associated with it. Even beginning with people no one has heard of would be better than bringing in a handful of names with questionable loyalty.

4 years ago

Here is proof that Sleepy Joe received an invalid 21 gun salute. Read the Army Regulation. AR 600-25 shows it right there in plain English. For any blackpillers out there, download the PDF and read for yourself. Page 4. A President must receive a 21 gun salute with 3 second intervals. Unless they are at a funeral, or something really really fucked is going on. It’s happening.

>3–3. When and how rendered
>b. Cannon salutes to persons.
>(1) The time interval between rounds in a cannon salute will be three seconds except as follows:
>(a) When honors are rendered at funerals, in which case the cannon salute will be fired at five second intervals.
>(b) When such interval is in conflict with prescribed safety regulations for the type of cannon employed.
>(c) When such interval is not feasible considering condition of ammunition and materiel, number of guns available, proficiency of gun crews, atmospheric conditions, and other local limitations.

21 gun salute for President Trump (2:00):

21 gun salute for President Bush (2:50):

21 gun salute for President Clinton (58:50):

21 gun salute for President Reagan (1:20):

Pre-recorded “21 gun salute” for Sleepy Joe:

Dead silence at Sleepy Joe’s “inauguration”, no gun salute, and this took place 12 minutes before noon (1:05):

4 years ago

Allegedly Jared will run patriot party? No thanks. Trump doesn’t get that Jared and Ivanka are political kryptonite.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Chabad needs to be banned from the West and all zionists need to be deported (legally off course).

The Israeli infiltration of the Western body politic is the most dangerous threat we face now, and Israel is in bed with China against the West.

Fuck Israel.

4 years ago

Jack Posobiec said National Guard is staying because of Trump’s impeachment trial

This is going to be painful to watch.

4 years ago

At this point, I’m not willing to rule out any possibility when it comes to what’s going on with the Biden “presidency.” But, if he is aware that his position might be very, very temporary why is he pushing through such a radical leftist agenda, betraying unions, etc.? It seems like it would be wiser to hold off until he is sure he/Kamala is really going to be president for the next 4 years.

4 years ago

Watched Senator Ron Paul on ABC’s Stephanopoulous. Senator Ron Paul said, “I certified the election” and then goes into the fraud of the election.


I mean how stupid is that? I certified a fraudulent election—and then I’m asking for an investigation into the 2020 election—that is why Republicans are Loooooosers. They are all looooosers. Because when infected with error—you can’t come to the right decision. Moreover, all democracies produce pusillanimous men. One can’t have Arete in a Democracy. Democracy doesn’t produce Arete.

All the institutions of America and its Constitution failed because all the people involved had no character training, were not hardened, had no Virtue. Only Arete instills Character, Manly character. That is why America is a failed state. We are in a full blown Marxist dictatorship. And this video is why:

That in a nutshell is why. “Bad Company corrupts good morals”. It’s over folks.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

I posted something similar about Rand.

But take your Tory blackpills and move to the UK where you can worship your demon queen in peace before you get deported like the Tories did last time.
This time we are taking Canada.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

It is over, he is correct.
Less than 12 years until the day of wrath of God, and the return of Jesus.
Very few will make it through, out of 8 billion, maybe several millions will die as persecuted saints, when the beast money comes in 2028-29, then the 144,000 elect and me, we will be ok of course.

The rest of the world will perish, slowly but surely. Famine, wars, plagues, earthquakes, and then the bowls of wrath neat the end. Reserved for papists and protestants, who took the grace and the blood of Christ, but chose to continue to live as lawless pagan fakers.

Tick tock.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

I wouldn’t be too sure about that Gary, Pride is a sin.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

I have no pride, but I do have the Word of God, and He has given me the date, and a whole lot more. I am the ‘elect one’ mentioned in the book of Enoch btw. A surprise dropped on me in April 2020, see my blog.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Democracy is Communism by another name. Problems with democracy:

1. Due to natural differences between men and women there will always be more adult women than adult men as a population ages. If all adults are allowed to vote this will tend to feminize the voting outcomes. ex. We get Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Heels Up types in leadership.

2. In any large society there will always be far more poor consumers, groups of poor consumers than self-sustaining and/or ultra-productive individuals or groups. Again, if votes of the poor(unproductive) count the same as votes of the productive we then get Presidents like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Choe Beijing, pick one!

3. If the votes of illiterates and functional illiterates count the same as those who have the wherewithal to learn to read, write, compose, and research effectively we will then get complete idiots as mayors, governors, legislators, and even presidents.

4. Finally, though there are probably more reasons, but I will end here. In a democracy the vote of each rabbit is weighed the same as the vote of each wolf. If this were true in nature the wolves would starve to death and all the green on earth would be eaten out of existence. China is about to conquer America without firing a shot. China is a male dominated K society. Word on China is the non-productive are pushed to the side and one way or another eliminated. While here in the states everywhere you look there is a welfare mayor, a welfare governor, a welfare senator, etc.

Just some examples why democracy is evil. It rewards the non-earning/non-productive at the expense of the productive earners. And the founders were clear: they were almost unanimous in the view that democracy was evil. John Adams in particular.

Another Dave
Another Dave
4 years ago

You want to know what power looks like?

Look at Sleepy Joe.

The minute he steps in the EO’s start flying.

His team doesn’t care about optics or that half the country is still furious over the election.

Trump could have done that, and much more, and yet he always pulled his punches.

Don’t tell me about 4d chess and trying to draw the enemy out.

The enemy is now in full control.

Trump had his shot and allowed his kids and his enemies to neutralize his powers.

Now, because of his hesitations and “playing nice”, the country is screwed.

Look reality in the eyes.

The left plays to win, while the right plays marbles and checkers.

Beautiful losers are still losers.

What is the Patriot party going to accomplish that Trump couldn’t when he was actually in office?

Time for someone new, with no compromises.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

“The left plays to win, while the right plays marbles and checkers.

Beautiful losers are still losers.

What is the Patriot party going to accomplish that Trump couldn’t when he was actually in office?”

Agree 100%. At this point the Trump era has to be viewed as a failure. The goal was to restore morals and integrity back to the nation as a whole. This has not happen. The pedophiles, homosexuals, whores, rapists, and baby murderers are celebrating all over Europe, and the Americas.

The words of Donald Trump at his most recent State of the Union, “THIS NATION WILL NEVER BE SOCIALIST.”

We’ve got a socialist President, a socialist Supreme Court, a socialist Congress, socialist mayors and governors everywhere. Socialist Creep is on the verge of completely conquering the United States of America.

Men of character have to organize among themselves and recalibrate their strategy and tactics.

4 years ago

> Presidential Call box … Secret Service

Who the button called depended on who was President. Nixon used it to call Manolo, his valet.

4 years ago

> Police need to be decoupled from politicians.

That’s why the British and most colonial police weren’t allowed to have firearms until quite recently. Parliament figured an armed police force would eventually come under control of some particular political party, which would then use it as a weapon against the others.

Looks like they were right…

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

When Patriot Party gets big, we will be able to say that it is a big PP.

I’ll just leave now.

Helmuth Hubener
Helmuth Hubener
4 years ago

How long are you going to keep believing that something Mindblowing! and Unbelievable! is About to Happen! and save us all, AC?

I mean, I understand: there’s a lot of loose strings and unanswered questions.

But there always are. Life is a mystery. You don’t know everything about what everyone is up to.

So how long do you think we should keep up this anticipation? A year? If a year from now we’re just a year into the Biden presidency as normal and nothing has happened, will you then admit that “The Storm” or whatever is probably not happening? If so, what about 6 months? Would that be reasonable?

I mean, there has to be a deadline. Just rationally, logically. We have to base our beliefs on reality.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, with all due respect, you got to shake it off.

Yes, there are many loose strings and it’s possible Biden wasn’t actually inaugurated properly for some reason that will never be clear to us.

There is a cabal, or even several, and they love ritual. This inauguration did not meet the historic ritual requirements.

There is a conspiracy to destroy the U.S., and it’s succeeding. Maybe the military is in control behind the scenes, but that in no way means Trump is about to be rolled back out as President or that the good guys are in charge.

Good guys don’t let the bad guys win just to scare decent people or “draw out the enemy.”

Good guys don’t let compromised candidates win via massive election fraud, as well as letting various governors destroy our entire economy and let paid anarchists destroy whole neighborhoods in multiple cities for months on end.

The good guys didn’t win, and hoping and praying will not make that reality go away AC.

We can only fight back properly if we look the beast in the eyes. Trump failed, and was failed by his closest advisors and children.

Expecting Trump to be reinstalled at this point is fantasy.

Weird synchronicities and anomalies do not mean the good guys are winning.

It means cabal is in charge and doesn’t care if you know it anymore.

They aren’t hiding now.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“I’ve been clear, it is always possible Trump was betrayed…”

Ok, and it is also possible TRUMP IS THE BETRAYER.
That is a possibility as well. You are having a real problem admitting this is possible.

Not saying that it is so, but your God-Emperor is a man just like the rest of us. He may even by a highly exceptional man but still a man no less.

The more you refuse to acknowledge the possibility of Trump45 complicity with cabal the more you lose credibility.

I say this with all due respect.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Totally Agree. It is well to remember that we are an army of patriots 75-80 million strong who now know the score. No wonder they are nervous. 😎

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“I also see strong signs of the introvert in Trump. I think “The Donald” is really an act he puts on because he needs to operate in meatspace, and normies eat that extrovert type up, while the quiet cerebral guy isn’t seen as a leader by the masses he needs to move. As a general rule, I think introverts tend to want truth, and tend to end up on the right side.”

I think being a leader not only requires social competence. But being able to grasp the big picture which would come along with the natural tendency to Introversion.

Extraversion isn’t necessarily conducive to grasp the big picture.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

bingo. good guys don’t rack up 250,000 super-secret sealed indictments on a range of scumbags including pedos and then let them keep on harming/destroying kids for months and YEARS because the good guys want to wait for ‘just the right moment to strike.’

SOMEthing is going on, to be sure. nothing makes sense, and 10,000 NG in DC is off-the-charts freaky. but from experience and careful observation, we can determine at least this much: 1) whatever it is, both sides our our God-cursed political spectrum are going to lie to us about it and NEVER tell us the real truth, lest they look bad in some way 2) see everything Another Dave just wrote.

you win by winning. it’s just that simple, and we ain’t winning. time for a change in tactics, I’d say. we could start by destroying the GOP: burning it to ashes. that way, no matter how hard the road ahead might be, that way we’d never again have to deal scummy whore traitors like mitt romney or mitch mcconnell or jeff flake or liz cheney or brave rob portman or streetshitter nikki or judas pence doing their level best to betray us all.

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

What we’re seeing unfold right now mark one eyeball is hardly any more insane or unbelievable than what is being proposed is the cause of it all

Helmuth Hubener
Helmuth Hubener
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

That’s fair enough. I expect that will happen (troops gone, cases done, Biden definitely in for long haul) in the next month. So one more month of hope in The Plan. As I think about it, that is actually a *very* fair take for you to take! I appreciate your calm and rationality through all this, and always.

You know, I remember all your posts from 2017 on about how the anticipation and tension were just killing you! And to the extent that I bought into the hype too at first — not as much as you perhaps, not as “this is true,” but as a strong possibility — it was killing me, too! So one positive way to look at this is: at least now we can finally stop torturing ourselves! 🙂

Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer wrote a couple of articles the other day that I think present a very positive and uplifting way of looking at recent events and our own role we can play, which is a noble and heroic role. I’d like to share them with you.

We can be the band of Merry Men! We can stand for the right no matter what! And God, and most likely history, will smile on us.

Helmuth Hubener
Helmuth Hubener
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Also, in regards to Ralph Jones below, claiming Trump is the betrayer: I just trust Trump. I get a positive vibe from him. I think his heart was (and is) in the right place. I can’t prove that, but you can never prove anything about other people’s inner souls and characters. You just make judgments. My character judgment about Trump is: he is A-OK. I expect to stay loyal to Trump forever. Trump’s my boy. Just because/if the qanon conspiracy theory didn’t work out does not mean Trump betrayed anyone. That is not on him.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Helmuth Hubener
4 years ago

Try harder, shill.

4 years ago

Taiwan reports second day of incursions by Chinese air force. Might these be feints to lower response to an actual incursion?

Unlikely. Sea conditions are only favorable for a strait crossing in the fall. It’s one of the things that Taiwan counts on — only having to actually ramp up its reserves for a couple of months of the year.

4 years ago

About the first week in January the gangstalking around my house stopped. It was pretty amazing how different it is, very nice, now since only cars going by are people who live up our road and loggers and miners going thru to work. The contrast cant be missed. Things just feel quiet too.
My first thought was they pulled everyone in, they changed up, something different. And that got me thinking how are they going to not only stop MAGA, how are they going to stop people from the beginnings of enlightenment that cabal exists and it is indeed crazier and unimaginable this evil.
I’ve noticed a change in the dialectic, comments, observations and references of late like never happened across the board.
Of course there’s a lot going on, and almost most of which we dont know, but cabal can’t operate and hide everything, and ideas are like Senneca said, about how from their diminutive beginnings, they grow out of all proprtions to their origins, and I believe that is happening. Too many thinks to reffer to or link, but its no question there’s a sea change in perceptions.
But whats more telling, is it seems the efforts to police thinking and ideas is taken on an order of lets say desperation, along with something else and its got to do with the physocal policing of an entire demographic, those folks who pose the threat of uprising against cabal, peaceful or violent resistance, its become very defined in its catalog of who and what this threat is.
Me I’m seeing cabal is working to isolate MAGA and potential resistance, not as Alynski advices in rule #13, this is different, and the diff is a key element.
Has to do with how insurgencies and partisans work in the 20th and present centuries. Almost without exception, insurgencies, insurgents, fighting via extreme and or violent means in these two centuries have almost without exception, not been “organic” grass roots resistance and uprisings, they are at least provided succor and materiel support from a large state or state like entity, who operates from safe haven, safe from the warfare they sponsor via distance mostly. Like the NV in Vietnam, completely but for some token organic support, all support was from the Soviet of both the Russian and Chinese cabal.

Whats important for MAGA/Freedom Resistance to tyranny, is we and I include myself as a red blooded resistor to all tyranny no matter its form, will end up if as it looks very plausible, in a fight with no outside support, its not necessarily a bad thing, we are American’s, in America Fuck You is always a choice, we do the impossible, its who we are, the faggots and surrender monkeys not withstanding. As is crystal clear and it ain’t gone hot yet.
The point is realistically the only way cabal or anyone is going to limit if possible 1000 million armed to the fucking teeth shitlords is isolation, cutting off all formes of support, mutual and otherwise.
I believe and have zero doubt this is been stepped up, regardless of all else going on known or unknown, this has become a highly important objective and signs, indications abound it is underway.
So the idea is to think in 3D, in X instead of why, as a Alpha K and discard all r/ mind fuck bullshit and rebooting the brains if the human race. Do that and things come into better focus. There’s maybe 3 causes involved. One cabal is seeing levels of awareness of itself out there, it recognizes its natural K enemy is not as weak as it was assumed, it must act, it can not avoid taking measures to mitigate shitlord K. Its programs have failed to subdue and castrate K, and its very worried, plans have not survived contact with enemy K.
Keep saying it, it seems correct but why no idea, but time is become the most critical asset cabal has, something, and somethings not only must happen in defined sequential like order timeline, and cabal is running out of time. Time is something you can not get back once lost or passed.
The third is it sure seems like there’s three dynamics, three adversaries, may be a “radical” faction of cabal is broken away, or as AC points out the glowies and lower tier shitstains like the ranks of gangstalkers have grown into a monster, getting away from cabal’s control someway, and cabal is screwed with them or without them. A wrench in the gears.

I think The Plan exists. But it has fooled everyone. Q is basically, “on que”, as in right on cue, a simple adjunct to the main plan, which is so simple and elegant it essentially operated in plain sight and no one caught on. The Plan is exactly as you see it, the basic concept and objectives to create a natural honest organic contrast between cabal amerika and our America as we knew it and was intended to be.
Thats it. No skulls and bones no secret grand chess moves, it set things in motion and rolled with it, generating truly massive positive vibes and faith, happy warriors, Trump even has asked us to be and stay happy warriors, its as AC keeps pointing out about letting people with there own eyes see, and really who better than the great flamboyant famous outrageous shitlord Donald Trump, who just happens to be balls to bones a truly patriotic and ethical honest dude, who because of his native wits and success is protected by his station and wealth. He is also a contemporary, and a peopole person, excellent deligator, a genuine leader type. K Shitlord. r/ fears this like nothing else.
Who else could have changed everything just being The Donald.
Last fews day no question lot of good folks are getting that theres something dark evil that is not what they want us to believe otherwise, and its this big network into everything everywhere and is fucking with us something terrible.
IT, knows we know it exists, we are starting to grok we know IT knows we know. IT is scared of us. We are beginning to grasp its like nothing imaginable before.
It will be very nice when IT is gone.

4 years ago

The 4chan insider story is an interesting data point. Such operations would, of course, normally be compartmentalized so that mid and lower level people have only such information as they require. This individual is confirming some of what Q has said; that the military would be in charge and that the public could not be given the entire story because it would cause to much shock and cognitive dislocation.

My guess would be that he is not at the top, but is rather a spokesperson. That said, the information provided is at least plausible. I think it is a given that we will never know all of the details for reasons already mentioned. Interesting that he points to this SC Case:

4 years ago

So the guy who wrote that Vanity Fair piece admits to have been a lawyer for the CIA.

Fair and unbalanced journalism at its finest.

4 years ago

I was in that 4chan thread when he was there. It seemed interesting, and it is a good idea to follow that broockvar case I think. But as far as I can tell no information about it has even come out. This new thread says they were supposed to do something with it on friday, but they did nothing. Didn’t dismiss, didn’t accept whatever. I don’t know personally as the only available info is pretty sparse.

4 years ago

Getting on your site AC, some odd things happen last couple weeks, click on your frontage intro page, with java script and cookies disabled it loads up in the normal basic WP style your using, all link buttons functional etc. Then click on the blog button, it changes and comes up as ancient java script html, old style font, font spread to window borders, early windows style like pre and early windows 95 period, have to engage java script and cookies to get functionality. Later in the day or next it will all be funky html again, then it will return to your standard style, everything works.

Cant say if its on my end in-between or your end.
Thought you might like to know.

Goolag throttling and de-platforming Vox Day again. They memory holed his UBoob account. The excuse letter is slimy insect standard double speak.

Twice over last 5 days, and just after new-years couple times, on blogs I regularly visit, suddenly they disappear like the exit button was pushed. One happened last night at 2 am. No fingers on keys or mouse, simply reading, poof.
Probably my end, glowies never have stopped since I wrote for the P&E, most likely the trolls infesting everything the FBI told us about, like the ones up in HughesNet North America IT department who was involved in the hack thru my laptop, and since they once again control the executive wing IP’s could be back to obiden regime #1 days surveillance hacks they ran out of there.

Sundance is talking they have experienced very heavy intrusions and disruption events since building their own robust platform for The Last Refuge. Here’s a particular mention by Sundance:

Government cameras hidden on private property? Welcome to open fields

Two can play this game
Extension of Burns Oregon and the other BLM tactics prior and after to liquidate Men of The West from the Unsecured Spaces, like Gates the slimy slithering forked tongue reptile using proxy R Corps to buy up farm land?

Frequency of this kind of grok lately increasing:
“…Makes Me Wonder Just How Much They Had Manipulate The Vote To Make Him Win…Maybe More Than Even I Had Thought…”

Maryam Henein on the CORPORATION structure of the United States




They Know You Know…

photo of stunning victorian natural beauty, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Imperial Russia

Michelle Malkin: The Left Turn the Gas-light up to 11…
(one of the first things popped in my head when first began reading your blog AC, was Michell’s close cousin disappearing and other gangstalking like events she experienced and spoke about)

Indeed looks to me the gaslighting and dissimulation shills are out in force ramping up their coverage. Might simply be due to the obiden regime typically kicking it back in gear after Trump.

Any you guys notice the street level gangstalkers have appeared to greatly reduced activities on your AO?
Shortly after counter-stalking the White Chevy/Knights landscaping company gangstalk truck on News Year day out front of our property, making absolute certain they knew I was stalking them back, haven’t seen hide or hair of any activity on our road. Its blatantly obvious by its absence. I’ve counter stalked them numerous opportunities and they never stopped cold. Though I made a point on this occasion to be sure they could see the rifle I was holding resting straight up on my knee when I pulled up next to them. They looked right at it and if looks tell a story the picture was worth a thousand words.

“Glitches in the Matrix, usually happens when they change something…”

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

I’ve seen that issue with the page as well. I would say it’s a CSS issue. Browsers read the code for the page from the top down. If the CSS does not load first, the page will not be styled correctly.

4 years ago

“Journalist Andy Ngo flees Portland, says police wouldn’t protect him. Police need to be decoupled from politicians.”

We should only have elected sheriffs and their deputies.
And we should not have any level of government below the county, cities that get large enough to have their own government should be made into their own county.

4 years ago

“Rand Paul also tells Stephanopoulos he’s calling for an investigation into the 2020 election”

Too little too late, he voted to certify the fraud and he didn’t say the election WAS stolen.

4 years ago

“Biden proposed a broad immigration bill that would create an eight-year path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in the country without a permanent legal status. An expedited pathway for farmworkers and the young immigrants known as Dreamers, along with changes to the legal immigration, refugee and asylum systems.”

More like 30 million.
And if only 5 million of them vote there will be no peaceful solution.
Trump MUST make his move before this happens.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

30 million is right. Back in Bush Jr’s administration they did a check on social security numbers and found 30 million fake ones so in reality the number is probably larger. And that’s not the end of it. They will be able to get first rights to invite their relatives so the real number is more like 120 million in the next 10 years or so. We will be swamped.

4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago


comment image

4 years ago

A very weird speculation on current events:
A Telegram channel I’m in has been, for a while, sharing screenshots of people on Twitter claiming to have heard explosions; however runs the channel implies that the US military is fighting underground beings in tunnels, and the explosions are due to some kind of warfare when they force the beings out of the tunnels. I scan the channel every so often, assigning a very low probability to the things they imply just in case I find some gem, because I don’t understand why someone would run a channel like that one is, I find the channel odd.

Someone in the channel claimed that Trump stepped out of the presidency to prevent China from invading the US while the military is busy fighting in tunnels.

I share this, although I highly doubt it, given the strangeness of current events, and that when trump spoke at Alamo there was this guy in the audencie sticking out with the red jersey with the number 17 and the word ‘alien’, and also later on, there was the 17 flags when trump gave his speech where he said he might be back in some form in the future.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

There is the mystery of the Paris Catacomb:

He probably saw “Beings” underground and runs away. And he has disappeared for a long time.

Comment: “A myth is that if you are deep enough then after midnight people hear voices telling them to go deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and deeper. “

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

could be. loads of old unused pipelines, old cities undergrounds, utility/sewer tunnels, ds/cabal private and military repurposed tunnels etc…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I believe Cabal runs a massive underground complex. Thanks for sharing, P.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

If otherworldly underground beings existed. I wish that their existence will be disclosed as some point as part of a gradual unveiling of all reality.

And that the information remains easily accessible for all future generations.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Of course they exist, they’re the fallen angels, and they hate humanity. You will see the truth within 12 years, and you won’t like it one little bit, unless you are right with God, and soon.

4 years ago

AC, thought this would be good to post here, as you’ve said before people have no idea how bad it is out there

Operation TIPS was what 7-10% of the population

Who knows how many other homes have features like this out here

Love the site and what you do, God bless!

4 years ago

JUST IN – Donald Trump establishes the Office of the Former President.

4 years ago

“I still think they want to know exactly how mRNA tech works, and if it really degrades 100%, and translation of the product is fully controllable.”

It is able to change human DNA.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Indeed. Its similar to how retroviruses work.

4 years ago

Just ignore the patriot party and focus on gaining control of the republican party again.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

if one’s home is so riddled with termites and vermin that it’s uninhabitable and structurally unsafe, the correct fixative is not a fresh new coat of paint.

kill the GOP, drive away anyone who’s ever been associated with them, and start a whole new party. take off and nuke the unholy deep-state controlled-opposition whores of wall street infestation from orbit: it’s the only way to be sure.

4 years ago

The other trolls failed so they sent in the religion trolls to try and start flame wars.
Don’t let it work, ignore them.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

You documented the basic shill types, but they’ve been sending a higher quality of shill here and to Vox and some other sites. They are teaming up to divide us up. And they taunt us by their choice of names, ones that only the targeted individual would realize was a fake name made up from events and people in his life. They take advantage of fog of war to create friendly fire, separating allies. Much more sophisticated than the usual 4chan shill, finely tuned to emotional nuance. I think it shows how influential you and Vox Day are that they put the rarer, higher powered resources onto us. Since this site appears to have lower traffic (comment-wise) they might be having a harder time getting a purchase here.

Sam J: much respect. The French Prophets were an inspirational part of the Huguenot story. Glad so many of them came over and joined forces with our Puritan forefathers.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

@Mycroft The puritans didn’t celebrate christmas, amd they lost. WHo is this ‘us’ you refer to? What team are you on? Are you a (((circumcizer)))?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

cabal feint, complete with posts that say Kushner runs it.

4 years ago

Your a really awesome guy AC. You got my full support and im standing by you 110%. Looking at your work and efforts every day i still have difficulty absorbing the scope of your efforts and the conclusions you have drawn, theres simply nothing like it. And your book on your r/K Evolutionary Theory has more to do with events and our stuation on an order of magnitude than anything ive read or seen.
Your doing a marvelous job of trying to figure this clown show out. You have helped me to understand so many things its like drinking from a fire hose. And you got balls that clink when you walk, if for only the risks to you and your family. This evil is murdering people left and right, its evil incarnate. To go up against it is the definition of courage and faith in this age.
Hats off and Bravo!
The Roman Legionares had a salute of great honor they bestowed upon leaders who they saw possessing great courage and warrior virtues. Its very old, its said some of it is lost in time, but it is the highest honor, only the Legionare in the files could instigate and hold another in such a tribute, and no higher honor existed. It is done with the arm straight out, palm forward, not as the Nazi’s saluted. Latin and Roman history sure is important, maybe more so at this point than in a very long time. This is most appropriate considering what you have done AC and those who presume to do harm to you and all who only seek the truth and rightful redress.

“Bring us together”,

This too:

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

I would add in The Whole Armor of God

4 years ago

FBI opened up the Tesla vault

4 years ago

How the Plebs of Wall Street bets pulled off a big win causing hedge funds to lose millions:

4 years ago
4 years ago

RedMoonProject says:
“I’ve seen that issue with the page as well. I would say it’s a CSS issue. Browsers read the code for the page from the top down. If the CSS does not load first, the page will not be styled correctly.”

I can buy that up to a point, yet its funny far as my experience goes how it only occurs on WP sponsored content when I have experienced it, and only with alt-media blogs running WP, which for instance, my blog sponsored by WP did this all the time, in particular when I was logged onto my blogs states pages, more so when I was composing a new post.
It was frequent occurrence with the WP editing program we used for the P&E when I was a citizen journalist there, this was in 2009 it started first appearing, inauguration day, 2009 at 2:05 pm, and when the hacker working from the executive wing IP began to disrupt our online newspaper it was almost a constant.
I ain’t no puter wiz, but correlation is exactly that and relative relationship don’t lie in particular when it evinces a pattern even subtle.
The occurrences increased after goolag was sharing secure internal email links referencing my blogs particular posts and more so last weeks before WP memory holed it.

Its out of concern for this and other blogs thought to comment upon it.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

If WordPress is willing to just disappear blogs they don’t like, then they could also mess with the code. And as with all code, making it work correctly is a lot harder than screwing it up.

4 years ago

Anonymous says:
January 25, 2021 at 10:10 pm
“Just ignore the patriot party and focus on gaining control of the republican party again.”

There’s a cautionary history about going that route which can not be ignored if success is possible. Building robust anti-fragile alt-platforms is necessary.
The Tea Party’s experiences in how it was totally infiltrated by decepticons when it attempted to become a “respectable” in group political organization running within the framework of cabal institutional order is instructive. Remember Lois Lerner’s weaponized IRS lawfare and their wicked gaslighting/gangstalking of Tea Party actions to run as non-profits.

Grass roots, organic anti-fragility is essential, its insurgent by nature. Going legal and all official regardless who is at the helm is a non starter. The system can not be fixed or will it permit outside threats within its order, that cabal’s most valuable publicly appearing territory.
I believe as Andrew Breitbart brilliantly observed, our culture is upstream of all politics. That’s seen as a feature in r/K low intensity conflict. The system cant fix itself because it is the system, its got to sink in on good folks thinking and perceptions handing your insurgency on a silver plater by walking in eyes wide shut to the machine’s politikal operatives is disaster waiting.
Its the system itself, the institutional order which controls that battle space, somehow you got to adapt your operations to Byodd’s OODA Loop strategy and employ tactics which are upstream. It always goes back to culture over politiks, you don’t defeat the machine by sticking your head in its jaws, unless you got a line up of Trumpian shitlords with full resources backing the effort. Then again why even bother, because nothing fucks with the glowies and insects in the machines managerial level than bypassing them to wither on the vine.
What happened, what was perpetrated against, to Sarah Palin is a prime example of how they fuck you, her great spirit and instincts not withstanding. It’s her story as very instructive.
Alt-Platform everything. Stay true to grass roots audacity and motive power. Operate on ground and time of your choosing. Extremely powerful weapon systems. Intrinsically effective. Divisive decisive warfare is a pre-requisite.
Don’t play by the enemies rules. 4th/5th Generation warfare the shit out of it. Most definitely, defiantly too, open source it.

Its not the parties that are important, its the system the machine runs you have to eliminate, its sick to the tips of its roots. Too many normies, black/pillers of despair, resistance is futile surrender monkeys, and useful dupes, who will join the new party, have to get upstream of that very real dynamic too.

The only objective that counts is cabals fall. An alt-party will not be filled with shitlords. You need epic people to accomplish epic shit.
And TINVOWOOT. Voting as intended in our Republic was never intended for voting our way out of cluster fucks, it was for not getting into the pickle of having to vote our way out of this exact shit to begin with.
If TGE is half the shitlord he is, it might be why he rejected any part in the Patriot Party.

The left are commies, the machines neo-bolshiviks without AK47’s. Yet.
We are cabal’s Kulaks.
Time to change the rules of the game.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Hats off and Bravo!”

Much agreement. Your site is full of super interesting wonder. don’t know how you can keep up with it all.


4 years ago

Too @ Mycroft Jones,

Darn man, thats one hell of a comment. Id eat my hat to be able to put these insects infesting our genuine discourse and trying to infect it with their hate and envy in the light you just did.
They may be sly they may be cunning they certainly represent evil incarnate but they have no power over others when they are known and recognized. Just as their overlords and agenda, all, creeping and slinking along the borderlands of the shadows of pure evil.

Gets my vote of the most important commenter comment of the year.

4 years ago

Well you deserve it. Appreciate you.

4 years ago

Anonymous Conservative on January 26, 2021 at 7:09 am
“I was thinking the exact same thing about the fewer commenters being a strength…”

Notice who have no BP, gaslight concern trolling, how they never contribute in positive ways except to con with platitudes, to add to such a germane discussion, with the smarmy grin and a shiv behind the back waiting to stick it thru the ribs.

There’s another aspect here about what your saying AC and its the pedo/#Pizzagate factor, the awesome power it is, the myriad of resources and sociopolitikal engineering tool and fulcrum of dark hidiius power it is under all of its depravity.

I truly believe without pedo cabal is not possible.
You yourself point to this in the auto degenerative extreme, where your ordered to rape a child then murder him or her, knowing right there your on film, knowing once done there’s no turning back, its Mao’s dirty all hands system of control to the max.
And thats just a tiny fraction of the scope of it. An almost unimaginable well of evil from which to draw from.
Makes you wonder sometimes why some good people have died, may be its they where not murdered to shut them up per say, they where killed because they wherevpeoole of true courage and conviction, who the network picked up on a particular day, taken to a safe house, given the choice rape and murder this infant or die, they chose death instead of roe and murder this little defenseless human.
It makes you wonder why among lots of others say the clinton and branson syndicates are running human trafficking conduits out of rural carribean archepelagoes and central America, why so many children? like the whole obama regime alien invader children in a cage, which they projected onto Trump, a huge tell in itself. What are they doind with so many children? Seems obvious to me, they need victims by thousands to keep up with demand for this ultimate blackmail, because they are so deep into every facet of the sphere of our Republic and way of life.
Being a victim of this pedo rung I get a diff sort of sense on things you dont if you arent a survivor, and my radar says, beyond intellectual grasp of the insidious path this power and control slithers thru our civilization, Trump among some very effective counter actions, went right after these child/human trafficking conduits as he did rolling up the opiate pill cinduits thru Appalachia, the effects have been stunning here in WV. On that point, gutting the pipelines and rings trafficking children especially to feed the maw of this unimaginable depravity they use children as if they where the container big macks come in, except like good little one worlders they think green recycle everything, kind of like as in Soylent Green, but instead of food, (and who knows, they are adreno chrome junkies already, whats a little human veal oscar with a vintage carbina at Davos?), they run it thru the organ legging outfit Planned Parenthood, let no good crisis go to waste, and all these kids they use up like asswipe for their precious butts, they chop up this unending supply of babies and kids, in whats got to be a carnel house running 24/7365, realizing billions yearly supplying big pharma and medicine, and funding operations.

These shills and trolls rarely if ever go near this subject, even with a ten foot pole, its like silence of the lambs in reverse. Makes you wonder, you got to be one sick fuck day after day sitting at your computer fucking with good folks heads, coming up with ways to gaslight people, craft cunning despicable narrative and maintaining it, nevermind the constant watch for targets and subjects forbotten you must crush subvert and misdirect, takes some kind of special hate and self loathing to do that.
And where else could you find such degenerates and sociopaths, you make them. You give them a knife and a 3 year old, your told to rape and sodomise and torture thos child, while they run a drain off an artery drawing adreno chrome saturated blood, right up to the moment you kill this child. Now your hooked for eternity, even your soul is owned, you went straight to Hellmouth, Faust even held the gate for you. Then its easy to be such a piece of wortless fucking human shit you slink around behind peoples backs sticking the shiv in, fucking with peoples lives, gangstalking, murdering for terror, rioting running false flag massacres in Vegas or a Christian church.
How else are so many insects infesting everything?