News Briefs – 01/24/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT’s owner is on vacation, so no links today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Wall Street Apes tweeted about James Walbert, who was the first guy to win a court case over electronic harassment. The tweet is not as good as it sounds. The guy got a restraining order against a business associate barring him from using some sort of device to spray him with microwaves, or some other form of radiation. Not exactly an amazingly decisive proof it was being done, with damages awarded, and criminals imprisoned. That said of greater interest, and unmentioned by Apes, is that the clip they air at the tweet appears to be a clip from an upcoming special hosted by the Star Trek actor who plays Spock on the reboot, and he, and it appears his special, is giving great credence to both the idea people are electronically harassed, and evidence the guy discussed has that he has been covertly implanted with microchips by some intelligence entity. I do not know how widely that covert implantation occurs. NSA legend Bill Binney, who was fourth in the chain of command at NSA on 9/11, has said he thinks every CIA and FBI agent has been knocked out with directed energy weapons, and covertly implanted by a surreptitious entry team, to allow the conspiracy to more easily keep track of them. We know the entire Miami field office of the FBI has said they are being Havana’d in their homes each night, presumably by neighbors. Bill’s  wife, Dr Katherine Horton has said she has worked with tons of regular civilians who were implanted, and they have removed the chips, and that she herself was implanted at some point, as was Bill. What I do know is, if it is occurring, the people behind it will be the conspiracy, and they would never want a documentary moving the public’s Overton Window toward thinking this is possible. They would want everyone famous saying people who say such things are deranged and dangerous, and need to be committed. The fact you have the new Spock doing a whole special saying this is perfectly plausible says to me something is changing. Whoever previously controlled all the “Stars” to make sure we never heard an opinion the conspiracy didn’t want us to hear, may not be in control anymore. The trajectory towards exposure continues to curve to the target.

Another question for electrical anons. Will a transformer at the pole be uniformly thermally emissive, ie the same temperature,  regardless of the juice the residence it services is drawing? Or will a residence pulling a ton of electricity have a hotter transformer? I have thermal imagery which can record, so if I can spin down the road and spot the house by how white their transformer is during a beaming, that would be great.

Trump takes New Hampshire in decisive win, expected to win by 55%.

“Exit polls show that 70% of Nikki Haley’s votes came from unaffiliated voters, whereas she only received 27% of the Republican vote. However, Donald Trump won 70% of the registered Republican vote, and 27% of the unaffiliated vote.

DeSantis exit causes massive surge for Trump, helping grow sizable lead over Nikki Haley.

Despair settles into the Never-Trump world.

Michelle Obama has reportedly already surveyed major Democrat donors about her potential candidacy and in 2022 allegedly told a gathering of CEOs in New York City she was running.

Barack Obama’s permanent residency in Washington breaks precedent and makes him the effective head of the anti-Trump opposition.

Kevin Morris invoked attorney privilege at least 17 times to avoid questions about Hunter Biden.

Even this understates the problem enormously:

A reopened House ethics probe into Rep. Matt Gaetz continues to ramp up, as the committee in recent weeks has contacted multiple new witnesses as part of its ongoing investigation into the Florida congressman, sources tell ABC News.

Rand Paul – Nikki Haley and half of the GOP are ready to sell out border reform to fund Ukraine war.

Biden admin spent whopping $20 billion on refugee resettlement in just two years.

CBO: Biden admin has released 6.2 million illegal migrants into U.S. in 3 years, often through ‘parole’ loophole.

NYC inks $77m emergency hotels contract to shelter migrant families.

The UN is paying illegals using US taxpayer cash.

Texas National Guard defies the Supreme Court ruling, installs more razor wire and barriers at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass Texas. This is exactly the kind of thing Cabal wargames endlessly, to make sure it cannot happen uncontrolled. Whatever this it, the people at the top know how it will turn out, and it will be to their advantage.

Michael Yon tells Alex Jones the ChiComs are building bridges and thoroughfares through Panama’s Darien Gap to feed their migrants into huge illegal alien processing centers funded by the US government.

A Florida state bill that would protect historical memorials, including controversial monuments to the Confederacy erected after the Civil War by White citizens’ groups, moved through a committee in the Senate, powered by a Republican supermajority on the Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability.

Thousands of dogs are being abandoned by the illegal border crossers who bring their pets only to learn that the dogs can’t come in.

A town in Arizona formed a department to allegedly monitor and control the online speech of its employees, AZ Free News reported Thursday. The town of Gilbert.

Stock markets in China and Hong Kong are witnessing a severe downturn, reaching multi-year lows, as Beijing considers an ambitious multi-trillion market rescue package.

Hamas said to reject Israeli offer of two-month pause in war for release of hostages.

Mexico calls for probe into why Mexican drug cartels are in possession of U.S. military grade weapons. US claims the weapons may have just gone missing from American stockpiles, or some military suppliers may have instead chosen to sell them on the black market. Sounds more like Cabal was arming up the Cartels.

‘Dexit’: Germany’s soaring AfD mulls future referendum to exit the European Union.

Germany weighs acceptance of foreign citizens into Army.

Turkey approves Sweden’s NATO membership bid after 20-month delay.

Norway military chief warns Europe has ‘2, maybe 3 years’ to prepare for war with Russia.

The Canadian Federal Court has delivered a significant blow to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government by deeming the use of the Emergencies Act during the Freedom Convoy protests as unconstitutional.

Your tax dollars at work: Ukrainian officials blew millions in the US taxpayer dollars on sports cars, mansions, luxury vacations, etc.

Russians feel bad for CIA and try to help them, telling them trying to recruit Russians on social media platform X will probably not work since the website is blocked in Russia, and nobody uses it.

Mass layoffs hit LA Times, California’s biggest newspaper.

Spread r/K Theory, because here we are guided by the light

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1 year ago

To: Jeff Wood

In case you missed my reply, yes the tune is Do Ya Ken John Peel. Remarkable, and delightful to know. TY!'ye_Ken_John_Peel?file=D%27ye_Ken_John_Peel_-_Arr.P.M.Adamson

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

My dear Tonawanda, I am usually behind in my reading, so I did not miss your response.
Glad I could help.

1 year ago

I don’t think anyone has posted this site yet:

a TI who writes well provides some experiential recommendations for beam shielding.

she suggests rubber mats help. You can find stall mats at farm supply stores for what should be a reasonable price.

she also suggests cast iron. Obviously very heavy. Maybe a little harder to source. You might get lucky finding a pan here or there at a thrift store. It might be more cost effective to call nearby scrap yards to see if they have any cast iron you can purchase. Aren’t old radiators made from cast iron?

she further recommends clothing with silver. I know some grounding sheets have silver in them. I don’t recall what kind of content we are talking, just stitching, fully integrated, etc.
And she goes into zinc vs aluminum plate shielding trade offs
she also has other good articles based on the one or two I skimmed through.

1 year ago

Will a transformer at the pole be uniformly thermally emissive, ie the same temperature, regardless of the juice the residence it services is drawing? Or will a residence pulling a ton of electricity have a hotter transformer? I have thermal imagery which can record, so if I can spin down the road and spot the house by how white their transformer is during a beaming, that would be great.”
No, the more loaded a transformer is, the hotter it will be. However, the temperature does not change instantly. The insulating oil will take time to heat up. Turning on a large load will not immediately change the temperature of the transformer enclosure. Pole mounted oil filled transformers can be temporarily overloaded as long as they are under loaded later, so they can cool down. There will be overload ratings listed on the nameplate. With that said, there are hard limits. A 25 kVA transformer cannot be loaded to 500 kVA. Normally residential transformers are the most heavily loaded in the evening and lightly loaded overnight into the morning. If your thermal imagery is sensitive enough, you could take readings. For the data to be meaningful you would have to get trend information. If the neighbor’s transformer is warmest at 6:00 AM every day, something odd is going on in that house. Unless of course they have electric heat in the winter.

1 year ago

‘Exit polls show that 70% of Nikki Haley’s votes came from unaffiliated voters, whereas she only received 27% of the Republican vote. However, Donald Trump won 70% of the registered Republican vote, and 27% of the unaffiliated vote.’

She’s only gotten this far because she’s a she, just like our excuse for a VP.

1 year ago

A step-down transformer is ~98.5% efficient, losses are due to atomic friction and shown as heat. The greater the current being drawn, the greater the heat produced equal to I(current in amps)squared times R(resistence in ohms).

1 year ago

Re: your question about transformers on the pole. The more current drawn by the house fed by the transformer, the warmer the transformed should become. Of course, it’s hard to say how much current these devices draw. But it’s worth a try to do some thermal imaging of them.

Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Speaking of The Beam, I’ll share a connection I just recently made, though I should have made it years ago. A few years back, I lived in a small apartment where I would sometimes get The Knockout Beam. The Knockout Beam is the one where your whole body starts vibrating, you start involuntarily blacking out, and enter a semi-conscious trance state akin to floating in an abyss. You come out of it very groggy and it takes a couple of hours to recover from.

I believed it was wholly spiritual at the time because the timing was just uncanny, whenever I was at the cusp of some sort of spiritual epiphany, usually when I was reading a particularly enlightening book or the Bible. This is probably why I didn’t suspect the transformers until I recalled the situation I describe below.

The 2nd floor balcony to my apartment was directly in front of the room in which I worked, which was connected/separated by a large window facing directly outward of the apartment. As such, my back was facing the window and directly outside. Now, directly outside was a cluster of transformers about 200′ by 200′ square. The only thing between my balcony and the boundary of the transformers was a small park about 100′ by 100′ square. In this apartment, I usually worked with my window open with one of those Vornado-type fans pointed at my back. as small apartments are very stuffy.

One day, some time mid-2019 I think, I felt a strong vibration and immediately looked backwards, out the window. I witnessed one of the large transformers explode. The transformer in question was located at the farthest edge from my room, so approximately 300′ away, a bit to the right from my perspective. I saw most of the explosion–it was no joke. I got to see the entire shockwave expand toward me, which was cool.

I post this because it could very well have been some sort of transformer tech that caused The Knockout Beam, though the timing was still uncanny. The transformer cluster was very much in the middle of a high traffic area, too. I’ve since moved out and have not gotten The Knockout Beam thus far. I wonder if there are any Anons who lived similarly near large transformers have been Beamed.

1 year ago

Commentator Ghost that Walks yesterday asked about Benjamin Franklin’s testimony before the House of Commons in 1766 about the Stamp Act. I found a link to the National Archives copy of the testimony:

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Thank you!

1 year ago

Another question for electrical anons. Will a transformer at the pole be uniformly thermally emissive, ie the same temperature, regardless of the juice the residence it services is drawing? Or will a residence pulling a ton of electricity have a hotter transformer?

It should be hotter the more amps it is transforming. It won’t be a huge difference normally, because those things are full of oil for the express purpose of keeping them from overheating.

1 year ago

I actually paid attention to the New Hampshire primary yesterday, but it turns out that Z Blog has the best take, and really explains all you need to know about the results:

“It also tells us something about the dynamics of this election. This is not the 2016 election where people voted for Trump for the same reason the drunk guy in the crowd mooned the king or shouted derogatory things at him. In 2016, Trump was for many voters a harmless protest vote. In 2024 it means something different because things have gotten much worse since then. Note that for the first time primary voters put immigration at the top of their concerns.

“There is something else here that may be driving a new dynamic in this election and that is the open shenanigans in this process. Think about the sort of person who schemes up a plan to get Democrats to vote in the other party’s primary a year in advance in order to subvert the will of the voters. This is a level of sociopathy that few people think is possible. Serial killers are not this devious. The people claiming to defend democracy are now out front with these schemes.

“Of course, such a scheme only works if there are people willing to do it. Years of interacting with people who put up signs on their lawn promoting the latest thing is slowly changing how normal people see things. Thirty years ago, the typical suburban peasant thought they just needed find the right person to say the truth the right way and these people would see the light. Today, the typical suburban peasant thinks the woman with the BLM sign might be better off in another country.”

1 year ago

Texas National Guard defies the Supreme Court ruling, installs more razor wire and barriers at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass Texas.

SCOTUS ruled that TX can’t stop CBP from cutting the wire. SCOTUS didn’t rule that TX couldn’t put wire out.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I bet scotus didn’t say they couldn’t electrify it.

1 year ago

Hamas said to reject Israeli offer of two-month pause in war for release of hostages.

Meaning that Israel needs 2 months to rearm and regroup.

1 year ago

And I forgot to mention; utility companies use flir/thermal to check devices such as transformers, splices, cap banks etc. You can also check which transformers are set up for the most load. Any transformer whether pole or ground mounted has the KVA(power, or KiloVoltAmps) written on the front and/or side. Amperage produced by the xfmr is KVA divided by the local distribution voltage. If there are ground mounted xfmrs they will tell you what voltage they are set up for on a metal tag on the back, same info is on a pole mounted but you’ll have to use binos to read. So if your xfmr is 25 KVA and local voltage is 12kv, you want amperage so: 25/12=2.083 amps. Keep in mind that is 2.083 amps total out of that can for all customer taps. If you cruch those numbers you’ll figure out if someone is overbuilt for the area.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Apparently home marijuana growers were often concerned thermal censors would detect the bulbs they used to light the plants. Another thing that allegedly got them caught was their house would be the only one without snow on the roof. that is, it would melt off of their roof sooner than the other houses. Maybe just a rumor, but I could see how thermal imaging could provide a clue on how much juice a house was using.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

1-Phase KVA = Volts x Amps / 1000
1-Phase Amps = KVA / Volts x 1000
3-Phase KVA = Volts x Amps x 1.732 / 1000
3-Phase Amps = KVA / Volts / 1.732 x 1000

1 year ago

A thermal survey of the pole mount transformers along your line isn’t a bad idea to get a snapshot of what houses are drawing a a high load off the system if you have the right thermal camera. You’d ideally want something with a thermometer built in that can tell you the actual temperature in degrees versus a simpler imager like the TK Scout that just gives you an image. When the line is hot the primary of the transformer will always be energized and dumping heat even if there’s no load on the secondary.
To get the best imaging you would want to do it at night, no rain, and calm to no wind to eliminate as many environmental factors as possible. The temperatures of the individual transformers should show some variation depending on the load each house is drawing from the system but be aware that if you lhave a mix of oil transformers and dry transformers that could skew your results due to the different cooling mediums.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It would be easier to look at the wires from the transformer to the house, to see if they are warmer than other houses. As pointed out previously, the transformer will have a delayed effect in heating up, because of it’s mass.

1 year ago

On the New Hampshire primary, I see Karl Denninger did the math and I’m doing the math.

In 2024, officially the Democrats said that their presidential primary in New Hampshire didn’t count and they would not recognize any delegates selected. They tried to cancel it completely, but major party primaries are set up by state law (why?) and the New Hampshire legislature would not change the law.

The Democrats actually had a problem in that a Democratic Congressman ran against Biden in the New Hampshire primary, so they (meaning the Cabal with the surveillance) had to figure out a way to steer enough votes to Biden in the Democratic primary to avoid embarrassment, and enough votes to Haley in the Republican primary to embarrass Trump. They wound up threading this needle very impressively.

So 2016 was the last time there were seriously contested New Hampshire primaries in both parties:

Total Republican votes 285.916
Total Democratic votes 253,062
Trump votes 100,735 (35%)
H. Clinton votes 95,355 (38%)

In 2020 there was a contest on the Democratic side (and this was before the lockdowns and before the party establishment shut it down and declared Biden the nominee), and there was a challenge to Trump that wound up not getting anywhere:

Total Republican votes 153,674
Total Democratic votes 298.377
Trump votes 129,734 (89%)
Biden votes 24,944 (8%)

And here is 2024, with 92% -94% of the vote counted:

Total Republican votes 300,000 +
Total Democratic votes 110,000+
Trump votes 165,639 + (est. 55%)
Biden votes 58,944 + (53% +)

There are still 13,888 “unprocessed write ins” for the Democrats, mostly for Biden, so Biden could wind up with 60% of the vote, just enough to avoid embarrassment. So they threaded the needle very carefully.

But yes, the math backs up the claim that at least half of the Haley voters are in fact people who would normally vote in the Democratic primary, and switched their registration to independent. She will wind up with 150,000 votes at the most. And turnout for the Democrats seems lower than expected, probably by the 70,000 or so votes Denninger expected. Granted, in 2012, only about 60,00 people voted in the Democratic primary when Obama ran unopposed, but its complicated because Biden did have an opponent this year, and Dean Phillips got over 20,000 votes, so they couldn’t pull their assets out of the Democratic primary completely.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…Another question for electrical anons. Will a transformer at the pole be uniformly thermally emissive, ie the same temperature, regardless of the juice the residence it services is drawing? Or will a residence pulling a ton of electricity have a hotter transformer?…”

Yes there will be losses in the iron core of the transformer. It’s small but depending on the sensitivity of your rthermal camera, I think, oit could be seen. I fond a chart for some translfrers and the loses. Should be the same for smaller ones like on your street.

Looking at the chart, it looks like 2% loses at max load, likely they are max, and 1% at 50% load. That, I would think, would be plenty to identify the house involved. Some numbers made up but suspected to be ballpark. If they are drawing down the whole line then assume the full load on their power line to the house of 200A at 240 volts = 48,000 watts

2% of that, 960 watts. Not insignificant. Should be able to see this, I would think, though I have no direct experience with thermal cameras. I know you can see people who are 100 watts or so, so it would seem this would be readily seen.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

BTW good thinking about the thermal on the transformer for identification. I didn’t think of that. I think you’ve found a way to nail them and provide evidence they can’t refute.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Forgot something, If you have a journal of timing AND thermal from transformers then if they have a smart meter, which I suspect they try to put those everywhere now. Their consumption can be ordered by a court and matched with your data. Just another nail in the coffin for them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

The UN is paying illegals using US taxpayer cash.

There are solutions to these problems. Un-earmarks. If congress can earmark funds, they can also un-earmark funds. Specifically, demand that not one thin dime go to individuals who participate in things such as this. Not only direct government but all government contracts of any sort. And add in anyone who does pass on funds to them from government contracts, the pay will be taken out of the salary of those that passed the funds to them. It would only take 2 or 3 of these enforced to bring a large amount of this sort of thing to a halt. I presume, and I seriously doubt I’m wrong, that the majority of the funds used by all these pozzed, stalking and evil planned scum comes directly from the taxpayers. No one else has the cash to run such a broad and unprofitable enterprise. Cut off their funds.

1 year ago

Abbott responds to Pedo-President.
comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
1 year ago

Have you tried solid wool mats/blankets? You said your pillow somehow helps with The Beam. Could be natural fibers dampen/block it.

Wrap yourself in a cocoon of solid wool (no holes/gaps) and see ?

I was wondering about rubber too. Real rubber. Again, natural, God made materials may be a part of the answer.

God bless and know prayers are being said repeatedly for you.

1 year ago

You know how everything electronic has embedded listening/spying capabilities now? Not just the obvious/expected ones with a microphone like your t.v. and phone, but also your car, washing machine, etc. Everything has it because it’s so trivial to embed.

That tech has been in our consumer goods for a LOT longer than has been publicly acknowledged or known.

What if The Beam is old hat, boring tech for Cabal, on the same level as ubiquitous embedded microphones are these days?

What if Cabal has embedded The Beam tech in some/most/all consumer electronic goods? That would be a lot easier and more convenient than sending a team into someone’s house to say swap a router.

Could it be like the old horror movies – it’s coming from inside your house?

1 year ago

If Cabal has embedded The Beam in our consumer goods, ( at least something in the goods that when activated causes the The Beam phenomenon or allows The Beam to target) then everything would be suspect.

This may be very dangerous for you AC, but can you find a way to safely get away from any houses/dwellings/electronics to see if the utter absence of electronics removes their ability to Beam you?

I’d think something like remote camping. With zero anything other than food, water, clothes, firearms. Again, this may be too dangerous. They could pick you off rather easily if you’re far from any civilization.

Do you have any long lost Amish relatives you can go stay with?

I’m just thinking about Tesla powering electronics without needing a plug/socket. The power came from the environment. Even if you unplug/turn off everything in your house, if they have Tesla tech, it won’t matter and you won’t have blocked them through that avenue.

Good luck and God bless you!

Reply to  Name
1 year ago


1 year ago

Hamas said to reject Israeli offer of two-month pause in war for release of hostages.
I remember in all wars where each side decided to have a pause.
Video related:

1 year ago

Re: defense contractors selling to the cartels. No way. Not a chance, not possible. Government auditors are all over every major and minor business that has anything to do with defense. Export laws and end user statements are monitored and enforced relentlessly. Serial numbers and shipping numbers are logged in massive databases and even the smallest discrepancy can result in loss of job, massive fines, or jail time. This simply does not happen.

There are only two ways: lax security at military/LEO installations leading to theft or contraband sale; or wholesale collision with the US government. That’s it. No third option.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Ficus
1 year ago

I’ll take #2 for $500, Bob.

Reply to  Ficus
1 year ago

The Kraine was outright selling hardware to organized crime and we left billions in small arms in the ‘Stan. I’m sure there’s plenty of other ways our govt got the cartels strapped.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ficus
1 year ago

“…Government auditors are all over every major and minor business that has anything to do with defense…”

I guess that’s how they have several trillion dollars unaccounted for.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Yes, but it isn’t coming from the businesses. I can say that as one who was very involved in the contract process. There is no room for corruption from that end. It comes from somewhere else.

1 year ago

The lead blankets help but I noticed the last couple of days some lower level vibrations were still occurring. I randomly raised my arm and touched the backboard and realized they must have switched to vibrating the bed instead of me directly whenever they figured out I was using those lead blankets. I guess I know why you moved the mattress to the floor now.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I think you give too much credit to the elites re: border.

As vox day has clearly shown over and over, they are not sending their best.

Or rather, it’s even scarier than that – they are, in fact, sending their best.

1 year ago

Here’s the “you’ll find out why I’m here later” at the border guy:
comment image

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

He and his comrads will set up a Shiria government here, too, and the 85-90% that blindly mouth nonsense about everything from equal rights to social justice to law and order to Jesus and Abraham to muh favorite sports ball team will support and revere that Sharia government. You can take that to the bank.

Americans need to know about the real trial by jury system, with jurors deciding both the law and the facts (as John Jay) stressed.

That would allow American people to drag subversive Jews, treasonous “officials,” and illegal invaders out in the night, tie their shoe laces together, and walk. Conviction will be impossible.

The Jury system has been totally corrupted. John Jay was our first Chief Justice of SCOTUS. He knew! So did Lysander Spooner (look him up), but John Jay has more weight. ONE JUROR on the side of Right can negate Jewish, communist, Clown world’s most poisonous DAs and Prosecutors and allow any righteously pissed off American to become a powerful Private Prosecutor!

1 year ago

James O’Keefe
DC SWAMP EXPOSED. PART 1 – D.C. Blackmail:

A Capitol Hill intern reveals how members of Congress are coerced to vote a certain way through blackmail and extortion after affairs & sex parties: “Cawthorn wasn’t lying neither”

O’Keefe Media Group founder James O’Keefe has discovered that nothing is as it seems when it comes to Congress Members’ voting patterns, the staffers they hire, or their activity outside of Congress.

Meet Titus Warren, a Democrat working for Republicans in Congress. These Republicans do not care about Warren’s political views or the potential of him tipping off the other side. In fact, Titus states that he “loves” Nancy Pelosi and believes that Donald Trump “needs to die.”

Still, his employers don’t seem to care how he thinks. While Titus says he keeps these details to himself, he is “sure” that his boss knows his political views, considering the fact that a photo of Nancy Pelosi sits proudly on Titus’ desk.

“Every time I see her, or we run into each other, you know, sometimes I’ll even go into her office, then I’ll just go in her candy bowl,” said Titus before confirming that Pelosi knows him and “loves” him as he “loves” her.
Titus also boasted that he gets to attend “a lot of embassies and a lot of events at the White House” and that he loves Joe Biden.

When asked how Republican constituents might respond to his viewpoints, Titus said, “If they do [care], they can kiss the crack of my ass because I don’t care.”

What’s worse is that most Congressmen in D.C. don’t actually think for themselves but rely on staffers like Titus and their advisors to guide them in decision-making. Or they rely on outside influences, such as blackmail, which uses their sexual wrongdoings while “serving” the American people.

Titus was able to provide us with good intel on the inner workings of Congress and how members of both parties are coerced to vote a certain way through what he called a vote “suggestion.” But these so-called suggestions aren’t suggestions at all; they are much more nefarious ways of blackmailing members of Congress who have engaged in affairs on their spouses or downright sex parties with other members, according to Titus. “There’s a lot of things that I see with my own eyes,” he told James O’Keefe.

“Madison Cawthorn wasn’t lying neither,” said Titus as he explained that most Congress Members are married, but “they have affairs with other congresspeople… And they have like parties and stuff.” Titus then confirmed that these alleged parties get “hot and heavy.”

Though he said he’s never gone to one of these parties or been invited, Titus contends “that is a fact” and an open secret. “It happens a lot more than people think,” he noted before telling us that he thought it was a fiction or a “joke” before he began working in Congress.

“A majority of members that come late are 9/10 times hungover from the [sex parties] the night before,” Titus added.

These parties are then used to gain leverage over the officials to pressure them to vote for the Swamp’s preferred policy and against unfavorable policy.

But this leverage is not only used to change votes in Congress. It seemingly applies to election season, too, as Titus explains, “If you ever run for office, and you’ve been where I am, you would use that as leverage to win your campaign.”

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, Madison Cawthorn revealed in March 2022 that he was invited to a “sexual get-together” or an “orgy” at a D.C. elite’s home. He also alleged that “some of the people leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country” were often doing cocaine right in front of him. This caused a stir within the House of Representatives. Cawthorn was then smeared as a liar, threatened with consequences by then-Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and removed from Congress in the next election.

We reached out to Madison Cawthorn for his reaction to Titus’ bombshell assertions:

CAWTHORN: “Well, I mean, I’ve never been to a party like this; I got invited to them. My instant reaction to that is, you know, especially the blackmail piece that it seemed like this individual was talking about in this piece, that’s something that I experienced firsthand. It’s kind of a laden threat. It’s kind of just an understood thing in Washington. It’s not something that’s ever really said to you, but it’s well known that people can always have leverage points on you.” “People only want to put you in compromising situations so that they can have leverage over you so they can control your vote.”

Titus said the media either does not know about this blackmail scheme or “they’re not allowed to run these stories.” It would seem more likely the latter.
Titus further related this sexual conduct in Congress to former Democrat Staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski, who was terminated by Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) after the staffer’s hardcore gay sex tape filmed in the Hart Senate Office Building surfaced. “That actually did not happen the day it came out,” said Titus, indicating that the sex tape was filmed months earlier and used as leverage against Senator Cardin or Aidan Maese-Czeropski.

When asked if he feels guilty about what he sees in Congress or being a secret Democrat working in a Republican office, Titus responded, “I get my check, and I’m good,” while stipulating his lust for buying expensive items such as Louis Vuitton handbags and fashion accessories from other high-end stores like Chanel. “All my money that I’m saving now is for me to go to the Hamptons every weekend of the Summer.” While shopping at Burberry and David Yurman, two high-end fashion stores in Washington, D.C., Titus told us more about the D.C. sex parties, saying, “It’s not a conspiracy.” He continued, “It most definitely happens. And It’s normal.”
Surprisingly, when asked outside of the jewelry store, David Yurman, Titus did not recognize James O’Keefe or realize that everything he told us was being recorded.

If you are an insider in Washington, D.C., you can contact us on Signal or join us on our weekly X-Space titled “On The Inside With James O’Keefe” from 4 pm to 6 pm ET. Sign up to be an undercover journalist with The American Swiper Program at this link.

Watch below and stay tuned for more of our undercover journalism from Washington, D.C.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Ouch! Talk about “for unlawful sexual congress!”

And this is what Jews do: Jews set up “Dog Kings” over you as an uber-corrupt government of the very worst, criminal, stupid, and useless degenerates, who then take orders from the Jews, who create a bogus economic system that rakes off and pumps out most of the value of your life and endeavors right into the Jew’s “Magic Pocketbook.” Meanwhile, the more stupefied and ignorant segments of your population (e g. 85%) yap without ceasing that the Jews are a “nation of priests.”

1 year ago

Islamophobia is bad 😉

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1 year ago


Several other red states, such as Florida and Oklahoma, have said they will stand by Texas in fighting against Biden’s border policies.

Federal mandates are enforced by the US Army, BUT the National Guard serves the State.

Things are getting concerning…

UPDATE: Virginia and South Dakota Governors announce their states stand with Texas in the border dispute with the federal government

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Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Hydrogen Power Fueled by Aluminum and Water?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
1 year ago

Free speech alive and well in the UK!

My husband Sam Melia has just been found guilty of inciting racial hatred and encouraging criminal damage for creating stickers that said slogans such as:

-Reject White Guilt
-It’s ok to be White
-We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066
-White Lives Matter
-Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs
-Love Your Nation

He awaits sentencing on 1st March as has been advised not to talk about the case or trial as it could impact the sentence. I will also refrain from talking about the case or the trial until after sentencing as I don’t want to influence the sentence, being so close to Sam. Anybody else is free to talk about it, so please do.

I will say, however, that I am proud of my husband. He put his head above the parapet, defended his people and told the truth.

As detailed above, I won’t say any more about Sam just to be on the safe side, but I and many others unapologetically stand for a safe homeland for the British people. This will never change for us, no matter what they throw at us.

“We ask those who join us to march with us in a great and hazardous adventure. We ask them to be prepared to sacrifice all, but to do so for no small and unworthy ends. We ask them to dedicate their lives to building in this country a movement of the modern age, which by its British expression shall transcend, as so often before in our history, every precursor of the Continent in conception and in constructive achievement. We ask them to rewrite the greatest pages of British history by finding for the spirit of their age its highest mission in these islands. Neither to our friends nor to the country do we make any promises; not without struggle and ordeal will the future be won. Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live.”

1 year ago

Wokeism is DESTROYING The British Military