Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Apple Moves Manufacturing From China To India
DFT – EU Nations Demand EU Invest In Domestic Industry
DFT – Largest Natural Gas Field In Europe To Close
DFT – UK Airfares Rising As Demand Surges
DFT – Russia To Ban Oil Resales Under The Price Cap
Former FBI counterintelligence lead officer who investigated Trump-Russia collusion, arrested for colluding with Russia. Charles McGonigal, who had been the special agent in charge of the FBI‘s counterintelligence division in New York, took secret payments from Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska in exchange for investigating a rival oligarch.
CDAN implies a gay sex tape may be about to come out for some politician. Some think you will get to meet Lindsey Graham’s ladybugs, other are saying it has to be George Santos. Either surveillance let him win and tried to turn him, unsuccessfully for some reason, or this is a script designed to make you think anyone could run for office, and nobody in intelligence is watching and controlling who wins.
Bannon begins to criticize Trump and hails DeSantis.
Franklin Graham says he won’t endorse Trump in GOP primary race.
President Donald Trump has opened a clear lead over President Joe Biden in a new Harvard-Harris 2024 poll. Trump at 46 percent leads Biden’s 41 percent in the survey, with 13 percent who said they were unsure.
Man who rested feet on desk in Pelosi’s office on Jan. 6 found guilty on 8 counts. Could get 20 years when sentenced.
Model Jeremy Ruehlemann dead at 27.
Family’s shock over unexplained sudden death of popular dad, aged 30.
Dr Pierre Kory, MD MPA, replying to a tweet from Alex Berenson calling one of the videos of Tremors from the vaccine fake – “Angelia is my patient and has endured endless suffering for over 2 years now. An amount of suffering which most can barely imagine (although improving with treatment). What a tragic and damaging presence you have become with such an ignorant tweet. Unfollow… I could make up a diagnosis, but the Vaccine Injured are the most complex and difficult to treat I’ve ever had in my career. Their symptoms cross multiple organ systems & present in myriad idiosyncratic ways. Nearly all system doctors send them to psychiatry.”
Australia: Death by heart attack surges by 17% in 2022.
AI Chatbot ChatGPT says the vaccine will cause cancer and explains why and how.
From here, tells you how safe the Pfizer shot was:
Pfizer never came to India. Pfizer applied for clearance for its vaccine in 2020. Indian regulators demanded a local safety and immunogenicity study. Such bridging studies are the common world over. All other foreign vaccine makers had conducted similar studies in India. But Pfizer refused to do a local trial. In addition, Pfizer wanted legal immunity and protection against injury, which India refused.
Newly disclosed records show the Pentagon in December awarded a total of $34 million in grants and contracts to EcoHealth Alliance Inc., the nonprofit that funneled millions in taxpayer funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat virus research. Didn’t that anon on 4Chan who predicted the whole thing say it was military intel?
NFL player Damar Hamlin makes a reappearance, so we will know he is definitely aliveand well, and apparently, CPR doesn’t do any damage to your ribs or chest, so you can make an illuminati pyramid sign:
Full video of his in-person appearance here, if you want to confirm it is him. LOL:
They have given out still pictures, (which can be faked) but I have not seen any video of him yet. Either he is much more physically damaged than they have said, or he might have died.
National media ignores shocking child-abuse case involving gay couple.
Gab hit with biggest DDOS attack they have ever seen.
California Governor Gavin Newsom and his wife, “First Partner” Jennifer Siebel Newsom, have quite a money-making scheme going on: “He runs the state and she’s a leftist-nonprofit founder, entrepreneur, and filmmaker” profiting from the state, Open the Books reports. Apparently banging Harvey Weinstein paid off in the end.
Another Atlanta Antifa terror suspect worked as a production assistant for CNN and is daughter of UK Foreign Office consultant and New Jersey-based Chinese pharma tycoon. The father runs a Chinese media company out of New Jersey. Mother was one of the first group of university scholarship students sent by the Chinese Government to study in the UK at Exeter University, so a CCP spook. Could be a penetration for intel gathering, but then again, there was a gangstalking victim who fled to China to get away from it, and reported their coverage picked them up at the Chinese airport when they landed, and it was Chinese locals which continued the gangstalking right into rural areas of China, with rural locals.
A teenager who was shot on an MTA bus in the Bronx over the weekend was wounded during a gang-related fight with other youngsters — and is the son of a high-ranking female Westchester County police official, law enforcement sources told The Post. Son of a high ranking Police official (they give no rank, so maybe a political appointee), and he is rolling with a gang. None of these “organizations,” from Antifa, to the Mafia, to the Rotary club may be what we on the outside think they are. They may all be acting gigs, and shows, put on for the manipulation of those not in the club.
Democrats want Biden to impose rules to limit rent increases across the country.
Chase to close New York City ATMs at 5 or 6 p.m. due to ‘rising crime and vagrancy.’
Chicago mayor tells residents to stop using cash if they don’t want to keep getting mugged.
7 dead, 1 critically injured after shootings at 2 farms in Half Moon Bay; suspect in custody. Said to be another Chinese. I do not know what it means, but I think it has significance.
2 students killed, teacher wounded after school shooting in Iowa.
Democratic state senator boasts support of drag queen event for minors which offered lube, condoms.
Bezos will sell Washington Post to buy NFL’s Commanders.
The US military is probing nine non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cases among officers who worked decades ago at Malmstrom Air Force Base, home to some 150 Minuteman III nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles, as many as 25 years ago. My first thought is, what covert surveillance tech have they stuck in the walls, watching everyone there from some secondary site, so they have a backup looking over their shoulder as they sit with their fingers on the buttons for world war.
Venezuela’s inflation slows to 234% in 2022, vice president says.
Liberal euthanasia laws make Canada the world leader in organs harvested from assisted-suicide victims. They are promoting Euthanasia so freely because every person who does it is probably $4 or $5 million in transplant revenues to five or ten patients.
Turkish President – Sweden should not expect Turkish support for its NATO membership bid.
Aid to Ukraine exceeds cost of 2011 Afghanistan surge.
Ukraine storing US-supplied weapons at nuclear power stations.
George Soros urged use of Eastern European soldiers to “reduce the risk of body-bags for NATO countries” in ‘new world order’ article. So Soros is feeding all those Ukrainian kids and Russian kids into a meat grinder for Cabal.
Putin’s Kremlin targets LGBT in new crackdown.
A blast of ultrasound waves could rejuvenate ageing cells:
Treatment with low-frequency ultrasound has restarted cell division in ageing human cells and improved physical performance in old mice
Low-frequency ultrasound appears to have rejuvenating effects on animals. As well as restarting cell division in ageing human cells, it has reinvigorated old mice, improving their physical performance in tests such as running on a treadmill and making one old mouse with a hunched back move around normally again.
“‘Is this too good to be true?’ is the question I often ask,” says Michael Sheetz at the University of Texas Medical Branch, whose team
Triple-drug therapy for post-transplant management of multiple myeloma offers a 49% death reduction.
Former President Donald Trump won the Senior Club Championship at his Trump International Golf Club on Sunday. Now lets have the election be unrigged.
Former President Donald Trump is preparing a Twitter comeback, with plans to drop an exclusivity agreement he has with his own platform, Truth Social, according to reports. Not bad for truth Social either. Hook people on his tweets on Twitter, and if he gets banned, many may follow him back to Truth.
I know whenever I make an appearance to reassure the public I am fine, I also put on a star wars emperor hood, stand behind reflective glass, and have my picture taken by a polaroid camera from 1997.
AKA The Prove UFO Procedure: “omigod! a UFO! quick! grab the worst camera we have!”
The stupider and more fake the hoax, the more humiliating it is to those who repeat it. This “appearance” is stupid and fake on purpose. The humiliation is the point!
Madonna accused of ‘mocking Jesus’ in latest photoshoot
Madonna has taken back her icon status and caused outrage amongst Christians by recreating scenes of The Last Supper.
Madonna as an anti-Christian psyop
Madonna’s purpose was to establish herself as the Virgin Mary in people’s minds and then twist and subvert that image. Now she’s just a third-rate influence, but back in the day she was a cultural superpower like no other female artist since then, so I’ll concentrate on her peak work.
“Like a Virgin” – no, not like *a* virgin, but like *the* Virgin.
“The Immaculate Collection” – her best-of album, a pun on Mary’s Immaculate Conception.
“Sex” – not a song, but her book of nudie pics. While some men are said to have a Madonna / Whore Complex, this is Madonna turning herself – and Virgin Mary – into a whore.
“Like a Prayer” – The music video featured Catholic symbols such as stigmata and cross burning, and a dream of making love to a saint, leading the Vatican to condemn the video.
“Holiday” – just a song about taking time off, or making a “holy day” a day of frivolous hedonism instead of a day of devotion and prayer?
“Material Girl” – A complete renunciation of higher values (and thereby religion) and a celebration of materialism. Just a joke? Nothing is truer than that said in jest.
“Papa Don’t Preach” – Roosh said this was about inciting a feminist rebellion in daughters against their dads and dividing families. True, but also “Heavenly Father, we are not interested in your religion.” Coming up with a simple song title whose blasphemy only registers subconsciously with most people isn’t something just anyone can do. Team of shrinks?
Madonna isn’t known for reading the Bible, but for studying the Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) and even has a Kabbalah tattoo. Trying to divert the masses away from Christianity when she isn’t directly attacking it?
I used to think that she was picked for this in part because her “real” name is Madonna (In art, a Madonna is a representation of Mary, either alone or with her child Jesus). But then I read about her son’s bar mitzvah, and now I suspect she’s an elite Jew whose name and entire Catholic ‘early life’ was manufactured from the ground up. Lots of blasphemy against Christianity, but not against Judaism. She did insist on being called Esther for a while.
Okay, this was a very rough profile for such a prolific artist and a few of my interpretations are a bit far-fetched. Please feel free to add to or correct my text.
Whore of Babylon Kabalah
Madonna is only one of many older women desperate for attention. Her actions have demonstrated as much. More benign examples are the women that Yahoo News showcases, long past their peak dates but being promoted as models for graceful aging or something.
Shameless is more likely. They had that 15 minutes decades ago, and don’t seem to care how younger relatives will see them.
I think when they sign their soul away, there is no retirement plan.
Yevgeny Prigozhin: The Americans fear my Wagner organization, because they know we can kick their asses“It is very important to note that we have never behaved aggressively towards the Americans, but, nevertheless, we have not accepted rudeness from them. On more than one occasion, we have caught armed groups and American intelligence officers who tried to harm the Wagner PMC and organized assassination attempts. Each time we kicked their asses and let them go in peace (there is plenty of video footage), and, before sending them home, we fed them lunch and dinner.
That’s why the Americans are perplexed: we don’t touch them, but we also don’t let them push us around. That’s why they are so upset. We don’t want what’s theirs, but we won’t give up what’s ours.”
The Rockwell link below has a further link to the Burning Platform and Part II:
“ Full video of his in-person appearance here, if you want to confirm it is him. LOL:”
Just how stupid do they think we are?
Apparently, VERY.
Not only do they think we’re stupid, most of the population actually IS that stupid, because they will play along with this nonsense as if everything is normal.
As a society, we have moved beyond being merely a circus, to having descended into full on carnival fun house inversion.
We are trapped as passive spectators in an insane asylum where the worst, most psychotic, patients have taken over the whole institution and the exits are blocked.
At this point, I’m not even sure that cabal is in full control. They set a number of disruptive crises in motion, assuming they would be able to ride the tiger and extract more power as a consequence, but sometimes the tiger simply rampages and kills everyone in its path.
I’m not sure which is worse, cabal being in full control, or no one being in control of anything.
kindly refer to the {only} video of the plane hitting the Pentagon on 9-11, in what is among the most heavily video/camera-surveilled places on the planet
> repeal the debt ceiling
If the debt ceiling can arbitrarily be raised by act of congress then what is the purpose of it even existing? What an absolute sham.
repudiate it
U.S. Congress is the biggest circus of them all. A series of acts with clowns, trapeze artists, magicians, lion tamers, etc. Exactly the same as Professional Wrestling.
There are three books out there on nationalism:
Dr. Edward Feser’s “All One in Christ”.
Yoram Hazony’s “The Virtue of Nationalism”
and then, my own, “The Tower of Babel, The Philosophy of Race and the Genocidal Ideology of Social Justice/Political Correctness”
Dr. Feser’s book is a disaster. He is NOT a true philosopher for to be one requires Arete and Arete demands Phronesis–He doesn’t have that; he is a pure academic–going to books. First off he is a convert from Atheism; Atheists have for their religion/morality, Humanism; he is still a Humanist which is a heresy. He starts off his book with the Church’s teaching and then scholasticism, like that is true philosophy (It isn’t; it is a form of Logical metaphysics but not true whole philosophy; Scholasticism is a tool, a field within Philosophy but not Philosophy, en se.) He doesn’t know how Nature works; he never worked IN Nature. The first part of his book is about making “Patriotism” okay; it is fine to be a “Patriot” but not a “racist”. Basically his book centers around combating CRT, Critical Race Theory. That part is partially alright. But the book is very deficient. He doesn’t talk about Communism or the ideology of the race-mixing agenda inherent in Marxism. So the his book is a LIE.
This book is a disaster. He is trying to rewrite sociology to conform to Humanism; he doesn’t begin with the Bible, nor use the Natural Law, the Real, Original Natural Law. He is not a true philosopher and his book doesn’t cover ALL the parameters of Race/Nation and the Genocidal Ideology of the Jews.
Next, is Yoram Hazony’s book. That too is full of errors. Everybody is touting his book because it does point to the truth that nationalism was fomented by the Protestants by reading the OT. True. But then he degrades, deconstructs “racism”. He decries the “racialist regime in the American South”.
And as a Jew, does Yoram Hazony inform you about the doctrines, values of Jewish Messianism?????? NO! Did he observe Nature? Does he pull anything from Nature? NO! You cannot promote “nationalism” and then decry “racism”! This book is useless too. Both Feser’s and Hazony’s books are flawed, filled with error and are lying because they OBSCURE Truth. Truth requires THE Whole Thing, the WHOLE Enchilada, as we say in California!
On the other hand, my paper The Tower of Babel, The Philosophy of Race and the Genocidal Ideology of Social Justice/Political Correctness
starts with the Bible, “What does Nature teach”, then uses the Real Original Natural Law, decribes the sociology of Herds, that man is a Herd animal. I bring up TRUE Virtue that Feser doesn’t know and then I out Jewish Messianism that is a Bloody Genocidal ideology that is engaged in the genocide of nations. Feser’s and Hazony’s work can NOT compare to mine! Besides my work is FREE. You have to pay for their garbage! My paper is the Fullness of Truth, discussing 90% of the parameters (have to expand it to the Protestant nation thing and the Catholic hold on Empire which comes from Origen and Eusebius!) Otherwise, my work is SUPERIOR to these pieces of trash from Feser and Hazony! Please don’t tout their garbage! They get paid, I do not! My paper gives you the UNVARNISHED Truth. So please read it, imbibe its truths, and pass it around!
Why are we passing around the work of infidels and heretics for?
‘We knew that the Communists were lying to us about Communism. What we didn’t know is that they were telling us the truth about Capitalism’.
That is because the Communists are Jew – Khazarian Mafia — and their fellow Khazarians ran and run — as of this January — the former United States.
Could we call the fake monetary system, usury and the 1913 Federal reserve establishment Capitalism truly?
My understanding is that organ harvesting requires the person to be brain dead, not heart dead; in the latter case, the organs are therefore dead and unusable. Yet, if the harvesters inject a drug to kill the suicide’s brain, that poison will also be in the organs and they will be unusable; for that reason, I suspect the harvesters use an anesthetic to render the suicide unconscious. One step above using a cattle stun gun.
What a bunch of wusses. Send them home and let them self medicate: a bottle of Jack Daniels for the men and Merlot for the women or the drug of their choice; for the seriously damaged, send them to Canada.
I’m wondering if this is comms of some kind. Seems too far-fetched, even for Google employees.
This might be an admission / comms that Cabal is gonna wax their asses if they can’t keep their spot on payroll pulling the levers to orchestrate evil.
They might believe their days are numbered after being removed from their previous positions.
And yet, it is these same weak, broken people that sit at the controls of all of our major tech platforms.
Our society has reached its nadir.
>7 dead, 1 critically injured after shootings at 2 farms in Half Moon Bay; suspect in custody. Said to be another Chinese. I do not know what it means, but I think it has significance.
We’ve always been at war with China, anon, can’t you see how dangerous the Chinese are? When they try and take back Taiwan don’t you want to volunteer to go die in some foreign land for no reason, anon? You’re young and smart and have so much potential, go defend your homeland from the dangerous Chinese anon, your blood definitely won’t be used to feed a demonic sacrifice ritual!
It may be what you say, that it paints the chinks in a bad light. However, I believe it is comms and has something to do with the Chinese new year, though I dont know what.
It can always be both, plus a third layer of unknown nonsense too.
> Man who rested feet on desk in Pelosi’s office on Jan. 6 found guilty on 8 counts. Could get 20 years when sentenced.
“Lese majeste” isn’t a crime under American law, but it must be punished anyway.
Their Holy Temple of Democracy defiled.
> None of these “organizations,” from Antifa, to the Mafia, to the Rotary club may be what we on the outside think they are.
For that matter, the police.
Two PDs within thirty miles of me made state headlines when the DEA came in and shut them down for selling drugs. Two that I know of; there might be more. And if there are two near here in Hooterville, how many others?
Cops are effectively an elite; normal laws don’t apply to them, and they can almost always avoid prosecution when their compadres have to officially take note of their actions.
The Texas Rangers are forever stained by their attempt to cover up murderess-cop Amber Guyger, and they’re not the only ones.
> DFT – Russia To Ban Oil Resales Under The Price Cap
There will be people who get outraged over that, but it has a firm basis in US business law, as promulgated by the Department of Commerce. A manufacturer has the right to set a minimum price for his products, and if a downstream vendor undercuts it, they can not only cut them off, but sue them for damages.
> A recent report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that two major Social Security funds in the United States will dry out in the coming decades, with one of them running out within the next 10 years as younger members in the programs are set to lose more than older members.
They’re sending your Social Security funds to Ukraine. Hurrah!
America’s population is getting statistically older, and the Fed has been taking that money out of their checks all their working lives. They think they saw “insurrection” on January 6? They need to look at what happened to Couescu when he tried something similar in Romania.
> Seattle officials intentionally ‘purged’ thousands of texts about 2020 ‘autonomous zone’ despite order not to: federal judge.
Cite them for “contempt of court” and throw all the officials involved into jail until they can produce the texts. Oh, they can’t? Best make friends with Bubba and his pals, then.
The law and its enforcement has just become a daydream.
The usual sanction for this sort of spoliation is Death Penalty Sanctions. You strike their pleadings, allow them no defense, rule against them as a matter of law, and then have a jury decide how much the damages are.
It’s what Alex Jones got in the Austin trial.
I’d be happy to just go with the death penalty itself for any public servants that do this kind of coverup.
Who knows what evil they are hiding?
Embrace the power of “and.”
> Chicago mayor tells residents to stop using cash if they don’t want to keep getting mugged.
The goblins will just keep cutting people until they give them their credit card and PIN number, or unlock their phone for their payment app. Or just cut their thumbs off and unlock the phone later.
Of course, that might be what Groot intends to happen. She certainly doesn’t seem interested in peace or law enforcement in Chicago, other than in a negative way.
Remember the horror murders years back when two newly released basketball Americans broke into a dwelling and forced all the residents (5 or 6 schoolteachers) to accompany them one-by-one to the auto-teller; then took them all out to a freezing cold soccer field; made them lay face down in a row; shot them each in the head with a cheap .380 pistol; and finally ran them all over with a stolen truck? The two perps were biological brothers who had begun their crime spree a day or two earlier, holding up a woman at an auto-teller and I think, murdering her. People don’t kill people — auto-teller do!
> Bezos will sell Washington Post to buy NFL’s Commanders.
Do that many people *really* watch national feetball on TV or pay for tickets to games? The local high schools can’t get more than a handful of parents to show up for games for free.
Those media contracts are a big part of feetball’s profit, and the media are part of the Deep State. [sniff, sniff] Do I smell money? And… [sniff] soap?
He bought the Post for a dollar. Has the NFL fallen so far that a guy can buy a team by selling something that’s only worth a dollar?
There’s also government kickbacks. Every time they build a new stadium the taxpayer is raped for millions in incentives, tax breaks, blah blah blah.
If you can consume the product for free (watching games on TV) then you’re the product somehow, not the show.
Boomers will pay their grandkids inheritance to get abused by sportsball corporations
> California lawmakers are pushing legislation that would impose a new tax on the state’s wealthiest residents — even if they’ve already moved to another part of the country.
They’ve been raving about that for more than a year now. They don’t have a leg to stand on – that’s one of the reasons the colonists told George III to piss off in 1776 – but the Supremes have shown their willingness to “interpret” laws to justify their decisions.
> Chase to close New York City ATMs at 5 or 6 p.m. due to ‘rising crime and vagrancy.’
So, close them to a majority of the people who actually have jobs.
Bonus, limit their access to cash and force their purchases to nice traceable online transactions. Which can be turned off remotely.
“Seems legit.”
> Liberal euthanasia laws make Canada the world leader in organs harvested from assisted-suicide victims. They are promoting Euthanasia so freely because every person who does it is probably $4 or $5 million in transplant revenues to five or ten patients.
“Transplant tourism” is a thing in China. And Canada is China’s lapdog.
The Albanians were big on Organ harvesting before it kicked off in the former Yugoslavia in early 90s
And today the UK Gov are importing Albanians, this won’t end well!
And today in UK, the WEF Regime are importing Albanians, this won’t end well!
> Now Aretha Franklin’s song Natural Woman is deemed OFFENSIVE to trans women: Outrage as ‘activists’ demand song is removed from Spotify and Apple Music.
So, trannies outrank Persons of Politically Preferred Pigmentation now?
Someone really needs to keep a chart of the current oppression rankings; I keep losing track.
Black trans are currently at the top of “most favored victim” status.
Nope. They still lose to jews. For whatever reason that card still seems to overrule everything in clownworld.
The thing I noted is that by getting mad, the troons admit that they are not natural women.
Looking out on the morning rain, they feel so uninspired.
> The Food and Drug Administration on Monday proposed approaching COVID-19 vaccines like the annual flu shot many Americans receive in order to protect against mutations of the virus.
The CDC proposed that over a year ago.
Frankly, I have no problem with that. If people want to line up for the clot shot, it’s their decision. What I object to are the declarations that people be forced to get the shots. I seem to remember concentration camps being proposed by at least two sitting Congresscritters.
It’s probably a good idea, morally and practically, to have a problem with people being lied and misled by demons into harming themselves.
I understand the “bigger fish to fry” mentality, but all evil must be opposed lest the goalposts slowly shift over time.
Don’t need covert surveillance, they have overt surveillance in the launch centers. More likely just radiation leaking from the warheads, just like all the lymphoma clusters at airports with security folks from leaky luggage x-rays.
And maybe the vacks tipped something the body had under control into a deadly outbreak.
CDAN and related question.
Why haven’t more blackmail victims described the system, provided names and otherwise coughed up information while still preserving some anonymity for themselves?
Readers could assume that there is a mountain of evidence but the victims are too traumatized to say anything. That would be incredibly bad.
Because they kill them or they threaten to and in some cases they’ve seen others killed so they believe it. Remember the Belgian guy who came out about Satanic practices and child sacrifices in the upper currency, trading, financial sort of business people who told all he could. Killed. Lots and lots, killed.
Lesson from Jan 6 & Brazil protests.
Canada trucker protests, as well.
Regarding the ultrasound article on rejuvenation, two interesting books; Time the ultimate energy by Murry Hope, and, Psychic Warfare fact or fiction, edited by John White, both make the case that EVERY living thing has its own electromagnetic signature and knowledge of this signature can be used to make whole or disintegrate.
About a hundred years ago, some guy invented a machine that could cure various ailments depending on the frequency dialed in for the particular affliction, of course it was suppressed.
Royal Rife.
Rife invented TWO machines that were involved in his healing clinics. The important one was actually the microscope & dye system that he came up with to actually see microscopic organisms. Rife didn’t just have set frequencies for various infections, he had to tailor the frequency to the specific person and to do that he had to take a sample, culture it, and view it with the microscope.
About ten years ago these guys figured out how to do the same thing with a knock off of Rife’s frequency generator and an electron(?) microscope so that they could actually view what they doing. So far these guys have definitely proven that Rife’s machines can annihilate every cancer they threw at it, viruses, even MRSA bacteria. However with MRSA all they could accomplish was to crack the outer protective layer of the MRSA, with the effect that the affected bacteria was made vulnerable to mild antibiotics that MRSA usually can swim in with no effect. So yes, they’ve proven that Rife’s technique works wonders on petri dishes.
No human trials at all in ten years. You can’t tell me that they couldn’t find funding to do those trials with something this amazing. Crowdfunding would pay the whole thing.
Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege
Sir Klaus Schwab was knighted by the British Crown in 2006. His WEF merely represents the British Crown’s newest effort to rule the world as a colonial system under a single Monarch, whom also controls what the British Empire calls “the invisible chain that runs through all democracies” by election fraud, coups, “color revolutions.”
To save the world, it is the British royal hereditary Crown which needs to be targeted for permanent removal. Sir Klaus Schwab is just a Crown cut out, as is Sir Henry Kissinger and Sir Bill Gates.The British Crown is the head of the snake.
It is time to finish Our American Revolution and end the colonialist Monarchy, our archenemy since 1776.
Kind of radio shows I like listening to these days. You might enjoy it too. “with David Shayler, who is an ex-MI5 whistle-blower, known for his expose’s of MI5’s involvement in various political and social affairs, not least: unlawful wars, undercover agents, Libya, Gadafi, psy-ops & false flags, that some would call – ‘conspiracy theory’!”
Worth it for the crap going on in England. Hope you enjoy it.
Sodomite video tape of DeStantits
Good thread on the next level of meme warfare:
ChatGPT can become our ally.
A good article on memetic warfare and its implications:
He tested his theories during GamerGate and saw it’s implications.
CDAN implies a gay sex tape may be about to come out for some politician. Some think you will get to meet Lindsey Graham’s ladybugs, other are saying it has to be George Santos.
They are trying to get rid of him now.
I’m going to say Mike Pence, just for giggles.
I also thought maybe it’s Camela.
They need to get rid of her to get McCarthy as RINO in chief.
Bannon begins to criticize Trump and hails DeSantis.
Bannon is right about Graham, I am mystified about Trump hanging out with that snake.
But Siding with DeSantis means Bannon can’t be trusted.
🙁 we needed Bannon to be a good guy.
Regarding Damar Hamlin, what follows is pure speculation.
First, look at what star receiver Stephon Diggs was wearing coming into the stadium for the game;
Several things there. Maybe Vigilant Citizen can figure it out.
Anyway, the death shots were a very big question for the Bills last season. Another receiver, Cole Beasley, was vocally and publicly opposed to them, or at least to the idea of being forced to take them. Beasley might have been the only NFL player with the courage to speak up.
I do not remember the details, but the local stories about the shots suggested that Beasley was not alone on the Bills.
Beasley and the Bills parted ways after the season for no apparent reason, although it was widely assumed that his public disobedience played a big role.
Point being: the shots were a matter of intense discussion in Buffalo among fans, and presumably among the Bills themselves, at least because of Beasley, and probably because the suppression of information and discussion was not total.
Add to this the frequency of athletes dropping dead. Most football players may not be very smart, but that sort of news gets the attention of other athletes.
It is my total guess that the Bills players were acutely aware of the death shots. When Hamlin keeled over, the players were not thinking about commotio cordis. They were thinking about the shots they were both forced to take, and forced to shut up about. The look of horror on their faces was the dawning of acceptance. It was no longer theoretical.
I have watched every second of every Bills game this season. They beat Miami, but they were out of the game emotionally. And against Cincinnati, they were almost ostentatiously unemotional and desultory.
After the game, Diggs threw a fit. You see, Diggs hates to lose.
Amazing, isn’t it, that the question of athletes dropping dead was not a question asked of any Bills player by the media.
Then there was also the weird synchronicity of the Bills re-signing Beasley for the last game when Hamlin allegedly returned from the grave…
The surface metaphor is obvious, vaxxie-vaxxie heart attaxie replaced by an unvaxxed guy, but it also reeks of comms or some weird symbology/ritual. Too weird for me to decipher.
I think the Bills were told to take a dive. They were ordered to lose because there is no way they can let the Bills near the Superbowl. The scrutiny around Hamlin can’t be allowed to ramp up anymore than it has.
NFL, NBA, etc. far more fixed-rigged than people realize. The shit is theatre. Like the Supreme Court and the U.S. Congress. WWE all of it.
Mike Pence discovered classified documents in his home
More stakes in the heart of the (foolish) idea that the Neanderthals were some sort of super genius perfects and Cro-mags were dumb brutes.
“Higham’s work was published in the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences last month…He found that some pieces of Grotte du Renne jewellery that were attributed to Neanderthal “craftsmen” were only 21,000 years old – 10,000 years after the last Neanderthal had died….and that delicate artwork attributed to Neanderthals was the handiwork of Cro-Magnons. “Thus the single most impressive and widely cited pillar of evidence for the presence of complex symbolic behaviour among the Neanderthal populations in Europe has now effectively collapsed,” says Paul Mellars of the University of Cambridge…”
So one of the very few artifacts that say Neanderthals were not, “like Neanderthals”, has been crushed by facts. The Neanderthals were nothing but animals and spent 250,000 years in Europe doing basically…nothing of note. Belching, farting, killing and eating each other.
And Jews, of a more pure racial extraction, look just like Neanderthals and in fact are just as useful.
To Save America, Repeal the 19th Amendment
“A jury has convicted four members of the far-right Oath Keepers group of seditious conspiracy, handing the Justice Department another major victory.”
Cabal police, Cabal judges, Cabal juries. All bases covered; all assets deployed.
Can’t rule out the possibility of cabal actors found guilty too. Still not much compelling evidence the J6 “prisoners” actually exist aside from the word of .GOV goonies.
Yes, another theatre act!
“Three active-duty Marines who work in intelligence – one of whom allegedly espoused support for a second civil war – were arrested this week for breaching the US Capitol building with a mob of Trump supporters on January 6, 2021.”
Maybe these are the “white hats” we’ve been hearing so much about?
Former intel guys too retarded to practice even a basic level of opsec or comsec. They certainly weren’t top of their class, that much is for sure.
Maybe more True Lies Faisil, than Jack Reacher
Maybe they were Q.
Brandon Herrera – THE ATF IS POOPOO
The Four Boxes Diner – CRITICAL ATF OMISSION: PISTOL BRACE REGS FAIL to Cite CRITICAL NFA Federal Law (I wonder why?)
Whistleblower sues Konnech, claims poll watcher data was made ‘accessible to foreign nationals from China.’
Does anyone have any idea why the Chinese need or want this data? Do the Chinese research these people (using databases of other stolen information) and then issue directives to local surveillance teams to mess with these people? Or perhaps recruit corrupt poll watchers? And do actual Chinese people make contact or do they recruit similar white Americans? Because I would never deal with a Chinese person except for having them delivery my Chinese food.
Just saw this video:
I know this is just a clip, but I reviewed parts of the full podcast and my points still hold:
Total bunko bullshit science. A real doctor should NEVER be hyping up things that might get people injured. Actually, a real doctor should NEVER BE HYPING ANYTHING PERIOD.
He’s literally using copywriting sales techniques to hype up bogus pseudoscience with ZERO conclusive evidence. The only purpose I can see is to demoralize the weak-minded and to injure those strong-minded enough to actually follow through on what he says.
As all the best liars do, he never actually claims or guarantees anything. But he IMPLIES that the special glabrous skin as well as the AVA vascular structure of the face, palms of the hands, and the bottoms of the feet combine to MAGICALLY transfer temperature into the “core” of the body to increase reps significantly. Obviously if you have more blood vessels concentrated into an area, temperature transfer throughout the body might be more efficient. This isn’t anything new. But he IMPLIES (again, evil people always cover their asses) that taking advantage of this voodoo will quadruple their performance.
I don’t even need to read the study about the people doing pullups to know he’s spouting BS. Over a period of WEEKS, it’s possible to increase work capacity from 100 reps too 600 reps, depending on the fitness level of the participants. This DID NOT NECESSARILY HAPPEN because they put their hands on a cold tube, which somehow magically cooled their core due to increased vascularity because of the magic of glabrous skin and AVAs. To draw this conclusion is ridiculous. They needed other experimental groups that tested cooling the face, the bottoms of the feet, and even the core itself for comparison data, just to be MINIMALLY complete and for Huberman to make ANY of the implications he made. To make his claims, he would also need to heat these areas to assess the difference. Not to mention the fact that this was over the course of WEEKS. And not even mentioning the temperature of the environment.
I’m going to stop here. I can’t list how many problems there are with this video, let alone his podcast and how he presents his information. Anyone with any understanding of REAL science and human biology would be appalled at this video. The only conclusion I can make is that Huberman wants his listeners–impressionable young men seeking guidance–to either be demoralized or to be injured trying to take action on his bullshit.
Rant over.
Miles “the jackrabbit” Mathis is defending cougars against hunters like a good little prey animal.
Vox Days criticism of Scott Adams.
“…It’s hardly a surprise that Scott Adams is “taking the L” ungraciously. He still can’t admit that those who chose to remain unvaccinated did so on the basis of accurately assessing the available information…”
Is this really fair? I don’t think it is. He said as clear as possible, he screwed up and read the situation incorrectly. That everyone who did not trust the government was right not to, and that he’s paying for it. I think he was going by what every mass media source said. Every single media source except for oddball ones said “you have to have it” They said that it was a crime to not have it. They cut off and censored anyone who said different, and erased all evidence they put forth showing different. I do not blame people for getting vaxed.
If you are a person that thinks that people like the CDC and every single health authority is trying to do the best job they can, and that’s most people, then you would be criminal to not take the vax. I bet people like Scott Adams don’t read crazy stuff like we have here (or crazy to others. In fact we’re more likely to see the truth). Most people are like that. People have busy lives, they don’t even know about a lot of this stuff. They can not imagine it. It’s beyond anything that they would consider. It’s like the blind Men trying to describe an elephant. They haven’t had any sources show them that there’s a different point of view. They are mentally blind due to censorship. Not because they are fools because there has been an extraordinary effort to silence and malign any sources against the narrative they want pushed.
I think this will change. All sources of media will now to the majority be seen as Pravda was in the Soviet Union. The only real news you got from it was the data that seeped through the cracks. A good example I read somewhere was they showed in the US Blacks rioting because of poverty and the people in USSR notice the shoes they were wearing were better than the ones they had.
Stuff that AC says here, me and many others, if you have not been exposed, sounds like ranting and raving tin foil hat stuff. Most of us will acknowledge this. I myself try to provide some reasonable links and evidence for the things I say or bring to people’s attention because, I know in the past if someone told me some of the things I say now, I would not have believed it. But there’s a lot of evidence for all this stuff we talk about. A whole lot, but it takes digging to find it and most people are just not that interested and even if they have some interest the whole subject of what is going on…is painful. It’s not good. I don’t think this stuff is good for my, I can’t speak for others, mental health. Sometimes ignorance is bliss but not in the case of the vax. Millions will die but none of us should feel like these people deserved it. They did not. Even the nasty ones that were so aggressive in demanding others get the vax. They had no idea.
Before 911 I would have thought exactly the same. I might have looked askew at some events, but while questioning events, I was never sure. 911 though. Someone told me it was an inside job and I told them that was impossible and I set out to prove them wrong. To my great distress, I could not. The more I learned, the more I found that a large part of everything I knew was a big lie. Building 7 was the nail in the coffin. There’s no way EVER possible that what they said happened. It was difficult to deal with. I think many have not had that awakening yet and many will not even search for it for an underlying, subconscious fear of what they might find as things seem to be getting more off every day. It’s getting harder and harder to not notice. You can’t blame people who have been told lies their whole entire lives in every single mass media ever, that somehow they should intuit all this pozz. The fact is they have gone to great links to hide what they have been doing. You have to dig to find the truth. And the truth is covered, saturated with lies. So any time you do look you get these lies as alternate explanations. And all the lies are set up to make you think anyone who questions things is an idiot. Like the Judy Woodward mentioned. It’s such a pile of poo and she has a huge website that’s been up forever. It’s all ray beams and mini-nukes. Aliens and other nonsense that they cover up the truth with.
Winston Churchill said.”In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” and they are at war with us.
“I can’t speak for others, mental health. Sometimes ignorance is bliss but not in the case of the vax. Millions will die but none of us should feel like these people deserved it. They did not. Even the nasty ones that were so aggressive in demanding others get the vax. They had no idea.”
Fuck your shitty take Sam. Many of these aggressive people wanted me fired from my job, ostracized from society, and thrown in prison. All because I refused to submit to slavery. Probably still do.
You can let them off the hook if you want to big boy but I will never forget these cunts and I will celebrate their deaths as they would celebrate mine if Covid took me. They were evil and gleefully so in many cases. Btw, there are still mandates in place so this shit isn’t over yet. Stop trying to throw the fight.
The majority that took the shot because they were told it would help their communities can be forgiven but the nasty ones (deluded or not) you speak of can’t die soon enough.
“…Even the nasty ones that were so aggressive in demanding others get the vax. They had no idea…”
You over react and put my statement into a far bigger box than I meant. I said,”…aggressive in demanding…”, not firing people and making them homeless. Different level of aggression. I didn’t parse that completely. I was only talking about people being verbally annoying, not actively harming others for not taking the vax. I’m also not talking about people saying others should killed for not taking vax. That’s different. On harming people, I agree with you.
This is exactly why I’m so wordy sometimes. Just a little slip and not being super anal specific and “YOU’RE THE DEVIL!”
Counterpoint: the fake WMDs in Iraq. That was a big lie everybody heard and that turned out to be a nothingburger. Ever since then, you couldn’t really justify believing everything told by the MSM.
I think you are right about some people’s fearfulness and busyness (and the disinfo in alternative news), but most people just don’t give a fuck.
Fyi Owen Benjamin called fake on the Pandemic in Feb 2020 which it was.
And fake on the Jabs before they rolled out.
Naughty controlled op…
Bright side, no one who listened to him
Locked down
Socially distanced
got the Death Jab.
Or is suffering buyers remorse today..
Controlled op fail eh!
“…Owen Benjamin called fake on the Pandemic in Feb 2020…”
Well as I’ve said before, Owen Benjamin is himself fake. I know people who almost died from covid personally and knew of people who died. So that there was never ever a covid that could kill you is a lie. It’s untrue. I think millions of people died from covid. Especially elderly. A bunch, lots, died in Italy. I think many millions died in China but can’t prove it.
That covid mutated and became less aggressive, true, but that says nothing about its activity in the beginning.
You make good points.
It took me a LOT of shoveling through shit to get here, to Vox Day, and to Timeless Authors. Hours and hours of looking for red pills after red pills every single day. Trying to make sense of the world.
Also, the people here are FAR smarter than the 98IQ average of the US. 2-3SD higher minimum IQ. I can tell many here are 4SD from average or even higher. Most people can’t speed read through all of this dense information day in and day out. Many of us can’t even begin fathom what it’s like to be around the middle of the IQ bell curve.
“Also, the people here are FAR smarter than the 98IQ average of the US. 2-3SD higher minimum IQ. I can tell *many* here are 4SD from average or even higher.”
Macaque, I like your posts and would gladly have more comments from you, but you’re being too kind here. While a few like Phelps and AC are really as smart as you say, I don’t even manage 2SD (roughly 130IQ) even though I repeatedly got compliments from AC for my insights and most recently lots of upvotes for my analysis of Madonna. Please don’t confuse knowledge and an unconventional way of thinking with extraordinary intelligence. Unlike someone like Vox Day, most very smart people are just as narrowminded as the general population, and have less curiosity and mental flexibility than the commenters on this blog.
Don’t waste effort on that SD or IQ stuff. I don’t think you can really categorize “intelligence,” whatever that is. I can do really stupid things in every day life, I screw up here all the time on managing this place, and probably have an element of that autistic quality where social stuff others just see goes right over my head. But I can observe stuff really closely, even replay videos of it in my head, and come up with things from that others don’t see and I think that is valuable to our kind, which is the only thing which counts.
I have known memorizers who most would call high IQ, but they would never come up with something new which would make other people say, “Wow, I never saw it like that!”
If you make people say that, you are way ahead of the pack in terms of personal value, and every other metric is meaningless, because you are contributing the new stuff to our kind, which is where the advances come from, and where the value lies. I think this place is great, because we have a wide variety of that type, who are all bringing the new stuff in all these different areas. IQ may or may not relate, and probably plays a role in how many areas you can do that like Phelps covering so much ground, but I would rather be low IQ but really interesting and insightful with new stuff and understanding in one place, than high IQ, but not really understanding and original in any particular place.
Thanks for clarifying, AC!
I apologize for not being more nuanced here. I was using my own estimates with honestly have no backing except for my own experience. I didn’t caveat with any notice that I was going from my own personal gauge of SD or IQ that has zero basis on testing. I wish I could have communicated this better. If you’ve read my previous posts, you might remember my concepts of “Truth Sense” (t) and “Capacity for Genius” (g+), which I believe have nothing to do with actual g. In writing this quick comment, I meant to reply to Sam J. only, who I figured would have remembered my previous posts.
To be clear: I personally (and now I realize potentially unconventionally), use IQ simply as my own personal heuristic. And I foolishly did not communicate this in my comment.
To illustrate: I’ve known guys who say they’re average to 115 IQ according to their test scores be so insightful in truth sense or capacity for genius that consistently exceeded those I’ve seen test scores be 3SD or 145IQ. I mean there are people who can just listen to someone talk for a few seconds and understand how truthful they are. It’s like a superpower. I’ve known guys who say they tested at around 145 who had so little flexibility of mind that they couldn’t even compare in functionality to average with t or g+. I know someone who did average on every other test but who can memorize a concerto with a single sightreading session.
So anon, I hope you take what I wrote with a grain of salt. I see IQ as merely as a personal construct that approximates a type of processing power I can’t even operationalize. I use it as an illustration for expedience. But that’s a small piece of the whole puzzle. As AC says, there is pure memory, which is incredibly powerful. There is truth sense, which I believe is as more spiritual than neurological. There’s also capacity for genius, which I also believe might be more spiritual or soul-driven than neurological.
In the end, I was not intending to be kind or even accurate, but was trying to make a point from the purely processing power perspective. So again, I apologize for communicating so unclearly.
“…2-3SD higher minimum IQ…”
I’m not being critical of what said, just letting you know that I would struggle to be a mid-wit. I’m slow. I do have my moments, but it takes a while. I have to ponder things. That being said in aggregate IQ makes a big difference. All the talk about it being meaningless is not true. Some people can see patterns and absorb huge amounts of data and create entirely new thought patterns and ways to look at things that others just think is a useless pile of data noise. All the common sense in the world will not help you find the exact equations needed to describe, say, a hall thruster, and then use those to increase efficiency.
At the same time, if you really want screw something up, get a genius with no common sense to run something.
There’s IQ, truthsense, g+… And what I was leaving out was determination to find out the truth. I’m not an “IQ-ist”. I’ve known people who were quite obviously around the average who had the persistence to untangle webs or discover truths I would not begin to unravel. Yet they did.
In my defense, just because a model predicts for 80% of a something doesn’t mean it’s liable for explaining the other 20% that it isn’t meant to predict for. It’s just an issue with the model. When I write about IQ, it’s not as some sort of perfect representation of human intelligence. It’s as a probabilistic model.
The g factor primarily measures speed of thought and memory access. It’s like the ghz speed on a processor. It says nothing about wisdom.
The problem for low g people is that we all experience life at the same speed, and someone who is processing twice as fast notices twice as many things and has the free brain cycles to churn it to a conclusion.
Thank you. This is it exactly. The think is that you can have low g people who have extremely high truthsense, a finely tuned g+, or persistence.
And to clarify further, some people have high affinity toward correct assumptions or mental models. This is the definition of truthsense.
I don’t think we should worship IQ but…there are things that people with really high IQ’s can sometimes see that others will never see nor figure out. This sort of thinking is very important to technological advancement. An example is one programmer may dash something off of immense brilliance and solve problems that rooms full of Indians on work visas would never in a million years even get to.
I’m no genius. I’m a mid-wit and I know it. I also have an INTJ personality type and I suspect many in our community are some variant of that.
Yup. INTJ as well.
“INTJ personality type”
I looked this up. Oh shit that’s me.
I’m an INTJ as well. I’ve also studied the MBTI. The key is to understand how the functions work. If you ever get into MBTI, Michael Pierce is one of the best in breaking things down. I don’t often recommend videos, but most of the written stuff I’ve read isn’t as good as his breakdowns:
Yeah, the portraits are all just astrology until you start understanding the cognitive functions, hierarchy and shadowing.
I’m INTJ also, according to a Meyers-Briggs assessment I took years ago.
‘Polling Earthquake’: Austria’s Anti-Immigration Freedom Party (FPÖ) Is Now Country’s No.1 Party
I hear ACs readership has increased up to 17 percent.
LOL. I wish.
Interestingly traffic now is not increasing, which is unusual. I am not sure if they have some new means of suppressing the spread of the site they rolled out in the last year.
RE: Traffic
For the past week when I try to launch your blog I’ve been getting the WordPress sign in page. So I launch your lite site to read it but without comments it’s not as interesting. This happens on o/s and android devices. I tried leaving a comment with a vpn on and it tagged me as spam. I love your site and just wanted you to know.
Thank you for the insight. I am pretty sure there are no settings for any of that on my dashboard. I cannot imagine why it would reject a VPN, as I useone all the time to run the site, and there is no option to allow a VPN.
It is interesting, as I am sure gov would want to be sure they got the real IPs of everyone posting here.
“…getting the WordPress sign in page…”
I get this all the time. Mostly in the early morning when you are doing something, updating, maybe.
Yeah, it seems like maintenance mode isn’t being invoked correctly. Also, once you get things running (like they are now) you should delete the install.php file.
How do you know all this stuff?
And I am getting warnings on the dashboard updates failed to install. I am sure if I screw with it, it will only get worse. But I will have to do the install file.
Thank you!
I ran a wordpress blog for over a decade, when a lot of the stuff that is automatic had to be done manually.
But I do know a lot of stuff.
Over 90% Of Firms Have Remained In Russia