News Briefs – 01/24/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Over 100,000 people older than 124 years vote in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Speaker Vos is secretly pushing legislation to increase the number of drop boxes after a Judge ruled them illegal in the state.

In the battle over voting rights, an idea is starting to move around in Republican circles: designated police forces designed to hunt down voter fraud. You can see the problem when you are dealing with intelligence operations, though. Anything you create, any organization, any position, will just become a target for infiltration and subversion. And once taken over, its existence, combined with its assurance to the public there is no problem, actually works against you, inducing complacency in the populace. The first thing which must happen, and the only real solution, is schooling the populace in how intelligence operations work, and how they are the threat and the problem. So long as the population is naive to the machinations of intelligence, there will be no government of, by, and for the people.

Democrats are already showing early signs of questioning the legitimacy of the elections in 2022 and 2024. Theoretically, if I were Q and had taken control of the Cabal machinery, and was looking to wake up everybody, first I would blatantly steal the election from Trump to wake up Republicans to the fact our elections were fraudulent, then I would make sure the Democrats felt the 2022 election was fraudulent and stolen from them. Once both sides felt robbed by a corrupt, rigged system, and saw they had no control, then a reveal of the fraud and implementation of a fix would be accepted by both sides.

N.J. bans police at polling stations in new law advocates say prevents voter intimidation. How would you feel if you were about to vote under a fake ID, and you saw a cop standing right there next to the desk?

Vox Day on the latest Vax Trax, with just masterful lyrics he wrote, sung by him. I do not even know where to begin with this one. So good just as a song, I can’t stop listening to it, even as I’m laughing at the cleverness. Say what you will about Vox, his troll game combined with his artistic skills leave him second to none.

All of the media is jumping on that plan presented by Gen Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Patrick Byrne, portraying it as Trump’s idea and an outright coup against the government. Had he followed that plan, it would have been portrayed as a coup, just as they are doing now. They held off on executing this plan then, back when Byrne described all of this, because I think their plan was for Trump to execute this plan, before they launched this attack. I have no idea what that would have led to, but from the account at the time, it sounded like it just wasn’t The Plan, and Trump knew what he was doing when he dodged all of this, despite how badly as we wanted him to do it then.

Congressman Bennie Thompson, chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, revealed Sunday that former Attorney General William Barr has spoken with investigators.

Michael Horowitz, the DOJ IG said the FBI acted legally but Special Counsel John Durham wholeheartedly disagrees. Article says Durham has gone deeper into the dossier and how it was cooked up by the Clinton Campaign and passed to FBI, while Horowitz dismissed it and claimed it played no role. Horowitz, like all AGs was comped.

Child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell is learning Russian in prison ‘to maintain her sanity.’

Details of Ghislaine’s hiding and capture. Article mentions her interest in the flight patterns over her house, so she could detect unusual aerial activity. Article also says she moved frequently, not to dodge the feds, but to stay ahead of “crazy people” who wanted to kill her.

Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealed how Biden and his family have received ‘some $31 million’ from individuals linked to the ‘highest levels of Chinese intelligence.’

Israel did not deny using “advanced technology” to track the population, and rejected allegations that the practice was illegal, calling the “central claim” – that the practice was illegal – “not true.”

NordVPN will now comply with law enforcement data requests after a recent joint operation led by Europol in which law enforcement authorities from 10 different countries seized 15 servers from a separate VPN provider.

Russia Today points out by denying Havana Syndrome is real, CIA gave up a prime means of stirring hatred against Russia. They do nothing but lie, choosing an objective and then lying their way to it. So why not say Havana Syndrome was real, and only Russia could be behind it? The only reason I can see is that further investigation of Havana Syndrome would be detrimental to Cabal, and they wanted all inquiry shut down. The fact victims, even wounded CIA Officers, reported being gangstalked in the US and having their houses broken into (which requires complicity of the neighborhood observation post and team), and some were actually hit with the weapon right around the White House, makes me think Havana Syndrome is either Cabal (most likely, almost certainly), or something much more powerful and technologically sophisticated, which they do not want to reveal for fear of people panicking (doubtful, but not a zero probability).

Blood from athletic mice may give a brain boost to couch potato rodents.

Three or four days after it was covered here, Alex Jones discusses how Red States were targeted with tainted COVID vaccines.

Just 0.06% of religious exemption requests have been granted for U.S. Marines.

Peer-reviewed study shows Ivermectin resulted in a 67% reduction in COVID hospitalization and a 70% reduction in COVID mortality.

COVID-19 drug remdesivir may prolong hospital stay, study on veterans hospitalized with COVID-19 concluded that remdesivir was not associated with improved survival.

19,916 ‘eye disorders’ including blindness following COVID vaccine reported in Europe.

Half of first-wave Covid cases may have lasting harm to sense of smell.

Pfizer CEO pushes annual COVID-19 vaccine shot as company makes billions, noting ‘It’s easier to convince people to do it.’ yearly.

Alberta Canada Inadvertently Published (and Quickly Deleted) Health Data Exposing that MORE THAN HALF of VACCINATED DEATHS Have Been COUNTED AS UNVACCINATED.

Peaceful Vax protest in Brussels turned violent when Antifa BlackBlock showed up and attacked the Police. There is some video here.

One of Germany’s largest insurance companies will not pay for vaccine-related injuries, and it looks like the US will follow suit.

At the Defeat the Mandate rally in DC, RFK Jr launches into a riff about satellites and 5G being used by global elites to control the world’s population and cut off food supplies.

RFK Jr’s full speech at the Defeat the Mandate rally.

Pennsylvania school board member tells parents ‘I don’t work for you.’

Now the BNSF Railroad prepares to go on strike adding to challenges in filling already empty shelves in US stores.

A judge is allowing California to proceed with plans to allow earlier potential prison release dates for repeat offenders with serious and violent criminal histories under the state’s “three strikes” law.

CDC is now monitoring local residents for any cold-like symptoms following a crash of a semi carrying 100 CDC test monkeys who were apparently infected with something. Three escaped, and were later caught and euthanized. Another Fauci special. You have to wonder when something small and easily rigged like this could make Big Pharma hundreds of billions over the next three years, with the right virus. Plus Cabal needs a pandemic for the fall elections.

Michael Avenatti, the disgraced celebrity lawyer and fierce Donald Trump critic, is scheduled to go on trial Monday in Manhattan for allegedly swindling ex-porn star Stormy Daniels out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer used an alias at a Manhattan hospital while checking in on the escort he was accused of choking hours before in February of 2016.

In 1982, U.S. Attorney Gen. William French Smith wrote CIA Director William Casey a letter establishing a policy of not reporting, investigating or prosecuting drug crimes by CIA agents, assets and contractors.

Australian members of Parliament are curating their speeches to avoid triggering censorship from Big Tech platforms like YouTube and Facebook, according to United Australia Party (UAP) leader Craig Kelly MP.

Australian Open fans asked to remove ‘Where is Peng Shuai?’ shirts by security. Almost like the Australian government, and the Chinese government are one, when push comes to shove, despite all the posturing as enemies. It is possible all Western and Chinese governments are another Cabal illusion, like the ideological battles, designed to keep people feeling they are in a fight against imaginary enemies, and that their own government must be on their side, or surely one of those enemies would expose it to the people, to cause problems for the government they are in a fight with.

Some pointed out there is a river between Russia and Kiev, so Putin may be heading right to the Capital:

President Biden is considering deploying several thousand U.S. troops, as well as warships and aircraft, to NATO allies in the Baltics and Eastern Europe.

CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades. Probably a huge domestic surveillance network too. If Russia invades, expect all of them to be imported to the US and put into action against the domestic US populace.

The new German Chancellor refused to meet with Joe Biden to talk Ukraine.

Eight years ago the US and NATO installed a Neo-Nazi government in Ukraine. Yesterday there was a report Americans with ties to Neo-Nazi groups were heading to Ukraine to fight. How would American Neo-Nazi groups know the Ukrainian government was Neo-Nazi? Unless there is a global organization linking them out of sight of us.

The State Department recommended Sunday that all U.S. citizens in Ukraine depart the country immediately. Letting Putin take out that little puppet government which was so important to Soros, and which seemingly funded Cabal through graft of US aid and Hunter’s dealings, might have been a way Q would put pressure on Cabal.

U.S. not in a position to evacuate citizens from Ukraine, State Dept. warns. But Putin will be able to, in just a little bit.

Palin lawsuit against NY Times going to trial.

Moderate non-Trump Republican governors are disappearing from the political landscape.

A survey conducted by NBC News between January 14 and 18 shows that 72 percent of Americans think the United States is off on the wrong track, while just 22 percent believe it’s headed in the right direction.

CBS host Margaret Brennan was stunned when after Joe Biden’s first year in office, NOT ONE participant in Face the Nation’s focus group believes America is in a better place and the entire panel of six participants, including Biden voters, said America is on the wrong path.

Fox News Poll finds voters are reluctant to give Biden a second term.

Harriet Hageman, the Donald Trump-endorsed candidate seeking to unseat Rep. Liz Cheney, won big Saturday in a straw poll of House candidates held by the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee.

Spread r/K Theory, because Biden is incompetent, and given his desires, it is not a bad thing.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“In the battle over voting rights, an idea is starting to move around in Republican circles: designated police forces designed to hunt down voter fraud. You can see the problem when you are dealing with intelligence operations, though. Anything you create, any organization, any position, will just become a target for infiltration and subversion.”

There is a military specialty called “Recon” and it’s big brother “Recon in Force”. Basically you push until you make contact with the enemy, then you draw blood to determine his resolve. Recon in Force “RiF” will scatter r type rabbits who want easy wins. We know the sides here, and Republican (Trump supporters at least) understand the “Deep State” concept, the “Organized Crime – FBI” concept, and the “hidden Democrat operative” concept. If a mission is specific, controlled and dedicated to stopping voter fraud it will act like a RiF and will draw out Cabal operators while cabailites with weaker stomachs flee. All you literally have to is show up and film, do research, get injunctions, flood the zone etc. rule breaking isn’t necessary. Isn’t that what Vox Day says? You’ve got to show up to a fight to even have a chance of winning. And you know, classic line here, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Seconded, but do it with a small team that you 100% trust to not be in on the scam. Have people to back you up that you know will not stab you in the back the second you get a win somewhere.

A huge part of their operation is convincing the good guys everything is futile and every organization will be compromised. The key is small, decentralized, and based off of blood ties if possible, or extreme and tested trust if not. There will never be an FBI on our side as it will be too big to gatekeep for the good, but you can put together strike teams of good guys to pressure them as Rex states above.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“The key is small, decentralized, and based off of blood ties if possible, or extreme and tested trust if not. ”

“49I have come to ignite a fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished!

51Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

“34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn

‘a man against his father,

a daughter against her mother,

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

36A man’s enemies will be the members

of his own household.’

37Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; 38and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”

As the history of fraticide and other ways that blood relatives murdered each other for power and other selfish reasons.

Frequently we find that Royals and nobles murdered their blood relations.

Even the blood ties of Tsar Nicolas the II to the British Royal family to the other Royal Families of Europe didn’t save him and his family from the Bolsheviks.

Blood ties whilst better than non-relations isn’t as solid as it seems. As Jesus’ prediction goes to show.

Demonstrated loyalty under pressure is quite important.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Three or four days after it was covered here, Alex Jones discusses how Red States were targeted with tainted COVID vaccines.”

AJ reads this site, it’s why he occasionally plugs Vox Day’s books. Now, what AJ does the info here is up to him. Of course globalists would have on the ground intel networks everywhere, that just makes sense. Of course they would be 5%, 10%, even +15% of some populations, everywhere. But alot of the low hanging fruit that Cabal does is out in the open, it’s just dunking on us. AJ has to be careful with that sometimes because Cabal could lead him around by the nose by leaking stuff they know he would find. And if he has more Sandy Hook style blow ups he will go broke.

There’s alot of these people, doing stuff out in the open is promised to happen, read the Book of Revelation.
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Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I was going to commen on this too. I think AJ, who used to be a drug addled comedian Bill Hicks, signed up to deceive people as the character AJ. But over time…he realized these people he was working for were evil, evil, evil . Slowly he has gone from being over the top, pushing the craziest stuff he could find to…actually telling the truth.

Now of course he is controlled and there are limits but he does push them. Just enough so that he can say he is doing what they ask while at the same time telling people what is actually going on.

A good example was Sandy Hook. They yanked back his chain hard on that one. Telling me Sandy Hook was nothing but a fake op and they REALLY don’t want people going there.

All in all. shill or not, he’s on the right side of things.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I like Jones, but i think his purpose is to ratchet up the fear and confusion, so that, yes, you may be told the truth, but you will still learn to be afraid of the government.

AJ’s Sandy Hook dustup was fake and probably a warning to Miles Mathis.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Pennsylvania school board member tells parents ‘I don’t work for you.’”

Another example of the Recon in Force tactic being useful. Throw that DB out of office. Blood in the water be like a shark, don’t stop until that guy is thrown out or people question the system even more.

3 years ago

“The State Department recommended Sunday that all U.S. citizens in Ukraine depart the country immediately. Letting Putin take out that little puppet government which was so important to Soros, and which seemingly funded Cabal through graft of US aid and Hunter’s dealings, might have been a way Q would put pressure on Cabal.”

“CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades. Probably a huge domestic surveillance network too. If Russia invades, expect all of them to be imported to the US and put into action against the domestic US populace.”

When do we get to the part of the plan where we throw them out of OUR country?
After they outnumber us?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Almost like the Australian government, and the Chinese government are one, when push comes to shove, despite all the posturing as enemies. It is possible all Western and Chinese governments are another Cabal illusion, like the ideological battles,”

Then that would mean that Russia has a truce with Cabal and you could expect a major Russian nuclear buildup to match China’s growing arsenal + whatever the West or Israel has.

I was talking about what motivates these people with some like minded Trump supporters. Apparently they are aware of the term “elite capture” whereby a foreign nation gains compromising leverage on the majority of another nations elites/intelligentsia. Those susceptible to Epstein ops are one group, very easy to figure out, they want certain types of sex and money. The other group are Communists, and their fellow travelers are the Green/Environmentalist types- who want and demand depopulation operations, they can only agree on conducting them on wealthy White Western societies however. The final group is of course Satanists and their big brothers, Luciferians. These are your Pikes, Rothschilds, Babylonian brotherhood etc. They literally want to crush the Almighty’s creation and make the Earth a permanent abode for their abominations, whereby Earth’s human population will be kept under 500 million by literally killing infants in neo-Canaanite ritual sacrifices and engage in “spirit cooking” of any innocent soul that dwells upon the Earth.

I don’t know if the Chinese are in the Commie group or the Luciferian group because of their opposition to Jesus Christ. Time will tell, but maybe they purged their Luciferians for a season by ending one child and forced abortions. Of course, as China inevitably embraces imperialism, or has imperialism dropped into it’s lap, Luciferianism could make a rapid return without Christian influence. Example below, which could become the norm anywhere Chinese power holds sway:

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Some pointed out there is a river between Russia and Kiev, so Putin may be heading right to the Capital:”

Then there is probably something near that river that is targeting Russia, probably bio. Russia is very mad at Jewkraine for some reason and action could happen at any moment from now until the snow melts.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Eight years ago the US and NATO installed a Neo-Nazi government in Ukraine.”

Let’s not forget that Israel arms the Neo-Nazi’s there too,

If you ever wanted some solid proof that Cabal is a real thing, there it is.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Shots near Burkina president’s home as soldiers mutiny

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I love me a good story about a soldiers’ mutiny. The US military is decades overdue for a cleansing, air-clearing widespread mutiny. If there was ever a good time for one, now is it. We are about to be led into a war with the most dangerous enemy this country has faced since 1945, and it’s all based on stupidity and lies. If we actually go over the edge, I expect this to be the empire’s last war, and that will be the fault of those in uniform who went along with it and were “just following orders.”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Donnie
3 years ago

Mutiny already happened, at the top, with Milley. Anything that is “cleansing” and “air-clearing” would just be re-establishing an ordered force.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer used an alias at a Manhattan hospital while checking in on the escort he was accused of choking hours before in February of 2016”

“The Russian national then told police that in an effort to get out of the room and to “scare” Spitzer, she took a wine glass, broke it and lightly cut herself on her wrist.

Shortly after 8 p.m., a 911 call was placed and the victim was taken to a hospital, according to the report.

“She is on her period. I just came to help,” Spitzer initially told detectives who saw blood on the wall and door.””

This guy is a hoot. Does a heavy flow usually gush onto walls? And how could he help with that? Is he a vampire?

I thought he would be better at this. Isn’t he a lawyer? I mean sticking as close to the truth as possible is lying 101.

“I’m so glad you guys are here. Yes, she’s an acquaintance of mine. When she called me for help I got here as fast as I could but she’d already cut herself. She was clearly drunk and out of her mind when she reached out to me.”

So much more wiggle room.

3 years ago

>designated police forces designed to hunt down voter fraud.

*Another* government bureaucracies. Or multiple government bureaucracies.

The solution isn’t moar government, it’s to bring up the members of the various election commissions – which are de facto responsible for election integrity – up on charges of malfeasance, fraud, and anything else applicable, and *convict* their asses.

Unfortunately the courts, which are thoroughly pwned, have refused to accept those cases which have been filed.

Once they got the courts, they had the country. The legislature may pass laws, but the courts decide what the laws *mean*, and whether they apply, and if anyone has standing.

The courts are the problem.

“You can’t vote your way out of this.” You can’t legislate your way out, either.

Texas Arcane
3 years ago

Even though it may be outside your sphere of consideration normally … consider that everything you know about the world may be wrong. That’s EVERYTHING.

I am starting to believe over the past year that the occult elites conduct a human sacrifice every 200 years and within 20 years have completely rewritten the history to conceal it. It’s not until you begin to review century-by-century that most of these massacres are staged deliberately, the “science” they are always referring to proves these events are not accidents.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“If CIA formed ISIS, and that is who is killing troops, and this shit is targeted in the US”

Consider that the war between the US military establishment and the CIA is so intense that the CIA likely was working to make sure the military failed in Iraq. And Afghanistan. And I strongly believe the main intent of Vietnam was to demoralize the US military establishment as well.

Vietnam is an interesting case study. Cabal pushes the military into an unwinnable mess, makes the entire population anti-military, and concurrently runs a cultural assault on our universities. A great way to screw up America’s elite class.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Notice that that after Francis Ford Coppola made his “cabal training 101” film “The Godfather”, he immediately followed it up with the immensely demoralizing “Apocalypse Now”.

The Godfather was a stupid book, really. It’s just not that good. But if you read it closely, it communicated the most important Cabal values: keep your mouth shut, never let anyone outside the family know what you’re thinking, betrayal is a death sentence, etc.

It, along with Good Fellas, are training materials. Cabal put enormous effort into both of them. And otherwise, they really have nothing to do with the Mafia. These guys aren’t Al Pacino or Ray Liotta cool. They just aren’t. The films romanticize in the absolute extreme, and they always, ALWAYS emphasize the important lessons. ALWAYS. It’s their primary function.

And Apocalypse Now? What is really it’s message? The US military establishment is insane and you shouldn’t want to be a part of them. Colonel Kilgore and Kurtz are definite Wasps, not traditional cabal bloodlines.

Not long after Apocalypse Now, Hollywood rolled out “Taps”. Persuading a generation of young American men that military schools were inhabited by psychos. A definite need to steer talented people away from those institutions.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Anonymous (regarding “Godfather”), I rented that around ‘99 or 2000, since I had never seen it before. It did not resonate with me at all. I didn’t enjoy it.

I think it was during one of the 2012 Republicuck debates, the moderator asked them what their favorite movie was. Most of the answered “The Godfather”. I started wondering if they were all psychopaths.

I don’t trust people who call that their favorite movie. In the same way, I don’t trust people who claim “Catcher In The Rye” is their favorite book. I forced myself to read half of it, then looked up the Cliff’s Notes. I believe Ba’al Gates considers it one of his favorites. I couldn’t stand the main character or the story.

Joseph Atwill had a couple of blog posts about “The Mason In The Rye” and “The Pedophile In The Rye”. His analysis said that book was loaded with symbolism of both. I will NOT be rereading it to double check.

I stopped taking movie recommendations from “normies”. Back when “Pulp Fiction” was popular, everybody I knew told you “You’ve GOT to see Pulp Fiction”. I hated it. The best part was when Travolta died. Sure it was an interesting format of storytelling, but I couldn’t stand it. I don’t like Tarantino movies. Although the “Royale wit cheese” bit was amusing.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

I loved Catcher In The Rye when I was young and full of gamma. When I grew up and put that behind me, I couldn’t go back to it.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>Godfather, Goodfellas, Apocalypse Now, Taps

Damn, you make some great points.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Best movie,

Wizard of OZ 1939

It’s a Wonderful Life 1946

The Exorcist 1973

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s interesting the mention of Catcher in the Rye. When I was in my teens, Cabal actors in my life REALLY pushed me hard to read that book. They were people who pretended to be my friends but I later discovered were cabal actors sent to derail my life.

And Catcher In The Rye serves that function well. It basically reinforces attitudes and behaviors that will cause someone great difficulty in social functioning and to self-isolate. And it’s really targeted to children of the more prosperous.

The entire novel introduced as a form of psychological warfare? I believe so.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m reading sparknotes/summary of Catcher in the Rye. Wow it seems like both such a boring and triggering story.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

There’s some things you should know to put the war in Vietnam in perspective.

1. The Tet offensive where the viet cong were supposed to take over the whole country and that the left hailed as showing we could never win the war was a total, complete, massive disaster for the viet cong and the vast majority of them died. They were completely wiped out and ceased to exsist as an organized force.

2. The US Army in Vietnam gets a totally undeserved rap that in no way responds to reality. They said they were going to shoot the living hell out of the commies until they were done with fighting and I say they did exactly that. They blew the living hell out of those commies. They completely destroyed the Viet Cong and almost, damn near almost, killed off the NVA.

3. From Pournelle,”And in Viet Nam the North sent 150,000 men south with as much armor as the Wehrmacht had in many WW II engagements. That was in 1973, and of that 150,000 fewer than 50,000 men and no armor returned to the North, at a cost of under 1,000 American casualties. Most would count that an outstanding victory. (Alas, in 1975 North Viet nam had another army of over 100,000 and sent it South; the Democratic Congress voted our South Vietnamese 20 cartridges and 2 hand grenades per man, but refused naval and air support; Saigon predictably became Ho Chi Minh city as we pushed helicopters off the decks of out carriers in our frantic evacuation; but that is hardly the fault of the US military).”

4. When the North attacked the South in 1975 their forces were strung out all along the limited highways north to south. If we had kept to our word about making sure they had air support and supplies, they would have been slaughtered. I mean a serious blood bath. We could have bombed them from the air, bombed them from the sea, as we still had battleships off the coast to do so, and placed artillery on the mountains to blast them from all sides. Total annihilation. I think it was John Paul Vann who said he spent years looking for them in the jungle and now when they are out in open we’re doing nothing.

Now commies can make people fight by threatening them and their families but there’s a limit. A second blood bath destruction after the loss in 1973 might have either triggered full scale intransigence in the North or the North deciding not risk it again. As it was, the Democrats told Pres. Ford if he supplied air support they would impeach him and I think they would have.

The Democrat party said over and over, and still say, that we could never win in Vietnam and when they had the power to do so THEY made it happen They are solely responsible for the debacle. The facts show that unequivocally the North could not have conquered the South without cutting all support to the South. Just simple basic logic will tell you that the 1975 invasion would have failed with the South having US air support. Not even mentioning the rest.

5. The whole time the Vietnam War was going on insurgencies in all of Southeast Asia were, mostly, being defeated. The stated goals of the war were that if Vietnam fell it would embolden the commies in all Southeast Asia and they would all fall.

In fact fighting in Vietnam tied up the commies there and in a large part of Southeast Asia the commies were defeated. So we didn’t win it all but look at countries where the commies “won”, like Cambodia. I say that that while the Vietnam war was not a total win it did save many, many millions of lives in Asia.

While many Vietnam vets believe that they totally wasted their lives there I do not believe that at all. I believe as messed up as it was what they did was noble and saved millions upon millions of others lives just exactly like what they were told they were there for. Many commie insurgencies were crushed while the war kept the commies occupied in Vietnam. How can anyone not believe this after looking at Cambodia, China, the USSR and all the cases where the commies won, I don’t know.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Thank you for the history lesson. History (of the based and red-pilled variety) is one of those things I always mean to get to but never do.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

We used Catcher in the Rye as a punishment text. When the boys hit teen years and had a bad attitude streak, we made them read it. What they hated about Holden Caulfield is what we were making them read Catcher for. We thought it was hilarious. They hated Holden. Different character traits they hated, too.

Then high school had them read it again. It was like visiting an old friend.

I know grownups who hate that book.

I respect a solidly built book that inspires that much hatred.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Texas Arcane
3 years ago

Both WWI and WWII were unquestionably “Great Resets”, as both involved the mass killing of many millions of people, mostly virile young men who were going to be the foundation of the next generation. Europe was gutted by both wars.

Both wars also “coincidentally” lead to total reorganizations of the global order of the time, all in service to increased globalization and One World Government schemes, kinda sorta like it was all planned ahead of time, maybe many decades ahead of time.

We are currently in WWIII now, and everyone looks stunned, despite the warning signs having been in plain sight for years.

3 years ago

> How would you feel if you were about to vote under a fake ID, and you saw a cop standing right there next to the desk?

I’m glad I live in a hillbilly shithole state.

I go to my assigned polling place – there is no choice – and I have to present my state-issued photo ID – that’s about all my concealed carry permit is good for, now that we have Constitutional carry. Then they flip through the big stack of tractor feed paper with the names of all registered voters and cross my name out with a pen. If the address on the voter roll and ID don’t match, I have to have supporting documentation – postal address change, utility bills, etc. – or so sorry, try again next election.

There is “mail-in voting” of a sort; you have to have a form from the military showing you’re stationed out-of-state, or a form filled out by your doctor asserting you can’t physically make it to the polls. Otherwise, get your ass off the couch and stand in line like everybody else. If you can’t be arsed to make that much effort, we don’t care what your political opinions are.

Ten years ago, they handed me a big cardboard ballot and a felt tip laundry marker. I checked my selections on the ballot and dropped it into a box. Every half hour, volunteer election workers took the ballots out, counted them on card tables right in front of everybody, and the chief official wrote the numbers down on her clipboard. At the end, she called the numbers in to the main Commission office and it was over.

Now I get pointed to an electronic voting machine, which means while I have been properly identified, my vote is whatever its programmers say it was.

Well, it was a good system when we had it. Nobody wanted the machines, nobody likes the machines, but… there they are.

3 years ago

> NordVPN will now comply with law enforcement data requests

If you want a VPN to avoid scrutiny by law enforcement, you’re basically out of luck.

If all you want is to avoid geolocation and advertising tracking, they’re somewhat useful.

On the other hand, lots of web sites – including some large e-commerce sites – check incoming IPs against the list of “known VPN and Tor addresses” and tell you to fribble off. They might not know *who* is trying to access their site, but they do know you’re coming through a VPN.

If what you’re doing requires secrecy, don’t put it on the internet. Or the phone. Or, for the love of $DIETY, a cellular phone.

Texas Arcane
3 years ago

The crazies are the only ones left making sense in klownworld

teo toon
teo toon
3 years ago

BNSF is Warren Buffet’s railroad which transports oil in place of a pipeline which the Master class shut down using the enviro wackos and most likely bribes and blackmail. Buffet has the power to stop the strike; so this is deliberate destruction of the energy and organic chemistry economies.

3 years ago

I spent quite sometime looking at Benedict and what happened re: his “retirement”. It’s quite strange. Suffice it to say that his status if Bergoglio dies is uncertain. He may then be Pope. This coming out now makes me think Bergoglio is on the way out and they are clearing the ground. It’s not nearly as bad as the headline implies however:

3 years ago

Re: DeSantis and law enforcement and elections.

It looks like SCOTUS will rule that election fraud is a State LEO issue. They don’t want the Judiciary running elections. Probably rule election fraud is just another crime. That’s probably the thinking behind the denial of standing so far.

It does make Soros’ focus on DAs more sinister and impressive.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

There is no “election fraud” crime in some states, and some of the others, it’s a misemeanor on the level of jaywalking or letting your grass get too tall. The few where it’s a serious crime have no apparent interest in preventing or prosecuting it.

Every election since 2000 (when I first started paying attention) both sides claimed fraud, and both sides claimed they were going to do something about it. The lack of any change tells me both sides are happy with the way things are.

3 years ago

Things like this make me wonder. US is abandoning the Ukraine to RUS just like Af-stan. Ukraine Cabal puppet regime freaking out.

Is this Obama faction or is there really a devolved US gov in domestic exile running things?

Sure looks like the Bush Cabal and its Clinton sub-faction are getting all their global infrastructure dismantled.

Both Barry Faction and a devolved domestically exiled Trump Admin would want to do this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Good point.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

If you look at pics of these guys they look they have real chemistry and enjoy being around each other.

comment image

3 years ago

Fraud and corruption in UK may be as high (prob higher imo) as 14.5% of their GDP.

Explains GCHQ and Mi6 opposition to Trump.

And shows how bughouse maniac LaRouche was right about more than I like him to be.

3 years ago

GSP – Georges St. Pierre – Quebec native son and perhaps the all-time greatest MMA/UFC fighter provides some memorable tips for your next street fight:

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

– Mike Tyson

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

That’s all nonsense. A “street fight” is getting jumped from behind by two or more people, where you lose your balance and hit your head on the curb. it’s not two champions facing off against each other, where there are no rules. The only thing you can do in a street fight is have situational awareness, avoidance, and carrying a gun.

Although I did see a pro football player get his ass kicked in in Houston by an MMA a few years ago.

3 years ago

“Vox Day on the latest Vax Trax, with just masterful lyrics he wrote, sung by him.”

I read his blog everyday. I saw the post and passed it by because I didn’t think much of it.

So today I read AC’s comment praising it—so I went to the post and listened to it.


I’m laughing too. And the second time–I started singing along! WoW! Great lyrics–the music is pretty good—and The VOICE! And he hit the high notes at the end! I’m impressed. Very impressed. Very well put together.

Grammy Award right there!

Our Anthem. Our Beer drinking song!

3 years ago

For those interested in the markets, Tom Bowley at argues that we are seeing a cyclical bear market that may last through at least part of this year. But we are still in a long term bull market so we will see the market hit resistance in time, so plan accordingly. A bear cycle at this probably should not be too surprising given all of the bad policy coming out of the White House and the Fed’s announcement of several planned interest rate hikes in the coming year. It was bound to happen, but it will also be an opportunity at some point to buy back in at lower prices, so keep an eye out for the bottom.

3 years ago

>All of the media is jumping on that plan presented by Gen Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Patrick Byrne, portraying it as Trump’s idea and an outright coup against the government. Had he followed that plan, it would have been portrayed as a coup, just as they are doing now.

The unfortunate fact is that it IS a “coup” now. The system has “legitimized” the fraud as the “true” president and administration, and so any effort to unseat them is, by their terms, a “coup.” We may know that in reality it’s the rightful winner reclaiming the seat from the actual coup, but the system and the normies will never see it that way. This is why I have such a problem with people optics dancing and trying to avoid being called names by the enemy. They’re going to do it no matter what, so why care? Everyone who knows or cares already knows and cares, and the rest will be against you no matter what evidence you show them. The only way to make the monsters shut up is to make them face the wall, and every day that passes makes that outcome less and less likely.

So what’s the failure condition? When do we know the game is over and we’re on our own? The Q stuff has always been the unfalsifiable claim in my book, constant cryptic goalpost shifting, so what’s the limit for our true believers? It’s getting maddening being told to just wait another 20 stolen elections and maybe we’ll unseat 2 monsters somewhere possibly. Just need some honest input from the good people here, it’s getting hard out here my dudes.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

We have to act like there is no Q plan because waiting for some unknown actor to run to the rescue is a recipe for disaster, and we are living through an unbelievable series of disasters now.

Frankly, just pretend you never heard of Q and act accordingly to the news of the day. Prepare as if no one is coming to save us.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“It’s getting maddening being told to just wait”

Who is telling you to just wait?

3 years ago

> Spritzer
Look at his smile in the picture embedded in the article
Once again AC’s “disgust smile” training pays off

3 years ago

In 1982, U.S. Attorney Gen. William French Smith wrote CIA Director William Casey a letter establishing a policy of not reporting, investigating or prosecuting drug crimes by CIA agents, assets and contractors.

Not establishing. Just formalizing.

3 years ago

Some pointed out there is a river between Russia and Kiev, so Putin may be heading right to the Capital:

Note that this is from literally the OTHER SIDE of Russia. If Putin is bringing in bridging companies from the Pacific, then he’s bringing literally every one they have.

He’s bridging more rivers than just Dnieper. He’s crossing the Danube and maybe the Rhine.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Nah, the last thing Vlad wants is dominion over a Rainbow Collective of Snowflakes and the Übermenschen their women have imported from the ME and South Asian to fill the gaps.

3 years ago

Trump has the strongest political force and seems to be playing a war of attrition. Russia can invade or not invade but the vax mandate has neutered any NATO ground response. Almost like it was planned that way.

Reply to  Huggy
3 years ago

You can bet it was planned that way. We may be about to launch a counterattack against the strongest ground forces in the world with an army composed of soybois, lesbos, pregnant women, queers, perverts of every known stripe, foreigners, racial minorities with subnormal IQs, and people who don’t know what sex they are. This is like professional wrestling; the outcome is preplanned and it is in the bag.

3 years ago

From VD:

Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday refuted a Bloomberg report which claimed that the Chinese leader allegedly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin not to invade Ukraine during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

You know what the 4D chess move is? Coordinate with Russia to have the invasion happen on the first day of the Olympics.

Also, invade Taiwan first day of the Olympics.

Shuttle all of the athletes into a concentration camp, and promise to release them back to countries that don’t interfere with either invasion. Countries that do interfere? You figure it out.

THAT would be a 4d chess move.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

The aftermath of that would be a bit ugly, however. Is it really worth it? Talk about establishing yourselves as pariahs in the international community. It would be remembered with horror at every winter olympics. Vietnam, Korea, Japan arm up even more and become more united.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

What “international community?” Russia would be in control of everything between the Atlantic and the Pacific, and China would be in control of 95% of all microchip production.

Who is there left to bitch? America the pussy (Wholly Owned Subsidiary of CCP, Inc?)

3 years ago

I was looking to verify a proverb and came across this link which eerily reminded me of the news on this site.

3 years ago

Trump’s most glorious tweets compiled in book form!

“I’d rather have some mean tweets than a land war in Europe.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

From gab

Means of influencing Men

comment image

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

a.k.a Why and How They Turned Our Women Against Us and Against the Good/Beautiful/True.

As Farcesensitive posted a week or so earlier:

“How you expect all romance to go after reading AC’s blog long enough:”

comment image

Been praying for a help meet since I got saved at the tender young age of 12 (like I’ve been saying, I was a strange kid). I’ll continue praying for a companion, but I also thank God for protecting me from marrying a crazy woman.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“… I also thank God for protecting me from marrying a crazy woman.“

The Crazy-Hot Matrix is meant as a joke, but it is based on some degree of reality. There is no such thing as a woman who isn’t crazy to some degree (a so-called Unicorn on the Matrix is somewhere around 4-crazy, and the marriage-zone allows up to 7-crazy); there are always some who are sane enough to marry.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Cato
3 years ago

“…there are always some who are sane enough to marry.”

True, but the Crazy-Hot Matrix is just one scale. There are not many who are sane enough to marry AND won’t end up as a liability rather than an asset when the going gets tough AND are bible-believing Christians. I’ve met a couple of single women like this, but they were either too unattractive (I am a man) or far to old to consider. I continue to not actively seek marriage too much while working toward what I believe to be my God-given mission(s).

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Go further. Look into the author of Ioan Culiano. Scholar of history, philosophy, and magic. He wrote an entire book on the principle of developing power through directing erotic drives. And wrote extensively about how we have basically a “theater state” instead of a police state. He was murdered in the bathroom of the U Chicago divinity school in an obvious hit.

Seems someone didn’t like him talking about such topics.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Mircea Monroe is an actress names after him.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Actress named after Ioan’s mentor.

3 years ago

“Almost like the Australian government, and the Chinese government are one, when push comes to shove, despite all the posturing as enemies. It is possible all Western and Chinese governments are another Cabal illusion, like the ideological battles, designed to keep people feeling they are in a fight against imaginary enemies, and that their own government must be on their side, or surely one of those enemies would expose it to the people, to cause problems for the government they are in a fight with.”

In a sense while Nations are real entities. Nationalism as an “ism” and all the attendant ruling parties ostensibly working for the people may all be an illusion in their ultimate submission to Satan.

3 years ago

Total debt in China is a breathtaking 833 percent of GDP

3 years ago

From Vulture of Critique, apparently some anons think that a Trump parody Twitter account is actually Trump and has given the “Storm is upon us” signal.

The pictured tweet seems to have been removed, and the account name seems to have changed from John Barron to Donald Trump. It does reference the ‘Storm’:

The Trump account also links to a new JFK jr parody account, which is interesting:

Probably just some basement dwelling hoaxster, but worth a look nonetheless.

3 years ago

I guess it’s not a directed energy weapon AC, it’s just COVID. 😉

‘Vibration’ Or ‘Buzzing’ May Be an Ongoing Symptom of COVID-19

3 years ago

I wonder how Navy SEAL missions are influenced by Cabal.

Since Cabal probably runs ISIS and most terrorist organizations, I wonder if SEAL missions are designed to suss-out which members or teams were more likely to question orders. The more inappropriately designed the mission is, the greater the likelihood of complaint, and the more likely the questioning SEAL team members are taken out by the CIA-controlled ISIS groups in the next mission. One mission is designed to recon the members sentiments and the other are designed to take them out. What is left is someone who will follow orders no matter what.

For example, the best way to extract a “high value asset” would be at night, when the asset is asleep or at home, and the guards can be taken by surprise. The worst would be a daylight raid on the target when they are massed at a location with other troops and the location has two machine-gun emplacements on high ground. Have your CIA guy insist on the more dangerous mission and see who speaks up. If one suggests a compromise between the two, say, a vehicle interdiction at a choke point on route to the fortified location, then that member is the one you take out in some subsequent mission.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Assuming anyone that isn’t an asset makes it onto a team.

It’s far more likely the entire SF branch is just a high-level hit team for Cabal, and there’s no dissent because they’re all pre-selected. Would also explain why so many of them get seamlessly transitioned into media/influencer roles in civilian life when they retire.

I would bet your point on dissent = death is valid at lower levels of the military.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I’m sure that there are members of special operations who aren’t on the team. But I’d make the assumption that all are, just to be safe. Avoid revealing any intel to any of them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Witness at scene of CDC lab monkeys crash has developed symptoms”

From Jim Stone. Fake??? True???

The bad is that we live in a world where this could be true and the whole thing a farce to cover up release of actual viruses.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer used an alias at a Manhattan hospital while checking in on the escort he was accused of choking hours before in February of 2016.”

True? I suspect they are setting him up. He pissed off a lot of Jews and in response they caught him with or set him up with a prostitute. Once they have you and the huge blaring media constantly saying they have you then, the truth doesn’t matter.

This guy,”…he served two four-year terms as the Attorney General of New York, earning a reputation as the “Sheriff of Wall Street” for his efforts to curb corruption in the financial services industry…”

He put a lot of Jews in jail and ruined a lot of them.

It also appears he was not done with public life. Maybe they want to cut him down forever. Who knows.

This Women according to wikipedia he sued for threatening him with blackmail.

“…According to prosecutors, Spitzer was the victim of a long-running extortion scheme by Svetlana Travis-Zakharova, a Russian woman who was arrested in October 2016 and charged with forgery and grand larceny. Prosecutors said that Travis-Zakharova extracted $400,000 from Spitzer and also attempted to extort $5,000 from a different man, a toy store owner, and forged his signature on an apartment lease…”

I find it likely that he did hire her as a prostitute, but I think the actions against him are because he prosecuted a bunch of wall street crooks who were used to doing whatever they wanted.

It appears to me if this happens to you as a politician you should say,”well we all know prostitution is illegal so I won’t say I did that but I did help out financially a really attractive young girl. The rest is private” and leave it at that. People will know but…old guys wanting to get it on with attractive young girls. What else is new. It’s when they try to cover this stuff up that they get in trouble. The, I think, Governor that AC talks about did the exact right thing. Went public right away.

3 years ago

“Patriot Front” Founder is 23-Year-Old Who Walked in the Tiki Torch March in Charlottesville

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I decided to look at this monkey crash more and found better pictures than at the link.

This looks so fake. How do you tear off a door like that? It looks like it was torn from the top. It just looks like the nature of it is fake. And why are all these monkeys out on the ground? Can you image you come upon a crash as a cop and you say to yourself,”well let’s get all these monkeys out of the trailer”. NOOO! NO! leave the moneys in the trailer. Especially since surely the cop would ask,”where these monkeys come from”. “Oh the CDC infectious labs”. Hell no, no one will touch those monkeys. It’s so fake.

And the article says the Women who stopped was just some nice housewife that stopped to help. Please. Did she take the monkeys out? And if these monkeys were so infectious, wouldn’t they have deposed of them by burning them up in an incinerator? Infect monkeys then drive them around in unmarked trailers????

They’re not even trying any more it’s so fake.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

And just why would they even be transporting monkeys used in a research program?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

My apologies for belaboring the point and splitting up comments but I keep thinking of new stuff on the monkeypox. Difficult to let this farcical monkeypox thing go.

Speaking of Monkeypox you folks should watch the movie “American Ultra 2015”. I found it very amusing and it’s one of those movies I’ve saved and watched several times. It’s about government agents and…their actions. It’s good. If you’re going to watch it I say don’t watch the trailers and you will enjoy it better.