News Briefs – 01/24/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Dan Scavino posted and then deleted a painting of President Trump the Artiste’, about to unveil his masterpiece, which appears to have a lot of light.

Patrick Bryne begins to tell what he saw behind the scenes. Very short and just the introduction, but one interesting point – he claims he, Sidney, and Flynn presented Trump with a way to win immediately, and Trump didn’t pursue it. When has Trump ever turned down a sure win to pursue a difficult, unlikely to win strategy?

Democrats consider using the 14th Amendment ‘insurrection’ clause to bar Trump from office.

State Dept docs reveal Pence Chief of Staff referred Biden buddy Frank Luntz for a Deputy Secretary role. This was the dumbass who runs his focus groups as propaganda theater to try and convince people that everyone else in the country adheres to the narrative, and when a woman rebelled against that recently, he threw a fit and threw her off the zoom call.

A data expert says, 200,000 Pennsylvania ballots were modified after the election and a sampling of 100,000 Arizona ballots show a ‘material amount’ aren’t even real people. You have to ask with Trump – he was so professional, such a strategic thinker, he played to win so completely, and he was wise to election fraud due to the 2018 EO – could he (and the Mil-Intel people he worked with) have planned to generate all this evidence of fraud, and not foreseen the media would ignore it, and the courts were rigged? Q as much as said, the military was the only way. He had the power to interdict this through Mil Intel, just by killing the internet in the US for twelve hours so they couldn’t link up with the servers overseas, but he didn’t. And I think they already defeated an operation like this in 2016, so they knew what they were doing. It is possible some unforeseen aspect arose, but if you look at probability, it is much more likely they had a plan for it, and that is what we are seeing.

Trump breaks post-Inauguration silence to say ‘We’ll do something, but not just yet.’ Every day that goes by, Biden is alienating another swath of democrats, who are realizing he is bought and paid for by anyone but them. Union jobs demolished, sick poor people getting ripped on Insulin and Epinephrine, China being given control over our power grid, terrorist bombings beginning again, and a return to military deployments and the forever wars, are all coming at a cost to his popularity – in a nation he probably only had 25% of to begin with. In a normal world, which worked the way we were taught, there would be a risk to letting Biden assume office and hold it, and every day would make overturning the result less likely. But in a world ruled by blackmail, where those with the control do what they want, the rules are different. If Trump and Q got Cabal’s blackmail files, then they can win at their time of choice, and there is actually an advantage to letting the Biden-China clown show continue for a bit to fuck over regular America as much as it can.

Governor Doug Ducey, famous for signing off on what many thousands of Arizonans believe was a fraudulent and stolen election, told the far-left New York Times this weekend that he does not intend to run for the US Senate race in 2022.

Sen. Rand Paul says Chief Justice Roberts won’t take the Trump impeachment trial.

Amazon fights against mail-in ballots in their union vote, because they fear there is, ‘too much fraud.’

Instagram users began pointing out that they are following The White House account through no action of their own.

With Biden as President, China passed a law on Friday that for the first time explicitly allows its coast guard to fire on foreign vessels, a move that could make the contested waters around China more choppy.

With Biden now in the White House, China sends 8 bombers, 4 fighters over Taiwan’s air defense zone.

As a symbolic gesture to reframe America as a land of immigrants, Biden wants to remove the word ‘alien’ from immigration laws.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, tasked with enforcing federal immigration law, are being instructed to free all detainees in their custody, as President Joe Biden’s administration halts deportations.

Feminists are upset about Biden’s new Trans order. It means girls who want sports scholarships will now lose them to boys who compete in their sports and crush them, and take their scholarships.

YouTube has deleted thousands of dislikes on videos that were uploaded to the official White House YouTube channel by the Biden administration during its first day in office, changing the dislike to like ratio from 6.7 to 1.3.

A professor says, Trump’s support from minorities is due to ‘multiracial whiteness,’ meaning ‘White’ as a skin color is out, and ‘white’ is now a ‘political color.’

Former Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard issued a stark warning Friday about the proposed bill to combat domestic terrorism.

A Mayor was rushed out of a City Hall in Washington state after protesters ripped down an American flag before storming the building during a rally against plans to clean-up a homeless encampment.

Gretchen Whitmer prepares to reopen Michigan restaurants now that Biden has been sworn in.

Michael Avenatti, 49, faces up to 43 years in prison when he is sentenced in the Nike case. Even this guy was so terrible at being an enemy of Trump I almost thought he might have been a double agent, working for Trump, by pretending to be a totally incompetent enemy. We are at such peak clown world, you can’t even tell what is real or not anymore.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an interview on “The Rachel Maddow Show” that it was “chilling” how President Donald Trump “distorted” and “rejected” science. Literally the idiot who said don’t wear a mask when wearing a mask looked like the smart play, and wear a mask when wearing a mask was stupid, and he has no problem with Democrat governors who threw sick people into nursing homes. Phony little fuck.

In text messages, Biden voters already regret their votes.

Period bookstore that sells replica non-firing period guns for display is canceled by tech company, and their entire business is shut down. You can’t refuse to sell a gay couple a gay wedding cake, but the left can shut down anyone who sells firearms, or accessories, or even just books about subjects they don’t like.

Union leaders have been calling Biden like crazy – ‘Wall, pipelines, gas, coal, etc..all of these work sites are closing on a daily basis thanks to his EO’s…they’re being told to call back in a few weeks, some calls aren’t even answered,’ says WH official. He has to weaken America for China, and so he has no choice but to fuck everyone.

Labor unions that endorsed Biden now lashing out at him.

Denmark sets a target of ZERO asylum seeker applications to protect ‘social cohesion.’ And so K begins.

Researchers predict COVID-19 will eventually be ‘no more virulent than the common cold.’

Wyoming GOP chair says western states are ‘paying attention’ to Texas effort to secede.

White House calls a lid on the first Saturday of the administration as Biden goes into hiding for the rest of the day.

Justice Department considers not charging up to 800 MAGA rioters who caused havoc at the Capitol ‘since most of them just trespassed and were not violent.’

Kelli Ward reelected Arizona GOP chief following Trump endorsement.

Spread r/K Theory, because Trump wins.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Consider this, who really is in charge of the U.S. right now?

Is it Joe slow? No, the man is senile. Is it Dr. Jill? No, she isn’t cleared for TS/SCI briefings. Clam doesn’t understand. Clam’s tribal handler isn’t cleared. Nancy is senile. Chuck is a variable. Who is in charge?

I reckon back to the Zero era, when numerous guests on Infowars (bear with me here) claimed the military had done a “soft coup” on the Kenyan and were more tightly controlling his, and Joe’s contacts (obviously not Hunters). The evidence for this would be very generous defense acquisition spending, especially on new weapon systems (which Democrats typically HATE). Obama and Biden might not even have been aware that they were being more tightly controlled. Was the Military calling the shots after 2014, or at least tipping the scales? Possibly.

Biden can still write EO’s, and Nancy may get a bill or two through Congress but we will know when we see what happens with defense spending. Will Democrats cancel programs, while starting new wars- which will break the military OR will spending on weapons go up, and wars stay limited to what they were in the 2015-2016 timeframe? That will tell us. After all, Joe, Heels and Nancy don’t really understand it anyways.

Of course, all of this assumes Trump is out of tricks, Q is beaten, and the Military isn’t on anyone’s side but it’s own.

The U.S. (and World) is also likely overdue for some major market corrections later this year or next when bubbles burst. It should not be possible for Biden-Harris to blame on Trump. But it could schlong Biden, Harris, Nancy and Chuck bigly. Just a thought. Maybe Trump comes back to fix things after DoD does a shadow war takedown of deep-state Cabal/FedGov in the 2022-2024 timeframe to guarantee future sweet, sweet contracts. Maybe Patriots really are in control. Still it won’t stop FBI/ATF/CIA from doing scumbag things before then. Fair voting is obviously a variable. And a Brigade of Naty Guards are probably staying in DC permanently.

I’m trying to see silver linings here instead of being a complete doomfag. Anyone see things similarly? Different?

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Big picture is global, rather than US-centric.

Everything is geared towards taking the fiat currencies to collapse, so lockdowns and job destruction push this along. Creates billions of serfs too, dependent on handouts to survive.
Forget about internal politics, your enemy (the devil) has both sides covered. Satan had America from the very start of course. Liberty and happiness was what duped Eve, remember.

Trump and Patrick Byrne are both pushing Covid and the vaccine, shows you they are liars. Covid-19 does not exist, there is no ‘new strain’. Fiction, all of it.

Vaccines will sterilise women and kill the elderly.

The big move comes financially in c.2024, when the eurozone banks go bust, destroying the LBMA, the ECB will almost certainly do a huge QE into physical gold, and suddenly the Chicoms/Russians/Saudis (all heads of the beast) will switch to the euro for oil and other trade. Chicom and Russia already do 40% of their oil trade in euros. The dollar will very quickly hyperinflate, with twin deficits (trade and budget), and no buyers for USTs. The yen and pound will go too I think.

Bigger picture, the euro goes digital and global in c.2028, digital IDs arrive, and the tattoo over the microchip will be a fine gold bar, with its fineness shown as .999, which will be 666 when presented for payment (as it will be presented upside down). ‘As good as gold’ is the phrase I have been shown.

March 2029 the great tribulation of the saints begins. 7th September 2032, the day of wrath, Jesus returns, the meek celebrate, everyone else…bye bye.

The time to sweat about the small things is past. The time to consider your eternal fate is here. Nations will rise up against nation. Famine, plagues, wars, earthquakes, volcanoes, eventually supernatural happenings.
It’s the end times, God is at work (through me) and so too is the enemy. Ironically, the sufferings of unfaithful humanity that lie ahead are God’s will, but will be bought about by Satan’s final push for control of the world through the beast system.

Read your bible, flee the churches, have faith and obey the laws of God, which I will be teaching, and you’ll come out the other side to eternal bliss and glory.
There’s your silver lining, if you have ears, if you will submit to God through faith in a risen Jesus, His messiah and son.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

trump has also said he sees no more need for masks and only get the vax if you want to.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Fuck off Satan’s shill, I smell the stink of a son of Satan.
Yehovah God does not love unconditionally. Go and do a scripture search on ‘God hates’ or ‘God detests’ or ‘God abhors’, and then shit yourself, sinner.
I do not give a shit what you have studied, fuck off with YOUR lies.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

What kind of believer in Jesus/God uses cuss words and scripture to make a point? Lord Have Mercy!

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

What kind of believer in Jesus/God uses cuss words and scripture to make a point? Lord Have Mercy!

A Judeo-Protestant.

Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

I thought about one of my favorite desert fathers, St. Maron. This man was a hermit. He lived in a cave. He came out of his cave to preach. He stood on pillars way up in the air, all day, preaching the words that God/Holy Spirit implanted in his mind. I can assure you, if he was cussing and preaching, nobody would listen.
What’s -his-name, preacher dude, and his prophesies are not of God. It is Satan speaking through him. I’ll just scroll past this heretic from now on…

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago


>’What kind of believer in Jesus/God uses cuss words and scripture to make a point? Lord Have Mercy!’

One with the spirit of Elijah AND the Word of a very angry God in him. Fuck off with your faux outrage, you are dirtier than a menstrual cloth.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Papists are not my team. Oh, look, he just blasphemed the holy spirit. Not that it altered his prospects at all.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Now I see what Bonaventure was talking about. Are you part of that church that used to go to funerals and heckle soldiers & their grieving families? Either way, your message is garbage. Why do you keep pushing it when everyone hates it? Are you mentally deranged? Are you Elijah or malachi? I looked at your retarded Hebrew lessons. Shalom!

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

I don’t recall Elijah using lewd foul terms to admonish those who rebuked him. This dude is a glowie. He comes here to get the Catholics riled up.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

I come here to speak truth and warn the world, to be a light to the nations. Those with ears will hear.
Papists, as always hate the truth.
Skip past my comments fella, they aren’t for you.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

This dude is a glowie. He comes here to get the Catholics riled up.

Maybe, but probably not. What you are witnessing firsthand is a Judaized “[c]hristian Zionist” who has read too many Jack Chick comic books responding in the only way s/he knows how.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

…flee the churches, have faith and obey the laws of God…

FYI: One can not at the same time flee the Catholic Church and obey the laws of God.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

Why don’t you go and kiss the pope’s ring? Be careful though, he might give you his finger by mistake.

All papists will burn, every single one. Tick tock.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

If this isn’t a glowie comment, I don’t know what is….

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Luxuriating in the mortal sin of pride is obviously more important to you than the eternal salvation of your soul.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago


Go and read: Jeremiah 1, Isaiah 49, Malachi 3 and 4, Revelation 6 and 19. Matthew 25.
My Father has sent another anointed man, the Word is flesh again, in me.

Like the pharisees, you are bound to hate me and disbelieve me, as I point out your traditions, and your sins (although, you both started this little attack, not me).

But you are wasting your time, water off a duck’s back I do not care what you think or say.
I am not here for you, I am here for babes, not wise and learned pharisees.

I hope I Am clear?

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Read the thread, read their insults, they initiated conflict, I am just returning enemy fire, with interest.

I will ignore them happily from now on, no sweat. Please apply your standards to all though.

As for America, God hates it, always has done, as it ditched His laws that England used, and went with a Satanic liberal ‘freedom ‘n’ happiness’ constitution, including freedom of religion, imagine how much God hated that. Hence, America has been a tool and playground of Satan from word go, and so much chaos within its borders, and by it around the world. Accursed.

I do not fight mortal enemies friend, but spiritual ones, as I said just above. And I will be victorious, so join me in faithful righteousness, and prepare to be a martyr. Remember the sabbaths, new moon days, holy feast days, for starters. Don’t eat unclean meat. (Isaiah 65 & 66).

(NB, the socialists versus rightists thing, it’s all a huge hegelian dialectic. The soclialists will appear to win, then a big swing back to the (supposed) right with Trump’s return no doubt. It’s all theatre, and it works, keeps you all focussed on pure BS, whilst collapse approaches, and not at all focussed on being holy and obedient to God. The enemy is not Pelosi or Schumer, and your friend is not Trump and Rudy, it is God versus Satan, the prize being your soul and your life, for eternity).

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Everybody is following God’s plan, whether they know it or not.

And that would invariably include Cabal, as part of God’s plan? Sorry, that’s not how it works. What you’re referring to is heretical Calvinist predestination. In the end, there is good, and there is evil, and each of us have the free will to choose between the two.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

AC is correct, everyone is following God’s plan, every single human ever created is part of that plan. We all have free will too. But God knows exactly what each of His creatures will do, it’s a really cool plan. He wants no one to sin, but He knows they will, some of them (many), so He built that into His plan, very clever indeed:

‘One of you will say to me, “Then why does God still find fault? For who can resist His will?” 20But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, “Why did You make me like this?” 21Does not the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special occasions and another for common use?

22What if God, intending to show His wrath and make His power known, bore with great patience the vessels of His wrath, prepared for destruction? 23What if He did this to make the riches of His glory known to the vessels of His mercy, whom He prepared in advance for glory— 24including us, whom He has called not only from the Jews, but also from the Gentiles?’

Some made for common purposes, vessels prepared for destruction. That’s the humans that God made as perfect sinless little babies, but foreknew that they would turn bad. Perfect Planning.

Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

With respect to this site, I appreciate these people coming here to partake of the material and the banter.

I’ve been coming to this site for several years now. I don’t comment all that often, primarily because I do not have a lot to add. However, I am compelled to do so when there are clear blasphemies contained with other commentators.

Moreover, I have recommended your blog to a lot of people. Admittedly, though, while I believe you sometimes go off the mark at the acute level of surveillance we are all supposedly under, I nonetheless believe you have an innate ability of deciphering through and seeing all the instances of Cabal activity in the world around us. At the same time, though, I still haven’t heard from you a clear definition of what, or whom, Cabal entails. I’m not saying I have one either, but I believe the closest definition may be that Cabal comprises the culmination of evil in this world at its highest levels. That includes both the spiritual and the earthly. In that regard, to the extent one expects to overcome Cabal, and more importantly, overcome evil, then this is just as much (if not more of) a spiritual battle than it is an earthly one. It is for that reason I have little patience for the heresies spread in this comment section, as they are part and parcel as to how Cabal was not only allowed to survive, but thrive. A house divided against itself can not stand, and yet that’s what the relative newcomer judaizing Protestants intend to carry on, pointing fingers at everyone but themselves, as the walls crumble about them.

Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

Go and read….

…as I point out your traditions….

These are essentially heretical sola scriptura arguments. However, sola scriptura is not scriptural.


In short, the ‘traditions’ you mock are just as much a part of Christianity, if not more, than the scripture you misapply.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

I’m not a christian.
I am the elect one, the branch of David, the Word made flesh again. Israel.
The Word is flesh in me, as it was in Yahshua.
You hate me, because papsits are modern day Pharisees.
Ignore my comments, but if you attack, expect return fire.

As for sola scriptura, let’s see what the scriptures say:

‘But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.’

Gosh, Jesus said the holy spirit will teach me all things.

You quote and I quote the messiah, the Lord Jesus. Heh, too funny. I win.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago


Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Yes, I see it differently.

I am giving you a metaphorical slap across the face and I am saying: “SNAP OUT OF IT!” Then I am slapping you again, across the other cheek in the other direction, and shouting it again. Imagine that scene from that movie. There are no hidden magical patriots “really” “in control.” There is no n-dimensional chess being played by Q or Pres. Trump or anyone else.

What we know is this: fake elections = fake democracy = fake prez-ee-dent which goes along with all the other fake … We also know that Qanon — whatever he/it was — is gone and is not coming back. Maybe there will be some new “Q” or something else, but it’s gone now. We also know there is no “plan” right now. We watched Pres. Trump’s plan and it failed. It crashed against the weakness, fear, self-interest, duplicity, kompromat or whatever of the courts and the GOP establishment. There may be some new plan in the future, but there is no plan now. In my view, Pres. Trump has a right to retire from the battlefield. He did very good even if he lost in the end. New leaders will arise.

The cult behavior needs to stop; it is preventing some folks from seeing reality and fashioning new plans/strategies. Hardcore cultists refuse to have their beliefs shaken by failed prophesies. We have been watching that for months now. I figured it would stop after fakey-fake put his creepy wrinkled hand on the book. But it’s time now … I say again: SNAP THE F OUT OF IT!

New plans/strategies must be made and must deal with a lot of sh*t like courts who don’t give a F, Big Tech truly unleashed, an emboldened propaganda media, hordes of new immigrants, all the elections being fake including primary elections (no wonder we keep getting so many RINOs) and on and on.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

Naw that’s not really the gist of what I was implying. The MIC is in charge and didn’t care that Trump got coup’d out because they’re on another power level. They’ve set up a system to get paid regardless of who is in the White House. Doesn’t mean it will save the system but it does mean they may be the last power structure remaining. Patriots and MIC are two different things.

Personally I think if things get out of (((their))) control they just spam nuke at Russia and Europe, as Russia responds- destroying White Christendom.

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

new strategies? great! let’s begin by destroying the GOP and banishing every last elected republican far from us never to return. no sense building a new political edifice if we’re just gonna let the destructive parasites right back in. do that first, then we’ll see.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Bill Gates and his International Banker Bosses are in charge i.e. Bank of England, ECB, Vatican Bank, 3rd Bank of the United States (aka Federal Reserve), etc.

4 years ago

So if the election results stand, what is the way ahead for Trump? He still has millions of loyal followers that hate the GOP.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Frank Luntz… narrative… when a woman rebelled..”

God Bless that woman. What can we say? Some people just live the Truth.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“With Biden now in the White House, China sends 8 bombers, 4 fighters over Taiwan’s air defense zone.”

All of those aircraft are nuclear capable, btw. It was for Taiwan but, Japan received the message. I doubt they’re intimidated. Why? I leave that as an exercise to the reader.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Feminists are upset about Biden’s new Trans order. It means girls who want sports scholarships will now lose them to boys who compete in their sports and crush them, and take their scholarships.”

Title IX? More like Title Nein. Seriously after graduating what are the odds that most of the trans girlbois just go back to identifying as male? Assuming they haven’t chopped their junk off by then. Clown world is funny. Between that and voluntary minority segregation there are a couple of stonetoss comics.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

I’ve been expecting for awhile that this will become a common strategy for mediocre male athletes, who would easily excel under the female standards.

I’ve talked to actual women who truly do think that they are the physical equal to a man and weren’t at all bothered by the idea of bio males competing with women. Perhaps because I grew up with brothers who were fairly close in age (both older and younger) it seems like I’ve always known that isn’t the case and it never made me feel like an inferior human being, incidentally. I don’t know how so many people are this confused – or pretending to be, or whatever is going on.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Kelly
4 years ago

That’s so true. In HS, a friend and I used to stand off the entire girl’s gym class on the Volleyball court. I was only a mediocre player. My buddy was slightly better. We two guys beat the girls every time, so badly that it wasn’t even any fun after a couple weeks, so we stopped. Having two teams with one guy and the rest girl’s wasn’t much better, because they only got in the way. Literally every other sports or physical skill is the same, except maybe figure skating and curling.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago



We already transferred from Weimerica to the United SOVIET States of America. America is a COMPLETE Marxist state. Will NOT recover.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“A professor says, Trump’s support from minorities is due to ‘multiracial whiteness,’ meaning ‘White’ as a skin color is out, and ‘white’ is now a ‘political color.’”


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Gretchen Whitmer prepares to reopen Michigan restaurants now that Biden has been sworn in.”

Honk Honk

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

at 25% capacity

4 years ago

What ails America is the total Lack of virtue. St Peter taught, “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. II Peter 1:5. The Four Virtues are Manliness, Righteousness, Sophrusyne, Prudence.

You all clamor about the Rule of Law. The Rule of Law can NOT exist without the Virtue of Obedience, which is in Sophrusyne.

If you read the comments of Sam J and others, Americanism is built on soft anarchism–of NOT obeying laws they don’t like. It is inherent in Protestantism. They don’t “like” something, they get up and leave. Is that the Virtue of Obedience, of being Sophros? No.

The Spartans enurred their boys into Obedience. Obedience is a Habit. They had the Rule of Law. Law is Hard. Without the Virtue of Manliness–there is no rule of law either.

So all this talk of the Rule of Law in America is a charade.

And to engage in Arete—one needs a certain amount of Autocracy. Education has to be directed to achieving Arete in its male population.

You are all talking in circles, and engaging in a oroboros of destruction.

No Church, Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant, has ever engaged in that verse of St. Peter. None. There is NOT one single church leader that can give a dissertation on Arete or any of the virtues as well. You can’t have a republic without Arete. And you can’t go to heaven without Arete.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Better to focus on ‘agape’, at the end of 2 Peter 1:7.
Agape = literally, what God prefers, and He prefers obedience through faith.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

“Understanding this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation.” 2 Peter 1:20

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Boy, “Better to focus on agape”—He throws out Scripture!!!! How does one arrive at agape and skip over Arete?—GREAT LOGIC THERE! That is why America is screwed. “He prefers obedience through faith”—-Again—Great Logic!!!—-What faith, The Faith of the Fathers in the Catholic/Orthodox Churches or the opinions in the Protestants???? What obedience?

Obedience in Protestantism is an oxymoron. They don’t even believe in Sola Scriptura!

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

windslayer, the elephant in the room is that the higher the ratio of women in leadership in a society the more corrupt, degenerate, and emasculated a society becomes. Sodom and Gomorrah was run by women. And it became so depraved that Yahweh destroyed it, in a fair and just ruling.

The more Nancy Pelosis, AOCs, Heronos, Kamala Harrises, Susan Collinses, Lisa Murkowskis, etc. America elevates … the more babies we murder, the more mainstream the pedophiles, the child rapists, and perverts become. This is what the record shows.

Straight men must unite and form a government that excludes women, perverts, pedophiles, etc. Homosexuals must be outlawed, banished, and or exterminated. Women must be excluded not out of hate or misogyny but because history has shown that women are not fit to effectively and morally lead men. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO HAVE A MORAL SOCIETY!

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

“the elephant in the room is that the higher the ratio of women in leadership in a society the more corrupt, degenerate, and emasculated a society becomes. Sodom and Gomorrah was run by women.”

Its because women in power is a sign of judgment (Isaiah 3:12). But there is no evidence Sodom and Gomorrah was run by women.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

“…If you read the comments of Sam J and others, Americanism is built on soft anarchism–of NOT obeying laws they don’t like. It is inherent in Protestantism. They don’t “like” something, they get up and leave…”

You just made that up. Completely. I’ve said no such thing nor have I in any way promoted any of what you said. It’s a lie. You are lying.

In fact I have said the opposite repeatedly. I have put forth numerous times different strategies on how we can legally within the framework of our constitution turn the country around.

I have no idea what the problem is with some Catholics. I have a good friend of like 40 years and every so often he goes on these diatribes on people who are Protestants(he doesn’t actually name them as Protestants it’s clear to me that’s who he’s complaining about). His complaints are silly and made up in his head.

I say again you need to stop worrying about Protestants and deal with your pedo boy raping pope and his evil minions. Otherwise shut the fuck about Protestants. You have NO MORAL claim at all to criticize anyone when you have at your head such a rotten bunch who YOU promote. If you are not capable of dealing with this then you certainly are not capable of dealing with my affairs political, financial or spiritual.

I have no idea why you think starting religious wars is a good idea here. Your constantly doing all you can to start them. It’s no big deal for me if you are Catholic. I could care less but I don’t want to be any part of this filthy boy rapist bunch and reject the whole institution. Now if want to lie in bed with Satan that’s your business but leave me out of it.

I don’t need boy buggers to tell me what God said I can read it for myself. Why you are to too incompetent to do so and need boy buggers to do so for you is something you need to fathom not me.

By the way one side of my family a young boy was smuggled out of France the rest of the family, all of them, were murdered by the Catholics.That’s right I’m descended from French Huguenots so forgive me if I’m not in any way impressed with your ideas of a proper society.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Biden is Catholic too, say no more.
All of them are pagans serving Satan, never remembered a Sabbath in their life.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Not even close, Judaizer.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

So you are a French Huguenot. Explains a lot.

There is only One God–and there is ONLY ONE religion of that One God, Sam J.

The criteria of Truth is Consistency. “What has been believed at all times, everywhere from the beginning”. The Coptic Church of Egypt, the Armenian Church, the Orthodox Churches, the Marionite Churches and the Catholic Church all teach the same thing.

There is NOT one single Protestant Church that teaches the same thing.

I have a book for you Sam J,. Newman, Louis I. (1925) Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements, Columbia University Press, New York.

Yep, the Jewish Influence on Protestants as if the Protestant movement was “”””reform””””—it was a devolution, a degradation of The Faith.

Protestantism is gnostic and led the way to the Gnosticism of Europe which led the way forward to the Jews.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Take your religious partisanship elsewhere. Its not productive and not the truth.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

You’re completely deranged and someone who has problems if you don’t have someone to guide you. Apparently you are willing to latch onto any sort of large organization to run you life, no matter how corrupt, to fulfill your “obedience” fetish. This is a form of metal illness. I on the other hand don’t believe in omnipotent righteousness ANY large institution because all of them become corrupted.

You said,”…The Rule of Law can NOT exist without the Virtue of Obedience…”

This is part of your mental illness. You equate obedience to authority with “the rule of law”. They’re not the same. You can the “the rule of law” without obedience to authority. The people in charge of this country are in charge but they’re damn sure not following the rule of law.

I normally let this pass but you have singled me so I’ll simply highlight how you have a glitch in you mental processing.

I say again you have NO moral authority at all to pass any sort of judgement on anyone about anything as long as you promote a child raping boy fucking pope. You deal with that first…then come back and tell us what needs to be done. If you can’t deal with that problem then you have no business telling others how to organize their lives, their society or anything.

4 years ago

Honk, honk, indeed. I think they read your books AC. Have some K, sheep.
I must admit, I’ve been having a laugh.
Even if he never comes back, he blew them out of the water.

4 years ago

A month old, but popped across my news feed. The finder had to reveal his identity due to a lawsuit. Imagine this crazy woman thinking someone was up on her phone, just waiting for her to decipher the clues to a million dollar treasure, so they could swoop in at the last second . . .

4 years ago

> Gretchen Whitmer prepares to reopen Michigan restaurants now that Biden has been sworn in.

GASP! Who could possibly have predicted that?

Well, you predicted that. Everyone here predicted that. My blind poodle could have predicted it if I could have got his attention long enough.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

she still wants to have her cake to herself. restaurants only “allowed” to operate at 25% capacity. was a joke, remains a joke.

4 years ago

> Researchers predict COVID-19 will eventually be ‘no more virulent than the common cold.’

Oh, shit, that means it will get a lot worse… wait, what? … comrade, what’s the official Narrative this morning? And is Gretchen Whitmer planning to murder innocent Michiganders by rolling back their lockdown, or did the virus suddenly mutate overnight?

“Enquiring minds want to know…”

4 years ago

It’s a movie, complete with a villain and a hero. No, seriously, look at Biden’s cabinet and look at what they are doing.

A tranny health secretary responsible for the deaths of thousands of nursing home patients. A civil rights czar who is an open black supremacist. Day 1 they threw American soldiers into a literally freezing parking garage and to say sorry had Jill pass out cookies – meanwhile Trump swooped in to open the Hotel and give them all free rooms – they probably have to have four to room but it’s warm, they can shower, and have room service. China is making moves that it will soon invade Taiwan. They is a new invasion of Syria. Every single policy is designed to make normies hate Biden.

When the time comes for Trump to be made president again the majority will welcome home back with pure relief. I think that it’s likely the week to remember will be Trump’s impeachment trial which is scheduled for the week before recess. That’s where the election fraud case will finally be presented to the public.

We’re watching a (pre-recorded show) :





BONUS: the song this guy uses
Hidden Citizens – Silent Running (Epic Trailer Version)

Check out Hidden Citizens “Reawakening” albums. Both of them are a collection of cover songs that are just amazing. Feel the anger wash over you, God it’s like a drug.

4 years ago

Still no info on Trump’s supreme court case? Only info I have found:

I am sure there is a lot more going on behind closed doors, but all we can see is that several boards of elections are waiving their right to respond to the case. That in itself seems a bit strange, and not unhopeful. And for those saying the SC won’t do anything, there are almost 30,000 troops surrounding them right now. I could definitely see how that might help them come to more favorable opinions.

4 years ago

“We are at such peak clown world, you can’t even tell what is real or not anymore”
Got that fuckin’ right AC.
As Morpheus said to Neo inside The Construct, “What is real…”
One thing it looks like just what it is. Behold its magnificence, its beauty, we are witnessing the clown world institutional order as it is failing.
Trump and Q’s plan is working splendidly. It’s the stark blistering contrast between sanity of MAGA and auto-degenerative depravity of clown world, entirely transforming the dialectic.
Can they be that stupid they cant perceive how destructive their unhinged actions are perceived outside their collective, to simple common sense ways of traditional time honored normal?
I surely hope so. Nothing will accelerate clown world collapse faster than making everyone their enemy. Which they cant help as anything which threatens their narratives and stance is an attack on the collective, and will be attacked by the hive. Only acerbating resistance further, an inward spiral of self destruction, of THEM: The Human Extinction Movement.
How much of this is cabal. Has cabal created a monster. Have the chicoms become a faction of cabal or a tool which is itself broken off and out of centralized control. Are there various elements we can’t see infighting. Is obiden one faction of the syndicate thats making its move way from and to rip power from cabal for itself. Is MAGA disrupted cabal to such a level its itself become effected in ways that have disrupted its organization and we only can see effects of this. Is it timeline related. Time running out for specific elements which must be in place before a specific point in time. Critical pieces. They ain’t wasting any time, many things had to be prepositioned far in advance for them to have been implemented so quickly after Day Zero.
So many questions.
Its clear something, or many things maybe, very unusual has happened, is about to, or is happening, or all the above.
Trump is nothing if he ain’t the Shitlord of the master troll. What could he have set in motion. He isn’t the kind of man and type of leader who would walk away washing his hands of something he cares so much about and invested all these past years in. He doesnt look like, talk like and behave like a leader and man who has given up. And he is living in clown world heads rent free. Looking like the Cheshire Cat talking with Alice.
Its the best show in Earth. PT Barnum would approve and hold it’s beer.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

“…Nothing will accelerate clown world collapse faster than making everyone their enemy. Which they cant help as anything which threatens their narratives and stance is an attack on the collective, and will be attacked by the hive…”

EXACTLY! EXACTLY! Never stop your enemy when they are destroying themselves.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Every state from North Dakota down to Oklahoma will follow. This will not be a north/south dynamic like 1861. Throw in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and maybe Nevada too. And… maybe most of the Mississippi River States and the most of the former Confederacy and 2/3 of the US population may decide to go a different direction.

Choe Beijing and Kamala are so repulsive to decent people that the breaking up of America is now a much better option than the homosexual, baby murdering, degenerate freak society being brought in by the pedophile Bolsheviki DC establishment.

Full Disclosure: I want secession. I believe is best option. And believe it to be only peaceful. Solution. Most of the military personnel are MAGA Americans. They will not bomb the Heartland.

The Soviet Union fell. It is now time for the USSA to fall!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Technically it wouldn’t be secession it would just be lawful enforcement of the US Constitution. The “US Federal Government” already seceded from the Union of States at noon on Jan. 20, 2021. You’re not the rebel, they are. They’re criminals, oathbreakers and traitors.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

“…I want secession. I believe is best option. And believe it to be only peaceful. Solution…”

It’s a mistake. Know that the Hasbra Jews are out in full force pushing for succession. Big push. Look at all the right leaning sites. They overrun with pro-secession hasbara. I know this for an absolute 100% fact. if you feel that a group that has spent years gas-lighting us on 9-11. Constantly pushing a narrative that it’s the Palestinians or Arabs or the playfairs or the Phoneticians or anyone else but the Jews for years and then all of sudden are all for us and only want the best for us in our succession plans then…I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Anything they want can not be good for us.

I’m not saying this will happen but there’s a possibility that the two coastal states could call in the Chinese and UN forces and completely overrun us. The better plan is to deal with them ourselves over time. They can’t make this stick and the longer it goes on the more blow-back they will get.

And why should we give up portions of the country? It’s ours and the left is not the true representatives of the people and neither is the Republican Oligarchs. Every day things become more K and populism is on the rise so why give up any of it?

I have detailed, many times, specific easily achievable legislation that would completely counter the centralization of power that has been going on since the civil war. Why quit when you are just building steam?

They have stolen the vote but this will not remain this way and that they have done so will push people to punish those who have. The States with corrupt voting will be forced to change by the other States and they will have a hard case to sell that they “must have corrupt voting”.

We are winning. Just recently some developers have committed to getting Interplanetary File System(IPFS) to work on I2P. So this means that IPFS , a distributed data store of anything(sites, pictures video, anything) will be linked with a anonymous internet. Big deal and I have seen many others who are really pissed abut the censorship stating they want to build other software doing much the same. Most of the left really hates censorship. It’s mostly the elites of the left that want it. The rank and file do not.

If they tank the economy, what’s left of it, it will push their demise even faster.

This succession business is just what they want, a frontal assault. Better is to fight them with a large continuous amorphous blob that they can not hold.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

This talk of “giving up portions of the country” is moot. They (the Communists) have complete control of the West Coast states, Hawaii, all the Northeastern states, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, and now Georgia too.

You people keep talking about giving up control. No, they already have control. They own 99% of the visible media; the churches and the churchmen are either compromised or neutralized.

They just tookover the National Government. You are not giving up anything, they took it from you, and Trump, Q, and the so called Whitehats have not thus far been able to stop them.

Unless you plan on killing them all the best PEACEFUL solution is separation of the two groups.

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

There is no peaceful solution, they will not allow it.
When we win they get nothing because they will not allow a peaceful solution.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

“…You people keep talking about giving up control. No, they already have control…”

Absolutely true but…it’s not over. In order to keep control they will have to become more odious and they will have to somehow take the rest because people will and are fleeing them.

My point is solely, and specifically, we should be extremely careful that we do not spark a generalized civil war where other nations can be brought in and over power us. The present administration and the other “lost” states can not over power us alone. They don’t have the firepower.

Let’s hope if the Chinese invades Taiwan they get themselves bloodied in the most brutal way. This would likely dampen their enthusiasm for invasion. This happened to them on Korea. They got the shit kicked out of them by the US. They didn’t forget this for a long time.

I personally don’t think the Chinese could not successfully invade Taiwan if the Taiwanese were determined. They have to invade with boats and these would be great targets for fiberoptic guided missiles and all sort of other cheap drone type stuff. The causalities would be horrendous on the Chinese side.

They could blockade the island but if they were set up for it it would be of no consequence and the blockading force could be destroyed piece by piece.

4 years ago

I guess this link is good as any place to start, if you want to read about things which have some interesting parralells to some of what AC presents. Noticed a few things that kind if reference possible gangstalking and one world order objectives and conspiracy theory.
This Lady posts some really interesting things, at the least its not any less probable than a raft of correlative bits and pieces and other unknown unknowns you can find. I have enjoyed almost everything so far on her site, have no idea if its psy-op, gaslighting, or even truthful. But theres definately some plausible outliers here considering how fucked up the clown show is.
This piece about an event around 1874 how Washington DC is not US soverign territory and was sold out in a unique money laundering false flag to disguise a trilateral organization becoming the power behind the oval office and running a skimming operation to strip mine America of its wealth creation has many links to other suspected coniving activities.
A few pariculars if true explain inexplicable observations happening right now, like wierd actions the NG is taking. For instance, if Im seeing what I think i am, the fence cordon constructed by the NG countours the boundry between the US and a corporate entity, and that if certain swamp shitstains leave to cross into US sovereign territory they cant return to congress. Might explain why in part at least why they rushed to impeach President Trump before he left for Maralago, why Obiden had to lease a private plane and was denied .gov transport, also why the swamp insects are trying to impeach a guy who is not a sitting president but a private citizen. Some other corralative bits which make more sense than anything so far.
Other than my personal observations and thinking going hmmm thats interesting, I got no way to prove a single thing, but if you take a gander, may be you draw conclusions that make you go, hmmm thats mighty interesting, not only from this piece linked below.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Just spitballing, we haven’t seen much of the “Certain Shitstains.” Are they being provided housing so as not to cross this demarcation line? Wonder also if they would be arrested had they tried? I read the Marshall Report, it is interested read and having read some history and other articles about the coup in 1871, it seems plausible and fairly accurate. We really haven’t heard much out of pigloser and chuck the shmuck or not a word out of AOC and camel the toe…

4 years ago

Hey Rex Im one who aint in the least doomed out, theres something just incredible going to happen here pretty soon. The whole dark evil thing thats been fucking with us for 2000 years is gonna be Kaput. We are going to have an America so awesome and incredible people will weep for joy, folks be dancing in thecstreet whooping it up hugging and kissing. A darkness will lift from the world and everything America is supposed to be will be born anew.

If you ask me why I believe and have faith in this, i dint know but to tell you alot of things dont tell us what is running around slinking in the shadows but they do point towards remarkable events and great changes for good things.
Maybe my subconscious is telling me something, because on the even when Oresident Trump made his failrewell soeach and his going off rally speech, this peace seemed to settle on my heart, my wife felt the same, that night since then we both have had very peaceful sleep, and our spirits have become quite uplifted, to the point we go thru the news feeds and such, and thru our day we tell eachother what we have read about clown world. bust out in stutches laughing our arses off how fucking stupid obvious and pathetic they are and what they are trying to do to us all.
Why this sudden wonderful spirit after all the evil they have perpitrated on we the people? Beats me exactly, we both simply have a sense they will not prevail, and everything is going to work out better than we can imagine somehow.
May be some inner message from Trump, whats between the lines of his vocal wording, and like AC our K/Amygdala’s are super attenuated right now, we our conscious mind is picking up in it.
Tell you this too, im having a fucking hoot watching the ckowns beckown themselves, how the buyers remorse is setting in, the banks of the rivers Denial and Cognitive Dissonuance are rising over. It the greatest show on earth. Ring side seat Brother. Pass the popcorn please.
Frankly, good Ol’ AC has a great outlook too, and i feel its rubbed off on me, AC has enlightened my perceptions and understanding, and that too sweeps away doubt andcworry and gives clarity and helps understand where darkness once stood.
And thats the thing, cabal and its bullshit relies on operating in the fringes of shadow and darkness, order out of chaos is its central operational style, it thrives on making people afraid and manipulating us into taking council from our fears instead of our virtues and positive traits, especially by violating our codes and precepts. Thats Totalitarianism 101. Divide and conquer, pit us against eachother to keep us down and inhibit us from solidarity and having common cause, together.
Thats a lot of darkness, doom and gloom, how you rob folks of their faith and positivity, make folks despair especially.
Truth beats that nasty hand of hate and envy every day. And what Trump gave us, was just the truth.
Ask yourself, how long its been since an “elected leader” or swamp shitstain, our the yellow media, or any talking piehole did that?
But a dude like AC, and Mr Trump, Vox Day and a few others, these folks they work hard, with no or hardly a thanks, selfishly trying to expise the unexposible, and look how many goid folks such as them have taken the dirt nap or their lives destroyed. I think the least we all can do is support them, and that makes us stronger than the sum of each of us. Take a positive stand, stick up no matter what for whats good and right, things worth fighting for. Its how we win. Thats my America and i got faith in all that. Aint gonna let these foul depraved auto degenerate insects win, not for my part, and thats AC in a nutshell and folks like Guliani and Ms Powell, Don jr, My Pillow Man, LeVoy Finnicum, Seth Rich, Vicky Weaver, Andrew Breitbart, Tom Clancy JFK, the lady they murdered in cold blood in the capitol building too if you ask me.
We win we stop these assholes by sticking together and up for eachother. No tyrants or whatever cabal our the chinks whatever the whole lot of the useless fuckers can beat us when we bind together.

Let Go Letsgo, kick some ass, give the fuckers the gangstalking us the finger and smile.
BFYTW is why.

Its gonna work out. Have Faith Friend. Remember what MrTrump asked of us. The guy has always, without fail, always done the right thing no matter what, even whith the world screaming at him he did the right thing, that means something really really important, its everything. Somehow its the key to everything.
We all cant go wrong emulating Mr Trump. That too was his constant message to us before he went to Maralargo.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Justice Department considers not charging up to 800 MAGA rioters who caused havoc at the Capitol ‘since most of them just trespassed and were not violent.’”

That’s because there’s no way in hell they could get convictions. It appears one side of the capital had antifa bashing the building and the cops held them off while the other side there’s video showing the police opening the barricades and waving people in. That’s where most of the people came into the capital from the “wave them in side”. Seeing as how the capital is an open public building and they were waving them in there zero possibility they can get convictions if they had any sort of decent lawyer.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

that’s not it. if they charged them in DC, they’d be convicted. 100% no matter what, no matter if Baby Jesus himself came down and proclaimed their innocence. a DC jury will be 100% black welfare queens, all of whom **hate** wypipoz – Roger Stone’s trial was a blatantly rigged farce. did it matter? – an dem whyt muhhfukkazz from like Alaska an Kansas an shit, dey gon DOWN, yo.

4 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info23
4 years ago

Sigh. Maybe, “we have everything”, Steve Pieczenik thought this up. He said days before Biden sworn in that no way would he be swore in and was supposed to go on Alex Jones the day of inauguration but…no show. No show anywhere. Skipped.

Reply to  info23
4 years ago

I don’t personally, except to say big tech probably already afforded the deepstate all the information they would have needed to round up resisters without bothering with Q and getting people aware of real corruption. When people post their opinions freely online, and that is all tracked, you don’t need an operation trust. Operation Trust was at a time when the only way to communicate by dissidents was handwritten samizdat.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago


Thanks for the link.

Reply to  info23
4 years ago

It is bunk.
Q didn’t put anyone to sleep or keep anyone from doing anything.
Q woke people up and got them to do more.

4 years ago

The Bird That Builds Nests Right By Its Worst Enemy

Interesting from an r/K standpoint and as a political metaphor.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
4 years ago

Geez AC they brought out the heavy artillary on you. You may not now that you sre but you must be close or over the target. They sic’d some really slick dissimulatirs on your comment section. One I know for sure is a schill, two i recognize their technique style, and two, might be three are specialists at tag teaming commenters. One is a master at gaslighting/concern trolling, most cunning, another his jib is to come in after they see reactions and plausibly back the other up. They be hard to spot when your not accustomed to the tactics. The concern/black pilling shilling is a standard, right out their basic handbook, you adapt it to the particular troll.

Like I mentioned they are slick and have many years of experience. Im surprized some of the bright and sharp commenters you have aint got suspicious already. But then they brought out the big guns, your getting the personal treatment.

Might be why your not memory holed, looks like they are attempting to discredit you and create doubt and muddy thecwaters of your loyal comentarite. Ive come to be a kind of common sewer if these rats, they infest everything.Might be doing survailence on your attendees too, develop an archive of accepted convention regarding your insights and knowlege. Hard to say about that really, im winging it. But if you set back and squint your eyes a tad, you’ll see you probably git a bit of question about certain genuiness and veracity of a couple of these actors, a tell they have, they give it away when they are skipping the shiv in you to ease it in gentle like. Slick like. Its a show, its good fiekd craft.

Soeaking of which, those camelein suits you mention couple days earlier, man does that give me pause. Remember I mention had a number of alerts from our dog, and two times somebody in a chevy pickup with a tooper, coasted down from up the ridge, with the motorcoff, all these took place in the wee hours, and how I went out with the AR try to bushwack them, and only once I got an eyeball on who was slinking around my property? The one I got a bead on was about a good hundred yards just inside the bush on a treeline. Got him with a 1000 power weapon light on turbo, and it was like he was solid smoke, very hard to determine any definition, and then he was gone, a second time it was movement only. all very wierd. Dont know what to think.
Well the two nights when that pickup rolled down quiet like i hesrd it, first time I gently cane out the front way, stalked over by the road looking stood there about five minutes up against a tree butt, not moving a muscle, nothing, but my guts not agreeing, flip on the weapon light right on the truck, give it good scan work out and around, nothing, flip off the light, kneel down and get comfy and wait. Herd some light noise something moving like a critter will, dont see a thing. Head beck in, get thru the doir the truck starts up and rolls off. Alarms going off like crazy inmy head. second time i was ready, likity split Imout the celkar doir, up a crotch past the garden, cover and concealment the whole way, got a game trail been keeping open take it to
my high spot, its a perfect flank, imup the hill looking down, inside a brush line,straight sightline to the truck, work my way still hunting step at a time, stop listen observe, dont see a thing, work my way down and decide to go full exposure right in the road about 150ft from the truck, can see every direction real clear sight lines, it was like theres no way I didnt have the fucker, he had no place to hide, tree line with about zero undergrowth, good moon, boxed in by a swamp line with impassible blackberry canes even the bears and deer dont go thru, my nieghbor cow fence with barb wire tops about 51/2 ft high and open meadow, my front yard, and open road,and im dead nuts certain hes right here looking at me, but must be belly down in some tiny crease, im like where the fuck is this guy, so I did the ol trick for flushing game birds, rack the charge handle on the AR, the round hit the pavement, unmistakable sounds, I pivoted 360 twice scanning thru the Trijicon reflex sight looking, and on my second scan, my back to his truck, the door slams and engine starts in one second and he goes tearassing down the mountain. There’s no way I could have missed him slinking up on his truck where Id situated myself, had half an eyeball on it the whole time inmy perifials, which in the dark is how you see things,its how to use your purple best. I was what the fuck! I must be getting slow or something. Told my niebhor what happened, we hunt all the time tigether,we got all those dog packs, 89 dogs between us, cant say how many deer what with kill permits and regular hunting, so he knows im not a slinker, hes like me, WTF?

Another thing was somebody was coming on our deck, wee hours, dog alerts, i jump up and look out the window, nothing. Happened another time, the dog was out the other end of the house on the couch, i heard somebody on the deck, fast as I could had my head out the window, nothing, and this time I had some old window glass I’d camoflagued on the decking. ecause im theres something going on here, something stepped on it another night, i freeze, i can hear movement its real slow like a man stepping real careful and smooth timing, give it a goid listen and jump to the window, cant see nothing again Im like something aint right here. Im getting that creepy feeling this is all wrong. Am I having acid flashbacks? So i pried up some deck boards carefully scarfed them with a saw almost thru, lightly tacked them back down, and few nights later something broke thru them, i was asleep, but I sleep with the window open all year round, got an eyeball out the window and nothing again. Im like thats one big ass coon sniffing around the barbeque!

Couple of other times I had the unmistakable sense somebody was near by at night. I love to watch the sky for hours, wife and i got a double sleeping bag we lay out and watch meteors and wait for the space station to fly over, and sit for hours some nights just taking it all in, it very beautiful and quiet. Lived my whole life in the woods. Night to me is natural, i even go woods crusing when the moons full. When I say there’s somebody slinking around my place in the dark Im not fucking around. My radar goes mental.

Your comment about those cammy suits was like a trip hammer in my head. Slam!
WTF is it with these fuckers. It makes me so stone cold mad, im gonna change up, they want to fuck with me, Im gonna show them what fucking with you is about. Grew up poaching, my family never was well to do, its how we added to the larder, we poached everything deer to partridge and trout to ducks i got some nice little gifts just right for human size critters who dont belong where they be messing tell you what.
Im fed the fuck up with all this stupid bullshit.
Man theres more stuff on your blog AC than a monkey has tricks.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

I think the trolls are obvious enough to most of us.
They do seem to be in high gear lately.

4 years ago

Hey AC, you wanna hear something hilarious? CNN did a piece on the “Q GROUP” at the NSA a couple of years before they realized that Q would destroy them.

4 years ago

“A professor says, Trump’s support from minorities is due to ‘multiracial whiteness,’ meaning ‘White’ as a skin color is out, and ‘white’ is now a ‘political color.’”

White is now a synonym for Christian or for the Kingdom of Light vs the Kingdom of Darkness.

4 years ago

IF Biden inauguration = start of 10 days of darkness
Then 01/30/21 is the end.
02/01/21 is National Freedom day (FREE THE SLAVES).

Do we get our Freedom next Monday? Hopefully, the SCARE event happens then.


Are we still on the slow boat “Enjoy the show” movie for Trump’s impeachment 2.0?

4 years ago

Now it makes sense why Denmark was the only country where the more populist right-wing government was crushed. Both parties are sane and don’t need George Soros money. I would do anything to make Europe European again. Big white pill moment, now just a couple dozen more European countries to go.

4 years ago

…yeah Sam J. and no one or nothing thats evil incarnate can survive the unintended consequences of its evil.

Theres a reason why some prety smart dudes founded this Republuc, we are looking the reason right square in its reptile eyes.

4 years ago

Thumbs up. Farcesensitive

4 years ago

@ Cederq, spitballin’ indeed too many things out of kilter for it not to be indicative of something unusual. From all accounts they got themselves just about everything you need inside the capitol complex, stores medical bath facilities food etc.
Thing is what if that 1871 deal is true, it would give pravenance to a lot of things. As AC says its beyond our experience and its so large its inconcievable by our standards of comparison, take that the a higher level, and 1871 certainly makes sense.
So what is it if not that? Has to be some monsterous thing, cant deny that. Sometimes its not clues, its whats missing that tell a story.

What is it we dont know, cant see, that paints a picture?
Only thing makes any sense is a world size cabal and its tentacles reach into everything everywhere. Is it so hard to believe and accept then? Theres definately, unquestionably a network working in the shadows which has all the signs of being out to destroy the very thing that stands in its way, etc.