News Briefs – 01/23/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Things are progressing with the surveillance. They have stopped with the intimidation tapping, and the procedure is now as follows. I lay down the sleep, and there is nothing. After I have been  laying for a few minutes, there will be one tap, either over my ear, or on the bed next to me. Then nothing. After I drift off to sleep, my head will be surrounded by a buzzing bubble almost exactly the size of my head, which appears to be one big staccato of micro-tapping/popping, like a flood of popping raindrops, which is occurring inside my brain. It manifests as a massively uncomfortable buzz, which is probably damaging my brain. After awaking to it, I have slowly moved my head in the direction of my nose on the pillow, and gotten out of the bubble, but whatever it is, immediately detects the moment the bubble is no longer containing my head. I can feel the edge of the bubble at the back of my head as I exit it, and then there will be another tap, on my head over my ear, or on the mattress next to my head, as if calibrating location, and then I can feel the bubble move back to engulf my head in its new position. It is creepy beyond measure.

I bought two Tascam DR-07x’s, and was recording during one instance in four directions, from outside the bubble, though I have yet to get to analyze the recording due to trying to address the immediate issue of shielding and experimentation. I have here one recording I took by putting one Tascam under the lead blanket and recording within the bubble. I caught a clear clean shot of the raindrops, and looped it and amplified it here to make it more audible.

I really need any anon who knows what this means to do an analysis of the sound, and maybe provide any technical information you can about this WAV file and what might be producing it, given all of this is inaudible. What it might be, how it is creating a perfect bubble around my head, outside of which there is no vibrating/buzz, and what might shield from it.

Now some observations which were interesting.

One, it appears to not require line of sight, I think. I got in the basement, which puts about thirty feet of heavily rock-filled earth and clay between me and the two neighbors who could be beaming, I laid near the floor, and still was hit. There are two transformers on poles up high, one of which might, kind of,  had line of sight, but passing through six to ten inches of concrete in the foundation.

I also need an expert in electric utility maintenance at the poles. I do not know if anybody here knows any powerline workers they trust, but if so, I need help badly to unravel the meaning of this next one, which seems potentially vital. In the event something might have been installed in my house, I killed most of the breakers in the house, all save for an oil-fired hot water heater, and one which I just installed which only feeds an outlet which powers my surveillance camera system and the computer and Wfif, which I forgot to kill, by an extension cord. I also ran a small fan from that outlet to me to blow air under the lead blankets in the basement.

As I lay my head on the pillow, “it” began to create a series of static discharges under the pillow, which are likely either some form of intimidation/head-game, or which are some form of tech, maybe mapping or calibration. I associate it with a prelude to the tapping, which I still think is some sort of electric energy discharge at a point, and not a kinetic force which travels to the point. The static in the pillow is very audible, like loudly crinkling plastic wrapping under your head, either under the pillow, or inside it near the bottom, but made up of what feel like numerous micro-pops from discharges, much like the recording later. As this static was happening the small fan was a steady hum next to my head. The oil fired water heater came on, and triggered about a four to seven second, basically brownout condition (Unusual in this house. And I should add, somehow power to the entire dead end street was just blown out entirely for a day, for no reason about ten days ago, before my tech harassment really picked up, so I am thinking they began to amp up the tech, and the increased draw knocked out power to the entire road). During the brownout, the fan’s hum noticeably slowed and it strained in a rhythmic, and cyclical fashion at a lower tone of hum, cycling almost back up, then dropping again, picking up and slowing down. AT THE SAME TIME, perfectly aligned, the crinkling static simultaneously would stop as the fan slowed to a crawl, then it would resume again as the  fan picked up. It was precisely correlated enough there is no doubt they were related.

My most likely explanation is, as my house voltage dropped, this thing lost the voltage to produce its effects due to not getting enough voltage, and it failed to connect with the points under my pillow. This is where I need help, if there is a utility specialist to comment. They may be in the conspiracy, and offer disinformation. We will deal with that as we encounter it. For now something is better than nothing. The questions are as follows:

Where would this thing be, that my house voltage and its are linked? Especially given I think I killed all power to anywhere in the house where something like this could be buried?

In other words, when my house voltage drops, where does the drop extend to? Does the voltage only drop after the smart meter, inside my house? Does the voltage also drop at the smart meter? Does the voltage also drop up at the transformer at the top of the pole, which is essentially just for my house, which might not be a real transformer and actually be a transmitter for this thing?

Does it drop for other houses on down the street after me, and as my voltage dropped, it also dropped next door, so the device might be there? Would it drop two houses away? If it were another house, would the house farther from the power station dropping voltage not affect me, while the house closer to the power station losing voltage would mean I would too?

Next door  behind me has its own transformer right next to me on the other side of the property from my transformer, maybe 90 feet away from my transformer, as does the next house down, about 100 ft away. Is it normal to have a transformer per house around my house at those distances?

Also, is it likely to begin with, that the firing of their tech, perhaps trying to overcome the fact I was in the less accessible basement, might why I had a brownout condition?

Of greater interest, when I produced the tapping audio file, I told you a surveillance camera captured audio which was made up of extremely loud slamming upstairs, as if picking a bed frame up and dropping it right behind the camera. That noise was not heard in the house, so it was likely EM or some kind of wave activity acting on the microphone. That camera and its microphone were pointing directly at my transformer to monitor it for any utility/line-worker activity at the pole. if that transformer was giving off waves during that event, that camera/mic was the one pointing right at it, which might explain why the noise was so much louder on it, compared to the other cams pointing in all other directions from my house, in which the noise was much less pronounced.

That voltage drop seems key to locating where this thing is though, and was a huge get, I think. I do not know enough about the electricity and power lines to know though, exactly how to interpret it.

I am fully willing to burn in for this thing. I do not ask for help wantonly, I have to need it pretty bad. If anyone can help, I would be immensely appreciative.

Here is an amplified repeating loop of the clean section of the recording of what is going on around my head for the duration of my sleep, probably six or seven hours straight, if I manage it and am not awoken by the sensation of this, which I usually am. Ignore the regularly repeating ticking noise in the background. I have tracked that back to my router using the Tascam as a detector by putting it in record standby mode, putting earphones on it, and then turning the volume up to max, where it acts like an amplified sound Geiger counter (or in this case, inaudible EMF Geiger counter). Those tics are some kind of signal given off by the WiFi, though I am not sure whether it is normal or not. If anybody else has a Tascam and can check their WiFi for the ticking noise, it would also be helpful. I will eliminate that tonight, to see if maybe my Wifi was swapped and has some extra tech in it. You can feel each of those “raindrop” hits which are spattering, harder than you hear it there (you do not hear anything, as this is happening in your head, and the bubble is silent. There is only the sensation). I get the impression it is some kind of point potential discharging energy. It manifests as an uncomfortable buzzing sensation, which is best described as numbing to the brain. I cannot locate the source outside of the bubble as there is nothing there, so there is no way to track them down, and the bubble disappears moments after I get up, as if set to be automatic. It is clearest with good headphones and max volume. I took the clearest catch, and looped it and amplified it. This recording was a quiet room, no fans or other background noise. I had actually killed the electricity in my house to everything but the surveillance, and my computer and wifi.

Here is the looped file, of just the raindrop spattering from the inside of the bubble:

Anybody who can explain how to begin analyzing this for any meaning revealed in the file, it would be appreciated.

It is amazing how much wholly inaudible EM activity these mics pick up. If you have one, stick in headphones, put it in record stand-by, and point it right next to your wifi.


They have a lot of toys, and have been dong this covertly to a lot of people for a long time. These are bad people, they run the world presently, and nobody has any idea, because they have disabled them covertly, and then kept them too busy surviving to notice anything else.

Also, obviously, if anyone here knows the Pentagon guys investigating Havana Syndrome and could direct them here, I think it possible I could be of use to them, as I have extensive technical data on this phenomenon. We will have trouble linking up due to this thing, so if they think I am ignoring them, I am not, keep trying, use multiple people, post on Free Republic to me, hit me on Twitter, post to Q’s board, and if anyone here sees anything written to me, forward it to me, so something gets through from someone. I will drop everything and go anywhere in the US ASAP on this. The fact the Pentagon guys did not drop their investigation and cover up the Havana Syndrome, alongside everyone else, makes me think they may be outside the conspiracy, and I would like to help them. Give me an office at the Pentagon to call, and I will supply everything I have. I can give names of people involved in this, as well as video evidence of their involvement, with reasonable proof of guilt. You might even be able to get a Havana device out of it.

Also, I could really use prayers. This is pretty much what I asked God for years ago, and I am honored to be here. I wanted in the battle, this is where I chose to be, win, lose or draw, but the prayers help. I am sure whatever happens to me, this is His plan, and it will prove of use to our kind. Pray for me, but also pray for victory. This evil cannot be left standing.

This girl records the impulse weapon knocking in her apartment. It is the same thing Bill Binney’s wife said knocks all over his house to intimidate them, blew two holes through his steel sheeting, and shattered a lamp next to her, covering her with glass. It is also what she recorded pelting her as she cowered under aluminum foil on youtube. That is the device that on low power sounds like a particle spray when it hits the lead blanket, at higher power gave me the tapping, and at a higher setting, drove my face into a pillow with about ten to twenty pounds of force. I think still another permutation of it is what you can hear above. They are doing this to innocent people who just wanted to go their own way in life. Who does that? Understand, it is ramping up. These devices are coming out of the pilot program stage. A time will come, when it will be given to all the neighborhood crews, and it will hit anyone who is not a good little sheep, toiling their life away for their betters on the yachts in Barbados. Or it will hit just kids who score too high on some test or other, and threaten to be something someday. This is a point in history where we either rise or fall.

Former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka drops clues on Trump’s potential next vice president: A former New York politician. Governor David Paterson is a former new York politician, and about as big an enemy of the Deep State surveillance machine as anyone out there. Trump knows Paterson will not be a plant, and will work tirelessly to eradicate the machine. It also would mean surveillance would probably not gain anything from killing Trump. And he is a black democrat who governed as a conservative moderate, and even conservatives didn’t dislike him, since he tried to appease them and never went after guns. It would also open 2028 to Don Jr. If Trump does that, it will genuinely be war on the surveillance machine, and I would vote for him even harder than if he put in any regular Republican establishment asshole. However Gorka said the choice has campaigned with Trump. But in fairness there is nobody else who fist that description, aside from maybe Giuliani.

Alina Habba leans in and talks to Trump in court after admitting her parents had COVID and she had a fever: Inside the E. Jean Carroll trial before the jury was sent home for the day because of illness and virus exposure. One Juror was violently ill with a fever, as Trump’s lawyer was sick after visiting with her parents, who had Covid.

Judge UNSEALS divorce case of Fani Willis’ top prosecutor ‘lover’ Nathan Wade: Fulton County DA’s deposition is put on hold in another dramatic twist in Trump’s election subversion trial.

Georgia Senate to authorize subpoena-powered probe into alleged Fani Willis misconduct.

Former Jan. 6 Select Committee ‘deleted more than 100 encrypted files from its probe in the days before Republicans took over the House majority.’ “The chair of the investigation, Rep. Barry Loudermilk said that the files have been recovered and he’s demanding Democrats hand over the passwords.”

Nikki Haley clings onto hope in New Hampshire as another Republican from her home state Nancy Mace endorses Trump: Ex-South Carolina governor goes into primary with a mountain to climb – but insists she won’t drop out.

Nikki Haley sweeps Dixville Notch’s [New Hampshire] primary winning all 6 votes. I will bet surveillance moved all their people up there, just to get the publicity like this once every four years, for that little bit more control.

Federal judge rules to keep Trump on New Hampshire ballot ahead of primary.

Paul Sperry:

In a search warrant affidavit targeting Burisma’s and Hunter’s U.S-based PR firm Blue Star for FARA violations, DOJ prosecutors removed references to Joe Biden, which filtered out all of the former vice president’s email accounts from the search, investigators testified

Rasmussen Polling – A majority of voters think former President Barack Obama is influencing Joe Biden’s administration, and agree with a GOP congressman’s claim that Biden is really a “puppet” for progressives.

In a recent episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Tucker Carlson delved into the phenomenon of an internet personality known as ‘Catturd’. The show provided a rare glimpse into the life and thoughts of this mysterious online figure, known for his controversial and politically charged commentary. CatTurd will never be Dew’ed, and will never tell you about the surveillance. None of these characters are loyal to you, anon. In fact, their entire mission is betrayal.

Supreme Court allows federal agents to cut razor wire Texas installed on US-Mexico border.

NBC uses an AI image in their tweet about the story. It shows how there is a slippery slope there. One minute you are grabbing a quick image off Getty which happens to be AI for a tweet, and eventually you are asking AI to create an image which never existed and putting it in a story as if it were a real image. How much farther is it to spruce up a school shooting to get some gun control by staging some video shots of cops running around with guns and kids walking with their hands on their heads?

“This is not over,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted on Monday evening after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Border Patrol agents can cut the razor-wire border barriers along the Rio Grande. One step closer to the 4Chan anon’s version of how a civil war starts, as a state vs Federal government conflict which the citizenry suddenly piles into.

Biden and Abbott have set the stage for one of the biggest state-versus-feds immigration fights in more than a decade.

Tucker stirs it up, but would he ever put a bead on a federal agent or a migrant and squeeze the trigger:

It is kind of a reckless statement, given somebody could end up killing somebody, and he could be found liable, something his kind would avoid, if anything worked the way they say. Which makes me think he was given the text to tweet, which makes me wonder what they have planned.

This bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang has caused havoc in Latin America. Now it’s in Miami. I will bet as an organized criminal enterprise, its leadership is all Cabal, and it is in the US for more than random reasons.

Three of the five former Presidents of the United States, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, are teaming up with two other organizations, American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US, forming a new non-governmental organization (NGO) with the explicit purpose of chartering flights to import illegal aliens into the United States. Bush the patriot, standing on top of the pile he created, with a megaphone saying he would go after the people who knocked those buildings down, and they would hear from all of us very soon. And everyone cheered. It is like looking at a different world.

Oak Brook (Illinois) residents worried, irate over retail crime spree by migrants which threaten area safety.

Vermont resettled Somalis, shootings are up 185%-half the shootings in Burlington, VT were linked to immigrants.

The Democrat-run states such as New York and Illinois are increasing 2020 census numbers after successfully asking for a review of the once-a-decade population survey that helps determine federal funding distribution as the states struggle with population losses.

Biden, 81, confuses cabinet secretaries: Joe mixes up Alejandro Mayorkas and Xavier Becerra – moments after Karine Jean-Pierre said there’s nothing wrong his mental stamina.

Trump says Biden will drop out of race for President. If they decide to make people do stuff, most people are helpless. I only still have this site because I have no fear of death, and I am committed enough to God I will accept physical damage happily to serve Him in this battle between good and pure evil.

Elon Musk lays wreath at Auschwitz after private tour with Ben Shapiro and European rabbi. Ben Shapiro? How is he important enough to have Elon set aside time for him?

Virgin Atlantic cancels flight when passenger notices missing wing bolts. On another note, here’s a real ad the airline ran. It is OK, the company’s ESG score is fantastic.

CBS political reporter Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) took to ‘X’ to wonder whether it would be a “bad” thing if humans became extinct. These are the high IQs with high paying reporter gigs who Cabal has placed to tell you what to think about things.

Rick Harrison, one of the chief talents on Pawn Stars, revealed that his 39-year-old son, Adam, died from a fentanyl overdose that he blames on the border crisis.

Seven people were found shot and killed in two different homes in Joliet Monday afternoon, and a manhunt has been launched for a suspect, police said. Police also believe a fatal shooting on Sunday is connected with the mass-casualty incident. Another technical harassment peak, and another mass shooter? It cold be unrelated, but I also think they have competitions, to see who can pop one of their  targets first and get them to go mass-shooter. And you have to understand, they are not just irritating people. They are causing actual physical brain trauma with these weapons, which is associated itself with turning normal, perfectly sane people violent. They are changing who these people are, to make them violent, and then irritating them. I still cannot believe such evil exists in this beautiful country of mostly good people. I would not believe a villain this evil if I saw it in a movie. And they all knew 9/11 was at least allowed by their op.

Anger management therapist charged with murdering man found in trunk of his car.

Plagiarism probe finds some problems with former Harvard president Claudine Gay’s work.

Paramount set to lay off ‘hundreds’ across nearly all divisions in latest Hollywood bloodbath.

Defense contractor Raytheon has been tasked with designing, building, and testing a pair of microwave directed energy weapons for the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force to fry the electronics of attacking drones, missiles, and other electronically guided ordinance.

US laser weapon program hits a glaring blind spot…US Navy wants and needs laser weapons pronto but development setbacks and maxed out warships have stalled their deployment.

The World Economic Forum has declared war on coffee drinkers, declaring that they are causing “global boiling” and must be stopped at all costs. It is like the scriptwriters are turning them all into cartoon characters.

WEF urges govt’s to arrest citizens who talk about ‘tsunami of deaths’ among vaxxed.

WEF panelist suggests creating ‘exclusion lists’ to demonetize sources sharing ‘disinformation.’ Just propaganda to make those reading it think it is not being done now.

Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mashal: ‘We reject the two-state solution; October 7 proved that liberating Palestine from the river to the sea is realistic and has already begun.’ He will not represent Palestinians on this issue, any more than our leaders represent us on the issue of immigration.

US and UK launch joint strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen for the second time: Fighter jets, warships and submarines pound missile launch facilities across the country in retaliation for Iran-backed militia’s Red Sea ship attacks.

Iran is ‘directly involved’ in Yemen Houthi rebel ship attacks, U.S. Navy’s Mideast chief tells AP.

The British government has hired a fleet of private boats to help the Border Force bring illegal Channel migrants ashore at a cost to the taxpayer at least £36 million.

Germany: Over a million leftists protest amid push to ban surging populist AfD party.

Slovakia throws Ukraine to the wolves as new leader calls for no NATO admission.

LA Progressive looks at how the Rand think tank laid out many of the strategies the US has used to provoke Russia. – How U.S. Provoked Russia Over Ukraine. The political boundaries are giving way to commonsense vs the Cabal lackeys in both parties.

On Twitter, an on the ground report from Ukraine-

I just got back from Ukraine, where I was visiting some friends.

Everything we have heard about what’s happening in Ukraine is a lie.

The reality is darker, bleaker, and unequivocally hopeless. There is no such thing as Ukraine “winning” this war.

– By their estimates, they have lost over one million of their sons, fathers and husbands; an entire generation is gone.
– Even in the Southwest, where the anti-Russian sentiment is long-standing, citizens are reluctant or straight-up scared to publicly criticize Zelensky; they will go to jail.
– In every village and town, the streets, shops, and restaurants are mostly absent of men.
– The few men who remain are terrified of leaving their homes for fear of being kidnapped into conscription. Some have resorted to begging friends to break their legs to avoid service.
– Army search parties take place early in the morning, when men leave their homes to go to work. They ambush and kidnap them off the streets and within 3-4 hours they get listed in the army and taken away straight to the front lines with minimal or no training at all; it is “a death sentence.”
– It’s getting worse every day. Where I was staying, a dentist had just been taken by security forces on his way to work, leaving behind two small children. Every day, 3-5 dead bodies keep arriving from the front lines.
– Mothers and wives fight tooth and nail with the armed forces, beg and plead not to have their men taken away. They try bribing, which sometimes works, but most of the time they are met with physical violence and death threats.
– The territory celebrated as having been “won back” from Russia has been reduced to rubble and is uninhabitable. Regardless, there is no one left to live there and displaced families will likely never return.
– They see the way the war has been reported, at home and abroad. It’s a “joke” and “propaganda.” They say: “Look around: is this winning?”.
– Worse, some have been hoaxed into believing that once Ukrainians forces are exhausted, American soldiers will come in to replace them and “win the war”.

There is no ambiguity in these people. The war was for nothing – a travesty. The outcome always was, and is, clear. The people are hopeless, utterly destroyed, and living in an unending nightmare.

They are pleading for an end, any end – most likely the same “peace” that could have been achieved two years ago. In their minds, they have already lost, for their sons, fathers and husbands are gone, and their country has been destroyed. There is no “victory” that can change that.

Make no mistake, they are angry with Putin. But they are also angry with Zelensky and the West. They have lost everything, worst of all, hope and faith, and cannot comprehend why Zelenky wishes to continue the current trajectory, the one of human devastation.

I didn’t witness the war; but what I saw was absolutely heart-breaking.

Shame on the people, regardless of their intentions, who have supported this war. And shame on the media for continuing to lie about it.

The gun debate has swung so far toward freedom after Bruen, cops stopped an illegal wanted for murder in his home country who had previously been deported, as he fled a shooting, while shot himself, found a handgun with the serial removed, and the last judge held he could not be charged for being an alien in possession because everyone has the right to carry.

Donald Trump opens double-digit national lead over Biden with third party candidates included.

Vulnerable Biden holds single-digit lead over surging Trump in New York.

Former President Donald Trump’s lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has only grown in the aftermath of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dropping out of the presidential race.

Spread r/K Theory, because a different world would not be so bad

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Not charged for possession but sure as hell can be charged for having a firearm with a defaced serial number. That’s a big no no, possible felony.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


1 year ago

Will continue to pray for you.

I think you really need to get that rotating bed or some kind of hammock that will swing while you sleep.
It sounds like they can’t keep up with a moving target.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Here’s a lightbulb moment:
Indoor rollercoaster bed.
Take that fuckers!

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I never went through anything like you are going through, AC. It sounds hellish. When I got a high pitched wheal in the mornings I would go and sleep in the bathtub with a mylar blanket beneath a lead foil ceiling. It did the trick.
I don’t know what kind of tech you are talking about but it sounds military grade, more like some of the DEW combat weapons I have seen.
I genuinely feel sorry for you but I am not in a position to help you much. If my shelter was ready I would put you in a secure location that was heavily shielded, I don’t think they could harass you in a place like this I am working on. Without giving it away … it’s deep.
I hope you find a solution with conventional means like the one you talked about previously. You have to sleep, it’s not optional.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Make a sort of “CNC bed” where servo motors move the bed around the XY axes as controlled by a random movement algorithm. If the ball of energy is really only a few inches in diameter, being able to float the bed +- 2 feet would let you randomly move out with some consistency.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Sounds like a job for Lowell Houser.

1 year ago

Hey AC,
I read your whole rundown on the tech hitting you last night. I find it totally odd that yesterday of all days I got a new sensation while I was working from home. I was completely focused on the task I was doing on my computer and wasn’t moving at all except for typing. My head and body were totally stationary for a long time. As I was doing that I got hit with what usually get hit with which is kind of like a vibrational directed attack through my ears. I can feel it penetrate my head, but this one didn’t stop. Usually I get shot with it, my ears hum or I hear a high pitched to mid pitched hum and then it fades away. This one didn’t fade away. It just kept on humming and what struck me about what you wrote is it surrounded my head. I remembered what others had written about moving out of the bubble so I moved my head but it kept following me in my chair. I eventually gave up and just waited for it to stop which took probably 30 seconds to a minute.

All that to say, it was “new tech” I got hit with as well. It came from the same direction it always does, so they must be upgrading their toys.

Another TI

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes I have been getting that creepy muffled ding for a couple years now. Random times. Sitting at computer. I am going to try moving next time it hits

1 year ago

Re: the NYer who might run with Trump

Carl Paladino also fits the description. Paladino is a rare and wonderful man, but he is very Trump-like in his pull no punches personality. He has been successfully maligned similar to the way Trump is maligned.

1 year ago

This is “another TI again”

I forgot to mention! Someone who appears to be the electric company has been working on the transformer in front of my house for the past few months. They keep coming by, opening it up (we have under ground utilities) doing something, and then coming back a few weeks later to work on it again. You may totally be onto something with your transformers being linked to this. They just started working on mine a few months back and they were here again a few days ago. My transformer is right in front of my house.

Another TI

1 year ago

Re: NYer who might run with Trump

Another NYer who fits the description is Chris Collins, the first member of Congress to endorse Trump back in 2015, at a time when doing so looked crazy. Collins was convicted in an “inside information” case where he did what every other congressman does, but never get prosecuted for (IOW, actually prosecuted for being a Trump supporter).

Trump pardoned Collins. Collins has a lot of executive experience in business and government.

1 year ago

Re: Catturd

The name is the idea of what is funny by someone who is not really funny, and he is in fact not really funny. Amazing to me how “conservatives” slobber over him, but that is a psychological defect on our side, willing to adore someone if they say some things which are mildly agreeable.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

He’s astroturf. Concocted. And the ‘Catturd’ thing is a reference to T. Gondi.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Didn’t make the T. Gondi connection but you’re right. Nicknaming every thing to do with feces is juvenile & vulgar. He is paid to post dumb memes & say dumb middle of the road clicheed midwit conservative platitudes. On X he attempts to persuade more $ subscribers by posting cute, appealing pics of his pets – as if to say he has more wholesome content hidden away for paying supporters only. 🤮

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Agreed. It’s like the guys who think it’s funny to wear sneakers with tuxedos. They think it’s funny but to me it just looks lame. Prop comedy is universally shit.

1 year ago

AC: I am not a utility line expert, but I am an electrical engineer with expertise in facility power distribution particularly in industrial and commercial facilities. I will write up a few thoughts on your situation. You will also want a utility engineer to comment. The skillset is similar to mine but with different elements.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

In an electrical system, ground is the reference voltage. The earth has a magnetic field, but this is not related to ground in an electrical sense. Electric current and magnetic fields are directly linked, but voltage and magnetic fields not so much.

Short answer to your question is no, there is not much you could do yourself with this. I have never heard of using cathodes to create magnetic anomalies in the earth. There is something called ground potential rise caused by high voltage faults. That’s why substations always have pea stone rather than soil. The stone is not conductive, so a person standing there will not be killed by ground potential distortions from a fault. The important point is that such ground distortions are localized to the fault area (very small area) and require enormous amounts of power. What the comment describes could only be done at the site of the distortion and would require equipment that could not be hidden. The power available at the street in your overhead lines would not be sufficient to cause that result beyond a few feet from the cathode.

Reply to  AnonElectrical
1 year ago

Bags of pea gravel (often limestone, FYI) could possibly be stacked up, like you would with sandbags, to form a barrier.

Just a random thought. This is a different “mix” compared to concrete, which has aggregate (crushed stone), but suspended, not consistent coverage…

1 year ago

Trump Reiterates Anti-CBDC Stance, Credits Vivek Ramaswamy for Policy Guidance

Why is he giving credit to Swampy?
It makes it sound like he wouldn’t have opposed it without Swampy.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

1 year ago

> shooting, while shot himself, found a handgun with the serial removed, and the last judge held he could not be charged for being an alien in possession because everyone has the right to carry.

The Federal law against possession of a firearm with a removed or defaced serial number violates “shall not be infringed.”

Good on the judge.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Might be a stolen gun. The judge should required that a serial number be placed on the firearm and then recorded, for the short period of time that all that paper work is supposed to be kept. Of course it is ridiculous that these numbers mean anything other than for book keeping. Still, an illegal, not qualified in my book to own one.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Foreign invaders get no rights. It absolutely should be illegal for foreign invaders to be armed here; true Americans should absolutely be a higher class with special privileges over the foreign invader class.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

The Virgin plane missing wings bolts story I think is overblown. The missing screws are for a panel, the wing isn’t attached there. Panels do fall off all the time and could injure someone below but it’s quite rare to hit a person.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

If it was designed for 119 on each wing, it needs to have 119. If you think it doesn’t, send the manufacturer a note to cut the number down to save money. There’s a structural design reason for having that many.

1 year ago

Hang in there AC. I won’t speak for anyone else but every day you make it through their harassment feels like a small battle won in a larger war most don’t even know is being fought.

1 year ago

Sorry for the multiple posts. I just remember things as they come to me. When they were working on the transformers, they didn’t replace any of them. They just opened them up and did something inside of them. The street never lost power at all during this. Not sure how they pulled that off. They opened up my transformer, another one two houses down, and then one four houses away. There’s a transformer for every other house.

Note also, I’m the same guy who posted the picture of the cable van working on the internet strength for the house right next door where the beams come from. That was on Thanksgiving day. That house is east of me. The transformers they worked on were to the west and south west of me. This all happened over the course of the past 8 weeks and the localized “fog beam” started yesterday.

Another TI

Another TI
Another TI
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thanks AC! Reading your stories of how you endure this gives me hope. I’m not going to the same measure as you to protect myself from this, but I may have to soon. My memory is definitely getting worse in the form of making “false recalls,” meaning, my brain remembers something, I don’t know it’s wrong, but it is, and then I consciously realized that I just did something based on that false memory that was incorrect. It is usually with people, and me mistaking them for someone else, and then after a minute or so, I realize they’re not the person I thought they were. They’re someone else. Mind you, I have an IQ of 170, so this should not be happening to me. I’m going to have to put some type of frequency cage around my entire home.

As I was reading what you wrote too, I remembered the great feeling I would have during power outages. I grew up where we’d get blizzards and power would go out for days sometimes. There was nothing better than being outside after it snowed multiple feet of snow. There was no power. The thick layer of snow on the ground and on all of the trees deadened any sound. The feeling was so perfect. I wish I could feel like that all of the time.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Another TI
1 year ago

Have you tried going off-grid camping in the wilderness, miles away from even rural civilization? You might find relief there if you have any free time. I know that I feel extremely good when I’m off-grid.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

A new fiber optic outfit has been in my neighborhood for the last eight months pissing everyone off. Digging up the sidewalks screwing mine and everyone’s plumbing ( they lay it just under the topsoil when rerouting) they are constantly here dicking around at their node caps

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

With 6 votes counted, Fox News has called New Hampshire for Nikki.

1 year ago

Thank you AC for posting on Waller’s book, Big Intel! I bought it. It is on my reading list to read here shortly, but I quickly scanned it and found this nugget:

pg 175 “President Lyndon Johnson’s instruction to destroy the Ku Klux Clan” in a second COINTELPRO-WHITE-HATE.

“Hoover complied. COUNTELPRO moved hard against the Klan, splintering it for good as a cohesive, influential, national organization. The FBI had infiltrated the Klan so deeply that between 6 and 20% of all Klansmen were FBI informants”.

AAAAnnnnndddd…There….you…..go!—Our government destroyed the WASP self-defense force! “Freedom of assembly”??? That right??????? Everything is a Lie–Everything is FAKE and GAY. You do NOT have the freedom of assembly! Not with propaganda. AntiFa is free to assemble–NOT the KKK. Get that there, anon?!

THE ONLY TRUE righteous organization in America was the KKK! In the face of the bloody genocidal ideology of Masonry (the brotherhood of man) and of Marxism/Communism, the KKK was right! Segregation by kind is normal European culture; that foreigners have no business voting for the leadership of WASP America (including the Irish and the Scots); and criminals punished. (Even though the founders of the KKK were Scots-Irish–totally another different racial group!)

Our government has been evil since the founding—It has always been Masonic/Marxist! Now, in the face of Hispanic invasion, we can’t organize; we have no funding; and no leadership! We have no cohesion and no solidarity. —And War is coming. I want to point out the importance of II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. If the Christian Church preached, taught and demanded that–we wouldn’t be in this predicament! Arete IS A MORAL CODE. A complete Moral Code! It subsumes the 10 Commandments. The 10 Commandments are a primitive moral code–but not complete. Arete is needed to complete the Moral Code.

1 year ago

Is it normal to have a transformer per house around my house at those distances?”
I live in a neighborhood built in the early 2000’s. The power lines are buried. My house has two small posts in the backyard (square = not sure / maybe power?, round = telco/cable/etc.). I’m pretty sure it goes from there to a large square box at the corner of the neighborhood, along a main road (the “in-town” portion of a state highway). I will go look to see where it goes there. There are poles along the highway (it was redone about 3 years ago), but I know fiber is buried along that highway. I’m not sure about the power. There are no aerials inside the neighborhood.
My parents house was built in the 50’s I think. There is an aerial feed running through the backyard into the house. It’s probably no further than 75 feet from the back of the house. I don’t remember how many houses it feeds.

1 year ago

Alina Habba leans in and talks to Trump in court after admitting her parents had COVID and she had a fever: Inside the E. (((Jean Carroll))) trial before the jury was sent home for the day because of illness and virus exposure. One Juror was violently ill with a fever, as Trump’s lawyer was sick after visiting with her parents, who had Covid.

I’ve never been in a trial where someone on the legal teams isn’t sick at some point. You just work sick. That’s the business. A juror getting that ill is more unusual, but not unheard of. Everyone is human, and it’s January.
Legal teams get sick because of the stress. There is not only the mental stress, but lack of sleep, poor nutrition and hydration, extreme fatigue, etc.
Liposomal Vitamin C is a huge help. Trials are why I started taking it when I am even feeling like I am getting sick.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I recommend adding Cod Liver Oil to your daily protocol. Especially in Winter when daylight is short. Been doing it 5+ years and have only been sick twice in that time, despite some poor dietary habits.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Vitamin A toxicity is a concern with cod liver oil. It’s fine in moderation though.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

My wife feeds me a bunch of supplements, and I’m pretty sure that’s in there along with Vit D and Niacin and other stuff. She hates the song I sing while I eat them, though.

One pill makes you bigger

and one pill makes you small

and the ones that [wife’s name] gives you

don’t do anything at all

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Yes. Cod liver had A & D – vit D levels – very important for immune system. CDC tells you it’s just about strong bones but Vit D does much more than that. Mid 2020 read research papers about Low vit D linked to severe covid requiring hospitalization, so did a test (everly well) & started taking 5000 IU daily. The daily habit fell back to 1-2 / week in 2023. But did I test again at the New Year & saw I’d gone from 53 in 2020 to 68 ng/ml currently. Take a version w/ K2 included & try to avoid soybean oil filler. Vit D via Sunshine is optimal but getting enough isn’t always feasible. The typical winter flu/colds don’t get me even tho it’s going around the office. The upper number for “normal range” 80 ng/ml is an arbitrary number – even if you are within normal range, aim to get it a bit higher as I have done.

1 year ago

Judge UNSEALS divorce case of Fani Willis’ top prosecutor ‘lover’ Nathan Wade: Fulton County DA’s deposition is put on hold in another dramatic twist in Trump’s election subversion trial.

If Wade has already admitted to the affair, Fani’s depo would be cumulative and just give Wade a potential appeal point. Judge is doing the wife a favor, and doing US a favor by publishing the reciepts.
On the other hand, I would bet 50:50 odds that Fani plead the 5th in a depo.

1 year ago

 How much farther is it to spruce up a school shooting to get some gun control by staging some video shots of cops running around with guns and kids walking with their hands on their heads?

I’m thinking about the cop with the backwards mag at Sandy Hook, and wondering if they have been doing that for a while.

1 year ago

Elon Musk lays wreath at Auschwitz after private tour with (((Ben Shapiro))) and European rabbi. (((Ben Shapiro)))? How is he important enough to have Elon set aside time for him?

Elon was already in Poland for another thing. I’m betting that he set up the rabbi to give him the tour, and the rabbi glommed Shapiro onto it.

1 year ago

Anger management therapist charged with murdering man found in trunk of his car.

Every therapist I’ve had to deal with (as part of the litigation process, Thank God) got started into it by being seriously fucked in the head and spending years in therapy, and thinking, “I would like to do this all the time every day.”

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

well…and all ya gotta do really is just read their “manuals” and how they try to be a “science” when it comes to one of the most strange and unpredictable things on the planet: the human mind.

Yeah…they are messed up and they perpetuate mental illness.

…and when you add on top of all of this the fact that the evil ones/aliens/demons/whatever you wanna call them literally drink our misery as “loosh”…well then it all starts to make sense.

Was just talking to the wifeanon about how 9/11 must have been THE biggest “dinner” of these loosh-addicted freaks EVER…because many many more people were asleep and thus horrified and traumatized (thus generating much more “loosh” back then when compared to now).

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Add the covid pandemic to that as well. All that fear, anxiety, frustration.

1 year ago

I have for the longest time been a reader of the Drudge Report. It had good reporting. I stopped reading it when Matt left. But I went back to reading it daily just to see what the new ownership promotes. Over the last year, the vitriol and hate against President Trump was overwhelming–I get the sense that this is not really a “news site” but a propaganda site run by Intel, or Democrat (read Marxist) Comintern talking points. Drudge was always a hateful site but today, Today—WOW, they went all in on TDS and notice in particular a certain headline:

Trump Rally Plagued by Hecklers, Protests, and QANON Chants…
‘He can barely read teleprompter’…
Republicans fear drop in enthusiasm, energy…
LAST CHANCE: Haley Doing NH Her Way…
Memo Ahead of Vote: ‘We Aren’t Going Anywhere’…

They are going after Trump for his mental fitness—but NOT once do they go after Biden! That there, is a sign of manipulation, i.e. propaganda. But noting this “General Kelly’s Final Warning”—–General Kelly is going after Trump—NOT Biden!

Our General class is absolutely Lunatic. They are full blown Marxists. We have an invasion at our border–Biden is expressly replacing us—It is a War, a proxy war against the WASP, the 2020 Election was Stolen—J6 was a government op—and General Kelly is worried about Trump!!!! What the ever-living-PHUCK is going on in that Addled brain of Kelly? This is a PHUCKING disaster–the inability to read the situation; the inability to discern evil; calling Good, Evil. The Whole General class of America, who should be an authority—are lost; they’re Marxist. The General class of America, the US Military is Communist, Cultural Marxists and therefore the enemy.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

ain’t it delicious to watch?

Let’s remember folks, Trump has now SMASHED both opening gambits in the march to November 2024.

I haven’t even touched Twitter yet today…almost afraid to because I’ll be reveling in their REEEEEEEE for several hours perhaps.

Hey…maybe there’s a REVERSE form of “loosh” (e.g., liberal tears and hysteria rejuvenating those of us who are awakened…hmmmm).

Anyhoo…month by month, the hysteria will ramp up (peppered by various false flags, school shootings, possibly another fedsurrection somewhere…oh…I don’t know…maybe a dirty nuke going off…perhaps another war somewhere…) until the all out REEEEE-athon next November (whether it’s those of us reeeing or the enemy…it hardly matters I suppose).

Ain’t it great to be born at this time…for this purpose?

Final thing I will tell y’all: find your purpose. Ask God daily to show you what HE wants you to do, not what YOU want you to do. Once He shows you: RAM IT DOWN THE WORLD’S THROAT WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT. It’s what I’m doing with my music and I’m tellin’ ya, I have never felt more fulfilled, never felt this purposeful, never felt this loved and have never felt this protected by God Almighty. It’s time to take the fight to the enemy. LET’S GO!!!!

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Thank you for your music, selbs!!!

Been a huge blessing to me. I’ve probably played all of your albums at least 5 times through by now, and more if you don’t count full playbacks. I have your channel on right now, actually. I prefer instrumental music above all else and didn’t know I needed arrangements like yours until I somehow found your channel a few months back.

One day I hope to get good enough at the guitar to jam with you. Give me a few years to get to at least mid-intermediate level so I don’t embarrass myself!!

Also, we have musicians and music threads at TimelessAuthors. Despite the name of the forum, it’s not just for authors. if you want anyone to talk music with (and in a closed forum that doesn’t propagate data out to search bots), I am active there daily.

1 year ago

The Ukraine situation always makes me wonder why these towns don’t just, as Alex Solzhenitsyn said during the gulag era, ambush recruiters. I think one of the primary aims of the surveillance is to suppress this urge because it obviously works. Two examples are: Chris Dorner, rogue cop killer in LA, paralyzed the entire LAPD by himself for a bit. The IRA, whose financial terror campaign (bombing airports instead of homes), beat England. What is the tipping point that defines waiting in your closet like a cuck to be sent to the front lines (and then get actually cucked by the recruiters who stay behind with your wife and daughters and prepubescent boys) and the IRA, Bundy Ranch or Canadian Truckers who got Cabal to stand down their soldiers with minimal energy expenditure?

Reply to  Dav
1 year ago

If you haven’t yet, read ACs book r vs K. There are many mentions of what will happen when “K” has finally had enough. Absolute mayhem and destruction of “r” (or at least destruction of enough of “r” such that they don’t rise up again anytime soon). The adage FAFO (eff around and find out) is going to be shown in living color.

Let’s hope citizens EVERYWHERE (European farmers, we’re lookin’ at YOU (and cheering you on)) will rise up and stop this madness.

In fact, the more I think about this, the more I revisit my entire life history and realize that these dirty bastards have been doing this madness to us FOR A LONG TIME…but they were smart enough to keep the boiling water juuuuuuuust below the threshold…yeah…all that’s out the window now…I think I’m starting to understand various intel boards where they talk about a dying animal thrashing about and there’s no more hidden secrets…it’s all about survival.

Oh…while you’re at it, read ACs book on Narcissists too…it will help you as we encounter them in the wild (and possibly in your own family).

Anyway…I’m off to go troll Twatter…wish me luck…

1 year ago

The voltage in your house is likely 120/240V single phase. The feed is probably 200A or 225A for a residential house. Utilities typically undersize pole mounted transformers, so it is probably 10-25 kVA. The kVA rating might be visible in large black letters. If not look at the physical size of it, you won’t be able to read the nameplate, if it is about 36 inches tall it’s probably 10 kVA at 95 kV BIL rating. If it is shorter than that, it probably has a lower BIL rating, but could be up to 37.5 kVA. Look at the neighbor’s transformers as well. If the kVA is not written, how tall are they, that will tell you how much power they can be potentially drawing? The type of tech you suspect is being employed will likely be power hungry equipment, and will need larger transformers. If the neighbors have three transformers, that is very significant, as it means they have three phase power and are running something unusual for residential areas.
Power is generated at a power plant; the voltage is stepped up to transmission levels (typically 69 kV and up) and sent to the local substations/switchyards. The k in kV means thousands. Local substations will step the voltage down to distribution levels, typically 12.47 kV, 13.8 kV, or 23 kV. These are the overhead lines you see on the street. This voltage is stepped down to 120/240V for residential customers.
Voltage drop occurs when high electric current hits the system all at once. This is usually magnetizing currents like starting an electric motor. When a motor starts, it will draw six times its rated current for a few cycles, then drop to its rated current level usually in less than a second. The voltage drop will not persist after the equipment is running. If it did, the breaker would trip. Transformers hold magnetism, so inrush currents (like a motor starting) will only cause a voltage drop on the same side of the transformer (the 120/240V side) unless the load is huge. Loads large enough to cause a perceptible drop in voltage through to the distribution side (13,800V) will be massive with enormous wires. Such equipment can’t be hidden. It would not fit in a residential house. In other words, if there is a voltage drop, it is coming from your house or the line to the transformers. It is highly probable it is not coming from your neighbor or anything on the utility pole.  Follow the wires from the transformer to your meter and from your meter to your panel.  If there are any other loads, not fed from your panel, you will see wires spiced on that line.  The splice will be a thick point with three or more wires coming out of it.  If it is only two, it is normal.
Electric and magnetic fields are well understood. Electric fields will not penetrate deep into the ground, because the charge is dissipated in the earth. Your house structure must be grounded per the National Electrical Code.  If what is ailing you is an electric field of some sort, it will not pass a grounded Faraday cage.  Try grounding your Faraday cage.  There will be a ground rod embedded in the concrete of your basement or outside by the meter.  Connecting directly to the ground rod will provide the best results.
If what is ailing you is a magnetic field of some sort, it will be trivially easy to observe. Use an old-fashioned compass. If the needle does something wonky, you have a magnetic field issue.
To project an EMP type beam between houses in a normal suburban neighborhood would require large, power-hungry equipment and probably could not be hidden in a residential home. The power requirement would be a dead giveaway that something is up. Look at the transformer sizes. If possible, to do so without revealing any identifiable information, post some photos of your transformer and the neighbor’s with enough zoom to see the wire connections. If the equipment cannot support a technological “Beam”, then something else is afoot. It could be demonic or occultic. Maybe it was not tech you saw them bring in but devilish relics to curse your home and you are experiencing demonic oppression. I have no doubt demons could manipulate electric and magnetic fields to produce the results you describe.  Prayer and Holy Water may be the solution rather than lead shields and Faraday cages. 

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

My family once found buried chicken bones on the edge of our property with what looked like carved markings on them.

1 year ago

I was searching for a way to measure voltage on transmission lines from a distance. In theory the EMF should correlate with the power going through the lines, but I don’t know if the consumer-grade devices would give a meaningful answer — whether they would isolate to the transmission line or if they would pick up in-house fields.

While searching for that, I found one list of EMF inspectors:

The list at that particular site doesn’t cover all 50 states, but they do have three in the US-based “remote consulting” section in case you are out of that coverage list.

I don’t recall you ever mentioning any attempt to work with an EMF professional. I would imagine, out of the whole list, you could start with multiple “free initial consultations” to get an idea if any or all of them are being dishonest.

Keeping you in my prayers too, of course.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I can just see one of these electrical people doing this:

Comes in…sets up instruments…turns them “on” (or whatever)…shakes his head…adjusts some dials…shakes his head again…turns it off…turns it back on…shakes head…adjusts…looks at AC as if to say: WTF is going on here?

1 year ago

“Also, I could really use prayers. This is pretty much what I asked God for years ago, and I am honored to be here. I wanted in the battle, this is where I chose to be, win, lose or draw, but the prayers help. I am sure whatever happens to me, this is His plan, and it will prove of use to our kind. Pray for me, but also pray for victory. This evil cannot be left standing.”
Praying for you daily, AC.

Reply to  MeneMene
1 year ago

I got you brother/sister. I have seen prayer do amazing things. It is truly a mystery we don’t understand but if God’s people (that’s us folks) will pray for each other we will gain power, protection, WISDOM, and direction.

Hope to meet y’all at the parade…

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Prayer truly is powerful. Two years ago, my wife and I got sick. I don’t know what it was, and I refuse to take a PCR test. She got pneumonia and I had to take her to the ER in the middle of that “COVID” bullshit. I was too sick myself and I doubted they’d let me in the door, so I had to drop her off. She got admitted to the hospital and ended up on a ventilator. They also gave her Run, Death Is Near (without consent.) She coded the first two times they tried to take her off the ventilator, and she had dying bowel a few weeks into it. I got a call at 3 in the morning and consented to the surgery. She spent a total of 11 weeks between three facilities. The last three were at rehab learning how to walk again. I had so many people praying, and she survived and is still with me. I count that as a miracle.

Of course, the “healthcare” system says it was all “COVID”. But if you got a hangnail. they’d call it a “COVID hangnail.” One diagnosis for everything.

I don’t know what the Hell we had. For a week and a half, I woke up about 1 in the morning drenched in sweat. I ended up sleeping on towels and I’ve never washed the sheets that much in my life. For two days, I was so dehydrated I thought my kidneys were failing. None of my children had licenses yet. Two of them were in a homeschool co-op so I had to drive them back and forth to that, and get all three to work and back on differing schedules.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I probably should have requested prayers here at the time. I tend to treat my participation here as anonymous, which may be why I didn’t. That was a hard time. I had to keep reassuring my children that she’d come home and there were times I barely believed it myself.

1 year ago

A prayer for you:
O glorious prince St. Michael, 
chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, 
guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, 
servant in the house of the Divine King
and our admirable conductor, 
you who shine with excellence
and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil,
who turn to you with confidence
and enable us by your gracious protection
to serve God more and more faithfully every day.

Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

“ According to World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor Hubert Keller, “The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink coffee, we are putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”

Don’t these morons realize that every time they speak, they are LITERALLY emitting CO2 into the atmosphere?
WEF: Shut Up and Save the Planet!

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

Nobody ever asks these dip wads to show the math that proves what they say. These are the same folks that say men can have babies.

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

The thing that does it for me is simply this: volcanoes. Totally out of our control. Totally emit more CO2 than we ever could. End of argument (unless I’m missing something huge…like a volcano-squasher?).

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

Still don’t understand why CO2 is badz? Isn’t that wut plants crave?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

No, Brawndo has what plants crave!

1 year ago

AC, do you have someone who you trust who can post a message, if for some reason you can’t update the site and can’t advise us that there will be no update that day in advance?

Ned Bollen
1 year ago

5G wireless technology is a DISASTER waiting to happen

5G hijacks your sweat ducts
5G amplifies EMF damage via VGCCs
Pulsed wave far more damaging than continuous wave radiation
5G promotes deep EMF penetration

Ned Bollen
Ned Bollen
Reply to  Ned Bollen
1 year ago

Could this have something to do with what some of us are suffering from during the nights?

1 year ago

“CatTurd will never be Dew’ed, and will never tell you about the surveillance. None of these characters are loyal to you, anon. In fact, their entire mission is betrayal.”

Here you go:

“In the interview, ‘Catturd’ expressed his disillusionment with both the Republican and Democratic parties, seeing himself as part of the true resistance against a corrupt system. He also discussed the threats and challenges he faced due to his online presence, including swatting incidents and targeted harassment.”

This is from the linked to Gateway pundit article, so I guess always click on the link.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The fact that he even did an interview at all with MSM is already a huge red flag. Ding ding ding go the alarm bells.

1 year ago

Germany: Over a million leftists protest amid push to ban surging populist AfD party.

OK, after reunification, a party to the left of the mainstream left (and now governing) SPD formed, out of the remnants of the Communist Party, but joined by some left libertarians. This party is now split into two, but the point is that the German government tried to ban it, and got shot down by the courts. So actual German leftists presumably would not take to the streets to demand the government ban a political party, given that the government tried to ban their own party.

It would be for the same reason Quebec separatists turned against the younger Trudeau and his state of emergency, since they remembered that the last state of emergency, called by the elder Trudeau, was used against Quebec separatists.

So I suspected immediately that these are fake leftists. And I clicked on the link and found that Soros was funding the protests. So this is the German and left wing equivalent on of the Patriot Front. Probably everyone there is on some sort of payroll.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…Does it drop for other houses on down the street after me, and as my voltage dropped, it also dropped next door, so the device might be there? Would it drop two houses away? If it were another house, would the house farther from the power station dropping voltage not affect me, while the house closer to the power station losing voltage would mean I would too?…”

I know this for a fact. When power line “demand” is calculated, they use a derating factor. Example. Let’s say you have 10 apartments. Each one having 200 Amps of capacity. The line feeding them will NOT be, 200 amps x 10 apartments. No, it will be derated. I can remember the exact figure but off the top of my head, could be wrong, I believe either 60% or 75% of the total load(long time since I had to calculate this). I know this is true for apartments. I do not know this for a fact, but I would be 99.9% suspecting that the exact same “derating” factor is used for all the houses on a street to size the power feed for a neighborhood. The idea being that it’s very unlikely that everyone in the whole apartment complex is running everything all at once. It saves money while covering all the needs of the dwellers 99.99% of the time.

So this means that if one or several houses are drawing far more than normal power, the whole entire street will voltage sag. Just like when the news tells you there are brown outs when everyone runs their air conditioners in a heat wave. So it must be the same for utility power estimation. What you are seeing is consistent with a huge power draw, somewhere, on the main power line feeding that one way street.

“…Would it drop two houses away?…”

Yes likely. Very likely.

“…The oil fired water heater came on, and triggered about a four to seven second, basically brownout condition (Unusual in this house. And I should add, somehow power to the entire dead end street…”

If one of these houses has a huge load, it could drop the voltage on the whole one way street. Could be anywhere on the street.

And boggle the mind. What the hell draws so much power, it lowers the voltage on the whole street. If you ever see power lie workers installing new, larger lines on your street…move, or you’ll be in trouble, or more trouble.

I hate this is happening. These people should be put on cargo planes and thrown off in the middle of the Congo jungle with nothing but a parachute, a case of MRE’s and a gallon of water.

Let us all hope that Trump is not a “fake Hitler”, is elected and drives all these people out of the country.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I suggested AC look for a new transformer or new connection off a transformer that is not easily explained.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“That voltage drop seems key to locating where this thing is though, and was a huge get, I think. I do not know enough about the electricity and power lines to know though, exactly how to interpret it.”

That’s why a tool, any tool, should not be used exclusively or overused. And an illegal action, when conducted, should not be repeated over and over again. It is a failure in basic intelligence tradecraft and it is being punished. The characterization of attacks is allowing technical data to be gleaned and people are comparing notes. This is all being done out in the open. Furthermore as this technology is better understood by common people you will see more and more of these electronic attacks by one group against another. Imagine DEWS as prolific as firearms, that’s where we seem to be heading.

As for the ‘drop’ nature of the pulse is sounds kind of like an MRI sped up but with more time between each scan. This allows some inference on what these things might be. This device likely uses a very thick (1cm) wire composed of beryllium or copper, in a solenoid configuration or other complex geometry with tight packing. This wire is likely cooled with liquid nitrogen or some other refrigerant so be on the lookout for signs of liquid nitrogen consumption. It is likely powered by one or several vector inversion generators (or similar voltage multipliers) that can be plugged into a wall outlet. There are also likely mobile variants that run on sets of car batteries and will fit into the back of a van or SUV. The attack vehicle(s) have to be shielded so that is another tell.

In addition to these attacking units there are scanning units that must use powerful radio antennas (similar to a radar) with tight beamforming to ascertain location, geometry and scattering angles in a target volume. These might be small, mobile AESA radars, similar to what is in a fighter jet only smaller. These are most certainly mobile as well.

Using through wall RF, that can also use WiFi, which has been documented (I have posted youtube video links on this), you must understand that your house is essentially transparent to most rf, microwave and even ir radiation. If you could see in these wavelengths homes and other buildings would literally look like glass boxes.

Weird things happen in a pulse area. I can imagine two scanning radars building up potential for seconds/minutes, and then two attacking solenoid type antennas sending out powerful simultaneous pulses that both arrive in a target volume at the same time. This could cause a popping sound, or send metal pens or silverware flying across a room. The ‘raindrop’ sound you describe is a classic pulse waveform. Highly pinched pulses will create even more weird nonlinear phenomena inside a target volume.

All I can say is goodluck. All of the materials for making DEWS can be bought off of Amazon, Ebay and Alibaba. There are companies making WiFi based video that can see through walls. It would be a shame, yada yada yada. Hopefully people reading this can post ‘verified scan’ if they get this and it isn’t silo’d.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

I can see your post.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


Pure H2O is a poor electrical conductor. Adding salt makes it a better conductor. Which is exactly what you already have and don’t want more of.

So may I suggest skipping the salt first? If that doesn’t work, you can always add salt later. As any chef already knows, it’s easier to add salt than to take salt out.

The lead blankets are actually some kind of foam material with lead pellets embedded, right? So there you have an elementally dense shield material, lead, dispersed within an easily compressible and electrically insulating hydrocarbon matrix. I am not familiar with Agar Agar, but it sounds like your dentist aprons are already damping motion while being electrically insulating.

More is not always better, but just trying out “more of the same” is worth a try, considering the grim alternative you’re operating under. Not necessarily more dental aprons, but the water idea is still on my mind. Did you ever try the kiddie pool on top of the refrigerator door?

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Keep writing dude. You are already a published author
so just do more of that. Our words outlive us. That is where the fight is. Now, you may be more popular outside the US than in it for a while but books and ideas will definitely beat these miscreants.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Maybe try the following, it’s an experiment, because this is likely RF but I don’t know if it includes other types of radiation as well (X-rays, Gamma rays, alpha/beta particles (very unlikely), free neutrons(unlikely):
1) More water (in more tanks)
2) Salt (various types)
3) Magnetite (Fe2O3)
4) Manganese Sulfate (MnSO4)

All are widely available online or at gardening stores. Manganese Sulfate is highly paramagnetic, even in a liquid, so it may do really weird stuff in a pulsed B field. This can act as an additional warning/sensor. None of these should be toxic, but be advised, sulfates can stink.

Hopefully you get this. Must be over the target today because my electronics are acting up bigtime.

No name please
No name please
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Maybe running water, such as a fountain?

Reply to  No name please
1 year ago

Good idea.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago


Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Dayummmm…we got some smart people here (I am honored to be among you). I don’t know what he/she said, but it sounded cool. The best I can do is code up some data and make some tinkly musical notes.

Keep up the great work!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
1 year ago

Highly Recommended Information: “Reality Of The Targeting Program” Symposium This Friday January 26th, 2024 12-3pm EST

Check out the specific mitigation approaches at this site.

Targeted FBI guy’s experiences

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“WEF urges govt’s to arrest citizens who talk about ‘tsunami of deaths’ among vaxxed.”

WEF, defenders of democracy and truth.

It’s a public health crisis to even talk about a public health crisis. The Soviet Union was freer than the this. Objectively.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Did you see the video of the WEF’er talking about how horrible coffee drinking is, after admitting he just drank some coffee?

These people are mediocrities drunk on power, and someone really needs to pop their bubble.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

They get off on breaking their own rules. It’s a narcissist thing. I learned that in one of AC’s books.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

It’s like they got invited and are really only there for the parties and so when it’s their turn to speak they make up something at the last minute!

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

I’m not sure I made myself clear so I’ll add a little. The power feeding your street splits off from a bigger line. It is designed to only take so much capacity or power. The power, in watts or kilowatts, (power = voltage x amperage). Over that, something has to give and it’s the voltage. So most anywhere on that line will draw down the whole line. If the big power draw is at the end it would be slightly, ever so slightly less at the beginning. This is due to resistance in the lines but that number is very small. I looked briefly at this number and the power companies consider 50 miles as “short lines” for estimation purposes of voltage drop, so a mile or so is nothing. So in effect anywhere on your line on the street could be drawn down anywhere and all the houses would be affected.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I had two ideas.
Perhaps you could put a waterbed on the “roof” of your sleeping fort.
Ionizing the air in the room you sleep in might interfere with the beam, you can get cheap ionizers but a van der graaf generator might work even better by disrupting the EM field in the room as well.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Water is very heavy so make sure there is support that can handle it.

Also, Farce good on the waterbed idea. Never thought of that. Sleeping under a bed. What a novelty.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The waterbed is a bad idea because of all the weight in ONE container. Far better to use a lot of smaller containers to add up to the contents of a water bed. If it falls or leaks a bunch of small containers are far easier to deal with.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The air ionizer is an interesting idea worth trying. Wish I had thought of it.

As a life-long allergy sufferer, I am familiar with air ionizers and how they remove allergens from the atmosphere. I never thought of them as DEW interference, but it’s worth a try simply because it is cheap and easy.

Another TI
Another TI
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Based on my observations, it’s INSIDE the transformer.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Transformers are very simple devices. They consist of an iron core with insulated copper or aluminum wired wrapped around the iron core. There are two sets of wire wrapping the iron core in opposite directions, commonly called windings. The iron core and the windings will be immersed in oil for a pole mounted unit. Pad mounted units can be oil, dry, or cast resin. Beyond that there will be the enclosure and a lightning arrestor. A fused cutout on the primary will be separate from the transformer. Heavily loaded transformers will have cooling fins on the outside of the enclosure. If it looks like a normal transformer, it is. There is often a number on it, usually in black paint, indicating the kVA rating. That is the amount of power it is rated for. KVA stands for kilo-volt-amperes. Kilo-watts is the real power portion of kVA with kilo-volt-amperes reactive being the other component. The math involves imaginary numbers, the square root of negative one. If the physical size matches the kVA rating, then there is no secret tech in the transformer. It will not fit.

Reply to  AnonElectrical
1 year ago

I wonder if they figured out some way to manipulate a normal transformer as part of their surveillance/beaming tech.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The voltage is stepped down as a percentage of the voltage on the main line, if they drop the main line voltage by 10% the transformer’s output to your house will be 10% lower as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

A transformer works by converting the electric power to a magnetic field and then converting that magnetic field back into electric power. There is no direct electrical connection between the primary and secondary side of the transformer. The voltage on the secondary side is proportional to whatever the primary side voltage is. The proportion is determined by the turns ratio of the transformer. If the voltage on the primary side drops, the secondary side voltage will drop proportionally. A voltage drop on the secondary side, due to a motor starting, will not necessarily drop the primary side voltage. The current will increase until the proportional voltage is induced in the secondary side.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

220v is just 2 110v lines in phase brought to the house main panel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…wouldn’t it mean the high voltage wires would be designed to drop quite a bit to get to the 220v consumer level?…”

I’m not exactly sure what you mean. In my estimation, you have the wrong idea.

Let’s cover basics. Power= voltage x current

The limiting amount for power in a wire is current. You can run 10,000 volts in the same sort of wire that you run 240 volts in, but you can only get so much current through a wire. The current is based on the thickness of a wire, basically. So thin wire, little current capacity, thick wire, larger capacity for current. Current, that’s what heats things up. Including the wire. To get around this limitation, the power company steps up the voltage. I think it used to be 9,600 volts for residential, but I could be wrong. A transformer is used to step down the voltage and subsequently increase the amperage. They must balance. So a numerical example,

Just an example. Power in high voltage line 10,000 watts max(based on line size). And if the voltage is 10,000 volts then the current is 1 amp max. Power =10,000watts =10,000 volts x 1 amps. Now run this through a transformer and get 100 volts then the current max now is 100 amps max. Power =10,000watts =100 volts x 100 amps. They must balance just like any other equation.

Now if a house on your street draws WAY MORE than expected then it is drawing down more current, so something has to give to make the equation balance, and that will be the voltage, and it will effect all the houses on the line. It is stealing max power from the line and since the neighborhood feed has a max power it can feed, voltage will sag.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Germany: Over a million leftists protest amid push to ban surging populist AfD party.”

Right now it’s all hands on deck for the left. These protests are not grass roots but were organized with help from the German government. They are likely over counts as well and many of the marchers are turks looking for free stuff.
Hopefully, my posts are getting through and are unedited.

1 year ago

I work adjacent to power outside plant and have some knowledge of how their network works. My knowledge is far from expert but I’ll share my observations. The transformer per house is odd. Around here, step-down transformers are typically every other pole at most with housing density playing a role. Now some of the older, ritzy neighborhoods will have a transformer per home but that’s because they’re hundreds of feet apart. Now are your power lines 3 on a crossbar or a single span at the top of the pole with the neutral run lower at the transformer level? The crossbar lines carry significantly more voltage.
A brownout can occur nearly anywhere in the system. I assume you only observed your house being affected but the fact your whole neighborhood went out a week ago makes me think your brownout was at that level. Whatever they rolled into your neighborhood blew the fuse link the first time that they powered it up then only caused a brownout and probably almost blew the fuse again. Any of your neighbors get a new transformer out front in recent weeks, perhaps visibly bigger than the other cans? I assume your utilities are aerial so you should be able to visibly see where every house is tied-in. What sucks is outside of your breaker panel, you have no control of what is in the meter. To add insult to injury, smart meter put out all kinds EM signals and that is the end of my knowledge. Maybe this help and God willing, there’s a good anon lineman who can give you more concrete information.
You are in my prayers, my brave friend!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Another thought that occured to me is that is likely the product of two wavefronts triangulating on you and creating a field effect. I just have a hard to time believing a single directional beam is creating precise standing effect. Not an expert but it would be easier with two sources.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sim1776
1 year ago

I think you’re right about it being a beating waveform. I have given up on guessing what this is. It’s something very odd. I do believe that you could send beating, which means to waveforms from the same place but different frequencies, to get another waveform that would localize. Hard to explain this. When electromagnetic waves are mixed with different frequencies, you can sometimes get the difference between the two waveforms. This is used in radio to separate out the sound from the radio signal.

So if you have a 10Khz signal mixed with a 9KHz signal the difference is 1KHz. In radio they use oscillators and resonant circuits to get this separation. Maybe??? they are using the air and earth as some sort of resonant circuit?? I’m just totally guessing. Resonant systems can be very powerful as you are combining signals or forces but…tricky to deal with. A clear example is this bridge. A slow steady wind of a particular frequency resonated with the bridge and this happened.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sim1776
1 year ago

“…Any of your neighbors get a new transformer out front in recent weeks, perhaps visibly bigger than the other cans?…”

Yes. “IF” they are drawing a huge amount of power they could get the power company to add a bigger transformer and you could see it. I bet though, they are just maxing out the one in place.

As for sharing transformers for houses, as said, only if they are close. So if lines can be run from both houses easily to one transformer they will do that, but if they are far apart not as likely.

If the house next to you is sharing a transformer, and is drawing a large power, then it would have a larger effect on your house than others down the line BUT not a huge difference. A throw your hands up in the air wild ass guess, maybe 3% more in your case with shared transformer as compared to down the line at other houses.

1 year ago

Prayer sent your way, AC. God be with you.

1 year ago

Vox Day take on latest murky incident in the murky Ukraine war:

The Duran (24 minutes) today on the exact same event:

Between the two you might be able to figure out what is going on with Russia and France.

1 year ago
1 year ago

On his Sigma Game substack Vox Day re: Putin quoted from Giuliano da Empoli’s The Wizard of the Kremlin:

  • The tsar was not yet the tsar. His gestures did not then convey the inflexible authority they would later come to acquire, and though his gaze had some trace of the mineral quality we recognize in it today, it was as if veiled by a conscious effort to keep it under control. That said, his presence communicated a sense of calm.


It reminded me of this from Marguerite Yourcenar’s Memoirs of Hadrian as the new emperor reflects:

  • I was the same man as before, but what had previously been despised now passed for sublime: my extreme courtesy, considered by the unsubtle a form of weakness, or even of cowardice, seemed now the smooth and polished sheath of force…Each of us has more virtues than he is credited with, but success alone brings them to view, perhaps because then we may be expected to cease practicing them…The virgin gold of respect would be too soft without some alloy of fear.

An earlier passage presages the emperor’s theme:

  • …each time that I have witnessed the disappearance of a man just at middle age, whose successes and reverses the public thinks it can judge exactly, I have recalled that at the same age I still figured only in my own eyes, and in those of a few friends, who must sometimes have doubted my abilities as I doubted them myself. I have come to the realization that few men fulfill themselves before death, and I have judged their interrupted work with the more pity. This obsession with the possibility of a life frustrated immobilized my thought at one point, drawing everything to it like an abscess.

Finally, for any man that has loved a woman:

  • I have often thought that men who care passionately for women attach themselves at least as much to the temple and to the accessories of the cult as to their goddess herself…These tender idols differed in every respect from the tall females of the barbarians, or from our grave and heavy peasant women…they seemed hardly separable from the feverish sweetness of certain evenings in Antioch, from the excited stir of mornings in Rome, from the famous names which they bore, or from that luxury amid which their last secret was to show themselves nude, but never without ornament. I should have desired more: to see the human creature unadorned, alone with herself as she indeed must have been at least sometimes, in illness or after the death of a first-born child, or when a wrinkle began to show in her mirror. A man who reads, reflects, or plans belongs to his species rather than to his sex; in his best moments he rises even above the human. But my fair loves seemed to glory in thinking only as women: the mind, or perhaps the soul, that I searched for was never more than a perfume.
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Ben Franklin’s statement before Parliament, please advise:

When Franklin visited England, he supposedly gave a talk before Parliament in which he detailed reasons why the American colonies were amazingly productive, etc. There was something about special bonds and I think loans of “fiat money” (as I recall) created by the loan and possibly discounted or even written off as the farm or plantation achieved some degree of success.

That’s all I recall about it and cannot find where I saw it several years ago. Possibly it was here.

Franklin’s loose lips caused the alarm of the people who ran the British economy and they had Parliament make the American colonies cease and desist, which had the effect of causing serious financial problems in the colonies.

Does someone know about this or have some link to further info?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

From the National Archives:

I haven’t read the testimony, which is 23 pages, so I don’t know if your summary is accurate.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I read it and think this dates from later than what I was looking for, that I saw earlier (it was at least five years ago). Thanks again, and still very informative because it looks like some of the issues discussed came about after an earlier discussion that Franklin had with the Brits, but hard to say for sure.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

I’m not sure exactly what he said but in the colonies some States created a currency system based on land prices; So that the State could print money based on this. It was a huge increase to the economy. I think, while not reading the testimony, that is what Franklin referred to. Franklin wrote some very pointed and bright insights into money creation. This comes from the former lack of money as gold coins did not circulate well to the colonies and then the money system based on land and how it increased prosperity. Frankin’s testimony is why England changed the rules so that no money could be printed in the colonies. This caused a huge recession and may have been the more likely reason we rebelled. Not stamps or tea. Here’s a link with Franklin’s ideas, which are most likely very much the same thing he told to Parliament. Franklin was a very smart cookie. A summation of macroeconomics of currency in one page.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Thanks again. This has everything, though his words in the piece I read in the past had a more “home-spun” tone, similar to what he might have printed in “Poor Richard’s Almanac.” Ben Franklin was able to convey his ideas in both modes, which is useful and necessary; more people ought to practice that. If Anericans could convincingly spread the facts about *real* jury trial, much could be accomplished. Even with a ball peen hammer! By the way, was the Maxwell in that Beatles song the father of Lady Gislaine?

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Here’s another good paper on Franklin any paper money that I was looking for and finally found. It’s a good paper.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Thanks, Sam. This covers almost everything I was looking for. Paper money in the form of bonds on land and mortgages, which could circulate. This scheme eliminated most of the danger of having paper money get its value from mere fiat (legal tender law).

The link furnished earlier, by Ed, contains Franklin’s words to Parliament at a latter date, closer to the Revolution, some time after Britain had outlawed the practice, causing a severe economic downturn.

There is another article or document somewhere, with some of Franklin’s own words about this system and how it had led to great growth and benefit to the colonies including mention of some specific benefits.
I cannot find that piece.
As I recall, Ben told about ***Loaning or granting*** such money or bond into circulation, as a way to finance a new planter or farmer, who would use it to purchase land and necessities. Over the next years, the loan would be paid back as the venture became successful. As I recall, the more successful the recipient was, the more of the bond could be forgiven (is that known as discounting). THIS economic system, when I read that paper, caused two words to resonate in my noggin: “Literal Hitler!”
Of course the Jews who owned Parliment, forced a stop to this hurtful nonsense, plunging the colonies into poverty. THIS is supposed to be the major cause of the revolution, rather than “taxation without representation (by one political whore or another).

This missing article adds much to the entire discussion. Wish I could find it or remember who wrote it. However, everything can be inferred from the pdf that you linked. Thanks again, Sam and Ed!

1 year ago

Jim’s blog has been on fire lately. The latest is the best summary of the current situation I read. I have some serious reservations, mainly due to his LARPing as an Ancien Regime supporter forces him into a particular filter, but the whole thing is worth a read, and for once the comments are on point:

Some excerpts from the main essay:

“Thermidor is last year leftism overthrowing current year leftism. But because leftists have no enemies to the left, no friends to the right, this is a fragile and unstable arrangement, short of bringing in a dictator for life who is a last year leftist. Thermidor, as an oligarchic group, is incapable of defending itself against enemies to the left. Although it is in the interest of the group as a whole to defend itself from the ever more insane radicals, the individual members lack the will and inclination.

“The moderates have been unable to govern. But they are able to muck up the plans of the radicals to steal 2024 as they stole 2020 and 2022. Which is why what we are seeing is not a change of plan, but ineffectual chaos.”

“Thermidor has been confirmed: The plan to Epstein Trump has been semi abandoned, with ninety or so criminal charges in ninety or so courts not getting anywhere.

“The plan to rig the New Hampshire primary has been semi abandoned and is dissolving in chaos, which will likely permit an unbroken string of Trump landslides all the way to the Whitehouse.

NBC news reports that the deep state preparing plans to continue governing as usual with Trump as president, which is what they did during the previous Trump term. (My unkind interpretation and paraphrase — they did not say it that way.)

“If Trump is allowed to be elected, this does not mean it is all sunshine and roses from here on. He is going to run into the same headwinds as last time, a presidency full of his enemies, many of them utterly fanatical.

“Last time around he completely excluded reactionaries, alt rightists, alt leftists, Christian Nationalists, and the radical right from power. If he does that this time around, he is going to fail again this time around. He needs the reaction, and the reaction needs a faith.

“To crush current year leftism, you need a white terror. And white terrorists are always reactionaries. You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and Thermidoreans are merely insincere and wobbly leftists.

“Zhou had to rehire Deng, Cromwell had to release Monck from prison to hire and empower him. Thermidor needs the right to give it steel.”

“The reactionary elements of a Thermidorean regime are apt to take power, as Deng took power in China, and Monck took power in England. But the reactionaries did not take power in France. They were crushed by Napoleon, who was a last year leftist, who very efficiently crushed the reaction on his right, and the current year leftists on his left.

“In Rwanda, the Tutsi were unable to organise within Rwanda, because of political repression. Organised violence beats unorganised, violence, so the Tutsi, despite their potential superior organising capability due to a substantial racially higher IQ and a substantial racially higher IQ standard deviation than your typical nigger, were slaughtered like sheep, until Tutsi from outside Rwanda intervened.”

1 year ago

In rural areas it isn’t unusual to have an individual pole top transformer for every house. The utility voltage varies by locality but 13k is a fairly common one, so the pole tops are stepping that down to 120/208 or 120/240 for each residential drop. If the houses are in close proximity you can have multiple drops from one transformer (to opposite sides of the street for example) or you can get drop to a feeder line down a short dead end street that may feed a handful of individual residences, otherwise you get more transformers if the houses are widely spaced.
As long as the DEW can be placed inside a transformer housing and operated remotely there’s no reason to dismiss the idea. The only “tell” to that being the case would be a transformer that is only connected to the line but has no secondary line connection out to an overhead or unground line. You could see that easily with binoculars.
Current can’t flow through a power line without the voltage first building a magnetic field around the line. Brownouts are a sign of voltage collapse on the line, whether it’s a utility or PUD line or the major transmission lines. A simple comparison is to think about the last time you drove over a steep hill or maountain pass. The further up the hill you go the more gas you have to send to the engine just to maintain your original speed, right? If the grade was steep enough, and for a long enough distance, you’d eventually stall and roll to a stop no matter how hard you stomp the pedal into the floorboard because the engine lacks the power to maintain forward momentum. That’s voltage collapse. When all the power in the system is being used to maintain the magnetic field of the system current flow stops.
How this applies to your situation is this: when a large load is connected to, or disconnected from, the system it distorts the magnetic field through the entire circuit. Your part of the circuit is typically your house up to the secondary of the pole top transformer, and anything else attached to that secondary winding. When your air conditioner kicks on, or a blow dryer, the electric clothes dryer, many houses get a very quick flicker of the lights in the entire house for that brief second. That’s the momentary depression in the voltage due to the increased current flow needed to start the electric motor.
The brownout gives you two likely options. It’s either something in your house or it’s something on your utility line from the local substation. It’s also likely that you’re looking at a very large inductive load rather than a capacitive or resistive one. Inductive loads are typically motors but they are really anything with a decent sized physical winding of electrical wire in them. Some types of inductors are referred to as reactors. If you were the only one affected by the brownout then it’s in your house or connected to the secondary of your pole top transformer. If it hit everyone along your utility line then it’s attached to the utility line directly either in the substation or somewhere along the line, or your looking at an array of devices all fed via your utility line.
Smart meters are bad juju. If your utility has the option for a dumb meter at least consider it. There will probably be a service fee and it requires a meter reader to stop by your house every month, so you may be consenting to have a cabal agent physically at your house once a month to do…?
If you have a really good electrical engineer that you trust you could run the following idea past them. When dealing with electricity the significance of the term ground is often overlooked. The ground is a conductor and the earth is essentially a magnet. Ground return is a real thing and it can do some pretty strange things over long distances, including harmonics in unrelated equipment. So could someone build a catholic system capable of generating a localized magnetic distortion at a targeted location? If I wanted to cause a magnetic anomaly at 123 Main Street in Nowheretown, USA, where to a place my ground cathodes and what are my power requirements to make a field of XXX amplitude? What are the theoreticals on that? I bet the answer is interesting.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You are the owner of everything on your side of the meter. The meter and everything on the utility side is owned by the utility. Since there is no overcurrent protection on the secondary of the transformer prior to your meter, it is not safe to mess with it.
Adding additional load to pop something on the line will not work. Your breaker will trip first followed by your main breaker. If the overload got back to the line, the fused cutout on the primary side of the transformer will pop. You will not impact the 13 kV line.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Why don’t you just call the utility company and ask what the hell went on? Sometimes they will say and other times the person on the phone won’t know anything. Best bet is to ask a worker if you see one.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It is difficult to make any decent conclusions without a lot more information. I don’t know how your local distribution system is configured. I can attempt some reasonable guesses. One thing is certain, if the neighborhood went down, it was a problem on the 13 kV system not on the 120/240V side of one of the transformers.
When the power blew, did you hear what sounded like a gunshot or a cannon going off? If so, that was an overcurrent protective device tripping. Overcurrent protection at 13 kV is quite loud when it operates. It will rarely operate due to simple overloading. It will usually require a dead short, either between phases or to ground. This could be a tree falling on the lines, equipment failure, car accident, etc.
It also depends on where the circuit opened. The utility will have disconnecting means on the system where they can shut off power. It would require a bucket truck and a hot stick to do it. If you are on a dead end line, it could have been simple maintenance. The local substation will have either fusible switches or large circuit breakers with protective relays. It is possible for these to trip from overloading, but that is rare, because they design the system to prevent that. Overloads will be cleared on the low voltage side in nearly all cases making it impossible for one or two overloaded transformers to take down the neighborhood.

Reply to  AnonElectrical
1 year ago

Sounds like he’s describing undervoltage, which is way more unusual. Might be something with a weird power factor distortion like a massive arc rectifier.
Would be wild if they are using some straight up 100 year old tesla tech.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If it took out multiple houses with multiple cans it was a sectionalizer further upstream. Just as a cutout keeps overvoltages from frying your xfmr, there are a number of devices that isolate sections of the line keeping them from getting damaged. It sounds like someone was doing work, got local control, set a recloser to one-shot, f###ed something up, and spent all day unscrewing it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  AnonElectrical
1 year ago

“…So is what you are saying, go to my panel and run all the white lines and grounds just to a few rebars sunk into the ground? Or put them on some kind of automatic switch which switches between the return in the panel and the return to ground, maybe in a random fashion?…”

Don’t do anything to this. In fact, the grounding wire is already attached to the neutral (white wires) at the entrance of power, main panel of the house(or should be). This goes to a ground rd driven into the ground. Should have a bare copper going to the rid. In some older cases people run the big bare copper wire to the water pipes if metal. In large buildings, they do ground to the building pipes. It should be attached nowhere else “together” but that one place.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You also have me thinking I could put in a few 220 breakers, and wire in four or five air conditioners, and when the harassment starts up, have them all on one switch so I can see if I can pop something on the line and shut down the power. “

Man, I love the way you think, AC! That’s some downright first class mischief right there. Since it’s January, how about a top-o-the-line space heater in every room? That’ll spike the meter.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Honestly AC, I wouldn’t mess with anything in your panel. As AnonElectrical said, adding in a series of air conditioners to your panel is just going to trip your house breakers or at most the fused disconnect at the transformer. Not to mention your time lost and the cost. The best you can probably manage on your end is what another Anon suggested and have an RF survey done of your home by a professional, that would probably be of the most use to you.
I wonder if what your dealing with is an array of cyclotrons and/or synchrotrons? Particle physics isn’t my thing so I may be completely off base with the idea, but bear with me for a second. Take something like a naval CWIS, replace the gun with a particle cannon, slap it on a metal pallet, bolt on your support systems, transformers/inverters, and system interfaces. If your DEW is compact enough you now have a portable package that fits in any pickup truck, postal truck, panel van, or could be placed in almost any closet or attic in any house with a pallet jack or basic rigging equipment. Plug in to an appropriate power source, backdoor the target’s WiFi to obtain imaging and pick the target region, slave the DEW to your targeting software and fire away. Auto tracking would keep the beam(s) on target and, if you’re being hit with multiple beams from multiple angles, processing time to adjust the new beam intersection might explain the delay in the bubble following your head movement. Plausible?
The reason I mentioned ground return is because I’ve seen it in my AO. A local utility was having issues with one phase in a bank of large power transformers, lots of noise, vibration, and other anomalies. Eventually they figured it out the issue was ground return from a heavy industry about 100 miles away. Stray DC voltage was making it from the plant back to this one particular transformer phase and reentering the system. A bunch of additional equipment was installed at the substation feeding the plant and the plant made some changes in their end and that finally fixed it. And let’s face facts, once humankind figures out something can be done the next step is to figure out how to weaponize it.
Rereading my prior comment I realized that I said “cathodic” when a more appropriate description would be “gaussing.” Military ships use a degaussing system to make themselves magnetically invisible to mines. Cathodic systems are used to slow corrosion of a ships hull. Land based cathodic systems can inject current into the ground at one point and cover a couple of acres with ease whereas degaussing requires the wire coils to be physically installed. I should have used the appropriate term for clarity. In any event it’s probably not an issue if you aren’t seeing magnetic related phenomena, I’m just trying to wrap my head around the static discharge on your pillow and wondered out loud if some form of ground current could account for that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Honestly AC, I wouldn’t mess with anything in your panel. As AnonElectrical said, adding in a series of air conditioners to your panel is just going to trip your house breakers or at most the fused disconnect at the transformer. Not to mention your time lost and the cost. The best you can probably manage on your end is what another Anon suggested and have an RF survey done of your home by a professional, that would probably be of the most use to you.
I wonder if what your dealing with is an array of cyclotrons and/or synchrotrons? Particle physics isn’t my thing so I may be completely off base with the idea, but bear with me for a second. Take something like a naval CWIS, replace the gun with a particle cannon, slap it on a metal pallet, bolt on your support systems, transformers/inverters, and system interfaces. If your DEW is compact enough you now have a portable package that fits in any pickup truck, postal truck, panel van, or could be placed in almost any closet or attic in any house with a pallet jack or basic rigging equipment. Plug in to an appropriate power source, backdoor the target’s WiFi to obtain imaging and pick the target region, slave the DEW to your targeting software and fire away. Auto tracking would keep the beam(s) on target and, if you’re being hit with multiple beams from multiple angles, processing time to adjust the new beam intersection might explain the delay in the bubble following your head movement. Plausible?
The reason I mentioned ground return is because I’ve seen it in my AO. A local utility was having issues with one phase in a bank of large power transformers, lots of noise, vibration, and other anomalies. Eventually they figured it out the issue was ground return from a heavy industry about 100 miles away. Stray DC voltage was making it from the plant back to this one particular transformer phase and reentering the system. A bunch of additional equipment was installed at the substation feeding the plant and the plant made some changes in their end and that finally fixed it. And let’s face facts, once humankind figures out something can be done the next step is to figure out how to weaponize it.
Rereading my prior comment I realized that I said “cathodic” when a more appropriate description would be “gaussing.” Military ships use a degaussing system to make themselves magnetically invisible to mines. Cathodic systems are used to slow corrosion of a ships hull. Land based cathodic systems can inject current into the ground at one point and cover a couple of acres with ease whereas degaussing requires the wire coils to be physically installed. I should have used the appropriate term for clarity. In any event it’s probably not an issue if you aren’t seeing magnetic related phenomena, I’m just trying to wrap my head around the static discharge on your pillow and wondered out loud if some form of ground current could account for that.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…You also have me thinking I could put in a few 220 breakers, and wire in four or five air conditioners, and when the harassment starts up, have them all on one switch so I can see if I can pop something on the line and shut down the power….”

I missed this somehow. It’s a great idea. But air conditioners, no, too expensive. Let me save you some money and show you how to set this up. Let’s say you have a modern house with 200 Amp service wire coming in. So…

200A x 240 volts = 48,000 watts for your service. You can get 10K and 8K heaters for cheap. The real trick is to get them from the salvation army or thrift store. $5, $10 ?? Cheap. If possible, get them with a fan as they are less likely to burn up. The fan spreads the heat out from the elements.

The way your house is wired is several lights and outlets are all on the same breaker. The best way would be to get a plug tester you plug in, or just a lamp or radio, and go through every breaker and see what breakers go to what room, plug, light etc. Mark it on paper, THEN the panel so you can edit to make it clear. This way you only plug in one heater for each breaker(maybe two small). Spreads the load around. So each breaker is designed for 16 amps continuous load. They may take more but the 16 amp figure is considered safe and that’s why appliances usually max out at that.

So each breaker can take 16 amps. So 16A x 120 V = 1920 Watts. You want to stay around this but you can experiment and maybe go higher but watch you don’t burn yourself up. Some breakers will NOT trip and will sit and smolder and burn up instead of tripping. Not normal, but it happens. So if you get these, test them on and go look and see the breaker it’s on doesn’t get too hot. Spread these cheap heaters all around on the different circuits.

To automate them, get a X10 or equivalent power control. They plug in to the outlets, then you plug the appliances into them. They are remotely controlled through the house wiring with a signal. You can program them to turn on an individual or a whole bunch of outlets all at once.

BTW cyclops explanation is good. I didn’t see that until now either, though may have been there earlier.

I must state though I do not think that doing this will stop the whole street power line but if they are on the same transformer as you, it might, and it might even if not.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

It occurred to me later that you could add breakers to the main “interior” breaker box and plug in a bunch of heaters. Plug in breaker, add 12/2 with ground wire to single 20 amp outlet receptacle.

To clarify you have an outside box with 6 double pole breakers. This is code, you can not put more than 6 outside to turn off everything in the house. It’s for fire safety so they can kill everything in one box outside. In this is usually A/C, oven stove, and other big loads “plus” a big breaker that goes to an inside panel. This inside panel, the one I say add breakers to, has all the house light, receptacle and sometimes water heater breakers.

1, If outside breaker panel has less than 6 double pole breakers you could put in a 100 or 200 amp breaker, run that to a new panel and fill the thing up with breakers which go to receptacles. Each of these with a heater.

2 If full, you need to go to the inside panel, but likely it will limit the amount of power you can draw to run heaters.

And I can’t believe I forgot to add run the oven and stove wide open. Put some pots of water on them to keep the elements from burning up. That’s usually 50 amps for 12,000 watts. Big load.


“…You should be able to draw 500 or 1000 amps from your electric panel briefly, on the order of milliseconds, without tripping any breakers/fuses…”

Yes this is true. The contactors, (electrically activated contact switch for this), are NOT cheap).

I looked on ebay. Just a few prices.

500 amp $520
185 amp $358.97
500 amp $999.00

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You have discovered a vulnerability among your attackers: pauses in the DEW harassment are associated with utility power brownouts. Hypothesis: Effective operation of the harassment device(s) in your neighbor’s home(s) depends upon constant utility power. Experiment: Induce a (minor) brownout in your neighborhood and watch for a pause in harassment.
I disagree with those who say you cannot induce a minor brownout. Inductance in the transmission lines upstream means abruptly-varying loads in your neighborhood are served slower-than-instantly, meaning there is a brief opportunity for a local brownout, on the order of milliseconds. Your idea about a fleet of space heaters on a big switch deserves further exploration. Space heaters are superior to air conditioners for this purpose because they are less expensive.
The electric service equipment in your home may be equipped with a “200-amp” circuit breaker, say. The fuse in the transformer upstream may be rated at “50kva” or similar. But both devices are thermal in nature, meaning they do not break instantaneously. You should be able to draw 500 or 1000 amps from your electric panel briefly, on the order of milliseconds, without tripping any breakers/fuses. The challenge would be constructing a switch swift enough and big enough, and that is a solvable problem with modern electronics.
I wonder how the harassment device(s) would behave if they experienced 20-millisecond brownouts every 15 seconds???

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Someone mentioned calling the power company. “If” you can get a brown out “AND” get thermal pictures of their transformer getting hot, also with normal pictures for reference, and tell the power company they are causing the brownouts. Nothing may happen right away, but at the least it may bring other attention to them they do not want, and it will be evidence that you are not nuts. You will have actual evidence plus request from the power company what they found in writing.

1 year ago

> CBS political reporter Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) took to ‘X’ to wonder whether it would be a “bad” thing if humans became extinct. These are the high IQs with high paying reporter gigs who Cabal has placed to tell you what to think about things.

Friendly reminder: anyone who says shit like this, or anti-natalist or depopulation BS, without immediately putting a shotgun in their mouth, just wants YOU dead so they can keep living in their fantasy utopia, and I think it’s morally mandatory to remind them of this fact. Anyone who actually believed the lie as written would KYS as their first and most powerful act of conviction.

1 year ago

Have you reached out to the utility company to inquire about details of your brownout? I’m not sure how to apply the game theory correctly on that move. It sounds like an avenue to explore, but there might be reasons not to do it.

You mentioned a smart meter. I don’t know if your provider might have an online portal where you can see hour-by-hour usage that could show any correlation.

In separate research about transformers, I stumbled across Apparently “Ting” is a product that monitors the power to your home and can alert you if it detects conditions that are possible precursors to an electrical fire, including loose neutrals, arcing, and transformer issues. Just plug it into any outlet in your home from the look of it.

It’s $99. On one hand it’s yet another smart device in your home, that expects to connect to your wifi. OTOH it’s potential ammunition against something affecting the electricity to your home.

Keeping the prayers for you going.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes you should be able to look at your electric billing website to see exactly when these power surges are occurring

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
1 year ago

Hey AC
regarding Tic Tocs
Kent Hovind of all people!
About 2mins from 2:20:10
Electro gravitic propulsion.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

First of all, you do have my prayers and I will try to remember to pray more frequently.

Second, if you haven’t thought of it already, check your surveillance recordings to see if any neighboring houses had lights on, which might have dimmed during the voltage sag that slowed your fan. (I’m assuming you have time stamps to synch them up.) Also street lights. In fact, maybe keep a street light in line of sight of one of your cameras at all times, so you can check to see if/when it’s dimming.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If the guy next door is DEWing you they went cheap. Cheapskates. It should be theoretically possible to DEW from hundreds maybe even thousands of meters away, in vans. The ‘Beamsters Union’ part of Cabal is probably something as gay as the rev left commie tards. They suck, and are in over their heads.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
1 year ago

AC, that WiFi can image everything inside your house. Cops have the ability now, to hijack the WiFi, to place where all the people are before they approach.
Also, have you scanned yourself for implants? There are several methods.

1 year ago

There is a tape of the Arizona Republican GOP state chair attempting to bribe Kari Lake to withdraw from the US Senate race.

I was not crazy about her running for Senate, because there are still lawsuits pending over the 2022 governor election and I thought the focus should be on those. But apparently there is concern on the other side that her being the GOP candidate in 2024 will drive up turnout of MAGA voters in Arizona and help Trump.

Bannon just played the tape on his program, and his War Room site will have it (use Yandex, not Google, to search for “War Room”) in a less cluttered format than the Daily Mail site. I am linking the Daily Mail article, because they broke the story and they have details that indicate that the tape is legit:

1 year ago

Tucker says Texas needs to take one for TeamUSA. WEF has Austin saying no travel, no meat, no dairy. Who wins?

There’s a giant owl statue in Austin. There’s that Kabalah diagram painted in murals on North Lamar. There’s at least one Jewish billionaire who owns a hilltop. Michael Dell has a billion dollars and a tech company in Austin. There’s a campus with every type of synagogue and Jewish agency.

There’s an atheist chapel smack dab in the sight line between the Capitol and the University. It’s down the street from the Scientology multistory building. Every so often they break out banners down the main road leading up to the Capitol praising various Democrat abortion fans.

There’s all the DAs bought by Soros. I think every serious Republican has a mugshot courtesy of these people. There’s the registrars for votes, as well. There’s the mayors for all the big cities. How many are black lesbian Democrats who hate churches?

Plus, let’s see, Juneteenth and the highest number of votes for Eugene Debs, back when. Oh! The machine that delivered Kennedy votes is on the border, too.

What, exactly, does Tucker expect Texans will do?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

An atheist chapel? Well, that’s a weird thing for sure.

1 year ago

Did my previous post not go through, AC? I’m not an expert but I understand the nature of physical plant.

1 year ago

This is apparently from a month ago?
Man got a RF/Bug detector going off at his hip where he had an operation 8/9 years ago (where bone graft was taken from), and RF waves are coming out from it.

1 year ago

I am praying for you, XXXX, the lawyer from N.J. +

1 year ago

I am keeping you in my prayers. I’ve been tuning into your site for many years. I have not seen you mention something that I’ve been wondering about. I am curious, though I can tell you are really focused on the tech of this thing right now — what happens if/when you travel away from home? Does it follow you? I mean, if you were to go stay at a friend’s house, a hotel, camping, stay on an estate surrounded by vast amounts of land, or a remote beach, or go by car or by plane…. can it set up and switch the tech that quickly? Because what you are describing, something inside the transformer, sounds like it takes quite a bit of work to set up and aim at you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They won’t get you out in a boat living the good life in the Keys

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Stay out of the Bermuda triangle.

1 year ago

Anon, you might need to post some pictures, it doesn’t make any sense that each house would have a transformer. Generally transformers are placed in the utility easement, either on a pole or an underground vault or pedestal. The primary power is usually 5kv and the transformer will step the power down for household use at 110v. Primary would not be run to the side of a property. Maybe the pedestals you see close to your house and your neighbors might just be phone company splice pedestals. Pictures would really help.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Can’t really tell much from the images. And as much as I dislike to recommend you spending more of your hard earned income, there are handheld laser thermal measurement devices that you can use to get an accurate temperature reading on each of the transformers. I would think that the utility provider would be more than interested in these power draw downs due to potential damages over time. Best of luck.

1 year ago

Supplying the auxiliary units in our coming civil war?

1 year ago

This may be stupid, but ever try surrounding yourself with mirrors aimed outward?

1 year ago

Praying for you every day. Multiple times, whenever I think of you. Frequently when Cabal shows up in my vicinity. Asking God to help you, and me, to know and be guided on and complete our missions in this life.
Love you brother, though we’ve never met and I’ve never commented before. Thank you for what you are doing. You’re one of the bravest men I know of.

1 year ago

1 of 4

So I recorded my own router at 96 kHz using the same Tascam model that you have and…I think from now on it’d be a good idea to keep the thing turned off as much as possible.

A 10 Hz woodpecker accompanied by an occasional big buzz – oh, and a pretty steady something at around 22 kHz.

1 year ago

2 of 4

From your upload.

1 year ago

3 of 4

1 year ago

4 of 4

What could it possibly mean?

I only use spectrograms when concealing sounds and don’t really have a clue what I’m doing in terms of audio analysis. There appear to be some powerful low frequencies.

1 year ago

Regarding the transformers, do you have a thermal camera or inferred thermometer? The oil inside transformers heats up as demand on it grows. You may be able to spot the difference between a normal transformer and a modified one this way.

1 year ago

I am a utility worker, let’s see if I can help:
” In other words, when my house voltage drops, where does the drop extend to? Does the voltage only drop after the smart meter, inside my house? Does the voltage also drop at the smart meter? Does the voltage also drop up at the transformer at the top of the pole, which is essentially just for my house, which might not be a real transformer and actually be a transmitter for this thing?”
Voltage drops everywhere that voltage flows and is just the effect of resistance. Where a lineman worries about it and a customer is effected is from the secondary bushings (low side) of the xfmr to the meter. Your secondary triplex has a certain voltage drop per foot, longer taps have greater overall resistance. A new meter or transformer install should have a secondary voltage check at xfmr (unconnected) and at the meter connected after verified within spec. If voltage drop is too great (or too little) on the line, you have to take off the top side of the transformer and change the tapchanger on the back to boost or buck and start all over until it’s within spec.
You’d opened fuses to most of the house’s circuits. Everything up to that fusebox is the same 120/240 or 120/208. You’ve only dropped voltage on the open fuses inside of the house.

1 year ago

“Next door behind me has its own transformer right next to me on the other side of the property from my transformer, maybe 90 feet away from my transformer, as does the next house down, about 100 ft away. Is it normal to have a transformer per house around my house at those distances?”
If the voltage drop for the service was too much that it couldn’t be mitigated with the transformer’s tapchanger then yes. What are the KVA on those transformers? Should be written on the front in black paint. If you can see the info tag on the back of one of them it’ll tell you distribution voltage and you can figure out produced amperage/can, it’s also possible that a can large enough to provide enough amperage to both houses was not available (possible if installed in the last 2 years, there’s been a shortage of all xfmrs since covid f###ed logistics) or too expensive (likely).

1 year ago

AC- at risk of sounding off the wall… Some of the things that you describe would seem to indicate that your interior wiring is somehow being used to target you. Residential voltages aren’t energetic enough to do much of anything (though secondary kills far more than primary) in terms of induction, leaking electrons, etc. For shite and giggles, set up a counterpoise system around your bed and see if it changes anything, a ham radio reciever to monitor background would help as well.