News Briefs – 01/23/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


PA Secretary of State and Dominion bring in Ryan Macias into PA Supreme Court filing claiming only he can touch Dominion machines without damaging them. He had infiltrated the AZ audit to observe and gather intelligence by posing as a journalist until he got busted.

Arizona Democrats censure Kyrsten Sinema for blocking voting bill.

Donald Trump slams the Jan. 6 panel after their Ivanka Trump interview request, noting, ‘They’ll go after children.’

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has handed records from the Trump administration’s time in office to the House of Representatives panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol.

One day after his arrest on charges of seditious conspiracy in the Jan. 6 riots, the estranged wife of Oath Keepers founder, and maybe federal agent/informant Stewart Rhodes went on CNN and called him a “complete sociopath.”

Secret Service apparently has a lot of records on Hunter Biden’s business deals in overseas places where he took along Secret Service protection, and the agency is trying to hide those records behind redactions. Presumably they would be harmful to the protectee, and they will come out.

Prince Andrew’s former maid had a day-long training on how to arrange his collection of 72 teddy bears, and he would scream if one was out of place. He claims he picked one up in each place he traveled, as as souvenir, but the maid said when she asked about one he said Sarah Ferguson left it for him on his wedding day and he laughed, strangely as if ti were a joke nobody else got. The painting which was supposedly some real royal ceremony featured Andrew and his daughter, so maybe Fergie partook in some of the ceremonies as well, and the bears have something to do with that, hence the inside joke aspect. Either way, the guy has mental problems.

Vox Day has the story that there has been a 124X increase in “in-flight emergency squawks” from commercial flights. When the RNA vaccines were being released, this site said, let other people take them and see what they would do. It sounded potentially funky to me, and I have enough knowledge to recognize potentially funky. The people releasing these knew what I knew and then some. They are not stupid or untrained. They had to know presenting an antigen on the surface of one of your own cells, especially a pseudo-hormonal, toxic antigen, had the potential to cause real mischief. They knew, when there is that potential for funkiness, you need to run trials, and be honest about them. They had to know from the evidence in the half-assed trials they were seeing, these vaccines were dangerous. These are times of historic evil, that people will read of generations hence, and they will not understand how it could have been allowed to rise. In a way, we are fortunate to get to see such a momentous period up close. Few of our kind have ever been as schooled and astute as even many normies are now, let alone as we will become as this inevitably gets worse. We just have to be vigilant to make sure we and our loved ones survive it. But what an education. Every one of you will be orders of magnitude more savvy and intellectually capable than some of the greatest minds in history, who lived in more benevolent times. And here online, we all will be gathered together. as one hive-mind, combining our powers. There really will be no limit to what will be possible.

Van Jones says of Biden’s dementia, “It is like Reagan at the end.”

Michigan State University police find body believed to be missing teen Brendan Santo in the Red Cedar River.

Notice how the idea there is a “Smiley-face cult,” operating against the FBI and local PD, killing kids at different campuses across the nation, is bordering on the absurd. Almost as absurd as gangstalking. But if there was a secret STASI-like organization being run by Cabal/CIA, deciding who succeeds and who doesn’t, suddenly it is a lot less ridiculous, and it would be expected to be a national phenomenon. And you can see how if it was being run by the surveillance, you will never be able to deploy surveillance against it or catch them in the act. The local surveillance-net would pick up on your operation immediately and move everyone around you, out of your view. I could even see surveillance doing it in the winter because foot traffic would be reduced enough they could find a window where they had full control of the box, there were no witnesses, and they could do the snatch clean. It is not at all improbable, in this world of STASI-surveillance, rigged elections, pedophile-blackmail-operations, fake-pandemics, or mandated sterilizing/murdering vaccine experiments with the risky parts given to conservative states. I will tell you now, zero-bullshit, I was a naive, empty-headed teen, who was at times, surrounded by kids who I thought were just like me, friends even, who were all in on some sort of secret-club-organization thing. I’ll bet many of you were too, because just like the Stasi, this thing is everywhere. These kids can be eight, nine, ten years old, reporting back to their parents, and through them, to the operation. They were apparently assigned to, at times, apply organized, prepared influence to me, from physical force and violence, to peer pressure. I have no idea how trained they were, or who was ultimately running them, but it was not children giving the orders or organizing the plans. I see today some of those teens and pre-teens in the network end up at some large hotel in Florida with what look like adults with blue and white, maybe-FBI ID cards on lanyards around their necks, putting them through some kind of organized program. I could easily have seen myself ending up in a car drugged and disabled back then at some point, because I just had no idea I was a target of some type of organization which must have viewed me as some kind of threat to get on top of. I drank with those kids, ate food with those kids, and never thought twice. I have since communicated with someone who had a younger male relative who appeared to be taken by a bunch of these junior-operatives, including charming, harmless-looking, bubbly young girls who lured him in. From his description of events, it appeared a group of “friends” he met at college took him to a concert and then slipped away from him, stranding him there after he met the new group of people, with the girls. That kid appears to be one of the luckier ones you never hear of, as he just woke up drugged and without clothes in a ditch, after an apparent night of sexual assault he couldn’t remember which was probably videotaped. He never reported it, and the relative said from his study of it, there were probably a lot like that. Don’t be naive like I was. There are great, evil forces out there, and they know who you are, because they look at everyone, and they begin targeting when targets are children, and vulnerable, because that is how intelligence rolls. Understand the risks, and school your kids that you may not really know anything about the people you think you know. And these kids they have, do not look like Ken Shamrock, or The Rock. You won’t think “threat” when you think of them. They will be skinny, and nerdy, and harmless looking, or they will look like anti-establishment hippies smoking pot. They will be funny, and nice even. Sadly, even our kids need to operate like spooks these days, and be on guard to adulterated food and covert druggings whenever they are around anyone. Because whether or not they believe in covert national intelligence operations tasked to regular citizens, they are a target of one.

Dark side of Metaverse exposed: How VRChat allows predators to quietly groom children out of sight of their parents while right in front of them. If everything we have heard is true, and humans are just fleshy computers being programmed by their environment, how better could MK Ultra take control of 100% of the data entering  human brains than to occupy very sense with artificially created stimuli from a virtual reality they are creating entirely, from scratch? The child predators are exploiting it, but I will bet it is even more dangerous by design, even beyond the predators.

This was some old random blog post by the “Conservative Influencer” Jack Murphy who was subsequently found to be a guy named David Goldman with a porn thing going on. I was looking at his case because it interested me. I found the page interesting for a few reasons. One, we are told he had this big following, was well known, and so on, but when I put his site into Similarweb, it says it doesn’t have enough data to figure out what his traffic is. Usually you see that on new sites, where there is no traffic. This site here is by no means Fox News huge, but even we have data on Similarweb. He is soliciting cash by crypto, which again is strange if his site has no traffic. If he was an agent, I could see that being a message to command – “Hey, this gig just screwed up my day-job, how about some recompense?” Also interesting, he worked managing Charter Schools. If Cabal is fucking up inner city schools to make sure those kids can’t compete, where would the threats, who might just rise and become national voices, or leaders in their field come from? If he was an agent, he would be grabbing intel on those kids, and passing it off to the the analysis branch for study. Then I notice his secret club offers as one benefit, “Nation-State Level Secure Communications.” My tag line on Free Republic says, “(DO NOT send me sensitive information, I am under domestic surv coverage, and they will see it too.)” Anybody with a clue how the game works, will not try to put people at ease about operational security, and get their gums flapping. The final thing that is interesting is that to get in his club, he wants your email first, and maybe you will hear from him. I remember the old story about the guy who attended a NXIVM mixer at his college, and Huma Abedin was there, and she made a point to take everyone’s driver’s licenses, put them on a clipboard, and get all their info, which she was passing somewhere so somebody could decide who was of value, and who should be thrown back. We might be surprised to know just how detailed a report would be pulled for anyone who entered their email in that box. If Murphy was an agent, those emails would go to somebody who would then tell him whether to accept the person or not, and probably offer pointers on how to make the approach.

Next up, How bad is google when it comes to finding anything political? I wanted to find the old story on Huma and NXIVM in the blurb above. I did my standard “google bypass” by searching the terms, and adding “” which would always toss out all the bullshit and throw me to the brief where I put the link. Not this time. Apparently Google is no longer returning relevant results for this site:

Oddly enough other searches which should have turned it up turned up irrelevant results without the material on the page, which makes me think google is now returning the wrong results for sites it doesn’t like, so people looking for material on a blacklisted site will visit the wrong pages and think those sites are not about what interests them. Much more insidious than just not posting results, as it gives visitors a negative impression of the site.

Fortunately this site has a search function. A byproduct of me doing this is, for the last few years we have amassed a pretty cool archive of all the happening news, often with a few additional keywords thrown in. So if you want to find a memory-holed article from the last few years, try using the search box in the sidebar to the right. It gave me this, and on each page I used Brave’s find function to look for where Huma was on the page, and that revealed it was the last one which had the link:


More than half of Americans view right-wing militia groups as a threat to US.

There is a ‘leaked’ video purporting to show ‘Patriot Front’ members yelling “Seig Heil.” One viewer noticed the mask of one of them is eerily similar to the symbol of the Rothschild Foundation:

It feels like they took it just a little too far. The FBI repurposing Law Enforcement Only/Restricted shields in their inventory to outfit the group on its first march was just barely a plausible mistake. It was stupid enough you would wonder if they could be that stupid, but then again it is a government agency, so maybe. This is just a little too far. What idiot group like this records such a video? Where do you even get a Rothschild bandana/facemask? It is too difficult to locate for an amateur, or even a dedicated real Rothschild-funded false-flag patriot group. And too detailed. Who even recognizes the Rothschild symbol? It feels like somebody has calculated the next act in the script needs a fake patriot group that everyone knows is a fake patriot group, and all these little hints are being dropped and pointed out purposely, to create the necessary conditions.

The Simpsons predicted the recent video the Biden administration had Tom Hanks film touting their accomplishments.

A goodly number of COVID whistleblowers are suspiciously turning up dead. If you can remotely damage the tissue integrity of the pericardium/heart, the thyroid, and the gastrointestinal epithelium all together with some sort of energy beam, you can usually trigger an inflammation-based arrhythmia and cause a stopped heart.

There is a new “Stealth Omicron” which apparently is difficult to differentiate in routine tests from regular Omicron, but it is just as harmless, and spreads even faster. I tend to think it is real, since it is something which will not help Cabal’s panic narrative.

Early evidence suggests Omicron infection could give people ‘superimmunity’ against future coronavirus variants. Pandemic over.

Worth repeating – US military report states COVID-19 was created by a US-funded EcoHealth Alliance program at Wuhan Institute of Virology. EcoHealth Alliance being a CIA front.

Wuhan collaborators ‘EcoHealth’ just received one of their largest ever grants, from Joe Biden’s government.

Former NYT journalist Bari Weiss slams tyrannical US public health response to COVID-19, saying this period will be “remembered as a catastrophic MORAL CRIME.” It seems Cabal’s penetration was quite incomplete just a decade or two back, however they have completed a more thorough takeover of late.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) has demanded the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, saying it is in the public’s interest to do so.

Jordan Michallet dead: France rugby star tragically passes away aged 29.

Breck Denny, an actor, writer and member of the comic group The Groundlings, died suddenly Monday, he was 34.

Investigation finds 300% increase in worldwide heart attack deaths among soccer players in 2021.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, German physician and epidemiologist, has revealed individual batches of the Covid vaccinations have extremely varying toxicity levels, with some batches have toxicity levels up to 300 times other batches.

Italian retirees could be forced to present a COVID pass to get their pension.

Israel, one of most vaccinated countries in the world, sets new COVID-19 case record.

Herpes zoster reactivation — a.k.a. shingles — following COVID-19 vaccination in six patients with comorbid autoimmune/inflammatory diseases may be a new adverse event associated with the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine.

Triple/Double Vaccinated account for 89% of all Covid-19 Cases in over 18’s in England over the past 4 weeks according to latest data.

Albert Bourla, chairman and chief executive of global pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., was awarded on Wednesday the prestigious $1 million Genesis Prize for his efforts in leading the development of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Large protest against vaccine passports in central Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

France, Ireland follow England in lifting of COVID restrictions as governments are recognizing ‘the pandemic is coming to an end.’

Wisconsin Judge amazingly rules seven health care workers cannot switch jobs, even though they are not bound by contract.

DC asks residents to not buy any more than they need, because shelves are already empty from the supply chain issues.

Food prices set to skyrocket throughout 2022 as rising costs hit small-to-medium-sized farms.

Bitcoin price crash becomes even more drastic as crypto owners lose hundreds of billions.

New York Governor Hochul signs a bill to allow mail-in voting in 2022 election which will help her reelection.

Tax filing season starts Jan. 24, and experts say the IRS is in crisis as they face staffing shortages and a backlog of six million unprocessed tax returns from 2020.

Comped RINO Rep. Nicole Malliotakis is calling for an investigation into the NYC’s $1.5 billion ThriveNYC program — which was supposed to help the mentally ill. This was the program DeBlasio’s wife ran, which blew through something like $1.5 billion plus, with no receipts or record of where the money went, and when asked, the wife said you could not measure the gains from the program. It will get covered up for now, and this RINO won’t do anything, but eventually it will be outed.

Tony Podesta made $1M lobbying Biden White House for China’s Huawei. The only real money in politics is being useful to somebody who is embezzling from their citizens and has cash to throw away. If you are lucky, their interests align with your own, and if not, you had better be willing to do anything for them.

A Conservative backbencher who accused Downing Street of trying to “blackmail” MPs seeking to oust Boris Johnson is to meet police to discuss his allegations.

Two Canadians have been shot dead and another injured after a dispute among guests at a hotel resort near Cancún, Mexico, local security officials say.

More than 300 Twitter accounts were suspended for promoting the Philippines’ presidential front runner.

Kamala Harris says one of her “expectations” this year is mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

Steve Bannon, has accused Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) of being one of five “scumbag” GOP “traitors” to the MAGA movement who secretly support President Biden.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said that if President Joe Biden wants to work with Republicans, he can work with Republicans to sanction Russia for its buildup against Ukraine. Why are Republicans/RINOs supporting Soros’ objectives in Ukraine?

Britain claims that that Russia was planning to install a pro-Kremlin leader in Ukraine. After Soros did exactly that.

Russian Foreign Ministry blasts ‘nonsense’ UK claims that Moscow sought a puppet government in Ukraine.

Wide-eye’d Obama hack Evelyn Farkas calls for us to jump into a war with Russia over Ukraine. I can’t find the picture of her now (it has been scrubbed everywhere) but this is the one who admitted there was illegal spying on Trump in a cable interview, realized she had just confessed on live TV to a federal felony, and her eyes popped out of her head for the rest of the interview. Doesn’t stop her from trying to mire us in a global war though.

US Embassy in Ukraine shows off first Biden ‘Lethal Aid’ shipments to arrive. 90 tons of “Lethal Aid.”

Russian-Ukrainian resistance says the government is planning a false flag to start a war.

The head of Germany’s navy – Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schoenbach – has quit with immediate effect== after a video emerged of him saying Russia probably deserved respect and Kyiv would never win back annexed Crimea from Moscow.

Ex-US soldiers with alleged neo-Nazi links arrive at Ukrainian front line. “Neo-Nazi links” means Cabal assets being inserted into Neo-Nazi groups domestically to make sure they were fully under Cabal control. Interesting Cabal is moving them into the theater, almost like a measure of how shorthanded they are, or maybe of the fact they can’t get enough US Military support out of Biden?

Families of US Embassy personnel in Ukraine ordered to begin evacuating as soon as Monday.

Video of a pretty good Northern Lights display in Finland. Just a reminder it is a beautiful world despite all these assholes.

Las Vegas mayor switches from Democrat to Republican citing the “Socialist takeover” of the Democrat party.

James and Mandy had returned to Sydney airport from a holiday in Fiji when officers informed them they were selected for a random data security search and the pair were required to hand over their mobile devices and their passwords so they could be searched, or face the prospect of being arrested. What steams you is that is almost certainly bullshit. They were selected by domestic intelligence for some reason, and it was not random.

Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God.”

‘Smart’ gun mocked after demonstration fail.

Space Force just launched satellites capable of ‘inspecting’ enemy satellites.

Donald Trump sees 40-point lead in hypothetical GOP primary.

Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in 2024 head to head matchup.

Donald Trump crushes Hillary Clinton by double digits in potential 2024 rematch. She came back out, did some polls, and now has disappeared again. Cabal could probably install her by force through rigged elections, but they prefer their fraud to at least be plausible.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is a beautiful world.

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3 years ago

>Who even recognizes the Rothschild symbol? It feels like somebody has calculated the next act in the script needs a fake patriot group that everyone knows is a fake patriot group, and all these little hints are being dropped and pointed out purposely, to create the necessary conditions.

I hope you are right that white hats are creating opportunities for noticing, but on the other hand the occult aspect of these “elites” require that what they are doing be advertised in some manner, or else it won’t be karmically allowed or something. In other words, even evil has to respect free will and can only enslave everyone else if they choose to be enslaved by their own free will. Which can’t be done unless they know what is happening at some level.

Ersatz Naugahyde
3 years ago

I found pictures of Farkas pretty quickly. WUWT?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I have to tell people to look up things, themselves. If I find something interesting, in general, it gets erased. An acquaintance thought I was a paranoid weirdo, or lazy about sending links. Then she saw a Wikipedia article get edited, in real time, from when I bounced it to her, to three days later. An entire decade of history, erased, one clause at a time. Every time she signed into the article, a single dependent clause would be erased. By the end of it, there was one single vague dependent clause, where there had been a paragraph, in detail, about ten years of history. The casual links I’d mention, erased. I ended up sending a book to her through the mail, so she could verify that I really knew what I was talking about.

What shows up on my work computer is different than what shows up on my home computer, even if the search engine and keywords are the same.

What’s annoying is that it’s usually something that I am curious about, but do not care deeply about. Someone else cares a great deal. I mean, imagine going to a museum and only being able to look at things out of the corner of your eye. That’s what it’s like, searching for something interesting. If I look straight on, it disappears.

3 years ago

>smart guns

Ah yes hold on a tick my good sir, I know you’ve stabbed me a score and a half times already but the blasted fingerprint scanner won’t read me through the blood. Do be a gentleman and hold your temper whilst I wipe my hand clean and try again, yes? Thank you old chap!

3 years ago
Just Me
Just Me
3 years ago

This Farkas pic, AC?
comment image

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sanpaku eyes.

In 1965, Japanese macrobiotic theorist George Ohsawa published a book called “You Are All Sanpaku,” in which he described the condition.

“For thousands of years, people of the Far East have been looking into each other’s eyes for signs of this dreaded condition. Any sign of sanpaku meant that a man’s entire system — physical, physiological and spiritual — was out of balance,” he writes. “He had committed sins against the order of the universe and he was therefore sick, unhappy, insane, what the West has come to call ‘accident prone’. The condition of sanpaku is a warning, a sign from nature, that one’s life is threatened by an early and tragic end.”

Reply to  teo toon
3 years ago

I don’t watch the news all that much, actually only in passing when someone else has the liebox on. But ever since I heard about sanpaku eyes, I always look for it with these pundits. A lot of the obviously cabal pundits have it pretty obviously.

3 years ago
Jack Sheet
3 years ago

Andrew’s 72 teddy bears are like Dexter’s blood slides.

3 years ago

This relates to the excellent comment on the Vox Day writing, right below the teddy bear item.

It is from here: The entire essay is worth reading. It looks like it originally appeared in the Telegraph.

“How did we listen to that bonkers, ahem, advice with a straight face? With the UK set to be one of the first countries to come out of the pandemic, I thought it was worth starting to compile a list of the most lunatic measures. Lest we forget.

Some of my followers on Twitter offered these. I’m sure you will have your own.

1. “Church yesterday. Wafer but no wine for communion. Service followed by wine and biscuits to mark the vicar’s retirement.”

2. “The one where you could work in a control room with multiple people for 12 hours then be breaking the law if you sat on a bench drinking coffee with one of them.”

3. “Forming a socially distanced queue at the airport before being sardined into a packed plane with the same people, two hours later.”

4. “Swings in our local park put into quarantine or removed – even though children were barely at risk from Covid as swings were outside.”

5. “No butterfly stroke allowed while swimming.”

6. “Pubs with no volume on the TV.”

7. “Not allowing people to sit on a park bench. My elderly aunt kept fit by walking her dog every day, but she needed to rest. Since that rule, she stopped going out. She went downhill and died last April.”

8. “I got thrown out of a McDonald’s for refusing to stand on a yellow circle. I was the only customer.”

9. “Yellow and black hazard tape across public seats and benches outdoors.”

10. “I’m stuck in the infant in-patient ward with my nine-day-old sick baby, post C-section, unable to look after him. My husband (same household) is not allowed to be here with us. I’m having panic attacks, which is preventing me from producing milk for the baby.”

11. “I was advised by a council worker to keep my dog on a lead because people might stop to pet her and congregate too closely.”

12. “My bed-ridden mother-in-law with dementia in a care home where only ‘window visits’ were allowed. Mum was on the first floor. Had to wait for someone to die on the ground floor so she could be moved down there and finally seen by her family. After 12 months.”

13. “Two people allowed to go for a walk on a golf course. If they took clubs and balls, it was a criminal offence.”

14. “The one-way system in my local pub, which meant that to visit the loo you had to make a circular journey through the building, ensuring you passed every table.”

15. “My dad was failing in his care home. We weren’t allowed to visit him until the doctor judged he was end-of-life care because of one positive case in the home. We had 24 hours with him before he passed.”

16. “People falling down the escalator on the Underground because they were frightened of touching the handrails – even though you couldn’t get Covid from surfaces.”

17. “Rule of Six. My wife and I have three children so we could meet either my wife’s mum or her dad, but not both at the same time.”

18. “Nobody solved an airborne virus transmission with a one-way system in Tesco.”

19. “How about not being allowed for several months – by law – to play tennis outdoors with my own wife? We’d have been further apart from each other on court than in our own home.”

20. “On two occasions, I was stopped and questioned while taking flowers to my mother’s grave. One time, a police officer even asked for my mum’s name. No idea what he would have done with that information.”

21. “Birmingham City Council cutting the grass in two-metre strips – so the weeds could social-distance?”

22. “Northampton police checking supermarket baskets for non-essential items.”

23. “All the children at school were asked to bring in a favourite book, but it had to be quarantined for two days before being ‘exposed’ to the rest of the class.”

24. “Dr Hilary on Good Morning Britain advising people to wear masks on the beach – and that it would be a good idea to swim in the sea with one on, too.”

25. “Gyms and exercise classes forced to close, but fast-food outlets remained open.”

26. “They taped off every other urinal in my workplace.”

27. “Sign on the inside of work bathroom door: close toilet lid before flushing to prevent plumes of Covid-19.”

28. “We held our carol service in a local park, but had to send out invitations by word of mouth, rather than email, so we’d have plausible deniability if stopped by police.”

29. “Having to wear a disposable apron and gloves while visiting my mother in a care home, while she was on the other side of a floor-to-ceiling Perspex wall.”

30. “Scotch eggs. You couldn’t drink in a pub unless you also had a ‘substantial’ meal.”

31. “Testing of totally healthy people and making them stop work based on a questionable positive test result, when they have no symptoms, creating NHS staff shortages, cancelled operations. Things that, you know, actually kill people…”

32. “My son works in the NHS on the Covid ward and could go to the local Sainsbury’s for his lunch. But when we were ill and isolating at home, he had to isolate as well – for 10 days.”

33. “My eight-year-old granddaughter telling me they weren’t allowed to sing Happy Birthday at school for her friend’s ninth birthday.”

34. “It was illegal to see your parents in their back garden, but legal to meet them in a pub garden with lots of other people.”

35. “I had to abandon my weekly choir practice – but my husband was allowed to sing as a spectator at a football match.”

36. “They removed all the bins in Regent’s Park and Hampstead Heath.”

37. “Having a flask of tea or coffee on a walk meant it was classified as a picnic – and thus verboten.”

38. “Bring your own biro to a dental appointment to fill in a form declaring you do not have Covid.”

39. “My neighbour refused to hang the washing out to dry – they thought the sheets might catch Covid and infect them.”

40. “My 12-year-old had to sit alone at her grandfather’s funeral – her first experience of one – even though we drove there together and hugged outside. There were three officials watching us all to ensure we didn’t break the rules.”

41. “We could only go outdoors once a day for exercise.”

42. “In pubs, wearing a mask to get from the door to the table, and the table to the toilet – but not wearing a mask while sitting down.”

43. “People in a Tier 3 area walking two minutes down the road for a pint in Tier 2.”

44. “In Wales, supermarkets were allowed to stay open, but the aisles containing children’s clothing and books were taped off. Because buying a baby’s jumper is so much more perilous than picking up a pint of milk.”

45. “The pallbearers all but threw my mother’s coffin in the grave and ran away. They had her down as a Covid death, but she died of cancer.”

46. “The one-way systems around supermarkets that led to people being forced into parts they didn’t want to be in, making them spend more time in the shop – while Covid simply circulated over the top of the shelves.”

47. “Children abandoned by social services and left in the clutches of terrible parents.”

48. “Police breaking into our student house and pinning my girlfriend by the neck up against the wall. I said: ‘This is England – you’re not allowed to do that.’”

49. “Residents of care homes forgetting who they were during the long months when family were not allowed to visit them.”

50. “Dying alone. How many died alone? How many?””

3 years ago

USSS refusal to provide info on Hunter is also coincident with Hunter being a Fed asset. Either FBI or USSS. There is a chain of emails where the USSS is demanding Hunter let them into his hotel room and he is pathetically stalling. They get in and hunter spends the rest of the night logging onto and off of a secure us gov site. Seemed like how a typical crackhead sexual deviant assett is handled.

Hunter’s discharge from the mil is also typical of someone getting busted and then turned by LEO.

And then as I keep saying the laptop episode looks just as much like a skilled info drop into a usable chain of custody as it does typical crackhead behavior.

3 years ago

Re: varying toxicity levels of vaccine batches. That’s not the first time I’ve read that and considering the stories about whole batches that turned out to be saline, are the pharmaceutical companies doing the experiments without informing people first, I wonder? I bet they are keeping records somehow.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Saw this early on in the pandemic. Musk on how the SV nerds think mRNA can do almost anything. He uses “butterfly” which is an amazing choice of word. I think about this clip a lot.

For me it was a free (risk and money) global human trial of mRNA for some Cabal House/Bloodline tasked with *technofuturism*.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

“…Musk on how the SV nerds think mRNA can do almost anything. He uses “butterfly” which is an amazing choice of word…”

I believe Musk is 100% correct but…the devil is in the details.

I’m generally favorable of the things Musk is doing. Electric cars are fantastic to get out from under the thumb of the monopolist and we must have low cost space travel to survive.

But I can’t shake the feeling that maybe he is a Jew and his escape to Mars is so the Jews can escape the evil they have done. And that brain electrode thing really freaks me out. No way in hell would I put that in my brain.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m the same. I’d add that Musk is a Builder of Things. This is totally out of character for Cabal. Cabal is Finance and Usury and interpersonal scheming and entropy.

3 years ago

This one is for the engineers and workshop tinkerers out there. Lowell, I’m looking at you, bro.

From Vox Day (

“Not only is scientistry – the profession of science – entirely corrupt, but the massive extent of its corruption has rendered a) the knowledge base unreliable and b) cast every claim of an application of scientody – the scientific method – into intrinsic doubt.

The corollary to this is that anyone demanding that one “trust the science” is not only engaging in rhetoric, but is either doing so in ignorance or for the purposes of deceit.

Scientists don’t catch fraud because they don’t want to. It’s not in their interest and it has not been for decades. Never trust science. There is a word for the kind of science you can trust, and it is a distinct subset of science, being comprised of a hypothesis that has not only been tested, but applied in practice.

Trust God and engineering.”

When you consider the religious awe in which normies hold “the SCIENCE”, you can see the correlation to their acceptance of the D.I.E. agenda, their brainwashed belief in MSM propaganda, their acceptance of our obviously broken education system, and fraudulent elections. Science is as vulnerable to false/fake data as anything else of utility to Cabal.

3 years ago

For a long time now its something I noticed, till AC providing his superb food for thought commentsry changed the perspective for me, then it has been i see what i see, so whats going on with it.
Whats been noticeable is a Charlie Manson thing, which was something i picked up in jr high reading the book written by the prosecuter when it came out and the whole thing was very fresh to is publicly, so there was impact of being in that time frame, what with all the murdering and assasinations if leaders and others who know we can see met untimely deaths, but this prosecuter and author who investigated and convicted Manson and some of his group, from his book and further study from archved media at that time, it was rather striking how every photo of Manson he appears different, almost like its different but similarly looking Charlie Manson’s, like body doubles? But at that time i figured Charlie was a phsyco, had multiple personalities, had extreme moods that manifested themselves in his face and facial expressions to such an extent he looked different thru the day as his crazed brain was runnning the show in his head.

Regardless it made an impression on me that has not diminished thru time, so much so one day one got one of those light bulbover the head epiphanies, because a number of notable political skumbags seemed to have a similar Charles Manson effect thru time over different appearnces in photos and video. Of late it appears to be an increasing occurrence.
Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are particularly notable examples of this may i say, Manson Syndrome. Also it appears a number if others questionable actors, such as Tom Hanks in particular as an example, have either Mason Syndrome or body doubles. The fellow in his video mesage the other day, is not Tom Hanks the actor. If anything i have seen that fellow before in a movie or video someplace, i am dead nuts certain of it, both seeing him before and he plays Tom Hanks in the Tom Hanks cabal agitprop video released few days back.

I have an eye for detail from over 40 years of being a welder, particularly from aerospace manual fusion welding, aka TIG, or GTAW, (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding), where you spend most of your working day with your face inside a mask, looking thru a 2×4 window thru a dark gold plated filter, trying to produce a totally defect free weld, which is inspected on super high grade radiographic film under a 50 power loop for a myriad of defects which are cause for rejection of the part you welded, some can be repaired, but what i worked on mostly was rocket engine ridgid tube assemblies, used on a great little rocket engine made by PratWhitney Florida used on thousands of satelites, mainly geo syncronous sat’s, for positioning and maintianing specified orbits. The spec’s are no defects allowed. Period. If they can be seen, and that means anything, even suspicious looking on the radiographic film, it is rejected. So you might get how attention to detail one has to devote to such a weldment. Its not a common proffession, welding actually of most types that involve manual process, many just can not get the gist of it, all the instantanious hand to eye co-ordination, the instantaneous interpretation of a process that is whats called psionic in some circles of science, not the paranormal definition, the one that is only doable by a human mind and with the body doing the work. I guess AI is not able to adapt almost instaneously to the myriad ways a just above molten puddle of alloy metals react in which as the weld moves across the parent metal being joined freezes so rapidly its almost impossible to actually see it happen, mostly its the immediate effects you can see instantaneously.
I say all that because its important to mention the relative observational imprint my mind creates inthe visual medium due to a lifetime watching my welds thru a tiny window, and striving to be an exemplarly accomplished welder. It is relative to my noticing these seeming variables in facial featutes of public personalities who are in many instances agents of influence and dominate political figures, in almost all cases they are repugnant characters who millions of us find suspect, liars, grifeters. sharpers, way too many blackguards, and all ulterior motives, none of whome any critical thinker would trust with anything or for any reason.
So in this world now we are unindated with media fuckery, mind jobs, mass manipulation, a secret cabal and its minions infesting everything, it is most notable a thing the approved “thought leaders” who the gate keepers of the 5th column yellow pulitzer/rhodes media promote.
Kind of goes hand in hand this body double thing. Very useful, like a thousand and one uses kind of thing exists in globo=peedo world, after all everything is a lie, everything is staged or managed to create intended outcomes or effects a cabal bent on riegning with raw naked power over God’s green Earth and his flock.
What I’m saying is conspiracy theory is the only theory thats genuine in clown peedo world now. That actors are a total monopoly of the media complex and intell matrix the fuckers have created for us good folks. Its not a question of are these actors body doubles, but what is not, and thats real easy to detect, as the genuine personalities who exist the ones who are not cabal assets and network actors, recieve genuine attacks upon their integrity character virtues accomplishments reputation politics and popularity among us dirt people. Thise things are not targeted towards the approved actors inside the peedo matrix, only rather lame faux attempts are taken, and they are soonvious that to be essentially wasted effort. But the body double thing is very useful and its fools more than enough of the public to be effective. So its got to be something that is critical, why else is such a resource of tac & strat used, right?
Another of those cabal things they do to us, that have the charateristic of where once seen can not be unseen, and defnes aspects of as AC brilliantly strives to convey, the hardest things imaginable to try and explain to others. Because the whole construct is almost incomprehensible to good people. That applies in spades to body doubles, in fact i think they employ body doubles even when its not nessesarily needed to do so so that theincidence of body doubles becomes normalcy bias, and so when they are really important to use they pass the sniff test. People conditioned to seeing certain actors with what appears to be their normal facial appearence, that Manson Syndrome.
Is it plausible Ol’ Charlie was a cabal asset of particular note, and because he was such a notorious figure, for years his puss was plastered all over in every media medium back then, that the multitude of deliberate facial variances given him was part if a prepositioned mental conditioning of the general public so folks would not think much of other public cabal assets infuture operations having said same facial characteristics.
I remember particularly the Manson mugshot collages with dozens of rows of his face in photos where everywhere for years. Personally i was attracted to them like a voyer to a train wreck.
Best way i can describe such an effect, lived on Martha’s Vineyard back in the 70’s, worked as a young welder for a metal sculptor in his shop, because i drove a pick-up had commercial plates, got to go on the truck ferry, it had steering jets turned on a dime 360, inone spot very quickly, was set up with one vehicle ramp, so it had to turn 180 and back into the ferry dock, it also carried walk on passengers, in summer be hundreds of foot passengers, most not aware the ferry would do a crazy ivan, so when the ferry would drive straight bow forst rather wuick speed at the dock, it appeared like it would crash into the warf, before the Captain started his crazy ivan180 and back in. Folks would stampede to the gunwales just about killing each other to have a front row view of the impending disaster. I think the crew souped up the 180 and get a special laugh out of the gullible foot passenger, as in the off season months the ferry did a much more sedate smooth crazy ivan.
Thats the Manson Syndrome about body doubles remaining generally accepted out of hand.

One thing anout Real Raw News accounts of military tribunals and execution of everyone from Hillary Clinton to Tom Hanks, those charecters are rather sparsely seen in the public forum, and when they appear they definately look like body doubles to me, nothing can persuade me different, i know i see those critical tiny nuances just like i have the skill of 45 years of welding nuances i need to produce high quality specification aerospace welds. I can not unsee what i see, its indelibly burnt into my memory bank Mr. Spock, it computes, it us only logical. In a world of lies and brainwashing. It really stands out once i seen it.

And where all of a sudden all the influence agents of the machine who infested every fake media talking head show and expert consultant position go to? Without fanfare, the remainers acting as if they just never existed, not send offs or goodbyes or regrets, just poof! All Gone. And in their place when they are needed are body doubles.
Take a good gander at Ton Hanks video, really scope it out, that is not Tom Hanks we know from Private Ryan or Forest Gump.
See if you get the sneaking gut feeling you see that actor somewhere before. His eyes and length of face is wrong, he has a natural too gritty a persona for Tom Hanks. Is it CGI/AI illusion or body double, it ain’t Hanks. Mike at RRN published about how Hanks was intercepted over seas,brought to Gitmo, tried and executed for his peedo shit and treadon last year.

Not saying true or false. Just saying, Hanks is one of a collection of cabal assets who now only appear as fakes whatever in the yellow media, and real time live interviews or news of them in situ do not exist. Always old photos or body double looking look alikes. And each has a number of look alikes, like obiden has.

Take an ild photo of peedo=joe, hold it up to the screen of obiden, the differences are unmistakable and irrefutable, wrong ear convolutions, eulyes not set the same in depth and width, chin too pointy, ears to high on the skull, numerous vagaries, to many, only body double something can explain it.

I’m an old simple welder, a basic decent honest red blooded mom and apple pie natural born American. WTF do I know of such intelligence subterfuge and mass social engineering.
Im like any regular joe. What profit or sick thril would i get for making up shit you can not make up thats stranger than fiction?
Patterns in Detail is what. Patterns in detail everywhere in globo=peedo world. Now I’m like AC i see i remember more like all the time now this shit is been around me all my fucking life.
Is that not profoundly fitting to the truth and reality we can see if we want to, if we Choose To, all around us every day, and that it is just it right there always been hiding in plain sight. That is how the machine gets away with its shit. Hiding in plain sight. Patterns in detail reveal it as so. But they ain’t teally hiding in plain site, our brains have been conditioned to hide them from us. Same difference.

The spell cast upon all of us is broken when you make a conscious cognitively aware decision, to choose to do so. It all begins with each of us.

Just as Neo told Smith at the end, a truly great last scene of the audacity of good against evil, when Smith demands, ” Why!” “Why Mr. Anderson. Why do you persist Mr. Anderson, why? You must see by now its hopeless, for what? For something as insipidous as love….”

Neo replies “Because I choose to do so.”

Being the one is a lot like seeing the matrix for ourselves the fuckers have built just for us. Once seen it can not be unseen, and thats the hump built into the construct in our reality, to blind us from the truth, that we are slaves to IT.
Very valuable slaves. We create wealth, and wealth only comes from being created by a persons creativity, sweat elbow grease and improvisational creativity. Comes from no other source. Even a gold nugget mined in a creek, it takes a lot of effort to find it. It is irrefutable reality that is the only way to get that gold nugget.
Not like valueless substitute gold and silver certificate Dollars, the fiat monopoly bucks cabal creates where you punch keys and create it out of electrons of ones and zeroes on a liquid crystal screen.
Maybe the r/ strategists are attempting to corrral and farm wild pure blood K Strategists, thru a process of liquidating the iseful dupes they created whi have served their usefulness and so are an impediment to future plans t/=super-peedo has for good folk pureblood K’s. Yeah it sounds counter intuitive. Give it a good think. Ask this: who is the most productive, industrious, talented, skilled, intuitive, improvisational, creative species? r/ or K? Who are the eaters, and who are the farmers and ranchers growing meat? Who fixes amd maintains all the things the ones who actually perform actual physical tangible labor to get er done? It ain’t glass towers of r/ driving desks, being self appointed annointed betters and moral monster masters of the universe. Tell you that.
Its good folks who do the work right here born in the real world. Its brainpower to muscle power, doing the tangible things.
The question thats logical then is how does the beast, the IT, what is cabal, how does IT change K just enough to turn K into useful productive but ignorant of being slaves K?

Well, the answer hides in plain sight, its all around us, it is what we see happening is what. Does it bake your noodle its utterly obvious once seen, that you never saw it till you did. How do you even unsee such a thing?

Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

If you haven’t read Miles Mathis on Manson you absolutely should. It’s fantastic.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

You would probably appreciate these Saturn 5 welds. I’ve seen these up close. Very nice.

There was a company that redesigned the Saturn 5 from the original blueprints and taking apart one of the ones that they have in a museum. It was originally an exercise to see if they could use it for a new launch system. They were successful. One of the things they did in the redesign was to get rid of the mass of welding. They said that finding people to do this level of welding today would very difficult so had to design around it.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

One of the arguments I hear against the possibility of the moon landings is that “NASA engineer says that we have LOST the technology, and name ONE TIME when technology went BACKWARDS”……

Okay, the Iron Pillar of Delhi in India.

It’s over 1,500 years old, required a blast furnace of a variety not re-invented until the second half of the 20th century, and it has a HIGH phosphorus content, leading to a phosphate layer to form perpetually in the presence of oxygen which greatly reduces corrosion.

Saturn 5 is only fifty years old though? When I found out about the design and manufacturing I realized EXACTLY what the problem was – the truth about the F1 engine is that each one was effectively unique and handcrafted – in essence each one a functioning prototype cobbled/fabricated from 5,600 different parts. In effect, they would not be recreating the old engine, they would be reinventing it for actual manufacture.

Why Can’t we Remake the Rocketdyne F1 Engine?

If you know anything about classic firearms design and manufacturing you understand the problem instantly. You have to design things for the tools that you currently use – it’s the reason why a 1911 is so expensive to produce versus a plastic pistol – not only is there a LOT of machine time, the setups involved had to be designed around a VERTICAL MILLING setup versus a horizontal one it was designed for. Basically they literally had to reinvent how to manufacture the pistol.

See the saga of the STG44 over at Hill & Mac Gunworks – they had to reinvent the gun because their first version made from the various blueprints literally wouldn’t cycle. They discovered things that were completely lost that made the guns work. Only AFTER they had gotten the prototypes working did they manage to get enough buzz generated where they were allowed to examine old surviving documents about the STG44, and discovered that indeed they HAD encountered and solved some of the same problems that the original nazi design team had had to power through, with the added problem that they couldn’t handfit every gun together just to be able to send something out the door. Every new gun had to have perfectly interchangable parts and require no handwork to function. So they had to redesign several aspects of the gun. And they ran out of money to actually produce them and seem to be bankrupt now.

The F1-B design is greatly simplified, but in effect it’s a completely new engine, a which essentially means developing the F1 engine all over again at 2020’s costs and red tape levels. There’s no political will to do that.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

HMG is still alive and selling their STG44:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

For what I hear the website is still up but they aren’t operating. I haven’t tried calling the phone number because as cool as I think their STG44 is just because of the work they put into it, I cannot spend that much money on one rifle. Just can’t.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Regarding the 1911, I don’t know if this is the case.

They have 6-axis CNC machines to run off parts. The problem with a 1911 is that it has 96-parts vs. a Glock’s 32 parts. Running 1911 parts off a CNC machine means you encounter the problem of stacking tolerances. Tolerances change the more parts your run off for the 1911, which means the gun becomes less reliable the further out you go in the production run. To get reliable 1911’s you either have to supplement the CNC manufacturing with hand-fitting, or you have to change your tooling out more often.

Or so I;ve read.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  map
3 years ago

The 1911 as we know it is not the gun that JMB handed over to Colt’s production engineers. They had to take JMB’s prototype, redesign a few things, and then design the setups and the cutters. That was standard for dealing with JMB – he handed a prototype to the engineers, they adapted it to what they could do on the their production line.

The way horizontal machine shops worked back then was that there would be a row of machines, each with a different jig and running a different cutter designed and ground specifically for that part. A block of metal started at one end, and as it went down the line it would get one cut per machine until finished – each cutter custom designed and ground for that one cut. The machines would stay in that configuration and just get a new cutter periodically until the end of that production run, which could last for years or more. Now, designing a pistol for that is a very different thing than designing for a vertical milling machine that only uses standard fluted endmills.

These days the machines tend to be a bit more flexible, but the setups/jigs are usually just as involved as they were.

Funny thing about the Glock is that it uses the exact same operating mechanism as the 1911 – the tilting barrel. Glock is literally just a greatly simplified 1911, made possible by the switch to vertical milling machines and by being able to injection mold the frame instead of mill it out of metal.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Thanks, Lowell.

Good stuff.

I did not know a Glock is a greatly simplified 1911.

3 years ago

> Where do you even get a Rothschild bandana/facemask?


There are lots of custom mask makers there; if they don’t have the logo you want, just email them a .jpg with your order.

3 years ago

> Wisconsin Judge amazingly rules seven health care workers cannot switch jobs, even though they are not bound by contract.

Roosevelt did that with coal miners and merchant mariners during WWII. He sent the Army in to curb-stomp the miners in West Virginia. “Roosevelt” is still a bad word there.

The mariners were pissed, but they were spread out over hundreds of ships and couldn’t get any collaborative effort together.

3 years ago

> New York Governor Hochul signs a bill to allow mail-in voting in 2022 election which will help her reelection.

Maybe. That’s a knife that can cut either way; in the face of overt fraud, why should the opposing party feel bound to be honest? It might come down to eleventy zillion votes one way and twelfy zillion votes the other, with so many votes it would take months to process the results.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

You assume both sides are “allowed” to cheat. Feels like they want us to cheat in response so they can scream and cry and wring their hands and kvetch nonstop about the REAL fraud being us all along!!!1!!1

3 years ago

> Tax filing season starts Jan. 24, and experts say the IRS is in crisis as they face staffing shortages and a backlog of six million unprocessed tax returns from 2020.

We got our 2020 “refund” check back a couple of weeks ago, 11 months after filing.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Don’t worry, we owed a bit and they were more than happy to promptly spam us with collection threats within mere days. Fully staffed for fucking with people, never enough manpower to do anything useful.

3 years ago

Re: Aetherczar

I saw you commented here yesterday and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your “Hidden Truth” trilogy. Truly a wonderful, entertaining story. It was remarkable how well you incorporated so many of the real world conspiracies we often discuss at sites like our host’s, AC. I am passing along the books to my loved ones and hope it helps to continue their easing into our real world truth. I firmly believe we should exist in this world eyes wide open, knowing the Truth which makes God’s creation even more Beautiful and Good. Thank you for writing this great work. If you’re not tired of being asked – when can we expect the next installment?

For friends here check out “Aetherczar” Hans G. Schantz’s wonderful trilogy at:

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

ditto and amen. a wildly original series, young adult but still readable for old farts like… uh… that old guy over there. have nephews who very much hope for book 4++

3 years ago

> Steve Bannon, has accused Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) of being one of five “scumbag” GOP “traitors” to the MAGA movement who secretly support President Biden.

I hope that wasn’t a sudden realization on his part. Everyone else has known since before DJT was sworn in. Graham is a weathervane; he points this way for a while, then that way, saying anything he thinks will result in any tiny short-term gain… while outing himself as an untrustworthy weasel. The Dems might use him as a tool, but he’ll never lick his way into their power structure.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

for awhile there – right after mccain had finally assumed room temperature – ol’ Lindsey butched out and sounded like he was a newly-freed Conservative Macho Man, so there was thought that maybe mccain had been blackmailing him.

nope. miss lindsey’s just a scummy traitorous little DS bitch, is all.

3 years ago

> Albert Bourla, … Pfizer Inc., … $1 million Genesis Prize

Awarded for: Outstanding expression of Jewish values or service to the Jewish community and/or to the State of Israel.
First awarded 2014
The prize was founded in 2012 with a $100 million endowment from five Russian philanthropists Mikhail Fridman, Pyotr Aven, German Khan, Stan Polovets, and Alexander Knaster
Prizes awarded to: Michael Bloomberg (commie), Michael Douglas (commie), Itzhak Perlman, Anish Kapoor, Natalie Portman, Ruther Bader Ginsberg (commie), Natan Sharansky, Steven Spielberg (commie), Janathan Sacks, and Albert Bourla. (most recipients were American)

Since Israel seems to be one of, if not *the* worst hit by the Vaxx, it’s curious they’d give a million dollar prize to someone behind the worst thing for Jews since the Holocaust.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Dead serious he is donating it to a Hall of Cost remeberance org.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“… Israel seems to be one of, if not *the* worst hit by the Vaxx…”

I assure you this is a lie. All the Jews in Israel get saline. The over the top,”the Jews are suffering”, is just to cover up the fact that they are the ones that did covid.

3 years ago

> required to hand over their mobile devices and their passwords so they could be searched,

Anyone who can afford to fly to Fiji can afford to pick up a couple of burner phones and SIM cards if they couldn’t bear not to have electronic tracking devices handy.

And CBP has been doing this “randomly” ever since laptops and cell phones came out.

Not really feeling any sympathy here.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You don’t even have to cross a border. Airports are considered a “point of entry’ even for domestic flights, and the useless pogues can confiscate and copy your electronics at will.

It’s even more concerning what they could plant on your phones for later reference…

3 years ago

> ‘Smart’ gun mocked after demonstration fail.

We were mocking them before that, too!

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

“Worth repeating – US military report states COVID-19 was created by a US-funded EcoHealth Alliance program at Wuhan Institute of Virology. EcoHealth Alliance being a CIA front.

Wuhan collaborators ‘EcoHealth’ just received one of their largest ever grants, from Joe Biden’s government.”

For all the clickbait headlines of ‘BOMBSHELL” this and “BOMBSHELL” that around the web, the story behind these two articles is a genuine bombshell. So, of course, Cabal will ensure that the normies are kept ignorant of it. Disgusting.

When I first became aware of the Q narrative, I saw that Q understood that all the behind-the-scenes cleaning in the world would be ultimately futile unless the Swamp Media’s hypnotic hold on the population could be interrupted. (For the sake of argument here, I’m assuming Q is real.)

To me, the only way to do it would be to shut down nearly all telecommunications and use something like the EBS for white hats to play MacArthur and send direct messages to the people–also perhaps “John has a long mustache” messages to direct action cells. I depicted a similar scenario in one of my novels back in 2015. I noticed some anons speculating in 2020 that Q would black out telecommunications and the www when it was time for the Great Awakening, then communicate directly via EBS. There must have been a Q post that hinted about such a plan, but I can’t remember if I ever saw that one.

Anyway, I still don’t see any other way to pull it off. It’s not enough to blow the whistle on Cabal operations. Their somnanbulatory control over the sheeple has to be broken somehow. Then, absent all Cabal’s agitprop, plus sports, Kardashian stories and who-said-what on social media, drop some truth bombs like what’s in those two stories about EcoHealth Alliance and you might see columns of torches and pitchforks streaming into DC from all over the country. The surveillance state wouldn’t matter as much in such a scenario, because we would just overwhelm them with pissed-off formerly bovine multitudes. Cabal would have few options but to escape to their bunkers in New Zealand or wherever.

IMO without some plan to neutralize the MSM and Big Tech, any anti-Cabal plan is doomed to fail.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
3 years ago

The Q plan was absolute brilliance. It struck massive blows against the cabal by 1) waking people up. 2) provoking Cabal’s fear response so dramatically that they began to take desperate actions which made them more visible to the people who had begun waking up.

Through nothing more than posting on an anonymous message board, Q provoked the establishment into exposing itself.

That’s brilliance.

Beyond that, it’s absolutely amazing that someone (or group) posting anonymously created such a viral response! It’s amazing how many people have at least heard of Q or read some of the posts. As a creative writer who has thought a lot about strategic communications, I’m in awe of their success.

Is some of the information false or misleading? No doubt. It’s not solely meant to inform people. It’s meant to provoke the enemy into catastrophically bad decisions.

Some have insisted that the purpose of Q was to “lull people into complacency” and “just sit back and enjoy the show.” But that’s nonsense. Q never encouraged complacency. Just remaining silent and never posting would have created more complacency. Had Q never come along, it’s not long patriots would have spontaneously awakened and taken effective action.

So, Q is a psyop. One brilliantly conceived that provoked the enemy into exposing itself while at the same time waking people up. All without any apparent advertising and promotion budget. You can quibble over the veracity of select posts, but in general it’s hard to see it than anything other than a brilliant White Hat maneuver.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Go to

Sort for earlier dates.

Notice there is a box called ANSWER in the panels.

3 years ago

An undermanned IRS is a great way to make enforcement targeted. Supervisory Agents have to use discretion in allocating limited man-hours.

3 years ago

 Re: Patriot Front
“It feels like somebody has calculated the next act in the script needs a fake patriot group that everyone knows is a fake patriot group, and all these little hints are being dropped and pointed out purposely, to create the necessary conditions.”

Q often called attention to “game theory”.

There are LARPS, so why not LARP the LARP? Which might invite a response of LARPing the LARP of the LARP. Add infinitum…

We could anticipate the need for putting certain symbols or comms in the LARPS, to signal what to know to those who need to know. But no reason to think those wouldn’t be LARPs as well.

In other words, in light of game theory, now that the game fully engaged, we are all normies now. I often wonder if even the foot soldiers in the trenches of these secret wars have any more of a clue who is on what side at any given time than we do.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

No, they don’t. Everything is compartmentalized.

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Jesus. I have seen a few Brendan Santo missing posters around town (“The 517” = Lansing, MI), and my first exact thought when I saw them was “God damn it, is this the Happy Face Killers”?

I feel absolutely sick right now.

And angry.

3 years ago

Cabal seems to have tasked a lot of media with going after Justice Thomas for actions by his wife.

Going by the Rule of Projection that Cabal seems to follow, I am assuming that Durham or someone has been looking into Cabal’s use of marriage and spousal immunity.

3 years ago

P*s*biec pointed out on twitter that GER’s recent actions re: RUS seem to indicate that the actual gov policy is re- approachment with RUS.

This makes me think the kraut Navy Chief was either fired for dumbly stating the actual plan or he took one for the team as part of dis-info.

Haaretz also has a piece about Bennet faction investigating Bibi for improperly or illegally buying kraut subs.

GER appears to be irritating something.

3 years ago

“Every one of you will be orders of magnitude more savvy and intellectually capable than some of the greatest minds in history, who lived in more benevolent times.”

We are the ones who will be able to minister to those who are shocked when exposures come. We have walked through the FIRE and are still here for just that very purpose.

3 years ago

Donald Trump slams the Jan. 6 panel after their Ivanka Trump interview request, noting, ‘They’ll go after children.’

Cabal comms. “Leave my kids out of this or I expose more diddlers.”

3 years ago

One viewer noticed the mask of one of them is eerily similar to the symbol of the Rothschild Foundation:

The shield in the middle of the arrows is the Patriot Front logo, so this looks to be official merch.

Q post 1002:

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Vox Day has the story that there has been a 124X increase in “in-flight emergency squawks” from commercial flights…”

Vox Day got some grief for linking to a link that used Jim Stone as a source. He got upset about this but the commenter had a point.

Vox asks who Jim Stone is. Well supposedly he’s a former NSA guy(???????) who went rouge and started writing about 9-11 and a lot about the Jews and has had big problems every since. But keeps on. He says some wild stuff but in every case I have followed up and tried to check his facts he seems to be right on. I can not recommend his article on Fukushima enough. I checked the fact that he said one of the reactors was NOT operating and in fact had the lid off of it to be refueled. It was being refueled but…it blew up always! This checks out. Well how did that happen??? He says the Jews put nukes in it and caused the tsunami to punish Japan for reprocessing nuclear material from Iran and buying their oil. So far I have not found any real info that contradicts this assumption. It does seem to be logical and fits known facts however wild it might seem.

Jim Stone comes up with some super devastating info. Jim Stone is also the first place I saw mentioned that some of the vax batches have hundreds of times more bad side effects than others.

There’s a new comment by Jim Stone today. He commented that there’s a truck crash full of lab monkeys in Michigan. He noted that this is awfully like some movie script where virus laden monkeys escape and cause mass infection. When he pointed this out I immediately understood his emphasis. I think exactly like this and in fact they say they have found all the monkeys…except one.

Oh shit.

One of the reasons I want to really call attention to this is that I have said frequently every time someone says covid is just some weak nothing that maybe it is now but you CAN NOT count on it having been so in the past nor can you count on this in the future. So wearing mask while far from perfect, and distancing might save your life. If there starts to be some evidence of a mass outbreak of some sort of really bad stuff DO NOT think for sure that it is fake. It could be real.

I’m, from what little info I can find, not the only one that thinks this. The Chinese had a hemorrhagic fever break out in a massive city and they shut the whole damn thing down and quarantined the whole place. A massive whole city that was a hub to many other cities. Now why would they do that? Did they do that? It seems they did best I can tell. But note when these things break out, covid, hemorrhagic fever they stop it cold. It does not cover the whole country.

What do the Chinese know that we do not? Could they think, like I, that the Jews are out to murder all of them with viruses???? If they think this and have evidence for this, it may very well be that we will see the end of Jew run world. Slowly, I bet they are working against them. I mentioned that recently the Israelis had to kill off all their chickens because some kind of virus infected all of them. Pay back by the Chinese? A warning of things to come? Could it be the Chinese and/or other intelligence agencies released Omnicron to give people immunity to this ever increasing Jew virus spreading variants of covid???

Think, I believe that the Jews would murder every single person on the planet if they thought they could get away with it. I also think they did covid and it appears they murdered tens of thousands of Japanese and blew up reactors. Crazy as it seems, I believe they are capable of this because they are psychopaths. Being that I think this is so I see them having no problem unleashing another much more virulent virus since the present one doesn’t seem to be doing the job.

Something not in our favor is that if they release the big one I suspect they would not report on it for a certain amount of time and cover it up so it would spread first. So wearing mask no matter how stupid it seems might not be a bad idea. And don’t tell mask don’t work, I get it that they are not 100%. Your right, but they do lower the viral load and it may be that if you are wearing one it’s just enough…to not kill you.

If you go to Jim Stone’s site it’s weird. You go to this address which is in Iceland then to get the current page you click on “home”at the top left of the page.

He’s made a new site in Texas so if they cut the fiber optic lines linking countries you can still get his site.

One thing that might give you problems about the stuff on Jim Stone’s site is I believe he mentally operates on the wavelength that I do. I say there is no level of evil the Jews will not stoop to and I think he believes this also. So in fact sometimes things that are fake but show the Jews in a bad light are reported but…they are fake. He even says this and adds caveats that tells me he notices this being a bias. If you operate under the assumption that there is no level of evil the Jews will not do you will find that assumption holds true in the long run. Inevitably they will live up to, or down to, this assumption of evil behavior.

I’m going to show you a video. This is from some Jew art exhibition. It seems so strange, but I think in some ways this actually shows the mentality of the (((people))) we are dealing with. Every so often, they do stuff like this that gives you a little insight into their mental makeup.

I mean who does this? How would you ever think this was meaningful or a good idea? What is the Jew trying to say? These (((people))) are whacked out of their minds and a threat to the whole planet.

Here’s one more I think significant.

3 years ago

Duma Deputy Chair Insists Gold-Backed Stablecoins & Crypto-Mining Be Allowed In Russia ‘To Circumvent Sanctions’

3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago

Israeli firm develops an infantry drone that can fire machine guns and sniper rifles at targets while flying

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I would call it gimmick. If it’s armed with small arms, it’s within range of small arms counterfire. You can’t keep a drone in cover, and I doubt it would survive a single shot. This is more designed for killing unarmed civilians.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I’ll have to disagree with you here. It’s hard as hell to shoot drones down. Watch this video of a bunch of guys at some machine gun meet up. They are blazing away at this radio controlled plane and having no luck. And this a bunch of guys.

It’s hard enough just killing people, and they don’t fly around in the air nor move very fast like a drone.

“…the United States has fired an estimated 250,000 for every insurgent killed….”

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I will say that it is hard to hit an evasive drone. I will also say that a drone carrying a weapon system is much less agile, and absolutely can’t hit anything without being a stable platform. I can’t be stable and evasive at the same time.

I do now see utility in using it to pin down a unit. Shoot, start dodging, when they stop returning fire, shoot again. As for actually hitting anything, only civilians.

3 years ago

Armenian president resigns saying Constitution doesn’t give him enough influence