News Briefs – 01/22/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

DeSantis drops out of Presidential race and endorses Trump. It had been like watching a wounded animal flailing about, knowing it was going to die and just wishing the suffering would end.

Why DeSantis FINALLY pulled the plug: Florida governor was given internal polling showing him facing a crushing defeat in South Carolina where he had focused all his resources – and told he had no path to the White House.

Ron DeSantis uses FAKE Winston Churchill quote in final message to voters as he ends disastrous presidential campaign.

Local reporter describes election expert Halderman breaking into Dominion voting machine and changing vote totals during his Georgia testimony.

Crystal Hefner says creepy Playboy Mansion ‘peep holes’ caught ‘celeb orgies’ in Hef’s bed.

Cancer cases expected to hit record high in 2024… What changed? You want to say the vax. But it could be The Beam increasing in usage. I was rewatching that Bill Binney interview on my surveillance page with his wife and Bill Still, to transcribe it, and he noted his wife died of cancer, his son had cancer, and every other house on his culdesac street had cancer, which he attributed to radiation-emitting surveillance devices he was being exposed to when he was head of technology at NSA. If that many neighbors were getting it, it probably means his surveillance was getting it too from stuff command likely installed in their homes without telling them, pointed at Bill’s house, to be operated remotely. He noted the rates of cancer in intelligence families is off the charts, and he thinks it is due to the irradiating surveillance technologies like thru-wall microwave, thru-wall radar, and other things. That tech is all over the United States, in neighborhoods everywhere. I was a 20-ish goof, waking up when the neighbor was hitting me, so anyone can get it. And that stuff is going right through the target houses and on through the neighborhood. Then you have apparently planes flying overhead beaming vast swaths of residential neighborhoods and setting off heart attacks, according to studies. The heart attacks may not be the only thing which correlates to plane overflights, though. And who knows what is scanning you on the highways, beaming in your house as cars drive by on the street in front of your home, and on and on. Even regular agencies are doing it too. NYPD was open about the fact it runs box trucks with backscatter X-ray machines in them on the highway scanning cars as they drive, and it said to civil liberties groups, they would just have to trust them it was safe, as they will not let any independent organization look at the machines to see what they are putting out.

Trump wants his own version of the Wagner Group ‘that is only responsible to the president’, claims former White House official Miles Taylor who thinks he would use a second term to exact revenge. That actually sounds good, though this guy doesn’t intend it that way. Miles Taylor was a victim of Havana Syndrome. I believe, IIRC, he was hit on White House grounds while working for Trump, and again in his house. When he was hit in his house, he ran to the front, and saw a white van driving away. though I would assume that was a distraction from the real source. After that, he turned on Trump, and now attacks him regularly. You have to wonder if his harassment amped up, and this is him hoping to appease it, and make it go away.

AP does a hit-piece on the John Birch Society, which sounds basically like this site does, only compared to them, we were late to the party.

Here’s what I learned as the U.S. government’s UFO hunter. He maintains the story there is a secret UFO reverse engineering program is all made up and retold by the same individuals to each other, and there is nothing to it. Of course that he says the idea it would exist, means congress would have had to be briefed extensively means he is either clueless about the fact that a lawless conspiracy rules the country and politicians are just actors, or he is in the conspiracy.

Someone on Twitter notes, the shadow banning is returning. Oh my God! Elon was going to save us so we could have real information sharing in the runup to the 2024 election. Now everyone came back because of their hero, and they can’t stay in touch with their audience when it really counts! You do not understand, if you even thought it was possible Elon actually would have freed up Twitter for 2024. There is a pretty good chance I will either be killed, or turned into a vegetable, just for shitposting here. You would not believe the technologies which are being brought to bear on me now every day. I don’t cover it every day, but it is bad. If I was even slightly weak in loyalty, could even vaguely betray the nation, I would break and start telling you to vote for Haley. Whatever is coming, they want full control of everybody’s feed, to spoonfeed you only the information they want you to see, and they do not want any of you providing any information to everyone else. That is how fake and gay the upcoming storm will be. We cannot talk about it, or it will all fall apart. No way Elon is allowed to blow $44 billion to bring everyone together honestly in this world. They would kill him long before it came to that, and he knows. Also, if my experiences are nationally correlative. you may have mass shooters popping soon.

The Gateway Pundit – As expected “X” is censoring our report on the most explosive voting machine development of the decade! Please  @ElonMusk allow the people to read about an election expert hacked into a voting machine in Georgia Court on Friday and CHANGED THE RESULTS!

Cernovich is in the club, but he isn’t wrong here, and the idea makes me think of Q saying, you have to be brought to the brink:

E. Jean Carroll’s jacket-dress comes into question, was not available for sale yet, when she claims she was trying it on and Donald Trump attacked her.

New York Post – Trump case could go off rails as Fani Willis love triangle, corruption investigation heats up.

Glenn Beck told Trump he should choose Vivek as VP. Trump was non-committal. Beck loudly complained about being gangstalked. Now he is clearly pushing a Cabal asset. I think they eventually break.

Hunter’s lawyer’s massive financial support to Hunter Biden raises ethical and campaign finance concerns for President Joe Biden.

Treasury reports allegedly flagged Hunter’s insurance, opening new line of inquiry in impeachment. It looks like Hunter and Joe may have been dumping money into overfunded life insurance policies, and then taking loans out against the policies to avoid IRS scrutiny.

Elon Musk calls for unmasking of Patriot Front: ‘just follow them.’

George Soros has a plan to transform Texas from red to blue. Obviously not him, but whoever is behind his operation is doing it.

Alex Soros Tweets out a bullet hole and 47 — A direct violent threat to Donald Trump:

Honduran illegal charged with child sex abuse freed after local Fairfax, Virginia authorities refuse to cooperate with ICE.

Oregon uses AI to flag election ‘misinformation,’ raising fresh concerns about censorship.

Johns Hopkins study says gun control will prevent second civil war.

At an undetermined date, in an undisclosed location, the Biden administration began operating a secretive new surveillance court to protect Europeans’ privacy rights under U.S. law. “… it was authorized in an October 2022 executive order to fix a collision of European and American law that had been blocking the lucrative flow of consumer data between American and European companies for three years.” Nobody knows what it is doing, and it sounds unlikely any European will petition it.

Covid vaxxed are testing positive for HIV, multiple studies warn.

Bill Gates set up 20 shell companies to hide purchase of $113 million of Nebraska farmland.

Milford Regional Medical Center warns it may deny care to those using ‘unwelcome words’ about race, gender.

Illinois State Police firearm seizure unit about to be drafted into gun confiscation, budget quintupled.

There are 1.33 million attorneys in America and only 1.08 million doctors.

US Army’s Select, Train, Educate and Promote policy was temporarily suspended, as it promoted over 10,000 soldiers without required military education, training.

Google engineer found in catatonic state and ‘spattered with blood’ after reportedly beating his wife to death inside their $2 million Santa Clara home. Commenter pointed out it happened because his wife got rid of his computer and bought him a new one, raising the question of what was on the computer.

Samsung unveils “Ballie” spy machine that rolls around your home spying on everything.

CEO Larry Fink speaking at the WEF forum – “You have to force behaviors, at Blackrock we are FORCING behaviors.”

US base attacked in Iraq hours after Iran vows revenge for Damascus attack.

Iran weighs next steps against Israel, US.

Israeli regime’s president hit with war criminal charges in Switzerland.

Maria Bartiromo: Klaus Schwab got up and walked out of room during Argentina President Milei’s speech at Davos attacking globalist power-hungry elites.

Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk civilian shopping area kills dozens, local officials say.

Louisiana lawmakers pass closed primary bill, new congressional districts.

New bill bans chemtrails over New Hampshire, including weather modification, stratospheric aerosol injection, solar radiation modification, nd geoengineering.

Pennsylvania gun restrictions for adults under 21 struck down By federal court.

New Mexico state Republicans file impeachment articles against Dem governor over gun control.

Texas authorities begin arresting illegal immigrants at southern border.

Trump announces “Ron DeSanctimonious” nickname “officially retired.”

Biden campaign performs damage control as’ black voters break away.

ABC poll: 69% of Americans don’t believe Biden “has the mental sharpness to be president.”

Cook Political Report shifts Michigan, Nevada toward GOP amid Biden’s weak polling.

Recent polling confirms a Trump-Kennedy ticket would win 60% of the vote – and would nearly double Joe Biden’s totals. Very strange, as this looks like the Cabal media trying to trick Trump into joining with Kennedy. But I would think the media would know more than me, being deeper into the conspiracy. And even I know, Trump has some sort of backing by some entity which makes much of this predetermined. I would be surprised if he did not already know who he will pick, and if that pick was not chosen years ago.

Former President Donald Trump has not named his running mate but said that “people won’t be that surprised” by his choice.

Suffolk Daily NH tracking poll: Trump up to high of 55%.

InsiderAdvantage New Hampshire GOP primary post-DeSantis poll: Trump leads Haley 62%-35%; undeclared voters apparently not a major factor.

Spread r/K Theory, because patriotism is not relative

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1 year ago

AP does a hit-piece on the John Birch Society, which sounds basically like this site does, only compared to them, we were late to the party.

Late to the party but now miles ahead.
And their The New American site has contributors who have turned on Trump and other suspicious things.

I think their infiltration is advancing.

1 year ago

Genuinely funny. Work hard, educate yourself, obey the law, and you too can be a teenage millionaire “overnight.”

I clicked on the article (in the NY Post) specifically to assess the credibility of the Narrative. It did not disappoint. Laughable. Another one bought and paid for:

Last edited 1 year ago by Tonawanda
1 year ago

Anyone here want to call their shot on who they think Trumps VP will be? My guess is Ben Carson. He’s been a steady Trump loyalist since they hit the political scene together, he’s got that calm almost sleepy demeanor so he won’t overshadow Trump, and he’s black so he ticks the diversity box for anyone who actually cares about that.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Trump said the pick would not be a surprise.

I’ve seen informed speculation that it would be Carson. Carson as the VP pick makes more sense than in 2016. In 2016 he was a neurosurgeon, who had held no political office, who was running his first campaign and running against Trump. Trump and Carson had probably never met before. He would have been an obvious and unsuccessful pander to the Black vote.

Now he has headed a department in Trump’s cabinet, and while news about HUD is hard to come by, he seems to have done a good job. He maintained ties to Trump after 2001, and become a Trump loyalist. So he now has experience in the federal bureaucracy and Trump can trust him. And while I think the “Black vote” was mostly ballot stuffing and fake, there are signs now that the enchantment of the Demoactual African-American voters seems to be breaking, so that helps.

My preferred Veep pick for Trump has been Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Johnson’s record on COVID and the “vaccines” has been excellent and this would recommend him on its own. He has been a successful businessman and been in the Senate for over two terms and has had a reasonably high profile and a good voting record. He has a demeanor that would go over well with the normies and country club types. He has won state wide in difficult races in a “swing state” that has been “fortified”. I would put Johnson ahead of Carson, but I see how Carson could work.

I still think something will break in 2020 that will prevent the ordinary conventions and VP selection process. But then again, if Trump has made up his mind, it may be only a few weeks until his remaining opponents drop out and he might as well announce his choice. It should be someone he is OK with being the official GOP nominee if the “ban Trump from the ballot” thing succeeds or he is killed.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

I think that’s a good call.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

It will be his own clone, a quick grown ghola from the Axlotl tanks in the Pentagon basement.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

I would be deeply disappointed if he did pick Carson.

Why does the Storm seem to be shaping up to be a drizzle, what with Trump floating Truth and Reconciliation committees and telling everyone he will have no time for retribution.
If they, meaning Trump’s handlers, think they are going to walk back all the insanity we are living through and just pretend it never happened, letting monsters off the hook just to avoid a Civil War, well… they may want to rethink that position.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Good guess, I’d like it. Maybe Flynn?

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

I like him, but he’s not a tiger — he’s the quintessential “nice guy”.
Also, he doesn’t give DJT any @$$@$$ination insurance, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Tulsi Gabbard.

she will deeply appeal to many traditional democrats and anti war types. She has a conciliatory energy that balances Trump’s combativeness. She will be fantastic for diplomacy trips, as well.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Horrible choice.
She’s a leftist on almost all issues.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No wahmen.

Lol period heh heh.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Devin Nunes

1 year ago

Re: John Birch

Sung during my college days:

Do you know John Birch, so tried and true?
He carried his cross as the brave men do
He fought for God and country too
And to these we do pledge allegiance.

Old John was a soldier who served his Lord
When his country called he picked up his sword
Now he has gone to his last reward
Let us finish the job that he started!

There are more verses. The tune is a hymn whose name I forget, but you can tell the sense by scanning. And yes, my group of friends would actually sing this in the bars near campus, much to the amusement or genuine anger of other customers.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tonawanda
Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Tonawanda, scanning the lyrics, I suspect the tune you are looking for is the ancient English hunting song “” Dae ye ken John Peel… “.
Best wishes to our Host and all here.

Reply to  Jeff Wood
1 year ago

Oh my goodness! That is it! And the related history is wonderful. TY so much! Little did I know way back when singing the John Birch version.

Here is a online version of John Peel:'ye_Ken_John_Peel?file=D%27ye_Ken_John_Peel_-_Arr.P.M.Adamson

1 year ago

‘George Soros has a plan to transform Texas from red to blue.’

Yeah, it’s called giving criminaliens the right to vote. And it’s only a matter of time.

1 year ago

Re: John Birch and this site

AC links to a hit piece on the John Birch Society and comments that this site was “late to the party,” meaning (I think) that the ideas found on this site were alive many decades ago.

I did not belong to the JBS, but was aware of their ideas in the 60s and 70s. The Gary Allen books and the Carroll Quigley books were popular expressions of those ideas (to just name a couple sources; Quigley was an impressive scholar).

It was not to difficult to find people who understood these ideas and believed the analysis (generally, about the long history of “elites” controlling events, for instance by the intersection of communism and banking).

But in the 60s and 70s it did not occur to us, nor would it occur to us, that our individual lives were personally affected by the control, IOW that the control was that specific, or took that particularized form. As cynical as we were, definitive influence over individual lives was literally unthinkable.

It took a lot of life and life experience, and a certain wisdom gained from life, to realize how my own life had been so affected, starting at least in high school. True, it was inductive wisdom, but at some point circumstances became clear, as clear as they can be given the deliberately obscured (and quite brilliant) methods used against individuals.

My conclusions were not based on theory or books, but actual life, and pattern recognition. Most important was realizing WHY I would be worth the attention. I will not dox myself, only say that I WAS worth the attention. I can see that absolutely clearly now. In a sense, my own humility and sense of integrity prevented that idea from occurring to me, let alone seeing the truth of it. I was just getting along, mind focused on the goal.

This site has vastly surpassed what the JBS understood.

Just to give a small, almost bizarre example. AC has analyzed (to some extent) the use of pornography in affecting people’s lives; affecting them not in some grand moralistic sense, or sense related to the moral climate of society, but as deliberately affecting and steering the fate of specific individuals. AC specifically mentioned the introduction of Playboy to teen males or younger.

AC’s description exactly matched my own. I had completely overlooked my own experience until AC mentioned his. AC’s experience resonated so strongly, I almost could not believe I had overlooked it. But it was a level of malignant influence the JBS would never have considered, as cynical as they were.

The ideas of JBS are relatively recently coming into common acceptance.

I do not expect the ideas on this site to take nearly so long, if we are in time before total control.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tonawanda
1 year ago

Speaking of Patriot Front: #PatriotFront is a Fed op, and an badly-run Fed op. Two min video of their
US-made (GOV) carsw/o license plates, lined up in no-parking zone, dumping flags (uncased) into the back of a truck with all the respect you’d expect the FBI to show. The SAIC should be fired., as usual, called this a while back, and today notes the lack of license plates, as well as police disinterest in same comment at SocialGalactic: 
The media has never once chased any of them down.Exposed their identities.And ruined their lives.This. Is. Proof. Patriot Front. Is. Fake

Last edited 1 year ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

All you had to do was go and scan the VIN’s while there.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

>John Birch Society…not what you think.

Revilo P Oliver, American veteran, patriot, Professor of the Classics, and (eventually) Jew-namer was a founding member of the John Birch Society. After several long years, he found it to be a gate keeping operation for attracting conservatives and wasting their efforts, time, and money and keeping criticism of the organized Jews at bay.
Oliver was also a prolific and excellent writer. He may be the most important American you have never heard of, since memory hole.

Read what Oliver says about the real John Birch Society.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Just think about the amount of money being funneled into all of this propaganda. The world would be filthy rich, if you just eliminated it all.

1 year ago

DeSantis drops out of Presidential race and endorses Trump. It had been like watching a wounded animal flailing about, knowing it was going to die and just wishing the suffering would end.

My wife and I both noticed that DeSantis looks happier in his concession speech than he has since before he even started his campaign.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Like I said a while back; going up against Trump was stupid and a waste of time and money. And deSantis always acted like he was just going through the motions. His train of bonehead actions while campaigning reinforce that. No use putting forth a lot of effort if it’s not going to come to anything.

Best as I can figure, he was to be the new Ross Perot, and suck the wind out of Trump’s sails to ensure another Democratic win. If so, it didn’t work out that way.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

When you take the ticket, you ride when they tell you.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I think he never wanted to run but a bunch of big money types asked him to as a Hail Mary against Trump. I suspect he said ok I will but only if you pony up big $$$$$$$. I think he can keep whatever funds he does not spend, so this is in fact a payday for him.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

From what I heard from Roger Stone on Timcast about FL politics (and I consider him reliable) RD had the ability to shake down a LOT of companies while he was governor, and gave out a lot of favors that shit on the citizens of FL to get the money. He won’t have the opportunity again, so he’s probably out of politics for good.
I think that he did want to run, but he found out that the only campaign people not already working for Trump were all gamma misfit losers, and his campaign was a giant mess from the start. If he’s had to try to manage a whole campaign of gammas all trying out out-Smart Boy each other and backstab in all directions, I understand why he’s happy for it to be over.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Note: Professor Oliver spent 12 years with the John Birch Society, 1954-1966. As I sit here, a misguided friend is watching Dennis Prager aka Prager University. There’s a good chance that Jews spend more money and effort in creating their false opposition than on their actual subversive activities.
Imagine the day, during the years Revilo Oliver worked with the organization he thought could save America and civilization: no Internet, thus no real opposition possible, other than perhaps small newsletters you might never hear about.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

I used to watch Prager occasionally. His avuncular air is disarming. Then I noticed the intellectual dark wrb ppl he hung with were gatekeeping conservatives & puffing themselves up getting high on their self importance.. Then I noticed what terrible discernment he had in choosing Karlyn Borysenko to do a PragerU video. She’s shown herself to be an attention seeking narcissist & the signs were there in her 15 mins of fame as the “Trump hater who went to a Trump rally & liked it” lefty white girl. (PragerU eventually deleted her content.)

The clincher tho for me to ignore him 100% came from this interview in 2023 with the catholic Youtuber Pints with Aquinas guy Matt Fradd. Prager’s lack of understanding of human nature & how we are debased through continued sin & how a stronghold is thus created is exposed in this video. That man does not understand morality based on the Christian world view. Forget his claims to champion free speech & conservative values – we don’t think alike at all.

1 year ago

Milford Regional Medical Center warns it may deny care to those using ‘unwelcome words’ about race, gender.

The malpractice lawsuit when this ends up killing someone will cost them millions if not billions.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Hope it costs them! All manner of Civil Rights violations, too.

1 year ago

Milford Regional Medical Center warns it may deny care to those using ‘unwelcome words’ about race, gender.

Saw on Twitter that Iraq has refused entry of any more US forces, and have demanded a start to negotiations for the removal of the troops we have there. They are tired of being a target because we are camping there. Haven’t independently confirmed.

1 year ago

> There are 1.33 million attorneys in America and only 1.08 million doctors.

1) a J.D. is an order of magnitude cheaper than an M.D.

2) doctors need patients; lawyers can sue each other

Last edited 1 year ago by TRX
1 year ago

The headline says it all. And which three of the five living former presidents is not exactly a surprise.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

Re: Middle Eastern illegal migrant: “Soon you will know who I am. Believe me. You will see.”
If that is real and not a fake, you can’t get much clearer than that. If you are not at least at threat level three [Elevated Condition (Yellow)] and have done the necessary preparation you have only yourself to blame.

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

I predict Trump runs with Tulsi Gabbard. Don’t know why it’s just the feeling I get from the previous script. Expecting increased militaristic propaganda from both sides unfortunately.

Reply to  Highangelheck
1 year ago


Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Nikki Halley is playing the “I was a poor, oppressed brown child” card, so I made a comic.

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

The NFL announced they will have a separate black national anthem.

Me waiting for the announcement of separate black seating:

Last edited 1 year ago by Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

BREAKING: The Supreme Court just ruled 5-4 that the Biden admin can remove physical barriers Texas put at their border to stop the invasion. Barrett and Roberts voted with the libs.
.comment image

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Top to bottom enemies.

1 year ago

>spoonfeed you information
and sometimes it is curious things they decide to censor in a very hardcore way. Some years ago the actor dave foley from news radio and kids in the hall went on joe rogan. You can still find various clips of the interview around no problem. But the section where he talked about owing 5 times his monthly income every month in alimony has been completely wiped from the internet. Basically he earned a lot of money from the news radio, but that tanked when the show ended and the judge basically said find another sitcom to star in or go to jail. He left canada and can’t go back or they will throw him in jail.
For some reason, they really, really cared about this particular clip being watched and as far as I can tell its completely unavailable anywhere even though other sections of that interview are pretty easy to find. Why was it so important that no one know about Foley’s experience in the (canadian) family court system? Plenty of people talk about this and provide their experiences, but for some reason it is very important no one know about foley’s experience.

1 year ago

r is going to destroy Japan:

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

That the nips have stopped picking up the dog shit is a very bad sign. Standards are slipping.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

That’s a brilliant comment. Near as I can see, the only way to fix this is going to involve oceans of female tears.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


1 year ago

I made a post about the John Birch Society and it is gone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Apparently the same thing happened to me about a John Birch post, where I related JBS ideas to the ideas of this site.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s probably my mistake then.
Maybe it just failed on my end.

I commented on how the JBS magazine’s website has started to have some anti-Trump or otherwise suspect content and I think their infiltration has advanced.

I might have just forgotten to click send, I was tired.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago


It was just my observations about the trend of change at The New American website.

I’m sure something went wrong on my end or I was so tired I didn’t hit send.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I don’t read the website, but I read the magazine. They aren’t anti-Trump. They don’t recommend individual candidates. I think Trump won their grudging respect years ago when he denied the UN funding and told them to find it somewhere else. “Get US Out of the UN” is one of their long standing signature initiatives. But they report on the unjust persecution of Trump fairly.

The JBS’s main priority is restoring the US to a Constitutional form of government. I’ve never seen them waiver from that. They don’t cuck like the NRA.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

That’s how it has been.
But the website added some new contributors in recent years, one of them is a chick named Ilana Mercer who wrote an anti-Trump article I commented on here:

Trump: Heroic Martyr — However…

She also uses the Gaza war as an excuse to shill for the Israeli left in this article:

(No, I’m not taking Netanyahu’s side, but their left is part of the ruling globalist cabal and clown world)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

That might be why I avoid the website. I remember Mercer from WorldNetDaily. I used to read the commentary page. They had a bunch of neocons on there. Vox Day is the only WND contributor I still read.

She doesn’t write for the magazine. I once added TNA to my RSS feed, and it was a firehose. It was impossible to keep up with, so I removed it.

1 year ago

1s are silver certificates:

comment image

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Double 17s; but what is the 20?

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

The two upside down bills total to 30, I don’t know if that means anything.
They are probably just there to make the 47 total.

The 20 may also be a silver certificate.

1 year ago

Cernovich is indeed a gaping asshole, but when he’s right he’s right. The thing is it’s not just this election. It’s all of em from now on. Trump wins in ’24, he buys us 4 years. RDS wins in ’28, he buys us 4 years. etc.

The next time the enemy “wins” …. that’s it. Game over. Sooner or later, without massive cleansing & scouring of the entire rotten converged system, especially the military, especially the DOJ, especially the intel asswipes, especially the civil service…. it’ll happen. Fun Fact: the USA record for 1 party winning the WH consecutively is 5X. 4X if you discount 1948, which was yet another stolen election. Tick-tock.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

Trump either gives us a purge this time or we lose.

DeepStatus is one of them.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

We can never let them up off the deck again.

1 year ago

Re: The story about the proposed Wagner Group and the various helpful suggestions to DJT about picking a running mate:
Wouldn’t it be amazing if Erik Prince was the Veep?
(16) NatureGirl on X: “Thoughts?” / X (

1 year ago

Do not use Epik @EpikLLC for domain registration. They had put a clientHold, without warning, on 8chan and the Kiwi Farms.

When confronted on this, they lied and said they had received a court order to do so. When confronted on that lie, they responded with this.

comment image

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

The F-14 had a micro-processor containing capabilities that wouldn’t make it to commercial grade chips until the 1980’s. This was state of the art in 1971. You can’t imagine what the real state of the art is today. There is simply no frame of reference.

The World’s First Microprocessor: F-14 Central Air Data Computer

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

If this was top of the line tech in 1971 and was not available off the shelf tech; then extrapolate to current time: if the tech being beamed at innocent people be it the Havana tech or what is affecting people such as AC; then this is tech developed by DARPA or DARPA-like agencies run by the government to be used against its own population.
Also understand our ruling caste also has advanced tech not yet on the market.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
1 year ago

Highly Recommended Information: “Reality Of The Targeting Program” Symposium This Friday January 26th, 2024 12-3pm EST

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Check out the specific mitigation approaches at this site. Similar to some things you’ve been discussing.
Targeted FBI guy’s experiences

Last edited 1 year ago by Winston Smith