News Briefs – 01/21/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Biden was sworn in. I am surprised it has gone this far, given Biden now has an incredible capability to sell everything to China and damage America for more Renminbi to Hunter. I find it hard to believe a plan could not be conceived that did not require this risk.

But there are still unusual data-points, pointing away from a normal transition of power. 25,000 troops are still in a DC ringed in concertina wire and seven foot tall non-scalable fencing, and they never had to be there in the first place. There was never even supposed to be a crowd of democrat civilians to attend the inauguration. That does not point to normalcy. I have checked FlightAware, and see no signs of planes to take them home approaching DC, nobody is talking about them leaving, and one anon said their orders were to be there for one month. I do find it interesting they have set up checkpoints, and are checking IDs of people leaving, as if they were making sure that during this period, no classified data could be smuggled out by dirty actors.

The interesting aspect of it all is the troops were deployed on President Trump’s watch, and are being kept on under Biden. Possible explanations I see are Biden and Trump agree on something and are working together (highly unlikely, although not impossible if Biden’s blackmail was used by some intelligence/NatSec group to get him to acquiesce to something), or Biden lacks the power to send them home, or possibly the military/NatSec apparatus has been calling the shots all along (and still is) and they called it out and are keeping it. I do not see how Biden can’t immediately send them home, to show himself “restoring normalcy,” but it would appear he cannot or will not.

What the 26,000 Guardsmen are doing, or why 2,000 have been sworn in as Marshals, is also still a mystery, but it does not point to the same old, same old. In addition, Durham is still out there as a Special Prosecutor beyond Biden’s reach, his mandate was expanded to election fraud prior to the most fraudulent election in history, there are a raft of over 200,000 sealed indictments at last count, as shown below election audits are continuing, and there is still an election fraud case about to go before the Supreme Court. It would feel strange even if a Chinese asset, owned by Beijing through both bribes and blackmail did not just waltz into our Presidency under the nose of our National Security machinery. Probabilities have shifted, and it is now anybody’s guess which equally unlikely prediction will prove to be correct.

My official position, for the record, is still that Q is something real. He knew when McCain was going to die, to the minute, 30 days out. Q was something highly significant, though the details of what he is doing, if he is a psyop or a real source of intelligence, or even if the plan he detailed is still on course, or failed, I cannot predict. Given the troops, I suspect some sort of show is still on, but time will tell. I hope Flynn supporting it was based on hard intel.

One thing which points to Q not being a psyop is Trump. Trump is human. Q could have been a psyop, and Trump could have been betrayed on this path by any number of actors surrounding him. But I do not think he would have stepped away under a regular transition of full power to Biden as he did, without making sure everyone here was fully aware of what was going to happen, or how it was going to happen. Nor do I think he would have stepped away peacefully without at least declassifying everything from JFK to MLK, and everything else in between – including the surveillance on society. That he left the way he did, makes me think he still has a card to play, and he did not feel defeated or out of control.

I also find it impossible to believe he knew the election fraud was coming, created that EO, and he didn’t have a plan to capture it with surveillance, and thwart it if necessary. If that happened, it was a huge failure, of a scale that would make it impossible to be an accident. Even on this site, I can point back to 2018, where I was saying election fraud in 2020 would happen, and the administration should immediately commence an intelligence/surveillance operation to catch it in the act. I have no doubt Trump saw the same thing in that 2018 election, and that was the source of the 2018 EO, and a massive operation in coordination with it. It could have failed, or he could have been betrayed, but if he was, we would see the wreckage in DC still smoking from the fires he lit on his way out. I think it still likely he caught it, and feels it is a card yet to be played.

That said even if this is all still the plan, prepare yourselves as if we lost, and a Venezuela-style currency and civilization collapse is incoming. At worst, you will be prepared.

If Q and Trump do not have a plan, there really is only one plan from here. Violence will get you nowhere. The surveillance machinery will only let through attacks which help the conspiracy, and anything which might have a positive effect, if you could even find some attack target Cabal couldn’t replace in ten seconds, would be detected and thwarted. Winning hearts and minds is also a loosing strategy, if the elections are now fake, and Cabal/China just installs who they want. All agencies of government you could appeal to are also not an option as everything from the FBI to AGs to IGs will be comped, and simply thwart you. Even the courts will be useless. Your best bet is everyone on our side going to their local Russian Consulate, and asking a “diplomat” there to hook you up with a Russian Private intel company, and Russian media, and using the two to expose as much damaging information about the US Government as possible to take everything down. Courts could become useful if you are supported by Russian media, as I assume Cabal would not want overt corruption in the court system seen on Russian news programs that are available in America, so you might even be able to get documents subpoenad.  I’d like to say there is another play, but I just don’t see anything. Cabal has wargamed its operations too well, and plugged all viable pathways to expose them, and made almost all means of resistance either ineffectual, or to their advantage. But expose the surveillance, and get it taken down, and we will be light years ahead.

Vox Day notes, at Trump’s send off, there were 17 flags behind him. He also said, he would see us again, very soon, which was the same thing said by Stephen Miller in his farewell letter to his staff.

Patrick Byrne says, don’t get violent or fall for agent provocateurs, and he hopes something wonderful is still going to happen.

Patrick says the left’s goal now is to provoke violence. That might make sense of the aggressive rhetoric about all they are planning on doing.

Patrick says DHS had evidence of election fraud, and FBI showed up and covered it all up.

3 Republican state senators in Georgia demoted after pushing for election integrity.

Trump issued a directive to extend post-Presidency Secret Service protection to his four adult children and two of their spouses, for the next six months. Why only six months?

Former CIA Director John Brennan, the man who weaponized the CIA to target Hillary Clinton’s political opposition, appeared on MSNBC Wednesday to outline Joe Biden administration plan to identify political enemies, label them domestic terrorists and then “root them out” of the population. Byrne is probably right, this is looking to provoke violence. Brennan is smarter than this. He spent his life in the CIA. They hold exercises where you lie to everyone, to get you comfortable with lying effortlessly, because that is their entire principle of fighting. Not that you shouldn’t assume this is what is going to happen. If you are going to try and expose anything peacefully, now is your window, if Q is going to fail.

Maricopa County is preparing for a new audit of the election results.

George W. Bush calls Republican Rep. Jim Clyburn a ‘savior’ for endorsing Joe Biden. Even this makes no sense. Why would W. be this obvious, and not keep his head down?

Washington Post admits Trump did not incite the Capitol riot. The riot was necessary for some reason, likely to provide cover for deploying the troops to DC, which was going to happen, for reasons we still have no clue of. So it was always going to happen. I assume the timing of it, before Trump finished his speech, was probably by design, because all of this was scripted. The greater picture is still unknown though.

President Joe Biden’s first official act on his first day in office was signing an executive order mandating that masks be worn on all federal properties and by federal employees and contractors.

Joe Biden is filling his cabinet with pro-war hawks.

Biden gives DOJ green light to resume Obama-era ‘slush fund’ payouts to liberal groups. If there is still a plan, it will have to happen sooner rather than later, before all these groups can refill their coffers. And I would think most importantly before Joe and the rest of the swamp can sell too much to China, and do too much damage for China.

Biden just picked a CIA Director with a 7-year-long relationship with Chinese Communist Party fronts.

Joe Biden’s Pentagon pick Lloyd Austin vows to rid military ranks of ‘racists and extremists.’

A Biden Executive Order has abolished the pro-American 1776 Commission already.

Biden to rejoin Paris climate agreement, revoke Trump ‘Muslim ban’ in first executive orders.

Biden to offer legal status to 11 million immigrants, plans to stop border wall construction.

Colleges lobby Biden to halt federal probe into foreign donations.

Leftists call for new “Secret Police” force to spy on Trump supporters. Sort of like Operation TIPS? We may see a rush to bring the secret police force into the light, and give it full, open government authority, to avoid having it dragged into the light and appear as a mind-boggling, extra-judicial, criminal conspiracy and abuse of power by whatever agency is lending agents to liaise with it off the books, as well as the network itself. If everybody can point to the government, and blame it, and say they were just following orders, it is one thing. An unauthorized criminal conspiracy that everyone knew was illegal is quite another.

Antifa protesters in Portland clashed with authorities Wednesday as they gathered to voice dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden. Trying to cast them as unassociated with the left.

Floridians camp out in an attempt to buy dwindling ammo supplies.

Probe can’t account for $2 million sent from Vatican to Australia.

Three dead after New York Army National Guard helicopter crash.

17 House Republicans send Inauguration Day letter to Biden, seeking to bridge the partisan divide.

An hour after Biden is sworn in, WHO warns that PCR COVID tests are more likely to give false positives.

New Covid-19 cases declined 11% after hitting a peak last week. Just in time for Biden? Why do I suspect those tests are just as fake as the election?

National Guard stand with their backs to Biden as his motorcade passes.

Less than half of voters say election fraud allegations were given ‘fair hearing’ by Congress.

Trump-hating Liz Cheney draws two opponents in Wyoming GOP primary after garbage impeachment vote.

Thousands flock to Palm Beach, Florida to welcome historic President Donald Trump home to Florida.

Vox Day has a possible scan of the letter Trump left for Biden. It says simply, “Joe, You know I won.” That would be classic Trump.

Funny video of a young boy who wanted a hug from our favorite President, and kept going in for it just as Trump looked away, before Trump noticed and hugged him.

Spread r/K Theory, because no fight is over until you are dead.

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4 years ago

Who was betrayed today was Ashli Babbitt. Let’s, for once, honor this lady—who took her oath seriously along with the other veterans that rushed the capitol and sacked it. She was the one who STOOD up.

That is why you don’t put a Draft Dodger in the White House. I’ve been listening to all these “plans” and stuff—a woman died.

It says a lot about Oaths. It is clear that the General class only mouths the oath sure in their retirement so they can golf when they retire. One thing I am glad about Candidate and then President Trump—that his very being—exposed everything and everybody as lies and liars. AAAAnnnnd the last to be exposed was the Generals—the wimps and p ….that they are. A Communist Insurrection—and they do nothing. A 2nd coup —and nothing happens.

But then, as you can see with the new Pentagon Chief, the Negro Lloyd-Austin’s first job is to root out white supremacists and extremists—the WHOLE military general class is this way! Look at McMasters, Kelly—they are all the same. You don’t advance unless you pass the religious test of being on the Marxist side.

I’m sorry but I don’t believe the Q plan. Ashli Babbitt, Rest in Peace, I apologize that you were stabbed in the back by our worthless cucks.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

of course the shooter was in on it. we haven’t seen jack shit coverage from any media anywhere about him, now have we. no outraged feminists squealing for his head. none of that – almost if that was the plaaaaaan.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Well, it may have failed, but there was definitely a plan.
I don’t think it’s over yet. First we get to see our fate without TGE.

Jimmy Sendero
Jimmy Sendero
Reply to  mobiuswolf
4 years ago

I think you just nailed it. I don’t think Trump’s going to come roaring back at the last second to save the day, courtesy of our supes brave military and totes supes secret military trials. Among other reasons, why the fuck would the military sign on to an operational script that’s way too complicated and unwieldy and depends on ‘camera angles & cinematography’ to succeed? They’re taught to NOT do that in their schools, no?. Letting the whole world watch JB get sworn in and moved into the WH in front of God and everybody is stupid beyond belief. It’s not fiendishly clever, it’s 3rd-world-banana-republic stupid.

But. If.

IF it’s all part of some dumbshit ‘plan’, and this is all a ‘movie’….. then the movie we’re watching is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” And we’re now at the part where George (that would be us) gets to see a world without him. A horrible horrible world, filled with grunting, hooting subliterates and freakshow trannies, and open treason, and worse. But then a miracle happens, and everything is restored, and all the problems are miraculously fixed, and happy endings for all. That’s not how the real world works, sadly – but if they’re going for a cinematic effect, that’s the one they’re using.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Ashli was intel, she’s not dead, fake, false flag.
Read Miles W Mathis.

Reply to  drew
4 years ago

Miles Mathis is unreliable and never provides any source. High-level limited hangout.

Reply to  phil
4 years ago

wrong. he’s quite observant, even if he is politically dumb.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Miles is EXTREMELY observant. He just has a jaded view on things, because of what they put him through.

4 years ago

I always thought Trump would “lose” because he has to be separate from it. If Biden were to be arrested during inauguration and then Trump stayed in office everyone would have shouted “coup d’etat “. Same goes for anything done by civilians. I wouldn’t be surprised if one reason for the troops was to prevent a civilian takeover because it would be such terrible optics. If anything happens, it won’t be until it feels like Trump is completely gone. The “10 days of darkness” etc. are interesting theories, but people need to stop waiting for specific days; things can change last minute and get pushed back. Sure it hurts to see all the garbage execute orders he is doing, but they are just that, executive orders. They can be reversed once someone else is in.

Speaking of the execute orders, first, it is interesting that there were 17 of them. Second, it is strange how one of them was to reverse the travel bans from the Muslim-majority countries despite the fact we are in a “pandemic”. Why was it a priority to do so on his first day if no one can really fly anywhere anyways? That, combined with the other china virus related EOs and we can already see what is going to happen, how Trump said it will just all suddenly disappear someday. This prediction never came true during his term which also makes me believe he planned to lose and he was talking about after Biden was inaugurated.

Reply to  Tom
4 years ago

So let people die, have their livelihoods destroyed, etc. for optics?
Sorry, there’s only power. His adversaries had it and he didn’t.
Being realistic based on what I see, not blackpilling.

4 years ago

Sometimes the most obvious answers are the correct ones:
The NG were put in place by the leftists to stop a repeat of the Jan 6th situation
The NG are still there to prevent a move to get rid of Biden by other military elements
Q is garbage – Q said HRC would be arrested and will continue to string along patriots until 2024 when even they realize they are being played by a bunch of leftist geeks
There is no reason to hope that Durham will achieve anything with Biden in charge

So where does this leave us? Trump and the military still have a narrow window within which to operate. If that doesn’t happen with a few days, then it is down to the final option: We, the People. I fully believe this evil will be lanced, but not in ways we think.

Gnostic Cinephile
Gnostic Cinephile
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Interesting piece in Politico. It sounds like this is still going on and maybe explains why the NG and troops are still there. Who’s really in charge here?

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Rothko
4 years ago

Why is it that all you whiny bitches always say the same thing about Q? “Waaah!!!! Q said Hillary would be arrested. and she wasn’t Q is a fraud. Waah!!! Waah!!!”. And you ALL ignore all the things Q got right and keep right on whining about Hillary, newsflash, dipshit. NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK.

4 years ago

A question I’ve been mulling over, for the past few weeks: at one point, Q said something like, “SCARE event necessary.” What do you think that is or was? Is it actually the word “scare” as in a frightening event, or is it an acronym? If it is a frightening event, is it the Capitol raid, or the coronavirus feardemic, or something yet to come?

Also…. like many others wondering if Q is/was a psy-op or just messing with us, or even a failure, I doubt it was fake or a failure, because of the way Trump has handled it. He did not denounce or disavow it, he also did not overtly support it, he obviously was involved or associated with it, and he is not a bad dude who fooled us all. To know that, you have to look at the entire context of who he is, and juxtapose that with what the media tells you he is. From there, it is a short leap to realizing he is the real deal, and he is obviously a genius who loves his country and will fight dirty, if necessary, to save it. And yet…. he keeps his promises.

So, holding that thought in mind as a necessary datapoint, you can tell when things do not quite add up or make sense, as the media or blackpillers would have us believe. Or, as Trump “appears weak.”
I’m continuing to watch the show, even if I’m not exactly enjoying it at the moment.

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  Dani
4 years ago

>I’m continuing to watch the show, even if I’m not exactly enjoying it at the moment.

The best movies ARE the ones where something unexpected happens out of the blue that you never saw coming, or plot twists, etc.

Reply to  Dani
4 years ago

1. You don’t wake people up with facts.
2. You put them to sleep.
3. No one (who hates Trump) will ever listen to him.

You need to SCARE the fucking bejesus out of people. ONLY THEN, they will pay attention.

It needs to be 100x worse than Corona chan TP shortage.
People shooting at each other on TV and in your neighborhood.
Innocent people may get caught in the crossfire.

IMO, there is no reason to do anything till after 2/1.

4 years ago

“DOJ green-lights slush fund”

Related: the mega millions lottery was won last night. Jackpot to Maryland, $731 million. Single-ticket winner. A slew of million dollar winners were located in all blue states.

Seems like someone was running on fumes and needed to fill up the tank.

Name (required)
Name (required)
4 years ago

“25,000 troops are still in a DC ringed in concertina wire and seven foot tall non-scalable fencing, and they never had to be there in the first place. ”
Why are Biden’s handlers not sending them home? Probably because they are his troops now, and there is no reason to send them away.

Reply to  Name (required)
4 years ago

Cho Bai Den is making every effort to get on the troops’ good side:

4 years ago

> Why would W. be this obvious, and not keep his head down?

Good question. There’s very little they could do for or against him now, so there’s no need for virtue signaling… though note he went public with opposition to DJT in 2016, and announced he’d voted against him.

We now know he was an agent-in-place puppet, but that ended twelve years ago; most Americans would have to stop and think for a second to remember who was president before Sainted Obama, PBUH.

Like Hillary, nobody on either side trusts him or wants any visible connection to him, lest they be contaminated by association.

Though “being a jackass” or “senility” are probably high on the list of probable reasons.

4 years ago

> Joe Biden is filling his cabinet with pro-war hawks.

$$$$ Tons of pork appropriations, no-bid and cost-plus contracts, sole-source suppliers… Nixon and Eisenhower intensely disliked each other, but both tried to warn the country against what Eisenhower called the “military-industrial complex.”

There’s plenty of money to be made from conflict. If you’re in the right spot, anyway.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

And, of course, the “right” conflict. Cho’s energy policies will once again make us dependent on foreign oil, so we’ll be right back in the Sandbox defending oil pipelines and promoting good ol’ American-style democracy.

Meanwhile, the Celestial Kingdom gets a pass.

4 years ago

Joe Biden is filling his cabinet with pro-war hawks.

If Joe Biden actually took office, this is what it is all about. The cabal really doesn’t give a shit about the left, in the end. I think that all the leftism for the last four years has ultimately been just about getting rid of Trump, because he didn’t give the cabal what it wanted.

It wants graft, and war (the ultimate level of graft.) Joe’s job is to just rubber stamp the wars and look the other way on the graft. That’s what happened to Obama about a year into office. He was about to stop some sort of operation, and he was sat down and told, “you’re done. Go watch ESPN and play golf all day, and we’ll take it from here.”

I think that is what Joe meant when he said “This is a big fucking deal” about Obamacare. He didn’t mean that it was big, he meant that it was a deal. It was what Obama wanted as his side of stepping away and watching ESPN for the next six years. (And of course the Cabal fucked him on that, in that the law is pretty much gone now and was a laughing stock before it went.)

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Trump was bailed out by the Roths in the 90s (do your own research).
Trump pumped $4trillion into military spending (who needs a war eh).
The Roth’s man in the bailout was Wilbur Ross, Trump’s trade secretary.
How much did Ross and Trump and the Roths siphon off from the China tariffs (which US citizens paid)? So many billions.
Wake up.

Reply to  drew
4 years ago


Reply to  phil
4 years ago


Reply to  drew
4 years ago

well we got dead, broke, and cowering rothschilds around now. id say tariff money went to space force, FEMA hunters, durham etc and the wall. trump was and is conducting a war. would you like to guess who on? do some research now, yours is superficial.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Regarding the wars that are sure to restart, I have a proposal I’d like to see enacted. I get tired of watching people with no skin in the game call for wars. That’s why I’d like to see what I’ll call the “1st Zionist Battalion”. All the Shapiros, Kristols, Cheneys, etc. who call for war with Iran get immediately drafted into the US Army along with any adult children and family members they have, issued a uniform and a rifle, and get dropped over that country by parachute. If they survive and their invasion is successful, we consider the next step. If not, we send that nation a little foreign aid as a thank you for taking out our trash.

It could work.

Keith Elder
Keith Elder
4 years ago

Xo Bai-Dihn is the president of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Who is the president of The United States of America?

Check out the .pdf here:

In 1871 the US was broke, giving the banksters control over us via the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Trump dissolved the corporation, and America has reverted back to a republic, effective at the inauguration. Joe Biden was inaugurated into the defunct CORP.

The military has taken over the foreign land of Washington, DC, and is now running it. Maybe this will be revealed in 10 days? Done in 30?

4 years ago

AC, your analytical skills are excellent. The possible situations and explanations that you routinely lay out are thought provoking and sometimes mind blowing. I encourage you to continue on with trying to figure out the big picture of what is actually going on. I also encourage you to reflect on how you assign probabilities, and whether that judgment is clouded by what you want to be true. You said in the lead-up that you give a 1% (or maybe less) chance that Biden will actually be inaugurated. A realistic projection should never have been that low.

You also seem closed off to the idea that Trump was a long-prepared plant, part of the plan to achieve cabal’s long term agenda. He might not be, but it should be given a realistic probability in your assessment, not merely a remote chance. While it is counterintuitive for him as a plant to kick the deep state hornet’s nest and bring topics of mass corruption and conspiracy to the masses, what has cabal lost from him doing this? They continue unabated and unpunished, with nary a consequence resulting from the limited exposure. They may be willing to take the hit of partial exposure in exchange for strengthening the deception. To think that he could be an actor running a highly complex psyop against traditional Americans is no more of a stretch than all the gymnastics that must be done to make sense of Q.

Also regarding probabilities, in my opinion you give too much weight to the McCain prediction. It was not a straightforward declaration of when and what time he would die. It was an indirect puzzle readers had to figure out by looking at post times and connecting dog day. Indirect always makes it suspect. It opens it up to numerous ways the puzzle can be assembled, with each way carrying a chance that by coincidence it will look like a correct prediction. The more that Q’s other posts fall under the categories of incorrect or not-yet-occurred, the more likely it becomes that to the extent McCain was a prediction, it was a stroke of luck.

Please continue with your analysis. It is refreshing to me personally, because it gives a small glimmer of hope. I tend to be a pessimist, so I need sources like you to keep me from falling too far down the blackpill hole.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Dollar Billy opened up Livermore. Oak Ridge, and Los Alamos to the Chinese, and they walked off with everything they had, including weapons designs. Some of the people who worked there were upset a the parade of Chinese who would arrive and copy the files. They were told to STFU.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, you and Vox lapsed into near worship of Trump, calling him GEOTUS, and all that stuff.

Elected officials, in a sane world, are meant to serve us and express our will.

They should not be worshipped or fawned over.

At best, Trump was a disruptor who forced the establishment to reveal its true face to tens of millions of normies.

For that he deserves our respect.

But I must be frank and say I found the near worship of him goofy, and considering his many obvious flaws, ultimately dangerous.

If there was a plan, it failed, or more likely, the plug was pulled by military brass at the critical hour.

This a very painful time for many millions of heritage Americans, and there is a lot about the lead up to the inauguration that does not fit, but hoping Trump makes a comeback reeks of desperation.

He had his chance, and was played or backstabbed, and left us in a very bad position.

There are many millions of red voters who feel very burned, and burned out, right now.

We don’t need to waste any more time obsessing over the number of flags or EO’s or parsing Trump’s words for hidden meanings.

The plan backfired or failed.

Time to move forward, past Trump and his failings and shortcomings and into exactly what we want without any compromises.

No more cult of personality nonsense.

Time to get real.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

it was a JOKE, you moron.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

Like you?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

q is mil intel. yes there is some disinfo. also predictions (not just McCain). signals to anons to go hunt stuff down. false cues/dates for the enemy to get tripped up on. in numerous cases they were told, here’s a big day. they got flushed out cause they tried something. their comms had been compromised. make them use up ammo cause funds and adrenochrome were getting squoze down. the enemy always talked trash on q and said it was a larp. to borrow from a meme, is q was a larp, then they wouldn’t have shilled so hard. and they still are. it is as if they aren’t very confident. and when they start going into posting interracial porn, gay porn, gore porn, anime/cartoon porn as they did recently… they got nuthin. then they tried to take the whole board out, and failed.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

and it’s OGE – Orange God Emperor. that’s what ds/cabal get to hear cause they kept trying to clap their “color of death”, orange, on him.

Reply to  GPA
4 years ago

That Trump was an elaborate Cabal plant is something that I have carefully considered. I came to the conclusion he probably wasn’t. The main tell is shilling. Shilling is universal – it spans across all platforms in every language and every culture. As someone who speaks a few languages, I can confirm to you that anti-Trump shills operate everywhere, even outside of the US. The unanimity against him is unprecedented.

I have no doubt that the events unfolding before our eyes are scripted. I don’t think that Cabal is doing most of the scripting anymore. The real question, who’s doing the rest of the job?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phil
4 years ago

“…That Trump was an elaborate Cabal plant is something that I have carefully considered. I came to the conclusion he probably wasn’t. The main tell is shilling…”

If you think I enjoy this black pilling your wrong. It makes me feel awful. I really don’t like it but I feel that there needs to be someone that points out what seems to me to be a straight line push of the narrative that leads to disaster.

Why do I do this? It’s because some mistakes are fatal. You just don’t come back from them.

Simple example is you might warn kids to wash their hands or be polite or whatever but if they play in the middle of the street you might get seriously aggressive with them. GET THE HELL OUT OF THE STREET YOU MIGHT GET RUN OVER.

I’m telling all of you that Trump appears to me to be a plant. Others warned me about this from the beginning but I didn’t listen because Trump raised hope. That he did a few symbolic things is irrelevant because that only AMPLIFIES the animosity between different groups of people. Everything he has done has raised the pitch of hatred. What does this lead too? Civil war with mass casualties and a really, really high probability that the Chinese will come in and finish us off. Vox says are idiots for saying this but if the Chinese don’t have to watch their backs, and seeing as how their agent is in charge, then they could pour in vast amounts of men and material and over run us.

Now maybe this is wrong but it’s like playing in the street or dancing on the edge of cliffs. The penalty for mistakes is severe. There is no recovery. There is no coming back.

1. Shilling doesn’t matter. It’s what the Jews want to raise animosity between groups. Trump raised animosity between groups to all time highs. I mean come the fuck on people. Haven’t you seen this before? I mean holy shit is this not textbook Jew “drive them” behavior? Don’t you remember the Jew pushes for feminism-men vs. female. black vs white, immigrant vs heritage. workers vs capitalist….
2. Trump was helped to get in charge by well meaning Americans with plans for stopping the erosion of the US visa China trade, stopping the deep state, immigration control and immediately after the elections he dumps them. If Trump was so toxic to the Jews why did they give him so much air time? As for Hillary it could be reasoned that Hillary had more independent power at hand that Trump had. Can you see this. Trump would be MORE controllable. He had no independent crew like Hillary inherited from Bill. He after dumping the people who got him elected fills the government up with deep state actors and Jews. You can’t have it both ways saying he’s a genius and simultaneously claiming he didn’t know these were crooked fucks. He could have used the internet and looked them up. And if his advisors kept giving him bad advice, and from our perspective they did, he could have fired them. Yet he kept putting the same rotten people in over and over. Each time telling us,”we’ll get them now” but they did nothing.
3.Trump and his agents constantly said that “they know everything”. This was a big deal to me and I bet others. I have no doubt many of the major players in these pronouncements Q, etc. were insiders. There were too many clues that validated it but…they did nothing.
4. They kept saying that they were going to have some big great reveal and correct everything but did nothing. This is also contrary to every single thing you have ever done in your whole life. You have to chip away at problems. The idea that they could not get one single judge to start the ball rolling by getting someone like Epstein or Weiner and rolling them…it just doesn’t make sense but that’s what we are told. They did nothing.
5. They said the elections were not a problem and the steal would be stopped. It wasn’t.
6. They said Biden would not be sworn in. He was.
7. The said the military would take care of it. They didn’t.
8. Biden getting the electoral college votes certified was a big deal. Biden being sworn in is a big deal. If they were going to stop it before these events that would have been the time to do it. We have rules and if they are broken you have to stop the rule breaking right then or it’s assumed, by many, that either they were not broken or there was not enough evidence to prove it. I have normy friends that say this too me. Hard to counter because they did nothing.
9. Ann Coulter said all the filings made to the courts by Trumps team were ineffectual and poorly done leading to them being dismissed. I don’t know if she’s correct but she’s not a fool. So they do shoddy work then claim the judges are against them. Regular folks like us don’t know. Normies really don’t know but Trump supporters are even more enraged.
10. Several things could have been done that would have squarely put all of it on the table. Building 7 and 9-11 is the ultimate shit test. Pass or fail and he failed. He could have easily pointed out that building 7 could not have fallen the same speed as if it were only held up by air. I mean this is not possible and he could have challenged every single high school, college and whoever physics teacher to do a class on this one aspect and then have every single child in class report to their parents what the end result was. That would have sealed it. I mean no wiggle room in this. They would all know that it was an inside job and Trump could have said,”we’re going after them”, removed our troops from overseas and then..went after them and proclaimed that,”we will kill the fuck out of anyone who gets in our way researching this” and declared marshal law. He didn’t do that. It’s one the most damning things he didn’t do because it’s an unmistakable fact the Jews did this and he did nothing.
11. Weiners laptop. Another lost opportunity. I could go on and on and I do not believe that he could not have found a single judge that was not corrupt. If he felt so he could have established military tribunals and after he hung a few of these assholes I suspect that others would be more cooperative but he did nothing.
12. Everything he DID DO was gauged to ramp up hatred between red and blue. You can not deny this. You can deny that he purposely did this but not that the end result was more hatred.
13. 13 and unlucky number for an unlucky outcome. The reason I’m going so much on about this is when I know verified Hasbara, based on their massive pro-jew/Israeli past post and the quality of their constant gas-lightning in their comments, working for Mossad, pushing contently for secession, which I have no doubt would lead to civil war. If California secedes then it’s likely several counties in California secede and then..well they all start fighting drawing in the rest. The way I see it that’s it. They are fucking us. They are pushing us to murder each other off. They’ve done this hundreds of times on hundreds of issues and damn it we shouldn’t fall for it…again.

We need to avoid a civil war at all cost. I’m not a pacifist but a red vs blue war will not advance our interest and will most likely be the end of us. Don’t say there’s “nothing” else we can do because there are a myriad of possibilities that we can pursue without a general civil war which is exactly what the Jews want.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

We aren’t falling for anything. You are, with your pseudo black pills. Ann Coulter, seriously? yawn

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

“1. Shilling doesn’t matter. It’s what the Jews want to raise animosity between groups. Trump raised animosity between groups to all time highs. I mean come the fuck on people. Haven’t you seen this before? I mean holy shit is this not textbook Jew “drive them” behavior? Don’t you remember the Jew pushes for feminism-men vs. female. black vs white, immigrant vs heritage. workers vs capitalist….”

But Trump didn’t raise animosity. What did he do to the Left? Did he set up a secret police? Did he put Democrats in jail? Did he try to get Democrats fired or killed?

The animosity against Trump was there simply because he is a white man pushing a nationalist agenda and that is what triggered the crazies. Yet, all of these crazies have lived unthreatened, unpunished, comfortable lives under Donald Trump.

There was no White Terror against the Left under Donald Trump, unlike under Franco in Spain.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

ok, now I KNOW you’re completely full of shit. Ann Coulter? Come on, dude, if you’re gonna shill, up your game. This is just pathetic

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I’m going to try and lay off covering any more of this. I think I made my point but I will defend my arguments and I have no doubt I can in all cases defend them.

And I can do so with facts and data not by calling people names. Some facts may be wrong but that in itself is not fatal as there is a large group of people purposely spewing torrents of false data 24 hours a day but none the less certain logical steams can be teased out of these.

Reply to  phil
4 years ago

Why bother with Trump when they had Hillary?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

“Why bother with Trump when they had Hillary?”

To enrage the right when he proved ineffectual.

“Ann Coulter, seriously? ”

For all I know Ann Couter sleeps with the devil(might as well i think she sleeps with Bill Marr) but she has constantly been pro-White anti-mass immigration. She also doesn’t kiss anyone’s ass in particular. She definitely told off Trump eventually after coming out with support for him in the beginning when no one else was making everyone laugh at her. I mean really they laughed at her face and she, as she does, steadfastly supported him until…he refused to follow through on his campaign promises. She has been consistent for decades on the issues that matter the most to your average red state person. She doesn’t hate regular white working people or sneer at them. If you really want to categorize her she’s actually like an old fashioned Dixiecrat democrat.

“But Trump didn’t raise animosity.”

Yes he did. He hit all the lefts buttons. Not that I disagree but he didn’t follow through on much of anything but tax cuts and whatever Israel wanted. Credit where credit is due he did keep us out of Iran.

I wonder if old Joe will get us to swan dive into Iran. I really don’t care as it will separate the wheat from the chaff and might even be the end of our foreign adventures. If we go into Iran we will either get our asses kicked or we will have to do some serious mass murder. None of these will look good and will generate a ton of blowback.

Has anyone looked at the geography of Iran? It’s a damn nightmare. I wouldn’t want to invade that mess.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Sam J,

““Why bother with Trump when they had Hillary?”

To enrage the right when he proved ineffectual.

“Ann Coulter, seriously? ”

For all I know Ann Coulter sleeps with the devil(might as well i think she sleeps with Bill Marr) but she has constantly been pro-White anti-mass immigration. She also doesn’t kiss anyone’s ass in particular. She definitely told off Trump eventually after coming out with support for him in the beginning when no one else was making everyone laugh at her.”

Good attempt at explaining but no dice. Proving Trump ineffectual required a massive coordinated effort that burned down the media, exposed the uniparty, burned down the DOJ/FBI, the judiciary, the police, the military and a major political party. It forced a shadow government out into the open. Enraging the right could’ve been done simply with Hillary Clinton while keeping the rest of this stuff intact. It’s an awful own goal.

I like Ann Coulter, but she is angry about Trump’s treatment of Jeff Sessions. She is, however, wrong about this, because Sessions effectively betrayed Trump. If he knew he was going to recuse himself from anything involving Trump, then he should have stepped down as AG. Why didn’t he? Ann Coulter simply cannot get around the fact that the candidate she backed was being undermined by her own political party. The AG is the president’s lawyer. Sessions is supposed to have the same relationship with Trump as Eric Holder had with Obama. Instead, he recused himself and handed control of the Mueller investigation to Rod Rosenstein.

Coulter can make whatever stink she wants about legal briefs, but, the bottom line is, if the situation was reversed, and Biden was in the situation of fighting a stolen election, you can bet every shred of evidence would’ve been fast-tracked through every Democrat judge, Democrat legislature, and Democrat Vice-President. Their version of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood would be presenting in front of Congress with videos being shown on CNN. Their Giuliani would be holding press conferences at the United Nations, not some warehouse by the docks.

No, Coulter simply can’t reconcile the fact that the Republicans formed a circular firing squad around Trump and pulled the trigger. She is now irrelevant trying to sell her schtick without having to explain why Trump got “Mike Penced.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

“…I like Ann Coulter, but she is angry about Trump’s treatment of Jeff Sessions. She is, however, wrong about this, because Sessions effectively betrayed Trump. If he knew he was going to recuse himself from anything involving Trump, then he should have stepped down as AG. Why didn’t he?…”

You have not negated what I said. Understand I’m not arguing this point because I want to piss people off or be the “right one”, I’m merely pointing out big gaping holes in the idea that Trump was a genius that combined with inside intelligence agents,Q, was going to destroy the deep State. That last statement is a summation of what we were told and it’s important. If Trump did not measure up to hos own purported values then it’s perfectly correct to blame him and see if he ever meant them at all.

I too am pissed about Sessions. The reason Coulter was pissed about Sessions was first Sessions was definitely not deep state. Sessions stopped cold a for sure, definite, push to legalize all the illegal aliens.

“…Coulter pointed to Trump’s comments in an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt days after firing Comey as the major catalyst for the special counsel.

Sessions HAD to recuse himself, you complete blithering idiot. YOU did not have to go on Lester Holt’s show and announce you fired Comey over the Russian investigation. That’s what got you a Special Prosecutor.

— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 24, 2020″

Coulter said Sessions HAD TO, MUST, according to the law, recuse himself. Now you can damn Sessions for not breaking the law to cover for Trump but he’s not that kind of guy. He doesn’t believes that breaking the law for expediency is good practice. He was forced by Trump into this action then Trump blamed him for what he stupidly set himself up for.

So your condemnation of Sessions does not comport to the facts and Coulters reasons for blaming Trump are valid.

And this is another of these points that I keep hammering away at where Trump deflects blame somewhere else and then…does nothing.

I can not emphasize enough that I believe that Q was an insider and said over and over “we know everything” then did not stop them from breaking the law at many different points in time. A whole massive lot of them. They made no effort. Hell Epstein was even broke out of jail. He’s not dead. The body they wheeled out was not him. And you know what happened? Not a damn thing…they did nothing.

Look at Steve Pieczenik the ultimate insider who said, we have it all, we’re setting them up, you just watch, and now, he has disappeared. He was supposed to be on Alex Jones the day of the swearing in and …gone…nothing. There’s a article saying Knight was fired from info wars for objecting to all the time for Steve Pieczenik. The article even says Jones son left the show for the same reason.

That Trump attacked and hollowed out the media is no proof of anything. The Jews see the same thing I did the media was a limited hangout asset that was eroding in value every single day from the internet allowing the truth. Surely you don’t think they missed this if a fool like me can see it. That their asset was razed they could care less. Especially if Trump supporters would take that as a “sign” of some transcendental value and that something already compromised being trashed had any value to the Jews.

An example. If you had meat going bad, and it was common knowledge, and then someone made a super big deal of it would you consider them prophetic? No the meat was going bad anyways.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Oh and by the way,

“… If he knew he was going to recuse himself from anything involving Trump, then he should have stepped down as AG. Why didn’t he?…”

“…Sessions has largely stayed quiet amid Trump’s public diatribes, but he defended himself on Twitter on Saturday, saying that he was legally required to recuse himself from the investigation.

“Look, I know your anger, but recusal was required by law,” Sessions tweeted at Trump. “I did my duty & you’re damn fortunate I did. It protected the rule of law & resulted in your exoneration. Your personal feelings don’t dictate who Alabama picks as their senator, the people of Alabama do.”

Trump ultimately fired Sessions on Nov. 7, 2018, a day after the congressional midterm elections.

The special counsel’s report said that Sessions submitted his resignation to Trump after Rosenstein opened the special counsel’s probe.

“The President ultimately did not accept it,” the report said….”

Ooops. So that blows Trumps whole argument about Sessions. Note what kind of deep state scum Trump put in after he got rid of the honest man.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Sam J,

I don’t buy this argument about recusal.

Trump has to keep the FBI director from the previous administration because of a fraudulent investigation built on the Russian hoax? That all an executive branch administrator has to do is open an investigation of the president and then the president cannot put his own people in place of said administrator?

When did the FBI become the fourth branch of government? Gee, why didn’t the Bush Republicans think of that?

According to Coulter, if Trump had fired Comey without telling Lester Holt why Comey was fired, then everything would be a-ok, right? No one would ever float, and then act upon, the idea that Trump really fired Comey because of Putin? This is a believable storyline, given what we know now and what we knew by May 2020 when Coulter wrote her article?

Who was telling Sessions he had to recuse himself? The Obama holdovers in the DoJ? If Sessions refused, then what would be his punishment? Impeachment? Why would he have to worry about that if the GOP had his back?

Again, we go back to the back-stabbing GOP.

Trump probably did not accept the resignation from Sessions because he was hoping to change Sessions’ mind, especially when Sessions finally saw that Trump was not guilty of any of those charges.

Is this the stupid mistake of following process because you hope to impress the people who hate you? Is that what Coulter wanted?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  phil
4 years ago

True. I am in Europe and the Trump bashing was omnipresent in the media and entertainment. The cabal operates world wide.

Regardless if Trump fails in his mission (I
full or in part) or not, he took the shoot, and the Globalist Cabal hates him for his “insolence”. We are still to find out if he ultimately failed or not, and how things are going to play put in the future of the West.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Smart bald man can’t stop noticing thing:


Lem! You’re alive! Thought they might have gotten you with that ‘splosion in Madrid! Glad to see you alive and kicking!


Dude… I was worried for a minute there. Glad you’re back fren!

4 years ago

Pentagon blocking Biden admin. 1 point to military interim govt theory.

4 years ago
Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

XLNT. thanx.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
Legio Fulminata
Legio Fulminata
4 years ago

“Why would W be this obvious, and not keep his head down?”

Seriously? You haven’t noticed this yet? Because ((they)) have determined they’ve passed the point where any subterfuge is necessary, and now they’re gleefully rubbing it in our faces. Forget shutting down fracking and the Keystone pipeline, forget shutting down the wall preparatory to demolishing it, forget appointing that grotesque murderous tranny to a senior admin position, forget all that small stuff.

((They)) stole an absolute landslide election from under our noses, and ((they)) didn’t particularly try to be sly about it. Result? Now ((they’re)) back in power, and not one – NOT ONE – swamp rat has been lynched and hanged by an angry mob. Shit, man, the Georgia GOP is actively demoting and retaliating against GA republicans who want to get to the bottom of the election fraud there.

((They’ve)) gotten away with it, all of it, and the good guys – WHO OUTNUMBER ((THEM)) – are in hiding. Why *shouldn’t* they be cocky?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Funny piano man makes funny thing:

4 years ago

Found several sources so it looks legit. I don’t know if this will go anywhere, but I remembering reading somewhere (probably here) that Biden’s first 100 days of president could be wasted with impeachment trials.

4 years ago

Meme grist from a foreigner living in China:

粥 zhōu – gruel / porridge
白 bái – white
蛋 dàn – egg

Zhou Bai Dan: gruel of white egg.

4 years ago

Hot Mic at Biden presser. Explains how he took a plea deal….WTF.

4 years ago

Somebody might have figured out what castle rock means.

Also, someone apparantly said they accepted a plea deal over bidens speech.

Some were saying it sounded like hunter.

4 years ago
4 years ago

The trolls are in overdrive here and elsewhere, that’s a good sign.

4 years ago

ADT home security technician pleads guilty to spying on over 200 couples having sex

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

What ADT system has cameras in bedrooms?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  map
4 years ago

Sometimes… people don’t wait to get to the bedroom, just sayin.

4 years ago

Hey AC,

Just wanted to confirm that I was gut punched a bit yesterday. Better now. Back to my normal resting anger level(I don’t have a resting calm, just looks like it).

I simply cannot figure out for certain what the hell is going on in DC. There seems to be absolutely no concrete answers about just what the hell happened this week. There is evidence that the inauguration was pre-recorded, Kamala absolutely did not swear in correctly with her hand on top of her purse on top of the book which I have no idea if was a Bible or not. Joe’s does not seem to have been a Bible? The weather was wrong for the day.

Joe’s office seems to have several oddities, which is to say that a bunch of people picking it apart seem to indicate that the office Joe was signing those EO’s in is the set from a tv show “Designated Survivor.” The wallpaper is wrong for any photo taken recently and they couldn’t have changed that in less than a day.

Different topic, none of the military seem to be saluting. I didn’t watch the inauguration, but I haven’t seen them salute even one time in any video that I’ve seen since, and the vid from The Beast indicates that around 90% of the soldiers literally violated Article 15 of the UCMJ, assuming that Biden is in fact the legally recognized president. And then there’s the matter of the new guard towers at the front entrance of the White House, and the fact that they seem to be hitting the place with flood lights every night. I also do not believe that Biden has taken a flight in any government aircraft to date.

Joe might even be a double?

And then if you look at what is being pushed, it’s like a complete farce. It’s everything that our side would use in a satirical jab at them. And the general mood, it’s like there’s a surreal unreality to all of it. Like the whole thing could be a stage production. The longer this goes the more people are outing themselves as they get comfortable enough to trash Trump or start winding down lock down orders or the WHO dialing down the PCR tests. It’s like the whole thing is calculated to give everyone enough rope for them to hang themselves, which is a very Trumpian thing to do.

I even noticed that the Federal Register website currently has no EO’s for Biden, in fact I couldn’t find any presidential docs for him at all. Supposedly those get updated within a week? But now there’s a confirmed tweet from Lauren Boebert that congress is suddenly not in next week. Plus Neon Revolt gabbed about after watching White Squall he has come to the conclusion that Trump wants Turtleman’s impeachment because it will finally get him his day in court where the people all stand and defend him as the youths do for the boat skipper in the film. Plus a few prophetic sources like Mark Taylor are maintaining that Trump is back in the White House by end of this year.

Oh, and the US as a corporation thing has finally reached the Q community. I discovered that fifteen years ago along with the Bohemian Grove and just don’t bother telling anyone because it’s so obscure that nobody believes it. But it dawned on me today certain things, 1)this was never about Trump, not on our end. Trump is and always was A WEAPON, not an end unto himself. SO wherever he lands is where he is supposed to be. 2)We’ve been too myopic. This was never about getting Trump two terms, fixing some laws and arresting people, it was about giving the US back it’s soul, reclaiming what it was founded to be. Trump was the weapon Q was wielding. Justice

I really think this is the plan. A lot of people think there are signals out from Flynn and Pompeo that point to this being resolved around 31JAN, which is when Turtleman just rescheduled Trump’s “impeachment trial” for. Sorry for this being rambly, but it’s been that kind of week.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

“…It’s like the whole thing is calculated to give everyone enough rope for them to hang themselves, which is a very Trumpian thing to do…”

If you and AC are right and I’m wrong I WILL NEVER BE SO HAPPY TO BE WRONG and to look like a complete fool in all my life. I will cherish my duncehood forever.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

I watched that “salute the Marines” gaffe, and what struck me more about the incident was that the Marines didn’t salute him. Aren’t they supposed to? I heard the “Oooorrrderrrr … ARMS!” command—and yet no salute. Maybe the sentries at the door are just supposed to stand there? Somebody should look for old footage of past presidents entering a door with Marines standing guard to see if the saluteless pose is normal.

4 years ago

Also, at first I thought that they had picked the number 17 for the EO’s out of mockery for us, but now it seems to be popping up all over the place, like the number of House Republicans on the Inauguration letter. So is “11.3”. Even appeared in a Kaylee McEnany tweet.

4 years ago

The National Guard said Thursday it is working to return some of the troops who came to Washington, D.C., to protect the inauguration, but that thousands will remain on duty.

In a press release, the Guard said 10,600 will remain on duty for the time being to continue the mission of assisting federal law enforcement authorities in protecting the Capitol.

…It is not clear when that number of National Guard troops will go down. Approximately 7,000 are expected to remain beyond January.

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Additionally, the Guard may be there to maintain the excuse as to why no one showed up to the inauguration. The lockdown is an excuse for the limited crowd, which would have been humiliating if televised as an open event.