News Briefs – 01/20/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


8Kun was more revolting than I have ever seen it. It was filled with cartoon trannies and porn, CGI trannies with bizarrely large genitalia, Cartel gore photos of dismembered and disemboweled  bodies with the skinned pieces arranged for the camera, massive bedsores that eroded buttox muscles to the bone, autopsy photos of heads that had died by shotgun suicide, gay guys stretching their anuses with their hands beyond anything imaginable, genital ulcers that eroded almost everything away, and on and on. As one poster noted, Gore Shills like that usually precede something big happening.

Also worth noting. For two days now OAN has included a statement on their news programs, read by the anchor, that Conservatives should not, under any circumstances, go out on Inauguration Day and protest, either in DC, or at their state Capitol. It was a very specific, ominous message, which felt as if it had been given to them by the White House, or they are on the inside of the network, and know a big secret we normies are not privy to. It was a very specific instruction, that felt as if it was based on very specific facts. No idea if there is a false flag in the works, or they don’t want us in the way during round-ups, or what it might be. But it clearly felt like more than just reasoned guesses or logical extrapolations behind it.

Pompeo tweets the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. Q had posted that at one point.

Lin wood posted about Washington crossing the Delaware.

And interesting examination of a Q post, by an account believed to be Gen McInerney.

Vox Day covers Lin Wood accusing Roberts, Clinton, and Pence. Basically he has video of a whistleblower claiming a false flag was being set up by FBI under Obama, designed to take out some conservative Supreme Court Justices, and Roberts was supplying scheduling info, so it could be timed to get the Conservative Justices they wanted to take out. Scalia found out and reported it, and that was why he was killed. Some of the video is here.

Joe Biden will fly to Washington today on a private aircraft, yet another remarkable change in protocol on the eve of his inauguration. No immediate word on why he wasn’t offered – or isn’t flying – on a US government plane, which is standard for a president-elect.

Stephen Miller writes a farewell note to colleagues, and ends it by saying, “I have no doubt we will very soon be fighting side by side again together once more.”

Cernovich Tweeted this at Barnes Law (text at the link on the image):

None of these people seem to understand. The left’s business model does not work the way you think, and we cannot replicate it. They don’t have publishing businesses. They have propaganda operations funded by what those propaganda operations allow them to steal from governments and other sources, like medical overbilling, investment frauds, and so on. Somebody on OAN just said the Lincoln project took in $150 million this year. What product do they produce? How much of it do they turn out? Who is buying it? What is their business model? Because it it is the same business model as publishing companies, news operations, political magazines, social media companies, and so on. The right cannot monetize what they do like the left, because to do that they would have to set up a mafia-like operation, with a network of grifters, swindlers, and government fraudsters all pilfering everything from the treasury to non-negotiable expenses like medical expenses, infrastructure contracts, and so on, taking a cut, and sending the rest to a central organization funding their propaganda. You realize this when you get in the game. People act like if I marketed this blog differently, it would make money. But why? Vox Day has as good material if not better, and it is free. So do a ton of other sites. Matt Forney had ridiculous traffic off Ferdinand Bardamu, and everyone loved it, but he could not monetize it, and he was a brilliant guy in terms of internet operations. And books? They will cover hosting and other assorted expenses, maybe if you are lucky. But most people do not have the time to really devote to them, and they don’t buy them. Nobody would buy CNN, if it weren’t welded to regular cable service, and even then the ad revenue is just laundered Cabal funding. National Review is a perennially a money loser to the publisher, but they keep pumping in the cash, and Jonah Goldberg probably still brings in a seven figure salary. His control of the dialog is valuable – to the fraudsters. And all of that fails to consider that if you form a successful platform with traffic, it will be a threat to the fraud network, and for that reason the fraud network will devote just as much money as it would have given you, to destroying you. Imagine armies of bots all hitting your site with so much traffic you can’t afford the bandwidth. Remember 8Chan? And that’s if you are lucky and the government machinery doesn’t start coming after you for anything from DMCA infringements to poisoning your food supply.

One other criticism while we are on Cernovich (text at the link):

It is a weak analysis of the situation, as it does not explain why Q-materials were banned for sale, and Q social accounts are being deplatformed. Why not feed the flames, if it is a Cabal psyop that disorients their enemy (us), and keeps us from seeing reality as it is so we can adapt to it effectively? One explanation which would plausibly explain both conditions, is that if Q were identified, it would lend credence to it, such as if it were Admiral Mike Rogers, or a clique of similar people. The reason it was shut down wherever they could was because the information was redpilling normies that there is a conspiracy. Cernovich is a smart guy, and bigger than me in the game, so I have no doubt the coverage on him would be stifling. And yet he never complains.

I do not know what Q is. I suspect it is a legit insider who was part of a counter-conspiracy to the Cabal. I believe we will see something interesting today. They knew the fraud was coming. Shutting it down would have been as easy as simply triggering an internet crash for the night. Trump had the intelligence infrastructure to interdict the fraud. I would be shocked if servers were installed in a DOD facility, and NSA had no idea they were there. I would be shocked if the fate of the US were left to chance, and Trump’s forces had no idea the system was set up so the Cabal could not lose, because they would always simply adjust the totals on the fly. I have to think this wasn’t unforseen, and was probably part of the plan.

If not, I will suspect Trump and Q’s counter-conspiracy was beaten, at least in this round, and the US will have a rough four years. But I can’t believe our national security apparatus will let a conspiracy which doubled the number of cop-killings last year, and which is owned in part by China, take the most powerful office in our land through a clearly fraudulent election. I also do not buy that somebody like Mike Lindell, or Rudy, or Patrick Byrne, or Gen Flynn could walk into the Oval, show Trump hard evidence of the fraud, and Trump would then slow-walk it, and appear ambivalent as he hands it off to other people to look at. I only see Trump doing that if there is already plan, and his objective is to not rock the boat too much until it fires off. But we will see today.

Cerno also criticizes Trump for not pardoning Assange, however it is worth noting, CDAN said Assange and Soros are actually quite close friends, and Soros has actually hired Pamala Anderson to serve as a paramour/probable-courier to Assange. Here is a thought experiment for you to think about, which might speak to what is up with Assange. Imagine you have something which interests you like video games. So you set up a Wiki and get familiar with the software. You decide to create a Wiki for classified intelligence leaks, and try to design it to really screw over anyone in power, from CIA to Cabal. You announce a press conference and send out the press releases. Do you think anyone would show up for you? Would any mainstream media ever devote prime time coverage to your tale? Would you get a movie, with Benedict Cumberbatch playing you? Those are things not portioned out to just anyone. You need machine approval to get those things. So Assange probably had it.

Supposedly, Tucker claimed Mitch McConnell “sent word over to the White House: if you pardon Julian Assange, we are much more likely to convict you in an impeachment trial.” No idea what that means. It could have been an attempt to convince Trump to do it because McConnell opposed it.

Some Texas school districts don’t want to show Biden’s inauguration live to students due to unpredictability. 26,000 troops, and we have no idea what will happen?

In California, Inauguration Day footage is restricted, and can not be shown live due to threats of violence, however a vetted video will be made available that can be shown after the fact. Also they are told not to respond by shouting to any emergency announcement. Now I am wondering if Cabal’s going to skullcap Biden on live TV, and these memos are being put out by Cabal assets who know.

Vox Day notices, the Turner Classic Movies schedule for January 20th begins with a whole bunch of movies whose titles contain the name “Joe,” and then finishes with a bunch of movies which feature “murder.” Very weird time.

Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson says the CIA is the new KGB, and is corrupt from the very top. And according to Patrick Byrne they are operating domestically, and can take over the FBI at will. Byrne has gone silent, and I have wondered if he is on a boat trying to get to some secluded harbor where nobody can find him.

MyPillow is ‘unavailable’ on Macy’s site as more retailers sever ties with CEO. Kohls and Bed, Bath & Beyond have also dropped his product lines. He’s fighting the good fight for the country.

Mike Lindell responds to a letter from a Dominion lawyer, saying, “I want Dominion to put up their lawsuit because we have 100% evidence that China and other countries used their machines to steal the election.”

Michael Yon says, “90% chance that before 2021 closes out, United States will be in obvious civil war. “

Michael Yon says, “Chances of dramatic events or violence on 20 January: 90%.”

Michael Yon says, “Washington, D.C.: miles of barriers suddenly constructed. Have you noticed that many of these areas appear designed to cage people in rather than keep them out? Do not come here. Feels like a trap.”

In the Don Lemon sex assault case, Lemon’s lawyers, in an effort to attack the victim, publicly disclosed a private file-sharing link. Confidential and sensitive information on the victim was “immediately breached by the general public.”

Crowd of Pizzagate researchers gathers outside of Comet Pizza. The restaurant is responding by blasting Lady Gaga.

Ezra Cohen Watnick says he is not associated with Q-anon, and does not want to be tied to it publicly. Seems he could have come out like this a year ago. I would interpret that as him either having an order to not disavow it, or a perception the administration didn’t want him to disavow it. Interesting given everything he was dealing with, including people photographing his home and posting it online, hacking his emails and setting up meetings with guys like Bill Binney, and otherwise impersonating him on online platforms.

In the first Trump declassified Russia document, Christopher Steele told the FBI he leaked the Russia collusion story to help Clinton and Great Britain.

Supposedly someone took a photo of a Minuteman missile silo loader deployed in Kentucky for some reason. Don’t know the significance. Might be nothing, or might mean if Biden’s ascension is going to be thwarted, we are going to have a much more hostile relationship with China, and they are doing something with the ICBM arsenal. Gen McInerney said the opinion in national security circles was China has attacked us chemically with Fentanyl, biologically with COVID, and they they tried to fix our election to install an asset as our President. That could get hairy.

12 National Guard members removed from Biden inauguration duties. Some for “inappropriate comments or texts.”

After he’s sworn in today, Joe Biden intends to take 17 executive actions aimed at addressing coronavirus and undoing some of President Trump’s signature policies.

CIA Director Gina Haspel announces resignation. Feels significant but until we see what is going to happen tomorrow, no way to know how.

Police and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed outside City Hall Park on Monday night, resulting in dozens of arrests and 11 injured officers, authorities said. What is amazing is, this isn’t a random group of rowdy civilians, it is a competing power structure, supported by the same command which runs our politicians.

DOJ drops insider trading investigation into Sen. Richard Burr. If nothing happens tomorrow, it will be just like it was before, only now they won’t even bother to hide it because it has been exposed, and nothing happened. They will probably enjoy showing it off, and see increased recruitment as scumbags gravitate to their circles trying to get a little bit of that corruption for themselves.

A severely compromised Senator Mark Warner is about to become Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The Flynn/Kislyak leak investigation has been closed with no charges filed – someone who leaked it to hurt Flynn got away with a felony.

Transgender community hails nomination of Dr. Rachel Levine to Biden administration. It really is to the point they are just trying to demoralize everyone now. This fuck stuck all the COVID patients in the nursing homes, but got mom out at the last minute. Total incompetence, stuck in that position just to fuck with us.

An ‘Occupy Wall Street’ leftist turned Trump supporter was arrested this morning for his crazed online rants about killing members of congress.

An Antifa mob tried to stop police from responding to an armed man threatening to harm others and himself in downtown Portland on Friday afternoon.  One of the things Chavez supposedly did was delegitimize the Police, and transfer power to armed gangs loyal to him in neighborhoods.

Laura Loomer says, “While I have NEVER been convicted of a felony, domestic violence, and I’ve never been adjudicated mentally unfit by a judge, my name was placed in the Federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and I have been prohibited from ever owning or even touching a firearm.” You would see a lot more of this under Biden, if he were allowed in. This is the end stage transformation from Republic to Banana Republic.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse urges IRS to target Turning Point USA’s tax-exempt status.

Veterans denied COVID-19 vaccine for making too much money.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled a state budget plan that calls for big spending, but only if Biden sends New York $15 billion in Federal funding.

Mega millions is at $970 million. Just like our elections, it is a safe bet it is rigged.

President Donald Trump will not invite President-elect Joe Biden to the White House ahead of the inauguration Wednesday, according to reports.

Supposedly the Chinavirus has killed 400,000. Given the Infection Fatality rate is estimated at .23%, that means 174 million have already caught it. That is roughly 53% of the population, which is very close to the 60-70% needed for herd immunity. Of course all these numbers are bullshit, but then again so is the virus.

More than half of House GOP conference sign petition to oust Liz Cheney.

Bannon pardoned. If Trump did it, it was the right decision.

Trump discusses a new ‘Patriot Party’ as Republicans capitulate. Collaborate might be a more appropriate word.

Donald Trump leaves office with 51% approval rating.

In his farewell address, President Trump said, “I’m proud to be the first president in decades who has started no new wars.”

Don Jr’s Twitter feed is here.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is the day.

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REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“OAN has included a statement…”

Totally. Stay home. Tell your friends. And be ready like a Minuteman.

Also, if today isn’t as planned, it means a significant chunk of the military command structure has defied a duly elected President Trump, foregone their duties, and betrayed the Constitution and the American People. Remember, it’s the Federal Government and part of the military that is rebelling if Biden is “inaugurated” effective 12:01 EST. Good Luck Patriots.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Planefag report (for those who want to know, btw any word from Lem? he’s been quiet for a few days)

1) Gulfstream and a 757 landed at Dover AFB, Delaware last night. The private Biden flight?

2) In California, massive USCG aircraft (C-130 and Dolphin helos) operation underway along with P-8A patrol aircraft off of LA, where ships have been in holding pattern for the past week. Customs is looking for something in the port of Longbeach guys, you know what that means.

Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

>Customs is looking for something in the port of Longbeach guys, you know what that means.

It is a mystery to me. What is it?

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

Something that goes BOOM?

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

Club K container missile system?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

If the theory about the Turner Movie channel line-up is accurate then those 26k troops would be there for us. They’ll be needed for the shit-storm sure to happen after they do a hastily rushed midnight vote to take away our 2nd amendment rights. It would also explain why the state capitols have the Guard as well.

It’s why they’ve been playing up the Jan 6th shenanigans as another 911/Pearl Harbor. They’re setting up justifications for a mandate to come after our arms.

I hope I’m wrong. We’ll see.

4 years ago

If Q was an operation by the bad guys and not legitimate, the President and his team would certainly know it and would have made some sort of public statement disavowing it so that his supporters would not be influenced by false information. But they have not done this that I know of.

President Trump has never been shy about pointing to Fake News and calling it out. So at the very least we can surmise that Trump and his people do not consider Q to be an enemy operation or a threat to his people. (I.e. to those of us who are patriots) Therefore Q must be providing information that is helpful to the cause in some way.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“Supposedly someone took a photo of a Minuteman missile silo loader deployed in Kentucky for some reason. ”

The closest active missile silos to Kentucky are in Nebraska. The military has to be dispersing the missile trucks, although they probably can’t launch without a silo. That’s amazing too since extra SSBNs are probably at sea because of the inauguration. B-52H traffic has also been heavier the past week. It wouldn’t surprise me if the National Command Authority is concerned about China and its weapons (China has probably lied about it’s nuclear weapons and likely has many more than they claim). Interesting times.

Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Someone once noted it wasn’t that the Chinese lied, as much as they didn’t have the concept of truth.

Sounds like Democrats…

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
4 years ago

“Of course all these numbers are bullshit, but then again so is the virus”

1 month from now marks the 1 year anniversary of the Big Bear aka Owen Benjamin stating the same.

4 years ago

There were times in US history (60s comes to mind) when political assassinations were somewhat frequent. I’m curious AC, given the stakes and tensions of current day why haven’t we seen any of those recently? Is it because the surveillance machine is so pervasive?

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Exactly. I can’t even fucking leave my apartment in the middle of the night to go for a walk without random strangers driving nearby. Maybe you could kill someone in an area less surveilled, but where I am, you can’t do anything illegal as every square inch is lit by streetlights and monitored/patrolled by cops and the informal surveillance AC always talks about.

4 years ago

Here’s a thought. We have all seen that many of the tech giants have been working overtime to silence patriots on the right. Banning and expelling us from the various platforms because we disagree with the establishment narrative. But there is another way to make your voice heard. At least half the country owns stock in one fashion or another. And if you do, then you can take action.

I’m a shareholder of Apple stock and just got my proxy vote in the mail. I used the supplied information to go vote against the entire board on principle. Since Apple has been instrumental in silencing Wrong-Think, I decided the time has come to vote against the entire board. If you are a shareholder of any of the companies that have been banning and silencing patriots, you should do the same at the first opportunity.

Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

maybe you should sell.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Why would I intentionally harm myself? Nothing is to be gained through self-immolation. I will take the money and use it productively to keep me fed, online and being a general pain in the ass.

4 years ago

Stay safe frens. Here’s something to keep the hope up.

4 years ago

> Chavez … transfer power to armed gangs loyal to him in neighborhoods.

Which is what Gavin Newsome has been doing in California, with his “pay off the gangs to keep the peace” measure a while back.

4 years ago

> my name was placed in the Federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

Yep. They take names from “trusted sources”, without verification. And like the No-Fly list, once you’re on, it, good luck getting off.

4 years ago

> More than half of House GOP conference sign petition to oust Liz Cheney.

Five quatloos says she gives them the finger and keeps on truckin’.

The GOP has well and truly exposed itself as the other half of the Uniparty. I’ll keep voting against the Democratic candidates, but frankly, it will just be going through the motions, since we now know how the election system works.

“If voting could actually change things, they wouldn’t let you do it.”

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

If people stopped voting the elections would become illegitimate.
Unless you form an alternative government… Like the founding fathers did.
But you’ve got to be stupid to think you are going to decide anything by voting in these Dominion Elections.
He who cast votes decide nothing … He who counts votes decide all!

Have you still not learned from Stalin?

4 years ago

At what point do you finally admit that Q was fake?

I’m sitting here watching Joe Biden arrive in Washington on Air Force One, while Trump slinks away like a bitch.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I normally ignore the shills and “blackpilled’. I assume somebody is paying them. Many don’t seem to have read a single Q post themselves. That includes Alex Jones and Mark Dice, who has been doing some serious concernfagging today. I can’t figure out Mark’s angle though. He should know this stuff. When he dissed on Lin Wood’s posts, I remembered I bought The Franklin Scandal on Mark’s recommendation. He should know this stuff. He’s written books on it.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

today a lot of them as just unobservant normies etc who aren’t going to compare video audio or look at all the symbology and code that gets thrown at us daily. trump got “inaugurated” so they erupt. not like normal tho. and not outside in dc either. and everything biden does is in the quantity of – 17. people need to get observant and secede from msm/cable.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The most likely explanation might be this:

Q was a Deep State psyop done in order to make everyone aware of the Cabal and how brutal they were, without any kind of explicit confession or open claim by anyone. We’ve learned what there plans are for us and we’ve learned that there’s nothing we can do to fight back. There will be no populist candidate allowed to ascend. Even the military is powerless to stop them.

It’s entirely possible that Trump himself was just a psyop.

As you yourself know perfectly well, the Cabal lets its desires and commands to us be known indirectly.

Forget for a moment what Q and Trump have claimed. Just get back to where we are now. Think of “effects based warfare.” Where do we find ourselves, how are things fundamentally different now than they were in 2016?

Well, millions of Americans now know the media can’t be trusted, our politicians are fully owned and blackmailed, elections are rigged, courts are corrupt. Now, millions of Americans will be left not even trusting the Q interpreters. The Republican party has been destroyed. People who still support Trump are dangerous, racist, white supremacist domestic terrorists. And none of us know who to really trust, where to go, or what to do.

The most ideal possible outcome for Cabal.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

I don’t see how ripping the veil away from the bribery, blackmail and corruption serves the bad guys in any way. They don’t want to be found out.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, with all due respect, the jig is up.

Biden, and cabal, are winners.

Trump, and the 80 million that voted for him, are losers.

No one in the crooked establishment, and that includes corporate America, Wall Street, big Tech, Academia, the major Christian churches and denominations, media… none of them have our back.

And they are out for blood, and they will get it.

Trump was playing checkers while cabal plays chess like Magnus Carlson, multiple high level games all at once.

You and Vox are high IQ, highly motivated guys, but you have to admit you let yourself get taken for a ride.

It’s not fun to admit, but it happened.

Now, cabal is going to go after heritage America the way the Deep State went after muslims after 9/11.

We are the Palestinians now. Literally.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

What was the purpose of all those post-election appointments and orders in the DOD? There were multiple moves that seemed to signal an intent and capability to employ SOCOM against “enemies…domestic”, and yet, nada?

What was the purpose of having Betsy deVos in his cabinet if not to serve as a cutout to her brother and his band of merry men?

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, you have got to come to grips with the fact that Q was a long con and your dear God-Emperor just might be a con man. It is possible!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

” even though FBI and NSA and CIA have every reason to need to ID him, the media never tried to find out who he was even as they appeared to hate his message, and he clearly had inside information.”

They know who Q is-he works for them and made cuckservatives complacent for years and caused them to lose everything. The plan was to fuck us over. They left “breadcrumbs” to make it more plausible. Yes, Q was a LARP and nothing ever materialized-not even a single arrest. The left never took one blow whatsoever other than hurt feelings.

The Q followers got played-HARD.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Given the fact that Trump surrounded himself with GOP establishment snakes including his 666 fifth Ave kosher snake son in law, wouldn’t fire anyone, and wouldn’t even appoint even one patriot like Kobach should tell you all you need to know.

“At this point, what difference does it make?”

“If his end was to be so ignominious, why did they ban the books and social platforms?”

Because they’re tying up loose ends and no longer need to play the right wingers. They’re moving past the “throwing it in our faces” phase and moving on to the “boot on the neck” phase.

Reply to  an1search
4 years ago

if you like your blackpill you can keep it.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

is it really a blackpill to notice that when the good guys set out to accomplish something, we good guys have to be content with amorphous ‘trust the plan!’ and ‘the storm is coming!’ horseshit…. plans and storms that never quite manage to play out or are always just a couple of weeks away (heard anything about the durham report lately? the one that was going to be presented in may? may 2020?)

but then we see that when the enemy sets out to do something, it gets done? ask roger stone about that. ask general flynn. does anyone really doubt kamalawhore will be preezy be year end? how did someone who couldn’t get a single delegate from HER OWN PARTY pull that off? ask how a pack of drooling braindead treasonous idiots somehow manage to enforce ironclad party discipline and thus win *every* loose ball; how they – as opposed to us smart good guys – can conceive, plan & man, and flawlessly carry out multi-theater operations over a large scale; scales that include *centuries*??? noticing that is blackpilling? noticing that is defeatism??

see, ’cause I don’t think it is. the people we have foolishly trusted to do our fighting for us were purchased & turned by the enemy. including, I believe, the military. and we have stupidly been accepting their mewling excuses since at least 1912. (why again would teddy roosevelt, a very smart guy indeed, intentionally split the GOP vote and guarantee wilson’s election with just 42% of the vote? just like in 1992?)

first principles: the traitor is a worse danger than the enemy. we’re going to have to murder the republican party. drive off the globalist whores, get better at the blackmail game than they are. Trump tried to save us, but it didn’t work out. we’re going to have to do this ourselves.

4 years ago

It really is to the point they are just trying to demoralize everyone now.

What they don’t realize is that I’ve already read the last chapter of this story, and that means that they can’t scare me.

Spoiler: Jesus wins.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Jesus wins … yet his followers keep losing.
Good for Jesus, but those who follow him live a life of slavery.
Oh yeah, the eternal here after.
Question: How come you are not in any hurry to die?

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

The followers of Jesus know they are likely going to hate their life on earth currently, and they know they are likely going to have to die for their faith (within 10 years, that’s the final great tribulation).

We are not in a hurry to die because there are going to be millions of new converts in the next decade, as truth is revealed once more. And we will obey Jesus and spread the gospel, teaching and baptising.

And they we will take the earth for our possession, and atheists, pagans and evil ones will be gone, forever.

Coming soon, enjoy the famine and the plague.

Black Pilled Regular Contributor in the depths of an existential crisis yet again
Black Pilled Regular Contributor in the depths of an existential crisis yet again
4 years ago


The brief glimmer of (fraudulent, as it turned out) hope that we would get something like real truth about JFK, or RFK, or 9-11.


Fuck everything. Fuck the plan. Double doggy style fuck The Plan.

I guess that’s what you get for expecting government to perpetuate anything besides it’s own existence.


if you like your blackpill you can keep it.

4 years ago

Trump turned out to be the civnat Boomer I feared he was. Chickened out, and slinks away with his forever security while the rest of us get to face the raging murder hornet nest *he* kicked for four years. And don’t give me s### about how he’s just one man. HE volunteered for the job. HE didn’t take the remaining legal and constitutional avenues to stop the insurrection.

We believed in him and now I’m wondering if I’ll need to take a public a loyalty oath to buy food by summer. Or if I need to take my family and flee the country because we’re well known as open and active Trump supporters in our area. The digital billboards here are saturated with FBI ads to inform on their neighbors and friends. We’re probably already reported as being at the Capitol even though we weren’t. Already heard from a couple people falsely accused and getting visits from FBI agents.

This is a deadly pile of dogs### Trump is leaving us with. And now he wants to start a new Party after one of the biggest election frauds in history? WTF? We’ll be lucky if the voting machines aren’t just facades that do nothing by 2022. Even in “red” states it will be corrupted.

Reply to  NoMore
4 years ago

It started to look this way with his handling of chinavirus and pushing the vaccine. Then it became more clear with all the grifting emails to support Fight the Fraud legal fund, with 75% of proceeds going to pay off campaign debt. The day he pardoned Jared’s father is when I lost all hope. Trump was an operation designed to bring traditional White Americans to the surface so they can be identified, demonized, and soon neutralized or exterminated. The Great Reset has been planned for a while, and they know traditional White Americans are the biggest obstacle to it. The Trump candidacy and presidency was designed to create the circumstances under which they can take out the obstacle. Q played its role by keeping the obstacle sitting on its hands trusting the plan.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  GPA
4 years ago

Yes, I must admit the constant emails begging really made me suspicious … and sick. Then, when Ivanka said, “I am unapologetically pro-life,” my BS meter exploded.

Good friends with Chelsea and Hillary her entire adult life?
Only someone born yesterday could have believed something so absurd!

Reply to  NoMore
4 years ago

If you think Trump isn’t in even more danger, you haven’t been listening to what the left has been saying. They literally want to break him and throw him jail for his “crimes”.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  Kirls
4 years ago

Why would Trump be in any danger: He just handed the US of A to China on a silver platter. All this krap has been a charade. Trump is an actor. He fooled us.

We are now far worse off than b4 the 2015 escalator ride.

No more escuses: MAGA HAS LOSSED!

Only response is to breakup the -Soviet Union- I mean the United States.

Reply to  NoMore
4 years ago

if you like your blackpill you can keep it.

Reply to  NoMore
4 years ago

I agree with the whole thing about the murder hornet nest.

If Don was going to be one and done, then why all the fucking shitposting and generating real animosity amongst just about 90% of the people in my social circles?

Maybe I need better social circles, but one does not simply just un-fucking-subscribe fr your college fraternity Brothers, et al, especially when one is well north of 40. I’m pushing 30 years since I graduated high school.

Anyhow. Kicking up the murder hornet nest for us suckers on the front lines to deal with while Donald rides off into the sunset and hides out at Mar a Lago.

If that is what happens, then fuck Donald, fuck Don Jr., fuck Ivanka, fuck Jared, fuck them all. Why?

None of this God damned fucking shit adds up.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  X
4 years ago

It does add up:
Donald Trump is Fools Gold!

Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

if you like yer blackpill you can keep it.

Reply to  X
4 years ago

secede from msm. they aren’t friendly and they aren’t telling the truth. trump isn’t really going anywhere.

Reply to  NoMore
4 years ago

> This is a deadly pile of dogs### Trump is leaving us with.

Ridiculous. Agenda 2030 was coming anyway. The elites know that the current world program is not sustainable. There are too many idiots burning too much oil (of course, if the elites hadn’t destroyed our schools and poisoned our environment people might be better capable of managing things).

Q was always a psychological operation. “Trust the plan. Don’t do anything. Just keep watching TV and eating sugar and watching us take over the planet, plebes.” I mean, seriously. Yes, I got taken for a ride by Q for a while too. Intelligence operations are convincing; they are designed to be.

Biden being president is arguably the best outcome because people finally *understand* that the political system is gone and they will not be able to sit back and let someone else fix their problems. Liberals will go crazy with show trials and keep triggering conservatives. The American Civil war will continue. Cernovich has the right idea. The next step will be all conservatives moving to red states, electing decent people, and watching them like a hawk for corruption, and the state politicians will push back against the Federal ones. And building a complete parallel society of banks and farms and tech companies and so on.

All of you guys are forgetting the most important thing: TRUMP IS PRO VACCINE. Population control via vaccines is a key element of Agenda 2030. The Republican party has *always* been controlled opposition. That is its entire purpose. The one great thing Trump did was not start any more foreign wars. Other than that, he was either 100% banker from the beginning, or just what he seemed to be: a reality TV show host with a kind of broad spectrum charisma.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

lotsa bs there. he wants the mil to run vaxes because they are more trustworthy. same with elections. trump economic policy, part of ongoing that you wont admit is to circumvent collapse. and frankly the earth makes more oil constantly. despair is the real psyop and you fuel it.

4 years ago

After this inauguration went through, I was depressed, for about a couple of hours. But then just sitting here like, ready to move on. I started texting to some normie friends that didn’t really care for Trump things along those lines, not fully consneeding, but conciliatory, “Biden’s president now, I’m ready to move on and live life” kinds of messages. People that had given me shit for supporting Trump before. This seems to have made them a bit uncomfortable, something’s going on they don’t seem entirely excited about an actual Biden presidency now. Also helps defuse any hatred they might have had for me or other Trump supporters, “because after all, Biden IS the president now. Orange Man Gone.”

brb, going to get some more clown makeup for the next few weeks. I kept hoping on timelines, but I’ll just be comfy while doing the above to all the smug assholes I deal with. Everything WILL take quite a while to sort out. I feel like the plan is such that, with Pelosi et al being super greedy and giddy, just look at all the exec orders and legislation already coming down from them barely an hour or two into the term, I can see in a couple weeks Trump be like “miss me yet?”

If for some reason Biden’s term unironically continues and Trump/military do not come to save the day, I’ll tow their line while preparing my exit plans. As any obligations to job or to family are by then (if not already) null and void.

I need some fun ways to troll what looks like coverage when I go walk or drive around, but could plausibly not be.

4 years ago

For some other fun, go to and tell me what you see.

Reply to  AnotherAnon
4 years ago


4 years ago

Along the lines of what I said earlier, play this all cool. The lefties desperately want to see us in the crying mental breakdown state they were in November 2016. DO NOT GIVE THAT TO THEM. If we are calm and collected, they will either be unhinged themselves and/or think we know something they don’t.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  AnotherAnon
4 years ago

Hear, hear!

Reply to  AnotherAnon
4 years ago

starting to look like ten days of darkness means today thru jan 29. they get to run amok, so to speak, within limits. till they don’t.

4 years ago

Black-pilling shills just desperate to unload their deep, sincere disappointment in Q and Trump…Hahahaha. Fuck off!

What we have here is a dark day in the midst of an epic war. Who the hell expects a war to be smooth sailing? While we may experience confusion and uncertainty consider the fact that today at least 80 million Americans are convinced the election was fraudulent. Three months ago there were not 800 Americans who believed that election fraud could happen here. There has been a sea change in the population, and all the Democrat/RINO, Big Tech and MSM panic is clear evidence of this Great Awakening. They know that we have glimpsed behind the curtain. They know that their spell is wearing off. Finally, we’re beginning to understand how this game is all rigged. It will never be the same and their increasing desperation will bring the stinking temple down.

Q’s posts literally changed America and the world. I have no doubt that Q is the real deal – i.e. a Patriot-led backchannel to inform our nation of the evil in our midst and that this evil is being confronted. I wanted a happy resolution and relief for my amygdala today as much as anyone. Turns out we may just be getting prepared for a longer war – the long game – commensurate with how huge and pervasive we know this evil to be.

Take a breather. Restore your energy. Consider your faith. Steel your nerves. And strap on your spiritual armor for the next battle.

Most importantly, hold the line, men, and trust in God.

4 years ago

Look at this logically. Did Trump love America? Yes. Did Trump support and defend the Constitution? Yes. After everything President Trump went through, would he just quit and give the government to a chinese puppet that stole the election? No. Would Trump just quit and let his name go down in history compared to Hitler? “F” No. The President has so many powers added over the years to fight insurrectionists and communists from taking over the country. Powers we don’t even know about. Trump would not have left without using at least one of these tools. Just wait and watch, some organization (military, fema, etc.) already has the power, we just don’t know about it. Yet. I’m betting 10 days, but I trust President Trump even if it takes longer.

4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago

The 2 more weeks thing is starting to make more sense to me. But I will leave this here I suppose.

Some Anons were saying that supreme court case on the 22cnd was when everything would be aired. Then a revote, then march a real inauguration.

You know I want to believe, but man that looks real hard to do right now. At some point you have to move on.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

No, at some point you have to move THEM on.

4 years ago

Miller is no longer Acting SecDef:

Christopher Charles Miller (born October 15, 1965) was the acting United States Secretary of Defense from November 9, 2020 to January 20, 2021

Norquist became the acting Defense Secretary at 12:01pm, January 20, 2021 and is expected to serve in that role until the Biden administration’s nominee, Gen. Lloyd Austin, is confirmed by the Senate.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Gaynor was succeeded as Acting DHS Secretary by David Pekoske on January 20, 2021, after President Biden’s inauguration.

4 years ago

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte narrowly won a vote of confidence in the upper house of Parliament on Jan. 19, with 156 votes in favor and 140 against, Il Sole 24 Ore has reported. …

More at:

4 years ago

Cernovich> None of these people seem to understand. The left’s business model does not work the way you think, and we cannot replicate it. They don’t have publishing businesses. They have propaganda operations funded by what those propaganda operations allow them to steal from governments and other sources, like medical overbilling, investment frauds, and so on. Somebody on OAN just said the Lincoln project took in $150 million this year. What product do they produce? How much of it do they turn out? Who is buying it? What is their business model? Because it it is the same business model as publishing companies, news operations, political magazines, social media companies, and so on. The right cannot monetize what they do like the left, because to do that they would have to set up a mafia-like operation, with a network of grifters, swindlers, and government fraudsters all pilfering everything from the treasury to non-negotiable expenses like medical expenses, infrastructure contracts, and so on, taking a cut, and sending the rest to a central organization funding their propaganda. You realize this when you get in the game. People act like if I marketed this blog differently, it would make money. But why? Vox Day has as good material if not better, and it is free. So do a ton of other sites. Matt Forney had ridiculous traffic off Ferdinand Bardamu, and everyone loved it, but he could not monetize it, and he was a brilliant guy in terms of internet operations. And books? They will cover hosting and other assorted expenses, maybe if you are lucky. But most people do not have the time to really devote to them, and they don’t buy them. Nobody would buy CNN, if it weren’t welded to regular cable service, and even then the ad revenue is just laundered Cabal funding. National Review is a perennially a money loser to the publisher, but they keep pumping in the cash, and Jonah Goldberg probably still brings in a seven figure salary. His control of the dialog is valuable – to the fraudsters. And all of that fails to consider that if you form a successful platform with traffic, it will be a threat to the fraud network, and for that reason the fraud network will devote just as much money as it would have given you, to destroying you. Imagine armies of bots all hitting your site with so much traffic you can’t afford the bandwidth. Remember 8Chan? And that’s if you are lucky and the government machinery doesn’t start coming after you for anything from DMCA infringements to poisoning your food supply.

Cernovich is correct about how the Left is funded. The Right can’t compete directly with that.

However, Cernovich underestimates what can be achieved by the Right. Cernovich failed as a community leader due to his personal shortcomings, of which excessive shilling is one. Vox Day is achieving commercial success due to his community leadership, despite extensive unpersoning. Competent businessman and charismatic leader and journalist is a rare, powerful and lucrative combination.

The real problem is that toxic scale exceeds individual IQ, thus dividing the truth-centric Right into atomized weakness. This means every community has sand in its foundation. That is why I focus on Cyborganize first.

AC> Cernovich is a smart guy, and bigger than me in the game, so I have no doubt the coverage on him would be stifling. And yet he never complains.

Because it isn’t stifling, because he’s too smart, and they wouldn’t get away with it, like they do with you by simply feeding your paranoia to discredit you as a crackpot.

And also, as an Alt-Lite partial-Ashkenazim with compromat and a non-white wife, he’s controlled opposition, a limited hangout, and sympathetic to the Bio-Leninists.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Ach bitte. The cops have the Mason thing going on. And it’s leaked and well-known. They’re a CYA criminal brotherhood. TIPS-Stasi doesn’t exist. Plumbers have less cohesion than cops, and they haven’t leaked.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

> What have you heard about cops and masons, in terms of numbers in various areas?

Nothing specific. Oh wait, was that Senate Anon? I think it was. I only linked you a graphic of the second part of his revelations. Find the rest if you can, he talks about it. He’s not clued into the TRI-NWO families Q talks about, above his pay-grade.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

I used to watch the reality show, First 48. The Shows filmed in CLE always intrigued me because I’m from there. I’m watching these detectives “ solve” crimes, & this head honcho detective is wearing a huge G ring. At that point I realized the CPD is corrupt. These detectives are so “good”, they are making CLE look like another murder capitol in the making. Hell, it already is.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

I would like to clarify something. That ring didn’t make me have an epiphany on the corruption. I knew it was there, but I thought it was few & far between. Good cops, bad cops. That G ring represents a brotherhood. I’m not in that brotherhood, & they don’t gaf about me.

4 years ago

Look at our new retarded president