Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
RT,com notes Trump’s motorcade now features anti-drone devices.
Majority of voters concerned about Trump’s safety at inauguration, new poll shows.
Possible reconnaissance of Churches being performed in preparation for an attack?
UAP recovery video shows ‘egg-shaped’ object: Exclusive. This branch of the UAP story began by sounding promising and interesting, with real verifiable whistleblowers, and an actual video of a UAP recovery, but then it gets strange, with lots of talk of “psyonic” operators in the military who were recruited to use psychic powers to lure UFOs into revealing themselves, and taking control of them with their minds to land them remotely. YMMV. It is interesting, in that I would judge it a high probability there would be a recovery program, and that would eventually produce a “splinter government” which would have a higher degree of technology than the regular government. So as Congress tries to gradually zero in on this program, all of a sudden real whistleblowers appear, and begin to talk about recovered crafts, and then suddenly they veer off into schizo talk of psychic soldiers crashing UFOs with their minds, kind of discrediting the entire thing.
Kevin O’Leary has offered $20B in cash to acquire TikTok as the ban is set to go into effect.
Movers are hauling Biden’s possessions out of the White House.
Trump ‘most likely’ to give TikTok a 90-day extension before ban takes effect, NBC News reports.
Consumers unaware Allstate is tracking their driving behaviors.
Ukrainian Police raid draft-dodgers in nationwide conscription searches.
Trump’s new ‘official’ crypto soars.
ATF Director Steve Dettelbach has resigned, vacating his office Jan 18th.
How the Supreme Court’s Chevron Deference ruling could help DOGE reduce the number of government agencies. “If there’s activities at the agency that should not be happening or there’s regulations that the agency is enforcing, I think there is a very strong argument to be made that it is actually necessary for the Executive Branch to stop doing those things in order to come into compliance with the Supreme Court rulings.”
CBP One app for helping migrants get into the US will be shut down on first day by Kristi Noem.
Kristi Noem: I will abolish all disinformation boards at the DHS and will be a champion of free speech and First Amendment rights. She is for sale, as shown by her support for trannies in sports, and I would not trust her any farther than I could throw her, but the script’s lines are first rate.
California abandons diesel truck ban and 3 other clean-air rules before Trump is sworn in.
Truck drivers sue to restore Right to Bear Arms across state lines.
GOP Rep introduces the SAGA Act which would prevent states from banning guns which are not banned federally. No more patchwork across the country with assault weapon bans in one place, and not in others.
Send people to, because they will have to move quickly once it starts
“The director of a homeless shelter where A.V. stayed in January 2022 told the child welfare agency that she appeared to have untreated paranoia, dissociative behaviors and PTSD, according to the lawsuit. The state began investigating and eventually spoke to the woman’s counselor, midwife and a hospital social worker without her knowledge, even though it had no jurisdiction over fetuses.”
Not even remotely difficult to imagine that any of us could be pseudo-diagnosed with “untreated paranoia, dissociative behaviors, and PTSD” merely for reciting what we know as facts and what we’ve lived as experiences from the Stasi Surveillance Cabal, and how we’ve individually coped. The truth itself is enough to get you committed/sectioned. If anyone ever hesitates to tell the truth because of that risk, remember Mark 3:21, you’re in good company if you refuse to capitulate. Directors of homeless shelters, child welfare agencies, state investigators, women’s counselors, midwives, hospital social workers: What you’ll find some of the evilest cunts to ever exist doing for a day job these days.
The inauguration changes, thus far is indicative of a multi scenario justifications. The weather element would be a naturally acceptable decision. Folks can kind of wrap their minds around that. The other functions and events that are canceled outright, or cordoned off by praetorian guards for only Uber cabal folks bespeaks of some out of control conflicts or contests for power or control of things are going on to cause such changes to these long entrenched events and activities. The image of the c.i.a. fantasy camp home office is for the inquiry as to whether they and their other cousins in .gov spook outfits are actually working for and protecting the republic and it’s citizenry, or are they agent provocateurs out and about like retarded sappers causing mayhem throughout society for just the LOLZ of it all. It is all so tiresome. Enjoy the movie and stay frosty anyway.
Aaand, there goes Dylan blowing away in the wind:
And Joan Baez. I guess the best way to hide a musically dysfunctional agent is to have him/her ‘sing’ protest ‘songs’.
My daughter went to see the new movie about Dylan and came away convinced his mission was to betray his musical peers and destroy a movement. Not having grown up with him as a generational icon she didn’t have any preconceived opinions about him other than, ‘that nasally whine of his makes me think he’s Jewish.” She wasn’t surprised when I told her she was right. So…Bob Dylan is actually a Zimmerman. And Baez is a Sephardic Jewish surname.
Every Single Time!
Miles Mathis on Bob Dylan
Teo, thanks for linking the Dylan article. Long and convoluted, but fascinating. The east coast version of what was also going on on the west coast with the Laurel Canyon gang. So many connections; so many psyops. I noticed the quote below, somewhat buried towards the latter part of the article. It correlates with how AC perceives people being steered towards places the conspiracy wants us to be. The author, in hindsight, realizes he was almost corralled into a position to be part of the MK-Ultra program…or so he believes.
“Al Baez, the military-intel father of Dylan’s minder Joan Baez” Except that there is zerrrrrrro indication that Baez was involved in that particular aspect of the Cabal system. Might be time to realize that Rense was shitcoating conspiracy theorists and legit hatred of Jews all this time, hence the over-the-top bloody logos and ads?
I think Rense is a black washing project against Miles Mathis. He’s doing an over the top rendition of Mathis work.
Hey, remember in 2020 when Bob Dylan released a SEVENTEEN MINUTE folk song about the JFK assassination? What does that indicate?
Indicates you will waste 17 minutes of your life if you listen to the whole thing.
Well, listening to the folk song will help you pass the time in Alice’s Restaurant. By the time it was over, you’d probably kill for peas.
17!!!!!!!!!!! Do you understand how preposterously-improbable it is for Bob fucking Dylan to release a 17-minute conspiracy-theory song about JFK in the middle of 2020 at the peak of JFK Jr. QAnon speculation????? And approximately zerrrrrrrrro people from any sphere interpreted it in that context. Even though it’s Bob fucking Dylan. Even though it was a 17-minute long. One song. 17 minutes long. About the JFK assassination. WWG1WGA, that kind of shit. Quick, name another 17-minute folk song, ever.
Anti-Semitism strikes! Call Senator Schumer! Go lay roses at an holohaux museum! Another Jewish lie collapses.
I’ve posted a number of comments, referencing Brian Tuohy’s (also all laid out in the book by the same name) about how NFL games are scripted by the league. This is a fairly epic Vox Day post about how NFL games are scripted by the league:
Robert Barnes noted early last year that if you are going to bet on these, you have to figure out how what the league is thinking when they script them, which I am unable to do.
“This is the sort of game that we saw with the 49ers and Patriots for years, and now with the Chiefs.” Vox undermined his argument by resorting to that inaccurate, whiny-little-bitch trope about the Patriots. The Patriots were the team penalized for PHANTOM rule violations. The Patriots were the team robbed of a perfect season with a slew of bogus non-calls at the end.
I actually agree with this. I think Kraft and Bellichick were trying to win for real, and often overcame the NFL programming.
Tell me you’re a Patriots fan without telling me you’re a Patriots fan.
I am utterly willing to disown the Patriots if they were proven to be frauds. I can easily imagine that their rise to glory coinciding with 9/11 and the Patriot Act was somehow scripted. But if so, then, at some point, it sure seems like “Patriot” had to be semiotically destroyed, per some plot twist, and they subsequently got targeted for bogus harassment/punishment.
“The state Supreme Court Friday sided with Republicans in a lawsuit over the timing of a special election that could determine control of the Minnesota House, canceling the Jan. 28 contest.”
The elected or “elected” legislature can’t be sworn in because of residency issues. The ruling is that the Governor can’t schedule a special election to fill the vacancy until the session starts, because until the session starts, there is no vacancy, whoever was elected in 2020 is still in office. Interesting in being an indicator about how razor-thin blue control is in some of the places they control.
I created my first meme. I’m so happy, would like to share it!
A good start. Memes convey ideas quickly to conscious & subconscious with humour.
If I may add some constructive criticism… it is a little verbose and needs to be more punchy… and less race obsessed.
As a rule, mongrel is healthier than pure breed, and the blond-blue-eyed breed like pandas.
JD Vance has a good looking Christian family, and even Aryan (if important to you).
2 Indian/European actresses, Merle Oberon in Wuthering Heights, and Indira Varma in HBO’s Rome.

I think there will be a big Cabal play this year, but I think the idea that they will do something on January 20th a bit too on the nose for them. They tend to launch their operations at times that no one expects.
The COVID operation happened when a critical piece of tech was developed, and that will be the case with the next one.
Ian Kummer wrote a Quora essay where he argued that the weather forecast was more than sufficient reason for moving the ceremonies indoors. He wrote that he now lives in Russia, and has spent at least one winter in Moscow, and he was stationed at Fort Meade in Maryland, and he thought that winter at Fort Meade was worse than in Moscow. The problem is that the Northeast is humid, which means when the weather is bad its a special kind of miserable.
Someone more optimistic than me please read this explain how we are not f—ed:
London mayor Sadiq Khan’s Twitter banner. Another BMWF pairing. The erasure of the white male.
Black man white woman.
Every time
You’d almost think they were jealous, hating on the white man and all, just because white men built pretty much everything that pertains to the modern industrialized society, and what needs the maintenance only the whites can provide, so shitting in their own bed, unless ruling over a dung pile is better than admitting they need white men…
Only thing missing is a white boy dressed as a trans girl or whatever. But look, unless the Muslims being imported are ALL handpicked Cabal assets — which is not impossible — then those Muslim immigrants in Britain will LARGELY comprise a subdemographic zealously cynical about Jews, which cannot be said about the native white Brits conditioned from cradle to grave to be faithful little Zionists.
Update 1
Update 2
It’s Joan Didion’s fault. THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of creative dweebs read her 1969 essay about the winds, where she says “On the first day 25,000 acres
of the San Gabriel Mountains were burning, with gusts reaching 100 miles an
hour.” I guarantee you Bill Burr read that essay in high school or college and that 100mph winds stat factoid stuck in his memory. Those essay anthologies they assign in high school and college English composition classes are FEROCIOUS sources of centralized propaganda. By the way, in that same essay, she says “At the first prediction of a Santa Ana, the Forest Service
flies men and equipment from northern California into the southern forests, and the Los Angeles Fire Department cancels its ordinary non-firefighting routines.” Not so much, this time.
Alternative explanation for the TikTok ban.
Forwarding a data point. It would probably be prudent for anons to get into a tight 360 defensive posture for a period of time to assess how this inauguration and peaceful transition of uni party hired help plays out, whether in D.C. or in your area or zip code. Stay frosty anyway.
The fluidity of the situation, and the changes in plans would seem to imply the whole “patriots in control” narrative may not be entirely true, and the opposition is making moves.
On the bright side, it does also imply conflict, which implies two sides. So long as there are two sides, and one of them is the side beaming me, there is an oppositional side opposing the Beamers.
IMO, though, unless we see 10% or so of the population dead, the war will still be ongoing, whether our side is fighting it actively or not. If we see the 10% in the Stasi dead, then America will have a chance. But I assume whatever this is will always be out there, even if only a handful remain, looking to force multiply and build the network back to its present size.
Almost there
Scream, leftists! Scream into the void as the abyss absorbs the last fragments of your shattered minds.
Vivek Ramaswamy to depart DOGE amid friction with staff; one person close to Trump says, “Vivek has worn out his welcome” — CBS
“They veer off into schizo talk of psychic soldiers crashing UFOs with their minds, kind of discrediting the entire thing.”
Maybe. Maybe it’s all real and that’s what the GATE program was looking for. I remember some of those tests and they were weird.
It might be real-
Right. At this point, ALMOST NOTHING should be inherently stigmatized as Too Weird To Be True. It is quite possible that something like that actually happens. To paraphrase Hamlet’s famous line to Horatio yet again: “The world is way, way, wayyyyyyy fucking weirder than you think.” Yes, that applies to us here, too.
A guy mirroring AC’s thoughts on X