News Briefs – 01/19/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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So far, it appears the impulse/particle/tapping dew, recorded by Dr Katherine Horton (the wife of NSA legend Bill Binney) here is stoppable:

That is a 100 percent legit video, by the way. I have experienced the exact same thing in America as she was experiencing in Europe, meaning this elite intel op spans borders, and so does its tech. Notice how hard the impacts were on the pans. That is a feature of the tech. I think the frying pan was only able to generate such force, because it was a large, thick, conductive metal, and somehow, the kinetic force is being generated at the target by some kind of charge movement within the material, or discharge of charge, or change in polarization, and thus it is dependent on the material the “beam” is targeting having certain properties and mass,

Regardless, there is an outright Stasi intelligence service, employing supposedly American civilians, hiding in houses, and deploying weapons like this on innocent Americans and Europeans, absent any judicial ruling, any law enforcement authority, or governmental imprimatur, and entirely criminally. And the government will not do anything about it.

The impulse weapon is not defeatable by steel sheet metal sheeting as a shield, which implies to me it may not actually be a particle, but rather some sort of charge effect engendered at the target, perhaps by charging or polarizing the environment, and then creating some kind of point discharge with a beam of some kind, with the steel being transparent to the beam, or interference effect which precipitates the discharge.

As a result, aluminum foil is useless as well. Nor does a Faraday cage do anything. I think they actually use some resonant effect in conjunction with the Faraday cage’s conductors, to actually make the vibrations and the electricity bathing (another form of electronic harassment) worse in the presence of a Faraday cage.

I was being hit from two directions by the particles, which preferentially attack the head presumably to degrade cognition and functioning (the sensation penetrates fairly deeply into tissue). The sources are at roughly 90 degrees to each other. Both houses have a thermally emissive band on them which seems to warm up during usage. I would estimate is it four to six feet, by maybe an inch to four inches wide, positioned horizontally. It is tough to tell thickness with thermal as it blurs as temperatures change at distance, and the band is quite warm relative to the rest of the structure when it fires up. And it is possible that is something else, related to scanning or monitoring or targeting, which is merely used during the impulse attacks, or even that both houses happen to be losing heat for some reason in lines on the side of the house.

One of those bands however, appeared to be installed by some operators posing as workers for a local roofing company, under an eve. If that is the emitter I get the feeling you may be looking at an array of emitters, precisely spaced, in a line, perhaps using constructive inference effects to affect points in space. I could be wrong about all this, as I am making observations on the fly. I just want to document them here as we go, before I have figured anything out definitively, in the event something happens, or I discover something really good which should not be lost, so all propositions are preliminary and subject to change. However I now suspect this is not a satellite or aviation asset delivering the impulse/particle impacts.

I have had excellent luck blocking the impulses using the following system. I sleep on a floor mattress, and between myself and both sources, I place the following. A plastic bin holding 18 inches wide of water, 14 inches high, with MgSO4 in it, which the impulse must pass through within two feet of me, then a doubled lead blanket which it will hit on exiting the bin, then a regular beautyrest pillow with an unknown spun material inside, on edge to get maximum height, and then a lead blanket which drapes over my head and back down under it, which may or may not be important. Over me on a platform, is another lead blanket, which meets the water bin, preventing any spillover of beam from above the bin down to me. My sources are about 75 feet away and about 150-200 feet away.

Without the pillow, I have still felt the impulse hit the lead blanket after passing through the water. with the pillow, I can hear it absorbing the impacts and being struck. I cannot imagine why the pillow would be important, but a pillow alone will not stop the impulse. Perhaps it needs to be focused somehow when passing through the water, and then the pillow can absorb it, or perhaps the water just takes enough energy out to make it stoppable. I only discovered it when the pillow bunched up at the top of my head in front of the water bin as I squished under the platform, and I could feel it jumping and being impacted with each shot, but the shots were not reaching me. So far, the system is 100 percent effective, however I assume they can turn up the energy, so I will videotape going forward in case we get a dramatic escalation.

All of these things, I suspect will be cat and mouse, in the form of a continual battle to overcome their technology, followed by them trying to improve it to overcome your defense. Until we expose the surveillance, and trigger the purging, this is the game. However their tech is defeatable by simple observation and experimentation, even by somebody who just encountered it recently and is not a specialist in the field.

I have no idea how much that system cost to develop and field, but whatever it was, a single rube with too much time on his hands due to not being allowed to sleep has, for now, hopefully wrecked it all with a pillow, a lead blanket, and some water.

If we expose this thing, and get every American on board, I think the entire unit will be quickly defeatable, and we will end up living free again.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently updated one of its countersurveillance tools – “The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today unveiled its new Street Level Surveillance hub, a standalone website featuring expanded and updated content on various technologies that law enforcement agencies commonly use to invade Americans’ privacy.” Note, in the video above, an innocent girl was being hit by particle beam weapons. Throughout America you have Americans complaining of Gangstalking, directed energy weapon harassment, and it is so bad a raft of intelligence operatives set up, which was somehow forced to shutdown, so all that is left of it is the archive on the Wayback Machine. Meanwhile Bill Binney is giving interviews saying he is trapped in his basement because they are beaming him. Where is the EFF on that? Why no task force of technological experts getting to the bottom of it? No calls for congressional hearings? Nothing. They list a bunch of local PD surveillance things, which might have been the only way a Police Chief like James Burke could have prevented the machine from crushing him. But on any real issue, they are useless. Still think they are real?

Pentagon issues statement in response to ‘jellyfish’ UAP questions. Not much. It is a UAP, and was filmed using thermographic FLIR.

Hunter Biden will sit for a closed-door interview on February 28, along with five Biden family associates at various dates, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) announced Thursday.

The House Oversight Committee reported Thursday Lawyer and film producer Kevin Morris said that he gave Hunter Biden at least $5 million to pay off his tax debts and personal expenses and purchased over half of Hunter Biden’s artwork.

Biden donor P. Kevin Morris admitted the “loans” he provided to son Hunter Biden do not have to be repaid until 2025 — after the next presidential election — and could be forgiven, according to his transcribed House deposition.

DeSantis press sec attacks Trump for being in ‘basement’ while ex Prez attends Melania’s mother’s funeral.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign forms new parties in six states to ease ballot access requirements.

177 members of Congress joined Ted Cruz and Steve Scalise in an Amicus Curiae Brief to the US Supreme Court in support of President Donald Trump in the Colorado case to remove Trump from the ballot.

Trump lawyers say document shows he kept ‘Q’ clearance for nuclear secrets, so classified documents case is moot.

Georgia Judge orders DA Fani Willis to respond to allegations of impropriety by Feb 2nd.

Biden mistakenly claims he just saw NC Rep. Deborah Ross who was actually in DC: ‘Where’s Deborah?

An article by New York Post legendary gossip columnist Cindy Adams reports Barack and Michelle Obama are angling to replace Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle as the Democrats’ 2024 presidential nominee. On the one hand, Michelle was so repulsive when Barack first ran, they had to hide her, particularly after her saying it was the first time she was actually proud to be American. On the other hand, it seems the program is, to do things which even idiots can see could only happen in a rigged system.

Third party group No Labels files election interference complaint with DOJ over leftist groups trying to threaten people who work for it with being blackballed from politics in the future.

‘It’s time to act’: McConnell pushes Ukraine-border plan despite Johnson’s doubts.

House Passes Pelosi-Schumer CR, averting shutdown fears until March.

Heating system shut down on political prisoners in DC Gulag – with freezing temperatures outside, temps inside drop to 55, as guards wear jackets and hoodies, but no extra clothes or blankets are given to prisoners.

A Republican running for Congress in North Carolina previously compared deporting illegal immigrants to Nazi Germany, and said he was “not opposed” to fast-tracking citizenship for recipients of Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

New York cuts money from schools to pay for Migrants.

TSA sign says migrants without ID can choose not to have photo taken when entering U.S.

The Homeland Security Department is working on a digital ID for refugees and asylum seekers that is based on privacy-enhancing technology.

Feds seek 5-year prison term for IRS contractor who leaked Trump’s tax records.

Justice Department report finds ‘cascading failures’ and ‘no urgency’ during Uvalde, Texas, shooting.

Walgreens exec John Driscoll asked global lawmakers to tax millionaires like himself more. Note, how if Cabal raids national treasuries, and if it creates almost all billionaires, this is really a brilliant play to eliminate all non-Cabal who attain wealth independently, and consolidate control of the conspiracy. Cabal will always be able to replace what is taken from its agents, as what is taken is being given to Cabal. Everyone else will be wrecked.

‘Squad’ lawmaker Jamal Bowman proposes a bill to distribute $14 trillion in slavery reparations: ‘Moral and legal obligation.’

Dramatic video of a Boeing 747 with an engine fire after takeoff, before it circled around and landed in Miami.

A Chinese marathon runner who chain-smoked his entire way through a 26.2 miles race has been disqualified, despite achieving a competitive time.

Netanyahu furiously hits back at US for suggesting there must be a Palestinian state after the Gaza war – as he warns Biden ‘don’t try coerce us into endangering Israel.’

Iran could produce enough fuel for six nuclear bombs in just one month and even produce a single atomic bomb in as little as a week, a former UN inspector has warned.

The new right-wing government of Sweden has already scrapped the renewable energy plans of the old government and have been pushing for more nuclear power.

Argentina’s president at Davos denounces “collectivism” and says Free Market Capitalism is the “only morally desirable system.”

A drug cartel in central Mexico has kidnapped 14 local residents, including four children, in apparent retaliation for an uprising by angry farmers earlier this month that killed 10 cartel gunmen.

Russia on death of Gonzalo Lira: “Kiev is allowed to torture and kill Americans, and everyone keeps their mouth shut.”

World not producing enough weapons to beat Russia – Zelensky.

Japanese startup testing ground-based fusion laser in pioneering effort to combat space debris and orbital threats.

Shooting the way to fusion energy…Super high-velocity projectiles might ultimately beat lasers in the race to achieve practical fusion energy.

K-selection rises – Number of children living in 2-parent household increases, continuing upward trajectory.

Ron DeSantis falls to 7% in winner-take-all Texas, 62 points behind Donald Trump.

Former First Lady Melania Trump gave a moving eulogy full of emotion at the funeral of her mother Amalija Knavs Thursday morning with her husband and family gathered around to say a final goodbye. Deepest condolences to the Trump family. It does not end here

Donald Trump Jr for US President in 2028? Ex-first son says ‘never say never.’ He might have to move from Florida if he is to be the Vice President in this race, which would be the best possible choice I could imagine. Double the Trump, double the fun.

Spread r/K Theory, because even the Seals can figure out how things work.

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Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

K-selection rises – Number of children living in 2-parent household increases, continuing upward trajectory.

Whom are they counting? What population sector is able to afford this arrangement; or has controlled it female members; because I doubt it is Whites or Blacks.

Old Scroll
Old Scroll
Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

It does need to be a huge increase to be true.

Women may have worked out that they need a man. Even if they get a job, it still requires a man to afford a home.

Women may avoid wrecking their family because of reduced options.

Old Scroll
Old Scroll
Reply to  Old Scroll
1 year ago

It does NOT need to be a huge increase to be true.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

’What is this counting, of which you talk Ke-mo Sah-bee? Have you not heard of random number generator?” 😉

And there it is again, that number 17 – only this time transposed. These things have to mean something more. Much more I fear.

1 year ago

The Japanese government dispatched Taro Aso, a former prime minister and current vice president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, to the United States to meet with presidential hopeful Donald Trump, the South China Morning Post reported on Jan. 18. …

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

They’re doing this because the Japanese have practiced severe mercantilism for decades. They sell into our markets but allow only token sales into theirs. The Chinese are just as bad, if not worse. Trump and the people around him are against all these countries screwing us. If Trump and the US decide to withdraw from the “dubious” honor of protecting world trade, then we no longer need to give anyone and breaks on trade where they rip us off. While we are somewhat retarded in making things now, we easily have a large enough market that over time and with some regulatory overhaul we could make anything we need. We don’t need anything. With solar coming down on price [yes I know it’s mostly Chinese] energy needs can be taken care of and we have lots of oil if we are allowed to drill for it. All these minerals they say we don’t have is 100% because of the government rules being so absurd we can’t mine anything but the basics that are so necessary they fear stopping it due to political blowback.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

So they sell to the US and do nothing with the worthless fiat currency they get for the goods sold (instead of using the currency to buy US goods)?? Why would this be bad for the US?

Reply to  mister
1 year ago

It destroys our ability to produce for ourselves.
That leaves us vulnerable to globalist blackmail and impoverishes the working and middle class to increase the power of the cabal.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

It’s like that in literally every aspect of American life – There’s NOTHING we can’t do, but nothing that we’re ALLOWED to do. It’s never a matter of possibility, but instead always a matter of permission.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Netanyahu In Blistering Rebuke Of US Post-War Plans: “Israel Will Control Entire Area From The River To The Sea”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Why is he using that phrase? That is supposed to be a Hamas slogan.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Because he is mocking them by reversing their slogan against them.
And because he means something like this:
(Jordan is not the River he means, he means Euphrates)
comment image

They intend to take everything that was promised by Moses, even the parts that they never held even under Solomon.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“River to the Sea” was FIRST a Likud statement; then, the Palestinians took it because it expresses Dar Islam.

For you Sola Scriptura-ists, please READ Deut Chapter 28, the Blessings and the Curses. Since Israel rejected Christ, the Curses have come into being–that is they HAVE TO Wander. There is NO legitimacy to the State of Israel.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Exactly right. The veil was rent from top to bottom, Christ arose, and ~40 years later the temple was completely destroyed. The rejection was complete ~2000 years ago and since then God’s blessing and grace is no longer upon Israel.

Reply to  Tinian
1 year ago

It is shocking how many “biblical” Christians miss this.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Bad things happen to the USA, every time OGUS* talks 2-state “solution.” God is very clear – do not divide Israel!
*OGUS = Occupation Government of the United States

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Leonard Gearhardt
1 year ago

The problem with your analysis is that the “Jews” are Edomites/Kenites/Canaanites; they are not Judahites; nor are they Israelites: hence the land of the former Israel is under tribes which are not entitled to any of the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Is there a clear, concise explanation of this history that you can share?

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

It seems like the New Testament is pretty clear about it.

Reply to  Leonard Gearhardt
1 year ago

God is very clear on the matter – He used/allowed the Romans to destroy completely the temple thus illustrating once and for all the end of the age. See Matthew chapter 24.

Reply to  Tinian
1 year ago

Christ was clear that all prophecies not fulfilled by him would still come to pass.
Malachi 3 and 4 have yet to be fulfilled and require another Temple.
That doesn’t mean the people who prepare the way for the fulfillment by rebuilding the Temple will be good, in fact the prophecies say they will be purged and cleansed of the unworthy.
The sacrifices are only required because if the Jews will not accept Christ (and as a group they will not until his 2nd coming at Armageddon) then they must at least return to the religion they got from Moses instead of the heresy of the rabbis.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Thank you for your cordial and thoughtful reply. There are different eschatological interpretations of these passages. I happen to approach the matter from a different perspective and understanding.

I admit I could be incorrect, and prayerfully ask for the guidance of the Lord God through his Holy Spirit in the proper interpretation and application of His revealed Word.

God bless.


1 year ago

Re the EFF “Still think they are real?” Is this what would be called a gatekeeper? It’s like you have evidence that a massive army is incoming. That army obviously doesn’t want you to be prepared for that confrontation so they send a really inconsequential detachment to come from some other direction and some General in your military ignores all evidence of the enormous force and instead marshall’s every force you have against this insignificant decoy and meanwhile the main force just wipes you out. Because that’s how I feel about Ann Barnhardt and the Church. We haven’t had a Pope since 1958 but she is trying to convince people that Jorge Bergoglio is the antipope. And he is a fake pope but it’s a misdirection and we will not solve for him if we do not recognize that a line of fake popes began with Angelo Roncalli and continues with Jorge Bergoglio. I don’t believe in inept generals anymore. Love to be charitable but if someone has an outsized online platform and is assembling forces in the wrong direction, I believe she knows exactly what she is doing and that she is cabal, period.

1 year ago

(((Netanyahu))) furiously hits back at US for suggesting there must be a Palestinian state after the Gaza war – as he warns Biden ‘don’t try coerce us into endangering Israel.’

Just in case anyone still doubts that this is a war of genocide for both sides.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

“…war of genocide for both sides…”

But let’s not be confused, the Jews PUSHED THIS. They demanded this. There was a two State solution at hand and hard liners assassinated the leader trying to make it so, and the Jews have decided that they will have everything, no matter what. They could have had a two State solution and lived in peace but people who worship demons can’t ever be satisfied. The demon war god of the Jews demands blood. This is of course why they’ve been thrown out of over 2000 States and principalities, at the least, in their history.

If they lose and are in turn genocide due to the loss, they have no one else but themselves to blame. They have been abusing not only the Palestinians but the US, Europe, Russia, China and anyone else they can for decade after decade. They are super aggressive mentally ill fools.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

The jews will never allow a 2 state solution. While there are Palestinians there there is a reminder that the land was stolen. The jews had the eradication of the entire Palestinian population as their endgame.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Palestinians ever since the days of Arafat have refused the 2 state solution. They have shown themselves to be intractable. They also brainwash their children to hate jews so each new generation can’t get out of the hole. Palestinians are the ultimate bucket of crabs.

As an outsider, attempting to solve this is futile. Pray for the conversion of arabs & jews to Christianity – that’s the only long term solution.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes, pray for conversion, but conversion to Christianity will not solve the problem—because the Palestinians want their homes back–who have the keys to houses, the Jews have stolen!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“…Palestinians ever since the days of Arafat have refused the 2 state solution…”

Not exactly. There’s a BUNCH of trickery, bullshit and gas-lighting going on in that statement. They did not refuse a two State solution, they refused the shitty worthless solution that was the only one the Jews would give them. An entirely different matter from saying they refused ALL 2 State solutions, which they didn’t.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I do not side with either side, both are savages.
The 2 state solution would not have brought peace, either side would have pushed it to the point of total removal of the other.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“…both are savages…”

You may be right but there is no evidence that the Palestinians before the Jews got there went around bombing their neighbors, stealing their houses, attacking everyone…like the Jews.

You don’t have to be “for” the Palestinians to not want to see the Jews blast their children to pieces, bomb their hospitals, starve them, cut off their water, stop food shipments, and as we have seen, murder anyone in cold blood that surrenders.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Everyone over there has been genociding everyone else over there since biblical times.
It only stops when one side succeeds and reduces any survivors to absolute submission, like under the Ottoman empire.

Whoever may have been more wrong before, during, and after the creation of Israel, no 2 state solution would ever work because neither side would let it.
You can pick a side to support and advocate for them to finally drive out the other or you can sit back and let GOD decide, I have chosen the latter.
And if GOD does decide for one side to win it won’t mean they were particularly good or that their opponents were purely evil, he may just be positioning chess pieces for the endtimes.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Sure, no argument from me. I’m notifying the people who seemed to think that the jews were just sitting around growing oranges and for no reason at all all these Muslims just started attacking them.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“I have no idea how much that system cost to develop and field, but whatever it was, a single rube with too much time on his hands due to not being allowed to sleep has, for now, hopefully wrecked it all with a pillow, a lead blanket, and some water.”

Generally speaking an MRI machine is very expensive. A fleet of mobile MRI-like z pinch dews should be very, very expensive. These bozos are now out significant funds and are beaten with water, basically. Try doubling your water and see what results you get. Plus the more resources they have to devote to defeating defenses the larger the signature they will generate in terms of operators, vans and even gold/silver/copper/helium consumption. Awesome.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Silver Ends the Fed?

Or Silver Ends the Beaming?

I’ve never considered stacking He but this may have piqued my interest.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Silver and Gold are very, very conductive metals. If you made a solenoid out of them instead of copper it would create a stronger field. If you then supercooled them with liquid helium you would have weapons grade MRI tech. Lurkers and commenters take note.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

More interestingly, the results with the pillow show that whatever it is follows the principles of fluid dynamics, and so it’s susceptible to being modelled.

“Plus the more resources they have to devote to defeating defenses the larger the signature they will generate …”

But what if we want our own beams so we can Shake & Bake Cabal?

For every engineering action, there is an equal or greater reverse engineering action. 🙂

So Cabal, did you not want your special toy to be reverse engineered based on the qualia it produces?

It’s too late for that.

Last edited 1 year ago by General's Addition
1 year ago

Well argued and reasonably fair minded essay on whether “Nikki Haley” is a natural born citizen for presidential eligibility purposes:

The issue is as clear as mud, but the short take is that the vague phrase in Article II of “natural born citizen” has to be interpreted according to English common law at the time. Everyone loves to bring up the 14th Amendment, but that defines citizenship, not citizenship for purposes of eligibility to the presidency. It would confer citizenship, but not natural born citizenship, to someone born in the USA of non-citizen parents. Though the Halley parents may not have even been legal residents, so she might not even be a citizen, though that needlessly complicates the issue.

Now try Ted Cruz, born in Canada to a Canadian citizen and his American wife (born in Delaware), who was on neither diplomatic or military service in Canada at the time.

All this has to be scripted.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

the short take is that the vague phrase in Article II of “natural born citizen” has to be interpreted according to English common law at the time.

No, you did not correctly read the article: it stated plainly that the Constitution was written under the legal system put forward by Emmerich de Vattel

who wrote a leading treatise on international law and citizenship, The Law of Nations (1758), widely known and read by our Founding Fathers at the time the Constitution was adopted some thirty years later.

In fact Benjamin Franklyn bought several copies of Vattel’s treatise and passed them out to the members of the Constitutional convention.
England used Black’s Law system; the difference was made clear during the War of 1812 when England held it had a legal right to impress American sailors on the high seas under Black’ Law. Vattel is not English common law.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The 14thA automatically adopts people as citizens, it can’t change nature.

1 year ago

> Why no task force of technological experts getting to the bottom of it? No calls for congressional hearings? Nothing. 

Why no congressional hearings? Because they know:

Unfortunately, Congress does not represent us.

1 year ago

Should Americans be following the Moscow rules?

This just came across my Quora feed:

No need to read the entire essay, which towards the end begins to turn into an anti-Russia screed that might have been appropriate forty years ago. But the rules originally supposedly were for American intel operating in the USSR. I will just reprint them because this section of the essay was short:

1. Assume nothing.

Remind yourself that nothing is ever what it seems to be.

2. Never go against your gut.

If a situation doesn’t feel right, especially for a seasoned intelligence officer, it probably isn’t right.

3. Everyone is potentially under opposition control.

This goes for literally anyone: someone shoveling snow in the winter, an ice cream salesman in the summertime. Every bartender in the Soviet-era hard-currency bars was working for the state security service, as were half of Moscow cab drivers.

4. Don’t look back; you are never completely alone.

You are never alone, even in your own home. KGB has everything wired, looking not only for information, but also for ways to blackmail.

5. Go with the flow, blend in.

Maintain the “cover story”: any deviation or suspicious action could destroy the legend or an operation. Even running stop signs could be interpreted as trying to break away from surveillance.

6. Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.

Every American was under 24/7 surveillance by a team of KGB operatives. This means operatives had to check their public and private behavior at all times. Any step out of line could bring more surveillance.

7. Lull them into a sense of complacency.

Never try to break surveillance, act the way you’re supposed to at all times in accordance with your legend. This may give your surveillance team the reassurance that you are not an operative and they will begin making mistakes in following your movement.

8. Don’t harass the opposition.

Don’t give the KGB a reason to want to catch you in the act. They’re the KGB and if they want to make up a reason to expel you, they will.

9. Pick the time and place for action.

The operative needs to have full control over the environment for any kind of meeting or exchange. When the agent demands a meeting on their terms, see rule #2.

10. Keep your options open.
The intelligence landscape in Moscow was an ever-changing environment where agents could turn and be turned at any time. It was important for officers to be open to new potential sources and never be fixated on a certain doctrine or plan.”

It says something that I was sort of acting this way even before discovering this site and the surveillance way. I don’t know if that says more about my personality, or my environment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe
1 year ago

Its why you don’t mess around with hillbillies.

Reply to  Highangelheck
1 year ago

I’ve found you can mess around a lot as long as you avoid the stills and lortab markets.

1 year ago

From the Argentine president:

Today, I am here to tell you that the Western world is in danger, and it is in danger because those who are supposed to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism, and thereby to poverty.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-meaning individuals willing to help others, and others motivated by the desire to belong to a privileged class, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism.

We are here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world – rather, they are the root cause. Do believe me, no one [is] better placed than us Argentines to testify to these two points.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
1 year ago

World not producing enough weapons to beat Russia says Zelenskyy HA!
Never going to be enough weapons for Ukro-Naziland! They either sell them or they are blown up by Russia, so no, not in the Zelenskyy sense are there enough.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

Yes! Congratulations, AC, figuring that out is a huge accomplishment! I need a thermal camera now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The water thing brings me back to the neutrons and how they were better shielded against with lighter materials like hydrogen.

1 year ago

Such serendipity…

So I’m watching the Paramount TV mini-series “Ted” about the teddy bear that comes to life and lives with a family.

In episode 6, Ted and his friend are trying to console their cousin who just came out to her aunt and uncle on Christmas. Ted is trying to make a joke about how much he loves lesbians and he includes the following statement:

“We love lesbians, like A LOT, we found some magazines in the woods…”

This happens at around 26:40 in the episode when they are talking to her in her bedroom.

1 year ago

Would you mind testing a pane of glass for stopping power? Glass is an amorphous solid of silicon strands. Pillows are amorphous. I’d like to know if it’s not the crystal lattice or metal electrons zipping around. Water is an odd one. On one hand, liquid. On the other hand, water is densely packed when amorphous. It expands when it’s in a regular solid lattice.

The pillow has fibers, or spun fibers, with a lot of air. Or it’s a foam pillow. If it’s foam, then other foams like styrofoam are an option to try.

The metal whirligigs did not disperse anything.

I don’t know how all this pieces together.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Cork and other insulation/soundproofing materials may be good ideas.
Maybe fiberglass instead of a pane of glass.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I’m a plant guy and so am in WAY over my head here, but have a question for the EEs and physicists. As alluded to above, would it make any sense to play around with a combination of things of different refractive/reflective properties, and with different “dead-areas” and angles? Similar to what we see on composite armor and “stealth” aircraft?

This is very poorly worded and probably ineffective, so please forgive me. I was once decent at low-brow physics many decades ago, but it still fascinates me and I love to learn. I’ve also come to a point where I don’t trust things without chlorophyll 😉


1 year ago

Are you finally able to get some sleep? Enough sleep? Deep sleep? Restorative sleep? Safe enough sleep?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

2024: The Prediction | Trey Smith
God in a Nutshell project

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

I hope that you had a less eventful week than I did…

Oregon ice storm 14JAN2024

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

That must’ve been challenging to deal with.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Looks like Maine, now. Drive carefully.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

That is another one for the books, plenty haven’t seen the weight and destruction since all that applied stuck-on mass can topple trees and limbs, pretty much all trees bent excessively, plus power lines etc. taken down and roads blocked, not just slippery.

We had something like that decades ago I remember, when the sun is out, everything glistens and sparkles from innumerable beads glinting and photog just can’t do the view justice, just like your situation.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  @WW
1 year ago

We have something like this hit about every five years or so that knocks out the power grid for weeks. It’s just often enough that everybody has a story about the last time it happened, but nobody is prepared for the next one because complacency.