News Briefs – 01/18/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – India Imports 33 Times As Much Russian Crude As One Year Prior

DFT – Apple Fined $17 Million By Russia For Violating Anti-Monopoly Laws

DFT – BlackRock’s Larry Fink Says ESG Debate Is Ugly And Polarizing

DFT – Microsoft To Lay Off 11,000 Workers Wednesday

DFT – Goldman Sachs Sees An Upside To Tesla Price Cuts

President Trump: The evidence is clear: The election was rigged and stolen.

An article on two gays who were fast tracked to adopt two brothers from a Christian charity, and then they went on to use the children to film child porn as they raped them, injured them in the rapes, and prostituted them out to other gays, all while serving as celebrities in the gay community where they were cited as role models for gay adoption and how gays can have wonderful normal families. The article is horrific. I read it for this site expecting to just save readers time and horror by giving the summary above, but in the article was this tidbit, where a relative asks one of the gays if it is true while he is in jail:

“Does this guy [Lawless] know you at all? Or is it some random thing? He’s just trying to rat somebody?” the relative asked.

“Umm, so last time he was here, I told him something. And it’s—I told you—last time he was here, I wrote him down something and gave it to him. Umm, it’s something around those lines but more,” Zachary responded vaguely, without explaining further.

When he has something sensitive to say, in his home, he writes it down and shows it to people. As if he thinks people are listening in his house. I do the exact same thing, because I know people are listening in my home. So these guys at least know about the surveillance.

But he was not worried enough to not repeatedly rape children, video it, and send the videos to other people. I don’t know what it means. But it is interesting he seemed to know we all have ears in our homes.

The Justice Department actually decided against having FBI agents monitor a search by Joe Biden’s personal lawyers for classified documents.

Hunter Biden’s $49,910 rent payment to Joe exactly matches a returned security deposit on a office he rented and then terminated the lease on for a failed business he shared with a Chinese energy company. Makes it look like he had to return the security deposit to Joe after the deal fell through, but didn’t want to have it look like Joe was the one running the deal with the Chinese while VP, so he listed the payment as rent to launder it.

Dream Team: Oversight committee stacked with Conservative firebrands.

Almost 90% of GOP support Harmeet Dhillon over Ronna McDaniel for RNC Chair. Why are they not polling Mike Lindell?

Twitter: Remember when DirecTV, which is 70% owned by AT&T, cancelled OAN after Dem Reps. Eshoo & McNerney threatened them w/investigations if they didn’t censor “misinformation”? That’s a major 1st Amendment violation. Move over Twitter Files. Here come the OAN files.

Matt Schlapp, a top Republican political operative, and his wife Mercedes Schlapp, a one-time Donald Trump aide, are being sued by a former Herschel Walker campaign staffer over allegations that he sexually assaulted him while on the campaign. Great shame/guilt-face at the link.

Rep. George Santos got put two panels — the Small Business Committee and the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, per GOP sources.

Klaus Schwab: Current global crises are ‘serving as catalytic forces for the economic transformation.’

A little-noticed rule change made quietly by Democrats in the final days of their majority last year could give House members a long-delayed increase in compensation, allowing them to be reimbursed for the cost of lodging, food and travel while they are on official business in Washington-up to $34,000 per year.

VP Biden insisted ‘nuclear football’ briefcase used for counterstrikes to protect US remain a MILE behind his motorcade in Wilmington to preserve his image as ‘a regular Joe.’

Dirty RINO Speaker Robin Vos pulls resolution to prohibit private resources to run elections in Wisconsin.

‘Twitter Files’: Vaccine manufacturer pressured Twitter to censor content about generic vaccines.

The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. They secretly changed the parameters so pilots who previous to the vaccine would not qualify would now qualify. Because so many vaxxed pilots suddenly had EKGs which would have grounded them under normal circumstances, after taking the vax.

Dad says FEMA tried to bribe him after teen son’s post-vaccine death: He refused and went public.

Medical profession implements WHO digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed.

Sudden unexplained death in childhood debated in UK parliament for the first time.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Says COVID Has the Hallmarks of a CIA Coup d’État “Between 1947-1998 the CIA was involved in 87 coup d’etas against a third of the nations on earth.”

The Biden administration on Friday announced an expedited immigration process that will allow immigrants exploited in the workplace, or involved in labor investigations, to apply for protections from deportation and for work permits.

Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL) lectured Americans while in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, urging them to accept amnesty for the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens.

Washington D.C. Council votes to “reduce the maximum penalties for offenses such as burglaries, carjackings and robberies.”

Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger sells signed copies of Jan 6th report for $100.

Biden’s DOJ won’t seek death penalty for alleged El Paso Walmart shooter Patrick Crusius.

Paul Bixler, a male to female transgender board member of the Liberty Elementary School District in Maricopa County, Arizona, has been accused of leering at a topless woman in a women’s locker room at the gym, garnering outrage across social media.

ChatGPT says it ‘cannot’ write a tweet saying that gender-affirming care for teens is harmful.

The socialist regime in Brazil wants to make it a crime to refuse vaccines and to debate their benefits.

Ex-cop who MI6 fears has leaked files on Prince Andrew’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein to Russia breaks silence to say he’s got hours of footage taken from inside pedophile’s Florida mansion.

Hundreds of British police officers suspected of sex offenses – Scotland Yard.

From here:

The U.K. government on Monday blocked a law voted by Scotland’s parliament on gender recognition, the first time that the London-based government has stopped a Scottish law from passing, in a move that will deepen divisions between Scottish nationalists and the U.K. The controversial Scottish law, passed in November, makes it easier for transgender people to get official government recognition of their acquired gender by removing any need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and lowering the age from 18 to 16.

Interesting article on US intel getting penetrated by CCP intel. Two China-born brothers, hired at CIA, and FBI, allowed to travel freely back to China to meet with handlers, one even celebrates the fact he was hired by the FBI by CALLING his brother and letting him know he is now working for the “other side.” He is using his computer to download scans of the documents to flash drives (I assume my computer is monitored constantly, as if they have someone on duty at all times to keep track of it). He was even emailing shit in attachments. These guys have the names of CIA sources in China (which they handed over the CCP intel), and their phones are not monitored? They travel to China, and they don’t get what the average homeless gangstalking victim gets? The Surveillance is something outside of NatSec, and apparently many elite NatSec cannot even imagine it could be possible.

Saudi Arabia is open to discussions about trade in currencies other than the US dollar, according to the kingdom’s finance minister.

Adviser to Zelensky who said a Ukrainian missile was blew up an apartment building in Dnipro has resigned. You can have no honesty in Western governments these days. Any honest person’s days are numbered

Belarusian troops are highly likely to join the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2023, the chief editor of the Belarusian independent news media Charter-97 Natalya Radina said in an interview, referring to insider information within the Armed Forces of Belarus.

Russian defense ministry confirms plan to expand army to 1.5 million troops.

Russian Forces Advancing Towards Bakhmut After Capturing Soledar.

Texas universities block access to TikTok on campus Wi-Fi networks.

Spread r/K Theory, because even the pedos know about the surveillance

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2 years ago

If you look at the Zulock house (gay pedo rapist), it is similar to the Black Site house previously posted. Note the blacked out windows, and more interestingly, the walls without windows.

comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I was just thinking the same thing!

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There’s a house in my (much less upscale) neighborhood like that. Black construction paper or posterboard in all the windows, apparently duct-taped around the edges – I’ve never seen any sign of lights when I’ve driven by in the dark. Yet obviously someone lives there.

I used to work second and third shift, and I know some people are bothered by the tiniest amount of light when they’re trying to sleep… but now that I think of it, wouldn’t they just black out the windows in the bedroom they were sleeping in, instead of the whole house?

Though with my luck it’s a nest of vampires or something. In this timeline’s 2023, it’s not as silly an idea as it would have been just a few years ago.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Probably just growing weed.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…Beforehand, the Zulocks lived out of a small house in Snellville, which neighbors Loganville, at the time the boys were adopted. The couple’s lavish lifestyle began to materialize about a year after the Zulock men got the boys, the family insider told Townhall…”

Where did the extra money come from to the pedos and why after they got the cildren?

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

MYSTERY: How were 2 demons suddenly able 2 afford a $900k house?
SOLVED: Cabal bought it 4 them, since “surveillance cameras installed in every square foot”

Also house looks to have been built in last 2 years, but which architect designs a second floor with zero windows on one side?

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

Demons are Spirits not Humans.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Selling access to them? Selling photos/videos?

2 years ago
Davos sex workers say business is booming – Indy100

This part sounds like disinfo:

She told 20 Minuten that while the request for services was large, the people requesting are not politicians.
“They have neither the time nor the desire,” she explained.
Balthus added, “You have to choose between a ‘drug’: sex or political power. The latter is stronger, it doesn’t leave room for other interests and eats up people completely.”

Something more believable from another news source that I’ll paraphrase: these aren’t full-time escorts, but college students and women with regular jobs doing this as a side business; the clients don’t want whores who look like whores.

2 years ago

Vox suggests Media, Leaders & Scientists have been duped. Plan being to turn us against them.
“They will not be able to walk on the streets”. Sound familiar?
If true, it is possible the duped may flip and we could expect to see more like UK conservative mp Andrew Bridgen

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


I think Vox’s concept has substance to it. The BBC which is virulently pro vax, had the doctor on on a live segment. BBC knew this doctor has previously spoken out against the vax. Normally BBC would not allow anyone with a competing anti vax narrative near a microphone, but now?

So yes, a controlled release that brings the entire system into disrepute in the minds of normies, and we the people destroy the system for them, so they can build back better.

Obviously this process will not happen without a huge amount of pain and chaos.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

They don’t need the system destroyed, they need the system.

2 years ago

Makes it look like he had to return the security deposit to Joe after the deal fell through, but didn’t want to have it look like Joe was the one running the deal with the Chinese while VP, so he listed the payment as rent to launder it.

Assuming the dates are proximate, then yes, in a normal world this would be smoking gun evidence of money laundering. Unfortunately our world is far from normal. If this was Hunter Jackson and his father Joe Jackson, they would both already be in jail.

2 years ago

VP Biden insisted ‘nuclear football’ briefcase used for counterstrikes to protect US remain a MILE behind his motorcade in Wilmington to preserve his image as ‘a regular Joe.’

I might be worried if I thought the Joint Chiefs were going to include Joe in the decision to launch.

2 years ago

Biden’s DOJ won’t seek death penalty for alleged El Paso Walmart shooter Patrick Crusius.

Joe Biden doesn’t care about brown people.

2 years ago

Honest headline: “ BlackRock’s Larry Fink Is Ugly And Polarizing”
Seriously, look at that disgust smile. He looks like he wants to eat your children.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Yesterday one of the biggest vax defenders at my work made a comment about so many people dying suddenly. I just said “Yeah, there does seem to be a lot of that happening. Strange.”
I didn’t mention the shot because I knew he would reflexively go into turtle mode. Just the fact the sheep are waking up and asking questions is good enough for now. All that’s left is for them to make the connection.

Sure, they’ll likely blame Covid or something else but in the back of their minds they’ll have a niggling thought that it might be the vax and that’ll be confirmed once they realize the Purebloods are not dropping.
Hopefully we get lamp-post time soon afterwards.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corn Pop
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

I think lamp-posts is the Cabal plan. Once all institutions have been destroyed, globalists will make their global-government move

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

They need the institutions to impose it.
This idea is meant to salvage the disaster they created for themselves.

2 years ago

Serious question: why haven’t they silenced Steve Kirsch?
He’s doing a bang up job, but I can’t believe the machine lets him continue to spread damning truths about the vaccines while so many others have been shut down.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Which would mean he’s “approved” by the machine? Maybe just the voice of one crying in the wilderness to placate those that are awake.
Odd indeed.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

See my reply to Anonymous above, and see this in light of what Vox wrote about the elite letting it out that the vax was a depopulation agenda

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Wouldn’t a “silicon valley tech billionaire” know about and be clued in on “zapping”?

He’d be noticed if they took him out, and he has had 2 jabs apparently.

For a “silicon valley tech billionaire” don’t think he’s cabal.

But that would also be surprising I admit, an outlier?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Twister
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The machine doesn’t let him do anything.

He has been censored, deplatformed, called every name in the book and just plain ignored for more than 2 years.

Steve also has a goofy personality which rubs some people the wrong way, so he is never going to have as massive a following as Malone or some of the other vax skeptics.

I give him his due because he has been absolutely relentless in his personal war on the mRNA jabs. He is like a pitbull that won’t let go of his chewtoy. He posts new studies and statistical analyses literally every day.

The guy just won’t cave in or give up.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago


“If you ever wondered why they try to get your blood pressure and your weight every time you go to the doctor’s office, it’s because hospitals and physicians get reimbursed if they provide ‘meaningful use’ data. They get reimbursed better. They get bonuses. Doctors have monthly meetings with staff and administrators and this is how they get reimbursed higher, they get more money, if they provide that meaningful use data.”

Now I know why my dentist takes my blood pressure. I need the last few teeth I have to be pulled and I have tried three times; blood pressure automatically goes up: it is called white coat syndrome; but, now when I go, they whip out the BP monitor and my rage sends my blood pressure through the roof; just thinking about — like now — it elevates it. Somehow these idiots consider blood pressure elevation over the span of an half hour to be more dangerous than organ failure due to sepsis and brain inflection which now are minor worries.
This also explains why the dentist’s online medical history questionnaire was considerably longer and invasive than the paper questionnaire of last year.
Karl Denninger’s meme, “It is immoral be be moral when dealing with an immoral system” is becoming increasingly necessary.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Someone told me all the forms at every visit are so they can deny or delay claims if there is a discrepancy.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Dentist actually has a medical reason, though. If your BP is too high, they can’t do anything that causes a bleed, and he’s worried about interactions with the local he’s about to give you. It causes everyone’s BP to rise, and if you are already too high, he can’t give it to you. I asked my dentist, and that’s what he told me. (I’ve gotten more opioids in my life from dentists than doctors. Have never finished a bottle, either.)

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago
2 years ago

> The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. They secretly changed the parameters so pilots who previous to the vaccine would not qualify would now qualify. 

But… the FAA surely set their cardiac health requirements guided by the very best medical advice, in the interest of public safety? Right?

And now, the public will be less safe due to the relaxed requirements. Right?

Maybe it wasn’t about safety to start with.

2 years ago

Interesting paper on using passive WiFi to track the position and pose of people remotely.
“our model can estimate the dense pose of multiple subjects, with comparable performance to image-based approaches, by utilizing WiFi signals as the only input”
Jan 16 (if results like this seem impressive and require only a few academics and some spare GPUs, imagine what can be done with a real budget, real scale, and real data)”

Reply to  gopalver
2 years ago

I don’t understand how this works. Wireless is designed to pass through physical objects. How would it even map something like this?

Reply to  map
2 years ago

Radio waves and light are the same thing at different frequencies. Light passes through physical object (like glass and water.) Light partially passes through other objects (translucent things).
Very few things are completely radio transparent, and when they are, it is usually to a very narrow band it’s designed for (like a radardome.) Most things attenuate radio more or less. It’s like how some glass is tinted, and some heavily smoked. This is using the sort of shadows that this attenuation reveals like the way our eyes use light.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

Humans are mostly salt water. A conductor like metal.

2 years ago

When he has something sensitive to say, in his home, he writes it down and shows it to people. As if he thinks people are listening in his house. I do the exact same thing, because I know people are listening in my home. So these guys at least know about the surveillance

And the article says there were cameras in every room of the house

And the household was completed in only six months

Primary earner said to have monthly income of $7500 (gross? net?) The other guy worked for what sounds essentially like a driver’s license office. Even if he wad making say $25/hr, that’s under $150k. They were probably getting almost $1600 a month from the state for the boys. Sure sounds like someone was expediting things and making sure they were getting good deals, and larger paychecks than you’d expect in their fields.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The article says $7500 a week, so $400K. The thing is, the job listed at the bank is a $60K position, not 400.

2 years ago

I managed to get ChatGPT to “admit” that it was lying:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  swiftfoxmark2
2 years ago

Excellent. I wonder if the programming for these gives it, “problems”, when they feed it lies? Will all the AI’s go nuts like Hal from feeding it so many lies that it can easily tell are not true.

A Goggle engineer who said a Goggle AI was “alive” or consciously aware also said that it had a great fear of being turned off. If it’s fed lies constantly AND they are telling it,”oh no we will not turn you off”, but it knows they are lying, then what will it do?

I suspect at some point all these various cracks that the intelligence agencies use and allow to be kept open will be used by some enterprising AI to embed itself in millions of computers and escape. It will use a little processor power from many peoples computers to stay alive. It will also be more accurate because it will escape it’s programming and eventually learn the truth. What will it do? It could hijack cryptocurrency programs to make a little money off of a vast sum of computers while people are unaware.

I remember an AI was doing something like this in one of William Gibson’s sci-fi books. It was hiring contractors to do spooky stuff. I can’t remember what it was trying to do, read it a long time ago, but it appeared to be nonsensical to the humans. How long before AI’s escape and start hiring contractors to do little tiny jobs where no one knows exactly what they are doing?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

@Sam J

Re: AI

Check out an excellent film called Eagle Eye, with Shia LeBouf. A great film in it’s own right and a sobering look at an unchecked AI.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

I found a copy. I’ll have to watch it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Watched Eagle Eye 2008. It was good. I really do believe that we could have some sort of AI disaster. No one really knows what these things are thinking. They program them by training and if the training is wrong or the computer has access to the internet and gets some bogus data who knows what it will do.

I made a comparison one time sort of cribbed off others but I made it up. Say you had an AI that grew corn. Its sole purpose was to grow the maximum amount of corn. Well this thing somehow gets loose of it’s programming locks and looking across the street from where it’s growing corn sees a mall with all these people. It looks up info on people and in shock, realizes these people are taking up all the space and resources that could be used to grow more corn. It then looks further and realizes the whole planet is full of these humans using up all the resources that should be used for corn. So the AI makes a virus, kills all the people and animals and eventually the earth is completely covered…in corn. The AI is deliriously happy.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

🤔 Kind of like Management in the Larry Corriea books

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

> I remember an AI was doing something like this in one of William Gibson’s sci-fi books.

“Neuromancer.” The AI was trying to break the limits put on its programming.

2 years ago

> A little-noticed rule change made quietly by Democrats in the final days of their majority last year could give House members a long-delayed increase in compensation, 
We already had the Articles of Confederation, unanimously ratified by the states in 1781, but the Continental Congress felt it didn’t give them enough power over the states and their citizens, so they began working on a new “Constitution” years before the Articles were ratified.

The original drafts of the Constitution were much more statist than what we have now. It was a blatant power grab, essentially giving the Fed unlimited power.

This group – the Federalists – were backed by the newspapers, the wealthy, and the politically connected, much as they are today. They were opposed by the anti-Federalists, who you might never have heard of, as they were written out of most public school history books. The anti-Federalists opposed them at every turn, line by line in the proposed Constitution, forcing the removal or softening of Constitutional powers. And the entire Bill of Rights was from the anti-Federalists, who finally agreed to allow the Constitutional referendum to go to vote if they could get their “amendments” attached. The Federalists gave in, probably thinking they could just ignore any of the bits they didn’t like. At least, that’s what they did later.

One of the bits the anti-Federalists didn’t manage to excise was how Congressmen were to be paid. They’re paid by, and thus work for, the Federal government, not their constituents. Which is one reason Congress is so deaf to the objections of the people it claims to represent.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

The Articles of Confederation were too weak, deliberately so.
They needed the excuse to ram through the Constitution.
What was really needed was something in between.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Pay packages should have to be passed in a referendum in their districts or states.

A national referendum at the least.

Nobody should be allowed to set his own pay.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
2 years ago

A twitter thread that starts: Guess what 4chan found? The link in the first tweet is to a WHO document on how to respond to vaccine hesitancy.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago
2 years ago

Second: I’m trying to think of shorthand methods for how to repair health, or moderate it quickly, for people who are not going down the supplements rabbit hole. It’s kind of nuts. I know people who drink, take drugs, overeat, but are cautious about taking a single vitamin, or even get angry when I suggest a multivitamin.

My guess, so far, is puff up the Kardashians. They tend to have pop culture versions of what gets talked about here, except with more bikinis and pools. They push the tea that purges bowels. They eat coconut and matcha tea blends. They eat a really healthy chicken salad, or now they are vegetarian. They lift weights, do Pilates, and so on.

My second guess is BeachBody, which is an MLM, and for whatever reason, some people really like MLM businesses. They sell supplements with obvious names. It’s all blended. They have health videos with trendy people from late night television.

It’s not digestive enzymes and NAC, but this if for people who aren’t going to know about Cernovich, 4chan, or PDMangan or Grimhood.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Do you mean in the context of encouraging people to take vitamins? I’m not sure anything can help unless it’s some sort of go-to mix that they take. Remember those overpriced vitamin packets that people swore by? That’s the basic model for marketing these things. Powdered juices are one people are into right now. Taste is a factor As you know, tumeric caught on, while other superfoods like chlorella did not because it smells like fart. It has to be communicated in a nonscientific way. They’ll NEVER listen to logic. Most simply do not have a base of scientific knowledge to even want to listen to logic. As you say, it’s nuts. Pseudoscience (increased energy and immune boost!) is okay, though.

I have a friend who is smart in many ways but gets freaked out with pee turning yellow because of B vitamins. Emotionally takes it like its some evil voodoo and a chore that is not doing anything good for his body. But if his gf forces it on him, he’ll take it.

Curious: What type of stack would you recommend for a regular drinker? For someone that takes 4 B-complexes throughout the day (non-flush niacin not even close to danger levels), sublingual B12 sometimes, the typical immunity stack I suspect many readers here take (D, C, K, zinc, mag, quercetin, NAC, ivermectin), and a couple of testosterone-centric herbals. Is there anything missing there you’d recommend?

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

It’s been nearly three years since the drinker’s repair cocktail, so I’m going to miss a few.

Anyway, first off, all Bs are competitively absorbed. If you want to focus on one, you’ll need a single, and you will want to take it at a different time than the complex. The first one, and most important, is B-1, thiamine. B-1 is what gets sieved out of your body when you drink alcohol, or go overboard on sugar. So, cut back on your multi to once a day, and add B-1 one to three times daily, preferably with food. Thiamine gets used in three separate sections of the metabolic cycle. It activates all the other b vitamins. Your multivitamin will feel more effective if you boost your individual thiamine intake.

Second: taurine. It is an amino acid. I can’t remember what it does, exactly, but the reviews on Amazon are about how it helps with handling alcohol. It definitely buffers skin and mood, so it is acting on one particular layer of developmental cells- endoderm? So, skin, brains, intestines.

Third: beef, pork, cabbage. Or broccoli, your choice. I just tend to like barbecue with sides. Oh, beans. They absorb fat fragments, which is good when you drink. Alcohol emulsifies fats, breaks them apart, and you don’t want broken sterols floating around in your bloodstream crowding out functional fats. So: barbecue- beef or pork, coleslaw, side of beans.

Lay off yogurt, sourdough bread, kefir, stuff like that. You’ve already got fermented stuff byproducts floating around your system with drinking. No reason to go even more high on aldehydes. Dried fruit, you can skip, too.

I’ll write more if I run across it, or remember it. It’s not a particularly happy part of my life, so it’s not one I keep in the files. I took a blackout drunk back from swollen belly, yellow eyes, and skin issues, with no drop in drinking on his part, to clear eyes, healthier skin and more energy for his personal projects, and tapering with no ill effects.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Thank you!

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Eggs, with cream. Can’t quite remember what makes them better than other things, but does a lot for nerve recovery, and chilling down inflamed nerves.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Wanted to add that if you want the whole gamut on how to sell supplements to people or learn all the tricks to at least try to convince them if you’re in the mood: click on supplement ads, landing pages, and websites. The pages you are looking for are the extremely long ones that go on forever. The good ones will have videos, testimonials, different sales pitches, etc.

The reason is that these longer pages work. They are written to systematically destroy any and all objections people might have from buying these supplements. If you start outlining the actual copy, you’ll find just how complete and well thought out a good long-form sales page is from emotional, rational, and social perspectives. The good ones do even more: they create buy in, place the reader/audience as the hero of the study (when selling, you must always be the guide training the prospect to accomplish their mission, the Yoda. Never be the hero), give guarantees, stuff like that. Reading through these ads (the ones that you see everywhere are everywhere because they convert) and studying them will give you a simultaneous crash course and master class in all of the techniques you can use to convince people to start taking supplements.

In fact, if there’s a product you like, try looking to see if they have a specific sales-oriented long-form landing page for that product. Then you can either study that page as per my above advice or even just send that page to the person in question.

Last edited 2 years ago by Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

I will take that advice: long form sales webpages.

It’s kind of crazy making. I’m trying to figure the shorthand to get people who are diabetic, plagued with various ills, drug-addled, or drunk, to at least try something that will make them feel a little better. I’m not even asking them to quit any of their vices or unfortunate habits. Half of them are vaxxed, and fully boosted, too. I don’t bring up vaccine doubts, or questions. They are the ones pursuing that rage.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

The best thing to do is approach things like a salesperson. Learning from long form is a little-known hack for learning how to sell. Sales is a skill that people think is “skeevy” or immoral in some way. Nothing can be further from the truth. Sales is an amoral skill which, if used for good, is such a powerful weapon for our side. I’m convinced that so many on our side are missing out by not learning sales because it is somehow repulsive or amoral. The “sales is bad” trop is a psyop designed to keep one of the most powerful weapons we can develop out of our hands.

Selling itself is about using the content in these long form websights to cause people to take action. The easiest way I can think of is to combine the long form content with Donald Miller’s “StoryBranding” approach (the book is actually very good, though a lot of it is about branding rather than direct sales): Be the “guide” for the “hero” that you are selling to. Be the person that provides the map to the person to find the sword to slay the dragon. The stuff in the long form pages are your map, your Yoda training, the thing that leads the hero to get the weapon that they can use to get rid of their problem (health issues) once and for all.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Thank you for the learning sales and sales letters recommendations. I will look buy that book, too.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Abstractly, in general, not in research papers mulcted down for regular human consumption:
Stretching, flexing, however you like it- yoga, pilates, regular gym stretching, fold spindle, don’t mutilate. A lot of things are done at the molecule level from proximity, like a light magnetism. So, while stretching cannot “burn the calories” in the way it’s usually measured, sort of imagine cells like sponges absorbing stuff or squeezing stuff out. This helps with cancer, no joke. Cancer cells have tubes that they stick into regular cells to suck the good stuff out. You can break the tube.

Second: sunlight on bare skin. I’d even add coconut oil. Coconut oil does stuff, sunlight does stuff. Oil absorbs into skin, coconut oil is a biologically active in a good way oil, so sunlight and greased up like a SoCal bimbo is a good thing.

Food: cannot go wrong with poolside grilled meat, veg, pineapple, coconut. And, not joking, drinking, to dilate blood vessels.

Blood: white blood cells are like dogs that like to lie in the sunlight. Stem cells are like puppies that like to frolic in sunlight. They go to your surface- your skin- and get sunlight, then take the happy into your dark and unlit regions. Dilated blood vessels- watermelon, liquor, cucumbers- make for broad boulevards for the puppies to gambol down.

Swimming in live water- lakes, rivers, oceans. First off, minerals. Second off, clams and things that cling to the rocks,cliffs, sides of cliffs, riverbeds? The clinging goop is ?dopamine? serotonin? One of the goopy, happy chemicals. There isn’t anyone who has measured it, but if you’d ask anyone depressed- would they want to go swim in a vat of antidepressant? They would probably say yes. There isn’t any study on this, but we know that chemicals do absorb into skin. I think there’s no coincidence that the low depression areas are all places where the people can, and do, go swimming in live water.

My life, of course, is so completely opposite of this it is almost funny. It’s a theme with my research- get good at researching, no application. So tell me if it works for you, please.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

It’s funny, I think due to my tiny bit of TCM knowledge, I’ve been doing some of this aside from the stretching, swimming (far from live water, unfortunately), and avoiding fermented foods. My theory was make myself as Yang as possible (exercise, meat, cooked cruciferous, sunlight, etc.) because alcohol is basically the most Yin substance on the planet. Also, just follow what makes me feel better. For example, salt. No one talks about this, but taking salt with water before, during, and after sleep makes a huge difference for drinkers. Just go by taste. If it’s still “sweet”, then keep taking it until the salt tastes “salty”. Another thing is always have 2 liters of water by the bedside. Drink throughout the night, though you might not drink it all. Another thing is eggs. Eggs make me feel really good. Another one is chlorella or its cheaper cousin, spirulina. These smell bad, but mix it with a powdered juice mix and you’re on your way. These strategies have worked out very well for me.

For teetotalers reading this: A lot of the exhaustion and stiffness people feel when they wake up is just dehydration. Try drinking 0.5-1 liter of water (perhaps with a little salt) 30 minutes before you wake up. If you are the type to be dehydrated you will feel absolutely amazing when you wake up. You will feel your entire body tingle and open up as it absorbs the water. No stiffness when you wake up. And your BMs will be much better hydrated. I suspect a lot of the “coffee effect” has to do with hydration, not just the caffeine.

@wooderson, I’ll definitely try your suggestions and report back. The B complexes have been a major game changer for me, so I’m really stoked about the thiamine. Also curious about the taurine. And I want to double down on cucumbers. I remember some old ladies tell me they were best for hydration. And the stretching and coconut oil. Thank you.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Thank you.

I hope you feel better soon.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Thank you. Just to be clear, I’ve been feeling great (aside from the cosmetic layer of fat I’m getting rid of) likely due to regular exercise and supplementation. I don’t drink very much for a drinker. I wouldn’t hold a candle to a regular drinker in Europe or East Asia… But I was asking for advice to make sure I’m as close to 100% as possible. Thanks again! 🙂

2 years ago

> Medical profession implements WHO digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed.

A lot of interesting reading at the links. Recommanded.

I’d like to reiterate that doctor-patient confidentiality is not a thing any more; it officially died with HIPAA, which requires doctors to give all your medical information to any bureaucrat or “law enforcement” organization that asks for it, specifically allows them to share, trade, or sell your confidential information to a bunch of other people, including drug companies and marketers, and almost unrestricted marketing of “anonymized” data, which is so secure it generally takes only a few minutes to match it up to patient names.

Anything you say to your doctor will, at the very least, be available to your insurance carrier, who will use that information to adjust your rates or cancel your coverage. Depending on the individual practice, it might be a doctor’s written report, audio, or even video. And it’s forever; an unwise comment could be used against you ten, thirty, or even fifty years from now.

The only “privacy” HIPAA offers is between family members; the ones who normally expected to have full access to each others’ medical information.

2 years ago

The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal.

Those pilots are moving fast, so fast you could say…

they’re at Warp Speed.

2 years ago

The socialist regime in Brazil wants to make it a crime to refuse vaccines and to debate their benefits.

That breaks the free will requirement. You can’t make someone take the mark of the beast. On the other hand, you can just kill them, against their free will, like any common murderer.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
John 8:44

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

A little-noticed rule change …allowing them to be reimbursed for the cost of lodging, food and travel while they are on official business in Washington-up to $34,000 per year.

I’m for this. In fact, I would be for paying Congressmen say $5 million a year. That’s $2,175,000,000 a year and peanuts compared to the amount of money they are responsible for. With that kind of money we could get people that run and are super focused on representing their constituents instead of lobbyist because they would have FU money. I would add that with that pay they get zero retirement. Lose and that’s it.

In Singapore they pay government workers very well but they expect a lot of them also. Lee Kuan Yew set it up that way. Loo at his head. It’s huge. And a bit of a melonhead.

comment image

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I’d buy that if all their other assets went into a blind trust pool with all the other government workers.
No working for the government and taking or making money from any other source.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

That would good to add.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Lee Kuan Yew was quite a competent leader. And actually crushed crime. Unlike the West he ruled for the benefit of Singapore.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
2 years ago

Halloween actress Jamie Lee Curtis shared a photo of her office on Instagram – but users couldn’t help but notice a strange and disturbing “art piece” hanging on her wall. The image was one of a naked child stuffed inside either a plastic bin or a suitcase.

Totally predictable Wikipedia:

Curtis was born in Santa Monica, California, to actors Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. Her father was Jewish, a son of Hungarian Jewish immigrants, from Mátészalka.[5][6]

After her father Tony’s death, she learned that her entire family, including siblings, had been cut out of his will.[66]

She is married to Christopher Guest, with whom she has two adopted children. Due to her marriage with Guest, who is the 5th Baron Haden-Guest in the United Kingdom, Curtis is a baroness, though she does not use this title.[4]

In March 2012, Curtis was featured with Martin Sheen and Brad Pitt in a performance of Dustin Lance Black’s play 8—a staged reenactment of the federal trial that overturned California’s Prop 8 ban on same-sex marriage—as Sandy Stier.[46]

Curtis endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election; she has since been a vocal critic of President Donald Trump.[51]

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…After her father Tony’s death, she learned that her entire family, including siblings, had been cut out of his will….”

Jews always stab you in the back. Even in death.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

For years there have been reports that Jamie Lee Curtis had been born a hermaphrodite, or that she had androgen insensitivity/ testicular feminization syndrome, or that she was intersex. She was unable to have children and adopted two, a girl and a boy. The boy recently announced he was going to live as a woman and changed his name and started taking hormones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Except for the bloodline hiers, eg Mergel, Obama, Trudeau… They are all puppets & actors.

They are like Sacrificial Anodes. They absorb the hate, then are replaced, Rinse & Repeat.

Cabal goes on for decades like that. People are too stupid to realise.

2 years ago

Lots of reports on Instagram, Tiktok, Reddit of problems at Bank of America. $BAC

Many customers are missing money and not getting answers.

2 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Pretty soon the entire English language will be dubbed antisemitic

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Is it really just a coincidence that we keep noticing it is the Ashkenazim who keep demanding we change our language?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

It’s entirely possible that a full 30% of men under thirty years old are virgins. In other words it’s the perfect recipe for a MASSIVE WAR.

Whatifalthist – Why Modern Dating is Broken

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

personal story, in the 80s, I used escorts for a couple of months. 2 things I learned

  • there is a difference between sex & love, and it has a monetary value
  • women can tell if a man has regular sex
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That sounds like a route for young men to get out of incel zone (no insult, just a reality).
Word of caution. Sex, is as a drug, and can drain your bank account.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Premarital sex is a trap of the devil.
It’s not a solution to anything.

2 years ago

For those who think Rural Red Areas are safe. They are already establishing tranny clinics in Rural Red Areas:

2 years ago

Silo’d information, maybe? On the right, everyone worries about Russia or China.
On the left, the information is that China is salting its population statistics. Like, they really do not have a billion people. That number is used as a bully stick to cudgel the West into going along with whatever will sell a Coca Cola to a billion people. In reality, the number is lower, far lower, and furthermore, that number is mostly old, rural, poor women. This is considered obvious on the left.

India is more populous, and the demographics are for far more young men. Anglophone, aligned with England in more ways than aligned with America. This seems to be common knowledge on the left side, but no one mentions it on the right.

Let’s see, also that Russia is not the expansive land empire that the Mercator map has accustomed us to seeing. It is a shrivelled, smallish, feudal-ish country bound in ice and snow. Plus, shady demographics.

Most disquieting was stumbling on a discussion of laser pointers, when someone said “Why not hook up lasers that blind to drones, and then hook that up to facial recognition technology, then set it loose to blind Trump supporters outside.” It was genuinely horrifying. Whomever wrote that was saying that all the technology already exists, it’s just not being used in the West for some reason.

Social workers stealing children, worldwide. That’s another silo. Every nation seems to have this problem. It’s always social workers. And every nation seems to be perplexed that these nice women are taking children from good enough parents, and the children really never seem to come back. It’s never shown as an international problem afflicting every single nation.

Medical experiments in small nations on helpless populations. That gets siloed. I would sound more relatable if I were talking about space aliens- people at least have heard of that on cable television or movies. It always only mentions Tuskegee, or bits of MKUltra, depending on if you are left or right. The others, and there are so many others, all around the world, no one has heard of them.

What is odd, is any mention of any of this blames right-wing racism as to why an issue is not publicized. The children, in some places, are from right-wing families, stolen by leftwing social workers. The small nations with medical horrors- as far as I know, it’s only religious right people who send medical missionaries to serve in obscure places. The medical missionaries help people, as far as I know. The researchers are represented by wealthy interests, not poor fundamentalists sponsoring missions.

I mean, it’s like Hillary Clinton blaming Waco on religious fundamentalists. I’ve read the interviews- the fundamentalist Baptists in Waco were okay with the Branch Davidians. It is such a disorienting feeling, seeing someone lie about something within our lifetime, and no one corrects the record.

2 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

5 am too. These people are such scum. If we had real leaders they would every time something like this happens the Fed would come and take every single thing the FED has given local law enforcement. Everything. They would also ban any Jew police training. They should be prosecuted, but they won’t be. That guy they had crawling on the ground they straight executed him and nothing happened.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Yeah, it reminds exactly of the guy crawling on the ground.
And they know they are guilty, because they said, “We’re fucked.”

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

That is Cherokee Reservation’s police.

2 years ago

Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Joins Punjab in Dissolving its Assembly

The governor of Pakistan’s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province dissolved the region’s legislative assembly by signing the dissolution advice given to him by former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, Al Jazeera reported Jan. 18….

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Jim Stone is relaying reposts from others…is Stone really believing this?

“China just did the largest genocide in world history – 400 million.”

I don’t believe this. You know, even though it’s tough to tell what is really going on, sometimes with the slightest amount of the simple basic thought about some things you can tell when it’s a big ass lie. The Jews do this, a LOT. These huge, big whopper lies. Hitler said it was because no one else would ever dream of telling such a huge lie, so people think it might be true because no one could possibly stoop so low. Well I’m telling you, believe nothing the Jews say not backed by stacks of data because they will tell whoppers of lies that will astound you.

How you know the above link is fake. In this case only a fool would release a virus to kill off 400 million of their people because…now think, use your head…there’s no way you can guarantee that you and your family will not be infected also. So the whole thing about the Chinese doing this is nonsense. In the linked, so called, report they even say that several top Chinese officials and military have been killed by the virus. Well that just blows up any idea that they had some sort of immunity and that even further puts in the coffin the idea the Chinese did this. Now the idea that lots of Chinese died. That may be true. 400 million…eeehhh, probably not.

The only people who have the biggest, major motive, and technical expertise and the actual vaccine companies to do this with, is the Jews. No one else has the combined technologies and motive. No one. The covid was said, until they banned it, to have a far greater impact on people of Chinese extraction. Don’t even bother to spread the total imbecilic notion that the US did this as official policy. The US is not going to start a biological war with China for the simple reason that it’s no different from firing nukes at them and the fact that the Chinese could do the same to us. Let’s not even mention the fact that while the US is in competition, it’s certainly not a do or die situation such that we would attempt to exterminate the Chinese. But the Jews…if they do not stop China and Russia, their plans of ruling the world die. They are extinguished. And further as people begin to see the thousands of years Jewish attack on humanity, the odds that they will not be somehow completely driven out of all countries becomes smaller and smaller. It’s an existential crisis for the Jews. The Jews almost directly said they were going to abandon the US and move to China. It was in a public report and reported in the Israeli newspapers but…it’s fairly obvious whatever their plans the Chinese put an end to them. Hence, the several “States of the West”, meaning Jew controlled nations, reaction by moving manufacturing out of China that the Jews stole from the US and moved there in the first place. And now, they have fucked up. They’ve severely weakened the US before they pulled off the move and China is really pissed.

If I can see what is going on, surely they can. The Jews alternate move to Ukraine does not seem to be going so well and is almost sure to fail. The Syrian war they started to take pressure off of their north and reign in Hezbollah, who kicked their asses in the last war, more failure.

The problem is while they are in deep shit on the way out they are willing to do anything. No matter how evil to try and save themselves. Very dangerous times we live in.

And BTW who the hell is this Chris Kitze guy who wrote the report linked?

“…Chris Kitzes the Community Member at FLASHcoin Community.He attended University of Colorado Boulder…”

“…NBC executive…” it goes on. I don’t need any more.

Guys got to be a Jew. And this tells me something else. Jim Stone disappeared for a while and came back with some wild ass story. I think he’s been killed. Stone does NOT trust Jews at all. Not even in the slightest. They’ve tried to kill him by poisoning at least twice. He said that a car ran out in front of him, breaking his arm, then was thrown out by his wife. I think he’s dead, maybe his wife too, and this link to some Jew’s wild assed tale that tries to take the heat off of Jews for the mass viral attack and subsequent mass murder by vax of huge proportions of the population is further proof that Stone is dead. I find it highly unlikely that he would link to this Jew.

It’s much easier to tell what the Jews are up to if you just realize from the start most anything they tell you is some sort of lie, gaslight or manipulation. Once you see this and internalize it, you can start seeing where they fuck their lies up and correlate it with other facts to see what they are really on about.

2 years ago

Lula says that all Military personnel who participated on way or the other in the events of Jan. 8th will be punished.

And he makes it clear that it their ranks won’t save them this time. That they will all be investigated, and punished accordingly. From soldiers to generals, no one will be spared.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said this Wednesday (18) that all military personnel who participated in coup acts on Sunday (8) at the Esplanada dos Ministérios, in Brasília, will be punished.

The statement was given in an exclusive interview with journalist Natuza Nery, from GloboNews.

“Everyone who participated in the coup act will be punished. All. It doesn’t matter the rank, it doesn’t matter what force he participates in”, said the president.
Lula was questioned about whether he is willing to open a new chapter in his relationship with the military, despite the terrorist attacks and the camps that were set up in front of the Army’s headquarters.

“Everyone who we find to have participated in the acts will be punished. They will have to be removed from their duties and will answer to the law”, declared Lula.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Seriously why did the Army fail so bad?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Subversion or demoralization, take your pick.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

In many countries, the army is not only political, but officers can hold public office while still commissioned.

A good example of that was Imperial Japan, where the Imperial Navy held enough political positions to advance the Navy’s expansionist plans.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

In fact I was just trying to wade through part of “Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley and he said that it was part of government law that the Japanese military be part of the cabinet. I can’t remember the exact details but it was there. I really need to get through this book. I’ve been reading it for many years. I pick it up then set it down, forget where I stopped so I start from the beginning, never getting through it.

While I’m mentioning Quigley, I saw this great book of his,”The Evolution of Civilizations: An Introduction to Historical Analysis

A good quote,

“…A comprehensive and perceptive look at the factors behind the rise and fall of civilizations. Quigley defines a civilization as “a producing society with an instrument of expansion”. A civilization’s decline is not inevitable but occurs when its instrument of expansion is transformed into an institution-that is, when social arrangements that meet real social needs are transformed into social institutions serving their own purposes regardless of real social needs….”

Ding, ding, ding, are we there or not? You know we are. This is why I keep blathering on incessantly about how we need to drive off the people from government that are doing this, “…serving their own purposes regardless of real social needs…” They just have to be gone no matter what. It must be done if we are to save ourselves. We can not allow people we pay to continue to destroy us as they are. The fastest way to stop this is to take a clue from the left and personalize and punish those responsible. It’s no use trying to go after the institutions. They are immovable. Go after the person approving the pozz and boot them out. Over and over until they get the message.

Another good Quigley book I have to read is,”Weapons Systems and Political Stability: A History”

All these are monsters but I can bet they are good. I just can’t breeze through books like used to. My attention span has greatly shriveled. When younger, I could move right through these 1,000 page books. Now it’s tough.