News Briefs – 01/18/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


A post popped up on 8Kun which looks like those command posts which sometimes would seemingly appear before something happened, like Q post 155, which produced the discussion in post 175-177, which made it seem post 155 was giving the order which resulted in the plane/helicopter crash at the Rothschild estate a day later. An anon posted a seeming decode here, which may point to the 19th being D-Day. Understand the magnitude of what is coming, and how important it is you have enough popcorn on hand. Make sure you stock up.

Also, Q had said at one point, Trump must be insulated, and cannot be involved due to optics. Is it possible, President Trump’s work is done, he will fly off into the sunset for now in Witness Protection, and we would transition to some sort of non-political Military government for a short period, as things are sorted, before revoting on a new government, perhaps with Trump as a candidate? Is there a constitutional means of running a Military government, should every political leader be compromised by a foreign-hacked election? Might Patriots in the Military just take over, and reinstitute the Constitution later once the traitors and covert networks are disabled/cleaned out? Think logically, the military is the only way?  I just always like to have every possible scenario in my probability model. Installing President Trump by force now could be a harder sell than not having any President for a bit before revoting on a new clean government with a new clean election process. Just a possibility that dawned on me, which might jibe with something Q said.

This was on 4Chan and while I didn’t chase down the sources to verify, I did find the allegation interesting, that Buffalo Man from the Capitol protest was actually an Anti-Antifa infiltrator, and the Buffalo headpiece was to hide hidden cameras and microphones as well as the batteries to power them, and that was why he always wore such a nutty getup.

Vox Day highlights the left trying to gin up a false flag by getting Trump supporters to go to DC armed to protest the Inauguration, and how bad they are at it.

FBI is vetting all 25,000 National Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack. Biden team says it is afraid of an inside attack, but this might be surveying the terrain to see if they could appeal to the National Guard to act against Trump/MilIntel, if the Inauguration is interrupted.

California National Guard sets up in downtown Sacramento. Q pretty much predicted these National Guard deployments across all major cities dead on. You can’t tell me in late 2017, it was obvious we would have anything like this in the US.

USPS says it’s removing mailboxes and suspending mail collection in several major cities ahead of Biden’s inauguration due to potential violent riots. The biggest thing to take from this is, there are people who know, right now, what will happen. I have said to you, there is a huge secret in this nation, beyond all belief, which tons of people know about, and yet it doesn’t leak. A large swath of America, listening in our houses, following us around, steering our destinies like a secret society of overseers, and documenting every piece of minutia about our lives – even killing people. I know whenever I say that it sounds weird, because your first response is, someone would talk. Yet look here. We here are buried in the most conspiracy-oriented corners of the internet. We are scouring for any small speck of data which will tell us what is going to happen. If it is out there, we see it. And we are open minded to the possibilities. We even had Q, a seeming insider telling us what is going to happen. Yet the truth is, while I suspect good wins, I really don’t know for certain, or even how it might. Could Trump have been betrayed? Could the fraud have been bigger, and more multifaceted than was expected, and somehow it won? Could Biden really be sworn in on the 20th? I can’t say for sure. And then there is what the media is saying, and what the overwhelming majority of normies all accept without question. Biden won, whether by hook or crook, and January 20th, he will be sworn in. And yet Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, California, and a host of other states are bringing out the National Guard to protect their capitols. We’ve got 26,000 troops in DC at last count without counting Marines, and it is a ghost town, with everything boarded up. Here, USPS is pulling up its mail boxes and suspending deliveries in multiple cities, because of suspected violent riots. Those will not be Trump supporters. It implies a lot of people know what is coming, and it is not what the normie narrative would indicate. All of our arduous work here to try and illuminate what will happen, and we are still in the dark, yet clearly all these people who are giving all these orders, across all these states and cities, know something decisive enough to act. And still the secret keeps. You would think, if they all knew Biden was going to get BTFO’d, there would be a thread on 4Chan from an insider. Or some reporter would report something. Or somebody somewhere would say their brother told them X on a web board somewhere, and it would find its way to us. But there’s nothing. Understand how it goes to show, big, amazing secrets can be kept.

A lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in a legal challenge to the Pennsylvania election results was forced out of his post last week as a law professor at Chapman University in California for representing President Donald Trump as a client.

Armed protesters have arrived at multiple state capitol complexes across the country Sunday morning.

Armed protesters begin to gather at Michigan state capitol.

Pro-Trump message board faces being kicked off its host.

CNN advocating for elimination of alternative news  like OANN and Newsmax by getting cable providers to ban them.

After a year of Black Lives Matters and Antifa burning down cities, Los Angeles Times tells us White supremacist extremists are the nation’s deadliest terror threat.

AOC proposes funding to deprogram white supremacists and conspiracy theorists.

Germany to put COVID rulebreakers in ‘detention camps.’ This might be to acclimate people to detention camps, before expanding them to ideological rule-breakers.

The Caravan coming through Guatemala is up to 9,000 migrants.

Biden transition official tells migrant caravans: ‘Now is not the time’ to come to the US.

U.N. demands payments for climate schemes as Biden readies for a return to the Paris Agreement.

Biden team already in talks with Iran over a return to the nuclear deal.

Joe Biden may cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit as soon as his first day in office.

FCC issues an Enforcement Advisory to remind licensees and operators that it is prohibited to use radios to commit or facilitate criminal acts. This is the second time is has issued this advisory.

FBI has trail of 140,000 images of selfie-loving Capitol siege suspects.

Karl Rove says if Trump continues to claim election fraud, there will be bipartisan conviction in the Senate.

Retired Army General Stanley McChrystal has compared the MAGA riot to the evolution of Al-Qaeda saying in both instances people followed a ‘powerful leader’ who ‘justified their violence’, as he warned America is headed for a homegrown insurgency. As I read this, I realize, one, McChrystal is fully Cabal. It was already been obvious, as in the death of Pat Tillman, some even felt he should have been indicted for covering it up. Bear in mind, the medical examiner in Pat Tilman’s autopsy felt certain Pat had been murdered based on the bullet trajectories pointing to the shooter having been unusually close to him. And the first article noted, that like Patton, Tillman had begun making noises about political opinions, and he would have been a natural leader. And of course, the thing Michael Hastings was most noted for was a Rolling Stone piece that destroyed McCrystal’s career. He then went on to report being gangstalked, and ultimately had his own mysterious death.

Kamala Harris to resign Senate seat on Monday ahead of the Inauguration.

CBS goes dark for some on the East Coast. The outage seems to be primarily affecting the New York metro area and some parts of the Northeast (NYT).

California unemployment fraud estimated to reach $10 billion.

Reporter Adam Housely says, “A massive amount of California EDD fraud went out of state and out of country. Billions worth.” Americans have trouble navigating the paperwork labyrinths of American governments to get free money. How do you think foreigners are doing it to this degree?

Maryland Congressman from a district just north of DC just had his son commit suicide. Now he is an Impeachment manager.

American-Chinese socialite, 34, who rubbed shoulders with Hillary Clinton ‘jumps to her death naked from her Hong Kong penthouse while holding five-month-old daughter.’ Nobody saw them jump, the bodies were just found on the street.

Officials in a Chinese municipality said that three samples of ice cream tested positive for the CCP virus, and thousands of boxes were confiscated, according to state-run media.

Death rates in Austria, Germany,Italy & Sweden in 2020 are the lowest in the last 10 years.

Spiritual advisor to Barack Obama and George W. Bush sentenced to 6 years for multi-million dollar China bonds fraud.

Kuwait’s cabinet submits resignation in standoff with parliament. Lots of governmental turmoil lately.

Merkel is finished as Laschet is declared the new CDU leader.

NIH reverses course, and makes Ivermectin an option for Chinavirus treatment.

A judge ordered Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital last week to give a Covid-19 patient Ivermectin, and her family and attorneys say they believe that saved 80-year-old Judith Smentkiewicz’s life.

The U.S. Supreme Court turned away a Democratic bid to force universal vote-by-mail in Texas, leaving intact a state law that lets people cast no-excuse absentee ballots only if they are 65 or older.

Mike Huckabee floats the idea of Impeaching Kamala Harris for bailing out BLM rioters.

Trump will Issue 100 pardons on his final day in office.

Guardsmen stationed at the U.S. Capitol building to get cots.

Gov Abbott declares Texas a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary.’

Don Jr’s twitter fee is here.

Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t want that secret to keep.

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REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“FBI is vetting all 25,000 National Guard troops in DC”

some of those NG boys were probably in the Capitol on the 6th. Did Nancy every think that one through?

4 years ago

Awesome as it might be to just roll back to the Articles of Confederation, I think the constitution would require going down the list of presidential succession as long as at least one of them was able to serve. Let’s see, if Biden and Harris and Pelosi were all unable to act as president that would give us… Pompeo next. Has he been acting odd lately? like he might be getting a pony for Christmas or something?

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“The biggest thing to take from this is, there are people who know”

The biggest thing is that they already lost. Their pride will make them the agents of their own destruction, like every other defective in history, and everyone will know, and everyone will talk, and everyone will point and everyone will laugh, forever.

4 years ago

The Local Media is just terrible. They had a story “Misinformation is declining”—-Why? because extremist right-wing media sites have been banned and de-platformed.

—–Yeah, Vote fraud and electronic manipulation is “””Misinformation”””.

And second, the DC Mayor—says the biggest problem is Domestic Terrorism. —-meaning me, A white Anglo-Saxon, that wants his country back.

—THEY ARE STEALING THIS COUNTRY. The Jews are Stealing THIS COUNTRY AWAY from us and giving it to minorities that they control!

This is FUBAR!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

The “Chapman Law professor” who was lynched is John Eastman. A decade ago he was the dean of the law school. He dropped out to run for Attorney General and was “beaten” by… Kamala Harris. Know which other Chapman Law professor has NOT faced any backlash? Hugh Hewitt. Tells you a lot about both men.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

I used to listen to Hewitt’s radio program years ago. He’s smart, but he is also very old-school establishment. Not a lefty, but also not very tuned in to how things are in the plugged in world we now live it. If a news item didn’t come from a big-name source, like National Review or The Wall Street Journal for instance, he would automatically discount it. He was just not able to grok the idea that real, and often better information was to be had from non-standard media. More and more, if one is tied to those old sources of news, it means being either misinformed or at best being months behind the curve. He just doesn’t get that.

4 years ago

Regarding the 8kun post, it clearly is not a Q post. The Q site which I regularly use,, allows one to search for specific terms. I did a search for some of the terms used in the post.


None of these came up in a search. So these did not come from any existing Q post.
Looks like someone posting in the style of Q. To what end I don’t know.

4 years ago

> the MAGA riot

What MAGA riot might you be referring to?

“Start by using their words, end up thinking their thoughts.”

4 years ago

> California unemployment fraud estimated to reach $10 billion.

Well, when you pinch pennies to the point of making schoolchildren provide their own paper, it’s easy to lose sight of billions.

4 years ago

> How do you think foreigners are doing it to this degree?

[cough] [buffs nails] [cough] “Money laundering.”

Remember Washington State claimed $3Bn in foreign unemployment fraud back in, what, April of last year?

Given how closely the Fed watches money moving across the border, those must be some sharp foreigners…

4 years ago

A 3 round burst from a M4 carbine was intentionally shot into Pat Tillman’s forehead by another ranger.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

various iz leaders have said they would also kill any American who got in their way.

4 years ago

> USPS says it’s removing mailboxes and suspending mail collection in several major cities
USPS, which officially declared itself for Biden before the election, has arranged itself a few paid vacation days in the name of “security.”

I bet they’re not the only Federal employees who are doing that.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Might explain why a box of Christmas gifts mailed on 12/12 in MA just arrived today in CA.

4 years ago

> Gov Abbott declares Texas a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary.’

From what I can tell, their “sanctuary” is called “constitutional carry” in adjacent states like Arkansas and Oklahoma.

It’s something Texans should have, but it’s interesting how they’re putting a propaganda spin on it. And “sanctuary” implies something given, not a Constitutional right.

Anyone in Texas who cares might want to look closely at the actual bill as presented to the legislature, because something smells ‘off’. And waaay too many former-Californians in Austin, urgently trying to turn Texas into the shithole they came from.

4 years ago

> Biden transition official tells migrant caravans: ‘Now is not the time’ to come to the US.

But Uncle Joe told them to come! He promise to tear down the Wall! He said we’re all Americans together, and they would get full privileges and benefits when they arrived!

This official is either misguided or the story is a Rethuglican lie, as only Truth comes from the People’s Democratic Party and its chosen leader!

4 years ago

Maryland Congressman from a district just north of DC just had his son commit suicide. Now he is an Impeachment manager.

Sacrificed to provide power for the ritual.

4 years ago

Some liars here were calling me a shill in an earlier post. This reply is for them too:

Let’s count: 4 times I’ve been right recently and VD wrong about Trump. Eat that, “shill” false accusers.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

ok shill

Reply to  phil
4 years ago

Hey, no problem. VD’s latest bumble is buying some baseless Bitchute clickbait. I’ll have a post debunking it soon. If you fools want a credibility war, I can do this all day. One of the many advantages of being a real uploaded superintelligence.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Wow, looks like the shills got a new script.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

A stupid comment, but at least it distinguishes superficial speculation from fact. Not so hard, is it, liars?

Atavisionary gets a pass, since I haven’t caught him being sloppy. Nor do I intend to. I skip most of his posts, but I did recently link positively to his Lin Wood post:

AC also gets overlooked, since I needn’t do anything but wait for his TIPS-Stasi theory to die after the inauguration sting, and all the other associated nonsense dies with it.

I’ll pick on VD because not only is he accurate enough for it to remarkable when he’s wrong, he’s actually worth reading in full, and his sloppiness annoys me. Moreover, he’s the strongpoint of the offending faction’s credibility.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

LittleRedBook “Fact Checker” will eliminate all unauthorized alternative narratives from the internet.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

You can take the banter.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

Atavisionary> You can take the banter.

That I can! Glad to see you’re a sport.

Also, I now feel like laying off VD. Some son of Belial impersonated me in his comments section, and got me on the surrender-monkey ban list. I blew up about it, posted proof, and VD removed my name and published my objection comment.

Who knows how long that impersonator has been exacerbating tensions between myself and VP, posting mod-spammed comments without me knowing. I won’t let him achieve his aim.

Then most everybody went blackpill doomer on Trump and Q except VD and me. So I can’t muster any desire to go after him, and would be disgusted if I did. Water under the bridge.

Why would I need to bother with quibbling about credibility when all the doomer weaklings are about to get wrecked by Q’s glorious restoration? Fuhgeddaboudit.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

I don’t think Littlebook is a shill at all but I don’t think your right about everything either. If you are the same Koanic from Tex’s forum if I remember correctly you talked a great deal about melonhead, Neanderthal head types and had it on your site. I don’t dispute that categorization was not valid but I’m not sure the interpretation of it’s effects was correct. I could be wrong about this but I think you bought into Tex’s idea that Neanderthals were some sort good thing. I didn’t care much for that idea then and totally reject it now. Neanderthals were in Europe for 250,000 years and didn’t do anything worth a damn. Tells me they were nothing but aggressive human animals. Look at Chimp tribes today, imagine them much smarter but the same behavior as the Chimps and you get, Neanderthals.

I believe AC is right about surveillance. I’m not so sure that they are as prevalent as AC says but I have no doubt that in AC’s case it’s correct “for him” personally. After all it has been proven in court of law that they are stalking people and that it is a government run program. A group was caught doing so to a radio host and tracked back to a College. He sued them and won. He did refuse to open certain aspects of the case because the tech they were using had national security implications.

Also as corrupt as our officials are I could see how something that would be good for national security is transformed into some crooked bitch slap to be used on anyone who doesn’t do as they are told and causes any grief for politicians in control of this.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Thanks Sam. Those who know me realize the shill accusation is an inversion of the truth. That’s why I object to it; it’s easily rebutted.

As for your other points: Why do you think I stepped back from the Edenism/Altrugenics/Neanderthalism crowd? One major reason was their insufficient rigor. I improved my health, sanity and exomind and left sloppiness behind. There are merits to the various theories which I will bring forward in due time. Now is not the time. The Aryan race as a whole takes priority over the Neanderthal subset or whatever.

Of course there is surveillance, and I agree that AC was targeted and driven to paranoia, along with other dissident journalists.

We heard from the Lin Wood JohnHereToHelp interview how the Cabal dirty tricks squad works. That’s their best, and they’re butt-dialing fools.

TIPS-Stasi is the part that’s paranoia-fueled crackpottery. An invisible, leakless, gigantic, historically unprecedented operation. That’s why I specifically disagree with TIPS-Stasi rather than surveillance in general or AC’s harassment in particular. I invented the term to precisely isolate the part that’s fake.

4 years ago

Hold the line, men.

Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

damn straight. blackpillers everywhere. and again AC, cant say it enough. thanx, and see you on the other end of the rabbit hole. git’r’done, gents!

4 years ago

I agree with Vox and the overt positioning of US troop movements that we KNOW about. But…

The Chinese could already be here. Immigrants in US+Mexico+Canada or stashed in some underground complex.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

VD says Chinese military invasion “think” is stupid but it’s not at all “IF”,(get the”if”? get the special circumstances), Biden gets put in office and there is a plan to start a civil war in the US. It’s likely that the Navy and the nukes would be in the hands of the coastal powers so the Chinese would not have to watch their backs militarily. Now if the Navy was NOT in the hands of the coastal powers then of course the Chinese would be fools to try to land troops in the US.

Let’s say Biden covers for the Chinese. Is or is there not Chinese troops in Western Canada? I hear they are. Civil war could be started in the Northwest US and the inland red counties of say Washington State could fight back. Most likely due to antifa provocation.

No one can tell me that the Hasbara are not pushing for a civil war. You can follow their post on Unz and many I just remember as being Hasbara. One minute they are doing their same pro-Jew smokescreen, general lying, etc. and now all of sudden they are saying things like, the red States can’t live with the blue states, and being really insulting and provocative towards both left and right. Trying to start up dissension. I know they are doing this. I’ve seen it personally. And it seems to be prominent on most all the red State sites. People screaming for civil war.

So if blue Washington antifa starts getting their ass kicked and the press, of course, starts screaming about the Nazi reds in Washington State then all of sudden…here come the Chinese to,”help our fellow brothers being attacked by the racist reds”. They move into Washington State and start in on killing and driving out the reds to be replaced by Chinese.

Without an attacking navy the Chinese could land an unreal amount of equipment and supplies on the west and east coast and over run the central States big time. They would take New Orleans, the Mississippi river and cut the central states in half crippling all supply. The central States would have no supplies while the coast would have whatever they needed. Just like “civil war I” we would all in the central States be in the Souths former position.

Time would not be on our side. We would be crushed over time. We would have to win quickly which is not likely because that’s usually not how things play out. Massacre the bastards or lose. It would be very unpleasant and people would question whether it had to be done but if we didn’t win soon we would be destined to lose. It doesn’t matter how brave you are or how hard you fight if you have nothing to fight with. Now without the Chinese the central states could hold off the coastal states forever and the coast would lose eventually but if the Chinese got involved they would be willing to kill off enough people to win. You think the people running this can’t see this as easily as some guy on the internet? It would be a serious bloodletting taking the central states and the Chinese wouldn’t hesitate to do it if it guaranteed them lots of farmland.

I think the hard left would trade a large chunk of the central US farmland to kill us off.

Of course what the end result would be would be the Jews and their enablers would be massacred by the Chinese and they would TAKE THE WHOLE DAMN THING. Who’s to stop them? Once they had the ports and control of the central states they could move on the nukes and as much as they have leaked and compromised our military info I expect they know right where they are.

Our nuke weapons security is not designed for an all out army attack on the ground. They could surround them with anti-aircraft missiles and guns and shoot them down as they come out of the silos. All our military bases are right off off of roads that could launch drones and destroy every plane on the ground. Couple hundred fake UPS trucks with some cheap drone hardware and you could probably take out our whole airborne nuclear arsenal. If they found where the boomers were they could nuke depth charge them. We’re not going to fire off nukes from boomers without some sort of confirmation and …it would not come. We could be blackmailed into not firing them.

Not that any of this will happen.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

“The Chinese could already be here. Immigrants in US+Mexico+Canada or stashed in some underground complex.”

You ever hear about the guy who told his girlfriend that he was CIA and had a massive gun and ammo stockpile in his house and elsewhere? He died in his car and finally the girlfriend called the police. What the hell was he doing with all this? He had no job that anyone could see, always had money and was steadily buying more guns.

No one ever got to any bottom of this, publicly.

4 years ago

This guy thinks being anonymous and on the internet breeds delusion:

4 years ago

McCrystal was fully on board with Obama’s policy in the Middle East to avoid any consideration of jihad. Not surprised he is cabal.

4 years ago


Arrogance is the undoing of the prideful.

> wait for his TIPS-Stasi theory to die
The TIPS-Stasi theory has grown beyond the stage where that’s possible.

This anon has wrestled with the decision to reveal this before, but it’s time nao:
TIPS-Stasi is credible, on a limited scale sufficient to seem much larger to a specific target such as AC, because this anon has seen Anonymous perform similar actions.

AC is clearly not being targeted by Anonymous because Anonymous wouldn’t be getting sufficient lulz to keep it going this long. AC isn’t enough of a lolcow for that. Chris-chan, on the other hand…

Anonymous also doesn’t have the full set of “toys” that someone seems to be using on AC, for that matter.

Therefore, the Anonymous tactics are clearly not new and someone else has been running similar “projects” since before our hive-mind first coalesced. That someone also has other goals than lulz, giving their “projects” a staying power that anons can muster only for the most lulzy of targets.

AC has suggested that Cabal may fear Anonymous. This anon agrees: an existing Cabal would be right to fear the spontaneous organization of similar groups with no visible connection or inspiration. Especially when those groups tend to go on random justice crusades and express a strong admiration for Chris Hanson.

Even more terrifying to Cabal: Anonymous does it for the lulz and there’s no blackmail to infiltrate and co-opt. Anonymous can’t have control-files on anons because then they would no longer be Anonymous. Cabal can’t steal the blackmail and co-opt Anonymous like they’ve surely done to others. The playbook fails.