News Briefs – 01/18/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

NO Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


If you thought you couldn’t love Donald Trump any more, take a read of this WaPo piece describing the time Mattis and Tillerson took Trump to the Pentagon to lecture him for hours on how he needed to be a globalist internationalist, spend a trillion a year on unwinnable forever wars, let NATO keep ripping us off, keep paying to protect other countries, and do whatever his Generals told him as they kept throwing our military into a meatgrinder wherever the Military Industrial Complex wanted to, because this was an invaluable mechanism to produce stability. One passage from the article which sums it up – Bannon thought to himself, “Not good. Trump is not going to like that one bit.” The internationalist language Mattis was using was a trigger for Trump.
“Oh, baby, this is going to be f—ing wild,” Bannon thought.  I love Trump, but if this is even partly accurate, actually seeing him in action fighting against the waste, the foreigners using us and our stealing resources, the forever wars, the callous attitudes tearing young warriors from their families and putting them in harm’s way, as he’s fighting for the interests of the people who elected him – as much as WaPo tried to make it sound like Trump was out of control, it only made me love him even more. It is also interesting how small minds think they can gain supremacy through massive study of minutia unrelated to their task, while the big thinkers are the ones who focus on stripping away the unessential, and grasping the underlying themes that need to be addressed. I could almost feel how not only would Trump be irritated by the presentation of endless meaningless facts, he’d be more irritated to have to contend with the types of lesser intellects who could not perceive how that minutia was irrelevant. I’d fear finding out how many guys we would lose in a major war with lesser minds like that, certain of their own superiority, running things. Intelligence is paramount in all matters of war, but so is the ability to discern what is important and disregard the rest.

Flynn’s lawyer says they have a witness who confirms Flynn’s first 302 said he was truthful with the FBI and the altered 302 was altered to say he lied so they could prosecute him maliciously. Lisa Page is said to be the one who was altering 302s.

Susan Collins says she will vote for witnesses in the Senate Impeachment trial. As Q asked, “How do you introduce evidence?” The answer he was looking for may have been, “You have a trial.” Impeachment may always have been part of the plan.

PJ Media asks, since Joe Biden’s threat to withhold $1 billion from the Ukraine violated the law, why should this not be investigated?

The UK Police department Scotland Yard is refusing to reveal Prince Andrew’s location on the night that he is accused of being with Virginia Giuffre.

Trump assembles his defense team, including Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz.

A leftist pundit said, Hunter Biden is “going to have to take one for the team” in order for Democrats to get their desired witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial.

The Atlantic does a big article which basically says Trump racks up amazingly brilliant wins, but they are happening by accident, as his reckless, incompetent actions unexpectedly work out perfectly and hand him perfect victories. Is this the fake news lying again, or are these reporters are genuinely so stupid they can’t even begin to comprehend the brilliance of the God Emperor.

Andrew Yang’s wife reveals she was sexually assaulted by her doctor during first pregnancy. Notice all the women he abused, and the doctor got a sweetheart plea deal from the DA with no jail time, which infuriated his victims. I saw part of an interview where she described her doctor taking control of the situation the moment he entered the room, immediately undressing her himself before she could orient herself, and then him performing an “internal exam” without gloves. This could be as it seems, and she just happened to get a deviant doctor, and the DA just happened to let him off for no real reason at all. But understand, Yang is a threat who (((They))) do not control. It is not impossible his doctor was told to do that, there were hidden cameras in the room, and the video was archived as a way to try to get control over Yang later on, because they had identified him as a potential threat. It is even possible this is being revealed now, even though it is probably the last thing she wants to talk about, because they were approached as a couple, ala New York Governor David Patterson, and this is their equivalent of the Patterson press conference, where Patterson and his wife basically called in the media, went in front of the cameras, and said they were approached by people who had put them under surveillance for decades, and who had just approached them and tried to blackmail them with the product of that surveillance. This thing is bigger than you can possibly imagine, and that network isn’t even American, though ti employs Americans. And it is so professional, and has such amazing operational security I am not even sure who is running it or where they came from.  I disagree with Yang’s politics 100%, but I would vote for him long before I ever voted for a Romney. Thankfully, we have an option light-years better than all of them.

Romney loses GOP support in Utah after challenging Trump on impeachment.

Democrats are launching a push to cut Police budgets as part of “Justice reform.” This would allow them to purge Departments of non-Cabal cops, and shift the balance of control toward the Secret Society. I am more and more convinced, what we have assumed was atomized and random, and operating according to the old rules of meritocracy which we were told were in effect, was all much more centrally controlled than we would ever have thought.

More police officers died by suicides than on duty in 2019. Again, could be legit, but if so, why are leftists not killing themselves at record rates, as the God Emperor inexorably works his way towards total victory and dominance each and every day for the next five years? Things finally go our way, and this clique of our kind, who made it through Obama’s attacks and indignities, suddenly begin to start killing themselves?

Dirty FBI Agent Joe Pientka whose is reportedly still at the FBI, and his wife, who  is connected to the Trump Tower meeting, are living high on the hog with houses on both the East and West Coasts.

Researchers in a study in Mexico paid poor women to be inseminated and abort their babies.

Warren asked Obama to exonerate Ethel Rosenberg.

Bloomberg wants all new cars to be electric by 2035.

The Army Times named a 28-year-old who has been vocal about hating President Donald Trump as its top editor.

NBC news does an article on how not only are Trump voters racist, but their voting based on racism is also illegal and the government has a responsibility to deal with their illegal voting for Trump. Leftists didn’t have the numbers to openly act on these mental delusions, but I get the impression their emergence is because they were going to be acted upon by Cabal, had Trump not won.

China’s birthrate is falling. After an extended boom, I suspect you are seeing a natural lack of rearing urge which accompanies the type of low-grade hedonism that comes from simple pleasure and lack of threat. K comes from specific stimuli being presented, often in youth. If you can find the stimuli and present them to the citizenry at the right time in their lives, you can create K and the greatness it produces even in the face of success, and your future can be consistently great, without being subject to the vagaries of the currents and eddies of global events.

Former Navy SEAL Matt Bracken gives about 30 minutes of advice for those who are going to attend the gun rally in Richmond Virginia. Very knowledgeable guy. He assumes an active push by (((Them))) to use well planned operations that will drive these protests into violent confrontations for use against the pro-gun movement.

Already there is a Special Operations surveillance aircraft circling Richmond. Not the only coverage which will be there. You can’t not protest, but be aware these things go in your file. Don’t let it be a violation of expectation to find out you went on the Cabal-shit-list.

Italian Canon law expert confirms Voris’ report that people in Rome think Francis may be an Antipope.

Northam is scum, and I put nothing past Cabal, but the buildup described in the next two tweets, combined with the FBI arresting the members of the Base has me wondering if there is intelligence saying Cabal may be hoping to create some diversionary event at the 2nd Amendment rally in Virginia, to make gun protestors look like a violent mob itching to shoot it out.

And now we see the rise of the phenomenon of “#TradWives” on social media, a growing movement of women who promote ultra-traditional gender roles.  The article’s terms, not mine. This was going to happen because we were beginning the K-shift. What will be interesting is if the Q-forces get ahold of r/K Theory, which I would not be surprised to find out they already have done, and decide to begin using the media machine to promote K-selection like the Cabal used it to promote r-degeneracy. That, added to the K-shift will be amazing to observe. The shift may happen much faster than any of us would think possible.

Jerry Falwell may call for civil disobedience over leftist gun measures.

SOCOM just picked up a Sig Sauer belt-fed machinegun in .338 Norma Mag.

US RQ-4A Global Hawk ISR drone caught spying in Russia’s northwest. But Trump doesn’t want to compete with Putin, how can this be?

Antifa group plans to march alongside pro-gun protesters in Virginia. I have seen pro-art leftists tour museums, and get dreamy while looking at paintings of things that I really don’t see as all that attractive. I see people want to hang things on their walls which I have zero desire to possess and can’t possibly understand the obsession with. What they are experiencing would be a mystery to me, except as I experience it looking at high-performance weaponry. As you come to understand the inner workings of such weaponry, the mechanisms inside which eject spent casings, strip new rounds from the top of the magazine, lock the bolt shut for a moment until the bullet exits the barrel and gasses escape, so exploding gases can’t rupture a partially ejected and unsupported casing wall, and that all merges with the ergonomics, the overall appearance of a high-performance weapon takes on an unmistakably gorgeous, form-follows-function beauty reminiscent of that produced by eons of Darwinian selection in living organisms. What you are seeing here is leftists purchasing assault weapons, and gradually being seduced by that mixture of utility and beauty, and suddenly feeling amygdala-stimulation as other leftists try to demand they surrender their weaponry to a state whose sole goal is control over them. Assault rifles are a powerful intellectual seeds of K-selection. Also worth noting – members of a violent Neo-nazi group known as the base who were just arrested wanted to travel to Virginia and murder Antifa-members. As Q says, “They want you divided.”

Trump administration to roll back Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Florida has been quietly passing Second Amendment sanctuaries for 2 months now.

New jobless claims fall for the 5th straight week amid US labor market strength.

US housing construction jumps 16.9% in December.

The US Space Force just swore  in its first “Chief Of Space Operations”: Gen. John ‘Jay’ Raymond.

Supreme Court will again review Obamacare birth control mandate.

Mexican government says it will not give passage to the new migrant caravan. 

Latin American migrants held in Mexico are praying for President Trump’s election defeat, saying things like, “I want Trump out,” and, “Once Trump is defeated, and the Democrats take over, things are going to get better.”

A Goldman Sachs client poll finds 87% expect Trump to win the next election.

Spread r/K Theory, because traditional K is coming back everywhere

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5 years ago

“Antifa group plans to march alongside pro-gun protesters in Virginia”

Don’t turn your back on them, they may try to initiate unnecessary violence to make gun owners look bad.

5 years ago

“More police officers died by suicides than on duty in 2019. Again, could be legit, but if so, why are leftists not killing themselves at record rates, ”

Its thinning the ranks of potential enemies by bleeding non-leftist side of men.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Police and others in the same position are by the nature of their work an isolated population. They are ultimatly governed by politicians who are always ready to throw them under the bus for political gain. They are isolated from the general population as they rarely interact with normal citizens but are required to deal mostly with sewer dwellers (aka dregs of society). Add to that is the feeling of futility of things like the new bail laws in NYSewerC or Californication. They are also trained to have their orders followed and if anyone does not cooperate they trained to esclate. Due to their behavior in treating every one as a criminal most people avoid any contact. They also get saddled with politically appointed leaders many of whom are social hires and incompetent political boot lickers.

So it does not surprise me that many who cannot reconcile the forces pulling upon them commit suicide. What is happening to them is just part of what is leading to the completion of FUSA.

5 years ago

“Northam is scum, and I put nothing past Cabal, but the buildup described in the next two tweets, combined with the FBI arresting the members of the Base has me wondering if there is intelligence saying Cabal may be hoping to create some diversionary event at the 2nd Amendment rally in Virginia, to make gun protestors look like a violent mob itching to shoot it out.”

Given how much of a disaster Charlottesville is. There are hoping to repeat that victory.

5 years ago

“What they are experiencing would be a mystery to me, except as I experience it looking at high-performance weaponry. As you come to understand the inner workings of such weaponry, the mechanisms inside which eject spent casings, strip new rounds from the top of the magazine, lock the bolt shut for a moment until the bullet exits the barrel and gasses escape, so exploding gases can’t rupture a partially ejected and unsupported casing wall, and that all merges with the ergonomics, the overall appearance of a high-performance weapon takes on an unmistakably gorgeous, form-follows-function beauty reminiscent of that produced by eons of Darwinian selection in living organisms.”

No doubt men felt the same with well made swords and various assorted war blades.

The Katana is among the best works of art to ever exist.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…Mattis and Tillerson took Trump to the Pentagon to lecture him for hours on how he needed to be a globalist internationalist…”

“…South Korea should pay for a $10 billion missile defense system…”

“We should charge them rent,” Trump said of South Korea. “We should make them pay for our soldiers. We should make money off of everything.”

“We are owed money you haven’t been collecting!” Trump told them. “You would totally go bankrupt if you had to run your own business.”

Here’s the real point. The focus of their displeasure. The essence of the problem.

“These are commitments that help keep us safe,” Cohn said.

“…Tillerson had told his aides that he would never silently tolerate such demeaning talk from Trump about making money off the deployments of U.S. soldiers…”

The guys at the top don’t give a damn how much it cost for “stability” so THEY can make profits internationally. Why this isn’t mercenary behavior because it’s their “stability”. Read profits. But if the guy on the street wants their asses to pay for “stability” because he’s sick of getting the bill, why that’s mercenary. The little guy can pay out the ass and it’s all about “stability”. The little guy says to himself. F_&% them if they want “stability” they can pay for it themselves. The little guy wants the border guarded. Put the troops there.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Great comment.

M in the 517
M in the 517
5 years ago

“Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution. Can they be stopped?

Republicans and Democrats alike have been unwilling to reprimand voters or to hold them accountable. But racist voting isn’t an accident.”

The author: Noah Berlatsky


M in the 517
M in the 517
5 years ago

Noah Berlatsky is the kind of leftist-authoritarian goon who truly won’t stop until we are all red or blue tagged and sent to The Camps (or otherwise he is summarily punished by a military tribunal for high treason)

Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco
5 years ago

“Antifa group plans to march alongside pro-gun protesters in Virginia.”

We are reaching levels of cuckery and bull prepping that no one thought was possible.

5 years ago

Read about Trump’s introduction to the Joint Chiefs’ special room on another blog and how he called them all “babies and dopes”. Hilarious. They all sat around the table with their heads lowered, refusing to make eye contact. Mattis was especially peeved. Then I read in the comments how Mattis got taken in by the whole Theranos swindle. Dopes, indeed.

5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago

Pakistan FM, after visits, says Iran wants to de-escalate

5 years ago

France deploys radar system in Saudi Arabia to ‘reassure’ kingdom

5 years ago

Turkish Foreign Minister Accuses Greece of Sabotaging Libya Talks

5 years ago

Haftar Blocks All Libyan Oil Exports Day Before Berlin Peace Conference

5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago

Ghana attracts African Americans with “Year of Return”

5 years ago

Wow – Puerto Rico Governor Fires Emergency Response Director After Massive Warehouse of Unused Aid Discovered…