News Briefs – 01/17/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


I’d classify this as a rumor – Due to security issues, President Trump asked his family and friends to leave the White House tonight. The guy posting this is something of a cypher. Some think he is a LARP, but he has posted videos from restricted areas before, sometimes feet from President Trump, so some believe he is a photographer who has legit access, and he has a couple of hundred thousand followers on Tik Tok. I would look on this as a possible clue, yet to be confirmed. Some thought this might have been what Q meant after RED 6, where he wrote, “USSS.” I would not be surprised if they are already moved, and this is a message that Trump is preparing for war. I’ve said the network is vast. They could easily have the manpower to overrun the White House, if they moved everyone from around the country to DC, though I assume there is surveillance up at the city border to detect such movement. Under TIPS pilot-program numbers, New York City alone would have 340,000 assets. Not all would be physically capable, or violence fluent, but you could probably get 30-40,000 cannon fodder just from there, with maybe a few thousand genuine shooters if that was the plan. I do not know if all their citizen assets are fully read in, or know what they are a part of, or even if they would follow an order to storm the White House in the face of 25,000 armed National Guard and Secret Service willing to drop them as fast as they can pull the trigger. But if even a small portion of 6% of the entire country was willing to make the run, Trump’s forces would need a lot of ammo. The fences would make good sense to slow them down, and give them shots. My guess is with the manpower they will have soldiers covering every inch of fence. That is not being put in place because of a few thousand rowdy Trump fans. That is a deterrent to a storming by a massive Cabal force.

Q has posted twice about Judgement Day coming, and January 17th is Judgement Day. And there is the number 17 of course, if numbers are important.

Then again, post 562, posted on Jan 19th, 2018, said simply, “Remember this day.” Then again he said at one point they were two days ahead of schedule.

DNI says China did seek to interfere with our election and CIA tried to cover it up by lying in their assessment,  This is not the big report, which determines if there was interference, but it says they sought to, so it is a good bet they got some interference in. And CIA was covering it up.

Just a few random tweets from the twitter feed of very well known liberal historian Michael Beschloss, which show you how confident they are that Joe Biden will be our next President. All but the last two were from just one hour of his feed. Try to show empathy and NOT laugh:

“Americans need official reassurance that if Trump issues strange, unwarranted orders to United States military or tries to grant himself unwarranted emergency Presidential powers or asks for unwarranted martial law, such orders will be thwarted to protect our democracy.”

“At this moment, we [Editor’s note – Who is this “We” Kemosabe?] Americans  do not know enough about what government processes exist to make sure that a rash, selfish, demented, power-hungry, anti-democratic President cannot abuse his authority in desperate effort to cling to a job from which the voters decided to evict him.”

“Why are top members of an outgoing President’s staff — four days before his term is done — now having an unannounced Saturday morning meeting at White House complex?”

“Did Attorney General Barr resign in December because even Barr — with his ominous record of abetting authoritarianism and destroying our rule of law — could not stomach the abuses of power he expected Trump to try in order to stay in office, against free will of American voters?”

“And for the thousand time, where is Pence and what is he doing?”

“Pence still (at least in theory) works for us and has no right to slink around secretly, as if he is a private citizen. His whereabouts could affect our future.”

“And what is the President’s (radically underqualified and underexperienced) national security adviser doing at this secret White House meeting this morning?”

“What is Giuliani doing at White House? Answers welcome.”

“Under pressure from Trump White House, Acting Secretary of Defense has ordered NSA to “immediately” install Republican party ex-operative (and Devin Nunes ex-aide) as NSA general counsel, reports Washington Post. With less than four days to go of Trump’s Presidency? Why?”

Amazon has begun banning all sorts of books from sale from private used book stores, from Mein Kampf texts, to obscure Romanian right wing titles, and they are hitting sellers with strikes on their accounts simply because they didn’t blacklist the titles themselves and remove the listings before Amazon banned them.  On this trajectory, this does not end well. President Trump will either save us from total destruction, or see the entire nation to fall to the despots.

The adoptive father of BLM Capital Hill riot agitator John Sullivan was disciplined by the U.S. Air Force for sending sensitive nuclear weapons parts to Taiwan, the Republic of China. Somebody here had said the domestic surveillance was Chinese a couple of years back as I recall. I didn’t think it likely and dismissed it in my mind at the time, but more and more it is looking like the network may actually be Chinese. It could explain where all the money is coming from. I saw where John Sullivan’s lawyer was arguing with a judge over the conditions of his release, and one condition was he needed to work at his business, Insurgency LLC, which sells videos of protests to media outlets like CNN. So he shows up at protests to carry out Cabal orders, and then CNN pays him, ostensibly for a little video he shoots at the event. He could very well have been turned into another Obama, and ended up a President at some point, as a second generation asset.

Acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller ordered the director of the National Security Agency to install a former GOP political operative as the NSA’s top lawyer. RED 6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild (57), banker and Chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild holding company, has died of a heart attack.

Huge explosion in Sterling Virginia, and it happened at an old abandoned building opposite a large data center. Could be something. You can’t just hide your covert data center in the middle of nowhere, because you need special lines installed to handle the large bandwidth to it, and that will betray where you hid it. So if you want a covert data center, you have to hide it near an overt data center, so you can piggy back the lines.

U.S. Capitol Police test audible emergency notification system in DC. Who even knew they have giant speakers throughout DC to deliver messages?

A good video showing how the Capitol Mall area is a locked down ghost town, and all the businesses around it are covered in plywood, presumably because of expected Antifa/BLM riots. They aren’t expecting those riots because Biden got inaugurated.

Trump tower in Washington DC is all surrounded by 7 foot non-scalable fence. That place wouldn’t be in danger from Trump supporters, if Biden was getting inaugurated.

National Guard lacks an exit strategy for the Presidential inauguration. They are just going to stay there until they won’t. They have no idea when they are leaving, or what will mean they can leave. UPDATE: Duffleblog apparently does satire, and this was tongue in cheek, though I think the satire was based on truth at the beginning..

DeSantis activates National Guard to protect Florida Capitol.

NJ activating National Guard troops for possible pro-Trump march on Trenton.

MD National Guard on standby for protests. National Guard activated across all major cities? Sounded a little unlikely when Q said it in 2017.

Philly is deploying all Police to control and violent uprisings on Inauguration Day.

Federal prisons on lockdown in run-up to Biden inauguration. Might point to a generalized plan to simply stir maximum chaos, even by breaking open the prisons by force, and letting everyone out. That, or orders given to the assets in prisons to set off riots to tie up federal resources trying to put the riots down.

New York prosecutors conduct HOURS-long interview with Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen about the president’s Deutsche Bank accounts. All of these people coming after Trump are guilty of a criminal conspiracy against the nation. Either Trump can pass the torch to Biden and then wait for the onslaught, or he can not, and then expose all of them, strip them of power, and put them in prison. And become an official American Legend in the process.

A prosecutor in Atlanta is among those in the state considering opening up a criminal investigation into President Donald Trump for challenging the state’s controversial election results. If you think Trump is going to let Biden assume office, you are assuming Trump is a guy who will just willingly let his enemies walk all over him, AND betray his most loyal fans. I don’t think Trump is that guy. It is always possible a critical betrayal would thwart him, but as it stands, the power rests with him completely to take control, and he has every reason to do it, given the enemy seems bent on the total destruction of the nation and him personally.

The Department of Justice closed an investigation into ballots that were discarded in Pennsylvania, saying that there was insufficient evidence to prove criminal intent on the part of the person who discarded the ballots. All Trump ballots, discarded innocently.

Loews Hotels cancels Sen. Josh Hawley fundraising event.

Pelosi puts Swalwell back on Homeland Security panel despite spy scandal.

Leftists are gloating over the fact that if Biden takes office, the Census has delayed its counting procedures to the point that now Biden will get to decide to count illegal immigrants and grant blue states additional legislators to represent the illegals in their borders. But if Biden doesn’t take office, then it won’t work that way.

Biden immigration package to offer 11 million immigrants pathway to citizenship. With no border controls. Biden’s plan has been described as so “bold” by Politico, that even the most passionate immigration reform advocates are said to be “stunned” after getting an early look at it.

Country star John Rich says Conservative rockers are being ‘muzzled’ by the industry.

Twitter says it was just a bug which stopped people from searching “Lincoln Project” during the period that one of their leaders had a scandal over his sexually harassing young men.

Politico staff in revolt over Conservative Ben Shapiro being allowed to write for the site. Because liberals and conservatives hate each other, and he is a real conservative, and they are real liberals. Pieces like this are all about forming that deeper foundation in your brain. The reality is they all know they are all in the club, and this is a show. They wouldn’t be working there if they did not.

ANTIFA supporter Daniel Alan Baker has been arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters and police on Inauguration Day, and was caught saying, he ‘received Soros money’ in a Youtube video.

Hundreds of rioters destroyed property and set fires during Trump’s 2017 inauguration, and all charges were dropped.

Fox News reportedly considering top executive firings over their post-election ratings collapse.

FOX News reportedly considering hiring the brother of former Obama adviser as new CEO.

West Vancouver billionaire Frank Giustra given the green light to sue Twitter over ‘Pizzagate’ tweets. He was the guy behind Uranium One.

Drive to get COVID-19 vaccine to L.A. firefighters loses steam as 40% fail to show up.

55 Americans have died following COVID vaccination, Norway Post-Vaccination deaths rise to 29.

Norway turns against dangerous COVID-19 vaccines, and warns ‘very frail’ people should not take the shots. In other words, it does damage, and if you are weak enough, it kills you.

Biden will deploy FEMA and the National Guard to vaccinate Americans.

NPR touts Biden’s promise to advance the transgender agenda.

Proposed Oregon bill greatly expands the governor’s emergency powers to include the ability to seize real and personal property and attempts to eliminate compensation in those takings.

While we waste time on COVID, everything from bacteria to HIV are getting drug resistant. “In the United States, Europe, Australia and Japan an estimated 10% to 17% of patients who are just starting drug treatment are infected with a virus that’s resistant to at least one drug.”

8,000 Honduran migrants pushed past police and crossed into Guatemala Friday night, on their way to the United States. There is video of a large mass breaking Police lines here.

President Trump’s Facebook and Instagram pages are restored. If his Twitter is restored today, then we will have ten days of darkness.

The Trump administration adopted a new rule to prevent big banks from denying services to gun manufacturers and other industries in a rebuke of an Obama-era financial program.

Trump considers pardoning Steve Bannon.

Reports of unexplained shaking rattles south Florida residents on Friday.

Secretary Pompeo says, Communist China cannot be contained like the Soviet Union, because they are already within our borders. That does’t sound like the kind of thing President Trump or our national security apparatus can walk away from, as they allow a verified bribed and blackmailed Chinese asset to assume the Presidency.

Paris residents threaten vigilante justice amid rising criminality.

Poland unveils draft law to guarantee free speech online.

Reporter Emerald Robinson says, Trump is focused on primarying those who didn’t stand behind him – he’s “out for blood!”

Spread r/K Theory, because vengeance can be magical too.

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REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“Amazon has begun banning all sorts of books… to obscure Romanian right wing titles”

Probably because they go into detail about the Securitate and Ceaușescu. The Securitate stuff is about a massive civilian surveillance network (estimated at 5% of Romania’s population), so they don’t want that revealed. The stuff about Ceaușescu is about his overthrow and execution- which is too triggering for them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Just checking to see if I can reply while using TOR

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“I don’t think Trump is that guy. It is always possible a critical betrayal would thwart him”

Ya, what I’m worried about is that the military will betray the sitting, REAL President of the United States. Seeing the way the Vindmans and even USMC generals have behaved, it’s a possibility. We will find out on the 20th.

Legio Fulminata
Legio Fulminata
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

We must never forget the army *Approved for Promotion* that POS Vindman – Lt Col Bratwurst himself – AFTER he committed treason against the USA and POTUS personally. The entire officer corps above Major / Lt Cmdr needs to go. If we lose a few good ones, it’s a pity, but I have to believe 95%+ of everyone wearing eagles & stars are untrustworthy political assholes. Fire em all, (“Lack of confidence in your command judgement”), let God sort em out.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Legio Fulminata
4 years ago

Wanna know about a cohencidence?
Vindman is a Jew, lel

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“Reports of unexplained shaking rattles south Florida residents on Friday.”

Sonic booms from fighter jets going high supersonic in training. Very rare for the East Coast.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

There are sound restrictions on the East coast. It protects many a kitchen window. And there’s a ton of bases on the west coast and out in the deserts of Nevada and Arizona. I know because movies told me so.
Top Gun, Independence Day, Iron Eagle II and the Right Stuff.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Pilot training takes place all over the country, and Rex is correct. There are restrictions on sound. You just can’t go full after burner whenever you want. Don’t know if you’ve ever heard an F-16, F-15 etc kick in their afterburners, I am an AF vet and I can assure you it is LOUD AF!! If the jet was at a low enough altitude there would be broken windows all over the place and the base commander would be getting some very angry phone call from local politicians. So they tend not to do that in heavily populated areas, like the East Coast, unless it’s absolutely necessary.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

I’d say the network has a much higher probability of being controlled by Israel than China.
Truth is both Jewish/Israeli and Chinese subversion have to be removed from the West completely, and Israel and China are allies against the West.
The zionists who founded Israel just happened to take control of the US and install communism in China, but that doesn’t make China any less of a problem.



I fully agree. ZOG is the danger to the West. They have infiltrated and control all organs in Western politics. See the work of Brendon O’Connell on youtube. His thesis is that ZOG (like the good parasite it is) has sold out the West to the chinks. This is the reason behind the Oded Yinon plan/Greater Middle East Project. Israeli tech is in all major defence systems and they have built in kill switches which will be used in the next great confrontation between the West and China. ZOG gets to control Kurdistan which means ZOG controls the BRI. Check out the Bunting map which shows Isreal as the central component of the BRI.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones

CCCP run and financed from an office building in lower Manhattan.
CCP run and financed from an office building in San Francisco.
Both small hat operations.
Every commie government on earth are small hat operations.
It is always the small hats.

BLM created, financed and controlled by small hats.
ANTIFA created, financed and controlled by small hats.
NAACP created, financed and controlled by small hats.
Congressional Negro/Black Caucus owned and controlled by small hats.

It doesn’t stop!

Duke Norfolk
4 years ago

Shapiro is not a real conservative. No, no, no. Come on, you have to know that Vox Day exposed him long, long ago, and regularly reminds us of his (((Neocon))) ways, etc. He’s the ultimate in controlled opposition. He’s a snake. He’s evil.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


Max Barrage
Max Barrage
4 years ago

AC, FYI, the Duffleblog is a satire site.

4 years ago

> 7 foot non-scalable fence.

…unless some people stand on each others’ shoulders and throw some coats over the top.

It’s a sign of the times that I can’t tell if “non-scalable” is propaganda, a “term of art” definition, or part of the manufacturer’s press release.

And even if they genuinely *had* an un-scalable fence of some kind, we’ve seen what happens when crowds get rowdy. People have died at soccer games when crowds got their wind up. Hell, people have died at Wal-Mart on Black Friday. When the crowd in back starts surging forward, it sucks to be in front, whether it’s bayonets or razor wire.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

don’t worry, the high heeled boys with low spark will try to scale the fence anyway….

4 years ago

> Amazon has begun banning all sorts of books from sale from private used book stores

I know a bunch of writers casually. Most of them are dependent on Amazon for their living, and have been defensive of it and its policies. They very much didn’t want to acknowledge that their livelihood could depend on some anonymous Zoner clicking her mouse and sending them down the memory hole, or that they would have no recourse. Suggesting that they band together and build their own sales system – that’s basic Web 101 stuff – always went nowhere, because their internal dialog wasn’t “sell my stuff”, it was “set up a rival to Amazon.” Which is an admirable goal, I guess, but it’s not a sane business plan.

Bezos’ left-wing newspaper wasn’t enough of a hint. Parler should have been a wake-up call. Most of those writers will be right under Amazon’s crosshairs eventually, and I guess they’ll be in denial until they try to log in and find their accounts locked or deleted. I’ll be sad, because most of them are nice people and don’t deserve what’s coming, but after a while you realize you can’t save people from themselves.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

When I was on Twitter and following a few writers, I tried to warn them about relying on the major social media accounts for marketing purposes.

I agree they don’t deserve what is coming and they are nice people. Helped each other instead of compete against one another.

4 years ago

> Federal prisons on lockdown in run-up to Biden inauguration.

Well, of course. Turning loose county or state level murderers, arsonists, rapists, and other persons victimized by racist patriarchic Nazi injustice only right and proper.

Federal prisons, on the other hand, are full of *serious* criminals who can’t possibly be allowed back into society. You know; tax evaders, people who didn’t fill out Federal forms properly, racketeers, Ponzi architects, white supremacists, etc.

As a side thought, “privatized” prison systems are *huge*; if you look them up, they’re among the fastest-growing and most-profitable businesses out there. There have already been cases of them being caught bribing judges to convict people to keep their prisons well-populated. These are huge companies with tons of money to throw at lobbyists and directly at politicians. Which makes me wonder how long the Party’s “empty the prisons” stance is going to last.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

The private prison racket is literal human trafficking. That lobby needs to be terminated and prisons need to be nationalized. Cannot be private, will always result in fuckery.

Crush Limbraw
4 years ago

Longtime Vox Popoli follower here was just introduced to your site – looks very useful.
I’m ready for anything the next few days or beyond – that’s the new normal!

4 years ago

Large explosions in Va and elsewhere cutting off enemy C2 networks?

Heywood Jablome
4 years ago

Duffelblog is a satire site, AC.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  Heywood Jablome
4 years ago

Are you sure? Here is an excerpt from the Article. Seems pretty legit to me.

“We are here to train and assist until the members of Congress can fight on their own,” a National Guard Bureau official said. “We will be here until we reach that goal, not until we reach some arbitrary date. And we are confident we are about to turn that corner.”

4 years ago

The link about no exit strategy is from the Duffleblog which is a satire site.

Might be worth letting people know if they have your books on kindle they should copy them onto some other device. Amazon can, and has, deleted books off of peoples devices.

4 years ago

“Amazon has begun banning …”
I recently ordered and received 1984 from them and then promptly deleted my account. Sounds like the skin of my teeth.

4 years ago

This is rather strange. Some poster on 4chan claimed to be national guard and they were there to get biden. The thread carried on for a while but then the mods moved the thread. At the same time, another thread was created copying the originals first post but was then filled with shill styled responses. Original thread and after it got moved to bant:

Shill thread copy

The guy didn’t actually say all that much, but it was pretty weird how the thread got moved and a replacement thread with way more shills was made right after.

4 years ago

This is one of the most interesting and plausible theories I’ve come across on the puerile shitstorm that is /pol as to what’s happening in DC right now. Read the OP and Cont. and then search the anon’s ID throughout the thread to locate the signal and to avoid the usual noise. TLDR: “Military has set up interim government and will carry out a full military court case using SCOTUS as a front. This is why they are occupying DC and leftists are still nervous. Trump has to step down per the constitution but Biden’s inauguration is illegitimate. It is totally in the military’s hands now.”

Reply to  Drew
4 years ago

Interesting thread. It all comes down to what the military will do and at what key moment will they do it. Military law not civil law. The civil cases and the state by state fraud townhall presentations were all to red pill the people on the scale of the rot in the trusted system, not as a path to victory. That seemed clear to me from Trump’s relaxed approach between November 3rd and January 6th, and prompting the key players like SCOTUS to act in his favor, which he would not do if these were the final paths to victory. Military law was always the way: they committed their treasonous acts in a nation that is still in a state of war (since 9/11).

The White Hats no doubt have a lot of leverage at this point to squeeze confessions out of well-known key players, like Nancy Pelosi, and they don’t need to wait until after a Biden inauguration to achieve those confessions. Gaining confessions is law enforcement prosecution 101. But, there is no bigger scalp to claim, or bigger red pill for the world, than watching a criminal cartel ram through a known fraud who is almost instantly revealed to have sold nuclear secrets to foreign enemies, colluded with foreign enemies to steal the office, etc. A known and proven criminal of the highest order sitting in the Oval Office. I would say the military would act before rather than after the inauguration, because, after all, the counter-coup got Trump in there the first time. It was important to them then to act from within and not from without. If the counter-coup wanted to claim the scalp of a sitting President they would have had many opportunities to do so, during the Obama Presidency and the Hillary Presidency. They would not have needed Trump as part of their plan. It would be a much tougher sell to the world, deposing a sitting Democrat President while trying to claim it isn’t a fabricated right wing military coup.

The amusing power of Q was not so much that it galvanised public opposition to the cabal program, which it did tremendously, but that it crippled the cabal players by making them believe and act as if their demise was imminent. They were reacting to Q narratives and Q taunts, and forced into making mostly short term plans, and more incriminating acts. Watching the criminal cartel responding to Q posts was one of the clearest ways to understand so many news stories and bizarre behaviors from these people — such as Hillary in 2019 blaming her 2016 loss on “flashing videos from the dark web”. Nobody, then or since, has any clue what the hell she was talking about. But she was lead to believe a video drop was imminent. They all believed the constant taunts of the imminent hammer drop. They know the White Hats have got the goods. They were forced into a defensive myopia, and from what I witnessed in these recent years I would guess they were outplayed until the end. The cabal people were all installed not because of merit, or their brains, or strategic minds, but because of pedo blackmail and other things. Surely such a band of freaks cannot outplay their strongest opponents who have been laying in wait for several decades. Obviously the cabal has smart and ruthless leaders somewhere. However, the cabal coup seems to overly rely on media narratives shaping public perception, that it seems unlikely they have much more leverage to play with than that. It seems like their one and only weapon, playing out a Hollywood movie set and storyline for the cameras and pretending it is real; that really does seem to be the only thing they have going for them.

The whole thing really highlights the immense power of controlling the media narrative of a country. Our top priority no matter how the storm comes out has got to be reclaiming control of media narratives, from grassroots upwards. From stickers on street poles, to movies and news channels.

“Educate and inform the whole mass of people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
— Thomas Jefferson

The storm has got to include something so big it breaks through the media blockade, (although I suspect the Patriots have more leverage over the media than it appears, until the crucial time). Maybe Seth Rich, who allegedly died while stable at the Hospital, has been in Witness Protection. Maybe Epstein is alive and is ready to testify. Many such things could be used right now to squeeze out the key confessions.

Can the whole plan really rely on Biden getting inaugurated before the eyes of the world? Possibly, but I sure hope it goes the other way. It would be much cleaner to have used the time since the 6th to squeeze out confessions in order to get a public Biden concession using their own media apparatus. That would be the cleanest way to do this. But time is running very close to The Last Possible Moment. Of course, National Popcorn Day is on the 19th.

One thing I know for sure is this: Trump is not a man to cuck and quit, as the doomers are claiming he transformed into on the 6th. If there is a path to a Trump inauguration on the 20th, he has it. There seems little benefit to allowing a Biden inauguration to go ahead for all the world to celebrate and get on board with. A military protectorate with no sitting President seems more likely than a Biden inauguration and subsequent deposing.

The Cabal three act play: Smearing and Silencing, Rigging and Repressing, and the final act, Confession and Concession, the forced cucking.

But of course, if the plan was predictable then it wouldn’t be a very good plan. Maybe the ancient genius alien psychic monster lizard that lives in the cave beneath Switzerland has in fact been controlling BOTH sides, and we have ALL been duped for its amusement (joke).

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, Western Man. And thanks for the reminder that tomorrow is National Popcorn Day. Ha!

4 years ago

“The Department of Justice closed an investigation into ballots that were discarded in Pennsylvania, saying that there was insufficient evidence to prove criminal intent on the part of the person who discarded the ballots. All Trump ballots, discarded innocently.”

Where is it written in the law that when the accused is a Demoncrat you have to prove intent?

4 years ago

Are they looking for AntiFa? or patriots?

After deadly Capitol riot, Army looking at which troops require security screening ahead of Biden inauguration

Legio Fulminata
Legio Fulminata
4 years ago

If The Storm comes to pass … If Trump can pull it off …. If If If…. It’s going to have to be a lot more comprehensive and intense than the military merely proclaiming ‘election re-do and then we back off.’ The Swamp must be drained and the rats must be killed and the rot must be replaced or it’s all just a 5-year BandAid. Look at Congress and that slunt Pelosi: putting Band Fang Swallwell on Intel and Homeland committees, knowing he gets classified intel, KNOWING that intel will be in China’s hands the next day.

That’s not merely treason, that’s active ongoing In Your Face treason. That’s Fuck You Proles What You Gon Do About It treason. They’re not going to stop doing that in ANY system that goes by the old rules. I have to believe that in this case, rivers of blood – and I mean rivers of blood that would have to extend deep into city/county/state gov too, as well as schools and media – would be far superior to military tribunals. Here’s hoping.

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
4 years ago

Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. – Master Sun

4 years ago
4 years ago

blackpillas gonna blackpill