Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
DC Police are looking for this BLM/Antifa protester who assaulted a Capitol police officer during the riot. Call the FBI’s Tipline at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) if you know him. Not sure if FBI will actually do anything, given he is probably Cabal and in the Network, but worth a try.
Donald Trump holds Oval Office talks with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell who brandishes notes about ‘martial law’ and using the Insurrection Act and installing new CIA director at the White House. First account I saw said he had these notes as he came out, as if Trump gave them to him, then later MSM accounts said he brought them with him into the meeting. Don’t know why Mike Lindell would be recommending where to put Kash Patel though.
Former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford not only has a picture of Mao over his fireplace, he has a painting of an adult smoking a cigarette as a little child gives them oral sex, and other little children watch. I stretched the picture of the painting here so it is easier to see it as it is on his wall. Picture is safe for work, it is abstract. But try to imagine hanging that on your wall, and the types of people you must associate with, and the nature of their behaviors in private, that you don’t expect them to think it the slightest bit strange. Strangely the original link above was scrubbed of this content. The original article’s archive is here, if you want to see the pic on his wall. UPDATE, some say it is possible this is a photoshop, and although the artwork is real it was photoshopped on Ford’s wall to muddy the waters. The ambiguity may be why the source deleted the original picture. The Mao picture is apparently legit though.
Roger Stone’s wife is hospitalized after being attacked by a leftist goon while walking her dog. A leftist on a bicycle just happened to be riding by as she walked out in front of her house, they recognized her, and proceeded to attack. Look at the probabilities on this. I am fascinated by Roger Stone. Every story about him is interesting, and I seek them out. I have seen untold numbers of pictures of him with his legal teams and his wife. But I would have had zero idea what she looked like. If I did, and I was a leftist, I would certainly not attack her. And if I was a leftist who knew what she looked like, and was prone to attack her, the chances of me happening in front of her house, just as she walks out in front to walk her dog would be very, very small. And remember, I detailed in a previous brief, Roger was T-boned in a car at an intersection several months back, by a vehicle which took off, and as far as I heard, nothing ever came of it. Highest probable explanation? Roger is under coverage. The observation post next door heard she was about to walk her dog, and they sent the bicyclist in. Somebody who did gangstalking once said, the biggest rule for their team was you could have no physical contact with a target. I’ve only had one time somebody kicked my foot as I walked by, possibly by accident as they wet to walk behind me, possibly trying to trip me and make it look accidental as I passed. It wasn’t enough to have any effect, and when I looked back, the guy played it as an accident, so I ignored it. Terry Davis actually said he freaked out once, and drove over one, and kept going, and never heard anything more of it. I don’t know what this means, with one of them physically attacking Roger’s wife, but I assume it means things are coming to a head. Either that, or Roger helped set up something at the Capitol riots, maybe with the Capitol cop who committed suicide, and this was Cabal telling him they were not pleased.
I actually had an incredibly vivid dream last night, and it is funny how the mind works. One of the benefits of this thing is I keep a gun with me. That has translated over to my dreams. I used to have dreams where I was unarmed, and would wish I was armed. But now in my dreams, a gun is like an arm or a leg – it is always there. So I was walking through the woods behind my home, and it was snowing very heavily. Suddenly the dream became very vivid, as the snow lit up like little light bulbs. As I looked forward, the sky was clearing at the horizon, the clear sky was moving toward me, and a rising sun was shining under the clouds and lighting the snow, which was itself decreasing. While it was still overcast above me, I suddenly noticed a group of both lions and wolves, off to my left and up a hill, and instantly turned and had my gun up. We looked at each other for a minute, as I felt confident I could smoke all of them before they got to me, and then they all took off together, not willing to get shot to attack. I have processed a lot of information here and in real life, and I assume it was my subconscious saying to me, the sky is clearing, but this is actually a period of very high risk and you need to stay sharp, and be ready to kill, until it is clear overhead. Then I got up and saw this story about Roger’s wife today, and clearly she should have been packing. Keep it in mind if you have any deep involvement with this thing.
John Sullivan, BLM activist charged in U.S. Capitol riot, has been released from jail without bail. So, he is BLM/Antifa, an uber car driver (probably vehicular surveillance while on duty), gets funded to be Olympic speed skater, paid actor on a commercial for Uber, an FBI informant, an agent provocateur at MAGA protests who got a girl killed, social media personality, invited on CNN by Anderson Cooper, had CNN producer/journalist accompany him into Capitol storming and ask him to hide she was there, after saying how did he know, and he apologizes and tells her he couldn’t say too much about what was going to happen that he knew ahead of time. And now, though they have him cold in a restricted area, even admitting on tape he broke a window, a judge cuts him loose with no bail. No bail. This is the system today.
Capitol rioter seen with zip tie handcuffs freed by Judge. This guy looked like he had a gun holster on, and nobody stopped him going in. Does anybody really think if this guy happened on a lawmaker, he was going to zip tie him? But if you were a normie judge, and saw this guy running around with zip ties, and the prosecutor said he wanted to kidnap Congressmen, wouldn’t you take that more seriously? Especially with an inauguration coming? All of these judges know, that was a show put on by the network, and all of these people are Cabal assets working for their employer.
Tucker Carlson is a “VIP regular” at Comet Ping Pong?
Defiant NJ gym owner has bank account emptied of $165,000 by Democratic Governor. This is the era where you do what you can gt away with. It is why there is no reason, given the rules of National Emergency allow it, that Trump should not just take over the nation, and send all of the Cabal members, left and right, to Guantanamo for execution.
So the fence they assembled with the concertina wire on the inside so people inside can’t climb out? Turns out the U-Bolts holding it together are designed to be taken apart from the outside, but not the inside – like you would do to keep prisoners inside.
25,000 National Guard are in DC for the Biden inauguration. Things do not look normal.
More National Guard are being called up, and just told they have eight hours to be at the indicated airfield with all their shit. The thread also has Freepers saying they are calling up Reserve Marines, and sending them to DC too on top of the Guard, but that isn’t getting press.
Bridges from Virginia into D.C. will be closed from 6 a.m. on Tuesday, until 6 a.m. on Thursday. Why not open them right after the inauguration is over and everybody has gone home?
The inauguration will also feature a separate security service hired by the government, and the name of it is “Checkmate.” Q was always posting that chess board.
They are adding more stars to the Biden extravaganza. “Bruce Springsteen, John Legend and Foo Fighters will perform during the prime-time special that will cap the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., and the actors Eva Longoria and Kerry Washington will also have roles to play in the program… More performances could still be announced. “
Fulton County elections caught on video discussing stealing votes.
Brother of left-wing agitator claims Antifa instigated Capitol riot.
Federal prosecutors said there was “strong evidence” the pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol last week aimed to “capture and assassinate elected officials,” but the head of the investigation cautioned Friday that the probe is still in its early stages and there was no “direct evidence” of such intentions. The beginning of the split in our machinery, between Cabal and non-Cabal. Goes with the BLM guy with the wide eyes busted, but then let go.
Graham releases transcripts from Russia probe, FISA abuse investigation. There are still classified materials they are withholding.
Insiders claim ‘snap impeachment’ by Pelosi was to distract from imminent declassified bombshells.
Signal was created and funded by a CIA-spinoff?
The House in Washington State is proposing a law to make elections less transparent so they can steal them into perpetuity. This is it, the point of no return. We either become a government ruled by the people with laws and rules, or we become a lawless dictatorship.
President Trump writes to Congress, “In accordance with section 1012(a) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 683(a)), I herewith report 73 rescissions of budget authority, totaling $27.4 billion.” I’d bet the list of what he was refusing to fund in this letter is a list of Cabal organizations that fund the machine.
Vox Day notes European governments are falling like dominoes right at this moment.
Vox also notes the media isn’t covering it, but Italy is making a massive move against the mafia. More on the mafia trials is here. One of them was named “The Wolf,” and another was “Big Nose.” I definitely would want the cooler name.
Capitol Steps, the popular satirical performance group known for putting the “mock in democracy,” announced it will be shutting down this year. I would actually wonder if even this silly comedy troupe was funded by Cabal to add to the ridicule of targets Cabal wanted ridiculed.
NRA files for bankruptcy, and moving from New York to Texas. Somehow, I have a feeling if there were no Storm, this would never have happened. Whatever was going on inside the organization would simply have been covered up, and they’d have kept sucking down membership dues and sending them wherever they send them. I didn’t cancel, even though I suspect they are Cabal, just because I didn’t want a story about the crushing of their membership. But hopefully if we get rid of Cabal, we won’t need them nearly as much.
Shooting, homicide surge came after ‘reforms’ NY’s leaders said would cut crime.
Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the summer, was recently spotted drinking at a bar and posing for photos with apparent Proud Boys sympathizers after being released from jail on $2 million bond. I’d assume surveillance had him put up, saw he was going out for a drink, and arranged for two “Proud Boys” to happen to show up at the bar, chat him up, and get photos. I’d even assume they somehow got him that “Free as Fuck” T-shirt so it would be in the pic they took of him. I’d even wonder who invited him out for the drink. If you don’t understand what can happen when the machine focuses in on you, you are a sitting duck. It is a shame to see a good kid, at such a disadvantage with so many looking to ruin him.
23 die in Norway after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, according to officials.
Rockefeller Foundation and Microsoft working on a vaccine passport. If we escape all of this, it will be by the skin of our teeth, and more bothersome, only due to the grace and greatness of others who got into the right places.
Joe Biden nominates Gretchen Whitmer as DNC Vice Chair.
Biden to activate FEMA and National Guard to vaccinate Americans.
Parler CEO John Matze has gone into hiding with his family after receiving death threats.
Pelosi claims the reason they are just doing a small inauguration with no citizens allowed to attend is because of the Chinavirus. Doesn’t really explain the fencing or 25,000 troops.
Hundreds of Central Americans gather for caravan aiming to reach United States.
Joe Biden weighs amnesty plan for illegal aliens in meeting with open borders lobby. All the pieces are in place. Trump will either be remembered for all of time as the greatest leader in all of history, who went on to save the greatest nation in the world, against all odds, from the worst traitors the world has ever seen. Or he will be remembered as a leader who went all the way up to the finish line, and yet through betrayal by aides or defeat by the enemy, heart-breakingly failed to make it over the finish line and allowed the greatest, freest nation in the world to fall, probably more spectacularly than any nation in history ever has. There is no way to overemphasize what we are watching. We still speak the names of Caesar and Brutus, and marvel at the fall of Rome today. Someday, it is entirely possible, likely even, that the events we are witnessing firsthand, will dwarf the story of Rome, and every other empire, in the history books. It is even possible, this story will mark the fall of an entity which was behind the fall of so many other empires before us, and yet was completely unknown until at this moment it was dragged into the light and slain by our God Emperor.
Arkhaven comics forms an alliance with Brazil’s SuperPrumo Comics, and will offer all their works, translated and ready for sale in 2021. Those things get collectible, especially at the very beginning of the company’s operations.
Fourteen leaders of MS-13 charged.
President Donald Trump plans to leave Washington, D.C., after a farewell ceremony on the morning of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony, according to reports. Trump’s farewell ceremony will take place at Joint Base Andrews, where Air Force One is stationed. “POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment.”
Rasmussen poll shows no slip in support for President Trump.
With those jersey barriers up against the fence, you could hop right over anyway.
About the Harold Fold picture, I believe the Mao is real, but the pizzagate art is photoshopped. Compared to this
(bottom picture) where you can see there is a doorway. It is likely that someone photoshopped the doorway out and inserted the painting, compared to photoshopping the painting out and taking the effort to put in a doorway which seems very unlikely.
That could be. That ambiguity might be why the original article got pulled. Good input, thank you.
> at the Capitol riots
What Capitol riots? The “armed insurrection” the media claimed happened on the 6th? Or the actually-was-a-peaceful-demonstration where the Swamp started shooting people?
> National Guard … Marines
The chain of command for that looks like a disaster waiting to happen. Or more probably, a shield of confusion to hide other goings-on.
> Signal was created and funded by a CIA-spinoff?
Signal is a false flag operation. A year or so ago some people were trying hard to get me to install it. I looked at their web site; it proclaimed it was “open source”, but there was no link to any source code. There was a “Signal” project on github, but there was no connecting link there; it could have been anyone. The compiled binaries were only available through Google Play or the Apple Store, so there was no way to get a copy onto my clean LineageOS phone. There were some other tells as well; waaaay too many WTF? security bobbles to put any confidence in the software.
I got laughed at for pointing this out; Signal *said* it was secure, how could I doubt them?
Looks reasonable at first glance? I haven’t tried to check it out and compile it though
Did you get there via a link on the main Signal web site? Because last year, there wasn’t any github link, just links to binaries at the Google and Apple stores. *Nothing* from there can be trusted, even if you use one of the services that lets you download the binary without Google Play or whatever Apple’s equivalent is.
Sure, they could have forgotten to put up a link, and didn’t want to host a binary for themselves, or make a package for F-Droid… none of those are absolute deal-breakers on their own, but together, they indicate an unacceptably casual regard for security. I’m supposed to put trust in their code when they’re *that* slipshod? Not hardly.
>Don’t know why Mike Lindell would be recommending where to put Kash Patel though.
From wikipedia: “Lindell launched and operated a number of small businesses in the 1980s including carpet cleaning, lunch wagons, and a few bars and restaurants in Carver County, Minnesota.”
Based on what you’ve written about the Cabal, this guy seems like he fits the bill perfectly
“Lindell stated that he achieved sobriety through prayer in 2009, and, since then, has been clean.”
Until he found God perhaps?
Just to add to your excellent brief:
Major Rothschild dead of a ‘heart attack’. Quotes because it strikes me as pretty naturally suspicious (especially being so coincident with recent events in europe). If I’m not mistaken, it’s pretty rare to die of heart attacks these days. Especially for someone who wasn’t obese and could afford the best quality food and medical treatment.
Cabal whacking old blood Cabal Roths to tie up potential loose ends. Talk about “shall not prosper”.
Makes me wonder what the Chicoms will do to shylocks like little red when they don’t need them anymore.
And the Lord spake and it was so. Proverbs 28:13
>Dead Rothschild
Regular people have wet dreams, AC has full metal jacket dreams.
Based af.
You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We’d all love to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don’t you know it’s gonna be (all right)
Don’t you know it’s gonna be (all right)
Don’t you know it’s gonna be (all right)
I like that Lennon better than “Imagine” Lennon
Owen Benjamin’s version of Imagine is breddy guud:
Regarding Signal being a government op, I’m sure it’s connected somehow to In-Q-Tel, which is a CIA front “venture capital” company. I’ve actually been there. As an employment perk I had access to a certain University, and I took several classes there. During one on critical technology, we had a “field trip” that ended up being at In-Q-Tel, which I hadn’t heard of at that point. They brought us into a conference room and a couple Vice Presidents sat down, told us the high level of what they do, and gave us coffee cups and some brochures. They supposedly identify technologies useful to the IC and offer funding to steer those technologies in the direction they need. It was interesting. We had the opportunity to ask questions, but I couldn’t think of anything better than asking about the CIA front part.
I met up with my friend that afternoon when he got off work, told him about the place and said “Dude, that place is a CIA front company!” Anyway, I have an In-Q-Tel coffee mug. Coincidentally, it was right after that when Alex Jones started talking about In-Q-Tel a lot.
I think GEOTUS really has cut Cabal off from a lot of their funding and operational support. Remember when we’d have a false flag mass shootings to distract from big drops? Now they have to false flag with impeachments and “suspicious packages”.
“You a-know what they say-a, a bigga nose-a, means a bigga dick-a”
K is growing, even normands on twatter are starting to get vocal about the miscegenation/White Genocide agenda on mainstream media:
So, that’s it then, Trump has a farewell planned and everything. Do you think that’s misinformation?
he isn’t going anywhere
CIA qt waifu whistleblower talks about proofs regarding Benghazi and the Obama administration
(Biden, Hilary Clinton, Barrack HUSSAIN Obongo himself, etc), and how Iran extorted all those billions from them via the “nuclear deal” by blackmailing them with those proofs they also had, and how Iran took a few billions from the extorted amount and send it back to them.
Basically provable treason which means hangings.
>he is BLM/Antifa
It depends on your definitions I guess, but he seems like an equal opportunity insurgent to me.
I admit I have trouble thinking about this accurately as well. But the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of even the more serious BLM activists are just idiots who would be at the bottom of a meritocracy but have realized that by aligning with the elite propaganda they can get free stuff and increase their status, so they do regardless of the net cost to your country. They are biological leninists or r-selected or whatever you want to call them. But they are neither intelligent nor disciplined, and are only dangerous insofar as the elite have organized them via propaganda. If CNN were banned, they would all go back to being janitors & hobos and such.
AC, that second picture that you enlarged—I can’t find it in the original—can you point that out in the original pic? Thanks.
You’re doing great work, and I appreciate it!
Shit. This is the second time Gateway Pundit has altered an article to remove something like that, and sanitize the article of some Cabal indicator. The original article is here at the archive:
It is on the wall on the right up behind him in the lower picture. It doesn’t look like the picture I posted, because the wall is moving away from you, so it is squashed horizontally. I cut it out and stretched it horizontally, so you could see how it would look if you stood in front of it.
just sick.
Just the other night, I noticed a change in my dreams. I’ve always had the “getting into a gunfight” dream, and invariably, when I need the gun, it won’t fire. It jams, it’s empty, it’s always something, and then the dream goes sideways into nightmare.
For the last couple of months, those dreams happen the same way, but they don’t end the same way. Now, I just clear the jam or reload the gun, and bang bang end the threat. Situations that would have been “everything goes wrong” nightmares before have now become running training scenarios, where instead of having to run from everything, everything keeps trying to flood me, and even then the dream doesn’t slip into nightmare realm.
We are clones. I used to have that all the time too when I had a gun in the dream, and not now. The trigger would not pull no matter how hard I squeezed, or something would be broken on the gun, or it would misfire. But not now. My gun is always ready and functional. I think it may have been my subconscious seeing I was not in control for some reason, because I was not realizing Cabal was behind the scenes interfering. So I’d do what I needed to, like pull the gun and squeeze off a shot, but for some reason, it wouldn’t work.
Now that I know all the parameters, I can deal with the problems in my life according to the rules, and so when I pull the gun in a dream and shoot someone, everything works as expected. I actually had one a while back, and killed a fucking lot of people with no hangups.
Lots of people who shoot have dreams of not being able to pull the trigger in dreams. I believe it is the same mechanism by which people dream of running but not getting anywhere. Your brain is sending out the signals to pull the trigger but not getting the same response it expects during real life shooting because your body is ‘off’. I know of some people who believe it goes away if you ‘see the elephant’. But I’ve also heard from experienced warriors who have the same dream problem. It may have to do with how much you pay attention to trigger control when training and therefor how used to getting that feedback you are.
My body is more off now than it was when I couldn’t pull the trigger. I’m hoping we get to Trump taking over and recovery comes fairly quickly. The dreams are not from the body being on or off.
Those are probably people who are under the network’s thumb, and know it on some level, but can’t process it is true. If I had seen this material at 12 years old, or even if I had known there was a secret society out there when I was six or seven, there were numerous times it would have explained things I saw perfectly, and I would have known I was looking at it, or that it was trying to manipulate my course. In high school I would have been spotting them left and right. I saw it back then. But a Secret Society was so impossible based on the societal programming I was fed all my life, and so impossible to imagine when I projected my psychology on others, I kept dismissing it. But deep down I was looking right at it, and I think my subconscious, the level below societal programming, knew something was up too, and may even have concluded a secret society/informant network was the best explanation. Half the reason I remember so many instances is my mind registered how weird they were, and stored them in a cubbyhole in my brain for things I knew I didn’t fully understand.
If I grasped I was somehow a focus of something which was interjecting itself into my life, and watching me and monitoring me, I am not surprised about dreams where the action should have been straightforward, but for unknown reasons was not working as expected. Likewise, as the whole mechanism comes out into the light and is understood, I am not surprised those dreams would change, and reflect a wold where you can now plot a course to do something in the dream, and it will work because you understand the mechanism in real life.
It is like the SEO shit Littlebook was talking about. I could still be reading SEO sites compulsively, and going over google keywords, and buying ads, and reaching out to other sites for linkbacks, and creating splash pages with catchy memes, and networking at conventions (with Cabal agents who would ghost me) and obsessing over google’s new SEO updates to how they calculate your pagerank, going on and on. But when the system has such control, extended to such minor websites, that it actually picks out Vault-Co and wipes him from the entire Google index, as if he didn’t exist, all of that is useless. And when my site was still a pagerank of two despite all the work, is it any surprise when you encounter an asshole in your dream who needs to be shot, you draw your gun and pull the trigger, and the trigger won’t pull. That is what you are seeing in life. Your brain knows how things work, and carries that expectation into your dreams. Just like I used to not carry all the time, and when I dreampt, I often didn’t have a gun when I needed it. Now I understand the mechanism, and where the obstacles are in real life, and how to advance ahead. I don’t fuck with pagerank, I don’t waste time on keywords, and when I go to sleep and pull my gun, it goes bang, because in my world, things now work the way I expect.
It is probably the same thing for the people who are running but it isn’t getting them anywhere. In their life, they are doing things according to how the mechanism is supposed to work, and nothing is working. Teach them about Cabal, let them learn the mechanism so they understand clearly how everything works and what is really slowing them down, and suddenly they see how to move forward (albeit very slowly, and with great effort). And when they run in their dream that night, they will move.
AC wrote: “Now I understand the mechanism, and where the obstacles are in real life, and how to advance ahead. I don’t fuck with pagerank, I don’t waste time on keywords, and when I go to sleep and pull my gun, it goes bang, because in my world, things now work the way I expect.”
Damn, that’s just delightful.
God bless you AC.
I’m usually trying to get the gun away from the bad guys. It’s an Aikido thing.
Speaking of dreams I used to dream all the time I could fly with just a piece of cardboard. I had maybe a 1-1/2′ square piece that I would kind of row like a boat real fast but upward and could fly all around. It was fantastic. Sigh. Haven’t dreamed that in a long, long time. Now I never remember my dreams.
FYI everyone, shill alert. Leo Little-Red-Book is s chicom demoralisation agent. A big Maoist lives in China, married into the chicoms too. He’s ashkenazi too, say no more.
Joe Biden’s children all married Jewish spouses.
wait for the punchline
“I definitely would want the cooler name.”
Yeah, “Big Nose” is pretty badass.
…and DON’T pick your nose!
I wasn’t gonna pick my nose. I was gonna THUMP him!
Roger Stone’s wife / ‘Always Be Packing’: a wise man called it several centuries ago. “Before all else, be armed.” – Machiavelli
there’s several very specific reasons they don’t teach M. in modern schools – that quote is one of them.
All this talk of being armed is moot. It will be the police and the military coming to disarm you. Not Antifa/BLM. In Communist Nations the Police and the Military do the dirty work.
It is NYPD doing the dirty work of the Cuomos and the De Blasios. And as more “good guys” quit the force the remainder becomes dirtier and dirtier. Right now all Patriots are armed.
Thus, the saying should go, “Get organized before all else.”
Any Patriots who are not locally organized will be sitting ducks for the Communist crackdown on dissent.
JUST IN – Baron Benjamin de Rothschild (57), banker and Chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild holding company, has died of a heart attack.
That does sound Qurious indeed.
Does anybody know about a History of the KKK by a sympathetic voice? Or apologetic KKK literature out there?
Can you point me in the right direction. Thanks.
Don’t know any books, but I will guarantee you that group is more Cabal infiltrators than actual members.
other than the first incarnation, which drafted Forrest to lead it, all later versions of the klan have been jew-run operations. similarly, the ANP.
For sure. It glows very hard.
Also the first kkk was packed with Jews, here is proof: – “The Jews and Slavery”
Jewish mythology claims a long history of moral superiority over others, and innocence.
The original Ku Klux Klan (1865-1876), however, was not hostile to Jews and even had Jewish members, including Simon Baruch, the father of the Quarter-Master General of the Confederate Army. (The father of Bernard Baruch, the Chairman of the War Industries Board under President Woodrow Wilson in World War I, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan). [COIT, M., 1957, p. 12-13] The Secretary of State of the Confederacy (initially its Secretary of War) was also of Jewish birth, Judah P. Benjamin. [RUBINSTEIN, p. 20]
After the war Benjamin fled to England. David de Leon was the first Surgeon General of the Confederacy. [GOLDBERG, M. H., 1976, p. 172] Other prominent Confederate Jews included Edwin Moise, Speaker of the Louisiana House; Raphael Moses who “was influential in leading Georgia out of the Union;” Henry Hyans, the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana leading up to the Civil War; and Edwin de Leon, “whom Benjamin sent to Paris to handle public relations and propaganda for the South.”
“The prominent role of Jews in the Confederacy,” notes Nathaniel Weyl, “is generally either ignored or condensed into shamefaced footnotes by those historians of American Jewry whose opinions conform to the liberal-leftist stereotype.” [WEYL, N., 1968, p. 54]
From what I gathered, the KKK was an Anglo-Saxon self-defense force that was about protecting them and their culture from Reconstruction.
The Klan were the mailed fist of the Democratic Party until the late 1920s/early 1930s. Apparently FDR’s administration didn’t find any use for them, though given the powers the Fed granted itself during the Depression, I guess they didn’t need the Klan any more. At which point they turned on their former minions and the Klan became the Worst Thing Ever, at least officially.
Any pro-Klan stuff you find will probably be very old, “fringe printing”, or from the Klan itself. There hasn’t been a monolithic Klan for a long time (and even then, they were organized in mostly-independent chapters), just a varying number of groups using the name, but most of them have web sites or other contact information, so you might try contacting them directly and asking for information.
The different groups have substantially different platforms, some far less radical than the media or SPLC would lead you to expect. They all get painted with the same brush, though.
So today running some errands, and low and behold, I noticed our friendly neighborhood network!
I’m in the first store, and shopping for some organizing things for the home, the store I’m in is a mess, but the girl I’m with is navigating like a champ. I ‘notice’ a young woman in a mask who seems to always be nearby, ‘almost’ shopping but not really. We get our stuff and leave.
Store number 2, (next door) we walk to the truck and drop items off to hit the next store. Well what do you know, there is that same woman following us. Buying things she wasn’t really interested in as well….
What are the odds that the I would see the same person, in two stores, shopping for the same things as us at exactly the same time…
Thanks AC. It’s nice to notice. I think next time I’m going to ‘flirt’ with my coverage just for fun.
And I’ve had those same gun dreams for the last 2 years (some of it could be b/c of the nasty divorce I’m going through) but I did notice a few weeks ago my gun started working too which is really strange but for sure a relief!
The way it works is, if somebody is assigned, they are keeping tabs on what you do here, so now they know you are tracking faces from this comment, they will send different people into each store. As a general rule, if I was starting over, I would just look to see if I ever was alone. Generally, the first reliable indicator once they start shifting faces, is that you never go somewhere, and get to enjoy solitude. You go into the most undesirable store nobody would shop in, like some rare art specialty store at 7 in the morning on Sunday, you walk into it and nobody is there, and in a minute 3 different people will come walking in and spread out to different parts of the store.
Absolutely flirt with your coverage. Sean Connery would.
Bill Gates will try to make an American Holodomor a reality.
Turns out the Sweet and Low CEO who killed himself was a very wealthy Jew:
How long until Soros an heros?
Great graph to show normands how full of crap the m(OSSAD)sm is:
We should start a men’s rights movement called Benis Lives Matter.
Then we lobby for the ban of religious motivated male child genital mutilation.
DC is a big prison now:
The razor wire is inside and the locks for the fences outside.
Get whitepilled frens.
The Razor wire is placed that way to keep it out of the way of the civilians on this side of the fence. It has nothing to do with “”arresting the Crime family”” of DC. I’ve worked in fencing. Furthermore, they had easier access to tie it up on the civilian side than the other way. There is nothing to see there.
OK thanks fren.
I don’t believe him.
Thanks for all you do, AC! This is eye-opening:
THREAD on Observation of the Capitol events at Jan 6:
If one takes the mRNA Vaccine. One gets modified to be able to process Genetically Modified Foods:
Thanks for the links you’ve dropped recently regarding education they’ve been very helpful.
We ordered and received our copies of the Trivium and Quadrivium a couple of weeks ago.
Very pleased with them.
Nice one.
Loudoun County barn explodes, burns ‘to the ground’