News Briefs – 01/15/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Headline: 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is calling on financial regulatory agencies to investigate whether President Donald Trump broke the law when he told associates and attendees of his Mar-a-Lago club to expect something “big” in response to Iran’s killing of an American contractor in Iraq. Bear in mind, Q said, “Something BIG is coming,” on Decemper 19th, 22nd, and the 27th.

American thinker does a respectful introduction to Q-anon.

Jeffrey Epstein set Elon Musk’s brother up with a girlfriend in effort to get close to the Tesla founder, sources say. Interesting. Did they want more control of Elon, was his blackmail getting old, or is Elon somebody else’s toy?

Yahoo News says Giuliani associates were discussing Yovanovich’s phone being turned off, her travels, and her security situation. Yahoo tries to make it sound like they were planning a hit, but in reality, if they were trying to unravel her contacts, she would only go dark when she was meeting people she really didn’t want to be documented meeting, and those would be the people who you would want to document her meeting. So Giuliani was doing some serious counter intelligence work with people over there, targeting Cabal assets as they tried to clean up their mess. Notice also how Yahoo takes the interesting fact she is trying to go dark and Giuliani is tracking her, and masks it with a ridiculous accusation that Trump is trying to have her whacked.

Michael Flynn withdraws Guilty plea, citing DOJ “bad faith, vindictiveness and breach of plea agreement.”

McConnell signals Hunter Biden could be subpoenaed to testify in the Impeachment trial.

Powerline comes around to realizing the FISA Court was compromised, and needs to go. At this point, it is pretty clear, espionage and surveillance within the borders of the United States has one purpose, and it is getting control of the government into the hands of a small cadre that run it. If it is there, it will be hijacked eventually.

Wisconsin court blocks purging of more than 200,000 voters from rolls.

From Judicial Watch: Federal Court orders snap hearing on Awan Brothers and the Congressional Democrat IT scandal after DOJ files a document under seal.

Project Veritas’ new video shows Bernie’s Field Organizer Kyle Jurek saying Trump supporters need re-education camps and cities will burn if President Trump wins again. He is not alone, and the only difference between him and Obama, and Hillary, and Valerie Jarret is that he is stupid enough to talk about it openly. They did not deplete the entire private market for ammunition for no reason, and those cattle cars with human restraints were real. Something very bad was coming.

Iran state TV sees at least 2 news anchors quit: ‘Forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies.’

New video shows that 2 missiles struck the Ukrainian plane that crashed in Iran.

Democrats block vote on measure to support Iranian protesters. Does not make any sense, unless as Q says, Democrats are Cabal, and Cabal is in control of the Iranian leadership.

US Navy says UFO files about the Nimitz encounter could cause “grave damage” to national security if released. Apparently they have more intel than they are letting on, including a longer video of it and briefing slides by another agency. No word on what any of it means.

An article on possibly one of the greatest snipers in history, with over 500 kills. A Finn from WWII, who only used a Mosin Nagant with regular sights, and never a scope because he feared reflection. The lack of technology made it a different game. Today one thermal imager and his first kill would have been his last, to say nothing of drones with FLIR.

Canadians are already chafing at the thought of getting stuck with Harry and Megan’s security costs.

Elizabeth Warren says she would start her plan to forgive the $1.6 trillion in student loans ‘on day one.’

Dark-money group backing AOC spent $20,000 on anti-Biden Facebook ads.

Inside Michael Bloomberg’s plan to flood voters with $400 million worth of ads attacking Trump before Super Tuesday.

Rep. Elijah Cummings’ widow running for Congress to ‘build on his legacy.’  Cabal is a family affair, and I almost get the impression the women are assigned to work as handlers for males they identify as potentially useful as fronts. Markle pinning down Prince Harry comes to mind. When 28 year old Barack Obama went to work at his first law firm, the firm assigned 25 year old Michelle to be his mentor. My impression is, that was not a chance meeting. Likewise, Cumming’s widow is “in the club” so watch for her ascension to happen effortlessly.

Some have noted Democrats included special language in the Impeachment articles disqualifying Trump from ever holding office again. They think they might try to have a separate vote on that in the Senate, and they might be able to find four Republicans who would vote for it, to keep Trump from being able to hold office in 2020. If not for Q I would worry, given these Articles of Impeachment should have  been dismissed outright, but Republicans didn’t have the votes.

The United States and China are racing for dominance in 5G wireless connectivity. Notice, there is no, “So we need 5G?” or “Should we have 5G?” It is only a question of who wins. It is coming, and nobody can stop it. Why is unclear. In South Korea where it was already rolled out, early adopters say they are paying a lot more for service no different than 4G. There is more to this than we are being told, and given how things have worked the past twenty years, I would not imagine they are doing it for the betterment of mankind. My guess is, it is a way to get static surveillance technology which presently requires being plugged into wires to get into the internet, able to travel over the air. Watch for a lot more hidden microphones and cameras in TVs which won’t need to be plugged into an ethernet cable when you get home, to beam your living room back to Langley, and a lot more tech everywhere. On the bright side, it means a sparkgap generator will have a lot more effect in the Boogaloo, if we can get our side to develop a keener awareness of technology and espionage.

Natural selection is leading to more transmissible HIV in United States. The highly-promiscuous gay population will incubate the next plague, unfortunately, and you can bet right after it hits them, it will hit the promiscuous in the heterosexual population.

Baltimore has the highest rate of STIs in the US with two cases of chlamydia, gonorrhoea or syphilis for every 100 residents.

WHO says new China coronavirus could spread, warns hospitals worldwide.

A volcano in southwestern Japan erupted Saturday.

The National Security Agency has discovered a major security flaw in Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system that could allow hackers to intercept seemingly secure communications, but rather than exploit the flaw for its own intelligence needs, the NSA tipped off Microsoft so that it can fix the system for everyone. In other words, somebody else had discovered it as well.

An illegal immigrant whose genetic material was allegedly found on a dead New Jersey prostitute will walk free on murder charges — all because police wrongfully obtained his DNA and a judge wouldn’t let them take another sample. He will still get deported, but it looks like he gets away with the killing free.

Iowa’s Democratic Party will use a smartphone app to calculate the results from the state’s caucuses next month, according to NPR, raising cyber-security concerns about voting integrity.

Highlander and General Hospital actor Stan Kirsch has died aged 51 after taking his own life in his Los Angeles home by hanging.

House plans to investigate Trump ‘remain in Mexico’ policy.

New York City defied a deportation request from ICE last year and released an illegal immigrant into the community — and now he stands accused of killing a 92-year-old woman beloved by her community.

Another one of these to add to the list:

Most Americans believe Epstein was murdered.

Michael Avenatti arrested by Feds at California State Bar hearing. The official story is he was arrested for violating the terms of his release in relation to some other criminal matter in Santa Anna they did not elaborate on, so the exact violation is unknown.

Republicans win special elections in CT, and KY and PA. Local results, but interesting for the trends.

According to oddsmakers, President Trump’s odds of winning in 2020 have never been higher.

Spread r/K Theory, because Gulags aren’t bad if it is your enemies being put in them.

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5 years ago

On the HIV article, I know a heterosexual couple who are both infected with HIV. ( boyfriend was screwing prostiutes, gave it to gf) They decided, since the meds they take made the virus dormant(?), that they would have a baby. The baby was born premature, but no HIV. Since it’s a virus, I wonder if it will eventually show up, like shingles?

5 years ago

1.Iran state TV sees at least 2 news anchors quit: ‘Forgive me for the 13 years I told you lies.’

2. Democrats block vote on measure to support Iranian protesters.

1 Reminds me of the American reporter who quit because because of Trump, and odds are those protest are backed by the western intel.

Both seem very synthetic .

5 years ago

Your link to this: “Some have noted Democrats included special language in the Impeachment articles disqualifying Trump from ever holding office again.” is broken.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I want to correct something said earlier by the commenter “No Name”. He said the reason we need immigration is that, “…Because we need skilled labored and we don’t have it here because our education system sucks…”.

He is of course, like all the mass immigration fanatics that “insist” we MUST have more diversity…lying. In fact all the middle class students, read WHITE, do just fine on international test. It’s the brown masses that are dragging our scores down. In fact the brown masses are making the test scores worse and worse every single year.

From the article,

“…About 40 percent of the PISA sample in the United States was drawn from schools where half or more of the students are eligible for the free lunch program…”

There are papers where they break out the test scores by race and compare them to the top performers like Korea and Finland but I couldn’t find the links readily. I know the papers exist as I’ve read them and they show us in a much better position. If we would just stop importing ignorance, we would do a lot better.

5 years ago

sp ar kg ap gen ER -ator? have you written about that? I could inner -net cearch it, but thought I’d ask 1st. Thanks. great site

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

That’s why modern plugs have a ceramic resistor to minimize radio interference. Do you think it would be more effective with non-resistor plugs? I wonder if the signal could be amplified somehow.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Helps to work at an auto parts store at one time. Champion has it right in the part number.

5 years ago

Regarding Cummings’ widow assuming his office …

This used to be very common. “Widows succession” was a regular practice, primarily in the South, until the 1960s, or so. Now, its rather infrequent except in political offices that are very secure and represent a minority or beleagured majority. Cummings fits that bill.

Wikipedia has a list of women who took their dead husband’s political seat: The following is a list of the women in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who have succeeded their spouses in Congress.[4]

Maryon Pittman Allen (Senate)
Elizabeth Andrews (House)
Jean Spencer Ashbrook (House)
Irene Baker (House)
Lindy Boggs (House)
Veronica Boland (House)
Frances Bolton (House)
Mary Bono (House)
Vera Buchanan (House)
Jocelyn Burdick (Senate)
Sala Burton (House)
Vera Bushfield (Senate)
Beverly Byron (House)
Katharine Byron (House)
Lois Capps (House)
Hattie Caraway (Senate)
Jean Carnahan (Senate)
Marguerite Church (House)
Marian Clarke (House)
Cardiss Collins (House)
Jo Ann Emerson (House)
Willa McCord Blake Eslick (House)
Elizabeth Farrington (House)
Willa Fulmer (House)
Elizabeth Hawley Gasque (House)
Kathryn Granahan (House
Florence Reville Gibbs (House)
Muriel Humphrey (Senate)
Florence Prag Kahn (House)
Elizabeth Kee (House)
Catherine Small Long (House)
Rose McConnell Long (Senate)
Doris Matsui (House)
Clara McMillan (House)
Maurine Neuberger (Senate)
Mae Nolan (House)
Catherine Dorris Norrell (House)
Pearl Peden Oldfield (House)
Shirley Neil Pettis (House)
Louise Goff Reece (House)
Corinne Boyd Riley (House)
Edith Nourse Rogers (House)
Edna Simpson (House)
Margaret Chase Smith (House and Senate)
Leonor Sullivan (House)
Lera Millard Thomas (House)
Effiegene Locke Wingo (House)
Nellie Tayloe Ross, who was the first female governor of a U.S. state, succeeded her husband as Governor of Wyoming.

More interesting is when women assume the seat of a husband who is “termed out’ of his position. She, then, takes the role as a figurehead while he runs the state/local position from the sidelines. After one term , he re-assumes his office as she vacates it. George Wallace’s wife comes to mind, though I can’t think of her name … Eileen?

Reply to  KR
5 years ago


5 years ago

“Some have noted Democrats included special language in the Impeachment articles disqualifying Trump from ever holding office again. They think they might try to have a separate vote on that in the Senate, and they might be able to find four Republicans who would vote for it, to keep Trump from being able to hold office in 2020. If not for Q I would worry, given these Articles of Impeachment should have been dismissed outright, but Republicans didn’t have the votes.”

That would not fly, you can’t issue a sentence unless you convict.
This isn’t wonderland. “sentence first, verdict afterwards”

5 years ago

RE: FLIR V. sniper

DO a search for “thermal camouflage suit” on Youtube. Even a cabal outfit like Youtube has workable info on effective thermal camo. I first saw it used something like ten years ago on a BBC special staring James May.

Military Camouflage – Apache Vs Space Blanket Building A Thermal Evasion Suit Pack 1

5 years ago

3 African nations reach preliminary deal in Nile dam dispute

5 years ago

Iran president slams removal of candidates from elections

5 years ago

Iran recession to deepen, reserves to fall to $73 billion by March – IIF