News Briefs – 01/13/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Someone had wanted a bifurcation of this picture of the Pope, but I cannot tell if there is just a slight difference in shadow between the sides, or if the more enabled/driven/evil left side is actually his expression varying between a deadened numbness he presents, and an outright rage-filled evil which is his natural state. Either way, bad dude:

Oprah and Suleimani wore the same type of cheap ring:

Disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey personally approved an FBI effort by McCabe to include the “peeing prostitutes” claim about President Trump in the U.S. Intelligence Community’s official report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra providing luxury hideout for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. That is Frank Giustra of Uranium One fame. I would think it safer to bet he isn’t a real billionaire, than to bet that he is. He is likely just another money manager for the accounts of Cabal. Interesting how Cabal is splitting Harry from the Royal Family.

Flashback – Justin Trudeau’s best friend arrested in bust of international pedophile ring.

North Texas militia leader who rounded up migrants at border found dead of suicide after months on the run.

FBI has quietly scrubbed all public information about one of the Trump-spying agents, and nobody knows where he has gone.

A Facebook glitch revealed that Greta Thunberg’s father was posting as her online. For a brief while if you logged into her site, it showed who was composing her posts and editing them, and it was her father. So when you see how clever she is, changing her profile in response to some event, know she probably couldn’t do anything on the page if her life depended on it. You wonder how much money they get for that act.

Young conservative activist who created a movement around the idea Drag Queens are not for kids is found dead, and authorities say it was a suicide. If it weren’t for the level of Cabal surveillance, you could almost launch a sting, by creating a situation like his, where someone was disrupting a very important narrative to Cabal, and then you set up on them and documented what came next. As it stands they would see you in a minute now, though.

Warren says she’s willing to ban construction of all new homes in America.

Only 45 people attend a Bloomberg rally with Judge Judy despite campaign’s big spending.

Omar complains that now counties can decide whether or not the federal government will forcibly resettle refugees in their boundaries. Like many Somali refugees, Omar came over here following the American military intervention in Somalia under Bush. I remember reading about a similar situation in Maine which emerged around the same time, when some Christian missionary organization up there decided out of the blue they would begin importing as many Somalis as they could. Locals complained they changed the entire nature of the community, but strangely no matter how many locals opposed it, they were entirely powerless to stop it. My working theory is we would go somewhere like Somalia, maybe even under a false auspice, as the first step in this plan. CIA would slide in, begin recruiting people on the ground as local eyes and ears in a covert surveillance network, maybe vetting them for ability or loyalty. At some point, since they were agents who were already loyal to their intelligence network before anything else like the Constitution, or America, or fellow Americans, they would begin importing them back into the US, under cover of humanitarian schemes, using groups they used as cover for other overseas activities, like Christian missionary organizations. If we were to pull out of the area, CIA probably tried to bring all of them over as their utility there would be limited, whereas in the US they were useful for coverage of real Americans, and votes. What their intent was building this covert domestic intel network is anybody’s guess, but I would bet it was not fostering greater Constitutional freedom for average American citizens, or protecting us from Muslim terrorism. In cases like Omar, it appears they bent a lot of rules, and even broke laws to get them in, probably figuring nobody could ever possibly resist their power. But I will assume in many more, especially farther back when their grip was more tenuous, they dotted their “i’s” and crossed their “t’s.” It will be interesting, if you can show their citizenship was gained with the express purpose of building an illegal domestic intelligence network for use against the citizenry and Constitution, if all such immigration could be entirely voided, and all such immigrants sent back. There is no telling how much of a happening we have coming, but you cannot judge what is possible or not, based on our prior experiences. If they release our FISA files, if people suddenly realize that it is as if their house was lifted up off its foundation, and a plexiglass house was lowered onto their foundation, with holes in the walls for sound, and strangers they don’t know popped lawns chairs outside, sat down with a sense of entitlement, and began listening in for lulz, and that it may still be going on and they will have no way to know, the level of rage will enable anything to happen. Add in husbands feeling as if their wives have been violated, and fathers feeling as if the machine took advantage of their daughters, and probably little divorce-rape schemes and other thing hatched along the way, and everyone will be livid. Once people are that pissed, anybody associated with the network can have anything be done to them, and just as now Hillary can do anything and not get prosecuted, and there is nothing her victims can do, the ability would be there to even maliciously prosecute the Cabal, absent any law-breaking, inflict arbitrary punishments upon them, and nobody in the public will lift a finger to help them. Expelling migrants who came under these programs to their homelands and stripping their citizenship would be entirely possible, especially when you factor in how badly people will want to rid this nation of this network.

In Switzerland, over 80 percent of Somali migrants are on welfare.

Swedish municipality that took too many migrants faces bankruptcy.

The Swedish public has voted that climate change spending has been the biggest waste of taxpayer money in 2019. I strongly suspect almost the entire public has consisted of people who opposed what was going on, but who assented because the media told them they were in the minority.

Thief who robbed four banks is freed on New York’s no-bail policy – then knocks over another bank 24 hours after shouting ‘I can’t believe they let me out.’

Ontario sends out emergency alert for an incident at the local nuclear power plant, then says it was in error and not to pay it any mind.

Volcanic eruption in the Philippines.

Cardi B says she wants to be a politician. This is the sleazy singer-girl who openly admits prostituting when she was a stripper, and periodically drugging her tricks and robbing them – and says of it all, she had to do what she had to do, so you can’t judge her.

Court rules a camera mounted on a telephone pole and pointed at a house without any warrant is a violation of privacy and illegal. Literally, somebody has tech about a hundred times as intrusive they are applying to everyone at least once or twice per year, and they have real people in the neighborhoods which are assigned to monitor their neighbors with it. This all coming out is inevitable. And when it does, I can’t imagine what the transfer of wealth in lawsuits will look like, let alone how it will affect people’s trust for any form of authority.

Hungary offers free IVF procedures with goal of 2.1 birthrate by 2030.

Calm prevails in Tripoli as cease-fire takes effect.

Ed Buck hit with another wrongful death civil suit.

Muslim scholar on Iranians protesting shot down plane says, ‘This regime, for the first time ever, is seriously threatened.’

Trump administration makes new effort to ‘reach out to the North Koreans.’

Putin urges Syria’s Assad to invite Trump for visit.

Trump job approval reaches three-year high after Soleimani hit.

Iranian protestors refuse to step on the US and Israeli flags. Imagine, after President Donald Trump, we may have relationships with North Korea and Iran like we have with Poland or England.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is no reason America can’t get along with everyone.

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5 years ago

Any questions about how Harry became a kneel down pussy slave. Go to the top of this page and click on “Dealing with Narissists”. Given her hientz 57 variety inheritance it is no wonder what happened. Impossible to be what anyone would consider normal. Feel sorry for the issue castration in one form or another will follow. Look up how they kept young boys from having their voices mature for the opera.

5 years ago

There is a photo out there of Podesta wearing the same ring as Oprah, etc.

5 years ago

Tensions between president Rouhani and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard spill into open

5 years ago

Spy claims New Zealand could be kicked out of Five Eyes intelligence network due to China’s influence in the country