Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
On commenting, I am seeing a lot of comments directed at people which are just insults. I do not let those through, just to avoid seeing fights and animosity break out with tit-for-tats. Some may be troublemakers, but I see some from regulars who seem irritated. Everyone should file away, your emotions may not be YOUR emotions. I have seen evidence they can hit a house with something, I have no idea what, but everyone in the house will grow angry and irritable. And it will feel entirely genuine, until it boils over to such a ridiculous degree, everyone looks at each other and simultaneously realizes, the anger is not logical, it is not normal, or who each person is, and the moment it is seen, it becomes something almost external to the person. I have seen arguments stop cold as everyone realizes what is going on is not natural or logical, and must be coming from outside them. The obviousness of it has been enough to actually overcome the tech’s effects instantaneously. Of course I am beyond that level of tech now, and get different devices, but you may not be.
IMO, everyone here who is not a Cabal plant, almost certainly has had local surveillance made aware of them by command and it is focusing on them. And at this point in history, I think it more likely than not if you are here you are getting beamed with something, whether it is designed to degrade your thought process, make you irritable, or affect your health. The tech is just too high-gain and low-cost/low-risk to not employ it widely. File it away accordingly, and grasp all of this may get even worse before it gets better. Until it does abate, the plan is the same – reveal the surveillance first, and preserve our side’s team integrity. Because we need this team in one piece, and we all have the same enemy.
Electric Bike Reviewer does a drivethrough of the Eaton Canyon Fires in California. Not much mind-blowing about the fires. Good shots of damage from 28:00 on. But all throughout the video, he will stop and pause somewhere, and somebody will materialize out of nowhere to come up, as if they are just walking around, and strike up a conversation with him, and ask him for his social media info. Also, despite the smoke and ash, lots of cars driving around with open windows hitting intersections as he does, despite it being the middle of the day and a fire zone. The sheer number of surveillance cars I see there is shocking. It is very strange.
I do not know anymore, maybe I was the idiot thinking you could have a society where everyone does their own thing in peace and reality sorts itself out on the fly organically. Perhaps I should have just expected a panopticon society, which would naturally transition to a world where some small shadowy clique of elites would dictate everyone’s life to them. Either way, I have nothing better to do but fight, so at least the fight is interesting. And who knows what adventures await if we get this in the open?
Petition calling for LA mayor’s recall sees over 60,000 signatures amid devastating fires. I was going down 4Chan, and there was a post with the salaries of some of the officials involved in this. The Water Chief is over $700K per year. The Fire Chief is like $400+K per year. And it went on like that. A little further down on 4Chan, in another thread, some data engineer was listing what he had made each year after he graduated with a computer science degree, and it was $200+K, $300+K, $400+K, and presently it was $535K per year as a data engineer with about five years experience. And I am thinking of all the people in tech who are applying for jobs, and finding out most lob listings are bogus, and they cannot get an interview. It dawned on me how all of these salaries should be sorting themselves out to be fractions of what they are, given the supply of workers out there who could do better jobs for a fraction of the cost. But it seems not to work out that way. You end up with handfuls of total incompetents making just exorbitant salaries, and another group which could do the jobs vastly better, but which cannot find work. That did not arise by chance. And you will see it whether it is modelling, acting, news media, politics, business, tech, Onlyfans, Youtubing, influencing, finance, and on and on. You are looking at those in the network, everywhere you look in those areas.
The Deep State Strikes Back! A front-runner for the top White House intelligence job may be planning to run cover for the IC, sources say. Is this true, and Cabal has planted an asset there? Or is he really pro-Trump and anti-Deep State, and this is a last ditch attempt to derail him? No way to know, except to trust Trump’s decision and find out. I really wish they would just begin by revealing the surveillance, and letting everyone sue it and everyone in it into oblivion. Then let things sort themselves from there.
Jack Smith resigns from DoJ after completing final Trump report.
Steve Bannon makes it his “personal” mission to keep Musk out of the White House, calling him a “truly evil, really bad guy.” Probably not incorrect, but also meaningless. Trump is in control, and will succeed regardless.
Covering up incriminating evidence? A possible burglary was reported on Saturday in Brentwood at the home of Vice President Kamala Harris – ABC7. No Secret Service at her home? Could you just plant a bomb there while she is away? Or did Secret Service let it happen to put surveillance on the robbers and find out their story?
60 fire engines sent yesterday to the Cali fires are not on the fire lines…yet. They’ve been ordered to submit to a DOT inspection in Sacramento that’s scheduled for 4:30 pm today. If they clear the inspection, they’ll THEN be able to drive 400 miles to Pacific Palisades. Talk about “looking a gift horse in the mouth.” Then, on the way home, they get inspected again, and if they get red tagged, it’s “fix it before you can return.” Does liberal stupidity know no bounds? (I’m still waiting for a return call from @OSFM to explain this nonsense)
While idiots blame the fires on Climate Change, or leadership failures, one arsonist who started fire was arrested and found to be a 30 year old homeless man who had on him a blowtorch, as well as 5 cell phones and a prepaid United Nations debit card, leading to further questions about his identity and provenance. LAPD later decided they had no probable cause to arrest him and let him go. Most likely this occurred following a call with his Mossad handlers, who said he “belonged to intelligence.”
California State Parks announced Friday the arrest of Gloria Lynn Mandich, 60, in connection with a brush fire that ignited near Leo Carrillo State Park in Los Angeles County. She looks like exactly what you will see following you through a grocery store. Just kind of benign, like someone you would expect to be totally normal.
Elizabeth Warren busted:
Newsom too:
Treacherous Mayorkas grants amnesty to 850,000 illegals, blames ‘bad weather’ as reason.
This seems to me a psyop to elicit noticing, which would be weird if Zuckerberg were anything other than just an actor playing a part in the script:
Brazil gives Meta 72 hours to explain changes to fact-checking program.
Indians in the US getting automatic work permit for 540 days starting January.
Vatican approves gay men to be priests in Italy, but they’ll be barred from ‘flaunting’ their homosexuality.’ Surely that is not a slippery slope. “We will just let the gays marry – nobody would ever approve of them in the military or raising children, or turning the children trans, or doing surgeries on them, or having them dance in drag shows while other homos throw money at them.”
Biden awards Pope Francis medal of freedom, highest US civilian honor.
Daily Mail on the story – Ex- Labour MP arrested on suspicion ‘of engaging in sexual communication with a child’ – months after being suspended from party over ‘serious allegations.’
Nigel Farage says grooming gang rapists motivated by ‘racism’ against young white women.
Greenland’s Prime Minister, Múte Egede, signals readiness to discuss US acquisition plans with Trump. Intel has something on him.
Looks curious:
House Oversight and Government Reform Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) plans to meet next week with Kash Patel, President-elect Donald Trump’s yet-to-be-confirmed pick to run the FBI, to discuss how he can be an ally in the new administration’s efforts to root out the so-called Deep State. Does he mean it, or is he just a burned spy, here to help?
Elon Musk has DOGE agents ready to go. At least the script has a subplot in it that scales back government.
Send people to, because all you have to do is reveal the surveillance
Pacific Palisades, LA Fire
One of the better one of these. This is the key takeaway:
“So it doesn’t take much collation of data and genius to see that these fires were set on purpose and ordered to let burn. Even more, if they burned as we are told, they must have been assisted on the ground.
“Which means all the chatter about incompetence, DEI, lady firefighters, lady mayors, chickens coming home to roost and so on is just misdirection. It may be true as far as it goes, but it doesn’t explain what happened here. With targeted fires set on purpose and a stand down order, you don’t need all these other causes to explain it.
“But why would anyone target Pacific Palisades? If some Nero is going to burn down LA on purpose to gentrify it, due to Smart cities, the upcoming Olympics, or any other reason, you would think he would target low-income areas, to drive those undesirables out. He wouldn’t target Pacific Palisades and Malibu. And yet he did.
“It makes perfect sense, though, if you think about it. A trillionaire isn’t going to want East LA, is he? It would take way too much effort to clean it up and then you still have East LA. No, what you want if you have infinite amounts of money is the most prime of prime real estate in the area, which is Palisades and Malibu. That is why the rich are there to start with: mountains behind you and ocean in front, with a constant cool breeze and low traffic. But buying out all those already-rich people there would be inconvenient. It could be done, but it would cost way too much. Better to burn them out.
“I have told you many times before of this war between the very rich and the super rich, and how it has gotten much worse in the past 50 years. Why? Because the super rich have already stolen almost everything they can from the middle class. We are tapped out. The only target they have left for pillage is the very rich. So you have the billionaires and trillionaires now eating the hundred millionaires. It was bound to happen.”
“I have seen evidence they can hit a house with something, I have no idea what, but everyone in the house will grow angry and irritable.”
The X-Files S02 E25 “Anasazi”
Not Himself: Mulder is uncharacteristically violent, confrontational, and aggressive; incidentally, his elderly neighbour also inexplicably kills her husband of fifty years. It turns out their building’s water supply was being drugged, to put Mulder in such a dangerous and unstable state of mind that he could be convincingly framed for killing his father.
This episode first aired in 1995.
‘And I have increasingly come to believe those writers are actually CIA people read in on how the conspiracy wants the population manipulated…
Could be.
“Congressional and intelligence sources tell Tablet that the candidate slotted in for the top intelligence spot on the National Security Council is ill suited to serve the president’s agenda.”
Sounds like a glowing endorsement from where I sit.
EU Globalist Explicitly Threatens To Cancel German Election Result If Right Wing AfD Wins
On Blackrock and the housing collapse:
Karma is coming to those that opposed student loan forgiveness; the program was a trial balloon to seed and test reaction.
A Jubilee is coming because it is the only way to solve the problem.
people who don’t have debt should get a check.
I think the 2020 lockdowns or a test or dress rehearsal, and one problem they identified was housing.
The way things worked in the Soviet command economy is that the government assigned people housing, at a low rent. Typically two families shared an apartment, but they would have separate sections of the apartments as living space, with a common kitchen. The families paid a low, subsidized rent, and when the USSR collapsed, they just gave people title to the apartments they were living in.
In the USA and other western countries, the Cabal uses the housing market for money laundering and control, and housing is way overpriced. Money is turned over to ordinary people in the form of salary, and then sent right back to the Cabal in rent, mortgage payments, and health insurance payments.
The problem is that this doesn’t work if you have collapsed the economy, and there are no salaries. They tried to pay people to attend zoom meetings, but this didn’t work very well, and when they go for the second round they will have lots of people sitting at home, with no way to pay for their housing.
When they complete the transition to a USSR style economy, they will have to transition to a USSR style housing system too. Based on Obamacare, which was what they did to buy time with the healthcare money laundering, it will probably be some sort of housing subsidies, with moving to new housing become more convoluted and painful.
Blackrock = Control Point for causing a housing collapse.
Stocks = Control Point for causing stock market collapse.
Don’t make me pay for some pink haired witch’s gender studies degree.
If you make the banks and the colleges pay we can talk.
Wildfires As A Weapon, US Military ExposedFrom a 1970 US Forestry Service report.
LAFD: “Design For Disaster” – The Story of the Bel Air Conflagration | 1962
From Lame Cherry
Martin Armstrong explains that we are run by assholes and thing are not going to be fixed:
And, Armstrong answers a question as to why people are not getting through to Trump:
ISBN-10. 0898048273
“The Asshole Conspiracy” by Xavier Crement, M.D. 1994
This book explains it all. It’s not even on Z-Library and if you could find a copy, it wouldn’t do you any good and it’s much too late, anyhow. Bwahaha
That rise and fall chart also explains it. So does the old “hard times/ strong men yada yada thing. And the famous proverb from Pogo.
Even worse, nobody is immune from becoming at least a temporary asshole — usually at the worst possible time.
I think that assholes do not prosper — maybe not survive — during tough times, so the best we can do is welcome the collapse, and prepare for it.
Atlas Shrugged? Do you recognize even one of Reardon’s opponents who wasn’t “merely” an asshole?
On “Short Trump”.
Me and my dad are 6′ 1″. Over time, as my natural dad aged–he shrunk; he lost about 5 inches.
As people age—they shrink. Trump is in his late 70s approaching 80–he is going to shrink.
I on the other hand take Citracal, a calcium supplement, Glucosamine Chondrite, and HMB, an amino acid, that is supposed to preserve muscle. So, far, I’ve only lost an inch.
The Trump at Mar a Lago is the Real Trump.
Since I took up weight lifting a couple of years ago, I’m a tad over an inch taller than I was then, on my doctor’s height checker.
I’m attributing it to reduction of spinal curvature and anterior pelvic tilt.
True, about shrinkage, but nobody shrinks like that in a handful of years, do they? I was 5’11” at h.s. graduation. A woman (asshole 🙂 who thought I was hot back in those days bumped into me at a home town function a few years back. She turned up her nose and said, “My daughter is five eleven.”
Should have told her it isn’t your fault, unless.
Some guy claiming that fog had a lot of a particular bacteria in it.
That species is what they use in tests for how bioweapons would spread. But the guy writing that isn’t educated in the field, and seems to not even know what a parasite is, or a bacteriophage.
They could be doing some sort of testing. We really need control of the government, and to get rid of this classified shit, where all the worst shit, they tell us we are not qualified to know about. If you fucking pay taxes, you are qualified.
anyone else get sick recently? I am coughing out big flem balls every half an hour or so for the last 2 days.
I am not sick but I do get a deep productive cough, I suspect from whatever they are doing fucking with the lungs somehow. Usually I wake up in the middle of the night with it just exploding for twenty minutes, I hack away, and then it is almost gone for the rest of the day, and then it happens again the next night.
But I do not feel sick in any way. I would almost blow it off as an allergy, if it weren’t just for twenty minutes out of the blue each night in the middle of a sleep.
I have the exact same thing. As I recall it coincides with the beam…
Yeah, I think it is the Beam because it is different from either a sick cough or allergies. It is more of a fluidy, less thick fluid than phlegm. And there is much more of a feeling in the lungs, from the start, like you would get from coughing and irritating the lungs, even before you start coughing. Lungs are very delicate, like thin bubbles of membranes in air. Anything which fucks up tissues will really fuck them up.
These are the reasons I feel the whole thing is best resolved violently by the citizenry. There should be some series of events which will make those who come after feel this is not a path to go down. You can only do that by making examples of those who did it in the past.
Yeah, I have this phlegm thing as well, and for a couple of weeks.
Had a stomach bug last week, but it cleared in a couple days. Nothing unusual.
Sinuses have gone haywire since Friday night.
Eaton Canyon clip:
The way how lady in 31:00 says “okay”. Like officer who confirmed that this guy is fine and can let him go haha. “Good answear, you pass the exam prol!”
Yeah. I’d love to know, how are all those people getting paid? Sometimes it feels like most of the people around you are being paid in life just to watch you. There must be a massive money trail somewhere.
I’ve seen “these are not your emotions” dynamics, and sudden disappearance of the influence. I think some of this is spiritual (not tech) in nature, because threads of context involve the imprint of past life memories, and demonic attachment to a person persisting across lifetimes, in ways that are logically consistent with (and only make sense with) that being a real phenomenon. I won’t even try to explain in a short space because, like everything outside the normal paradigm, there’s too much in the way. (I started dismissive of past life theories, until evidence forced me to consider this as real.)
The similarity of symptoms makes me wonder if there is a close connection between spiritual/demonic mechanisms of influence and the cabal tech mechanisms of influence. This would be sensible given the obvious connection between cabal and the demonic realm, and cabal’s knowledge of more of how the world actually works. This could be a useful observation for trying to consider the physics of consciousness and how it may relate to cabal technology.
The highest likelihood probability in my probability matrix is spiritual/demonic is just the overseers of Cabal’s secret club, and they are all working together. Spiritual/demonic entities are just the interdimensionals with high tech vastly beyond us, and the surveillance, and Cabal, and all of this are their agents who appealed to them and took the deal to fuck us over for some kind of benefit. The interdimensionals wanted control over our society since we live nextdoor in some fashion, and this is how it worked out for now.
I’d imagine the Creator, being moral, as evidenced through his creation of a K-world with morals, is displeased, and has decided to finally get in here now, which is what all the upset, and probably our path here, is all about.
In this model though I tend to not see demons operating much, just in that I do not think they have to. We are surrounded by meat puppets with enough tech to simulate the demonic, so I would assume most of what you see which appears spiritual or demonic is the meat puppets assigned to us Larping and trying to make us think we face more than we do.
So far, I have trusted in God, and I have not been let down, and I think whatever this situation is, it is either coming to an end soon, or we will be given the opportunity through circumstances to bring it to an end soon.
“I’d imagine the Creator, being moral, as evidenced through his creation of a K-world with morals, is displeased, and has decided to finally get in here now, …”
Understatement, IMHO.
All the private revelation, for going on a few centuries now, is pointing to God giving us a smackdown. And “right soon”, to quote The Shawshank Redemption.
Way to go, Zuck!
Never trust Zuckerberg. His priors are too many and too damning.
His claim is he was being pressured by government.
1 we know that’s not the whole truth, he was doing the same things before Biden was in office.
2 so when the government tells you to murder millions of people (and you know that because you tell your employees the truth) that makes it OK?
This was noted posted on 1/12/25, do not recall if you covered this one already a.c. but putting here for readers as well. Thanks. Stay frosty and unbeamed out there.
Thank you!
Vox Day today:
“All of this talk of North American Union with Canada and Mexico, and acquiring Greenland by finance or by force, is nothing more than Clown World theater. First, I don’t think the short Trump at Mar-al-Lago is the real Donald Trump, he’s the body double being used by Clown World to try to negotiate a deal with the forces behind the real Trump. Second, all of the talk about merging with Canada and Mexico is part of the same NAU-NAFTA madness that was pushed hard by the Bush-Clinton regime before the neocons took control and shifted the US focus toward establishing Greater Israel. It’s a longstanding Clown World project, so either a) Donald Trump has completely betrayed both America and his base or b) the Trump who is advocating it is not the real Donald Trump.
“The fact that the media keeps quoting the fake Trump’s absurdities and does so in mostly favorable terms is the best indication, other than the obvious height issue, that he isn’t the real Donald Trump. The whole point of noticing anomalies is that there should not be any anomalies. Nor is the fake Trump alone; in addition to the six Bidens, the “Hillary Clinton” who received a medal from one of the Bidens quite obviously wasn’t the real Hillary; she was too young, too healthy, and insufficiently overweight to be the real individual.
“I understand that it’s very hard to accept that everything that is presented to you by the mainstream Narrative is false, but you have to learn to trust the evidence of your eyes. Don’t take my word for it, just take a close look for yourself and pay attention to the details. If every single detail is not correct, then you can be certain that things are not what they are publicly reported to be.”
I think kidnapping a famous person and replacing him or her with a double is a Cabal technique that happens far, far, more often than we would think.
L.A. and Maui fires; and then there was a predictive programming movie starring Val Kilmer:
Movie 1985: Real Genius.
The popcorn gag at the end.
Yeah, but that was to make popcorn, what that asshole prof. hated with the passion of a thousand suns, right?
Using against people in the real world, now that’s crazy talk…sarc
In the trailer at about 1:58 “This program brought to you by a grant from”
Siri eavesdropping cost Apple a bundle. If they were listening in, who else was?
Check your computer, phone and all devices that have Siri, then disable them. Recheck every time there is an operating system update, and if you add more apps.
Then consider your so-called smart and other devices like televisions or Alexa or whatever else has or could have a microphone. Disable what you can, use Faraday bags, leave the proximity for conversations you don’t want recorded and be situationally aware. Public places are ripe for listening, watching and recording by various parties, not all of which are in public safety.
Don’t ask me how I know.
Let me explain – PRIVACY IS OVER. It’s gone, technology killed it, it’s never coming back.
The NSA has a real time copy of the internet complete with everything that’s ever been posted. EVERYTHING. Every post tagged with the heuristics of the computer/device used to post it, which are tied to known accounts which in turn are tied to the name on bill. That’s what bulk data collection IS.
Every text, every phone call, EVERYTHING. Your voice print? You think they didn’t record that? The feed from the pixel-cam in your monitor/tv? And oh yeah they reconfigure the speakers into microphones via software, and the of course the selfie cam on your phone. And your wifi router has mapped every square inch of your house. It’s all in your file.
Assume everything you do including every keystroke, every mouse movement, internet search history, every web page you’ve ever been on, everything you’ve ever downloaded, it’s all logged in real time automatically and tagged to the file with your SSN, to be data mined for anything useful should you ever become a person of interest.
You want to be truly anonymous online? Okay, build a computer from individual new in box parts purchased with cash, then take the machine down to a public WiFi place, and MAYBE for a few minutes they won’t know who you are.
If you take steps to try to avoid this like getting rid of all internet connected devices, building Faraday cages, etc, you’ll be signed up for THE BEAM – assuming you weren’t already – so that they can see through your walls to figure out what you’re doing.
Planet Earth is now Planet Panopticon, and has been for some time.
Just because it *says* it’s turned off, doesn’t mean it really is.
A few years ago people found that Google’s Android OS kept right on spying even when various settings were set of “off.”
How do you know?
I am going to check out this device further: Silent Knight | Guardian
He says it stops the hits, the beaming, V2K. I imagine he will learn to miniaturize this and build in greater robustness?
Just got the WP install screen even though it’s not the usual time of day for it.
“Greeks begin to deal with migrants as they should, as the scriptwriters now guide the plot along more sane lines:”
Hmm… On the island of Lesbos (the real name of the island, mind you).
Very interesting.
Saw this question re-posted by raz0rfist and thought of this blog.
“Why are big studios so obsessed with nasolabial creases?”
they add a sinister overlay on the character.
I saw that earlier today, looks interesting
Anatomy of a ticket taking:
My VIRAL Post On Brandon Sanderson Has Me UNDER ATTACK!
An MP5 with red dot, can, IR LAM, and an AR FRT trigger? Probably would be best MP5 ever.
I maxed out my MP5
What is your take on the MP-5 type design vs say, the Stribog?
I have no trigger time on a stribog, and very little on an MP5. I am in process of building a PCC with a CMMG radial delayed barrel/BCG combo, which apparently is about mid way between a roller-delay of an MP5 and a straight blowback. Straight blowblack is just extra recoil. Will be doing video on it.
TLDW – 5.56 77gr MK262 out of a rifle length barrel.
25 yard zero has the SMALLEST vertical dispersion, but you actually have to remember to aim low at 100 yards. 36 yard zero is the next smallest at only ten inches dispersion vertically from 0-300 and you don’t need to remember anything. 50 yard yard is actually not great because it leaves you shooting low beyond 200. 100 should probably only be used if you have a specific BDC reticule that recommends that.
We Tested ALL Of The Popular Zeros To Find The Best One
American Outlaw