News Briefs – 01/12/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


File under curious – Suleimani was killed on 1-3-20, and this is Q’s post 1320:

Far right fan of Trump and Farage raises far-right ‘Q’ flag at his Cornish castle. 

Ex-DOJ official picked to assist with FISA reform was an ardent defender of the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page. Also an Obama-guy.

Couple killed in Iranian plane shootdown had been pictured with Soleimani. There was speculation on Q’s board that the plane might have been filled with sleepers sent to the west for attacks, on orders of Soleimani’s cadre in the IRGC as a response for his killing, and that is why their first stop was to Ukraine, to wash surveillance and maybe shift identities in a semi-Cabal-controlled-area before continuing on. So the shootdown was the moderates in the government essentially calling the attacks back in their own way to avoid escalating things with Trump. The sleepers might even have been Cabal’s plan to escalate things, Q and Trump warned the Iranian leaders that was where things were heading, and the Iranian government took care of it themselves. It would, like the Cabal-punishment theory, explain why a missile defense installation couldn’t simply see the plane had just taken off from the airport next door, and why this bypassed all the safeguards they had to have, to protect planes that just took off.

Schumer-tied PAC received $1.7 million from dark money group.

Shadowy Obama-linked liberal group began investigating Trump-Ukraine months before the ‘whistleblower’ complaint.

In Italy, unprecedented destruction of nativity scenes shocks locals. What is amazing is you stick your hand out to help them, and this is how the migrants respond.

Iranian commander says the Ukrainian plane flew too close to sensitive military site.

Angry Iranians question authorities for concealing truth on plane incident.

Protesters in Iran call for Khamenei resignation after downing of jet.

Update: Anti-regime protests by university students in Tehran are spreading.

British ambassador to Iran is arrested for inciting protestors, later released.

Ukraine wants compensation from Iran for shot-down airliner.

Iranian media has reported that British Ambassador to Iran Robert Macaire was detained and interrogated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps.

San Fran DA Chesa Boudin, dismisses 18 felonies against man caught sex trafficking 13-year-old girl.

Boy Scout Organization is a magnet for tens of thousands of pedophiles, lawsuit claims.

Ex Marine discharged dishonorably for various things including sodomy and abusive sexual conduct was arrested for bluffing his way past two checkpoints as a Marine Security Officer to get close to Marine One in Florida.

Microsoft in trouble after revelation unvetted Chinese contractors listened in on Skype calls with no security. Every time I check what programs on my system have access to the internet through the firewall, I have a new entry for Skype which is enabled, even though I never use the program, and disable each new entry as I find it.

For the Archival Material of Cabal – a bit long, but very dense with data and examples of how the network is everywhere that the power to attack it resides, and how the members rise despite whatever crimes they committed – the network runs deep, and everywhere, and it only rose under Cabal:

If they were dropping drugs, they saturated the area with surveillance, especially focused around a perimeter, with cars driving around, and people on foot. The approach of those boys would have been immediately noted, and forward to whoever was running the recovery of the drugs. You think you’d sneak up in the woods, and passively observe, but it would not work that way. Notice also the medical examiner in the above video was a foreigner, brought to the country from somewhere else, and he was immediately given a job and a spot in the network. Also notice, the single thing, the one lynchpin which supports this corruption, which protects the corrupt, and shields them from any possible retribution, is surveillance. Surveillance is the praetorian guard of evil in our nation, and the world. Take away the surveillance, and these things would very quickly resolve themselves and the corrupt would lose their boldness.

Obama’s last month of pardons was a plethora of drug and fraud crimes, probably done by Cabal foot soldiers.

Michael R. Bloomberg on Saturday did not rule out spending a billion dollars of his own money on the 2020 presidential race, even if he does not win the Democratic nomination. When I was younger I met some of these ultra-rich, including nationally recognizable names, helping a buddy with a service business. What he always said, again and again, was how the ultra rich were not just cheaper penny-pinchers than the average person, they were bordering on mentally ill about spending as little as possible. Even somebody worth nine figures, who needed an inexpensive and quick structural repair on something, would beg him to just find a way to paint over it, and make it look good for a few hundred dollars. Now, is it more likely Mike Bloomberg worked for a billion dollars which he is willing to just throw away in an obviously futile fight against the God-Emperor, or is it more likely he is like Epstein, and is just a money-manager for some massive entity, which has told him to spend a billion dollars? Now that I think about it, I wonder how many of those ultra-rich were cheap, not because they wanted to save the cash, but because they didn’t have money of their own, and didn’t have authorization to spend any money on the repairs. That would actually explain why people who were anal-retentive obsessive compulsives about everything, would have crappy cosmetic repairs barely holding things together.

The blue-state exodus gains momentum. Basically mix compulsive resource consumption, inability to conceptualize future shortage, and an urge to migrate and you have human locusts.

The Italian Mafia is now embracing homosexuality, as it comes out the head of one family has a son who is a drag queen. The mafia is Cabal, and probably always has been. Amazing.

Transgender surgeries now covered by Illinois Medicaid program.

California is poised to extend healthcare coverage to seniors living in the U.S. illegally.

California water infected with increasing fecal bacteria as democrats allow homeless crisis to worsen.

In New York, serial robbery suspect freed with no bail — then immediately robs another bank.

In Illinois a Muslim slashes the tires of 19 cars at churches, and explains he did it because he doesn’t like Christians. Diversity is our strength.

World’s super-rich are hoarding physical gold in secret bunkers.

Magnitude 5.9 quake again rocks quake-stunned Puerto Rico.

That face you make when you are Joe Biden and you find out Gywneth Paltrow is selling candles scented like her vagina:

High-ranking pro-Iranian militia commander shot dead in Iraq.

Trump allies explore buyout of OANN to compete with Fox News.

Job Market is so hot under Trump Taco Bell is offering to pay managers $100,000 because it cannot fill the positions.

New US envoy to Russia looks forward to enhancing bilateral relations, says embassy.

Acting DHS Secretary celebrates 100 miles of new border wall with Mexico.


Spread r/K Theory, because their making vagina-scented candles and it all just needs to stop.

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John Calabro
John Calabro
5 years ago

“The mafia is Cabal, and probably always has been. Amazing.”

Probably happen around World War 2. Deals made by the US government to fight the Italians and Nazis.

The different mafia gangs probably had power struggles and the ones that won only because of the help of the US government. Think of the arrests during the 30s and then the late 60s and 70s.

The more you read on WW2 the more you realize that there are no good side only a fight for power. Use whatever weapons, make whatever allies to win. Communist, banks and Crime bosses.

I know Mussolini try to take down the Mafia in Italy as well as the Communist. It would be interesting to think that maybe the US military had plans for after the war using the Mafia to keep countries like Italy under check and fighting itself.

Probably the same reason why Roosevelt agree to give Eastern Europe over to the Soviets and not free them after the war. So that Europe is never unify (to challenge), (also the same reason Britain join the EU) but left divided and fighting itself. If a war with the Soviet takes place, it would of been in Europe.

The quote of Winston S. Churchill makes sense when you think later

“If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”

Plans change and there are many powerful players with different ideas involve, a lot of infighting and probably killing.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  John Calabro
5 years ago

I believe the mafia/cabal connection goes back 400 years, when the British Navy needed local strong men to ensure their supply of limes. Scurvy was a real problem back then, and Sicily had the solution.

And the British Navy in Sicily goes back 1000 years, when the Normans took it over.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

From the good source – “mafia” may be as old as XIII century but current crop is connected to John Frank and some of his 40 000 Jews baptised around 1725.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
5 years ago

“That face you make when you are Joe Biden and you find out Gywneth Paltrow is selling candles scented like her vagina:”

Probably smells like desperation and mothballs.

5 years ago

“Microsoft in trouble after revelation unvetted Chinese contractors listened in on Skype calls with no security. E”

Trust me, just switch to Linux:

Windows to Linux | The First Linux Install | Pop OS

Reply to  Lowell
5 years ago

Too late, Linux founder cooked too.

5 years ago

Meghan Markle Signs Voiceover Deal With Disney Amid Royal Family Drama

5 years ago

Iran agrees de-escalation ‘only solution’ to solve crisis with US

5 years ago

White House says U.S. has asked North Korea to resume talks

5 years ago
5 years ago

South Korean President’s Office Denies He’s Targeting Prosecutor

5 years ago
5 years ago

German shipping companies and the arms trade | DW Documentary

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Read more about the delightful German War Machine and their enlightened treatment of their employees (aka slaves) = The Arms of Krupp by William Manchester. Falls under the category of “nothing new under the sun”

5 years ago

My personal take is The GE Donald Trump removed Hillary’s plant in Iran.
Nothing less nothing more.