News Briefs – 01/10/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


OMG Anon, look what just happened to happen:

Understand nothing just happens on that platform. I can post Binney’s interview and it was first erased entirely, then put back, but not in response to who I posted it to, and it would not show up on my timeline, and you would have to go directly to the post. If everyone is being shown this, it was a script. Elon was told to set it up like that, and this Ian Carrol guy who has been getting pimped for the last two months, was given this reply, and this guy above was told to promote it. Even the likes were probably rigged. By now their dissemination of these things on that platform is probably a science.

They are leading people somewhere. And the Cabal/leadership Jews, who would normally counterattack, I suspect were told to stand down. Not a one is making a peep.

That said, it is not untrue, but I think it a truth to divert us from a worse truth they really, really do not want us noticing. I want to see that one publicized too.

Mel Gibson says the Pope and the Vatican are Surrounded by Child Molesters — He Believes the Catholic Church is Now a Counterfeit Paralle Church that runs an Entirely Different Religion. The full two hour interview is here.

Scientists say they have simulated backward time travel system with a 25% chance of successfully changing the past.

Just an amazing overhead video of the destruction from the fires in Pacific Palisades.

LA’s $750k-a-year water boss struggles to explain why fire hydrants ran dry in bumbling video about inferno response.

I hope none of you sexist bastards are going to embarrass a woman by getting yourself in the wrong place:


From here:


Adam Carolla applied to be a firefighter in Los Angeles and was told to wait seven years because he was White. He got a job picking up garbage at construction sites and seven years later he was told to report for an interview with LAFD. Once in line he turned to a black lady behind him and said it took them 7 years to respond and he asked her when she applied—- she replied, “Wednesday.”

LAFD reportedly canceled their annual fire hydrant testing a few weeks ago citing “fiscal challenges,” but they had enough money for an LAFD DEI Bureau and DEI chief.

A firefighting aircraft collided with *a drone* flying in restricted airspace over the Palisades Fire.

Overhead of Pacific Palisades shows what Democrat leadership by DEI lesbians gets you:

Last fiscal year, the Los Angeles city budget included more for the homeless ($1.3 billion) than for the Fire Department ($817 million).

Joe Biden fell asleep during Jimmy Carter’s funeral on Thursday.

Michelle Obama skips Jimmy Carter’s funeral to vacation in Hawaii. Posobiec tweeted he is hearing she and Barack are splitting up.

Eye rolls, heavy sighs and cold shoulders… all the wildly awkward moments at a very glacial presidential reunion for Jimmy Carter’s funeral.

Mike Pence’s wife Karen stares down Melania and refuses to shake Trump’s hand at Jimmy Carter’s funeral. Pence’s wife is the operator, sent in to wrangle him. In a fair number of cases, it would appear the conspiracy employs some kind of standard operating procedure of finding a guy who is not in the conspiracy, tying him up with some woman who is in the conspiracy while he is young and naive, and sometimes even roping him in further with children, before having the wife spring her involvement on him and then employ him as some kind of front man, in a position like Pence’s seemingly for decent monetary payback. I don’t know why it looks like that in these cases – DeSantis being another one. You would think they would hitch a girl in the conspiracy up with a guy in the conspiracy and run them as a team. It is almost like for them it is a win to take an honest guy and get him betraying the nation, like the devil tempting with sin.

A soldier’s condition remains unknown after he collapsed during funeral service for Jimmy Carter Thursday. One report said he had complained earlier his left arm was numb, and he smelled burnt toast.

John Fetterman makes unprecedented move to earn favor with Trump by traveling to Mara Lago.

Alec Baldwin sues prosecutors who tried to get him jailed for Rust shooting.

Facebook and Instagram ban LifeNews for sharing pro-life medical video. So much for Zuckerberg’s Free Speech push.

How Trump plans to take on censors — and they plan to take on Trump. The problem is Trump will deal with the State Department censors, or the FBI liaisons at the social media companies. The real problem is the assholes I deal with, who installed some kind of high tech beam machine in the neighbor’s house to zap me each night – the criminal operation which allowed 9/11. Those are the assholes who wiped my tweet of the Bill Binney interview I have up on my surveillance page, which was not done through an FBI liaison. Until you see a reveal of gangstalking harassment surveillance, complete with the rosters of who the informants were, down to the granny following you through the grocery store, and the complete command structure, the censorship and control will be continued.

TRUMP: “I’m going to give you a report on drones about 1 day into the administration, because I think it’s ridiculous that they’re not telling you about what’s going on with the drones.”

Supreme Court rejects President-elect Donald Trump’s bid to delay Friday’s sentencing in his New York hush money case.

Pentagon approved DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPONS on American citizens.

Republican probe into White House cocaine ruined by Secret Service destroying evidence: Comer book.

‘Pizzagate’ gunman who discharged an AR-15 inside Comet PingPong Pizza, fatally shot by police during traffic stop in North Carolina. Strange. Cop pulled over his car, thinking there was someone with a warrant in it, he gets out with a gun and is killed.

Over a dozen current and former Minneapolis police officers say MPD’s Katie Blackwell perjured herself during Derek Chauvin trial, claiming Chauvin’s restraint technique was not department-trained.

Did Kim DotCom get beamed?:

Facebook lifted all restrictions on all speech, except questioning anything about the Holocaust, or Jewish people controlling the media. Kanye still BTFO:

Paedophile gangs are still raping children ‘in every city around the country’, warns ex-detective who investigated sadistic sex abuse ring.

A leading Vladimir Putin propagandist, 59,  who urged the Kremlin to fire nuclear bombs at Ukraine is in a coma after suffering a “clinical death.” The Beam?

US president-elect Donald Trump has pushed back his campaign pledge to end the war in Ukraine in “24 hours” to several months, in a shift European partners have interpreted as a sign that his administration will not immediately abandon support for Kyiv. Practically it will just mean Russia will get a lot more land between now and then.

Zelensky demands the West send him troops to “force Russia” to negotiate a peace.

US dockworkers’ strike averted, union thanks Donald Trump.

Mike Waltz to clean out Deep Staters from National Security Council: ‘We’re taking resignations at 12:01’ on January 20.

John Cornyn introduces bill allowing Concealed Carry permits to work in all 50 states.

Senators introduce “Lock The Clock” bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent.

Trump’s Inaugural Committee raises $170 million, shattering records. Inaugural Committee, or slush fund for a counter-intel operation which lets him operate outside the comped government systems?

Send people to, because the 20th is closing in and we are still a go

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2 months ago

You would think they would hitch a girl in the conspiracy up with a guy in the conspiracy and run them as a team. It is almost like for them it is a win to take an honest guy and get him betraying the nation, like the devil tempting with sin.

They’re also capturing bloodlines and genetics.
She will raise his children (possibly with exceptions for some not suited to it) as members of cabal, and the cabal guy will do the same thing with the children of whatever woman he lands.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

It also gives them an in into other social circles. It’s tough to just show up to a meeting about The Beam but if you’re the wife of Dav or the sister-in-law of Farcesensitive it becomes much easier.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Maybe that is what accounts for the high divorce rate? These Cabal women ending these relationships like that.

Reply to  map
2 months ago

Very likely, it’s the best way to ruin the target and steal the children.

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

And in some case, ruin the children.

2 months ago

Alec Baldwin sues prosecutors who tried to get him jailed for Rust shooting.

They will settle and he’ll collect his bounty for the job.

2 months ago

comment image?w=568&ssl=1

Look at the comment inverting reality, they are making it ridiculously obvious to focus people on them instead of something else.

2 months ago

‘Mel Gibson says the Pope and the Vatican are Surrounded by Child Molesters — He Believes the Catholic Church is Now a Counterfeit Paralle Church that runs an Entirely Different Religion.’

The Catholic church is the church of Laodecia spoken of in Revelations.

When the Antichrist reveals himself, I believe that whoever is Pope at the time will be the False Prophet.

Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

Dude, that is SO CLOSE.
It’s the other way around.
The Pope’s have always been the anti-christ.
Trump will be false prophet.
Look for new pope that will be like Trump (populist) and thus all Catlicks adore new pope).
Calamities happen.
Trump reaches across abyss (American Protestantism) to Papacy and clasps hands and declares we gotta get back to church (on Sunday).
we shall see.

Reply to  selbs
2 months ago


And worshiping on Sunday is NOT the Mark of the Beast.
The mark is a physical mark in the hand or forehead.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

No, the Catholic Church is the church started by Jesus Christ. It’s all of the other 40k plus Protestant denominations that are in error.

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 months ago

Romanism is not the first Christian church.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

It’s not even the first Roman church. The church Paul writes to in Romans is obviously not Roman Catholic.

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 months ago

The Roman Catholic church originated from the roman emperor Constantine. He banned other churches

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Constantine issued the Edict of Toleration in 312 or 313 (sources differ on the year.) This made the church unpersecurable in the empire. He also presided over the Council of Nicaea. That’s pretty much it. He did not create a church, he did not administer a church (which already existed by his time). And he did not declare “Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire”. That was Theodoseus II in 393. Emperors are concerned with unifying their empires. Enthusiasm for the old pantheon of gods was dying out by that time, so he decided they would be Christians.

People keep parroting the same misinformation surrounding Constantine without checking any facts. Christianity already existed for more than 250 years by the time Constantine came around. He did not invent it. He didn’t even invent Catholicism. Even if there was some giant conspiracy to enslave people in Catholicism, it came around long after Constantine and the collapse of the Western arm of the Roman Empire. The East continued in Constantinople for another 1100 years, falling to the Ottomans in 1453.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 month ago

Anonymous said “originated” rather than “created”.

However, interesting how the Roman Empire morphed. The Pope is the “Pontiff”, from the pagan High Priest of Rome.

The Latin “Deus”, derives from the Green “Zeus”.

Then there are colors:

  • White – Pope / Emperor
  • Red – General / Cardinal
  • Purple – Bishop / Senate
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 month ago

“Greek” not “Green”

Edit not working

Reply to  BB
1 month ago

Last time I edited a comment, it got marked as spam for some reason.

I’m just tired of hearing claims that Constantine either created Christianity or specifically the Catholic Church. It’s getting to be like nails on a chalkboard for me. But yes, the Catholic Church organizing itself like the Roman Empire is an interesting example. I just don’t think Constantine did it. That came later.

Texas Arcane
2 months ago

The woman operative policing the man is some fundamental of psychology in mankind. It’s found in the story of Samson and Delilah. *Delilah is my ex-wife’s name, by the way.
You can exert a lot of control on a person but his wife can exert the ultimate control on him where nobody else can. It is possible to destroy a person through their spouse in ways that might otherwise be impossible.
Seeing Mike Tyson scrape and grovel before his new wife and mother-in-law and medicated by them to control him tells you all you need to know. This guy could kill both women with a single punch. Yet they reduced him to abject submission.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 months ago

Isn’t it also true regarding Esther and purim?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

It goes back to Adam and Eve: Adam hearkened to his wife; he was the first cuck and men have been saddled with that trait ever since.

Reply to  Teo Toon
2 months ago

speak for yourself mate

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

1 Esdras
Chapter 4
13 Then the third, who had spoken of women, and of the truth, (this was Zorobabel) began to speak.
14 O ye men, it is not the great king, nor the multitude of men, neither is it wine, that excelleth; who is it then that ruleth them, or hath the lordship over them? are they not women?
15 Women have borne the king and all the people that bear rule by sea and land.
16 Even of them came they: and they nourished them up that planted the vineyards, from whence the wine cometh.
17 These also make garments for men; these bring glory unto men; and without women cannot men be.
18 Yea, and if men have gathered together gold and silver, or any other goodly thing, do they not love a woman which is comely in favour and beauty?
19 And letting all those things go, do they not gape, and even with open mouth fix their eyes fast on her; and have not all men more desire unto her than unto silver or gold, or any goodly thing whatsoever?
20 A man leaveth his own father that brought him up, and his own country, and cleaveth unto his wife.
21 He sticketh not to spend his life with his wife. and remembereth neither father, nor mother, nor country.
22 By this also ye must know that women have dominion over you: do ye not labour and toil, and give and bring all to the woman?
23 Yea, a man taketh his sword, and goeth his way to rob and to steal, to sail upon the sea and upon rivers;
24 And looketh upon a lion, and goeth in the darkness; and when he hath stolen, spoiled, and robbed, he bringeth it to his love.
25 Wherefore a man loveth his wife better than father or mother.
26 Yea, many there be that have run out of their wits for women, and become servants for their sakes.
27 Many also have perished, have erred, and sinned, for women.
28 And now do ye not believe me? is not the king great in his power? do not all regions fear to touch him?
29 Yet did I see him and Apame the king’s concubine, the daughter of the admirable Bartacus, sitting at the right hand of the king,
30 And taking the crown from the king’s head, and setting it upon her own head; she also struck the king with her left hand.
31 And yet for all this the king gaped and gazed upon her with open mouth: if she laughed upon him, he laughed also: but if she took any displeasure at him, the king was fain to flatter, that she might be reconciled to him again.
32 O ye men, how can it be but women should be strong, seeing they do thus?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Not canon, not scripture.

Reply to  Phelps
2 months ago

Never said it was.
But it’s truth that’s been known for a long long time.

2 months ago

This Billionaire Couple Stole California’s Water Supply | Asmongold Reacts

Typical leftist, gets the problem right and the solution wrong.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Reminds me of the 80s book “Cadillac Desert”. It is a sight to behold when you visit the Arizona California canal. More a manmade river heading to LA. It’s why the Colorado River never makes it to the Gulf of Mexico anymore. Old book.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Pebble skimmer
2 months ago

I read, somewhere, that half the water leaks out on the way there because they refuse to maintain ithe canal. Think about it. With way less population they built all this infrastructure and the present bunch just lets it go to waste.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

jewish every time

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Shhhh. They’re sensitive to verbal slights…

Mathers Knot
Mathers Knot
2 months ago

Newish Netflix series called “Black Doves” features a female central character who is employed by a non-state intelligence entity to marry an up-and-coming politician to get access to his government information.

Also features a shadowy family that has infiltrated/taken over state intelligence agencies.

Also features a lot of depravity.

2 months ago
Reply to  Snafui
2 months ago


Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

”Climate Change”: because a hot day is still very far below the flash point of any substance involved in forest fires.

2 months ago

The sidebar is still floating in the clouds.

2 months ago

> Michelle Obama skips Jimmy Carter’s funeral to vacation in Hawaii.

She *lives* in Hawaii. At least, one of their several homes is there.

2 months ago

> TRUMP: “I’m going to give you a report on drones about 1 day into the administration, because I think it’s ridiculous that they’re not telling you about what’s going on with the drones.”

…and the FAA and DoD smirk, shrug, spread their hands, and say, “Sorry, we got nothin.’ Must have deleted everything by accident. And you can’t fire us, we have a union. Neener-neener!”

2 months ago

Alec Baldwin sues prosecutors who tried to get him jailed for Rust shooting.

lol no.
This goes no where. Shut up and be glad the prosecutors screwed up before you saw the bars, Alec.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Baldwin doesn’t know how to shut up, or move on.

He’s a pathological narcissist. Everything that happens on earth somehow revolves around him, as far as he is concerned.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Unless they want it to go somewhere as a payoff, just like they botched the prosecution to let him off.

2 months ago

At one point, Trump turned to Obama and is reported to have said, according to our lip reader: ‘I can’t talk. We have to find a quiet place. Sometimes this is a matter of importance, and we need to do this outside so that we can deal with it, certainly, today.’

It’s a sociopath take, and I’m a little disturbed that it even occurred to me, but a sociopath would see killing Carter as a reasonable way of arranging a meeting between Obama and Trump without it being a news item.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

That’s exactly what O’Bummer’s handlers would think of.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Any random SCIF gives videoconferencing to another random SCIF. So maybe the public meeting aspect was the point.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 months ago

There is still a record that it happened. That would be too much.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

The LA fires are a great tramagedy. Greatest tramagedy ever!

That being said I’m going to throw a few bucks into supporting the angry lesbians on the CA Coastal Commission. Their plans to keep the Malibu coastline free from rebuilding these homes is important. The squint-eyed newt needs a home too ya know.

Basically two batches of cunts I despise are going to war over the rebuilding effort and I am going to stoke those fires as high as I can.

2 months ago

‘Pizzagate’ gunman who discharged an AR-15 inside Comet PingPong Pizza, fatally shot by police during traffic stop in North Carolina. Strange. Cop pulled over his car, thinking there was someone with a warrant in it, he gets out with a gun and is killed.

Right before Trump and Kash come into office.

2 months ago

If they are gonna keep showing us the same thing, they realize that we’re gonna figure it out, right?

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Paint everything you own that color blue.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

I imagine you’d only bother to paint your ~10% most valuable things.

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

The blue haired little old ladies are safe; so are the blues haired Woke bints.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Yeah blue. Apparently during the Hawaii conflagration houses with roofs painted blue, blue vehicles items etc were seemingly untouched by the flames. Anyone any ideas why?

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Some people think it has to do with the wavelength of their fire beam.
Others think it’s a signal to the operator (AI or human) to avoid the thing. (AI is most likely if it’s avoiding recycle bins that color)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Project Bluebeam xdd

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

If that picture is real then there’s no doubt that this is directed energy weapons. The ones I saw in Hawaii, if real, are the same.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

Can someone confirm regular wildfires burn blue things?

2 months ago

Yes, that’s a palm tree on fire in a neighborhood with no fire.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

That could be the moon behind the tree. Doesn’t really look like a tree on fire

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Bob
2 months ago

If you roll the video, it’s on fire.
Or, the moon is burning.

2 months ago

Trump appealed to the Supreme Court to stop his sentencing in the ridiculous New York case. The Supreme Court turned him down in a five to four vote, and Trump was sentenced.

I am posting this because I had a hard time this morning finding out what the actual arguments in the case was. I finally found the actual court order, which is short and unsigned:

Basically they said that the didn’t expect the judge to sentence Trump to any jail time, so no harm, no foul. The judge didn’t sentence Trump to any jail time. Its strange reasoning because they didn’t know for certain that Trump wouldn’t have been sentenced to jail time. Was he expected to appeal again if he was? Alito, Kavanagh, Thomas, and Gorsuch disagreed, but there is no actual opinion, so no dissents.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

He’s expected to continue the appeals process regardless of the sentence and SCOTUS did it’s usual coward act and refused to get involved before there was a final outcome and all other levels of appeal were exhausted.

2 months ago

Just to refresh everybodies brain about what did this….

Same blue flashes seen in Maui 2023.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

That was incredible footage Lowell. You can see quite easily it’s a beam.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Showed this to my Dad who worked for LLNL for almost twenty years as a mec-tec, he had a green badge and lots of classified projects on his resume. I could tell he had no idea what this was before he even said it. Whatever that beam is he didn’t work on it and didn’t know anybody that did.

And this is a guy that once did a short stint in Z Division where you have an armed escort who has a list of which cabinets you are allowed to open and is cleared to shoot you on the spot if you do something other than what is on that list.

2 months ago

Senators introduce “Lock The Clock” bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent.

This is more legislation that is always introduced at the start of each Congressional session, and always goes nowhere, but this is nefarious and I will rant about it.

What the permanent Daylight Savings Time advocates are really arguing is that the railroad executives got it wrong when they set the time zones, and the sun should be highest in the sky at 1 PM instead of noon, and children should arrive in school five hours before the sun is highest in the sky, instead of four hours before, so they should always wake up in the dark in order to get to school on time. Same with most blue collar workers and their shifts.

People with expertise in sleep patterns oppose this, but the executive class are determined to shove it down our throats.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

It’s still better than twice yearly changes.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

You do realize mankind has lived without artificially imposed time changes for the vast majority of our time on this earth.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

I don’t care what the numbers on the clock face say. I’d be perfectly happy with Greenwich Mean Time numbers. So I’d go to work at “0100” and get off at “0930”. So what? It doesn’t make any difference as long as everyone is using the same numbers.

By the way, back in Biblical times, “the 11th hour” was what we’d now call 5 o’clock in the afternoon. And their hours weren’t all the same length. But they somehow managed to get things done anyway…

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I think most reasonable people think similar to you and just do things at a normal hour regardless. The problem is normies and corporations and society generally tend to adjust their schedule to the clock in which case you really need the clock to be relatively late (equivalent to being on the east part of your timezone).

2 months ago

The Beam?

BREAKING: The White House is set to brief the incoming Trump administration on “anomalous health incidents” that may be linked to systems emitting “pulsed electromagnetic energy.”

Last edited 2 months ago by AnonL
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Death by Beam

2 months ago

China releases world’s most powerful electronic warfare weapon design software – for free
No links or further info.

2 months ago

Notice anyone in the news mentioning the stands of trees still there among the ashes of those completely toasted homes? Californy trees must be as fire resistant as those seen in Maui, right next to a car with melted aluminum wheels and engine/frame parts, etc. What would you bet that there will be fences put up to keep owners from getting back to their homes to salvage a few trinkets,just like in the previous run with the Las Vegas shooting Sheriff now promoted and hired on as the fire chief in Maui? Rewards come easy to some, especially when their outcome matches the desired big FU to the public and those caught up in the action.

I’m sure just a coincidence – nothing to see here, move along…

Reply to  mysteriousmisterx
2 months ago

US houses constructed from match sticks regularly disappear in fires, tornadoes and light winds.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
2 months ago

Don’t follow the orbs anons. It will lead to your death.

Old English folklore may have the answer to your lights in the sky around New Jersey. Jack of the lantern was denied entry to heaven and hell. Hell gave him a hot coal so he could wander the land and draw people to their deaths.from.the light of his hot coal.

Enjoy the stories from old England

2 months ago

Best internet comment I read today, from “Retard” on the blog:

“Paris Hilton’s vacation beach house burnt down.

Imagine how much worse it would have been, if she was not vaccinated.”

2 months ago

Trump’s renewed attempts to rein in the surveillance state not off to a good start:

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Trump is not President

2 months ago


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Good catch.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

That was a successful 4chan op.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
2 months ago

What’s happening in LA with the fires is what happens everywhere anytime a natural or manmade disaster occurs. I really hope people are getting the message now that when the Shit Hits The Fan you are most likely on your own because the government is corrupt and government workers are stupid, lazy, and incompetent.

After seeing that the LA mayor told the fire department last week to cut another $40 million from the budget and close 16 stations I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the culprits work in the fire department.

2 months ago

Oh, hey, a true HUD for your car. I mean why not, they’ve only been available on fighter jets for like fifty-sixty years.

Holographic Windshield Display

2 months ago

Remember the other day when I posted the vid on how the entire OS landscape is hopelessly woke? Turns there’s one Linux distro that isn’t. ONE.

And it does a lot of Fedora things without being based on Fedora. And despite being default KDE it has an XFCE spin that apparently functions flawlessly.

Mandrake/Mandriva has been around for longer than I have been playing in Linux regularly(SUSE 6.3) and I NEVER gave it a second look, and I’m seeing now that was probably a really big mistake.

Running Mint XFCE right now(Previous Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu) gonna be hopping to OM soon…I don’t do rolling distros… and Bryan is absolutely correct about downloading it. I checked it out before I saw this review, and yeah the download process is bloody awful.

Review: OpenMandriva Rolling Linux Distro

Bryan Lunduke

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

There’s a work-around for the download.
If you go to the OM wiki, click on download. There’s a little box top left with a link to Takes you to a direct mirror iso download.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

I ran Mandrake for a few years. I liked it a lot, particularly its toolset. They were based out of France. They got sued by the Devil Mouse, and then merged with some Brazilian distribution to make Mandriva, which then went through a few changes of ownership that looked… questionable.

I moved on to openSUSE until it became too unreliable to put up with, and am running Debian now.

2 months ago

Do you feel any “anomalous health incidents”?comment image

Last edited 2 months ago by Bman
2 months ago

So far Ukraine has demonstrated that the most effective cheap weapon infantry can employ to counter drones is a simple 12ga with heavy bird shot. Taking that further, the Ukes now have an air-to-air drone armed with shotguns that do nothing except hunt drones. Far cheaper than smart missiles.

Drones were supposed to be the future, but we’ve already seeing cheap counters for them, which of course will require up-armoring them to withstand shotgun blasts, making them heavy and expensive, limiting their use.

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Bringing back dedicated dumb iron AA will really be the end of them being as significant as they currently are.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Doubt they’ll up armor, more likely they’ll just swarm them in denser groups. Sure, you can shotgun a few isolated drones, good luck when 20 are coming at the same time. They’re going to lean into the cheap, disposable swarm over individuallly competent and durable units.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

20 FPV drones require 20 operators.

But yes, slaughter bots are coming and new solutions are required, eg miniaturised solid state radar acquisition/targeting, AI etc

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

How about a fishing net? No, I’m serious.Big enough the AI can acquire you, small enough that the drone gets snagged trying to hit you.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

It is odd it took so long to realize that.

When drones first appeared many said shotguns are the solution.

Birdshot/snakeshot rounds were issued in WW2.

Expect further developments