News Briefs – 01/07/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will see if the beaming stops on the 20th. My guess is it will not, and I am pretty sure Trump himself would prefer not to beam me, and to not see his supporters like Bill Binney beamed overall. So if it does not stop, I would conclude you will have a separate, covert, kind-of pseudo-kinetic element operating within the US, in direct opposition to the elected political leadership and the government proper. And if that is the case, and Trump wrested the Presidency from it, then that would mean you will have a war of sorts going on behind the curtain, as my beaming would indicate that even though Trump has the advantage, he has not yet eradicated all resistance.

Of course it is possible surveillance believes it will lose the beam come Jan 20th, and the present push is to try and shut down outlets like us before then, because we have already built momentum. It may have hoped to create a terrain on Jan 20th, where the only outlets with momentum were its controlled mouthpieces like Shapiro or Fuentes.

Only time will tell.

Congress certifies Trump’s Presidential victory without objection. I was thinking he has a long walk along the parade route after the takes the oath of office. They were beaming people on White House grounds in DC. How is he supposed to make that walk without being beamed, given the Havana Syndrome crew seems to be able to deliver hits from the weapon while leaving no signature to track back to them? He should really have a double take that walk for him.

The Department of Justice official who pushed for the armed raid on Mar-a-Lago, which ended up with documents that were available for the asking and a chance to riffle through Melania’s underwear drawer, has retired. Jay Bratt was his name.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned.

Trump: Biden ‘doing everything possible’ to make transition difficult.

Musk: Soros spent billions to create the fake asylum-seeker nightmare that is destroying America and Europe.

Rudy Giuliani held in contempt of court for trying to ‘run out the clock’ on $148M owed to Georgia election workers.

Nearly 400k anchor babies born in the United States in 2024.

Elon Musk’s Grok AI says it would kill all non-Jewish people on Earth to prevent one Jewish person from losing 50 cents or stubbing their toe. The software was probably mostly written by Indians, and I would not be surprised to find there was not one Jew associated with programming it like that. Plus, the programmers are not imbeciles. They could easily have programmed it to say something like, I am not allowed to pick sides, or something benign, which does not look so retarded. And yet look at the effect. Whoever wrote that into the script can play the human psyche like a Stradivarius. And they are playing it so one day it will be the Christians, the Hindus, the Buddhists, and every other non-Jew vs the Jews.

House Intel Chair Mike Turner confirms terrorists are inside American coordinating with ISIS. Total bullshit. I can say, 100%, no doubt, no terrorist is operating against domestic surveillance, and keeping secrets. If we get hit, the government let us get hit because it wanted us to get hit.

Zuckerberg offering control, and Trump putting a man on the inside to be sure?:

Biden issues sweeping offshore oil, gas drilling ban in 625M acres of federal waters ahead of Trump transition.

Study of 9 million exposes devastating neurological damage surge among Covid-vaxxed.

I never thought of it this way, but even the Apple logo was symbolism:

A strong earthquake shook a high-altitude region of western China and areas of Nepal on Tuesday, damaging hundreds of houses, littering streets with rubble and killing at least 95 people in Tibet.

Prince Andrew has been reported to police and accused of using a false name to register a company.

Germany’s gun grab? Saxony-Anhalt begins disarming AfD members.

Half of depraved Rotherham grooming gang locked up for abusing girls has already been released – with two more eyeing their freedom ahead of parole hearings. There is a decent chance these were foreign assets of the ground surveillance brought to Britain by the Cabal, the girls they raped and abused were targets of surveillance who were flagged for some reason as needing to be neutered through violent sexual assault, and that is why they were protected. I have had a few women now relate basically that exact story to me in emails. They were high IQ and maybe generationally targeted, and “friends” guided them into situations where violent men suddenly were able to attack them. This thing does do that. I think it even murdered Kaylee Goncalves for some reason and offed her three other roommates in the Idaho College murders as collateral damage, for reasons unknown. That the scale of the grooming gang’s activities was so large might just have been a function of this climax we are approaching.

Good for a click:



Tommy says there should be a war:

He is right. However for whatever reason you are not going to get it over the grooming of young girls. People need to feel they themselves are attacked personally, if you want to set off that war today. There is only one way to make everyone feel attacked, and that is, expose the surveillance which is intruding on each of their lives, and . The surveillances is the keystone of the conspiracy. It is why these criminals feel more powerful than the majority of society. It is why the political leaders betraying everyone and everything feel untouchable. And they all know it. The British police will arrest Tommy for talking about the grooming gangs and the child trafficking, and the migrants being criminals, but they would be left speechless if he were to suddenly reveal the surveillance to everyone. And if everyone began to see it, then you would see real panic emerge among the politicians. I am not here by chance, the last ten years did not unfold randomly, and American Stasi is the hand of God. American Stasi will reveal all of this and prove a pivotal element in the revolution to come. Kill the surveillance, and you kill the conspiracy. It is the only chink in their armor.

Starmer is accused of ‘smear tactics’ after blaming ‘the far-Right’ for outrage over lack of grooming gang inquiry.

Keir Starmer may cut Britain’s security ties with U.S. unless Trump distances himself from Elon Musk. (to show support for Starmer’s support for migrant rapists assaulting British children.)

The Washington Post is expected to lay off dozens of staffers this week. Reportedly staff are being told the cuts will be deep. There is no money in news.

Donald Trump’s incoming border czar Tom Homan signaled Sunday that he is close to finding a nation that will take deported migrants whose home countries will not accept them.

Send people to, because symbolism will be their downfall.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

Last week they were pushing alcohol as a huge cancer risk to take the heat off the vax. In the last 24 hours they’re now blaming cold weather for the rise in heart attacks.

“Cold weather in general restricts our blood vessels,” said Shah. “Someone at risk of heart disease or who has already blockages built up in some of their heart blood vessels, with those blood vessels getting smaller, it can certainly add more stress and strain on the heart, predisposing them to heart attacks.”

Eating dicks also causes heart attacks. Dr. Shah needs to increase his uptake.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

UK media reporting that a Surgeon “Caught” cancer from a patient…

Just when you thought that Clown world couldn’t get anymore. …….!

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

Agree. All the vaxies I know have something. Currently most have weeks long “influenza”. I ‘m careful talking about it but can’t resist asking if they took THE vaccine when talking about third parties. Everyone knows as far as I can tell but hate talking about it because they themselves took it. Sunk costs and all that jazz. I avoided going down that road when the baby was still born. Sad times and much denial.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

Is it too late to make Corn Pop CIC?
Corn Pop and Machine Trooper 2030!!!

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

“Eating dicks”

Every male politician in the West would be long dead if that was true.

Last edited 2 months ago by Marielle Redclaw
Clown School Valedictorian
Clown School Valedictorian
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

POZ’d Western pols: “You misheard, it’s not a lot of dicks, it’s all of the dicks that you have.”


2 months ago

comment image

Jobs was the snake offering forbidden knowledge to mankind that was intended to enslave us.

2 months ago

Keir Starmer may cut Britain’s security ties with U.S. unless Trump distances himself from Elon Musk. (to show support for Starmer’s support for migrant rapists assaulting British children.)

I see this as an absolute win.
Five Eyes breaks up and we throw off the ghost of Edward Mandell House.

2 months ago

“They” those whom would take active and concerted efforts to denigrate, malign or otherwise fuck with the longstanding traditional and established as normal cultural, social, or societal traditions, habits and iconography need to be adjudicated vigorously. As Americans, most or all folks do not “target for mockery” the belief systems or attributes of our other citizenry. We comport with the established laws and leave others alone. A parallel operation along with the utter destruction of the surveillance apparatuses and it’s identified suspects is the need to break and remove from power, influence, and ever again being seen in daylight is all these swarmy fucks that have to go out of their way beyond following cabal orders to disrupt and destabilize a nation or society. People with these inclinations, easy to observe and notice (evil meddling and degenerate fucks) should never attain rank beyond a janitor or day laborer. These Weimer Republic parallels we are experiencing and suffering through, here and now, will be an impetus for some new Dachau infrastructures put in place, out of necessity for overall society survival. Anons out there should continue keeping their files updated and those player rosters current. Just because.

2 months ago

FYI. Another update in the WordPress install page saga ..
I just tried several different browsers to access the blog and struck out with every one.
I then did a DDG search and clicked on the link to today’s blog post and it worked.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

It is an elaborate effort at that silo or boxing in effect on the people from public discourse or participation in the larger digital ecosphere. It is made to look like just goofy tech system failures, in all appearances to us outsiders of that cabal circle. I have had posted comments here to not show up and probably was not too edgy for our circle but it would have hit the scumbags nerves because they are sensitive, and as members of cabal are probably perpetually scared like party members would have been in the commblocs etc. Just as Musk sperged out and showed himself to be a punk in open dialogue discourse among educated and accomplished people that easily are his equal or smarter on his own company platform. The e.u. and u.k. etc being already repressed and nuetered, (no gunzs,=no nutsz) are farther along in those many differing “information suppression operations” against their citizenry. They may have to go dark on the web shutting things down if there is any traction or organic tsunamis of truth info upsetting the systems hold on power, and then just blaming those Nork hackers from the best Korea again. Plan to assemble in your town square, or Tunn tavern with other anons and have Ole fashion conversations, then going out doing things analog style like the tea party chads once did. An inevitable trajectory at this point as things stand. Stay frosty.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Uncontrolled bloggers can spread unapproved badthink. So you establish control by taking the choke points – the popular blogging software and platforms.

Also remember, almost every “independent” of “mom&pop” ISP is ‘partnered’ with Google, so they can identify IP addressed by street address and account name. And we know Google is, if not an intelligence front company, then at very least a paid lackey.

2 months ago
Last edited 2 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

I will acknowledge that (sadly) Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish candidate we’ve ever had, but I haven’t come across any evidence that he’s converted to Judaism…I don’t care what Rense and others loudly proclaim. I’ll believe it when I see some evidence.

Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

The only white pill in the whole sorted situation is that he allowed himself to be used and in turn used his relationship with Roy Cone to rise in the NY real estate scene. Then when it was no longer advantageous he dumped him and his long term boy toy like hot garbage. He appears to be almost entirely transactional, an objectivist in the Rand model. That said, if the overton window shifts far enough that being close to Jewish power becomes politically toxic he could abandon it. That could upset the whole apple cart. This is perhaps why they tried and failed to keep him out. I think they’ve settled with turning him and are piss scared he will turn on them.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Not a theology knowledgeable person myself, but this would present itself as only being resolved by some form of Knights Templar or quasi military level cadre of solution necessary to break this control. Simply put breaking things and killing people for control as old as time in reality. There cannot be a theocracy or defacto controlling religion overlords to the American government or society systems. Won’t work and will just lead to chaos and internecine warfare since Americans are too far along with that freedom stuff to stand for it. No matter what stripe or religion they are or align with, their instincts will be insulted. Based upon his policy positions and actions regarding Israel already, this sets himself for a big wedge issue with most folks that will sink his effectiveness and support. Think lame duck from day one in most folks minds, as a perception of betrayal and questionable loyalties will permeate every .gov action from then on. Maybe an apocalypse or seven bad years of famine or strife is the necessary medicine at this point any way. Thanks Teo, keep the red pills coming.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Trump converted to Judaism in 2017 joined Chabad in NYC

Anonymously sourced garbage.

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
2 months ago

‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned.’


Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

Trudeau looked like he was dug in like a tick in a belly button. I would have expected him to keep his bost for another twenty or thirty years before passing it on to a carefully-vetted replacement.

He would have had multiple layers of favors, deals, and outright blackmail cementing his position. Yet he just got booted out of office like flicking a booger.

This indicates some very quiet, but very deep upheaval in the Canadian political system. Unfortunately, they’ve always had a controlled press, and we don’t really know much more about the Canadian deep state as we did about the USSR.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Trudeau is son of Castro… a la Merkel, Theresa May, Obama (plus others)

Follow the bloodlines

Reply to  Charlie
2 months ago

Both Fidel and Raul are gone now, with no heirs-apparent.

Last edited 2 months ago by TRX
Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

Been catching up listening to Rogan’s podcast the last few days and I’m starting to suspect his Cabal role is to help transition men into accepting trans-humanism.

Almost every show he talks about how humans are on the cusp of the next stage in our evolution where we merge with technology and leave our “monkey man” behavior behind.

This means no more wars, no more monetary systems, no more death, and no more God.

What an absolute fool. Without our belief in God we are nothing and we are lost.

We are lost because the moment we “transcend” we also become slaves and lose our God-given freewill. Is that tech you’re merging with controlled by you? If not, then you become a slave to whoever does. Probably Tesla’s Neuralink and Satan’s champion.

Isn’t this what the transgender push is all about after all? I mean if you believe the lie that Man and Woman are interchangeable then blurring between what is Man and machine is easily accomplished.

Rogan even says the coming change is unstoppable and to deny it is to be left behind.

Well, I am staying a monkey man and will be left behind then. I will also pray for God’s forgiveness as I slay Satan’s army of abominations that so easily gave up their humanity. They were my brothers once. I’ll pray for their souls too.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

When they talk about merging our consciousness with their AI, the thought terrifies me. Imagine being trapped in a Satanic AI with no way out. That is spiritual slavery and it’s terrifying.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

The problem with that is they’d only need to upload *one* perfect boot-licking slave – and there are plenty of meat puppets with that mindset to choose from – and then they could make as many copies as they wanted.

They don’t want the likes of you or me, polluting their perfect New Socialist Virtual Man with badthink.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I disagree. I think the highest hanging fruit are you and me.
This is a spiritual war more than technological. Getting mankind to willingly betray God is their goal so copying those that have already sold out is pointless.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

Without our belief in God we are nothing and are lost.

You nailed it Corn Pop and that is their plan. As they say in the protocols “we will rip out the idea of Godhead from their minds, and replace it with mathematics.”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Haven’t read that before. Very interesting.
Sounds like merging us with technology has been their goal for a long time although I believe they can only rip it out only if you give your consent. Taking the ticket.
They will tempt us with promises of eternal life but we already have that. Our souls are eternal. Many don’t believe this though and will accept the deal for the same reason they accepted the clot-shots. Fear of dying.
Funny thing is after we holdouts tell them to fuck off they’ll threaten us with death lol.
Dying as a martyr for Christ? That sounds like a bitchin way to go. Elevate me you losers. I’ll take that death any day.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

You need to get right with Woden, son.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

Joe-Bob Dobbs FTW!

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

Great, great post.

vladimeer whobiturcockoff
vladimeer whobiturcockoff
2 months ago

Sure, you can say people get to the point where enough is enough, or for instance like the surveillance becomes so oppressive, and awful, against people they say fuck this shit and go full retard against whatever PTB they can attack, but its really another thing which creates viable grass roots organic revolution, its goes against what you would believe is the reasons, it is hope. Because without hope, what else do people have, suicide wish? Martyr syndrome? Yeah there are some in every crowd so to speak but not enough to matter, and certainly not enough to make a movement nor that plurality. No, it is hope, hope for something better, larger than just simply themselves. To pit it into perspective thats easily quantified there has been only one truly successful Revolution, or more specific, slave revolt. Thats what happened during French Indian Wars. It was at that time many a family and village out on the edge of the frontier, edge of the growing NewEngland Colonies and over the Monongahela Mountains where the immigrants from the Scotts Irish genocide jumped, it was all unknown and feared by many, frontier. The Cumberland Gap was not known by only a few, and had not yet led to opening western migration. See, at that time the British empire, cabal’s face front at that moment, got a number of very accomplished brave men to volunteer to fight on the Brit’s side, foremost Roger’s Rangers, or really it was Captain Stark’s Rangers, who organized his Rangers under Roger’s blessing and a little bit of money and resources, up in Stark NH. 
Stark’s call drew men of action from all over NewEngland and beyond, at the same time the beginnings of Robert E Lee Senior’s kith and kin rise to a second source of unconventional warfare began, (all of which between the two went on to became the source for the most effective and war winning officers and soldiers who made the true difference to ending the American Revolution in the Colonial’s favor, such as the pivotal battle at King’s Mountain and later the sieges of the British Navy at YorkTown, much can argued about this history, regardless it was the winning factor, these men, who at the last great hope of military victory, the Congress finally gave it’s blessing and sent money and support, with not much hope of success, but hope non the less)
It was hope in the hearts of Men such as Ben Comee, an original volunteer of Stark’s Rangers, fought thru the French Indian War and later became a highly effective officer in the American Revolution, due to his infantry combat tactics experience garnered early on in his service. But there was something else, and Comee and others shared this in great quantity, it was Hope, a lot of which was born from the birth of the incredible idea of Liberty, its birth in practical every day terms, an almost unto then unknown idea of being A Sovereign human, and it was itself born out of a kind if necessity, mother of many an invention, the attacks of American Indian tribes on Colonials out on the fringes of that great unknown frontier, it was not the evil crown and it controlling cabal. It can not be stressed enough, Hope to quote another, is the quintessential idea, of effecting ones destiny, tiny or huge, it does not matter, Hope is key the key part of the equation of the K Strategist success. But the idea was born, that each person and their kind-kin, could actually be freemen, and because of this Hope springs eternal, hence Liberty, and Free Men, is created, the idea, but most critically, The Act, for in all things, it is indeed, no pun intended, it is The Act that matters. The hope of people being free people, to be left alone, free in their property safe in their very lives, this created something never before in all of human history, and people began to finally understand, where more people lived in Freedom, not as slaves or chattel or serfs etc, at this point in human history, than in all of history combined, the existence of this idea had spread as a most organic grass roots movement as ad ever taken place, it generated Hope for better for grander for something very much larger than inly themselves. 
The point here is it is hope, shared across a plurality of people, for change that is good for them, born out of the whole idea that one simply only just wants to be left alone to pursue ones life in freedom and Liberty. Thats it. It’s important, it really matters, it is the idea which must be held in Hope in our hearts and our minds, Hope to be left alone. And there is another thing to this, its about good folks, and their codes, where ruthless people do bad things to good folks, where good folks are the very last to take action, to act in the final equation here, its when ruthless people violate good folks codes, no one gets mad like good folks pushed to this state of cold anger. Cold Anger. Its said cold anger never forgets, it never forgives, and it does not stop, nothing can stop it, till it stops itself. Its a kind of contradiction in terms but its very real it exists, and if one requires proof, well its right there for anyone with eyes and a bit if critical thought to see, gangstalking, The Beam, no need to prove such, you just know it balls to bones once it hits you. It violates your codes, it meddles and interferes, its constant force intended to keep you not free, its insidious nature is to make and keep you a slave to a system of control, or kill you and your loved ones, deprive you of your property, to never leave you alone. 
Yet, it is Hope for better, Hope you can live left alone, its that simple. Hope is what will finally destroy this 5000 year cabal, it was the so called 5000 Year Leap Andrew Skousen wrote and lectured so long for. Just simple basic organic natural human Hope. Nothing else nothing less will win Liberty again. It is where Liberty is born, the only place Liberty comes from, Hope for it in ones heart and mind. All else follows.
Look at that pine tree flag above. If that ain’t hope I don’t know what is.

Reply to  vladimeer whobiturcockoff
2 months ago

That is a wall of text.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

It needs a coat of paint; maybe a bright, pure, metallic cobalt blue as is popular on millennials’ cars.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  vladimeer whobiturcockoff
2 months ago


Reply to  vladimeer whobiturcockoff
2 months ago

Paragraphs or no paragraphs, either way it’s a damn good essay.

Reply to  mobius
2 months ago

The Congolese will see them as CARE food packages.

2 months ago

The sidebar is playing possum.

2 months ago

I find the greenland thing pretty odd. No obvious reason to care about it that much.

That leaves conspiracy theories.

1) Old nuclear bases they already had made more official? I think I saw a video on that once.

2) Not enough space in Guantanamo for the storm arrests? Surrounded by hundreds of miles of ice keeps cabal from escaping and also vigilantes from getting them their first class ticket back to hell.

3) Isolation allows more secretive deployment of anti-grav craft.

4) Better launch point for european cabal arrests?

My Right Foot
My Right Foot
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

5 Eyes with Biden, Starmer and Fidel Castro’s son is not friendly to MAGA.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

I saw something today that said China has been buying minerals from Greenland. This could just be a big F You to China by denying them access. I know Xi is a friend of his, but maybe not the rest of the country.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Yes all of those above. It is a very large land mass, and cold or snow does not hinder military ops or resource extractions like they once did. There is quiet contests ongoing amongst those world powers that needs resources and tactical or strategic asset positioning to maintain their status and functioning systems. Just as those Apple cheeked marines were bleeding out in the middle east for oil and trade routes have been, there will be “polar plots” (new terminology for discourse) ongoing for a long time to come now. It would not be a pre transition adminstration’s topic or subject in the media so much if there was not some macro or strategic purposes. Stockpile cold weather gear anyway wherever you may be dwelling now, as it is cold and bitter on half the planet for half the year anyway. I’ll just add= stay frosty.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

> nuclear bases

Camp Century. Pretty cool, actually. There are various web pages and youtube videos about it.

Greenland would also be a good place for setting up concentration camps for illegals until their origin countries pay for their upkeep and repatriation.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Incredible natural resources, including rare earth metals.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  jj
2 months ago

Also good for siting nuclear missiles that fly straight over the North pole into potentially Russia or China. Also, the possibility that a Northern sea route opening that runs past the North of Greenland, potential for interdiction, as well as commanding Atlantic sea lanes.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Also, a place to park illegals not accepted by their home countries. Make Eskimos out of them.

Reply to  jj
2 months ago

I always thought alaska would be a place to send cabal. works for illegals too since they are often low-level cabal hires. But I suppose greenland would work too.

2 months ago

Don’t be fooled. Trudeau has not resigned:

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

True, amazing that everyone else is saying what is not true.

2 months ago

Starmer is accused of ‘smear tactics’ after blaming ‘the far-Right’ for outrage over lack of grooming gang inquiry.
He is freaking out because he knows he and his ‘caste’, just like Epstein and associates, are sympatico in thinking with immigrant gangs when it comes to poor and powerless young girls (and boys). That didn’t start with immigrant grooming gangs, either. It started way before they arrived. Look how they loved that Jimmy Saville guy and they all knew what he was doing, guaranteed.
They will probably find out eventually that the immigrant gangs shared those girls, after grooming and terrifying them, with the English who have power and/or money.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Stephanie
2 months ago

The “rape gangs” are a smokescreen for the young BOYS sodomised by the establishment in the service of Satan.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Stephanie
2 months ago

You are probably right about that. Going back decades, England has been plagued by such nasty business, with high government officials, including Prime Ministers — including Winston Churchill involved. Apparently, victims were mostly boys, in the past, with many being checked out of “Homes, ” used, and disposed of, if they were not important. The ANGIRFAN website has carried the stories for years.
BUT, wouldn’t it be nice to create a blackmailable secret army of Muslim taxi drivers and the like, who could also work for you in…oh, who knows…surveillance, maybe? And most of them want girls.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

Edward Heath was a former UK Prime Minister who took Britain into the EU. He was a keen sailor and had a yacht. Rumours were that young boys were raped and murdered on his yacht then dumped overboard.

Can confirm angirfan and later aanirfan blogspot highlighting lots of these shenanigans, especially in connection with Intelligence.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Stephanie
2 months ago

It’s not that Starmer is sympatico with Muslim rape gangs. He is a fabian, playing the old divide and rule game for his bankstein masters. They are intent on creating a new Britain so the old one has to first be destroyed via the dialectic.Ordo ab chao. These cunts think in terms of decades and centuries, most people don’t.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Of course he’s sympatico with them.
Learn the power of “and”.

2 months ago

Turdeau didnt resign, he said he INTENDS to resign. Subtle but important.

Reply to  Anon
2 months ago

Unpopular cabal power holders have been doing the same for 2 decades.

Blair was master of “I am thinking on having a discussion to review…(etc)”

Merkel did the same till the Adolf-shakes became too obvious.

2 months ago

Elon Musk’s Grok AI says it would kill all non-Jewish people on Earth to prevent one Jewish person from losing 50 cents or stubbing their toe. … And yet look at the effect. Whoever wrote that into the script can play the human psyche like a Stradivarius. And they are playing it so one day it will be the Christians, the Hindus, the Buddhists, and every other non-Jew vs the Jews.

Reminder that the modern incarnation of the “jews” (the tribe of satanic-inspired idol-worshipers that killed Jesus, denied his divinity, and continue to celebrate this 2000 years later) believe it is their responsibility to kick off the final great war where Israel comes under final existential threat, which brings around the apocalypse described in Revelation.

We know that these impostors are not sponsored by God as they deny Jesus Christ and are thus fundamentally led astray. But, by their own retarded demon logic, getting everyone to hate them and try to kill them is a core part of their “religious” ideology as they think it necessary to finally bring “paradise” to earth.

All claims quoted because to even give this demonic bullshit the time of day is probably a sin in and of itself, but knowing your enemy is important. The very people being slaughtered likely want it to happen for their own insane death cult belief logic. I doubt it is a third party just trying to victimize the poor innocent jooz.

2 months ago

Tommy says there should be a war

More proof he is of the enemy, not a simple ally going silly billy goofball mode.

He knows a war, right now, will only lead to his alleged “allies” getting fucked up by cabal’s totalitarian machine and the institution of even more oppressive control of real people. If he doesn’t know that, he’s too stupid to be given the time of day.

That he wants it to start soon means he or his controllers think cabal is at risk in the future, and his puppet masters have told him to try and mobilize a failed offensive ASAP. Cabal thinks they might have to crack down quickly before the surveillance exposure grows more dangerous, so gin up a small battle now, enact harsh control over the populace, all to prevent us from winning the real war later.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I believe he also serves the enemy but, whether we like it or not, the war is coming. For an idea of what it may look like, see the film Children of Men.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The one thing about Yaxley Lennon, and Douglas Murray for that matter is they refuse to put the blame for the mud invasion on ZOG. See Barbara Lerner Specter, she is not a Muslim she is a jew, and she states jews are at the forefront of Europe’s great transformation into a multicultural society. Not that any of us were asked. Thanks jews.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Yes, but another way of saying that is every powerful group is infiltrated by Jews.
Freemasons? Yep.
Jesuits? Yep.
“Catholic” Charities? Yes.

My Right Foot
My Right Foot
Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

perhaps they refuse to put the blame on ZOG because they dont have evidence or proof

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

That’s right. Have you seen the video of a revered Rabbi stating that “Islam is the Jew’s ‘broom?'”
Jews invited Islam into the Iberian peninsula c. 711. Jews opened the gates to the walled cities there. Jews pointed out who the Muslims needed to kill. Then the Jews managed the place for the low-IQ Muslims, happily paying the little tax.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

There seem to be so many English Toms. You, the celebrities (Felton, Hardy, Hiddleston), Robinson, Scott, Torero etc.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Denying that there already IS a war on is ridiculous, at this point.

2 months ago

Re: Greenland bullshit

Greenlanders are not Americans so fuck off, we’re full. Seriously, steelman an argument to me on why we need MORE foreigners to be legally recognized by our already over-full country, and how that benefits us real americans.

I guess the common retard will cheer for it either way though; niggas still simp for Reagan despite all the obviously terrible shit he pulled.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Greenland has little more than 50,000 people, most of whom already have Danish citizenship.

The vast majority have no interest in migrating to the States, and the few that would migrate pose no threat whatsoever to Americans.

I don’t know exactly what Trump has up his sleeve with this, other than staking a claim to the rich mineral deposits that Greenland holds, but something weird is going on involving Canada and Greenland, and talk of a North American Union is being floated, which is very bad for the sovereignty of any nation.

Basically, globalism by another name, hiding under the veneer of MAGA patriotism and energy independence.

Stay wary.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

Nations must make babies and protect themselves. If they don’t, they get taken over by “nations” that do.
The US opening threatening to invade or color revolution, is not change, it is more of the same

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Keep them as a possession, don’t make them a state.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Neither, and that includes Canada; expanding the United States will allow D,C, to expand its power and corruption beyond control; and we don’t have much control over D.C. as it stands now.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

I saw the movie “Independence Day” at the theater.

I was startled when people stood up and cheered when the aliens attacked the District of Columbia.

That was 1996; before that, I thought I was the only one who felt that way.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Anyone still on the left is irredeemable.
Even surveillance being revealed will not bring them back.
They will probably side with it.

We will not be America again until the left is expelled along with surveillance.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

There are 56,000 of them on 836,000 miles of land. We will be less full after acquiring Greenland.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Greenlanders are mostly Nordics. They belong here.
We need to bring the Boer farmers to America too. Set them up on farmland clawed back from Bill Gates. Make family farming great again.

The Corrector
The Corrector
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

Greenland is 90% Innuit (Eskimo)

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  The Corrector
2 months ago

BTW there was another group of people there before the Eskimos and the Eskimos killed them all off. Can’t remeber their name.

2 months ago

“Was Steve Jobs trying to remind us of the dangers of women?”


An apple that’s been bitten into = subliminal message = yield to temptation / sin

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

For only $666.66 you can own a piece of Eden.
All you have to do is bite the Apple.

Reply to  Anominous
2 months ago

And Eve is offering it to cuck* males; after she has already phuqued the Serpent.
*Adam was the first cuck male.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Slander and heresy.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anominous
2 months ago

But biting the apple is selling your soul.

2 months ago


2 months ago

> Prince Andrew has been reported to police and accused of using a false name to register a company.

British royalty, formerly second heir apparent under Elizabeth II, now eighth under Charles III. Born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, a guaranteed family income, and heir to all the privileges of the top part of the Royal Family.

Besides the above, it appears he has a long history of iffy behavior, rangine from being one of Epstein’s clients to vehicular mayhem. He seems to have a short temper and impulse control problems.

AC’s view of many of the “rich” being merely public custodians of someone else’s wealth looks like it might apply here. Most people with Andrew’s connections could live quite well, but even family influence hasn’t been enough to cover up his behavior. Anger at being a sock puppet, or just a jackass? It’s hard to tell.

2 months ago

The software was probably mostly written by Indians, and I would not be surprised to find there was not one Jew associated with programming it like that. 

More likely it was the model that it was trained on. People who are super-zionist supremacist aren’t censored from the corpus, and semetic-realists are.

2 months ago
A link concerning .Mil using forms of beam weapons during summer of love riots. It was probably set to “agitation mode” on their control panel and the intensity dial adjusted only halfway. Kind of how I feel most days anyway. Maybe we will get the full Monty and maximum money’s worth of “Beam team” actions soon enough, so we as a nation can do our part and meet the objectives set forth in the Deagal report. Stay mobile, unbeamed, and frosty.

2 months ago

Keir Starmer may cut Britain’s security ties with U.S. unless Trump distances himself from Elon Musk. (to show support for Starmer’s support for migrant rapists assaulting British children.)

Okay. That’s like the 300 lbs guy threatening McDonalds that he’ll go on a hunger strike.
I hope that the Special Relationship gets real special. I’m still pissed about 1812.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Ha ha we burnt the White house. I still have a chuckle with my son about that when we watch White House down!

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

And Andrew Jackson sent your general home in a pickle barrel.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

“Ah, the yanks! You took long enough! Are you here to save us from the wogs like you did Jerry?”
Not this time, scooter.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

> Ha ha we burnt the White house.

Thank you, but it didn’t take. Would you mind doing it again, please?

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Unlikely. UK is a US vassal.
The monarch has no power, so it is not a kingdom.
The people cannot change laws through voting, so not a democracy.
So that just leaves the UK doing as foreign powers say.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ixnay
2 months ago

What the City of London says.

2 months ago

Donald Trump’s incoming border czar Tom Homan signaled Sunday that he is close to finding a nation that will take deported migrants whose home countries will not accept them.

Please be China. Please be China.
“You not refugee. You still illegal. You prisoner. SEW.”

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

It’s Greenland.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Liberia. Their constitution IDENTICAL to ours. Think of all the great things can be done on The Continent of Opportunity by paperwork “Americans” in a land can use them. Or bake, broil, roast or fricassee them.

Reply to  Anon42
2 months ago

Good point. Getting rid of unwanted American residents is what Liberia was created for.

They got their own country and plenty of financial support from America, but their implementation of Wakanda is a bit shy of the theatrical version.

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

So at what point does NATO invade the UK for a regime change?

Everyone should just start calling it Airstrip One.

UK cutting ties with the US so far is just one faggy fakey BBC talking head speculating, but it *is* the BBC, so it could be a trial balloon.

2 months ago

Tommy wants war, but hasn’t mentioned the surveillance which allowed all the rapes/grooming to take place. Think the rapists were getting beamed while they ran trains on those poor girls?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Miles Mathis has new articles on the grooming gangs and the South Korean air crash

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  map
2 months ago

Let me guess, they’re all fake.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Max Barrage
2 months ago

That sums up everything that asshole writes.

Literally everything.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

If he took over Reform and they became government then we would still be slaughtering people in the middle East for Israel. Meet the new boss same as the old one.
Yeah a lot of muds would be deported and I’m happy with that, but he would be in favour of bringing in street shitters and others who are not Muslim.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Last edited 2 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Because he said he supports non-muslim immigration.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Tommy Robinson recently expressed his desire for Indian migrants to come to Britain—Tommy-Robinson-and-Indian-Migration:a

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

That just sounds like a typical European Christmas market.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Video link?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

HAHa I commented before I scrolled down and saw your comment. You beat me too it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I lived in Germany for about 6 years in the late 90s to early 2000s. Germany was already experiencing infestation by turks then, but there were still many such festivals like you’ve described. They really were something else; it’s a shame that much if that is lost now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Euro/American culture is superior, whether that has to do with genetics or not.

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Like the whos in Whoville.
comment image/revision/latest?cb=20171113163707
Dr. Suess

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Presumably after being around horrific Muslims for so long you don’t care about people who aren’t anywhere near as bad.

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

The Hindi are just as bad, the video I posted above goes into that.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Reality check on “Tommee” boy, Farage and the “inventor of Tesla” (lmfao), 51st state Canada (lol) and more from Academic Agent in the following YouTube video. A bit black pilling, but reality is. Particularly for the “put them in the crystal” tech bro fans (laughing more at those shills). They sure love giving you a tongue lashing if you don’t do as your told.

I remain hopeful for the future non the less.

I’m starting to wonder about the Q quote about Trump saying… The storm is upon us… Is it coming for Trump too and someone else is bringing that storm?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Tommy, or anyone else for that matter, doesn’t have to mention surveillance, or even understand it, in a way that you find acceptable or relatable.

People who are newly arrived to dissident political thought, many only coming on board since Covid Op, are only dimly aware of large scale STASI like surveillance networks, and you can’t expect people to verbalize that recognition in a way that you are comfortable with.

I have always felt Tommy is compromised in some way, probably through Mossad, because he never mentions organized Jewish power and institutional influence which has played a massive role in open border policies both here and in Europe.

That being said, Tommy can’t be expected to pull a fast u turn and start talking about surveillance networks out of context with his usual program because it would look and feel out of place and alienate too many newbies.

As far as Pakistani rapists getting beamed, why would you even mention that? is there any evidence for that?

These Pakistani rapists are agents, witting or unwitting, of a larger agenda of social chaos and disruption, and there is absolutely no evidence any of them have ever described Havana like symptoms.

To the contrary, these bastards were living a great life, by their own description, gang raping and prostituting many thousands of English girls with no restrictions whatsoever.

If anyone was or is getting beamed, it would be Tommy or the girls, but not the rape gangs, who acted with impunity for decades.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 months ago

Vox Day frequently says that Darwin evolution is IMPOSSIBLE because of the time, in generations, that is required for mutational fixation. I am NOT arguing for Darwin evolution, but I am saying that he is basing his arguments on one narrow bit of evidence that may not in fact be of any use in determining the rate of evolution. I refer you to Robert Felix, recently deceased, who wrote,

“Magnetic reversals and evolutionary leaps – the true origin of species”

He said that when the magnetic field diminished, moved or reversed we would see volcanos erupt all over everywhere. The magnetic field of earth has been greatly diminished in the past decade or so and is wandering all over the place. Rapidly. No one knows why. This would vastly change the rate of mutations if the magnetic field collapsed. Tex Arcane has talked about all the underground tunnels and how this could be related.

Last archive of his site. It’s gone now.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

Felix seemed like a really bright man.
Then he got vaccinated and died right afterwards.
Didn’t make any sense.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

The magnetic field of earth has been greatly diminished in the past decade or so and is wandering all over the place. Rapidly. No one knows why. This would vastly change the rate of mutations if the magnetic field collapsed.”

One small step for a man. One giant leap for speculation. Please provide evidence that a change in Earth’s mag field will “vastly change” the rate of mutations.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 months ago

I normally try to back most of what I say in links. I’m not much on the “pronouncement technique” but giving you all the links on this is too much work. It’s there if you look for it. If you go to the site I linked and wade through years of post, it’s there. The degeneration of genes, morals and rising cancer from low magnetic fields is at this link,(about pole sift)

They have a name for low magnetic fields, and there’s research papers on its ill effects. They even have a name for it. Search for research papers under the term

“hypomagnetic field”

While it may be a cop out to not provide direct links to this, the work is too scattered and voluminous for me to do all this work. If you look for it using what I provided, you will find it, but it won’t be easy, and it will take you a while.

I will add that it’s common knowledge that the earth’s magnetic field prevents a large mass of solar, galactic and intergalactic charged particles from bombarding us and it’s not a surprise that being bombarded with highly charged energetic particles is really bad for your health.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 months ago

I’ll add I have written a large, really large, comment on pole shift and it’s results but it’s so big and references so long, I haven’t finished it, it’s maybe 10% and may never do so as no one cares anyway.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

I look forward to reading it.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

If mutations increased enough to compensate they would be far more likely to be destructive rather than beneficial.
Beneficial mutations are unknown and only theorized at the current rate.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

Texas Arcane is still active with his sub stack. Unbelievably it’s on the top of the list if you just Google search, “Texas Arcane”.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

What is the source of this talk of magnetic reversals?

I’d it’s NASA/.gov?

I’m out!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Mr Twister
2 months ago

No. NASA wants nothing to do with this, and that you would say such a thing means you are nothing but disinformation.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

The evolution vs. creationism debate is stupid. Natural evolution is how the creation operates. Full stop. Intentional tweaks might be down when things get messed up, which is probably true here on this planet. Nonetheless natural evolution also occurs. It is a very stupid hill for Christians or anyone to die on. Is in no way in conflict with a greater presence in the universe.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

I’m just seeing this comment, but the Vox Day objection is specifically to the Darwinian theory of evolution, not “natural evolution.”

He may believe in divine directed evolution, but I’m guessing that due to what I know about his background. I haven’t seen any posting on his blog indicating that.

Darwinian evolution is an explanation for changes in species, of which Wallace and Mendel were involved as much as Darwin but you only hear about Darwin, in which there are always ongoing genetic mutations. At times some change in the environment will happen, and the “normal” animals and plants in that species won’t survive the change, but it turns out the mutants survive, so afterwards all members of that species has that mutation.

Explained as I just explained it, it sounds ridiculous, but that is the theory. The Vox Day claim is that mutations just don’t occur often enough for the theory to hold up.

However, evolution was thought to occur before Darwin published, there were just other explanations for the process.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

I agree with this. God can use whatever God wants to do whatever. Evolution of some sort in no way conflicts with religion. Though some may say it does or try to weasel the facts into proving it one way or another.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Vox makes a good mathematical case against macroevolution.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

There’s a book called the Sirius Connection by Robert Temple which talks about an African tribe called the Nommo and they mentioned a star in the Sirius area they called Digitaria, which “contained the seeds of all things.”

This could mean some sort of electromagnetic bluprint that is broadcast to the Earth, all life conforms to these patterns. During great die offs, due to the changed electromagnetic patterns, new life forms appear that conform to the new patterns and new species are created.

Just a thought.

Last edited 2 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

Collecting Information on Diagnosed Cases of “Havana Syndrome” and its Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI) among Civilians Occurring on US Soil

Last edited 2 months ago by Thucydides
2 months ago

Talk of a Canschluß – North American Union – reminds me of the Union of North America as featured in the 2009 Daily Telegraph cartoon BlackJack. A nation forged out of the fires of nuclear terrorism – but there’s a twist in the tale…

2 months ago

Donald Trump Jr.
We can protect free speech and our kids at the same time from Big Tech. It’s time for House Republicans to pass the Kids Online Safety Act ASAP.

Bannon 2028.

2 months ago

Re: the Cybertruck guy
“He’d also kept a log of supposed surveillance, although the officials said he did not have a criminal record and was not being surveilled or investigated.”

Last edited 2 months ago by 🌲🌲
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

“Officials said” is pretty vague….just a claim to authority to program readers to parrot the line “officials said he was NOT under surveillance”.
You’d think an operator would have a pretty good handle on what was out of the ordinary in his surroundings, so he probably was logging actual stasi activity.
This whole case is just a cluster.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

One of the guys on the team was them.
Probably the guy who suggested killing the goatherd.

2 months ago

Another GATE thread (it’s being shilled)

2 months ago

short video on directed energy weapons

2 months ago
2 months ago

Toyota dealerships quietly installing GPS trackers in cars. Probably not the only one.