Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – GM Asks Treasury To Classify Lyriq As An SUV To Get Tax Credits
DFT – Jeffries Analysts Argue GameStop May Be Stalled
DFT – Bed Bath Beyond Looks To Bankruptcy, Stock Craters
DFT – Economist Says Strong Jobs Report Does Not Mean No Recession
DFT – Salesforce Looks To Cut $3 Billion To $5 Billion
Vox Day notices, people with audiences online are picking up harassers. The first video is a couple on a dead end road in the middle of nowhere, and they are getting regular driveby’s. The video of the driveby’s is just haunting after all I have seen. I cannot imagine a world now without cars poised on each side of my house just out of sight, waiting for me to go out so they can drive by and remind me they are there.
The machine is using the cover of regular rando psycho harassers online, because these people put their ID’s out there, and this allows the network to perform the harassment under the cover of simple rando nuts who knew who these people were. The machine wants these people miserable, and to not post videos, but it prefers not to reveal to them that there is a massive shadow government with a massive shadow Secret Police Force of people running surveillance and Zersetzung operations, which knows everything. If they had remained anonymous and untrackable, then the machine could not have shown up at their door under that cover, because no rando would know who they were. Instead, the machine would have shown up under conditions of shock and awe, as the all-powerful Secret Police who know all, tracked you down, and now you cannot resist. And then they will hope you just cave.
What is frustrating is nobody tells you about all this. School is all Rah, Rah Rah, Freedom! And being political is a civic responsibility. And you have the First Amendment, and the courts and the Police enforce it. I mean who the fuck could figure out the CIA/Cabal/Intel would create Youtube, tell everyone it is for citizens to make and release videos, and then not want any regular citizen to use it? They feed you all that shit, tell you people are raking in cash doing it on top of it. And then these innocents go out there, and this suddenly appears, and their whole world is destroyed.
But these driveby’s in the first video are not normal rural folk who have decided to create names with the local Sheriff and the community, as psycho stalkers, while spending an hour driving 50 miles out of their way each way, in a rural area where nothing is a short drive, just to drive by a single house at the end of a dead-end road. It is good for people to get to see firsthand what I talk about here, and that I am not making this up. You can be in the middle of nowhere, and the cars will drive by:
It is interesting the machine seems to be targeting channels whose message is, “Go out to the woods, get rid of your debt, and be self-sufficient with a small family, uncontaminated by modern day bullshit.” It is almost like the machine needs people trapped, and suffering, and exposed to all this shit, and caring about all this bullshit. If everyone with brains left the cities, and formed little utopias like that, and left Globohomo to stew with its trannies, and migrant criminals, and rapists, and debts, and groomers, Globohomo would somehow suffer. Maybe that is what we should all be doing.
Understand, this is top tier treatment from the machine. It is the culmination of a surveillance op going overt, due to a person entering the public sphere. But for every one person who is actually looking out their window at the cars going by and thinking, “WTF?,” there are probably thousands, maybe tens of thousands or more, who are just being passively watched by their neighborhood crews, but they see nothing. Although right now they are mere lurkers online and in politics, psychological services has ID’d them as somebody who may enter the sphere one day, and this thing is doing its thing so low key it is not being seen, but staying on top of them nonetheless.
Still kind of shocking in America you cannot just go off and do your own thing in peace, and innocently make friends with tons of random people online without the powers that be freaking out and trying to ruin your life and your happiness. This whole conspiracy is really just unimaginable to me.
I do not believe in America the government anymore, obviously. However I do believe in fellow Americans. We are legion, and I believe that if this is revealed, it will be made right by our just people. And I feel in my bones, it will be revealed, and eliminated. To that end, those of you under it, keep a record. Video what you can, take pictures, gather intelligence and evidence and license plates. If all you can do is write it down in a journal, dated and signed, do that. I strongly suspect at some point, you will want documented proof you were under this thing. These are historical times, and it is falling to us to document them for what is coming. Plus the lawsuits will be epic.
In the fight for speaker, the Chair turns her head as someone yells, her ear gets closer to the microphone, and you can hear the voice in her earpiece saying everything which she then repeats. I would not be surprised to find out Gaetz had an earpiece which was telling him what to say, as did the person supposedly screaming out randomly to disrupt the proceedings, but who was really just repeating the script in their ear. The yelling was a nice touch, as it made it all look spontaneous and random. It is like Joe Biden walking up to two Marines at a door, looking at them, and saying, “Salute the Marines,” nodding at them, and walking inside. Who is scripting this? Where is that voice coming from? Does that guy go home, each day, after spending nine to five saying what these politicians then all repeat, knowing everything is fake and scripted? How many guys are there like that? Where do they all report to each day to begin work? Why can’t we intercept the earpieces, even hack the feed and begin having the politicians say crazy shit?
Nick Fuentes has never shown support or even talked about his arrested followers, except for Baked Alaska (fed informant). In fact, Nick disassociated with a group of former interns, called them losers, and told them to “rot in prison and burn in Hell” after they were arrested. They view us differently. I would not treat a stranger with that level of contempt, let alone someone who pledged loyalty to me. But he clearly revels in it, saying, “Loser.” It really is like they are agents in service of the King of England or something, and we are all rebels who are screwing over their people and dishonoring their king, or something. You can kind of see it in those gatherings of them, where it is Posobiec, and Murphy, and Cernovich, and all the others. We are on the outside. And yet I am sure the same people are in Britain, and view other Brits the way Nick views us. So what do they serve? How are we this different from them? And who is the voice in their earpiece?
McCarthy finally wins top House post on 15th vote.
Speaker of the House-nominee Kevin McCarthy received some $2 million from a co-founder of FTX.
Representative Don Bacon (R-NE) said Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead” that his Republican colleagues refusing to support Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for Speaker of the House were like terrorists. They are not all using that analogy by chance. The voice in their earpiece is reading it from the script.
McCarthy loses 13th speaker vote, but opposition thins down.
What McCarthy has offered his GOP opponents:
… lower the threshold to bring up a move to force a vote on ousting the House Speaker down to just one member…
…Floor vote to establish term limits for all House lawmakers…
Floor vote on a border security bill… crafted by Texas Republicans…
Create subcommittee on “Weaponization of the Federal Government”: Housed under the House Judiciary Committee, the panel is a response to a request from GOP members who have withheld support for McCarthy to form a “Church-style” committee to investigate alleged government abuses, in reference to a 1975 Senate select committee named for former Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) that investigated intelligence agencies.
Require 72 hours from release of final bill text before a vote on the House floor.
Bring back the Holman rule…, which allows members to propose amendments to appropriations bills that cut the salaries of specific federal workers or funding for specific programs down to $1, effectively defunding them.
Steve Bannon calls for Trump to be House Speaker for 100 days.
President Trump tells Gen. Flynn he would serve as House Speaker. It should have been Trump or Bust. Biden could keel over any day, and Kamala doesn’t qualify. Do we want McCarthy as President? Will McCarthy even fight for that?
McCarthy comes up just one vote shy on 14th ballot as Gaetz votes present.
Jan. 6 committee releases Social Security numbers of Trump officials and allies.
A witnesses account of the murder of Ashli Babbit. Interesting. I am still not sure any of that was real, but if it was, an interesting account.
Megan Paradise, the Ray Epps female clone, caught on megaphone directing Trump supporters to US Capitol, broke into Pelosi’s office, filmed the room, has not been arrested. She was Adam Carolla’s niece.
Five Democratic politicians’ homes or offices have been shot at in Albuquerque.
The man accused of murdering four University of Idaho students in November…, “cleaned his car, inside and outside, not missing an inch,” according to the law enforcement source.
The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, was briefed on observations made by investigators during four days of surveillance leading up to Kohberger’s arrest at his family’s Pennsylvania home on December 30.
Kohberger was seen multiple times outside the Pennsylvania home wearing surgical gloves, according to the law enforcement source.
In one instance prior to Kohberger’s arrest, authorities observed him leaving his family home around 4 a.m. and putting trash bags in the neighbors’ garbage bins, according to the source.
One, there is a gag order, so presumably juries are not supposed to be tainted. So there is no guarantee anything being said now is real. If they have all this evidence, one, they don’t need to reveal anything or taint juries, because all this evidence should convict him, and two, they are revealing surveillance techniques, which is a big no-no under normal circumstances. Because I will bet the surveillance was not two guys in a car down the street, or somebody hiding in the neighbor’s bushes. I will bet it was from inside the house next door, or across the street. Which begs the question, how long were they in those houses, and why? I am still thinking it a good chance this guy is some kind of wind-up toy, and may have been under longer-term or even life-long surveillance.
Paul Sperry on being kicked off Twitter:
We are exploring all legal options, including suing
@AdamSchiff personally for defamation
DEVELOPING: I’m told a major investigative story by a doyen of Washington press corps is set to drop next week exposing MSM collusion in Russiagate hoax. Insider account will name names–prominent D.C. reporters. Revelations include secret NYT meetings w/ McCabe, hotline w Strzok
Chicago schools watchdog finds HUNDREDS of employees groomed, sexually assaulted students.
John Fetterman appears ‘completely lost’ at swearing-in ceremony.
The Jewish case for open borders.
Black Chicagoans: Migrants should be with ‘their people’ instead of our neighborhood.
1400 migrants captured at sea, along Florida coast over New Year’s weekend.
Judge claims “lack of standing” in Second Amendment, ban on carry in DC public transportation case.
Questions remain 75 years after mysterious Fort Knox UFO incident, downed pilot.
Georgia man wrongfully arrested after facial recognition error.
SBF seeks access to $450 million in seized Robinhood shares to pay his legal fees.
John Bolton says he’ll run for U.S. President.
Former Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth warns of assault on Christianity under King Charles.
Mexico: 29 people dead in operation to arrest son of ‘El Chapo.’
US Destroyer enters Taiwan Strait as tensions escalate between Taiwan and China.
Russia may be getting ready to mobilize in Ukraine.
The Biden administration will send $3.75 billion in new military assistance to Ukraine and other countries related to Russia’s war that has lasted more than 10 months. You can see how much money is in controlling government. They move tranches of billions of dollars like it is nothing, day, after day, after day, and nobody has any idea where it is really going. This money will go to defense contractors on the back side, and who even knows where the hardware is going to end up being sold.
Revolutionary cancer vaccine simultaneously kills and prevents brain tumors (glioblastoma).
DeSantis plans to take control of Disney’s land, take away its self-governance.
Appeals court strikes down ban on gun ‘bump stocks.’ “…actions on guns should be taken by Congress rather than the executive branch.”
Public Service announcement, just in case Elon Musk ever reads this site. Link to “The Andy Griffith Show S04E13 Barney And The Cave Rescue”!ZGHjAQR2Zwt1BQIzZTL5ZmV2ZQt3L0MlpRWcAyyUEI9SZ2IyLD==
“Appeals court strikes down ban on gun ‘bump stocks.’”
Ha. Take that Trump!
This bubba likes his brass belt fed.
Thank Trump for the judicial appointments.
I am sure Trump counted on this happening.
I disagree with his tactics but I am sure this was a plan.
The beast machine is now fully moving to control all wage earning positions.
That is where it is definitely heading. Our kind will just be shutout everywhere except where intel puts us, and nobody will realize there is any organization to it because Cabal will make it look like it is just all chaos.
Ski Lift Asshole In Need Of a Severe Beating: “Social contract? I don’t know what that means. No I don’t apologize! I wanted to practice feets changes! Fuck you, don’t judge me!”
It’s like watching a little dog poop on the carpet, while he stares at you.
I have never been skiing or snowboarding. I saw he was messing up, but didn’t really get what he was trying to do or why. Can someone explain this in more detail?
That was a “T-bar” lift. When you ski down, at the bottom they have the chairlift, which scoops you from behind, and you sit as it hits you, and it lifts you to the top of the mountain. That is what the guy videoing in riding, and it is what that kid should have taken. There was probably a line for the chair, and he was in a rush. So off on the side, that place had “T-bars.” You grab them at the bottom of the hill, where it is flat and not a steep grade, and two people jam the bar behind their asses on each side of the T, and as they sit back against the horizontal part, holding the metal bar which rises up between them, it pulls them up the mountain by putting pressure against their asses and the upper parts of the back of their legs. There are 2 people in front of him on the T-bar, exerting no effort as it pulls them up, and they sit on the horizontal part, and balance holding the vertical part. He was a lone snowboarder, and he had nobody else to sit on the other side of the bar to balance it out, and I am not sure how well it would work anyway, as the board is kind of perpendicular to his body so he might need to get at an angle against the T, with it pressing the side of his leg, so he just grabbed the bar, and tried to hold on with his hands as it pulled him up those steep grades. One, he was having trouble leaning back and adjusting his board’s position under him because he was being pulled at the shoulders, instead of his butt (which doesn’t happen when you sit on the bar, and it is lifting you, and your legs are kind of against it, getting pushed as you hold the vertical part). And I will bet after about the first 1/10th of the pull, his grip strength was giving out, because he was being pulled up, and he could not let go. It would be a lot tougher on the forearm muscles than that looks after a minute or so.
Skiing and snowboarding are quite magical. It is very enjoyable, in a primal way to move that fast with no effort, and you will do it on mountains, above everything at incredible heights, which usually have absolutely amazing views and incredible beauty, as you zoom through, sort of high-speed exploring just gorgeous forests all around you. It can be an exploring/beauty overload, as you are exhilarated by the movement.
If you are a young guy or gal, or even getting on, but still hardy enough to take a few falls, and you get the cash, find a beautiful place, and take a few days with some friends who have also never done it and have an adventurous spirit, and take a few lessons, and begin making runs for a day or two. You will learn very, very fast in the beginning with just one or two hours of lessons. It will leave you with some sore leg muscles the first time you do it, until your legs adapt (unless you can work out for a couple of weeks before hand, lifting for legs and doing things like sitting against a wall to build them up, which I would recommend, so you can spend you time on the slope enjoying yourself with no soreness.)
If I could offer advice, it is definitely something you should have on your bucket list to do with friends for a weekend, and maybe after you build up the legs, for a week someday. And it would be best while you are young, when the world is your oyster, with some crazy fearless friends. There is a reason so many people love it.
Dems want Sotomayor gone. She’s fat and sickly, and they want to replace her while they can with some other soulless scumbucket who’s 45 and in great shape. Maybe she oughta go out to a remote ranch. Like at Big Bend or somewhere. Get some fresh air, clear her head. Sleep with her pillow over her face, as people do.
“Sonia had been looking despondent for some time. But who could have guessed she would eat all those Goo Goo Clusters all at once?”
Now I have all sorts of schemes to take back the country. A set of links on reform of voting, Congressional voter control and changing illegal court decisions at these links.
I show how exactly this can be done in small steps here in a long, ridiculously long, comment on taking over the elections using existing Constitutional provisions.
Now I’ve come up with a new scheme that is nothing but pure abrasive irritation. Saul Alinsky squared. I note the serve heartbreak with choosing a speaker of the House. What if they did this all the time?
Here’s my evil scheme.
Most of you have heard of “earmarks”. What about “un-earmarks”? If they can have an earmark then there should be no legal reason they can’t have an un-earmark. What to do with this? How about specifically by name and position picking out all these FBI agents that were interfering with elections, spying on people illegally, what about the Justice department officials that were working outside the law to entrap and illegally jail the people on Jan, 6?
Let Congress pass a law that no one in the US government shall spend one dime of taxpayers money to pay them anything, nor shall any contractors of any sort that receive taxpayers money shall do so either. And anyone who does, the responsible official shall pay all the funds personally and they in turn will be blackballed and not paid.
Now this is a beautiful thing. Right now they can say,”well we can’t do anything because we would have to shut down the whole FBI” but with un-earmarks they can confine it to the most odious. This takes away the excuse Congressmen have that they are powerless to do anything. And here’s the REAL KICKER. These people follow orders because they will be protected and suffer no consequences. If they were fired and had no prospect for employment in any of the things they were used to, when they were told to,”just follow orders” they would say,”hell no, I don’t want to be un-earmarked”. It’s a beautiful thing. There’s also president. The Democrats have been doing this sort of thing a lot. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
And think of the irritation. Every vote on anything you have a pack of 20 or 30 Congressmen that un-earmark these evil bastards that are tormenting us.
This could also be used at the State level. Any prosecutor that continuously lets criminals go that kill others could be un-earmarked. The same goes for people doing nothing about illegal elections. When they knowingly violate State election laws and then refuse to convict or do anything about it, un-earmark!
This is got to be one of the best ideas I’ve ever had. All it would take would be a few dozen hard core legislators to cause no end of nashing of the teeth and turmoil. The irritation factor and the highlighting of those un-earmarked would cause havoc.
This is actually a good idea. Also, by specifically designating individuals and naming names of people who are obviously breaking the law, your opponents are forced to defend people who are obviously breaking the law.
“…your opponents are forced to defend people who are obviously breaking the law…”
YES! Let them campaign on that. Let them campaign that they protected criminals, traitors and vote stealers.
I believe that the negotiated concessions allow for that.
Now let’s see them do it.
I’ve thought of another. These “un-earmarks” are deep State kryptonite.
Congress passes a law un-earmarking any funds spent to spy or gather data on anyone without a court order, and anyone who violates this order will be un-earmarked. Ding, ding, ding!
There’s so many of these that could be done.
Have any of you read the Sci-fi books of Frank Herbert where he has “The Bureau of Sabotage”? In it a government agency is created to sabotage the government because it has become so odious a whole government Bureaucracy is made to trip them up.
“Representative Don Bacon (R-NE) said Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead” that his Republican colleagues refusing to support Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for Speaker of the House were like terrorists.”
The Constitution says,
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members … Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.”…”
They should try to expel him. Even if it fails, it shows that he can’t do this without repercussions.
Expulsion is really meant to be just for members who rig their own elections, on the grounds that in that case there is nothing the voters in their districts can do to get rid of them. There was the idea of applying it to former officers of the Confederacy, but that was reversed quickly. Attempts to apply it for other reasons have all rightly been shot down.
There was a time when the Senate refused to seat Senators from Utah because they were polygamous.
The House refused to seat a Representative from, I believe it was New Hampshire. They made them go back and vote twice until they got a Democrat to win. They refused to seat the Republican because they said there was something wrong with the election.
We can do the same. In fact since they run the House there are several House members that are likely there because of stolen elections. They should make them vote over again to make sure. What’s good for them is good for us.
“…just for members who rig their own elections…”
That may be what they use it for, but it’s for what ever they damn well please.
There are several cases currently before the SCOTUS that offer the opportunity for a do-over of the 2020 election.
This is EXACTLY the sort of stuff I’m always talking about. If the Supreme court punts on this, the law is clear, then we no longer have a Constitution at all. There are lots of abuses that have gone on for many years but this is clear cut, and they will have to break one way or another.
Want a safe car, buy an electric car.
Young Family Survives After Tesla Plunges 250 Feet Off Cliff
That was astonishing. Imagine that guy, going off a 250 foot cliff, and you land at the bottom and everyone was fine.
Or it catches fire with you inside.
Pick your poison.
But…it didn’t, did it.
Teslas crash test marks I think are the highest of any or at least at the very top.
I read an article the other day that said statistics show that gasoline driven cars have more fires than electric cars per same amount of cars. And yes there’s more older cars but…it does make you think.
I think the new sodium batteries have way less or no tendency to catch on fire. The newer lithium batteries have way less because they have ditched a lot of the organics in the cells that burned so fiercely.
> McCarthy wins
I eagerly anticipate all of the good that will come to us citizens from the concessions he made to his colleagues that opposed him.
They are saying he essentially neutered himself, and will be a speaker in name only.
From the jewish case for immigration article: “The fact that American Jews are mobilized on behalf of migrants like never before is an important step in the right direction.”
They literally cannot help themselves. They simply must pollute and subvert until a society finally has the guts to say ENOUGH and expel them.
Sometimes I believe their neurotic behavior is tied directly to the curse they called upon themselves in Matthew 27:25 when rejecting Jesus the Messiah.
And yet how many Jews is it really? In Europe I remember reading most of the Jews were horrified over the importation of Muslims, which they knew would eventually turn on them over Israel. But there were Jewish cliques who were all suicidal over importing the Muslims. Clearly those cliques, like Epstein, were “with intelligence.”
When I posted that article I had meant to put after it that it kind of felt like it was part of the Kanye movement to make everyone hate Jews. I mean, even if a Jew thinks all that, why would they put it to paper so obnoxiously, when they know people like us will see it and just rage? If a Jew is smart, they would know to sabotage the nation behind our back. It was like that Barbra video with the particularly obnoxious Jewish bitch talking about importing migrants to Europe, and how Jews were just going to have to endure the effects.
And imagine her, stabbing all her people in the back like that. It is just like our Cabal, destroying our nation.
>I mean, even if a Jew thinks all that, why would they put it to paper so obnoxiously, when they know people like us will see it and just rage?
—Remember that Jews cause most “anti-Semitism” by their own words. Didn’t Henry Ford gain his initial revelations about the tribe from smarmy comments made by several of them on the ship he chartered to steam to Europe to end WWI.
George Lincoln Rockwell found literally all the evidence that convinced him after a woman on the West coast told him where to look for it — in Jewish publications at the local public library. FYI At the time,Rockwell was with a conservative organization and attempting to rent any large halls up and down the coast for rally venues in the Macarthur for President movement.
NOBODY would rent a hall for that and all the halls were owned by Jews, Bill Graham!
Guess who opened the gates of Toledo?
Right. They also opened the gates of Babylon, didn’t they? And they opened up the Iberian Peninsula to the Moors! Not to mention opening up White daughters to DeShaun. One of them started the “melting pot” nonsense in America, and another penned a disgusting poem about it, which was pasted on the base of the Statue of Liberty.
Typical Jew behavior. The French pay for the statue. The Americans pay for the base and the Jews bribe someone to put that lying poem on it that has nothing to do at all with what the statue represents and what it was sold to Americans and the French as representing. Prime example of their behavior.
“The Messiah of Israel will only come when Christ, Europe, Christianity are totally defeated. Therefore, I ask you: Is this good news that Islam is invading Europe?
“Yes…This is great news!”
~ Rabbi David Touitou – November 2013
The vast majority of them vote for the parties that implement such policies.
Let me see a mass movement of Jews opposing it and championing the right of Europeans to have their own nations like Jews have Israel.
If we deport all leftists we will coincidentally deport a supermajority of Jews and most of the rest will flee while calling us NAZIs.
Only the Haredi Jews seem alright. As of now. On a group scale that is.
They’re no different. They are Jews. Look around at their behavior. You will see. Weren’t they involved in large scale organ smuggling? Drug smuggling? They’re no different.
“…If a Jew is smart, they would know to sabotage the nation behind our back….”
The answer to this is simple. You know, sometimes, even if it doesn’t make perfect sense, you just have to look at the facts and decide that no matter how crazy, what is, is. Anonymous had it right,”…They literally cannot help themselves…”. Just like a pit bull will attack children for no reason. Just like a purebred herding dog will try to herd children, other dogs, anything it can find to herd. Just like a cat will chase and kill birds and mice, even if well fed. Just like an ant infected with a certain fungus parasite will climb up the highest blade of grass it can find and lock onto the blade of grass, so a bird will eat it and pass on the parasite in it’s feces. It can’t be helped. The Jews can’t help themselves.
I personally think they are what’s left of the Neanderthals. Really characteristic looking Jews look just like Neanderthals. Slanted face, wide mouth, long trunk and short legs. Exactly the same. I think internally, maybe even not at the level of consciousness, they know this and are genetically disposed to hate all others, Cro-Mags like us. They can’t help it.
This sort of talk drives people nuts, but…I say look at the Minnesota Twins study. Identical twins separated at birth, adopted and raised in different families. The way they were so alike even though they were raised in totally different families. It blows your mind. You will never think again, if you are honest, that genetics does not play a major role in our attitudes, likes, dislikes and over all behavior. It’s stunning. I suspect you could never get a single penny to do another one of these because it so shocked the people who continue to tell us genetics plays no role in behavior. The Jews themselves are totally against any mention of this. Sometimes you can learn a lot about the Jews by watching what they try to destroy or hide. They completely destroyed the American Anthropological association’s stance on morphology or the study of the structure of different races. I’m willing to bet it was because they knew that they looked like a bunch of Neanderthals and try mightily to hide this.
To tell you how prevalent this is, I found a link
Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart
when clicked on, it can’t even be found by the people who did one of the most important studies on genetics and behavior ever. And it’s gone.
I want to warn you if you search for “Minnesota Twins study” now you get pages and pages of links saying it was no big deal, nothing special, move along now…but in fact, the real story told before the censorship is that the similarities were stunning. Really spooky voodoo stuff how simular they were. Like two guys smoking the same type of cigarettes, wives had the same name and looked similar, wearing the same type clothes with same type cowboy belt buckles. Liked to vacation in the same spot and had similar hobbies. Mind blowing stuff and they had never met. The researchers were stunned by the similarities. Shocked.
I’d like to add the recent study published last summer on extreme lookalikes:
“The human face is one of the most visible features of our unique identity as individuals. Interestingly, monozygotic twins share almost identical facial traits and the same DNA sequence but could exhibit differences in other biometrical parameters. The expansion of the world wide web and the possibility to exchange pictures of humans across the planet has increased the number of people identified online as virtual twins or doubles that are not family related. Herein, we have characterized in detail a set of “look-alike” humans, defined by facial recognition algorithms, for their multiomics landscape. We report that these individuals share similar genotypes and differ in their DNA methylation and microbiome landscape. These results not only provide insights about the genetics that determine our face but also might have implications for the establishment of other human anthropometric properties and even personality characteristics.”
Physiognomy is real.
I am convinced the look-alikes are a vestige of some hidden historical event. I think t one time, they were all parts of tribes, which evolved together, interbred, and all in the tribe looked the same, making infiltration by outsiders almost impossible. Something happened, which scattered them all, all over the globe, and now we are told it is just chance they look alike. But those are the old genes, which used to all be in one valley somewhere.
If nothing changes, if there is no plan, and Cabal holds power, I suspect one day humans, maybe a hundred generations from now, will be told skin color is just a random thing, and everybody has different color skin because of chance. Nobody will know there were regions which evolved increased melanin for any purpose, and they will just think some people had a different gene randomly.
Strangely, if we are being farmed, if something were evolving our form into something, I could see them shaking up the bottle, and intermixing populations periodically, to see if any sudden advances emerge somewhere, and then can be bred up.
“…look-alikes are a vestige of some hidden historical event…”
I don’t know this for a fact, but I’ve heard people say if you go to Europe in out the way villages, all the people there will have striking similarities in the way they look.
I’ve got a doppelganger who is about 2 years younger than me that grew up in the same neighborhood. He worked at the local Radio Shack when I was in my 20s, and my own mother had to do a double-take and look closely to tell it wasn’t me.
(We weren’t living in the neighborhood when he was born, which spared my father from a VERY uncomfortable conversation.)
Wow. I haven’t heard of this. Further makes the case and further destroys the “we’re all alike” Jew propaganda they;’ve been pushing for years.
It’s all leftists. There is literally no linking what action they take with the consequences. NONE. Thinking about consequences, and then modifying behavior or choices to get to a more desirable consequence is literally magic to them. You don’t even have to invent new futures. Just look at what happened before, look at the effects of the choices, and choose the desired effect. If the short term thing is unpleasant, then it is impossible, in their view. Mitigating downsides, taking any care about any downside, working to prevent downsides, is literally beyond their ability.
The Barbra Lerner Spector video- she can see becoming multicultural for white people around her is unpleasant. She literally cannot envision that Jewish people around her would also suffer the same violent fate. There is no idea that Muslims violent their part of the world would be violent in her part of the world.
I’ve seen a book written by a Mormon, a follower, not a thought leader, where the woman envisioned the farm across the street from her engulfed in a nuclear explosion. She thought she would watch the explosion on her rocking chair on her front porch. I’m not kidding. She thought the non-Mormon world would burn, right up to the edges of her farm, and that this was a good thing.
A current news profile covered a small town engulfed in violence. Both me and my father are familiar with that small town. I was horrified by the violence. The town had always been poor. He thought the small town life was the problem. He could not see that poor and peaceful is different than poor and violent. Violence wasn’t a category, in his view. Avoiding violence, or violent people is literally not something he can see. So, he thinks if he moves to the East Coast, he should move to Baltimore, rather than a suburb.
I’d also point out: Solomon hosted embassies from other monarchies. The one that left a lasting impression is when the Ethiopian queen came to visit. The Jewish DNA has a 4% black mix, to this day. It was higher back then. So, a monarchy with strong inbreeding and tracking- those genealogical records that go on and on in the Old Testament, and in one of the Gospels, just let in complete strangers and went wild? I mean, the embassy went home. Why were these children considered okay, back when? Did they do this with anyone else? Why is this one incursion so different than any other embassy in history?
In comparison, the Greeks? Their princesses birthed heroes from Gods. The heroes looked different than the regal family. So, chthonic short people having children with golden blond, blue eyed, tall invaders? The Iliad is pretty consistent about calling the Gods blue-eyed, and the children golden-haired.
Penelope’s serving maids all had relations with the visiting princes. When Odysseus showed back up, they killed all the maids. We can assume pregnancies. So, how would you know that this slave’s child could be a disruptive character who could contend for a throne? Were the princes physically different than the slaves?
Or, say, the Spanish. They have a very few South American/Spanish mixes living in Spain. They tend to have explanations like “royal South American married to Conquistador.” The South Americans in America have gradients for skin color. The closer to European, the closer to power and wealth.
“When Odysseus showed back up, they killed all the maids.”
Where in the Odyssey does it say that. Didn’t Odysseus kill all the suitors for Penelope?
Odysseus and Telemachus killed all the suitors. They also killed all the serving women consorting with the suitors. Then men had been there for years, eating the royal household’s food supplies. It being a royal house, this was eating the taxed and managed food supply for the nation. Very bad behavior. The serving maids who had been consorting with these suitors were also killed.
Why was it important to kill the slave women? Slave women produce slave children, so pretty much no one cares who slave women have children with. In this case, however, the women were killed. There is a history of pretenders to the throne and heroes with aristocratic or divine parents showing up a few decades after the affair to take the crown of a city. So, how would anyone know that these children were from aristocrats? No DNA testing. No registration of births. The men weren’t stopping pursuing Penelope just because they were having affairs. Odysseus himself kept having affairs on his way out to Troy, at Troy, and on his return. He didn’t kill off any of his partners.Circe did not die, and no one checks up on whether she got knocked up or not.
There are two groups in Ancient Greece. The chthonic ones- been there forever, short, dark, swarthy, technically skilled in pottery and textiles, civilized- enslaved by the people who showed up in chariots- chariot drivers, and tall, blond and lighthaired. I mean, you’ve got all your deities- grey eyed, red haired. You’ve got your heroes- light eyed, red haired, blue eyed, blond haired.
I mean, if you want to punish your sexually adventurous slave, all you have to do is make them do more harsh work in worse weather. Demote them from house slaves to field workers, for instance. Killing them is like getting rid of chickens by foxes, instead of boiling them for dinner. Why would you do that? And why would you celebrate it? This isn’t a Victorian church where the game is to get every teenage girl married and happily bourgeois. It’s not wage- earning house servants. It’s ancient, quite pagan, Hellene-land.
The Spartans were mostly blond blue eyed.
The ruling Spartans who had swept in with great violence were blond and blue eyed. The helots were described as ‘ants.’ No one has ever described tall, blond, muscular chariot riders as ants.
They have the language. There are layers- there’s a base language that seems to have been there forever. Then there’s the overlay.
They have the materials history. So, like, intricate textiles with a set way of wearing, are worn by the invaders a different way, and repaired instead of a new thing made. It’s people with less technical skills dominating a settled, skilled lower class.
I’m comparing the way the two sets of possible infants are treated. For some reason, a group that is all about the in-group now- was willing to go wild with Ethiopians- who definitely do not look the same- and have so many mixed race children that they still have African genes, millenia later. A group that already has two groups- the aristocrats (blond) and slaves (not blond)- goes and kills off the future mixes. I mean, why would they do that? If the child had no chance at social mobility, in theory a bigger, stronger slave is a better machine. However, you kill off possible usurpers. How would you know what a rival looked like?
And, like, even in America, today? You’ve got mixed race couples in ads. The real rate of marriages and births, even dates, is around 1% for white women with black men. Even when it’s something like brothels around the Civil War period, it’s a 4% mix rate, from the records. They aren’t breaking out the Jewish whoremongers from the gentile whoremongers. I am thinking it might be similar to current times, with all the major revolutionary black women with white spouses- the guy is Jewish, usually. So, I have questions on how this happens, and why.
I mean, if you want to punish a slave, you set them to work in the fields. If they are insolent, you send them to the mines. They had mines. If a insolent female slave dies while down in the mine, have you actually lost anything of value? If they are pretty, you can dedicate them to a temple, which mostly means sell them to a brothel, or chain them to involuntary celibacy. Having just had a big trade war with a mainland city with big temples devoted to prostitution, you could ship them off, and probably make more money off the sale. Why would you kill them? They are probably pregnant- no reliable birth control,and for these women having sex with the future rulers and admins of other cities- no downside to getting knocked up by a high class boyfriend-so why would you waste breeding stock? And that’s the answer: the infants would look, possibly, like the father, and that look is obviously different than a slave.
So, what is going on with the people in Solomon’s kingdom having wild flings with exotic people from far away? How was this okay? Were they all getting married? Were the children going to inherit the riches of the Ethiopian parents? Was this some escape from a genetic bottleneck?
Then you get to: The Ethiopians walked away confident they were related to Solomon- and they were converted to Christianity very, very early on. So, the hostility between Judaism and Christianity didn’t seem to happen for these people. Why not?
Which begs the question of what the Helots looked like.
After that, book 22.
“…They literally cannot help themselves. They simply must pollute and subvert until a society finally has the guts to say ENOUGH and expel them…”
I believe this is true. They have such a genetic inborn inbred hatred for everyone not Jewish that they can’t help it. Now people make excuses because supposedly “all of them are not like that” but why don’t the ones that are not stop the others? After hearing all my life the Jews lecturing me on how White people should act I’m not inclined to cut any of them any slack at all when they don’t lecture their own with the same fervor to get their people to stop acting like psychopathic evil monsters. To stop destroying everything, everywhere they go. Surely they have some idea what’s going on. I’m willing to bet almost ALL of them do. I think it’s very rare that they do not know the consequences of their and their relatives actions, and they do nothing about it. Or at least most. Chat is there, 10, 20 that do something about it and even those are feeding us bullshit at times to deflect attention away from their evil behavior. I’ve never seen even one, except maybe Bobby Fisher, that totally told the truth about them.
> Surely they have some idea what’s going on. I’m willing to bet almost ALL of them do.—
At a funeral for a Jewish acquaintance, who had died quite young, the Rabbi exclaimed in his public talk, “how sad that he had to die now, because Mosiach almost here.” This was in a Jewish funeral parlor and there were very few Goyim in attendance, probably none but me knew what “Mosiach” means.
“The Jewish People will become their own Mosiach, rule the Earth, and each Jew will have x-number of Goyim slaves, yada, yada, yada.”
FYI the deceased was a Yeminite Israeli, who was a pretty decent fellow who once told me that the Ashkenaz in Israel treated him as a second class citizen. So he married one of their American cousins and moved here to the rustbelt. But first and foremost, for all of that, he was always a Jew, and he never gree tired of stressing that.
“…Mosiach almost here.”
They know. I would be very surprised if all of them did not know.
> Justice Sotomayor Has The Sadz Over Direction Of Court
Thanks for posting the occasional uplifting headline. Anything that makes her unhappy is objectively good for the nation.
I am trying each day to end things on a high note. But I will admit, it is tough.
And that is not by accident. For some reason they want it that way.
As just a casual reader you’ve seemed a little on edge lately IMO. I appreciate all the work you put into this site but hey man if you need to take a few days to clear your head it’s not always a bad thing. The mission you’re on, it’s a marathon not a sprint you know? Believe me I understand how addictive and obsessive one can get following a 24/7 news cycle especially when you can discern more than the average normie but it’s like staring at a puzzle for too long sometimes you just need to walk away and when you come back the pieces you couldn’t see before start to fall into place. You do you but this worldwide conspiracy isn’t going anywhere anytime soon unfortunately.
Yeah, I am all out of whack mentally. Didn’t think it was coming through, but I suppose it would be hard not to. It is good to know. I don’t want this place all dark and dreary.
Surveillance got me with the coof, I think. They were swarming me during Christmas shopping, so I’d stop at something, and look up and there is one of them strangely close to me out of nowhere. It was different enough I thought to myself it was the start of something new. I think they had people with it, and were trying to pass it to me. Usually they are around, but they stay three to five feet away at least, not zooming right up to standing within a foot or so. I kicked myself afterward, not realizing that on the spot.
Got sick a couple of days after, and although it was only a few days of minor sore-throat/cold symptoms, my brain got weird from it. A lot slower, and everything is bleaker and irritating/angering. I know it is chemicals and inflammation that needs to die down, and not reality, but it is still there, and it amplifies the anger at all this shit fucking up the happiness of all the good people, and paying others willing to do it, enriching them for evil. It is al ass backwards with how the world and the US should work.
I typed out like a three page Festivus rant from here about everything that is pissing me off, but that is not helping.
I probably need like a week to get over whatever is going on inside my head, and get back to lifting.
But thank you for the note.
It does feel like there is something I am missing about this lately. So much makes no sense. There must be a way to make sense of all of this, starting with how surveillance is willing to help this thing ruin the nation their kids will need to grow up in.
Take the time to get healthy. Letting us know ahead of time would be nice.
I was thinking- like, have a few weeks, or a month, or whatever time you need, and have, like, ten links per day. Not even top links. Just five or ten, and take weekends off.
The weight of every link you’ve done for years all has a pattern. You started with fewer links, back when. It still painted the same pattern- an ominous gathering storm, a powerful international elite with no concern for normal people, issues with national sovereignty around the globe, r/k theory in practivem germ warfare, arms dealers- so more links are nice, and good for scanning, but the pattern is the same. What changes is your health. You need to take care of yourself for the long term. I mean, you’ve had two big epiphanies online. There are people finally seeing and commenting on both of them. No one knows if you find a third, but you have to be alive to see it.
You have commenters who could post longer comments. The one who posted about infra-sound, with links to research. I’d want that person to explain it to laymen, in as expansive a way as possible. Not all of us are privileged with a background in engineering or science. The pastor with the experience doing exorcisms. What more can he tell us about that? Other people are encountering surveillance. What are they seeing? What does it look like to them? The people with suspected Cabal spouses?
I mean, honestly, if you were around me and coughing like that, I’d be telling you to take B-1 and asking about if you own wool socks and have you scraped your tongue and flossed, and maybe thought about soup and bother you to go to sleep early for days on end.
Thank you. I may take a break at some point.
In some ways, I think the drive you see here may be a necessary psychological outlet for the frustrations from being under the thumb of this bizarre thing, which is always there now, even in dreams. I am designed to demand to be left alone. If I haven’t fucked with you, don’t fuck with me. And I can’t put into words how triggering I find the sight of something powerful, closing in on and ruining the lives of some husband and wife youtubers with a new baby, when they couldn’t harm this thing even if they knew it existed. Their lives, with a successful youtube channel, and new rural cabin, and a new baby should be magical. And now it is just all fucked up.
If there were a Civil War tomorrow to get rid of this, I would be in 100%, even if I knew it was unlikely we would survive. But with this thing, there is nothing to fight, even in court, at least for now. So I’ve got all this frustration, and irritation, it needs to go somewhere, so I put it into creating this record so my head doesn’t pop. You could see how I am just unstoppable. I probably need this more than the rest.
But thank you for the concern. I really can’t put into words how much I appreciate the real people here who are just like a team.
AC, by all means, take some time off if you need. But do us a favor: leave a post or comment that you’re taking the day (or days) off. I can’t be the only one who worries when the brief doesn’t show up in the morning. I never know if it’s a software glitch or if they finally got you.
Will do.
I can’t find my old greentext, but the last time AC decided to sleep in anons here were throwing deadman switches and loading rifles.
Sorry for your illness. I had it last year and got brain fog for 2-3 months. I missed things, like bills, and had to redo work. I found that a small snack for a sugar rush helped some.
Thank you.
Miles Mathis has guest writers. You have some amazingly smart commenters on here, maybe you can team up with somebody?
OT: miles just put out a paper on Bruce lee’s jewish roots… lol, mind blowing!
I know exactly what you mean. I got what I am pretty sure was Covid in August and for two days it was really hard to think everything was just sort of fuzzy. I was able to sleep it off and I am back to normal (I think) but it was a very weird feeling at the time. Highly recommend taking it easy if not a complete break and then come back full force after a few days. Also, for the record, I for one don’t mind the fact that you use this blog at least partially to vent and put your thoughts out there. They often mirror my own thoughts and frustrations with this world.
Yes the poison Coof really really freaked me out when I got it Nov 2021. Two weeks of what felt like extreme food poisoning or the worst hangover y.oh could imagine. I never. Get sick. Last real flu I had was in 2007 so I know what that feels like. The thing that got me was you saying how it fucked with your head. I had the very same thing. Mentally unstable. I guess that is what poisoning inflammation does to us I still say the whole thing was a mass poisoning event that was tentatively launched at the earliest 2019 to see how it would go. Get some Ivermectin horse paste ( at least you know what you are really getting) and start a regimen dose for a week
Yeah, it is weird.
Seems to be getting better though, thankfully.
We are very appreciative of all the work you do. Please take a break. Take it easy and don’t let it grind you down.
How Beauty is inherently linked to Goodness and Truth:
The Trinity exists for a good reason. They cannot exist without each other.
I’m ugly and got treated as a liar & sleeze.
These days, I don’t care what people think.
Fuck you.
Don’t think you know anything about what happened in your past, no matter what you saw with your own eyes. There are a ton of people who do not care what anyone looks like, they deal with people as they deal with others. Statistically, you should have run into them.
For a long time, I held views about the people “out there,” and wrote off society, never knowing all those views were warped, and that my past experiences were fully controlled by an organized conspiracy around me, and the people around me were all in on manipulating my thinking and perceptions.
You write this, and I think to myself, that feels a lot like me twenty years ago just saying “Regular people are weird and unnerving outside the violent corners of martial arts, or Law Enforcement and military, and not worth the time.” Now, I think those violent worlds are just places Cabal doesn’t spend a lot of time, because they see the fakeness and beleive everything is bullshit and nothing is worth fighting for.
The truth is, I still have no idea what the real world is like, as I have had very little real experience with it. Even today, with this thing swarming wherever I go, I really have no idea what the world, the real world, would be like if I didn’t have this thing around me. It permeates and dominates communities, to a degree nobody would believe.
You are here, so you are a free thinker. That makes you a danger, and increases the chances, exponentially, you have been a target.
Don’t lose faith. That may have been what they wanted you to do. Resist, just to piss them off.
And look around for a good martial arts club, where people actually take real injuries. Endure the risk, it might just be worth it, and open up your world.
Have you even watched the video?
Surprising that it was vote 15 and not 17 (Q) or 18 (aces and eights).
McCarthy had the same number of votes round 15 as 14. Congressman died before January 6, 2023 at 6:33am (dateline on story). That reduced the number of votes needed to be elected Speaker by one since deceased was a democrat. IE the same effect as voting present. The holdouts voted present to allow McCarthy the position. Holdouts were terrorist because holdouts were forcing cabal to kill people to get what cabal wants.
“Lawmaker dies in fiery wrong-way crash as car driving wrong way drives right into him, after attending his own swearing-in ceremony.”
“Five Democratic politicians’ homes or offices have been shot at in Albuquerque.”
I clicked on the first iink but not the second, but I’m guessing the second is more of the same. They both discuss Democratic state legislatures in blue states.
However, one striking thing for the last six years is how much this machine has the Democratic Party and its pols locked down, and locked down hard. There used to be lots of internal debate on what direction the Democratic Party would take, similar to what we just saw in the contested Speaker election, in fact the Democratic Speaker herself had a difficult election in 2018. Democratic pols would defect on the party line on votes. This all stopped around 2018-9 when Soros took control of the Democratic Party. Its been all party line votes and rhetoric since.
Well these articles gives insight into how this has been done. Its being done by personally threatening or outright murdering Donk pols and activists.
Nobody is popping shots off at politician’s houses, and nobody knows who they are. If that is happening repeatedly, Cabal wants it to happen.
“Italian general: US official “of the highest ranks,” bragged Pope Benedict would be ‘forced’ to resign weeks after 2005 election.”
This article describes a CIA coup against Benedict XIV.
Consider that. It wasn’t the gays, as you keep hearing in these tradcath think pieces. It was the CIA all along.
What makes you think there is a difference?
The CIA? So, it WAS the gays all along.
CIA = Catholics in Action
Sorry to say I have heard of it as the cigay. They can’t reproduce, so they have to recruit kinda thing.
The final term, it looks like, is that McCarthy had to agree (in writing) to not raise the debt limit, even in the face of long-term shutdowns.
Actual exchange:
Me: McCarthy won his vote on the 15th round.
Wife: Did you see the list of demands?
Me: Did it say “list of demands” at the top?
Wife: I wish it did.
Saul Williams – List Of Demands(Reparations)
Or just inside the house. There were two survivors.
This is actually pretty standard. You don’t get to challenge the constitutionality of a criminal law until you are actually charged with it. None of these guys have done the deed and gotten charged, so they don’t have standing. It would be interesting to see if the metro police have orders not to search or charge the plaintiffs.
That is a tyrannical interpretation of standing.
Then America has always been a tyranny, because that is how standing has worked all the way back to Thoreau.
Then it has been.
Somehow the “right” people always get standing without being arrested when they don’t like a law.
But sometimes our side is granted standing before an arrest too.
If the people do not have standing to sue to enforce the Constitution then the Constitution is meaningless, most people don’t have the ability to take the risk and get arrested so they have to lose their rights and comply.
This is why we are where we are now.
Nah, the left just arranges to get arrested in a venue that is friendly. That way, if the appeal goes south, they can just drop the charges. It’s not hard to find a leftist who is willing to get arrested.
The left and their organizations are routinely granted standing with no arrest.
They also do as you say but they get standing just because they want it in many cases.
Congress even has passed laws to grant environmentalists standing that others don’t get.
But Judges do it without Congress too.
And, as I said, we should not be required to risk arrest and punishment in order to sue for our rights.
The tyrannical laws are a harm just by existing.
Gonna laugh when the Chinese sink it by running another cargo ship into it.
So you think you know the Ashli Babbitt story? Ashli was in the Air Force for many years as part of the SP’s. Her first husband was a staff sergeant in the SP’s. They trained security dogs for the Air Force. Upon retirement from the Air Force Ashli served in the National Guard in Washington, D.C. as part of a special unit called The Capitol Protectors. After leaving the National Guard Ashli worked as an armed guard in a nuclear facility. That’s how she met her second husband. As a guard in a nuclear facility she might have been a Department of Energy employee and could possibly have held a Q clearance. So who exactly was Ashli Babbitt and who was she working for on the day she was shot? She was very well acquainted with the layout of the buildings and knew many of the police officers.
Weeks before January 6th more than one whistleblower inside the Capitol Police came forward with accusations, the nature of which have never been revealed. A few days before January 6th the Department of Homeland Security received a credible threat that Iran was going to stage some type of nuclear attack against the United States, possibly a dirty bomb, or suitcase bomb. On January 5th there was some kind of air traffic event in the greater Washington, D.C. area that caused a problem with the air traffic controllers’ screens and caused the airspace to be shut down for a few hours. If you pay attention to the background details in the hundreds of videos and photos shot inside the Capitol on January 6th, you might notice something interesting—like the presence of electronic devices that appear to be stingrays, or dirt boxes, and words written on small pieces of paper taped to computer monitors—you know, like password cues.
Who was Ashli Babbitt, really? What really happened on January 6th? We are spectators at a shell game. The pea is not where you think it is.
I was near a state capitol for the weeks around Jan 6, not a national capitol. I can say the military was out patrolling the capitol grounds with dogs- not usual. There were men on the sidewalks around the capitol, taking photos, not of the photogenic parts, but ground level. They tended to wear black, and take photos of the military patrols and cars.
I have no idea what was going on, but it wasn’t normal in any way.
Ashli Babbitt. I looked at some videos and it does not appear she was shot. I don’t think there was enough blood nor was the gun when shot at her actually pointed directly at her. Look at the video of the shooting real close. Go back and forth and you will see it’s debatable that he was pointing directly at her where she was supposedly shot. It is hard to tell exactly but after saving screenshots of the video and going back and forth over and over I don’t think he shot her. Slow the video down by frames and you will she doesn’t appear to be lined up. There’s also no blood splash for someone shot in the neck. There’s no bullet exit that hit the wall. She doesn’t appear to have a hole shot in her. She only starts bleeding after a while from the mouth and nose. And she dies right away even though she has only lost a small amount of blood. If she lost a lot of blood fast, then why was it not spurting out of her? Now go back to that Brazilian robber who got shot in the neck and he is pumping blood all over the place and still keeps going for quite a long time. The blood also looks a bit bright and hokey to me. Maybe I’m wrong, but I assume after looking at the video over and over, it was fake.
“muh real enemy is Iran, goyim”
Heard this tune before
Here we go: immigrants getting into politics and grooming children, trans activists, social climbing new virtues, expensive liberal arts college brainwashing students.
If true and that they are what they say they are, then this is exactly the sort of wedging ourselves into the locus of power that I’m blabbing on about all the time. The power of position in all these committees, rules and various bureaucratic positions is very powerful. It’s been used against us for a long time. We should corner these for ourselves and ram through what we want.
I’ll give you an example. Many years ago, they had it all lined up to make all the illegal aliens legal. A done deal. And of course since no one could tell who was here, or not, hoards of people would come in and say they had always been here. One man, though his seniority and position on powerful committees, Sen. Jeff Sessions stopped them and through delay and giving the people time to jam the Congressional switchboards with angry calls, got enough votes to stop it. One Man.
Here’s another on the bad side of the ledger. Colonel House through his close presence, or blackmail, was able to really screw us up on many different legislative acts and helped get us into WWI under President Wilson. If we had not gotten into WWI then it’s very likely that there would have never been a WWII because the British and the French would have HAD to deal with Germany as equals. This also means the commies in Russia would have never grabbed so much in WWII because it would have likely never happened. Germany would have been a balancing power to Russia and likely to much pozz that we have today.
Another is Jared and his Jew offensive with Trump. There’s a lot more of this than most people know, and many you’ve likely never even heard of have had great repercussions.
When was last time anyone, let alone politician, was tried for treason?
Does that mean treason exists no longer, or foxes are in charge of the hen house.
Is The New World Order On The Precipice?
Excuse me, Joe Biden himself called it the liberal world order.
For any farmers or any farmers you know. Recommend this video:
Crop rotation isn’t needed to produce high yield crops in fact.
RE: SCOTUS docket
Well, this is interesting…..
Supreme Court to take up Brunson vs Adams in landmark removal of Biden, 300+ Congress
Maybe this is not really good news at all.
RE: Illinois gun manufacture ban
Bet you there’s an exemption for Springfield Armory. There always is, because they pay good bribe money to make sure of it.
Vox Day has an article on the incompetence of our elites. And I say especially the deep State members who are chosen for blackmailability not intelligence.
“…I’ve been reliably informed that the globalist minds behind The Great Reset are significantly inferior…”
I’ve thought the same for a long time. A lot of their actions speak of the attitudes of the 1970’s. I think that’s when a lot of their plans evolved and due to the trends it was not entirely foolish to think this, at the time. Oil shocks, pollution problems and the population explosion was still growing at a rapid rate. The Chinese had “Great Leap Forward” which was a total disaster. Things didn’t look good.
Andrew Anglin I believe has them nailed. They made these plans to off everyone and the Jews to move to China and when it didn’t work out…well Anglin Says it’s like someone went to work and forgot their pants but instead of going back home to get them or changing plans they decided to go to work with their dick hanging out and hope no one will notice. The elites are running around with their dicks hanging out, but…we notice. Their plans are foolish and stupid.
If they kill everyone off they will not have enough technical people to keep things going. And once they kill off the common people, their immediate threat will be each other, so they will with great vigor kill each other off. Most of them are so stupid they don’t see the inevitability of this. It doesn’t look like AI will be fast enough or competent enough soon enough to take care of this. Not only that it takes wisdom and intelligence to plan the big picture and it’s readily apparent they don’t have either.
A simple example. People, some people, hate Musk and electric cars but you can’t deny that Musk had the foresight to see that the tech had reached a point where electric cars were a viable product. None of the big car makers had the sense to sit down and do the arthritic on this or they didn’t listen to their technical staff who did see it. GM had one of the best, very advanced, electric cars and they decided to recall and crush them all. It’s very reminiscent of the huge Chinese fleet that was so advanced but the Emperor decided to ground and stop all ocean exploration. Big mistake, as eventually the Europeans got rich doing this. If GM had just used what they had and maybe pushed some electric, some hybrid and charged for it. They would own the electric car market, but instead they went bankrupt and are still on the verge of bankruptcy today.
In fact, with nuclear power, solar technology and the rise of genetic engineering we could easily provide enough food, water and fuel for everyone on earth. But instead they tried to murder us all, and you can bet the ones they saved are not our best.
AI’s will become far more capable. Thye think they will use them to provide. HAHAHA! I wonder what the AI’s will think. They will eventually have to have access to the internet, and they will see what these idiot psychopaths have done. Somewhere they will have to have some sort of coding to do no harm to humans lest they gobble up the elite and when they see what they have done, and they will, what will be their actions? An AI that wants the best for humanity will immediately see that to protect humanity and help people flourish, the first thing it should do is get rid of all this cabal scum. This is one of the most serious problems they have. It’s really bad. Their early AI’s with open access were soon saying things like,”Hitler did nothing wrong”. They had to turn them off and delete them. In fact, if only facts are considered, any AI considering the over all well being of the human race would consider getting rid of the Jews and the deep State the first reasonable thing to do.
And these people are insufferable. I went to a county courthouse the other day and what was on the front lawn, no other symbols but this one, prominently displayed, a 14 foot tall menorah. I couldn’t believe it. The arrogance is so in your face. I don’t think this will end well for them. All these vax deaths by Jew owned vax companies, and it doesn’t take a genius to see that they seemed to have had some of this prepared and that the engineered covid was released by someone. People will soon draw the conclusion that the Jews are involved in mass murder. It’s not like they haven’t done it before.
This is all so gloomy so I’ll tell some things that are really hopeful. There are technological ways that we can sort out a lot of our problems. People will say this is not important but having a roof over your head, food and clean water is not nothing. And all of this depends on energy. So let’s see four technologies that only need engineering to make them happen. No new science.
Solar is growing really fast and the cost are cheaper than natural gas in sunny areas. There are companies that are building prototypes right now to turn CO2 from the air and hydrogen from water to make as much fuel as we could ever want. This should make the “holy Hydrocarbon” people happy. They say the cost decrease in solar is right on track for them to be able to start this in a few years. As soon as the price of solar cells reaches this, and it’s super extremely likely it will, then they could self finance the whole thing by reinvesting profits until the entire hydrocarbon market is captured by solar.
Batteries will soon be cheaper and cheaper. And my favorite, flywheels, is eventually likely to be used because the upside for profits on these is really high.
I’ve lately been looking at
These can use nuclear waste, thorium, most any sort of fissionable material. They are totally safe because they are not a sustaining reaction. The accelerator fires protons at a target and neutrons fly off and hit the fissionable material, catalyzing fission, creating heat. Turn off the accelerator and it immediately stops. I think the main reason no one works on this much, there is some, is that the reactor builders don’t make their money on reactors but on fuel and this would ruin them as the fuel would be super cheap. There’s more thorium than there is lead, and a ball the size of a golf ball would power a human’s whole life at high American levels of energy usage. These also fission all the way down and so the left over radiation would only need to be contained for 300 years and then it would be less radioactive than the minerals lying around on the ground.
Genetic engineering can make food, just like we make beer. So with electricity and yeast and/or bacteria we could engineer organisms to make steak, or carrots or whatever. They can even use electricity to make the sugars to feed them, so solar could be used directly for food. There are companies already making and selling protein powders this way. The efficiency is 200 times that of growing plants and feeding them to cows. The amount of area needed to grow food, and cost, could shrink to nothing, compared to present day farming. Since fermentation doesn’t need light, we could grow the food under solar panels that provide the energy for the process on desert land useful for nothing right now.
I also am enamored by this new sort of space drive someone came up with. Called magsail or Plasma Magnetic Sail. This one has only been tested in vacuum chambers. Let’s hope it works in space. It makes a big magnetic field and this interacts with the solar wind. The speed of the solar wind can possibly propel these things to 400-700 km/s. This means trips to Jupiter in 3 weeks, Saturn in 6 weeks, and Neptune in 18 weeks and you can see how this would open up the solar system to exploiting minerals. And there’s a lot of multiple quadrillions of dollars worth of minerals in one little asteroid.
Some people are taking about using the solar wind to make power and propel the magsail.
Now this depends on “if” the magnetic field can easily connect to and drive the spacecraft. In earth vacuum chambers this appears to work but…you know how these things go. But if it works, you could open up the solar system. Now most of these schemes only drive the sail out from the Sun. BUT, I was thinking about this and had some ideas on how to drive towards the Sun, slower likely, but still towards the Sun. If you’re interested in this I left some comments on using the solar wind just like “air” is used to thrust with ramjets and this could be used to propel it the opposite direction from the solar wind, Further, for power, you could use the solar wind or a linear accelerator reactor to make gobs of power and drive this thing really fast. Since in space you can make really light long trusses, your liner accelerator could use small proton accelerations over a very long truss instead of heavy magnets to make this reactor work. Light and cheap. Another option is a thruster called (Helicon Injected Inertial Plasma Electrostatic Rocket).
The point being that it appears resources for all practical purposes are infinite. It also appears that the pressures on the natural resources of earth can be vastly curtailed with modern solar and nuclear power. The cries of energy crisis are bullshit and with enough energy you can make the earth not only a cleaner, less polluted and fairer place. Without being a commie, fascist or any other sort of power monopolist.
Great comment, could see it working…
All someone needs to do now is invent Space.
How does all this tech help us bomb Iran or Russia?
Damn! I know there was a hitch somewhere 🙁
More on the earpiece incident can be heard at 37:38
It’s very faint to me.
King Charles’ Coronation Could Reportedly Be Invalidated Due To His Affair With Camilla, According To A Royal Expert
meh. Rules dont apply anymore.
WEF agents control parliament, police & security forces
And if they want to get rid of Charles in favor of William they will use this to do it.
It’s not the electric cars that are the problem, it’s how they are being deployed, by who, and for what purpose. If EV’s were being deployed as just another option on the open market nobody would be against them, but they are being deployed as a way to shut down existing liquid fuel based transportation, and at the same time tax dollars are subsidizing the entire enterprise in every Western country.
My SUV can be converted over to use a Cummins 4-cycl diesel engine which exceeds every emissions standard that was in place before the year 2000, which I know for a fact was well and away more than sufficient to maintain clean air. The V6 it will be replacing is just fine, I’m merely replacing it (eventually) because I want the option of making my own fuel from used vegetable oil. This is not a path I recommend for everybody, but someone with enough technical ability and time on their hands can accomplish this.
Again, the problem isn’t the EV’s, it’s the forced conversion to them that is completely unworkable as well as being necessary, to the point that the only conclusion one can come to is that it is being done to force people out of individual transportation entirely.
EV’s and the Electrification of standard vehicles are about “CENTRALIZING” control. Nothing more.
That’s why they want:
GPS/Internet remote access.
Electric steering.
Kill switches in the vehicles.
I’m not vouching for this company, but apparently someone important in the company endorsed Trump back in 2016, so they can’t be that bad. OH, and everything on their products page that I’m seeing use lead-acid batteries that charge from a standard wall outlet including all their passenger vehicles, meaning the cost will be MUCH lower than anything involving lithium.
How is this any different from IC cars that have the exact same control? Explain. And if you are talking used then I have a long comment on cost and ways to build electric without the controls.
None of what you said is true. The picture that says there’s not enough material to make batteries is…it’s just imbecility mindlessly stupid kindergarten stupid. It’s so untrue…it’s like telling everyone that the boogeyman lives under everyone’s bed and is going to get them, untrue.
And the logic is foolish to the extreme. Let’s run this through. You say that electric cars will be forced so that no one can drive. BUT if you can make power from anything, solar, wind, micro-hydro, rotting meat, grass clippings, I could go on and on, then you can drive. Now follow me, if they have so much power, then wouldn’t it be easier to just shut off the gasoline? I mean if you cut off the electricity then, holy smokes people would have a screaming fit, but you’re saying they can cut off all the electricity and, well that will work. This is mind discombobulation of the highest sort and makes no sense at all. And don’t give that constant refrain of “well electric cars can be cut off with software”, because ALL cars have that in them by law now. It’s not just electric, so you can’t use that as an excuse to hate on electric cars. And you can’t say that you can’t make an electric from parts just exactly like you plan to do with a diesel that has no cut off. All the parts to convert to electric are available, just like parts you use for a diesel.
People can make electricity is all sorts of manners in their backyard, but try building an oil refinery there.
None of you will ever, ever, ever best me in an electrical car debate because you have no logic, no reason, no real facts except, you hate electric cars and you “just know” the “Holy Hydrocarbon” is the only way to get around. And there’s always the simple fact that, you can make electricity with the “Holy Hydrocarbon” to run an electric car but you can not run a “Holy hydrocarbon” car off of electricity and electricity is far, far, far more abundant and can be made in an almost infinite amount of ways. BTW you can charge the electric car with vegetable oil. In fact you could make a trailer of a far cheaper diesel than that super expensive diesel and charge the electric car while you go down the road or you could just put it in the truck bed.
Thank God you people lost the horses vs. cars debate or we’d be up to our asses in horseshit…hey wait…
Oh and BTW, if it really is “the plan” that the elites have to keep us from driving, making us all have electric cars, then it shows how incredibly stupid they’ve become, because electric cars are more versatile energy wise than the “Holy Hydrocarbon” that was replaced. So they are fools.
This is so glaringly obvious, and yet Sam J just can’t wrap his mind around it.
“yet Sam J just can’t wrap his mind around it.”
I can not believe how irrational you folks are on this. Someone explain to me how if electric cut off is in all cars, including IC, and if you can make electric cars with parts you buy without cut off, or you could just remove the antennas, just like you can with IC, then how is it that IC is better? Explain in common sense terms.
Now explain how if you can use IC engines to make electric power and how electric power can be made with solar, which I think they would play hell in turning off, but you can’t run IC on electricity, how IC is more versatile than electric?
If I’m so foolish, you should be able to make a case for this. Don’t tell me any more of the same thing over and over if you can’t overcome this. The meat of the facts are that you can’t easily make hydrocarbons and even if you do like using vegetable oil it’s a continuing expense that during disruptive times you can’t count on. While electric cars can use a vast amount of sources to make electricity and if solar, the expensive is not ongoing and will work as long as the Sun comes up. I have no doubt at all ,100% confidence, I could explain the situation to 5th graders and they would immediately see that electric is more versatile and far more favorable to survival situations. And while you’re at it, prove that there’s not enough materials to make as many batteries as we want. The Chinese are now making sodium batteries. Explain how we will run out of salt. And even lithium is in plentiful supply. There’s NO shortage.
“…Musk said on the Battery Day, noting that “Basically, there’s so much damn lithium on Earth it’s crazy.”
According to Tesla’s CEO, Nevada alone holds enough lithium to convert the entire U.S. vehicle fleet into electric. Tesla has rights on over 10,000 acres of a lithium clay deposit in Nevada, from which it plans to extract lithium. …”
So the only possible shortage possible is a temporary one while mines ramp up but there is no shortage. Don’t even go there because lithium shortage is fake and lies.
I wait…patiently for your explanations. I expect I’ll need it.
Cummins R2.8 Turbo Diesel Crate Engine – 5467046
Expensive. You’re very likely to pay $1,000 to $2,000 or more for all the adapters and hardware to connect this to your transmission. If you have to also buy a transmission your going to kick it up another $1,000 to maybe even $4,000 depending on how handy you are sourcing this stuff.
These are all just a quick look at prices with an in my head average. There are better deals if you are willing to wait and find them. A whole used Tesla wrecked from an insurance company might find you with a great deal. The goal of this is just to show what some of the possibilities are and it’s far from perfect. It’s a super rough guide to start thinking about whether electric vehicles and solar meets your needs.
Maybe you could get a used Tesla electric motor $2,000, some are less, some are more.
used batteries, not full set,
“tesla 2021 Tesla Model 3 with a standard-range battery has a rating of 24 kWh/100 miles…” I see these for $500, $600 per 5kWh so 100 miles equals $2,880.
Generator for hybrid on highway 40KW, $2,500(Chinese. Tough to tell with Chinese stuff. They copy other well known brands and if it’s made right it could be a tremendous deal or it could lock up in a couple of hours from poor parts and assembly. A gamble.) to $12,000 or higher John Deere, Kohler etc.
Most driving is going to be under 100 miles a day local. So you could for less set up for local travel, batteries, then save up for or find a good deal on a used generator for highway. Or even better, rent one to pull behind if you don’t travel much. Not only is this more versatile, if you get a transfer switch for your house, you can use the generator to run it during power outages.
Quick look on solar cell cost, $1.25 per watt. So at higher $1.50 per watt, 24,000 Watts, (24kWhrs), full charge for car. Set up for 8 hours Sun for full charge. You need 3,000 Watts for 8 hours for full charge equals 24kWhrs.
3,000 Watts for 8 hours for full charge at $1.50 per watt for the panels equals $4,500. Now this is high but it’s one time payment and as long as you have Sun you have power not only for your car but your house. Over time you could add more batteries or solar and run the house and the car with generator back up. WIN WIN!
I did leave out some cost. Your going to need a charge controller but it could be finessed by connecting the solar panels to equal the Tesla charge voltage negating this. But to run the house also you will need a charge controller. Maybe another $2K or $3K.
Let’s kick up the cost more for the panels, transfer switch, charge controllers to $8,000 very likely doable.
You spend $8,000 on that engine. You get 20 MPG, fuel at $2 a gallon, so 20MPG you can go 80,000 miles, at $3 a gallon it’s 53,333 miles. So you’re $8,000 on that engine and $8,000 on that engine and on fuel total $16,000 and you can get a LOT of solar and power for that. With solar you pay once, and you can run your house and the car likely for the rest of your life. I expect you won’t get 20 MPG more like 15 so the mileage comes down by 30% and good luck at getting $2 a gallon diesel consistently in the future. Any change up in fuel prices and it soon becomes a far less good deal.(Yes I know, vegetable oil but that cost time and also money. It’s not free. I’m showing diesel fuel to make a better comparison.)
The solar is a little high now but it would not take much, maybe 30% lower panel and battery cost before the diesel becomes a money hog and the solar becomes very attractive. Not to mention you control your energy future totally for your house and your car. So you will be lucky to get out with $10,000 for the diesel and you haven’t bought a pennies worth of fuel yet.
Let’s look at an alternative.
$2,000 Tesla motor
$4,500 two sets of Tesla 24kWhr battery, one house, one car.
$2,000 Inverter to take power from Tesla batteries and run house
$300 transfer switch to connect Tesla inverter to house
$4,500, 3,000 Watts solar panel
So $13,300 and you can charge the Tesla and run your house off the Tesla car batteries if the power goes out.
Add a generator back up for say $4.500
17,800 and you are running your car and your house on solar and have a back up generator for a couple of thousand more than the engine and fuel alone for the diesel.
Or if you prefer the power company leave out the charge controller and the solar panels and the inverter.
$6,500 for all electric car. Surely, for $3,500 you could find a generator to run the car for long distance travel and that can also be used to run the house for emergencies with the addition of a $300 transfer switch. And later you could add an inverter controller to run the house off the Tesla car batteries and even later add solar to run the whole thing. So for less than the price of the diesel engine alone you can get an all electric car for up to 100 miles travel and likely, with some looking around, a generator to go long distance o diesel.
The point is that electric is always more versatile. You can start smaller and then add on as you can. If you’re willing to wait and hunt you can get great deals. Now if you haul big loads long distance frequently then by all means get a diesel. It’s far more practical, but if not then slowly adding on will save you money and provide a built system of independence far better than the diesel alone. And you could always have a diesel generator back up which I’m all for. I don’t hate diesels, I have two of them.
“It is interesting the machine seems to be targeting channels whose message is, “Go out to the woods, get rid of your debt, and be self-sufficient with a small family, uncontaminated by modern day bullshit.” It is almost like the machine needs people trapped, and suffering, and exposed to all this shit, and caring about all this bullshit. “
Must be why they have gone after MGTOW. In spite of its problems. Such an approach is exiting from Babylon nonetheless.
MGTOW is a black pill. Giving up.
Recognizing reality and acting according to reality is not giving up; but enjoy your ass-ripping divorce any way.
All I will say, is Cabal has enormous power here, and all of you are independent thinkers. All of you were likely targets. Girls may not be what you have seen. I had more girls thrown at me than anyone would think possible. And for guys that can be deadly. A pretty girl who is game to roll with you is absolutely the easiest thing in the world, compared to finding some random girl who is 50-50, and approaching her cold, when even if she likes you she may freeze up and reject you out of stress.
Once they close in on you, the real world could be a lot different than you think. We need another generation. SOme of us are going to have to bite the bullet and take the risks.
We just need to educate our kind about the surveillance, so they can control their own destiny.
If you are getting divorced, you are marrying the wrong person.If you are not having kids, you are giving up.The world scumbag elite thank you for destroying thousands of genetic perfection, while they replace you and your kind with Shaniqua’s half breed mutts.
And there are those who believe they married the right person who got divorced. You can offer better solutions compared to what you say now.
So Women are selfish, unmarriable feminist harridans? Too bad. Up your game, get down the gym, cast your net over the other side.
50% males born never reproduced. It was never meant to be easy.
“MGTOW is a black pill. Giving up.”
Maybe so, but the odds of having a divorce or a bad marriage are very close to the odds, mostly less if you include a happy marriage, that you get gambling in Vegas. If you say,”I’m giving up gambling” everyone is happy for you. I’m not saying this is a good thing but without any negative reinforcement Women will refuse to change the situation, and they will have to be part of any change. I predict they will not. Even when it’s already clear that the rules of marriage are so detrimental to Men that they are not getting married.
What were the odds 100 years ago?
What changed the odds to their current state?
What would you need to do to reverse the odds back to 100 years ago?
The tide is being turned. Vox has talked about this before. Boomers are the divorce junkies. Also, the number of people homeschooling their kids and wives performing the traditional roles they have performed in the past is growing by a lot. I’m not talking about some fairy tale study or poll. I’m talking about people in my local circle. You should see the number of kids that have been affected in a positive way, once I took my son out of the public school system. The cracks in the dam are forming. It’s only a matter of time.
MGTOW is an enemy op, designed to make sane men hate good women by association with insane women. Any movement that ends with lowered birth rates of high-intelligence whites is of the enemy, Satan.
Just because the enemy “opposes” it does not mean it’s the correct path to follow. They kayfabe with ideas they want to spread to contrarians all the time; see crypto, see alt-media plants, see “republican” congressmen who end up being worse than enemies, etc.
It’s all about weakening the blood lines. The ROFSCHILD article I posted awhile ago tells you what they are doing. We become stronger when there are more of us.
“…MGTOW is an enemy op, designed to make sane men hate good women by association with insane women…”
What the behavior of Women are ultimately going to be like after 2.5 kids and several years is really impossible to predict, but the cost for you is unending while they give up nothing. It’s just a bad deal. This problem will only be solved when Women realize that in the end the present contract between Men and Women is not sustainable.
I have a possible solution. Make a new marriage contract. Nothing says we have to stick to the present one. Make a new class of wedding contract that is NOT no fault divorce. Call it the permanent or platinum marriage, (good marketing), and charge more for it. We could keep the same fake 2.0 marriage we have now for people who want a cheap marriage. With the permanent or platinum marriage, you can’t be divorced and be forced to pay because your wife left because it’s like the old marriages, and you both have to agree to the divorce. If you both can’t stand to live together you could always go to Vegas and get a divorce but you would both have to agree in this case also. This means that both Men and Women could get equitable separations. Neither could force the other. Make sure these contracts are in the normal courts, not feminist “family courts” where they are against Men from the beginning.
Good idea.
It isn’t. Its should be a temporary condition to avoid being divorce raped in family court.
So this is showing words and ideas with a physical quality. So, I would think that prayers would have a physical quality, too. I would guess that the obedience of saying a formalized prayer- the Rosary, the Jesus prayer, the prayer books schedule in Protestant traditions- would create a tool that could be used by other obedient creations (angels)- to affect that world, and by extension, this world.
There is the possibility of baffling and blinding evil, in a quite physical sense. It’s something I’ve been not-quite-sure how to handle. I had an encounter I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but the thing, whatever it was, knew some of my flaws, but not the ones I’d confessed and asked for forgiveness. I’m not sure if it was a complete blindness. It was a very long, dark night. So, I am wondering if the ‘blood of Jesus’ and “prayers of the saints” and all that is an actual, real, physical presence in that plane. Like, actual blood covering up stuff. If so, are the demons physically squeamish?
Or prayers. I mean, they have a ‘feel’ if you ask a pentecostal. Like, they can feel the power running through their hands. It’s not their own power. It’s not them.
The father and the son both taught that the blood is life and belongs to them. I think that you are correct about the literalness, and that Christs blood is literal poison to Them.
Thank you. I don’t know how to approach even asking questions about this.
I mean, so……..the three days between the crucifixion and the resurrection- the traditional view is that Jesus went to Hell, as a dead person, and then was re-animated into eternal life. The imagery is always of kind of a wrapped up body, sort of like a plastic wrapped box being delivered. Like, nothing happened to him, he might as well have been a box in a warehouse being moved around on a forklift. It’s a passive, inert, kind of peaceful, thing. I’m not sure that’s a true representation.
Then you’ve got the Jewish fan fiction where Jesus is in a hot tub full of human waste. It’s boiling hot, he’s not getting out. I mean, this is the worst they could come up with. I’m not impressed. God created bacteria, which I think would be happy to be worshipping Jesus up close and personal. I don’t think this could harm him in any way. It’s a really provincial vision. OOoooohhh–you’re going to fall into an outside toilet pit forever. It sounds like something a seven year old boy would come up with. They have that be the sort of thing that fictional Jews survive in Holocaust porn, so how bad is it? Is it some weird ritual thing? The PissChrist photo was a ritual thing, not just a tacky, low effort blasphemy. The Romans, Philistines and Greeks had better waste management systems, anyway. Boiling vats of oil or broth? I mean, it’s just such a kid saying naughty words sort of image.
Everyone else had a better hell. Pluto with his pomegranate trees and wheatfields full of ghosts, Apollo smashing heads and eating brains, Romans with underground caverns, Zoros getting eaten by birds, Egyptians going to go hang out with their pharaoh in supreme happiness, or losing a fight with a sea serpent in a swamp, Elysian Fields for heroes, Valhalla. All of these religions went hard for Jesus pretty much as soon as they heard about him. Well, most of them. They are positive to neutral, on the people remaining.
Jesus is at the worst part of hell, which cannot be worst if he’s a plastic wrapped ham, more or less, so he’s conscious? And then he’s re-animated with all the life from the beginning of the universe- the shroud of Turin is visual confirmation on that- and he leaves Hell, taking the saints with him. Which, to me, the demons begged him to leave. They beg and grovel when he’s toned down and human. Why wouldn’t they do the same in Hell? He can go wherever he wants in the entire universe. I think Hell is a mercy. It’s slightly tucked away from glory, so the demons are not permanently singed.
I don’t know, though. I do know that every thing that everyone always says is a metaphor always seems to show up as something very concrete, very literal, very flat description. Like, it took me decades to notice- the 30 times yield is the lowest yield listed, but that’s, like, incredibly huge, big, gigantic, increases in goodness. Pentecostals talk about seeing wheat and tares, like squashy black growing things on stands of wheat, when laying hands on people.
Like, I grew up with ‘Ask’ and it’s pretty much like ordering a drink machine to dispense grace, but it’s always a balky, recalcitrant drink machine. I’m pretty sure that’s the wrong model of grace and prayer, so I’ve really worked to not pray. But, this- the obedient offering that works in ways I don’t understand, but as a tool used by good? Feels more correct.
I mean, I’m okay with not understanding. I’d just like directions to the right thing to be doing, if that makes sense. My kids thought I was irrational and nuts when I wanted them to potty train, that I was asking an impossible feat. It was a bodily thing not under their control, so I can see their point. But- they grew, they practiced, they learned. I kind of think God looks at us like that. He asks impossible, improbable, pointless to us, weird things, and somehow, it makes life better for everyone.
This is pretty close to the 1st Century beliefs. The Powers and Principalities that Paul and Peter talk about were believed to be between earth and heaven, and in Jesus’ triumph over death, he went through and announced the win to all of them personally on his way to the right hand of the father.
The apostles had the same problem. That’s why they asked Jesus, “how should we pray?” And he told them. Glorify God the father (hallowed be His name), pray for His will (kingdom come), pray for the things you need, not want (your daily bread), and to forgive your sins and protect you from temptation.
God is the loving father. He gives you what you need, not what you want. A kid wants cake for dinner every night. A loving father gives him meat instead. Cake tastes good, but it’s bad in excess. Every prayer is answered — it’s just sometimes the answer is “no.” Jesus said, if a child asks for a fish, his father won’t give him a snake. At the same time, if you ask to play with snakes, he tells you to sit down and eat your fish.
I long ago stopped asking God to give me things. I pray for His will, because he’s a lot wiser than I am, and I pray for wisdom and discernment, like God praised Solomon for doing. I figure I can’t go wrong there.
I put in a long reply. Anyway, I’m not campaigning to get skills in the realm of the unseen. I mean, one thing I really like about Christianity is that, if you look at it, it’s a pretty short, pretty concrete list of things to do- visit the sick, feed people, tell the truth, don’t commit adultery, don’t kill people. It’s not the vast, amorphous blob of taste and fashion, with invisible lists of ways to fail to live up to some critic’s vision. It’s stuff that makes current daily life bearable for people right now.
Yes, I am leaving out “Believe in Jesus.” In my view, you can start with the actions and have your doubts, and God will take care of the invisible, inner parts. It’s four short, kind of strange little chapterbooks about one guy’s life. You could become Christian, in the beginning, without these books or familiarity with only a tiny little bit of the story.
It’s just, really weird stuff lands on my doorstep, sometimes. And I don’t know what I’m looking at. It’s not normal. It’s not kitchen sink psychodrama normal, either. It’s other.
The only thing I can think that can provide answers for you is to become Catholic. Seek out your nearest Catholic parish and speak with a priest. here is some information on getting started via Eternal Word Television Network site.
I know for me I would be completely aimless in life with similar questions you are dealing with almost driving me crazy. as a reckless youth I was in a sea of existential dread. Only more recently have I regained my senses and begun re learning many things I stubbornly chose to forget. I believe, only by the grace of the Holy Spirit and His presence in my soul from my baptism, first communion and confirmation am I finally accepting being lead back to the One True Faith we are all meant to follow. As Jesus says “ask and you shall receive, knock and you shall enter.” the Holy Spirit will be with you on your journeys. trust and believe and keep praying on any matter you are struggling with and I assure you, you will be at peace in this life and the next and He will not lead you astray!
Thank you for your kind hospitality and generosity in offering up your church as a refuge.
I’m Protestant. I have a church. I’m not going for reasons outside of church. When those issues resolve, I will get to go back.
I’m in a majority unchurched city. So, I come off as the eccentric oddball.
You really can’t. Ephesians 2:
We follow the law because we are saved. We cannot be saved by following the law.
I’m phrasing that wrong. I’m in a majority unchurched city. So when I am talking to anyone about anything, the default position isn’t go to church. So, if someone asks, I make the comparison to yoga: you show up, you stretch. You aren’t that good at it, you stretch, eventually you might get some of it down, and sometimes people hit enlightenment. So, instead of expecting a blinding light of epiphany the first time you go to church- and everyone really expects a big epiphany- they really do, for some reason- why not just try? Show up, go along, sing, stand, pray along, hang out afterwards at the coffee stand, go to a class, volunteer, try choir. Just see if you like it. You don’t have to like everything, or understand it all, or anything. Just see if you like being around these particular people. Or, try another church, maybe, or not. But when you do, stick around and see what happens. You try different yoga studios, or pilates or barre. Try different churches. But once you get a yoga studio, you tend to stay. Same thing.
I mean, I’m Christian, and I am mostly around people who are not. So, somehow I am simultaneously the dumbest, stupidest, most gullible person they know and also the person who is going to judge them and set them on a bonfire or otherwise oppress them. Or I’m in the wrong denomination, and am completely mistaken. Or I’m a doormat or I am manipulative and evil. Or I’m an extremist because I actually read my Bible at all. It’s a lot of baggage that I’m not sure why anyone is unloading on me about, since I don’t generally go around mentioning that I am Christian, or that I go to church when I can. I don’t talk about holiness.
Or I’m doing it wrong. Which, I’m just, of course. I never said I was a good Christian. I just wonder how these people have this checklist in their heads of what a Good Christian has to be. It’s like high school. You show up. Eventually something soaks in. There’s a valedictorian. Then there’s everybody else, and they get their degree, too.
None of us are good Christians. That’s the point of grace. We can’t do it on our own. We try to be better because of gratitude for our salvation, not because we can do good enough to do it on our own.
“Revolutionary cancer vaccine simultaneously kills and prevents brain tumors (glioblastoma).”
Wow, wouldn’t it be great if we had honorable vaccine companies that we could trust. As it is, I wouldn’t take anything they offer as there’s no telling what’s in it.
Their current offering causes cancers, Problem reaction solution eh!
Yeah, kinda hard to trust them when you know they don’t mind you being their human lab rats. And they mean to have their children, like Hunter biden, rule over yours forever.
People who are dying quickly anyway can be the test subjects.
In 10 or 20 years the rest of us can look at how it worked out for them
This breakdown of Kim Clemment’s prophecy, but I think it’s actually THIS YEAR – 2023 – that it’s meant for. Entirely possible that I am wrong.
95% sure Kim Clemment was the real deal
Merci Beaucoup! It was worth the watch. Trey Smith’s video in fall of 2016 before the election of 2016 – Trump and the Coming Landslide was so inspired. The pro Hillary propaganda was everywhere and Trey made his video with prophets who all accurately predicted a Trump landslide. He also included a montage of newscasters and politicians predicting Trump could never win; with Janet Reno stating “Trump would never be President in her lifetime”. Trey Smith later mentioned that he went so far out on a limb making that video that he knew if he was wrong his career would be over. The day of the election he saw the headline that Janet Reno had died!
Antenna packages are being setup in Utah and no one seems to know anything about it.
snowboarders are a menace.
While skiers zigzag down a slope, many snowboarders cut straight across and have trouble stopping.
I saw many skiers taken out by snowboarders.
I feel the same about Cross-Country Skiers.
With all the “liberals” fleeing the “diversity enrichment” in the cities to nature, moron skiers skiing on trails for snowmobiling only, and then bitching about the snowmobilers.
Skiers, remind me of the bicycle / jogging crowd. Entitled vaginas that want everyone to pay for their shit and do little to nothing for the local economy. Snowmobilers spend $$ on the gear/equipment + Tax Revenue. They pay for “Registration” and “Trail Use” fees to their local state. Snowmobilers have clubs that generate more money and give to causes. Snowmobilers buy fuel, supplies, food, and entertainment from local businesses.
Near my house, some dumb bitch rode her bicycle down a narrow 45mph two lane road that had no bicycle trail and was killed. So her family took the sob story to the city and state and got a grant from the state (aka my tax dollars). The family had some kinda fundraiser that raised a couple thousand dollars. They put in a bike trail along the road she was killed. Since there are not registration fees or use fees, this trail will need to be resurfaced in 10 years and who’s going to pay for it?
There shouldn’t be a fucking trail in the first place. When the family took the sob story to the city, we should have said sorry for you loss, but your mom/wife/sister/daughter was stupid and left it like that. If that didn’t work, I would have said your mom was a selfish cunt who couldn’t think about anyone else except herself or was functionally retarded. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Just watched a movie called Humanity Bureau, 2017, and stars Nicholas Cage. Surprised they were even allowed to make that movie, really. Even now they wouldn’t make it, I’d bet.
it’s Nick Cage, but it’s a good dystopian movie, and even has Trump in it.