News Briefs – 01/07/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


In a three part series, Neon Revolt names names and explains exactly what happened with the Seth Rich murder. Rosentein (who was apparently selling classified information himself on the side) wanted a thumb drive from Rich that had classified emails on it, so he had a DEA Agent send some MS-13 after him to get it, they shot him, and were later murdered by that DEA agent when they were supposed to get paid. The letter on page two, which had been sent to Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch, lays out what happened, and points out the guy who shot PI Jack Burkeman, (who had actually volunteered to help him investigate Rich’s murder, IRC) was also involved in Seth’s killing. It looks like Fitton was either Cabal, or afraid to look into this, so this guy basically showed his hand to the enemy when he approached Judicial Watch. If you are curious who federal prosecutor Ryan D White, the guy supplying all this intel is, there is a blurb here.

Emerald Robinson tweets, “… Democrats and the Republicans want to “invoke the 25th Amendment” tonight: because they don’t want President Trump to declassify any more information.”

Maggie Halbermann – “A source said the 25th Amendment discussions are staff-based within the administration and with some Republicans on the Hill, and …… stem from growing concern about the next two weeks and the potential for insurrections around the country.”

While I don’t have access to the intelligence to say to you it is 100% that President Trump will win, one person who would know is General Michael Flynn, and he says on a scale of one to ten, on how likely it is Donald J. Trump will continue to be our President, he says it is a ten. One thing I can tell you 100% is that such a state of affairs will not come about in a boring fashion. It means we have upon us, the Happening of Happenings. The full interview is here, and although Gen Flynn looked uneasy around Alex at a previous function, he seemed quite fond of him here, which is always interesting.

Covered already, but this is a good rundown for what was presented much more complexly before – Global defense contractor IT expert testifies in Italian court he and others switched votes in the U.S. presidential race using Italian defense contractor’s satellites to try and bypass internet monitoring.

At the Trump rally, the crowd was massive.

Police allowed MAGA protesters to pass through the lines to get on the Capitol steps.

Lin Wood retweeted a call for people to enter the Capitol and sit in the People’s seats, where our legislators sit. It would seem the entry of the Capitol was part of the plan. (Tweet was killed by the nuking of Lin’s account between me grabbing it for here, and publishing this.)

In our comments, the always reliable Phelps says,

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Storm is Upon Us.

Reports on twitter are that protestors are grabbing hard drives from the office computers in various capitol offices.

This is the cover for disclosure. With those drives “in the wild” Trump can release whatever anonymously and blame it on the “stolen hard drives.”

This is a glorious day.

Donald — the tree needs watering.

Someone tweeted that one tweet related the Capitol was being stormed, before Trump supporters ever showed up. Trump was late to the speech, which set the timetable behind. Somebody put that tweet on a timed delay.

Paul Sperry confirms FBI says at least one busload of Antifa infiltrated the Trump rally in Trump gear. And they are not just random kids making it up as they go along. They had CIA-level intel, and CIA-level planning and organization behind them when they showed up. They had a plan.

This guy was photographed in the Capitol, and there is even a photo of him on the Congressional floor, however he is confirmed as previously being a BLM/Antifa/Climate/leftist activist. Another with him in the first photo was displaying a communist hand tattoo, and /pol found him on an Antifa website.




Pence said he could not send contested electors back to respective states because he believed “he did not have authority to adjourn congress,” but Congress is now adjourned due to the entry of protesters, and Pence has not done anything. So Pence was given a chance, and knowingly acted to further the conspiracy. You can see how the longer the spider’s web is left operational, the more criminal flies it catches. There would be no benefit to rushing. I can’t tell you 100% this is the plan, or Trump absolutely won, or Cabal did not manage to skirt the boundary and escape, but at the same time, nothing here is indicative of Trump and Q having not won either. Q has always said, the military is the only way it would go. And given the fact the entire government, from courts, to politicians. to private business and citizens, is united in conspiracy, and we are undoubtedly looking at a Soros Color Revolution, and what will follow will be a complete dictatorship at some point, Q is assuredly correct. And then there is Flynn, above, saying we are 10 out of 10 that Trump will win. I would actually think it was going to go like this even if I was just an observer, and hadn’t seen what is going on in this nation firsthand.

Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short on Wednesday accused President Trump of revoking his White House access as tensions between Pence and Trump continued to deteriorate.

Twitter and Facebook give Trump temporary suspensions. He cannot post on Twitter for 24 hours. Vox Day has the deleted Trump statement telling people to go home, and we need peace. Another deleted Trump Tweet is here. CodeMonkey speculates twitter deleted the call to go home, because if people did not disburse in the face of that statement, Trump could have triggered the Insurrection Act.

Lin Wood’s account was completely nuked by twitter.

This account, which I believe was Lin’s company account, posted this tweet, saying Pence liked 13, 14, and 15 year old boys, and was nuked as well. I’ve always suspected if I had been a child molester when coverage showed up, I’d have gone places. It is very sad to find out the world was like that, and everyone was playing you.


Facebook removing calls for peaceful protests in DC, as well as photos and videos from protestors.

A girl trying to climb through a door was shot, video of the moment here. Woman is ID’d as an Air Force vet and Trump supporter.

Infowars gives a recap of “witnesses” claiming cops said they did it, though you don’t see it on the video. I suspect many of those inside the Capitol were Antifa, and I would not put it past Soros to employ his Color Revolution model, and have one of his own people bring in a firearm and shoot a random girl in the building.

Facial recognition firm claims Antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol – software matched two Philadelphia Antifa members to two men inside the Senate.

Mitch McConnell to rebuke GOP challenge to certify Electoral College vote.

Lin Wood says Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch is comped, and was given information about the Seth Rich murder, and didn’t release it. Unfortunately the link is now dead due to his twitter getting nuked. He means the letter in the first link above about Rosenstein and Seth Rich. My guess is Fitton is in the network, though there is a very small, infinitesimal possibility he is just afraid of it. Again, if you end up in the shit, and think to yourself of an organization made explicitly to expose Cabal shitbaggery and help you, and go to them, they will prove to be actually run by a Cabal asset. For a long time, Cabal has been infiltrating operatives and plugging chinks in their armor, long before anyone ever tried to exploit them. It is very irritating how many people are not filled with the spirit of America, and moreover view anyone who is, as some sort of lesser rube.

Lin Wood also says he has hard evidence Mike Pence is a traitor. And a Child Molester. Again, these links have since been nuked. Pence was a heartbeat from the Presidency, so it is not surprising they owned him. His only chance was President Trump found somebody honest in the party, but in retrospect it was a slim one. I always thought his wife had the feel of a Cabal infiltration agent. Just think about all the attempts on Trump’s life, and how close we were.

Lin says Schumer is an Epstein buddy and a sexual deviant.

Former Bush/Reagan speechwriter calls for Trump to be immediately Impeached and removed. What is weird is I always felt like I could just have easily have been one of them. I would have thought, if you could do the job, and get along, and met the right people, you could be right up there. Never would have thought you’d have to rape a child on camera, or sell secrets to the Commies, or murder someone, or something else. But you can see how even these pudgy, harmless appearing geeks like this guy must have serious shit they need to keep hidden.

David Perdue loses 30,000 votes live on the air.

Amy Coello’s team were in Georgia yesterday and they found shredded ballots In Dell boxes – the Police wanted to confiscate their phones with evidence.

Kelly Loeffler says, “When I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now in good conscience object to the certification of these electors.”

Rand Paul says he supports approving Biden as President, but he does it from an “undisclosed location.” Was it even Rand? Why not show up in person?

Lindsey Graham sells out President Trump. If these characters are to be punished, it is necessary to show their supporters this – they know there was a fraudulent election, they know if we let it go, we will never have another honest election, because Biden will never fix the fraud, and he will only open more holes, and yet at the critical moment, they all turned swords on the one man willing to fight.

Josh Hawley still has Trump’s back.

Steve Scalise, who they tried to kill, stands up for President Trump.

Matt Gaetz stands for Trump.

New York governor deploying members of New York National Guard to D.C.

From here. The order to deploy the National Guard came from Pence to Acting Defense Secretary Miller. Trump remains commander-in-chief, Pence is not “vice” commander-in-chief, so this is highly unusual, if not extra-constitutional

Dems call on Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to oust Trump from office.

Corporate group urges officials to consider quick removal of Trump.

Jim Jordan blasts Democrats, saying “Four years and forty million dollars on the Russian hoax, but we can’t look into an election that 60 million Americans think was stolen!?”

Chinese Communist Party says Joe Biden is a ‘new window of hope’ for the Sino–U.S. relationship.

Pelosi appoints AOC, and other ‘Squad’ members to the powerful Oversight Committee.

A vice president of facilities for Columbia University has been arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 13.

Parents outraged to find ‘inappropriate’ content In Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa game for 6-year-olds. Cards ask questions like have you ever walked in on someone naked, or had someone walk in on you? Or have you ever go outside without underwear on?

Danish network launches children’s show about a man with a giant penis.

With no lockdown or mask mandate, Florida has roughly same hospitalization level as 2018 flu season.

NYSE bans Chinese telecom stocks afterall, in second about-face of the week.

Vernon Jones, Georgia House Representative, will switch parties from Democrat to Republican.

Trump officially instructs DOJ to classify Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.

President Trump’s 1776 Commission plans to unite Americans in ‘a rediscovery of a shared identity.’

Spread r/K Theory, because ANTIFA are terrorists.

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Dawit Habtemariam
Dawit Habtemariam
4 years ago

Did you see what Dan Scavino said on Twitter?

Reply to  Dawit Habtemariam
4 years ago

Learn to read mor carefully before you start cucking. That tweet does NOT mean Trump is conceding.

Reply to  Dawit Habtemariam
4 years ago

Something about an orderly transition?

Reply to  Dawit Habtemariam
4 years ago

If you refer to the ‘peaceful transition’ statement Sec. of State Mike Pompeo explained this back on Nov. 10th.

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.”

1st 20 seconds. 🙂

Reply to  speakn2pabst
4 years ago

Great news! My heart has been lifted. Godspeed Mr. President!

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“Police allowed MAGA protesters to pass through the lines to get on the Capitol steps.”

That’s the real story here. Capital Police let them in so Antifa agitators could break stuff. It was planned so GOP fancibois would have an excuse to cuck. They even protected the Antifa who were bused in. How long can this go on? Assume every urban LEO is cabal guys.

4 years ago

A while ago, FBIAnon used to make claims about Pence similar to Lin Wood.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

“Rand Paul says he supports approving Biden as President, but he does it from an “undisclosed location.” ”

Noooo, not the hecking Randerino (thou unironically, I expected more from him, hopefully it was not even him saying that shit, but if he did, well, another traitor successfully smoked out).


He sold out after the attacks, he should have resigned instead.

Now he is the RandeRINO.

He refused to object and voted against the objections.

I was a Ron and Rand Paul supporter but both have espoused the idiotic theory that states have a right to cheat if they want and only the states involved can correct it, Massie has also jumped on that idea so you can forget about him as well.

4 years ago

I salute Ashli Babbit!!! May she rest in Peace! God Bless her.

Air Force Veteran—Four tours of duty! Wow. thank You Ashli Babbit! You are a TRUE American Patriot!

I salute you.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

RIP, Patriot. Heart wrenching to see.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Yes, God Bless her. She was unarmed and had cops behind her when she was shot. Whoever shot her also endangered the security around her. It was murder.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Ashli Babbitt, you’re always going to be remembered.


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

AC introduced me to Vox Days blog, do you have any other sites you like to frequent Lembro? I have to short attention span to frequent /pol/ I’ve realised. The slide threads always bait me in, sooner rather than later.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

Thanks for the tips. Whats with the (((Israel)))-palestine news?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

They publish some useful info, despite being left leaning. Just like with any other place, use your critical thinking, take the pearls and discard the noise.

Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

I have a site you may like: my thread at homeland security forum where you learn about the Conspiracy and Cultural Marxism

And then, my name is linked to my website on academia, it’s only academic items though.

Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

/pol/ is much more readable if you add word filters. For example, adding “tranny”, “trannies”, “LGBT” etc., will filter out many time-wasting threads and comments. Once you have been caught by a slide thread, try to find any keywords to prevent it from appearing in the future. You won’t be able to filter everything, but it is pretty easy to get rid of the sexual, gender, and race stuff.

Alternatively, you could go to, click on a “Q Research General” thread, and then read the “Notables” which is similar to what AC does where he picks out interesting news articles.

Question for everyone else, what are your word filter lists?

Reply to  Tom
4 years ago

Thanks for this. There’s a guy called Paul Furber, you can access his site at, who keeps track of two guys called bdanon and bdanon’s friend in the cia on 4chan. I have no idea how he extracts their particular posts from the chan. I was wondering if you knew the trick.

I’m fairly savy on filtering 4chan using basic scripts and such but how does Paul know how to grab those posts in particular?

The posts are also very interesting. I mean take it what you will but the information and the timing of their release is interesting.

Reply to  david
4 years ago

It’s only showing 3 posts for me, is this correct?

Reply to  david
4 years ago

Correction, 4 posts.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Tom
4 years ago

No filters here, ever.
Easy for psyop shills to weaponize, mainly in creating false concensus.
And also because I like to keep up with what the enemy is doing.


kek. so you’re pretty updated on the price of canadian beef and chicken?

Reply to  Tom
4 years ago

Do you have problem with pictures not loading on 8kun? They stopped loading for me around a half a year ago. It’s too bad they Shoa’d infinitychan, that was a special place, that unfortunately 8kun never managed to restore. Anyone have a clue as to where the infinitychan userbase spread?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

My biggest disappointment from yesterday is that we didn’t turn the Capitol Building into an autonomous zone.

We could’ve called it PEZ (Pedo Evisceration Zone) since CHAZ is already taken.

4 years ago

Naw, Schumer? Come on. Just look at that sweet face. He probably eats them alive after he rapes them.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  mobiuswolf
4 years ago
4 years ago

> With no lockdown or mask mandate, Florida has roughly same hospitalization level as 2018 flu season.
Fake news! Rethuglicans! We only want TRUE facts! THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!! Eleventy!!!

4 years ago

Bill Whittle has read r/K theory. In a video up today you get his take on it. Spreading:

Reply to  OvS
4 years ago

He’s a bit behind the curve, but hopefully catching up. I used to be a regular reader of his old site, “Eject, Eject, Eject.” I wish his old essays were still available. “Tribes” was a must read. Anyway, it’s nice to see that some people are getting up to speed, even it if took a while.

I think he is underestimating just how those of us on the right are seeing the current situation. The crowd in DC certainly was aware that rule of law is out the window at this point and that means that armed rebellion is now seriously on the table for many people. Whittle is just now starting to see the reality we have been watching for some time.

4 years ago

The only way is to fight thru. Everyone who will be is already marked for death. Same for everyone marked for re-education. Most of the rest wont be bothered with other than the SOP cabal applies already, that program remains because its useful and practical. There’s levels of cabal below what even .9999991 % who got the idea what cabal is don’t see because they have to be aware of it in a way that only happens one way. They aren’t aware of it because they weren’t part of cabal, or rather victims, from the time they began to have memory. They are ones who even the most savvy see as the tinfoil hats, like normies see those who are victims of gang stalking as conspiracy quacks and mentally troubled.
Thats how far down cabal goes controlling people. And those people who have known all their lives, .9999991% of them don’t know, the mind job of control is so effective from the time they first remember, even when they are gang stalked later in their lives they don’t make the connection. Thats how deep the gang stalk goes. And they do it using the one tool that is so incredibly effective. Its why pedo. Why pedo permeates everything. Its pedo that connects globo=pedo. Makes pedo so powerful over so many.
And its so effective, for a particular reason, its impossible for ones who where never victim of that one tool, can not fathom, an effectiveness because of the r/K Selection Theory, because the amygdala doesnt talk to the conscious brain in words, the tool reaches down so deep when it is used before or around the time where people first remember they have memories, to fathom it, you have to have the tool used on you then, and why those who the tool was used on when they first began to have memory of their memories do not see it, do not see it because the tool is that effective. Its a new brain programming technique. They got to get to you early for the best results. The tiny number whose amygdala somehow helps them survive, or a link happens, and they learn to listen to their amygalda, are seen by others as crazy or have no idea what they are talking about. Of course they do. How can they not see it this way. They do not have the key reference point. So to them they are right, and they are, but not all the way. They lack the key. So much so its almost impossible to convey it to them in language, in part because the amygdala doesn’t communicate in language, it does by being instinct, and gut sense, and those who survive the tool in the sense the tool wasn’t able to alter them to be, to always act, to think, behave, as a victim. To the predators within cabal, they can spot these tool crated victim from a mile away. The ones who survive develop survival traits with a vengeance, they are feared in a special way by cabal, and watched, because cabal fears them, because cabal like those who the tool was not used on can’t fathom, cabal also doesn’t know what it doesn’t know. Some of these survivors are just that, survivors, and are very dangerous because they communicate with their amygdala, unlike .9999999 %.
You have to fight thru. You can not give up. You never stop. You have to use every tool there is. Never quit. Or you loose. Cabal wins. You have to become so dangerous in this way, in every way, so fearless cabal can not get its lever under you. Cabal then is the one who takes council from its fears. This is how you win. You say fuck this and flip the fucking table over and open fire. Nothing makes cabal afraid like people who do this. You weaponize fear against cabal.

This comment is already too long.
I understand the concern about opsec and sensibilities. I even asked AC to shitcan anything he sees fit I wrote on here. I’m not hogging the spotlight, though I’m sure it seems that way. I’ve never known till thinking all night, how to say what I’m saying right now this instance. AC actually sprung it loose so to say.
But think, are you taking council of your fears? Be honest, with yourself. Thats the first step.
But you guys got to figure this out or we are all toast.
We need more people.
Its possible.
Very. I think it was called being barbarian, maybe berserker state, you see it, soldiers with nine wounds who save 50 others and never stop.
When you somehow survive the tool not only do you not take council from your fears, not only does fear not control you, you use fear as a tool for your use within. Thats being fearless. You can not be controlled. Fear has no controlling effect. Cabal see’s this in an instant in you. Because the tool is fear. Fear cant be used against you. It is a different kind of dangerous. Very dangerous. Cabal finds itself out of its element. It really fucks with them, they don’t know what to do with it.
There’s ones who got the comm’s with their amygdala and lots of way that happens, not just like I just described.
But we all got to start recognizing it and listening and follow the lead.

In for a penny in for a pound as they say, or at the verge of combat, there’s nothing for it… Here goes nothing.

My father and mother where cabal, low level, like gangstalkers. I was shopped from my earliest memories till I was able to run away. Both of them where pedos, they where in a group of pedoa that stretched from NH, to Main, to Mass. It was extensive like you can not fathom. They took kids and traded them like baseball cards, this girl in one family for that boy in another, they made us stay in each-others company, us kids, kept us under their eyes constantly watching us to see how we behaved, and some like my father physically terrorized me, he never let up, it was control and rage and shame and hate and he was a junky for it all, this simmering smoking desire for utter control, so much so he had uncontrollable need to punch me to the unconscious state, wait for my brain to boot up, and do it again, screaming I better answer him, it is total fucking madness, and your mind disconnects to survive, and your amygdala and it link up, its survival mechanism. rarely anyone tells about it, first how can you tell people about pedo, the tool is so effective, some it is normal, you really dont know its different outside pedo, how can you, its all you know when your 5 and its what they always did to you, extrapolate out, its cabal in the macro as its in the micro, its cabal.
There are entire families, 7 kids, aunts uncles, moms and dads cousins family friends, everyone who are pedo’s, even 6 and 8 year old girls, and they sick their pedo kids on you, for sport, sadism, control, lot of reasons, in a way it was worse than being shared by 5 men in a cabin in Township 29 in Maine for 3 days, nothing is as vicious as predator kids. And the girls are savages. 11 brothers and sisters, on a farm, totally isolated, the pedo parents leave you, they go away, leave all these kids, pedos and victims, for a day, or 3 even, with maybe 1 or 3 other kids, to get a work-over by their feral pedo kids. Its a network, don’t fucking kid yourself, for a second. And it dont end at that, they think up sadistic shit shit you cant imagine.
Thru your kid life you find yourself trapped by all sorts of pedos in the neighborhood where you live, you trust nobody, nothing, your amygdala knows whats dangerous or not. Your a victim, they see you, you stick out like a sire thumb, pedo teachers, the bus driver, they see the effects, the body english, how the eyes move, how you interact with your school mates, just put a big red flashing neon arrow over your head, you stick out.

The fear you got is so dark so primal, its euphoric, literally, you can taste it on your tongue, its a smell totally like nothing else, a few times the smell was so intense like getting an electric shock and nose buzzing smell of ozone like a lightning bot hit 5 feet away. And you have acuity of the world thats a million times faster than normal, everything crawls to a creep around you, its the anygdala in survival mode. There’s this link creates itself, because all you do all the time is survive, and you learn to listen and instantly without hesitation to trust it, its really the only friend you have. If it sounds fucked up, you fuckin know it, it is fucked up, everything is fucked up, you got no solid reference points, no example to learn or live by, its total survival and thats what it is. From senators to stay at home moms, cops, person working in the penny candy store, woman, moms are pedos too, its a network, really, a secret cabal, they all know each-other, entire little NH towns almost filled with them, gang stalking makes total sense, its a network, those gang stalkers, they probably came out of the pedo network I’m telling you about here. In fact I know it. Know it because what I’m telling you. And you got to know it, more important than that, knowing it dont mastter, accepting the scope and scale, and the utter disregard for those not in the network, you are like a prop in a set in a secret world, you ain’t even there, except when the netwotk must interact as it must as a secret network must, it always needs people for its tools its survival of the network after all. Pedo connects all.
You cant let them win, not now not later, its not when do we fight globo=poedo, its we fight globo=pedo. Not later. Not tomorrow, not after 1-20, its every day you fight globo=pedo. Every Day. Its hard to grok. I know. I been surviving every day, always aware, always resisting, in the head in the heart in meatspace. But I did and I have and regardless of the abject terror and aloneness pedo imprints on you little soul, I survive and thank God for it everyday, and a guy like Trump comes along or you discover a guy like AC, you are empowered, you ain’t alone. Thats not taking council from your fears. And if you haven’t inferred it, its not pedo the tool, gang stalkers the tool, its fear as the weapon, fear as weapon is power. Big mojo, it works, ask yourself, be honest, whats your fears, and you might grok cabal has you, no matter how much you might deny it. But conquering your fear is conquering cabal, its the key the start. They cant win if they cant control.

I was very fortunate. My grandparents took me away when it was possible, they where scared of their son, but stood up to him, never knew how much they new, its very interesting, but they knew enough, and that little bit of refuge and unconditional love saved me, from prison, death, being a murderer or heroine k\junky, or a total fucking wack job, who knows, it would have been bad. Or maybe, its why I escaped the network. And why I been checked up on and watched and subjected to efforts to bring me back into the network. Why I’m not taking the dirt nap, cant say, but I have survived quite a few things which should have killed me. Because my amygdala and my regular brain created a kind of survival alliance. These I do know sure as shit.
Survival is at stake.

Thanks for everything AC. The survival and surveillance resources you created rock.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Thanks for your testimony, wv, and now another piece of the puzzle fits. I always wondered how predators know who to victimise.
It is hard to know how to reply to an experience as grave as yours. The last thing I want to be is insensitive or jarring in response.
I just want to write to say how deeply I respect all survivors who made it to adulthood without going mad and have shed light on the worst, most depraved section of our society. for the rest of us.
We will never be safe while they exist.
I admire people like you, Anneke Lukas and Fiona Barnett. It is because of your willingness to speak out that people are waking up to evil in our midst that talk like us, seem like us but defile all life with their calculated depravity.
What you wrote was hard to read, I am sending prayers and love to you. I don’t know how a person heals from that kind of childhood but I take some comfort that you have made a life for yourself and that you never turned into them but instead took the path of light and freedom, come what may.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


Every Western world leader is on the same page. They all want to crush nascent nationalist movements, which is why they parrot each other every time a nationalist movement in one nation strikes out at their globohomo empire.

It’s why shitlibs in America howled indignantly about Brexit and why shitlibs in Germany express brow-furrowed consternation over populist revolts in the US.

I’ll add the note that they want to crush all nationalist movements except one, zionism, which is Jewish ethno-nationalism. Fuck them all.


God, how I miss Chateu Heatiste.

Is it only Gab that he is active on?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

As far as I know, after his blog got nuked he is on Gab exclusively.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Over on voxday some people are pointing out signs that the go home video might be a deep fake. Eyebrows, suddenly grey hair, etc. Although, when I was under stress, my hair greyed overnight too. Literally.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

those people are idiots.

Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

Your concern is noted.

Enjoy the deepfake that was just posted on Trump’s accounts, which is a MUCH more obvious deepfake.

4 years ago

The take-aways from the Capitol:

1) The ability to take “secured” government buildings was just demonstrated. Quantity has a quality of its own. When the shit hit the fan, the Praetorian Guard ran away, and the pols were forced to flee with the few guards who weren’t able to run away themselves (who also panicked re: #5.)

2) Congress, rather than negotiating or even keeping the status quo, escalated. That guarantees further escalation from the mob. They aren’t treating this as 4G warfare, and they should. The best thing for our cause, overall, is outsized retribution — and outsized is now measured against how they handled the last eight months of rioting.

3) The People looked dangerous. The Cabal was sure that the People were weak. This is a game changer. They will start treating the People like they are dangerous, which means that they will have to be more subtle, and everything about this screams that they are on a timetable and deadline. They are going to be trying balance those, and frankly, our current Cabal is incompetent.

4) The State looks weak. This combined with the People being dangerous encourages more people to pose a danger to the State, because the State is toothless. The lack of a leader to point to (they are trying to make it Trump, but he wisely stayed at the WH) is probably directly related to their premature arrest of Enrique Tarrio. If they had left him on the field, he could have been blamed, but he also likely would have pulled them back before the shooting.

5) The State looks scared and hypocritical. The state panicked and shot an unarmed woman. If they prosecute the pig, then they lose the will for other pigs to continue to protect them. If they don’t prosecute the pig, they further damage their BLM propaganda. Widespread anti-black sentiment will light a wildfire they can’t control. EIther way, that was a loss for the state. No one who was there is in the “that could have been me” mindset. They are in the “they are murderous bastards” mindset.

I think it feels demoralizing because of the vote taken. It shouldn’t be. That was something that was set weeks ago. They planned to do it in a way that cost them nothing and gained them everything. Now, the state has paid a high price in political and 4G warfare capital for this state of the coup, at best making it a wash, and potentially being the first mistake in a failure cascade on the part of the cabal. Double-plus good if it actually started as a cabal false flag that turned into a true flag.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago


Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

Saw the video of the woman getting shot and killed, looks like an assassination. She was targeted long before she got to DC and murdered. And there just happened to be a camera there to film it all, what a coincidence.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

yes. this.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

The more I think about it she seems like the key to the whole fake news narrative, her death is their justification that Orange Man Bad. I would love to know the chronology of events that lead her to be there at the moment some shadow pops out of nowhere and fires one perfect shot.

Who did she travel from California to DC with to go to the rally? Did she go alone? How did she wind up in the Capitol building? Would it be a surprise if we found out she was lead to be there?

And who shot her? Cop? FBI? Some cabal spook employed by Nancy Pelosi et al to guarantee a dead body in the capital? There was three cops with rifles right fucking behind her who looked very freaked out at the shooting.

AC did a great story on the Trump guy who was targeted, followed and had a whole hit team assigned to him at that rally over the summer, forgot where it was. Oklahoma? That murder was also filmed perfectly from a guy across the street who conveniently lowered the camera so as not to reveal the hit teams faces when they walked by him.

A deep dig on her might reveal more coincidences.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
4 years ago

Or she didn’t die and it was a show. Blanks and some fake blood.

4 years ago

Why is SecDef Miller cooperating with Pence? I thought he was the Green Beret guy with tons of psyop experience who was going to fight against the color revolution, not for it.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

Because this is all a big game, and Q was a massive psyop?

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

and you’re a black pilled faggot

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

I’ll entertain any possible scenario, and the one I mentioned is definitely within the realm of the possible.

Too bad your fragile psyche can’t handle that without lashing out like a child.

And if you can’t handle a single sentence, then there is no way you will successfully handle any Storm or revolution.

4 years ago

Does the U.S. military really want Chicom agent Cho Bai Den to get his hands on the nuclear launch codes?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

They don’t care because the nukes don’t work.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

Nuclear weapons are a hoax. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were fire bombed by 60+ B-29s. The videos you see are nothing more than Hollywood special FXs.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

I’ve read those claims about Nuclear bombs being fake before. Can you provide a link please? Something that explains the B-29s?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Ralph Jones
4 years ago

Hey also were still thriving cities with 10 years of being “nuked”
what happened to the irradiated wasteland we were all promised?

I want my money back!

4 years ago

The puzzling question: How does Cabal gain such loyalty from its members?

They appear to fear consequences more than they fear their own death, as they seem to even suicide themselves rather than receive their punishment, going out on every limb, doing everything asked of them.

Ronald Bernard, the Dutch middleman banking “whistleblower”——who spoke of moving money for the big banks, terror groups, intel ops, etc, and described these disparate organisations as all being the same one entity——was asked why he doesn’t name specific names and why he is allowed to speak at all, and he said he will not name names because he was tortured on his way out. Presumably he doesn’t fear being killed, but instead fears being sent back to some sort of permanent torture. Whether he is genuine or not, we do not know. He certainly has a “torture victim” vibe about him, as a lot of these Cabal folks do.

1. There must obviously be drugs that cause maximum pain in all your nerves. Someone could be kept quite alive and conscious while enduring the most pain they could imagine. The member would then be warned if they double cross they will be returned to this state of torture, in some underground facility, permanently.

That would seem a lot of motive. However, consider this in addition:

Full article:

2. Drugs that slow ones perception of time, to make a minute of torture last a year.

You could get an unbelievably cruel taste of an extreme torture for 20 minutes and it would seem like several years. From then on you would be living under the threat of being sent back to an eternal torture hell for the rest of your life. The only way to escape this fate is obedience or suicide. Upon any minor anti-Cabal transgression, they could take their members for one day into an underground torture complex filled with the endless screams of prior victims, and give them what would feel like years or decades of torture, and then put them back in play.

Conclusion: The sickos created a literal hell of eternal punishment, and they give you a taste of it when you join and more of it when you question your orders. If you move against them, that is where you will spend the rest of your life. They won’t kill you if you step against them, they will fake your death and send you back to a seemingly-eternal punishment in the hell they created here on earth. Hell could well be a real place to these people, a place they have visited. Similarly, they likely have drug-enhanced “heavenly pleasure gardens” and all that stuff too. Orgasms that seem to last an hour, blah blah blah. The 1970s movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory about missing children in a secret candy garden inside an industrial plant.. that may have been Cabal having a bit of fun with us. Never say yes to the golden ticket.

Super summary: These materialist cultists have most likely created their own heaven pleasure gardens and hell pain pits here on earth that feel like they last eternity, to keep each other in line, and you can be sent there to experience years in a day. They have the means, they have the motive.

That is exactly the kind of thing they would do, and exactly the kind of horror that would guarantee the level of loyalty and fear we see from these people. It also likely underpins their insular esoteric Satanic religious narrative. They fight to avoid the hell they have seen and been promised. They all seem to fear punishment from their fellow Cabal members far more than they fear anything the citizens and patriots could do to them. The consequences of disobedience must take a total grip of their minds, and be something as truly severe as this.

They fear being sent back to hell, by the World Pharaoh living underneath Switzerland, or whatever oddity is truly ruling us from whatever strange place..

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

Was thinking exactly the same thing this week.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

I think you’re onto something, sculptural fren.

Reply to  WesternMan
4 years ago

or they don want to hang from lampposts and/or get diddled by fellow dinrats in prison.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

So Congress was offered their last chance by Trump yesterday, the Intel community is being offered it’s last chance today.

4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Toppest kek of the new year, can’t wait to see the salt on the 21st (I think the market is going to get so flooded people will be getting paid to take some of it home):

“Zimbabwean Serving in DC National Guard Is Spokesman for US Military”

Aren’t you glad that zimbo woman saved the USofA democracy from bad orange hitler? Kek



OMG that is fucking hilarious! Now come out of the concrete jungle and see what happens in “Indian Country”.

4 years ago

The latest from Trump:

I didn’t hear a concession.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Deepfake. Look at the neck at 1:30-1:45.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Voxday is calling this a deep fake. Lots of comments on the post. I watched it several times with the sound down and there is something about it that’s just weird. It feels off.

4 years ago

Dr.Darrell Scott
Just got off the phone with the Potus. All is well! #MAGAFOREVER

4 years ago

Registration is open again at Libertyauthors.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Cabal surveilance/gang stalking related:

The ADL isn’t merely a Jewish advocacy group — it’s actively involved in domestic spying and espionage, according to former California Senator, Jack B. Tenney’s exposé, The Anti-Defamation League And The Fight To Save America:

The CIA and FBI are tinker-toys compared to the ADL. We are beginning to understand something of the magnitude of the ADL’s operations. We are beginning to appreciate the vast spy network sprawling over the nation and throughout the world. Our imagination is staggered by its apparent control of the avenues of communication. Their secret agents spy upon American citizens. Extensive files and dossiers are compiled on those with whom they disagree. Through their multitudinous controls of the media of communication, they are capable of destroying reputations and silencing all rebuttal.

With over $90 million in assets, the Anti-Defamation League has become enormously wealthy and powerful by pretending to be “wildly offended” about even the most innocuous comments made by anyone, anywhere, public or private.


The ADL was founded to try to protect a Jewish pedophile that raped and murdered a 14 year old female child and then tried to put the blame on a Black employee of his. Her name was Mary Phagan and the Jewish pedo rapist and murderer name was Leo Frank.

4 years ago

The “concession” video today in front of the flags strikes me as a black hat deep fake. The timing of its release as a single break in their control of his Twitter, the overall context of events, it seems out of place. A friend who is in the movie business said it was green screened. To me, the mouth movements and body language are good but not perfect – I detect the Uncanny Valley. I think the one yesterday in the Rose garden was him but prerecorded and meant to buy time, this one strikes me as a deep fake.

Reply to  Otodo
2 years ago

what  “concession” video ?

Link pls

Anonymous Observer
Anonymous Observer
4 years ago

From E on Parler:

1 hour ago
Trump has not conceded, and God willing, he will not and we will yet overcome the obstacles before us. Through his Presidency, we have seen the true nature of the Deep State exposed like never before. From the very beginning they crafted false narratives to alienate people toward him, and they have never stopped. Even now they attempt, unchecked, to steal an election from you.
In Trump’s refusal to concede, we have had a wonderful look at the way in which they have gone about achieving that goal, something we might not have been able to learn from had Trump not been willing to take those slings and arrows for us.
Yet, we must look around and learn from our current situation. When we place our hopes and dreams on the shoulders of one man, we leave ourselves too vulnerable to loss, and too powerless should our Champion be struck down. While I have faith in our President always, the days of us standing on the sideline must end.
It is in this reality that I will walk with you.

Also this:

1 hour ago
Veer off of an election for a minute with me, and let me remind you of a woman named Ghislaine.

Ghislaine Maxwell is a ticking time bomb, who will implicate the entire deep state with names, dates, locations and video tapes. She rubbed elbows with & blackmailed nearly every person in power for more than a decade as she facilitated child trafficking for them, and had/has the wherewithal to prove it.
Royal connections, Rome connections, US connections etc.
Currently, there is a mountain of evidence there being gathered across at least four countries.

Tell me, what happens when her day in court arrives?
What happens when their dirty laundry is aired?
It is just a thought for you, that this plays out on a much larger scale than you yet realize.

So when I tell you, nothing can stop what is coming, I mean it.
Because whether they like it or not, they are all playing on borrowed time.
No one will escape justice. Remember that.
No one.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

The Uniparty wants you to swallow their fraud and illegitimacy whole, and question nothing. Perceived legitimacy is what keeps politicians from turning into dessicated husks and blowing away on the wind. That’s why they have united as one to crush any resistance to full acceptance of an obviously illegitimate election result.


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Here is cabal 101:

Because Josh Hawley doesn’t go along with the cabal narrative, his publisher is now fucking him over. This is why cabal is so interested in crushing the small business owners as much as possible with the covid useless lockdowns, financially imdepedent people have too much free speech because they can’t be threatened with getting fired for wrongthink.

This is why either the whitehats pull a miracle in the 20th, or the tree is getting watered with metric tons of blood, because the cabal globohomo pedocrats will accept nothing but the total subjugation of everyone. And if the US falls, Europe’s civil wars will arrive sooner than they will if the US doesn’t fall. Notice the reaction of Boris the Traitor and every other Western “leader” to what is happening in the US right now.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Great article, worth the read because it describes what is coming to Americans if Trump doesn’t get the 2nd term (which is why IMHO Americans have to go Founding Father mode in case the steal goes thru in the 20th):