News Briefs – 01/06/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


President Trump will be speaking at the Elipse in DC at 11 AM.

Warnock appears to beat Loeffler as the Perdue race is too close to cal, but some say Ossof has a 96% chance of victory. However Loeffler does not concede, and declares she has a path to victory and will fight on.

The New York Times has stated that Georgia has said that 4,294,560 ballots were cast in the elections tonight, but so far, 4,377,916 ballots have been counted.

“Yet again, someone is stopping the vote count with Republicans ahead, and planning to come back the next morning.”

5,000 votes for David Perdue disappeared live on TV.

Attorney General William Barr met personally with Jeffrey Epstein’s cellmate to question him after he had been transferred out of a cell he shared with the multimillionaire sex offender the day before his suicide. Of course this is the guy who died just a little while back, the article said from Coronavirus in the headline, but if you read it, that wasn’t it at all, and they still had no cause of death.

Official plane used by Trump will fly to Scotland just before Jan 20th. Q had said Trump would be secure overseas when the real action began. It is not improbable he would choose one of his resorts to hole up at. Scotland does look well defensible from overhead.

President Trump says he and Pence agree on VP’s election authority.

Stacey Abrams brags about lack of signature verification in Georgia.

Dominion voting machines in Georgia ‘in three of the largest Republican precincts are down.’

The winners of the Georgia runoffs will likely not be known until Wednesday at the earliest.

Report shows every midnight ballot dump boosted Biden.

Over 4,700 of Georgia’s absentee votes in the November 2020 election tied to non-residential addresses.

Georgia legislator circulates plan to call special session without Kemp’s permission as the Governor stonewalls.

Wisconsin legislature moves towards decertifying electors. On 4Chan, one anon said the story behind the scenes is that Wisconsin was actually the biggest and most obvious voter fraud case, with Arizona just behind it, and it has always been assumed there would be a decertification by team Trump there. For that reason, it wasn’t dealt with aggressively, while they focused on Georgia, which is why we haven’t heard what was happening there, as Georgia hogged the news.

The office of the National Archives tells NBC News it received alternate slates of electors from the GOP in 5 states: AZ GA NM NV and PA, but, those slates were not forwarded to Congress b/c the Electoral Count Act allows them to only pass along slates certified by the states. So either Pence will reject illegal electors and send it to the House, or Biden will get over 270 Electors certified by the House. I assume Biden wins, so nobody who helps make it happen can say they figured he would lose. They will have to act to betray the nation, and the nation will be betrayed as a result.

New York Times claims Pence told Trump he lacks the power to reject electors and change the election result. This is the age of power. You do it, ignore the complaints, and nobody does shit.

More than 100 state legislators ask Pence to delay certification of electoral votes by 10 days.

NBC news security show up looking like ANTIFA during the DC MAGA rally as stashes of bricks And propane tanks surface near Freedom Plaza. The bricks are supposedly for construction, but locals say they popped up overnight. I’ve told you, a lot of the construction companies, and the businesses which hire them will be in Cabal’s network, making generating a cover for this type of action easy. I think being in the network is kind of like being a Freemason, where you pledge to always help your brother in the organization before all else when you get in. It sounds fine, until you all end up fucking over the entire nation, and killing fellow Americans, all for a foreign entity, to line each other’s pockets.

The streets of Washington, D.C. are stocked with a 2×6 plank lumber cache and a locked stockpile of propane tanks ahead of Wednesday’s highly anticipated January 6 Stop the Steal rally.

Multiple air traffic controllers in New York heard a chilling threat, saying, “We are flying a plane into the Capitol on Wednesday. Soleimani will be avenged.” Doubtful they would telegraph such a thing.

Iran has requested Interpol arrest President Donald Trump and 47 other Americans it said played a role in the death of top general Qassem Soleimani.

Judge bans Proud Boys leader from entering DC for saying he burned a BLM flag.

George W. Bush to attend Biden’s inauguration in signal of unity – among traitors.

Kamala Harris was sworn in as a US Senator on Sunday.

Romney boards a flight to DC filled with patriots who chanted ‘traitor’ and grilled him about his ties to Biden.

Politico reporter urges journalists to drop ‘conservative,’ switch to ‘extremist.’

Chinese Army ordered to be ready for war at any second by President Xi.

South Korea is sending military forces to respond to the seizure of one of its tankers after it left port in Saudi Arabia, by Iran.

Proposed NY bill bans body armor, and makes possession a crime. Pretty much no reason for this beyond they want to be able to kill you.

California governor plans $4 billion for economic stimulus for businesses he forced to close. Notice, by controlling who he doles it out to, he decides which businesses succeed and which fail – something he could already have been doing through selective enforcement of the lockdowns. You will find Cabal was working behind the scenes to turn a freely capitalistic system into a fully controlled, almost quasi-state-run economy, while telling us anybody could do anything they want, and rise to any height.

Sources say Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are getting a divorce.

Looks like Larry King will be fine after catching the Chinavirus.

Portuguese nurse in perfect health dies suddenly after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Mexico offers political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

No charges in the shooting of Jacob Blake, which had set off the Kenosha riots.

Kyle Rittenhouse pleads not guilty on all charges.

Jared Kushner brokers deal ending Saudi Arabia’s fight with Qatar.

FBI logs 40% jump in gun checks in 2020, a record 39 million.

Rep. Richard Hudson introduces national concealed carry reciprocity.

Spread r/K Theory, because nobody is better in the clinch than Donald J. Trump.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

>”It sounds fine, until you all end up fucking over the entire nation, and killing fellow Americans, all for a foreign entity, to line each other’s pockets.”

And ultimately end up hanging from a tree or getting shipped to Gitmo when the party is forced to come to a stop. I’m sure the gaybalites will be pissed at their recruiters for omitting that part.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

“Yet again, someone is stopping the vote count with Republicans ahead, and planning to come back the next morning.”

“Stacey Abrams brags about lack of signature verification in Georgia.”

Not a single thing has been changed or fixed since November. Evil will not stop until someone stops it. It will consume everything save for enforcement of the LAW. Do we have a Lawbringer?

Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Rex, my poor Rex—didn’t you get the message? Are you that thick?


The Courts don’t care. The Republican Elite don’t care. The Federal Bureaucracy doesn’t care.

We are in a Communist coup. Most Republicans are libertarians. Tell me—how do Libertarians fight a communist coup? —flying their stupid “Don’t Tread On Me” flags?

Like these communists care!!!

Rex—It’s O-V-E-R. And it is STILL over if and when President Trump declares Martial Law. The Constitution is dead. Americanism is dead—It is now full blown Communist dictatorship and they don’t give a rat’s ass about your stinkin’ consitution!

You’all need to face the music. Americanism—-F-A-I-L-E-D. All your vaunted institutions and leaders but one, the President, and twenty house repubicans.

Jimmy Sendero
Jimmy Sendero
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

“Today I am introducing a resolution to EXPEL [certain} REPUBLICANS FROM THE HOUSE” because antifa wearing MAGA hats got in and caused a ruckus. – Congresswoman Cori Bush (D)

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

It was a rhetorical question Wheels. And your post did not age well today. Anyways, nature abhors a vacuum of law and truth. That vacuum will get filled with something.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

>”Multiple air traffic controllers in New York heard a chilling threat, saying, “We are flying a plane into the Capitol on Wednesday. Soleimani will be avenged.””

Sloppy mossad at it again. Reminds me of those calls that Jews made to the police right after 9/11 where the retarded assholes had the gaul to tell the people picking up the phone that the attack was done by Palestinians, and shortly after pristine brand new passports of the alleged terrorists where found at the site.

Israel really should get the Pearl Harbour retribution type punishment for that shit, and now they are going to go all out with another false flag to have the American people die in and pay for more of their useless wars in the ME.

4 years ago

“First we take George—Then, WE CHANGE AMERICA”!!

Amen and A-woman! To that!

4 years ago
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  map
4 years ago

You know, I think this is Cabal taunting us. We might lose 32,000 troops/militiamen retaking and clearing Georgia, but we would still win. And cabal forces and allies in Georgia (500,000 easy) would be a total loss.

Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Rex? Again. Ever look at our white twenty-year olds? Effeminate, metro-sexuals, holes in jeans, soft hands—those twenty-year olds?

No one is going to war.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Nobody “goes” to war Wheels. Wars happen and most people are forced because of where they live or what they are. The Wars of the 21st century will be no different. What you are thinking of as “Wars” are the various expeditionary actions undertaken by the US in the 20th century- with the one partial exception of WW2. Real Wars are mandatory, good examples are the Civil War, and WW2 in Europe/China. And if you won’t fight you usually end up moving.

And your statement is just wrong on it’s face, example 1 is Kyle The Kommie Killer. And even effeminate men can be driven towards toughness by scarcity, compulsion and survival. We certainly live in interesting times.

Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Ohhh, yeah, Rex—America’s white youth? They’re in Antifa. They support BLM. White College men in Grand Rapids in the Soviet Republic of Michigan, chanted “Hands up. Don’t Shoot” just eight months ago—-

Who’s going to be fighting? Harris will have the complete control over the Military–and our generals will ONLY BE TOOOO happy to kiss her black ass.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Wheels, White Men are breaking at least 70% towards the Right when they pick a side. An obnoxious 30% of Whitemen in college is just that- worthless, gunless, low-T losers. They would get rocked being forced to live in the Michigan woods through a winter- fighting other men for survival.

Plus, I see lots of aged men who are absolute boomer pussies. Milquetoast like you wouldn’t believe. This isn’t a youth thing.

And are we just talking past each other? I think a total collapse is coming, today’s events prove it, regardless of what Trump does or doesn’t do- isn’t that pretty much what you advocate?

The remnants of the various US states that emerge will be almost entirely White, very religious and very militant, and the world won’t be able to do anything about it.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Tubicen Lem will womp some hair into their chest!

4 years ago
Reply to  Luigi
4 years ago
4 years ago

Efrain ‘Stone’ Reyes didn’t kill himself either

4 years ago

The Guardian piece about Trump’s Scotland property has that fine stench of gas light all over it.
These media insects don’t have knowledge about what is going on anymore than the rest of us. It does leave the impression they are nervous about something.

4 years ago

Hopefully they provide a special perp walk for tank Abraham’s. And a highly reinforced gibbet. They will need wire instead of hemp rope, just in case, we got dandy skidder wire rope here in WV, it’s nice soft conforming cable, high tensile, supple and conforming, great stuff, you can tie nots with the stuff.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“More than 100 state legislators ask Pence to delay certification of electoral votes by 10 days.”

No today is the day. If they call for more delays then it means Trump will not be President and the odds are certainly well over 50% that he has been playing us the whole time. He could have arrested them when they tried to certify stolen votes.

Either “they know everything” like they tell us or they don’t and if they did, and they say they did and do, they could have stopped them. There was no need to get this far along then say whoops! there was nothing we could do.

Expect full court push by the Jews for a civil war where the different races kill each other off and the the Jews try to skate. Will they this time? Not so sure. Maybe but if they do they will have to kill a extraordinary amount of people.

Today is the day.

Hepcattt 3
Hepcattt 3
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

no, there’s always another “superduper special day” with Trump, it seems. technically, he’s got till noon on 20 Jan, so that’s 2 weeks. my guess is – if he does anything at all, which I now rate at a probability of <50%, sad to say – my guess is Sunday. why? because that's Jan 10. the date Caesar crossed the Rubicon, you see. still, it's incredibly disappointing. way too much talk, nowhere near enough action from the only president not named George Washington that I consider to be a Great Man. meanwhile Q stays gagged and silent like a gimped-out bitch.

there's also always the possibility/probability that Trump has already tried to make his martial law or insurrection act strike – and was ignored or disobeyed. the swamp is vast, MUCH larger than I understood it to be, and unlike Caesar, Trump doesn't have his own personal legions. after seeing the stunning, appalling, traitorous bullshit from 4-star Marine generals mattis & kelly, I don't trust any military. they're all just heavily-armed, highly-converged SJW action wings. no real difference between them & antifa except they have uniforms and pensions. so we'll see.

side note: in light of Neon Revolt & Code Monkey Z's revelations, ol' Lin Wood lookin' a LOT less crazy now, ain't he.

Jimmy Sendero
Jimmy Sendero
Reply to  Hepcattt 3
4 years ago

Speaking of Roman history, here’s a ZH commenter from back in September 2019. (no, not me) Says it all: “As an avid reader of Roman history, I have often tried to imagine how it must have felt to lived through the terminal decline of the Roman empire: watching the barbarians roll in, watching the currency destroyed, watching the scum boil out of the Subura and riot in the Forum for wheat doles that were bankrupting the Treasury, watching the politicians stop hiding their avarice and greed, etc., etc. Watching their magnificent country being brought down from within and without by parasites, cockroaches, and termites. I think I have a pretty good idea now how they felt.”

Snap cut to: mormon cocksucker Mitt Romney hysterically shrieking in a girly voice about how special he and all the other senate cocksuckers are and thus need more protection from the unwashed proles, to receive a standing ovation from them. Slow pan to the endless line of GOP senators lined up behind him, patiently waiting for *their* turn to denounce America and be applauded. Smiling for the cameras, telling themselves they look Presidential, and hoping against hope that their honorable democrat colleagues will eat them last.

The Mob rules. The Republic is dead. The USA as founded is dead. We’re now a 3rd world banana republic, headed by whoever can cheat the bestest – currently a treasonous, vastly corrupt senile old pedo and an actual, real live treasonous whore. It’s gonna get much much much worse: just ask the dems what their plans for us are. Next up: midnight SWAT raids on gun owners and hate speechers. Later: secret police and show trials. Watch it happen.

oh, and China invades Taiwan 30 minutes after biden is sworn in.

4 years ago

Kemp and the foul brood mates in on it with him must really be under the gun, no pun intended. Nothing less than the suspected child rape/execution extortion videos is plausible, nothing else adds up. Personally I can’t imagine how else these shitstain’s could be compelled, uniformly across the actors in the deception, without exception, without any of them cracking or going states evidence, all sticking to a scripted performance, again uniformly all and everyone avoiding and maintaining their run silent run deep guise, any, even the tiniest remark regarding the primal natural inviability of Unalienable Right’s of all of us American’s God given guarantee of rightful equal representation codified in our Republican form of governance, not a one, no judge, no elected official, no servant of the people, has uttered any defense for our inviolate sovereign nature. Is this ever interesting coincidence or what?
It’s really the amazing part in an amazing act of treason and war, this uniformity of silence, its so obvious, it screams. In no other instance in politiks in our country could you have such an act of politikal solidarity, the fact it is centered around clear unmistakable motives to oust the choice of America as to whom we have chosen to lead us, its the ultimate whistling past the Potemkin graveyard, a procession pied piping a pack of Pavlov’s dogs, leaving a trail of licked up fake news vomit.
Under the glare of the obvious truth they are totally comped and complicit, aware and how could one not be, hundreds of millions of American’s understand the essential truths of how the election coup has been orchestrated in real time before our eyes.
Its not the complete absence of shame, the collective mass of the uniform cookie cutter deceit is impossible to disguise to any reasonable mind, which contends the most vile motives, its difficult to figure out whats the worst of the depravity of these insects, and its a no brainer we certainly have not been apprised of the balance of acts foul by these operators, nor the depths of depravity, its that if these shitstain’s where to successfully pull off this coup and take full power of the hollowed out shells of government, the liquidation of our liberty and persons required to maintain their iron grip on the levers of absolute power, would eclipse all genocides combined thru all history.

And Kemp and his governor conspirators they constitute an absolutely key component in the whole stinkin’ disgusting unmitigated disaster they are part and parcel of.
It’s those two elements, or what…?
What else could motivate these actors. What other method, would create the motives besides the extortion techniques of recording Roberts and the rest of the key decepticon’s raping and killing children? The final and only solution once the coup is successful is genocide of us good folks, an order of magnitude, eclipses anything Stalin or Mao did. Its the only logical assumptions, based on what can be seen and reasonably suspected as truth never fully revealed about the whole globo=pedo agenda.

I search my heart constantly, and can not find anything unreasonable, inference, nor anything, which grates against the circular path of history of tyranny. This totalitarian shit really only runs one way with variances of scale and technology, the balance of the equation is patently impossible to vary appreciably far from, all forms of dictatorship follow the same foundational patterns.
Tank abrahm’s corrupt actions might as well be act of treason by stencil, to the degree her previous run for governor in Georgia, down to the canned media narrative she spewed from the second anus below her nose, is a mirror performance of what she is doing now, it was a dry run operation to game out how to maintain just the sufficient degree of illusion of legitimacy, a study of the application of plausible deniability and requisite gaslight. Its a process repeated ad nausium thru human history. My essential unchanged impressions centers on the thought does this nasty fat bag of donuts understand how blatant and obvious she and her corrupt sister Judge are? Allegory for the whole cabal operation.

Kemp poses the the most foul portrait of a man conflicted, and I have zero, negative empathy for him, you always have a choice in life, no such thing as no choice, and thats all the diff between us good folks and them. It’s why we are Freemen, and they are this kind of betrayers and usurpers, its why in the final analysis we have our vengeance why we Win. It is why we are the civilization who birthed Liberty first in all known recorded human history. Its why individual liberty is the mother of organized liberty, its also why ordered liberty is difficult to maintain, why we where not vigilant enough in maintaing and protecting our ordered liberty.
But, the beautiful thing, we always have a choice, this is America, BFYTW is always a choice, in the most divine sense imaginable there’s no time like the present, its the sublime thing about liberty and Unalienable Rights of Men, choice is not the domain of tyrants alone, thats why they are deep down in their amygdala primal fear of us plain old good folks exists and drives their behavoir. Why we win. Because /K is ascendent. Because fuck you is always a choice. Because I choose to have Liberty or Death, there is no middle ground. This puts my enemy of my liberty in the untenable pickle they ot themselves in now. Why we beat them at their own rigged game and elected our murder weapon, why Trump is The Great Fuck You, why we are blessed to be graced with The God-Emperor.
January 20th or any date is unconsequantial to the outcome. This is over when us good folks says it is. The President in our White House is the President we say so. Its not possible for cabal to have enough power and resources to cram their figure head up our arses. I mean they can try, good luck fukkers, that foul tin pot vinyl siding pedo nor his succubus will never sit in power behind the Resolute desk.

It’s us dirt people again, will change the course of the world. We will effect positive change upon it. It is our natural proclivity, its r/K selection proving itself. It runs in our bones and blood figuratively and literally. My awesome farmer neighbor and best friend said 2 nights back, standing with him in a snowstorm in a pasture behind the main barn hunting possums getting in his feed bins, we where laughing about how much he sucks with a pistol, but is killer with a rifle, he was using a Keltic PMR-30 .22 mag, he must been really chewing on it because out of the blue he says, we are watching history being made, we are this great history its self. Kind of thing there’s nothing to say about but smile and nod. My friend has no computer, a pay as you go talk/text flip phone, gets his news from the legacy TV media, never seen him read a book or newspaper, I think he barely can, was born and grew up on the 165 acre farm we where standing on, is completely debt free, probably has half a million plus in savings, at 64 he’s married to a vivacious 36 year old blond brick shit-house and adopted a beautiful little girl whose mom is a total lost soul meth head. Not once ever heard the man complain about anything, has 55 head of cattle and sells about 45-50 gras raised totally natural feeder calves a year to the beef market, raises and harvest his winter hay on his land which feeds those 55 or so cows and a bull their winter forage, was a deep miner for 44 years. You look at a guy like this, and you know something right as rain.
We Win.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

Have you ever seen him remember the Sabbath, new moon days, and the commanded holy feast days of God? Does he wear tassels, to remind him of God’s laws? (Numbers 15:37-14).

Do you?

If not: YOU LOSE.

4 years ago

‘New York Times claims Pence told Trump he lacks the power to reject electors and change the election result’

“This is the age of power. You do it, ignore the complaints, and nobody does shit.”
AC, thats a pretty awesome statement right there man.

Yeah, for sure, all there is is power. Tyrants have no monopoly of power, only the illusion of a monopoly.
All there is is power.
We The People, have power too.
All there is is power.
Power is like tracers, they work both ways.
All there is is power.
The only power tyrants have is the power to hurt, the rest is simply people who submit to that power to hurt which the tyrant threatens and employs.
All there is is power.
Where tyrants go wrong is there are always people who are willing and choose to defy and go after those tyrants to the degree they are prepared to die doing so, but in the greatest twist in the equation of power, they are ultimately successful because they are fearless, to make the tyrant die for his power instead.
All there is is power.
Whats natural primal Unalienable Rights, liberty, freedom, in all this infers, but power?
All there is is power.
There is a unique species of power, only Free Humans have this power. The power derived from the realization this is, and they have, power.
All there is is power.
I think, this is going way out on limb to say it, our dear beloved tyrant class, is envious of our power. It’s not the danger our power is, thats perceived as danger by our tyrants, its that our power as dirt people is only the purview of ourselves, no tyrant-usurper-king-prince-mandarin-public apparatchik-or-potentate, the whole lot of them, never can possess our power as the Sovereign free individual.
Is it unreasonable considering the egomaniacal arrogant make up of the tyrant and his minions to contend the two great mortal sins of hate and envy for we who have power they can never wield, because this power we hold is derived from our natural legitimacy, drives the tyrant batshit fucking insane with jealousy?
The greatest green monster there is?
(There’s a shit-ton of motive right there biatchez)
Why our rifles are best as last resort and greatest threat lies in them that they are symbols of the threat of our power personified?
Why, contrary, paradoxically, counterintuitively, to a common opinion its not always an imperative we fight and resist physically, via violent means, the tyrant; but that when we remain prudent, we refuse to take council of our fears, when we remain steadfast and contain our cold anger, we amplify our power and actually become indomitable in our cause and our unalienable rights. Our Rifles are awesome back-up.

In other words contrary to the fucking bullshit of the false media narratives and their lies, we win everyday just by refusing to be afraid and comply with any of the totally illegitimate crap the assholes are constantly trying to cram up our arses to force us to do shit we would never do on our own, voluntarily.
And thus the tyrants only power then, is its power to hurt. Threat of…Use of…Force. Exactly as they are attempting all over DC right now. Discovered stashed all over, pallets of propane bottles, which combined with commercial grade fireworks flash bang components, together create a rather excellent improvised anti-personal explosive. Duct tape strips of nail gun spikes to the outside for maximum maiming and lethal effects. This is the power to hurt.

All there is is power.

Asking nice like; please explain to me anyone, what’s legitimate in our world about this?
Then explain please, any existing legitimate reason our elected officials have for justifying this to take place let alone be part of it, even tacitly?
Change my mind.
Really, change millions of my fellow countrymen’s minds.
Not just rhetorically please, but in every concept of legitimacy and power.

All there is is power.
Power to kill another is the ultimate form of power to hurt.
The ultimate form of legitimate use of power is to stop from being killed because the tyrant desires to kill those with legitimate power, used to defend themselves from the tyrants power to hurt them, before he the tyrant himself is killed using his power to hurt by those who refuse to be killed by the tyrant.
If that means using ones power to hurt the tyrant, you got to ask just who the fuck started this?

All there is is power.

When I hold a Rifle in my hands I become powerful, it is a powerful feeling, I am empowered as nothing else, yet I am humbled by the power. I grok the use of such power is a dcesion process, in order to ensure my power is effective and worth using I must choose to use this power before I ever use this power, this empowers me further. It is a most comforting but terrible thing, and inherent in my use of this power, I must respect this power and take consideration of all its implications and consequences of using this power. I think this is what separates me, from the tyrant. This is prudence, I’m beginning tp perceive it is a great responsibility, a duty, and honorably resisting tyranny is the acme of legitimately using my power, its a gift, something that is the gift and grace of something far larger and greater than self.
Is this the source of my legitimacy to use power to hurt in defense of what is legitimately mine to defend and fight for, my cause?
The power to hurt is difficult to use, but tyrants use this power frequently.

There’s this essay about the history of the 2nd Amendment I’ve gone to countless times to try and understand who I am as a Freeman and an American. I have read no document like it. The inferences and connections of our history is the Rifle is the center of our history, or to be exact, we as regular folks come from a history of the ownership of property, arms, weapons in particular. This is arguably unique in all history. The effect is, we would not be here, there be no America as we know and live it, without our Rifles, our right to private property, thats the first thing our Rifles are our property. And it matters not what laws are created, no matter what anyone says or claims, our Rifles are ours, our property, nothing changes this but what each of us do or not does, individually, and only individually. Thats the beauty of The Rifle. Its The Unalienable Thing beyond Self.

Within this wicked awesome piece of work lies every answer to everything happening. Its not a long read, in fact is so well composed and brief at the end I was sad for a second there wasn’t more, no worries, its a real thinking man’s piece.
I can’t recommend reading it enough. I’ve lost count the number of reads I’ve given it.
I hope somebody out there enjoys its blessings and gifts also.
Who this guy is who composed this came from is a great mystery. Maybe thats poetic. He just made it over the neo-iron curtain before the revisionists and humanist’s slammed it shut.


by David E. Vandercoy

[Copyright © 1994 Valparaiso Univ. Law Review. Originally published as 28 Val. L. Rev. 1007-1039 (1994).

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.[1]

4 years ago

Divide & Conquer, Sam J.
No self respecting tyrant would be caught dead without it.

Dead…Mmmm. Yeah. The ultimate remedy. Dead Tyrants. Yeah.

4 years ago

@ REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs,

Millions of them friend, I’m one me-self, by dint of my Freeman arse, my motive power and my audacity to defy resist and fight, I’m the force of natural law. The Honorable Resistance lives.
Open enrollment Brother.

Goes like this:
We are legion.
We do not despair.
We will not be denied.
And I’m armed to the fucking teeth.
I witnessed with my own eyes I am in great company.
I know 50,000 others armed to the fucking teeth, met with them in Richmond Va. on 1-20-2020. Funny thing, its not our Rifles that matter so much, that we showed up is the great thing.
65 Million waged the greatest color revolution on 11-8-9-2016. We won.
80 million of us last count showed up on vote day in November.
We showed up.
The Legion became one.
Cabal blinked first.
It is sublime.
This ain’t over till we say it is.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Smart bald man new article good:

Also, linked shinny light uprising article very good, heed to smart bald man advice and read that too.

4 years ago

“…I think being in the network is kind of like being a Freemason, where you pledge to always help your brother in the organization before all else when you get in. It sounds fine, until you all end up fucking over the entire nation, and killing fellow Americans, all for a foreign entity, to line each other’s pockets.”

AC, you and Vox Day brothers or something? You have to be pretty fucking sharp, like thinking in X when everyone else is thinking in Y to come up with that kind of stuff. Even Shrodinger’s cat is afraid of you guys.
Mumsey where the burrow groves maybe?

Got to say, there’s 3 crimes in Freemasonry, as a Freemason you do not commit.
Never fail to render assistance to a Brother.
Never murder a brother Freemason.
Committing the Act of Treason.
The last is the worst crime a Freemason can commit.
Your informed of this in no uncertain terms, there is no mistaking it, so much considered so, your placed in front of George Washington’s ghost, you are placed before him, he appears replete in his Apron, Square, Compass and The Book, your initiation ceremony and the ritual of the first Three Degrees of Masonry commit you to never violating these crimes. The act of Treason is described to you and no punches are pulled, it is stark, absolute. The act of Treason as a Freemason holds a special place. The only punishment, and it can not be anything but, is death by hanging. There is no petition, no reprieve, no pardon, no mercy. It’s black flag law.

How ironic your observation is, it is a bake your noodle notion to me.
Many elected and non elected officials, I’m being polite here, are Freemasons. Many past Presidents too. Judges. Corporate leaders. The symbolism of Freemasonry permeates our government.

There’s world order Treason at work of a special kind to my thinking.
It epitomizes the corruption and weaponization of all the things.
The one kind of Treason here ranks on a special plane of crime.
I believe it has since its mutation and corruption been an unbroken thread thru much of our history, and it was the first and most important Treason. It may be a template, or the template of globo=pedo and all it implies. Freemasonry’s origins are rooted in history so far back, some aspects are conjecture, even guesses, it’s their symbolism which matters. How their symbolism is incorporated into more symbolism and ritual. I think there are, like Christianity found, incorporation of ancient pagan aspects of human activity and beliefs, had positive effects. Spiritualism. Christianity did right on its incorporation of pagan symbolism, as it has with it’s revisions into our ages understanding and discovery of the cosmos, the profound make up of the universe, and its physics.

Because Connections. Everything is connected. The links in our American history and our formation, specifically Treason and Corruption, are not the product of chance or happenstance. Only one way they exist. Nothing is sacred to these men. Nothing. They will kill their grandmother for the last buck, murder their loved ones to save their hides. Where one man alone, has the power to sell out 325 million of us, because he is a complete moral coward. This is this Treason. Its its terribleness and its insidious evil.
Time to totally ditch this scourge.

There is a balance, the pendulum swings the other way, it is immutable, another balance is at hand, its hand immutable, blesses and graces us. The world will be an incredible place soon. Not even our ancestral memories encoded in our bodies fully remember how beautiful. When this is over and we are free, of them. We will know again.
Imagine dude, we are living in it as it happens.

4 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Storm is Upon Us.

Reports on twitter are that protestors are grabbing hard drives from the office computers in various capitol offices.

This is the cover for disclosure. With those drives “in the wild” Trump can release whatever anonymously and blame it on the “stolen hard drives.”

This is a glorious day.

Donald — the tree needs watering.

4 years ago

Good omens! 17 comments posted as I write this.
Asked I Ching: “reform of gov’t starting now?”
Got: 49 – Ko / Revolution, [the most relevant reading in the whole I Ching]

Fire ignites within the Lake, defying conditions that would deny it birth or survival:
[lake, or swamp, above or oppressing fire below]
The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.
The support you need will come only after the deed is done.
Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress.
All differences vanish.

A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly.
There is no negotiating with the Established Order.
Perfect timing is essential.
Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move.
Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely.
You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone.
You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent.
Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.

[The upper non-changing line is read with 4 changing lines:]

Hexagram Forty-Nine/Line Six:

You dodge the snares and snatch victory with the lightning speed and agility of a panther.
The jackals lose their nerve and swear allegiance to you.
You have won your revolt.
Don’t seek to climb higher.
Instead stabilize the new order for the good of all.

[the most favorable line in the hexagram, though the upper two changing lines are also extraordinary]

Hexagram Forty-Nine/Line Five: You transform into a tiger before their eyes. Your very being commands an awe that makes consulting the oracle unnecessary.

Hexagram Forty-Nine/Line Four: Your honor is redeemed. All impediments fall away and the path ahead is clear.

[The one line not indicated, line three, is the only poor omen. The lower two changing lines one and two, indicate success with patience, but with so many changing lines, the transformed hexagram is indicated.]

Transformed Hexagram: 46 – Shêng / Upward Mobility

Beneath the Soil, the Seedling pushes upward toward the light:
To preserve his integrity, the Superior Person contents himself with small gains that eventually lead to great accomplishment.

Supreme Success.
Have no doubts.
Seek guidance from someone you respect.
A constant move toward greater clarity will bring reward.

You are progressing, rising inch-by-inch toward certain success.
What makes this assured is your refusal to tilt headlong toward your goal, slamming into obstacles and going mad with frustration.
You have a clear map before you of the steps necessary to reach your objective.
With faithful patience and a careful conservation of personal energy and resources, you will run this long, slow distance.

4 years ago

Where are all the shills? Huh? Where are you pussies at? Game time FUCKERS.

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

theyre at gab, and other places too. other places posing as maga and posting goofy ideas

4 years ago

Registrations are temporarily closed at libertyauthors while we deal with certain trolls.

I will post when they are open again.

4 years ago

He needs to make a move or tell us what he is going to do next.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

They are deleting Trump’s tweets now
This Tweet is no longer available. Learn more
This Tweet is no longer available. Learn more

In case it doesn’t show now this is the one I posted above:

These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago


4 years ago

6:55pm, Wed. 1/6/21

Well, this movie just gets better and better – huge MAGA crowds in DC, Trump’s speech, Pence’s cuck, protestors in the Capitol, National Guard called in. Can you imagine watching all this without Q’s guidance and an awareness of Cabal, multi-level fuckery? Nothing surprises me anymore (to-date, at least) and I thank God for the education and preparation I get daily from my sources of non-MSM info, not least AC’s blog. Can you imagine the state of profound, stupid confusion and misunderstanding the vast majority of this country would be under without the Q op? The degree of demoralization and hopelessness? That’s the shit we and our ancestors had to go through in every manufactured war, false flag, engineered economic shock, riot, etc. We were kept in the Dark. It is liberating to know the truth now and entirely necessary for Trump and team to push the reveal this far in order for us to see the Light. Did we not need to see Pence do this? Have people finally understand how this Uniparty works and how two-faced and deep the rot goes? It is truly a Great Awakening and we are blessed to be here at this time in history. Thanks again to AC for all his work and to the many talented commenters here who contribute to and inform this community.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Huck
4 years ago


4 years ago

CNN reports that Congressional leaders will be taken to Fort McNair, according to a federal law enforcement official.
To, you know, keep them safe and secure….

4 years ago
Police cars revolving light
BREAKING – Twitter account of President Trump locked for 12 hours.
Police cars revolving light
Replying to
“Future violations of the Twitter Rules will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump
account,” warns @TwitterSafety

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Appears RED1 comes tomorrow, probably after the ban.

4 years ago

Ann Coulter has gone to the dark side! Never read her again. She is an ass.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Chris Rea – The Road To Hell Part 2

4 years ago

Lin wood just posted on Parler that DJT is in abilene at the National defense command center.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

if nothing else, TEXIT!

4 years ago

How’s that (((plan))) working out? Unfortunately, it looks like I was right. Trump cucked after goading his supporters and now the arrestees are going to get 10-50 years in prison. The GOP and (((Cuckservative Movement))) are now dead.

The only silver lining here is that no one believes in the system anymore-left or right.

Trump didn’t “Pot commit” (all-in) and now he will pay the price and maybe even lose his life.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Pinochet
4 years ago

You don’t know a goddamned thing, so shut the fuck up.

Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

That’s not a refutation Maxi Pad. I’m disappointed too, but the reason why we’re in the situation we’re in is because we were all complacent and trusted the “plan.” Trump trusted (((Kushner))) and the (((RNC))) and nearly every one of his appointments ended up being a grifter or a traitor.

4 years ago

someone in the comments with an inappropriate name for them hasn’t kept up