News Briefs – 01/06/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


60 Minutes did Epstein’s death here. Had a pic of Epstein’s corpse:

I’ve choked a lot of guys unconscious, and been choked unconscious myself a lot of times, very often with cloth, sometimes a lapel, sometimes even the end of a martial arts belt. There are techniques which, when really dug in from the right relative position, can cinch up the cloth with leverage as much, if not a lot more than the 180 lbs of weight Epstein would have maximally put on his neck with hanging, especially when it is a young guy who lifts weights and wrestles in college doing it. I have never seen anything like what was on Epstein’s neck, ever. And the people getting those chokes done to them were actively resisting violently, trying to twist and roll out of it, trying to spin around, trying to scoot out below. I cannot remember ever even seeing a mark on anyone’s neck from any of that. What you see there on Epstein’s neck is either Hollywood makeup laid beneath a latex “Epstein mask” laid on top of another corpse at the morgue (that line under his ear running down toward his shoulder is strange), or he was garroted with something like piano wire or an electrical cord, and whoever did it was told it better not end like the first time they tried. There is something about loose cloth that applies pressure at the center, and then feathers the pressure off as it hits the margins which will protect skin and not give a mark like that. It is sort of like trying to cut through a pineapple with a piece of cloth, as opposed to using a piece of piano wire. You just can’t do that kind of damage with cloth.

There was a lot in the video, but if you don’t have time to watch, this is most of it, in no particular order. Epstein was taken off suicide watch, they moved his cell mate out against regs, they guards were both sleeping and surfing the internet during it, his cell was filled with what looked like seven or eight bed sheets strewn around,  there were multiple nooses crafted out of the bed sheets laying around, he had a ball point pen which he used to write a note which said only that he had been locked in a shower for one hour, his food was burned, there were insects running around, and it was “not fun,” and there were multiple electrical cords lying around attached to various electrical devices. The noose the coroner photographed had no blood on it, and was pristine, and most interestingly, when Bill Barr said he had seen the surveillance camera footage showing nobody went into Epstein’s cell, he actually had only seen the footage of the door to Epstein’s cell block. The footage from the camera on Epstein’s door, and all the doors in the cell block, was mysteriously corrupted. From outside, somebody could have popped the door to another cell, and Epstein’s cell door open, and one of those other prisoners could have gone into Epstein’s cell, killed Epstein, and then shut the door behind him, and returned to his own cell and shut the door, and nobody would have known. And of course, in violation of procedures, rather than the suicide scene being immediately treated as a crime scene and photographed, Epstein was scooped up and hustled to a hospital, even though he had been dead for two hours by that time. They also covered all three parts of the hyoid bone being fractured, and that the ligature mark was straight back on his neck, as if he was garroted, rather than angled up along the underside of the jaw, as it is in hangings, when the noose is pulled up at the back. The extra online in-depth segment says he had petechia, which is more common to strangulations than hangings, and he had a bruise on his back that is unaccounted for. Also, the official story was Epstein was cut down, but the noose they photographed had a hemmed edge at the end, and was obviously not cut.

Notice, were it not for Q and Trump, there would be zero chance of anything ever coming from any of this. We’d all know he was killed. We’d all know that to pull it off, a lot of people, including MCC jail personnel would have had to be involved. And nothing would come of it. I have said a massive intel op took over the United States, and was so deep everywhere you would not believe it. Think how deep it had to be to pull this off, and create a situation where there was zero chance anybody would ever suffer any consequence. Because they didn’t build the embedded network, with agents willing to torch their careers for the network, in all the right places, ready to pull together and do this, overnight. They had all of these agents there already, from jailers, to prisoners, to medical personnel, to camera techs, just sitting and waiting, as they do everywhere of any interest. There were so many they already had a few in all the right places for this specific hit, ready to go, just as soon as the schedulers on their payroll could put them in the right places at the right times, all together. And it is like that everywhere. This thing is bigger than you would ever believe, as Q said.

Professor who recently testified Google was involved in election meddling, only to see his wife’s car swerve in front of a tractor trailer killing her, tweets to Google and Hillary that he’s not suicidal. My guess is he saw he was being followed around and thinks it means they just started following him because they are planning something. Really wild times. Anyone who is in the game knows, but for the rest of America out there, blissfully asleep, it is like it could never happen. Regardless, if you are raising a child, at least some level of proficiency in hand to hand and the use of all weaponry, as well as a good grasp of technology, and a healthy paranoia are all no longer optional. To not have them is to either willingly be a slave, or be completely helpless when they come, like Epstein.

Democrats steal a phrase Q has used 25 times, when they demand answers on Soleimani’s killing and say, “This is not a game.” Feels significant, but obviously those of us on the outside are limited in our ability to put it together. Could Trump/Q have ordered the Democrats to say it, as a sign to all the players, that Trump/Q is now fully in control, and there is no reason to continue resistance, as the war has already been lost, and all they are doing is deciding who among the holdouts dies and who is allowed to surrender? Again, there is a massive Secret Society/Conspiracy, and those inside it already know, Q is real, and they are following him closely because he is basically foretelling the future of their life. Given that, I would think seeing Democrats repeat, verbatim, Q’s catchphrase, would be a sign that Trump/Q owns them. The only other option might be if Q was mocking Cabal previously, because Cabal uses that phrase to threaten assets who step out of line. But if so, that phrase would have to have been known in Cabal circles. My guess is either Secret Society members all knew that phrase, just like targets know “Be Careful,” in which case the meaning here of democrats using it is murky to them, or they do not commonly see that phrase, in which case they will assume Cabal has now lost control of the Democrats, and Trump/Q is putting words in their mouths.

David Petraeus says eliminating Qasem Suleimani was more significant than killing Bin Laden or Al-Baghdadi. So many decisions Trump makes are unorthodox, or attacked by the media, or produce all sorts of predictions of doom, but you are hard pressed to find one which doesn’t, in retrospect, always seem to have been the only right decision that could have been made.

UK backs Trump on Iran.

Iran offers a bounty to assassinate Trump, and actor George Lopez offers to do it for half. If this were as we were told, that is pretty much a threat to the President’s life right there, and should result in a decapitation strike on Iran. But I assume all of this is part of a script, and Trump already knows exactly how each part is to play out. I still cannot believe so many all know such a big secret, and yet it is not commonly accepted knowledge.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi is expected to officially tell the U.S. ambassador that U.S. troops must leave the country in a meeting on Monday.

Trump tells Iraq if we leave, they will pay us for the airbase there, either in money or sanctions like they have never seen before. What is being revealed is we were paying a ton of money to protect the area, and our guys were all at risk, and behind our back Iraq was not the ally we would have wanted to risk and pay so much for.

Trump says if he has to fight, nothing is off the table – “They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. they’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way” I am not sure I have ever seen a leader who always makes the best decision for his mission, and never bows to the whining mob of crybabies.

“Mad Dog” Mattis wanted to protect Soleimani. Interesting.

Flashback – Obama Administration tipped off Soleimani about an impending Israeli assassination attempt.

Flashback – Iran’s foreign Minister threatened to out Western diplomats and politicians who took bribes to make the Iran deal happen.

Durham probes early, suspicious contacts between Obama State Department and Papadopoulos. Before Law Enforcement moved in to start an investigation, they were having spies make approaches to make sure he was right for the setup. Article notes it means Durham is looking at intelligence agency activity which, according to the official narrative, that this was strictly a law enforcement investigation, should not be there.

Lindsey Graham mulls Senate rule changes to start impeachment trial without articles.

Lindsey Graham wants to start the Trump impeachment trial within days.

Video of the official OAN report on the Ukrainian President getting raided and his servers being seized during an investigation for unlawful theft of servers with classified information on them.

Ghilsane Maxwell is under 24 hour armed guard by Navy SEALs due to fears for her life.  Some are wondering if she is the spook/team-leader, and Epstein was a hired employee she had brought on board to act as the man running things, and take the heat when things went down.

One writer speculates that Hillary and Obama created a program to ship “art” between US Embassies with reduced red tape so they could traffic children. Could even be other things. One thing you know is they were too busy with evil to have ever done anything just as a humanitarian gesture. Everything will have either enriched themselves, or enriched Cabal, and all at other people’s expense.

15,000 small cell towers already installed for 5G in 6 major cities.

Former CIA operative and New Mexico congressional candidate Valerie Plame, who openly tweeted an anti-Semitic article in 2017, says she has joined a Jewish congregation now that she is running for office. If Tim Watley could convert strictly for the jokes, and so he could say “schtickle of fluoride”…

Mayor de Blasio intervened in the prosecution of an accused anti-Semitic attacker — leading to her lock-up in a psych ward — because she was generating negative publicity for his administration.

New Jersey Governor signs a bill that gives millions to Planned Parenthood.

Finland’s new leftist female Prime Minister is set to enact four day work weeks of six hours per day. Also rumored she will loosen immigration to let in more migrants.

Twelve Germans beaten in random attacks by a mob of asylum-seekers.

400,000 anchor babies were born in the United States in 2019, exceeding the births in 48 states.

SARS ruled out as cause of new Chinese respiratory disease. Still no ID. Hong Kong is worried it may already be in the City.

New psychedelic drug is showing up in Irish prisons that triggers instant crazy, delusional behavior. That could be an MK Ultra test of something they might dump in the drinking water if things get bad enough. A sort of instant zombie apocalypse overnight.

Boeing finds another flaw with its 737 MAX, this time in the wiring. You have to wonder if it is taking so long because they are secretly going over it with a fine tooth comb, because they fear Cabal installed multiple redundant mechanisms to bring them down on command, akin to their little stall avoidance system that would nose it down into the ground no matter what, if one sensor “malfunctioned.”

Holy Shit. I am not sure if I am more surprised by this, or the fact he ate food which he hadn’t prepared himself:

Here, in this next tweet, a twitter account named “TrumpJew” goes into a black neighborhood, and many of the blacks coming up to him tell him why blacks hate Jews. Again, in this world it is tough to tell what is what. This could be legit. Maybe this isn’t Cabal. But imagine if this guy went into this neighborhood (either as Cabal, or under Cabal coverage), and Cabal sent their foot surveillance up to him with scripts about how Jews are screwing blacks, and how blacks think in terms of Jews as not American, and ask yourself, does this help Trump get total, complete support from both the Jewish community, and the Black community together, as he is poised to get? Or does it sow seeds among poorer blacks that lead to anger the Jews are taking over their neighborhood, and make the Jews feel that all blacks want to beat them up and view them as the enemy? If a Jew hears Blacks support Trump, will he feel invigorated to support the candidate they support? If a black hears Jews support Trump, will he want to support Trump as much? When this all plays out, you are going to find out that when a reporter, even your local news reporter, stopped people randomly on the street to interview the man on the street, those interactions were not random. The person stopping was a member of the network, probably doubling as script-reader, and foot surveillance, and if the reporter stopped you and you spoke the truth, it would never have made it into the broadcast. Everything was a lot more controlled than you thought.

WaPo is freaking out over the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement. A sign it is effective. What they fear is us breaking the psychological urge to obey, even once, because suddenly we might start asking why we are obeying a whole shitload of laws we really don’t need to be obeying.

Photos of a Virginia Gun show bustling as the Democrats threaten to try and enact gun control. 

Hundreds of ‘first time’ pro-gun activists flood NRA town hall in Virginia. K is building.

Ricky Gervais hosts Golden Globes, and tells the elites to drop the hypocritical lectures to others. A new zeitgeist is starting. Is it natural? Or are Trump and Q slowly taking over the network?

Don Jr sports the Crusader AR with a Lock Her Up Motif:

Spread r/K Theory, because Iran is next.

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5 years ago

Epstein = Zip tie on a Thai Strick. The long tough ones use to bind flexible piping on air conditioning systems. They have a metal tongue and cannot be removed without a cutting tool. Once the garrot is drawn up the stick gives the killer control. A modified baton would do the trick and would not be detected in entry searches or otherwise be looked at.


5 years ago

The link for the Iran-bounty-assassinate/George Lopez link is wrong; goes to 400k anchor baby link.

5 years ago

What does Sarah know?

Sarah Hucklebee @hucklebee_sarah
How many of you are thinking that Qassem Soleimani was the Democrats bag man in Iran?
Are Democrats getting some kickbacks (a la Ukraine) from that $150 billion Obama, so “generously” gave to the Mullahs?
Is this why the Congressional Democrats are so mad?
7:18 AM – Jan 6, 2020

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

Epstein is not dead at all. Anyone who believes this when they’ve seen clearly the pictures of his body being wheeled out are fake is foolish.

Why is Bill Barr lying about Epstein? How is it exactly that Bill Barr pretending Epstein is dead helps the cause of draining the swamp. I see no logical correlation between hiding Epstein, disinformation about Epstein being dead and draining the swamp. They would seem mutually exclusive. It certainly doesn’t prepare people for the idea that there’s a huge massive operation to deceive them. Much easier to admit Epstein is gone and they don’t know where. Are all these people running the jail being prosecuted with multiple decade sentences? If not why not? Why does Trump keep on these liars and all the Jews that infest his administration?

“…a twitter account named “TrumpJew” goes into a black neighborhood, and many of the blacks coming up to him tell him why blacks hate Jews…”

You can’t believe a damn thing the Jews say.

“…I suspect history will look back on the Suleimani assassination as the moment the US lost the long war in Iraq…

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden)…”

Lose??? If they kick us out it’s a big WIN for us. We don’t lose anything.

5 years ago

I don’t watch the awards shows, but the Ricky Gervais clip can be found now all over YouTube and it damn hilarious. Many very nervous smiles in the audience too.

5 years ago

U.S.-led coalition says it will withdraw from Iraq

Esper says no

But Trump seems to say yes

This is getting interesting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Update 2 (4:30pmET): In the latest update to her stream of tweets from the press conference, McClatchy reporter Tara Copp added that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Milley joined Esper during the press pow pow to confirm that the letter’s publication was “a mistake.”

He added that it was “poorly worded” and “had not been signed,” details that were apparently overlooked during the initial press reports.

MORE BREAKING: @thejointstaff Gen. Milley came back to brief us again after looking at the letter. “It was a mistake,” he said. Milley said it was a draft, poorly worded, and had not been signed. It was being worked w/ Iraqis. Bottom Line: US troops ARE NOT leaving, he said.
— Tara Copp (@TaraCopp) January 6, 2020

So the letter was “genuine,” but sent out by mistake, according to both Esper and now Milley. We eagerly await the inside-baseball WaPo report uncovering the series of incompetent maneuvers that led to this pr disaster.

* * *

More at:

It looks like someone leaked the letter to try and stop the pullout.

5 years ago

NATO Chief Silent On Whether The Alliance Would Respond To Iranian Attack On US

Time to leave NATO

5 years ago

Erdogan Says Warships May Bypass 1936 Treaty With Planned Canal

5 years ago

Chief of staff becomes sixth Pentagon official to quit within a month

5 years ago

The “greatest ally” of the U.S. will not be providing any assistance with Iran

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
5 years ago

About a week ago they were trying to call what a few Chinese people had on a flight that was being redirected back to the mainland in mid-flight ‘SARS’. I said this in a tweet thread that got only 1 ‘like’…but it was from (via his Twitter bio) “Associate Professor at UMB focusing on viral pathogenesis and therapeutic development for Influenza virus and SARS and MERS Coronavirus’. They lost 1/3 of their pigs recently: even money they’re trying to stop a swine flu outbreak.

5 years ago

The killing of Soleimani has driven those over a certain threshold of r insane.

Previously somewhat pro-Trump libertarians have flipped out and started to say insane things like our soldiers are fair game for Iran because we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq or that there is no evidence that Iran or Soleimani killed any Americans and they just keep repeating it no matter how much you show them how stupid those are and just deny the evidence when shown it.

One of them even jumped on the “Trump was a customer of Epstein and raped a little girl” bandwagon in spite of the fact that those charges have been disproven long ago.

5 years ago

AC, have you ever followed BD Anon?

5 years ago

Europeans set to toughen Iran response over nuclear violations