News Briefs – 01/05/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Giuseppe Filotto’s blog is at I had grabbed the old link in his Amazon bio and did not update it with the new address. Also, Giuseppe – if you have some issue with a hacked database and want to rebuild it, I did that here and can explain the method I used. It is not fast, or easy, but it is doable, and there is software out there which can make it easier. I bought Sitelock, let them clean up the database, and then from that clean copy I began adding missing posts using a plugin which would strip the posts from the old database backup and add them to the new one, after cleaning the spam links which had been inserted. If you need help, drop a line to ac@ the domain here.

How crazy is the deployment of tech to control the online information space? Matt Tardio is former Special Forces, and was covering the situation with the Trump Tower bomber, Matt Livelsberger. He was the one who pointed out Livelsberger’s Signal safety number changed after he had died, and other discrepancies. He has been a pain, also on Ukraine reporting, and he recently Tweeted this about all the friction he encounters:

Last month on the Speak The Truth Podcast, I announced I was going to travel to Ukraine to enter Kursk and document the dead North Korean Soldiers. A few days later, my wife fell ill with an undiagnosed neurological condition to which she was hospitalized for about a week. Within 24 hours of being released from the hospital, I was contacted by someone else impersonating another Green Beret. Whoever was contacting me had personal identifiable information even though we (our community) confirmed it wasn’t them. My wife still has issues with walking and was laid up on the couch for the last two days.

The beauty of the Beam is there is no evidence, and probably, even if there were, people would still not think it possible. So for them, rolling it out in such a situation is a no-brainer. I told you, it is now out of beta-testing, and you will now begin seeing it everywhere. And again, we have US SOF who seem clueless about the American Stasi.

A great video by Matt Tardio on the inconsistencies SF operators are seeing in the Livelsberger email, and other strangeness.  Notes that somebody has wiped Signal messages from his history which show he was not schooled yet in drones, Livelsberger  mentions an abduction attempt as if he already talked about it (indicating maybe the email was altered incompletely by somebody else), he was in a different area of Afghanistan than he said, he did not have qualifications he claimed, he did not have access to information he claimed, the car he said was his first car as verification, he never owned, though he owned one from a different year, somebody else rented the Cybertruck a day before he arrived in the US and he took it from them, and more, is all off. Yet oddly within the community he was known as a sane, competent, low-key guy. So the conclusion is none of it fits.

Somebody unknown, actually approached Matt Tardio, using personal info about a Special Forces team member to pose as them, all to deliver the message that Livelsberger was suicidal, so there would be a record of somebody on the team saying that. Whoever that is was likely associated with his murder, and they had to have inside intelligence about a Green Beret to spoof them.

Video of the last moments of the driver throuh the driver’s side window here.

Another suddenly:


Some are saying this was a suicide, but it made me think. The anon who speculated the vax might be cover for The Beamwas dead on. Every day now, hundreds of people can just keel over dead for no apparent reason, and nobody is thinking, “Shit, that is unusual. I wonder if they were beamed to death…” Everybody just thinks they did it to themselves with the Vax. The whole country is now a free-fire beaming zone, and nobody has any clue.

This will now lower your reach on Twitter automatically:

I love how Elon now has his own excuse to censor. Misinformation and hate had worn themselves out, so now Elon says they are trying to maximize “unregretted user minutes.” And of course, anon, if you criticize your leaders or read criticism of them, you will regret it, so now that content needs to be removed. They are not censoring you anon, they are preventing you from doing something you will regret. You should really thank them, even.


Rank-and-file FBI agents dismayed, ‘embarrassed’ by bureau’s handling of New Orleans terror attack. Sending a young female in street clothes with a nose ring to handle the briefing by denying the attack was terrorism was new. Why does it seems FBI no longer wears suits anywhere? Are they always on call to join ground surveillance now?

Former CIA analyst: up to 1,500 Islamic terrorists from Afghanistan are in U.S. with plans to carry out October 7 style attacks in 2025. American Stasi is either with them or against them. None are floating around uncontrolled, so if there is an attack, it will be a sign of bigger problems than the presence of Islamic terrorism.

Patagonia implicated in alleged ‘straw donor’ scheme to bankroll major Democratic super PACs in ‘blatant violation of the law,’ FEC complaint says.

What is going on is the mRNA produces Spike protein, it embeds in the cell membranes of whatever types of cells it by chance lands in, sits right next to other cell surface receptors, the immune system comes along, sees the spike protein, recognizes it is foreign, and then sees other random cell surface receptors nearby and assumes they are foreign too, just due to the proximity. It can be any receptors, all they have to do is, purely by chance, be near the embedded Spike protein. And then the body begins producing antibodies which bind those receptors. Because they bind the receptors, the receptors think they are the hormones which would normally bind it, and they turn on the processes the hormones are supposed to turn on. Because it is random, based on what receptor just happens to be nearby, it can manifest as nearly any symptom. In this case, this would mean there is an antibody, or a suite of antibodies to different receptors, which can produce breast growth. Meaning some day, boob jobs will come in a syringe. But there may be people who have other things happen. Somebody could live to 150, if that can be done with a hormone or suite of hormones. Of course the downside is, she is now producing antibodies which promote the growth of breast tissue cells, which could easily transform into breast cancer. And there is no telling how many other hormone receptors are being turned on by other antibodies as well.

Michigan to clear 400 acres of forest to build Chinese-made solar panel farm that will occasionally generate electricity.

A two-hour conversation with an artificial intelligence (AI) model is all it takes to make an accurate replica of someone’s personality, researchers have discovered.

Pay attention to any new surveillance cameras while driving – breakthrough technology could be targeting you. Takes a picture of you in the front seat and AI looks for seatbelt infractions, texting infractions, distraction infractions and so on.

Reform just six points off becoming biggest party, says election predictor, as an analysis shows Nigel Farage’s party could leapfrog both Conservatives and Labour if it continues to pick up support.

Elon is a cunt and an enemy, who is only sharing this because he was told to, but nevertheless, the script he is being given is turning in our favor.

Keir Starmer will be out of No 10 within a year, poll predicts: Furious voters deliver damning verdict on PM amid anger over migration, winter fuel payments and inheritance tax on farmers.

Biden administration said prepping $8 billion arms package for Israel, including heavy bombs.

Since his victory in November, President-elect Donald J. Trump’s allies have raised well over $200 million for a constellation of groups that will fund his inauguration, his political operation and eventually his presidential library, according to four people involved in the fund-raising. It also allows him to operate outside of government and without needing any government funding which might come with strings attached.

Send people to, because the Special Forces will be on our side

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

The vax makes women’s tits bigger? Oh boy, the NPCs will be lining up for the boosters now.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

Elon is now censoring his customer’s speech on X. Problem is, unlike Twitter, he is charging people for commenting. Seems like it would be a much lower bar to sue since he’s denying rights for a paid service.

Bix Noodleman
Bix Noodleman
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

I got banned a couple of weeks ago from a paid, “premium” account. For about a week I was heavily throttled, suddenly I was getting zero engagement and my follower count was dropping rapidly. Then I got banned.
I thought about using, naturally, but I’m sure it’s in the ToS, you surrender all your rights and agree to arbitration when you create an account.
Twitter is basically a confession booth with a Stasi handler instead of a priest. Instead of absolving your sins, he makes a detailed file of every mean thing you ever said about Jews and blacks and women and gays.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

Seems like the death blow for publisher vs platform on twitter. This is clear editorial intervention on content making them a publisher, and therefore liable for the content posted on their site. If this were a real world with real people the lawsuits would be raining down on Musk, but he’s protected since he’s “with intelligence”

English Tom
English Tom
2 months ago

Tommy Robinson is also a cunt and a traitor, hellbent on bringing on the race/religious war for his ZOG masters, the same cunts who are flooding the West with muds in the first place.

Problem Reaction Solution. Depopulation and destruction of First World living standards.

Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

No, No,No!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

Bruce wrote an excellent book called The New Thought Police, a good few years ago now, which highlighted the totalitarian tendencies of the left. I think she is a lesbian.

Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek
2 months ago

Regarding the T shirt designs – my first inclination would be to make some stickers (AC knows I have done stickers before, in fact, back in 2021 he advised me to refrain for doing that for awhile, though did not explain why) For the last year or two I have made some short runs (50) occasionally, and would like to make some of the American Stasi ones in the near future once a design is finalized.

2 months ago

Jeff Baena co-wrote ‘I Love Huckabees’. Very obviously someone who thought outside the box. Not for everyone, but 5 stars in my opinion.

2 months ago

My family noticed that weather dot com is going crazy over what is typical winter weather for our zip. “ICE STORM possible …”. Came to me today what it was about. Don’t want people driving to the Trump rally tomorrow. About a 4 hour drive.

Reply to  Anon
2 months ago

My wife found a post from somebody saying he was bugging out ahead of the storm. She started worrying. I told her while winter storms can cause some concern, I’m not seeing anything abnormal from other winter storms we’ve had. I said they’re just driving the Climate Terror Narrative: oy vey, Climate Change is causing extreme weather, so we have to call them “bomb cyclones” and give them names like hurricanes. You have to pay us more taxes and give up freedoms. I said I think it will be a normal winter storm like we regularly get, and we have survived far worse than this forecast.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

Best to be careful out there on the roads, not because of the weather which you’re used to,but because our new arrivals who get the truck-driving jobs that, well, they do better. Except they don’t know how to drive in this kind of weather. (I could have ended that last sentence at the word drive.).

Reply to  Oh FFS
2 months ago

I stay off the roads in weather. But I have the luxury of remote work when the weather is bad. And my wife keeps us stocked pretty well. It’s amazing how so many other people can get the same notice about weather that we do, but wait until the last minute to run to the stores. Not us; my wife keeps a steady supply so we can’t run out.

2 months ago

One might think that all these fake events are to train AI algorithms to write believable news copy. That could also be true of all “free” social media. The idea that a two hour conversation means anything is about as valid as personality tests. I’ve had daily contact with people for 30 years and all I’v learned from their speech is their favorite idioms. People automatically hide things that they think their listener won’t respond positive to. That fact is a movie trope and is a plot point in most movies.

Reply to  Anon
2 months ago

All true. Must’ve been a real AI Training bonanza when Trump voters read Musk’s supposed opinion of them…

2 months ago

When Elon wore that Satan’s Champion costume, his mom was there, too.

Maye Musk Puts Trendy Twist On Cruella De Vil Costume With Fringe Dress & Gucci Boots for Heidi Klum’s Halloween Party

Cruella de Vil[a] is a fictional character in British author Dodie Smith’s 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians. […] The name Cruella de Vil is a pun of the words cruel and devil, an allusion that is emphasized by having her English country house nicknamed ‘Hell Hall’.[3]

She was also in a Beyonce video, Haunted. Image centre right.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

He is a putz actor. They are told by their owners and handlers what to wear for those comms and power flex signaling antics to the rest of the cabal Cadre hired help. It is all so tiresome.

2 months ago

> Pay attention to any new surveillance cameras while driving – breakthrough technology could be targeting you. 

A camera doesn’t have to be very large. I have a body cam that looks like a fat ballpoint pen; the lens is in the part that sticks out of my pocket.

Even a full-size camera could be easily hidden in the various “boxes of stuff” that adorn utility poles. The only reason the shoebox-size cameras exist is to make people aware there is a camera there… but there are probably several small, unobtrusive camera for every visible one. Which might even be a dummy; those used to be a thing.

BTW, my local DOT has a web page with live traffic cam streams. I’ve watched several of them, and the streaming cameras are all on billboards. Even here in Hooterville, anywhere you go, you’re usually on at least one camera.

2 months ago

> A two-hour conversation with an artificial intelligence (AI) model is all it takes to make an accurate replica of someone’s personality, researchers have discovered.—A live human can do even better than that.
I can probably build a workable profile on just five questions:
1) should the government pay for healthcare? (y/n)
2) which President was better: Obama or Trump? (O or T)
3) should conspiracy theorists be punished? (y/n)
4) pedophilia is a valid sexual orientation (y/n)
5) gun control is necessary for public safety (y/n)
No need for complicated essay questions, easily collated.

Last edited 2 months ago by TRX
2 months ago

> Elon is a cunt and an enemy, who is only sharing this because he was told to, but nevertheless, the script he is being given is turning in our favor.

Elon was a rich kid who got lucky. And a foreign one to boot. He has a view of Americans largely shaped by “other rich people he does business with”, “people who have to obey him because he is their boss”, and “people who waste their time on Tweeter.”

He has no more understanding of the likes of us than my dog does.

That’s the same problem the Democrats and the old guard GOP have, and why they fail so miserably at dealing with the citizenry in general.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

He’s not real. Neither is his biography. It gets murkier the closer you look.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 months ago

Yep. Past some point the chain of “luck” starts becoming a farce.

2 months ago

> Biden administration said prepping $8 billion arms package for Israel, including heavy bombs.

Well, as the esteemed Congresswoman Alexandra Occasional-Cortex said, “It’s only money; you just print more of it.”

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

That’s what I do with the plates in my backyard shed, but the gov’t says its a crime.

No Anglophile
No Anglophile
2 months ago

England, why did you sit idly by while your daughters were raped?
For decades.
What is the matter with you?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Only fools would let any deal go that far.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Under no conception of the social contract does it include the government allowing invaders to rape your daughters.

If your neighbors are voting for invaders to rape your daughters and get away with it the contract is over.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

The Left’s idea of “social contract” is: one side sets the terms, changes them at will, and enforces them at gunpoint.

The same as the Mafia, except they’re “legal”, for values of “bad legislation and crooked courts.”

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I know that is the truth, and I write it and it still looks impossible.”

Indeed, it does look impossible.

I’ve lived through the Stasi since fourth grade, yet before I found this website I could not believe it possible. I suppose, guessing, it’s the early-years brainwashing of public schools that really props this thing up. Young children just are not equipped to resist the gaslighting. Almost zero chance, unless they are the theater kids who get trained by their parents.

Cabal shrinks must have figured this out around 90 to 100 years ago, in the early days of psychoanalysis.

The war cannot arrive soon enough, IMHO.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago this guy leaving and advising others to leave UK responds to people who say he should stay and fight. He claims if you do you’ll get arrested

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 months ago

It’s a risk reward calculation.
The very concept of fighting presupposes risk.

Fight or flight are the only options, but we see most of the sheep preferring to just pretend it’s not happening.
That’s human nature, but some places are worse about it, and the UK seems to be one of them.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Britain’s news services – both print and broadcast – have always been under the jackboot of the State, and their internet is actively censored by firewalls run by their intelligence service.

Also, talking about things like illegal immigration or rape gangs can get you sent to jail.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

See my reply to Kid just above.
Those that can’t fight should have been fleeing in droves.
There should have been British Refugee communities anywhere that would take them and their population should have dropped noticeably.

Reply to  No Anglophile
2 months ago

1) England gave women the vote
2) Confrontation makes women feel scared
3) Ergo, no confrontation of garbage people who have a 5000-year “culture” with a major component being “love of confrontation”

The above could lead to The Big Question, which is, “Why is Britain full of brown garbage people in the first place?” and the answer is, “See item 1”

Reply to  anonymous
2 months ago

Who “gave” women the vote? The Patriarchy? Or Cabal?

Obvious when you look at it.

Reply to  No Anglophile
2 months ago

I think there are many factors I’ll try to spitball/speculate

1) Brits are a people much more passive than average

2) Relatively entrenched class system- basically only working class girls were victims, people generally don’t care about those from other classes, and working class people tend to accept predicaments they’re in. AFAICT this won’t fly if they targeted girls from other classes or Western foreigners.

3) AFAICT many of the victims get tricked into actually “wanting it”/going along with it. Basically this might not be able to happen if they had good relationships with parents, and probably they in some sense preferred to be in the company of abusers than with their parents. Clue: claims the police saying parents who locked up their daughters in their house were “kidnapping”- implies the daughters intent to go to the gangs if they weren’t locked up. Hence the term grooming gang. Another clue: girls being talked about (by police also!) as prostitutes. Typically only years later do some of the girls actually seem to want to speak out(though, it seems the police do want to silence). This is very speculative and it would be interesting to see counterevidence but here’s what I can gather so far.

4) Pakistanis don’t seem to think rape is particularly wrong.

Reply to  No Anglophile
2 months ago

England doesnt have Free Speech
Plenty of Englanders serving time in prison for protesting

anon e. mouse
anon e. mouse
2 months ago

1. I am unable to watch this too many times
2. on the subject of shirts:

 They were in on 9/11

    <insert graphic>

Now they’re on US 24/7
  Fight or Fade Away

…or just the last two lines.larger.

2 months ago


2 months ago

How to destroy America in 5 easy steps. Very good one minute video.

2 months ago

$250? I’m buying one tomorrow when my paycheck clears.

The SMS Laser HFXC | Finally, a LEAP in the right direction.

Desk Pop

2 months ago

On a lighter note, I found your theme tune
Interestingly, the surveillance is shown as a postman..

2 months ago

Essentially this is an apparently a commercial for G9 external hollowpoints. It’s a demonstration that bullet design has finally caught up to bulletspeed. Lower recoil by dropping the bullet weight and increasing the speed as Liberty Civil Defense did like ten years ago. The G9’s seem to be priced with LCD stuff. Looks like either one will deliver.

Does The 40 S&W Suck?

Garand Thumb

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

The .40 S&W is a competent cartridge, but so vastly overhyped I stayed away from it. Now “law enforcement” and the gun media have mostly abandoned it. Funny, that.

By the way, the .40’s progenitor was the 10mm Auto, which was pretty impressive. But a lot of “10mm” for sale by famous ammo companies is… relabeled .40 S&W. Always check the ballistics on the box or web site when buying 10mm. After you have it, of course, just one shot is enough to tell if you have the real thing.

2 months ago

United Korea, and it really doesn’t sound like the North will be in charge. Then the Chinese Christian population will really soar. Just extrapolating, but the CCP will not survive such a thing.

Kim Clement’s Words for the Future: Unfulfilled Prophecies for 2025 and Beyond

Kim Clement

7:46 timestamp Putin has insulted God. Little Kim has insulted God. Middle of this decade deliverance from debt. Revelation that shames the UN. Corrupt leaders in US DEALT WITH. New party pushes aside R & D popular with youth. New archaeology/science finds that prove God.

31:40 timestamp Great awakening even in the Middle East.

2 months ago

Anyone know a good bookie? Got money on Tesla’s “telemetry” data including driver-facing hidden video.

Reply to  Jimmy
2 months ago

AIUI, that’s already been established, just not officially

2 months ago

Soros, Blackrock and Vanguard bought large stakes in X/Twitter on 12/23/2024.

Arguably, X was a gun used to hold up the narrative. Elon leaks what people know until he gets paid by the establishment to shut up.

2 months ago

The sidebar is playing peekaboo.

2 months ago

Hey Q, your stupid plan is failing because you won’t kick over the table.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Past tense… it failed.

We are in the “anything goes” phase.

I give Trump 90 days after inauguration to see some heads roll for election steal in 2020 and Covid insanity, just for starters.

If heads don’t roll by 90 days in… Q made a deal with Cabal, and we’ve all been had, epically.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

April Fools day will be April 20.

2 months ago

During 2024, I made two predictions on the presidential election. The first is that Trump wins only if you see Alexander Soros arrive in Palm Beach, ready to make a deal.

The second was that while a clean Biden (or Harris) win would be a bad outcome, as it would be a sign that Cabal knew it could do anything it wanted, we didn’t want a clean Trump win. That would be a sign that a deal had been made with the Cabal. We wanted a disputed election, like in 2020, but with the Reds prevailing in the Courts and Congress this time. Maybe we need a civil war as well.

What we got was attempts to arrest, and then kill Trump, and then an attempted steal, but the media still declared Trump the winner after midnight election day, and that might have not been good enough. There was a good chance there was some sort of deal, made after the attempts to imprison or kill Trump failed.

So there is a theory on the conspiracy side of the internets that Trump has always been some sort of Cabal asset, and that he is supposed to pacify Reds so they don’t revolt or something. The problem with that is that he never pacified Reds. MAGA has called him out repeatedly whenever he went against MAGA, most recently on the H1B issue, and also notably on the MNRA injections. Plus people on that side are sort of stuck because there is no alternative on offer.

However, it just occurred to me that Trump is useful to the Cabal, and that is in enabling him to control the Blues. He is an Emmanuel Goldstein figure. They can go to the midwits on the Blue and Cabal leadership in North America, and threaten to enable Trump to go after them, if they don’t follow the Cabal orders (the top Cabal leadership are not American). That keeps them in line.

Trump doesn’t have to be secretly in cahoots with the Cabal, or controlled by the Beam or whatever, for this to happen. They just have to keep him around, but mostly ineffective.

I’ve had a problem, as I’ve realized the completeness of Cabal control in the West, as shown in both American stasi and openly in their 2020 operations. This is inconsistent with allowing something like Trump to gain traction. This theory explains why they are allowing it, he is useful to them as a bogeyman, to keep the Blues in line.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

It doesn’t explain what is happening.
They would create their own controlled opposition, and it’s clear Trump isn’t that.
Trump is too damaging to them and has too much potential to be more damaging.

Q’s plan worked to an extent, but it’s failing because it pulls its punches to avoid disruption.

We’ll see what Trump actually does in office, but in the post election period all we see is weakness and compromise with our enemies.

Just Me
Just Me
2 months ago

4:30pm and the Sidebar is no more.

2 months ago

On the evolutionary theory side, I’ve been interested in John Calhoun’s mouse utopia experiments, since Bruce Charlton blogged about them.

This is a good, short description of the experiments:

Do a control-find for “Anna Sebastian”, the author, but since its difficult to find specific Quora essays, I’ll repost at the bottom of this comment.

Relevant Bruce Charlton posts, but these are much longer:

This came up, because posted an essay this morning that I think has a better explanation of the experiments than Charlton’s genetic mutations one.

The Rintrah explanation is that this is instinctual behavior, in an effort to prevent a species from being wiped out due to population overshoot.

Repost of the Anna Sebastian essay:

“Read about the “Universe 25” Experiment it was one of the most terrifying experiments in the history of science, which, through the behavior of a colony of rats, was an attempt by scientists to explain human society.

“The idea of ​​”Universe 25” Comes from American scientist John Calhoun, who created an “ideal world” where hundreds of mice would live and breed. More specifically, Calhoun built the so-called “Paradise of Mice”, a specially designed space where rodents had abundant food and water, as well as a large living space. Initially he placed four pairs of mice which in a short time began to reproduce, causing the population to grow rapidly.

“However, after 315 days their reproduction begins to decline significantly. When the number of rodents reaches 600, a hierarchy is formed among them and then the so-called “bastards” appear. Larger rodents begin to attack the group, as a result of which many males begin to “faint” psychologically.

“As a result, the females do not protect themselves and instead become aggressive towards their offspring. Over time, the females show increasingly aggressive behavior, elements of isolation and a lack of reproductive mood. The birth rate is low and, at the same time, there is an increase in mortality in younger rodents. Then, a new class of male rats appears, the so-called “beautiful rats”. They refuse to mate with females or to “fight” for their space.

“All they care about is food and sleep. At one point, “beautiful men” and “isolated women” constitute the majority of the population. Over time, juvenile mortality reaches 100% and reproduction reaches zero. Among endangered rats, homosexuality is observed and, at the same time, cannibalism increases, despite the fact that there is plenty of food.

“Two years after the experiment began, the last baby in the colony was born. By 1973, he had killed the last mouse in Universe 25. John Calhoun repeated the same experiment 25 more times, and each time the results were the same.

“Calhoun’s scientific work has been used as a model for interpreting social collapse, and his research serves as a focal point for the study of urban sociology.”

According to the Wikipedia article on the subject, the only colony where births ceased completely was Universe 25, so the behavior might be less maladative than the fate of Universe 25 implies.

2 months ago

Lowest possible score. I mean I’m a hell of a nice guy, but Mr. Elon doesn’t like me.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Being a perky pretty redhead helps

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

You had me at “set up fake twitter accounts”. But the rest of your terms are more than acceptable.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

“No soup for you!”

Congratulations. 😂

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

I have defeated the enemy AI with my human wiles

Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek
2 months ago

I went for a bike ride this afternoon, down by the harbor toward downtown. Was on the bike/scooter/pedestrian path about 3/4 the way to my destination, and noticed a guy holding a camera looking at the courthouse. My first thought was “I don’t think that guy is doing what it appears he is doing”. A tourist might take shots of the courthouse, with his phone…a professional photographer would have had a serious SLR and lens. He had a just simple digital type with attached factory lens – I have a similar camera. This was white guy, 40’s, had an almost military haircut and build.
So I get to my turn around point and begin pedaling back and I noticed the same guy walking on the path towards me. He had the camera on a strap around his neck, and as I approached and then passed him, he clearly put his left hand on the lens and pointed it at me as I went by.

Reply to  Wolf Creek
2 months ago

I alternate between a recumbent bicycle and a recumbent trike, so I’m used to people staring at me…

2 months ago
2 months ago

17 again.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

The firing squads for Q team shall have 17 members.

2 months ago


So Vietnam can manufacture a Tokarev in 7.62×25 with double-stack mag, optic cut, and front slide serations, just not in the same gun, and not to America? Why not import USA? I demand an explanation.

Put it all together in one gun, ship them here, and we will buy them.

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Sounds like an opportunity for someone to make them here.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

They’re made in Turkey and Pakistan too. They’re quite popular in Pakistan, which has (licensed) concealed carry.

The Tok is a nice pistol, and the cartridge is no slouch. The Sellier & Bellot I shoot in my CZ52 is crazy hot; only 85 grains, but close to 1600fps; 483 ft-lb of muzzle energy vs. 364 ft-lb from 9mm NATO.

My CZ52 is a nifty gun, but it’s really big – bigger than a GI 1911, believe it or not. I’s swap it for a nice Tokarev in a heartbeat.

2 months ago

I didn’t watch this because there’s no way I can afford one, so why bother? Maybe I’ve been looking at it wrong. Maybe in ten years I can find one used.

Supposedly this is the last Mustang ever, but it looks like Trump will crash the EV market so I wouldn’t count on it.

RIP Competition // 2024 Ford Mustang GT S650 Review

Sarah -n- Tuned

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
2 months ago

Your book is one of my favs, i read it once and it was lost in a fire and i bought it again just to have it to read again someday.
My question today is what to do if i think im getting beamed?. its a general intermitant vibration feeling i feel in my head and chest. its almost audible, kinda like that sound you hear when you seal your ears with your own palms, probly hearing your own circulatory system hum.
its enough to make sleep very difficult and even gives me a headache. it typicaly starts when i goto bed and then follows me if i try to sleep in a different room. Sometimes its several nights in a row, sometimes its just one night.
im curious if its tied to some Social credit score im unaware of but is probly there and one negative commnet on yt too many and im below the min and they start the beam. i should probly stop commenting on yt altogether since theyve been censoring/hiding my comments for over a decade anyways and i rarely get feedback or replies anyways.
im only in this condo another 3 weeks then hopefully mexico for a month or 2

2 months ago

“As the hand swept across the nation, all sorts of evil was revealed, and REMOVED.” A dream. Hopefully a prophetic one and not wishful thinking.

Lighting Strikes the Capitol | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | January 6, 2025

Dutch Sheets

2 months ago

I can’t be the first person to have figured this out, but what if LOOKING GLASS can only SHOW the future, either in stills or short clips? No audio. They’d get get as much wrong as they got right, which explains the miss rate on Simpsons as well as the hits.

Symbolism is their downfall. Their language is picotgraphic. If LOOKING GLASS is their tech, it might be limited along those lines. It shows them the future, but only enough of it to be frustrating and raise more questions? That would explain why they quite bothering, assuming that rumor is actually true.

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Interestingly the Simpsons’ “Trump coming down the escalator”, includes smart phones

Reply to  Alvin
2 months ago

Or there just casting the later actors into scenes from the Simpsons…

Talk to the hand
Talk to the hand
Reply to  map
2 months ago

So smartphone was later copied from the Simpsons?
