News Briefs – 01/05/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Guns are banned in DC at the Jan 6th protest. And the detection technologies will be significantly more advanced than you would think.

Trump at the Georgia rally gave a rough timeline of election fraud reveals, saying, “Watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. Watch what’s going to come out. Watch what’s going to be revealed. You watch.”

Patrick Byrne drops a bombshell – a Chinese shipping receipt was found with shredded ballots in Georgia. It is in the twitter brief, but the tweet read, “A handful of papers stuck to the side of the shredding bin. They include some unshredded ballots (which 2 federally certified forensic examiners have affied do not match the legitimate ballots). ALSO, A SHIPPING RECEIPT FROM THE CHINESE FIRM THAT PRINTED THE BALLOTS! IN CHINESE!” One, I think it more likely that happens purposefully than by accident, given our enemy would take measures to avoid that, and there were probably only a few receipts in that 3000 lbs of documents they were shredding. Not that it is not real, but rather somebody at the shredding place on our side grabbed a few ballots and the receipt, and saved them, and then stuck them in there after the shredding, so the people responsible for all this can spend some major time in the slammer. Two, Bryne is essentially a professional evidence gatherer for Trump, so it was documented properly and it is now official – foreign interests in China interfered in our election to install a Chinese asset as our President. I don’t think at this point, anything is possible. The outcome is already assured. We live in the age of power. You do whatever you want, and the public sits back and takes it, because things are too comfortable to start shooting now. For the last several decades, this has worked against us, as our enemy occupied both parties leadership and the entire political process, so we were the ones who just had to take it, even though we are the only part of the citizenry the elites needed to fear rising up. But now our side has a leader who honestly represents us, by virtue of his position he has the power to do what he wants, and everyone will have to take it. And it just so happens that what he wants is what is right and moral – to prevent the Cabal/Chinese from taking over our nation. And the only group who could resist if they wanted, armed America, is 100% on his side. If you do the math, it seems highly unlikely Cabal will win. The only reason they have for so long is they managed to manipulate it so our side’s leadership was run by their people too, so we had to take it. But not this time. Now they get to sit back and take it. And for all the noise they make, they won’t do shit about it, which is what makes this the age of power.

Antifa scumbags went to Josh Hawleys home in Washington DC while he was traveling,  tried to knock open his door, and threatened his wife and newborn daughter, who were home alone. They knew his wife and daughter were home alone. Just like firing shots through a daughter’s bedroom window in Georgia yesterday, they are operating with intelligence, and they are purposely targeting family with the threats. I really can’t believe this is in the USA, or that so many seemingly regular Americans would run support ops for this thing.

D.C. National Guard to activate hundreds of troops for pro-Trump demonstration.

U.S. Attorney for North Georgia resigns, effective immediately.

Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was placed into office in the Georgia House of Representatives in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people who he was caught on tape asking for votes, in Chinese.

One day after someone tried to shot a member of his team Jovan Pulitzer announced that evidence was found and confirmed of mail-in ballots with the votes already filled in by machine.

Fulton county Georgia ballot inspection hearing is subverted as Georgia is stalling to prevent forensic review of suspected fraudulent absentee ballots.

Still no chain of custody documents produced in Georgia for 76 percent of absentee ballots cast in drop boxes two months ago in Presidential election.

Over 432,000 votes removed from Trump in Pennsylvania, data scientists say.

Sources say Pence, McCarthy, Pelosi, and McConnell have a backroom deal to end the January 6 challenge after a single 2 hour debate. Not at all a bad thing, if Pence then takes all the ballots, rolls in a Dominion machine, counts them, adjudicates them, recounts the ballots the machine produces, and announces Donald J. Trump has won.

A number of prominent Republicans have spoken out in opposition to the plan to object to Joe Biden electors from the 2020 battleground states being contested by President Donald Trump.

Bernie Sanders joins with Mitt Romney on opposition to challenging the rigged election. Every election Bernie corrals the recalcitrant leftists and quarantines them so they can’t foment trouble elsewhere, and in return he is able to give $180 million in campaign funds to his family-owned media company, and they get to keep whatever they don’t spend on commercials. Who would want a gig like that to come to an end?

Dick Cheney, the former vice president, and Liz Cheney rebuke President Trump for not accepting the rigged election. What are the chances Dick Cheney has raped and murdered a child?

Four in Kansas’ Congressional delegation are joining the Electoral College challenge on Trump’s behalf.

Dominion plans to sue Sidney Powell, doesn’t rule out suing Trump too. If Cabal wasn’t purged, this would be very, very bad, given the extent of the infiltration of our entire judicial system.

Business leaders urge Congress to certify Biden win. I am not surprised. Take a look around town, as you drive around. From what I have seen, chances are if you see a successful business, a landscaper, a restaurant, an alarm company, those people will tend to be in the network, because those in the network start out with the network hiring them preferentially, and they probably get some side-coin from running coverage on hapless targets the machine wants to keep down. Everybody else has to scratch and claw, but not them. And they will know all about the shitbaggery. Mention surveillance, and things will get real awkward and real quiet real fast. It is weird when you see it, because they don’t tell you it isn’t an honest competition growing up. But then why would they?

Only one unknown source claims, Delta Force raided a Biden compound in Ukraine.

Proud Boys leader arrested in Washington DC ahead of Jan 6th rally. A strange case. He came out a few days ago and publicly said he set fire to a BLM flag on the outside of a church – a clear crime, and clearly something that would be prosecuted as a hate crime. It has a 100% feel of his FBI/Cabal handler setting fire to the flag, and then telling him to come  out and say he did it so they would have a pretext to pick him up and keep him from showing up in DC. I don’t know what it means, but I have a feeling if I were paying closer attention to that scene it would be a predictive incident, pointing to something like a mass-shooting, or bombing, or bioweapons attack that they wanted to make sure wouldn’t take him out when it killed 85% of the Proud Boys. Right after it, he will be let out, charges will get dropped for lack of evidence, and he will resume leading what is left of the group. Again, that might not be it, but it feels like something like that.

Video purports to be of ANTIFA being escorted into DC by Police ahead of Jan 6th MAGA stop the steal rally. I report this because it is out there, but I do not see where the vans of people are discernible as Antifa. And of course this whole operation will be filled with psyops. Though when our leadership is compromised of the conspiracy, it would not be surprising to see them having Police escort in their ground troops. Could be important intelligence, or Cabal disinformation.

Xi orders China’s military to focus on ‘preparing for war.’

District Judge denies Julian Assange extradition request to the U.S.

Australia’s Catholic bishops are considering raising questions with the country’s financial watchdog authority about whether any Catholic organizations were among the recipients of billions of Australian dollars in transfers reputedly from the Vatican.

Sandy Hook father is forced to wear a disguise in 60 Minutes interview about his son, 6, because conspiracy theorists who say massacre was ‘faked’ have threatened to kill him. His picture is literally all over the internet, so it is all show.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposes national lockdown on England to combat new Covid variant.

LA EMS workers told not to transport patients with ‘little chance of survival.’ Yet hospitals everywhere else are fine. You have to wonder if this is just propaganda to promote the migration out to Florida and Texas.

California has only distributed about one-third of the #vaccine doses it’s received so far. It has about 1.3m but has only given 454,000 shots, while the the rest sit in freezers. Nobody wants it, despite all the hype.

Nigerian scammer laughs about huge sums stolen from COVID welfare programs in bombshell interview.

City and county of Kenosha face $20M in damage claims related to Rittenhouse shootings. Skate or Die Boy and the Disarmed Bawler are both filing $10M claims. Unknown is if the dead child molester’s family will get in on the act. So they come in trying to burn the place down, the only guy trying to stop them from hurting anyone is almost killed, and then thrown in jail, and now the criminals are looking to make millions. If it is all a grift, with corrupt politicians that work for the conspiracy deciding how much to settle for with agents of the conspiracy and everybody taking a cut of that payday, do you view these cases differently now?

230 Google workers form Silicon Valley’s first union to force management to embrace their progressive “values.”

Migrants chanting “Biden, Biden” storm the US-Mexico border crossing, but are repelled.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signs ‘stand your ground’ bill.

Warnock staffer caught on camera by Project Veritas says, most police officers are ‘bad.’

Spread r/K Theory, because the outcome is already assured.

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4 years ago

“…For the last several decades, this has worked against us, as our enemy occupied both parties leadership and the entire political process, so we were the ones who just had to take it, even though we are the only part of the citizenry the elites needed to fear rising up. But now our side has a leader who honestly represents us, by virtue of his position he has the power to do what he wants, and everyone will have to take it. And it just so happens that what he wants is what is right and moral – to prevent the Cabal/Chinese from taking over our nation. And the only group who could resist if they wanted, armed America, is 100% on his side. If you do the math, it seems highly unlikely Cabal will win. The only reason they have for so long is they managed to manipulate it so our side’s leadership was run by their people too, so we had to take it. But not this time. Now they get to sit back and take it. And for all the noise they make, they won’t do shit about it, which is what makes this the age of power.”

You got that right AC, well said.

Thanks, really appreciate you.

4 years ago

“I am not surprised. Take a look around town, as you drive around. From what I have seen, chances are if you see a successful business, a landscaper, a restaurant, an alarm company, those people will tend to be in the network, because those in the network start out with the network hiring them preferentially, and they probably get some side-coin from running coverage on hapless targets the machine wants to keep down. Everybody else has to scratch and claw, but not them…”

Man, when you grok the scale, it gobsmacks you, it is so obvious, and once so difficult to know what it all is but this sense something was all terribly wrong.
Just imagine, all the corporatism, the institutional order gone, poof. Used to wonder, like every day, the good old days when there where mom & pops, everywhere, little businesses, every kind of restaurant, shoe store, every sort of small shop’s where you could get anything made or fixed, and everyone was just simply busy, an unspoken natural can-do. You go into somebodies shop, and they did what it would take to cater to you and if they couldn’t before they even said they could not provide for you they would be talking to you about going over to so & so’s, they will get you fixed right up.

It really bakes my noodle how they snuck in their institutional order, it was all totally by design, and like plucking the goose one feather at a time, the goose one day realizes its got not a feather left, robbed clean.

I imagine a world without that now, I can see it just gone, it all collapses, once it begins to fail, its like a house of cards in a windstorms, flutters away, nothing left but empty buildings, it was all predicated on a system of control.
It can’t fight back, its got nothing, it was all a funnel system, there was no substance to it, nothing anti-fragile, but the network which controlled it, it invested nothing back in but what was absolutely the barest requirements to maintain the control. Even people who made up the non-machine part where nothing, only necessary, and even at that, a necessary evil. All they had to do was maintain pressure in the vacuum they created, people need stuff, but nobody was a customer, a patron, like Lowes, its not a store, its a place they got stuff, nothing in it is there to cater to people, it is simply a place where they put things on shelves that they want you to buy, not what you need, that would be just consequential.
Now I know why I get the fucking creeps in those places, like the little heebyjeebies, Walfart, Tractor Supply, Blowes, Homeless Depot, etc., walk around, know I need to get an item, wander around, and walk out with nothing, just want to get out of there. Like nothing in there somehow had any value.

Imagine…All gone, Kaput! A fart in a mitten just dissapates, and nothing remains but a memory of something that was odious.
It’s not SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, its the sun rises, no clouds, exactly a new day you come out and its simple wholesome serenity. A wonder to appreciate, how shit feels right in the world.
I really can see it now. Mr. Trump didn’t win, we all won, good folks all over stuck to their guns, to their convictions, and even as most of us never could put our finger on it, we had this courage of our convictions, and they, could not do anything to control or eliminate it. Doing so was the last objective, then they controlled everything, but they never really controlled anything, only some people, who did some things, and they reached the level where they could go no more, but like a shark that has to keep moving to breath, they had to keep reaching for more control, never stop, but they ran out of more control, they hit a wall, nothing for it, everything and everyone who was controllable was. All else they did or tried was not control.
It is impossible to have control over people who refuse to be controlled, whose codes and ways can not be controlled. What has happened is there’s way too many folks they can’t control. That simple. Whether its because MYOB!, or I Won’t!, or armed to the fucking teeth, its really about a plurality who are plain old fashioned natural indomitable.

The absurdity of the dirty stinkin’ commie chinks owing America, of the little rat countries helping out, thinking they was going to cash in on their share in the election coup, what are they all smoking. And that cabal, its toast. It will never have any power again to hurt us.
Its actually funny to me now, they ain’t nothing. They got nothing. They offer nothing. Add it up it always comes out to nothing. And to threaten us all, with nothing.
Adios. Good Bye. We’ll turn off the light on our way out.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

I remember when TSC used to sell model Ertl tractor replicas. Maybe they still do.

4 years ago

Never has been a shortage of scumbags.

4 years ago

> Guns are banned in DC at the Jan 6th protest.

They have been banned for ages. *And* ammunition. *And* magazines. *And* – this one is a deusie – components – primers, bullets, powder, and empty brass.

A few years ago some schmuck ran afoul of DC Metro and spent weeks in jail, plus a large fine, after they discovered an empty shotgun shell in his stuff. It was big news for months, though the likes of Google may ignore it now.

DC is an extreme case of how “shall not be infringed” is simply ignored by the vermin who make unconstitutional laws and the thugs who enforce them.

4 years ago

SoCal anon here; local sources I know, ordinary people who work in and around hospitals, are reporting that it really is that bad where they are. Few beds available, morgues overflowing, constant codes (during one phone call, multiple code alerts were going off, meaning that multiple patients were on the brink of dying). This as of the week before Christmas, so I don’t know exactly how things are today.

Saw a source yesterday that some 72% of hospitalizations are Hispanic, vs. 2% White. Make of that what you will. All this going on, but still some 60% of local health care workers don’t want the vaccine. Again, make of that what you will.

I don’t know what is really going on; out where I am, away from the medical stuff, life seems fairly normal and I don’t know of any severely sick people personally, but clearly it is happening, especially the closer you get to the big metro areas down here.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

I commo with people from kali who say no, hospitals aren’t overflowing. some sources may just be repeating what is on the news.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

One of the three local hospitals shut down completely early last year, and the other two are nearly empty since “elective surgery” is no longer a thing.

To listen to Governor Diaperface, you’d think there were bodies stacked on the curb waiting for the man with the cart.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

I live by UCLA,drive by emergency room all the time… no ambulances lined up. No people in tents outside, EMTs standing around near empty ambulances. BIG LIARS!

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

No serious person denies that a respiratory illness has been floating around for 12 months or so.

Hispanics tend to be heavier, more likely to be diabetic, as well as less likely to engage in basic precautions like hand washing and such, thus higher rates of illness.

That being said, the lockdowns have nothing to do with contagion, at this point. The numbers and IFR speak for themselves. I know a doctor who works ER in the Bronx, and he said it’s been relatively quiet for the past several months. LA may be where NYC was in March. A big surge will burn off the dry tinder, so to speak, and then everything evens out.

Look, people are still going to get sick, Covid or no Covid. People die everyday, and will continue to die. That is life.

But the response to Covid has not been measured or logical considering the real IFR. It doesn’t add up.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

My mother died from COPD almost two years ago. The final year of her life she was intubated on several occasions at two of the main hospitals in our city.

This was pre-Covid mind you (2018 until she passed in early 2019).

Each time she was in the respiratory ICU it was almost always full. It would therefore be trivially easy to rile up the public with claims of an out of control pandemic.

I mean walking into a respiratory ICU now would make you think “Holy shit, Covid is going to kill us all!”

Walking into the same ICU in 2019 would’ve been like “Damn, there’s alot of folks in this rapidly growing town. We need more hospitals.”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Hey thanks AC. Bless you man.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Cuz they’re REPORTING, you’re not actually SEEING it. Wake up.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

More relevant today than ever:

We are guinea pigs for these assholes.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
4 years ago

> LA EMS workers told not to transport patients with ‘little chance of survival.’

I see nothing nefarious here. Similar work-them-and-leave-them policies have proliferated across the United States over the past two decades. Such policies are reasonable, appropriate, and compassionate: good medicine, in my opinion. One might argue LA-EMS is catching-up to other major cities by enacting this policy.

4 years ago

“Proud Boys leader arrested in Washington DC ahead of Jan 6th rally. A strange case. He came out a few days ago and publicly said he set fire to a BLM flag on the outside of a church – a clear crime, and clearly something that would be prosecuted as a hate crime. It has a 100% feel of his FBI/Cabal handler setting fire to the flag, and then telling him to come out and say he did it so they would have a pretext to pick him up and keep him from showing up in DC. I don’t know what it means, but I have a feeling if I were paying closer attention to that scene it would be a predictive incident, pointing to something like a mass-shooting, or bombing, or bioweapons attack that they wanted to make sure wouldn’t take him out when it killed 85% of the Proud Boys. Right after it, he will be let out, charges will get dropped for lack of evidence, and he will resume leading what is left of the group. Again, that might not be it, but it feels like something like that.”

More info:

Judge Bans Proud Boys Leader From DC Rallies After Monday Arrest

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

could be a way to get him out of harm’s way too. all too often imho it seems ostensibly white pro-white groups just have to be led by someone else… optics? or someone else’s plan…

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

Looking like Ossoff and Warnock won Georgia. Good old Dominion machine come from behind Blue finish. 😂 😂 😂

4 years ago

Statement from President Donald J Trump: Mike Pence and I are in total agreement

4 years ago

Codemonkey deploying MOABs……still waiting for the data. Must be on a SAT link or fucking dial-up, geesh.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

I wonder if the STORM act for FEMA camp activation might be related to this:

Are the domestic terrorist antifa comrades getting vanned soon, perhaps?