News Briefs – 01/05/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at



Senator Mike Lee says, “We should all be scared to death… We shouldn’t rest until FISA is either repealed entirely or drastically, dramatically reformed.” It is peculiar. Given all that has come out, I would think this would be the default position, and I am sure it is where things will go, but almost nobody right now, either in politics, or in the blogsphere seems to have the balls to come out and say it.

From here: “Five days ago, an undisclosed intelligence agency intercepted a telephone call made by the head of Iran’s Quds Force, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, in which he was heard ordering his proxies in Iraq to attack the U.S embassy in Baghdad, as well as other Israeli and American targets, with the aim of taking hostages.”

Germany seeks talks with Iran to ease tensions.

Flashback : Iran’s Soleimani said to Trump, “We are near you, where you can’t even imagine…  If you begin the war, we will end the war.” Sounds kind of like Cabal threatening they had a sleeper in the administration.

From here: “In mid-October, Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani met with his Iraqi Shi’ite militia allies, instructing them to step up attacks on U.S. targets in the country using sophisticated new weapons provided by Iran.”

Iran says it has 35 American targets it could strike in retaliation for Suleimani’s killing.

Iran raises a red flag up on top of the highest Mosque in Iran, which symbolizes a huge battle to come.

President Trump has 52 Iranian targets he is all set to obliterate. That is the 35 Iran has, plus 17.

US and Spanish bases see increased traffic, indicating possible military actions being prepared.

The White House delivered a formal, entirely classified notification to Congress on Saturday informing lawmakers of the airstrike that took out several Iranian military officials.

Pompeo to do ‘full Ginsburg’ as Trump seeks to use Sunday shows to capitalize on Soleimani killing. They don’t need any more support for what has happened, but they may be building support for something that is going to happen soon. Iran was the next piece of the puzzle in the Storm. Something BIG is coming. Will it be named Operation Big [something]?

DHS considering protections to prevent violence against places of worship. Heads up Church-anons, be sharp.

Times Of London names Iranian General to list of “2020 rising stars” on the day before his assassination. Was this guy a topic in Cabal-media circles like the New York Times and here because word had gone out about some Plan they had, and he figured into it? Seems strange so many were talking about him out of the blue, just before Trump punched his ticket and put him away, when we had heard so little about him, and Iran was barely of any interest outside of Q-circles.

American strike in Iraq prompts anti-war protests in U.S. cities. None of this was ever what it seemed. It is all a show, and these people know everything was always fake.

This Rothschild is on a real twitter freak out over the Iran hit, and is lashing out wildly at Trump and Republicans for it. If he was Jewish, and Israel hates Iran, why is he so freaked out?

Snowden does not approve either:

Polls show Michael Bloomberg tying Elizabeth Warren for third place with 11% of the Democrat electorate supporting him, which would ideally be about 5% of America. After a $186 million spend. Plus Democrats hate Jews, and could never hold together their coalition of radical Muslims, radical black activists, pro-Palestinian activists, and other anti-Semites. Half of American Democrats probably hate Israel just for its support of the United States.

Kylie Jenner eclipses Kim Kardashian as she reaches 156M Instagram followers. There are 1.5 billion English speakers in the world. How many of them are Baby-boomers who are not going to follow Kylie? In the US, just over 24% of the population is female and between age 10 and 45, though I am not sure many 44 year old women idolize the Kardashians. So just roughly ballparking, if she had 100% follow rate among English speaking girls, 10-45 in the world, she would have about 372 million followers. We’ll ignore that only 30% of the population has an Instagram, since that may be skewed along age/gender lines (though I do not, and can’t imagine having one). Now the only time I have ever seen anybody following the Kardashians was when I was researching the online social media of Secret Society members who I had noted and ID’d in real life, and then tracked down online. And even their mentions had a weird, canned, vague quality to them, like, “Boy, Kim K is just killing it today! So wish I was her! #KeepingupwiththeKardashians.” Make of it what you will. I am at about 95% that is all astroturf, so no honest idol who spoke honestly could get oxygen.

In Colorado, the first Red Flagging sees a man surrender two guns over “suicidal statements.”

Environmentalists want planes to fly together in V-shaped “flocks” to save on energy. Because what would be more fun than a bunch of Jumbo Jets flying wingtip to wingtip like the Blue Angels when a bout of turbulence hits. Now all we need is to buy a few of those new Chinese jumbo jets, and fit them all with 24/7 surveillance cameras, so /pol can begin cutting webm’s of the carnage.

Inside the all-woman communist-run terrorist group responsible for bombings and destructions in the 80’s. Article only notable for this: “Bill Clinton granted Rosenberg a presidential pardon on his last day in office in 2001, after she had served 16 years. Now 64, she teaches women’s studies at CUNY’s Hunter College in Manhattan.” Does this make sense? She has no teaching experience. She’s been in prison. But not only is she a bad hire on merit, she could be a dangerous one. What if she’s unhinged and killed a student, given she has a history of planting bombs to kill innocent people? Wouldn’t the school be liable? But they hire her. Would it make more sense, if both the administration of the school, and her terrorist group worked for the same employer, and this was a sort of Cabal-retirement program? There was always a part of me that saw these things, and thought a little piece of them didn’t fit with just nice liberals wanting to hire a terrorist because they were liberal too. But we got so partisanized, I glossed over it and just wrote it off as another case of nutjob liberals. But it fits so much better, if there is a leadership running them all.

Conservative David Brooks fantasizes about a ridiculously optimistic next decade which begins with Donald Trump experiencing a landslide defeat to Joe Biden. As best I can tell, Cabalites view regular Americans like citizens of another nation they are occupying, as if they were American Troops occupying Iraq, and we are the locals. It must be very different growing up in a social structure relative to the nation like that, knowing the Constitution, the free press, the very government are all mere illusions to keep the occupied nation pacified, and never being able to tell anyone outside the club. I will be very interested to see just how they maintained such good operational security for so long within the Secret Society.

Hasidic Jews are being told to change up their routines as anti-Semitic violence takes off. All of this feels manufactured to split blacks and Jews, so they cannot join together under Trump. It was not an oblique reference when Q said, “They want you divided.” The only thing keeping us from seeing it is, who would think they would have people on call who would do this, record it, and put it on the news, just to manipulate people?

Turkey authorizes a troop deployment into Libya.

Abortion activists attacked pro-lifers 100+ times in 2019, from assaults to arsons.

This Big Ern gif was the best /pol graphic in response to the above tweet. Somehow it perfectly fits after Trump kills like fifty top-level Iranian officers and agents in multiple airstrikes, and Iran’s military response is to post a meme pic on the Federal Library Depository website’s home page:

More clashes in Paris at protest over pension reform. That is a K-stimuli, and there will be a lot of it in the US in about ten years.

NRA is marshalling forces to fight Coonman in Virginia. “Why did they call you Coonman?” [after umpteen pictures of him in blackface have come out] “You know, I don’t really know…”

Another headline : “The Ranks of Gender Detransitioners Are Growing. We Need to Understand Why.” r/K Selection Theory and the coming K-shift is the answer. Next up will be the borderline gays going straight. It is amusing. I am the Big Black Sheep of Political Science, and this site is the forbidden city of the knowledge (((They))) do not want you to know. And yet, it would not surprise me if in 300 or 400 years, Evopsych occupies a place in the human psyche akin to a more factually based, simplistic, more accessible Socrates or Plato for our time. For now,  r/K continues to spread. Sooner or later they will have to confront it. Sooner or later it will be required reading in every class on Political Science – at which point the public will end up exposed to all the redpills about the world which (((They))) don’t want you know which are contained herein. As Q says of the Storm, “Nothing can stop what is coming.”

Director Terry Gilliam says he is a black lesbian in transition, because he is tired of being blamed for everything as a white man. A former leftist waking up. Leftists go apoplectic.

President Donald Trump’s administration stepped up deportations of Guatemalans in 2019, doubling the number of migrants sent back from the United States a decade earlier.

Five signs Black Americans are ‘awakening’ to a break with the Democrat party.

President Trump to drop climate change from federal infrastructure planning.

47 year old mother in Sweden has 5 Antifa bum rush her door after her husband was doxed online as a nationalist, she is forced to crush one’s skull in with a baseball bat, before his four buddies pick him up and stage a hasty retreat. Gets an award for bravery.

3.5 miles of private border wall should begin going up now that two injunctions have been lifted.


Spread r/K Theory, because Big Ern was such a humanitarian

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TOW missiles to Iran? Who?
TOW missiles to Iran? Who?
5 years ago

“This Rothschild is on a real twitter freak out over the Iran hit, and is lashing out wildly at Trump and Republicans for it. If he was Jewish, and Israel hates Iran, why is he so freaked out?”

It’s called disinformation. They are the ones pushing (re: General Wesley Clark’s famous admission, “7 countries in 5 years”) to take out Iran. They created and own Israel, and now they are using their golem America, which Ron Unz just likened to a rabies-infected dog, to destroy the last enemy on that list that General Clark was shown in 2001, Iran.

Perhaps Pompeo on this morning’s news shows will mention yellowcake and aluminum tubes, as he performs the exact function that Cheney served on the Sunday morning shows in 2003, transmitting the Lewis “Scooter” Libby agitprop that had been served up that very morning in the New York Times by Judith Miller. Cheney, you might recall, was asked to comment on the NYT article, which his own Chief of Staff, Libby, had planted! Cheney, the man with no heart, was happy to do so.

Or perhaps you remember how the PR firm Hill & Knowlton concocted the story of “babies thrown on the floor from incubators” in Kuwait, breathless told to the US Congress by a “nurse,” who in fact was the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter. That was the propaganda pretext for Gulf War I.

Americans have no ability to remember anything, it would seem. Institutional fixer Wm Barr, in the story you highlighted this morning, describes the FBI as having “insufficient evidence” to present to the FISA court. Wray promises “40 steps” to rectify this problem. And that will be the end of that. No arrests, no indictments. Perhaps McCabe will lose his pension, but probably not.

Trump pardoned Libby, remember.

All the MAGApedes, the Q acolytes, are now baying for blood. As per script, they mindlessly perform their part in this Elizabethan tragedy. Soon the stage will be once again drenched in blood. “The blood-dimmed tide is loosed,” is how Yeats put it. And when the dust settles and “historians” try to pick through the rubble, the Rothschild you highlight will be able to say, “I was against this, you know–here’s my tweet to prove it.

Cabal is not Persian, AC. Epstein wasn’t whoring out American girls for Iran. It’s not exactly a mystery who Les Wexner and the Mega group, Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich and Saim Haban and Jonathan Pollard and Schumer and and all the rest labor for. Was it “cabal” that hit the USS Liberty?

You wonder who could be spying on people? Who could it be? Remember this?

“The San Francisco Superior Court has awarded former Congressman Pete McCloskey, R-California, a $150,000 court judgment against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

McCloskey, the attorney in the case, represented one of three civil lawsuits filed in San Francisco against the ADL in 1993. The lawsuit came after raids were made by the San Francisco Police Department and the FBI on offices of the ADL in both San Francisco and Los Angeles, which found that the ADL was engaged in extensive domestic spying operations on a vast number of individuals and institutions around the country.

During the course of the inquiry in San Francisco, the SFPD and FBI determined the ADL had computerized files on nearly 10,000 people across the country, and that more than 75 percent of the information had been illegally obtained from police, FBI files and state drivers, license data banks.”

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  TOW missiles to Iran? Who?
5 years ago

“. And when the dust settles and “historians” try to pick through the rubble, the Rothschild you highlight will be able to say, “I was against this, you know–here’s my tweet to prove it.”

You understand perfectly. All’s theatre. Or think back to the celebrities against Gulf War 2. My guess is that their purpose was to make it look like we had division and debate in this country. It’s all theatre, which is why actors are so prevalent. And why our media talking heads are paid (and perform) like actors.

Something important to remember, both for AC and all of your readers, is that just because someone says that they are against something or for something means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in terms of what their real agenda is. The very people involved in this oppressive, all encompassing surveillance are also our biggest advocates of civil liberties. ACLU, etc, are ALL cabal outfits.

5 years ago

Does this describe Cabal?

Daniel 2:31-44

31As you, O king, were watching, a great statue appeared. A great and dazzling statue stood before you, and its form was awesome.

32The head of the statue was pure gold, its chest and arms were silver, its belly and thighs were bronze,

33its legs were iron, and its feet were part iron and part clay.

34As you watched, a stone was cut out,but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crushed them.

35Then the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were shattered and became like chaff on the threshing floor in summer. The wind carried them away, and not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that had struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

36This was the dream; now we will tell the king its interpretation.

37You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given sovereignty, power, strength, and glory.

38Wherever the sons of men or beasts of the field or birds of the air dwell, He has given them into your hand and has made you ruler over them all. You are that head of gold.

39But after you, there will arise another kingdom, inferior to yours.

Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule the whole earth.

40Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; for iron shatters and crushes all things, and like iron that crushes all things, it will shatter and crush all the others.

41And just as you saw that the feet and toes were made partly of fired clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom, yet some of the strength of iron will be in it—just as you saw the iron mixed with clay.

42And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.

43As you saw the iron mixed with clay, so the peoples will mix with one another, but will not hold together any more than iron mixes with clay.

44In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will shatter all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself stand forever.

45And just as you saw a stone being cut out of the mountain without human hands, and it shattered the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold, so the great God has told the king what will happen in the future.

The dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy.”

5 years ago

“There was always a part of me that saw these things, and thought a little piece of them didn’t fit with just nice liberals wanting to hire a terrorist because they were liberal too. But we got so partisanized, I glossed over it and just wrote it off as another case of nutjob liberals. But it fits so much better, if there is a leadership running them all.”

No doubt the Bolshevik take over of Russia was a Cabal plot. Resulting in their control.

Likewise I believe “nice liberals” were only a facade in many cases. Those inducted into a cult of a totalitarian ideology of equality that in the end demands massive bloodshed.

Many of them are actually evil.

Even those not actually in Cabal.

I don’t believe “nutjobs” in this case is just insanity. But that evil in many cases have been classified wrongly as insanity. Especially if said “liberal” never changes their views or is militantly unrepentant.

The naive who love the truth and those who end up truly believing in Jesus Christ will shed their liberal beliefs over time.

Speaking for myself as a former liberal. My faith in God and the manosphere completely changed me into what I believe now.

What I was programmed in school and media as well as the advantage of the internet for truthseekers before censorship, helped me and eventually led me to your website and other forms of truth.

I actually started earnestly working out and becoming physically fit. When once I was skin and bones.

What I believed were sexist or racist about the bible or that I believed in the liberal obfuscation of the bible was all dispelled by the grace of God.

5 years ago

“Inside the all-woman communist-run terrorist group responsible for bombings and destructions in the 80’s. Article only notable for this: “Bill Clinton granted Rosenberg a presidential pardon on his last day in office in 2001, after she had served 16 years. Now 64, she teaches women’s studies at CUNY’s Hunter College in Manhattan.” Does this make sense? She has no teaching experience. She’s been in prison. But not only is she a bad hire on merit, she could be a dangerous one. What if she’s unhinged and killed a student, given she has a history of planting bombs to kill innocent people? ”

Every single one of those women need to be put to death. Murderers shouldn’t be spared the death penalty just because they are female.

Even when they claim to be victims of some sort like abuse or something along those lines.

They are evil and they must be exterminated.

5 years ago

“NRA is marshalling forces to fight Coonman in Virginia”

They are late to the party and now they want credit for VCDL’s work.

5 years ago

” I will be very interested to see just how they maintained such good operational security for so long within the Secret Society.”

They didn’t. That’s why we know about them. The situation really is as depicted in the film “The Matrix”. Certain people just instinctively know that what they are seeing is just… wrong. Yes, it looks real, but there’s just something off, something not quite right. And everybody mocks and ridicules those people. It’s usually easy to do because such people also tend to be less attractive, high IQ, and socially awkward(unlike the film).

The truth is that they didn’t have to hide because normal people want the fairy tale that the secret societies give them. People want the world to work the way it does on TV, and they are happy to pretend as long as they are comfortable. The reason there’s an awakening right now is only because the fake-money credit economy has become obviously unsustainable, and people are no longer comfortable. Within my father’s lifetime inflation has made it so that he could provide for his family a modest house and two good running cars as a machinist with a GED, to today where I cannot qualify for a cell phone plan because of student debt and he has a over a quarter million dollars in loans for the house and Toyota Tundra that he “owns”.

The internet didn’t wake people up, it gave them a means to inform people once their comfort bubble had been popped. Once they had been kicked in the teeth hard enough that they were willing to entertain “crazy” answers.

It’s also generational. That same father I mentioned which told me growing up that the CIA killed Kennedy, who had a Q clearance in the 80’s building prototypes of concept weapons that are probably just this last decade put in service in mas production form(which will be admitted to three-ish decades from now) scoffs at the idea of Q Anon and calls me a conspiracy theorist while switching between the Hallmark channel and Fox News. He can qualify for the loans to live comfortably. I can’t.

He thinks the idea of a ruling secret cult which worships demons and ritually abuses children before sacrificing them is ridiculous, I think it actually explains the world quite well. His first memory of NASA is them putting American boot prints on the moon. My first memory of NASA is of them incorporating seven people into an unplanned fireworks show over the The Cape, to be followed through the years by those fake ISS vids you posted yesterday. He is absolutely certain that he helped construct parts that went into the shuttle which were then hidden away by corporations because of government corruption, while I’m not even certain that outer-space even exists anymore or that the Earth is even spinning around the sun. He can qualify for the loans to live comfortably. I can’t.

And maybe that’s the entire difference. My life sucks, his life is comfortable. He can navigate the system, I’ve never been able to, so am I seeing things that aren’t there to make myself feel better or is he ignoring the obvious because he’s fat and happy? Was I destined to be a truther, or was I just one of the unlucky ones? Will I be vindicated, or am I just a loser? Q Anon is the dividing line that will tell. It’s either bullshit or the world really is as bad as I always thought.

Reply to  Lowell
5 years ago

Normies watch “entertainment”.
Truth seekers watch a radar screen. Occasionally, there’s an odd/unexplainable blip on the screen.
The internet linked everyone’s radar screen.

It becomes much harder to brush off the statistical anomaly of the “blip” when there are hundreds or thousands.

5 years ago

South Africa’s Eskom Resumes Power Cuts as New CEO Starts

5 years ago

Iraq PM Says Withdrawal of Foreign Troops Is Best Way Forward

Trump needs to take the opportunity to leave.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Trump Says “US Will Not Leave” Iraq Unless Billions For Air Base Are Repaid

What is he doing?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Closing off an avenue of attack.

5 years ago

Venezuela Socialists snatch congress from Guaido, opposition denounces coup

5 years ago

Trying to escape the storm?

David Hasselhoff ditching the States – for a sheep farm in Wales

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Another one trying to escape?

Madonna Leaves US, Moves to Socialist Portugal to ‘Protest Trump’

5 years ago

Ricky Gervais dropped some uncomfortable truth bombs on the audience at the Golden Globes that had them cringing.

From the comment section of the above article:
jaeger liberty4x4 • 18 minutes ago
The fact that a Golden Globe comedian had the fortitude to criticize the Hollywood hypocrites is a sign that the pendulum may be swinging back after a long reign of political correctness by the Left. Comedians are among the first to acknowledge where we’re at as a society and if holding a mirror up to the self-important, narcissistic, so-called celebrities is the new norm, that certainly earns my applause.

5 years ago

PHOTOS of Jeffrey Epstein Released Following His Death and Autopsy – It Sure Looks Like He was Strangled by Wire!

5 years ago

Turkish military units moving to Libya, Erdogan says

5 years ago

TEL AVIV: Five days ago, an undisclosed intelligence agency intercepted a telephone call made by the head of Iran’s Quds Force, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, in which he was heard ordering his proxies in Iraq to attack the U.S embassy in Baghdad, as well as other Israeli and American targets, with the aim of taking hostages, Israeli sources say.

It’s unclear whether this was a lapse in tradecraft on the part of the usually savvy Soleimani or whether the notorious Iranian military leader’s phone calls were being routinely intercepted. Nor is it clear whether it was the US or another foe of Iran that made the intercept.Regardless, the intelligence seems to have led directly to Soleimani’s killing yesterday, which has thrown the Mideast into uproar.

What’s clear to me is that this is demonization(justification) of an enemy you just murdered, and a lazy one.

5 years ago

Brazil Is Ready to Back Fight Against Terrorism, Ministry Says

5 years ago

A few others recognized the nature of modern war on K-strategist men:

Never are the dregs of manhood ever been used effectively as some sort of meat shield. Nor is it ethical to do so.