Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We have some T-shirt designs I would like to get a read on from the readers.
Design #1
Design #2 (This one will crush your follower’s morale, and ruin their mood while hassling you in the stores, I am wearing a variant of it now.):
This is the location where the Cybertruck bomber said in the email that the gravetic drones the US deployed were being operated out of, according to Sean Ryan:
Cybertruck explosion suspect ‘served in Ukraine.’
Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger’s wife broke up with him days before explosion outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas: sources. Special Forces guy specializing in drones? If he was not American Stasi, I do not think the Stasi would let him just meet a regular girl and settle down in peace.
The InfoWars take:
I don’t even have to talk about my situation anymore to bring you schizo-news – the schizo is all over:
State Department documents reveal secret plans to route ‘censorship’ office to new hub.
Judge sets Trump’s sentencing in hush money case for Jan. 10, but signals no jail time.
Mike Johnson has officially been re-elected Speaker of the House.
President Biden has decided to block the $14 billion takeover of U.S. Steel by Nippon Steel of Japan in an announcement expected as soon as Friday based on grounds that the sale poses a threat to national security. Biden or whoever is behind him would not do that. That is Trump and whoever is behind him doing that, and making Biden heel.
Honduras has threatened to shut down rent-free United States military bases in the country if President-elect Donald Trump carries out his mass deportation policy. All these nations got rid of all their r-strategist migrants, and things are probably like Utopia down there now.
China is reportedly being ravaged by a mysterious viral outbreak that is overwhelming some hospitals. They may want to try the pandemic thing again.
First Lady Jill Biden received a 7.5-carat diamond valued at $20,000 from India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi last year. It was declared, but no mention of whether it was kept.
Microsoft expects to spend $80 billion on AI-enabled data centers in fiscal 2025.
Inbreeding produces in-grouping, which will eventually teach you why you do not want to live in a multicultural society:
Almost 1,000 cars set ablaze during New Year celebrations in France. Diversity.
OMG, he is just like Jesus:
Russian Cat knocks down a Ukrainian drone with its bare paws.
Greenland leader calls for independence from Denmark in the wake of Trump’s recent comments. Interesting. So from Denmark’s perspective, if Greenland is going to break away, why not sell it first to the US? Of course Trump could have had intel bribe/blackmail the leader into saying that for that purpose.
Send people to, because the Schizo is only increasing
From Vlad Tepes blog:
Stephen Coughlin in at least one of his videos, explained that the plan seems to be to liquify our reality with constant narrative attacks until you have no idea what is real and what is not.
This feels pretty much like exactly what is happening.
Correct. I’ve more or less disengaged from news and social media for this very reason. I still come here to see AC’s and readers comments, but I rarely click on the links anymore. When I do, it’s only to find out who is claiming X or Y happened. My default assumption is that X or Y either didn’t happen at all, or happened so differently from how it’s being reported as to make reading the link worthless. However, some information can be gleaned from knowing exactly who wants me to believe what, so I’ll sometimes follow a link to see what publication or influencer is pushing the story. Once I’ve found that out, I’ll generally read no further.
I see this a bit differently. I think the narrative attacks are there to reinforce the idea that the event is real. The anomalies discussed are there to reinforce the idea that he is either a lone nutter or a patsy because that crowds out any discussion about whether the event actually happened, that is, whether anyone really died.
For example, a Twitter account questioned how the fire in the cyber truck somehow destroyed all of the plastic on a Desert Eagle handgun and the AR-pattern rifle but barely damaged the plastic ID cards. See, discussing this anomaly requires you to accept many aspects of the narrative as true, like the shooter being in the car, blowing his brains out, setting off explosives, etc. That is the purpose of all of these “loose ends.” They are deliberately created and then deliberately seeded throughout the internet. Intelligence or Cabal does not care if you spot the anomalies as long as you believe that their core narrative is real.
Competing narratives also introduce an element of confusion, which is perfect for the Masters of Discourse.
II don’t think it really creates confusion. I think people will simply stop believing what they see.
It’s like the whole “deepfake” or “crisis actor” problem. What’s the value of video blackmail or mass shootings is everything can be dismissed as a deepfake or crisis actor event? Rather than creating a problem, it short-circuits it.
It seems clear that eventually dissidents of the coming techno gulags will have to leave the net and solely focus on meatspace interactions. To prepare for this we must begin now. This means cash only or bartering financial transactions. Also, get out there and make connections with like-minded people.
T shirt design #2 is most effective. Everybody knows about 9/11. The “hook” is the mention of domestic surveillance instead of CIA or FBI. By not mentioning the usual suspects but instead calling out domestic surveillance it makes people curious and possibly willing to hear more.
The other designs that reference kid spies is too deep in the weeds. Let people discover that after they are drawn to the site by 9/11 refrrence.
Thank you!
Tony Seruga is a con-man. I had a very short, unexpected, and unpleasant exchange with the guy, politely pointing out that he was wrong about something easily provable. He never corrected his misstatement and it was a serious misstatement. You have to ask yourself, if he was wrong about that, what else is he wrong about. It turns out, five minutes of searching gets you a lot on tony seruga/yolanda seruga build better business scamfest. And yes, I’m aware of his wife’s issues, although I have no trust left whether she is real or not.
Thank you for the info. I have wondered if he knew what he was talking about.
> Mike Johnson has officially been re-elected Speaker of the House.
From the top news links on the Goog, the Democrats seem to be quite happy about that.
> Jill’s diamond
Today, the handling of gifts from a foreign official to any Federal Government employee, including the President, is largely governed by the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act of 1966 and further legislation passed in 1977. Congress has allowed Federal employees to retain any gift from a foreign government, as long as the total US retail value of the gifts presented at one occasion does not exceed an amount established by the General Services Administration (GSA).[1] Foreign official gifts over this “minimal value” are considered gifts to the people of the United States, which the recipient must purchase from GSA, at fair market value, in order to retain. The White House Gift Unit sees to the disposition of foreign official gifts that the President and First Lady do not retain.
This is on the site probably because the media savaged Reagan for keeping a Subaru Brat that was given to him as President, that he took home and used on his ranch. This despite the fact that he had to pay nearly the full price of the truck to keep it.
The current minimal value of $480 was defined in Federal Management Regulation (FMR) Bulletin B-54 Foreign Gift and Decoration Minimal Value [PDF – 100 KB], dated April 25, 2023.
So, “Doctor” Jill should have coughed up $19,520 to keep that $20,000 diamond.
The GSA should have a copy of that receipt around somewhere, nyet?
> The FBI said it is offering a reward of up to $500,000 for information that leads to an arrest and conviction of the Jan 6th pipe-bomber.
Four years after they initially denied there was a pipe bomber to start with. Who was probably an FBI “asset” anyway.
Somehow I’m getting the idea that the Feebs aren’t really serious about that particular investigation.
What’s with the term “break up” to describe a marriage? The Vegas explosion is the first and only time I have heard the term used to describe separation. Weird
I may be a sign marriage today is viewed like dating 20 years ago.
I’ve heard it used all my life.
Must be a regional difference.
I thought the term was R-U-N-N-O-F-T
Same here. “Break up” probably 95% of the time.
The term “separation” is almost unknown here.
I know you know, but want to say that I’m being critical so it’s better (if I’m right about below). You’re doing God’s work. Pray you get to see judgment in this world for your Beamers.
FYI that “surveillance” misspelled above on all
#1 is peeping tom looking into your house while trespassing is just normal sexual predator vibe and you mean much more than that. I think it’d reflect reality better if he’s in his own house in distance watching while your kids walk to school
#2 is best one IMHO. But most don’t know what you mean by “Domestic Surveillance. How about “You have neighbors who are part of an organization that let 9/11 happen (911 w/o slash looks weird to me). Or “you have neighbors who knew–and surveillance is why they have to rake leaves every day for hours on end”
#3 also has a sexual predator vibe which isn’t really what you mean
#4 I believe, but most people won’t, that kids are involved. Older people raking leaves daily for hours on end=easier to believe they’re out there for another reason
I live in a pretty prosperous neighborhood in South where leaves fall every day for months, but vast majority of my neighbors just pay groundskeepers to come every week or so and use leaf blowers to do it efficiently. Raking like it’s 1941 and bagging it yourself in 30-40 degree weather EVERY DAMNED DAY screams Cabal to me. And it fits the neighbors I suspect. They have to be out there watching and this is behavior that fits “spying on fellow neighbors” much better than people legit worried the HOA will write them up.
I appreciate harsh criticism from friends far more than praise, and your criticisms are always welcome.
That said, I am going to criticize your criticism because I want your take on a thought I am not sure about myself. View this as sort of Devil’s advocate:
Does the message of the T-shirt matter, or even have to be accurate? Might the T-shirt be the first phase of a process, which is to:
One) Trigger an amygdala “Flag” which gets people’s eyes to stop roving and pause on the shirt.
Two) Read something which shocks, intrigues, puzzles, or even confuses, in a way which will provoke a need to resolve a cognitive dissonance by visiting the website
Three) to a lesser extent the image should demoralize gangstalker/surveillance assets by outgrouping them from the broader population in preparation for the civil battle to come, so as to thwart the Zersetzung/decomposition dynamic and make their harassment operation ineffective so command will perhaps even abandon it.
I am wondering whether I should be trying to communicate anything meaningful, or just be trying to get them to the website. I tend to think once they see that first video of the child talking about following people, and the vids of the gangstalkers they will understand in ways a T-shirt could never convey.
Don’t forget to put a QR code on the back that takes people to the site.
Why not a tshirt of them with speech bubbles of those kids saying they followed a guy. Make those little shits famous. And have surveillance wet themselves they could be outed too.
You may be right to trigger amygdala and 9/11 vibe is better I think.
“You have neighbors who let 9/11 happen. Want to figure out which ones? Go to American”
In sales you should assume the close i.e. could work as “…who let 9/11 happen; learn to spot them at AMERICANSTASI.COM
Even shorter to say “spot the clues at” and let them assume the “learn” part for themselves, we might get a real lesson in mass influence bouncing ideas off’n each other, huh? Much like the big zero and his statement (he probably did not make it up himself) of “YES WE CAN”, which if you ever saw the reverse speech came out as “thankyousatan” and rather clear when repeated over and over. The point is “we can what?” and everyone was to fill in their own answer for subtle mind control mass agreement.
Don’t ask if they want to find out, assume that they would be amiss to not want to find out, since that is the truth. The shorter and to the point sooner, the better.
Excellent advice.
Good idea. Possible improvement: use the imperative in every sentence. “You have neighbors who let 9/11 happen. Figure out which ones.” <QR code>
IMO: If you can get their attention, intrigue the normies enough to get them to the website, those who are willing to face reality will take it from there. Alternately, for those who already “feel” something is wrong, that there are watchers or gangstalkers, all it will take is text; graphics won’t be needed, and could even be distracting. Now, that being said, the feeling induced by shirt #3 is creepy enough to appeal to both normies and those who already feel some small amount of paranoia, so both text and graphic are needed and it is the image that will “get” people…so the text could be smaller if necessary as long as it’s clear/easy to read. Last thought: Overall, make the text easy to see/read and reduce the busyness of the graphics so people don’t get lost trying to make out the image and end up missing the text. Hope that helps. Btw, #3 is my favorite.
I concur. Minimal text and no graphics can be very effective.”
Chief, Good catch on the misspelling. A lot of people judge others based on their command of spelling and grammar (or lack of command). I am one of them, and if I notice a misspelling on a t-shirt that’s all I focus on, and dismiss everything else.
> Apple, $AAPL, CEO Tim Cook will personally donate $1 million to President-elect Trump’s inaugural committee.
And this is the same Tim Cook (and company) who made asses out of themselves opposing Trump in 2016 and 2020.
A friend of mine calls people like that “butt snorkels.”
Printing pictures is more expensive and probably degrades noticeably at a faster rate. I would suggest at least one very simple design with solid figures.
Thank you, I will do that.
Consider using the “Neighborhood Watch” figure. He’s all black with a white background. There is one on a sign at this link.
I’ve been able to find the .jpg online in the past, but can’t post it to this comment for some reason.
That might be a good image to use with something like, “Before you can destroy the domestic surveillance team building your file and targeting your kids, you have to learn to see them.”
Thank you.
I’ll do the Greenland thing first, since this is getting annoying.
This exists:
The United States already has military bases in Greenland. Denmark is one of those countries that already does whatever the United States government, or at least the “deep state” wants. There is no need to formally annex the island. Much the same can be said of Panama.
Making it formal is to make it harder for the deepstate to be the one calling the tune instead of the visible government.
Trump wants his face on Mt. Rushmore. A major land purchase is part of that plan. He’s going to figure out how to acquire it to formalize it as American territory. Then we strip mine it for a boatload of cash. I think Trump’s plan to get us out of the economic mess America is in is to disregard all of the gentleman’s agreements governing mineral extraction and production worldwide. Essentially a repeat of what happened when North America was first colonized and the colonists had ample mining opportunities for silver&gold before the oligarchs could acquire the land and restrict the supply.
The Panama Canal will just be replacing Chinese control for American control. Again, probably just gonna give the Panamanians a better offer. Probably not gonna buy it back, just lease it like the US government does with GITMO. The US is reasserting total control over the Western Hemisphere, even as we pull back from the East.
Trump is not seriously considering buying Canada. He’s undermining Trudeau. Only took him a few posts.
Hey, if the Globular Wormening nutballs’ dreams come true, Greenland will be a tropical paradise in a few decades.
“Get your land now! Beat the rush!”
Feedback on the T shirt designs.
Go with # 4. Trash the other three.
The third looks horrible, and the first is too bland. The second fails because hard core conspiracy types no longer buy the LIHOP theory of 9-11.
Oddly enough, the second has tremendous effect on the surveillance crews though. I think they were laughing at the stalker guy looking through the binoculars when he was my Go-to. One hispanic kid even played it cool as I passed, and then jumped fast behind me to snap a cellphone pic, I assume to send to friends in the conspiracy.
I put on a 9/11 one though, and man, every time somebody came around a corner it looked like they just got dutch-ovened in an elevator by Fat Bastard. Scowls, disgust affects, dejection-type postures. If they were little kids, they would kick a can and complain it isn’t fair. Nobody was happy. I assume it is a sore spot, because they all know they have been serving this thing, and given the power and reach of it, they have all also known it had to have been behind 9/11 on some level, and they are still with it.
The main thing with the shirts is for you to put one on, and then waltz into a grocery store full of gangstalkers like Vince McMahon sauntering down the ramp at Wrestlemania to his theme song, as all the gangstalkers scurry around you like naked Hunter Biden in that video where he is outside running around bare-assed trying to cover his junk.
I think once you create that dynamic on every follow, a command is going to have to reassess if it is even worth it to deploy the Zersetzung crew. At that point, it is the Zersetzung crews which are decomposing, as you get even brasher with every follow. I walk into these places now, and feel like I am channeling Vince McMahon.
This is now me grocery shopping:
Well, there is something to be said for the triggering effect. I’ve used it myself several times, and it’s always a win for me and loss for them.
So even though design #2 does nothing for me, don’t discount your field-testing data.
I thought #1 would be effective, because it was basically saying they are all pervs and creeps, but it seemed to amuse them, even though it would have triggered shame in me.
They may view sex and sexual perversion differently, given they use it as a tool. A lot of times when you see them, like Strzok and Page, or the one they sent in to Petraeus, or others, they are all banging people other than their spouses, and the spouses seem cool with it. Even the FBI guy who set up the Whitmer Kidnapping was beating his wife for not banging other guys at an orgy, which may have been like an FBI-Cabal promotion ceremony.
There may be a lot different with the culture of the Secret Society they are in, and you may not be able to predict how stuff like this will work.
“… but it seemed to amuse them.” That’s because they are proud of being pervs and creeps.
“They may view sex and sexual perversion differently, given they use it as a tool. “
I was a vendor at one of the Big 3 US auto manufacturers, back in the 1990s. I worked with the UAW skilled trades, blue-collar guys. They sometimes floated rumors about top management being sexually “irregular”, to understate the case. Wife-swapping and more.
At the time, I thought they were just taking shots at management. Now? They look like today’s supposed conspiracy theorists who are actually issuing “spoiler alerts”.
Number #4 would be the most effective, except that you can see the kids’ faces, and so you therefore necessarily become Weirdo Wearing A T-Shirt With Kids On It Somehow Being Targeted to normies who pass by and glance at it, and at you the t-shirt wearer, for a couple seconds. I think maybe there is something not quite successful about all four of them, to be honest. What you should be most concerned about is relaying salient information about the Surveillance reality as quickly to the eyes as possible, not creating a marketing campaign for a movie with buzzwords and high-impact commercial-ish imagery. Like, something that will diagram the situation a bit more, which somebody’s idea above about the Surveillance in their own homes spying on kids outside would convey, the who, the what-is-happening, the where, the terrain. And I really think you’ve got to make at least a couple reasonable guesses as to the tech they’re using, and visualize that, too. You want to rapidly teach people, not generate buzz. The people who will pay attention to the information and quickly process the implications of it and roll it around in their own intuitive probability matrices and are already informed enough to take it seriously, that is EXACTLY who you most want to interest and inform, so, cater to THEM, first and foremost, not to the curiosity of less-mindful normies. (This is top-dollar spot-on consulting, bro. No, really, I ought to be in Cabal upper management, if they ever could’ve recruited me in a zillion years.)
What do you think about this idea, Ed?
Surveillance is misspelled in design #1 and #2.
I think the stalker image needs to be edited to where it isn’t so obvious he’s jacking off. I think that might be too much for most people to wear on a T-shirt in public.
I think the design of #2 would be more succinct if you removed the “and let the attacks happen” part out.
$3 and #4 are great designs.
God bless you. Thanks for all you do, AC.
Excellent advice, thank you to you!
I like 3 & 4 best.
IMHO the first two are possibly a bit too unsettling for normies.
Agree #2. Anyone who reads it will fill in the “and let it happen” in his mind and it will actually be a more powerful message.
Good thought, much like “get a clue who’s spying on ___” and everyone will fill in the implied “you”.
Just another closing statement to consider, AC, thanks for all you do.
Guiseppe Filotto – Very interesting guy. His original blog was hacked a couple of months ago. At the moment he is posting on
I don’t think blogs just get hacked. I would assume statistical probability would tend to indicate that is “friction” from the machine.
>Rape/Torture gangs of Mohammedan migrants.
They also breed these English girls and sell the children to other Muslims who desire half-human children. I started reading this yesterday. Pretty nasty!
Anna Ruston
“Secret Slave Kidnapped and abused for 13 years: this is my story of survival”
At catbox
Our Founders forbid these mattoid sub’s in America. That’s the real law. We need to enforce it.
Christians and even normal Anglo-Saxons (in other words,Israelites – not Jews) need to understand that this is one of the Serpents floods spewed against the real Israel.
Islam is cool with slavery in jihad. So, breeding slaves from the conquered people is fine with them. More than fine, deserved.
T shirts are all very good, except the towers graphic could probably be better.
I have no idea about macOS because I haven’t bothered with an Apple product since the MacSE(1989).
However, Windows has completely sucked for a decade. There were always Windows headaches even in the good versions, but after Win7 MS cranked down the thumbscrews and deliberately designed the UI to slow users down. I have to use Win11 every time my dad needs me to fix something on his laptop and I HATE EVERY SECOND OF IT. Come to find out that MS is apparently now Indian-majority company.
So there’s the regular MS headache combined with that, it’s no wonder you would grind your teeth into powder.
I’ve noticed that open source however has very few Indians per capita(not scientific, just a feeling), and the reason I guaranty is that there’s no money in it. For most there isn’t even any form of prestige. There are thousands of pieces of software in the Linux world maintained by some rando who does it in complete obscurity for free. They can’t get a big office, more money, or bring in their cousins.
Open source however is filled to the brim with blue haired commies. I am not sure what I will do when they finally truly ruin Linux. It’s coming, and so far it’s the last OS I can stand which is usable as a current platform on the current internet.
Are There Any Non-Woke Operating Systems?
Bryan Lunduke
I still use Windows 7. It does everything I need. I can’t access either eBay or YouTube (directly). It’s hilarious, I can get into YouTube using Windows 7 if I back door through websites that hook into YouTube, so despite all the public posturing, YouTube is still compatible with Windows 7. Ridiculous! But I love Windows 7.
I can get on both with OPERA browser, just can’t watch the free with ads movies, it says something is incompatible, that just started not working a couple months ago, had been OK up until november or so.
Windows is one of the reasons I got out of the IT field in the late 1990s. Writing software for it was nasty, but then I was expected actually run it as well. Nooo…
Yeah, Linux works like it was designed by zombie squirrels, but it doesn’t deliberately mess with you.
The primary signal being that Trump isn’t being ordered to attend in person. Monetary fine and out, if he’s not going to just dismiss at the sentencing hearing.
Update: Also, the judge said that the attys can attend by zoom, and Trump doesn’t have to attend, but if they want to, to let the court know the day before.
If I was Trump, I would absolutely attend, and I would bring Kash Patel and Pam Bondi with me, and the three of us would eye-fuck the judge the entire hearing.
Trump attending would be a security nightmare. He would tell the whole world exactly where he was going to be, and when he was going to be there in a very difficult to defend location.
Send in midget Trump. “You idiots, you captured their stunt doubles!”
It’s not as difficult as you might think. It’s already a secure location (everyone has to go through security better than TSA, I’ve done it) and there are multiple ways in and out, and I would be shocked if there weren’t more underground.
They took out Oswald in the main Dallas police station.
Dallas PD’s “incompetence” was so blatant it signals collusion.
Farcesensitive posted this yesterday, and its worth a repost and a comment:
Its a post on the Zero Hedge site by the owner of a small Dallas/ Fort Worth based commercial real estate firm. The argument is much stronger and more subtle than these things normally are, and relevant to the material covered on this site.
The argument is really that local government has been using fraud to assess properties at more than they are really worth, both as a less obvious way to raise taxes, and to enable them to force people out of their houses.
I’ve noted on this site that you don’t really “own” your house if you have to make payments to the government, and have to make payments to a bank, and either can evict you if you don’t make the payments. You are really just renting from the government, and the bank. Unfortunately, “home ownership” in America is just another psyop.
There is a reasonable argument that taxes imposed on assessed or increase valued, as opposed to value determined by a past sale price or the cost of construction materials, violates the Fifth Amendment.
Two similar theories on the dead internet:
From Bruce Charlton. “I began to realize the extent of global totalitarianism when I realized that, despite that Google’s 30 year old search engine had objectively gotten much much worse in functionality over the past 20 years – G. is still the best search engine (overall), by some margin.”
Rintrah. “The worst insult in our society is to be called a “loser”. “Weed turns you into a loser.” They will tell you. But as the world grows more ridiculous, it gets hard to feel bad about losing. In fact, it starts to feel like not losing is a sign that you’re a terrible person.
“Remember, we live in a world where Bitcoin is the best performing investment, where Elon Musk is the richest man in the world and where Donald Trump is president of the most powerful country. When you live in a world like that, it starts to feel embarrassing when you manage to win for once.”
(yeah,the essay about the internet, but that was too good an opening so I posted it)
So true. Look at political punditry. Jack Posobiec, Ben Shapiro. Loomer and Milo. “Jack Murphy.” With billionaires, you have Epstein, who I think is quintessential and the standard for all of them, just he got caught due to one determined detective. You take away that Detective Joe Recarey., and Epstein looks like all the rest – a respected investment guy. DOn’t even look at elected officials.
“In fact, it starts to feel like not losing is a sign that you’re a terrible person.”
That is why, IMO, better to be exalted than successful.
i.e. success = suck-cess (at least by today’s standards)
The motives for schizophrenia and its associated body control vary, but include patent fraud by the U.S. military which implements it.
Can you say some more about this?
I believe, based on changes in posting style, Brickbat has been being beamed for a very long time, largely due to the fact he posted some of the sharpest and most well-written and based takes on Stasi surveillance, maybe seven or eight years ago when he started posting on here. He was at the time well ahead of all of us, and we have been playing catch-up.
He only posts these intermittently now.
Voting for shirt design #1 — although they are all a little busy, visually, and with a bit too much text.
re: t-shirts
How about t-shirts without the image, just the type?
You would need to be 6’ 6” and 300lbs the be able to pull off those designs.
They would make pretty bad-ass posters though.
A decent article worth a read for anons.
The sidebar does not think, therefore it is not.
LOL. What am I going to do with that?
Haha, beat it!
Climb into the wood stove? Daedalus would approve.
I vote for #3.I think most normies in a grocery store have felt at some point in their life some was watching them & most people are getting to understand we are watched by so many means – phone, traffic cams, security cameras, Ring doorbells etc. The 9/11 one is kind of for Boomers. And the remain two are just too pedo oriented.
Thank you!
Well, hell. I posted a response regarding the shirts and now it says spam?
I got that spam message as well. It happened when I edited a comment a few days ago.
First Pic looks like he’s behind bars, not peering into your living room.
Re: text only shirts, maybe something like “Ask me about domestic surveillance…” on the front and “…or visit [site]” on back
That might be a great idea. I have to think about it.
By the way, I am actually a socialist. Just not the kind that shifts resources from most productive to least productive, pretending to do good, while actually causing harm. True socialism seeks greatest good for all.
This will have to go down as one of the most legendary good-will-burnings of all human history, no? Is there anyone out there who has EVER swung public opinion so negatively so quickly as this retard?
Twitter needs to go the way of Bud Lite.
Elon needs to go bankrupt.
So Bannon vs Musk is the classic International Socialist vs National Socialist battle xdd
My 2 cents on the Tshirt designs:
1. Typo in Surveillance. Man is way out of proportion for the window – as the window is tall with its sill close to the floor – wow that man must be a giant. He really needs to be cropped so it doesn’t look so obvious he’s a peeping tom sex pest jerking off
. The design really doesn’t work very well. Find a different window – it only needs to be part of a window & crop the guy. Way too much window for what you’re trying to show.
2. Typo in surveillance. 911 is the emergency numbet – you need the / in the number so its a date.. Agree with deleting last line – the brain fills it in. Are these printed as greyscale images on tshirts? Think about how well the image will transfer & last in the wash. Sometimes a simpler graphic is bettet than photo.
3. The slogan reads like what a mentally ill paranoid person would say & hence brands your site as possible schizo ramblings. Why would i want to go to a site of schizo ramblings? The image is quite good with woman looking back at silhouette of stalker. The zoom camera lens over her head is distracting tho – is it a gun sight or camera? Maybe remove it & instead of paranoid slogan move the website name up the top so its more promininent and leave the bottom line where it is. You may increase font size of website name & the tag line at bottom
4. Unsure if this works – its like something for those already acquainted with your work – so its 2nd level ideas & not for random person who is brand new to the concept.
Also you don’t need punctuation on the tshirt slogans. The period actually makes it look a bit cluttered.
Thank you!
About the shirt designs: When it comes to people, I am a definite outlier. A misfit. So I am not sure you should accept any of my advice or criticism, when you are trying to appeal to “the masses”. But you asked, so here it is.
1) I don’t really like any of them. Designs 1 and 3 say “sex pervert” or “ex BF can’t let go…” I absolutely cannot wear anything like that.
2) Design number 2 is too vague for the way I think about the world. When I read it, I think “Domestic Surveillance = FBI = Dubya administration. They screwed up, and I knew that 20+ years ago” Then I move on without actually understanding the message.
3) I don’t have children, so the design with the theater kids means nothing to me.
4) Why not straight-up put your central point on top? “An illegal conspiracy ring controls America, and spies on you!” Or some other wording to that effect. Use the same 9/11 image (not 911 – put the slash in there), and on the bottom “They let 9/11 happen”
Again, I am an outlier and I don’t really get why things in this culture are marketed the way they are. It just doesn’t make sense to me. But you want to appeal to the masses of normies out there. I hope this helps somehow.
That is an interesting idea. And it would flag curiosity. Thank you!
Are you refraining from depicting the Beaming tech bullshit in these designs so as not to arouse normie mockery? Because that tech itself is now part of the official story per Havana, so it shouldn’t make them tune you out, and if they did tune you out because of it, they’d be useless allies now anyway. The people you’re trying to wake up, who CAN wake up, will seriously contemplate whatever Beaming tech imagery you choose, even if they don’t publicly endorse it. People need to be provoked into a state of potentially recognizing what’s been happening to them and/or others they know or what’s about to happen, re: the Beam shit. If they are prompted to visualize Beam harassment, then when it happens next, they’ll now be likelier to even just GUESS it’s the “schizo” Beam bullshit versus a host of other “normal” rationalizations. You need a Beam shirt design, too.
That is true. I thought of the motto – “Beaming 24/7” The question is, how do you depict someone being beamed? The image kind of needs to be big and able to be printed with poor resolution and just 4 or five ink colors, because screen printing is like that. Silhouettes are great for that reason.
I wish I could buy like a DTG printer that does photos, or do those heat transfer transparencies, but they have drawbacks to, in terms of being too stiff and having lots of upfront costs and maintenance issues on the printers.
Once you have somebody on one side of the image with a beam machine, and somebody on the other getting beamed, they have to be small, and you need higher resolution. The only answer I can see is to go to stick figures, and corkscrew beams, and X’s across the eyes of the beamed guy.
But again, are we getting in the weeds with that? I am almost to the point I would think some absolute knockout girl’s face, just mindbogglingly beautiful, to attract eyes and hold them, and then some confusing phrase, which would leave people so curious what it all meant they would visit the website, would be better than trying to explain the website on the shirt.
And again, I am expecting targets to buy and wear them as a way of fucking with their followers in the grocery store, so it needs to be both suitably offensive to follower sensibilities, and not something that they can tell themselves out-groups the TI in any way. 9/11 is great that way as it outgroups the surveillance, and ingroups the TI. Beaming tech might be the opposite, and the followers might feel it makes the TI look nuts and schizo. If that dynamic happens, you lose the Vince McMahon effect which is really the biggest reason I think people will buy and wear the shirts.
I don’t know, I am kind of thinking out loud…
This was an interesting exercise. I typed in a prompt: “very secretive surveillance network spying on ordinary citizens” with an ‘illustration’ style. And I got the image below.
The picture reminded me of some kind of logo of sorts. Then I thought, well, just put it out there in plain sight and make it look like an advertisement for local surveillance as though it was a regular organization, like the teamsters or a union. Like, with a logo like this:
“Join your local stasi chapter #123 (or whatever number), and keep your country safe from patriotic Americans!”
then put the web address of American
I don’t know… maybe the joke would be off putting enough as a big middle finger to those in the network but also curious enough for those who don’t know anything, they might look it up… and lo and behold, they come across all this content. Just a thought.
Here’s an example – I just chose the year the CIA started… I think it’s that year.
That does look beautiful. Kind of entrances the eye to examine the details.
The year they created the FBI would be more accurate.
Or maybe the founding of Pinkerton’s.
I’d say the Post Office but that’s a little too deep for normies.
You can have BOTH. You can have the Type 1 Teaching People Shirts, and the Type 2 Trolling Surveillance Shirts. You don’t need just one or the other. Different shirts can accomplish different things.
Would this fit on a shirt?
Probably too many colors, and I think you lose clarity when you lose colors.
The problem which is cropping up is the printing tech. T-shirts are “screen printed,” so you have a screen, like 12″x16″, and it has 200 holes per inch say. You have to take a picture like your’s, and for each color, you cover a screen in light-sensitive glue, and you hit the screen with a projected negative image of just that color. SO lets say your picture was just the letter “A” in one color, blue. I have to create a negative of the image, so light is projected everywhere there is no blue. I then coat the screen in glue, and let it dry, so all the holes are clogged. Then I project the negative image onto the screen, and everywhere there is light (everything except the A), the glue hardens and cures. Where no light hit, on the letter, the glue remains crumbly and weak. I then use a toothbrush to brush away the uncured glue where the letter A is. Now I have a screen, it is like a sheet of latex, except where the letter A is, which is permeable screen, at 200 dots per inch. I then lay the screen on a shirt, pour blue latex ink on the screen, sweep it across the screen, and it runs through the screen a puts a blue letter A on the shirt.
The problem is you have to do that for each color, making it its own screen. So the price of a T-shirt may be $10, but then they say to pick the colors you want, and the first color is free, but each one after that is $5 per shirt. Five colors, and now that shirt costs $30 out of the gate, and with just five colors, the image will look shitty.
They have printers which are like inkjet printers for T-shirts, but you are looking at investing 4-5 figures into it, and then it has to be used every day, and cleaned every day, and even then the nozzles will clog over time and give you a four-figure bill to replace them
Okay, but so, the larger point was to show you how you can telescope, even to an exaggerated extent for clarity, multiple layers of a neighborhood surveillance operation, all in one front-to-back POV, versus horizontal or diagonal. Whatever elements YOU choose, however many or few, however granular or streamlined, in black and white — can be layered like that, without making the elements too small. See my point?
Yes, I have to admit, that is sharp.
Sometimes “less is more”, particularly if it’s something that only gets a quick glance, like someone walking by wearing a T-shirt.
Think of the brutalist-style monochrome propaganda posters the Nazi and Soviet propagandists used.
You need to consider specific elements, and fit appropriate ones together as simply as possible:
What would most people associate with surveillance? Probably a shoebox camera, or maybe a drone.
Who would they object to being survielled? Their women and children, probably. Or the inside of their house.
Make it the wife or daughter in bed.